#The Law of Moses
jamesjbkim · 1 month
Jesus interpreted the writings of Moses as containing prophecies and symbols pointing to himself as the Messiah. In John 5:46, he stated, "If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me," indicating that Moses' writings foreshadowed his coming[1][2][3]. For instance, Deuteronomy 18:15 speaks of a prophet like Moses, which Jesus claimed referred to him[2]. Additionally, Jesus explained to his disciples that the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms contained prophecies about his life and mission, as seen in Luke 24:27 and 24:44[3][4].
[1] Where Did Moses Write of Jesus in Genesis? - I'll Be Honest https://illbehonest.com/where-did-moses-write-of-jesus-in-genesis
[2] Where did Moses write about Jesus? : r/Bible - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Bible/comments/qhbojp/where_did_moses_write_about_jesus/
[3] Jesus in the writings of Moses - ADC https://adventistdiscoverycentre.org/jesus-in-the-writings-of-moses/
[4] What Does Moses Say About Christ? Jesus Revealed in the OT https://www.theexaltedchrist.com/exalting-christ-jesus/testimony-of-moses-about-the-christ
[5] What Did Jesus Teach About the Law of Moses? - Questions And Answers | Christ.org https://christ.org/questions-and-answers/what-did-jesus-teach-about-the-law-of-moses/
[6] In what ways was Moses like Jesus? https://www.gotquestions.org/Moses-and-Jesus.html
[7] Did Moses Really Write About Jesus? A Look at Messianic Prophecy ... https://www.cjfm.org/blog/2018/06/11/did-moses-really-write-about-jesus-look-messianic-prophecy-torah/
[8] If You Believed Moses, You Would Believe Me, for He Wrote of Me https://www.desiringgod.org/messages/if-you-believed-moses-you-would-believe-me-for-he-wrote-of-me
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steviebee77 · 10 months
Love, Mercy, and Judgment
IT MIGHT SOUND STRANGE to hear the words love, mercy, and judgment in the same breath, but these three concepts are delicately interwoven and must be understood together. They are integral to understanding God’s response to sin. As Paul said, “…the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 6:23). Sin gives rise to God’s righteous judgment. In…
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bigfatbreak · 10 months
Does Chloe tone down her direct bullying/harassment of Marinette after that day to just the dead mom jokes out of guilt, or is it more that Marinette now being homeschooled means Chloe just lost access? Also, does Lila try the whole lying/sabotaging thing on Marinette and just fail or does Marinette just not care?
Lila has no reason to sabotage Marinette because Marinette isn't threatening her little empire she wants to build. In fact, she really wants Marinette on her side BECAUSE she's not apart of the school, so she doesn't need to keep up an elaborate web of lies! She can just try to befriend a talented girl who makes AMAZING food and try to get freebies~
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meanwhile, with Chloe, things got really complicated after the pool incident...
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Tom was not in the mood to put up with this crap.
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thechronicleclub63 · 2 years
The Natural Laws of God for Mankind
Now if the spiritual laws keep you in Christ and they allow you to walk in God’s way. Then how are the natural laws enmity against God? We see that these laws are not subject to God’s spiritual laws, and neither will the person be allowed to perform. The person working in these laws will accomplish an end to the work, for as many that are of the work of the natural laws, they are under the…
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On the 10 Commandments:
The Third Commandment Explained
People often still debate the meaning of what God’s Commandments are after the numerous translations. The Orthodox Jewish Bible actually contains the transcript of that speech I gave that day in Shemot 20.
And in my own words: If you do not hold anything else, hold & speak my commandments. Let us review the originals as they were intended- the speech with the teaching summary. Any & all attempts to do harm and/or cause suffering by bypassing the Commandments with “loopholes” will be considered with harsh penalty.
3 “Thou shalt not take the Shem Hashem Eloheicha in vain; for Hashem will not hold him guiltless that taketh Shmo in vain.”
‭‭Shemot‬ ‭20‬:‭7‬ ‭TOJB2011‬‬
Stop claiming something is the word of the Christian God or done in the name of God when it is for evil. Vain as a concept is frequently misinterpreted. This is actually closer to the same definition in the sentence as “why do I speak? In vain?”. It’s’ persuading individuals to take action & it’s against one’s own belief/word/self that you claim to believe in. So it’s actual meaning is don’t use Christian teachings purposefully to manipulate others, mislead, & cause people to do evil.
Do not do what the antichrist does.
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grrl-beetle · 1 year
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D la Repubblica
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The Law, Grace and Truth
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For the law was given through Moshe. Grace and truth came through Yeshua the Messiah. — John 1:17 | Hebrew Names Version (HNV) Hebrew Names Version Bible is in the public domain Cross References: John 1:14; John 7:19; John 8:32; John 14:6; John 18:37; Romans 5:21; Romans 6:14
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The Superiority of Christ
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Gov. Tony Evers vetoed a bill Monday that would have eliminated work permits for the state's youngest employees, which he said would prevent children from being "taken advantage of."
Evers vetoed the bill at the Wisconsin State Council of Machinists Conference on Monday at a Capitol Square hotel alongside members of the Wisconsin AFL-CIO.
"Growing up, it shouldn't be worrying about getting injured on the job, or receiving a fair wage for their work, or being taken advantage of," Evers said shortly before the signing. "It's time that Republicans get real about the real pressing challenges, and I've put them on notice."
The bill would effectively eliminate work permits for 14- and 15-year olds in Wisconsin, as state law changed in 2017 to remove the requirement for 16- and 17-year-olds. That law also replaced references of "child labor" in state statutes to the "employment of minors."
"Parents should have the right to deal with this issue," Evers said as he vetoed the legislation. "(The bill) sends a message that 14- and 15-year-olds can do anything, they can go into the most dangerous places without any OK. And that is just absolutely wrong."
Sen. Cory Tomczyk, R-Mosinee, Rep. Clint Moses, R-Menomonie and Rep. Amy Binsfeld, R-Sheboygan, who introduced the bill last year, said that it would remove needless administrative barriers that slow down the hiring process.
Currently, work permits are required for 14- and 15-year-olds, unless they work in the agriculture or domestic service sectors. Parents or guardians must apply for their child's work permit, and the $10 fee is reimbursed by employers.
The bill would have also eliminated street trade permits for the age group, which are needed to deliver newspapers or sell products door-to-door, for example. Those permits don't apply when fundraising for nonprofits or schools.
DWD issues about 35,000 work permits for minors each year.
Opponents of the bill argued that removing the permit system would take away the method of informing employers about child labor laws and the Department of Workforce Development's system for collecting data to guide efforts to reduce violations, which would be suspended without funding to cover the agency's $169,000 increase in costs.
"The bill is anticipated to reduce education and outreach interactions with employers, employees and their guardians, which would increase the number of (Equal Rights Division) investigations," the department wrote in testimony during a hearing on the bill late last year.
Child labor violations tracked by the federal government have spiked nationally, including investigations tied to Wisconsin.
A federal investigation into a 16-year-old boy's death at a Florence sawmill this summer found the company employed children as young as 14 to illegally operate machinery and work outside of permitted hours. Three children, ages 15 to 16, were injured at the mill in the last two years. The company paid about $191,000 in fines.
And a Wisconsin-based food safety sanitation company paid $1.5 million in fines earlier this year for illegally employing more than 100 children in eight states, following a U.S. Department of Labor investigation.
Evers has vetoed similar bills before.
Labor groups like the Wisconsin AFL-CIO opposed that effort, arguing permits protect young workers from exploitation and give parents a say in their child's employment.
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angeltreasure · 2 months
The Israelites received the law from God through Moses.
We received the law of love from God through Jesus.
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augiest · 5 months
I named my old Bengal cat Jethro. People would come up to me and ask, "Oh, like Jethro from NCIS?" or "Jethro from Beverly Hill Billies?"
I'd look them in the eye and be like, "No, like Jethro, Moses' father-in-law in the Hebrew Bible." The look on some God-fearing faces was priceless.
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lavideenrose · 3 months
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freespiritlilith · 1 year
Lilith is open. Free as the wind
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
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On the 10 Commandments:
The Fourth Commandment Explained
People often still debate the meaning of what God’s Commandments are after the numerous translations. The Orthodox Jewish Bible actually contains the transcript of that speech I gave that day in Shemot 20.
And in my own words: If you do not hold anything else, hold & speak my commandments. Let us review the originals as they were intended- the speech with the teaching summary. Any & all attempts to do harm and/or cause suffering by bypassing the Commandments with “loopholes” will be considered with harsh penalty.
“Remember Yom HaShabbos, to keep it kodesh. Sheshet yamim shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: But the Yom HaShevi’i is the Shabbos of Hashem Eloheicha; in it thou shalt not do any melachah, thou, nor thy ben, nor thy bat, thy eved, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy ger that is within thy gates; For in sheshet yamim Hashem made Shomayim and Ha’Aretz, the yam, and all that in them is, and rested Yom HaShevi’i; for this reason Hashem blessed Yom HaShabbos, and set it apart as kodesh.”
‭‭Shemot‬ ‭20‬:‭8‬-‭11‬ ‭TOJB2011‬‬
Keep at least one good day or Sabbath “set aside” or spiritually different than your other days of the week. Spirituality can mean many things, but ultimately there is an underlying belief that “lifting the soul” or caring for that intangible part of yourself is essential. The intangible is often our intuitions, our feelings, our connectedness to ourselves & the universe & just like how we see that expressed in so many different way across a variety of cultures, Christianity as a practice can also be expressed that way.
You must dedicate at a minimum 1 day out of 7 to rest & having a focus on practices to lift the soul. Your community, anyone that even steps foot near your land as a guest, & those that work with and/or for you must also do the same. That can mean a lot of different practices & not always necessarily the practice of going to church, but ultimately it’s a focus on practices that nourish your soul. God wants you to take care of yourself.
You can find other versions/passages talk about punishment for not holding Sabbath in reverence, but that is for more specific situations. For example, If you claim yourself to be of this God, benefit, and then exploit people by making them work everyday without any rest you will be sinful in God’s eyes.
You have to remember Christianity back when it first was being introduced to people was INCREDIBLY radical in comparison to the way countries were run, the concept of kingship, & it also advocated for the abolishment of slavery.
Many commonly held interpretations of a variety of Christian practices & teachings are a result of the original documents being censored & altered by kings, empires & politics.
It originally was perceived as a disruptive force because it didn’t ask for equality, it demanded it in a tenuous time period of geopolitical instability.
Moses was known as the guy who had freed a bunch of slaves. You really think the political forces that existed during that time frame were really just going to let a “criminal” get up on a public platform & say whatever they want with the risk of him causing more slave uprisings?
Absolutely not. And it changed the world forever.
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agreenroad · 4 months
Adam's 2 Laws, Noah's 7 Laws, 10 Laws Of Moses, Commandments Of Jesus Christ
FIRST ADAMIC COVENANT LAW AND 2 COMMANDMENTS – FIRST REBELLION, FIRST KILLING AND FIRST BLOOD GUILT ESTABLISHED FIRST LAWS OF GOD FOR MAN Genesis 2 16 And the Lord God [s]commanded the man, saying, [t]Thou shalt eat freely of every tree of the garden, 17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for [u]in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt die…
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Everyone Who believes is Justified
And from all the things from which you were not able to be justified by the law of Moses, in this One everyone who believes is justified. — Acts 13:39 | Recovery Version (REC) The Recovery Version of the Holy Bible © 2009 Living Stream Ministry. All rights reserved. Cross References: Acts 10:43; Romans 3:20; Romans 3:28; Romans 8:3; Romans 10:4; Galatians 2:16; Hebrews 7:19
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