#The Apollas
thislovintime · 6 months
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With The Apollas (Leola Jiles, Ella Jamerson, and Billie Barnum) during the December 1966/January 1967 tour. The trio opened for The Monkees.
"[In 1965] I accompanied this black trio called the [Apollas], on the stand-up string bass.” - Peter Tork, Goldmine, May 1982 “I managed to pull together a job playing double bass for a while for a black female vocal trio called the Apollas. I got to repay the favor later on.” - Peter Tork, Monkeemania (1986) "So I played blues guitar for a girl named Lynne Hughes, and I played stand-up bass for a Supremes-type, three-girl singing group [The Apollas], who wound up opening for the Monkees." - Peter Tork, The Monkees: The Day-By-Day Story "We had done a club in Huntington Beach. Peter Tork was the dishwasher there and he played guitar for us when we were there. [...] [When The Monkees were set to tour] Peter and Mike said, 'Well, let's get the Apollas, they're great.'" - Leola Jiles, The Monkees: The Day-By-Day Story “At the Losers North, the Apollas were backed by Mike Nesmith on guitar and Peter Tork on bass […]. The Apollas toured with the Monkees, and the two groups worked together extremely well as a team.” - My Soul Concerto: The Story of the Apollas by Opal Louis Nations, 2005 Another opening act, for The Monkees' 1967 summer tour, was also suggested by Peter: Lynne Randell. Some TV footage of The Apollas.
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jt1674 · 9 months
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superspookyjanelle · 2 years
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UPCOMING FIC; 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝
Fandom; Fantasy High ( dimension 20 )
TAGGING: @witchofinterest @fiercefray @sweetenemyfire @eddysocs @nikolai-lantsv @arrthurpendragon @waterloou @villanele @bookstorebunny @roseygirl203 @valdrinors
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h4zardousch3micals · 9 months
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Hey sister
Know that water's sweet, but blood is thicker
Avicii - Hey Brother
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yah-gurl-ari · 5 months
from aj to you How picky is Apollo with food? What will and won't he eat?
Oof! This was from a while back but I'm always happy to help and answer questions! I'm going to try to be sure to answer these asks a lot more frequently.
Apollo in my head is a picky eater, at least early in his life. Oskar had him on diet of fast food and whatever unhealthy drinks you can get your hands on due to being on the road (Also not being able to cook). Though it's not like Oskar is a healthy eater and never was a good role model.
I like to think that Phoebe has way better eating habits and her family likes to have variety and family dinners if possible. The all-American family to Apollo's trailer park trash ya' know? So staying with them was more of struggle for his pallet but know as he is older, he probably won't turn down a meal but doesn't want to eat at the table as a family.
Though when in doubt, order Doordash.
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mocha-monster · 2 years
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dont get your hopes up this will probably never exist but I will daydream incessantly about it
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thewitchwannabe · 2 months
The Mortal God AU (Character sheets)
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Lambert and their twin brother Bahsset, they are both somewhere around their early to mid 20s. They both learned carpentry from their father but only Bahsset is currently working at the shop with him. Lambert works as Chief Village Raymond's assistant, helping him keep record of the resources and need of the townsfolk. Due to their charisma and leadership capabilities Lambert has gained themselves a handfull of suitors, tho their heart is reserved for their Lord only.
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Narinder, the ex god, he finds himself in a village filled with people that are being persecuted for their affiliation to him. Lambert in particular is especially devoted to The One Who Waits, little do they know that their god is living with them. Once he's recovered, Narinder "earns his keep" by helping around the village. He occasionally sneaks away to hunt his sibling's minions.
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Lambert's parents Jewel and Ramses. Ramses is the village carpenter and is a mentor to his son Basset. Jewel is skillfull seamstress, tho she mostly takes care of her home. They love their children dearly, which is why they didn't hesitate to help when Lambert brought in Narinder.
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Sheela is Lambert's older sister, she’s in her mid to late 20s. She moved out the house when she married her childhood sweetheart, Levi, with whom she has twin daugthers Apolla and Artemis. She works as at the seamstress shop, using the knowledge her mother taught her. (Levi is alive and well btw, i just didn't feel like drawing him lol)
Current lineup:
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leksikonyumitologije · 6 months
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Doček posade Apolla 11 i karikatura iz Vjesnika u srijedu, 1969.
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queersrus · 11 months
astronomy witch theme
astra, astro, astre, astera, astel/astelle, astella, ariel, aura, aurora, aurore, aure, aurelie/auralie, auralia/aurelia, atlas, aristar, aries, altair, astreaus, aether, apollo, apolla, artemis bila, boreals, boreal comet, cosma, cosmic, cosmo, celest/celeste, celestia, celestio, callisto, calypso, Cassiopeia, claudius, caelum, caelus, cassio dusk, dawn estel/estell/estelle, estella, elera, elio, esther, eclipse, eclipsa, eclipso, eostre, eos galaxy, galactica, galactico, galactix, galactic, galacta, galaxius hecate/hekate, helios, hemera, hera iris, ira juno, jupiter, janus kepler, keyra/kayra lune, luna/loona, lunar, luno, lunette, lyra moon, moona, mars/marz, miranda, meno nova, nix/nyx, nox, nuit pandora, pallas, pulsar, pollux rhea stel/stell/stelle, stella, steller/stellar, star, stella, stary/starie, sol, soleil, solar, solette, solina, solana, solace, solstice tian vesper, vega xian zorya
astra, ayla, airy, array, aquila, antlia estrela/estrella, eddington, eridanus kepler, kuiper herschel, halley, hale, hypatia, hevelius drake starcatcher, starwatch, stargaze(r), starlight, scorpius, spellman Cassiopeia orion ursa delphi, delphius pictor fortune le fay/fe/faye nightingale, nighwatch, nightmoon moon brightmoon gloom, gloam
the witch of the stars, the witch who studies the stars, the star watch, the astronomer, the witch, the astronomer witch, the stellar witch, the witch who knows the sky, the witch of the night sky
(prn) who knows the stars, (prn) who studdies the stars, (prn) who knows the magic of the stars, (prn) who practices witchcraft in starligh, (prn) who studdies magic by starlight
1st p: i/me/my/mine/myself
si/star/stars/starself sti/stell/stellars/stellarself ai/astre/astros/astroself ai/astronome/astronomy/astronomine/astronomyself wi/witch/witches/witch's/witchself wy/witch/witchs/witchself ci/conste/consteli/constellations/constellationself mi/magi/magics/magicself
2nd p: you/your/yours/yourself
sto/star/stars/starself sto/steller/stellers/stellerself astro/astr/astrs/astrself astro/astronomer/astronomers/astronomerself wo/witcher/witchers/witcherself co/consteller/constellers/constellerself mo/magicr/magicrs/magicrself
3rd p: they/them/theirs/themself
star/stars, sta/ar, star/stary, stary/sky, stary/night, star/light stell/stella, stell/a, stel/la, stell/steller, steller/stellers, stellar/stellars astro/astros, astro/astronomy, astro/nomy, astro/nomer, astro/astronomer, astronomy/astronomys, astronomy/astronomer constellation/constellations, constell/constellation, constell/ation wit/ch, witch/witches, wit/witch, wi/witch, witch/witchy, witch/craft, witchcraft/witchcrafts magic/magics, ma/gic, magic/magical
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thislovintime · 2 years
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(Photo 1) Peter Tork onstage at Carnegie Hall with Peter LaFarge, 1960s (photo by Bob Campbell); (photo 2) by Henry Diltz.
More about that gig with LaFarge here.
"I did some work accompanying Steve Stills when he was with Ron Long and the Buffalo Fish. I accompanied this black trio called the [Apollas], on the stand-up string bass." - Peter Tork, Goldmine, 1982
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“[I] worked in a nightclub called The Shadow. And I think it was late June [1964] that the Phoenix Singers came through, and Peter was in the band, he was the banjo player in — behind the group… And he and I hit it off, and that Monday night, we did an impromptu show together, we just played a couple of tunes, you know, and had a good time, and stayed friends. And then when I opened a club in 1965, there was no place to play in the winter in that area — Virginia Beach, Norfolk… So I opened a club on my own with two friends, we called it The Folk Ghetto, and I contacted Peter in New York City and said, ‘I wanna hire you to come down here for a week and be the headlining act.’ Which he did. […] He was, he was fantastic. He was so good. It was wonderful." - James Lee Stanley, Tales of the Road Warriors, 2019 (x)
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“Many people don’t know that Peter has a really rich baritone — had a voice like, it was like a cello, really rich and resonant, you know, and fun to listen to.” - James Lee Stanley, The Monkees Pad Show no. 11
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“[E]ventually he had an offer to join the Phoenix Singers, who were short of a guy to play banjo AND guitar. And if you still have any doubts about whether he really does play, and play well, then the thing to do is ask the management behind the Phoenix Singers. Even without the Monkees, there is little doubt that the amiable Peter would have made the grade in the music business.” - Record Mirror, February 25, 1967
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“[Peter’s] really a genius, a prolific musician — he plays about seven instruments.” - Micky Dolenz, Record Mirror, February 11, 1967
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“Peter Tork has to be one of the best guitarists around — he can cut anybody on guitar. He plays about 10 instruments — banjo, uke, the lot.” - Davy Jones, The Ottawa Journal, January 20, 1967
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“Peter was a much more skillful player than I was by some orders of magnitude.” - Michael Nesmith, The Monkees Tale (1985)
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“[In the early 1980s, in NYC] I remember we went down to the China Club, and I took Peter down there, and… and I felt that a lot of the musicians, you know, disrespected him. He didn’t play, but I introduced him, ‘This is my pal, Peter,’ and they were kind of, like, blowing him off a little bit, and I remember seeing, you know, that pained look in his face as these guys were being rude — or condescending; not so much rude, it’s just condescending, like, ‘Oh, you were the Monkee, pfff,’ you know. And… and I know it troubled him. [Once the resurgence and 20th anniversary tour came around] that’s when Peter started — when they started giving him, you know, some regard.” - James Lee Stanley, The Monkees Pad Show no. 11
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Q: "Most people know you from The Monkees but you were a well-respected musician before that."
Peter Tork. "You'll have to ask everyone else about the kind of respect I generated. I am a trained musician, somewhat trained. I took piano for six years and French horn. I took music theory for about three years. I learned to play the bass and the five-string banjo while I was learning a few other instruments here and there. So, I have some skills and some abilities. I'm pleased with what I got [...]. I wish I had more. But back then I was a folkie. Whatever I was, it seemed to be just the thing for The Monkees." - Daytona News Journal, October 8, 2009
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frankenjoly · 9 months
All for us
bramcraft + “this was lovely” based on this art by @lee-apolla
“This was lovely.” Bram declared, leaving a soft kiss over Howard’s lips as his face reappeared; he didn’t mind much which form he took, but it sure would be easier to circle his whole frame with his own arms when Lovecraft wore his human-like appearance.
“Undoubtedly.” Was the answer he got, almost immediately. A few seconds and movements later, Howard’s face was resting in the crook of his neck, and Bram didn’t have to look down to know how he was slowly being wrapped by tentacles like a blanket. And he (of course) both let it happen and welcomed the feeling as well, only briefly lifting a hand himself to refill the tub. It hadn’t gone full empty, yes, they just would be more comfortable with a higher water level.
Howard surely would be.
They could leave other matters for later, such as all the water that had fallen off outside, or Howard’s damp and scattered clothes on the floor too. Nothing urgent claimed any of their attentions, so they could fully focus those on each other.
“Shall we stay here for a while longer, then continue our slumber on the bed?” The vampire then asked, as if he wasn’t fully aware of how covering themselves in warm water wouldn’t mean such an order of plans may take quite some time to be carried out; he was, and he didn’t mind in the slightest. Quite the opposite.
“That is lovely too.” Lovecraft answered, and Bram didn’t have to look at his face to notice the smile on it. “Can you brush my hair before bed like those other times?”
“Obviously and with pleasure, my dear Howard.” Not only he could, but also greatly enjoyed doing so.
“And then I want to return the favor.” Said offer wasn’t uncommon either, but a whole millennia could pass and Bram would still feel that sweet warmth inside his otherwise physiologically cold chest when receiving it.
“Once again… Obviously and with pleasure.”
(Also on ao3.)
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superspookyjanelle · 1 year
you nerds wanted it, so here is an official fancast list for my dimension 20 ocs, in no particular order - part one ! Let me know if you’d guys would be interested in more parts !!
TAGGING: @witchofinterest @fiercefray @sweetenemyfire @eddysocs @arrthurpendragon @waterloou @villanele @bookstorebunny @roseygirl203 @valdrinors
𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐞 as 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳 in star written tragedies, a starstruck odyssey
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𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐣𝐮 as 𝘈𝘻𝘶𝘭𝘢 𝘎𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘩𝘰𝘢𝘳𝘥 in the ex girlfriend, the seven
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𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐲𝐧 𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐭𝐨𝐧 as 𝘢𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 in tears of gold, fantasy high
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𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 as 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘺𝘢 𝘷𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘦 in cupid’s game, a court of fey and flowers
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𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐜𝐡 as 𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘥 in lavender haze, misfits and magic
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h4zardousch3micals · 2 years
If I told you about my weird multifandom oc's would y'all be interested?
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irritablepoe · 1 year
A Ship For The Two Of Us (Bram x Lovecraft)
FIRST OF ALL: this fic was inspired by @lee-apolla's fanart (link1; link2 link3) (you inspired me fr)
Behold, i did it!!! :D
fyi this fic will contain horror elements; there's only implied smut y'all, and otherwise some very sweet devouring humans together (i think this counts as fluff for them lmao). Also i made both of them more "alive" and talkative, so maybe it's kinda ooc? but honestly i think it could be in-character, considering that this is pre-canon and they're both free from responsiblities or even a sword or a stake in their torso lmao (this could be kinda canon-compliant too tbh, idk how old bram and lovecraft really are or how much time there is between bram becoming a vampire and his beheading). I used they/them pronouns for lovecraft
some more cw:
blood (so much blood);
lovecraft-typical body horror ig;
corpses and implied eating of them (is this cannibalism if lovecraft isn't human???)
Enjoy! :3
Bram licked over his teeth. It would barely make a difference. His body was covered in blood anyway; his clothes dripping wet with the delicious liquid. Most of it now filled Bram, making him all warm and dizzy. He looked around himself. It was ironic that the corpses to his feet were the only thing that could make him feel alive. They made up most of the floor and there was barely room to place your feet.
He breathed deeply. Not one minute ago the air had been filled by screams of agony. Now it was silent and Bram chose to thoroughly enjoy it. The only sound that reached his ears was the creaking of soaked wood from the ship; just like the slowly calming waves against the hull.
A dangerous smile split his lips as he heard something else. A slow thud against the ship that caused it to waver. Water foamed at the edges and threatened to wash over the deck. It sounded like a polite knock. Like someone was asking to be let in.
Bram waited until the thudding calmed down and then made his way to the railing. He looked into the dark water and saw a shadow floating right beneath the surface.
“Do not be so timid, I do bite but I’m sure it’ll do you no long-term harm.”, he spoke.
The surface broke and a purple mass ascended from the depths of the ocean. Slowly, it warped into a body, a face, arms and legs, and at last hands and feet. A human form for something that was the farthest thing from anything human.
Bram wasn’t scared. He was intrigued. Had been for some time, in fact.
He himself was not human. Of course, he looked close to one but this made him into an even more dangerous hunter among lowly mortals. Hid him from suspicion. While it didn’t bother him most of the time, it amused him now that Lovecraft stood in front of him.
That they met each other seemed to him a lucky coincidence. It wasn’t rare that one met another ability user these days. The world was so much more connected now that telegraphs and so many ships that cross the ocean exist. But Lovecraft was different. They seemed so alien, so different from anything that Bram had ever seen before. And he had seen a lot. He was old. Lovecraft, though, seemed even older.
“Good evening.”, a deep voice cut through the dark.
“Indeed, it is a pleasant night, my dearest.”, Bram said, straightening his back. His gaze wandered to the useless corpses and pride filled his being.
Lovecraft followed his glance and squinted. “They’re all dead?”
“Quite right. Due to your irregular visits, I chose to enjoy myself. I hope you’ll excuse me for not keeping one of them alive for you for I didn't know you would show up.”
Lovecraft licked their lips. “I don’t need them to be alive.”
Bram let out a small laugh. “Well, in that case I’ve prepared you an entire feast!”
They looked at Bram like they were dying of starvation. The need, the pure desperation, in their eyes sent a shock through Bram’s core. “Would you mind if I ate first?”
He let out a shaky breath. “Quite the opposite.”
He chose to turn around. Just once he had caught a glimpse of Lovecraft eating their enemies and that had been the moment Bram realized, who he was dealing with. It had almost broken his mind when he saw the mouth that hadn’t been a mouth, with teeth that had been beyond what anyone would call teeth. To this day he was shaking from this experience - if of terror or something else he didn't know. But it was enough for five or even more lifetimes. He would see soon enough though for he was immortal.
Lovecraft ate silently. If you could even call it that. Devouring was the closest word that Bram knew of that could describe what exactly they were doing.
Bram watched the moon as it revealed itself through the thick storm clouds bit by bit. The gaps in them eventually showed stars shining alongside the moon, trying to imitate it. Bram loved the darkness, though he couldn’t bring himself to hate the pale light that caressed his face. Sometimes he wished he could drink the moonlight. Fill it into a bottle and let it cool his sore throat when he was thirsty. Maybe it would cure his everlasting exhaustion and melancholy when he wasn’t freshly filled by blood.
He had been so lost in thought that he startled when long arms wrapped around his torso. Shortly after, a face snuggled into his back, an even longer tongue licked at his nape.
“Did you enjoy yourself, my darling?”, Bram asked.
“A bit too much. You already did a great job emptying them of their blood. Didn’t make much of a mess.”, Lovecraft said.
“I’m happy to be of service.”
“You’re so kind to me.”
He quirked up his eyebrows. “Oh?”
Lovecraft placed a kiss on his neck. “Yes.”
“I do not think even the politest gentleman would ever describe me as ‘kind’. I fear you’re wildly misinformed.”
“Misinformed or proven otherwise?”
“Ah, I see. Well, I have to say that gentlemen normally wouldn’t appreciate a meal made of raw human flesh. In that case, I’ll take my words back and say that you, my dear, have the most compatible needs to my providing abilities.”
“I like that word. Compatible.”
Bram took Lovecraft’s unusual long hands into his own and leaned back. He wanted to be closer to the non-human. So unbearably closer. “I like it, too.”
A while they enjoyed the shared silence. Every now and then Lovecraft kissed his face, his temples, his neck – whatever they could reach. Bram turned his face to receive the long-awaited kisses more eagerly.
“You reek of blood.”, they said eventually.
“Is that a problem?”
“No.” Lovecraft smiled crookedly. “But I still wish to fix something about your clothes.”
“We have the ship all to ourselves. Though I fear we will sink soon, if we don’t do something about the… lack of staff.”
“I’ll bring you to shore as soon as we’re done here.”
“Is that a promise or a threat? Or perhaps a smug deal you’re offering?”, Bram asked and smiled.
“More of a hopeful suggestion.”
“I love you.”, Bram said and felt in his heart a swell of emotions, that maybe this world wasn’t as doomed and boring as he had thought. Just because Lovecraft was in it. He laughed quietly at himself. He really was in love and he wished to continue to love. They both had all the time in the world. They had no rush. He had become a vampire, but only now did he realize that this didn’t mean the end of his life and capability to feel.
“I love you, too.”
“Take me wherever and however you like and I’ll happily obey.”, Bram answered, excitement rushing through his veins.
Lovecraft tightened their embrace and took him into their arms.
Bram let out a hearty laugh. “Carrying me over the threshold of the cabins like a bride, are you?”
“Yes. You’re mine after all. And I want you to have a comfortable bed.”
Bram hummed happily.
i'll just tag some of y'all bc you seemed interested/asked me to tag you: @vestaldestroyer @daz4i @ice-devourer - i hope this is good hehe :3
will post it to ao3 too (link)
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thealogie · 2 months
omg are you telling me there is potentially a frank ocean/omar apollo/pedro pascal love triangle going on? (the last i heard there were rumors of omar apolla and frank ocean being together 😭)
CLEARLY I’m behind on all the gay industry rumors. I have never heard of any of these people being connected to each other before today
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ponury-grajek · 2 years
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the babygirl is back
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