#The Ant and the Grasshopper
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A Bug's Life (1998, John Lasseter and Andrew Stanton)
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z34l0t · 8 months
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c-calliope · 16 days
i need more friends who love bugs. I cant take telling people i love bugs and there reaction being "i hate them i kill everyone i see", or "ew" ( and then giving me a weird look. where are the bug lovers? where are my friends? let me show you my collection, lets draw insects together, lets make power points of our favorites.
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thedawner · 4 months
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"Hey! No slacking off!"
Dot and Hopper from A Bug's Life.
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eumorpha · 2 years
Bug Party
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onenicebugperday · 2 months
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@amultitudeofsins submitted: Hnnn bugs (bonus lizard). I know the picture quality is too bad to identify anything except the stickbug and the bold jumpers. (I like the way their butts make them look like they're going "haha yaaaay!")
I love summer time in Texas. You can't walk through our yard without a dozen grasshoppers going insane with every step you take.
Lotta great friends here! Always a treat to see a stick bug since they are trying so hard not to be seen. I think this lizard can be an honorary bug btw
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cicadian-rhythm · 2 months
i love you ants
i love you wasps
i love you bees
i love you weevils
i love you beetles
i love you butterflies
i love you moths.
i love you caddisflies
i love you cockroaches
i love you crickets
i love you grasshoppers
i love you katydids
i love you diplurans!
i love you dragonflies
i love you damselflies
i love you earwigs
i love you fleas
i love you flies
i love you water scorpions
i love you aphids
i love you cicadas
i love you lacewings
i love you lice
i love you mantises
i love you mayflies
i love you alderflies
i love you scorpionflies
i love you stoneflies
i love you termites
i love you thrips
i love you assassin bugs
i love you bedbugs
i love you giant water bugs
i love you stink bugs
i love you leaf insects
i love you spiders
i love you scorpions
i love you mosquitos
i love you mosquito hawks
i love you daddy long legs
i love you ticks
i love you millipedes
i love you centipedes
i love you maggots
i love you locusts
i love you hornets
i love you yellow jackets
i love you ladybugs
i love you pillbugs
i love you giant isopods
i love all of the creepy crawlies and bugs and insects and arachnids... i love you guys...
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revretch · 11 months
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Went for a walk at a botanical garden with @bogleech today and got to see a slender twig ant, a lubber grasshopper, and some little larva neither of us can identify. Sort of looks like a very short sawfly??
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cricketsrings · 10 months
Das Geräusch männlicher Feldgrillen, die laut zwitschern
Grillen sind mit ihrem rhythmischen Zwitschern faszinierende Insekten, die seit Jahrhunderten das Interesse der Menschen fesseln. Diese kleinen Insekten kommen in verschiedenen Lebensräumen auf der ganzen Welt vor und sind für ihr ausgeprägtes Zwitschern bekannt, das ein Markenzeichen warmer Sommernächte und ruhiger ländlicher Umgebungen ist. In diesem Artikel tauchen wir in die faszinierende Welt der Grillen ein und erforschen ihre Eigenschaften, ihr Verhalten und die einzigartigen Geräusche, die sie erzeugen.
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rogdona · 6 months
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t00thpasteface · 8 months
yeah yeah boomers don't get M*A*S*H, but gen-Xers watch that show with their third eye wide open
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skelebee · 8 months
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1.18.24 - If you give an ant some ice cream...
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...I hope you have enough for the whole class.
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adhd-merlin · 8 months
merlin S1 rewatch: episode 10 ⚔
how could I not love the tale of the weird misfit who returns home one day, bringing with him an even weirder assortment of friends, to teach everyone how to fight back against the oppressors who have been stealing their resources?
but enough about a bug’s life. let's talk about the episode.
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• I see Hunith throwing herself at a bandit and I immediately go “oh that’s where he gets it from”. I love you Hunith, you mad gal <3
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• Hunith’s audience with the king is interesting – not just because she’s pleading with the man who would kill her son without a second thought if he knew about his magic, and she goes so far as to call him “a good king” and “a caring man” while doing so, but also because Uther seems genuinely sympathetic, even if unwilling to intervene. I think that says something about Uther – I think in the eyes of the people who don’t care much about sorcerers and their ilk, Uther is a decent, perhaps even a good, king. Certainly not the tyrant that Merlin and Morgana consider him to be (justifiably so).
• “I wish that Camelot was able to help people regardless of how far away they lived”, Arthur says, almost as if there were a prophecy about a united Albion under his reign
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• “I want to make him pay for what he did to you” -> when Merlin sees Kanen is ON SIGHT. I love protective Merlin.
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• I love this so much. “Most powerful sorcerer on Earth” well to his mama he’s just a little boy. have you considered that
• Merlin almost decapitating Arthur lol. It’s a good thing Arthur has good reflexes or this would’ve have been a much shorter story
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• When Arthur ruins Merlin and Will’s little reunion and Will is immediately unimpressed
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• “Am I the only one wondering who the hell this is?” > Will really interrupted Arthur’s speech to loudly ask “excuse you who the fuck are you??” and I love him for it
• The fact that Merlin just straight up slept on the floor. Like I get it, they are poor, but you’re telling me he had nothing all the years he lived there? not even a straw mattress, nothing?? because that sounds kind of weird. I mean alright, I’ll accept it, but I think it’s weird. I think if you had to sleep on the ground every night for years you’d try to make yourself a bit comfortable even if you never “knew any different”
• Anyway, I guess that explains why Merlin was reluctant to part with his bed when Alice moved in with him and Gaius. “I’m not going back to sleeping on the floor thank you! I love beds now”
• MERLIN: “Life’s simple out here (...)” / ARTHUR: “Sounds… nice” / MERLIN: “You’d hate it” -> I like that Arthur was trying really hard not to say anything rude about Merlin’s old life, and that Merlin was like “it’s alright you can say it sucks”, because really he wasn’t cut out for that kind of life either. It’s also funny that Arthur later tells Gwen he fantasies about being a farmer, like SIR BE REAL. You'd hate it.
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• Arthur pretending to eat Hunith’s food. Making fake noises like a toddler. Spoiled brat behaviour
• WILL: Why did you leave? / MERLIN: It wasn't what I wanted. My mother was worried. When she found out you knew, she was so angry. → it sounds like Will actually didn’t know about Merlin’s secret for very long before Merlin had to leave. And the fact that Will has to ask Merlin why he left implies Merlin did it without even a goodbye or a made-up excuse. Merlin’s departure being apparently so rushed because Hunith feared for his safety means that the attitude towards magic in Ealdor isn't actually very different from Camelot’s, despite it not being officially outlawed.
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• Arthur is a good leader!! and in this episode he shows it in big ways, like in his “Battle of St. Crispin speech” moment, but also in more subtle ways, like when he notices during training that Matthew is a hopeless fighter, and instead of dismissing him he takes him aside and goes “Matthew my friend I have a special task for you :)”, as a way of keeping him away from the fight while still making him feel useful, and without hurting his pride. (Sadly, this backfires later.) I know the fandom likes to joke about Arthur being a dumbass but he can be very perceptive (at times). And he is good at strategic thinking.
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• No comment. Just Gwen and Morgana sharing blankets. They are very good pals.
• Merlin telling Arthur: “We're going to make Kanen rue the day he ever came to this village” hits different when I remember he said he wanted to make Kanen pay for striking his mother
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• “In this circle, we're all equals” → a circle is very much like a round table in this way
• I love moments like Arthur’s Rousing Speech™ – because they show why he is the one destined to unite Albion. He’s capable of inspiring people and gaining the support of those who initially disliked him (Merlin, Gwaine, Will himself, to name a few), because he is noble of heart, and brave, and caring, etc. And yeah, he’s also a brat at times, but to be fair to him he’s 21. And he has a shit father.
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• “Food is scarce for these people, you shouldn't turn your nose up at it!” → Gwen is no shrinking violet okay!! She will lecture the prince, if the prince is being a brat. I’m thinking about Arthur telling Agravaine “I don't want a queen who spends her days floating around the castle agreeing with my every word” in ep 4x09. He loves Gwen because she’s not afraid of calling him out! (same goes for Merlin)
• GWEN: “I have faith in you. I mean. We all do” / ARTHUR:
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• Arthur helping Merlin with his armour is a very sweet moment. I can’t believe Merlin was about to tell Arthur he had magic here. HE LITERALLY WAS ABOUT TO TELL HIM I'LL NEVER BE OVER IT
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• Battle. Battle. Another kill for baby Merlin (!).
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• I’m not entirely sure what the windstorm did to be honest, it didn’t seem to kill anyone it just… scared the bandits away? Anyway, that doesn’t matter. Willing suspension of disbelief and all that.
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• Arthur’s face when he marched up to Merlin and Will like “THAT WAS MAGIC WHO DID THAT?? IT WAS ONE OF YOU TWO”. This man is NOT ready for the truth (and yet Merlin was prepared to confess AGAIN. He was literally about to do it I HATE THIS SHOW)
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• (sigh) well how convenient
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• LISTEN I know Will was pretty much dead anyway but I can’t get over how NOBODY tried to do anything for him like?? They just put him on a table? And stared at him? Not even trying to do anything or. I don’t know, offer a word of comfort. If I were Will I’d be offended to be honest.
• Will’s last words being “Merlin, I’m scared.” EVIL
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Merlin: *watching his best friend’s body burn on the pyre* Arthur: well when were you going to tell me he was a sorcerer
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• "When the time is right, the truth will be known. Until then, you must keep your talents hidden. It's better for everyone.” → kind of funny how Hunith went from "you should tell Arthur, he'll understand, he cares about you :)" to "never mind, BACK IN THE CLOSET!!" And by funny I mean tragic.
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fiishboowl · 7 months
Bug poll time NOW
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thedawner · 1 month
Your A Bug’s Life art is so powerful. I smile every time I see WIPs, your lining brushes are fantastic.
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Thank you immensely! This made me very happy 🙏💛
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