#The homies
falling-star-cygnus · 8 months
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matching profile pics for you and the homies
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lunian · 6 months
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THE DRAMA THE PAIN😭(and 3 reloads to get all reactions)
stopped ritual in the middle, making Cazador suffer much more before his end but also because Lae'zel yelled at me
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at least Astarion looked cool doing it
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hilsonamore · 3 months
imagine if house had older brothers who were also musical prodigies, and he never became a doctor but instead started a band with them and called it “the homies”
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typhlonectes · 1 year
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gothcowboyz · 1 year
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if u see me oc posting no you don't
this is cowboy! he is my main oc but sometimes i use him as my artist sona lol
the other characters in the last pic belong to my friends sol-illo , ajexax and chuyouout!
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yurigalactica · 3 months
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@asexualstellar you good bro?
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Pranks and abstract question go way over my head– I promise you that. Ace is gonna be asking me questions and I'm gonna look at him like he grew a second head.
"Would you love me if I was a worm?" "What kind of worm? Earth? Silk? Caterpillar?" "What? Uh— earthworm?" "Oh, then would you retain human consciousness?" *proceeds to ramble on abt the possibilities and further questions* "I-Is this necessary??" "Yes! What if you have no recollection of me? Then you'll just be a sad and lonely worm I put inside a terrarium or something. I don't want that. And besides, it's not like I can carry you around. What if you fall off? Get crushed? Blown by the—" "Okay, okay. That's enough. My bad for asking an abstract question like that." "You're being weird." "...I'd rather not hear that from you."
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smilesrobotlover · 2 years
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Wanted to try to draw Kohga without his mask on and I gave up dhekdbkddb. I then wanted to draw my fav trio ever so there
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c-ronus · 1 year
dear fic writes of the fable smp community this is my formal request for like a fic where they kiss the homies like just a little maybe that's all thank you for your time
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w3ird0s-0rgans · 7 months
Not incredibox related but I drew my friends and I as silly lil reactions/emojis
Cause I love themb
Tw: blue blood and a comically large blunt lmaooo
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Idk if I should @ them lmaoooo
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🫵 pointing at you...you should tell the rest of the world about the sea otters proposal....
not the big bird level threat in my inbox first thing in the morning😭 jfndkfjdsnf hi haaaaash hope you and your one piece husbands are doing well this morning. it's time for the sea otters exposure in the form of long form yapping though 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣
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(oda is so sick for making these designs of ace at 40 and 60 and then never making sure he will never be using them in the canon. so fucking sick. bring my freckled husband back to life, you evil man TAT)
so for the context leading up to the proposal:
for the longest time in our lore, ace and i are actually common law spouses and don't officially tie the knot until we're 37ish
we get together when we're either 19 or 20, around 22 i break the ice and take the plunge in referring to him as my husband and we just go along with that for the rest of our pre-actually married relationship and mael accidentally comes along when we're 28 (yeah our kid was an accident ndfkjndkf) so we have a considerable amount of time just being common law spouses in our timeline
i guess during our early 20s, it just seemed impractical to get married because we were always on the sea? we're traveling across the grand line trying to live long enough to see luffy find the one piece, everyday is a new adventure with battles periodically and not to mention if we did have a wedding it would be very hard getting the certain individuals we wanted to be there physically present
when i got pregnant you would think we would have a wedding then but no our biggest priority was going back to dawn island for a few years so dadan could get to know to the kid we would we be having. and... unfortunately garp but that was ace's decision. i have a very 'if you want your grandpa around, that's your decision and i will respect it as your wife' mentality when it comes to garp because ace is a better person than me so yes garp does get to know his great granddaughter. after a few years when mael is a little older, we go back to sea and we are a happy little family of three with our larger extended found family with the whitebeard pirates, occasionally running into luffy and sabo and things like that
by the time we're about to marry, whitebeard has unfortunately passed away and ace is now the captain of the crew
the proposal itself:
i kinda just get inspired one day seeing him with our daughter and everything it took to get to that moment and i just want to put a ring on it
so obviously i have to go to my nigga wallace (which if you know anything about sea otters, he is my best friend from the spade pirates transitioned into the whitebeard pirates) and tell him the scoop because i obviously can't keep all this to myself and i need help figuring out ace's ring size. all i know for sure, is that i want to exchange vows with my best friend i've known for most of my life and i want it to be a private and intimate proposal between the two of us so i just say when we get to our next island 'hey, let's have a date night, someone on the crew can babysit'
and honestly the entire date feels very reminiscent of our time in sabaody and the feelings of nostalgia make me want to propose more than i already do. we're hitting up multiple restaurants, we're dancing as local musicians play their songs and then we're off to explore more of the natural sights before we're at some lake that's large and reflecting just about every star in the sky and laying against an oak tree like we're 10 again and back on mt corvo and that's when i know it's the moment
i probably have a whole speech planned that i ran through for weeks to make sure i would be able to recite perfectly and that shit just goes way out the window.
writing my thoughts down? i'm amazing
verbalizing it? poetic prose goes right out the window
i'm not an emotional person but i'm pretty sure i'd already be tearing up trying to even start the speech and at that point i'm just like 'fuck' on both knees like a fool and i just whip out the ring
but low and fucking behold, he pulls out a ring because plot twist he was planning on proposing too and he tries finishing what i can't but he's also got his own tears and snot running down his face, his hands are shaking and i'm trying to steady them not that i'm really helping because i'm a shaking mess too
but we do manage to pull ourselves together and exchange engagement rings
ultimately, we get the transponder snails and tell ace and sabo 'hey how long will it take for y'all to get to x location, we're getting married and we want you there'
ace has sabo and luffy both as his best men, i have mael be my maid of honor and in typical luffy fashion, he gets the entire island we're at jumping for a wedding where no local knows the bride and groom but we're all celebrating our asses off
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do people on tumblr know of nemo maximus the third
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harlowgifs · 2 years
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The Homies - Leaf Wraps (ft. Jack Harlow)
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moonilit · 10 months
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certifiedl0serloll · 1 year
“Matt Tholmule and Amity Blight are best friends.” I say into the mic.
The crowd boos. I begin to walk off in shame, when a voice speaks and commands silence to the room.
“She’s right.” They say, I look for the owners of the voices, there in the third row stands: Amity Blight and Matt Tholmule Themselves
(wait why were they in the human realm?)
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ask-the-cyclone · 3 months
is it gay to kiss the homies good night.
As a gay man… yes, kind of
What does this even mean… Connieeeee help
Ummm… sorrey Ocean I’ll explain later
No but I wanna know, so I can answer
I’ll tell her 😈
Uhhhh no comment?
I do not know. I mean…I guess a bit?
We’re all friends here, yeah? We can be honest…
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