#The colours are amazin
simonrileysfavteacup · 7 months
Simon From The Wiggles
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x wife!reader
Word Count: 632
Warnings: dad!simon, mom!reader, simon's first born son being named tommy after his brother, fluff
Summary: Coming home after a mission to his favourite people in the world, Simon experiences one of the best moments of his life.
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(this is the guy being spoken about)
Simon had been off on a mission for a month or so, practically crawling to get back to you and your son, Tommy. The little bugger had just surpassed 10 months and he had began babbling. He was the most adorable thing and you both loved him to death. He was the light in the dark for Simon, much like you were the sun to his rain. 
When he finally did step back into your home, he immediately heard giggles coming from the living room. Tommy’s sweet little giggles. His babbling too, echoing throughout your house. He stripped off his gear, leaving everything by the door, including his mask. Simon stepped into the living room in just his compression shirt and tactical pants, smiling at the sight of you sitting on the ground, holding Tommy on your lap. 
The little boy’s eyes light up at the sight of his father, kicking his legs to get to him. Poor guy still doesn’t understand how walking works. Simon smiles, bending down to take the boy into his arms, tossing him up into the air and catching him again like a ball, just how he likes. 
You stand up, pressing a kiss to Simon’s cheek, smiling. “Hi honey, welcome home.”
He grins, “Hi lovie. You both have fun withou’ me?”
“Lots,” you nod at Tommy, nudging him with your nose. “Ain’t that right, bubba?”
The little boy giggles and fills the house with his little babbles. The sight makes Simon’s heart flutter. 
“Why don’t you two sit down, huh? I’m gonna go get started on dinner,” you kiss Tommy’s temple and Simon’s cheek. 
You head into the kitchen, preparing dinner. 
Simon sits down with Tommy, placing the little boy on his lap as he turns the tv volume back up. 
There’s these 3 guys, in different coloured shirts–blue, purple, and red–singing, with a girl in a yellow dress, bow in her hair. They look Simon’s age. He chuckles. Tommy’s face lights up, squealing.
“Mi-mom!” The boy babbles. 
Simon blinks. He does a double take. “What you sayin’, bubby?”
The boy giggles, still staring at the screen. He claps his hands, “Mi-mon!” 
It’s more audible this time too. But Simon still hears what he heard before.
“Lovie! He said i’! He said his firs’ word! My name! Lovie!” he shouts. 
You poke your head back into the living room. “Really?”
“Yeah! Say it agai’, bubby! Come on!” Simon’s voice is filled with excitement.
“Mi-mon! Mi-mon! Mi-mon!” Tommy claps and giggles at the top of his lungs. 
“Damn it, bubby. You ruined the surprise,” you shake your head. 
Simon furrows his brows in confusion. Why aren’t you excited like he is? Your first child just said his first word!
“Whadya mean, lovie? ‘his is amazin’!” Simon tosses his baby boy into the air. “My name!” 
“He wasn’t referring to you, Si,” you bite your lip to hold back a giggle. “One of his favourite characters in that show is called Simon…he said his name 2 days ago…I was going to surprise you.”
“What? What show?” Simon remains confused. 
“Simon…from…the wiggles…”
“‘M sorry, lovie, what the fuck did you jus’ say?” 
“The red guy on the tv, that’s him…” 
“The old guy? Tommy loves ‘im?” 
The little boy in question is kicking to get back to the tv. 
“I’m sorry, honey…I know you were super excited and you should still be! His first word was Simon! We can tell people it was for you!” 
“Lil bugger,” Simon nudges his son. “Say it again.”
The boy giggles, not yet understanding his father. 
“Si, it’s a good thing, right?” you smile. 
“‘Course, lovie, he’s gonna be talkin’ soon, and he’ll be able to say daddy,” Simon tickles the boy. “Ain’t that right, Mi-mon?” 
Tommy’s eyes light up. “Mi-mon!” 
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datsleepygirl · 1 year
Telling Law You're Pregnant
I swear, everyone on my Insta feed is posting pregnancy announcements, which gave me this idea of telling our babies that they will be expecting one of their own. Here's an official announcement though : I'm back!!
tw: mentions of pregnancy, a large amount of fluff <3
status : not proofread yet
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we're starting with my favourite doctor, obviously. Just imagine this man with a baby in his hand- 😩
"Well shit." I mentally cursed, pregnancy test in hand. With recent 'events' happening regularly at night, it was just a matter of time that Law will hit the jackpot with me. I glanced at the other 3 tests from different brands I bought just in case. Thank god we were docked during this period of time, which allowed me to slip into pharmacies without the crew noticing after using the 'grocery shopping' card on them. I put a hand on my belly, slowing rubbing it as a small sigh left me.
Am I excited? Of course.
Am I nervous, hell ya.
Me and Law are at a stage where the both of us are stable enough to have a child popping into our lives so suddenly, but how would he feel about it? Is he okay with the idea of having a child so soon? How will he react to the news of a freaking baby coming 10 months later?
I heard the door of our bedroom open for a slight moment, then being shut. I collected the pregnancy tests, shoved them into my pocket and flushed the toilet, pretending nothing had happened.
"Hey, we shouldn't be docking again until 3 months later. You got everything you need?" Law greeted me after I exited the bathroom, hanging his coat and putting his hat on the desk. "I'm good. You done with all your work for the day?" I sat on the bed, looking at him with a hint of uncertainty in my gaze. "Yeah, didn't have much to do besides from a few reports. You okay? You look stressed out." Law took a seat next to me, wrapping his arm around me while planting a kiss to my temple. "Meh, just a bit tired. Can you... lie down with me for a bit?" I requested. Law responded with a smile and shifted us to a lying position. He had one arm under his head with the other one served as my pillow. We both relaxed in each other's presence.
Now's a good time to tell him.
"Hey babe. Have you ever thought about starting a family? Ya know, having a mini you or me running around?" Law chuckled at my question. "With you, the answer is always yes. Remember when I told you that when you ran into my world, I started seeing colours? I started feeling emotions that I've haven't felt in years - love. It's such a beautiful emotion that I wish I could just bottle it up and give it to our child." My heart warmed at the sight of Law's loving smile as he stared at me. I leaned in for a small kiss as I told him to give me his hand. Confused, he complied without asking.
"I'm sure that... this little guy will be happy to hear about that." I put his hand on my belly as I looked back at him with the same loving smile he gave me a moment ago. Law's expression remained as a confused one before it turned into pure shock, causing me to giggle.
"Yes babe, I'm pregnant." As soon as those words came out of my mouth I was pulled into a tight hug, from the man trembling above me.
"Are you crying?"
"Shut up..."
I laughed with a few of my tears escaping from my eyes as well. "You sure?" Law asked me without breaking the hug. "Yeah, I took like, 4 tests from different brands, just to make sure. I was still shocked. I mean, we used condoms. Not that me being pregnant is a bad thing, though." I said as I showed him the tests I took. Holding them in hand, Law got teary eyed once again. "Condoms only work about 97% of the time, but who gives a fuck about that right now?" he put the tests on the dresser beside our bed as he embraced me again. "I love you so much. Thanks for loving me despite all my flaws and me being all moody in the morning. Thinking about you walking around, carrying our child... it's insane to think that someone as amazing as you is carrying my baby with you..." I smiled as I cupped his cheeks in my hands, "If anything, I'm the lucky one. Thanks for giving me such an amazing gift. I just know that you're gonna be an amazing father. I already have a feeling that if this baby is a girl, she'll be a daddy's girl for sure." Law reached down to rub my belly, that same loving smile returning as he did so.
"If that's the case, then I guess there's gonna be one more person calling me daddy from now on. Not that I'm complaining." I hit him playfully on the arm as he shamelessly smirked as his own joke.
"I'll run some tests on you tomorrow, okay? I don't think I'm in the mood to let go of you anytime soon. I'm gonna have you scooped up in my arms the whole night." I snuggled closer, burying my face in his chest as I answered, "Sounds perfect, my baby daddy."
The soft touches on my belly never stopped. Law spoke to our little angel again as his touches lured me into a peaceful slumber.
"See you in 10 months, our little miracle."
okay not gonna lie, I love this :)))) Here's to all you lads out there who waited patiently for new content. I have a whole series of these coming up, so please wait for a bit longer for the rest of our favourite men in line <3
and this ain't a Law fic if I don't tag the OG Law writer in my opinion @sashi-ya thanks for all the encouraging and loving words, I'm so grateful to have met you on this writing journey <3
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hmshermitcraft · 9 months
Any ideas for scarian for the solarpunk theme? Ive been trying to think of anything at all and i cant but i gotta imagine them in some scenario so badly actually
Grian has been sleeping for a long time.
He doesn't blame people for not worshipping him anymore; it's hard to worship something you can't even see or feel through thick smog. But Grian could tell his power was waning, so he did what any sensible god would. He went to sleep.
He's still surprised he woke up. It's not something he expected, given the state of the world. He didn't think there'd be anyone left to wake him.
But there is. A man with green eyes and messy brown hair. His cloak is woven with flowers, a beautiful cascade of colours in the otherwise grey room. The prayer is flimsy and entirely made up, and he doesn't even pronounce Grian's name right, but it was enough. The man's hope and faith shone through, regardless of execution.
Scar, he introduces himself to Grian's waveringly corporeal form. He rambles about how amazin' this is, he's really managed to find an old god! Everybody else thought he was losing it, but he knew there was a purpose to studying all those old documents!
Grian, though, can't stop staring at the flowers. Scar notices, eventually, perks up with excitement and takes Grian's hand.
The world outside that small temple is changed. The sun filters through the leaves of tall, tall trees that replace the skyscrapers that once stood there. Grass spreads out in front of him, dotted with flowers and fallen logs have bugs skittering from beneath them. Grian feels the warmth of the sun - not the pollution in the air. He feels his sun.
And Scar watches his expression, smiles at it proudly. His city is just a short walk away, he knows Grian is going to love it. If some old trees are so incredible then their architecture will blow his mind!
Grian notices, privately, that Scar's smile feels as warm as the sun.
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amyispxnk · 11 months
Pumpkin-face cookies
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Halloween drabbles with Joel Millerrrr
27/10- halloween baking!
Joel Miller x gn!reader
Word count: 751
Warnings: language, pet names (sweetheart, darlin’, baby), fluff, cookies?
A/N- someone give me some synonyms for ‘said’ please. Also someone make me pumpkin spiced pumpkin cookies right NOW
“Whatcha got there darlin’?” Joel’s familiar voice sounded from behind you as he came to stand beside you, almost immediately sticking his finger into the bowl of cookie dough you were mixing.
You swatted his hand away, pointing at him with the spoon ‘threateningly’. 
“No eating the batter, Joel! Have you even washed your hands?”
He raised his arms into the air defensively and stepped back slightly.
“Okay, okay, sorry… Still haven’t told me what you’re making.”
“I am making some pumpkin spice cookie.. Thingies. I don’t really know.”
He hummed a noise of acknowledgement before leaning down to look at the recipe which was open on your phone.
“I dunno.. Yours don’t really look like these yet.” He teased, making you roll your eyes with a slight laugh.
“Yeah that’s ‘cause these aren’t actually cooked yet.”
“Right, right.. Ya want any help?”
You paused the mixing, thinking to yourself if there was anything he could to assist you.
“I guess you could make the icing.”
“Icing, got it. And how do I do that?”
You put the wooden spoon inside the bowl of batter and walked over to the cabinets on the other side of the kitchen, Joel following behind, reaching up and grabbing some icing sugar and orange food colouring. 
“All you have to do is mix the icing sugar with some cold water and then add some food colouring. I don’t want it to be too orange-y so like, just a few drops, okay?”
He nodded before taking the items from you and going over to grab a bowl for the mix as you walked back to your cookie mixture, reaching down for a cutting board and some flour.
You set the bowl to one side and poured some flour onto the board, spreading it as evenly as you could so that the batter wouldn’t stick to it before letting the ball of dough fall onto the wood. After rolling it and cutting the pumpkin shapes out, you put them on the tray and turned the oven off, letting out a relieved sigh when you closed the oven door. Who knew baking could be so exhausting?
When you turned back to Joel, you saw him with a strangely intense look of focus on his face, trying to drip the food colouring into the bowl of icing sugar.
You walked over to him.
“Joel? What’re you doing?” You asked, a look of slight confusion on your face. 
“Don’t wanna mess it up.” He murmured, tilting the bowl upwards to check the colour of the icing.
“But it’s just.. Icing sugar?”
“Yeah, but you said you wanted like- you didn’t want it too orange-y, and we don’t have any more icing sugar so I just wanted to make sure this is the perfect colour for you.”
Your heart melted at his words as you let out a small chuckle, your eyebrows tilting upwards towards each other when you saw how serious he was about it.
“Baby, it’s okay..! I wouldn’t even care if you made it too orange, it’s fine. Just do it.” You explained, gesturing for him to resume with the colouring.
20 minutes later, the warm scent of pumpkin and cinnamon filled the air as you finished icing the cookies and called Joel back into the kitchen.
“Wow.. you’re like a chef, sweetheart, these look amazin’.” Joel said as he eyed the cookies, making you smile at him.
“You think? I actually tried with these, so, good to know it shows.” You replied, stepping back to look at the spread of cookies with different pumpkin-face designs on them.
“Hell yeah. I gotta try one now.” He said, already reaching for one.
“Okay fine, just one though. I wanna save some.”
“Uh-huh, just one.” He smirked as he took a bite of the cookie, both of you knowing he’d have at least 3 by the end of the night.
“Shit, these are really good sweetheart.”
“Well good.” You smiled, taking a bite of one yourself. “Damn, they actually are.” You said, unable to prevent a grin from stretching across your face. Normally, your baking either looked pretty but tasted terrible, or looked terrible but tasted pretty. This time, it actually had both.
“I’m gonna get you to make these every day, sorry baby.” Joel announced, already reaching for another.
“Hey! What did I say?” You said, swatting his hand away for the second time that evening.
“Just one more, promise.”
You sighed heavily before giving in.
“Fine, one more.”
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated and requests are open 💞
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sevikasangel · 2 years
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𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 ๑⁠˙⁠❥⁠˙- what would it be like to be asked to be their valentine?
including: vi, caitlyn, jinx, sevika.
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— 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬: fluff, f!reader, legal age gap, lowercase intended.
— 𝐚/𝐧: gotta love sweetheart aesthetic!
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𝐯𝐢 ♡
you were a very close friend of vi's. you'd stuck around when she needed somebody the most. you were the only person she knew she could rely on ever since vander passed. no matter how many fights you had, how life treated you both, how many opposites against your friendship there seemed to be in the way. vi's feelings turned into something deeper a while ago. she realised she loved you after she had an awful day at work, and the only person she needed to see was you.
despite a recent fight you had over vi letting her stress get the best of her, she bought you your favorite fast food and a heart pin for your bag, you loved those accessories, she noted. you were surprised to see her sitting at your doorstep with some paperbags after you came back from work.
"cupcake, you're finally here...happy to see me? i...got you those fries and sandwich you like...with a cupcake! just like you... listen, i know i was bad to you and i said mean things. you can punch me in the face! go on! what you mean no? ok...then, forget the punching. (y/n)...(y/n). i don't know how to be lovey dovey and stuff but i am trying here. i like you. i really do. can i come in? we can eat this...and maybe i talk you into being my valentine."
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𝐜𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐲𝐧 ♡
caitlyn slipped a lock of her long hair behind her ear as she anxiously tapped her foot against the wooden tiles of the hallway of your building. the enforcer sucked in a breath, glancing between the bouquet of white and red roses she'd ordered at the local flower shop. you both met at a local piltover festival while caitlyn was on duty. she helped you retrieve your stolen wallet and she'd been awestruck with you ever since. she knew you worked at a local cafe and she would always order her morning breakfast with you, sharing small conversations that meant a lot to her.
Caitlyn gathered enough courage to knock gently on your door. There is no turning back now, she thought to herself, as the monotonous sound of your footsteps began getting closer and closer until the knob turned, followed by the low creak of the door. And then your face emerged, your full body following. She couldn't help but smile. You were the most beautiful girl she'd ever seen.
"hello, (y/n). good afternoon! how are you? i am quite fine, too. better now, actually, after seeing you. oh, this bouquet? no, no, no, it isn't for me. i ordered it for you. i remember you told me you are fond of roses. they did remind me of you. so...would you like to go to the movies with me? amazing! and lastly...be my valentine, please."
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𝐣𝐢𝐧𝐱 ♡
jinx spent the whole morning and afternoon preparing a surprise for you. she was your best friend, but the blue haired girl wanted to be so much more than that. she'd loved you for such a long time, but never felt courageous enough to ask you out. the voices would convince her that you would never feel the same for such a loser like her. but this time, after two years, she wouldn't waste another valentine away from the girl she loved.
she broke into your house while you were visiting your family and went straight into your bedroom to give you her gift and proposal: with her colour sprays and inventions, she painted your walls and drew on them with little doodles of hearts, adorable animals, you both in a beautiful garden...she also spread handmade gifts all over your room. your bed was covered in red dye with hearts and a monkey robot on top of it held a banner: "(y/n), i love you! be my valentine!"
"toots, ya finally came home! ya like your surprise!? don't look so dumbfounded, it's amazin'! it took me hoooours to finish. look at that lil spinning ballerina i made for ya! and the bed, so soft! aaaand...will you be my valentine!? i love ya, toots! i want you to be my girl and we will kaboom boom blah togetha'! wait...ya love me back! aaaaah, i told y'all, she is mine! now come lay on ya nice bed and we will cuddle, valentine!"
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𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐤𝐚 ♡
you were one of the girls who worked at babette's. though not as a stripper or a prostitute, you were a waitress, trying to make some money in order to survive in zaun. if you were lucky enough, you'd get some tips here and there from drunks who were hopeful to get under your pants. however, sevika was different. you felt no malice coming from her. silco's right hand woman was different from the men who could only see you as a piece of meat. she actually treated you with respect. the bare minimum, yes. but in zaun, the minimum was a lot.
sevika was fond of you. you were a woman who she felt something she couldn't quite get a grasp on towards. it was a weird sensation on her chest, seeing you. her heart would pump faster and she'd feel thrilled whenever you demonstrated to be impressed by a story she told. it wasn't that she didn't feel physically attracted to you. she did. oh, how she did...though it was more than that. and that persistent, unknown feeling annoyed her.
you were dead concerned when sevika showed up bruised and bloodied from a street fight with vi. she definitely didn't expect to have you on your stupid cupid costume at valentine's day to be patching her up and gently cleaning her wounds, inside a small spare room of the bar. the sounds of the muffled loud music and you humming to yourself were swirling around her head as she glanced at you, releasing a strained breath.
"listen, (y/n). i don't know how to do this shit and i think it's stupid, but be my valentine. that cupid costume would give me second hand embarrassment had it been in anyone else, but you look like an actual angel in that. what you laughing at? that isn't corny! i wanna take you on a date, but i am fucked up right now, doll. tomorrow i will pick you up at your place by seven o'clock, be ready. gonna take you somewhere nice, not this dump of drunks. you're special to me, really...i mean it. thanks for being here. you can always count on me too, sweetheart."
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dynamic-k · 1 month
*throws this at you and leaves*
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They're (sort of) cleaned up now! Time to shove them into my art app and give them colour :D
I did give Chosen some details on his clothes cuz like. Having nothing was killing me. YOURE KILLING ME, CHOSEN /j
Dark was the opposite tho. I love Dark. My boy is fashionable and stylish and I love him for that. I might give him details like Chosen's pants just cuz.
Also, is Dark's vest sleeveless? I wasn't sure so in a panic I gave him cool gloves to compensate. I feel like he'd like cool gloves and make Chosen wear them too
(can you tell I hate drawing shoes, LMAO)
Dark's so cool~ U vU Chosen really is killing us all, even with his superhero name, bruh- XD
Dark's vest is sleeveless, a light red. [#ff4c42] He has a darker red [#f5160a] undershirt beneath the vest that has long sleeves, however. The undershirt sleeves go up to his wrists. :3
i want to make the cool gloves canon now, WOW-
whatta ya mean, they look great, the shoes look epic and amazin'-
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cosmic-ships · 4 months
New Beginnings In Forgotten Places.
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Ship: Superstitious Sweethearts (Clyde x Kaden)
Words: 1,568 (Sorry not sorry, I needed this..)
cw: none!
okay to rb || if you aren't a self-shipper please dni I got mad anxiety lol
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Clyde walked beside Kaden along the forest trail, the cool, crisp air filling his lungs and the rustling leaves underfoot providing a comforting rhythm. Kaden chatted animatedly, their excitement infectious. Clyde couldn’t help but glance at them, his heart swelling with a mix of joy and nervousness.
He had mustered the courage to ask Kaden out again after their coffee meet-up, and now they were here, heading towards a surprise he hoped they'd love. His mind raced, trying to find the right words to express how important Kaden had become to him, how much he cherished their time together. But every time he practised, his tongue felt tied in knots.
"Everything alright, Clyde?" Kaden’s voice broke through his thoughts.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, everythin's fine," he replied, his southern drawl more pronounced in his nervousness. "Just thinkin'."
Kaden smiled warmly, Their green hues landing to gaze on him. "You seem a bit lost in thought. Care to share?"
"Just thinkin' 'bout how nice it is to be out here…..With you," he said, his throat tight with unsaid words.
Kaden's smile widened. "I feel the same way~ It's beautiful out here~! Very peaceful."
Clyde nodded, his mind churning with what he wanted to say. He glanced at Kaden again, admiring their engagement with the world around them. He wished he could be as open and fearless with his feelings.
"Y'know…I really enjoy spendin' time with ya," he began hesitantly.
Kaden turned to him, their eyes bright. "I enjoy spending time with you too, Clyde. You've got this energy about you that I find very comforting."
Clyde felt his cheeks heat up. "Thanks. I guess… I just like bein' around ya. Makes things feel… right."
Kaden nodded. "I feel that way too. It's like we just…sorta fit, you know? At least..that's what I think."
Clyde's heart pounded. He wanted to tell them everything but couldn’t find the right words. Dammit… Instead, he smiled. "Yeah, we do fit."
As they neared the end of the trail, Clyde's excitement built. He hoped Kaden would like the surprise, he remembered on their coffee outing how Kaden said they enjoyed being lost. Clyde thought it was a little strange at first until Kaden mentioned that it's the excitement of the unknown, you never know who you're going to meet or the discoveries you'll find.
The old abandoned train station stood quietly at the edge of town, a relic from a time long past. The brick walls were covered in creeping ivy, and nature was slowly reclaiming the man-made structure. Weeds sprouted through cracks in the concrete, and wildflowers added splashes of colour to the otherwise sombre scene. Birds chirped from the rafters, and the soft rustle of leaves in the wind provided a soothing background tune.
Clyde and Kaden arrived at the entrance, the silence between them filled with a comfortable familiarity. They didn't need words to express their excitement; it was evident in their eyes. Clyde had been here before, but for Kaden, this was a new adventure, they hadn't a clue this was hidden away and so close by! They grinned widely, their eyes sparkling with anticipation.
"This place is pretty amazin'," Clyde drawled, his voice warm and honeyed. "Thought ya might like it."
Kaden's eyes roamed over the decaying ticket booth, the rusted tracks, and the overgrown platform. "It's perfect," they replied, their voice filled with genuine awe. "Let's get lost together heh~"
They ventured further into the station, their footsteps echoing softly against the cracked tiles. Clyde led the way, but Kaden's playful spirit soon took over. They darted ahead, their curiosity driving them to explore every nook and cranny. Clyde watched them with a fond smile, his heart swelling with a mixture of affection and admiration.
"Hey, Clyde!" Kaden called out from behind the old ticket booth and waved him over with their hand. Kaden rested their arms on the counter, a mischievous grin spreading across their face. "ahem ahem….. Where to, good sir?"
Clyde chuckled, stepping closer to the booth. He leaned against the counter, his face inches away from Kaden's. "I'd like one ticket to some adventurous spirit, silly antics, an' good conversation… Maybe some good company," he said, his voice softening. He paused, his eyes meeting Kaden's. "And perhaps the possibility of a romance?"
Kaden's grin widened, their eyes twinkling with playful excitement. "Hm, well, I do have one of those tickets," they replied, their tone teasing. "But unfortunately, it's a one-way trip and non-refundable~"
Clyde feigned deep thought, his gaze never leaving Kaden's. He leaned in closer, their breaths mingling. "Well, I wasn't plannin' on goin' back anyways, darlin'."
Without another word, he closed the distance between them, pressing his lips against Kaden's in a tender yet passionate kiss. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their own little universe.
Kaden's heart raced, a mixture of excitement and nervousness bubbling within them. They felt a warmth spread through their chest, a feeling of contentment that they had rarely experienced. Clyde's kiss was gentle, yet it held an intensity that spoke volumes. It was as if he was pouring all his emotions into that single moment, conveying everything he felt without needing to say a word.
Clyde, on the other hand, was overcome with a sense of rightness. Kissing Kaden felt like the most natural thing in the world, as easy as breathing. He could feel their excitement and nervousness, and it only made him more certain of his feelings. There was a softness to Kaden that he cherished, and a strength that he admired.
When they finally pulled away, Kaden rested their forehead against Clyde's, a soft smile playing on their lips. "Best. Date. Ever."
Clyde couldn't help but smile too, his heart full. "Yeah," he agreed, his voice a low murmur. "Best date ever."
They stayed like that for a moment, savouring the closeness. The sound of birds chirping and the gentle rustle of leaves filled the air, a beautiful backdrop to their perfect moment. Eventually, they pulled apart, and Kaden got out of the booth but their hands quickly found each other, fingers intertwining.
"Come on," Kaden said, their voice filled with renewed excitement. "Let's see what other treasures this place has~"
Clyde nodded, squeezing their hand. "Lead the way."
They explored the station together, their laughter and conversation echoing through the empty halls. They found old timetables, faded posters, and even an abandoned suitcase, each discovery adding to the magic of their date. As they wandered, they shared stories, dreams, and secrets with one another.
In the corner of the station, they discovered an old bench, half-covered in ivy. They sat down, the wooden seat creaking under their weight. Clyde reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small, worn notebook.
"What's that?" Kaden asked, their curiosity piqued.
Clyde handed it to them with a shy smile. "Jus' a little somethin' I keep with me. It's where I jot down places I wanna visit, things I wanna do. Thought maybe you'd like to see it."
Kaden opened the notebook, their eyes widening with delight as they flipped through the pages. It was filled with lists of destinations, goals, and little snippets of Clyde's thoughts and dreams. Each page told a story, revealing a side of him that Kaden hadn't seen before.
"This is wonderful," Kaden said, their voice filled with genuine awe. "I had no idea you kept something like this."
Clyde chuckled, a bit bashful. "Ain't nothin' fancy, just somethin' I do in my spare time. Helps me keep track of things and helps empty the head if it all becomes much.."
Kaden flipped to the last page, they blinked in surprise as they paused on it, there was a simple, heartfelt note was written: [Goals] - "Spend more time with Kaden"
They looked up at Clyde, their eyes shining with adoration and their chest spreading in warmth. "Clyde, this is… so very sweet."
Clyde shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips. "Just bein' honest… You've… become pretty important to me ya know…"
Kaden smiled, their heart swelling with affection. They closed the notebook and handed it back to him. "I'm delighted you shared this with me and I'm glad I get to be a part of it."
They sat in comfortable silence for a while, watching the sun's rays filter through the broken windows, casting a golden glow on the overgrown platform. It was a moment of pure contentment, a perfect end to their perfect little outing.
As the light began to fade, they made their way back to the entrance, hand in hand, following the hiking trail that had brought them to this hidden gem. The adventure might be over for now, but they both knew it was just the beginning.
"Thanks for today," Kaden said softly as they reached the trailhead.
"Anytime," Clyde replied, his voice filled with warmth. "Can't wait for our next little hangout or are we callin' 'em dates now?"
Kaden smiled, leaning in to press a quick, playful kiss to his lips. "I don't care what we call them so long as I get to spend time with you…"
With one last look at the old train station, they started walking back. They didn't know where the road would take them, but they were excited to find out, knowing they had each other for company.
Taglist: @mauls-waifu || @deathnot-e || @dragonsmooch || @mahitosoulmate || @heatobrienswife
@ama-ships | @kylars-princess
Lemme know if you wanna be added to my tag list~
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pearlzier · 12 days
My blue highlights have turned green and I wanna dye my whole hair blue again but I frear my school Will give me trouble for it..💔
NAWT digging the swamp green hair guys.
SWAMP GREEN HELPME i think u'll look amazin no matter what hair colour 💓 BLUE SOUNFD SO COOL THO
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astronomodome · 9 months
im very new to the hermitcraft sphere but…i love ur designs soo much!! theyre so awesome n i love how shapely (?) ur drawings are!! love ur ren, bdubs and doc designs !!! so sick!! and ur colouring is super pretty too! amazin stuff!! thanks for sharing ur art!! :D 👍✨❤️✨
Thank you so much :) <3
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candiewrapper · 1 year
not a question but,,,,... waow your artstyle is so good...,,, you should experiment with more unusual colour palletes more, that ""she feels pretty all the time" drawing is AMAZIN jksdgjkdfg
thank u so much omg!!! i love doing unusual color palettes, i suggest everyone play with using gradient maps (i use them in CSP) as filters on their art!
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kumeko · 2 years
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A/N: For the Kamurocho Life Zine : Second Edition! I got assigned winter and fashion and spent a little too much time trying to figure out how Christmas was perceived in the 80s/early 90s for a few lines of description. XD That is the life. Anyways, still adoring these two.
This wasn’t normal.
In all honesty, it wasn’t like Goro knew much about normal. He had worked for the yakuza, betrayed his boss, slaved away at a hostess club for years, and now he was back with his family after a strange, tragic series of events. Hell, he ran around in a snakeskin jacket these days as he picked fights.
Normal was never a word that applied to him.
He wished it did. On days like today, when Makoto strolled next to him, her eyes bright with curiosity, it was only more obvious just how different their lives were from an ordinary couple on the street. People whispered and stared as they walked by. His outfit certainly didn’t help them blend in. Most gave the pair a wide berth and any punk that tried otherwise fled when Goro glared. If Makoto noticed, she didn’t say anything.
Normal wasn’t something he could give her, not without retiring. And in the yakuza, there was no such thing as retirement.
The honourable thing to do would be to leave her.
As though sensing his thoughts, Makoto gripped his hand tighter as she pointed at a wreath covered in lollipops and other sweets as they passed a candy shop. Then again, Goro had a selfish streak to him. At this point, he wasn’t sure he could leave her.
“I can’t believe they did this overnight.” Makoto sighed blissfully as she glanced up. Every streetlight had a ribbon on it and strings of light criss-crossed between buildings, creating a colourful net above the street.
“Didn’t think you’d like it so much, or I’d ‘ave brought ya here sooner,” Goro said, trying not to laugh as she fixated on a statue of a tanuki with a Santa hat. Holidays had meant nothing to him—no one in his family had ever cared for it, and so he hadn’t either. Christmas especially had been for lovers and foreigners, and he wasn’t the latter and never had time for the former.
It still meant nothing to him, but he couldn’t help but see everything with new eyes when he was with Makoto.
“It’s not that…” she replied sheepishly. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she tore her eyes away from their surroundings and towards him. “It’s just…my hometown didn’t have anything like this…it’s all new. And before…I could always hear, but not see it.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll git used to it soon.” Goro’s eyes flicked to a nearby wreath then back to her. Between specials at his host club and the endlessly looping music, he’d tired of the season two days in. “Ain’t that amazin’ after your third day of it.”
“Really?” Makoto asked doubtfully. She pursed her lips as she considered their surroundings. “There’s so much,” she swayed slightly and leaned against him, “to see.”
“It’s too bright?” he asked softly. They’d had this problem a few times so far, her freshly healed eyes only able to take in so much before it hurt.
“A little,” she admitted before pressing her face into his arm as she steadied herself. While she wasn’t as stubborn as she used to be—her confidence had been shattered after everything they’ve been through—Makoto rarely showed weakness in public.
It was a rare treat she was leaning on him. Goro half-wanted to wrap an arm around her, but she was still holding onto his sleeve like it was a lifeline. He settled for tousling her short hair. If she was more withdrawn these days, he was more open. “Cute.”
Her ears turned red as she sharply breathed in. Her reactions were cute too. “Don’t tease,” Makoto admonished.
“That’s boring.” He rejected the idea entirely. Goro had spent enough time hiding in the shadows. “And I ain’t gonna lie, not anymore.”
“Right.” That only made her ears turn a darker shade of red. Makoto exhaled softly before pushing off him. She rubbed her watch nervously as she slowly opened her eyes.
“Easy,” he warned, watching her for any signs she was overdoing it.
“It’s fine now.” She blinked a few times before nodding. “Really.”
“If ya say so…” Goro kept close as they resumed their walk. This wouldn’t be the first time she had pretended she was fine.
“I do,” she replied firmly. Makoto gazed at their surroundings in wonder. Her hand rested on his arm. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this. Even in a few years.”
I bet you could. She’d gotten used to him, after all. To his world. To the way people stared whenever they walked together. At some point, Makoto had adjusted to a yakuza life.
Something in him ached at the thought. This wasn’t what he had hoped for when he’d chased revenge for her and cut whatever chains tied her to the past. Makoto was a woman meant for ordinary happiness, not a constant edge of danger.
He tightened his grip on her hand. Perhaps he couldn’t give her a normal date, but he could definitely give her a normal Christmas, gifts and all.
Le Marche was an expensive place on the best of days. Goro had come a long way from his hosting days, from the times he had to scrimp and save for every scrap of cash that his boss left him after collecting earnings. It had been fine back then. There was little he’d needed, less he’d wanted. Three meals and a roof was all he had lived for then.
Now he was flush with cash. He also didn’t know how to spend it. Makoto was as spendthrift as he was, poverty etched on her bones like a tattoo, and he always had to push her to enter a fancy restaurant, to buy the nicer coat.
She’d like any gift he’d give her. Instinctively, he knew that. The only problem was that Goro had no idea what to give her. It had been easy to act confident earlier but he was lost now. He’d never bought a gift for girlfriend before. His hostesses, sure, but those gifts had been practical or appeasing, picked with as little thought as possible.
Makoto’s gift had to be perfect.
And he had no one to ask for help. There was Kiryu, sure—they bumped into each other ‘accidentally’ on a daily basis now, with one or the other leaving with a split lip and several bruises if they were lucky. Makoto always frowned when he came back with a black eye, her hands already holding the first aid kit to deal with his scrapes. Goro never could find the words to explain why he always had to fight Kiryu, why his blood always thrummed whenever he spotted the man. It just was, and it just would be, and even if he reached 80, he’d still punch at sight.
Still, as fun as Dojima’s dragon was to fight, he clearly wasn’t a ladies’ man. Hell, Kiryu might have even less experience than Goro did, and that was saying something. Whereas his ‘brother’ Nishikiyama looked like he had a hook-up for every night of the week.
Life was unfair.
And none of this helped him pick out a present.
“Sir?” The salesman rubbed his hands nervously, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed. His shoulders hunched, his head bowing slightly and showing his well-trimmed black hair. If he stood straight, he’d probably be taller than Goro.  “Can we help you?”
Civilians got intimated so easily. Goro shoved his hands in his pocket, resisting the urge to taunt. He had a goal. “I’m looking for a gift.”
“For Christmas?” the salesman asked, looking a little more confident now that he had a purpose. He stood a little taller. “Would you like to take a look at our jewellery?”
Reaching under the counter, the shopkeeper pulled out two small black cases. Inside, carefully planted on black velvet, were a diamond ring and a sapphire ring. Two larger rectangle cases were placed next to them, necklaces spread out for display. The jewels glittered in the light. “These are our most popular items,” the shopkeeper explained, clasping his hands so tightly his knuckles were white. “We have them available with other gems or metals, if you’d like. White gold is a highly regarded choice.”
“Jewellery, huh?” Goro picked up a case.
How boring. It was such an ordinary, obvious gift. Besides, it all felt too heavy for the fragile relationship they’d just started. He still wasn’t sure they should have started it in the first place; despite her actions, Makoto had not been made for a life underground. And for all her words telling him otherwise, he couldn’t fight the feeling that somewhere down the line, she’d wake up and leave.
Life had taught him much about expectations.
“Come on, find me somethin’ more fun.” He pushed the boxes back.
“Oh.” The salesman licked his lips, shifting on his feet as he looked around the shop. “What about clothing, sir?” He snapped his fingers and a woman rushed forward, a fur scarf in hand. “We have some of the latest styles. Even imported goods.”
Goro plucked the scarf and wrapped it around his neck. Standing in front of the mirror, he twirled once. It was warm but heavy. While it was the perfect size for him, it looked like it would swallow Makoto whole. “Somethin’ else.”
Another snap. Goro tried on a hat. A coat. As he reached for a dress, the salesman coughed. “Sir…uh…we don’t have any in your size.”
Goro’s lip curled, annoyed. “It’s an ugly dress.”
“R-right, sir. We’ll get another.” The salesman spun on his heel.
Goro had no doubt that he’d hate the next item. Everything here was almost too fancy or gaudy, and Makoto didn’t like either of those as much as he did. Leaning against a counter, he rapped his fingers on the hard surface as he considered the store. Was there anything else here worth checking? Maybe their wallets, or—
A watch-filled glass case caught his eye. He sauntered over. Rows upon rows of fancy watches lined the case, their faces inlaid with jewels.
Makoto still wore her watch, even as the straps frayed, even as the colours faded. A semblance of normalcy, she called it.
“Hey.” Goro waved over the salesman. “Take that out.”
Nothing in their life was ‘normal’.
On Tuesdays, unless the boss called him in for something special, Goro picked up Makoto from therapy. She didn’t need it; even now, she could argue and reprimand with the worst of his teachers. He wasn’t sure if he was protecting her or the poor schmuck who crossed paths with her.
He leaned against a wall, half-hidden in the shadows as he watched the clinic doors. Trouble tended to find him when he was open, and while he wouldn’t mind another round with Kiryu-chan, Goro didn’t want to surprise Makoto with bloodstains. Even if the blood wasn’t his. Especially if the blood wasn’t his.
A small ring and he looked up as the clinic door opened. Makoto stepped out. Goro almost stepped out but she smiled as a man stepped out beside her. Her therapist. He’d met the man a few times and what he’d suspected then rang true now—the louse was interested. It couldn’t be more obvious with the way the therapist turned to Makoto, the way he smiled and squeezed her hand.
Goro clenched his hand, knuckles white.
Makoto laughed, eyes crinkling.
He released his fist. She was happy. She was relaxed.
She was having an ordinary chat with an ordinary man. This was a chance, one that he had been waiting for. If he left now, if he cut off all contact, this man would step in. Makoto could live a long, blissful life, have her 2.5 kids, have uncomplicated joy.
All Goro had to do was turn around, like he’d planned to from the start, like he would have done if she hadn’t grabbed his hand all those months ago and forced him to stay.
Makoto turned, her eyes meeting his immediately. At this point, he was certain she had a gift, she seemed to catch him precisely when he didn’t want her to. Her smile remained and she bowed to her therapist before hurrying across the street.
“Hey,” she greeted, standing in front of him, her eyes meeting his inquisitively. He was certain she could see right through him now.
Goro resisted the urge to duck his head. “Hey.” There was an awkward silence and he hurriedly filled it. “Good session?”
“Yeah. He said it shouldn’t take much longer.” Makoto reached down and squeezed his hand. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” Goro’s eyes flicked from Makoto to across the street, where the therapist was still standing. Their eyes met and the man spun on his heel and returned to the office. It was almost childish, the part of him that wanted to smirk and taunt the man.
Oblivious to it, Makoto kept her hand tucked in his as she tugged him forward. “Let’s go home.”
Maybe it was just his pride, but her smile looked brighter than it had been with the therapist.
“Here.” Goro pulled out a small box from his jacket pocket, pressing it into her free hand. “Take it.”
Makoto stared at it curiously and laughed. “Now? You really have no sense of timing for a big shot host.”
She’d gained quite the sharp tongue these days. Still, two could play at that game. Goro slowly reached for the box. “I’ll take it back.”
“No!” She glared at him, yanking her hand away. “Mine.” When Makoto was confident he wouldn’t take it away, she fumbled with the lid with a hand. “This is harder than I thought.”
Goro stopped walking and pulled his hand free from her grasp. “Easier?”
Makoto paid him no mind as she yanked the lid off the box. Inside, two brown straps were carefully placed on red velvet. She stared at it, tears welling in her eyes.
“I thought your strap—” Goro cut himself off as soon as he noticed her expression. Panicked, he reached for the box. “Why are ya cryin’? Did ya hate it that much? I can take it back.”
“No, it’s not…” Makoto rubbed her eye as she clutched the box to her chest. “I’m just really, really happy. This watch…it’s important to me…”
He felt oddly bitter at the thought. “Normalcy, right?”
“Yeah, but…it’s more than that now.” Her expression softened as she stared at her beat-up watch. “You returned it to me after everything. It’s what connected us together. So it’s very, very important to me now.”
Goro couldn’t reply, couldn’t think. Somehow, that was harder to hear than a love confession. It was deeper, truer. His skin heated up and embarrassed, he looked away. “Should…” he cleared his throat. “Let’s go.”
“Yes.” Makoto tangled her fingers in his once more. Her small, lithe fingers held his hand tightly, as though making sure he couldn’t get away. Goro had long thought he was the one trapping her, but maybe it was the other way around.
All this time, maybe it had been Makoto trapping him.
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meenatranslates · 2 years
[R] Tsuzuru | Serene Mankai Green (2/2)
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I used to think of being Red or Blue Ranger in the past, but... when it comes to me wearing one, this colour suits me the best.
Part 1 // Part 2
Translation under the cut
The Secret of Hero's Transformation - Part 2
Citron: If Tsuzuru’s “Green”, then the firm center Sakuya is gotta be “Red”!
Muku: Sakuya-kun is a straightforward person, so “Red” sounds about right!
Tsuzuru: Going by that logic, then yeah, Sakuya’s good as that colour.
Juza: Then, is Masumi “Blue”?
Muku: He’s really cool, so it fits him perfectly!
Citron: Itaru’s a Chuunibyou, so he’s “Black”.
Tsuzuru: No objections there.
Muku: That just leaves Chikage-san. I wonder what colour should he be?
Citron: Chikage will be “Pink”!
Juza: Ain’t “Pink” usually played by women?
Tsuzuru: True, “Pink” has a strong image of a woman. Why’d you choose that?
Citron: It’s for the character gap. Everyone’s weak when it comes to that!
It’d be the selling point! I’m sure it’ll sell like hotcakes!
Juza: ‘s that so?
Muku: Certainly, Chikage-san being the “Pink” one has that certain gap...!
Tsuzuru: What kind of selling method is that?
Citron: By the way, I’m “Blue”!
Juza: There’re two “Blues”...? That’s new.
Tsuzuru: One person’s enough for “Blue”.
Citron: Tsuzuru, you’ve got so many complaints~ It can’t be helped then.
I’ll be the “Ultra Rainbow”!
Juza: Sounds amazin’.
Muku: It seems like you’d be all sparkles. That’s so cool...!
Tsuzuru: No no no, what kind of image would a “Rainbow” even have?!
Citron: And here’s the catchphrase! “The liar of justice, Spring Ranger appears!” (1)
Tsuzuru: You’re supposed to say “ally” there, not “liar”!
Citron: Tsuzuru, you’re so nit-picky on small details~
Tsuzuru: (I better work on my report until my part-time job starts...)
...Hm? What’s this?
(It’s... one of the transformation goods that Citron-san got.)
Geez, can’t believe he dropped it here.
(Huh. Now that I take a closer look, this item’s sure well-made. There are even buttons to push...)
“The ally of justice, Spring Ranger appears!”
Haha, just kidding.
Tsumugi: ......
Tsuzuru: Ts-Tsukioka-san?! Oh, uh, this is a...
Tsumugi: S-sorry! I was just passing by. I didn’t mean to watch it...
Tsuzuru: No, you got it wrong! It’s a misunderstanding...!
Tsumugi: I-it’s okay! There are times when you want to release stress by doing that, right?
Don’t mind me and continue, okay? Bye...!
*runs away*
Tsuzuru: He definitely got the wrong idea! P-please wait a second!
(1) 形見 (katami / memento) → 味方 (mikata / ally)
Story Clear!
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aeoki · 1 year
Machina - Test World: Chapter 1
Location: ES Courtyard Characters: Mika & Sora
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Mika: There’s still a bit’a snow left.
Uuu, it’s cold… Maybe I should’ve warmed up a bit more before comin’ outside.
No. That sorta lazy behaviour is exactly what Oshi-san is worried ‘bout! I’m gonna get this art goin’ without takin’ any detours…!
…I say that but I can’t come up with anythin’.
Ngh~ Is there anythin’ interestin’ out there…?
Sora: HaHa~! Outta the way! Please get outta the way! Sora is coming through!
Mika: Ngh, Sora-kun? You were runnin’ about near me, but whaddya doin’!?
Sora: Flying a kite! HiHi~ you can see what Sora is holding, right?
Mika: Ohh, flying kites, huh.
That’s a pretty refined way to have fun. Were you flyin’ kites by yerself all this time?
Sora: HuHu~ Sora had a stockpile of games Sora was planning on playing, but Sora wanted to move about today~
Sora found a kite outside Seisou Hall, so Sora decided to borrow it for a bit ♪
Mika: I see. People tend to hole up at home in winter, so it sounds like a good change of pace.
Kites, huh. Hmm, kites… I wonder if that’ll give me some good ideas?
…Ngh~ I can’t come up with anythin’.
Sora: ? Are you looking for ideas?
Mika-chan-san, you have a gloomy “colour” about you~ Sora can tell your worries are pretty big!
Mika: No. I’m happy you’re worried for me but it’s somethin’ I gotta take care of it myself…
(Ah, that’s right. Maybe I should ask Sora-kun what’s trendin’ nowadays.)
(Sora-kun looks like he knows a lot ‘bout new devices and stuff. Maybe that’ll give me some good ideas.)
Hey, Sora-kun. Can I ask you somethin’?
Sora: Sure! If you’re fine with Sora, then Sora will be happy to answer!
Mika: Great~ I was in quite a pickle.
To tell the truth, I don’t know what I should make for my next piece of art. It’s gotta be somethin’ good I can show Oshi-san.
I figured if I learnt what’s popular nowadays it might make a good reference for my work.
Sora: Something popular nowadays… Hmm, there’s a lot and it’s hard to just pick one.
Sora has been having a lot of fun building towns in “SSVRS” lately!
Mika: Buildin’ towns!?
That’s a huge hobby… You mean you’re makin’ towns inside the game world, right?
Sora: Yes! Sora is playing inside the VR town while developing it with a person from the company. They helped develop “SSVRS”~♪
And in the new “Test World”, you can open shops using money or buy furniture and live in your house!
It might give you some good ideas for your work, Mika-chan-san ♪
Mika: I see, makin’ somethin’ inside a game world, huh… It’s amazin’ what technology is like these days.
Ngh~ But now that I think ‘bout it, I tend to get dizzy when I have the “SSVRS” goggles on…
You gave me a nice idea, but I’m sorry. If my body was fine with it, I’d have loved to visit yer town, Sora-kun…
Sora: HeHe~☆ You don’t have to worry about that!
The VR goggles have had some improvements made to them based on the previous data we got, so Mika-chan-san shouldn’t have an issue with them now~
Mika: Y-You did that too…!? You guys work so fast. I wonder if I can keep up with how quickly technology is advancin’?
Sora: You’ll be fine, Mika-chan-san – you’ll get used to it in a blink of an eye!
Right now, Yuuki-sensei is playing in the “Test World”, but do you want to come in too?
Sora would also feel helpful if Mika-chan-san takes a look inside the digital world and gets inspiration for your work~♪
Mika: R-Right. I’m a bit nervous ‘cause it’s a world I’m not familiar with, but I might not be able to make anythin’ new if I don’t take this first step here…
I’ll do it, Sora-kun! I’ll get some sort of inspiration from the digital world!
Sora: HoHo~ Mika-chan-san is pretty greedy when it comes to art, huh~♪
Then, Sora will take you to see Yuuki-sensei who’s playing in the “Test World” right now!
Let’s all have a good time in the fun “SSVRS” world ♪
Two’s better than one and three is better than two!
Sora thinks it’ll be way more fun that way in the “Test World” and the town will be a lively one~♪ HaHiHuHeHo~☆
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thebluesthour · 2 years
Hello, I've just found amazin illustration / embroidery work by Japanese artist Mika Hirasa on Flickr. She works with all the colours, but I find her blues to be so deep and full, well... of blueness haha. In any case, I hope you'll like her work & have a nice day.
been looking at her photostream on flickr and i absolutely adore these (they also make me think of @leopardheart 💙) you are right, anon; her blues are utterly enchanting, thank you for thinking of me x
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petervicksblog · 1 year
Upgrade Your Summer Look
DiaryLand family members neighborhoodrest of the world, A bright dude canine; Timmy, A white or black male myotonic goat; Nadia, A non colored documents women myotonic goat; darling routine, A brown lightly and then schokohrrutige woman's canine; Daniel, A age additionally creme individual canine; Robvitamin ert, one specific age, grayscale a mans canine; Jett, A black a woman cat; plus the showmanship group, Hedy Lamar, Lana Turner, Rita Hayworth, Betty Grable, Bette Davis, with Myrna Loy refined Leghorn chickens; explode, A black colored, natural male, saddle mule; Stonewall, a functional proverb, man, saddle mule; went up by, a definite brown leafy europe cow; art, An orange or whitened candy striped, person, cat; Sin commercial, that greyish, vibrant, and simply dunkelhrrutige, lady feline; Nathan, non colored documents, guys belgium china based websites pigFAVORITE concept: NonpareilMOST LOATHED the word: used becoming verbFAVORITE colourings: as well as white whiteFAVORITE MONTH: OctoberFAVORITE odors: peppermint, vanilla flavor, home dice grassFAVORITE adventure choice: Las VegasFAVORITE POETS: Walt Whitman, Charles BukowskiFAVORITE MARX close friend: GrouchoFAVORITE foods: movement popcorn, ecologically friendly grapesFAVORITE professional: christopher WalkenFAVORITE celebrity: Lillian GishFAVORITE animation: fluffy legendary beast: PhoenixFAVORITE animators: edward cullen Hopper, Maxfield Parrish, Kees Van Dongen, andrew Wyeth, Jamie Wyeth, Andy Warhol, Edvard munch, Salvador Dali, rob Goings, Roy Lichtenstein, Charles baseball, Vincent Van Gogh, Davis ConeFAVORITE tarot units: participant Waite, bloody halloween, Victoria
Regina, Dali prior preference tv series: southwest theme park, crank Yankers, historical past Mysteries, traversing additional, Booknotes, village confidential, as well as,while Six Feet UnderFAVORITE speak radio station explain to: art BellFAVORITE kind of cafe: VegetarianFAVORITE scenery TO hide out: museums, theatres, malls, and therefore mountainsFAVORITE holidays: vampire party, Easter as well. jack work schedule is a great choice. https://www.pv4sale.com/pit-viper-1993-polarized-sunglasses-the-perfect-christmas-gift/ I fantastic!Sumi37 personal diarycomments: items because of smallish family pets. towards contemplated. these lover is considered the most description diarycomments: elegant additionally bizarre, articulate and therefore great, highly charmin on top of that. an uncommon number take 64 as well as also most rare of people, like that amazin lover, currently have 120. Amus e. you are as well,actually. Readin until this diary is going to be time frame paid out with a friend. repairing on backup copies took out soooo time-consuming, still things are as well as no reports have been missed. Ay yeah! in any case, want many people are surely with herpes elements.
friend marathon results to achieve Regina
0 notes
liamthemarowak · 1 year
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Art contest for ptparmentoons on Deviantart
It was a nice fine day at the Shopping mall, and Liam and Jack are getting more jackets if their old ones are worn out. "Ok Jack, we have to get more Jackets just in case our old ones get worn out." Liam said. "Of course, because our Jackets are our main clothing for everyday!" Jack said as they get the blue Jackets and the green Jackets. "Ok, I think that is enough Jackets that we got, now we need to take them to the casher and pay them." Liam said. But then, Jack has seen PT's hoodie, and he wants to know the origins of the hoodie. "Hey Liam, I have found one of PT's hoodies, but I really want to know on how it was made." Jack said. "Sure, let us pay for our Jacket first and see about the origins of that hoodie of his." Liam said as they went to the casher to pay their Jackets. "Ok, we have brought our new Jackets, now we need to find that leaflet of that museum about the origins of the Character clothing." Liam said. Jack has saw one of those leaflets and decided to pick one up for him and Jack. "Hey, I just found a leaflet that they could find PT's hoodie in it. "Liam, I have found something that we could see PT's Jacket. The Museum is called: Origin clothings. We should go there and check it out." Jack said. "Sure, lets take our clothes back home first and then we will visit that museum that you suggested Jack." Liam said. "Ok, so let's get into our Karts and drive to our home and the museum!" Jack said as they went into their Karts and drove back home to put their new Jackets away. "There we Go, our new Jackets are all set and ready to wear soon, now let's head on to the clothing museum and see the origin of PT's hoodie!" Liam said as they went back to their karts and drove to the Origin clothings museums. When they have arrived at the museum, it was like an old fashioned castle from the roman years. "Seems this building reminds me the time when I did my history lessons." Jack said. Liam was curious about Jack on what he said. "Wait, you did your history lessons? Since when you did that?" Liam asked. Jack explained Liam about the learnt about history. "Well, one time since I was in the library, I was reading loads of history books, these Books are very interesting to me because I want to be smart about history." Jack said. "That is very interesting what you said there Jack, but let's go inside that museum and try to find PT's hoodie." Liam said as they went inside the museum. Inside, they could see loads of pictures of clothing, including the fictional characters such as Mario, megaman and even Link. "Wow, they also have fictional characters as well? Now that's the museum that I want to go!" Liam said. "Same here, but we need to find PT's hoodie and see the origins of it." Jack said as they try to find PT's hoodie. Liam has found PT's hoodie right away. "Hey, I can see PT's hoodie over there, let's go and Check it out!" Liam said as they went to see PT hoodie. Once they saw PT's hoodie, they saw some pictures and they could figure out the clues of the origin of PT's hoodie. "Hmmm, these pictures on the wall, do you know any idea of that they could relate this?" Liam asked. "Ok, there was a cartoon tiger character named tigery, he lives in a rainforest with his buddies. It's basically a kids cartoon show with cute and goofy scenes. The creators of Tigery the tiger took a picture of him and take it to the clothing factory. The designers agreed with him and they did a design on this new hoodie that they are creating. It contains some cute eyes on top on the hoodie to make it look cuter. Lastly, It has some colour variations such as blue, green and also pink. And that is the story of PT's hoodie." Jack said. "That's very interesting, and I am very amazed that they have so many colours of those hoodies! Let's go and try one on!" Liam said as they went to the clothes shop and took one of PT's hoodies in blue and green. They tried them on, looked at the mirror, and they look so amazing! "Wow, it feels like we are having a cosplay party!" Jack said. "Or should you say, a fancy dress party!" Liam said as Liam and Jack laughed. They put back on their original Jacket and payed for the Jackets. Back Home, they put away their New special Jackets for something special. "Ok, now they are put away for something special, let's make some food because I am so hungry!" Liam said. "Sure, We should make some fresh salad, that will make us strong!" Jack said as they go to make their salad.
Liam The Marowak and Jack The Cubone belongs to :iconkingofphotos200: (Me)
Pt's Jacket belongs to ptparmentoons on Deviantart
Pokemon Belongs to Nintendo and Game Freak
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