#The best food for a german shepherd puppy
deansapplepie · 1 year
Till THE DEAD do us part | Chapter 2
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A/N: This story will take place in all the seasons, but it’s not exactly a rewriting cause I’d have to re-watch everything to use the exactly lines of the characters, also I think it’s better if I tell a side story without changing the main facts of the story.
This story has a Female Reader, but I don’t describe her appearance, so anyone can identify with her.
Chapter 1 Chapter 3
Chapter 2: Anything that Reminds you of Me
Summary: In this chapter Y/N Grimes gets back something that she lost, discover some secrets and conflicts Shane.
Warnings: mentions of cheating, swearing, mentions of death, violence, Shane is an ass, Merle being Merle.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Grimes!Reader (Rick’s sister)
Word Count: 3716
Extra notes: I proofread the text, but English is not my first language, so feel free to correct any mistakes, of course with love.
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After that day you grew closer to Daryl, it was easy to be with him, you could stay a long moment silently and it would not feel awkward. Also, it was cute to watch his interactions with Luna. He started to interact more with her and sometimes even took her for a walk. But now, you needed to also deal with a super protective Shane that out of nowhere thought you were a little girl.
“Be careful. He’s not the right man for you.” You rolled your eyes at him, he always said the same damn thing and you were getting tired of it.
“Did you ever stop to think that maybe I don’t want the right one? Maybe I just want the wrong one?” You were tired, you would always tell he was just your friend, that you knew how to defend yourself, but he always came with the same judgmental words about Daryl and about you.
“Y/N…” That was it, you had enough.
“Shane, I’m no damsel in distress, and… you’re not Rick, okay?” You chose your words carefully almost saying ‘you’re not my brother’, but you considered him your brother, right? You tried change your words to not hurt him, but what you said… he understood what you said, he was not Rick which means he’s not your big bro to boss you.
“Fine.” He answered teeth greeted.
“Fine.” You throw back at him, leaving your side of camp followed by Luna.
A group was getting ready to do a run to get more food and any other thing that could be useful. You weren’t going this time, so you approached Glenn to give him a list of things you needed. He was the one with more experience on the runs, so he was the best person to have the list.
“Just that?” He asked looking at your very small list.
“Yeah, I don’t need much.” You scratched Luna’s ears while she got a lick from Glenn’s hand.
“Nothing special? A candy? Maybe some cookies?” He suggested, you never asked those kind of things to him, but he would always bring something to you. He was like that cute baby brother that everyone wanted to have.
“If you see anything that reminds you of me, you can bring it.” You simply answered, everything was almost ready for them to go. So you decided not to get on their way. “Be careful, ok?”
You left them finishing getting things done and went to the other side of the camp where a certain archer was also preparing his things to go hunting.
“Good morning” you said as you got close to him, Luna already attacking him with her tongue and paws.
“Morning”, he answered while petting the happy dog. “Luna, stop” he tried commanding the german shepherd when she wouldn’t let him finish what he was doing. “Stop” he said again.
Then she stopped looking at him, puppy eyes, tongue out and the tail going side to side. “Good girl” he scratched her ears. You smiled looking at both of them, they were too much cute to not smile at.
“Can I go hunting with you?” You finally talked.
“It’s better not, I’m planning on bringing something big this time and ya make much noise walking, no offense” he was not wrong, but you could use leaving the quarry for a while.
“Alright, do you want Luna to go with you?” You asked, you’d prefer Luna stayed with you, but you knew he also needed some company.
“Nah, I’m ok. She sometimes doesn’t obey me, I don’t wanna risk anything happening to her.” You sat on a beach chair that was close where he was preparing to head out, Luna on your feet.
“When you come back, you’ll teach me how to shoot the crossbow, right?” You had asked him the other day and he said he could help you, but then you never had the opportunity.
“Yeah, I’ll…” he stopped mid sentence watching Merle approach, he was going on the run, so why was him coming back?
“Want anything special lil bro?” He asked, then looked between you and Daryl with a smirk on his face. “Maybe, some condoms?” He knew he would get Daryl pissed, most of the time he would say this things just so he could see Daryl’s reaction.
“Shut the fuck up Merle!” His face burned and he was trying to hide his blushed cheeks. Your cheeks were also blushing and you had nowhere to hide.
“Don’t you have to go on that run Dixon?” He laughed and tried to pet Luna, but she barked to him making him jump.
“It’s okay love birds, I’ll leave you alone.” He said returning to the group that was almost going.
“Don’t mind him.” Daryl tried to apologize, he felt like he was always apologizing or making excuses for his brother.
“Don’t worry, it’s just Merle being himself, there’s not much you can do.” You stayed there with him until he was ready to leave to the woods, you wished him good luck and told him to take care. He gave you a little grunt that you interpreted as ‘thank you, take care too’.
The rest of the day was uneventful. You helped around camp, took care of the kids and also rested a little. It was getting late but nobody had came back from the run yet. You were starting to become worried.
“Any sign of them?” You asked Dale who was at his usual spot near the RV.
“No, not yet.” He answered and looked with his binoculars again.
“What if something bad happened?” Amy asked worried, Andrea, her sister, had gone with them and she was not used to go on these runs.
“I’m sure they are fine, maybe they run into some trouble, but they have T.Dog and Merle, they are strong. They’ll be fine.” You tried tranquilizing the younger woman.
Not longer after this conversation you heard a big noise, just like a car alarm. Down the road a red sports car came in a high speed and the noise of the alarm became higher and higher. Soon the car stopped in the entrance of the quarry and it was Glenn inside. Shane ran to stop the noise of the alarm and soon after a truck stopped behind the beautiful car. ‘They freaking stole a truck’, you thought admired. ‘What could possibly have happened?’
You saw T.Dog, Morales and Andrea coming from the truck. Amy was helping Andrea to walk, something had gone really wrong. Where was Merle? Suddenly you heard a commotion, you thought you heard Carl yelling the word ‘dad’ and it couldn’t be it. What were the chances? Luna ran from your side in the direction of the group and you had to follow her. “Luna, stop! You can’t go running like that!” You yelled at the dog, only stopping when she jumped on Lori, Carl and… Rick.
“Rick?” You didn’t even know if anyone could listen to you, you felt as if you were in one of those dreams where you want to talk, scream and you just can’t, but that wasn’t a dream. Rick was there in his uniform, hugging his family, tears in his eyes and he heard you, if it was another sad dream he’d have ignored you like in every other that you had. But he got up from where he was hugging Lori and Carl, and he walked in your direction, you ran the short distance between you, and threw your arms around him.
“It’s really you” tears were already coming from your eyes.
“It’s me, I’m here now.” He was alive and his heart was beating, he kissed the top of your head and you hugged him tightly.
“I thought you were dead, I- I should have gone and saw it for myself. I’m sorry, you were left alone… I’m so sorry.” Many feelings came to your mind at this moment, Shane told you he was dead, but he wasn’t. You were happy about having your brother back, but now you were infinitely angry at Shane.
“It’s ok, you couldn’t know. None of us are going to separate again, I promise.” After you departed from his embrace, you looked at Shane and for second he was scared. He knew you were mad, and he knew he had screwed everything. Your look meant many things and he was scared of what he could lose if you ever opened your mouth.
You were informed that they let Merle cuffed to a rooftop.
“Damn, I know he’s an asshole, but it’s not going to go well when Daryl get to hear about it. I’m not telling him, you guys tell, I’ll just be around in case he gets out of control.” You said. Fuck. You knew they probably had a good reason for that, but Daryl was his brother and he would get very upset about it. Actually, upset doesn’t really represent how he would be. And you couldn’t blame him, you were a young sibling too and if it was Rick… you’d be angry too. In fact, at this moment you were still mad about Rick being left in the hospital to die.
“What will you do? Are you gonna kiss the calm into him?” Shane mocked you up, good everything you needed.
“Fuck you Shane!” You showed him your middle finger and left, if it was any other time, it would become a playful moment between both of you. But right now, you couldn’t. There was too much on your mind.
You closed into yourself for a while, trying to calm yourself down and organize your thoughts, but it was almost impossible. You wanted to thank Glenn, for bringing your brother back to you, but with everything that happened you didn’t get the chance to thank him. When you told him to bring something that reminded of you, you were not expecting him to bring your brother that you thought was dead. You were so glad at Glenn for it, he could have ignored Rick and let him to die, but he helped him.
“We’re organizing to go get him by the morning” Rick sat by your side, concern in his eyes. “I know we shouldn’t have left him there, but things got out of control and T.Dog lost the key.” You know he was being honest, and you were happy they were going back to rescue him.
“Daryl is probably coming back tomorrow morning, maybe he’s able to go with you. I think he’d like to.” You felt Rick tense, you knew your brother, it was just like you could feel his energy. Shane already opened his mouth.
“This Daryl Dixon, what’s going on between you two?” There was the question you were waiting he would drop.
“Nothing, he’s my friend. I have no idea what Shane told you, but he’s an ass. He judges people without knowing them. Daryl is a good person and he was with me when I needed the most.” You gave him a brief explanation, omitting the part that you were crying over his cheating friend and wife, and telling it was because you missed him. Not completely a lie. “Trust me, he’ll probably hate you tomorrow, but you’ll get to know him and you’ll see who he really is.”
Rick tried to trust you, he knew you well and he also knew Shane’s temper, but he could not stop protecting you now that he was back.
The other day early in the morning Rick, Glenn and T.Dog already had a plan and were packing everything to rescue Merle and pick the guns Rick had lost. Everything was going just fine, till Daryl made his big entrance cursing a walker that ate the deer he was tracking.
‘Just good, he’s already moody. That helps a lot’, you thought. As soon as the news were told, Daryl jumped in Rick’s direction and you had to come between then.
“Hey! Hey! Daryl! Listen to me! Calm down.” You were in front of him, your back turned to Rick, hands up.
“Easy for ya to tell, yer brother is back from the dead while mine is handcuffed to a damn roof.” He looked at you and you could see anger, fear and despair in his eyes.
“I know. I have mine back and you need to rescue yours. They are going back to rescue him. Rick is really sorry, trust me.” You put your hands on his chest praying he would not flinch at your touch or take your hands away, but he didn’t move. “Now we can stay here, fighting each other while Merle is alone in that rooftop, or you can all work together and rescue him. I know right at this moment you wished Rick was dead, but I’d never wish it for Merle. Our brothers can do stupid things, but they don’t deserve to die.”
A long silence came and Daryl contemplated the possibilities, he trusted you, but he wanted to punch Rick’s face as much as he wanted to punch Shane for going around talking shit about his brother. He looked at you one last time and said “Fine. I’m going.”
After they went on the rescue mission the camp started to go back to normal. But it was not over to you, and you had something you needed to do. You walked large steps on Shane’s direction.
“Hey Shane!” You called, in the moment he turned to you, you were already close enough and in seconds your closed hand were making contact with his face.
“What the hell was that for? Because of your boyfriend?” He asked his hand touching the left side of his face.
“That was because of my brother, and you know why. All the reasons going on your mind right now, it’s because of them.” You know he understood, his angry face became a worried one in seconds.
“Y/N… I didn’t know. I swear, he was not breathing, his… his heart had stopped.” He tried to explain. Some people looked at you and other pretended to be minding their own businesses but you couldn’t care less.
“Well, then explain me this. Because I see two options, first you lied, or second we need to take Rick to the authorities immediately, because he’s the cure to all this shit.” You decided to go to the side of the camp where your tents were, you have had enough. The show was over.
“Aunt Y/N, why did you punch Shane?” Damn the kid saw it, Lori wasn’t going to like it.
“Shane said I needed to practice, so he asked me to practice on his face. Very dumb decision I’d say.” You gave the first excuse you could think to Carl, but then Lori came.
“You punched Shane?” She asked in low voice, everybody saw there was no secret about it.
“Yes, he deserved. You know he deserved, I was holding up since yesterday when Rick showed up.” You answered actually there was way more time that you wanted to this, but no way you were going to say Lori what you saw one and a half weeks ago.
She had nothing to say, she also was angry at Shane for making her think Rick was dead. Lori was angry at herself too, for getting involved with Shane, but now it was too late. After that you took some clothes and went to the lake to wash them with the other women, you also decided going at Daryl’s tent and took the clothes of him that you could find. After what happened that was the least you could do to him. You took Luna with you so she could play a little and experience the freedom. Most of the day was alright, the exception was the scene Ed cause ending with Shane punching the shit out of him, you hope he understood the message to not touch Carol again. Also, Jimmy had an insolation and were kind of having hallucinations forcing you to tie him to a tree.
Later that day, you were starting to get anxious about them not returning to the camp. You had just gotten your brother back and even though you knew he did the good thing going back to Atlanta, you were worried you’d lose him again. All of you were around the bonfire eating the delicious fish that Amy and Andrea had fished, you were not a fan of fish, but this was the apocalypse so you would eat whatever you needed to survive. Soon after Amy told she was going to use the bathroom and got up, you heard to her scream and from that moment everything went wrong on that night.
Zombies were attacking the camp, one had bitten Amy, but you didn’t had time to feel sorry for the younger girl that was so dear with everyone from the camp. Everyone got up and ran trying to pick something to defend against the dead. You always carried your gun and knife, so you took your knife and got ready to defend yourself and your family.
“Carl, Lori, Y/N, stay behind me, I’ll protect you.” Shane said, you just ignored him and started stabbing the dead on the head with your knife.
If you could fight, you would not stay behind any man hiding yourself. Rick and Shane didn’t teach you how to knock out a rapist so now you could hide away from the zombies, they were even easier to deal with than alive people. You started counting how many you killed, using it to concentrate and not let your mind wander, soon you had lost count of how many. While you killed your last one, another came on your direction falling on you making you go to the ground, the dead on top of you, you lost your knife, you put one arm between you and the neck of the zombie, trying to reach out for your gun, but before you could take it the dead fell to the side an arrow on his skull.
‘Thank God, they are back.’ You thought and when you looked Daryl was already in front of you offering his hand to pull yourself up.
“Thank you” you said trying to catch your breath from the tiring wrestle you had with the dead one.
“ ‘s nothing” He replied and then shoot another one from the spot you were. You looked around finding your knife on the ground not very far from where you were fighting for you life, but not so close that you could grab it at the time. You took your knife, but the camp was already under control.
The dead that were not lifeless on the ground were being killed by the others, so you allowed yourself to relax a little. You spotted Rick not very far with Lori and Carl, your eyes roamed through the quarry and you also saw T.Dog and Glenn, but where was Merle?
“Merle?” You threw the question at Daryl, but you couldn’t deny… you were afraid of his reaction and of his answer. He made a face and shook his head, you thought about the worst.
“Oh my god, Daryl… I’m sorry.” You said, but was almost cut off by him.
“He’s alive, the dumbass cut his own hand and scaped, we were hoping he was back to camp and worrying about what he’d do once he arrived here. He stoled our car.” Well, this was totally Merle, you were glad he was alive, but you couldn’t even imagine what would happen if he had came back to the camp.
“That’s what took you all so long to come back?” You wanted to say you were worried, not only about Rick, or Glenn that was your good friend or T.Dog, mostly about him, but you didn’t know how the words would sound to him, so you stopped yourself before you could say anything.
“That too, but we had other problems.” You were going to ask more about it, but just when you were going to open your mouth Rick came to you.
“Are you okay? Did you get hurt?” Rick asked holding your shoulders and scanning you over to see if you were hurt anywhere.
“I’m alright, despite what some people think I’m not useless and fragile.”
“That’s not what I meant, I was just worried” Rick took a deep breath and looked in your eyes. “I just got all of you back, I can’t lose you again.”
“I can’t lose you too, so stop doing stupid things.” You said and tugged his hat brim to cover his eyes playfully. When you looked to the side, you saw the archer in the distance, already close to his tent.
The night was turning into day and one new morning was starting, the camp was a mess. You had people to burry and walkers to burn. And to think that hallucinating Jimmy dug two graves the other day. You were so caught up in all the confusion that you forgot about Luna, and you didn’t see her anywhere. You started to call her name, until she came running to you from inside Dale’s RV. You were so relieved she was good and alive. You squatted and hugged her while she tried to lick your face. All the people you cared for were good and alive, and you couldn’t be more grateful for it, but you didn’t know what you would do now, the quarry didn’t seem to be safe anymore. The question was, where could you possibly go?
Final Note: Thanks for everyone reading, liking, reblogging and commenting, it’s really good to receive your feedback.
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dollieguts1010 · 6 months
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• He's 13 years old
• He's Omnisexual and Polyamorous
• His pronouns are He/Him/His
• He has ADHD
• He's in love with Craftycorn
• He's best friends are Catnap and Bobby Bearhug
• Kickin is the a brother to him
• He's the oldest in the group
• He's a mixed breed of Cocker Spaniel, Springer Spaniel, and German Shepherd
• He's allergic to chocolate
• He's constantly carrying at least 2 or 3 epi-pens just in case if he eats any chocolate
• There's been a couple of times where Dogday has almost died because he accidentally ate chocolate
• He often stims a lot because of his ADHD
(he usually stims by barking, woofing, and howling, moving and jumping around, constantly wagging his tail, panting a lot, and biting is chew toys)
• He's known Kickin since he was a puppy
• He loves vanilla milkshake
• His favorite food is bacon cheeseburgers and curly fries
• He has Thantophobia (the fear of losing someone you love)
• His father died when he was 10 years old
• He's scared of thunderstorms
• He was there for Bubba when he was morning the death of his parents
• Even though he's a leader of the group, he thinks that Bubba should be the leader instead of him
• He has permanent happy face
• His tail is constantly wagging
• He will do ANYTHING for his friends, no matter the cost. He's not afraid to get in a physical or verbal fight for his friends
• He's a bit naive when it comes to trusting strangers
• He tends to have a bit of a problem of being a bit of a people pleaser and not saying "NO"
• He has a small omnisexual flag right above his bed
• He was to have a crush on all of his friends
• He may be constantly in a cheerful mood however, he gets easily stressed out when his friends fight. He will literally will stay up all night trying to fix the problem
• He rarely ever yells at his friends
• He doesn't really like cussing, he only cusses when he's PISSED.
• He made all of his friends pendants necklaces
• He doesn't like crying in front of his friends because he doesn't want them to be worried (just like Bubba)
• He only cries when he's in his bedroom by himself while cuddling his little bone plushie
• He knows how to drive and has his driver's license, even though he's only 13 years old
• Whenever he's going on a car ride he'll stick his head out the window and stick out his tongue
• He loves going on roadtrips with his friends
• Him, Bubba, and Kickin help out Picky with farm work
• He let's the girls put makeup on him and doll him up
• He likes peanutbutter cookies
• He taught Kickin how to ride a skateboard
• He love fireworks however, he hates how loud they can be
• His favorite sports are basketball, football, and tennis
• Him and Bobby make friendship bracelets for everyone
• He has a rainbow bracelet that has all of his friends pendants on it and he wears that thing EVERYWHERE
• He likes helping out Bobby with her makeup
• His sun necklace was gifted to him by his father
• His sun necklace glows in the dark
• Sometimes he'll go to the store and buy Bubba some new books and stem toys
• He likes to draw with Crafty
• He likes doing arts and crafts with Crafty
• He likes watching Crafty painting or drawing
• He's constantly complicating Crafty's artwork
• He has a special box that he puts all of Crafty's artwork in
• He loves braiding, brushing, and styling Crafty's hair
• He likes to watch anime and disney movies with Crafty
• Him, Kickin, and Bobby are the personal cheerleaders in the group
• Him and Bobby are the group therapist
(imagine petting a silky cloud. that's pretty much what Dogday's fur feels like)
• He's a total social butterfly! He can make new friends with ease
• He's also a social magnet like- whenever he's out in public people tend to notice him and wants to talk to him
• He's multilingual and he knows sign language
• He's a amazing singer and dancer
• He's not afraid to sing and dance in front of his friends
• He likes all genres of music
• He likes reading comic books
• He gets incredibly sensitive when someone brings up his father
• He has an amazing relationship with his mother
• He likes helping out his mother with cooking and baking
• His favorite activity to do with his mother is painting and playing games
• He may be a cute little doggy but once he realizes he's in danger, he's no longer cute. He'll bite, scratch, scream, and bark at you. Until he has the chance to run away
• He loves flowers! Every time someone gives a flower he'll have a massive goofy smile on his face while blushing a little bit
• He loves giving and receiving compliments (he doesn't often expect to receive compliments but whenever he does get complimented, he gets very excited)
• When he gets complimented, His pupils will dilate, he will have the biggest smile on his face, and his tail will start wagging like crazy
• He likes hugging his friends as tight as he can but if they don't like being touched then he will respect their boundaries
• If his ears are in the way, he'll just put them in a ponytail
• Sometimes when it's a full Moon he'll go outside and howl at the Moon and sometimes Kickin will join him to not make him feel left out
• He likes playing frisbee with Kickin
• He likes to go to the beach with Kickin
• He helps Kickin film his at-home action movies and sometimes even joins in
• Has a great relationship with Charlotte (Kickin's mother) and sees her as his second mother
• He likes hosting sleepovers
• He great at playing the acoustic guitar
• He loves the summer time
• He often comforts Catnap when he has a nightmare
• He likes playing tag with Hoppy
• He does his best to cheer people up
• Just like any other dog, he will sniff a potential new friend
• He likes getting headpats and being called a good boy, just like any other dog
(don't be weird about it)
• His father made him a plush bone toy that he still sleeps with at night
• He often has nightmares about his father's death or about his friends being murdered in brutal ways
• He owns 3 different kinds of skateboards and 2 different kinds of rollerblades
• Each wall in his clubhouse is covered in picture frames of his friends
• He sorta freaked out when he realized he was in love with Craftycorn
that's all for now!
*I will add more later*
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reminiscingtonight · 2 years
Puppy Love
Sofia Huerta x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
[WOSO Masterlist]
When Sofia got the call from Nikki, she was concerned. Nikki had been watching Daisy while Sofia herself was off for the set of friendlies in New Zealand. 
It was a quick call. Nikki had an emergency that she had to leave for, which meant she couldn’t watch Daisy anymore. Sofia was racking her brain, mentally making a list of people she could call last minute to watch Daisy, when Nikki informed her of your existence. 
“My best friend is staying at my place right now, so I hope it’s okay if she watches Daisy.”
Sofia was skeptical at first. Especially when Nikki let it slip that you had two dogs of your own.
“Nik, I love you, but I don’t know if you telling me one girl is watching four dogs is making me feel any better.”
“Sof,” Nikki starts. “I know this isn’t the ideal situation, but I promise she’s amazing with dogs. Daisy will be well taken care of until you get back in a couple days.”
Really, it’s the photo you send not even ten minutes after she hangs up the phone with her club teammate that makes Sofia start to think about you in a different light. 
In it, Daisy’s half laying on top of an unfamiliar german shepherd. Burger has his paws resting upon this dog’s head too, but it doesn’t seem to faze the dog at all. She squints, wondering if she’ll get a glimpse of your second mysterious dog, but can’t seem to find it anywhere. 
Your text accompanying the picture is sweet and simple.
[I know this isn’t the best of circumstances but I promise Daisy’s being well taken care of!]
Sofia sits up in her bed, smiling at the image of three dogs. 
[I hope she hasn’t been too much trouble. Nikki said something about you taking care of four dogs?? I can get someone to come grab her in the morning]
Your response is instantaneous. This time it’s a picture of you cuddling with all four dogs. Sofia’s first thought is that you’re cute. Leave up to Nikki to be friends with someone who looks like a literal goddess. Sofia’s too busy admiring the way you look underneath all of the fur that she doesn’t see the caption at first. 
[Don’t worry about it! This cuddle puddle wouldn’t be the same without Daisy here!]
She can’t deny how happy Daisy looks, licking your cheek while you have a wide grin in the picture. 
[If you’re sure. I don’t want to trouble you too much]
You guys text back and forth for a little bit before you call it a night. Sofia feels guilty for a second, forgetting about the time difference. It’s already close to midnight where she is, she couldn’t imagine how long you’ve been awake now. 
When she falls asleep later that night, she does so with the image of your bright smile painted on the inside of her eyelids, wondering what your voice sounds like. 
The two of you communicate regularly. You send her countless pictures of Daisy with the three other dogs in your care. Daisy looks so genuinely happy in each one, Sofia almost feels guilty for having to take her away from the other dogs in a couple days.
With each interaction between the two of you, Sofia can’t help but crush on you harder. You’re just so easy to talk to, not to mention how good you are with Daisy.
The first time she calls you, Sofia makes the excuse of wanting to see Daisy. The way you answer while in a sports bra and the shortest running shorts ever nearly makes Sofia’s brain short-circuit. 
“Sorry,” you huff, brushing your hair out of your face. “We just came back from a run.”
“Is it not freezing over there right now?” Sofia laughs, trying to mask her flusterness with a joke. 
The grin you give her makes her heart feel funny. “I’m Seattle born and raised. The cold doesn’t bother me.”
“Okay, weirdo.”
Although it’s the first time the two of you talk, conversation comes easily. By the time Rose comes to get her for practice, Sofia almost doesn’t want to leave. 
“Sof, we gotta--” Rose blinks, looking over Sofia’s shoulder at the phone. “(Y/N)?”
You look up from where you’re fixing yourself some food. “Oh hey, Rose!”
Sofia looks between the two of you. “You guys know each other?”
Rose rolls her eyes. “Do I know (Y/N)? She literally named one of her dogs after me.”
“Fake news. Rosie the dog came with her name from the shelter. You’re just the annoying human that came with Nikki from soccer.”
Sofia nearly chokes at the offhanded way you insult Rose. Rose merely snorts as if the two of you have had this conversation multiple times already. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. You better be treating mini me with all the love she deserves. Anyways,” she turns back towards the defender. “We gotta go. Bus leaves in ten.”
“Right, sorry. Be right there.”
“Go kick some soccer ass. It was nice talking to you.”
Sofia doesn’t have a chance to say anything before you’re switching the camera. Sofia’s met with the giant face of her dog. 
“Daisy, come here! Say bye to your mom!”
When you finally hang up the phone, Sofia has the biggest smile on her face. When she looks up, getting ready to leave the room, she realizes with a start that Rose is still lingering by the door. 
The younger girl has a shit eating grin on her face that only spells trouble. “Sof, do you have a crush?”
“What? No! Of course not!” she sputters.
“Right. So you wouldn’t care if I told you (Y/N) was single.”
“She’s single?” Sofia doesn’t have a chance to stop herself before she asks the question. 
By the time they get to the bus, Rose has teased her so much that Sofia has no choice but to sink into her seat with a red face.
You’re playing fetch with the dogs when Sofia meets you in person for the first time. Daisy races past your outstretched hand to barrel into her owner, barking with joy. 
“Hi, Daisy girl! Were you good for (Y/N)?” 
The soft crunching of gravel has her looking up again. You look as good in person as you did over the screen of her phone. If anything, you look even better. Sofia has to swallow her groan when you give her a soft smile. 
She doesn’t know if it’s weird, but Sofia hugs you all the same when she gets up. She doesn’t know if she’s imagining it too when she spots a faint blush on your cheeks. 
“It’s great to finally meet you.”
“Yeah of course. Thank you so much for watching Daisy. I’m sure you didn’t sign up to watch four dogs when you decided to come visit Nikki.”
“Is that what she told you?” you laugh. 
Sofia frowns. “What, she didn’t actually have a real emergency?”
“No, no, she did. I was just referring to the ‘visiting Nik’ thing.”
Sofia stays silent, not really sure where you’re going with this. 
“I moved back here from Cali a couple months ago. I’m Nikki’s permanent roommate, no matter how hard she tries to get rid of me.”
“Oh, so I guess I’ll be seeing you around?” She tries to play it off as if she doesn’t have any real expectations to see you again, but deep down, Sofia knows that she’d do anything just to make up a reason to get to see you after you give back Daisy. 
“Well yeah, you’re kind of stuck with me now. Daisy and I have really bonded in your absence. I’m expecting full visiting privileges.” Your words are spoken with a grin, and Sofia can’t help but laugh at your demand.
“I’m gonna miss you, Daisy girl.” Leaning down, you press a kiss Daisy’s forehead, the giant pup wiggling from all of your attention.
“We can always take our dogs out for a puppy play date,” Sofia shrugs, trying to play it cool. “That way you can see Daisy again. And I’m sure she’d love to play with your dogs too.”
“Or…” you trail off, keeping your eyes focused on where the three dogs are now rolling around together on the ground. 
“Or?” Sofia repeats, trying not to get her hopes up. 
You look nervous now, eyes still not meeting hers. “I know a restaurant nearby that’s pet friendly. If you happen to be free tomorrow night, I’d love some company.”
“Are you asking me out on a date?”
You chew on the inside of your cheeks, finally raising your eyes to meet hers. “Are you going to get creeped out if I say yes?”
Sofia’s heart instantly feels warm. She’s smiling so hard that her cheeks hurt, but she really couldn’t care less. “Text me the time and place. I’ll be there.”
Your eyes light up. “Right, yeah, cool. I’ll definitely do that.”
By the time she leaves hours later, having been caught up getting to know you, Sofia has a feeling that maybe, hopefully, both her and Daisy will be seeing a lot more of you.
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layraket · 3 months
I saw your post saying asks for the creatures gang au were open so
1) what type of creature is everyone? (I've seen a few post, but I don't think I know what EVERYONE is)
2) what is everyone's favorite food?
3) do they do snuggles? If so, who is most likely to curl up together?
4) of those with fur, who's is the softest?
1) I tried to make them all something that is related to their adventure AND will make sense in their quests, so we have:
Wind - Seagull
Four - Mouse
Hyrule - Fairy
Wild - Fox
Legend - Rabbit
Sky - Loftwing
Twilight - Wolf (well it would be more a mix between a german shepherd and a wolf if we go with the technicalls)
Warriors - Lion
Time - Wolf
Twilight is able to turn hylian, the same with Hyrule! the only diference is that Twilight uses the aid of the light spirits, while Hyrule is able to do this for himself
im still deciding if make this also something that Four can do, but i'll see when i finish playing minish cap lol
As an extra theres also Ravio who is a bunny and Malon who is a German Shepherd!
if i remember correctly i also added Spirit somewhere, who is a draft horse
Wind: There's this old lady in Outset island that took care of him and Aryll when their parents never came back, she makes the best fish soup! she always give them some
Four: Loves the pastries in Castle Town! Always goes to visit the minish there to have a chat and taste all the sweet bread
Hyrule: Anything tooth-rooting sweet! but fruits like strawberries are his personal favorites, in his era there's not much of them to taste (thats why Wild's Hyrule is one of his favs behind Legend's)
Wild: This damn fox eats anything that can enter his mouth. But! He loves a lot fish, he visits frequently Zora's domain and Sidon always gives him some, the same in Lurelin Village after the locals got used to his presence
Legend: Apples, also red poppies are one of his personal favorites, Ravio always find some when they explore around the forest
Sky: This bird loves fish a lot, and since he got to taste the trouts in the surface they became his favorites
Twilight: Yeto's soup, he got to taste it while hylian, and hes glad that he did that, he didnt thought that the soup could get better with wolf hair. A second place is definetly baked cucco
Warriors: See this giant cat? he's completly in love with Hyrule's food since he got to taste it, his personal favorite being the beef of Castle Town
Time: since a puppy he has been feed with a simpler diet, mostly tiny roedors and some fruit, but since he got to stay in the ranch his fav is fried cucco eggs, Malon has to talk with the cuccos cuz they dont let him near to take the eggs tho
3) Absolutely. Twilight is very protective with the ones he consider pack, so he express his love with a lot of physical touch. He always tries to stay close to Time, and keeps company Wild as he is almost like a pup in his eyes. He tried with Legend, that rabbit's bite is strong
Wild, Legend and Hyrule cuddle together a lot, sometimes Four joins them
Sky mother hen's everyone, he's the biggest in the chain and even Time or Wars cant escape his big wings covering them completly. The only one who isn't found of him is Wind
Wind stays very close to Warriors, always on his back and sleeps covered by his scarf and mane, Four also joins them sometimes, being the smallest one makes him very pocket sized for everyone
have you seen Wars?
i mean yeah Twilight looks very fluffy, Legend too
but this is a big kitty who we are talking abt
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i rest my case
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yourreddancer · 8 days
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It was the dogs. The dogs are what got me.
A few years ago we visited the 9/11 Memorial Museum, and we saw a lot. Twisted steel girders. Baby-faced portraits of the deceased. Mutilated emergency vehicles.
But it was the dogs that wrecked me.
The dog exhibit is pretty small. Located in the far corner of the museum, with photographs of search and rescue dogs.
You see dogs nosing through rubble, wearing safety harnesses. You see them in their prime. They’re all deceased now. But they were spectacular.
There was Riley. Golden retriever. He was trained to find living people. But, he didn’t find any. Instead, he recovered the remains of firefighters. Riley kept searching for a live survivor, but found none. Riley’s morale tanked.
“I tried my best to tell Riley he was doing his job,” said his handler. “He had no way to know that when firefighters and police officers came over to hug him, and for a split second you can see them crack a smile—that Riley was succeeding at doing an altogether different job. He provided comfort. Or maybe he did know.”
There was Coby and Guiness. Black and yellow Labs. From California. Surfer dogs. They found dozens of human remains.
And Abigail. Golden Lab. Happy. Energetic. Committed. Big fan of bacon.
Sage. A border collie. Cheerful. Endless energy. Her first mission was searching the Pentagon wreckage after the attacks. She recovered the body of the terrorist who piloted American Airlines Flight 77.
Jenner. Black Lab. At age 9, he was one of the oldest dogs on the scene. Jenner’s handler, Ann Wichmann, remembers:
“It was 12 to 15 stories high of rubble and twisted steel. My first thought was, ‘I can't send Jenner into that…’ At one point, [Jenner] disappeared down a hole under the rubble and I was like, ‘Ugggggh!' Such a heart-stopping moment..."
Trakr. German Shepherd. Tireless worker. Worked until he couldn’t stand up anymore. Trakr found Genelle Guzman-McMillan, who was trapped for 27 hours among the debris. Genelle was as good as dead, until the cold nose poked through the mangled steel.
Apollo. German shepherd. An NYPD police dog. Coal-black muzzle. Liquid eyes. The first dog on the scene, only 15 minutes after the attacks. Apollo worked 18-hour days. Once, he was nearly killed in a fire during his search. But Apollo had been drenched in water and he was quick on his feet. No injuries.
Jake. Labrador. As a puppy, Jake was found on the side of the road in Dallas. Abandoned. Left for dead. Like trash. He had a dislocated hip and a broken leg. They made him a rescue dog.
Jake worked until his body threatened to collapse from exhaustion. After his shifts, local New York merchants saw his rescue-dog vest and treated him to free steak dinners in upscale Manhattan restaurants.
And, of course, there was Bretagne. Golden Retriever. Easygoing. Dutiful. Obsessed with food. Her owner and trainer, Denise Corliss, a firefighter from Harris County, Texas, brought Bretagne to Ground Zero while the rubble was still hot.
Bretagne went straight to work. She worked for 10 days solid. Ten agonizing days. Bretagne never quit. She napped onsite.
Denise recalls: “...There are images of Bretagne going to where she was directed to search, into the unknown, the chaotic environment. But even then, she knew who needed the comfort of a dog, and which firefighter needed to hold her close and stroke her fur.”
After 9/11, Bretagne also helped recovery efforts during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, and Ivan. She retired at age 9.
Old age finally overtook her, she had a hard time using stairs, so Denise installed an above-ground pool to keep Bretagne’s joints limber.
In retirement, Bretagne became a reading dog at a local elementary school. First graders, too shy to read aloud, would read to a white-faced, elderly retriever who looked them in the eyes and smiled.
Bretagne visited students with special needs. She visited students with autism. She visited everyone.
She suffered kidney failure at age 16. She was put to sleep on June 7, 2016, and became the last of the 9/11 rescue dogs to end her earthly career.
Bretagne hobbled into the Cypress, Texas, animal hospital, one sunny Monday, only to discover the sidewalks and hallways were lined with firefighters, first responders, and rescue workers who saluted her.
Her remains were later escorted from the hospital, draped in an American flag.
We do not deserve dogs.
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lowkey-yyy · 2 years
what animal would each bsd character be?
Stares at my extensive animal knowledge
Okok i'll give a domestic (or pet) animal and a fully wild one for each because goddamn i love this. I'll do only a few more main characters and maybe more if its requested,,
Dazai, he is a cat, man is cat have you seen him? For wild animals though id say he would be a hyena, some of the most misrepresented animals, they are the cutest things and extremely deadly if they need to be. These guys hunt better than lions and are neither canine nor feline, they are genuinely some of the most fun and adorable little things ever along with being smart as hell and just gimme his energy (second runner up is a crow because they are mischievous little shits >:)) )
Kunikida is a dog,, not like a german shepherd though more like a rough collie, constantly herding everyone else. For the wild though he reminds me of a squirrel, very picky and fussy, he wants everything organized and done his own way! He is so picky and so are they, setting up nests and storing food hehe
Atsushi,, unpopular opinion not a cat but a chinchilla, very nervous and keeps to himself, but curious and fascinated when allowed to explore and try new things! For the wild definitely a cheetah, nervous and needing support but strong when needed to be!
Ranpo is definitely like a husky puppy, too smart for their own good and heavily food driven, loves praise and treats.... for the wild i'd say a bear, soft sweet to loved ones but mean to strangers, they are tolerant animals and again food driven!
Yosano gives me a hognose snake vibe, nippy but sweet and a little bit venomous, they warm up to you though. For the wild I would say specifically a polar bear, some of the most protective moms to ever exist and she definitely has that energy when it comes to the ADA, they are her family and she will maul you like a bear.
Fukuzawa gives specifically Maine Coon vibes, gentle giant cat who has one of the best personalities, for the wild I would say the wolf is perfect for him, a protective leader who gives his all for his family, wolves are devoted animals.
Kyouka is a hedgehog, shy and weary with a very quiet personality and excellent memory it just fits her so well, her wild counterpart would be an owl, a solitary bird who is immensely smart and quick thinking. They are also very quiet and can be considered intimidating at first but cute up close.
Kenji is a degu and thats that. Mans is a degu... in the wild,, a dolphin again i dont feel i need to elaborate on why lol
Tanizaki is a pygmy goat, needs companions to be happy and in general is friendly also tiny but tough!! For the wild side id say a lion , a pride animal who protects family no matter the cost
Chuuya is a chihuahua, tiny angry but fiercely loyal and protective of their families. On the wild end i'd say an eagle, strong willed, loud, competitive and powerful hehe,, but he'd be a small one
Akutagawa is like a mean ferret, he is mischievous and playful in his own way but also impulsive, mans got too much energy in him lol, on the wild end id say a stoat, somewhat independent animals who are fearless in attacking animals bigger than them and surprisingly good at surviving, he also looks like one .....im not wrong
Mori is a pig, too smart for his own good and gets into stuff, oddly sensitive and can be awfully mean,, on the wild counterpart.... a honey badger... i wont elaborate just look it up and you will understand....
I may change my mind on some of these but this is just like a rougher idea hehe
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arlo-venn · 1 year
7, 21, 26
7) What was your first dogs name?
Sebastian :’) He was a white german shepherd, we grew up together. I’m actually only a thing that exists because my mom wanted a puppy, and my dad wanted a son, so they made a tbh kind of gross deal that my mom could get a puppy if they had another baby. I was eventually born, not a son much to my father’s dismay, and three months later they adopted Sebastian from a breeder in a newspaper. He was my best friend, he passed when we were 13. I had a very… dark and unkind childhood and this dog got me through the bulk of it. We moved around a lot, and in each house we lived in he would teach himself how to open and close my bedroom door so he could come and go of his own volition. He never touched anyone else’s door. I was the only one he didn’t pull on the leash, even when I was very small and he was very big. I don’t have many photos, but here are three:
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Us as babies and one I took with my first antique camera ever at like 11-12, which is when I first started noticing him getting old. He had two tiny little sisters (yorkie/beagle/jack russel mix sisters Roxy and Elsie) who he was very sweet and gentle with, was a good guard dog when necessary but was also lovely with strangers and dogs and all animals alike. His leash pulling and penchant to run away to find me at my friends’ houses when I wasn’t home were his only “bad” behaviors. He would travel some distances to find me, too! Once he ran through my friend’s house with muddy paws right after her mom had cleaned the carpets. Her doors were open letting it air out and he just came in. I wasn’t there though I had already left! That house was at least a mile away from home. Anyway he was the best dog in the world besides Arlo (it’s really not fair to compare them, Sebastian was my childhood savior but Arlo is my heart dog).
21) A useless trick that you love?
See, the only trick I can see as “useless” is “head down” which is only used for posing for photos. Except it has become something he does when he wants me to share food that I’m eating. I’m sure I accidentally reinforced that at some point. I guess “what’s the password?” (aka speak) is genuinely useless but also fun 😅
26) What’s your dogs favorite game to play inside?
Catch is his favorite game to play any time anywhere. We play tugga inside more than outside. He likes to bring me scraps of cardboard to hold so he can chew through them and turn them into MORE cardboard scraps. We have cardboard confetti in bed with us right now! And obviously we wrestle. He’s very easy to please tbh. He thinks anything is a fun game as long as we’re doing it together. I think he thought living in our car for three months was a fun game, too.
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bas-rouge · 7 months
Yesterday recap? I didn't take a single photo (except of 2 irrelevant items), so none of those - sorry!
Usually when I go to an AKC event I recognise at least a fourth, maybe a third, of the people there - not the case this time! I hardly recognised anybody. But my friend with German Shepherds was helping run the event, so I did get to nab her and ask her some questions about German Shepherd conformation (and got some free information on lines, history, etc). Very cool.
I need to read the Whippet standard. I swear one of the adult Whippets was the size of an Iggy.
Learned a lot about Belgian conformation and was even able to play with a puppy which is always a plus.
Helped socialise a Chihuahua. First long hair I've met.
Walked my friend's GSD around and gave him some treats. He is a very good boy and I like him.
Ummmmmm yeah! The Greyhound went best in match while we were talking about how much we liked it outside the ring. Seriously beautiful dog.
Saw a Bull Terrier doing obedience. He was so good. Then I helped pick up and was starving because I had been there 8 hours without food when I had planned for 4-5. Lol
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straykidsnerd255 · 1 year
Hello :) How are u ? I hope that you're alright 😆
I was wondering if it would be possible to write a scenario with Shaka's daughter ( the reader ) she's between 4 and 7 years old . In a AU
With her father , she will walk around town , and she will meet the gold saints and would be introduce as her father's friends , but she's shy ?
Here you go! Enjoy! Sorry, this came out so late! I don’t know where I was going withe this but I hope that it was good nonetheless.
Shaka’s daughter meets his friends and goes to a market festival with her father. Y/n is 5 ½ years old.
Shaka woke to the sound of his younger daughter, Y/n running around the house. He rubbed his eyes before throwing the blankets from his body. He stood up and quickly got ready for the day just before the sound of knocking could be heard. Shaka smiled when he heard his daughter's shuffling before her soft voice could be heard. 
“Are you awake papa? Today is the market festival. Plus I want to meet your friends.” Your voice sounded tired still but she also sounded excited. 
Shaka chuckled before opening the door to his bedroom and found you, dressed in a pretty pink dress, two mismatched shoes, and a smile on your lips. Shaka herded you towards the bathroom to do your hair and get you ready to leave. Shaka smiled softly as you hummed a small tone that your mother sang to you. 
“Papa, what happened to Mama? She was here one day but she left one day and never came back?” You asked, mindlessly playing with your dress. Shaka tensed before finishing up your hair. You still were young and he knew that you were not ready to hear that she had died giving birth to you so he lied and said that she had gone somewhere far to get treasures.
“Mama is still trying to find you the best treasure out there,” Shaka said, adding the finishing touch to your hair before helping you down. “Are you ready to go?” He asked, slipping his shoes on. You grinned and darted for the doorway. Shaka chuckled before following you outside the house. Shaka had to make sure that you waited for him and called out for you to wait. “Y/n, sweetheart, you need to wait for me,” Shaka called out.
~Market Place~
You looked around at all the stalls and stands. Sparkles filled your eyes as you darted from stall to stall. “Papa! This necklace looks so pretty! Could I get it?” You asked, pointing to a necklace with a mermaid-shaped stone fastened to a string. Shaka smiled before picking up the necklace. The stall owner smiled softly before placing the necklace in a bag and handing it to Shaka. “How much do I owe you?” Shaka asked as he reached for his money. The stall owner shook her head and smiled. 
“It’s on the house. Besides, everyone here believes that you should be using your money to help with your baby girl.” She said, smiling up at Shaka and handing the necklace to him. Shaka, to say the least, was stunned. “Are you sure? I have more than enough money to pay for the necklace.” He said, not used to the kindness that this tall owner was showing. The stall owner refused the money and shooed him off. 
“PAPA!! Look at this!” You called out when you saw Shaka walking towards you. You pointed at the small puppy that pranced around barking happily and wagging its tail. Shaka knew that it would be for the best to get an animal as it would keep you occupied when he wasn’t around, but Shaka looked around a bit before finding a German Shepherd laying on the ground near the wall. He smiled before walking to the stall owner. “I’ll take the small white husky that my daughter is currently playing with and the German Shepherd over there,” Shaka said, pointing to the two dogs.
Shaka held the two leashes with the puppy and the German Shepherd connected to them. You skipped in front of the three with a happy aura around you. As the four of you walked around the market, looking at things, eating food, and getting cute little trinkets, Shaka noticed his group of his friends and fellow saints. Shaka grinned and scooped his daughter up into his arms. “Want a piggyback right y/n?” He asked. You grinned and nodded your head. Shaka dropped to his knees so he could help you get on his back. Before long, Shaka, you, and your two dogs approached Shaka’s friends.
~Picnic Bench near the Market~
You sat on the bench between your father and his friend Aiolos. You liked him and his brother Aiolia. They were the nicest and gave your treats when they visited. You liked your dad's other friends but you were just shy around them. You quickly finished your lunch before darting over to the grassy area around the bench and smiling when both your new pets ran towards you, barking and keeping close to you. Their tails wagged as they darted around you barking happily. Shakka smiled and watched you play. 
“Smart that you got a dog for your baby girl. When are you gonna tell her that her mother is gone forever.” Milo asked, eating a piece of bread. Shaka hissed through his teeth. “I will tell her when she is older. Not right now. She is too young. I want her to enjoy life as much as she can before I tell her that. She is a young child. Let her play” Shaka said, watching his daughter play happily with the two dogs. Shaka could see his wife in his little girl and smiled softly before turning back to his friends, laughing and joking around well into the night. 
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darkicedragon · 9 months
azure Muzaka, being all wary and ovq Franken sitting with him like this, showing him he's not gonna hurt him and Muzaka just goes ovq/))) darkicedragon weeeeeeh muzaka used to ppl trapping him and atking him bc of his power but frankenstein just sitting w him and like writing in his journal muzaka wanna see whats got frankensteins attn |-o^ azure Franken trying not to react as a snout works it's way under his arm bc ofc that's the best way Muzaka can sneak a look Franken will never see him if he sneaks under his arm darkicedragon starts writing left handed bc muzakas head is Big and he cant write around it pff azure doesn't say anything and just let's Muzaka snuffle and check his journal bonus points if he has treats or food in a pocket and Muzaka goes 0^0!!! darkicedragon 'he def cant see me, so wont notice if i take some' :v ends up ripping frankensteins pocket bc hes too strong/big pff
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coyotestarcraft · 1 year
Fandom: TMNT 2016
Summary: While walking your German Shepherd Crimson, you come across a puppy in the alley, so you take it home and surprise your brothers.
Characters: Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Splinter and April.
No Pairings. All affection is platonic.
SIDENOTE: I know nothing about basketball so if I got anything wrong feel free to correct please.
“Crimson! Here boy! Time for a walk.” You call out in your apartment, hearing the familiar paws sprinting across the living room you see your dog tail wagging and tongue sticking out, run up to you excitedly.
“Good boy.” You laugh as he licks your cheek leaving slobber all over it.
Your phone pinged from its spot on your dresser, you picked it up, unlocked it and saw it was Raph.
R: We still on for coming over for the game tonight?
You: Yep, I can’t wait.
You smile as you pocket your phone, grabbing Crimsons leash you both walk out the door down to the busy street.
As usual it was a busy day in NYC, vendors selling food, people walking frantically to work.
As you came up to an alleyway you usually passed everyday, you heard yelping from it. It sounded like a puppy, upon closer inspection you see a little Bernese mountain puppy sitting in a box all alone.
“Hey buddy, are you alone? I wonder who left you here.” You decided to take it home and care for it since it seemed like no one else cared about it, I don’t think they even know this puppy exists.
You carry it home with your other K9 curious as to what your doing with the puppy in your arms.
“What should I name you?” You pondered, you remember going to a basketball game with the boys, while sitting up in the jumbotron you saw the New York Knicks were taking lead in the game, 8-2.
“Knicks! I’ll name you Knicks.” You smile at the puppy who gives loving licks in your face.
As you were about to feed the pup your phone rang, picking it up from its place on the bed, you answered, “hello?”
“Hey y/n we’re still on for tonight’s game right?” Leo’s voice responds from the front other side.
“Yep and I have a surprise for you all.” You smile as you set Knicks down.
“Oh? What is it?” You can practically see the smirk on his face.
“I can’t tell you otherwise it’s not a surprise you goof.” You laugh, hanging up.
You kept both dogs in your room until you were ready to reveal Knicks.
“Hey y/n, Leo said you had a surprise for us?” Donnie speaks from his spot on the couch next to Leo.
“Okay, you all know I already have Crimson but I couldn’t pass up this little guy when I saw his living conditions so…” you open your bedroom door, out comes Crimson with Knicks right behind him.
“Everyone meet Knicks.” You smile as the puppy runs up to Mikey covering him in slobbery kisses.
Raph gently takes the pup from Mikey’s hands and holds it up, as Knicks barks and squirms in his hold, Raph lets out an oof when the pup jumps out of his grasp.
“He’s quite the guy, could be fighter material.” Raph nods, “we aren’t making Knicks a fighting dog, he’s a sweet boy and that’s all he’ll ever be.” You put your hands on your hips with a slight scowl.
“So, did you name him after our favorite basketball team?” Mikey asks, you nod.
“Figured it suited him best and he made me think of that time in the Jumbotron, when I got him.” You pet Knicks’s head.
The rest of the night was spent watching the game but also playing with the puppy during commercials and halftime which was when you quickly took him outside to use the bathroom.
As the night went on, you were curled up between Donnie and Leo with Knicks in your lap.
The boys smiled, Donnie grabbed a blanket and covered you and the pup, before gently laying a kiss to your forehead.
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my first post!
So I decided I would start blogging, but didn’t know where to start. Why I decided was because my life is hectic, chaotic, funny and down right stressful. I have a 4 year old child a 2.5 year old german shepherd and a partner we have a 3 bed ex council house and live in a lovely little village. All seems great ? well no… we may sound like your typical family but we have a lot of baggage our life isn’t perfect in fact far from perfect. We have our arguments we have days where we laugh non stop, there are days when all I want to do is cry and forget the world. Times are tough when you have a 4 year old who doesn’t want to listen and is so head strong that you feel like breaking down but yet shes the most caring child and loves us and her dog more then anything, like we love her. So I decided i would write about it to let people no they are not alone. I’ll tell you something, its not easy having children I only have one and find that hard. Starting from the beginning. Pregnancy was terrible, heartburn, sickness, aches and pains. I found out I just was pregnant November 2018. I had her on June 18th 2019. She starts school this year. What 4 years its been, we have moved 3 times. Our first dog died he got run over. We then got another dog his an arsehole we got him when my daughter was 1 and he was 9 weeks old. Now that was a mistake! Having a 9 week old puppy and 1 year old just walking. Now shes 4 and his nearly 3 they have both become best friends and wont leave each others side, typical german shepherd behaviour.
Days turn in to weeks in this house, I do anything for a simple life. Cant be arsed to put the washing away I wont, don’t feel like hoovering today I wont. I do everything and its ok to have a day off every now and then, we have a take away on a Saturday night so I don’t have to cook 7 times out of 10 we will have one then too. I HATE having to cook when I don’t want to. The theought of having to think of what to cook for dinner drives me crazy! And no one eats the same thing EVER roast dinner I im the only one who eats veg. my daughter will eat carrots peas and broccoli my partner don’t eat fuck all. Im fed up of doing different dinners, no what I think the dog actually eats more then what we do. No point in me even buying dog food he eats everything they leave which is pretty much the whole plate! End up doing cheesy pasta!! Fucking cheesy pasta.
Days out? Yeah all sound great until you get a screaming 4 year old because they want an ice cream which costs about £8? Since when did 99’s cost so much ? no wonder no one wants to go out anymore, we went to the zoo just to get in cost £109.98! for the FUCKING zoo!! As we was walking round you get them people that just decide to stop in the middle of the path and get in everyones fucking way and DON’T move. Finally get passed mumbling fucking idiots under your breath. Still while youre kids screaming because you’ve refused to pay £8 for a 99. Sweating because its 1000 degrees. Thinking what the fuck was I thinking. To make things worse walk past the gorillas and they are only having abit and now got to explain to a 4 year old that they are just playing, and that’s what they do. Had to buy the £8 ice cream to get her to move away from them. So not only are we sweating skint and now traumatized, we have a 4 year old that’s witnessed 2 gorllias going at it. Well that’s the only thing she did see as no other bastard animal was out!! Now were all hungry thirsty and fed up… find a nice little food shack got 2 burgers and a hot dog and shared some chips…. £36.00 sorry what ? for 2 burgers a hot dog and one portion of chips ? didn’t even get the drinks because my idiot partner forgot them!! Well glad he did would have had to taken out a second mortgage! Fucking livid at this point, in the end we walked round rest may have seen a zebra could have been a rhino, I was so hot and thirsty I don’t know what I was seeing. Gift shop on the way out why??? The DRAMA we had when we said she couldn’t have anything because it was to expensive. Dragging her out by her feet, while shes screaming she wants a monkey. LAST thing I wanted to see. FINALLY we gave in got her it and then finally got back to the car, shes strapped in and me and my partner look at each other with the look of defeat and just sigh. Drove home in silence the whole way. TRAUMATIZED by the experience. Bitch bag is in the bag seat flat out asleep clenching her new £18.00 toy that is about the size of a small banana. Excuse the pun. Ive never looked forward to getting home so much in my life. We ended up all having a bath put fresh pjs on I opened and drank 2 bottles of wine while crying lol. Ordered a kebab watched the rest of Paw patrol the movie and off we went to bed. Day over all to be done again in a couple weeks time.
To Be Continued….. one very tired and stressed mum.  
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squishytenya · 2 years
Hi! I really love your works and I saw that you are lonely so I came to ask you some questions! I hope they aren't going to be super boring 🥺🥺 (also maybe in the future you can reblog some ask games? I think it would be fun!!) Anyway here's the questions!! (I hope that "what's your favorite" asks aren't annoying to you)
1. What's your favorite food/drink and why?
2. What's your favorite headcannon in bnha?
3. Do you like any other series besides bnha? It doesn't has to be anime
4. What's your favorite animal and why?
5. Which subjects do you like in school? And which you hate?
6. Do you have any pets? If not then would you like to have any?
7. What's your favorite color and why?
8. Do you have any favorite artists/bands?
9. What's your favorite song?
10. What's your favorite aesthetic?
11. Which of bnha openings and endings are your favorite?
12. How many languages do you know? Are there any you would like to learn?
That's all I can think of for now, I can think of more if you want :D Hope you have a great day/night!! <33
Ahhh this is so lovely! I adore interacting w you guys like this
1. My favourite food is probably shepherds pie, i promise it’s not bad lmao i know British food gets a bad rep sometimes but that’s only cause people dont make it right!!!
2. My favourite bnha headcanons is that everyone in UA secretly has a crush on iida because basically his profile says he’s actually quite pretty and he’s obvs proved himself to be brave, a loving family member etc etc - like i can imagine kirishima sitting in on girls night and being like ‘oh i agree, class rep is hot af’
3. I love haikyuu! But my favourite anime will always be fairy tail, it was the first one i watched properly cause i watched it with my family. Honestly i watch a lot of the like big on tumblr anime’s like black butler, blue exorcist etc! I’ve recently started watching sk8 as well, which i adore!
As for other things, because of my best friend I’m big into kdramas and Thai dramas right now!
4. My favourite animals are pigs! They’re so cute and intelligent and i love that the super big ones get super mushy faces when they’re older! Dogs are also quite a close second cause i love my babies
5. I’m currently in college (which is different in England than it is in America, here college and uni re different things) taking history, English and psych! History is definitely my favourite.
6. i have two dogs, i adopted a puppy since i was last on! One os a German shepherd and the other is a Staffordshire terrier/Rottweiler cross
7. My favourite colour is yellow! The pastel one obvs is better, I’m really not sure why I like it, it’s very gentle on the eyes?
8. My favourite artists at the moment are Cinderella, Def Leopard and ghost!
9. My favourite song is Nothin for nothin by Cinderella, but Waterloo sunset by the Kinks is a close second
10. I LOVE PEASANT AESTHETICS! I’m lucky i live in a village surrounded by farmland so it’s very cottage-y i love it
11. I’m honestly not sure if this means themes or not! I love the first season theme the best!
12. I know English and a fair bit of french! I can get by in BSL too! I’m currently improving on my french as well as learning Korean and Spanish
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donnadogandkate · 2 years
Donna is a 4 year old German shepherd and my very best friend.
We got her at 4 months old from neighbors who were fostering her.
She is very playful, chatty, and loyal. With strangers (human and dog alike) she can feel timid and act scary, but she has progressed a lot from being an undersocialized pandemic puppy.
She loves to be outside no matter the temperature, she loves to swim, she loves frisbees and deflated footballs, and the loudest squeaky toys imaginable. I will often take her on small hikes with me.
She is definitely more play motivated than food/treat motivated. One of her favorite treats would have to be a boiled egg yolk.
My favorite useless trick of hers is probably her double bark- I go “O-H!” And she goes “woof woof!” (Aka: “I-O!” Go Bucks!!!)
I no longer live with her as I am a student, so our limited weekly time together is extra special now. I have lots of experience with animals and have worked at vets, a pet store, a cat shelter, a service dog training facility, and as a full time dog walker.
Inbox is always open and I am always looking for more dogblrs to follow and be moots with, but I’m not so good at DMing.
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gsdbreederontario · 9 days
The Best German Shepherd Breeders in Ontario: Ensuring a Healthy Puppy
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When it comes to bringing a  German Shepherd into your life, finding a reputable breeder is crucial to ensure you get a healthy and well-adjusted puppy. Ontario is home to several experienced German Shepherd breeders who specialize in this beautiful and distinctive variety of the breed. This article will guide you through identifying the best  German Shepherd breeders in Ontario and what to look for to ensure a healthy and happy new family member.
1. Why Choose  German Shepherds?
a. Distinctive Appearance
German Shepherds are known for their striking, flowing coats that give them a majestic appearance. Their long fur sets them apart from their short-haired counterparts and adds to their charm and elegance.
b. Gentle Temperament
In addition to their stunning looks, German Shepherds are known for their gentle and affectionate nature. They are excellent family pets and can be particularly good with children, making them a popular choice for families.
c. Intelligence and Trainability
German Shepherds, including the  variety, are renowned for their intelligence and trainability. They excel in various roles, from family companions to service dogs, due to their eagerness to learn and their ability to understand commands.
2. Finding Reputable  German Shepherd Breeders in Ontario
a. Research and Referrals
Start your search for  German Shepherd breeders by researching reputable breeders in Ontario. Seek referrals from local breed clubs, veterinarians, and German Shepherd enthusiasts. Online reviews and breeder directories can also provide valuable insights into breeder reputations.
b. Visit Breeders in Person
Arrange visits to potential breeders to assess their facilities and meet the puppies and their parents. A responsible breeder will welcome your visit and provide transparency about their breeding practices. This visit allows you to evaluate the cleanliness of the environment and the health and socialization of the puppies.
c. Ask About Health Testing
Ensure that the breeder conducts comprehensive health testing for their breeding dogs. This includes testing for genetic conditions common in German Shepherds, such as hip and elbow dysplasia, and eye disorders. Reputable breeders will provide health clearances and documentation for both the puppies and their parents.
d. Evaluate Socialization Practices
A good breeder will prioritize early socialization for their puppies. Ask about how the puppies are exposed to different people, environments, and experiences. Proper socialization helps puppies develop into well-adjusted and confident adults.
e. Understand Breeding Philosophy
Inquire about the breeder’s breeding philosophy and practices. A responsible breeder focuses on improving the breed’s health, temperament, and conformation. They should be willing to answer questions about their breeding goals, the care of their dogs, and their commitment to responsible breeding practices.
3. Preparing for Your  German Shepherd Puppy
a. Set Up a Puppy-Friendly Home
Before bringing your puppy home, prepare a comfortable and safe environment. Set up a cozy bed, food and water dishes, toys, and grooming tools. Ensure your home is puppy-proofed to prevent accidents and provide a secure space for your new puppy.
b. Initial Health Care
Schedule a veterinary check-up soon after bringing your puppy home. The vet will perform a thorough examination, address any immediate health concerns, and provide guidance on vaccinations, diet, and general care.
c. Training and Socialization
Begin training and socialization early to help your puppy adapt to their new home. Positive reinforcement methods work well with German Shepherds, including the  variety. Enroll in puppy classes and expose your dog to various people, animals, and environments to foster well-rounded development.
4. Alternative Options: Adoption and Rescue
a. Breed-Specific Rescues
Consider adopting from breed-specific rescues in Ontario if you prefer to give a  German Shepherd a second chance. Many organizations are dedicated to rescuing and rehoming German Shepherds.
b. Local Shelters and Rescue Groups
Explore local animal shelters and rescue groups for available  German Shepherds. These organizations often have experienced staff who can help match you with a dog that fits your lifestyle and preferences.
5. Conclusion: Finding the Right  German Shepherd Breeder in Ontario
Finding the best German Shepherd breeder in Ontario involves thorough research, careful evaluation, and personal visits. By choosing a reputable breeder who prioritizes health, socialization, and responsible practices, you can ensure that you bring home a healthy, well-adjusted puppy.
Whether you’re looking for a stunning companion with a flowing coat or a loyal family pet, a  German Shepherd can bring joy, intelligence, and affection into your life. Embrace the journey of finding your new furry friend and enjoy the many rewards that come with having a  German Shepherd as part of your family.
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sweetteahyung · 10 days
My Rocky pup is gone
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This past Saturday (Sept 7th), 2 days after his gotcha day/birthday, my puppy had to leave me. I had him for 12 years and 2 days, and it wasn't long enough - but nothing could've been long enough for me.
His name was Rocky, and I kind of adopted him from the animal shelter when he was a year old. I say "kind of" because it was a bit unusual. I was volunteering at the animal shelter at the time, and a lot of the dogs came down with canine influenza and had to be put to sleep. They thought they'd quarantined Rocky in time, but it just so happened that he started showing symptoms on a day that I dropped by to see if I could come back and volunteer soon. The shelter employees asked if I could take him home and quarantine him at my house for a couple of weeks so that he wouldn't have to be put to sleep, and of course I said yes. They said i could bring him back, and at the time I had no idea how much he'd come to mean to me.
He had some behavioral issues - he was dog reactive, he pulled on the leash, he jumped on you, he would bite if you even touched his tail or his paws, he was really bad with kids, and he hated the mower. He was really good with cats, however, and some of his mannerisms were very cat-like, so I've always assumed he was probably raised with cats and not socialized with dogs. We didn't have a good start with our training, but I discovered R+ training and things only went up from there. Several years back we switched to force free training and cooperative care and it was the best thing we could have ever done. I wish I'd done it sooner :c but I didn't know, and now I will for whoever my next dog will be.
At 5 years old, we discovered he had "the worst arthritic hips" the vet had ever seen, and a spine issue that I always forget the name of :'D the vet I was going to at the time told me that if I couldn't do the surgeries to fix his hips and spine, he wouldn't have a good quality of life and I should have him put to sleep. I got a second opinion and started him on some supplements that helped a lot. He did amazing for 7 years, though looking back now there's some things I would've done differently with keeping him from overworking his joints.
At the beginning of this year, I noticed him slowing down a little, but I didn't think much of it at first because he was 12, which was pretty old for a german shepherd! but he started not fully finishing his food, which was very unlike him, so I immediately got him in with the vet. They did bloodwork, and most of it was normal, but my vet could tell that he was losing a bit of blood, so she did an ultrasound and they found a mass on his spleen. Because my luck is terrible, when he had the surgery to remove the spleen (which went well, thankfully) and they had the mass sent off for testing, it of course came back as cancer. And though we'd removed the mass, the cancer could pop up again anywhere, and could also cause internal bleeds. He was given less than a year to live, and he made it 6 months.
He did really good after his surgery! I had to switch around his food and add more supplements due to the fact that he was missing a part of his immune system. I also changed jobs and was no longer getting a really good discount on pet supplies (I previously worked at a pet store, now i'm at a doggy daycare), so his food and supplements were almost $200 each week, which was about half of each paycheck. But I happily paid it, and would pay more if it meant i could have him back and happy and healthy again.
Friday afternoon he fell on his bed, but his back legs dragged just a little so we thought he'd just tripped. Friday night he could barely stand or walk, he was so weak. I called my vet on Saturday and she had us come in even though the clinic had already closed. He was so weak, and it was because of an internal bleed. The vet thought it might be time, and though I wanted to do something, anything to fix him and keep him going for a bit longer, I looked into his sweet cloudy eyes and saw that he was tired. He'd keep going if i asked him to but he really needed to rest. I told him it was okay to go on, and supported his big handsome head as he fell asleep.
Saying goodbye to him was the hardest thing I've had to do since I lost my dad 2 years ago, also to cancer. FUCK cancer, honestly. I'm so sick and tired of it taking important things from me.
I don't know what to do without him. I don't want to be here, in a place where he isn't. He was my heart and soul and i worked long hours, extra hours, to make sure I had enough money to feed him good food and give him supplements to help with his health stuff. I feed my cats now and there's no Rocky to feed after. He's not lying on the floor next to my bed instead of on the nice orthopedic dog bed I got him. He doesn't greet me as soon as I get home and sniff my pants/arms/shoes to see what dogs i've dealt with at work. I don't have to give him a treat every time i leave to make up for the fact that i'll be gone for a while.
I hate that he had to deal with such hot weather. We couldn't do anything fun, like go for walks or drive over to one of the nearby parks to walk around and sniff new things. He never got to play with the newest toy I got him because the cats fucking peed on it and I washed it and then my dumb brain forgot about it till it was too late. I'll never get to trim his nails again, or brush out the 10 dogs worth of undercoat, or do any of his tricks with him ever again. I wish I'd been able to work less and spend more time with him, and that i wasn't so tired when i got home and could've taken him for more walks.
In some ways, losing him is harder than losing my dad. I at least had my dad for 29 years, but I only had Rocky for 12 years and 2 days. My heart hurts. There's a Rocky shaped hole that's jagged and bleeding around the edges, and if losing my dad is anything to go by it's going to be years before it feels even close to scabbed over.
He spoiled me for any other dog. I've met so very many dogs in my lifetime, and none of them have ever been as good as Rocky. No dog will ever be as good as Rocky again. My entire heart is gone and it's been so hard to try and keep going. I'm doing my best, but I just want to be with him.
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