#The Widening Gyre
arcadienne-writes · 3 months
It's time for chapter 3! Watch as a local girl struggles to give at least some personality to characters she never cared about before including them in her story (the Knights of course)!
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abwatt · 8 months
Sun in Libra III (13-23 October 2023)
The Sun enters Libra III on October 13, 2023 at 10:38 am EDT — the decan that Austin Coppock called The Gyroscope, forever spinning in an effort to stay upright and keep going. T. Susan Chang in 36 Secrets, her book on Tarot, called it The Widening Gyre, noting its associations with the four of swords in Tarot. The Greeks of Hellenistic Alexandria noted that this season of the year was associated…
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comicsiswild · 5 months
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Batman: Widening Gyre (2009) #3
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campgender · 5 months
when i get a certain level of high i start experiencing profound dysphoria over not having talons so like watch this space ig
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n1ghtwr1ter · 2 years
This meeting of Nona Fearers Anonymous will now come to order
Hi, I’m Cal and I await the coming of September 13th like this rough beast, its hour come at last, slouching towards Bethlehem to be born…
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
Speaking of stupid reasons to criticize the Autobots (or rather, the opposite), I actually find the ““““problematic”““““ nature of Cop IDW Optimus and other elements of the plot to be quite essential to enjoying the story and seeing it as a balanced, nuanced story.
Because like... in other continuities, the story of revolution seems to be very much “there were good revolutionaries and there were bad ones, and then the bad ones wanted to be in charge and then they fought about it for 4 million years.” Which seems very weak to me not just in the “revolution bad” sense, but it makes me wonder how the war could go on for millions of years when the Autobots and Decepticons literally had the same goal and achieved it, now they’re just fighting over who gets to be in charge.
But like, in IDW1, the Autobot insignia and stuff already existed as a badge for the previous regime of the Prime/Senate. Orion Pax (now Optimus Prime) was a lackey of Zeta Prime who was either his loyal puppet at best or being groomed for the position of Prime at worst. Most of the people Optimus Prime recruited to help him fight were other police officers and military members he was affiliated with, who were already cracking down on the Decepticon movement as it became more and more violent.
With that base of Optimus/the Autobots being actually ~problematic~, I can absolutely see why the Decepticons wouldn’t consider the war over and would continue fighting. I mean, why the hell would they trust a police enforcer/military officer who was lackeys with the PRIME? Why would they think Optimus actually believes in peace and equality?
Of course, the Decepticons have their own problems as well. What was once a universal political movement (because remember, the Decepticon movement began with Megatron’s writings but he was NOT the leader of a militarized faction until Megatron Origins) was taken over by essentially an underground criminal gladiator organization that began engaging in weapon trafficking, crime, and terrorism. From the Autobot perspective, the Decepticons are allies for equality gone bad due to Megatron’s violent influences and the gladiator/criminal aspects overtaking the actual social equality vibes.
I just think that the premise of IDW1′s Autobot-Decepticon war is so good because like, the Autobots and Decepticons existed in a way BEFORE either Megatron or Optimus became the official leaders of those two specific, organized, militarized factions. But the society that created them and the two different social classes they came from doomed them to distrust each other. It wasn’t ever a fight about who got to be in charge, it was a war between two different factions of people who had every reason to distrust each other and think that the other faction would subjugate them if they allowed them to gain power.
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planetariumandacid · 2 years
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Haven parallels: Nathan +bruises 1x3 Harmony 2x9 Lockdown 3x1 301 4x7 Lay Me Down 5x24 The Widening Gyre (2010-2015)
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ratsalad · 2 years
i read chinua achebe's 'things fall apart' once 5 years ago and every time a family member tells me about the younger generation and eroding traditions I think about how they alienate those in our own societies and so are complicit in the erosion of traditions themselves
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arcadienne-writes · 4 months
chapter two of "the widening gyre" is up!! i missed writing a fantasy story so much. i hope you enjoy it!
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red-hemlock · 6 months
@onopoeia started following you! (For Onomatopoeia!)
The Bat's renown was becoming an infection. Spreading with no signs of stopping, it seemed a three-way coin-toss to whether or not you were 'spared' or inspired to join Team Good or Team Bad. Team Good had a recent crop of 'hopefuls' looking to shine from the rabble, one of them was scampering ahead of her now. Shit-for-all when it came to the old hand-to-hand, but one slippery street-fish on the evasion-side of things; It'll be glorious once she finally sinks her claws in, and descales those pretty plates back to expose the soft underneath.
But, Hemlock had to admit this one sure knew the city well. Enough to lead her on a mad-dash throughout, and enough to stoke the fires of irritation into an inferno. Time to end this clown-show.
They land behind some old abandoned warehouse, but before the fledgling vigilante can gain ground, pain forces him to eat it, instead. Courtesy of the hooked head of her grappling-gun dug deep into the meat of his calf. The mechanism begins dragging him screaming back towards her; and with no movement wasted, she's on the hero like a starved beast. Knee to the back, hand on neck, and a greedy blade raised skyward for the kill.
But movement is what catches her eye, and stays that blade from falling.
"Woah-oooh, there-!"
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“Back-off, Bulls-Eye! I came, I saw, I conquered this tool first. His head belongs to me!"
Or was this ominous hombre here to help this guy? God, she hoped not. There were shows waiting at home for her to get back to.
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comicsiswild · 11 days
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Batman: Widening Gyre (2009) #1
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63883728 · 7 months
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me in my music world
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campgender · 1 year
high femme dysphoria (ze is distressed by not having claws)
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ritterum · 1 year
if your vagina
- develops a fascination with occult and Gnostic mysticism
- keeps turning and turning in its widening gyre
- pens multiple scholarly and literary works on Irish mythology
- can no longer hold its centre
call your doctor immediately! you may have contracted a yeats infection
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apoemaday · 1 month
The Second Coming
by W.B. Yeats
Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand. The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand; A shape with lion body and the head of a man, A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again but now I know That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
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