#The future always flinches first etc etc
alatariel-galadriel · 5 months
aaAAAH change is coming quickly!!! (In four months) with no advance notice!!! (Four months) for something I’ve never done before!!! (I’ve done this three separate times) I have no time to prepare!!! (FOUR MONTHS)
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proteuus · 2 years
hobbies: simultaneously longing for and deeply fearing the new normal
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lissdiary · 22 days
shoto with a gf who's a bit of a menace, she's like the female denki of the class, funny etc, but she always respects him and his private persona, knowing to not draw a lotta attention to them and knowing when to be serious and sweet when he needs it cause god knows how much bb boy has been through :/
yes poor bb boy, he just needs someone who’ll ease his mind off everything !!
shoto noticed the way you laughed with your friends when you all sat in the lounge room and how much more your personality shined with them, but he also noticed how much calmer you were around him.
whenever your classmates got curious about your relationship, you made sure it remained private. you both agreed on the “private but not secret” relationship as respect towards shoto. of course he wanted to show you off, but he’d much rather keep you to himself. “so what’s shoto like, yn?” mina asked as she propped her elbows on the dining table, turning her head to look at you.
only you knew what shoto was like. “he’s sweet and kind, respects me a lot.” you replied, covering your mouth as you chewed your dinner. you made sure not to give them too many details, quickly switching the subject towards mina and kirishima. you began teasing her, asking her questions on her relationship that would make her face flourish.
you continued talking with your friends until you noticed shoto walking towards you, he noticed you had finished eating and wanted to take you away for himself. you looked up at him from your seat as he bent down to your ear. “can i take you away now?” you responded with a nod, he grabbed your plate and discarded it as you said goodnight to your friends.
you followed him to your dorm, you were rambling to him about your friends and what upcoming events they wanted to attend. you closed your door behind you as you continued talking about your friends, shoto turned around to look at you. you paused, he had a soft smile on his face. “what’s wrong sh-“ he cupped your cheek with his left hand, the cold feeling making you slightly flinch. he pulled you in for a kiss, a slow soft kiss.
he had been thinking about kissing you all day and now he finally got to. “nothing’s wrong, i just wanted to have you to myself. is that fine?” he kissed your cheek as you nodded, replying with a low hum. you were shoto’s safe space, he felt at ease with you, which is why he in love with you in the first place. you were there to reassure him when he needed, and to comfort him throughout his trauma.
your nights consisted of just listening to gentle music while he napped on your lap, your hand moving his red and white strands away from his eyes. shoto liked the quiet, even more with you. you were reading a book while you caressed his hair when you heard your phone going off, shoto slowly waking up. “shh .. it’s okay sho” you muted your notifications as you tried not to wake him, unfortunately he yawned a turned over. “is everything alright, yn?” you set your book down beside you, giving him a small peck on his temple. “yes ‘m sorry my love, go back go sleep.” he let out a low hum as he turned over, kissing your thigh as he fell back asleep.
nights like this were enough for him, all he needed was to be with you.
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my first time writing shoto, i hope u liked it! it was sm fun writing his gentle personality, possibly more sho in the future?? )^o^(
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Don't Speak 47
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, obsession, stalking, manipulation, reclusive behaviour, disordered eating, dissociation, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Reader is a reclusive loner who ventures down to the library on a simple mission. Her task is complicated by the man she meets there. (f!short!reader)
Character: librarian!Andy Barber, Steve Kemp
Note: look, i'm trying to focus.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me 
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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You run your thumbs over the suede cover, “for me?” 
“A new journal, sweetie,” Steve smiles. It’s the first time you’ve been to his office since... well, since Andy. It’s been almost a week since you left. “A fresh start.” 
“Oh, uh... it’s so cute,” you admire the embossed dove in the corner. 
“Just like you,” he purrs. “It’ll help in the next phase of your treatment.”  
You look at him and wince. There’s a shift in his posture, a certain click. He’s Dr. Kemp again, not Steve. Not, as he says when he has his arms around you, your husband. You bite your cheeks and rest the journal on your lap. 
“Next phase?” 
“Yes, well, you just start using that and we’ll get there. For now, let’s check in. How are you doing? How are you feeling?” He asks in the gentle cadence that soothes you. It’s almost as if he’s a totally different person there. 
“I think... I think I’m okay. I...” 
“Sweetie, come on, this isn’t home. We have to do real work. So, let’s talk about Andy.” 
You grip the edges of the journal and shrink down, “do we have to?” 
“Now, you know we have to. You can’t keep running away. That was very intense, wasn’t it? Leaving.” 
You put your head down and nod, “yeah...” 
Silence. He waits and sniffs. He shifts and sighs. That noise, that release of breath, makes you shudder. It reminds you of Andy. 
“Are you still afraid of him?” 
You nod again. 
“But you’re safe. With me. So why are you afraid?” He prompts. 
You let go of the journal and wring your hands atop it, “I don’t... I dream of him. He’s angry and... he’s chasing me or... I’m locked up and he won’t let me go--” you cover your face and shake your head, “no, I don’t want to think about it.” 
“Now, Dove, we are making progress. You can’t just do that every time you get scared, right? You go so far and then you immediately pull back,” he tisks. “So let go into that more. You’re afraid of him. Why?” 
You flinch and look at him. You pout, “he hurt me. You know--” 
“Right now, I don’t know anything. I need you to tell me.” 
You stare, open-mouth, horrified. You couldn’t even write those things down. You swallow dryly. He nods and leans forward.  
“Take your time.” 
You look down. You can’t look at him. You wallow in the tension and suck in air through your nose, letting it over from your mouth. 
“He... he... he kissed me when I didn’t want to. I never asked... never said... and he touched me,” you eke out. “And... it hurt when we were in bed together--” 
“Sweetie, you don’t need to be shy. Sex is natural, we both know that. If you aren’t completely honest with yourself, let alone me, you can’t work through this,” he coaxes. 
You sniffle and scratch your nose. “He held me down...” 
You close your eyes as it trickles out. Little by little. It builds to a stream with your tears as you recite all the things Andy made you do. The things he said to you. How he said without saying it that he would hurt your sister. 
“Good job, sweetie,” Steve praises. “Why don’t you take a break, come here?” 
You jolt up straight and blink at the room. You nearly forgot he was there. You catch the journal before it can slip off your lap and hug it. It’s your shield. 
Steve rubs his thigh and you stand up. You cross to him with tiny steps and he reaches for you. He directs you around to sit on his lap. He rubs your shoulder as he lean into him. He tickles along your neck. 
“Alright, so, let’s work on your journal, sweetie,” he slips the pen from his chest pocket, “here.” 
You take it from him. He curls his arm around you and opens the journal, holding it over your legs. You click the nib of the pen out and peer down at the blank page. 
“Well...” he shifts beneath you, spreading his knees wider. As he does, you feel something. Him! He’s hard. You put your head down and shakily hover the pen over the page. 
“What do I write?” 
“Hmm, well, I can get you start,” he wiggles under you so his dick presses against your ass. “’Today, Dr. Kemp helped me. We talked about my trauma and now I won’t be afraid of Andy because I know the doctor will protect me.’” 
You write without thinking then pull the pen back and reread the words. You gasp. “Trauma?” 
“Why, yes, sweetie, you understand now what he was doing, right?” 
Your eyes burn again and your wipe your tears away with your sleeve. Steve’s hand flutters up your naked thigh and he plays with the hem of the skirt he picked out for you that day. You nod and gulp, biting your cuff. 
“I understand,” you murmur around the fabric. 
“And that’s the first step to sorting out all your feelings. You did a very good job today,” he pets your thigh, higher and higher, “you trust me, right? You know I mean it, I’ll protect you.” 
“Yes, yes,” you squeak. “Of course.” 
“Mmm,” he purrs and puts his lips against the shoulder of your sweater, “we’re all done, sweetie. You did so good.” 
“I did?” You bat your webbed lashes and drop your hand. 
“Oh, yes, you did,” his other hand comes up to nudge your chin as he feels along the front of your panties, “gimme a kiss, sweetie.” 
Your stomach does that thing. It flips but this time, it hurts. You turn in his lap and press your lips to his and daintily touch his cheek. You like touching him, just like that, small little curious brushes. He smiles against your mouth and pokes his tongue inside. 
He groans and rubs your pussy through the cotton. You clench your legs around him as his other hand cradles your head. The journal falls to the floor forgotten as he grunts and twitches. He prods you through his pants once more. 
“Sweetie, you’re hurting me,” he utters against your cheek. 
“Oh, no,” you try to push off of him, “I’m sorry--” 
“No, no, I just need... need you to help me,” he purrs as he leans back and looks you in the face. “Sweetie, did I ever tell you how pretty your mouth is.” 
“What?” You can’t help but smile and his eyes cling to your lips. 
“Yeah, yeah, when... when we are you know... together, I always watch it. The way you curl your lip when you cum...” he drags his thumb along your lower lip. “Do you wanna use your mouth on me? Like I do you?” 
Your chest pounds and your ears singe. You only ever did that with Andy and you didn’t like it but you like Steve and things are nice with him. You bite down on your lip and his eyes fixate on the movement. You squeeze his hand between your thighs. 
“Yes,” you answer as you trace along his cheekbone. He is so handsome and his eyes are so brilliant and bright and he’s taken care of you. And you want to enjoy the time when it’s the two of you. 
You squirm and he lets you go. You get off his lap and he groans again. He drapes his arms over the chair and leans into the puckered leather. He sets his feet wider and watches you. You stand before him, buzzing with nerves. 
“Go on, sweetie, you’re in control.” 
You hesitate. Huh? You only ever do what others wanted. But he’s handing you the reins and now you feel you might get tangled in them. 
You come close again and look down at the bulge in his pants. Your eyes round and you look at him. He urges you on with a nod. You grab his pants and flick open the fly. You’re trembling. You finally get his zipper down and fall to your knees. 
He groans and wriggles in the seat. You reach into his boxers and pull him out. You hold him lightly and he drones, “tighter.” You squeeze and drag your hand up to his swollen head. He shudders and grips the armrests until the creak. 
“Oh, sweetie.” 
“Does it hurt?” You ask. 
“No, it’s good,” he growls, “oh, baby, please, put it in your mouth.” 
You stare at his dick. You can’t look him in the face. You lean in and breathe warmly over him. He twitches again. You press your lips around him and he voice rumbles from his chest. He grunts as you spread your mouth over his tip and slide him inside. 
You push your tongue to him as you move your hand down to his base and he whimpers. 
“Dove,” he reaches to cradle the back of your head, shoving you down, “like that.” 
You take him until you nearly gag. He lets you up but not off, pushing you deep again. He rocks his hips in time with his guiding hand. 
“Touch yourself, too,” he orders, his timbre turning gruff. 
You hum around him and keep your head bobbing. Your spit plasters over the side of your hand and around your lips. The sucking noise fills your ears and curdles deep in your stomach. You’re both intoxicated and disgusted by the sloppy act. 
He says it’s up to you. You can’t stop if you want to, right? But you don’t want to stop. 
You snake your hand down under your skirt. You touch where he had. The cotton is wet. You slip your fingers around the edge of your pants and flick over your clit. You whine around him and he moves you faster, up and down his length. A saltiness mingles with your saliva. 
“Ooh, sweetie, oh, you’re so good. So good. You treat me so good, don’t you?” He snarls as he clutches your hair in his fist. “Mmm, do you feel good too? Are you wet? Mm, I know you are. Just thinking about the way you take me, I’m almost... I’m about too...” 
You try to pull off as you feel his pulsing in your mouth. He doesn’t let you. He holds you in place and pumps his dick into you from below. 
“No, please, I want you to taste me, baby. Don’t you want to taste me? Mm, I know you do. Fuck, I’m gonna blow. Are you ready, baby? Swee-ee—etie.” 
He spasms and cums, filling your mouth and throat. You choke and it shoots up your nose so you can smell it. You cough around him and your spit and his semen dribble out around him and leak onto your hand. He lets you go and you pop your mouth off of him and spit into your hand. 
“Mm, I’m sorry, sweetie, I couldn’t hold it,” he cups his sac as his dick flops against his pants. “You’re too good.” 
“It’s... okay,” you rasp and swallow what you can. “I just...” 
You pull your other hand free from your panties and search around for a tissue. You get to your feet and wobble around to the box on his desk. You stop at he red streaked down to your knuckles. Shoot. 
“Oh...” you stare at the mess, “I think...” 
“Mm,” he groans as the chair echoes him, “ah, that’s okay, sweetie, I don’t mind a bit of blood.” 
“I’m sorry,” you quickly wipe you fingers clean. 
“It’s natural, sweetie. It means you’re healthy,” he purrs. “You know, you should put that in your journal too. Track your cycle, make sure you’re regular. Stress can really affect your flow.” 
“Oh, I guess... sure...” you turn back to him as he plays with his softening cock. 
“Mm,” he strokes slowly. “I still wanna feel you on me, sweetie.” 
“I told ya, I don’t care,” he sits up and sighs. “How about you bend over the desk? I like your bum.” 
“Oh,” you nod and face the desk. You can say no, you just have to say it. Say it. “Okay.” 
He stops behind you and pushes his pants so they heap at his feet. He grabs your hips and wrenches your skirt up. He scratches you as he pulls down your panties and you squirm in embarrassment. You don’t want him to get all bloody but he says it’s not a big deal. You don’t want to disappoint him. 
“I’m a doctor, sweetie. You know, it’s good to do this while you’re menstruating,” he bends his knees and pokes along your cunt. “It helps with cramps.” 
He thrusts into you, forcing you to your toes and you brace the desk to keep from falling forward. He grips the back of your neck, his other hand tight on your hip, and he ruts into you. There’s no patience left in him and you really just want it to be over. 
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the-sprog · 4 months
Thinking about Hakuba just reaching his limit. He realizes that everyone involved in trying to catch KID has been a bad detective, because everyone (him included. ESPECIALLY him) seems to be obsessed with figuring out the "who?" that they've never stopped to question "why?"
When he confronts Inspector Nakamori he gets told that of course they've investigated his reasonings! That good for nothing thief is just greedy/an adrenaline junkie/does it for the thrill/to humiliate the police/etc.
But Hakuba knows this is not the same Kaito KID as when Inspector Nakamori was first assigned to the case.
He's missing something. And he doesn't know what.
It drives him up the wall. He tries figuring it out at the next few heists, but he comes up with nothing. There's no more clues/information to add to those he already had.
So he does the only logical thing.
Trap everyone involved in catching KID in a room that's ventilated as little as possible and release various pallets of truth serum in gas form. Y'know. Like a reasonable person.
Inspector Nakamori, Conan, Hakuba, and Ran (chaperoning) get caught alongside KID and get a lungful dose of truth serum.
Now, before anyone says anything, I know truth serum isn't an actual thing. The way that it's logicked to work is that it lowers inhibitions, loosens your lips basically, and makes you more susceptible to speaking before you can think about it. But of course, it doesn't actually mean people are forced to answer questions or to tell the truth.
But Hakuba is at the end of his wits.
Gonna write a snippet hold on (future Sprog speaking: this ended up being a full-on one shot. So here's the AO3 link if you want to read there)
"Taking a page out of my book, detective-san?" KID asks, the same cocksure smile ever present on his face. It annoys Hakuba. It always has. It's the same expression for every occasion, no matter what KID is saying or doing.
As long as he's not being someone else.
"It's not knockout gas," Hakuba says. He doesn't yet feel like the words are being ripped out of his mouth, but that's to be expected. He's been preparing for this confrontation. "It's truth serum."
From the corner of his vision he sees Edogawa-kun flinch. He would've given it more attention if he had any to spare.
Kaito KID tilts his head and hums. Hakuba can't see it due to the shadow from KID's hat, but he's sure KID is looking him straight in the eyes.
"Saguru-kun?" Inspector Nakamori is the first to break the silence. "If this is about-"
"Why?" It's as much of a response for the inspector as it is a question directed towards the thief himself. "I've never asked myself that question, when it comes to you. A gross oversight, a mistake unbecoming of someone calling himself a detective."
KID's smile doesn't falter, not that Hakuba expected it to. But the fact he hasn't up and left tells him he at least got the thief curious.
"I've been so caught up in trying to unmask you, that I didn't stop to think about why you do it."
"I know what you said, Inspector. But your observations are at least 9 years too old. They don't hold up to the current Kaito KID."
Some silence. To his side, Hakuba can faintly hear Edogawa-kun hyperventilating while Mouri-san tries to calm him down to no success. Edogawa-kun wasn't listening to her, too intent on following the conversation.
And then Inspector Nakamori speaks. "You think this is a copycat? That all this time we've been following a fake?"
"I believe we've been following a legacy," Hakuba answers. "Either that, or something happened during his hiatus that made him change his Modus Operandi."
"My, my, detective-san. I'm flattered to know I spend so much time living in your head," KID gets up. "Well, it's been fun to hear your theories, but I think we should cut this visit short, don't you? I believe the curtain call has been way overdue," he says.
"If you leave you have no way of knowing how long the serum will stay in your system," Hakuba stops him. He can't lose Kaito KID's attention now. "And the rest of the gas that's been stagnating in this room will be released to the audience outside these doors."
That seems to do the trick. "Detective-san! I didn't expect you to be the first one to crack!"
"I want to know why you do it. No one else seems to want to focus on that question."
"I did," comes a voice from his right. Edogawa-kun slaps his hands over his mouth as soon as he registers that the words have left his brain faster than he could control.
"Conan-kun?" Mouri-san asks. She's crouched to be eye level with the kid, but Edogawa-kun's eyes are squeezed shut.
"My littlest critic has once again bested everyone else in this room, hasn't he?" KID chuckles. "Bravo, oh great detective!" He claps his hands. "Bravo!"
Hakuba gets his eyes to focus back on the thief. "So Edogawa-kun noticed something we didn't."
"And neglected to share with the class, it seems." KID shakes his head mockingly. "For shame, great detective. For shame. I thought you were all for truth and justice."
Edogawa-kun opens his eyes enough to glare at Kaito KID, which only succeedes in making the thief's smile sharper.
The mocking tone in KID's voice makes Mouri-san snap her attention on him, glare equally as present on her face. "He's just a child, you perverted thief." Her eyes widen in shock as she realizes what she said.
Kaito KID raises his hands in front of him. "I had to make sure you knew the truth!"
"There were a million other ways you could've done that!"
"Oh, but none would've bothered detective-kun as much as messing with you, now would they?" His smile doesn't falter even as Mouri-san's (and Edogawa-kun's) glare gets more intense.
"He's misdirecting us!" Edogawa-kun points out.
"But you know why he does it."
"The information you need is all there. What kind of two cents detective are you that you can't figure it out on your own?"
"Ah! Sorry, sorry, Hakuba-niisan! I didn't mean it- that's a lie. I did mean it." He groans when he finishes. "Stupid truth gas!"
"That's very rude, Conan-kun."
"If the child figured it out so easily, then he has a point in calling us out," Inspector Nakamori says.
"He's the highlight of my heists, that's for sure." KID looks caught off guard by his own admission.
He's lowering his guard. Or he's getting nervous.
"Answer the question, KID," Hakuba tries once more.
"You could ask the great detective. He seems to have a deduction ready."
"I want to hear it from you."
"I have a general idea of what could be going on based on observations of the heists I've attended." If anyone is surprised by Edogawa-kun's eloquence, no one says. "I lack a lot of background information, mainly on everything regarding before Kaito KID's hiatus -which my dad refuses to collaborate with me on because he says I have to figure it out myself. Fair, but rude. It's not like I have access to police records of the time." Everyone is staring at him, but Edogawa-kun seems to not have noticed. Or the drug is taking more effect than expected and he truly can't control himself. "And what I have isn't enough to account for all incognitas, and it would be unbecoming of a detective to offer up an incomplete explanation." He finally takes some time to breathe.
Which probably didn't help, considering their air was probably still extremely contaminated.
"And that's why Conan-kun is my favorite critic."
Inspector Nakamori shakes himself out of his stupor and addresses the room. "What's it matter?! He's a thief! A criminal! He should be behind bars, and that's all we need to know!"
Edogawa-kun frowns and answers the rhetorical question before Hakuba himself can. "Establishing a motive is an important step in investigating any criminal offence. It can help discern how and who. In homicide cases, it can make the difference between a premeditated murder and manslaughter."
Mouri-san's eyes haven't left Edogawa-kun's face since the little detective entered the conversation. Hakuba can't discern what she's thinking, but he can tell she's wearing the same face Edogawa-kun has when he's gathering and putting together the clues to a particularly complex trick.
"This is different, kid," inspector Nakamori says condescendingly (his tone isn't lost on Edogawa-kun, judging by how his face contorts). "This is just thievery."
"To neglect any piece during the investigation of a case, would mean to be willing to come to an incorrect or incomplete conclusion," Edogawa-kun answers. "It would mean not caring about the truth behind it."
At this point, Hakuba is just a witnessing, partially slack jawed, how Edogawa-kun goes toe to toe with the Inspector. Kaito KID looks to be enjoying the display, revelling in the chaos caused by it.
"Share it with us, then," he tells Edogawa-kun. "Let's combine our information."
Edogawa-kun takes a sharp breath and shakes his head, jaw and fists clenched tightly.
They were all so focused on Edogawa-kun that none of them notice Kaito KID making his way towards them.
"That's enough terrorizing my littlest critic." KID picks up Edogawa-kun and returns to his spot. Edogawa-kun glares at him alongside Mouri-san, but his looks to be more of an annoyed expression than anger.
"This is humiliating," he says. "I'll have my revenge."
"You still owe me a favor, detective-kun."
"I let you go that one time with the Junior Detectives."
"Pppff, you let me go all the time." KID waves the hand that's not holding Edogawa-kun to his side dismissively. "That doesn't count."
"YOU LET HIM GO?" Inspector Nakamori yells, reminding the two others of their audience. Edogawa-kun startles.
"He saved the Junior Detectives' lives," Edogawa-kun says.
"I don't need him to let me go. I'm perfectly capable of doing my own escapes, thank you very much. He's a child. It's not like he can do much to stop me."
"You don't seem to think so when I have you cornered with a soccer ball."
"Those things are weapons of mass destruction and you shouldn't be allowed to use them!" KID hisses.
Hakuba decides to end their little debate. "We've gotten off topic. My question has yet to be answered."
"It wouldn't be very fun if I just gave you the answer, wouldn't it?" KID says, with his smile still in place. "After all, Conan-kun has spent all this time working to figure it out. It wouldn't be very polite to let his efforts go to waste."
"So you admit it," Hakuba says. "Your motives are different from the previous Kaito KID."
"Or maybe," KID says. "Maybe you've been wrong all along."
Inspector Nakamori takes a step forward. "Saguru-kun was right, then? You're a different Kaito KID than the one from 8 years ago?"
It's the first time Hakuba has ever seen KID's smile falter, and for as fast as he fixed it back on his face, he doesn't think he would've noticed if he hadn't been paying close attention to it in the first place.
Inspector Nakamori curses under his breathe, rubbing at his eyes with his fingers.
"I don't want KID dead." Edogawa-kun's voice is marely a whisper. The phrase surprises everyone, Edogawa-kun included, who pales when all the attention turns to him.
"All efforts to apprehand Phantom thief 1412 have been non-lethal." Inspector Nakamori attempts to reassure Edogawa-kun. Hakuba frowns in thought. "You knows this, kid."
Hakuba checks his watch. He doesn't have much time to get the truth out of KID with this,and he doubts this method would work again.
"The police is using non-lethal action." Mouri-san's voice is barely audible. She's looking at KID and Edogawa-kun with an unreadable expression on her face. "But... Sonoko said there have been rumors of people hearing gunshots during some of Kaito KID's heists," she says, careful. Her eyes don't leave his face.
Hakuba turns sharply towards he thief. On his face, the same cocksure smile. The same can't be said for Edogawa-kun, who looks seconda away from passing out, his fingers clenching KID's vest tightly. "Someone else wants to get to you," he says. "But... why. I'm still missing something."
"There's plenty of people unhappy with me for stealing their precious gems, you know?" KID boasts, making a rose appear in his hand, making a show of examining it. "It's not so surreal to think people would want to take revenge." The rose turns into the Alexandrite that was that day's target. He holds it up to the sliver of moonlight coming from one of the room's windows.
Inspector Nakamori's eye twitches at the sight, but he holds himself and says, "There isn't any mention of gunshots in any of the official reports of any of Kaito KID's heists."
KID flicks the gemstone up in the air, letting it fall back into Edogawa-kun's hands.
When he sees Edogawa-kun with the gem in his hands, face unsurprised by the gesture, Hakuba feels like a lightbulb lit up. "You give everything back," he mutters. "You give everything back," he says, louder this time. "That's what I've been missing. The privious Kaito KID kept all that he stole, but you give everything back."
"I think that's common knowledge at this point, detective-san."
Hakuba shakes his head. He checks his watch. "Why go all the trouble of stealing the gems if you have no intention of keeping them?"
"The thrill?" Mouri-san and Inspector Nakamori say at the same time.
"That's what they said of the first KID, too. His criminal profile looked at the flashy white suit, the magic tricks, and the general showmenship and called it narcisistic behaviour. Attention seeking," he says. "And that can still apply to you."
"Hey-" the protest goes ignored.
"But that doesn't explain why you decided to give the gems back. Afterall, it's considerably more effort to return them without being seen that it would be to jsut keep them." He takes a step towards the thief. "You're looking for something." Another step. "And the people shooting at you are doing the same. And you don't want them to have it."
"That's an interesting theory, detective-san." KID tries to keep his voice stable, but the prolonged exposure to the serum, combined with the nervousness caused by Hakuba getting closer to the truth, is going its job, and KID's voice wavers.
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4am-enha · 2 years
enha when: they find you crying.
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genre: fluff, enha scenarios, fem reader, she/her pronouns used.
pairing: enha member! x reader!
warnings: “kys” phrase used once!!, mentions of blood and injury, bullying, anxiety, breakdown, swearing, suggested romantic relationships (if you’re not comfortable w that).
description/tags: each enha member finding you upset, hurt, or crying, and doing their best to make it better like they always do. short scenarios/imagines, ot7 enhypen (but specific member for each scene), comforting, gentleness, tooth rotting fluff, pet names, hand holding, hugging, etc.
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Heeseung - overwhelmed from school work.
The noise that echoed throughout the house from the excessive force you had used slamming your laptop and yelling was concerning- concerning enough to cause Heeseung to rush into the room and look at you with his confused, darting “Bambi” eyes.
“What was that?” He asked worriedly, scanning over the area quickly for anything that might’ve broken, or even worse, harmed you.
You deflated in your chair with an intense frown that would most likely cause you future wrinkles. You put your head down into your arms and sighed followed by an angry grunt. Honestly, you felt like bursting into tears, and that’s exactly what happened next. The tears began to escape, and you were the most obvious crier ever.
Heeseung immediately bent down to your level and rubbed your back slowly for a minute before getting the courage to ask something, “did something happen? You can talk to me.”
“I hate this fucking professor,” the frustration was very evident in your voice, “they just keep piling up assignments like it’s some sick joke and I’m just done with it!”
Heeseung flinched at your tone but let you rant, listening very carefully to what you were upset about, and trying to figure out how to help you out just a bit.
You felt like pulling the hair from your scalp, “I can’t keep doing this Hee, it feels like just when I finish one, I get a new one. I don’t even get the chance to feel accomplished for just a minute because I just have more and more to do. It never ends.”
Heeseung nodded, “how much time do you have left for this one?” he pointed at the paper all crumpled up (from your mini breakdown) beside your laptop.
“This one is new so I have a few days.”
“So you have time to take a little break then?” He put out his hands for you to grab.
“Just a little I suppose,” you took his offer of hands and he pulled you up softly into a hug.
“Come on let’s go on a walk, the fresh air will do you good my little maniac,” he snorted, and you slapped him harshly on the arm, not finding it funny- yet not being able to stop yourself from letting a little smile slip.
You got your jackets and shoes on and started to walk down the street together; Heeseung sulked a little bit when you had not held his hand again right away.
It wasn’t too dark outside yet, but it was getting there. As winter was coming to an end it started to stay lighter outside for longer, and a lot of people were spotted walking their dogs in the evenings more often now. It wasn’t warm enough yet, but it wasn’t too cold either. It was refreshing.
Heeseung kept looking over at you, staring, and smiling. You pretended not to notice at first because you didn’t want to embarrass him, but it was painfully obvious.
“What is it?” You finally whined out, smiling at his almost sickly bashfulness.
“I love you smart girl” he whispered just loud enough for you to hear, while pulling out a singular flower from behind his back for you.
Jay - injury.
The pain was agonising, and it felt as if your knees and palms were violently throbbing.
You were innocently roller skating around the block like you usually did on the weekends when you had abruptly tripped on a small dent in the pavement, causing you to be flung unpreparedly forward and your hands and knees had gotten the worst of it all as you tried to stop yourself from facepalming the ground completely.
You cried involuntarily from the deep pain, but you cried harder when you had dared look at your injuries which looked like something out of a zombie movie- all scraped up and leaking a worrying amount of blood. God knows if some of the pavement and rocks had gotten into it as well. You could only imagine the infection you were about to face.
Jay came flashing around the corner like his life depended on it. He had come with you today (and thankfully so), but he didn’t really like skating so he decided to just walk behind you. He had let you get ahead out of his sight for just a minute, but of course that is when you had to fall, when he wasn’t there beside you.
“Oh my god, are you alright?” Jay sat down on the pavement beside you, carefully bringing you closer toward him in order to hold you.
“It hurts really bad Jay,” you sobbed, wincing each time you tried to move.
“Stop moving. Is it okay if I lift you?”
You shook your head, “you don’t need to,” you tried to get up yourself to prove a point, but you wailed more as your knees trembled in pain.
“Please let me help you,” Jay pleaded with sympathetic eyes.
Jay wiped his thumbs under your eyes softly, wiping away your tears and analyzing your face. His mouth slightly lopsided, not finding your fall amusing for a mere second because of the pain you were feeling from it- even if your clumsiness was adorable to him, and he loved being this close to you
“Fine,” you said under your breath, feeling guilty that you were so helpless to yourself right now, brushing Jay away from your burning face before it became obvious you were flustered by his actions.
As soon as he got the okay, Jay propped you upwards gently and lifted you slowly into his arms, carrying you bridal style down the streets back to your house, where he planned to nurse and spoil you like a princess.
Jay was extremely concerned at the nastiness of your wounds. He always promised himself he would never let you get hurt as long as he could help it. He mentally slapped himself for not being there to stop you from falling- even if it wasn’t really something he could’ve helped.
“This is embarrassing, everyone is looking at us right now,” you mumbled.
“You should get used to it, this won’t be the only time I carry you like this,” Jay winked, smirk on his face.
Jake - bad week.
As you arrived home, you dropped your bags and things onto the floor a little less organized and with less care than usual.
“Jake?” you called out, wondering if he was home yet.
There was no answer. You must have gotten home before him today, which usually happened when he got busy.
You made your way to the kitchen and filled the kettle with water, turning it on, and prepping things to make a hot tea for yourself. You really needed it today.
This whole week had gone to shit. It started off with some major mistakes, bad sleep, and had ended with a Friday full of your boss scolding you.
You were pretty sensitive, so it wasn’t easy to take on, and hiding your upset and disappointment was getting harder.
You zoned out into your thoughts as you stared blankly at the wall, patiently waiting for the kettle to finish boiling.
A pair of familiar arms suddenly snaked around your waist from the back, making you jump.
“Sorry,” Jake giggled, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I thought you weren’t home?” you questioned his lack of response to your call out of his name not too long ago.
The loud ass noise the old kettle produced must have covered up the sound of Jake approaching behind you.
“I heard you, I just couldn’t answer because I was taking a phone call from work,” he apologized.
You nodded with understanding, continuing to make your tea silently.
“You know, you’ve been awfully quiet recently,” Jake rested his chin over your shoulder sensing something was off, hugging you from behind.
(an: in the words of sunghoon- “how romantic”)
You let out a long sigh and fought back tears from the thought of it all, but you lost that battle.
Jake immediately sprung up a bit at the sound, pulling you into a hug, “bad week?”
All you could do was nod.
“It’s the weekend now my love, let’s do something fun,” Jake whispered and ran his palm over the back of your head in a way of comforting you.
“How about we get dressed up and go out to eat?”
Jake knew you loved doing that, because you were always doing it with your besties. You put so much effort and time into your appearance and took pride in it- and Jake admired it. You always looked so beautiful in every way to him.
“That sounds good,” you perked up a little.
“Let’s do it then. Come help me pick out an outfit,” Jake smiled and grabbed your hand eagerly.
“Wait- I need to finish my tea first,” you pulled back.
“Okay then, after your precious tea,” he chuckled, “can you maybe make me one as well?” he clasped his hands together in anticipation, hoping for a yes.
“Of course,” you laughed, finding it cute.
Sunghoon - someone else upsetting you. (TW!!)
“You’re so unfunny,” your ‘friend’ rolled their eyes at you.
You were admittedly a little hurt by that, but you tried not to take it so personally. They were always like that with you, and it was probably just some harmless joke.
You had met up with a friend to hang out for a bit while you waited for Sunghoon to come pick you up a little later.
You never really hung out with this friend often, probably because you always felt uncomfortable around them when it was just you two.
When you were out in your whole friend group, they never acted like this.
Though technically, it wasn’t just you two today. They had invited their crush, who they obviously liked, but wouldn’t admit it. Your friend insisted that they were just friends too.
Bored, you picked up the last brownie from the plate and began to eat it when you felt a pair of eyes stuck on you annoyed.
“I was about to eat that one” the crush of your friend hissed.
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know-“
“Whatever. Literally kill yourself,” he blurted at you suddenly.
“What?” you glanced over to your friend, half expecting them to stick up for you and say something, but instead they just giggled along and encouraged it.
You put down the brownie, feeling guilty and now very hurt and a little intimidated. Those kind of ‘jokes’ weren’t something you took lightly for personal reasons.
“In what place do you think you stand to say that to her?” an angry voice came from behind you.
It was Sunghoon, he was early, and had heard everything.
“No go ahead and say it again,” he snapped at the pair sat in front of you sarcastically.
“I said-“ the guy began again, not phased by him yet.
Sunghoon swiftly grabbed the guy by the collar of his shirt, causing panic.
“What?” sunghoon spat, “you said what?”
The guy just shook his head in fear, begging to be let go.
Almost not wanting to, Sunghoon finally let go, “go home to your disappointed mothers, you sad fucking lowlifes,” he turned to you and grabbed your hand, walking away, “come on, we got better things to do.”
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled quietly as you walked beside him back to the car, not sure how to process it all.
He stopped in his tracks and turned to you, “don’t you ever apologise for shitty people like that.”
“Thank you,” a few tears fell from your eyes.
“You don’t need them. You have me,” he hushed you, “let’s get ice cream on the way, I’ve been dying to get that coffee one again, especially with you,” he smiled at you sweetly.
Sunoo - too anxious to order.
Golden, crispy fries. That’s what you had a sudden craving for, and you could have it- if you would just order it.
But right now, it felt like your feet were glued to the ground and that the counter was miles away. You felt yourself freeze up at the thought of going to order it, repeating the script over and over that you had made up in your head that you were going to use when you ordered.
Ordering sounded like such a simple task, but your anxiety made it feel like a punishment. This happened way too often, and it was such a problem, you often missed out on the things you wanted.
Sunoo looked over to you glancing at the stall, your hands tugging at the hem your own shirt, obviously holding back from something.
“You want some fries don’t you?” Sunoo spoke up, startling you.
“Is it that obvious?” you mumbled.
“It’s okay if you want some, I’ll pay if you don’t have the money,” he smiled, suddenly feeling through his pockets for cash.
“No money isn’t the problem,” you sighed, “it’s fine let’s just keep going.”
Sunoo looked you up and down, you didn’t look like you really wanted to continue on, in fact it looked as if you were mentally beating yourself up about it (which you were), “are you sure?”
“Do you think they have a self service thing? Like at the mcdonald’s?” you kept your eyes on the stall.
Sunoo laughed, “no silly it’s not some food chain, I don’t think a local food stall is that advanced. Come on I can tell you want some,” he dragged you with him up to the stall.
When it was your turn to order, you suddenly froze up.
Then, it made sense. It hit Sunoo exactly why you were so hesitant to go and buy it. You were too anxious, and Sunoo not only felt like a fool for not noticing sooner, but also guilty for forcing you into the situation by accident.
“Do you want the ones with cheese?” he asked you, reaching for your hand secretly, and squeezing it comfortingly to remind you he’s there.
“Cheese or no cheese?”
“No cheese-“ you answered him with a very confused tone.
“She’ll have the original fries please” Sunoo started ordering for you. It made you smile when you realised that he was aware and understood you.
Shortly after, he collected your fries and you felt yourself almost drooling you were so hungry for them.
“Uh-“ Sunoo cut you off and swung them away from your reach, “taxes”
“Since I bought them, I get to eat the first one- it’s a tax” he giggled.
“Okay okay fine.”
Sunoo selected a fry and held it up to your mouth, indicating for you to eat it.
“What about the tax?”
“I’m giving it to you” he smiled, “eat!”
You ate it happily with a wide smile plastered on your face that lingered for the rest of the day.
Jungwon - mental breakdown. ( !! TW !! )
Jungwon was peacefully finishing the episode of the show you had both started watching together. It was just him watching it now, because you had gone upstairs moments ago saying that you weren’t feeling too well. He had asked if you needed anything, but you insisted you just needed to go to sleep- so he let you.
Jungwon couldn’t help but feel like he kept hearing a noise that wasn’t coming from the TV though. It made him pause it a few times and listen out for it.
At first, he convinced himself he was just mishearing it, so he would continue the show- until he finally caught it with the show paused while he was going to make himself a snack in the kitchen.
It was coming from upstairs, but he wasn’t quite sure what it was. He was sure you’d be asleep by now, so he didn’t think it was you making any noise. Maybe it was though, so he decided to check. Just to make sure you hadn’t fell or anything like that.
“y/n?” he called out as he slowly made his way up the stairs.
The noise got louder as he approached the top, and that’s when he heard a bone chilling scream come right from your room.
In a slight panic, he quickly walked over to your room and knocked lightly, “y/n? are you hurt?”
There was no clear answer, so he hesitantly walked in. He didn’t want to intrude but he also didn’t want to just leave encase something serious had really happened. Always better to be safe than sorry right?
Luckily, you weren’t hurt- at least not physically from what Jungwon could tell. There you were sitting on the floor, fingers tangled in your hair, sobbing. It wasn’t a normal cry though, Jungwon could tell you were feeling something deeper right now.
“What’s going on?” he made his way over to you, sitting beside you, gently prompting you to stop tugging on your hair.
You sobbed harder and said some things that weren’t very audibly clear. You were in a messy state of breakdown. That was now obvious to Jungwon, so he was careful with his actions. He didn’t want to upset you any further and was trying to respect any boundaries you might have right now.
He let you cry out what you needed to, and simply just listened and stuck beside you until you became calmer, rubbing his thumb on your hand as he eventually held it (when he thought it was appropriate to do so).
There was no specific reason behind your breakdown, it had just come on suddenly- and it wasn’t something you could help. Jungwon knew that, so asking you what was wrong wasn’t the best thing to ask right now. He knew you probably weren’t willing to talk about it yet.
Instead, Jungwon explored around your room, looking and grabbing things. You watched him curiously, a lot more tranquil as you focused on him, just wondering what he was up to now.
After a few minutes, Jungwon came back over to you, laying a blanket over your shoulders and making sure it covered you up. Then, he arranged your plushies around you and handed you a few of your favorites.
“We’re here,” he smiled, looking at you and moving your hair away from your wet face, “it’s going to be okay now.”
‘We’ must have meant the group of teddies accompanying you both.
He wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you tight, “I love you sweet.”
“I know” you teased, making him smile again with a small scoff.
Niki - misunderstanding.
As you stormed past him, Niki instantly knew you were mad.
“Hey, what happened?” he chased after you.
“YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED,” you yelled back at him, deliberately trying not to look at him.
“I really don’t, I promise!” Niki was more confused than ever right now. He couldn’t think of anything that he could have done to upset you like this.
“The fucking audacity you have,” you pointed at him aggressively.
“y/n. I want to listen to you, I do,” Niki began, making you stop yelling for a second, “but first I need you to calm down-“
“CALM DOWN?” you hated being told that.
“Okay maybe that wasn’t the best thing to say, that’s my fault, but please hear me out,” he pleaded, a little scared and worried he had just blown his only chance.
You stopped, folded your arms, and stared at him with a pissed expression, “go on then. Explain.”
“When I said calm down, I meant that I just wanted you to talk to me, in a way I can fully understand you without starting arguments,” he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
You took a breath in, “Okay.”
Niki nodded, “let’s go sit down and talk.”
You agreed and followed him to the chairs.
“I understand you’re angry with me, and I know it must be frustrating that I’m asking you why, when I should be aware of doing something like that, but I am being completely honest when I tell you I am misunderstanding you. So please, explain to me, so I can correct it,” Niki stated calmly.
He was now surprising you with his communication skills. You felt a bit stupid now, like you’d been very childish. It made you feel a little guilty, so you worked with him now.
“I saw a notification on your phone, from a girl, telling you she loves you with a bunch of hearts. I don’t recognize the name,” you admitted, still bitter.
“Okay, let me see,” Niki pulled out his phone and clicked it on, displaying the notification. He held back a laugh.
You noticed, and it blew your short temper again, “THIS IS ENTERTAINING FOR YOU?”
“No love, it’s just, that’s my grandma..” he snorted a little.
“Let me see,” you snatched it from him- feeling like he didn’t see it properly.
“I don’t believe you,” you stated unconvinced.
“That’s okay, I can show you,” Niki opened up his phone and pulled up the messages. He scooted a little closer to you so you could see it clearly.
He was right. Now you felt even more stupid.
“Here,” he handed you the phone, “you can have it as long as you need to. I don’t mind what you do- just please don’t harass my grandma,” he joked.
You handed it back to him, “no it’s fine. I trust you.”
“Listen y/n I know you might not trust me fully yet because of the way you’ve been mistreated by others in the past, but hopefully I can prove myself to you soon,” he smiled innocently, “in the meantime, please talk to me first?” he held out his pinkie.
You linked yours with his, making a promise that you’d communicate like this from now on.
“Thank you for giving your trust to me though, I won’t take it for granted,” he pecked your cheek swiftly.
“It’s not that funny,” you mumbled at his giggles.
“No it’s not, it’s just you’re so cute when you’re angry,” he laughed a little more, causing you two to wrestle each other.
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feedback and notes are always appreciated ! let me know what you thought of this. :) if you read them all- which one is your favorite?
note: ello ello! if there’s any mistakes i apologize. i decided to write something in this kind of format again after it came close to first on the poll i did not too long ago. thank you all for your constant support and a special thank u to the followers that i now recognise because i constantly see their username pop up in my notifications <3 i love you!! i hope to be more active but i am starting a new course soon so that might get in the way. muah muah have a great night/day! xoxo
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candycandy00 · 6 months
Roses in the Sky - An Original Alien x Reader Story Part 6
In a future where humanity huddles in decaying domed cities controlled by alien invaders, you and your best friend Anna work as make-shift nurses in a tiny clinic run by the young doctor Terrian. The city is ruled by the aliens' violent, half-breed offspring who serve as brutal overseers. You and Anna have always tried to avoid these overseers at all cost, but your life is changed when one of those same terrifying offspring is brought into the clinic, injured and unconscious.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
This is an original Alien (well half alien) x Fem Reader story! I hope everyone who enjoys my fanfiction will give this a shot! Any feedback whatsoever would be loved! I’ve already written this story so it’s not going to delay my fanfics. Just thought I might post chapters of this between fanfics if anyone is interested.
Slow burn, as this is a novel-length story, but there will be smut in later chapters! Also: violence, blood, rape attempts, death of side characters, etc.
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Vartan nearly knocked you over as he stumbled inside, holding onto the wall as he made his way through your kitchen and to the living room, where he fell onto the couch.
You closed and locked the door behind him, then hurried over to the couch.
"What are you doing here?"
He looked up at you, and for first time you could see a hint of annoyance on his face. It was both frightening and comical. "They asked me to leave the base. So I came here."
"They threw you out?"
He laid back on the couch, making himself a bit more comfortable, though every move still seemed painful. "Yes, that is basically true."
You were holding your forehead. This was ridiculous. If the neighbors happened to see Vartan on his way in, the whole building would be in a state of panic.
He glanced to the side. "You do not have a television?"
You frowned. "No, I'm not that rich. And besides, I don't even like watching movies. Wait, why did you come to my apartment? For that matter how did you know where I live?"
"I followed you home. And you are the only human I know."
You couldn't help but feel a little bit special upon hearing that. How many girls in the city could say a half-breed knew them well enough to crash at their place? But you tossed the thought out of your mind. "You know Terrian too. He has a really big house."
"But you are the one I followed," he said simply, as if that explained everything.
You sighed. "Alright, you can stay as long as you need to, but please don't go walking around in the hallway or anything. The other people in the building might have heart attacks if they spot you."
Vartan nodded.
"And," you said carefully, "there's one more condition to staying here."
He looked you in the eyes again. "What is it?"
You felt a little scared. You just couldn't get beyond the fact that you were talking to a half-breed. You took a deep breath. "You can't punish anyone while you're staying with me. No matter what."
He raised his eyebrows, and you flinched, as if expecting him to jump up and decapitate you. "And what will you do if I punish anyone?"
You hesitated for a moment, then built up your courage and said "I'll throw you out!"
Vartan stared at you in response, and you could've sworn an extremely faint smile had tugged at his lips for an instant. "Very well," he said, "I will abide by your rules."
You blinked. A half-breed was agreeing to your rules? It was beyond bizarre. You shook your head and walked into the bedroom, where you pulled out an extra blanket and took one of the pillows from your own bed. You brought them to him, and he politely thanked you.
Once he was comfortable again, you waved to him and told him goodnight, going into your room to change into pajamas. You opened your door a crack and peeked into the living room, but it was too dark to make out anything more than a vague shape on the couch.
It was a very restless night, as you had trouble sleeping while knowing that a half-breed was lying in the next room. Your mind was going crazy, telling you that he was different, that he was kind to you and had gotten himself into trouble for your sake, but at the same time reminding you of how callously he had murdered Miranda's parents only a few days before. You couldn't decide whether he was a gentle boy or a barbaric monster.
In the end, you fell asleep just a few hours before sunrise, and so overslept terribly the next morning. What little sleep you got was plagued by nightmares, of your parents screaming, of following a tall, black-clad stranger in the snow. You don’t even remember what snow feels like, but in your dreams it was bitterly cold. 
You climbed out of bed and staggered into the kitchen. Vartan was at the table peeling an orange. His jacket was gone and, to your embarrassment, so were his pants. He wore boxer shorts, plain black cotton. He looked up when you entered the room. "Is it alright that I took an orange?"
You nodded, still a little disoriented. You were wearing a tank top and a pair of knit shorts. It was nothing scandalous, but you felt a little self-conscious so you held your arms over yourself and stepped toward the door.
"There is no need to be embarrassed," he said, biting into the peeled orange, "I have seen you in less."
You remembered your first time meeting him, in the clinic while you were in your underwear, and cringed. You had almost forgotten it. You turned around to face him. "Right, about that, I have another rule. You can't... um... do anything... to me."
He looked highly confused. "Do anything?"
"You know, what you half-breeds do to humans all the time. Um, how did that girl put it yesterday... 'enjoy'?"
Vartan obviously understood now, and you were more than a little embarrassed.
He took another bite of the orange. "I will do nothing to harm you."
You sighed in relief. "Great, I'm glad we cleared that up." You sat down at the table and grabbed an apple from the bowl of fruit, biting into it without peeling it. "By the way, I wanted to thank you for what you did yesterday. You really saved us, Anna and I."
Vartan nodded without a word.
You watched him for a moment while chewing the apple. "I'm curious though, why did you do it?"
"I already explained. You saved me, I wanted to save you in return."
"But when you spared Miranda, I mean, the little girl a few nights ago, you said your debt had been repaid."
He was looking at the half-eaten orange in his hand. "I am... not on the best of terms with those three."
"Oh. I see. So going up against them wasn't exactly new?"
"Correct," he answered. "I have fought with them many times."
"Why?" you asked, the question slipping out of your mouth before you thought.
"I believe Celeste, the girl you met, harbors feelings for me that one half-breed should not have for another."
Your jaw dropped. "You mean she has a crush on you?!"
"Yes, I believe so. And the others, Aden and Marcel, harbor those feelings for her. As such, they despise me."
You laid the apple on the table, too intrigued to eat. "Wow, so they're jealous of you! But why would she attack you the way she did? Why would she allow them to?"
Vartan looked at you, surprised. "Why would she not?"
"Because she's in love with you, isn't she? You don't hurt people you love!"
"We do not understand the feelings of humans," he said. "If we somehow come to experience them, we do not know how to react to them."
You looked back down. "Oh," you said, then looked at him sharply. "But why don't the half-breeds get together? Why don't they ever date each other or get married or anything?”
Vartan looked positively shocked by your question, his expression even going beyond mere raised eyebrows to include wide eyes and a gaping mouth. "That is forbidden! We can never touch each other in that way!"
You were quite surprised yourself. "Why not?"
Vartan settled back into his usual expression. "I'm not sure. We've been told from the time we were children that we must never, ever mate with fellow half-breeds. Doing so would be punishable by death."
"Wow, that's a really harsh rule. But I guess that explains why you guys fool around with humans so much."
"Yes," he replied, eating his orange again and seeming strangely uncomfortable, "We were told to satisfy our physical desires with humans."
You placed your elbow on the table and leaned over, supporting your head with your arm. "But don't you guys ever want something more? More than just a physical thing? How do you get any pleasure from it when the human obviously doesn't want it?"
Vartan was focused intently on the orange, as if purposely avoiding your eyes. "We were told that humans are hormonal creatures who always desire physical pleasure. We were told that the humans wouldn't mind, that they would be happy to satisfy us, because we are pleasing to their eyes."
You wee positively amazed to be hearing all of this. Finally things were starting to make a little more sense. "But couldn't you figure out that humans didn't want to be used?"
Vartan suddenly stood up from the table. "Do you mind if I use your shower?"
You blinked, caught off-guard. "Oh, sure. There are some towels in the closet in the hall."
He stood up and pushed his chair in, then cleared the table of the small mess he had made with the orange. It really struck you that he was unbelievably polite. You wondered if half-breeds were raised to be that way, or if this was simply a personality trait for him.
You heard him open and then close the closet door, then listened as he walked a little further down the hall and into the bathroom. Then the water came on. You resumed eating while you waited, and he eventually emerged from the hall again, but this time he was without the boxers. You nearly choked on the apple, but stood up and quickly backed away, covering your eyes.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"Please put your clothes on!" you cried.
"Why? You have seen me nude before. Why are humans so bothered by such things?"
You slowly removed your hands from your eyes, but looked straight at his face. He looked genuinely curious. "Because things like this should be reserved for couples."
You thought for a moment, trying to come up with the best way to word it. "Well, it should be special, when two people who are in love see each other naked for the first time. Exposing yourself like that is like revealing your deepest secret."
Vartan's puzzled expression made you realize that you had indeed worded it wrong. "Wait, that didn't come out right. I mean, even with people who are not in love, you want to save that 'secret' for when you decide to become intimate."
"So, humans do not allow anyone to see them nude unless they are intimate?"
You rubbed your forehead again. "No, that's not exactly it. I mean, doctors see you naked, but that's for medical reasons. It's different. And when you're a kid and your parents see you naked, like when you're taking a bath. Or if you're spending the night with your best friend and you change clothes in the same bedroom, it's not a big deal. But, when it comes to someone you're attracted to, it makes you shy about it, so you only want to show yourself to them when you trust them to not be judgmental and..."
You trailed off, noticing that Vartan's look of confusion was gone and he was instead staring at you intently. "I see," he said, stepping into the living room. He returned a few seconds later, buttoning his pants. "I suppose I no longer have a secret to reveal."
Again that faint smile seemed to flash across his face for the briefest of moments, but it disappeared just as quickly. "You're not going to the clinic today. Are you going anywhere else?"
"Terrian's house. He gave me a new job."
"What kind?"
You raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you really interested or are you making conversation?"
"I am interested."
"He wants Anna and I to be his new maids. I know he just wants to give us a reason to take money from him and come to his house, so we won't feel like we're robbing him, you know? But I hope he doesn't make us wear uniforms again."
"The white outfit you were wearing at the clinic, that was a uniform?" he asked. 
"Yeah. Terrian picks them out. I think he has a costume fetish or something."
"Does he not make you feel uncomfortable?"
You laughed. "We know he's just joking around. Yeah, he likes to see us in cute clothes, but he would never do anything inappropriate. In fact he's ridiculously protective of us."
"Yes, I saw that," Vartan replied. "He was quick to attack me when he thought I was doing you harm."
You laughed again, and in the back of your mind you wondered when you had reached the point that you could laugh with a half-breed. Your eyes drifted to the clock on the kitchen wall. "Oh crap, I'm really running late now. I better get ready."
You hurried to the hall, grabbed some towels, and took a quick shower. You dressed in the bathroom, having no desire to go prancing into your bedroom with nothing but a towel on while Vartan was there. He promised he wouldn't do anything, but you decided it wouldn't be a good idea to tempt a half-breed, despite the circumstances.
You fixed your hair and even dabbled on a little makeup and perfume, things you normally never bothered with. When finished, you looked in the mirror and asked yourself why you were trying so hard to look good. Was it because you wanted Vartan to find you attractive? But you had gone to such lengths to avoid attracting that sort of attention from him.
But what was wrong with it if you liked him?
You took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom. You grabbed your bag from the counter in the kitchen and stepped into a pair of shoes by the door. You glanced into the living room, where Vartan was sitting quietly on the couch.
"Um, I'm leaving now. If you decide to go out, lock the door behind you. There's an extra key on the table by my bed so you can get back in. Remember not to let anyone see you in the building, okay?"
He looked up at you and nodded, then waved as you left.
You arrived several minutes later at Terrian's house. You usually visited in the evenings, after they closed the clinic, so seeing it in the daylight, under the red-tinged sun, made the huge house look a little scary. Now you understood why he often asked you and Anna to come live with him.
You walked up on the porch and rang the door bell. A few minutes later, you heard footsteps and the door suddenly flung open. There stood Anna, positively fuming, in a frilly french maid costume that was obviously bought for Halloween many years ago. You wanted to laugh, but then it occurred to you that you would probably be wearing that horrendous getup too. You grimaced.
"He's gone too far this time!" Anna said loudly, stomping her foot as she talked as if to emphasize every word. "Look at this! I look ridiculous!"
"It's not that bad. I mean, it's kinda cute."
"It's awful!" Anna cried.
You opened your mouth to respond, but heard Terrian's voice ring out from within the house. "Is she here? Send her on up to get her uniform!"
You paled. "Well, at least you won't look awful by yourself." You stepped inside and began climbing up the stairs, dreading what you would see when you reached the top.
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star-centric · 1 year
Can you do some headcannons on Kunikida from bsd and how he would act in a relationship? Like what type of dates they’d go on, his love language, etc. tysm!
- 🥀
PAIRING: Kunikida x Gender Neutral!Reader
NOTE: I love Kunikida- that is all (and sorry that this came out so late)!
CW: fluff, gender neutral reader
Relationship Headcanons with Kunikida!
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Being in a relationship with Kunikida is more exciting than people think. He’s still as diligent as always, but you get to see a certain softness to him that isn’t shown as much
He still acts the same- but he’s a bit more…delicate now. He catches himself remembering that you’re not just his friend anymore and that you’re something more to him (like he’s been wanting for a while). It’s hard to not notice the tips of his ears growing red when he has his vulnerable moments with you, but it’s welcomed nonetheless
I fully believe he asked you out first- had an entire plan written down in his notebook with no room to error. Even with everything written and perfected to a T, he still stumbled a bit in his confession, light blush across his cheeks but firm in his words. It’s a moment that you keep close to you and bring up whenever you’re alone together (sometimes to tease him- much to his dismay)
If you guys work together, he doesn’t treat you like you’re weak because he knows that you’re not- but don’t be surprised if he’s hovering around you more when you get back from a mission. He’s still professional- just more worried- but he still has faith in you!
If you guys don’t work together, he makes time out of his schedule daily to see you. He makes sure that it falls on your lunch break and it doesn’t get interrupted by anyone (unless it’s a serious mission, but expect him to be a little upset when he confronts the threat)
He always makes sure to walk you to and from work- no exceptions
Kunikida would be the one to usually plan your dates- whether it’s his idea or yours. If there’s something specific that you want to do, you can expect him to get all of the information/details and plan it to where there’s no room for a mistake
(just make sure that you’re not pranking him like Dazai because he will take it literal)
He prefers something calm for your dates- he already gets all of the excitement he needs from the agency, so any chance he can relax and do it with you he’s taking it. He also finds it easier to unwind with you, feeling the stress from the day lift from his shoulders just being with you
Kunikida’s love language is act of service! He goes out of his way to make you’re taken care of. It may seem minor to some and not a big deal, but it’s just one of the many ways to show that he cares about you
He’s not much of a touchy person in the beginning of your relationship, but he starts to show a little more physical affection as it progresses. It starts out small- from pinkies brushing against one another without flinching to small hugs before saying goodnight. He doesn’t do much in front of everyone besides handholding, but he does start to do more behind closed doors and in the privacy of your homes
Kunikida has a whole section in his notebook dedicated to you (including future dates)- your likes, dislikes, anniversaries, etc. You never have to worry about him forgetting something because he already has it written down
It takes a while before Kunikida says “I love you”, but I do believe that he would say it first. He’ll also be the first one to bring up the notion of moving in together under a tactical guise (but really it’s just because he craves you more and the times that he sees you now isn’t enough)
He’s the definition of “you fell first, but he fell harder”
Kunikida feels at peace with you. Even if you didn’t match all of his ideals for his ideal partner (because realistically no one probably would), he’s content with that. You mesh so well with him, and honestly- it’s hard to picture anyone else being his partner but you
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dickmedowndc · 1 year
af·fec·tion - Jaime Reyes x Haphephobe!Reader
Word Count: 1,650
Summary: Jaime can say a lot of things are weird about his life: one of his best friends is from an obsolete future, he has a snarky sentient piece of alien technology fused to his spine for life, and his partner always seems to flinch when he reaches out to touch them. At first, he thinks it is little more than them being jumpy and spaced out, until Khaji Da informs him that scans show genuine fear and anxiety.
Notes: Requested by @pink-lemonadae-san for a reader with haphephobia (fear of physical contact). I tried my best with this one, I’m not familiar with this fear. Also, more geared towards Young Justice, the Animated Series, but only as a reference.
Jaime can say a lot of things are weird about his life: one of his best friends is from an obsolete future, he has a snarky sentient piece of alien technology fused to his spine for life, and his partner always seems to flinch when he reaches out to touch them. 
He almost doesn’t notice it at first – the way that you seem to flinch when someone touches you, muscles tense. But you always seem quick enough to hide it with a smile that seems painfully faked to him and an assurance that you really are fine, just spaced out a bit. But after each time, you seem to curl in on yourself a bit tighter and put some more distance between yourself and anybody within the immediate vicinity. 
Jaime just thinks it has more to do with you spacing out than it does anything else, or maybe you’re just not as keen on touch. That much was fine, while a lot of the people he knew could be touch driven, that did not mean that everyone was. So, Jaime avoided touching you as much as he could, at least while you were friends. 
Things began to shift a bit more when he finally asked you out, overjoyed when you agreed to a date. And then even more elated when at the end of the night when you ask him for a second one. Not wanting to push his luck, he had not asked for a kiss, instead reaching out for a hug, which you had returned – but not before he swore that he saw a flicker of fear across your face. 
You never said anything about it though, and so he brushed it off. 
Things continued on this way for a while. 
Jaime does not just jump in to touching you, choosing instead to keep it more reserved, at least in public. Major PDA certainly doesn't seem like the sort of thing that you would be on board with, and he cannot fault you for that much. But the little touches do pick up more in private – taps on the shoulder, a quick hug, etc. Things seemingly so innocent that Jaime never pays their acts a second mind. 
The fact that you never initiate them seems to go over his head. After all, you show your affections for him in other ways – ones that have become obvious to him as the relationship had progressed, so it never comes down to a question of your feelings. 
And still he chalks up the jumping to you being lost within your own head. You wouldn’t be the first person he knows to be like that, and you never tell him otherwise. Any discomfort on your part is quickly hidden. 
Khaji Da has been, for the most part, instructed to leave it be – when the sentient tech had expressed a desire to scan you earlier on. Feeling too much like an invasion of privacy, while also throwing the agreement that only teammates could be scanned and only in battle. As far as people that Jaime trusted went, that was. So reluctantly Khaji Da had backed off the topic. After all, the scarab had been assured, if something was wrong, they had to trust that their partner would be upfront about it. 
That was likely why it surprises Jaime so much when Khaji Da pipes up one day, directly after he has hugged you. 
“Scans indicate that your partner is afraid, Jaime Reyes.” 
It was a weird enough sentence to hear, and Jaime was too confused to be annoyed that Khaji Da had scanned you. But afraid? There was nothing that should be causing that – the area was clear, it was a quiet and calm day, you had been fine for most of it, and you had yet to tell Jaime something was wrong. 
Scared couldn’t be right, could it? 
So, he ignores it, instead enjoying the rest of the day with you. He can talk to Khaji Da about it later. 
But later comes sooner than expected when the date is at an end and Jaime goes to hug you once again. 
It's that same voice echoing in his head: “Scans indicate a spike in your partner’s cortisol and adrenaline levels, indicating stress of fear, Jaime Reyes.” 
This has his attention. The only thing that had changed was him touching you, but still, you make no mention of it, pulling away and wishing him a goodnight before moving off in the direction of your home. 
Jaime calls after you, telling you to stay safe, but the gears in his head are turning to the point of smoke and it is Khaji Da who has to prompt him back into moving finally. 
“Khaji Da.” 
The scarab responds to that, a little whirr that tells Jaime the spotlight is his. 
“Are you sure that they were afraid both times I touched them?” 
“Affirmative, Jaime Reyes, your partner showed signs of distress.” 
It’s silent for a moment before Jaime asks his next question, quiet as he can, almost as though he is trying to avoid the answer. “Do you think they’re scared of me?” 
“Unlikely. Your partner actively seems relieved to be with you unless physical contact is initiated.” 
“But if they’re scared of touching me-” 
Before Jaime can finish his sentence Khaji Da has already interrupted him. “Your partner shows signs of distress at all physical contact, including that initiated by other individuals. This is not isolated to you.” 
“How long have you been scanning them?” This was too much information for the scarab to have from one day alone, and Jaime knew that much. 
In almost an embarrassed fashion, Khaji Da could be felt almost receding from the edges of Jaime’s mind before answering. “Two weeks.” 
“We talked about this, ese.” 
There’s an indignant clicking in protest before it seems to calm. “Your partner has not confided in you about their fear and steps had to be taken to find the cause. Best course of action: speak with them directly.” 
Jaime can’t argue with that. Whatever the cause of your fear was, you had certainly tried your best to hide it. And it had been a success. But Jaime had to speak with you about it eventually if things were going to get better – it admittedly hurt to know you were scared to touch him, and despite Khaji Da’s words, part of his concern was that you feared what he was capable of. 
A call or text message was not going to cut it, so Jaime would wait until Wednesday when he could speak with you in person again. No heads-up, he didn’t need to leave you a nervous wreck if he told you there was something the two of you needed to talk about. It wouldn’t be good to have that stewing under the surface for a few days. 
So, to say you seem a bit surprised when you show up Wednesday and Jaime has his hands in his pockets is an understatement. You expect a hug or for him to reach out to you – even if it terrifies you – but instead you’re met with no attempt. Paired with the serious look on his face, it begins to leave a feeling of unease prickling along your spine. 
“Did I do something?” 
That catches him off guard for a moment and Jaime is quick to assure you that no, you had not, but he does need to speak with you – and he needs honesty. 
It does nothing to settle the worry you feel, and already this conversation is headed in a direction you really do not like, already having a vague idea of what the issue is. 
Jaime struggles for a moment, trying to find the words that he needs without sounding as rude out loud as it seems in his head: “when people touch you do you...” He trails off, sighing before waving his arms outwards. Finally, he relents. “Khaji Da scanned you – I didn’t know about it!” he clarifies quickly, seeing your raised brow. “But scans show that when people touch you that you get.... scared?” 
His words seem to have an effect, and Jaime watches as your shoulders slump, your eyes focused anywhere other than on him. And then he sees it, a weak nod. So, he was correct. 
“Haphephobia - it’s the fear of being touched.” You have to stop for a moment, pulling in on yourself. “It isn’t just by strangers though, it’s by anyone, even family and friends.” 
Things are beginning to make sense for Jaime – little actions he had not stopped to consider before, things said by family or friends of yours that he had met. “You know you could have told any of us; we wouldn’t push you about it.” 
“I was told to just get over it – and a lot of our friends have a touchy love language. Besides, aren’t you supposed to be able to touch your own partner?” 
Jaime frowns at that, the tone he picks up on too depreciative for his liking. “There are other ways to show you care.” 
He doesn’t get a response from you, seeing you backed up into your own invisible corner, like you could make yourself vanish if you tried hard enough. “Hey,” he starts, soft as he can, “you show me you care in all kinds of ways – we can figure out how to handle this, and so can our friends. But we can’t start fixing things if we don’t know there’s an issue.” 
“I know, I guess I just didn’t want you guys to be disappointed.” 
“If we knew and ignored it that would be a different thing, but we can work with this,” Jaime assured. It was almost instinct to reach out, but he managed to catch himself in time, offering his partner a smile that seemed to finally have them relaxing. 
“I’d like that.” 
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sunlightmurdock · 2 years
My Future in You | 0.4 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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Synopsis: Bradley’s twenty-two years old and not where he’s supposed to be. He’s supposed to be out of the academy by now. Instead, he’s retaking his senior year of college and praying to god that he gets into flight school. Mav’s gone, his mom’s gone. He’s mad at the world. Then, a hook up at a Halloween party changes his future even more than he could have imagined.
Warnings: accidental pregnancy, blood,, angst, drama etc etc, enemies to lovers if you wanna call it that, crying & early on pregnancy hormones, meet the Seresin’s, Bradley’s a dick but less so in this chapter than the previous ones wooo
Bradley is avoiding Jake. Jake knows this, because Bradley hasn’t slept in his own bed for three days. Jake keeps seeing Bradley’s toothbrush being moved, and his razor being left at the edge of the sink, so he knows that Bradley’s coming home to shower.
Tonight is Saturday. It’s a home game. Jake doesn’t see Bradley all day. Not until he walks into the locker room and Bradley’s already there.
Bradley glances at Jake, then looks back down at his underlayer. He pulls it over his head silently.
“Leave it, he isn’t worth it.” Patrick taps Jake’s shoulder and nods for him to keep moving. Jake steps past, keeping his head down. He sets his bag down and starts getting dressed.
Jake has been speaking to his younger sister a lot recently. He knows that Bradley offered her money. She has made Jake swear to behave, for her sake more than anything. In Jake’s head, that’s just not what a man does — it’s a pussy move because Bradley’s too scared to step up.
Jake lets out a breath. He promised to behave tonight. He lets it go. Bradley won’t even look at him. Jake can see that he’s still got bruising around his eyes. Good.
The first time Bradley locks eyes with Jake is when they’re coming off the field. They lost. Jake cost them the win, and he’s okay with that. It was either the game, or the principle.
“Bradshaw was right there!” Aaron complains, hitting Jake’s shoulder.
Bradley hears, but ignores it and keeps walking. It’s true. If Jake would’ve just passed him the ball, they would have won. Bradley knows better than to say anything himself.
“Dude, drop it.” Josh warns Aaron. Jake steps forwards, his eyes trained on the 14 on Bradley’s back. He walks back over to his bag, knowing that you’re waiting for him outside and that you wouldn’t appreciate him making a scene in front of the whole team. Bradley does the same. About half of the team know already.
Anyone who lives in the house. Most are smart enough to keep their mouths shut, but gossip is bound to spread anyway. You don’t want anyone else to know.
Bradley and Jake shower at opposite sides of the room, then change without looking at each other. Jake keeps it together. There’s always locker room talk, it happens. It buzzes around them tonight. Bradley likes to stay out of it. Jake usually engages a healthy amount. Today, they’re both deadly silent.
“So, Bradshaw, who was the brunette with big tits I saw you with yesterday?” Aaron calls across the room. He’s oblivious to what’s happening between Jake and Bradley, but the others aren’t. About half of the room goes silent.
Bradley pauses, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. As expected, Jake is glaring at him when he opens his eyes again.
Jake turns towards Bradley.
Aaron looks between the two of them, confused.
“Nobody.” Bradley answers bitterly, pulling his shirt over his head. He pushes his fingers through his hair, ignoring the way Jake’s gaze burns into his side. Jake’s fingers curl around the deodorant can in his hand. He watches the way Bradley moves so nonchalantly. Bradley buckles his belt. He flinches, catching it in his peripherals in enough time to duck. The deodorant hits the wall to the side of him.
Bradley shoots Jake a look. He really doesn’t want to do this now.
“They’re all nothing, huh?” Jake bites.
Bradley rolls his eyes, scoffing. He shrugs his shoulders, “What do you want me to do? - Say I’m sorry?”
“Jake, leave it.” Jake doesn’t hear who says it. He’s too focused on not catching an assault charge. He considers if Bradley would press charges. Probably not, it takes too much time, too many statements. Even if he did, Jake’s dad could get him a good enough lawyer.
“I tried to do the right thing, she didn’t want to hear it.” Bradley explains.
Jake squints. “Yeah, I know what you tried to do. That’s real grown up, must’ve taken real balls to go over there and offer her your mommy’s money.”
That’s a low blow and Jake knows it.
“Can you just get off my dick? - I didn’t want this!” Bradley snaps. Aaron’s still so confused.
“I don’t give a fuck about what you want!” Jake bites back. Dustin, standing between them, turns and readies himself to hold Jake back. “I care about what’s best for her. Which isn’t to see you living your life and fucking random girls while she raises your kid!”
“I don’t even know if it’s mine!”
“If you say that one more time, I swear to god I’ll break your nose for real.” Jake threatens, stepping forwards. Dustin puts a hand softly on his shoulder.
“What the fuck do you want me to do?” Bradley demands. At this point, he’s sure he would do almost anything to get Jake to shut his big, stupid mouth.
“Marry her.” Even Dustin pulls a face. Bradley’s eyes fly wide open.
“What? - No! I don’t even fucking know her!” Bradley scrambles for words, shaking his head. Jake’s face is dead serious. Jake presses against Dustin’s grip. Bradley shakes his head.
“You heard me. Man the fuck up, do the right thing.” Jake insists.
“No!” Bradley scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Why not?” Jake demands. This is a trick. Bradley knows that if he says one more bad thing about you then he needs to be ready to fight afterwards.
“Because her family’s fucking crazy for starters!” Bradley answers. He lifts his bag onto his shoulder and shakes his head again. “You and your sister need to stay the fuck away from me.”
He turns and exits the locker room, preparing himself for another week of avoiding Jake. As he steps out, he’s met with a pair of familiar eyes. He damn near screams in frustration.
“Jesus christ.” He mutters. You frown slightly, just as surprised to see him leaving the locker room as he is to find you standing outside of it.
“Are you okay?” You ask softly. His face softens for a moment. He wasn’t expecting you to be so kind to him. He opens his mouth, then you watch his face harden again. You close your eyes and brace yourself for what’s coming next.
The locker room door swings open and Jake steps out, ready to finish what Bradley had just started. He looks between you and him. You open your eyes slowly. Jake isn’t going to yell at him in front of you.
“What’s going on?” You ask gently, looking between the two of them.
“You know what? - Everyone’s been giving you a free pass because of your parents,” Jake butts in, stepping forwards with his chest puffed out like an idiot. Your brows furrow, you catch his wrist and find yourself ignored. “Not anymore. I don’t give a fuck how bad your daddy issues are, next time-“
You step between them and push hard at Jake’s chest, putting some distance between the two of them. You stare at Jake.
“What are you talking about?” You say softly. Abusive parents would make a lot of sense. That would help you understand why Bradley is the way that he is. Typical. There are almost twenty-two thousand people at this school and you manage to bond yourself to the most screwed up one for life.
Bradley rolls his eyes.
“His dad died when he was a kid.” Jake explains, shaking his head. That doesn’t give Bradley and excuse to act like as much of a dick as he does. “Then his mom a little over a year ago. But that doesn’t…”
Jake keeps on talking, but you stop listening. You turn your head to look at Bradley. He’s glaring at Jake angrily. It all makes sense now. The reason he doesn’t want a family, is because he lost his. That’s so much worse. Bradley can’t help but notice the way your eyes are burning into the side of his face. You bite into the inside of your cheek. He turns his head slightly to look at you.
Your lip trembles. He scrunches his face disapprovingly as your eyes fill with tears.
“Don’t — what — don’t cry.” Bradley tells you like it’s an easy thing for you to do, like you can just switch it on and off. It’s that easy for him. He hasn’t cried since the night before his mother’s funeral. That was fourteen months ago.
Jake cranes his neck as tears spill silently onto your cheeks. He’s just as confused as Bradley but he moves to comfort you nonetheless.
“I had no idea,” You sniffle, your voice cracking as you speak. Bradley shoots Jake a confused look. “Oh my god, are you spending Christmas alone?”
“Yeah?” Bradley shrugs his shoulders. He looks back at Jake, trying to ignore the misty look in your eyes.
“It’s not a big deal, he did last year too. He’s a Scrooge.” Jake explains, rubbing your back. You press a hand over your mouth. Bradley stares at you, baffled by what’s happening in front of him. Bradley nods. It isn’t a big deal at all. His plan is just to order a pizza the night before and spend the day eating leftovers. It really isn’t anything to cry about.
You turn and press your face into Jake’s shoulder. A sob wracks your body. Jake presses his lips together as he wraps an arm around you.
“Why’s she crying?” Bradley frowns. Jake glares. He doesn’t like the way Bradley talks about you as if you aren’t there. You don’t seem to notice, because you’re the one who answers his question.
“It’s just so sad.” You manage out. Jake pats your back gently. He narrows his eyes at Bradley over your shoulder. You sniffle as you turn. “You could spend Christmas with us. We have plenty of r-room.”
Bradley can barely understand you. Your voice is muffled and shaking. He scrunches his face up. Jake glares at him, trying to stay calm as he pats your back.
Bradley scoffs. He looks at Jake, almost amusedly. “I’m okay. Thanks.”
His tone is dry and cruel. If you weren’t between the two of them, Jake would knock him on his ass. And yet, you turn towards him and raise your eyebrows, your face soft and caring, “Please?”
“I don’t think that’s a great idea, I mean — Mom and Dad will-“ Jake tries.
Bradley stares at you. He doesn’t understand what he has to do to get you to stop being so nice to him. He swallows, feeling guilt rushing through him. He regrets that he’s the reason you’re crying. He wishes he hadn’t walked into the kitchen at that point in time, that it had been some other idiot.
“He’s your friend and he’s all alone, they’ll be happy to have him.” You answer, your voice trembling as tears spill down your cheeks. Bradley stares at you. You look up at him, “Please. Even you don’t deserve to be all alone.”
Bradley’s lip quirks at the backhanded comment. He knew there had to be some disdain for him in there somewhere. He looks between you and Jake. Jake gives a slow shake of his head. The last thing he wants is to spend his Christmas break worried that his father’s going to put a bullet in his teammate.
Bradley can’t get over the way that you look at him.
“If I say yes, will you stop crying?” Bradley asks. Jake’s eyes widen, he shakes his head at Bradley again more urgently. You lift your head to look at Jake. He stops shaking his head instantly and glances down at you, shrugging his shoulders. You look back at Bradley.
“I think so.” You really can’t be sure. You think it would help.
“Fine.” Bradley looks at Jake. He stands up a little straighter and squares his shoulders. “I’ll be there.”
Jake grits his teeth.
A week later and you’re landing at Austin airport, standing at baggage claim between the two of them. It’s the twenty-third, two days before Christmas.
“So I can’t call it tadpole anymore,” Jake realises as he lifts your suitcase off of the conveyor belt. He sets it down in front of you. You smile and shake your head at him. Bradley looks between the two of you and raises an eyebrow inquisitively. “Kidney bean just doesn’t have the same ring to it.”
You catch the look on Bradley’s face, “The baby was the size of a tadpole at six weeks. It’s about the size of a kidney bean now.”
Bradley nods his head, but doesn’t react much. Kidney beans are kind of big. His hands are shoved into the pockets of his sweats, so you don’t catch the way that he runs his thumb over his open palm and imagines the way a kidney bean would fit into it. He glances down at you. You’re wearing a coat. He wonders if he would be able to see a sign of your pregnancy without it.
“Come on, Mom and Dad are waiting.” Jake pats your shoulder.
You seem happier this week. Your emotions are more in check. Even when you watched that sad movie on the flight, you didn’t even cry. You sat with Jake for the flight. Bradley sat a few rows back. You’re happy that he’s spending the holidays with you, even if he’s acting grumpy about it.
Bradley recognises your parents immediately. He hasn’t ever seen them before, let alone met them, but they look just how he would expect. Your mother is sweet looking, hair curled perfectly and her outfit conservative but pretty. Your father is wearing a tie under a quarter-zip sweater with a pair of slacks. He has a tidy combover and a hairline that’s just about hanging on.
You and Jake each greet them. Bradley observes the way your mother fusses over each of you, pinching cheeks and smoothing down hair, squeezing you into a tight hug. Then he observes the swift way your father hugs you, resting his chin atop of your head. The way that Jake shrinks in on himself as he reaches out and shakes his father’s hand with no affection.
“This must be Bradley!” Your mother is the first to notice the tall man standing back sheepishly with his hands in his pockets. Bradley offers her a shy, polite enough smile. You turn to watch as she wraps her arms around him. You watch the way he tenses, awkwardly hugging her back. You shoot a glance towards Jake. “Pumpkin, it is so good to meet you! Jake’s told me all about you.”
“It’s great to meet you too, Mrs. Seresin.” Jake wants to tackle him. It’s unnerving watching him be so polite. Your mother is none the wiser. She lifts her hand and squeezes Bradley’s cheek, then smiles widely.
“Call me Ellen, this is my husband George.”
“You can call me Mr. Seresin.” George corrects. You sigh softly. He can be such a hard ass at times.
Bradley extends a hand towards your father, making a point of standing a little straighter and looking him in the eye as he does, “Thank you for having me, Sir.” He shoots a look at Jake afterwards. Jake rolls his eyes.
You sit in between Jake and Bradley on the ride home. Bradley shifts in his seat, parting his knees a little further, squishing you closer to Jake. You put up with it for a while. Until he shifts a little more, busy playing on his phone as he squishes you to the point that you almost have to cross your legs. You keep your eyes on your parents as you slide your hand between yourself and him.
Your fingertips graze his bicep. He turns his head, then gasps. You pinch the skin at the back of his bicep, catching him off guard and using the moment of surprise to shove your leg against his, making him sit up straighter, pressing his knees closer together.
He shoots you and unimpressed look. You narrow your eyes at him. He drops his phone into his lap and crosses his arms over his chest, resting his head back against the headrest with a soft sigh.
“Jacob, help your sister with her bag.” George speaks sternly, slamming the driver’s side door behind him. He walks inside without helping anyone with their bags. Bradley pauses from admiring their family home and stares after him, then looks back at Jake already struggling with his own suitcase and duffel bag.
Jake sighs as he shrugs his duffel bag closer to him and reaches for your case.
“Jake, it’s fine, I’ve got it.”
“I’ve got it.” Bradley steps past you and curls his hand around the handle. He lifts it off of the ground and frowns, “What did you pack?”
You shrug your shoulders. He follows your mother inside. It’s like Bradley expected. Texan outside, Texan inside. Plenty of space, land out back. Conservatively decorated. He thinks back to his childhood home and the way it could not have been more different from this place. He prefers where he grew up.
Bradley’s sharing Jake’s room. They brought a travel cot down and made it up for him. It’s about a foot from Jake’s bed. Bradley can’t imagine spending the next week a foot away from Jake’s snoring without wanting to strangle him in the middle of the night. He could have had the guest room, but your sister’s in there with her husband. Given that they have been married for over a year now, your father has given in and let them share.
Bradley spends the afternoon lamenting his decision to say yes to this trip. He should have just let you keep crying.
He’s called down for dinner at six. Before that, Jake makes a point of making Bradley get changed. Bradley hasn’t ever had to wear a button up shirt to dinner in someone’s house in his whole life. Fancy restaurants? - Sure. At home, it just doesn’t make sense.
Bradley follows Jake into a formal dining room, where Jake sits down in the middle. Your mother and father are at the heads of the table. You and your two sisters are on one side, whilst Jake, Bradley and your sister’s husband, Mark, are on the other.
Bradley sits down opposite you, and the first thing he notices is that you’re looking a little grey. He leans across the table, catching your attention. He mouths a silent ‘you okay?’ - you realise you must look more sick than you feel if he’s checking in on you.
You nod your head.
Bradley sits in awkward silence as your Father says grace. This is a completely different world. He knew that whatever hellhole Jake crawled out of wasn’t exactly going to be a nurturing home, but Bradley can tell there’s a cruelty to your father.
“Okay, I was going to wait ‘til dessert,” Everyone lifts their heads in unison and looks at Mark at the end of the table. You catch a glimpse of Lauren swinging her brown boot into his calf under the table. She shakes her head aggressively at her husband. He continues anyway. Bradley can’t get enough of these accents. “But Lauren and I are just too excited to wait.”
You take a sip of your water. Mark does this all the time, he’s an excitable person by nature. You feel really warm.
“We’re expecting! She’s four weeks.”
You feel the water go down the wrong way and will yourself not to start choking. Bradley watches as your eyes start to water. He just hopes you aren’t about to start crying.
“Oh my goodness!” Ellen whoops, clapping her hands together on Bradley’s left, making him jump. “Our first grand baby! George! Our first grand baby!”
Bradley looks up at you across the table. You take another sip of water. He watches you gulp. You’re about eight weeks along now. You know this, Bradley knows this. Jake’s staring at his mashed potatoes and wishing he didn’t know this.
Perfect Lauren, the eldest daughter and her father’s twin, who did the right thing and married a good guy, bought a nice house, raised a cute puppy - she isn’t going to be the one to give them their first grandchild.
Instead, it will be you. The youngest daughter, the most like her mother. Who hasn’t even finished college yet and has no intention of marrying the stranger who’s child she’s carrying. And the asshole sitting opposite her, smiling politely at Ellen continues to gush with excitement. Bradley glances down, catching the state of… grief? - that you appear to be in on the other side of the table.
He shifts in his chair, kicking his foot across the table. He slots it between your feet and nudges softly at your ankle, breaking you from your daydream. You blink at him. Bradley gives you a soft smile. It’s going to be okay. You close your eyes and nudge your ankle closer to his.
You aren’t crying. This is good. This time last week, you would have been bawling your eyes out and telling them everything, begging for their forgiveness. You hold it together for now. You still feel lightheaded about this whole ordeal.
You’ve been zoned out. Your eyes go wide as your mother fills your glass with champagne, “Oh, Mommy, I’m okay, I don’t really feel like drinking. I have a headache.”
Jake stares at you across the table. Ellen smiles obliviously, filling your glass to the brim and lifting it into your hand.
“Nonsense, we’re celebrating!” She insists. You look between Bradley and Jake, silently begging for help. Bradley thanks your mother as she fills his glass, then waits for her to move along to fill Jake’s.
He checks to make sure you aren’t being watched. The other end of the table is too buzzing with the shock of the announcement to be paying attention to you. Bradley lifts his glass and sighs softly. You watch as he brings the flute to his lips and downs it in one. He winces, he hates champagne.
He sets his empty glass down in front of you and takes your full one. Jake gives him a grateful nod. It’s the first pleasant interaction they have shared in two weeks.
You feel sick.
This is going to be a long week.
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dailydragon08 · 2 years
Dating Luke Skywalker After a Toxic Relationship Headcanons
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Trigger warning for mentions of past relationship abuse/a toxic relationship.
Luke has always been incredibly sweet with you, even before he knew about your past relationship. But when you mentioned something your ex did in passing, thinking it wouldn’t sound like a big deal, he’s horrified that anyone would even contemplate doing that to you and becomes even sweeter (if that’s even possible).
He never yells or makes assumptions and always approaches any disagreement or misunderstanding with an incredible amount of patience and gentleness. He always listens attentively to your side of things while calmly and confidently explaining his own.
That being said, he’s very open-minded and if something you say sways his opinion, he doesn’t hesitate to let you know. He makes sure to tell you he appreciates the new view you’ve given him and if he was the one in the wrong, he apologizes quickly and sincerely.
His apologies not only consist of words, but also actions. He makes sure to remedy his future actions and does his best to make it up to you by showering you in affection—whether that’s a trip somewhere, little gifts, or just some extra physical touch. He makes it clear he never expects anything in return and is just trying to show his love and appreciation for you.
Inevitably, you will get triggered sometimes and Luke’s aware of this. He’s always there to provide a comforting hug, hand hold, or kiss (or all three) and remind you that you’re safe.
If he’s the one that accidentally triggers you, he feels terrible and apologizes profusely. Afterwards, he’ll give you whatever you need with no question or hesitation: space, extra love, reassuring words, etc., and will take great care to make sure he never does it again.
Although this usually doesn’t happen because he’s extremely attentive. He mentally notes every wince, flinch, and gasp to the point that he sometimes even knows what will trigger you before you do. He’ll do everything in his power to help you avoid those situations.
He always keeps a stash of hot chocolate on hand just in case you need a little pick-me-up. You’d always assumed anyone could make hot chocolate and it would all taste the same, but there’s something about the way he makes it (he refuses to tell you his secret) that just tastes so much better. You’re never allowed to do it for yourself either, unless you sneak it, because he loves taking care of you.
He’s always there to listen when you need to vent. The fact that you even had such a horrible experience in the first place breaks his heart, but he’s committed to helping you make new good memories and letting you know there’s always hope for a better future.
Along that same vein, he’s just so excited to do life with you and show you all the great things the galaxy has to offer. He takes you on trips as frequently as he can and shows you all his favorite places with the biggest smile on his face.
If there are experiences you want to have, he’s ready to do them with you at a moment’s notice. Your ex never wanted to do any of your bucket list items, so Luke makes sure to rectify that. As soon as he finds out how robbed you were in your last relationship, he sits the two of you down to make a list of all the things you want to do and is genuinely excited to try them with you. From simple things like kissing in the rain to more risky adventures, he’s always on board with whatever makes you happy.
If your ex had a habit of not celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays with you, Luke makes sure to go all out since, in his words, it’s nothing less than what you deserve. He showers you in affection and gifts and will gladly help you decorate.
He constantly reminds you how much he loves and appreciates you with not only his words, but actions. He’s always bringing you back little gifts from his solo missions and leaves little notes around telling you you’re beautiful, things he loves about you, and to have a good day.
He isn’t the best cook, but he tries for you and there have been numerous times you’ve come home after a hard day to find one of your favorites, completely homemade (the fact that he had to call Leia on the commlink for instructions multiple times is irrelevant).
Always makes sure you know how happy you make him and he’s always very smiley around you. He’s a very committed person and doesn’t wait to let you know he wants to be with you forever—whether marriage is your thing or not.
His inner Anakin definitely comes out whenever your ex is in close proximity. Most of the time, he’ll make sure your ex never goes near you. But if you have to be in the same room, Luke is glued to your side and always makes sure to stand between you and your ex. If your ex tries to make any sort of snide comment or God forbid touch you, he sends a withering glare their way and grabs their wrist before they can make contact, turning his body so they can see the lightsaber at his hip and pushing you behind him.
Physically, Luke is so gentle with you that it almost makes you tear up. His touches are feather-light and his kisses are passionate, but still gentle. In the bedroom, he reminds you that you’re entitled to your boundaries and can stop activities at any time for any reason.
Constantly tells you he loves you, how happy you make him, and that he’s so glad the Force brought you two together.
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quietplace26 · 2 years
Solving the Future au (4)
"...I'm sorry, but could you repeat that?" Akito wasn't sure if he heard KK right. For a second he thought he heard the older man ask him and Mari to-
"Join. My. Team." KK explains that since they were all obiviously on the same side, by which he means that they all hated Hannya, it shouldn't be too much of a issue for them to join forces.
Akito's considers the pros and cons of KK's offer.
Cons: It could be a trap, KK's team might never fully trust Akito or Mari, someone might find out about Akito being a time traveler.
Pros: A bigger support system, joining KK's team could help Akito prevent more unessary deaths, Mari meeting Erika and hopefully becoming friends, KK helping Akito with his weaving, etc.
After talking it out with Mari, Akito decided to take the risk and take KK's offer in joining the older man's team.
He'd go on to tell Mari later that, NO, he didn't blush like a school girl when KK smirked and said "Good choice, pretty boy."
And with that, Akito and Mari joined KK's team.
To be honest, it was a rather awkward start between the siblings and the rest of KK's team.
No one seemed to know what to make of the other, and it was obivious that KK's team didn't really trust either Akito or Mari, but that was fine. The siblings were used to handling things alone...
Though, a surprise came in the form of Erika taking the first step in actually talking to the siblings. A question here, an answer there, and soon Erika was talking easily to Mari.
Soon the others followed. Dale, the bear like man, quickly warmed up to the siblings after Mari started curiously asking him some questions about certain folklores
Ed came next. The quiet man came across Akito after the younger man came back from a solo hunt.
No one was in the base at the moment besides Ed, and when Akito stumbled in, eyes full of wild panic and breathing heavily, Ed knew he just couldn't leave the younger man alone in his panic.
On Akito's side of things, he had just been doing a normal hunt, but when a familar woman dressed in red came at him, Akito panicked.
In the last timeline, he always had a hard time dealing with Kuchisakes, especially RED Kuchisakes.
Hearing how they scream and laughed as they chased him through Shibuya's foggy streets, feeling the slashes from it's sheers. It was horrible.
And what made it worst was the time when KK was taken from him, leaving Akito all alone and powerless in a visitor invested city.
He could still remember the Kuchisake that ambushed him while trying to save KK. It nearly killed him, and Akito was still unsure how he managed to escape with only a scar on his back from it's sheers.
After that he just developed a fear of Kuchisakes. KK in the last timeline thankfully didn't tease him and usually took over if a Kuchisake was attacking.
But now? Akito didn't have KK to take over. He was too afraid to admit his phobia to this KK in fear of being laughed at.
Akito flinched when a hand touched his shoulder. It was a light touch, barely even there, but enough to get Akito's attention.
This made Akito panic even more. No one was supposed to be at the base today!
The light touch leaves and someone sits down beside him on the floor.
Slowly looking over, Akito sees it was Ed, and he had... a rabbit?
Akito blinks, looking at Ed and the rabbit in confustion. "Ed?"
Ed just holds the rabbit out, silently gesturing for Akito to hold it.
This leads to Akito cuddling the rabbit, which he learns was a girl and her name was Muffin. She was Ed's support rabbit.
After few minutes of cuddling Muffin, Akito finally calms down and timidly looks at Ed who was staring at him with worried eyes.
Akito ends up telling Ed what triggered his panic attack, which leads to the rest of the team finding it out as well. Thankfully, no one laughed at his fear and even tried to help him with it.
Now for the final person on KK's team. Rinko.
She was the hardest nut to crack, as she didn't trust Akito and Mari since day one. She was more than a little rude at times, and kept giving them distrustful glares.
But after Erika started talking to Mari, Akito noticed how Rinko was slowly, but surely softening up to them.
The moment Akito knew Mari won Rinko over was when the woman gave Mari a head pat after she came back from a successful hunt with Erika.
As for Akito himself, it was when Rinko noticed how he was eyeing her bike with interest and asked if he knew anything about bikes.
They ended up spending time in the garage together, tinkering away at Rinko's bike and just talking about random things.
Once Akito knew that KK and KK's team fullied trusted him and Mari, the siblings took the group of to meet their Nekomata friends.
It was funny seeing their reactions. Erika in particaular looked like she acsended when some Nekomatas kittens started demanding pets from her.
Through as funny as it was to see the teams reaction's to the Nekomatas, it wasn't funny when Akito's Nekomata healer started getting on his case about if he's been drinking all his medicine.
"What medicine?" KK, along with the rest of the team, not including Mari who already knew about his condition, looked to Akito for answers.
"...And make sure he drinks one everyday! Heavens knows this boy needs all the help he can get!" Akito was pouting as his Nekomata healer was talking to KK. Geez, treat him like a kid, why don't they?
Despite his pouting, Akito was glad he didn't have to hide his condition or medicine anymore. Sure KK and the others, baring Mari, had questions about his past injuries, but thankfully they never pushed too much.
Besides that, Akito was happy. His sister was alive, he had friends, and yeah, he still had to deal with Hannya, Shibuya, and the possiblity of Mari, KK, Rinko, and Erika dying again, and still debating whether or not he should tell KK and the others about him being a time traveler, but for now, all was well.
"What are you smiling about, pretty boy?" KK's voice knocks him out his thoughts. Akito just hums, his smile becoming soft as he glances at KK. "Oh, no reason."
KK squints at him, clearly not believing his words. It made Akito laugh. "Keep squinting like that, old man, and your face will get stuck like that!"
"Old- I told you to stop calling me that, you brat!"
Akito only laughs harder at KK's indignant yells.
Yep. Today was a good day.
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ivyprism · 10 months
A Tragedy of Love (Honeycomb x H)
Warning: Sad, very sad, no happy ending. Not the greatest, but SAD. Death, confession of love while dying, etc.
Honeycomb observed as H approached the table. She had the most beautiful smile on her face. He knew he was going to die again like last time, but he couldn't tell her. He observed her as she walked with her books in her backpack. He wished he could dance with her… One more time. As he held her hand in his, he began to sing.
"My Soul... A tear in the currents... Witnessing the passage of time..."
As the dance began, he softly took her hand in his. She was his entire world, and she had no idea. He never told her or confessed how he felt... He was too scared. He grinned as she laughed, her face going red once more. He enjoyed watching her bite her lower lip as she smiled at him.
"Alone to contemplate history..."
"Why are you singing to me?" H gave him a friendly smile. She bit her lower lip in delight, her eyes gleaming. "What's the occasion?"
"I just think you'd like to hear my song." Honeycomb chuckles as he twists her and lightly kisses her cheek. H laughed and it was music to him.
"Well... I appreciate it." H smiles as she leans her head on his chest as he sways with her. His soul beats quickly as orange dusts his cheeks.
"Her soul... A tear in the ocean's heart... Troubled by the omen..."
Honeycomb spins her once again. She never knew of the dark future, but she always was afraid of the chance. He hoped she wouldn't be bothered by it. It would always hit her when he died, over and over again. He never told her how he felt until the very end, and she could never stop it.
"Of a hopeless future..."
"This is one sad song today, Honeycomb." As he held her hand, H smiled at him. He drew back. He chuckles and kisses her on the cheek.
"It's just a tune I thought you'd enjoy… But that's all for the time being." Honeycomb withdraws. He is preparing to die. As he goes away, he smiles. His thoughts turn to how they met.
"Are you hurt?" H had inquired. She was an adolescent at the time, and she was holding an umbrella over his head. He was a year older than her. As she knelt by his side, he blinked at her. She gently patted his wounded cheek with a handkerchief. He recoils.
"I'm fine," Honeycomb replied flatly. She was startled, a sheepish expression on her face. It was the most amazing thing he had ever seen. She didn't take off like the others. She touched his face with her handkerchief.
"I'm H…" H formally introduced herself. Honeycomb saw her take out a first aid bag. "I notice you get in a lot of fights…" H started to care for his bruises and scratches. In pain, he flinches. "Sorry- um…"
"Honeycomb," replied Honeycomb. H blinked as she gazed at him before giving him a stunning smile.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Honeycomb..."
As he meets his executioner, Honeycomb thinks of H. He thinks of her smile, her warm eyes, and her gentleness, it breaks his soul knowing how she would react to his death, but it was inevitable.
As they clutch the knife, the child smiles. He tenses up a little. He prepared to battle for his life, even though he knows he will lose in the end. He had to protect H from them, no matter the cost. He had already lost his brother, he couldn't let them kill her next. The fight began, and he fought for his life.
"I respect your fortitude… But this is the end of the story." As they leveled the knife at him, the child smiled. Honeycomb glares at them.
"We'll see about that, kid." Honeycomb virtually hissed as he planned his next attack. The fight got more and more violent and he knew it was coming, his end. H wouldn't see it...Or so he thought.
"Honeycomb!" H's voice crushed his heart as he felt the blade strike him. He made a simple movement and blood spilled over his hand as he gripped his chest. H's hazel eyes widened as tears spilled down his cheeks. She took him in her arms and cuddled him to her chest.
"H…" Honeycomb took her hand in his softly. H's heart was racing, her mind was blank, and tears were streaming down her cheeks. "You're safe…" He sounded relieved, even though he knew she was. As tears streamed down her cheeks, he touched her face.
"Honeycomb, I was- I was looking to warn you-" H wept as she clutched him. As she embraced him, he could feel her soul crack and snap little by little. Honeycomb wiped her tears away with his palm before kissing her on the cheek. "It's okay- it's okay, I can- I can help-" H began to try to heal him, but his soul began to deteriorate.
"Shh… H…" As H began to shake, Honeycomb muttered.
"Honeycomb, no… Please…" H sobbed out. Honeycomb decided to soothe her down the only way he knew how: by singing.
"Sometimes I doubt that she is strong enough...Such a fragile being...But she faces such hardship."
H's eyes widened as he gently sang the rest of the song he had performed for her at the ball to her. Her eyes widened as the tears flowed more quickly.
"Honeycomb, please, no... No... You can't-" H whispered as tears flowed.
"Sometimes, she surprises me with such strength..."
Honeycomb sang as he felt his body begin to turn to dust. H felt her heart break as she held him. He brings his teeth to her lips as he leaves a kiss.
"If she were to lose her way... I would be by her side..."
Honeycomb whispered that confession through the song as he turned into dust in her arms. H began to sob as she held his heart locket to her heart. She sobbed loudly as the AU began to fall apart at the seams. She let out her pained sorrows as it came to an end.
Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGTGsPi517A&ab_channel=Vulkain
@kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles @miscneilleaneous @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut @hearty-dose-of-ranch @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut @underfell-crystal @buff-borf-bork
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lovecanbesostrange · 1 year
can I get some ramblings on 6, 7, and 10 for the movie ask thing?
6. Different characters played by the same actor/actress you think would have fun meeting (fun for you or them? who knows).
I'm still on Barbie brain, so what if Harley Quinn showed up. Margot Robbie playing Harley Quinn who tries to pretend to be Barbie. Or something. Somebody from Mattel capturing Harley on accident. Or worse, Amanda Waller's minions grabbing Barbie thinking she's Harley and sending her on a mission. Or the two meet on the street, enjoying their breakfast sandwiches. I think there is some potential for hilarity. They would absolutely support each other, that much is for sure!!!
7 Two films - from very different genres at best - you'd want to mash-up in an unholy experiment.
The thought process: I wanted to think of a comedy and the first that came to mind was Barb and Star go to Vista del Mar. A totally underrated gem of a great time. But thinking about what to mash that up with - preferably horror - I realized that Barb & Star need to have adventures all over the place! They are the perfect duo to make everything hilarious. They are the bestest of friends who will have each others' back no matter what and they don't flinch when bizarre doom is coming for them. I watched Insidious: The Red Door recently and that came up. The two just walking around in the Further and giving decoration tipps to the demon, you know.
Barb & Star meet Ghostface -- Barb & Star visit Gotham City -- Barb & Star watch the Hunger Games (in the Capitol, VIP seats) -- Barb & Star vs the Mummy -- Barb & Star in a cabin in the woods They will thrive! And Trish will always be there to help them out. Every film has one throwaway scene with Sharon and Yoyo trying to get back at them and they fail miserably.
10. A remake you wish would happent for whatever reason.
Cutthroat Island. You know what, I'll even keep most of the plot, because I enjoy it. Only a few tweaks. BUT the character of William Shaw (used to be Matthew Modine) is now Wilhelmina and we get the lesbians we deserve. Geena Davis gets to have a cameo. Or she can be the villain Dawg Brown, here for that.
14. An action sequence you deeply enjoy.
The beginning in X-Men: Days of Future Past. When the rag tag bunch of last free mutants with Kitty & Co escape the Sentinels. It is a tense scene, very dynamic and it highlights all the powers used. Blink's portals, Iceman's ice-sliding etc etc. Also they die so we get to see how big of a threat these Sentinels truly are. And then *poof* it's erased so the scene also helps explaining the big plotpoint of how quantum-time-travel-bladiblubb works in this.
I remember watching that for the first time on the big screen and I was so excited. It's only the beginning of the movie and we get such a treat. Sunspot gets to power up Bishop and then blasts a Sentinel with all he's got. Meanwhile Iceman freezes one of them. And then those bastard machines show they have powers of their own adapt and we get fire and ice used against them.
Also Blink & Warpath work so effortlessly together. Her portals and his combat skills. :3 :3 :3 (Look, this is why we got ThunderBlink in The Gifted and I'm here for that.) The overall teamwork and the way they look at each other, it's a good scene I enjoy watching very much.
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slutforsnow · 1 year
Chapter 3 of
The Blue Note
"Nightmares and Tears"
Summary: Koton has a nightmare and is comforted by Lyla:)
Notes: A big TW for screaming, thrashing, blood, and abuse. I will try to not go into too much detail, but if it's too much, feel free to skip!! The nightmares will only be briefly mentioned in the future! ^^
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"The hell...?" She muttered, looking around herself. The room was dark, yet it was frightening. It was ice cold, like a cooler from gas station during the night shift or the creepy hospital scene in Scream five.
Rubbing her arms, Koton hesitantly took a step forward, only to flinch back, hearing a familiar voice.
"このバカ野郎!何もできないの!?" He yelled, causing an ear splitting scream to erupt from behind Koton. She turned quickly to face the man, only to be met with her 4 year old self. She was laying on her side, bleeding, shaking, and non-stop sobbing. Beside the young girl was a now shattered and valuable plate. Trans.:YOU STUPID BITCH! CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT!?
Koton gripped her own shirt to try and steady her breathing, which she hadn't noticed had started rising. 'Not this night... this night was one of the worst...' She thought, trying to swallow her anxiety but the lump in her throat didn't budge.
She wanted to run and pick up her younger self, cradle her, and protect her from this nightmare. Her canon event... her years of abuse straight from the hospital to the midnight of her birthday. When October 30th became October 31st; the day it all changed. The day her family died and the day she was gifted with a new one.
A loud and sharp shatter shook Koton out from her thoughts and caused her to gasp and shoot up from her bed.
Her heart was racing and before she could process it, she started crying. Curling up into a ball, she buried her face in her knees and rocked back and forth on her bed, just crying. Though not as dramatic or painful as her child self's screams and wails of agony, but still painful. She was an O'Hara; she wasn't supposed to cry. Her father never cried, so why should she?
But on nights like this, it was unavoidable. The past was so hard to bring up or even think about. Despite Miguel trying to encourage her into therapy, it never worked. The therapist was either bad at their job, a predator, or a pedophile and Koton was just... unwilling. Not because she didn't want to, but incorporating something new into her routine was not going to be fun.
After a few moments, Koton perked up to a bright glowing light spawning in her bedroom.
"Hey, Lyla," She greeted, sniffling and wiping her tears.
"Hey, KK- oh no- Miguel told me you might be upset- what happened...?" Lyla asked, growing about 5'7" and sitting on Koton's bed, running a hand through her hair.
"Another nightmare... basement," the blue-haired female replied, leaning into Lyla's loving touch. Lyla had always been a mother-figure to Koton and did most of the work when Koton first got her period and wanted to know about pregnancies, how to avoid them, what sex was, birth control, etc. Despite giving the 'cool auntie' vibes, Lyla had always been a mother figure to Koton and Lyla knew that. She thought it was sweet that she was considered a mother figure.
"Oh honey... I'm so so sorry..." Lyla softly muttered, gently scratching her scalp, earning a small shrug in response. "Do you want me get Miguel..?"
"No thanks... I just wanna stay here with you, mama..." She answered, after a moment and pulling her stuffed penguin, Hielo, close to her. Lyla smiled, a bit teary-eyed, but nodded.
"Alright, honey. I'll stay here, as long as you need," The AI told her, earning a loving nuzzle from the 19 year old.
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ihni · 2 years
I saw a gifset of Billy and his mom on the beach and the gif froze and for a second there she looked like she was pregnant, and that made me think. What if she left Neil because she got pregnant? Because she was afraid for her unborn baby's safety, with Neil's abuse of her etc. And maybe Neil didn't know, and she couldn't afford him to find out, because if he did he would insist on the kid being HIS like with Billy (as if he was a possession). So she couldn't come back. (And when the baby was born, well ... it's hard enough to be a single mother with a newborn)
I'm thinking maybe Billy finds out at some point that he has a nine- or ten-year old sibling. A little sister, a sister in blood. What would he think? Feel?
(I'm ALSO thinking that if something happened to Billy's mom, the kid might go to the dad, ie Neil. And maybe that's how Billy finds out. Another upheaval for the family, another unwanted sibling. But this one looks like Billy, looks like his mother, and has spent her life being loved and protected. And now she ends up in the care of a man who hayes her mother, hates how she looks, hates the way her very existence is disturbing his ideas for how a family should be. And Billy wants so much to hate her too, but the first time he sees her flinch at Neil's raised voice, his efforts at hate crumbles to dust. Because it's not her fault that their mother chose her protection over Billy's. It's not her fault that she looks like their mother, and that Neil hates her for it. It's not her fault she ended up in this godforsaken family.
Billy had been planning on leaving as soon as he could, because Max is safe and she has her mother and its always Billy that Neil has been gunning for in the past. His plans had been to get out, and get as far away from here as possible. But now? He can't leave his mother's daughter alone under Neil's roof, not when he knows what will probably happen to her there. That her future might look like his past.
So. Does he stay, for her? Or does he leave, and bring her?)
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