#The Velvet Stripes
onenicebugperday · 4 months
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@katydidz submitted: can you identify this grasshopper? i was pretty sure it was a texas mermiria, but i couldn’t find any pictures of those that were green. found in central texas
What a lil cutie. Looks like a slantface grasshopper for sure, so it does resemble the Texas mermiria, but I think this one is a velvet-striped grasshopper, Eritettix simplex.
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Granny Takes a Trip
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
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thegothicalice · 11 months
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cherrylng · 2 months
Great Guitarists 100 - Quotes from Guitarists [CROSSBEAT (November 2009)]
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Guitarists talk about 'My Guitar Theory' at a glance
Keith Richards “I don't have an electric guitar in my house. I don't have an amp. I don't play any electrics at home. I always play acoustic guitars.”
Billie Joe Armstrong “Since I got my guitar when I was 11, it's been like Christmas every day (laughs). I've been playing it for so long that it's become completely integrated into my body.”
Jimmy Page “I'm an only child and I started playing guitar when I was 11 and it was like an obsession. I took it to school with me and played it during recess. I never took it away.”
Jack White “Basically, I don't like new guitars. They might stay in tune, but they have no character. There's no flavour. For me, a guitar is just a tool. I have no attachment to it. I don't mind if you borrow one and take it home.”
Johnny Ramone “Most guitarists hone their skills by playing bands they admire. But I had no idea how to play other artists' songs, so I decided to make my own. So I'm not like anyone else.”
Jonny Greenwood “I don't rehearse, I don't practise guitar. I don't take care of my guitar, I only have one guitar. I don't collect guitars, I don't care about the age or the name. For me, a guitar is just like a tool. It's like a typewriter.”
The Edge “I didn't try to steal techniques from people who were good at playing guitar. I'm trying to do something unique and unprecedented. That's what real music is about. The important thing is originality.”
John Frusciante “I think the guitar is my friend. It's been by my side my whole life. I feel like I was born to play the guitar.”
J Mascis “From the very beginning I liked guitar solos. More so than playing rhythm. I don't really know why. What does the guitar mean to me? Hmmm……… Well, guitar (laughs)… Or a tree (laughs).”
Pete Townshend “If I can't get the sound I want, I smash the guitar as hard as I can into the amp. If it still doesn't come out, I smash it on the floor to clear it up. I didn't care how much I had to pay for it later.”
Lou Reed “When I play guitar, I want it to sound like a saxophone. That's why there's so much distortion in my sound.”
Ritchie Blackmore “When I want to say something, my fingers say it.”
Robert Fripp “I think playing the guitar is in a way merging the body into a personality, a soul and a spirit.”
Translator's Note: Were the quotes necessary to translate? Yes, since it's part of the Great Guitarists 100 article. So translate and read, we shall.
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airam1quhs · 1 month
my WIP song lyrics artwork :) the letters "lyrics" are in mirror writing excluding the s
Which songs can you identify????
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tyforthevnm · 2 years
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Convention Hall, Asbury Park, NJ | February 26, 2005 | Kristina Sisti
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magicalshopping · 1 year
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♡ Velvet Stripe Leggings (XS-5XL) by Trash Queen ♡
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devdas5z · 4 months
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Celeste Viel
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chic-a-gigot · 2 years
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La Mode illustrée, no. 5, 3 février 1901, Paris. Toilette de visites. Modèle de la Maison Ayme et Cie, boulevard de la Madeleine, 9. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèques Forney
Description de la gravure coloriée:
La jupe de cette toilette, faite en velours et drap vert russe, est doublée de soie de la même teinte; la jupe de doublure est bordée d'un grand volant de velours, plus haut derrière ; la tunique en drap très ajustée, est encadrée de bandes de velours retenues aux angles inférieurs par des ornements en strass.
Le plastron ajusté, exéeutè en velours, ferme de côté sur l'épaule et sous le bras gauche; on le fronce légèrement a la taille; le dos est également garni de velours. Le boléro très court orné de la même façon, que la jupe, ferme devant en croisant sous un bijou de strass. (Voir le croquis représentant la robe vue de dos.) La haute ceinture drapée est faite d'un morceau de velours biaisé ayant 25 centimètres de largeur et soutenue par des baleines; on la ferme devant sous un nœud retenu par une grande boucle de strass.
Les manches, légèrement évasées au bord inférieur s'ouvrent sur des bouillonnés en soie, vert-russe terminés par des poignets en velours; on garnit le bord inférieur des manches découpées avec une bande de velours; deux bandes semblables cerclent le bras, à mi-hauteur.
Le grand chapeau, en velours drapé foncé, est orné de plumes il autruche d'une nuance plus claire, retenues par une boucle de strass. Le dessous de la passe est garni derrière dune grosse touffe de violettes de Parme
The skirt of this ensemble, made of Russian green velvet and cloth, is lined with silk of the same tint; the lining skirt is edged with a large velvet flounce, higher behind; the very fitted cloth tunic is framed by velvet bands held at the lower corners by rhinestone ornaments.
The fitted plastron, executed in velvet, closes on the side on the shoulder and under the left arm; it is gathered slightly at the waist; the back is also lined with velvet. The very short bolero decorated in the same way as the skirt, closes in front by crossing under a rhinestone jewel. (See the sketch representing the dress seen from the back.) The high draped belt is made of a biased piece of velvet 25 centimeters wide and supported by stays; it is closed in front under a knot held by a large rhinestone buckle.
The sleeves, slightly flared at the lower edge, open on silk broths, green-Russian finished with velvet cuffs; the lower edge of the cutout sleeves is trimmed with a strip of velvet; two similar bands encircle the arm, halfway up.
The large hat, in dark draped velvet, is decorated with ostrich feathers of a lighter shade, held in place by a rhinestone buckle. The underside of the pass is garnished behind with a large tuft of Parma violets
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kiwiwi-art-aaa · 10 months
aardwolf and striped hyena plus some velvet worms:) (you can send suggestions in my askbox too btw)
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hotfuss · 1 year
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The Killers @ Kägelbanan, Stockholm 9/11/2004. Photos by Tuben Persson
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skinnyscottishbloke · 7 months
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I don’t have a colorful sock problem at all….nooooo…👀👀😂😂
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thegothicalice · 1 year
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clownsgobeepbeep · 3 months
Jurassic AU
NOT a complete list but it's what I could come up with ^^ Tumblr is not letting me post everything at once
The D’Vitts own a park that is the result of the bioengineering company they also have ownership of. This company was handed over to Mama Carol by an “old friend” of hers, as well as his fortune which she used to build up the company before purchasing a piece of land to start up her park that she owned along with her husband. 
Mama Carol is of course still the owner many years later after its success, and the one to potentially inherit the company + park is Coraline who is the trusted (Theme) Park Operation Manager.
Stripes is the co-owner of the company, though he doesn’t participate much and lets his wife do as she wishes. He’s along for the ride and trusts her judgment. Though, when not in the presence of his wife, he does like to spend most of his time with the older dinosaurs and the genetics lab.
Thanks to Coraline’s thinking the park expanded enough to have a marine themed area which goes as far as including sharks and even the endangered axolotl(despite not exactly being prehistoric).
Coraline is the one that keeps the park up and running; practically all over the place and of course every single employee knows her. She almost made the decision to not take the job due to personal reasons, but in the end she moved closer to her new workplace. Despite the big workload, she makes sure to dedicate time to her daughter Lily who is always brought along. Many have commented it’s unprofessional but Lily’s good behavior and knowledge makes them take their comments back. She likes to spend most of her time in the marine facility. She also makes sure to be present anytime a creature is born; people think she doesn’t care about the animals’ wellbeing but she’s very strict about their care.
Stellar is a computer engineer, though after doing all the big parts of work he kind of just chills in the control room. Chill guy, perhaps a bit more on the lazier side of work (though not useless; it’s more of “work smarter not harder”). Watches movies and plays games while at his desk but knows how to work the system that he hides it so well his superiors can NEVER prove it. Thankfully his baby sister makes sure they get off his back.
Roger preferred the “quieter” role out of his siblings; he works as a baker. Specifically has a soft spot for herbivores, despite also really liking carnivores. Especially because his twins are spooked by the bigger dinosaurs. He’s nice enough to make lunches for his siblings and even drop them off. He’ll even bring snacks for other co-workers! (Coraline is sometimes told she shouldn’t be giving her brothers such “privileges” but a word from the owner herself is enough to make everyone shut up) 
Abraham is part of the unit that helps contain the animals. Despite seeming like a big brute, he’s rather gentle with the animals and has resolved many situations in very swift and simple ways. He just doesn’t do very well in the marine facility, thankfully those animals can’t exactly escape. 
Harley is a paleontologist who was offered a job at the park, since it seemed that excavations and such just weren’t cutting it like they were before. They get to do something similar in the park, teaching people all there is to know about the origins of all the creatures present. They point out the differences, having been so used to only teaching about the past but now teaching about the future as well. They also are one of the ones that get up close and personal with the animals, being invited to some hatchings every now and then. Also one of the people the animals just adore(especially when snacks are provided). They sometimes make mention of their twin people don’t really believe they have.
Leota works in the nursery; she loves to take care of the baby dinosaurs! She’s really sweet and is well known by many of the other employees; she even gets some visits from a specific ACU trooper who thinks she’s really cute. She may have close connections to Coraline due to being old friends(they will have known each other long in this AU) and she will sometimes volunteer to look after (a reluctant) Lily.
Roxanne is of course one of the older characters here. She lives the usual luxurious life, the rich aunt that comes to the island when she feels like visiting the family once she’s had her fill of trips around the world. Retired employee who worked as an animal behaviorist. She is definitely respected amongst new and current employees while still being recognized by the animals she took care of in her day.
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yubaba-yaga · 1 year
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pollinarys · 1 year
For a few months I had an idea to remake one of those weird looks from the movies. So this one is inspired by tradescantia plant as its leaves are bright and shiny just like the person in question (so surprising haha)
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