#The sue clan event
nightingale2004 · 1 month
@simsim54 you've just inspired me
OK, Twilight fans, first off for the people who are homophobes, haters, and racists please leave and ignore this post if you don't like it.
Secondly, fans. Like all of you, i love twilight, but I feel like Stephanie Meyer had very poor execution on the story. Bella and Edward LITERALLY had little to no chemistry, and they cringy af, and everything felt rushed, especially if you looked at the timeline of events that was happening from twilight to Breaking dawn.
But one of my old posts got me thinking.
What if Stephanie had made Jacob female, and she was Jacqueline black (I know Jacob's fem name is Julie, but I feel like Jacqueline suits them better)
What if Stephanie Meyer, instead of making a girl with little to no personality and giving awkward introverts a bad name. She made this Bad@$$ Indigenous she-wolf mechanic shape-shifter who was loyal to her tribe, proud of her culture and freaking tough as nails but the most motherly person you'll ever meet and alpha female materials, then paired this woman to our awkward introverted gentleman vampire artist who could read her thoughts and they started out as enemies and then it became a slow burn to lovers.
I personally feel like if this story was written write then this would've made a waaaaayyyyyy better movie and way less cringe.
I will be first to say that sterek ate the child of the sheriff of a small town falling in love with a supernatural hottie. But Bella and Edward were cringe and very funny, and I couldn't take their love story seriously for more than two seconds. Sterek did it better, and even the fanfics ate.
But Edward Cullen, who is a vampire and a part of the Cullen clan, fell in love with Jacqueline Black. Daughter of Billy Black and great-granddaughter of Ephraim Black. A descendant of an alpha and a chief! Who also has issues with her older sisters. She is also part of Quileute tribe.
And their children being hybrids will also be interesting.
I'm serious when I say that this story has potential, and if done correctly, it would have me reading on repeat.
Jacqueline and Edward hate each other at first sight because of who they are, then Jacky imprints on him, tries to hide it, but then sparks a relationship between her and Edward (with Seth's help of course), some of the cullens being extremely supportive of their relationship (apart from Rosalie who took some getting used to but slowly accepting Jacky), Jacqueline's pack finding out and the pack drama happens, Jacky's sisters making an appearance
Plus, the beautiful Romance between these two with the forbidden love. Plus, we can add in a cameo of Bella here and there. But Charlie would definitely be involved, and his relationship with Sue should be slow and not SUE LITERALLY GOING AFTER CHARLIE WHEN HER HUSBAND'S BODY IS NOT EVEN COLD YET!!!!
Seriously dudes, this has SO MUCH POTENTIAL!
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senjutsunade · 2 months
Do you think Tsunade made Kakashi her successor because all of the Kage expected it, Shikaku advised it and he was pretty much the shoe in when she was out for the count, a choice that everyone just settled on in the moment. Or do you think he would have been her own choice as well. If not Kakashi who else would Tsunade nominate in Kakashi's stead. Or would she just have continued on until Naruto was eventually ready.
Anon-san, you are one evil creature, okay?! pointed look
Anyhow, for the sake of the fandom, let's tackle this one.
The simplest answer to this is, there was no one else. Ironic, right? And pretty sad too.
But the same was true for Tsunade's own turn.
After the Second and Third Wars, too many high-ranked shinobi died.
Let's talk about all the ones who had the potential to be Hokage.
Since Sarutobi's own Team 7 adventures, it seems like he was orchestrating a grand narrative with a recurring motif.
The trend started with the Sannin—his own team. From his three students, Orochimaru was considered to be the 'successor' for the longest time. How that story unfolded is another tangled web.
Following having one potential successor, Sarutobi did not stop there. He needed more. And who better than to have Hashirama's own blood? Again, Team 7 came into play, this time led by Orochimaru (see the tradition?). Another idea linked to this, which used to be a headcanon for Skye, was that Fugaku used to be on that team alongside Nawaki. The idea of having a Senju and an Uchiha on the same team, that too under Sarutobi's own student, was almost like bringing the two clans under his control. Yet fate, of course, had another plan—Nawaki died a genin, and Fugaku (and the mystery teammate) were placed on another cell. This disbanded Team 7.
Sarutobi, of course, couldn't help but try again—where Orochimaru had failed, Jiraiya was expected to succeed. And so the toad sage was the new sensei of a new Team 7 cell. This one had an unexpected prodigy—one Namikaze Minato. This time, Sarutobi's experiment was successful. A new potential Kage rose to fame. The sparkly brat burned too bright and then ended up a martyr.
But before that, his own Team 7 cell was put to the test, and from that, we get one Hatake Kakashi. Curse of Team 7 may be as strong as Shodai's necklace, honestly.
Other candidates who had the potential to be Hokage were a quite a few, starting with Uchiha Fugaku. His performance in the war was legendary. Had events not played out as they had, Fugaku would have been the ideal candidate.
Kato Dan was another potential candidate—for my muse's sake, he should have been Hokage. Maybe we would have had a better Konoha, after all. But the curse got to him too. He died before he could reach his dream.
Hatake Sakumo was another shinobi who had the potential to be Hokage. Another tragedy. Had he lived, Tsunade and Kakashi would have been spared a lot of backaches caused by paperwork. Maybe he thought the alternative was better? Cough.
Anyhow, Tsunade became Hokage because, with the situation Konoha was in, there was a need for someone of the Sannin's level. With Orochimaru as the enemy, it made sense to have another Sannin take the lead. Jiraiya was considered, but Jiraiya is more loyal to the prophecy than the village—sue me. But that is what I believe.
That left Tsunade. Kakashi MAY have been considered, but he was still too young, and the memory of Minato was still too fresh. The role fell to the last Senju.
For her own successor, from early on, it was clear it would be Kakashi. It wasn't about wanting the position anymore. The one who wanted it didn't survive. So the responsibility fell upon the ones who had never wanted to have anything to do with the position. Kakashi was Tsunade's right-hand man from the get-go. They both knew their roles and both filled them because they saw the position as not a dream but a responsibility as well as a burden that was theirs to bear. As if it could make all their sacrifices worth it. Fools.
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Kakashi was the successor because who else could it be?
Gai had the skills but not the political mindset.
Nara Shikaku had the brains for the job but not the physical skill to match it.
Kakashi checked all the boxes.
His reputation in all of the shinobi nations was strong. Enemies feared him. Allies respected him. The Hatake clan itself was known for its loyalty to Konoha. His record is second only to the Sannin themselves. He may have never wanted the post, but that was what made him good at the job. And he had a very successful 12 years, right?
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mydaylight · 2 years
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Consort Duan 端妃 (duān fēi),of the Cao Clan, was a Ming Dynasty concubine of the Jiajing emperor.  Lady Cao was born in Wuxi, modern Jiangsu Province. She was one of JIajing Emperor’s favourite consorts. In 1536, Lady Cao gave birth to the emperor's first daughter Zhu Shouying, Princess Chang'an. The same year, she was promoted to Imperial Concubine Duan. In 1537, Imperial Concubine Duan was promoted to Consort Duan. She gave birth to the emperor's third daughter in 1539, Zhu Luzheng, Princess Ning’an. The Jiajing emperor was a notoriously short-tempered, harsh man with many enemies, and in late 1542 several maids, despairing of his cruelty, attempted to assassinate him. This event has come to be known as the palace incident of the renyin year [1542] (renyin gong bian) or the incident of the palace maids.  That night, the emperor had fallen asleep in the chambers of Consort Duan, who withdrew with her attendants, leaving him alone. The palace maids entered the room, tied a knot in a silk curtain cord, and slipped it around his neck; they also began to stab him in the groin with their hairpins. Someone among them panicked, Empress Fang was alerted, and a physician was summoned. The emperor remained unconscious until the following afternoon and, acting on his behalf, Empress Fang ordered that all of the women involved be executed immediately. As the attack had taken place in Consort Duan's palace, the empress determined that she had conspired with the palace women and sentenced her to death by slow slicing in the marketplace. The Jiajing held Empress Fang responsible for the death of his favorite, Consort Duan, thinking that she couldn’t have been involved, and when the empress was trapped in a palace fire in 1547 he refused to agree to her being rescued, leading to her death.
Source: Lee, Lily Xiao Hong; Wiles, Sue. Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women, Volume II (University of Hong Kong Libraries Publications),  Zhang Tingyu, (1739). History of Ming, Volume 114, Historical Biography 2, Empresses and Concubines 2.
Happy belated birthday @misssylvertongue!
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earth-18104 · 3 months
Since I started getting more into Marvel I made a bunch of Ocs for the media, and with time I created a whole universe to insert them in the stories. So I'm gonna start posting here my personal time-line.
These events include stories from the comics, a bit of the cartoons and the movies. Many events or characters have their backstories changed and I will include my ocs here.
It's just a project I do for fun (and has been taking my mind in the last years help). It's not complete. There's still a lot to work but I got the basics.
(This is a rewrite from my other blog :P)
B. C - Events
• Okkara and the Enriched
• Birth of Apocalypse
• Hela and the Asgardians
• The Clan Akkaba
A. C. - Events
• Fall of Strontia
• Thanos' birth
• Creation of the Ten Rings
• Fall of Titan
15th/ 16th / 17th Century - Events
• Odin brings the Tesseract to Earth
• Rise of Count Dracula
• Apocalypse and the Army of Darkness defeat Dracula
• Fall of Tenochtitlán
• Creation of Talokan and birth of K'uk'ultan
• Trial of Agatha Harkness
• Apocalypse is sealed by his subordinates
• Selene Essex becomes Lady Sinister
18th / 19th Century - Events
• Mystique's birth
• Victor Creed's birth
• Sanguinária's birth (OC)
• Logan's birth
• Howlett's Tragedy
• Irene Adler and Raven Darkholme meet
• Fall of Akkaba Clan
• Origins: Wolverine I
20th Century
1900 - 1930 - Events
• Origins: Wolverine II
• Wolrd War I
1940 - Events
• World War II
• Johann Schmist finds the Tesseract
• Steve Rogers becomes Captain America
• Bucky Barnes becomes his partner
• Phineas Horton creates the original Torch
• Sgt. Nick Fury and the Howling Commandos
• Foundation of Weapon X by Dr. Abraham Cornelius Truett
• Captain America dissappears and Bucky Barnes is taken by HYDRA
• Logan marries Itsu. Later she is murdered by the Winter Soldider and his son is taken
• Cain Marko and Charles Xavier become stepbrothers
• Wong starts his training in Kamar-Taj
• Howard Stak works for SHIELD
1950 - Events
• Cain Marko and Charles Xavier fight in the Korean War. Marko dissapears after finding the Temple of Cyttorak
• Max Eisenhardt marries Magda
• The original Torch dissapears / dies
• Logan meets Silverfox
• Magda and their daughter dies, Max Eisenhardt changes his name to Erik Lehnsherr
• 1950 Avengers
1960 - Events
• Charles Xavier meets Moira Mactaggert and Gabrielle Haller
• Sabretooth and Wolverine join Team X
• Adam Brashear becomes Blue Marvel
1970 - Events
• Professor X, Magneto, Mystique and Destiny create the first team of X-Men
• X-Men '72
• Adamantiun tests
• Team X breaks out
• Xavier VS Shadow King
1980 - Events
• Captain Marvel
• Ghost Rider
• The Incredible Hulk
• Iron Man
• Ant-Man and Wasp
• The Summers Incident
• Hawkeye and Mockingbird
Age of Heroes - The first famous groups of heroes start to rise, the first conflicts earth went through after FF, the Avengers, the X-Men, the Defenders, Guardians of the Galaxy, Young Avengers, Power Pack and the others formed.
1989 - Events
• The Fantastic Four
• Puppet Master
1990 - Events
• The Avengers
° (Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Wasp, Ant Man, Hulk, Mockingbird, Hawkeye)
1991 - Events
• Jessica Drew works for SHIELD as Arachne
• Logan adopts Amiko Kobayashi
• Matt Murdock debuts as Daredevil
1992 - Events
• The X-Men
° (Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Angel, Iceman and Beast)
• The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
• X-Men VS Juggernaut
• Sam Wilson becomes the Falcon
1993 - Events
• Simon Williams joins the Masters of Evil as Wonder Man
• New Avengers
° (Black Panther, Hercules, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Hawkerye, Falcon)
• Jennifer Walters becomes She-Hulk
1994 - Events
• Sue Storm and Reed Richards Wending
• The Fantastic Four meets Black Panther
• Dane Withman becomes Black Knigt
• Z'Nox attack
• Wade Wilson becomes Deadpool
• Silver Sufer and Galactus
• Alex Summers becomes an X-Man
• Betsy Braddock becomes Captain Britain
1995 - Events
• Mesmero attacks Krakoa. Lorna Dane joins the X-Men as Polaris
• The X-Men and the Okkari
• Patsy Walker becomes Hellcat
• Peter Parker becomes Spider-Man
• Jessica Jones becomes Jewel
• Heroes for Hire (Luke Cage and Danny Rand)
• Norman Osborn becomes the Green Goblin
• Natasha Romanoff leaves the Red Room and joins SHIELD, working alongside Mockingbird and Hawkeye
• Frankie Raye joins the Fantastic Four as Photon.
• The Avengers battle against Ultron and Vision
• Among us stalk the Sentinels! Ororo Muroe and Sean Cassidy join the X-Men
• Frank Castle becomes the Punisher
• Jean Grey absorbed the power of the Phoenix
1996 - Events
• Hank McCoy joins the Avengers
• Greer Nelson becomes Tigra
• Secret Empire
• Avengers / Defenders War
• Flint Marko becomes Sandman
• Second Genesis.
• Hulk VS Wolverine
• Cyclops starts a new team of X-Men
° (Wolverine, Storm, Thunderbird, Colossus, Nightcrawler and Sunfire)
• X-Men VS Erik the Red and D'Ken
• Wanda Maximoff and the Darkhold
• Darren Cross becomes Yellow Jacket
• Wanda uses her magic to create her sons
• Mystique and Destiny start a new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
• Kitty Pryde and Alison Blaire join Xavier's Institue
• Dark Phoenix and death of Jean Grey. Cyclops leaves the team
• Kree / Skrull War
1997 - Events
• Days of Future Past. Rachel Summers and Lucas Bishop join the X-Men
• Cyclops meets Madelyne Prior.
• Rogue absorves Carol Danvers powers
• Rhino VS Spider-Man
• The trial of Hank Pym
• X-Men VS the Brood
• She-Hulk joins the Avengers
• Wanda and Vision find out their sons are magic creations of the Darkhold
• Illyana Rasputin is captured and taken to the Limbo
• New Mutants
• The Morlocks
• Rogue joins the X-Men. Logan marries Mariko.
• Beta Ray Bill!
• Venom arrives at Earth
• Hawkeye creates the West Coast Avengers
• Forge joins the X-Men
• Curtis Connors becomes the Lizard
1998 - Events
• Jean Grey returns
• Nathan Summers is born
• Mutant Massacre
• Madelyne is corrupted by the demon N'Astirh, becoming the Goblin Queen
• Asteroid M
• Fall of the Mutants
• Franklin Richards is born
• The Punisher took over the Assassins' Guild, and later became a substitute teacher while investigating drug trafficking at a school
• Wolverine and Jubilee work together against the Hand
• Gambit joins the X-Men
• Genosha X-Tinction Agenda
• Legacy Virus
1999 - Events
• Kree/Shi'ar War
• X–Cutioner Song
• Rise of Midnight's Children
• Maximum Carnage
• Fatal Attractions
• Bloodties. Fabian Cortez kidnaps Luna Maximoff
• Sabretooth goes to the X-Men after he starts losing control of his feral side
• Cyclops and Marvel Girl marry
• Generation Next and Phalanx events. Emma Frosts takes the new mutants as her students. Blink dissapears.
• The Hellions die
• Peter Parker meets Olivia Octavius, who later becomes Dr. Octopus
• Sabretooth escapes. Angel loses his wings
• Ozyamndias comes to warn the X-Men about the return of Apocalypse
2000 - Events
• Jessica Drew joins the Heroes for Hire
• Graydon Creed's assassination
• Apocalypse returns with his Horsemen
• Okkara is revealed to the world
2001 - Events
• Mantis, the Celestial Madonna, creates Adam Warlock using the Mind Stone
• Gamora, Mantis, Drax, Groot, Adam and Rocket become the Guardians of Galaxy
• The Thunderbolts
2002 - Events
• Sepent Crown's arc. Lemuria and Talokan are revealed to the world
2003 - Events
• Jessica Drew returns as a heroes and joins the Heroes for Hire with Cage and Rand
2004 -
• The start of Infinity Gaulent arc.
° Earth's heroes lose the battle to Thanos. Half of the Universe dissapears.
• The X-Men split in Team Gold and Team Blue to defend the mutant kind
2005 -
2006 -
• Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson marry
2007 -
2008 -
2009 -
• Mayday Parker is born
• Power Pack debuts as a new group of children superheroes
° Jack (12) as Zero-G, Julie (10) as Lightspeed, Jack (8) as Mass Master, and Kate Powers (5) as Energizer.
2010 -
• The Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Guardians of Galaxy and Denfenders join forces to fight Thanos once more
• Event Infinity Gaulent ends.
2011 -
• The Avengers rebuilt their base.
• Scott Lang joins the team as the new Ant-Man.
• Charles Xavier re-opens the Academy X
2012 -
• E is for Extinction
• Riot at Xavier's
• Runaways!
• Jean Grey dies fighting Xorn
• Gitfted / The Mutant Cure
2013 -
• X-23 (13) tries to assassinate Logan. She changes her name to Laura Kinney
• Secret Wars
• Winter Soldier returns
• The Gray family is killed by Death Commandos Shi'ar
• Vulcan leaves Earth, deciding to take revenge on D'ken for the death of his mother
• M-Day happens
• Academia X changes the X-Men program
• With the help of rebels, Vulcan escapes from prison and frees Deathbird
• Peter Quill joins the Guardians of Galaxy
2014 -
• The Young Avengers!
° Iron Lad (16), Kate Bishop (17/18), Wiccan, Speed (16), Patriot (16), Hulking (16), Sting (14), Jonas
• The New X-Men
• Hearing about Vulcan's escape, Prestige, Thunderbird, Warpath, Xavier, Darwin, Nightcrawler, Havok, Lorna and Petra leave Earth
° Korvus Rook'shir is freed; Lilandra Neramani loses the title of Empress
• D'Ken wakes up and takes his title and asks Vulcan and Dearthbird to stay by his side
• William Stryker and his Purifiers attacks Xavier's Institute
• Vulcan's royal marriage and coronation as Shi'ar Emperor
2015 -
• Civil War
• World War Hulk
• Birth of the Mutant Messiah
• Kang's Dinasty
° The Avengers and other heroes fight Kang.
° Sam Wilson becomes Captain America
2016 -
• The mutants move to the new Utopia
• War of Kings. Inhumans, X-Men, Starjammers and Guardians of Galaxy against Vulcan
° Lilandra dies during battle; Rachel Grey avenges her family; Black Bolt defeats Vulcan
° At Lilandra's funeral, Kallark becomes majestor
• Reed Richards founds the Future Foundation
° Alex Power (19), Dragon Man, Moloids Tong, Turg, Mik and Korr, Bentley 23 (10), Artie Maddicks (20), Leech (19), Julie Powers (17), Jack Powers (15), Kate Powers (12), Valéria Richards (9), Franklin Richards (13).
• The Skrull Invasion takes place on Earth
2017 -
• Dark Reign
• The Inner Circle attacks Genosha
• Hope returns as the Messiah
• Annihilators
• Hank Pym opens the Avengers Academy
• Young Avengers: Children's crusade
• Generation Hope
• Attack on the Mutant History Museum
• Sabretooth becomes the Invisible King of Asia
2018 -
• The Schism between the X-Men happens
• Fear Itself
° Thor becomes King of Asgard
• Apocalypse Solution
° Warren Worthington III becomes heir of Apocalypse
° Genesis, clone of Apocalypse, wakes from his chamber
• Logan opens the Jean Grey School For Higher Learning
° There's a room where the light won't find you (Watxm fanfic)
• Miles Morales (13) becomes Spider-Man
• Sabretooth and his goons kidnaps Genesis
2019 -
• The Phoenix returns
° Hope Summers fixes the mistake made during M-Day, sacrificing herself.
° Rachel Grey becomes the new host of Phoenix.
• Rage of Ultron.
° Hank Pym sacrifices himself to defeat Ultron once for all
• Terrigenesis Mist Arc
2020 -
• Khamala Khan (16) becomes Ms. Marvel
• Jean Foster is diagnosed with cancer, later she becomes an Valkyrie
• Moon Girl (9), together with Devil Dinosaur, tries to become a superhero
• Riri Williams (15) debuts as IronHeart
• Robert Reyes debuts as the new Ghost Rider
2021 -
• Dead Man Logan
° Logan dies and is buried in a secret place in Canada. Storm becomes the new headmistress at JGS.
• Ms. Marvel, Nova and Spider-Man create the new Champions
2022 -
• Strange Academy
2023 -
• The Mutants create Krakoaland
• Empyre Event: Kree Alliance - Skrull
2024 -
• Mayday Parker becomes Spider-Girl.
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paradiseshards · 6 months
I had bits of this in my head at the end of reading Thunder, and now its kind of expanding but its by no means a solid thing- anyway.
So its kinda related to a lil art thing i did back when thunder was released. After Frostpaw had her big revelation, or maybe when Riverstar told her the ‘you were never meant to be a medicine cat, but now you’re one anyway lol’ thing (he did that, right? It wasn’t just him thinking it?), she was given a sort of, direct link to starclan and prophecies and whatnot. Like Jayfeather, but more biblically accurate and probably overpowered. And some Rootspring typical possession maybe, that’d be fun.
But i digress. They get back to the clans, and Frostpaw and Nightheart decide that since everyone thinks Frostpaw is dead already anyway, they could fake a sign from starclan to take away everyone’s trust in Splashtail.
Luckily for Frostpaw, the night was already a particularly cold one. Despite it being relatively early in the night, dew was already clinging to the grasses, and she was fully prepared to take advantage of this. Carefully brushing her fur against the plants, she collected the water drops at the ends of her pelt, and prepared for probably the biggest lie she would ever tell.
A comforting nod from Nightheart and the park cats gave her a small boost of confidence, and she stepped out into the clearing.
A loud, deceivingly calm mew cut through the chatter of the other clans, silencing their discourse over Splashtail’s announcement. “Splashtail is no leader; he’s a murderer. He killed Reedtail, and he killed me too.”
The cats turned to look at whoever this cat was, interrupting their meeting- and see her, they did. Frostpaw’s white and gray fur shone like a second moon, dewdrops glittering like her namesake in her fur. To all the gathered clans, Frostpaw truly did look like a Starclan cat.
Now if any of you remember that one scene where Lion, Jay, and Holly all faked a sign with their kind of cousins, and then Starclan actually turned it into a real one? Yeah, that happens here.
Frostpaw’s dew freezes and actually glows like stars, and because all of starclan is one collective theater kid with a taste for the dramatic (and i just think it’d look cool, sue me), Frostpaw’s funky silly stitches are still there and shine like gold. Rule of cool or something, I don’t take criticism on this.
Here’s where it starts growing into Wind events, kind of.
Whether the clans actually believe her or not, Splashtail is pissed and isn’t about to let her ruin all his plans. So maybe he calls her bluff, and maybe his hold over Riverclan is already strong enough to convince them all to keep following him despite a ‘literal starclan cat’ claiming he murdered their deputy and a child.
She could still end up in Shadowclan, but something is different about her now. She walks with the confidence of a cat many, many times her age, and when others look at her, it’s almost like seeing double. That cat is fluffy, small Frostpaw, but that cat is also dark gray, with all the knowledge of starclan and leadership in his eyes.
Riverstar has pulled a retroactive Cinderpelt on Frostpaw.
Maybe she’s permanently a bit glittery and borderline ghosty now, or maybe its something she can turn off, or it only happens while Riverstar is, I don’t know, lending her his blessing. But she stalks the Riverclan borders during dawn and dusk, staring silently at the cats who refused to believe her, and at night, she finds ways to haunt Splashtail.
Those cold, frozen blue eyes watching him from the entrance to the leader’s den, her blood dripping down from a neck wound that should have long since healed.
General cryptid Frostpaw stuff. I think she deserves to be a little silly as the local Horrors. Starclan and the powers that be have done more for less, before. Probably. Okay maybe not but shhhh, let me have this.
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cagedcats · 1 year
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An old Warriors OC I had that I suddenly decided “Yes let’s bring back. For a hypothetical that could’ve happened in The Broken Code.”
Poolfrost (her name was Pool- before but I can not longer remember what her suffix was). The youngest daughter of Squirrelflight and Bramblestar.
Now originally when I made her it was right after Bramblestar’s Storm I believe. With it being revealed Squilf is pregnant. I made them hypothetical kits, four of them since there were four stars (which turned out to be accurate).
I can only remember Poolfrost here, and one brother Redpaw who died as an apprentice in a freak accident. There was two others but they were apparently not important enough to remember X
Now onto the new Poolfrost-
Now in Squirrelflight’s Hope, I recall people mentioning that she wanted more kits. And was even thinking of names to give this hypothetical litter. However Bramblestar didn’t want kits. Which is perfectly fine as well.
Eventually the plot does happen and Squirrelflight decides to drop the topic I guess. I can’t remember how it planned out and I didn’t read the boom so sue me.
Now with The Broken Code, a major plot point is that Ashfur is possessing Bramblestar after he lost a life. This is so he could get close to Squirrelflight and become her mate. I guess? Or torture her as well, but I saw where he said apparently she’d beg to be his mate or some shit.
But in StarClan Ashfur was able to see more that occurred in the Clans. So he would know about this event between Squirrelflight and Bramblestar. And in a way to trying to get close to Squirrelflight- he’d ask her not long after possessing Bramblestar if she still wanted kits.
Cause at first the situation if I recall is that Squirrelflight believed the Imposter was Bramblestar, but traumatized by the whole event. And once the idea of kits were brought up maybe they discussed it for a little bit.
But Squirrelflight had wanted more kits, and she wanted a big family. She enjoyed being a mother and eventually agreed.
Eventually she does realize that this is an Imposter just like the books and the events play out as it went in the books. Except this time, she eventually discovers their efforts were successful.
Since I do remember Redpaw I’ll say he exists too. But let’s call him Gladekit for right now (which that was also one of the names that Squilf thought of) and she of course has Poolkit who she named after her sister.
So Squirrelflight has to work between being a mother to two young kits and as an Acting Leader. But plot eventually plots and Bramblestar has returned to his body hoorah.
Now growing up, Poolkit/paw and Gladekit/paw are… well they’re not well received by many. Since classic Warrior cats behavior of being mean to anyone that is connected to someone bad. Even Bramblestar is distant with the two, and he doesn’t even know if he should consider himself their father.
He does love them, it’s just… yeah weird in his mind.
Which the two also aren’t well received by their adopted siblings or sister, Sparkpelt either. Who view them as children of Ashfur. Since by technically, despite them genetically being Bramblestar’s… they kind of are.
Gladepaw ends up dying as an apprentice like prior. His death is a freak accident like before, perhaps a branch breaking and landing on him just right, or something else who knows. But this eventually just leaves Poolpaw who isn’t close to much of anybody. She’s close with Squirrelflight, but even that gets to be tense sometimes since she feels as though she is a mistake. She shouldn’t exist, and wouldn’t of existed if Bramblestar hadn’t been possessed.
So she feels like a burden. And in the fear of letting anyone too close to hurt her, or eventually abandon her, she pushes everyone away. Using an icy attitude to scare anyone that tries. Which eventually develops to being her actual personality of being bitter and self-deprecating.
She is named Poolfrost due to this attitude, but also to honor Bristlefrost who sacrificed herself to kill Ashfur. Which Poolfrost felt was just another way to point out that she is his kid.
Eventually after a while she has a bad spat with her parents, resolving mostly about everything. And she figures out she (and her family) would be better off if she just left. Which she mulls over a couple days before acting. She tells her mother goodbye and they have a tearful goodbye with Squirrelflight making her promise to be safe.
Which her running away was also originally planned with OG Poolfrost. But it was because she was a Ravenpaw type who felt more comfortable Y’know. Out of the Clan.
Now how she goes about joining WindClan… idk. I don’t know who she gets close to or how, but she ends up joining eventually. Which maybe she went to WindClan formally to request to live there specifically. Cause each of the other Clans were involved in the case more directly then WindClan if I remember correctly.
That or they have kin of Bramblestar in it, and she wants to get away from her kin. And WindClan has a good lack of kin in it, and no one was too horribly involved in it like ShadowClan and SkyClan.
So I guess in this hypothetical she replaces Nightheart. A bitter protagonist who leaves to join another Clan. But this time it’s WindClan. Which helps give them spotlight that they’ve been missing.
But honestly I’d probably just… either give RiverClan three Med Cats or make Whistlepaw the Med Cat focus for this arc, or just scrap Nightheart to focus on some WindClan rando- just give me somebody. Or- or even have Nightheart join WindClan cause he really liked Nightcloud and her name (she’s going to he’s the shit outta him and make him change his name again).
Either way we’ve done a couple ShadowClan POVs for the last couple arcs and two SkyClan, and countless ThunderClan. This is the first arc for RiverClan, give me WindClan you cowards
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fancoloredglasses · 2 years
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Who knew this concept would be successful?)
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(Thanks to TMNTPedia)
[All images are owned by Mirage Studios and Nickelodeon. Please don’t sue me] 
Depending on your age, what you think of when hearing the letters “TMNT” could range from this...
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...to this.
(Thanks to Fandango)
(and I am SO sorry if the latter is the case for you)
Now, I will not be reviewing Michael bay’s destruction of my youth (gods, you already destroyed Transformers! LEAVE MY CHILDHOOD ALONE!) or the various series by Nickelodeon (never saw them, sorry), but rather exploring TMNT’s origins back to the mid-80s.
Now, I wasn’t on the ground floor for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as the series was already a couple of years old be the time I’d heard of it (too bad, a copy of the first printing of the first issue is worth of $15 thousand!), and even then I thought the concept was ridiculous! I mean, 4 giant turtles who were ninja and named after famous painters?!
Then I read the comic and was hooked.
Kevin Eastman and Brian Laird had made a silly concept and turned it into something epic (and definitely not for kids, as the turtles didn’t pull punches!)
Now, depending on what version you grew up with, the origin varies. Therefore, here’s the original origin, and why it’s never been fully duplicated...
The part that never changes is the turtles and their master (a rat named Splinter, more on him later) were covered by a mutagenic ooze that evolved them physically and mentally. But the part that was removed was it’s ties to a certain Marvelous hero...
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(Thanks to comicbook.com)
Observant fans will recognize this as the origin of Daredevil. I’m not certain why Marvel’s lawyers didn’t descend on Eastman and Laird within an hour of issue 1 hitting comic shops! In any event, for obvious reasons this bit is never mentioned again.
As for Splinter, in the comic he was a rat who mimicked the actions of his owner, a ninja named Hamato Yoshi. In doing so, he mastered the art of ninjitsu (hey, stranger origins have happened!) When Splinter rescued the turtles from the mutagen (or, as the comic and future versions called it, “ooze”), he also gained size and intelligence. When the turtles had evolved enough to walk on two legs and speak, Splinter taught them ninjitsu (or at least the moves. It’s unclear how much of the meditative aspects of martial arts he picked up). I have no idea why they needed to wear the masks. It’s not like they’ll be mistaken for all the other 5 foot tall bipedal turtles in New York.
As to how Splinter wound up in the sewer to rescue the turtles, it was revenge. Yoshi was disgraced and exiled from his clan, the Foot (another jab at Marvel and Daredevil, who deals with a ninja clan known as “The Hand”) after killing his rival, Oroku Naji, while defending his wife from Naji. Years later he would get a visit from Naji’s brother...
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(Thanks again to TMNTPedia)
...Oroku Saki (now the head of the Foot clan and going by the name “Shredder”), who murders Yoshi. One other deviation the comic has to every other version of the franchise...
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(Thanks to The Brotherhood of Evil Geeks)
The turtles are, of course...
Leonardo The leader of the group and devoted disciple of Splinter, wielding twin katanas (though a katana is a samurai weapon. Leo should be wielding a pair of ninjato)
Donatello The awkward tech expert, Don (or Donny in some interpretations) wields a bo staff
Michaelangelo Mike (or Mikey is some interpretations) is often characterized as almost a stoner, but in the comics he was simply the more free-spirited of the bunch and the most likely to want to goof off. He wields a pair of nunchucks.
Raphael Raph is the loose cannon of the group, most likely to not follow Leo’s lead or go it alone. He wields a pair of Sai.
There are, of course, other members of the comic (such as April O’Neil, Casey Jones, Baxter Stockman, and the aliens with the brains in their stomachs (yes, there are more than one in the original comic)), but they’re not central to the story.
Now, a concept as bonkers and successful as TMNT is bound to get a few imitators, and none were more notorious than...
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(Thanks to MyComicShop)
...and I know nothing about the series other than the title.
A few years later, The Boys in Green would hit the big time and an image upgrade (no doubt so they could sell more toys) by getting different color masks.
(Thanks to Jopz Valentine Frani)
And immediately you can see the changes that were made for the kids in addition to the marketable makeover: Hamato Yoshi became Splinter (at least we know they’ll learn meditation) and the Shredder (who became Hamato Yoshi’s rival, with Naji written out of the origin) was never killed, becoming the turtles’ main nemesis. This is also where the turtles got their love of pizza.
And we know these days, it a TV show is successful enough, someone will want to make a movie out of it.
(Thanks to Michael Unwin)
The first movie did a decent job of folding the comic into the cartoon. The marketable outfits were there, but there was a bit of PG edginess to it. The second...ehhhhhhhhhh, not so much. And don’t get me started on the third!
As always, if anyone would like a review of an episode (or film), let me know!
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sonicku · 2 years
The Rose Clan Cousins 🍃🌸
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More context & story past the 'keep reading'! <3 For those who don't fancy the read, hope you enjoyed the sketch nonetheless. x
Okay, so I'm making my own sonic universe. Sue me.
Rob and Amy grew up together as part of the Rose Clan, a hedgehog settlement with the woods of Deerwood, near Never Lake. Being a rural settlement, their names followed the formula of '(Name) the (Species)'. Therefore, their names were Rob the Hedgehog and Raz the Hedgehog. Amy is trans here, hense the arms. (AMAB-Fur, AFAB-Skin headcannon ftw) I'll be calling her Amy too, but note she wasn't aware she was trans for most of this.
Rather than meeting Sonic through her tarot cards, their chance encounter came when she was out on a scouting mission near the lake with Rob. Well, it wasn't exactly an official one. Moreso, nobody was supposed to disturb little planet when it appeared, Amy really wanted to go anyway, and Rob was left chacing after her. Whoops.
So yeah, she gets caught up in the CD plot, and Rob gets knocked out by Metal. When he came to he was worried sick, but he soon had his worries eased when he saw Amy after the events. (Still a bit fuzzy, I haven't played CD yet. #girboss)
Amy told him of a bright blue hedgehog who didn't bear a Rose, and who didn't speak a word during their time together. Not to be rude, not at all, it just seemed he... couldn't. He was brave and daring, cocky and handsome, safe to say he'd made an impression.
That energy he had, that spark in his eyes? It showed a hedgehog who had travelled the world ten times over, and who would surely do so many more times. One who had seen beyond the confines of Deerwood. Whilst Amy knew her clan needed her, she couldn't shake the feeling, and confided in Rob.
He was understanding, but it was too soon yet for her to leave. Within a few years though, and with enough discussion between her clan, it was agreed that she could part ways. Of course Amy would visit, but for now? She wanted to see the world. In the end that led her to the big city. Station Square.
She felt that with such an urban life, an urban name was fitting; one that used a first and last name structure. She named herself Amy Rose, her surname in honour of her family and friends in Deerwood. She of course had a makeover too, more closely matching her modern look.
And what do you know? A certain blue hedgehog happened to be there too, one day. He was certainly more talkitive now, taller too. And with Amy's resolve, she made sure she didn't lose sight of him again.
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tiredassmage · 2 years
semi-coherent 7.2 thoughts roundup/screenshot dump/’fuck this was fun, look at my boy!!!!!’ (short of the dailies because I had to dart off to work, so that’s a later in the week event for me) below the cut (and in a wacky order because ????? lmao what’s chronology fuck it we ball (in what order can i find my screenshots)
(I love reading everyone’s reviews, it feels like comparing notes xD)
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honest to goodness think there’s some real competition for most satisfying kill option here. i deadass almost thought they weren’t going to give me the utter pleasure and i was going to be SO pissed, tyr was NOT takin’ more shit. my friend could confirm i was ready to jump this option the second it popped up, lmao.
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genuinely some of my favorite cutscene action in a hot minute. not just because i got to watch my favorite bestest boy kick ass, take names, and maybe get his ass kicked a bit in return along the way (yeah, I’m predictable, sue me), but because it was genuinely some fuckin cinematics. showdown on ruhnuk for sure! genuinely impressed with the amount of action condensed into this patch’s cutscenes.
the atmosphere of the arena. hundreds, maybe thousands of mandalorians preparing to watch shae and heta duke it out. watching shae with bated breath. someone mentioned prequels-level epicness in their post and i wholeheartedly agree. this felt like watching an epic star wars showdown unfold, complete with heroic star wars action music, lol.
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felt incredibly indulgently good to go scouting with shae. assess, infiltrate, eliminate, damn it’s almost like we’re back in intelligence for a change (tyr relishes it almost as much as shae relishes the hunt).
i’m also incredibly interested in their borderline opposition over objectives.
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just when he’s maybe getting somewhere in de-escalating the situation, shae gets impatient and they both lose whatever they were hoping to gain. shae gets snappy, tyr understandably doesn’t quite appreciate it, but they move on. he respects her authority on dealing with heta, but he isn’t excited about losing leads on the bigger picture issue - especially on one that’s probably cost him a few good nights of sleep like malgus, lmao.
sir ur eyes are very pretty nd i love u anyway
i was incredibly interested in the amount of path decisions to be made along the way. heta mentions a round-up of your methods which i was all for.
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dot.exe has encountered an error. tyr, thankfully, doesn’t share my “issue” for powerful women xD. he’s happily married, thank you.
overall? i honestly feel SO FED. very seen, lmao. this was a LOT of fun to play through. glad to see everything sort of tying together by sa’har and ri’kan being here, makes its introduction feel a bit less jarring. i’m here for the ~vibes of something bigger playing out for these characters, pushing them together, putting them in opposition. no new big reveals about the whys or the hows, perhaps, but i feel like the insights into these other characters was worth it. and, again, the absolute cinematics of it all was REALLY damn good. ruhnuk looks beautiful, there was a lot more to it than i had been expecting, i am so far a big fan of the ui changes and map update that was VERY nice.
runs back to the front of the line my other characters, i’ll be looking forward to going through this ride all over again, lol.
and also maybe i just missed my boy a lot. i will always be happy to have a reason to see my boy. xD
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this was also fucking golden i fucking love this as a running thing i fucking LOVE that rass was SO DAMN EXCITED and also that the shuttle crashes are a running gag and tyr and shae were both equally (un)amused i literally just. i loved this. this was great for me, lol.
glad to not have another patch of endless alliance meetings summarizing information, basically, too. i can’t entirely blame shae for wanting away from all the mandalore clan running, can i? xD
also shoutout to the very real fear i felt for a good five minutes that they’d given us torian and akavvi back only for me to IMMEDIATELY fuck that up with comm silence don’t FUCK WITH ME LIKE THAT that’s my BOY (it was, in fact, fine in the end, but HOOOO). i don’t trust them to not let me pull something like that, okay, that seemed completely possible at the time. but they didn’t. so it’s okay.
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I posted 18 times in 2022
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My Top Posts in 2022:
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My Inktober pen-and-ink illustration of Jeannie from “I Dream of Jeannie” in color! Cue the theme song!
#inktober #inktober2021 #IDreamOfJeannie #draw #BarbaraEden #cartoon #drawing #illustration #genie #television #cartooning
1 note - Posted January 23, 2022
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Here’s one of the illustrations I provided a couple of years ago for a PowerPoint presentation called Voices of Ethiopia. This is my interpretation of Yodit (Judit), warrior queen of the Agaw people during the 10th century A.D., who founded the Zagwe Dynasty and reigned for 40 years.
#africa #africanhistory #ethiopia #ethiopianhistory #queenyodit #warriorqueen
1 note - Posted February 28, 2022
Remembering on what would’ve been her 82nd birthday, mystery author Sue Grafton (Apr 24, 1940 - Dec 28, 2017), best known for her “alphabet series,” beginning with “‘A’ is for Alibi” which introduced her popular main character, private investigator Kinsey Millhone. The daughter of detective novelist C. W. Grafton, she said the strongest influence on her crime novels was author Ross Macdonald.
“I know there are people who believe you should forgive and forget. For the record, I'd like to say I'm a big fan of forgiveness as long as I'm given the opportunity to get even first.”
—Sue Grafton
#suegrafton #kinseymillhone #books #reading #aisforalibi #mystery #privateeye #crimefiction #hardboiledfiction
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See the full post
1 note - Posted April 24, 2022
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Susan Spann delivers another compelling mystery set in 16th century Japan with this sequel to her first book, “Claws of the Cat,” featuring Hiro Hattori, a master shinobi (Westerners refer to them as “ninja”), who is charged with protecting Portuguese Jesuit priest Father Mateo in the guise of a ronin translator.
In this installment, the unlikely duo are drawn into another murder case when Hiro receives a pre-dawn visit from Kazu, a brother shinobi working undercover at the shogunate. Hours earlier, someone stabbed the shogun’s cousin to death at the palace. The murder weapon? Kazu’s own dagger. While Kazu proclaims his innocence, Hiro has reason to doubt the young shinobi’s claims. Though Hiro would like nothing better than to steer clear of another investigation, the shogun, having heard of Hiro and Father Mateo’s success in solving the events of “Claws of the Cat,” summons the shinobi and foreign priest to find the killer. Delving into the case as more deaths occur, the pair uncover a plot to assassinate the shogun and overthrow the ruling clan and must take care not to lose their own lives in a power struggle while revealing the culprit.
As with Spann’s first novel, I found this book to be a great read, bridging the cultural gap between East and West, creating memorable characters, action, political intrigue, unexpected plot twists, and a fascinating exploration of feudal Japan woven into a fun mystery. Four stars.
#mystery #crimefiction #feudaljapan #ninja #reading #books
1 note - Posted March 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Harry McGraw: Look, Mrs. Fletcher, why don't you take some advice? Why don't you devote that boundless energy of yours to needlepoint or a bridge club?
Jessica Fletcher: Eh, I tried that. It's precisely the reason why I wrote my first book: I was bored out of my mind.
—Murder, She Wrote, Season 1, Episode 15: “Tough Guys Don’t Die”
#murdershewrote #jessicafletcher #mysterywriters #mystery
5 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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verbophobic · 1 year
Fics I do plan to go back to and Finish
No no particular order other than my scrolling of my AO3
What To Even Call This (actively working on this)
Zelda Series; Sidon/OC
To help his people, Sidon begrudgingly agrees to a marriage with a Hylian. All he wants is a woman who can rule at his side, someone that he may one day grow fond of like his sister Mipha had with Champion L-something-or-other. What he does not expect is Kino. A girl who seems almost clueless to the difficulties of the Zoran domain but whose heart will not let her stand by and just watch them struggle. As he learns more about her he finds himself growing fonder and he finds himself wondering, 'just who is this woman that wormed her nervous little way past his tightly guarded walls?'
What Am I Doing
Avatar; Tsu'tey/OC
A soldier is sent with Jake to the Omatikaya. She’s sent in an effort to keep an eye on Jake as Quaritch is beginning to doubt his loyalties. So Quaritch has a soldier he feels he can trust more than Jake reporting back about Jake. She tells Q to the best of her abilities what Jake is up to. Unfortunately as Jake has told the Omatikaya that he and her are both of the same clan Jarhead, they want to try to keep them separated as possible. So while Jake is off learning with Neytiri she is left to meander about and an eye is kept on her. She finds that she's fairly often around Tsu’tey - as he trusts her the least so he keeps the closest eye on her. Now she finds herself begrudgingly learning about the Na’vi’s ways and learning about the giant blue jerk. Still she reports to Q about msot of what she learns. Often asking how much longer her misison is so she can return to the base. Her way of tricking him into thinking she’s not actually having fun or enjoying learning about her friend. This fic is intended to follow the first movie loosely and into the second movie where she differs from Jake. ISO BETA
What A Clusterfuck
TMNT (Bayverse, sue me); Raph/OC
Raphael met a woman by coincidence, if you could call a hydroplaning car coincidence that it. But all the meeting for the next month and a half after that? Coincidence. Mostly. Raph would see this walking talking beacon of bad luck, and help her from the shadows. Until he didn’t. Until he stepped into the light and she was relieved he was a mutant turtle and not a mugger of New York City. Plus he was offering the poor half drowned woman an umbrella to help her starve off the rain. Now though? Now it’s just a clusterfuck of trying to figure out how her apartment ended up burning down. Raph/OC oneshots. Not yet put in order. Soon though!
Plane Jane
Lost Boys; David/OC
She was just another Plain Jane among a sea of them. In Santa Carla where everyone tried to stand out, those with the barest of differences are the most memorable. So a girl that's working behind a counter in yet another convenience store that looks like just another 'normie' was no one memorable. Dead end job for what seems like forever, no family so to speak of, and an ex who just can't fully let go; that was all just another boring day in a sea of eternal days to her. The most abnormal she'd ever seen up until a single fateful day was the cat that would somehow sneak into the store and just sit on the counter with her some nights. Until those boys came in like ghosts. She never knew how that triggered the events and she didn't care, all she cared about was the guy trying to rob her. Completely edited and beta's as of 11-20-2022 Ya'll are also welcome to suggest chapter titles.
Lost In The Wilderness/Stolen In The Wilderness
Lost- Transformers; Prowl/Sideswipe Stolen- Transformers; Elite Trine/Sideswipe
Lost: Sideswipe and Sunstreaker have had it bad since sparklinghood. Like so many others they were snagged up and put into the pits, chosen for where to end up and where to be a profit. The gladiatorial pits seemed perfect for two mechs whose steps couldn't be more in synch if they tried. But like so many others upon reaching their adulthood it's time to be put up for auction. They have the training, they have experience, they have survived their upbringing and are on their way with others to be put up for auction when unlikely rescue comes. It's not for them of course, but they are along for the ride at this point. Who are those savage black and white barbarians and what do they mean by 'Mine'?! In Search of Beta
Stolen: Spin off of my Lost In The Wilderness fic. What would have happened if it had been some other barbarians that had descended upon the caravan? Barbarians that are nowhere near as 'kind' as those we've come to know In The Wilderness? While Prowl and his group are far more 'civilized' those that rule the skies are seen as demons with wings. And poor little Sideswipe just so happened to be cute and in the wrong place at the wrong time. In this take of the wilderness, Seeker's are not nearly as kind as land mecha. But perhaps there's some charm to Sideswipe that can woo one or two of them~
Sink My Teeth Into You
Little Vampire; Gregory/OC
Rory Murry is a normal teenage. Unfortunately her divorced parents have decided to change their custody agreement and she is forced to move away from the 'big city' to the rural town she had first grown up in. Her memories of back then are blurry due to the young age she left and the few traumatizing events that happened directly prior to leaving. Such as said parental divorce. A teenager that she meets in a graveyard does tug at a few strings of memory though and she is left curious as to just who he is and why he's always hanging out in a graveyard late at night. Her own reasoning for being there? She's not the brightest there is and a tiny bit lonely in this 'new' town. Also- why is there a creepy old guy in a wanna-be ice cream truck haunting this place?
When It Bleeds
Predator Series; Pred/OC
Experimentation is not always okay. But sometimes its necessary. Ta'roga knows and understands this. But when he looks at the other experiment being paraded down the hall in front of him he feels nothing but rage and disgust at these humans. How could they do something like this to- to-Join us on our exploration into hunter territory where we learn about a code of honor that the 2018 movie tossed to the wind. Join me as i make the 2018 move better later in this story. We will be fixing up plot mistakes, and making a proper set up for the movie and not killing off every good character. I will be killing off characters that we will grow to love but saving others that the movies did dirty.
Work In Progress/Metempsychosis
MHA; Bakugo/OC
WIP: Sato Misaki is just your average girl, a young adult who has a semi useless quirk. IT's nothing she's proud of and honestly she would rather be Quirkless. That is until she meets a man in a grocery store. He works in his own way to help her come to terms with her Quirk and accept herself. Bakugo Katsuki is not the same person he was while growing up. He's grown as an individual and learned better how to handle his emotions and mostly reign in his temper. Few understand why he, of all people, would go for a girl who's quirk is so plain. Not to mention someone so oblivious as to not have a clue to the majority of Japan's hero's. This is a series of oneshots, out of order, featuring my OC Misaki and her relationship with Bakugo. One day I'll do a story for them, for now enjoy their life's snipets since meeting.
META: Metempsychosis; resurrection, rebirth, reincarnation. It has a definite definition. The being that chose this as their name has a path set before them. One that will change the hero Ground Zero’s bleak future after his lover - or rather soul mate - is murdered before him. Katsuki had met and fallen in love with a normal girl whose quirk was nothing special. But that in itself made her special to him. With having seen her life ripped away before his very eyes he’s on the brink of insanity. Until some being walks up to him with a warning of ‘pivotal moments’ and ‘not changing them’. Whatever that meant. All he knows is Misa has melted in his arms and left him. His own form is liquifying. Yet he’s able to open his eyes once more and finds his hands are small and chubby. Just like his reflection in the mirror - wait, is he five again?!
Penny For Your Thoughts
CW DC verse; Snart/OC
Prue's motto was to not let life get her down, she'd hit rock bottom while young so she couldn't get any further down, right? One would surely hope so. Seeing a penny heads up she can only hope that it means luck, that whatever was going on right now would be for the best. Taking the coin from the ground she hold it up and out to the man with a gun trained on her. She knew she wasn't walking away from here. As queasiness bubbled up in her stomach and she felt like throwing up she forced out a smile and touched her stomach as if to calm it and keep from throwing up in fear. "Penny for your thoughts?" Perhaps she'd been around her snarky boyfriend far too long as saying this to the man with a twitchy trigger finger might not be the best of plans. Snart/Oc (putting this here because as a ready I like to know exactly which ship I'm reading and not be surprised later on.)
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speedsiteav · 2 years
That 70s show season 1 episode 23
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“So while I’m sad we have to end now, I’m grateful we were able to stick to that time capsule.” “We always felt this show had to live in that part of the ’70s that had always been underrepresented in TV and movies - the dirty, dingy, rusted over pre-disco years,” Price explains. “We got through five seasons and 44 episodes without ever hearing a single note of disco,” he says, adding that staying away from the dance craze was intentional.
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“Ultimately, there wasn’t time to do anything like look forward, so we never left the ’70s, we will do a tiny hint of where young Bill is headed.” Having the show wrap up in 1974 also means the writers never had to deal with the D-word: disco. “I always thought he’d turn out very successful, just like so many of the stoners I knew in high school,” Price says. In this road not taken, turns out that Sue and Frank’s eldest child has become, ironically enough, a family therapist.
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“I briefly considered, but then decided against, doing a flash forward to see what Kevin is up to in the 2000s,” he says. One thing the F Is for Family farewell won’t include is a time jump to show what might happen to the gang in the future - though Price admits he actually did explore that idea. Indeed, in a brief interview via email, F Is for Familyexec producer Michael Price tells Vulture that the theme of this final season is closure, which, he notes, “really wasn’t a term thrown around a lot in the ’70s, and something you’d never think the Frank Murphy we knew when the series began would care about. He’s not been the most emotionally introspective guy. But the events of this past year in his life have changed Frank.” Over the course of the final ten episodes, Price says we’ll see Frank “trying to come to terms with his relationship with his dad and how he can somehow be a better father to his kids, especially to the new baby.” As for Sue, Frank’s tortured relationship with his dad inspires the Murphy matriarch to “patch up the deep rifts in her own family” and reconnect with her gay brother Louis (new cast member Neil Patrick Harris) “to hopefully get some healing there,” Price adds. This certainly fits with Netflix’s official description for the plot of season five, which notes that as the show opens in the last weeks of 1974, the Murphys have been “rocked by loss” and that Frank has begun “a quest to understand the meaning of his father Big Bill’s life.” Even though nobody actually says the words “Big Bill is dead ,” we’re pretty sure papa Murphy will not live to see Jimmy Carter in the White House. (Spoilers ahead.) The opening seconds of the trailer show Frank (Bill Burr) dressed in a black suit, standing outside O’Doolihee’s Home for Funerals and Crematorium (the “last funeral home before highway”), followed not long after by Frank referring to his dad in the past tense, all while a melancholy instrumental version of the show’s theme song (Redbone’s “Come and Get Your Love”) plays in the background. Audiences will get the resolution to the cliffhanger ending when the series returns next week, but the official trailer for Family’s fifth and final season - debuting right here on Vulture - offers some pretty clear indicators about his fate. When we last saw the Murphys of Netflix’s F Is for Family, the delightfully dysfunctional clan found themselves in the middle of a life and death event: Sue (Laura Dern) had just given birth to her fourth kid while Frank’s father Big Bill (Jonathan Banks) was seen keeling over in extreme distress.
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lagotu · 2 months
The cats that are snubbed by the Allegiances - in both obvious ways, like the "dirty" and "ugly" cats - as well as the glossed-over "beautiful" queens - all are forgotten for their actual qualities for a base examination of their appearances. This is unlike the cat these kinds of stories are built around. Firestar must look bright and unusual, unlike the dark menacing brown cats, or in UT the light-skinned cat who is supposedly being controlled by the dark-skinned or doglike cats, all while she makes all the decisions. The world is made for her, and the world is made by you, and making a beautiful world doesn't carry as much stigma as making a beautiful character, even though both bring a certain kind of languid harm.
Starblaze is light purple, a kind of unusual color that doesn't sound that unusual against like Rainbowstar, but is very noticeable against the cats in the final chapter, whom for which the story is not built around. In that sense, Starblaze's Journey is a fantasy for the main character and a realistic story for the side characters.
The word 'power fantasy' is often used to describe these kinds of stories when they're aimed at the masculine, and 'mary sues' when they're aimed at the feminine. This is an unnecessarily gendered separation, and it makes critics miss the obvious. Both of them are about power. The way to succeed at writing such a story is to write it, and the way to fail is to make it too obvious that you don't have anything else to say. It doesn't matter if it's not fun to read or that the reader can't relate to it; those are reader skill issues. If you don't like it, find a story aimed at you and feel beautiful, enjoy beautiful things in a way that only someone who had seen good things could see; feel powerful, so that anything that tried to hurt you again can't stop you; have some visual tropes, but never be devastated or made to look a fool.
Firestar doesn't have a presence beyond Fire Arc. The problems with the clans, the rigid social structure, the pointlessly malicious ways their lives are controlled - he keeps all those structures intact, even as Supreme Single Dictator Whose Words are Law, because he was one who played the system and won. He even entered the system with a disadvantage and still won, because he wasn't disadvantaged in a way that mattered: he was young enough to seem pliable but old enough to not be neutered, he wasn't disabled, he loved the authority of the older woman, he would do what he was told. So he didn't stop looking when they told him what his life should be. He has the ability to fix everything, but his thinking is so rigid and he chooses to run things the same way they were run before, and so he kills children and his grandchildren start getting lynched and he dies in the meaningless, inherited way that he lived. More legend than life, utterly disconnected from the acutal problems his system created. He's barely alive when he dies. It's like ripping a piece of paper.
Starblaze is the opposite. She has many moments of power, but the narrative doesn't care about them. Once you live the life of her in a game, you realize how pointless it is. You squeezed all the interesting bits out. Once you've seen all there is to see, what's the next thing you care about? Is it other cats? Is it the bland mediocrity of dating? Is it moving boulders until all the numbers are 9999? No, it's heading from one event to the next, trying to understand what is compelling but treating them like they're another thing to look at but not truly care about. You are her, following along seeing strange and ludicrous things happening and not acknowledging them. You understand how this world works, and how you work, and what role you have in this story. And in the end, you die with her, from the top of the Highrock to a sudden empty end. Unlike Fire Arc, the structure she is making is weighted realistically, both less deadly and more life-ruining, and when its collapses, it is sudden and total.
Altara is an instrument of abuse, but more specifically, abuse to avoid the way that systems dehumanize. She is the living victim, meant to be alive and remembered, immune to criticism because the way her character was formed was by cutting away everything that might be mocked as a weakness. This act is the basis for her off-screen abusive childhood, which serves a dual purpose in guilt optics by making her seem relatable to a large demographic. But the desire of UT is to create an unquestionable force, to say what happened to you is bad but look at me, one who tells elite girls that they shouldn't feel guilty when killing bugs and other subhumans. Her resistance puts in her in the path of doing what she was Meant to do. She submits to her fate and family, and destiny, and she submits to God. She correctly understands that she was doomed to be born to her extremely controlling parents, but the heady stench of being able to be controlling to others, and for random strangers to know her name and to give her privileges give her a path out. Unlike the alien culture of Fire Arc or the wish magic of Starblaze, there's no ambiguity here. She is a noblewoman, a caste at the top of a pyramid scheme. She lives in a mansion, she has an empty mansion waiting for her, a tower was made for her comfort, a village was made for her, she's part of a caste that is only able to exist with servants that can't take part in what they labored to make. Most readers are not her, and relate to her like she is someone else.
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xprojectrpg · 4 months
This Day in X-Project - May 28
2015: Adrienne posts asking someone from X-Factor to give Clint a hand looking into Latveria. Amanda and Kurt debrief Namor. Case File: The Triskelion Files: Garrison goes to Adrienne to ask for X-Factor's help, then discusses the case with X-Factor at large.
2016: Hope A. posts about something on Facebook that frustrates her. Amanda and Topaz meet with Maya's grandfather and talk about the possession issues; afterwards, Topaz and Amanda check into a motel on the way home and talk about recent events before getting food.
2017: Bobbi posts about the Nutella cafe in Chicago. Gabriel asks if anyone’s interested to volunteer as a chaperone for a prom/pride party for queer teenagers.
2019: Alani posts to wonder if anyone wants to do anything on Friday, Alex tries to convince her to do something a little more life-threatening than what she's chosen.
2022: Clan Akkaba - Case File: Inception: Sue and Hope A. discuss ways to find the missing mutant.
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
There are a few things that are in the works today that are going to hit Monday Tuesday
1. Bja has taken the UK and has possession of JC and Mary and others Queen Elizabeth the second Queen Elizabeth I and the big list of people who are in the museum and it's a lot of leaders higher ups including Arnie and Obama and their computer and inventors an engineers they're your kind of adventure others include general Schwarzkopf and he came up with a system for the clans to use and peacock there's a few more the person who designed and built the machine on Mars to create atmosphere he is held by bja. And the slew of foreign papas and he's sticking on the world he was already there trying to get them out and they know who is and where he is and that he has them one of them is has been recently captured from Port Charlotte was his grandma from Russia and her name is come up several times it's Tammy. And there are others like her that have been grabbed recently to Norwegian Express and he has possession and they know a lot of stuff
2. Trump is going to get evicted and the information is coming out of bja mouth. He will try and get into the apartment thinking that he's like Trump but Trump doesn't really have anything except for money and they need to keep an eye on him to grab that. Monday Stan is going to file papers and have a courier go to the courthouse in PG and it is too evict Trump Terry and Dave and out of the apartment permanently
3. There's a third thing that is brewing and these things above will cause others to happen. Along with the three above bja is also in trouble for stealing and has been noted that he's been taking lasers and cannons and heavy and place is cram packed with it. They found about 72% of their stuff there roughly and it's underground and they do the deep skin now they got information from other warlock they practically has to tell are they just won't bother doing anything
4. These pseudo empire is under attack and that stand and he's losing tons of stuff the others are under attack because he's under attack he's under attack because he's held prisoner and Stan was in prison and heard it and felt a little better and they're noticing it today and it's going on that they're going to have to do something hey Mac daddy woke up excited about it I said this is why it says knucklehead who's fighting us and the 18th ring is a mess of the pseudo empire lost 100 million down to 6% on the large and they only have 45 million ships and it's very pitiful and our son says you guys are using it so you might as well pull little ones out I started doing it this morning and figured out something we can kind of hang out here because this guy doesn't like them and hey and they're hitting. So the two are fighting fiercely here and now they're fighting over everything every job and every post it won't stop until what is the victor and they're not the same size and the pseudo army of the pseudo empire is moving down here because their bases are under fuse attack still today during the day. And he used to hemisphere is there getting well done by the warlock they're going after was tons of stuff and there are 25% we expect them to be at 15 by the end of the day in the eastern hemisphere and the clothes dropped like 10% of their basis below except the ones around the ships and the ships themselves it's going to happen soon it'll be the launch
***We have several events coming up in early November and we're behind schedule and want to make a note of that***
5. Other things are happening today that will set up for Monday Tuesday the courts are going to get ready to sue these people here in the neighborhood they're horrible and they need to leave further last night 20 went to the inner ring 15 are still out there and five farmer garden we had 40 last night and now there's 35 households and the 15 are not doing well the forces are not doing well and he knows a few people but we only announced them if something happens and they'll be a memorial set up nearby someone's going to do that. The lawsuit is brought by the pseudo empire people and most of them were. And it will begin Monday morning and the effect is they start fighting harder but they're suing them for money that they lost from their activities it's a lot of money and they are suing for what they lost here and we're actually on the lawsuits as lawyers and they don't know who we are we are suing for our sons money. It's only about $15,000 in about half of them are that much it could be more or less but that's around there it's for this harassments are doing daily
There's some bone jarring stuff going on. Put the above is going to affect Monday and Tuesday greatly we're supposed to the days it starts to work. The lawsuit and BJ taking over the UK and the outer ring and the suit by the pseudo empire it's all coming to a head with the warring parties and they have figured out that bja has broken off and it's going to be a problem for them
6. Today our son old enough thanks it is Sunday but it's Sunday and just trying to show looks like he is a clone or something some people think it's Mike too and he becomes the guy from Angels and demons and then he becomes Obi-Wan Kenobi that would make more sense but it's not necessary for him to be Obi-Wan Kenobi but he is another character like it and it could be him but it does look like they're chasing them but her son and daughter say it looks like the quasi empire is chased by them too we do think that's happening there oddly enough and the clones are trying to take over the South and it does happen today. And this sets the stage for Monday and Tuesday the clothes grab them and bja comes down and tries to grab them all and their forces repel them long enough for them to leave and it makes sense
7. Several other shows are going to go on today they will set the stage for tomorrow whatever is right here in punta Gorda. The city came by was looking at this area and figured out that these canals are overflowing sometimes but they're very low now and we'll probably stay that way so they want to make sure that the water drains out and sitting in the driveways and they tried to figure out what to do they want to go under with a pipe but it's too low and if they went down a little they could cover it and if you do it here you have to redo the septic and then several places like it no and they want to take the artifacts and it would force the septic to be done. They're going to try and put in an order to have these driveway raised and the storm drain put under into the trench and it would be raised up about a foot every level with the sidewalk would make any difference those regards to water it'll still be pitched towards the street and if it's going to drain it's going to not flood but the septic system would have to be removed and still going to write an order to stan you can't have standing water and it will be bja manipulating that to happen. There's more going on and it's happening shortly but this will affect Monday Tuesday because they looked at it in midweek and they did the signs and for the whole neighborhood they came up with a drainage plan is bja people there's a few problems like it but nothing this severe and they would have to put a septic out back first and they're telling them to do that because they're going to rip the one out front out. And her son would not have to relocate they do the work while it's here and he can leave and they come back and be done for the day and it takes like 3 days mostly they ripping everything they tear it out the dirt and they put the stuff in the first day and they buried the second and they finish it off lawn and stuff the third it's not really going to be that great of a job they have to connect it underneath the house and they know how to do it without cutting into the house floor but for some reason they think they are going to try and do it differently but people don't want them to as it is the drain goes from each house to a main drain out front and the three come into the same place unfortunately our sons is the wrong spot but they could join the other two from under their apartment and his from under the apartment and it's not too far in it's like 4 ft in from the wall and that's where they join up from the sinks and everything and sorry kind of got a hole there just say they want to cut into the floor and disrupt everything and they want to try and kidnapping and there's a lot of people who don't and you have to go under the sidewalk outside to get to it but they can do it remotely there's a machine that does it it puts the saddle on and people know about it but they wanted to motivate themselves saying they have to do all sorts of dumb s*** and they put three saddles on and join it up out there and to be less of a problem and be in a septic tank and you don't need a dbox. Well you do it goes after the septic like you're here it's really no point to it except yeah the distributes it's a pain in the ass today they're trying to discuss how to get that going and I've been trying to force it and they want to do it all over the neighborhood and it's bja was kidnapping attempts so there's some insight as to why that's happening he's the s*** head
8. Couple more things one of them is they're tired of his complaining and bja said it and we're tired of bja complaining very very insulin things and we're going to crush him and he doesn't think so but we're going to get our way and we don't want him messing up this project and the house or apartment and he's going to try and hang on to it but we have to make sure cuz he's a loser and his complaining is going all over the world and this thing we can't stand this kid bja and we can't stand his complaining and we can't stand what he's saying and when the boy complains it's different he says they're doing this and it's a real pain in the ass and affects you we're going to do this if you guys don't do something but PGA just sits there blabbing and blabbing and he's disgusting retard and we're going to finish that piece of s*** soon
9. Another item is they're going to complete the driveway and back charged the landlord and rip it out if they have to they can't do that in the state won't let them without acceptance being accepted or relocation for the tenants without charging them and the state sometimes pays to relocate people is not true the landlord has to and they want to put him in a hotel and our son doesn't care just as long as he has a place to be and can eat cheap enough and that's the problem so they want to drain him and make him sick too
10. Few more items are happening on a grand scale everyone is getting ready to attack the morlock and the clones they're both idiots and they say it and they have an emergency with regarding the computer and they're going to wipe them out all of them it's a plan that has some points to it a military aspect civilian aspect they're going to the next it on Monday
11. Another item is his freedom and what they're making it look like but it seems like to everybody is it the empire hasn't held there and the empire doesn't want that impression even though they may be doing it but it is out and foreigners got together and we did too separately and talked about it and said it's horrific we're making light of it and they're holding society hostage and they mentioned it too and they said we're not going to take it anymore we're going to start knocking them around and see what comes out and they're going to be horrifying a little there's too many weapons and all sorts of things and it will start a war that's going on today and Monday Tuesday results will occur
12. They discussed the roof of the apartment and interior stuff and said to let them wallow and then they said no we're trying to get in there idiot and they're going to try and repair it. And it's bja and he's going to try and have Stan sign someone else and really you don't ever have to see anybody to do a roof nobody really does these days they call him up and haven't ordered and they send something by the fax. And it's going to probably proceed shortly too before the septic because PGA should realize the town is going to critique the place and he said oh boy
13. There's more happening too and it's going to be impacting Monday and Tuesday. There's a court case coming up and it's against someone you would not imagine and it's not our son they try to and everybody stops them until they're dead it's against the pseudo empire for starting this war when they can't afford it but it's really about them taking land and things that's not theirs and it's going in Monday it's headed up by bja
14. There is more the guys at Castle are upset they went out of that place it's a s*** hole and it's not being maintained just like the apartment here and people are disgusted with these idiots who don't do anything all day and you want them out and they're moving to have them removed from Florida and it won't work done around the place and there's no working then nobody can stand it but people are going to file lawsuits against Castle there are two coming out Monday and one coming out Tuesday and we're planning on suing as well first it will be a group lawsuit Sue and using our son's name shortly probably after the ship leaves that's another thing too
15. And we're going to hit Tommy f now for his comments. Fully. There's no reason not to the clothes don't like him and we are going to also see Monday Tuesday some changes with regards to the disposition of these ships and we don't expect the lunch yet and they're turning the ships on and off and they only run them for a few hours although it seems like days well in some cases it's a few days and they shut them down they're testing them to see if they will run and they're changing components they really needed to these engines are too big to use what they're using they've almost got it all switched out though. But the ships are going to be attacked by the quasi empire or pseudo empire have a good reason to do it they figured out that they're getting the two parties to fight and it's really the empire but Tommy f is doing their bidding and a couple more things
We have some kind of time limit of course it is on everything we have a lot to say we'll have to say it later or get it out I do understand that these people are trying to drag it out. We have people on it but we need to mention a couple more things
16. And we know it's more than John remillard but it is him he's a putz we have armies that are prepping to go after the clothes and they're big they're going to go down there and they're going to attack them and quite literally with a lot of force and they know they're going to start raiding more and it's only a little now. All of the groups are prepping to do it and all over the world. Now we have a fight here going on right now and it's between the clones and everybody and start a few minutes ago and saw the announcements going out and they're quite throw now it's up to them and they're trying to stop it it's pretty big
17. Besides that as a huge move into you're going to prep in our prepping to attack all morlock including the pseudo empire they are tired of them they're the damn way they're holding out to valuable artifacts and people and not taking care. They're horrible to their son and to their friend and we don't like the warlock either and they're planning big strikes and the empire is too
18. Monday morning will start off slow but preliminary work is set up and staging and warm it's going to be beginning we have a plan and our son says that during this attack we need to have a presence all over the world and we should be mobilizing and we are for construction everywhere including Florida this place is a disaster they're going to come in here and pull tons of their stuff out we're going to do it too we don't want either side to have heavy it's nonsense now. Ain't no sun says it too they're getting smaller and they can see it as the spaceships are disappearing and that's what they're getting ready for is the counter repercussions
19. And there's a third major for a movement and it is to go after those who are rebels versus the empire and they want to use this and I couldn't hear to grab foreigners and they say us and even our son and they're very aggressive in their talk they don't expect to grab our son but they say there could be opportunity and we're going to stop them
20. Other items that are happening this weekend are discussions on Utah and more and we are planning on going out there at some point and Sunday would be a nice day and JC did it and we think it's a good idea. But the ideas are to bring him out there for the court section and that's what they call it a session and to handle money and laugh and watch him try and get back and their idiots but we do have a plan for that we're discussing that and they're discussing other items like that and Hera's characters. And they want them together and they have plans to do it and this car is one of them although we can't let them build this one and more. Basically they're designing stuff to happen the next two weeks and it's the molar they want him to go to Utah within the next two weeks once again it's bja. And other things will be happening around town he's going to try and fire Jordan remillard and company from the mayor of PC the sheriff of Charlotte and a whole bunch of other roles and internationally and Ashley too nationally too there's a couple of things
21. Trump is going to be hung out to dry during this period and he's already trying to maneuver into the UK but he's not give me a solid effort that's a big mess in the south they're all there and he's going to actually get hung out to dry because of that the trial is not going well for him criminal charges will be brought Monday state and federal charges the federal charges are very serious it's a racketeering. And it will taint him and people look at the records for any of that to try and squeeze him for money it's happening shortly
22. Other things are happening around town they want John rebelord out and everyone wants him out and his son their idiots they say and there's a movement here still and it's both sides of the warlock fight tons of them actually and they're organizing today to try and do things to get them out
23. There's a huge movement going on to try and stop the Macy's apartment and revive the m all. Is there a son's idea is pretty good and the bastard put some useless model in there it's not nice and people don't do it. It works great in Japan but not that good not that great now and they don't have anything with roboticized and people are a little mad I said what the hell are you doing now you a****** and a son went in try to make it seem cool and people didn't think so. We are very sick of that guy everything he does is negative and the colons want that and others he's such a pill he's a moron and he's going to get pushed out and the mall is one reason and Jason has figured out that it's an a****** screwing around with him for the guys to the ice bag talk and other stuff they're ridiculous assholes down there to begin with but he has made a lot worse looks disgusting like a mental hospital and there's several ideas to revive it and they're going to crush his project and the sunseeker resort too was discussed this week and today they want to tear it down. They're going to say that they fudge the numbers on the demographics with regards to traffic and they did is it a horrible spot and they have them coming out right into 41 and the main traffic and they're saying the light and the road there can't handle it and they're going to try and tear it down and say it was damage they're going to go the whole nine yards to take it down because of what he had on Sunday was they keep moving those barriers too close and other people have to go through and they start cursing them out and he's yelling back I'm doing it to you on purpose and stuff like that so we're going to do some s*** to you on purpose you dumb a******
This is what happening this weekend it'll set up Monday we're going to mention it coming up
Thor Freya
The guy next door is a barf head we're going to use what he's saying against him
Hera and very soon today
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macabre00danse · 1 year
Vampire OC Master Post
Greetz and welcome to my blog. This post is my attempt at a little housekeeping and consolidation. I've pretty much retired from playing VTM (minus two chronicles that haven't concluded) and, as consequence, the majority of my VTM OCs were retired as well. Some were resurrected as their very own VTR twins, but most were not. I'll still write fics and make the occasional (badly) photoshopped art for them, but VTR is my true love and focus right now. Below are links I'll periodically update for posts pertaining to my crew of morons. Hope y'all enjoy.
My self-insert VTM kindred is Blackout. I personally identify with Clan Toreador, but I can see how Clan Lasombra would target me. Also, Night Road is my absolute favorite recent VTM game, so my canon Mary Sue is a Lasombra Courier. He rolls around with his Ghoul, Elena.
My Tremere Coterie consists of only two neonates who shared the same sire. Chad and Claudia were trapped in a magic mirror for most of the cataclysmic events in LA during the turn of the century, so they emerged to a mostly quiet city with no knowledge of what happened.
My favorite Tzimisce lad, Dracula Jr, is mostly solitary. He's unaffiliated with any Sabbat packs and would never partake in the vauldorie. He can function just fine among kindred from the other sects because he's not a murder hobo. His look changes based on his mood; sometimes, he just wants to be pretty with great tits.
My Hecata Coterie is made up of three vampires: Rafael Giovanni, Esther, and Mario Paciti. They were previously very independent, but were mandated to work together by the family higher-ups.
Fixer is the CEO of a startup known as Payne-Tech and uses the company to accumulate resources, conduct research (scientific and occult), and maintain the Masquerade for the Coterie. Cipher, Hunter, Striker, and Keeper aren't really board members of the company, but they do have privileged access and perform certain duties.
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