#The Angry Red Planet
chernobog13 · 2 months
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The giant rat-bat-spider attacks in The Angry Red Planet (1959).
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gameraboy2 · 1 year
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The Angry Red Planet (1959)
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atomic-chronoscaph · 1 year
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The Angry Red Planet (1959)
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bethanythebogwitch · 4 months
Obscure movie monster: the rat-bat-spider from The Angry Red Planet (1959)
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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The Angry Red Planet (1959)
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mudwerks · 1 year
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(via The Grim Gallery: Exhibit 4388)
The Angry Red Planet (1959)
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movieposters1 · 11 months
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shadowgale96 · 2 years
What I Watched Last Month
Thermae Romae
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9/10 It's about a roman architect, Lucious, who occasional falls into different Japanese time periods and implements his learnings back in Rome. I laughed so much. Lucious is hilarious to follow. He's so comedically passionate about baths. Only complaint is that the pilot's a bit of a drag, and there's CGI that doesn't look good, but its not constant. Overall, this is a nice watch.
Spy X Family
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It has comedy, action, cuteness and overall its just a really fun anime. Every member of the forager family has a secret they're hiding and there own motives that is hidden from the others. Loid is a top spy, Yor duels as an assassin, and anya escaped a government lab that made her a telepath. The dynamic is hilarious with this 4-5 y/o reading everyone thoughts and secrets but also being a little kid about it, and the paretents being too socially stunted from their own careers to understand normal family behaviour, but anya still loves them all the same.
My only regret is having to wait a whole week for each episode.
This Boy Suffers From Crystallization (2014)
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(7/10) Interesting premise with a boy who slowing turns to crystal when he's anxious or depressed. High school's already difficult enough without being a socially anxious kid who's crushing on his teacher that also turns into crystal. The movie's brief but sweet. It's also an lgbt+ romance that's filled with fluff and angst. Very cheesy and cliche, but I knew what I was getting into. It's clear that this movie didn't have much of a budget. it's mostly camera pans on still shots, but it's also clear someone really wanted to make this. <3
War of the Worlds (1953)
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Probably don't need to explains this one. I enjoyed this classic much more than I expected. With how dated it is, I wasn't expecting much, but I can definitely see why it's a classic. The looming dread of the alien invasion grows throughout the film, making it an effective horror film even today. That being said, I was also sent laughing plenty of times throughout this film. I wish the characters were more fleshed out as well. but overall nice film.
The Angry Red Planet (1959)
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4/10. Explorers go to Mars with no idea what kinds of dangers await them. Why didn't they just send a probe first? Don't ask questions. It's slow going and honestly the best part of the movie are the monsters that pop up albeit briefly. Giant spider bat is 10/10. In a movie like this (where characters are mostly confined to a single location and there isn't much budget or time for Special effects) there needs to be a lot of good character writing, but they all fill fairly basic roles. The movie kept disengaging me with how many times I thought "that not how someone would act." Is it a marvel of it's time? Well, it came out 6 years after WotW and apparently was only given 9 days to film, and it shows. Didn't dislike the film but was disappointed.
Queen of Blood (1966)
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Aliens send an SOS to earth leading a ship of astronauts to a crashed ship and a strange green woman with a beehive hairdo. They bring her onboard and try to establish peaceful communication, but it all goes downhill as they learn the true nature of this alien race.
Half of this movie is them struggling to get to the alien, the other half is them finally bringing her on board. This movie is considered a horror but it's horror elements don't pick up until the last fourth of the film. honestly I wanted more by the time this film was done. A cliffhanger from a movie made in 1966 was also frustrating.
Creature (1985)
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In response to an accident on Saturn's moon, Titan, astronauts are sent to investigate. Horror ensues.
Surprised I don't hear more about this movie more often. it was solid monster flick. Several moments were chilling to watch. how the monster kills and uses it's victims is fascinating and upsetting. The tagline for Creature is 'First you die...then the horror begins' and it holds true. Very satisfying.
Main complaint is that i wish the German guy wasn't so pervy. Why is everyone just okay with his behavior? and the characters should've had some more development before touching down on Titan.
Grave of the Vampire (1972)
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7/10 It's hard to give a good synopsis for this movie, since the focus changes so often. First its about a woman who got assaulted by a vampire and a cop trying to catch the killer, than like 40 years go by and a vampire half-ling is taking some college classes and bumps into his vampire father.
Very bleak beginning. it definitely earns it's R. There was a lot of focal whiplash in this film. We focus on the mother and cop until about halfway through the film. It's fast paced and suspenseful. Although, it definitely needed to be condensed down and find it's focus, but It held my attention, and I was curious to see where it was going. Most of the characters were interesting to follow as well. Disappointing that there was a cliffhanger ending. but the movie is mostly wrapped up and chaotic anyway, so it doesn't ruin it for me.
Reptilian (2001)
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2/10 This feels like a crack cross between Godzilla 1998 and Independence day, and it boarders between being absolutely awful and laughably bad. horrible effects, bad acting, nonsense plot and characters, but it did get a few laughs out of me so i'll give it credits there.
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planetoidsfun · 1 year
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Ripley vs. Angry Red Planet.
Space is her breakfast.
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machetelanding · 2 years
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things i did not have in my 2024 bingo card
becoming a hockey person
becoming a sci-fi book enjoyer
things that happened in 2024
i became a hockey person
i am enjoying sci-fi books
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gameraboy2 · 1 year
The Angry Red Planet (1959)
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shark-on-bumblr · 1 year
That color wheel trend thingy
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Saw folks doing this trend and decided to hop in too. These challenges are a pretty fun way to draw characters I've never drawn before
Luna (aka the blue character) belongs to @NaphierD
Crainbow (the little bird in the center) belongs to @CesarCBass
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crinosg · 8 months
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A nightmare is the only way to describe the Angry Red Beast. A hideous combination of bat, rat, spider and crab, these horrific beasts are thankfully not native to most normal material planes, usually only found on desolate and alien worlds far across the astral sea.
An ambush predator, Angry Red Beasts lurk in desert areas, disguising themselves as small bushels of trees with their long limbs, waiting for unwary travelers to seek shelter underneath from the unforgiving alien sun. Those who do rarely live to tell the tale, having been torn to shreds by the beasts mighty claws and ravening jaws.
Angry Red Beasts are sometimes tamed by Gith, Psurlon and Illithid to act as attack dogs, warding explorers away from their hidden colonies. The Angry Red Beast measures 40 feet long, although most of that distance is in its claws.
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weirdlookindog · 2 years
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The Angry Red Planet (1959) Italian Poster
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televisionjester · 4 months
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