#The Skull Dragon's Precious Daughter
faline-cat444 · 2 months
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Mostly the long-awaited continuities but also some new stuff
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flowerandblood · 2 months
The Price of Pride (3/?)
[ canon • Aemond x Royce • female ]
[ warnings: fingering & oral sex, a kind of triangle, smut, the angst, description of the effects of murder, sexual tension, imprisonment, abuse of power, violence ]
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[ description: Prince Aemond finds a solution to the disproportion in the number of dragons between Dragonstone and King's Landing: he decides to find dragon blood and, like his half-sister, train dragon riders. He takes as his target the daughter of Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce, whom he abducts and imprisons in the Red Keep. Slow burn, darkish, insolent, arrogant Aemond. I have combined several requests here: (dragon blood female & prisoner female). ]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
"I am unable to control her. I can see in her gaze that she despises me. She doesn't understand that the cause is bigger than her or me." He whispered, looking blankly at the cream-coloured curtain behind which people were moving, their moans and sighs loud, pathetic, foreign.
Madam hummed with understanding, combing his hair with her fingers, her thighs where his head lay warm and soft.
"She is certainly frightened and lonely. A woman, unlike a man, has few options for resistance. Like any human being, she longs for freedom, my Prince." She said calmly, as if speaking to a small child, trailing her fingertips down his bare back.
He swallowed hard, feeling that the poppy milk he had drunk just a moment ago had begun to take effect, relaxing him, the pain in his eye socket finally subsiding, allowing him to breathe.
"We all want to be free. I understand it, but I cannot be weak. I protect my family." He whispered and closed his eyes – he felt the frustration of hearing Madam open her mouth, wanting to say more.
"Enough." He commanded coolly and she fell silent, tense, her trembling hand still trailing over his naked body.
He felt tears full of shame under his eyelids at the thought that he had confided in a whore.
As usual, as he walked back from her to the Red Keep, looking under his feet, he felt embarrassment and discouragement, emptiness and fatigue.
Daemon's daughter had a charisma that apparently made Vhagar listen to her, so they practised on her the way she gave commands.
Looking at her from the side, he had the impression that she stood beside him with only her body – her dark eyes remained blank, her face, her words, her gaze never directed towards him.
While some people dreamed of touching or riding a dragon, of being in the very company of these mystical beasts, she seemed indifferent to it – even though Vhagar listened to her like an obedient dog, she never tried to come closer, to touch her, to establish a relationship with her, as if the fact that she had to do this was beneath her dignity.
He hated her for despising what was most precious to him.
He hated her, but he needed her.
He stepped into his chamber through one of the hidden passages of the fortress and pulled off his cloak, tossing it carelessly onto his bed. He furrowed his brow as he saw that the books that had lain on the table earlier were scattered on the ground.
Someone was in his chamber, he thought with fury.
He froze as he heard screaming and crying, growing louder and louder, the guards one by one began to run down the corridor towards the chamber of his sister and her children.
He moved there, feeling anxiety, his heart in his throat as he entered the room and saw his mother kneeling over the bed of his nephew, his headless body looking like a doll.
He fell to his knees not knowing how else he was supposed to react to what he was seeing, feeling like he couldn't catch his breath, the screams and wails of his mother pressing her face against the boy's body so loud he felt like his skull was going to burst.
He was with a whore when they did it.
With a whore.
"What happened? What's the commotion?" He heard his brother's voice as he rushed into the chamber half drunk, staggering, stopping between him and his mother.
He watched as the expression on his face changed from shock and disbelief to despair, as a drawn-out, high-pitched, inhuman whine broke from his throat, followed by a sob, honest and full of suffering.
"– Jaehaerys –" He cried, whooping with tears, trying to touch him, but their mother pushed him away, shaking her head.
"– Aegon, please, leave, don't look at it –"
"– Jaehaerys – oh, gods, my boy, my sweet, sweet, little boy –" He babbled, dropping to his knees next to him, snuggling into their mother's womb, his hands clenched on her gown, a howl coming from his mouth as if someone had slit his insides with a knife.
He could feel his knee twitching in nervous reflex under the table, the wave of thoughts running over his mind making him feel dulled, hearing as if through a fog what was happening in the Small Council room.
His nephew was dead.
They had murdered Jaehaerys because they had not found him in his chamber.
He had been with a whore instead of defending his family.
He was next in line for the throne.
His nephew was dead.
A small, sweet, polite boy.
His children could sit on the Iron Throne.
"– bring me that whore – it's her fault – she certainly helped her father –" Aegon exclaimed, hitting the table top with his fist, his face all red and swollen from tears.
"– the guards went to her quarters, Your Grace – but I don't think she –" Criston Cole didn't finish as the door to the chamber opened and she was led inside like a prisoner.
It was apparent that she had been snatched from a deep sleep, her hair in a slight disarray, a thin brown robe thrown over her nightgown.
Aegon stood up, moving at her like a wild animal, Criston Cole and their mother had to restrain him, grabbing his arms to prevent him from killing her with his own hands.
"– WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, YOU FUCKING WHORE – WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SON? –" He shouted, and she shook her head, shocked, looking at him with wide eyes, confusion in her expression.
She had no idea what had happened, he thought.
He knew she had nothing to do with it.
His spies were watching her day and night.
"– I don't understand –" She muttered.
"– the royal heir, my Lady – our king's son was bestially murdered in front of his poor mother – the boy's head was cut off – we suspect this is your father's revenge for the death of Lucerys Velaryon –" Tyland Lannister said, glancing at her uncertainly.
It was the first time he had seen her in such a state – her eyebrows arched in pain, as if this news had truly broken her, her dark eyes large and filled with sadness, her mouth parted wide in an expression of helplessness.
"– I have nothing to do with this – gods, I swear –" She mumbled, shaking her head, his brother screaming in rage.
"– LIAR! –"
"– she's telling the truth –" He said forcing himself to be calm, running his fingers across the table top.
His brother froze, looking at him suddenly, his gaze such as if he had realised something. He pulled himself out of the arms of Criston Cole and their mother, walking slowly towards him, his heart in his throat with terror.
"– and you, brother? – where were you, our protector, when they murdered my little son? – hm? –" He asked in a trembling voice, his eyes glazed over with tears.
He pressed his lips together, trying not to burst into sobs, to remain calm, unable to bear the shame that filled his heart.
"– with that fucking old whore whose tits you like to cuddle up to? – with your second mummy when they cut my boy's head off? –" He shouted in his face, and he felt a single, lonely tear run down his cheek.
"– and you, Cole? –" His brother continued, turning abruptly the other way, leaving him with his humiliating words, heavy tears full of guilt one after another running down his cheeks. "– where the fuck have you been? –"
"– in my bed, my King –"
"– IN YOUR BED? – IN YOUR BED INSTEAD OF WATCHING OVER MY WIFE AND CHILDREN! –" He wailed, barely staying on his feet, finally burying his face in his hands, their mother embraced him to calm him down.
"– get out –" He cried out finally. "– GET OUT – GET OUT – GET OUT –"
He shouted, so they all stood up – as he walked out, out of the corner of his eye he noticed that she was looking at him, her dark, warm gaze full of compassion he so despised.
The next day the funeral took place, his mother and sister, led by the dead body of his nephew, moved in procession through the streets of King's Landing, showing their subjects the cruelty of the heiress to the throne.
He watched them from behind the walls, feeling an emptiness, wondering if, had he not gone out that night, he would have saved him, or if he himself would have died then.
He felt both relief that it had not been him and regret that it was his nephew who had paid the price.
"Your Highness. She is already in your chamber, as you ordered." Said one of the guards, and he merely nodded and walked back into the fortress.
When he walked into his quarters indeed, his cousin was inside and she jumped up, hearing his rapid footsteps. He passed her without a word and settled over the map, spreading his hand over it.
"There are several places where wild dragons have been seen. One of those places is the Vale." He said, placing one of the gold coins in that spot.
"I've heard of it." She whispered, her voice frustratingly soft. "The farmers complained that it devours their flocks, sheep and pigs."
He nodded his head without looking at her, taking his cup in his hand, drinking wine from the morning, heedless of how early it was.
"This is our first target. The other ones are too close to Rhaenyra. We can't risk them discovering our plan. We will fly there on Vhagar." He said, sitting down in the chair, pressing the cup to his lips, the slightly tart and sweet taste of the wine melting on his tongue.
He looked at her, hearing her silence.
The light of the sun illuminated her graceful, girlish figure, her full lips shone as brightly as her eyes, her expression unexpectedly gentle.
He was sure she would say something that would enrage him, offer him condolences, or worse, begin to pity and console him, trying to step into the role of his mother.
That she would try use what she had heard about him to manipulate him.
"More wine?" She asked.
He sighed, feeling some kind of relief, and nodded, extending his hand with the goblet to her.
She walked slowly to the table, took the silver jug from it and leaned over him, filling his cup fully; looking at her in this position, smelling her pleasant scent, he could see the soft outline of her plump breasts under her gown.
His soft length swelled and throbbed in his breeches against his will as he thought about his tongue rolling around her hard, puffy nipples.
Because of this, because of the moment of relief, because of the woman's touch, he lost his guard and led to tragedy.
"We leave tomorrow at first light."
"I want to ask you something, cousin. And I know you won't like it." She said in a trembling voice, standing over him with the jug in her hands.
He froze in mid-motion, raising the wine cup to his lips, staring dully ahead.
"You like to take risks, don't you?" He snorted, finally taking a deep, draughty sip, feeling the alcohol slowly begin to dull his senses.
"No, but you give me no choice. I will fly with you and the will of the gods will happen, as you desire. However, the chance of me dying in flames or being devoured is just as great as the chance of me succeeding." She said uncertainly and he sighed heavily, setting his cup down on the table with a loud clink of steel.
"What do you want?"
She was silent for a long moment, standing over him, he heard her swallow hard.
"Servant. I want to choose one and take him to my bed. I don't want to die without having any idea of this sensations." She muttered with sincere, childish shame, infuriating him.
I don't want to die without having any idea of this sensations.
"Aren't you ashamed to ask something like that out loud? What self-respecting Lord will want you after this?" He asked, unable to look her in the face, for some reason feeling aroused, his erection pulsed as he imagined her beneath the young man, moaning in pleasure.
"I don't care what the lords will think of me. If I become a dragon rider, my maidenhood will be the least of their worries. I have no desire to become either a wife or a mother. I could try to hide it from you, but I stand here before you and ask your permission like a dog." She said in a way from which he felt a squeeze in his throat, a disturbing idea filling his head.
He thought it was certainly the fault of the amount of wine he had drunk.
The fact that he needed to vent after what had happened, the humiliation he had experienced.
"Knowing what you ask, my soul will have no peace unless I am assured that no man has taken you by force." He replied at last, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, something in his gaze evidently told her what he was thinking of, for her words left her lips without hesitation.
"I'll let you watch if it will soothe your conscience." She said, and he grinned in a way from which she swallowed hard.
"It will."
There was something absurd and unreal about how, on the day of his nephew's funeral, when everyone was in mourning, he had walked by her side in the Red Keep, letting her pick the ripest, sweetest apple.
Her cool, almost disgust-filled approach to his inheritance made him treat his original idea of marrying her with reserve, and this way he could have something on her that he could use against her in the future.
If the need arose.
She had found out something about him against his will, and now he was going to use his advantage.
She paused, looking between the cloisters at one of the young men talking to a member of the Kingsguard, with golden, beautiful curls and bright eyes, his pearly laughter spreading around them.
She blinked, glancing over her shoulder at him, as if asking his opinion, and he wondered if this was how the gossiping ladies of the court felt.
"This is Tyland Lannister's servant. His distant relative. A bastard." He explained, looking at her indifferently. He saw that she pressed her lips together, as if she was thinking hard about something.
"Can he be trusted?" She asked, and he chuckled under his breath and shook his head, sighing in disbelief.
"Will your secret be safe with him? No."
Did she really believe that the entire Red Keep wouldn't find out about what she had done?
That the ladies of the court and the lords would not call her a shameless whore?
He blinked and led her away with a glance, seeing that she had simply moved ahead. He stood and watched in disbelief as she walked up to the two men and began to speak to them.
They both laughed, glancing at him as if she had said something amusing about him and he pressed his lips into a thin line at the thought.
After a while, the knight left them, and she was left alone with the boy who had piqued her attention. He leaned over her as if he was interested in what she was saying, his eyes big, his mouth twitching in a smile full of disbelief.
Had she just told him what she wanted to do?
Just like that, without any forethought or embarrassment.
The man bowed to her and escorted her away with a curious look as she returned to him, throwing him a calm look full of self-satisfaction.
"He agreed. He said I am beautiful." She said.
"You're a fool." He replied coldly.
She blinked and smiled warmly in a way from which he felt discomfort.
He didn't understand what he was doing there – didn't understand why he was looking at them from afar like a shadow, why he was watching as his hands wandered over her cheeks and neck, as his lips placed soft, butterfly kisses on her lips.
"Do it slowly," she said, and he obeyed, not caring too much about his presence, eager to please her and to experience fulfilment himself.
He saw her flinch as his hand travelled to her breasts under the thin material of her gown, her fingers tightening on his wrist.
"– no –" He heard her whisper, her eyes closed, her head thrown back as if she was trying to relax. "– not yet –"
He was ashamed that he had been hard; he was ashamed that he had had to sit in a chair with his legs crossed so it wouldn't be visible. He was ashamed that he took some sick satisfaction from what he was looking at, knowing that he would be able to use it against her.
He swallowed hard as her eyes opened suddenly, her gaze finding his face and remaining fixed on him as the boy's lips sank into her neck again and again.
She sighed as he pressed her against the bed with his body, growing more and more aroused and impatient, her fingers clenched on his tunic in some helpless gesture, her doe eyes shining from tears of discomfort.
"– slow down –" He commanded, and the man raised his head and looked at him, breathing heavily, shocked.
"– Your Highness? –"
"– slow down, I said –" He repeated, looking at her, her full lips parted slightly, in her gaze the pain and heat from which he felt his cock swell all over his breeches, the wine humming in his head, filling his body with a pleasant warmth.
He felt the satisfaction of seeing that when the boy returned to his caresses, treating her more gently, running his hands down her waist, her gaze did not leave him, fixed on him.
He was sure for some reason that she would ask him to join them.
That she didn't really want this pathetic, simple boy who barely kept his cock in his trousers at all.
"– sink your fingers between her thighs – prepare her properly –" He instructed him and saw that her eyes grew big as she swallowed hard, looking up at her lover who, in one sure movement, lifted the skirt of her gown, slipping his hand under it.
She moaned as he touched her there and closed her eyes for a brief moment, but after a while her brow arched in some kind of uncomfortable expression, her hips swung back as if she were running away from him.
He was doing it too fast, without affection, without finesse, rushing to his own fulfilment and he was not surprised, but that was not the purpose of this whole farce.
Indeed, she could have burned in the dragon's fire, and the fact that she was just about to experience what a man's peak was was hardly what she had imagined.
He wondered if he should intervene, recognising that she wanted it herself.
And then he saw his hand slide down to his breeches and he simply rose from his seat.
"– step back, boy –" He snarled, approaching them lazily.
The boy rose and moved away, shocked as was his cousin, leaning on her elbows, her dark eyes big and shining, her cheeks and lips parted in a drawn-out breath red with emotion.
She sighed as he grabbed her around the waist and moved her so that he sat behind her back, placing his legs on either side of her body, pulling her close so she could feel on her ass what she had done to him.
How fucking hard he was because of her and her idea.
His fingers ran over her neck and tilted her head so that she rested her back against his shoulder, his nose pressed against her hot, fragrant, sweaty cheek as his free hand forced her to bend her legs at the knees, lowering her skirts and smallclothes.
"– bend over and lick her –" He commanded, running his full lips over her bare skin, stroking the silky structure of the inside of her thigh with his palm, as if he wanted to reassure her and prepare her for what was about to happen.
"– what? –" She muttered quietly, tense, in some involuntary, helpless reflex reaching her hand back, clasping it softly in his hair.
The man swallowed hard, sensing already, probably subconsciously, that he would not regain control of the situation and could not hope for fulfilment.
Good, he thought.
There was no reason why he should fill her with his worthless seed or take her maidenhood.
"– easy –" He whispered in her ear, running his thumb over her jawline, her thigh quivering in his embrace. "– let me take care of this –"
He said and nodded, ordering the boy to obey his command. The man swallowed and leaned in, her hips moving backwards in a subconscious reflex, wanting to protect herself, but they met his body, pressing against his rock-hard length.
Her lips parted in shock as she moaned suddenly, apparently feeling the man's tongue deep inside her, while his hand slid from her thigh to her sticky, swollen folds, seeking her puffy bud.
"– ah – oh, gods, t-too much, too much –" She mewled, clenching her fingers tighter in his white hair, his hands from her jaw slipping under the fabric of her gown, sinking slowly into the soft, plump skin of her breasts.
"– you wanted it yourself – go on –" He said dryly, his last words directed at the man thrusting between her throbbing slit with his tongue.
She threw her head back with a girlish, sweet moan as the man sped up, the tips of their noses touching as his forehead pressed against hers.
"– if only you were my little sister – I'd caress you like this every night – would you like it? –" He gasped encouragingly, knowing exactly what he wanted to do to her, feeling her body squirm in his embrace in pure ecstasy.
He could take Daemon's place by her side.
To be her protector, the man in whom she would seek refuge.
She gasped as his thumb began to tease her hard nipple in an offhanded manner, the fingers of his other hand digging lazily into her leaking cunt in circular motions, securing her path to fulfilment to the accompaniment of the loud clicks of the boy's saliva between her thighs.
"– what would your father say at the sight of this – hm? – do you think he would be proud? –" He whispered, feeling that his fingers were all sticky from her wetness. She shook her head quickly, moaning at the same time, slowly losing touch with reality.
He didn't even notice when he started panting himself, rolling his hips back and forth, rubbing his manhood between her buttocks, feeling the tightness in his stones testifying that he himself was fully aroused.
"– you like it, don't you? – I can feel you're close – come on his face –" He breathed out, and she moaned and shook her head, raising her big, tear-filled eyes at him, her face smooth and bright up close, her eyelashes long and black, as beautiful as her lips and eyebrows arched in indecision.
"– g-gods, stop –" She mumbled out, and after a moment he felt her body shake in convulsion, her lips parted wide as she cried out in pleasure, rocking her hips into the strokes of his fingers, his other hand kneading her soft breast like dough.
"– that's what I thought – just like that – easy now –" He hummed, letting his forehead last pressed against hers while she trembled all over, giving her a sense of reassurance. He watched with some kind of warmth as she panted heavily with her eyes closed, tears of shame, horror and fulfilment flowing down her red, sweaty cheeks.
"You may leave." He commanded, glancing sideways out of the corner of his eye at her pathetic lover. "If you tell anyone about this, I will cut your tongue out."
The man rose from between her thighs, all red with exertion, wiped his chin and lips and climbed off the bed, his long, hard erection clearly outlined in his trousers.
He smirked under his breath at the sight of it, concentrating on her accelerated breathing, on her hot, wet womanhood pulsing under his fingers, on her soft breast on which he simply held his hand, not moving, feeling her heart pounding hard in her chest.
He let her turn in his embrace, let her snuggle into his body, let her throw her arms around his neck, lingering with her like this, spread out comfortably on the pillow behind his back, feeling his hard manhood push against her stomach again and again.
He stroked her soft, long hair, thinking with tenderness that he now had her in his grasp.
Author's note: I know that in my requests I don't allow requests for triangles in my stories and I never write them because I just don't like them, but when I came up with this idea here my brain was like:………. And you have what you have. Let's just say that this is a tiny break of my rule for you, my dear readers.
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ljaesch · 2 years
Seven Seas Entertainment Licenses The Skull Dragon's Precious Daughter Manga
Seven Seas Entertainment Licenses The Skull Dragon’s Precious Daughter Manga
Seven Seas Entertainment has announced that it has acquired the license for The Skull Dragon’s Precious Daughter manga series by Ichi Yukishiro, a wholesome fantasy tale about family bonds that transcend species. In a faraway land lies a forest where all manner of beings dispose of their trash. One day, a young girl named Eve is abandoned along with the usual debris, but she is soon found by an…
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shimmerbeasts · 6 months
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The Dragon and The Barbarian
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They had taken her daughters!
Rage consumed Khaevis' very being and made it hard for her to think. The great dragon thought, she had seen all the depravities, the people of this land had to offer. After all, her daughters - the last of her line - had already been killed centuries ago. What more could those wretched people want? What more could the world possibly owe them?
Yet the world had changed, whether Khaevis wanted to admit it or not. She had smelled the change in the air and felt the chills down her spine. Something had come from a distant star, maybe a couple of moons ago, maybe so much longer than anybody could ever recall. It had brought creatures unlike anything, Khaevis had ever seen. Bald skin, purple, veiny flesh and a pair of thick curling tentacles where a mouth might have been.
Their eyes had been the worst of it all: Sunken in their sockets with a piercing gaze, revealing frightful intelligence, but cold detachment. It almost seemed like for those creatures, the world was a place to unravel and understand down to its very core - and they wouldn't care what got in the way of their hunger.
The ones, who had breached her cave, had spoken of something called The Absolute. Was that what they needed the dead for? Disgraceful! Khaevis roared in hot fury. She had returned from a hunt and thus had just heard the strangers shove her mummified daughters into bags and run out of the caves. Even as the dragon chased after them with thundering steps, they had gotten to their horses and rode away.
Instead of staying as one group, they had split up and thus Khaevis had been forced to make a split decision: Follow one or the other. And so, Khaevis had shot after one of the riders with powerful beating wings. When she had finally reached the rider and had opened the bag, she had to realise it had been filled with pebbles. Burning the man in hot fury had given the dragon a brief moment of satisfaction. Yet even as she searched far and low, she never found the other rider.
Heartbroken, defeated and dejected, Khaevis had returned to her cave and crawled into its deepest and darkest canyon, wanting the earth to swallow her alive. What was she to do? Where could the other rider have gone? What would become of her children? Even if her daughters were long dead, Khaevis refused to let any other creature near them! And yet, this Cult had dared to steal what was more precious than any gold to her!
Khaevis wanted to roar her grief, anger and frustration down the cave when a sudden smell caught her attention. The dragon's muscular neck whipped around as she sniffed the air. Through large nostrils, Khaevis caught the scent of burning flesh, something weirdly ashen and sulphuric and leather. The sharp smoke made her pull her chops back in irritation. Had those fools come back? But then why did she smell someone on fire?
The dragon pushed herself on all fours. Leaping off her slap of rock, she spread her wings and took into the air. Khaevis knew this cave and its labyrinthian complex like the back of her paw. Following the strange smell like a blood trail, the dragon wove her way around stalactites and stalagmites and disturbing flocks of birds. Even though the rustle of the bird's numerous wings could have been distracting and disorienting, the dragon took note of how much stronger the smell seemed. Whoever was burning, they were in here.
Khaevis carefully lowered herself down until she stood behind the towering pillars of minerals, concealing her massive body. Her nostrils opened and shut as she sniffed the air once more, now to better pinpoint where the burning flesh smell was coming from. Her paws sent shock waves through the ground as she walked around, whiplike tail smashing stone pillars like glass if she needed more room.
Khaevis' wandering brought her closer and closer to the source of the scent. The birds chirped nervously, flashing around her skull. One low, reverberating growl made them fly away from her head. Khaevis spoke: "I can smell your flesh burning. Are you hurt, little bird? If you come out, I can put you out of your misery."
The massive dragon stopped near a crescent of minerals, forming a protective cover. The smell of burning flesh was close. Very close. Khaevis could practically feel it wander up her nose. Her head canted from side to side. Her neck ruffles fluttered.
"Where are you hiding?!"
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fymbmangaboys · 2 years
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littleeyesofpallas · 2 years
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Gekkan COMIC GARDEN[月刊コミックガーデン]: Monthly Comic Garden
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Uraura Hikaru: Shinshin ni Mitsu[うらうらひかる 津々に満つ]: Gently and clearly shining Bright Full to Overflowing
Outaishi ni Konyaku Hakisareta no de, Mou Baka no Furi wa Yameyou to Omoimasu[王太子に婚約破棄されたので、もうバカのふりはやめようと思います] The crown prince broke off out engagement so I'll stop acting like and idiot, anymore.
Kahan no Machi no CELINE[河畔の街のセリーヌ]Celine, une ville fluviale
Kitsune to Tanuki to Iinazuke[きつねとたぬきといいなずけ]: Fiance and Two Critters
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Kohaku no Yume de Yoimashou[琥珀の夢で酔いましょう]: Amber Days and Golden Nights
Tensei Kizoku no Isekai Boukenroku[転生貴族の異世界冒険録]: Reincarnation Noble's Otherworld Adventure Record
Tokkyuu Tansakushi e no Kakusei[特級探索師への覚醒]: Awakening an Expert Seeker
DRAGON, ie wo kau[ドラゴン、家を買う。] :Dragon's House Hunting
Donten ni Warau[曇天に笑う]: Laughing Under the Clouds 
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NIGHT OF THE LIVING CAT[ニャイト・オブ・ザ・リビングキャット]
Hametsu no Oukoku[はめつのおうこく]: The Kingdoms of Ruin
Hone DRAGON no MANA Musume[骨ドラゴンのマナ娘]: Skull Dragon's Precious Daughter
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Madougushi Dahliya wa Utsumukanai[魔導具師ダリヤはうつむかない ]: Dahliya Wilts No More
MahouTsukai no Yome[魔法使いの嫁] The Ancient Magus Bride
Mamotte Shugogetten![まもって守護月天!]: Protect me Shugogetten!
Meikyuu BLACK COMPANY[迷宮ブラックカンパニー]: The Dungeon of Black Company
Moto, Ochikobore Koushaku Reijou desu.[元、落ちこぼれ公爵令嬢です。 ]: Previously I Used to Be a Disqualified Daughter of the Duke.
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Mononobe Koshoten Kaikitan[もののべ古書店怪奇譚]: Strange Tale of the Mysterious Mononobe Used Book Store
MORPHEUS ROAD[モルフェウス・ロード]
REINCARNATION no Hanabira[リィンカーネーションの花弁]: Petals of Reincarnation
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derekscorner · 2 years
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usuallyapirate · 3 years
A short Introduction to the most common Player-Races in Dungeons and Dragons as given by the DnD 5e Players Handbook:
“Yer late,elf!” came the rough edge of a familiar voice. Bruenor Battlehammer walked up the back of his dead foe, disregarding the fact that the heavy monster lay on top of his elven friend. In spite of the added discomfort, the dwarf’s long, pointed, often-broken nose and gray-streaked though still-fiery red beard came as a welcome sight to Drizzt. “Knew I’d find ye in trouble if I came out an' looked for ye!" 
– R.A. Salvatore, The Crysta lShard
Kingdoms rich in ancient grandeur, halls carved into the roots of mountains, the echoing of picks and hammers in deep mines and blazing forges, a commitment to clan and tradition, and a burning hatred of goblins and orcs—these common threads unite all dwarves.
“I HAVE NEVER IMAGINED SUCH BEAUTY EXISTED,” Goldmoon said softly. The day’s march had been difficult, but the reward at the end was beyond their dreams. The companions stood on a high cliff over the fabled city of Qualinost. Four slender spires rose from the city’s corners like glistening spindles, their brilliant white stone marbled with shining silver. Graceful arches, swooping from spire to spire, soared through the air. Crafted by ancient dwarven metalsmiths, they were strong enough to hold the weight of an army, yet they appeared so delicate that a bird lighting on them might overthrow the balance. These glistening arches were the city’s only boundaries; there was no wall around Qualinost. The elven city opened its arms lovingly to the wilderness.
 – Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman, Dragons of Autumn Twilight
Elves are a magical people of otherworldly grace, living in the world but not entirely part of it. They live in places of ethereal beauty, in the midst of ancient forests or in silvery spires glittering with faerie light, where soft music drifts through the air and gentle fragrances waft on the breeze. Elves love nature and magic, art and artistry, music and poetry, and the good things of the world.
Regis the halfling, the only one of his kind for hundreds of miles in any direction, locked his fingers behind his head and leaned back against the mossy blanket of the tree trunk. Regis was short, even by the standards of his diminutive race, with the fluff of his curly brown locks barely cresting the three-foot mark, but his belly was amply thickened by his love of a good meal, or several, as the opportunities presented themselves. The crooked stick that served as his fishing pole rose up above him, clenched between two of his toes, and hung out over the quiet lake, mirrored perfectly in the glassy surface of Maer Dualdon. 
– R.A. Salvatore, The Crystal Shard
The comforts of home are the goal of most halflings‘ lives: a place to settle in peace and quiet, far from marauding monsters and clashing armies; a blazing fire and a generous meal; fine drink and fine conversation. Though some halflings live out their days in remote agricultural communities, others form nomadic bands that travel constantly, lured by the open road and the wide horizon to discover the wonders of new lands and peoples. But even these wanderers love peace, food, hearth, and home, though home might be a wagon jostling along a dirt road or a raft floating downriver.
These were the stories of a restless people who long ago took to the seas and rivers in longboats, first to pillage and terrorize, then to settle. Yet there was an energy, a love of adventure, that sang from every page. Long into the night Uriel read, lighting candle after precious candle. She'd never given much thought to humans, but these stories fascinated her. In these yellowed pages were tales of bold heroes, strange and fierce animals, mighty primitive gods, and a magic that was part and fabric of that distant land. 
– Elaine Cunningham, Daughter of the Drow
In the reckonings of most worlds, humans are the youngest of the common races, late to arrive on the world scene and short-lived in comparison to dwarves, elves, and dragons. Perhaps it is because of their shorter lives that they strive to achieve as much as they can in the years they are given. Or maybe they feel they have something to prove to the elder races, and that’s why they build their mighty empires on the foundation of conquest and trade. Whatever drives them, humans are the innovators, the achievers, and the pioneers of the worlds.
Her father stood on the first of the three stairs that led down from the portal, unmoving. The scales of his face had grown paler around the edges, but Clanless Mehen still looked as if he could wrestle down a dire bear himself. His familiar well-worn armor was gone, replaced by violet-tinted scale armor with bright silvery tracings. There was a blazon on his arm as well, the mark of some foreign house. The sword at his back was the same, though, the one he had carried since even before he had found the twins left in swaddling at the gates of Arush Vayem. Father’s face was as kill she'd been fortunate to learn. A human who couldn’t spot the shift of her eyes or Havilar’s would certainly see only the indifference of a dragon in Clanless Mehen’s face. But the shift of scales, the arch of a ridge, the set of his eyes, the gape of his teeth – her father's face spoke volumes. But every scale of it, this time, seemed completely still— the indifference of a dragon, even to Farideh.
– Erin M. Evans, The Adversary
Born of dragons, as their name proclaims, the dragonborn walk proudly through a world that greets them with fearful incomprehension. Shaped by draconic gods or the dragons themselves, dragonborn originally hatched from dragon eggs as a unique race, combining the best attributes of dragons and humanoids. Some dragonborn are faithful servants to true dragons, others form the ranks of soldiers in great wars, and still others find themselves adrift, with no clear calling in life.
Skinny and flaxen-haired, his skin walnut brown and his eyes a startling turquoise, Burgell stood half as tall as Aeron climb up on a stool to look out the peephole. Like most habitations in Oeble, that particula tenement had been built for humans, and smaller residents coped with the resulting awkwardness as best they could. But at least the relative largeness of the apartment gave Burgell room to pack in all his gnome-sized gear. The front room was his workshop, and it contained a bewildering miscellany of tools: hammers, chisels, saws, lockpicks, tinted lenses, jeweler's loupes, and jars of powdered and shredded ingredients for casting spells. A fat gray cat, the mage’s familiar, lay curled atop a grimoire. It opened its eyes, gave Aeron a disdainful yellow stare, then appeared to go back to sleep. 
– Richard Lee Byers, The Black Bouquet
A constant hum of busy activity pervades the warrens and neighborhoods where gnomes form their close-knit communities. Louder sounds punctuate the hum: a crunch of grinding gears here, a minor explosion there, a yelp of surprise or triumph, and especially bursts of laughter. Gnomes take delight in life, enjoying every moment of invention, exploration, investigation, creation, and play.
Flint squinted into the setting sun. He thought he saw the figure of a man striding up the path. Standing, Flint drew back into the shadow of a tall pine to see better. The man's walk was marked by an easy grace – an elvish grace, Flint would have said; yet the man’s body had the thickness and tight muscles of a human, while the facial hair was definitely humankind’s. All the dwarf could see of the man’s face beneath a green hood was tan skin and a brownish-red beard. A longbow was slung over one shoulder and a sword hung at his left side. He was dressed in soft leather, carefully tooled in the intricate designs the elves loved. But no elf in the world of Krynn could grow a beard ... no elf, but...
“Tanis?” said Flint hesitantly as the man neared.
“The same.” The newcomer’s bearded face split in a wide grin. He held open his arms and, before the dwarf could stop him, engulfed Flint in a hug that lifted him off the ground. The dwarf clasped his old friend close for a brief instant, then, remembering his dignity, squirmed and freed himself from the half-elf’s embrace. 
– Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, Dragons of Autumn Twilight
Walking in two worlds but truly belonging to neither, half-elves combine what some say are the best qualities of their elf and human parents: human curiosity, inventiveness, and ambition tempered by the refined senses, love of nature, and artistic tastes of the elves. Some half-elves live among humans, set apart by their emotional and physical differences, watching friends and loved ones age while time barely touches them. Others live with the elves, growing restless as they reach adulthood in the timeless elven realms, while their peers continue to live as children. Many half-elves, unable to fit into either society, choose lives of solitary wandering or join with other misfits and outcasts in the adventuring life.
The warchief Mhurren roused himself from his sleeping-furs and his women and pulled a short hauberk of heavy steel rings over his thick, well-muscled torso. He usually rose before most of his warriors, since he had a strong streak of human blood in him, and he found the daylight less bothersome than most of his tribe did. Among the Bloody Skulls, a warrior was judged by his strength, his fierceness, and his wits. Human ancestry was no blemish against a warrior – provided he was every bit as strong, enduring, and blood thirsty as his full-blooded kin. Half-orcs who were weaker than their orc comrades didn't last long among the Bloody Skulls or any other orc tribe for that matter. But it was often true that a bit of human blood gave a warrior just the right mix of cunning, ambition, and self-discipline to go far indeed, as Mhurren had. He was master of a tribe that could muster two thousand spears, and the strongest chief in Thar. 
– Richard Baker, Swordmage
Whether united under the leadership of a mighty warlock or having fought to a standstill after years of conflict, orc and human tribes sometimes form alliances, joining forces into a larger horde to the terror of civilized lands nearby. When these alliances are sealed by marriages, half-orcs are born. Some half-orcs rise to become proud chiefs of orc tribes, their human blood giving them an edge over their full-blooded orc rivals. Some venture into the world to prove their worth among humans and other more civilized races. Many of these become adventurers, achieving greatness for their mighty deeds and notoriety for their barbaric customs and savage fury.
“But you do see the way people look at you, devil’s child." Those black eyes, cold as a winter storm, were staring right into her heart and the sudden seriousness in his voice jolted her.
“What is it they say?" he asked. “One’s a curiosity, two’s a conspiracy—”
“Three's a curse,” she finished. “You think I haven’t heard that rubbish before?”
“I know you have.” When she glared at him, he added, “It’s not as if I’m plumbing the depths of your mind, dear girl. That is the burden of every tiefling. Some break under it, some make it the millstone around their neck, some revel in it.” He tilted his head again, scrutinizing her, with that wicked glint in hiseyes. “You fight it, don’t you? Like a little wildcat, I wager. Every little jab and comment just sharpens your claws.” 
– Erin M. Evans, Brimstone Angels
To be greeted with stares and whispers, to suffer violence and insult on the street, to see mistrust and fear in every eye: this is the lot of the tiefling. And to twist the knife, tieflings know that this is because a pact struck generations ago infused the essence of Asmodeus – overlord of the Nine Hells – into their bloodline. Their appearance and their nature are not their fault but the result of an ancient sin, for which they and their children and their children’s children will always be held accountable.
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indianaclems · 2 years
Nur doesn't want to go to bed, still claiming a dragon story or how her moms defeated the druun and brought back the dragons, her moms were heroes, strong and powerful warriors and she knew she was safe with.. But as soon as she left her in her big, dark, dark room for them too to go to bed nur felt her wind twist, it had started one night when she had heard scratching in her room.
She didn't feel lonely... There was something in that room, she was terrified but her mothers told her it was just a nightmare... She was going to sleep with her, but even if her mothers didn't have the heart to chase her to tell her to go back to her room they were also starting to lose patience and tired
So they had been very clear this time Nur would sleep in his room like a big
Nur then pulled on Namaari's dhoti and in a small voice she said to her: please Ma, stay
Raya was heartbroken remembering the anguish she experienced during her 6 years of loneliness
Namaari sighed: my little evening star, you have to sleep, and we too, you will see it will be fine, and when you wake up tomorrow the sun will be up and we will be there, everything will be fine, you don't have to have scared, there is nothing and the guards are right next to us, too
Nur: but she comes back later I assure you I'm not lying she's really there, she looks at me with her eyes it looks like two little moons, Ma I'm scared
Namaari: there is no Nur monster, sometimes in the night especially when we are tired we think we see things but it is not real, I know that because it happened to me, and then we overcome all that I know you are strong and you can do it.
Nur: Can you stay until I fall asleep?
Namaari settled down with her as Nur hugged her plushie-sisu tightly and pressed against her mother who slid her fingers through her hair to massage her skull and began to sing her the lullaby her mother sang to her. Namaari's voice was soft and soothing, warm and comforting, she was powerful and soft she was just like scratched the house of Nur, where she liked to be and feel safe, smell his warm and familiar scent, a delicate smell for a mighty warrior, this perfect soothing combination for Nur and then her eyelids afford heavily.
When Namaari was sure her precious daughter was asleep then she bent down to place another kiss on her forehead and whisper to her how much she loved her
She gazed for a moment more at her 3 year old daughter now, and who was taking her life away, she was the most precious treasure the warrior had and she would do anything to make her well.
... : She is sleeping ? said a voice softly
Namaari looked up to see his wife simply leaning against the door frame.
Namaari: yes she finally managed to fall asleep
Raya approached with the stealth that we know him towards the bed to look at their daughter
Namaari looking back at their daughter as who was as mesmerizing as the dragon stone as amazed as when Raya first showed her
Raya: Can you believe we've had it for two years? I feel like it was yesterday when we adopted her
Raya: I remember it, I find it hard to believe that she grew up so fast, she was so small when your arms
Namaari: and she looked at us with her big curious eyes
Raya: It was definitely the most beautiful scene I've seen, more than when I married you, I didn't even know it was possible.
Namaari: she is wonderful
Raya: yes she definitely is
Namaari: it hurts me to see her so disturbed, yet I know it's normal all children can wear black
Raya: I was the same and worse during the druun, I don't want anyone to be scared like I was scared, I want her to know that there is no more threat and that she can sleep without having to wake up and having to flee for your life
Namaari: Anyway, we're here, but I also want her to understand and be reassured
Raya: let's go to bed, I see your eyes closing.
Namaari: I don't like to leave her
Raya: I understand but she will always be tomorrow, come and let me comfort you too
Namaari chuckled softly: it'll be fine, but I'm not against it and pampering in your arms
Raya: and that I caress you behind the ears yes I know you are really a cat!
Later that night Nur woke up to the sound of a noise, she saw something dark and tall rushing across the room to stand in the corner and staring at her with wide eyes, Nur pulled the sheet close to her. crumpling so hard she could tear it
She felt she was going to pee on herself at any moment, she was sweating, having trouble breathing and her heart was racing.
She repeated to herself her mother's words, that it's only in her head
Then the thing approached her, no sound came out she was terrified and paralyzed she felt the tears sting her eyes and trembled as the monster approached.
Namaari and Raya startle awake to the sound of a shrill scream.
Namaari: NUR!
Raya: she must be having a nightmare
Namaari: I better go and see
Then again a scream that didn't stop
Raya: I'm coming too
The two women rushed to the bedroom, Namaari calmed down before opening the door.
Namaari: Nur it's good it's over we are -
She saw a huge bug spinning above her daughter's bed
Namaari felt the anger rising inside her and her protective instincts explode as her daughter was curled up under the duvet in total terror.
Namaari rushed to hunt the thing, armed with a sandal she stunned the poor beast who crashed to the ground dazed
Air flowing in and out of her nostrils trying to channel her rage, her pupils dilated
She turned to her wife who was sitting on the bed and had their daughter in her arms trying to calm her down.
Namaari approached and lit a lamp
Raya: it's ok Nur, it's over Ma broke the watch, Namaari noticed that the and the night pants were wet
She kissed her daughter and went to the wardrobe to change her
Raya: what was it?
Namaari looked at the creature which seemed to come to its senses.
Namaari: see!
Nur: I don't want to. Burying her face in his mother's maternal chest
Raya rubbed her back: it's ok Nur we're here nothing will happen to you, can you trust Ma?
Nur nodded uncertainly
As Raya carried her to get close but not too close and observed the origin of her now vulnerable fears
Raya: She's huge!!!
Nur: I'm scared
Raya: it's good you don't risk anything
Namaari approached the beast, look at Nur, she does nothing, Namaari bent down and stroked the beast
Namaari: you see, in fact she is also afraid
Raya: but what is she doing here?
Namaari: they like heights but I didn't know there were any here
Namaari: Nur comes to see. she said softly
She approached staying well behind her mother, so the beast raised her head slightly and shook her ears and opened her eyes wide once terrifying now adorable
Namaari: it's a kumandra bat, it's impressive but innocuous it only eats fruit, even if I don't understand what it does, you see, it's not bad, I think it must be a little lost and she must have felt safe in your room, you see you don't risk since she too comes here to feel safe
Nur: Can I pet her?
Namaari: it's a wild animal so take it easy, you might scare it
Nur: She's weird... Are those her wings?
Namaari: you are a good observer, yes, it is folded up but when it unfolds it is very large, bats live at night and sleep during the day
Nur: she's really weird but she's cute, well... Her face
Namaari: you see
Nur approached and the bat sniffed her before backing away
Nur: don't be afraid I don't mean you any harm, I want to make peace
Namaari: okay I'm going to put her out
Nur: But you said she was afraid she can't stay?
Namaari: but you were afraid, you are not afraid anymore
Nur shook her head
Raya looked proudly at their daughter who had conquered her fear
Namaari: in any case its place is outside in nature
Nu: Wait!
Nur rushed to a bowl of fruit and presented it with a banana and handed it to the animal who sniffed and ate from its hand and licked its hand making the little girl laugh.
Namaari carried the animal to the window, stroked its head apologetically for the blow it had given it and released it.
Then everyone went back to bed after changing Nur's pants and the sheets.
The next day the mothers went to wake up their daughter ... By a beautiful radiant day
Namaari: yes đẹp lạ? She said happily not understanding his wife's tone
Raya: we have a problem...
Namaari: what kind?
Raya: Hairy
The two women saw their daughter sleeping soundly just as much as the giant bat of the day before, in the bed of the princess who held her against her, her nose nestled in her fur.
Namaari: Ha...
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
hey!! i love your writing sm💕 idk if you’re still taking requests or if you’re comfortable w a like platonic or father figure yandere. But how about yan! Steve Rogers where he kidnaps a teenage girl to be his daughter then shields her from the world to “protect” her kinda like rapunzel. if you don’t want to that’s no problem at all tho💕
Hi, sweetie! This is a very peculiar request, and I really, really like it! I guess I’ve made Steve a little softer than I expected, but here he is. Hope you’re going to enjoy this!
The one he cares about
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Pairing: adoptive dad!Steve & Reader, Peter Parker x Reader (if you squint)
Warnings: yandere, obsession (non-romantic!), stalking, kidnapping, death of minor characters (but nothing too scary).
Words: 1870.
P.S. Just to clarify this is NOT an incest story, Steve does not harbor any romantic feelings for the reader, he loves her like a parent does.
Pacing up and down nervously like a caged tiger, Steve threw a glance at the clock on the kitchen wall, ready to take out his cellphone and give you a call. It was just 10 pm, but he felt something wasn't going quite right. Was everything ok at that party? Were you enjoying yourself? Did you finally confess to that silly guy Steve didn't like at all? What if he had already got you, Steve's precious little daughter, into bed?
Breathing in deeply, the man tried calming himself down. You were an adult. At one point you would start dating people, and it was perfectly alright, Sam reminded him the other day. You weren't some princess locked in a tower with Steve guarding you like an angry dragon. You had the right to love and be loved, create your own family, for God's sake. When he thought of you leaving him Steve was ready to break that kitchen wall.
No, no, no, it was alright. You loved him with all your heart, and no stupid guy could take it away from Steve. He was your father. Adoptive father, of course, but he did everything he could to make you trust and love him as much as you true family. You were calling him dad, after all. And even if you eventually married someone, Steve would always stay close to help and support you - and your kids, if you ever decide to have any. At the thought of him kissing the cheeks of his cute little grandchildren Steve had finally relaxed.
Oh, was it the sound of the front door opening? As much as he wanted to rush to meet you, the man quickly put on his apron he ironed this morning and turned to the heated stove to put a meat pie in it. Alright, alright, you were already home, it was perfect.
But why so early? Steve was really generous this time and gave you till 1 am - of course, if you took a taxi, not go walking the streets in the night. Did something go wrong? Did the guy reject you? Did he take advantage of you? Did he... do something he shouldn't have?
Steve felt his blood boiling. In a second he was ready to storm out of the kitchen to beat the shit out of that bastard who was stupid enough to hurt his child.
"Hi dad! I'm home!"
As you walked in, carrying your beaded clutch in your arms and yawning tiredly, Steve put a smile on his face momentarily, assessing whether you were hurt within a couple of seconds. No, apparently, you were alright: you moved just like before; your hair wasn't ruffled, and your makeup wasn't smeared eather. He had overreacted again.
"Welcome back, sweet pea." Steve moved closer to you, giving you a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead as you giggled softly, throwing your arms around his broad back. "How did it go?"
As your face turned gloomy for a fleeting second, he knew his sixth sense wasn't lying to him: something didn't go well.
"Nah." You brushed it off as you sat on the chair, carelessly leaving your clutch on the table and stretching your legs with a loud sigh.
"What is it, sweetie?"
Furrowing his brows, Steve sat across from you, his hands folded as he stared at you with worry. Shit, did this guy try doing something funny? Did he offend you? Oh, Steve was going to have a nice talk with him, a moron who thought he could do this to his little girl and it would never come back at him. Should he call Natasha? Maybe Bucky? He knew they were still in town. No, no, he would take this matter in his own hands and go have a nice talk with that stupid ungrateful ba-
"It's alright, I swear." You muttered and forced a smile, drawing his attention back to you. "He just... well, just didn't return my feelings."
"Did he reject you?"
For a second Steve felt both relieved and ready to go murder that kid in a cold blood. Rejected you? The prettiest and smartest girl in the town with a heart of gold? Who did that little shit think he was, rejecting Steve's precious daughter?
But it was better than him forcing you to do something you didn't want. At least that asshole didn't do anything inappropriate to you, probably too scared to face your angry dad who could crack his skull with one hand.
"Not like reject in the full sense of the word, but... um, I feel like he was a little scared of me." Your smile turned bitter, and you leaned onto Steve, pressing your forehead into his chest as you exhaled loudly.
Well, it wouldn't be the first time it happened. Everybody around knew you were the daughter of retired Captain America, and people were treating you with such caution as if you were some time bomb, clearly unwilling to make the world's first Avenger angry. Partly, it was a good thing since no one tried messing with you. However, you were also left pretty much alone, ignored by the majority for the sake of their own well-being. Although you had found several friends, dating someone was a completely different thing: guys were running away from before you even spoke to them.
"I'm so sorry." The man said quietly, rubbing your back and gently caressing your head with his other hand. "This is my fault."
You sighed, lifting your head and looking at Steve so tenderly he suddenly felt like he was the happiest man in the world. What, weren't you upset?
"Come on, dad." His heart sped up when you called him that, and he was ready to lift you up in the air, kissing his little girl's nose. "I thought he's different, but he's just a chicken like all other guys. I'll get over him soon."
"Hard to live up to our standards, I guess." Steve smiled and pinched your nose a little, making you laugh again. "But you need to know I am really sorry, sweat pea. I swear I wouldn't stand in your way if you decided he was the right guy for you."
Actually, Steve pretty much would, but you wouldn't know about it. Happiness of his only child was the only thing that mattered to him now: what was the point of being a parent if you couldn't make your kid happy?
"It's okay, really, dad. I wouldn't change the things as they are now. When I think what could happen if you didn't see me on the street that night... uh-huh." You didn't finish the sentence, not that you needed to.
If Steve didn't find you that night desperately searching for food on the streets of New York, you'd probably be dead now.
You were born to a good family, and you spent the first 11 years of your life in a nice place, having loving parents, the roof above your head and food on the table. You were just one more happy kid among thousands of others, neither better nor worse than all of them. It all changed when your parents were killed by two robbers who had broken into your house, and soon you ended up in an orphanage - you still had nightmares about this place. You spent a year there before you escaped, choosing the streets over an orphanage. Silly you, thinking it would be better.
When Steve found you, you were 13. Dirty, always hungry, acting like a little wild animal, you were no more pitiful than any other homeless child, ignored by the majority of people, but Steve saw you. He took you with him - forcefully, of course, because you fought him like a little angry cat, frightened to the core he was going to take advantage of you like all those people pretending to help you. But he didn’t. He was the one who had truly cared.
It took him months to get you accustomed to living in a house again with someone close to you. Steve spent even more time trying to make you trust him, make you believe he was your friend, somebody you could rely on, trust, see as a parental figure. You couldn’t even name all those people he hired to help you: countless psychologists and psychiatrists; doctors and nurses of all kinds; visiting teachers and tutors. Despite liking to live alone, Steve brought so many strangers to his house it felt like living in a royal palace with tons of court attendants. All of this was for you, the only person he cared about, his little child.
When you were 15, you started calling him dad, and that was the day neither Steve nor you would ever forget: he scooped you up and kept swinging you around till your head was spinning while he laughed and shouted how much he loved you, the best daughter he could ever had. 
You never knew the extent to which Steve cared about you, following you secretly when you finally agreed to leave the house - he needed to know you were safe and sound. Of course, he was always there when he supposed someone wasn’t treating you right, and he did everything he could to keep his only child happy. Unfortunately, you were lonely until Steve found a couple of good friends for you, but it was alright. You were perfectly okay now.
“I love you too, sweet pea.” He smiled, caressing your head gently. “But you know what? Don’t worry about that guy. I actually have someone who I want you to meet, and he’s a really sweet kid.”
“Whoa, what? What kid?”
“Well, you know. Kid from work.”
“Dad, what work? What kid?” You rolled your eyes at him, giggling. “How old is he, at least?”
“A little older than you, but he’s alright. He’s been wanting to meet you for some time.” But before Steve wasn’t sure kid was the right guy for you, considering that he was still very much an Avenger and was involved in all kinds of dangerous situations. 
“Dad, what kid? Are you talking about your superhero colleagues or something?” 
“... yeah? I promise, you’ll like him. Peter’s a good kid.”
“Peter? Peter goddamn Parker?!” You exclaimed loudly, realizing he was talking about Spider-Man. “Are you joking?!”
“What did I tell you about swearing, sweetheart?” Furrowing his brows, Steve shook his head in disapproval, but laughed in the very next second, watching your guilty expression. “Alright, alright. I’m not joking. If you’d like to meet him, I’ll ask him to come tomorrow for dinner, ok?”
“Yes, please!”
As he took the pie out of the oven with you waiting at the dinner table, Steve thought about giving the kid a big lecture about what he was and wasn’t supposed to do to you, but he was more or less sure Peter knew what was right and wrong. Steve could spot that familiar glint in kid’s eyes when he was looking at your photo that Steve had been showing him proudly. 
It would turn out alright. Your father was ready to do anything it takes to make you happy.
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki @helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @abyssaint @heeeyitskay @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @soleil-dor @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @iheartsebastianstan @lovelydarkdaydream @sarge-barnes-sir
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crashhhhhintome · 2 years
long live
Eddie dies.
And Chrissy lives.
But before that, Eddie and Chrissy became... a thing. She looked at him all the time and pretended it was only because he was the freak, not because his hair was wild and soft and she wanted to feel it. She also wanted drugs for her "mental issue" and because of that, Chrissy saw herself watching D&D matches beside Eddie, their legs tangling under the table, and getting kisses everywhere at the back of his van once the session of the night was over.
They also both discovered together, with Max Mayfield, that it wasn't a mental issue that was threatening Chrissy, but a monster from a different dimension trying to take her, mentally and physically. 
So after months of believing she was going insane and stealing glances at Eddie Munson so no one would find out what was really going on between them, she kissed him under the Skull Rock in front of a bunch of kids, Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, and Robin Buckley.  
"We will do more of this later, hum?" Eddie asked her, whispering while all of the others were staring. 
Chrissy nodded and they kept going. Days passed before they could really understand how to defeat the thing and Chrissy simply didn't show up. To her house, to Jason. She just stayed by Eddie's side, holding his hand, kissing him, praying that they both would be safe and sound at the end of it all. 
They weren't.
Eddie and Chrissy got in the middle of a demobat cloud, trying to kill as many as they could. It was empowering for a moment, fighting back to back with the person she loved. 
She didn't have time to tell him. Soon the demobats were too much. They managed to scape back to the portal but Eddie wanted to stop running, and he did. 
Saved all of them in his way. 
When Chrissy and Henderson found him, it was too late. He told Dustin he loved him and did the same for Chrissy. She kissed his tears.
"We were supposed to be forever, Eddie," she cried.
"And we were. I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you, Chrissy Cunningham."
He didn't have a proper funeral. It was something for everyone who died that day, and whoever wanted to say some words could come up. Chrissy's mom wished she was one of the dead people when her daughter stood up, wearing Eddie Munson's clothes and rings. 
"I loved Eddie. He was so precious." Chrissy took some time to swallow the lump in her throat. "I had the time of my life fighting dragons with him."
okay so I wrote this so quickly just because I was listening to taylor swift and this whole story came to me and I can't accept they BOTH are gone.
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faline-cat444 · 1 year
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Roughly two weeks of releases in my interest range and a few other surprises and slips.This is what leaving town for a little bit sometimes returns you to.
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bluethude · 2 years
Hi !
I'm The Blue Thude and I want to contribute to my various fandoms in some way. That's why I'm happy to say I'm open to requests, in French or in English !
- First and before anything. Respect is a primordial rule of mine. Respect me and I’ll respect you, it’s a two way street.
- Do not spam. While it's okay to ask where I am on your request or question if the ask wasn't drowned with the other asks, do not spam. Any spam will result in a cancellation of your ask.
- Do not ask anything discriminatory toward any community. Those requests will be ignored or deleted without a question.
- I won't write NSFW content. I don't want to trigger myself nor those who'll read.
- I won't write anything related or about toxic relationships/characters (it can be lightly mentioned but for yandere!characters, I will kindly ask you to go to someone else).
- I won't write anything romantic with kids too young (in case of love between two kids/teens) or a kid with an adult (the age ref is 18 years old)
- While I like angst, I have troubles writing it so please, do not ask for something too angsty as I want to enjoy my time here and not add more stuff to be depressed about
- To not overwhelm me, I'll take a maximum of 20 writing requests, as for random questions, there's no limit, but try to not ask too much. My inbox will be always open, but not the writing requests.
- Do not degrade my work in any way, shape or form. Even if you don’t like what I’m writing, just calmly and politely say what you dislike about it and maybe it’ll be a fun and constructive conversation to have ! But of course, if you don’t like my work, don’t read it.
- Be patient with me, as English is my third language and I often make mistakes with orthograph or grammar when writing. If so, just tell me, I’ll correct it and do better next time !
I don't have anything else in my mind to add, but otherwise, feel free to write/ask me about anything, requests or questions ! Please remember that’s my first blog and while I got help to do it, it’s normal if there’s some strange things or mistakes in its conception. Like everything, it’ll get better overtime !
Anyway, here are the works I can write on :
ANIME/MANGA : Assassination Classroom Blue Exorcist Blue Period Dead Mount Death Play deep sea aquarium MagMell Edens Zero Heart Gear I am Sherlock Im : Great Priest Imhotep Kemono Incidents Lonely World Mashle Rising of the Shield Hero Shy Skull Dragon’s precious daughter Spy x Family Terrarium That Time I got reincarnated as a slime/Tensura (+ The Ways of the Monster Nation) The Apothecary Diaries The Cave King The Elf and the Hunter Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun Why nobody remembers my world
BOOK SERIES : Harry Potter Keepers of Lost Cities
GAMES : Animal Crossing (New Leaf + Horizon) Child of Light Cookie Run : Kingdom Genshin impact Hades Monster Hunter 2 : Wings of Ruins Pokémon (Sword and Shield + Arceus Legends (with their corresponding anime + Scarlet/Violet)) Röki The Legend of Zelda (Breath of the Wild + Skyward Sword + A Link Between Worlds)
CARTOONS/SHOW : Aggretsuko Avatar : The Last Air Bender Avatar : The Legend of Korra Castlevania Code Lyoko Hilda Inside Job Kipo and the age of Wonderbeasts Lego : Monkie Kid Lolirock MarbleGen Miraculous : Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir Ninjago Steven Universe Tales of Arcadia : Trollhunters Wakfu Zak Storm
WEBTOON : Note : Some of those webtoons are exclusively in French or I didn’t find an english translation)
Binary Star CandleKeeper Change-moi​ Clinics of Horror High School Mercenary Homesick L'Empereur qui remonta le temps Porte-Bonheur The Advanced Player of the Tutorial Tower​ The Remarried Empress
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ljaesch · 2 years
J-Novel Club Licenses Five Manga and Five Light Novels
J-Novel Club Licenses Five Manga and Five Light Novels
J-Novel Club announced during its Anime Boston 2022 panel that it has licensed the following manga and light novel series. All manga will have their first chapters available on May 28, 2022. The first two parts of the first volume of all light novels will be available as well. Title: Now I’m a Demon Lord! Happily Ever After with Monster Girls in My Dungeon light novel Creators: Ryuyu, Daburyu…
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thecandywrites · 3 years
The Beginning of Stormbreaker Part 4 Finale
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Ok, so unless you haven’t figured it out, Butternut- is my version of a Shae Nut, But the nuts are in this lovely fruit pictured above, that in my mind tastes like a creamy mango with hints of melon and papaya. And this lovely red apple looking fruit on the right is Dragon Heart Fruit which in my mind has the flavor of Lychee, mango and pinapple, still very tropical tasting. Also the lovely ladies above, on the top row on the left, that is Grat, Drad and Sarg’s mother, and on the left is Shari, Rhos’ and Esri’s mother. 
Part 4
It took over a week of going back and forth to the dragon’s lair to get all the scales and usable leather, sinew and good bones along with the dragon’s small horde of gold, jewels and other precious items, which when divided evenly between Rhosland, Esri, Drad and Sarg along with equal portions allotted to their mothers and Orcoth in addition to Rhos and Esri’s already gathered pearls which Rhos and Esri gave a portion of the pearls to their mother, Grat and Orcoth so that all seven of them would be richer, despite the failed raid while Esri and Rhos kept all the beautiful shells to keep to make jewelry later. 
Drad and Sarg happily ground down the good left over dragon bones into a fine powder back at camp while they rested and healed at remarkably fast rates, thanks to the dragon bone. By the time they had managed to forage all they could and the suits of armour for all four of them and three breast plates at least for Rhos’ and Esri’s mother as well as Orcoth, were done, they decided to head back to Skull Screamer, the four of them in the little row boat with extra large rafts tied to the boat behind them, that Sarg and Drad had built to carry all the smoked and preserved meat and fish and other foraged goods along with a few cuttings of the tree in the dragon’s cave and baskets that Drad and Sarg had woven themselves while they hung out at Rhos’ and Esri’s campsite out of the tall grasses to hold all the fruit from the tree and others and all the seeds left behind from the tree that had fallen in previous years that had been in a heap under the tree along with the fruits of the Butternut bush and hundreds of wild rose buds to make rose soap along with the ash from the smoker to get the lye to make the soap needed. 
However when they came rowing back up Skull Screamer’s main river Rhos and Esri looked worriedly to Drad and Sarg as everyone in the village looked at them like ghosts before they noticed that once they came upon Drad and Sarg’s mother’s house both of their mothers and Orcoth came out of the house as both their mothers were so happy and overjoyed to see their children come back as Drad and Sarg pulled the boat and the rafts up onto the shore as they were immediately surrounded by everyone. 
“You’re alive!” Shari cried as she embraced her daughters as her daughters embraced her in turn. 
“Of course we are alive, why did you think we were dead?” Rhos asked her mother. 
“Because Zash and his sons, got lost in fog and attacked Hurricane Breaker. And when Drad and Sarg’s horses along with many others came back without their riders and blood on their saddles, we assumed the worst and imagined that you and Esri had camped too close to the accidental battlefield and got caught up in it.” Shari cried. 
“We heard the battle but it was at a distance and we stayed inside the tent until the sounds of the battle stopped, and after the battle ended we were approached by Captain Tilge of Hurricane Breaker and her warband of shieldmaidens. But once we explained what we were doing there and that Skull Screamer must have gotten lost in the fog and had no intention of attacking and thus, we had no intent to harm them or their clan and they believed us and believed that we were younglings because of our size and saw that we were unarmed and therefore not a threat, they had no quarrel with us and left us in peace and safety and even discouraged anyone else in Hurricane Breaker from coming to us and to leave us alone. In fact they happily shared a meal with us and struck up a friendly peace with Esri and I and to signify that peace, I gave her the tribute necklace I had given to Shadi and Esri gave her the bracelet that she had made for Baka as tribute that they gave us as bride gifts when we left but when they said that Tar had been killed, we knew we weren’t going to be marrying him and when Drad and Sarg found us and we healed them from their own wounds. And when they were healed enough to walk on their own we came back.” Rhos explained to her mother and others who had come to see her for themselves. 
“What happened here while we were gone?” Rhos asked her mother. 
“Well after Zash unwittingly got lost in the fog and accidentally attacked Hurricane Breaker, he and his men died in the raid. As did all of Zash’s sons, we thought only the few men of the other warbands survived and came back and reported that everyone else had died. So almost all the people who came to deliver bride gifts before you left, came and demanded them back since you would not be brides to Tar. And it’s only because Grat opened up her home to me that I had any place to go. The whole clan thought that you and Esri’s joining Tar’s family was a bad sign of disapproval from the gods and would confuse them and thus sent the fog that caused us to lose everyone that we did, so Shadi and Baka, they burned down our house in retribution for losing Tar and in the commotion they gave birth only a few days ago, both to girls.” Shari revealed as Rhos and Esri gasped in horror as they stared at their neighbors in outrage who by now were lowering their heads in shame and backing away. 
“What kind of madness is this?! No! It was Zash’s and Tar’s own stubbornness and confusing leadership that led to us unwittingly attacking Hurricane Breaker and if it had not been for Shaman Orcoth who gave me prophetic advice that I and Sarg listened to his words and survived. And it was Rhosland and Esri who took us in and healed us and concealed us from Captain Tilge and did so in such a way to keep themselves and us above suspicion. Which takes courage and faith and loyalty. They have been blameless and Sarg and I both saw over the last week or so how Esri and Rhosland have been nothing but blessings for us. They healed us with medicine they instinctively know, they fed us from the game they were able to kill all on their own and they even shot down a bear and had victory over it. And then they found the hissing rocks which they realized wasn’t actually a cursed place but discovered that it was an old dragon’s home, the dragon had been trapped inside and had a tree growing from it’s chest to the roof of the place and when they investigated it, they collected the dead dragons scales and leather and made us these exquisite suits of armor and these weapons that have no compare and even used the bones to heal our own broken bones. Which is why we are at full health after only a week of sustaining almost fatal injuries. They are not a curse, they never were, they are our blessing and salvation and I am more than honored to have Rhos as my mate as is Sarg to have Esri. And just look what they were able to capture when they were given the right tools- they were more than successful.” Drad pointed out as he gestured to his suit of armor and then gestured to all the food and other supplies on the boat and on the rafts for emphasis as proof of what he was saying. 
“So Mother Shari- I would be more than happy to build you a house of stone and timber to replace the one of bricks that you lost. And don’t worry about anything that you lost, I will see to it that you are given at least twice what you have previously lost. Thank you Mom for doing the right thing by taking her in.” Drad declared as he grasped her hands and comforted her. 
“So, I have an announcement. Since Shadi and Baka had girls and that no one from Zash’s male line survived, as Tar’s First Commander of Captains, I hereby take the position of Warchief and I appoint Sarg as my Warlord and we will claim the neutral land that is just south of Hurricane Breaker and North of here since Rhosland and Esri are in a peace treaty with them. Since that land already gave us so much, it will give us more- still. And all those who did not get to take back their bride gifts to Rhosland and Esri are free to do so now that they are back. But know that if you do, you will not be welcome in Stormbreaker which is the clan I will be starting there, and all those that did and had a hand in burning down Shari’s house, will also not be welcome in Stormbreaker either and you will reap such unforgivable disrespect and never again will such things ever be permitted let alone tolerated.” Drad announced as Rhos had never been more proud of him as Esri and Rhosland put the tanned bear hide over their mother and comforted her and gave her, her fair share of the dragon’s horde.
Then Shari told her daughters exactly who had come and wanted what they gave back and remembered still who had given what before Esri and Rhosland spitefully got all of it out of their row boats and rafts and forced it back into the hands of those who had given it  in the first place and wanted it back even though the others, out of fear of Drad and Sarg and their new announcement had tried to go back on their word and their previous choices before Rhos and Esri simply let the gifts fall to the ground at the giver’s feet and wanted nothing to do with them before they unloaded everything else into Grat’s house which she didn’t have that big of a house to begin with but all of them did their best to squeeze themselves and all that they had foraged and hunted into it as Esri and Rhos gave Orcoth, Grat and Shari some of the dragon bone powder as it healed Orcoth immediately so that he did not have to limp as Shari and Grat both seemed to regain some of their youth and vigor and soundness of mind and body. 
“I tried to tell the clan that all of you were still alive and well but they didn’t believe me, but I think they will now.” Orcoth noted to Drad and Sarg who had readily accepted Sarg as his father also while they feasted on the smoked and preserved venison’s tenderloins and backstraps, the best parts of the venison along with the mushrooms and other foods that they had managed to forage for.  
“You should take Rhos home with you and prove to the whole clan that you’re verile though Warchief Drad.” Orcoth suggested to Drad. 
“Oh he already did.” Rhos laughed as she blushed prettily and beamed happily. 
“But he needs to prove it to everyone else. Here, burn this in the fireplace. It will help Warchieftess.” Orcoth said to Rhosland as he gave her a small sack of incense. 
“Come on, let’s show Shadi and Baka how it’s done at least.” Drad grinned giddily with a wink that made Rhos blush even harder.
“Ok fine.” Rhos agreed before she hugged everyone goodbye and took what meager possessions that her mother was able to save as Drad carried their portion of the food and other belongings to his own home that was close to Shadi’s and Baka’s house since he was the First Commander of Captains, he had the “privilege” of having a house close to Tar’s as they noticed that Rhos and Esri’s boat was now empty boats and rafts getting filled with the previous gifts that they had been given along with even more gifts and notes of deepest and most sincere apologies before Drad built a good fire in his stone fireplace before Rhos threw in small handful of incense into the fire and noticed the smell was heavenly as her whole body immediately reacted to it and she felt her whole body relax and her spirit soar and become happy as Drad then reverently made love to her with so much love and passion that Rhos lost count of how many times she had accepted her pleasure from him as the incense helped her forget all about the clan around them and Drad encouraged her to not hold back but to moan and keen and cry out in ecstacy as loud as she wanted so that he could make no mistake if he was truly pleasing her and quietly made her promise and swear to never fake her pleasure with him which she was all too happy to do as she was so overwhelmed with bliss she would have agreed to just about anything he asked of her. 
Come morning, Shadi and Baka were disgusted that they had to endure the sounds of Rhos’ and Esri’s love making and demanded that Drad and Sarg take all who wanted to follow them with them but that they needed to leave sooner than later, while anyone who wanted to stay true to Skull Screamer was welcome to stay but that anyone from Skull Screamer that left to join Stormbreaker were never going to be welcome back again when Stormbreaker failed and imploded as Rhos readily agreed to those terms as an equal Warchieftess to Shadi with the stipulation that any from Skull Screamer who wished to come into Stormbreaker would first need to make their peace with herself, her sister and especially their mother before they would be welcomed into Stormbreaker as this was announced in Skull Screamer’s town hall for the whole clan to hear. 
It took another week for everyone to pack all of their things and break their houses down to reuse the lumber and load them onto new boats they built themselves but over three quarters of Skull Screamer left to join Stormbreaker as Drad and Rhos used the stones from the Dragon’s own old lair as the foundation stones for their own house since just nearby was the wild rose bush that would take up the front yard of the home and easily pushed the stones over to make a large, surprisingly flat and even foundation that had plenty of space to dig down to make a root cellar and have a lovely inner courtyard where the original tree that had been growing from the dragon’s chest still stood. 
Others in the clan followed suit, using the very large but smooth stones from the rivers and streams to first dig down to set the foundation stones securely then build up with more stone and motar made from the clay from the little islands as they redirected all the little side streams into the main river and used the forrest of stone timbers to use for their houses before they all happily made new markers and marked out their territory, leaving a little space between Hurricane Breaker to the North, and Skull Screamer to the South and Bone Crusher to the East. 
Rhos and Esri were pleased to learn that Captain Tilge was now Warchieftess Tilge since she led the victory over Skull Screamer and between Tilge and Rhos, they made their own peace and alliance that Drad and Tilge’s husband Warchief Murzol agreed to as well as Rhos readily offered a good sized cutting of the wild rose bush to Tilge and a cutting of the Butternut Bush as well as a cutting of the tree that was in the dragon’s cave and gave them to Tilge to plant in her own home’s garden so that she could continue to have the wild rose scented soap and the fruits of the tree as Tilge taught Rhos how to make it herself and many other kinds of soap as well which Rhos readily learned and took to heart as Tilge and Rhos exchanged seeds and seedlings and saplings for the gardens of Stormbreaker and Hurricane Breaker. 
While Rhos and Drad were still living in Drad’s re-erected home on Stormbreaker’s territory next to their new home that they were building on top of the dragon’s lair, while they both worked on cutting down stone timbers to construct their new house over the stones. No sooner had they fell the first tree before a storm blew in but didn’t topple any tents or other homes but when the storm cleared, they found a fleet of ships moored and marooned on the shore of their beach that they had claimed. 
The crews of the ship were sick with scurvy and other ailments and close to death, had all the older commanding officers die from the sickness, just leaving the younger, newer orcish sailors who were barely bigger than grunts left alive. Drad offered them a choice, give up the vessels and all their cargo and they would be welcome into Stormbreaker’s clan and Rhos and Esri would use what was left the fruits and bone powder to heal them. Which the younger orcs readily accepted but they immediately knew that the fruit was known as Dragon Heart Fruit. It usually only grew on the islands that were the birthplace of dragons in the world after the convergence of the spheres and that dragons often came back to the islands to mate every so often and always had at least one seed of the fruit in their gut and when they died somewhere in the world, often the seed would sprout in a dragon’s dead guts, close to it’s heart so that it always looked like the tree sprouted from the dragon’s chest and the fruit was vaguely heart shaped and did best when planted in a gut pile of another animal when not planted as a cutting or sapling. And was famed for it’s taste along with it’s nutritional value and it’s ability to heal as well. 
The sailor orcs did not know where they were, only where they were from and have a vague where they were going and had lost their maps in the storms and their cargo was actually the goods to go into a palace of a king. And so Rhos and Drad got the first picks of all the cargos as Rhos put a special piece of paper with a mark to tag all that she wanted from all the holds, then Esri and Sarg were given their turn to stake claim to what they wanted, then Orcoth, as Stormbreaker’s shaman was given his pick of what he wanted and then Shari and Grat were also given their picks of whatever they wanted from the holds and the rest was given to the rest of the clan including the young orcish sailors who were excited to claim the goods they had coveted all this time, especially the large barrels of spices that were distributed to everyone in the clan evenly, except for Drad and Rhos who each got a triple portion, being Warchief and Warchieftess. Sarg and Esri, Orcoth, Shari and Grat were all individually given double portions as well to signify their high status as Orcoth happily claimed Grat and Shari as his wives, each of them equal in his eyes and in his heart and loved and cared for them the same way Drad cared for Rhos and the same way Sarg cared for Esri as both Shari and Grat were happy to finally have a husband who cared for them and took care of them they way they had always wanted and needed but never could manage before. 
Drad insisted that the first house to be built and finished should be Orcoth’s as his father and shaman which Orcoth happily accepted and Drad made good on his promise that both his mother and Shari both received more than double of whatever they had lost, the replacements being of much better and finer qualities than what Shari had previously lost as their house was built right next door to Drad and Rhosland’s house, Drad and Rhosland’s house being the second house to be built and finished and furnished and thanks to som ingenuity on Rhosland’s part, the foundations were stone, the floors, tiled, the walls were of stone timbers but covered in special oil and tar to preserve the timbers and then covered with a special plastar that had been in a powdered form in barrels on the ships. That once it mixed with water- became a white paste that she and others used to coat the walls and the cielings and then used the paint powders to mix special batches of plastar to paint all the rooms inside and outside the room, the most beautiful vivd colors as the house was now large enough to have dozens of rooms and a courtyard with it’s own special garden on the inside and a medicine garden and food garden on the outside, the wild rose bush being cut into two, so that she had wild rose bushes on either side of the front porch of her house and even used the special glass domes that were on the ships as skylights in her own house and even made a second story and a roof with walls and ledges and built in benches and the little stream that had been flowing into the original dragon’s cave served as her home’s own personal plumbing line to get water in and out of the house. Happy that her own years of having a mud and mudbrick house serving as the finest teacher to help her build her new house to exactly how she wanted it as Drad was only all too happy to help her realize her dream and fell in love with the sheer beauty of it all and it only served to show off how much of a beautiful person inside and out that he married and once it was done, it was just as much of a work of art as it was a home as others took what was left to decorate and build their own homes in such ways, happy to have bright, beautiful colors to decorate their homes that the warm tones of wood only accented and accentuated as they noticed the homes now had naturally warming properties in the cooler weather and cooling properties in the warmer weather. 
Sarg and Esri claimed the best captain’s quarters on the best ship as their home as once all the cargo was unloaded and the ships renovated into big fishing boats and docks were built on the beach so that the ships could anchor and be pulled up to the piers and decks and helped build a lighthouse and then the whole clan helped everyone else build their own homes all while Rhos’ and Esri’s baby bumps grew in size every day as the Shaman was adamant that Rhos and Esri were both definitely carrying sons. 
Meanwhile Shadi and Baka were fighting a losing battle. More and more of the remaining few clan members of Skull Screamer stayed because Shadi and Baka ruled and behaved in the same way they had always done which now that they didn’t have the Clan Cheif and his eldest son backing them, now others did not hide their offense to their behavior and when Shadi and Baka tried simply taking what they wanted and what they felt they were owed, for the first time in their lives- it was denied to them. 
Especially once the fleet of ships ran aground in Stormbreaker’s territory and Stormbreaker had effectively more than tripled in size and multiplied in wealth and success, to the point that the young sailors happily took on the widows and previous children of the fallen warriors of Skull Screamer after they grew bigger into full grown adults and after the widows had made amends to Rhos, Esri and especially to Shari as the widows were happy that instead of daughters being seen as a disappointment, but instead that every child was precious, they had no desire to go back to Skull Screamer. 
Plus Rhos and Esri were the opposite of Shadi and Baka. Where Shadi and Baka were domineering and demanding, Rhos and Esri simply asked how they could help each family be successful, from having full gardens with all the medicinal and flavorfull herbs and other produce to each house having at least one if not several dragon heart trees growing. Using the gut piles of the all the kills of the game to plant the seeds themselves along with Butternut saplings and wild rose saplings and to never take whatever they wanted but only when the family’s needs and wants were met, if the family truly wanted to give anything as “tribute” they would accept it but never demand it and such behavior endeared them to the whole clan as Drad, Rhos, Sarg and Esri all encouraged each family to really pursue their interests and passions and took to fishing and trading instead of raiding as almost every woman in the clan now had at least one necklace of fine pearls each woman had collected from the shellfish in the waters of the river and the sea. 
The sailors especially took after Drad’s example, along with Sarg’s and Orcoth’s and cared very lovingly and respectfully of their wives and adopted children since Drad always treated Rhos with the utmost care, respect and dignity so that all that was left of Skull Screamer now was Shadi, Baka and their mothers and their daughters, all living under Zash’s old, and by now, very leaky roof as all that was left was now their home and the clan’s old townhall, which had stood empty, unused and now forgotten as it was abundantly clear that the old prophecy was true, that Skull Screamer would fall when under the guidance of a lone Clan Cheiftess or Warchieftess with no Clan Cheif or Warchief. 
Once Rhos and Esri both went into labor at about the same time and both gave birth to sons- who Drad and Rhosland named their son Brock and Sarg and Esri named their son Cugas as both boys were almost identical and had heard that all who got to see them praised how big and healthy and handsome both baby boys were before even more babies were born the clan and much rejoicing took place. 
Shadi and Baka had to humble themselves and admit defeat. They were almost out of food, soap, clothing, wood for their cooking fires and hearth even after taking down the other remaining houses and using them as fuel for their fires and what was left of all the gardens and thus- out of options. And came for Brock and Cugas’ birth festivals when they were one month old and out of danger and came wearing the best garments they had left to offer Rhos and Esri congratulations and to see Brock and Cugas who were themselves the most handsome baby boys they had ever seen because they both took after their mothers but they could still clearly see some of Drad’s and Sarg’s strong and handsome features in their sons. 
“We have come on this most blessed day to offer our congratulations and a truce.” Shadi began. 
“What was wrong with the agreement we agreed on a year ago?” Rhos asked curiously as she sat in her rocking chair on her porch and rocked Brock who slept blissfully away in her arms as Esri was next to her and also sitting in a rocking chair doing the same to Cugas, each woman having special puffed quilts over them and their sons. 
“Skull Screamer has fallen, all that is left of it is us. And if you do not help us, we and our daughters will die of starvation, we can find no fish or any game or anything to eat on Skull Screamer’s lands. And all those who had at first agreed to stay true to Skull Screamer have left it to join the greater Stormbreaker and seeing it’s success, we can not blame them and we hold no grudge against them or you. In fact, if you will agree to help us, we give up all rights to all of Skull Screamer’s lands to Stormbreaker, and all we ask in exchange is a place in Clan Stormbreaker. And a space to have a home.” Shadi explained as she bowed her head submissively. 
“But since we are the warchieftess’ and warlordess’ won’t you take us into your home? We will happily submit to Rhos as Warchieftess and or Esri as Warlordess and be second and or third wives to them, just like they were going to be to us had Tar survived.” Baka pleaded as Rhos gave Drad a meaningful look as he gave her a reassuring smile from his place next to her before he got up from his chair and stood on his porch above them and crossed his arms over his chest, still wearing that dragon scale armor proudly. 
“I, Clan Chief Warchief Drad of Stormbreaker do accept all of Skull Screamer’s lands from your hands, and since you all have humbled yourselves to come and ask, you are now welcome to stay as clan members of Clan Stormbreaker. However, I will never let you into my home or my household because I will never tolerate any disrespect to my Clan Cheiftess Warchieftess Rhosland, who is my wife, my mate, my better half and my greatest friend and ally. Because lest you forget, I was there, sitting in the grasses when you came to Rhosland a year ago, to offer her- her own tributes to you- as your bride gifts to her - when Tar had announced that he would have her then but never got a chance to fully claim her. And I listened as both of you threatened Rhosland with death by drowning if she ever tried to usurp you or come between you and Warlord Tar. And I will never tolerate any threat or disrespect in any way, shape or form to her. And I honestly do not trust either you or your mothers to not harm Rhosland or her mother or sister or especially our son or Esri’s son who are still young and could still fall victim to you.” Drad leveled as Shadi and Baka both balked at him and stared in terror at him and flushed with shame or embarrassment. 
“We did no such thing!” Shadi insisted. 
“My girl is a good girl, she would never do that!” Shadi’s mother insisted. 
“Really? Because I was there with Esri, also sitting in the grasses, out of your sight but well within hearing range, as you came and put those bracelets on her wrists and threatened her with similar things, are you calling the Clan Cheif Warchief and the Warlord of Clan Stormbreaker liars?” Sarg challenged angrily as he stood up and stood next to his brother and took a similar stance, with his arms crossed over his chest, standing between them and his own beloved wife. 
“Shaman Orcoth, would you please shed light on this matter and make things clear for the whole clan?” Drad invited as he looked over at the other rocking chairs on his porch which Orcoth, Shari and Grat had taken up as Shari and Grat were still knitting baby clothes for their grandsons.  
“Of course Warchief Drad. It would be my pleasure.” Orcoth grinned as he cast a spell and showed the whole thing, including all the cursing Shadi and Baka had done on the way too and from meeting with Esri and Rhosland as the whole clan gasped and murmured as they watched in horror the way Baka and Shadi were so domineering and just awful and led the attack on Shari and her humble old house and Grat’s kindness and compassion in saving Shari and what meager possessions she could before the show ended before Shadi and Baka’s mothers took the babes from their daughter’s arms and forced Shadi and Baka to kneel and bow down on their hands and knees with their foreheads touching the ground and started yelling and berating their “wicked” daughters for behaving so indecently and disrespectfully and pleaded for Drad and Sarg to show mercy and leniency on account of Baka’s and Shadi’s daughters who had started to cry by now which woke up Cugas and Brock and got them to start crying as well which upset Rhosland and Esri along with Drad and Sarg as Esri and Rhosland did all they could to comfort and console their sons as they brought their sons into Rhosland’s house to take a rest on the wonderfully comfortable couches that had been put there. 
“What do you think we should do?” Drad asked Rhosland. 
“Well now that everyone effectively knows that they are a bunch of liars. No one will trust them not to fall into the same pattern of behavior. But at the same time, their daughters have no choice in who their mothers are and they are still young and they shouldn’t have to suffer on account of their mothers. So let’s let them stay, but a very far distance away from our home, let them keep their old home, and they can turn it into a brothel for all I care.” Rhos answered him. 
“Agreed.” Esri grinned. 
“Agreed.” Sarg grinned too. 
“Very well.” Drad nodded before he came back out to see that everyone was still there, waiting to see how Drad would react and how he would respond. 
“On account of your daughters, who should not have to suffer on their mother’s account. You are allowed to be members of Clan Stormbreaker and you are allowed to either remain in your old house, or you may choose to rebuild here, that is your choice. But I warn any man in Stormbreaker from taking either of you as a bride, for no man would want such a wife as what you two have proven yourselves to be. Use whatever talents you have to earn your living here. And if you have none, then you can always turn your old home into a tavern which would be helpful, or possibly a brothel which in that case, neither Sarg or myself will ever use, your choice.” Drad announced as Baka and Shadi gasped in horror before their mothers slapped their hands over their daughter’s mouths to keep them from saying anything more. 
“A tavern it will be then, thank you Clan Chief Warchief Drad.” Shadi’s mother graciously accepted on her daughter’s behalf as their old friends agreed to help build them before Drad went back into his house to be with his family and disbursed everyone so they could go about their day. 
“So, a tavern it is.” Rhosland grinned since she could hear from the window in the wall. 
“Yup, the first, of hopefully many.” Drad smiled before he sat next to his wife and enveloped her in a hug and kissed her sweetly as they both looked down at their son who was now awake and cooing softly to both of his parents. 
“Just one thing, you’re not allowed to marry Shadi’s or Baka’s daughters when you grow up unless they are nothing like their mothers and you really, truly love them.” Rhosland told Brock which got Drad to laugh before Esri repeated that to Cugas too before there was a knock on the door and Drad got up to answer it before he found one of Sarg’s first mate. 
“Warlord Sarg, there is a small merchant ship, that is trying to go up river to a city further up river, it’s requesting assistance in help guiding the ship up the river to the next clan’s lands, they are headed to the mountains in the east, said that there are towns called colonies in the mountains that they are trying to sell their goods to and are willing to pay us a fee of gold now and another fee in gold on the way out if we are willing to do it.” He reported before Drad and Sarg shared a meaningful look and both nodded to each other.  
“Hell yeah, that’s an easy yes.” Sarg easily agreed before he got up and left the house to direct the other sailors on the shore to guide the ships using ropes on the shoreline to maneuver through the twisting and winding river before more and more merchant ships came to do the same, grateful that there was now a settlement here so that they could simply pay these orcs a small fee both to and from the mountain colony of Suchi as they brought in their vessels full of goods and would leave, having the boats laden with heaps of gold, happy and grateful that they didn’t have to use Hurricane Breaker’s river because Hurricane Breaker was bigger and stronger and demanded to inspect them and their cargo and demanded a portion of the goods, usually the best ones and half of all that they had, and a half portion of the gold the remaining half of the goods sold for at Suchi’s sister colony Twilla that their rivier eventually led to. And for just a flat fee, they could now make more money using this new clan of Stormbreaker and sell whatever didn’t sell at Suchi as part of their fee too. 
And thus was the beginning of Stormbreaker. 
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shadowturtlesstuff · 4 years
“The price of love doesn’t come cheaply, but the cost is worth it.”
i’m so sorry in advance...........
Slowly, I descend, moving towards where my husband lies. The graveyard is ominous and eerie, the only sound is my cane smacking against the stone steps. I hold my head high, determined to keep myself together. It is like I am one of the bodies I've spent my life cutting open. I am cold, broken and alone. I am held together by stitches and wounds and one loose thread would unravel me. I feel as vast and empty as the stars Thomas once compared me too. It is as though a black hole is taking away my emotions, devoiding me of joy. 
Finally I reach his grave and sink to my knees. I half expect the ground to grab me, or for Thomas to reach out. However, the scientist in me knows that cannot happen, despite my heart longing it too. Perhaps not my dead husband reaching out for me but the chance to just be with him. To see his smirk, hear his laugh and his witty remarks. To just feel his warm embrace as he grounds me back to reality. To tell me we will be okay. It has been far too long since I've been with him but it feels like only yesterday I lost him.
I rest my cane against his grave, another physical reminder of our history. The cane he made for me, the cane that meant so much more than just supporting my ability to walk. For a moment I sit in silence, a feeling that has become familiar to me yet incredibly rare. I read the grave, the words that I created and rest on my wrist.
~Thomas James Dorin Cel Rau Cresswell~
‘Beyond life,beyond death,my love for thee is eternal.’
They are the words he said to me at our official wedding. They had been said often, became our way of reminding each other. Not that we could ever forget. It was often he whispered it to me in the cover of darkness, in bed when he thought I was asleep. It felt like he had to say it to release the pressure his love for me held over him; as though saying it to himself made him comprehend his love and my own. Whenever I caught him saying it, I'd move my hands to rest on his chest. A year or so after we got married, he had his tattoo altered, so amongst the skulls and roses those words were added. I nearly cried when he showed me for the first time. He would always hold my hands and press it harder against him. No words were needed. Our love was beyond words. 
He hasn't uttered those words to me in what feels like forever. Yet I can still hear his tired voice against my skin.
Our daughter would have loved to hear those words. My heart breaks at the thought, at the experience that was torn from us all because of his murder. 
I have nightmares about is murder. They are always vivid, always haunting. I awake in cold sweats and tears and always reach out as though I can save Thomas, but I couldn’t save him. Not this time. We went on many adventures together, saving each other. The last adventure was my fault. I had distracted us with baby talk. I was two months pregnant, and insisted I was still well enough to be on the case. If id hadn’t been stubborn we could've stayed at home, let uncle find the murderer with the police. Now, because of me, my husband was dead. 
“I’m so sorry Cresswell.” I whisper to no one. If he lived through his injuries he wouldn't accept the apology, just like I hadn't. He’d cup my face in his hands and smiled, telling me “I chose to save you. I'd choose to save you every time. We made a promise to protect each other and I had no intention to let him harm you. Please don't be sorry. my love.”
Then he'd kiss the top of my head and hold me till my tears stopped. I knew I would always blame myself. Just like Thomas always blamed himself because of the Etruria.
“Our daughter is three now, she's getting so big. She has your brown hair and eyes and she is already so smart. We lie together and I read her stories before bed. She sleeps with me sometimes and stops the nightmares. She- we talk about you. It hurts, but it feels better to talk about you. My aunt is telling me that it gets easier but it isn't. Every day being away from you is harder; it feels as though I lose a part of myself. I miss you so much. Uncle does too, he tells me it feels like he lost a son. My father doesn't show it as much but I can tell he misses you. We all do. It is so hard to carry on life without you.`` I confess. These are thoughts I can't let myself have often otherwise I would fall. I cannot fall. I need to be strong for our daughter. She doesn't yet understand the void in my heart, or the underlying tone of grief we all carry.
I bury my head in my hands, tears rolling freely. Wed faced death so ,any times, during so many cases. We'd saved each other countless times but it was too late. I'd failed him.
I remember when I awoke on the Etriria after our first major experience with death. The pain had been unbearable but as I looked at Thomas, his hair disorganised, eyes bloodshot and expression wild, I found I hadn't cared about the pain. He was safe. Alive.
“The price of love doesn't come cheaply, but the cost is worth it.” I said those exact words to him to help him battle his internal grief and pain. I say them now for my own monsters.
I swallow the lump in my throat. Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do to bring him back and the thought tore through me. I picked up my cane, my hand rubbing against the rosewood and my hands caressing the dragon. All of it was him; his heritage. He made it for me. And offering of sorts into his family. Throughout our time together he constantly made me items that were practical but full of meaning. I wish I had done the same. There are so many things I wish Thomas and I should have experienced; but I wish he could just hold our little girl at least once. He would’ve spoilt her, showered her in love. He would've been a better father than his own.
Slowly, I walk back up the stairs. My knees scream in pain but once again I do not care. My heart hurts so much more. Every part of me wants to remain at his grave, for it is the closest I can be to him. Yet I can't. I force myself to detach my emotions, to become a shell. If I didn’t the thread would unravel and there would be nothing left of me and my daughter, our precious baby, deserves so much more than that. Thomas and I lost our mothers early on so I was determined to be there for my own, no matter how much I longed to lay beside my beloved.
With one last glance at his grave I exit the cemetery. I know the next time I visit will be his birthday, which is soon. I come to his grave on the most important days of the year. Our birthdays, anniversaries. There are days when I seek comfort in being here. I believe it was my uncle who told me the dead speak to those who listen. If only that were true.
@fangirling-again @city-of-fae @goatahoan @yafa-towers @lovecakeandmore @tillyrubies10 @sjtrlover @loveyatopluto @goddess-of-writing @illrianwitchling13 
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