#The Ultimate Fight (Super Smash Bros Verse)
watchingxover · 1 year
//Verses tag dump
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beautyxofxdestiny · 2 years
//Added three crossover verses based on Super Smash Bros, Danganronpa, and Cyberpunk.
The Ultimate Fight (Super Smash Bros Verse)
A verse based on the Super Smash Bros series, primarily Brawl and Ultimate. In this verse, fighters from all over the multiverse meet up for a friendly competition to see who’s the best of the best, occasionally having to thwart a multiversal threat. This is a crossover verse for all muses, not just Joker.
The True Face of Despair (Danganronpa Verse)
A verse based on the Danganronpa series. My muse awakens in an unfamiliar, seemingly abandoned location (e.g. Hope’s Peak, Jabberwock Island, The Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, etc.) with no memory of how they got there, and find themselves forced by the evil Monokuma to participate in a deadly killing game.
Streets of Night City (Cyberpunk Verse)
A verse based on Cyberpunk 2077. Night City, an oppressive dystopia ruled by the big corporations; where the working class struggle just to get by, while the wealthy elite live the high life. In this verse, my muses are reimagined as residents of Night City, whether they be cyberpunks, netrunners, corpos or anything in between.
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mobianresistance · 2 years
//verses tag dump
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musefilledgalaxy · 5 years
Tag Dump part 2: verses
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mariposalass · 3 years
Sora’s Time to Shine
Summary: Mari is already not putting too much expectations going into watching the Final Smash Presentation when someone close to her besides Kirby and Edelgard’s beloved Professor pops out of nowhere in said Presentation. All hell breaks loose (but in a good way).
Setting: Mari and co.’s house in Daly City, California; October 5, 2021
Notes: I was pretty behind in seeing the reveal since I was pretty tired when it came out and I had to check a friend’s post on Plurk to make sure that it was not all for the jokes before watching it on Gamespot and writing this story down. And yes, the Byleth in my S/I verse is the female version in case anyone is curious. And yes, it took me until around 8 AM to write this up. Featuring Luther Vandross. Here is an ask I made on Sora’ behest during a F/O takeover long before he got confirmed recently. #SakuraiHasReachedtheImpossibleDream #Sora4Smash
Tags: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Super Smash Bros., Swift Keyblader, Smash Reveal, Sakurai has reached the impossible dream!, Sora for Smash, #Sora4Smash
“Hurry Mari, you’re about to miss it!” Kairi is dragging me out onto the sofa to see the final Smash Ultimate Presentation on the living room pretty early before plopping ourselves onto the sofa.
“Look, Kairi, guys. I hate to be a party pooper, but I have no clue about who could it be,” I try to be realistic in my views.
“Well, at this point, my beloved, it could be anybody from the video game world,” my dear Philip chimes in while trying to reassure me, “Besides, as soon as it is done, we shall try to reply back to this non Smash invitation that El had found in the mail today.”
“Huh, is that correct, El dear?” I asked my regal adopted daughter for confirmation.
“Why yes of course, Mother,” she replies as she passes me the invitation, “I believe that a friend of yours has sent us one, but I didn’t want to open it immediately since this is addressed to you.”
“Okay then, I will get to read it and reply back once the Presentation is over and see who gets to fight with Kirby and Professor Byleth,” I smiled back at her.
“I couldn’t believe that there was a leak that just came out before this Presentation video and it is about music. Who was that dense enough to do it at a time like this?” Riku mumbles as he gets the video streaming on the Nintendo Direct page in his laptop.
“You know, Riku, sometimes people can act very idiotic at times, so there isn’t much we can do besides ignoring and avoiding that as much as possible,” Harry sighs as he is bottle feeding and gently rocking Serena as she had cried a while ago to be bottle fed.
“Guys, have you guys seen Sora lately?” Issa asks us while carrying Chris in her arms, “I haven’t seen him in the last few days. He didn’t even reply back to either my or Kairi’s texts and calls. Do you think he’s off to visit Jack and Sally in Halloween Town? It’s nearing Halloween soon.”
“That’s really a good question, Issa,” Ahk agrees, “I had given up trying to find him by calling over on the phone since last Thursday. All I have gotten from it were many ‘The subscriber could not be reached’ messages.”
Even Riku and Kairi are in a loss for words as they turn to each other and wonder what is up with our friend lately. Did he just went poof without us knowing? Kirby always informs us through his many Poyos that he would have to head off to Smash whenever a new tourney starts or a newcomer arrives and Edelgard’s class often gets shorter class schedules or early dismissals whenever Professor Blyeth gets to fight in Smash: she is the professor handling the Black Eagles class. Sometimes even El, Petra and Dorothea along with a few others (and yes, that includes the Gatekeeper) would come over to Smash to spectate from the sidelines and support their beloved Professor.
There is a long silence when the Nintendo Switch title card plays in the laptop and Karina directs us all to watch the screen to see many clips featuring many Smashers in the current tournament before it transitions to Sakurai-san in the studio explaining about the video as well as showcasing the Mii Fighter costumes.
“Hey look, Isabelle the Dog’s demon slaying friend from Bethesda is now coming to Smash to rip and tear up the competition!” Moana screams when the Doomguy Mii Gunner costume appears.
“Good for him; I know that many fans really did want him to be in Smash, though the costume is a nice addition,” Issa agrees. “That now makes three Bethesda franchises represented in the costumes.”
“Even the Octolings and Judd the Cat got hats based on them too,” I chime in as well.
“Oh hey, guys! Sakarui’s about to reveal the last fighter for the Second Fighter’s Pass, so keep down it and don’t expect too much,” Karina informs as Sakurai transitions to the main event and we all stay silent and stay glued to our seats.
The screen turns black before the usual Smash logo opening shows up, but instead of the usual zoom in, it then turns into a flaming Smash logo with all the Smashers up until Kazuya Mishima (yeah, the guy who tried to drop Kirby off a cliff) looking at it and covered in the shadows. Did MH decided to get them to show up in there and meet the last fighter in the dark? Probably, I bet that he might be keeping it as a surprise and possibly even conserving electricity at the same time. Then cut to Inkling Girl looking in awe with the Smash logo reflecting onto her pupils as a nice ode to the first reveal trailer for the game/tourney, I honestly love this shot.
Wait a minute, the logo turns into stars and the next scene shows everyone frozen in place as toy-like ambiios?!? How is it even possible? Well, it does certainly confirmed once again that the video game version of the tourney is set in a world of make believe after all. I could swear that a lot of people crying their eyes out as they are watching this. It looks like this is the end of one great video game series about mascots fighting among each other. Or is it? Because the camera is aiming at Mario as if he looks like he’s trying to take a nap while standing up.
Riku then proceeds to mumble some words to me incoherently that something big is coming the moment Mario wakes up to see a glowing light to see the last remaining flame glowing on the floor, which I do agree with him. Suspicious right? Oh God, Mario no! Please don’t touch the fire for everyone’s sanity. Wait, hold on a second: that isn’t not just fire that he just grabbed on and then tossed it into the sky like a boomerang: the mystery object looks like a Keyblade and there’s that Mickey keychain! Yep, that’s a Keyblade alright. Could it be...
I could recognize that beam of light that Keyblades often produce whenever they lock and unlock Keyholes to other worlds, so does everyone in the room. Riku and Kairi hugged onto each other as if we’re about to brace for an emergency (Karina and Moana also did the same), Ahk stares at the screen to see if he’s not imagining things all the sudden, Issa has her mouth drop in shock, Chris and Serena didn’t cry throughout this entire presentation, Harry gasps and nearly drops Serena’s bottle, Philip turns to me for answers while Edelgard begins to sweatdrop in concern.
No words are exchanged as the light grows and shines brighter before it proceeds to shoot itself away from the Keyblade to reveal a Keyhole on another part of the room. It then glows bright within as the camera switches back to the rest of frozen Smashers as the light begins to fill the room and revives Link, Cloud, Incineroar and Mewtwo as they all gawk at it as it reveals something from the World of Light with the orchestral rendition of Simple and Clean playing in the background. And that’s when it hits us right at the gut: the familiar spiky brown hair poking out from that Keyhole.
“What!?!” Kairi shouts as the Keyhole ‘spits’ out Sora from the World of Light.
“H-h-he actually got in, for real?” Riku squeaks up.
“Oh my…” I gasp in pure shock as we watch the whole thing played out.
“Sakarui finally did it?” Issa adds in to the discussion.
“Well, it’s about time that they managed to get his darn behind into the tourney,” Karina seconds in.
Soon enough, Sora finally wakes up from his nappy time and takes notes from Peter Pan and Tinkerbell as he flies around, sprinkling fairy dust all over the other Smashers, before landing on the floor and the Keyblade flying back to his hand.
“Damn it, Sora!” I scream as the splash screen pops in.
“Kai, your boy has finally made it big time!” Moana shakes Kairi in congratulation rather rapidly that it nearly gives my lil sis a dizzying spell.
“Moana, please don’t make Kairi that dizzy,” Harry had to tell her that.
“Whoops! Sorry Kairi,” she apologizes to her which she accepts.
So with that, we switch back to Sakurai going in depth with Sora’s moveset after he discussed about the Kingdom Hearts games and world. And he has gotten 4 costume changes, man Sora, that’s a big wardrobe you’re bringing in, oh wait, he even got the Timeless River costume too. That makes it 5 then.
“Oh gods, Sakurai is making us suffer by watching Sakurai using Sora to beat up everyone,” Ahk tells us as the Sora moveset showcase begins.
“No kidding,” Harry muses as we see Sora beating everyone in Battlefield.
“Whoa, they went for Sealing the Keyhole instead of having Trinity Force with Donald and Goofy? What a bummer,” Karina bemoans in dismay.
“Well, you know modern Disney: too overprotective of their IPs,” Philip reminds her.
“Oh new stage, what could it be?” Riku gleefully chimes in before they reveal Hollow Bastion as the stage, “Whoa, Hollow Bastion. I never thought that you will return again.”
Then the stage changes into Dive to the Heart and it had Riku and Kairi in the stained glass in one, Riku being the main focus of the second one, Roxas in the middle of the third, Xion in the fourth, Terra for the fifth, a sleepy Ven in the sixth, and Aqua’s in the seventh.
“Pretty!” I complimented the look of each stained glass.
“Quite impressive I will admit,” El agrees with me too.
Then Sakurai begins a playthrough with Sora facing Cloud and Sephiroth in Hollow Bastion, for a while, we all thought that he’s going to be a goner with Cloud and Sephiroth beating him up in the Stamina match but then the tides begin to turn in his favor after Sephy lost his full stock and with Sora having to take down Cloud next. When he did, the scene begins to go into a slow white fade out with a Game!
“Alright! Sora did it! He defeated both Cloud and mean old Sephy,” Riku cheers on.
“Woo! Go Sora!” me, Kairi, Moana, and Karina screams aloud.
“That was brilliant!” Harry agrees before he turns to Serena, “Did you hear? Uncle Sora managed to defeat two opponents in a Smash Ultimate playthrough.”
“9 songs is better than nothing at all,” Issa observes, “It would be a licensing nightmare to talk to Disney if they can borrow a couple of songs from them and they straight up refuse to assist, oh well. Oooh, a Dearly Beloved Swing arrangement, nice! I better get that save file on the Switch prompto!”
“And check out that Spirit Board: Aunt Kairi has a Spirit of herself,” Edelgard informs us as the Spirit Board for KH is revealed.
“Oh gee, never thought that it could ever happen, but thanks,” she blushes.
“Hey, I got one as well, same with Axel, Xion, Roxas, Aqua, Terra and Ven,” Riku joins in, “Marina is so going to be happy to see her boyfriend as a Spirit. She will probably try to get him real soon.”
“You bet it right, Riku, you bet it right,” I nod and agree with that last statement.
“Oh hey, he’s going to be ready within a few weeks’ time,” Karina speaks up, “Neat! The roster is now complete.”
“Even Steve and Alex have amiibos of themselves being made, that’s even more wonderful,” Ahk takes note of it, “I’m pretty sure that Sora will have one of his own along with Pyra, Mythra, that jerk who tried to threw Kirby off a cliff, and even Sephiroth soon.”
“WHAT?!? Kingdom Hearts are coming to the Switch too!?!” I am surprised to hear the news as Sakurai reveals this new information, that is so mind-blowing.
When it fades to black then to the Ultimate mural, the camera then goes for the space between Ganondorf and Dark Samus to fill in Sora’s spot before panning back. Man, this Presentation is long and is finally ending, thank God; it must be tiring to sit down and watch a nearly hour long video as Sakurai showcases the screenshots he has made and showed off in Twitter. Man, so many memories and montages. And the achievements, wow, that is a lot of them, it will be a game feat that I don’t think it will be broken for a long time.
Man, I will miss the presentations and Sakurai’s corny jokes for sure. I wish him a nice deserving break from all the game development for sure as he gives thanks to everyone from the devs to the players to the people prompting the game and ends it off with a heartfelt goodbye as it fades to back into the full reveal trailer.
“Oh gee, I’m going to miss the Smash Presentations,” Kairi sighs, “I can’t believe that we’re coming to an end.”
“Man, it’s finally over,” Riku gasps in remark as the full trailer plays out, “I don’t think that there will be a game like Ultimate for a very long time. That’s for certain.”
“I agree, Riku. It’s to going to be a tough act to follow up on,” I add in before I look up at the ceiling and murmur some words, “It’s been a long time coming, Sora. You truly deserve that last spot, you really do. Have fun in the tourney and Smash Mansion, buddy.”
Sora is Finally Here!
The End
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scribblewriting65 · 5 years
Top 5 YouTube Channels
Communication is a powerful and ever-changing force; especially with the rise of the Internet in recent decades. And no online service knows this better than YouTube. Hosting thousands of channels and millions of videos, no website has sucked away our free time quite like Big Red.
Today I would like to acknowledge 5 of the platform’s strongest creators, in my eyes. Whether it be for their intelligent content or the sheer fun they bring, to me, these guys are some of the best of the best; and proudly hold some of my greatest respect.
Quick disclaimers: This is my first writing like this, and as you know, opinions can change over time; so please lower your pitchforks and know that there are plenty of channels I love. Also, when writing this, I don’t have a particular order in mind (Except for #1). Whether you find your favorite on the bottom, top, or nowhere at all, know that these guys deserve a watch (if my digital mouth has any impact on your choices, that is).
Enough talk though. Onward, to appreciation!
#5: JT Music
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Art is mankind’s most unique unifier, and no art brings people together quite like music. Whether it be country, funk, or rap in this pick’s case, you can look just about anywhere for a good time.  And while rock star NateWantstoBattle is a close second in this regard, no musician really does it for me quite like JT.
While most would look at the genre “Video Game Rap” with an upturned nose, those that stick around won’t find anything quite like what Skull and Pat bring to the table. Their weekly tunes always bring a fire to my subscription feed, whether they’re putting me into the role of a badass superhero, or dragging me into the darkest abyss, I can just about always have a good time nodding my head to the beat.
Not only is their work consistently fun, but it’s also wide in diversity, and constant in quality. Hits like Follow Father, No Hero, and Hungry for Another One capture their source material perfectly within a musical context. Even their cameo appearances in tracks like DAGames’ We Want Out and Zack Boucher’s Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Rap steal the show with their wild energy. I always find myself smiling when I find their newest song; getting a small amount of enjoyment even in my less liked tracks.
Consistent fun and passion can be felt in the notes, and I can’t help but rock my skull out when JT Music starts playing.
#4: GameXplain
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Games offer a wide variety no matter where you look. No matter if you’re looking for a deep insight into 30 second clips, latest updates on a title, or general thoughts on an event, you can always find something, or someone, explaining the perspective for you.
I’m a funny guy, aren’t I?
GameXplain has certainly explored over the years. From Cool Bits and Missing In Action in the past, to their famous modern Analyses and Discussions, Andre and friends have always hosted an approachable place with a variety of outlooks from its diverse crew, like Andre’s obsession with Stunt Race FX and Ash’s knowledge and love of Mega Man.
Even if you aren’t super into any of their interests, you’ll still find a laid-back but insightful pool of content. Their discussions are a personal favorite of mine, bringing fun, thoughtful ideas to events or ideas occurring in the gaming industry. I can’t help but get caught up in their hype, especially for Nintendo Directs or the annual E3 Show.
Even if I don’t quite understand the excitement that something is receiving, I can always go to these guys for a solid explanation and platform to join the hype train.
#3: Mithzan
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It seems that no matter where you go, Minecraft can be found there. Games, books, plushies, animations, even an entire convention; those familiar blocks pervade some space of modern culture. While this space has hosted some incredible creations, simplicity also has its own beauty.
Mithzan uses this simplicity to great effect. With his buddies Ross, Pooki, Jerry and frequent guests, Max is always there to give me a laugh. And while Minecraft holds a variety of fun games like Would You Rather and Never Have I Ever, Mithzan also offers experiences outside of the blocks, like Uno and Dead by Daylight.
Along with the wide content, the experiences and humor are also varied, sometimes employing puns or old-fashioned smack talk, to name a few. Even with the different conversations and games, the fun and heart are always there. Whether he’s playing a wacky or horrifying game, Mithzan is approachable and honest with his style of play.
#2: Mother’s Basement
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Appearances can be deceiving, no matter where you look. Assumed bullies are victims themselves, ‘loner’ people are simply introverted, and the most stubborn ones find themselves lost in an unexpected niche. All it takes is a little looking around, and you’ll find a new lesson or friend more often than not.
And what better place to look for insight than in a Mother’s Basement?
While not all people can see the artistry that anime brings to the table, Mother’s Basement brings its potential to the limelight. With weekly insights and discussions on things like how animation enhances an atmosphere or what makes a fight extraordinary in Animelee, the ideas and thought put into these discussions is top-notch.
Along with this, Geoff (the host)’s voice is great support, staying calm but strong, adding great emphasis on major points. He even provides touches of comedy and actual life advice into his videos. I find myself especially entertained with his analyses on My Hero Academia and Fullmetal Alchemist, but Geoff also covers topics like best romantic partners and essential shows to watch (and avoid), and pointing out his reasons why. Even if anime isn’t your style, there are some videos dotted in discussing topics like the nuances of binge-watching in “Is Binge Watching Bad for Us? (Netflix vs. Disney+)” and other media like movies (“Spider-Verse: The Ultimate Spider-Man Movie”) and video games (“Insomniac’s Spider-Man is Truly Superior”).
While it took some time to grow on me, I’m glad to have been welcomed into Mother’s Basement. With plenty of insight and care put into each video, Geoff is just about always a good choice for fun education on how artistic Japanese animation can be.
#1:Fawful’s Minion
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The world is full of stories; they’re simply part of human nature. Whether it be fantasy, drama, or comedy, all of us have the potential to weave tales that inspire. And none have inspired me on YouTube quite like Fawful’s Minion.
This mean bean gaming machine has the mouth of a divine artist. His videos always bring a bright smile and incredible awe to me for just how much quality and care goes into each video. Fawful’s Top 10’s have never let me down with their fun, reasons, and pure passion that is tangible in every project.
Not only are the videos fun, but they’re also inspiring too. Fawful’s linguistics is beyond captivating, even partially motivating how I speak and write. Along with constantly being a good time, I’m always inspired to write or gain a storytelling voice whenever I watch an FM video.
And the touches of insight into his personal life give Fawful an air of relatability. Now, I realize I may make him sound like some sort of Shakespearian poet, but he also dispels this through his more colorful language, bringing in modern terms (and curses) and joyful, nearly maniacal at times, laughter and emotion into his speech, making himself grounded and relatable.
Most of all, Fawful’s storytelling skills were, and still are, a big reason why I write and tell my own stories. I want to enrapture others with my words like Fawful does, so he gets a big thanks and respect in my book. Balancing fun, humor, emotion, and creativity, Fawful’s Minion has made a goon out of me, running towards the goal of becoming a true storyteller.
If you made it here, thanks for sticking around! I wanna maybe try these sorts of blog/list posts more often, so tell me what you think! If you like this and want to see more, feel free to check out my AO3 Page: https://archiveofourown.org/users/ScribbleWriting65. I hope you enjoyed this little list, and I’ll see you next time!
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moca-de-led-ger · 4 years
I’ve always loved the implication that after Cloud and Sephiroth in the middle of fighting disappear from Radiant Garden in Kingdom Hearts 2, they dropped into the Super smash bros ultimate verse to continue they’re fighting.
Like its Tetsuya Nomura and square Enix’s reason for Sora not making it in smash but also canon that Disney and Nintendo are in neighboring universes
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glapplebloom · 4 years
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I don’t think so but let’s look at various Fan Made Move lists and see if any change my mind.
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Why I don’t think Waluigi deserves to be in Smash
Yes, he is popular. Yes, he does complete a set. But outside that he doesn’t have much going for him. There are three ways a character can be in Smash Brothers.
Represent Themselves: When they are added into Smash, its basically their personality transferred into the game. Mairo, Bowser, Dedede, Kirby, the list goes on for stuff like this.
Represent the Meta: These are for the characters who are included because of historical reasons. Like ROB to represent a big Nintendo Peripheral, Duck Hunt Dog to represent an entire genre of games, Villager to represent a series, or Little Mac to represent a sport series.
Echo: Basically a clone of another.
Waluigi can’t really fit either of these. He doesn’t have much to offer himself because his entire character can change from game to game. While there are a few things, not enough to build a character around. He can’t represent the Spin off games because every other Mario character does. And he can’t be an Echo because he is vastly different from Luigi or Wario. So I’m going to see various move lists videos and see if any can change my mind.
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Waluigi FOR SMASH! (Character Moveset Concept #3) by pizzadudemanguy
Off the bat this is the strongest move set I can see happen. Waluigi as an assist trophy is always with a Tennis Racket and making his move list center around Tennis not only lives up to that but also allows the few traits he has to fit in. But there is one flaw I can see about this: this move set (outside swimming) can be applied to any Tennis player. You could use it for the Nameless Tennis Player in the NES Tennis or even the four random characters in that same Mario Tennis game for the N64.
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What If Waluigi Was In Smash? (Moveset Ideas: 3) by BrawlFan1
The fact he has this move set for Daisy is off the bat proof this is not going to be convincing to me. And so far a lot of the moves are references to said spin-off games and borrowing a few from other characters. So this is not convincing me on Waluigi being a character.
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What If Waluigi Had a Moveset in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate? by Nintendo Unity
Again, referencing the various Spin Off games more than Waluigi, but they are mostly Waluigi specific stuff. But I think this highlights why I don’t believe Waluigi has a defined character. Seeing each clip makes you see just how different Waluigi is per game. One game he has mechanical arms the next he’s sprouting up thorny vines. He can swim, spin with wind and teleport? Pulls out a rose and acting swave and then crotch chopping? Its all nonsense.
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Improving Super Smash Brothers: Waluigi by The Duke of Dorks
This guy has the right idea: basing Waluigi on the spin-off games is not important to Waluigi. So this guy decides to make a move list just random. But making Waluigi the Deadpool of Smash is probably not the direction I would take it. Especially since the Kid Icarus series is basically that. But making him a joke character is likely the best direction to take Waluigi.
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Waluigi Moveset Idea's (100th video!) Smash Fighter Concepts #01 by Smash Verse
Starts off by saying Waluigi’s move in Super Smash Flash is not a favorite of his, Proceeds to do basically the same thing some of the other videos do and just give him moves based off the spin-off games. 
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The Most CURSED Waluigi in Smash Moveset? by Max Hamm
For something cursed, this seems to be the strongest argument about HOW could Waluigi be a character. Like Duke’s idea about Waluigi being a Joke character with Max Hamm making the joke about Waluigi and not 4th Wall Shenanigans. Plus hearing Kirby say “Kirby, Number 1″ is the strongest argument to have Waluigi as a character. Overall, of the Move lists I’ve seen so far this is the best one that really makes me think Waluigi can be in Smash.
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Waluigi Joins the Battle!! (Custom Moveset V1) - Super Smash Bros. Wii U Mod by a Jewel of Rarity
Ah, modding. Its essentially the equivalent of Thanos going “Fine, I’ll do it myself”. Of course Modding takes work and you can tell when he walks like Peach and has Capt. Falcon’s taunt. The majority of his moves comes from other characters. So overall, not really a good look for Waluigi.
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Waluigi Smash Ultimate Moveset Concept by rikushirran
It starts off with a lot of numbers. Also weird to have his fall speed like Ridley’s. And the moves are once again referencing the Spin-off games. And borrowing a lot of elements from other characters. And having the excuse of “Smash likes to recycle moves” is no excuse. 
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Is Waluigi any good in Smash Flash? - BETA Character Showcase / Review by Linklight Too
Super Smash Flash 2 added Waluigi last year. They do amazing sprite work and do their best to make the game competitive. But I think that’s a problem with Waluigi. He doesn’t really feel like a character from a Mario game and feels like a character for a fighting game. 
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Super Smash Bros Legacy XP Waluigi Moveset
It is definitely a lot better than the previous mod. But still nothing really makes him feel like its Waluigi playable and not a character that looks like Waluigi.
And those are the ones I found. Overall, the best arguments and movelist for Waluigi is Pizzadudemanguy and Max Hamm’s. While I think having it be focused on Tennis can be given to a specific tennis player, that is specifically the one thing smash continues to highlight. While Max Hamm’s feels like a movelist that makes you think of Waluigi as a character and not just a reference. 
Do you want Waluigi in Smash? Do you have a movelist that can convince me as well as those two? Leave a reblog.
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musingsofonehuman · 4 years
I was gonna talk about Microsoft and their rumoured acquisition of WB Games, but I’m still trying to process my thoughts on it, so for now, let’s talk more music.
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth - Maze of Life
Persona has never been my thing, I’ve only played Persona 5 and I found it quite dull, though the art style was vivid and interesting, the combat was lacklustre and never caught my attention, but I am aware of the music of Persona. Persona games love their pop songs and this one is no exception to that, a quirky jam with dual female vocalists is pop 101. The actual track doesn’t impede too much on the vocalists, yet it doesn’t sink into the background either, there’s enough of a beat to get your head bopping but it doesn’t take away from the vocalists, who each have such beautiful voices, the softness in the verse which then kicks up during the chorus. It’s one of those tracks you find yourself not skipping, the opening guitar riff comes in and you’re like “Oh yeah, this song, turn it up, na nanana nana, nanana”, almost pumps you up for the rest of the track.
I’ve always wondered why songs from video games have never transcended into the mainstream, even with their millions of views and fans listening to them, they’ve never seem to have broken free of the industry, yet this is a song that could easily be in the charts. Think about it, the music video could be the two vocalists at an amusement park at night, the center piece being a carousel that they sing in front of. Is it because it’s from a video game? Is that why it doesn’t get more recognition? Maybe so, but this is a track that you could easily play on any pop radio station, and I for one would turn it up and jam along.
The Messenger - Civilisation in the Sky (Cloud Ruins)
If you’ve never played The Messenger, do it, a wonderful 2D platformer, it was overshadowed, in my opinion, by Celeste as they both came out in the same year, not to say Celeste isn’t a bad platformer, it’s also wonderful, but The Messenger never really got the credit it deserves. The soundtrack is awesome, there are so many tracks I could have chosen, but I chose this one in particular because of where it lies in the game (spoilers for The Messenger). After climbing up The Tower of Time and defeating the boss, you jump down and transition from 8 bit to 16 bit, suddenly the graphics have more detail, the world is more refined, and you have a cool hat, but also the music changes.
What once was a quite rough soundtrack suddenly becomes more refined, you start to hear more melodies, more layers to the tracks, and this track takes full advantage of that. It uses its new 16 bit power to create a punchy song, inspiring you to move forward in this new world and explore, the way it starts slow and then builds up makes it feel like a rebirth, like this is a whole new world to explore. It’s only when you hear the 8 bit version of this track do you appreciate the changes, while the 16 bit version is clearer in its melody, the 8 version uses that roughness to create an aggressive track, almost makes the 16 bit version sound quite calming. I’ll admit it’s not the best track in the game, but it highlights what the soundtrack does so well, it’s able to use the differences in each version to make the past and the future feel like two separate worlds, it’s a clever soundtrack.
Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire - Lorekeeper Zinnia (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Remix)
For a game that’s quite slow in its turn based battle system, it does have a lot of epic music, from battles to towns to gyms, Pokemon always seems to be able to punctuate its big moments with its soundtrack, Zinnia’s theme is no exception, but it’s the Smash Ultimate theme that is the better of the two. The original struggles because of the overpowering backing track, the beat seems to overpower the melody, drowning out the violin for a heavy hitting beat, and while it does emphasise the nature of the battle, it ruins the overall track for me. The Smash Ultimate version is more refined in its nature, holding the beat back so the melody can be front and centre, but not completely erasing the beat, instead changing the components to give the beat more refinement. But it’s the addition of the guitar that changes this track the most.
What once was a dramatic and chilling track, is now blood pumping, adrenaline rushing, it’s now a battle between two instruments fighting for supremacy, trying to gain dominance over the other, back and forth as they try to win the battle and call themselves the victor. It almost feels like a Pokemon battle in itself, two trainers, face to face, ready to test their skills as a Pokemon trainer to prove their skill over their opponent, and when one gets an advantage, the other fights back to level the playing field. It’s this addition that really makes this the better version as it feels more like a fight than the original, it feels more like a struggle, and that’s what a Pokemon battle is, a struggle between two people looking to prove themselves as worthy trainers, and this track speaks that language.
Well, that’s enough music for now, I’m gonna think about Microsoft some more, see if I can think of something good to say.
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toras-muse-cabinet · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Name: Link (”Lark” when around other Links)
Age: 17 to 24yrs old (verse depending)
Birthday: January 7th
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Hylian(/Sheikah)
Universe: Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild
Personality: Link loves to have fun, but knows when he needs to be serious. He is a very good listener, willing to give advice or just be a shoulder to lean on.
Likes: Shield Surfing, Cooking, Dressing Up
Dislikes: Guardians, Being Shirtless, Talking About the other Champions
Powers: Wielder of the Master Sword, Sheikah Slate Runes ( Sphere/Cube Bombs, Cryosis, Magnesis, and Camera), Has a Paraglider, Has bow proficiency (Arrows: Normal, Fire, Ice, Shock, Bomb, and Ancient ), Has shield proficiency, Can Shield surf, Access to Various Armors with various effects.
Weaknesses: Master Sword must recharge after being used for extended periods of time. Cryosis and Magnesis are unreliable to access. Bow requires repairs after extended usage. Has a limited (25) stock of special arrows [especially Ancient (10) ones]. Memory is spotty at times. 
History: Link was born to a Royal Guard family. He found the Master Sword at the age of 12 and spent the next 5 years guarding the Princess. Pressure lead to him becoming Selectively Mute, something he still struggles with when he gets too stressed. Pictured above are his scars from the war with the Calamity.
#During Canon- Link during the events of BOTW before beating the Calamity. Can be at any point between waking up and just before fighting the Calamity. He’s ~17 in this verse. 
#Post Canon- Link after the events of BOTW, Memories Fully Regained. He’s 18 in this verse.
#Papa Link- Link raising Brooke, post canon and 6 yrs after finding Brooke. He’s 24 in this verse.
#Half Sheikah- Basically everything is the same except Link is half Sheikah half Hylian.
#Smashed Pots- Link’s Super Smash Bros Ultimate semi-canon divergent verse. Smash is a Fighting Tournament that Mario hosts sending invites across space and time in the Multiverse. Link is 24 in this verse.
#broken blade- Link’s crack post tag.
General Tags: #silent guard #wildhero
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playlegit · 6 years
Play Legit's 2018 Game of The Year
Play Legit’s 2018 Game of The Year
We were taken to Epic Worlds, introduced to instantly memorable characters.  Familiar Franchises took major risks, that paid off big.  Gaming experiences were filled with well designed levels, outstanding soundtracks, tighter controls, unique multiplayer components.  We can say 2018 was a surprise.  There was a lot to take away from it.  AAA and Indie Studios both represented.  We can’t thank…
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