#The Sims 2 predicted Supernatural
redlenai · 8 months
... The Grunt family is basically the Winchester family
Buzz = John (Dead wife, hating the supernatural/spectre, very obsessed with the one he thinks killed his wife) Tank = Dean (Following dad's steps, very into the hunting/military, looking for dad's approval) Ripp = Sam (Bad relationship with dad, want out, the hairdo. Friends first with one of the species they had to hate/kill) Buck = Adam (The ignored one)
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disregardcanon · 9 months
end of year writing meme 2023
Total Stories Written: 17
Total Words Written: 70,420
Average Words Per Story: 4,142
Shortest Story: Hair-Raising Tale, a Jonathan Sims character study
Longest: The Maid of Honor Made Them Do It, a Hatchetfield horror-comedy
Most Kudos: If You Show a God-Child Some Kindness, He'll Never Let You Go i really just hit the kairotic jackpot with this one, considering when i posted and the energy within the fandom
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
since i've finally lowered my expectations on word count from when i was a lonely high school and college student, i'd say i wrote what i expected to write.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write most?
pairing: jackieshauna from yellowjackets! they had their own fic and had a smattering of moments throughout my other yellowjackets fics
genre: horror-comedy
fandom: yellowjackets
all fandoms from the year:
the owl house: 2
dragon age: absolution: 1
camp here and there: 1
wolf 359: 1
the magnus archives: 3
succession: 2
yellowjackets: 4
hatchetfield: 2
What  pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted  in January?
i didn't expect to get back into starkid of all things
Did you take any writing risks this year?
i wrote a lot of fics that i knew wouldn't really appeal to people, so i gave up a lot of comments and kudos i guess?
Do you have any fanfic or general writing goals for the new year?
i want to get back to writing melting pot. i make no promises, but it would be nice
From the past year of writing, what was your…
Best story of this year: God Honoring Cannibalism! this story has everything! the yellowjackets stuck in the woods, elaborating on crystal's character, historical research, cannibal musical references, lottielee romantically promising to eat each other, jackieshauna breaking each other's hearts, and i feel like it really works as a story just as much as a joke. hands down the thing i'm proudest of writing this year
Personal favorite: Flipping off the Devil this is a fic for small spaces, a middle grade horror series that i loved but that disappointed me a lot in the second half. it was a great way to explore what i think would have made the books stronger and it was really fun to work with the characters
Most  under-appreciated: part of your world (in which "world" means HELL) this w359 fic was a spinoff for a really cool supernatural inspired au. i thought i did a really good job of bringing alana maxwell's recruitment episode into it, but it was so niche that no one read it. disappointed, but understandable
Most fun to write: how the world was looking in the spring was so much fun. it let me do some fun historical research, write about grade school (which i LOVE) and give a fandom that doesn't get much fluff some very cute little lesbians <3
Story with the single sexiest moment: The Maid of Honor Made Them Do It. This is almost solely because it's the only fic that remembers sex exists, but also... stephanie lauter... it's not my fault your honor she's just <3 <3 <3
Most challenging to write: History's Longest Suicide Note! I'd been tinkering around with this tma fic for a very long time, and it was really hard to dig into the actual consequences of Jarchivist getting his way for the end of the world. Because it was NOT going to be pretty, and I wanted to try to show that to the best of my ability
Biggest disappointment: you can join the hive. i'm still not sure how well i captured the dynamics in this, and since it's a fic about travis martinez in yellowjackets i certainly wasn't going to get. like. positive feedback from the fandom, sigh.
Favorite character to write: grace chastity! it's a joy to write for all the hatchetfield characters, but grace just brings such a funny and tragic chaos to whatever she's in
Favorite opening lines:
Jess Jordan knew how to handle Kendall Roy. She’s been doing it for years, after all. She’s been there since he was young and freshly married and thought he was going to make some ethical super-company entirely separate from his father. She’s been with him through an adoption, a birth, multiple stints in rehab, multiple separations from Rava, a divorce, the death of his father and then his installation of a fascist.
A Frog Leaves Her Pot
Favorite closing lines:
The Wilderness did not get to keep them; it never truly had them in this world at all, thanks to a weird little theater kid and a devout Christian who watched a movie.
God Honoring Cannibalism
Other favorite lines:
So Amity grins wide, baring her teeth, as she holds a hand up towards her face in that intimidating, condescending way that she used to do so often and deftly. “So what does that make you?” She looks him up and down, trying to send him her most condescending look. “The Emperor’s abomination?” 
I Tried to Get Better (How Did You Make Me Worse?)
“I’ll try- try to figure out some way for us to be normal again, okay Soph?” her mom asks. Sophie Roy, uberwealthy transracial adoptee who doubts she could ever be "normal", nods awkwardly. Then her mom helps them get settled at the table and they eat dry, slightly burnt waffles together and drink average coffee.
You're Not Elected, Sophie Roy
“I saw what happened to Jackie,” Javi tells him, eyes wide and scared, “ what you did .” Wait. Javi- Javi saw that? Is that what his brother sees every night when he wakes up screaming and Travis wonders, desperately, why Javi won’t just use that voice to talk to him ? 
Travis isn’t just a shitty big brother, one who’s sometimes mean and doesn’t stick up for him and steals his stuff- now he’s what haunts Javi’s nightmares.
you can join the hive
“We’re going to be counselors now!” Sydney chirps, “we get to mold the youth!” Jedidiah, frankly, would rather let mold grow on the youth than help them.
There's Nothing Wrong with Ohio
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radiosandrecordings · 3 years
'Cause here’s the thing To know how it ends And still begin to sing it again As if it might turn out this time
Transcript under the cut
(Lyrics from Road to Hell (Reprise) Hadestown are layered over audio from TMA 200. The first segment is:) 
A'ight It’s an old song It's an old tale from way back when It's an old song (spoken) And that is how it ends (sung)That’s how it goes
Don't ask why, brother, don't ask how He could have come so close The song was written long ago (spoken) And that is how it goes
(sung) It's a sad song It's a sad tale (spoken) It's a tragedy (sung) It's a sad song (spoken) But we sing it anyway
'Cause here’s the thing To know how it ends And still begin to sing it again As if it might turn out this time I learned that from a friend of mine
Overlaid over this is the TMA dialogue: 
ARCHIVIST: [Gasping] I… I can’t. Martin, I’m part of this place.
MARTIN: Goddamn it, John!
ARCHIVIST: [Enduring] Aaaaaaargh! I can… withstand it. I just need to hold... on...
MARTIN: [Gritted teeth] Come on, John! Come on!
ARCHIVIST: [Struggling] No! I can feel the pull… The web, the tapes, it wants— No! I won’t let it!
MARTIN: For god’s sake, John, move!
ARCHIVIST: I can’t! Martin get out of here! What’s going to be left of me after this, you can’t see that.
ARCHIVIST: I can’t protect you from this. Go!
MARTIN: I’m not leaving you trapped here killing the world while I watch!
ARCHIVIST: If you stay, you’ll die!
MARTIN: Then I’ll die!
ARCHIVIST: Martin please! I can’t lose you. Not like this…
MARTIN: Tough! Okay? Where you go, I go!
ARCHIVIST: That’s the deal...
ARCHIVIST: Do it! The knife’s just there. Let them go.
MARTIN: [Tearful] I’m not going to kill you!
ARCHIVIST: Cut the tether. Send them away. Maybe we both die. Probably. But maybe not. Maybe, maybe everything works out, and we end up somewhere else.
MARTIN: Together?
ARCHIVIST: One way or another. Together.
MARTIN: I don’t think I can...
ARCHIVIST: It has to be you. The Eye won’t let me do it.
MARTIN: [Sobbing] Are you sure about this?
ARCHIVIST: No. But I love you.
MARTIN: I love you too.
(After this, there is a cut to an instrumental version of Road to Hell Reprise, in which audio from episode 1 of TMA comes in.) 
ARCHIVIST Test… Test… Test… 1, 2, 3… Right.
My name is Jonathan Sims. I work for the Magnus Institute, London, an organisation dedicated to academic research into the esoteric and the paranormal. The head of the Institute, Mr. Elias Bouchard, has employed me to replace the previous Head Archivist, one Gertrude Robinson, who has recently passed away.
I have been working as a researcher at the Institute for four years now and am familiar with most of our more significant contracts and projects. Most reach dead ends, predictably enough, as incidents of the supernatural, such as they are – and I always emphasise there are very few genuine cases – tend to resist easy conclusions. When an investigation has gone as far as it can, it is transferred to the Archives.
(Here the Hadestown audio once again comes in, and continues over Jon’s dialogue, which fades out as he continues talking as the song ends) 
ARCHIVIST: Now, the Institute was founded in 1818, which means that the Archive contains almost 200 years of case files at this point. Combine that with the fact that most of the Institute prefers the ivory tower of pure academia to the complicated work of dealing with statements or recent experiences and you have the recipe for an impeccably organised library and an absolute mess of an archive. This isn’t necessarily a problem – modern filing and indexing systems are a real wonder, and all it would need is a half-decent archivist to keep it in order. Gertrude Robinson was apparently not that archivist.
From where I am sitting, I can see thousands of files. Many spread loosely around the place, others crushed into unmarked boxes. A few have dates on them or helpful labels such as 86-91 G/H. Not only that, but most of these appear to be handwritten or produced on a typewriter with no accompanying digital or audio versions of any sort. In fact, I believe the first computer to ever enter this room is the laptop that I brought in today. More importantly, it seems as though little of the actual investigations have been stored in the Archives, so the only thing in most of the files are the statements themselves.
It is going to take me a long, long time to organise this mess.
[HERMES] Everybody looked and everybody saw That spring had come again With a love song
[PERSEPHONE] With a love song [COMPANY] With a love song [HERMES] With a tale of a love from long ago [HERMES] It's a sad song [COMPANY] It’s a sad song [PERSEPHONE] It's a sad song
[HERMES] But we keep singin' even so It's an old song [EURYDICE] It’s an old song [ORPHEUS] It's an old song [COMPANY] It's an old song [HERMES] It's an old tale from way back when And we're gonna sing it again and again We're gonna sing, we're gonna sing [ALL] It's a love song It's a tale of a love from long again It's a sad song We keep singing even so It's an old song It's an old tale from way back when And we're gonna sing it again and again [HERMES] We're gonna sing it again
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Chapters: 1 of 2 Summary:
Takes place in the aftermath of Mag 92. Recently cleared of murder, Head Archivist, Jonathan Sims, takes a moment to decompress in the archives after a hellish week.
It throbed
The events of the past few days came crashing down on Jon as soon as he left Elias’s office.  Lord, he hurt.  
Vagley, he wondered at the events that had led to working in a place where “not dying” was considered an accomplishment.  Yet alone one where a sociopathic boss allowed him to take the wrap for a murder Jon did not commit, and spend the preceding week being stalked by the circus, having unpleasant interviews with the lightless flame, being cast into the vast and hunted down by Detective Tonner.
A sense of being watched sent a jolt of fear through Jon.  He cast about for signs of Daisy.  Was she gone?  Was he safe?  He didn’t think he could deal with her now, not after-
Stop it.  
Jon sagged against the wall of the decidedly deserted corridor, the world shifting in swirling bursts.  Alone, at last and again; he was alone.  His good hand constricted around his wrist in a vain hope the pressure would alleviate the pain.  It didn’t.
A distraction, that’s what he needed.  
Perhaps he could get some work done.  It might be enough to take his mind off of things-  He recalled several articles on ADHD outlining how quickly they picked up on the presence of pain stimuli, especially when it was the most interesting thing happening at the moment.  There were a few other journals that indicated ADHD people had a higher pain tolerance than their peers.  Jon snorted.  He was still on his feet so there must be some truth to it.  
Good lord.  If he was supposed to have a high pain threshold, what must something like this be for a normal person?  Then again-he wasn’t exactly a person anymore, was he.  The way Daisy had- Stop it, now.  
The last thing he needed was to dwell on Detective Tonner and the events of the Past several hours. 
Jon all but collapsed into his chair, allowing the exhaustion leading his bones to pull him down.  He held his burned hand close.  Too close as the heat radiating off his body set his hand burning anew.  He hissed, forcing it as far away as physically allowed.  Practically prostrating himself across the marred surface of the desk.  Causing a small avalanche of paperwork and statements to slide to the floor.  
He cursed under his breath.  Why did he always have to make such a mess of things?  Why couldn’t he do anything right?  He’d driven Tim and Martin away, put Georgie in danger, couldn’t keep Melony or Basira from getting ensnared and...Sasha-  Jon swallowed past the lump in his throat, disgusted with himself.  He could barely think straight yet alone work.  His breath hitched sending a sharp jab of pain from his throbbing ribs.  Detective Tonner’s baton hadn’t...agreed with him.  Acrid saliva pooled in his mouth, for a moment Jon feared he was going to be sick.  
Jon forced himself to still and breathe.  It passed.  The insistent burning sliding back to the surface.  He did the only thing he could do, and turned attention to that all consuming pain.  Attempting to capture the feeling with objective detachment.  It was a technique perfected after the Jane Prentiss incident.  Cataloging the sensations as though they were happening to someone else, another statement for the archives.  That academic veneer had given him some modicum of control, of understanding.  
He desperately wanted that now-
Then again, that was the reason he was in this mess, wasn’t he?  Always having to know?  He sighed, sliding back into memory.
Once, while living with his grandmother, he had scalded his hand ladling out soup.  It had ached for a week and flared up if he touched anything so much as tepid.  This was so much worse.  
Unbidden, Elias’s words came floating back ‘The Archivist observes and experiences’.  Jon groaned.  Right, and what good would that do?  Distastefully, he eyed the improvised bandage of t-shirt strips.  He should change it, he knew but his stomach soured at the thought.  Recalling kneeling on the hard earth, frantically prying off the molten wax.  In his hast he hadn’t registered the blistering skin tearing away with it, leaving his palm raw and exposed.  Part of him didn’t want to face the grotesquery behind the bandage- to see what monstrous form it had taken.
It burned.
He knew it burned.  He knew it needed looking after and he begged his brain to stop sending the signals.  After all:
Message received.
End the bloody statement.
Burns were nothing at all like cuts.  Cuts were well behaved.  Delicately, Jon probed the ragged edges of the gash at his neck.  Cuts were predictable.  Pressing down till he felt the sickening twinge slice through.  For a moment there was this known experience, this expected outcome.  He forgot about the burn, replaced only by the sharp sting in his neck.  Then it all went sideways.  
Jon was looking back into the cold eyes of Detective Tonner as she pressed the blad to his throat.  She had wanted to cut him, to hurt him, to kill him.  She killed monsters, and she’d made it clear where he stood.  His pulse jumped and his chest started to restrict as he saw once more Michael Crew, prone on the forest floor.  The muzzle flash burned itself once more into his retina and Crew was dead.  Daisy had done that.  Daisy had done that right in front of him and Daisy had meant to do that to him and the fear threatening to spill over.  It was too much, just too much!
“Will you stop it!” he shouted out loud, pinching the burn with all his might, abruptly returning to the physical experience of pain in the here and now; the nausea coming back with vengeance.  He whimpered, pressing his face into the cool of his desk.  Breathe.  Just, breathe.  What good was it to be a monster if it hurt so badly?  
Once more he wraped fingers about a slim wrist, attempting to cut off the circulation.  Anything to dull that burning.  He longed to submerge it in ice.  If he couldn’t stop the pain, maybe he could numb it, a little at any rate.  
With heavy eyes, he calculated the distance between himself and the door.  Funny, it never seemed like it was that far away before.  Jon wanted nothing more than to close his eyes and rest for a few moments, but his body simply protested too much. 
Ice, right, ice would help.  
He pushed himself upright on elbows and forearms.  Jon’s legs felt heavy, as though he were borrowing someone else's.  It was hard to move, much harder than it had moments ago- he glanced at the clock, jared to see hours had slipped by.  How had that happened?  
He couldn’t understand why his body was having such a hard time moving when he’d been fine this morning.  He couldn’t understand why the world wouldn’t stop spinning.  The door to his office was closed, meaning he’d have to let go of the burn to open it.  For an insane moment, he considered surrendering and curling up under his desk.  But Jonathan Sims never knew how to give up, did he?  
Martin had had a bit of a day.  
Why wouldn’t he of?  It wasn’t every day that you find out your very life is tied to your place of employment, your coworker had been killed over a year ago replaced by a supernatural imposter and that your “double boss”, to use Tim’s turn of phrase, was a cold blooded killer.  
And Jon-
The man knew how to make an entrance, stumbling into the archives, covered in grime, flanked by Detective Tonner and Basira.  And core, he looked bad.  
After the, Martin had been whisked away by Basira and Daisy to...answer a few questions.  It had felt more like an interrogation than anything else.  He wondered why it had been so difficult for them to accept that he had been as much in the dark as the rest of them.  Tim hadn't helped matters by continuing to make a string of dark comments and Melony had started to genuinely unnerve him.  Which was saying something considering he literally worked among Eldritch horrors.  
After everything, he needed a moment to himself.  Away from angry coworkers and murderous bosses and prosecutorial police detectives.  He retreated back to the old cot in document storage, mulling things over late into the day.  For once he didn’t worry about wasting institute time.  If Elias was to be believed, Martin could no more be fired than he could quit.  Always, his thoughts returned back to Jon.  He hoped the man had good enough sense to go home and rest up.  
“I need a cup of tea-” he said to no one in particular, scrubbing a wery hand down his face.  As far as he could tell, the others had left hours ago.  Just as well, he didn’t feel up to peacekeeping at the moment.  
Martin froze at the door of the employee lounge.  Jon was there!  Standing with his forehead pressed against the fridge.  Looking for all the world like he was about to fold at any second.  Even from his vantage point across the room, Martin could tell he was trembling.  
“Jon?” he regretted speaking at once.  As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Jon lept like a spooked cat.  
“M-Martin-'' his voice was faint, frayed at the edges with exhaustion.  Concern gripped Martin’s chest as he took the man in properly.  
Even covered in ruddy mud; the bruises under his eyes were stark, stretching his gaunt features in agonized lines.  He had a death grip on a thin wrist of a badly bandaged hand.  It reminded Martin of the aftermath of Jane Prentiss and having to chase him away from the tunnels to ensure Jon had time to heal.  
Only this was worse, somehow.  Then, Jon had been angry, driven by the single minded purpose of finding out who had it in for the archivist position.  But now- the fight was gone, leaving him small, vulnerable and lord, he looked defeated.  
“Can I help you?” 
Jon made a complicated spazam of a movement Martin couldn’t make heads or tails of.  Muttering something about getting some ice as he listed to the side.
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amphitritemists · 4 years
Alright folks! I’m going to post this here to see if it ages well or flops horribly but here’s my predictions on how the finale of TMA will go. WARNING: If you aren’t caught up till season 5 I will be spoiling some stuff to use as evidence. Also I maybe spoiling the finale of Gravity Falls for reasons.
1.Elias will be defeated by Melanie
I don’t know where this idea came from but the moment I typed it it felt right so let’s roll with it. I’m assuming Melanie and Georgie are both a blindspot to Elias right now because of how Jon can’t see them so I’m assuming the Eye in general can’t see them. Melanie has been very adamant about wanting to kill Elias in the past and I think it would be a nice touch to her character arc if Elias and Jon were in the heat of a staring contest and then she just blasts Elias with a couple gunshots. After all her failed murder attempts, I’d just like to see her succeed.
2. Jon is going to use all his powers to save the world at the cost of his mind
I’ve been sitting on this for awhile. Jon dying immediately is the too obvious course of events and as much as Martin is willing to sacrifice himself to save Jon and the world I don’t see any way he can send the fear gods back to spooky land. So its up to Jon to perform some kind of banishment chant (I’m sure Elias has a Leitner spellbook up in his eye tower because that summoning chant he sneaked to Jon that started this apocalypse worked like a charm). However, when the fear gods leave, Jon will lose his mind. He’ll go from knowing everything to knowing nothing but, unlike Gravity Falls, there will be no scrapbook healing session. I’m actually thinking he’ll end up in a vegetative state but I’m really hoping I’m wrong and it’s just a memory wipe. We already know Jon is too far gone. He can’t last even a few days without the Eye feeding him and him feeding the Eye. At this point, if he separates from the Eye it will be the opposite of chicken noodle soup for his soul. 
3. Martin will reopen the Magnus Institute
Martin has really been developing as a character lately and I love it. He’s come so far from Season 1. He’s been learning to make his own choices based on what he wants and not based on his fears or guilt. Its been hinted that Martin will make a or a few difficult choices in this finale (Quiet has become my favorite episode now and will be hard to top but that’s another discussion). When the world returns back to normal, I’m assuming people will be traumatized. Even if they don’t remember what happened in the end of the world and things really revert back to normal, there will still be spooky encouters. Fear gods will still target people and I think Martin is the person to rally the gang when this is all over and do something about it. I want him to create the Blackwell Sims Institute where they study supernatural cases and try to help people who have experienced trauma related to the fear gods. Hopefully, since Jon gave up the power and Martin is more Lonely than Eye now, this institute can do some good rather than just feed a fear entity. Look, I’m just fishing for a happy epilogue here :’) 
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hooklineandpodcast · 4 years
Podcatch of the Week
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[A green tape to the left and skull to the right in the background with a quill and gear in front with a banner. The words The Magnus Archives over it]
The Magnus Archives by Jonathan Sims, produced by Rusty Quill
The Hook: “Make your statement, face your fear.”
The Magnus Archives is a weekly horror fiction anthology podcast examining what lurks in the archives of the Magnus Institute, an organisation dedicated to researching the esoteric and the weird. Join new head archivist Jonathan Sims as he attempts to bring a seemingly neglected collection of supernatural statements up to date, converting them to audio and supplementing them with follow-up work from his small but dedicated team.Individually, they are unsettling. Together they begin to form a picture that is truly horrifying because as they look into the depths of the archives, something starts to look back… - Their Website
Favourite Line:
ARCHIVIST: Test… Test… Test… 1, 2, 3… Right.
My name is Jonathan Sims. I work for the Magnus Institute, London, an organisation dedicated to academic research into the esoteric and the paranormal. The head of the Institute, Mr. Elias Bouchard, has employed me to replace the previous Head Archivist, one Gertrude Robinson, who has recently passed away.
I have been working as a researcher at the Institute for four years now and am familiar with most of our more significant contracts and projects. Most reach dead ends, predictably enough, as incidents of the supernatural, such as they are - and I always emphasise there are very few genuine cases - tend to resist easy conclusions. When an investigation has gone as far as it can, it is transferred to the Archives.
Now, the Institute was founded in 1818, which means that the Archive contains almost 200 years of case files at this point. Combine that with the fact that most of the Institute prefers the ivory tower of pure academia to the complicated work of dealing with statements or recent experiences and you have the recipe for an impeccably organised library and an absolute mess of an archive. This isn’t necessarily a problem - modern filing and indexing systems are a real wonder, and all it would need is a half-decent archivist to keep it in order. Gertrude Robinson was apparently not that archivist.
- Episode 1 - Angler Fish
Thoughts: The Magnus Archives is currently my favourite podcast. Which is a pretty strong statement for someone who loves a lot of podcasts like me, especially since I’m a very casual horror fan. For me Magnus Archives is the right mixture of mystery, horror, and human drama. I’m a person that loves connecting dots and seeing foreshadow. Magnus Archives is great for that. I also love shows that not only focus on the horror of what’s happening, but of the people involved. Each week there is a new statement and story which is great if you’re an anthology fan, and later on in the series there becomes a strong through line of the people in the archives which is great if you like linear stories about one group of people (which is usually my own preference). It covers both bases and it’s done extremely well. Jonny Sims is an excellent writer who knows how to tell a story without falling into negative tropes and stereotypes that can come with horror stories. The Magnus Archives is starting its fifth and final season tomorrow, April 2 to the public so I thought it was the perfect time to recommend it. 
Patreon: Yes, find them by looking up Rusty Quill
LGBTQA+ Characters: Yes
Transcript Available: There are official transcripts on their Patreon for free, however they don’t have every episode yet if I’m not mistaken, but there are full sets of fan made transcripts. If you google Magnus Archives Transcripts you’ll find them. They also have deluxe transcripts for Patreons which have added notes. 
If you liked: Archive 81, Wolf 359, Penumbra Podcast, The White Vault, SCP Archives, the Lost Cat Podcast, or I Am In Eskew you might like the Magnus Archives
Podcast Info: Their website is rustyquill.com
Enjoying The Magnus Archives? Please reblog and spread the word. Podcasts are usually passion projects and need the support of their listeners to get the word out. Catch you next week!
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cloudberry-sims · 4 years
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As a thank you for 170 followers I created my very own legacy challenge! It’s called the Pastel Goth Rainbowcy ( I almost called it the Oh My Goth Rainbowcy after a Voltaire Song ).
Before you start this legacy:
It's a short one , just 5 generation. Not everyone can or want to play a 10 generation legacy.
You do not need to stay in the same lot for 5 generations if you don't want to.
Traits, gender and age is up to you.
You can play this as a berry/banilla or vanilla legacy.
Freel real estate is allowed for generation 1 to buy a nice starter house. Other than that no cheating!
Life time happiness points are allowed!
Ready , Set GOOO!
Generation 1: Black.
Black is the absent of color, symbolizing death and grief in western cultures. Mysterious , intelligent and elegant.You have always been interested in the spirit world and you need to know more.
LTW: Paranormal Profiteer. Career: Ghost Hunter.
Have to complete LTW and the Ghost hunter Career.
Master logic skill.
Write 3 books.
Have a baby with a ghost before marriage. The spouse has to be a living sim. ( OBS! The baby don’t have to be a ghost)
Have more kids.
Generation 2: Dusty Pink.
LTW: Heart breaker. Career: Alchemist.
Pink is the symbol of love , but if it's starts to grey it's a love which are dying. You have always felt the need to love , but it never works out for you. Romance after romance leaves your heart cracking day by day, night by night. Will you ever find you're one true love?
Complete LTW and Career.
Master the Alchemy skill.
Have 9 failed relationships until you find you're one true love.
Have children with one true love.
Become a widower before turning into an elder.
Obtain the Philosopher's Stone and bring the ghost of your spouse back.
Generation 3: Lavender
LTW: Master of Mysticism Career: Fortune Teller
Purple is the color of mystic and magic. You have had the odd gift of predicting the future. You for saw the death of your parent long before it happen , but nobody believed you. Maybe if you became the greatest fortune teller of all time they will listen!
Complete LTW and Career
Master Logic & Charisma
Get to level 5 of gardening and alchemy.
Get Romantically involved with a witch , vampire , werewolf and fairy. But no marriage.
Have max 3 children.
Own 3 cats.
Have 3 enemies.
Generation 4: Green.
Green represents greed , jealousy and ambition , traits that you have. Being spoiled your whole life by your parent , you will stop at nothing to gain what you want , when you want it.
LTW: Gold Digger. Career: Business.  
Complete LTW and Career:
Marry 3 rich sims and survive them all. Do what you have to do to get the money.
Have affairs outside of you’re marriages.
Have 1 kid.
Own at least 3 properties in town.
Have a butler/bonehilda.
Generation 5: Blue
Blue is a stable and calming color , but also lonely and sad. Your parent  didn't spend much time with you while growing up , so you spend your time alone with books , knowledge and music. The loneliness gets too much for you and you decided that you want your own creepy , kooky , spooky family.
LTW: Surrounded by family Career: Science or Inventor.
Master Career and LTW.
Master the Inventing , Science and  Alchemy skill.
Get to level 5 in any music instrument.
Own a bonehilda , train station and magic mirror.
Create/Buy a SimBot.  
Free a genie from it's lamp.
Get abducted by aliens. Alien babies are always welcomed but not necessary!
Grow a plant sim baby.
Get married to a supernatural sim and have more children!
Your done!This challenge might be too hard and weird , but I like it :) 
If you are a sims 4 player you are free to convert this story to fit the game , as long as you give me credits for the original! 
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haberdashing · 4 years
Biting Your Own Neck (4/?)
Mid-season 2, Jon’s life is abruptly upended by the intrusion of two unexpected and eerily familiar visitors.
on AO3
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4
“You want to talk about trust, about sharing things with each other?” Jon stood up from his seat--Sasha’s seat, a place he never should have had to occupy, a place he never would have occupied if it weren’t for the intruders in their midst--and looked right at Not-Jon (and Not-Martin, by proxy, since the two were standing side by side, nearly touching now). “Fine. You go first. Why are you here?”
“We’re from-” Not-Jon began, but Jon cut him off.
“The future, or a dimension that’s essentially the future? Yes, I got that much already, thank you. Why did you come here from there?”
“We didn’t mean to.” Not-Martin said.
Jon looked over at Martin when he heard his own voice call Martin’s name; Martin, for his part, was looking right back at him with an expression that seemed somewhere between surprised and terrified, but it was Not-Martin that spoke up.
“Look, Jon, I’m not going to just- just lie to them about what happened-”
“I didn’t say that, did I? I just meant-”
Even before he looked over, Jon could feel Tim and Martin’s gazes darting between him and the actual speakers, Not-Jon and Not-Martin, who apparently also used the names Jon and Martin for one another as well as having the same voices that the actual Jon and Martin did...
“Can we start by having you two pick different names? We’re-” Jon waved his arm in a sweeping gesture to indicate that he was including Martin in particular. “-already using Jon and Martin at the moment, as it happens.”
“I’m not going to stop calling him-” Not-Jon gestured towards Not-Martin, and Jon noted with a sinking stomach that the gesture was eerily similar to the one he himself had just made. “-Martin. That’s his name.”
“Fine, then, you two can call each other whatever, but we need something for the rest of us to call you, unless you want me to just keep thinking of you as Not-Me and Not-Martin for as long as you’re here.”
Not-Jon and Not-Martin both paled visibly at the words; Jon wondered, idly, what their own experiences with Not-Sasha were, if they really were from the future, presumably one where she hadn’t been so suddenly unmasked by another duo of imposters. Probably not terribly pleasant, judging from the grimaces on both their faces.
Not-Jon nodded once. “Fair enough. Perhaps just a variation of your name that you don’t normally use would work--Sims, perhaps, or Jonathan...”
Jon shook his head. “No. Those are still my name, and you’re still not getting any part of my identity out of this.”
Not-Martin let out a soft sigh and a slight shrug of the shoulders. “Did you have something in mind, then? I mean, it is your plan and all...”
Jon had not in fact had anything in particular in mind, had only a nebulous idea of what he didn’t want these doppelgangers going by, but as he thought about it, an idea came to mind.
“You want a version of my name that badly? You can be Jonny. Nobody’s called me that for some time now, so there should be no chance of confusion.”
Not-Jon--no, Jonny let out a rough laugh. “Fine by me, though don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing there. But if you insist, I will be Jonny D’Ville,” Jonny leaned forward in an exaggerated bow. “Your humble captain.”
Jon could feel his face heating up, which only intensified as he heard Tim call out “First mate!” from his seat nearby.
Jon was only able to stammer out a soft “That works” before Tim spoke up again, this time looking Jon’s way as he spoke.
“Hang on, since when do you know about the Mechanisms? Don’t tell me you only get won over by my musical tastes in the future-”
Jonny replied with a quick “No” before Jon could bring himself to do the same.
“So what’s the story, then? You said you weren’t into them!”
Jon let out a sigh before responding. “Technically, what I said was I wasn’t in the habit of listening to their CDs.”
“Close enough. Did you just change your mind, or what?”
Jon looked away from Tim, only to see Jonny was gazing his way as well.
“You might as well tell him.” Jonny was grinning and looked a bit like he was trying to stifle a laugh.
“Tell me what?”
He wasn’t getting out of this one, now, was he?
Jon pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes briefly. “I’m pretty sure most musicians aren’t in the habit of listening to CDs of their own work, Tim.”
“You’re... you’re saying you were in the Mechanisms.” Tim’s gaze darted between Jon and Jonny. “You’re saying you’re Jonny fucking D’Ville?”
Tim raised an eyebrow. “Prove it, then.”
Jon did his best to mimic the gesture as he looked back at Tim. “Why would I lie about this?”
“I mean, either you were lying then or you’re lying now, so...”
“It wasn’t technically...” Jon let his speech trail off as he realized that fighting over the point was probably detrimental to the whole trust thing Jonny was trying to encourage in them. (Had he predicted this happening, or even somehow orchestrated the whole thing?)
“Alright. Alright, I’ll prove it.”
And then Jon began to chant. It was the first thing that came to mind that would serve as proper proof, not just something that would show his vocal talents but something that even most fans of the band wouldn’t have bothered to memorize...
Jon was pretty sure he heard somebody quietly laughing in the background, though he couldn’t recognize the laugh by sound alone and didn’t want to look around, didn’t want to see all the strange expressions that must be on everybody’s faces just to know who the culprit was.
Jon did, however, glance over at Jonny briefly, only to see that not only was he not the one laughing, he was either mouthing or singing along to the chant. (It was hard to say which, especially when Jon knew well enough that Jonny’s voice would sound the same as his own, so he couldn’t just listen for a different voice joining in.)
Jon went on for another line or two of chanting before trailing off, looking over at a dumbfounded Tim with a half-suppressed grin on his face.
“Is that proof enough for you?”
There was silence for a moment before Martin spoke up. “...what kind of band is this, exactly?”
Jon looked over at Jonny, though he couldn’t say exactly why, but Jonny just shook his head. “Think you can handle this one on your own.”
“It’s a, a band of immortal space pirates that all live on the same spaceship, Jonny D’Ville being the lead singer and, and also the first mate, they tell stories based on folklore and mythology but all adapted for a science fiction setting...”
“God, you’re talented.”
Jon glanced at Not-Martin first before finding the actual source of the words in Martin, whose face was rapidly reddening as he added, “Well, I mean, I, I knew that already of course, but... Musically. I didn’t know you were so musically talented.”
Jon let out a harsh laugh. “If you think I’m talented, you should meet Morgan. He played four different instruments for the band--four! All I can do is sing and work the harmonica a bit.”
“Why didn’t you just tell me about all this when it came out before?” Tim interrupted. “You knew I liked the band, after all, so why not just take the credit?”
“I, uh.” Jon could feel his face heating up again. “It, it was shortly after I got promoted, and I just, I didn’t think-”
“Oh, I see. You didn’t think being part of an awesome band of space pirates fit the image you were going for as ‘Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London’, is that it?”
Jon wasn’t sure what to focus on--the truth of Tim’s accusation and how petty and simple those worries about his professional image seemed now, how eerily accurate Tim’s impression of how Jon started every statement tape was, how he could hear his own voice softly laughing as Jonny quietly cracked up...
Jon settled for resting his face in his own hands such that he could avoid looking at anyone.
“So we’ve got my name settled, then.” Jonny said, the voice enough to get Jon to look up again. “But what about Martin--my Martin, I mean?”
Was there something weirdly possessive in the way Jonny said my Martin, like they were a unit, two halves of a whole, or was Jon imagining it?
The two Martins stared at least other for a long moment, neither one rushing to give a response, and Jon couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of it. If their story was a lie, if this other Martin was just an imitation of the real thing, Jon had to admit that it was an awfully good imitation.
It took Jon a moment to recognize that Not-Martin hadn’t just abbreviated the word “okay” there, was in fact proposing Kay as a name for himself. Kay as in the letter, presumably, as in the middle initial in Martin K. Blackwood that Jon still didn’t know the full version of, even though he’d done rather a lot of research into his coworkers in the last few months...
Martin hesitated for a moment before tersely nodding. “Yeah, Kay, that works for me if it works for you.”
“I wouldn’t have suggested it if it didn’t work for me, would I?”
“...fair point.”
“Sounds like we’ve got that settled then. I’m Jonny, and he’s Kay, at least as far as you lot are concerned.”
“Who are you calling ‘you lot’?” Tim asked. “And why don’t I get a freaky supernatural future double like you two do, anyway?”
Jonny and Kay exchanged a glance before the latter spoke up.
“...I think we’d better save that particular story for a bit later on.”
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murfeelee · 5 years
♡ Simblr Questions ♡
I saw these questions reblogged here, and I’m killing time again, so....
1) Which is your favorite Sims Expansion?
TS1: Makin Magic | TS2: Apartment Life & Night Life | TS3: Supernatural
2) How long have you been playing sims?
19 effing years. *pours another shot of Pepsi*
3) Do you have any favorite simblrs?
One of the very first simblrs I ever followed was Kosmokhaos. They’ve been wowing me since their days at Cstyles, and I’ve been in love with their style & creativity. So. Yeah.
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4) How would you describe your gameplay?
Derivative and sporadic. I'm almost always inspired by fandoms -- shows I watch, other games I play, and things I’ve read. I bounce around regularly, and my gameplay reflects that -- one week I’m doing this, and the next week I’m doing that. I might not return to something for months or even years. Who knows. Welcome to my crazy.
5) What made you want to create a simblr?
I was lurking Momosims’ blog for CC, and TSR was getting on my nerves. So I killed 2 birds with 1 stone -- I was able to follow Momo, and post my CC conversions without needing to follow some other site’s rules and whatnot.
6) What is your favorite Sim age?
Young adult, of course. The Sims is just not optimized for the younger & older ages, despite there being an entire expansion pack dedicated to them. It’s ridiculous.
7) Do you use cheats when you play Sims?
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8) What is your favorite thing about the Sims?
I was drawn to The Sims 1 because I love interior decorating, and when I was younger I was obsessed with architecture & design. My favorite part of simming is building lots. I only create CC cuz I’m often frustrated by the lack of objects I want to see in my sims’ homes. And I effing HATE making CC.
9) What is your least favorite thing about the Sims?
I'm strongly influenced by fanciful genres, so I am most interested in things from different time periods, cultures, religions, etc. And that’s like the least represented theme in the community. I wish more simmers would get into fanciful gameplay, particularly more content creators. The more simmers who play that way, the more we can influence EA to stop making boring AF packs about the same ole boring generic predictable stuff.
10) What expansion pack are you hoping for next?
The first TS4 EP to even marginally interest me was Seasons, cuz they added more holiday stuff than TS3 did. And they had that Day of the Dead patch, which was COOL. I hope they’ll keep including more holidays and festivals like that - give the Sims some multiculturalism, EA, dang. This franchise is so Westerncentic Californiacentric it makes me wanna puke.
City Living is a step in the right direction - I love the boho Asian-ish thing they added -- too bad it was in a weak AF half-baked EP where the “city” was just distant terrain. It’s mess like that that makes me nervous to even ask for a more fanciful EP like Medieval times or Steampunk, cuz the game engine's so dang limited. There's no horses, cars, or any transportation -- so how can we have knights? Or a live-in dirigible? Or dragon riders? How can we have mermaids or Pirates of the Caribbean or Chinese junk ships when sims can’t even swim in the frikkin ocean? Expand on THAT, EA. Ugh!
11) Do you like to play the Sims in the morning or at night?
Whenever I have free time.
12) Do you have a aesthetic for your Sims?
It depends on the gameplay. I TRY not to make my sims look too pudding, but I don't use reshade and HQ mods and any of that fanciness, so.... :\
13) What are your favorite Sim names?
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14) What is your favorite Sim Career?
The Ghost Hunter from AMB, and the Magician from SHT.
15) What is your favorite Sim World?
Shang Simla, as always~!
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It’s just so effing gorgeous -- the misty mountains and the DRAGON cave and the colors and the culture and the foliage and just everything about it. World Adventures was freaking awesome.
16) Do you prefer small or large Sim houses?
Larger houses tend to not have as many routing issues, plus you can add more clutter in them! I’m a cc-holic, okay.
17) Do you prefer more modern or traditional Sim houses?
Traditional. Which is ironic, cuz one of my 2 main gameplays is my Nagron couple, and they live in a modern home in freaking Starlit Shores. :P
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But I chose that cuz this is how I play TS3 the “straight” way (LOL!) -- I took my Spartacus sims out of their original medieval-ish save, and integrated them into a modern AU. So the fun for me is how I imagine these 73 BC characters would live in today‘s time. (Which is why I use Nagron for all the OC prompts & questionnaires I do, too).
18) What is your favorite Sims Challenge / Prompt?
The Simblreen photo challenge -- I always look forward to seeing what simmers come up with; Simblr turns into Halloween Town, and I love it.
19) What Sim emotion would you most often be?
20) What is your favorite skill to level up?
21) Describe your favorite Sim.
I’ll just direct y’all to my Nagron Page, cuz I describe Nasir all the time. :P
22) What kind of computer do you play Sims on?
As of Nov 2017, a Windows 10 Dell laptop. Before that I was on a HP Vista laptop, which I sorely miss.
23) Do you use Mods in your game?
24) How many hours of Sims do you think you have played?
Thousands. Mostly spent in Build/Buy mode. :P
25) What are you planning to do next in the Sims?
I have some conversions I’m working on, a few requests I took, some lots I want to get started on, some gameplay pics I need to finish, and just a bunch of simming!
I’m just so tired & low energy right now. But this is my last couple of months of free time I’ll have before I go to grad school in the fall, so I want to get as much done as possible. *sigh* I’m stressed.
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I tag everyone!
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pixelrender · 7 years
Top 10 PC games of all times
Or more like top 11 or 12 games.
I’ve always played on PC. I call video games in general computer games. I’ve only played some 10 games on various consoles (I would inclued 1: Tactics Ogre).
This is by no means an objective list. They’re games which had the biggest impact on me, my life and thinking about games. I decided to include only one game per franchise. I guess the result tells a lot about me as a player and about my approach to gaming.
I’ll probably make another list like this in 2019. I don’t expect Heroes to change their position, but some other games might (my prediction are 2-3 games being new to the list).
1. Heroes of Might & Magic 3
If there was the only game I could choose to play in my whole life, this would be it. I spent years playing Heroes and I struggled not to include Heroes 5 on my list.
I like everything about the franchise. It’s multiple worlds, they it mixes knights and technology, being often corny. Heroes on their own are just the best strategy I know. There’s focus on everything and everything is good. There’s enough variance that I never get bored.
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2.  Kentucky Route Zero
It has the best writing in video games, that on its own would be enough. Yes, I’m sucker for everything resembling Lynch, but this is good writing for many reasons. It’s real post-modern literature.
It’s very pretty too.
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3. Oxenfree
Oxenfree is like Kentucky Route Light. The story in it is also great and it had a great emotional impact on me, but it’s almost classic and supernatural stuff isn’t very subtle and there’s even some cheese.
But again it’s very pretty and the writing is great. I played it right after Firewatch and it pounded it into ground, so that’s why it’s here.
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4. Tacoma
Honestly, I couldn’t decide between Tacoma, Gone Home and Firewatch. Firewatch  had some great outdoors and I loved living as a forest guard, but the story was a fairly standart radio play. Some stuff in it was forced too. Like protagonist having tragic lifes.
Gone Home was very strong and I would recommend to play it before Tacoma. It completely changed my perception of games and what they can be. It’s soundtrack is better too.
After thinking about it for few days and reading some articles,
Tacoma is taking things so much further. It’s closer to modern immersive theatre than any other video game. It’s architecture is very clever and environmental storytelling is more important than in Firewatch. But it’s more visual than in Gone Home, which heavily relied on reading.
Overall, it’s very polished and subtle. The only I dislike is it being about AI (luckily it’s not the only theme of the game) and a sci-fi (I like sci-fi in general and Tacoma does it well, but it’s a theme, which is not for everyone). In this regard Gone Home takes the lead.
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5. Ultima IV: Quest of The Avatar
I’ve never trully played any Ultima game. So, why is it on my list? It was a a complex and forward-thinking masterpiece and I adore so much about it. It’s not about fighting but about ethics and decisions. The game’s big as life in its options too and no other game even came close to reproducing it. Instead they focused on action. Only today, independent devs are returning to themes of Ultima.
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6. The Sims 2
Heroes 3 and The Sims 2 were two games I played in my teenage years the most. I loved building houses and whole communities in it. I loved studying at University (and I love it in real live too). And it was a game I loved to watch. We played together with my sisters taking turns and hoping for our sims to become friends.
Later on, when I started playing games like Crusader Kings 2 I rediscovered something from it. In this case you’re building your realm. History nerd in me liked that aspect. But I lacked some less random things and possibility to be a normal working class sim.
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7. FTL: Faster Than Light
In three words addicting, clever and stressful.
I’ve never finished FTL and I tried many times. I’ll return to it again. The random nature of it, together with gameplay is extremely compelling. Every event is a risk and every encounter might be your last. I died for gratitous reason. And they are all good stories I can share with other people, who played the game.
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8. Dragon Age: Origins
Before I discovered Steam and indie games I was into Bioware a big time. I even attended Biocon. Dragon Age sticked with me more than rest of their games. It’s just fun to play and the world is very complex and fun to read about. I’ve never had an urge to read Mass Effect books but I did read books taking place in Thedas.
The story’s weaker than in Dragon Age 2 or Knights of The Old Republic but I felt more immersed and I enjoyed playing it more than any other Bioware game, especially fighting. Baldur’s Gate got close, tho.
I haven’t played Inquisition yet as I got sidetracked by a milion of small games. It’s one of my priorities and I hope that my laptop is powerful enough to handle it. 
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9. Little Party
Gone Home opened my eyes about possibilites narration in games offers. Little Party showed me that I can do a game like that.
It takes a fresh perspective and tegether with very pleasant presentation, it’s a game, which is not nerdy, which tells a short modernist story. Feelings are up to the recipient. And the game happens around you. You play as a mother of an artsy child. Your presence is almost an annoyance. It’s very slow cook game and I love everything about it.
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10. Papers, Please
It’s slightly perverse to like playing Papers, Please. But again it’s a great concept and it tells a lot about its theme, which is totality, and about myself. Your decisions have real consequences.
But more than that, I loved doing my job in it. And I’ve intentionally played other games like Papers, Please after it. It’s fulfilling to do your job properly
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Honorable mentions:
Crusader Kings 2, Victoria 2, Castle In The Darkness, Firewatch, Gone Home, Half-Life 2, Quake 3,  Baldur’s Gate,  Civ V, Her Story
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simsperiments · 6 years
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                                       100 Baby Challenge                                                      Take 3
       Simsperiment #85271.3: Baby Boom (aka the 100 Baby Challenge)
Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to observe and record the genetic outcomes of 100 sim births.  The results will then be compiled into a convenient post…for science.  
Hypothesis: I predict that producing 100 offspring will require at least 5 generations, and 25 male subjects. I also predict from the onset of the experiment through the first few births the founding female will be under some level of duress, and struggle to keep things afloat.
Procedure: In accordance with the guidelines established by AmiiSims a female sim was created to found the experiment. She will be placed into a town with a selection of male sims from various ethnic and supernatural backgrounds. Each male sim is eligible to participate in the experiment by fathering offspring, but may only do so two times. Should a male subject choose to father offspring more than once he must do so consecutively. Deviating slightly from standard procedure Subject 0’s home was purchased, then furnished with a sum of 25,000. The familyfunds were then reduced to 1,500 to cover everyday expenses for a short period of time. Subject 0, as well as all offspring of viable age, will be permitted a part-time job. They may also marry a male/female of choice upon reaching the adult life state. In addition, any female offspring Subject 0 should produce will be eligible to carry on the experiment after the founder has reached the elder life state.
In the event of Subject 0’s premature demise, one of her female offspring will be selected to carry on the experiment. If no such offspring exist, the experiment will be terminated immediately.  
Additional Notes: 1) While the researchers are all about equality male sims are not eligible to carry on the experiment. This is due entirely to the fact there are not very many clothes for pregnant male sims and we have an aesthetic to maintain. Someday we’ll be able to have a truly equal opportunity Baby Challenge, but sadly today is not that day. 2) Each generation of offspring will be named after a secret theme randomly selected from a list of 25 options via number generator. For funsies.    
Sim Lifespan (in days): NB2>PU4>C8>T12>YA30>A28>E18
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lil-loucifer · 7 years
1-50 fool
1. Your first OC ever?
Not gonna lie, it was a fuckin Naruto OC I made when I was six
His name was Rei and he specialized in fire-based jutsu 
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
Uhhhh, right now I think my favorite is Aurelio Morgenstern, since I’ve been spending a lot of time trying to develop him lately
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
Not really?
4. A character you rarely talk about?
Fuckin Enfer Incendie. A guy with an asshole french name that translates inaccurately into “Hell Fire”
He’s a demon who uses, you guessed it, fire-based powers.
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? 
I can’t decide oh fuck but it’d probably be Enoch Branwen???
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
A lot of my old OCs are white with dark hair because I wasn’t creative back then (Still have trouble with creative designs tbh)
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
I sent a character in for an SYOC a while ago, but she stopped writing it…
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
Sorta? I’ve been putting together an RP/suggestion blog using Aurelio Morgenstern as an RP character
He’s a demon hunter who lives in a relatively uneventful small town that’s still high in supernatural activity. There’s a local demon hunter community there, but he’s kinda shunned for fighting using the magic of a demon, Azazel. 
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
I mean, I’m 100% down to give Lucian Caelius Luminita to a friend of mine for her story, bc I have nothing to use him in. 
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design? 
I… Totally suck at designing overcomplicated outfits, so my OCs normally wear simple clothes
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? 
Aria Hamilton (not related to Hamilton in any way, seriously) is the only upbeat character I’ve ever created.
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
A friend of mine and I have been developing this fuckin story for like, a month or so, about her character, Crystal Ruiz, being raised by one of my (sort-of) good parent OCs.
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs? 
Wayland Smith is a huge crack-type character who unintentionally winds up causing catastrophic destruction in the most ridiculous ways that often come off as impossible and inhuman. What’s worse: This man cannot die and literally only exists for me to come up with ridiculous scenarios to have a good laugh.
I made him for The Sims Freeplay and he became the guy who pissed everyone off whenever I got a daily mission that required negative interactions.
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory 
Wilk Argentum: part of an extraterrestrial race made to assimilate with the human ace to determine whether or not they were worth saving after their society collapsed following a major thermonuclear war. 
He got along with the remnants of society well, and went on several adventures with people who befriended him, but ultimately, he unwittingly fulfilled his primary programming by condemning the human race to death, despite it being the only thing he’d ever known.
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)? 
Faith Branwen, probably. 
17. Any OC OTPs? 
I got these new characters, part of a four-person superhero team I made up for DC Universe Online, and two of them; Wendigo (Power: nature-aligned magic and shapeshifting into man-eating creatures) and Morningstar (Power: Creation-based abilities) slowly develop from casual dating to really strong-ass feelings for each other
There’s also this guy, Dante, who I always wind up shipping with his ex, Michael, but I don’t know how I’d get them back together yet.
Also most of the characters I ship with my friends’ OCs have a special place in my heart, especially if we develop their relationships :3
18. Any OC crackships? 
Not really?
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
Jack Winters was the first OC whose story I really shared with another friend, and we got super close from sharing the stories and eventually getting to know each other, and not just our OCs. Hey guys, shipping gets you places.
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
I only really have one OC with confirmed singing talent, and that is Alto Artrose, who is, ironically, a soprano. 
21. Your most artistic OC
Wilson Pendleton is basically Delson Rowe pre-superpowerification. 
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how? 
A friend and I normally joke about Lucian Luminita being a much worse parent than we actually portray him in the story; mostly due to him being a single father, who is also a vampire, raising an angry werewolf child. 
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Dante “Seraphim,” also known by his codename Lucifer, was originally going to be called Lucifer as his true name, and be a child of the personification of Death, being sent to ensure that people die when they are supposed to. And if they don’t, they get murdered by the Reaper’s Son. 
The idea was scrapped, but eventually revisited by several other OCs later. 
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Aria Hamilton, because she’s the only one here who isn’t fucked up.
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
My fuckin Homestuck self-insert, Luke Napier. He’s basically me, but physically fit, attractive, and actually handles his responsibilities properly. 
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? 
Nah, not really. 
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? 
Dante “Seraphim’s” story wound up being heavily influenced by the song “Take Me To Church,” with it’s whole ‘growing out of religion’ theme. 
28. Your most dangerous OC? 
Enoch Branwen, the “Atropos” of this Branwen Moirai. The Branwens preside over the mortality of gods; when an immortal’s time has passed, it is Enoch who is sent to dispatch them. She has killed numerous entities, and is responsible for the Fall of the Old Gods. 
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
Aurelio Morgenstern, Wilson Pendleton, and Sora Williams; the problem children.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection? 
Maybe Enoch’s girlfriend, who still doesn’t have a concrete name. 
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Aurelio Morgenstern blogs about his activities as a demon hunter, not that anyone really listens.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? 
Ian (motherfucking) Grey. This kid’s story throws him into a killing field made for children with magical powers, where he eventually gets possessed by the Wormwood Star; an entity that throws his magical abilities into overdrive. 
Ian has a natural affinity for healing magic, and the Wormwood Star strengthens him to the point where he can heal from injuries almost instantly. The horror of his game isn’t the threat to your survival, it’s from all the pain you endure as you fight your way out of this hellhole. Your enemies can’t kill you, you can’t kill them. But they will hunt you and hunt you until your mind breaks and you can’t fight anymore. 
Basically, imagine Dark Souls with no weapons. 
33. Your shyest OC?
Can’t really say :c
34. Do you have any twin characters?
Dante “Seraphim” has a twin sister, Aria. Her codename is Lilith.
35. Any sibling characters? 
Aside from the “Seraphim” twins, the Branwens are one of my favorite sibling groups!
They’re like the moirai, but they decide when gods die. Faith, the eldest, predicts the lifespans and destinies of the gods when they’re created. Wolfgang, the middle child, watches over the world and ensures that all the gods and deities are doing their jobs, playing their roles, and having faith in the Branwens’ writings.
When a god steps out of line, or refuses to lie down and die, they send Enoch to do what must be done. 
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)? 
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human 
Lucian Luminita is a vampire, the Branwen siblings are sorta-gods, Dante and Aria “Seraphim” are half-angel and half-demon, respectively, etc.
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer? 
Enoch Branwen and Aria Hamilton. 
39. Introduce any character you want 
Lemme tell you about Become Death:
He’s an ally of that superhero team I mentioned earlier, with Wendigo and Morningstar. Obviously, “Become Death” isn’t his real name, but it’s a nickname that just stuck.
Death is an enigma. He doesn’t really know who he is, where he’s from. He just knows that his job is to punish the wicked. The evil. He takes no pleasure in killing, but it’s what he does best.
Before he died, Death was an infamous serial killer. He was brought back to life by an unknown entity for an unknown purpose, but now, he works in the dark to preserve the light. 
He also hasn’t been developed beyond the fact that he wears a fancy suit, and there’s a skull mask grafted onto his face. 
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
Most of the fondest memories I have about OCs is just taking about them with my friends!! 
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
Throwback to the time I commissioned my sister to draw my Persona 3 OC and he came out looking exactly like a fucking Haikyuu character with a gun (tw for suicidal imagery and guns)
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods? 
Uhhhh my fuckin Percy Jackson OCs
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
Dark clothes and expensive fashion, friends. A lot of leather. 
Also punk rock. It’s good. 
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
They all have pretty unique concepts and stories, as far as I’m told.
45. A character you no longer use?
Luke Napier. Every incarnation of him has ben replaced with a “Jasper Morris.” 
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
Nah, nobody’s seen me write a story ^_^ 
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child? 
I’m pretty sure @theninjabookworm101 has at one point during our friendship. 
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
Nobody is innocent
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
Aria Hamilton, purely for the sake of poking fun at her crush
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you wantIf you want, you can tag your ask answers with #yetanotherOCmeme so I can check them out too `v´9
Hnnnnggghhhh alright so lemme tell you about this time I tried to do worldbuilding
So I made this fuckin steampunk-themed world once, right? And it’s still largely unfinished, and there’s only one real place that’s developed in any capacity and that’s the city of Durendal in the nation of Wayland. The Waylandian city is widely known for being amongst the most historical cities in the world. It was one of the most rapidly-advancing cities during the industrial revolution. It was in Durendal where most scholars and inventors joined together to create the first stable airship. It is in Durendal where the strongest council of magicians established its headquarter. It was in Durendal where the infamous Wick Rebellion was cut down by Royal Protector Daniel Maxim. And it is in Durendal where the Licht Sisters will face off against a conspiracy against the Grand Sovereign of Wayland itself. 
(That’s not really an OC thing, but hey, it’s the only story concept I have saved rn that I didn’t share from)
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sssssssim · 8 years
You like/watch a lot of the same shows info (super girl, flash, arrow, vampire diaries, Harry Potter) but also a lot I don't (doctor who, supernatural, shadow hunters, me: grey's anatomy, this is us, suits) so I was wondering what you think of Riverdale? It's allll over my dash so I'm tempted to check it out but unknown it's a new show so it might not get a second season so ten I don't wanna be invested :X
okay so.
the thing with Riverdale is that it’s surprising.
you think it’s gonna be an updated version of Twin Peaks, because it starts when a kid gets killed in a small town in America.
it’s surprising that it’s not like Twin Peaks, because there’s nothing remotely supernatural about it, and because the main characters are in highschool.
so you espect angst and teenage problems. and it’s surprising, because that’s not what you get, not exactly.
they’re teenagers, so they have teenager issues. but it’s surprising, how they deal with them. it’s surprising, because you have amazing characters. there’s only 6 episodes, as of yet, and it’s surprising how much character development we’ve seen.
it’s surprising, because I swear, you’ll fall in love with the characters surprisingly quick. (there’s this one dude that everyone is fangirling over. i swear, I fell in love with his character after 2 episodes, 10 lines and 2 minutes screentime)
it’s surprising, because the story isn’t really predictable. you think something will go one way, and maybe it does, but at the same time, something else happens that surprises you so much that you forget about the other thing
it looks surprisingly good, cinematography and sets and outfits. you have the pretty faces, sure, hot guys and girls, this is CW, that’s not that surprising. 
it’s surprising, because there’s 6 episodes as of yet, and every single week, I kept saying that this is the best episode yet
Riverdale it’s a surprisingly good show, and it’s something you will get obsessed with surprisingly quick (I started watching after episode 4, and in the week that passed till episode 5, I fell, and I feel hard, into a certain ship and in general, for the show)
I think you should watch Riverdale. I think you’ll enjoy it. 
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doctorwhonews · 6 years
Third Doctor Adventures Volume 4
Latest Review: Writer: Guy Adams, Marc Platt Director: Nicholas Briggs Featuring: Tim Treloar, Katy Manning, Rufus Hound, Mina Anwar, Joe Sims, Carolyn Pickles, Nicholas Briggs Big Finish Release (United Kingdom) Running Time: 5 hours Released by Big Finish Productions - March 2018 Order from Amazon UK​ Before we begin, a quick housekeeping query: is everyone sufficiently bucked up and ready for further old-school 1970s (or 1980s, depending on whom you ask) sci-fi escapades? Wonderful. Perhaps emboldened by the success of their Dalek revival in Volume 3, Big Finish isn’t skimping in the slightest on classic villains in their newest pair of Adventures for the Third Doctor. In fact, they’ve introduced not one but two returning antagonists into the fray for Volume 4 in the forms of the Meddling Monk and – for the first time ever in a Jon Pertwee-era tale, so better late than never – the Cybermen. Admittedly this reviewer took umbrage with how intent “The Conquest of Far” seemed with simply reliving Dalek glory days, rather than seeking to develop how we perceive Skaro’s finest in any notable way, last time around. Will Guy Adams and Marc Platt’s next efforts to immortalise the late Pertwee’s beloved Doctor – now revitalised via Tim Treloar’s loving aural homage – fall into the same traps, then, or can their connective thematic tissue surrounding the ever-complexifying concept of human nature elevate proceedings? “The Rise of the New Humans”: “Look, Bessie’s a lovely car Doctor, I mean a really lovely car, but have you ever thought about investing in a little roof rather than a flappy tarpaulin to keep you dry?” “Don’t you listen, old girl – she knows you’re beautiful really!” Had we ever told diehard fans of all things Doctor Who after watching the divisive “The Woman Who Lived” in 2015 that supporting star Rufus Hound would go on to resurrect a long-overlooked classic antagonist to tremendous acclaim, the best case scenario, most would have justifiably scoffed in our faces. Between his infrequent appearances in the Short Trips and Doom Coalition ranges along with the British comedian’s headline role in Volume 4’s opening tale, however, that’s all changed and the results could hardly feel more satisfying than in the case of “The Rise of the New Humans”. A whirlwind four-parter that’s by parts thought-provoking, hilarious – as if we’d expect anything less of Hound – and thrilling, “Rise” fits into the mold of the Third Doctor era perfectly, posing a fascinating metaphysical concept as human test subjects find themselves transformed into supernatural beings capable of withstanding nearly any affliction. Naturally, though, Doctor Who wouldn’t be Doctor Who without an audacious experiment gone wrong, and sure enough the side effects – not to mention the technology recklessly co-opted by the Monk to achieve his not-so-altruistic goal – quickly lead listeners and the major players alike to question the limits of science’s oft-perceived god complex. If this all sounds too grim and sombre an affair to warrant the Monk’s involvement, then rest assured that Hound alleviates any such concerns with unmistakable ease from the outset. It’s thanks to his sinister, almost sickly, charisma and brilliantly earnest haplessness in the face of just about any danger that Adams’ borderline gothic – certainly Frankenstein-esque – script never gets too bogged down in its contemplations on evolution and the increasing risks of intervention in this natural process for financial gain, with the Monk’s attempts to disguise his seemingly benevolent intentions so delightfully inept that the audience should barely mind sitting through the humour-laden first half before discovering his true ambitions. At the same time, though, Adams thankfully also realises the supreme value and drawing power that Tim Treloar and Katy Manning both hold in the eyes of the Adventures range’s fandom, peppering in a wealth of understated conversations between the pair which perfectly encapsulate their bubbly, at times teacher-student-style dynamic. Whether they’re arguing over Bessie’s temperamentality on a rain-swept road – a subtle homage to The Rocky Horror Picture Show, perhaps? – or the Doctor’s comforting Jo upon her poignant realisation that rumours of us only accessing 10% of our brain power may have been exaggerated, every exchange that the characters share could’ve been ripped straight out of a 1970s serial, with Treloar’s righteously confident and Manning’s sweetly innocent line deliveries both as completely pitch-perfect as ever. The only noteworthy misstep on the wright in question’s part, then, comes with Part 4. While by no means a deal-breaker, the final installment of “Rise” does succumb to an all-too-familiar virus plaguing myriad audio and TV Who adventures – hightailing it to the finish line and ditching any intriguing ideas laid along the way in the process. One can’t help but notice the superior running time afforded to the boxset’s second story – the individual episodes of which run for around 30-35 minutes each compared to this serial’s 20-25 – and wonder if Adams struggled to give ideas like humans struggling with their deadly mutations full due, hence the final 25 minutes descending into the usual catastrophic monster mash and retconning a hugely tantalising cliffhanger regarding Jo within moments of its occurrence. Maybe Adams simply needs to keep honing his stabs at the four-part format instead, but it’s food for thought in terms of whether he might better befit a five- or six-episode serial should he contribute another script for the recently-announced Volume 5. “The Tyrants of Logic”: “Doctor, what are they?” “Cybermen!” Reading the above lines of dialogue alone will, for many fans, surely prove a cathartic experience in and of itself. After all, despite coming into contact with Daleks, Silurians, Sea Devils, Sontarans, Ice Warriors and Autons over the course of his four-year tenure, not to mention the Master on a near-weekly basis, Jon Pertwee’s Doctor never earned himself the chance to battle arguably Doctor Who’s second most iconic monster, joining Paul McGann, John Hurt and Christopher Eccleston’s as the only such incarnations faced with this unspeakable on-screen plight. But, as Hurt’s War Doctor proclaimed in 2013’s similarly Cyber-lite 50th anniversary special “The Day of the Doctor”, no more. Setting down on an initially near-deserted human colony dubbed Burnt Salt, the now exile-free Time Lord and Jo soon discover that they’re far from alone; quite to the contrary, a nearby saloon houses a wild assortment of rogues and ex-soldiers, all of whom bear a secret inevitably doomed to surface as the Cybermen make their presence on Burnt Salt known with their destructive efforts to secure a vital hidden weapon. Prior to us proceeding any further, though, a word of warning – with its Cybermats, Cyber Wars fallout and attempted Time Lord-Cyber conversions, Marc Platt’s latest script represents a quintessential story for everyone’s favourite Mondas residents, for better and for worse. Unless this boxset somehow marks your first encounter with Who, many of the twists in “Logic” will likely seem rather familiar; from characters mistakenly willing to sacrifice their humanity to the robotic menaces escaping supposed extinction yet again, from the Doctor needing 10 minutes to alleviate his companion’s dismay at their latest foe’s near-human nature to Part 4’s predictable final duke-out, there’s nothing particularly fresh to speak of in what’s a fairly run-of-the-mill nostalgia tour. Nothing, that is, save for the continuing thematic strand surrounding what it truly means to call oneself a member of the human race. If “Rise” explores this existential concept through a metaphysical exploration of our species’ DNA being evolved to a supposed higher state, then “Tyrants” – as with many Cyber-tales, although to more emotional effect a la Spare Parts – does so by presenting members of our species on the brink of having every aspect of their personalities stripped away. Can we possibly still define someone as human when they’re clinging to any remains vestiges of their Id / ego / super-ego? Sure, it’s a line of inquiry also recently pursued by TV serials like “Asylum of the Daleks”, but without spoiling too much, Carolyn Pickles achieves wonders as her character Marian Shaeffer’s cold exterior peels back to reveal her heartbreaking motivations in this regard. Indeed, even if “Logic” doesn’t exactly break a great deal of new ground compared to a recent TV Cyber-outing like “World Enough and Time / The Doctor Falls”, it’s not for want of the central and supporting cast alike doing their utmost – with director Nicholas Briggs’ support and guidance, no doubt – to provide an entertaining 2-hours of pseudo-base-under-siege action. That Treloar and Manning’s insatiably endearing chemistry injects humour and charm at every turn likely goes without saying at this point, but look out too for Briggs’ finest turn yet as the ever-hauntingly impassive invaders standing in Burnt Salt’s doorway as well as a contrastingly vulnerable performance from Deli Segal’s Skippa, another innocent bystander caught in the crossfire of a seemingly unyielding, constantly destructive conflict. The Verdict: Above all, this stellar new boxset for Treloar’s Third Doctor marks a vast improvement on Volume 3, offering a far more consistent pair of serials that seldom cease to provide gripping listening no matter your chosen venue of aural consumption. Does “Logic” still follow the roadmap presented by Cyber-tales gone by a little too rigidly at times? Sure, but its stirring explorations of warped human psyches – combined with Adams’ own study in “Rise” of our dangerous strides towards godhood of late – ensure that it’s nonetheless a far superior beast to “Conquest of Far”, particularly with Briggs taking such unnerving pride in chronicling Pertwee / Treloar’s proper first encounter with the Cybermen. This reviewer has spoken before on the matter of whether Big Finish’s abundant New Series productions – see Tales from New Earth, The Churchill Years Volume 2, Gallifrey: Time War and The Diary of River Song Series 3 in 2018’s opening quarter alone – threaten to overshadow their Classic Series output if they’re not careful. Provided that the studio keeps producing such captivating jaunts into the lives of Doctors past, though, then their listeners, stars, scribes and directors should have nothing to worry about in terms of the job security that Hartnell-McGann’s incarnations will maintain going forward. And buck down…see you next year for Volume 5 at the same Bessie-time, same Bessie-place! http://reviews.doctorwhonews.net/2018/03/third_doctor_adventures_volume_4.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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