#The New Adventures of Tarzan
romancemedia · 20 days
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Disney Channel Cartoon Couples
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punster-2319 · 6 months
Obviously I had to leave out quite a few due to the 12 answers limit (sorry, fans of the Big Hero 6 tv series, Talespin, and Jungle Cubs).
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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MGM’s feature film Tarzan the Ape Man (1931), and its sequel, Tarzan and His Mate (1934), both starring former Olympic swimmer Johnny Weissmuller, turned out to be huge successes for the studio.  They also cemented in the public’s mind the image of the monosyllabic, grunting ape man.
That iteration of the ape man was so popular that it was used in the non-MGM film serial Tarzan the Fearless (1933), starring another Olympic swimmer, Buster Crabbe.
Tarzan creator Edgar Rice Burroughs praised the films in public (they were making him money, after all), but privately hated their portrayal of his most prized creation.  So he partnered with a family friend, Ashton Dearholt, and produced the 12 chapter-serial The New Adventures of Tarzan (1935).
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The serial starred yet another Olympian, Henry Brix, in the title role.  Ironically, Brix had been MGM’s first choice to play Tarzan in their films.   Brix, unfortunately, broke his shoulder while filming another movie.  MGM went with their second choice, Weissmuller, and the rest is history.
Frankly, just by physique alone I think Brix is the superior Tarzan.  Even in his early films Weissmuller always looked a little doughy to me.
Brix’s Tarzan was also extremely faithful to the character from Burroughs’ novels: the cultured, educated, literate Lord Greystroke who spoke several languages, yet was unmistakably a man of action.  This was the last time Tarzan would be depicted so until 1959′s Tarzan’s Greatest Adventure.
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Once the troubled production was completed (and that story is practically a book in itself), movie theatres were offered two different was to exhibit the serial: as a stand-alone feature 70 minutes in length, entitled Tarzan and the Lost Tribe; or a feature-length (65 minutes) first episode, followed by the remaining 11 chapters.
Reviews of the film were generally poor in the US, and The New Adventures of Tarzan was the last Tarzan serial ever produced.  However, like most Tarzan films of the time, it was a great success overseas.  So much so, in fact, that in 1938 the last ten chapters of the serial were edited together to become the feature Tarzan and the Green Goddess.
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Brix felt he was typecast after the serial was released, so he soon changed his name to Bruce Bennett.  That’s how he’s billed in the numerous films and television episodes he appeared throughout the 1940s and 50s.
Some trivia regarding The New Adventures of Tarzan:
- The film was set, and largely filmed, in Guatemala.
- Producer Ashton Dearholt, who was married, met his leading lady, Ula Holt, on a previous trip to Guatemala.  Dearholt was so smitten that he took Holt home to live with him.  That promptly led Dearholt’s wife, Florence Gilbert, to leave with their two children and divorce him.
- Dearholt also played Raglan, the villain of the story.  He claimed he had to step in to play the role when the actor hired for the part, Don Costello, got sick. This earns him the “George Santos Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire Award,” as there was no Don Costello.  It was just a story Dearholt made up because he always planned to act in the film.
- Edgar Rice Burroughs fell in love with Dearholt’s ex, Florence Gilbert, when he first met her in 1929.  During filming of the serial in 1935 Burroughs divorced his wife and married Gilbert, despite (or perhaps because) her being 30 years younger than him.
- Tarzan’s chimpanzee companion in the film was named Nkima, not Cheeta as in the MGM films.  Jiggs the chimp played both roles, and he was paid $2,000 for his work in the serial.
- Herman Brix was hired at the salary of $75 a week but, other than his travel and accommodations in Guatemala, never got paid for his work.
- There are stories that Brix was personally chosen by Burroughs to play Tarzan.  Brix himself stated that he only met Burroughs briefly after filming had wrapped.  The only actor Burroughs actually picked for the role was Jim Pierce, for 1927′s Tarzan and the Golden Lion.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 1 year
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balu8 · 2 years
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Tarzan: The New Adventures by Roy Thomas, Thomas Grindeberg and Benito Gallego
Dark Horse
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s10127470 · 1 year
My Ideal Revival of the Disney Heroes Franchise
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What you’re looking at is the official logo for a now defunct franchise known as Disney Heroes.
Disney Heroes was basically meant to serve as the sister…..or more appropriately, the brother franchise of the Disney Princesses, with the focus being placed on the male heroes of the Disney pantheon.
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The franchise initially started back in 1999, but under the name of Disney Adventurers. Not only that, but the line-up was rather small, consisting of the titular protagonists of Hercules, Aladdin, Peter Pan, and their most recent film at the time, Tarzan.
The franchise mainly existed through toys, with some notable merchandising besides that here and there.
The franchise remained this way until about 2003, when it got a notable revamp.
The franchise would get its current name and it would expand the roster quite a bit. The new members included Merlin and Arthur from The Sword in the Stone, Robin Hood, Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty, and Li Shang from Mulan.
I also think Simba from The Lion King was a part of the roster as well, I think I remember seeing him on a backpack done for the franchise.
But in 2005, the Disney Heroes franchise had a another revamp…this one notably different from the previous ones.
Although the franchise mainly existed through toys and play-sets that more or less stayed faithful to their respective films, these however…..
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Your eyes are not deceiving you….these were actual action figures created and designed by Disney for the Disney Heroes franchise…..and I couldn’t be anymore happier.
Hercules looks like an ancient Greek warrior with the golden armor, plus he’s carrying a big xiphos and a golden shield with the face of a lion.
Peter Pan is now sporting some tan gloves, boots, and ever a mask, carrying a bow and quiver of arrows alongside his trusty dagger.
And Captain Hook has a more swashbuckling look, and his rapier has been replaced with a big ass cutlass!
Prince Phillip and Maleficent were also apart of this line-up of action figures as well.
Phillip had a more knight-like appearance, even having a helmet with a golden falcon on top.
And Maleficent…well, she was in her dragon form.
Sadly, only five action figures were made in this style….
And it’s a shame, given that there were plans to revamp the franchise with a more action-oriented style.
These designs by Disney animator Ruben Procopio for planned future figures for the franchise really highlight this…
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Aladdin was gonna look like an Arabian Knight, complete with a dagger and a huge ass scimitar that would make Cloud Strife impressed.
Tarzan was gonna go for a Conan the Barbarian-esque look, complete with a headband, a vest, a tooth necklace, boots, and even a quiver filled with spears, knives, and arrows.
And as you could see, they were even gonna introduce The Beast from Beauty and the Beast as a new member of a roster, with the appearance of a warrior prince and a mace as his weapon.
Unfortunately, these figures never came to be....
Although Disney Heroes franchise was doing decently fine, it was nowhere near the level of success of the Disney Princesses.
As a result of that, Disney slowly but surely phased out the franchise over the next three years.
By 2008, the Disney Heroes franchise silently ended, only merchandising through coloring books and their only new addition since 2003 being....of all characters....Milo Thatch from Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
So yeah....that's pretty much the story of the Disney Heroes franchise.
It's honestly a shame because I could totally see this franchise being pretty successful today.
And given the rise of nostalgia and crossovers in media over the last decade, I could see this being an absolute goldmine for all parties involved.
And today, I'm gonna share on how I think a revival of the Disney Heroes franchise should play out.
.It would aim more towards a older audience, mostly teenagers, similar to the Disney Villains franchise. It wouldn't really focus all that much on toys like the Disney Princesses, though there would be some figurines here and there, instead focusing on media that's more accessible with a older crowd like novels, comic books, video games, and even animation.
.Unlike it's previous iteration, and to that extension the Disney Princesses, it would be more gender-neutral, featuring male and female representatives of most of the represented films as members of the roster.
.Also unlike the Princesses, this franchise has its own backstory. Various Disney villains have joined forces in other to further their respective goals. In retaliation, a group of various Disney heroes, led by Merlin, have united to fight against the villainous alliance and protect their respective realms. I know it's a pretty simple premise, but I think it's the perfect that way.
.The franchise will have a major focus on action and adventure....which for a franchise like this, should be expected.
.Many of the characters will be receiving redesigns in the veins of the ones done for the franchise back in 2005, which give off a fantasy warrior, almost Dungeons n' Dragons vibe. While these wouldn't be to the extent as say, Disney Mirrorverse, they would clearly by different from the characters' usual attire and makes them come off as more like warriors ready for adventure and battle.
.The series will essentially expand on the worlds of the films and bring in elements from their original source materials, official continuations like the TV shows, and even the cultures they represent.
Okay, now that we got the major elements out of the way, I'm gonna briefly share who would be apart of the roster for this new franchise, and list them in chronological order of movie release.
.Peter Pan
.Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip
.Merlin and Arthur
.Robin Hood
.Ariel and Eric
.Belle and Beast
.Aladdin and Jasmine
.Pocahontas and John Smith
.Hercules and Megara
.Fa Mulan and Li Shang
.Tarzan and Jane Porter
.Milo Thatch and Kida Nedakh
.Jim Hawkins
.Tiana and Naveen
.Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert
.Anna and Elsa
.Moana and Maui
Just imagine.....seeing this iconic heroes going on various adventures, from the hottest deserts to the deepest jungles. Fighting against mythical monsters, thieves, wild beasts, villainous knights, deadly invaders, mysterious spirits and swashbuckling pirates!
Anyway, that's all for now. I'm planning to go more in-depth on this idea, fleshing out the characters and their worlds.
If you have any ideas for this franchise, let me know.
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darknesseddiem · 28 days
I was watching Tarzan on Disney+ and I couldn't stop thinking about Eddie 👀
Eddie's parents, desperate and determined, aboard a ship that sails away from the chaos of war. The horizon is filled with the promise of safety and a new beginning, as they leave behind the turmoil and destruction.
But everything goes tragically wrong when they reach the island. Shortly after their arrival, they fall prey to the ruthless leopard Sabor, leaving little Eddie as the only survivor.
Kala, the female gorilla, finds him unprotected and immediately takes him in, overcome by maternal instinct after losing her cub. Despite Kerchak's protests, she takes him into the pack and raises him as her son.
Eddie grows up among the gorillas as one of them, he talks and walks like a gorilla.
He becomes a strong, fearless and courageous man, who loves adventures and spends his day jumping from vine to vine in search of some action.
Now, on the other side of the island are you and your father Murray, who went to study the gorillas, being guided by Clayton who are there to protect you both.
Eddie hears a strange noise and despite his mother's protests he decides to investigate, he finds small things on the floor that are strange and taste horrible (he licked the things).
Imagine his surprise and yours when you finally meet. He is astonished to find someone so similar yet so different, and you are shocked to encounter a wild man in a loincloth, a "monkey man" who seems to have no concept of personal space.
Got the concept? Yeah, now picture him curious about you ('cause u so diff from him and the onthers, he wants to study you) and that curiosity leds to him absolutely railing you on top of a tree and away from the others.
His thick cock pounding inside your pussy almost animalistic and he so pent up because he feels the need to mate you on the place and give you his babies.
okay I'm gonna stop ranting. bye
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Dreamworks, please make the Wolf Movie, official.
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A fifteen year old Wolf, finds her old Wolf dad raising a new group. She’s forced into an adventure with these new kids. Like a Lone Wolf and Cub adventure.
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It’ll be a fight for leadership.
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and maybe, some answers of what happened to Wolf's birth parents. Did they worked for Emilia or were they surface people too. Or they might pull a Tarzan. That's just my guess. ^^
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disneytva · 5 months
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The Ghost And Molly McGee Creators Bill Motz And Bob Roth Pitching New Animated Series At Disney Television Animation
This weekend, Disney Channel released the series finale of “The Ghost and Molly McGee” and it’s been confirmed that the show has now come to an end after two seasons.
It seems that Bob Roth and Bill Motz journey at Disney will continue as Bill Motz took on Twitter to confirm that he and Bill Motz are pitching a new animated series at Disney Television Animation alongside live action projects with Disney Branded Television.
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This would make Bill Motz and Bob Roth's 18th animated project with Disney TVA after "The Legend Of Tarzan", "The Lion King II: Simba's Pride", "Lady & The Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure", "Kim Possible" "Brandy And Mr Whiskers", "Darkwing Duck", "Phineas And Ferb", "Big Hero 6: The Series", "The Emperor's New School", "Hercules: The Animated Series", "Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command", "Aladdin: The Animated Series", "Aladdin : The Return Of Jafar", "Marsupilami", "The Bug Hunt", "Quack Pack", "Beauty and The Beast: Belle's Magical Christmas"
Bill Motz and Bob Roth join these 33 animators, artists, storyboard artists and showrunners on having their own projects on potential shows,films and specials for Disney across Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney+.
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marmotish · 6 months
Need inspiration for art, you say?…
And the “Jane” she carries over her shoulder is either Chester, Roger, Duncan, or Barnaby.
Chester: bruh why is he even here he’s the equivalent of an accountant jk jk he would probably be the closest equivalent to Jane, but more susceptible to fainting spells from the heat. Freyja found him after one such spell and takes him to her treehouse or tree to recover. Would have the most Tarzan/Milo x Jane/Kida dynamic with Freyja, maybe.
Roger: read all of the adventure/swashbuckling books and somehow thought that was enough knowledge to go exploring himself. Prepared for the likely scenario of finding and rescuing a delicate native damsel in distress from a dangerous jaguar. Not so prepared for being on the run from an angry family/army of baboons, and even less so for being rescued by a capable, amazonian young woman. Freyja is confused and slightly annoyed by how this guy keeps getting into trouble (totally not staging scenarios in which he can rescue her only for something to go wrong and needing to be rescued instead, again)
Duncan: his parents were probably explorers that found and rescued Jacob and brought him home to be a playmate to Duncan, not realizing J was separated from his sister. Years later, Jacob and Duncan return to the Jungle in Africa because the former had a gut feeling his sister was still alive. What were the chances that his grumpy, grumbling best friend would be the one who would find —well, be found by— the long lost little sister? A…slightly-taller-and-slightly-buffer-than-he-was little sister? No Jacob, he is not blushing he is flushed from the heat thank you very much.
Barnaby: he came for the animals, obviously. Freyja stopped him from hugging an angry gorilla. He adopted her as a new friend.
so … orphans Jacob and Freyja got separated in the African jungle as children, where unbeknownst to Freyja, Jacob got taken back to the UK. Freyja remained in the jungle a little while alone until she was found by missionaries. They managed to keep her “tame and civilised” until age 14 or so when she escaped back to the jungle, and has been there at least a decade.
Having no desire to leave the jungle until she finds Jacob, she puts up a hostile front to any people who wander through her part of the jungle. People pass through occasionally, either
by accident (Chester)
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((in which case she is more likely to give them safe passage in exchange for their promise to discourage others from coming through that part of the jungle. “There’s a demon living out there! I barely got away with my life!”))
from curiosity (Roger)
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the curious ones are more dangerous in Freyja’s opinion. They’re more likely to try and “re-educate her” and “bring her back to civilisation” to “fulfil her natural role” as some have attempted to do in the past. It didn’t end well for them.
or a little bit of both (Barnaby)
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some friendly people have come through Freyja’s part of the jungle in the past 10 years, and have gifted knowledge on self defence/trapping and items like books/material. Other items she acquired by simply looting. So by the time Jacob drags Duncan to the other side of the world to find his long-lost sister, she is more than capable of defending herself against strangers.
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dianethepisceswitch · 3 months
I'm watching every Disney movie in alphabetical order.
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The List:
I took "the" out of all the movie titles so everything wouldn't be toward the end. And I did everything alphabetically rather than by release date because I wanted to get a proper mix of the different eras. I would die trying to watch all the 2000s Disney movies in order, so I feel like the eras being mixed would fuel my motivation to continue my watching spree. I have a few rules for this watching session.
🧸No movies from Pixar, Fox, Marvel, or any other Disney-owned partner
📀No Direct-to-DVD Sequels
🐭No shorts, Fantasia, or anthologies
Aladdin Alice in Wonderland Aristocats Atlantis Bambi Beauty and the Beast Big Hero 6 Black Cauldron Bolt Brother Bear Chicken Little Cinderella Dinosaur Dumbo Emperors New Groove Encanto Fox and the Hound Frozen Frozen 2 Great Mouse Detective Hercules Home on the Range Hunchback of Notre Dame Jungle Book Lady and the Tramp Lilo and Stitch Lion King Little Mermaid Meet the Robinsons Moana Mulan Oliver and Company One Hundred and One Dalmatians Peter Pan Pinocchio Pocahontas Princess and the Frog Ralph Breaks the Internet Raya and the Last Dragon Rescuers Rescuers Down Under Robin Hood Sleeping Beauty Snow White Sword in the stone Tangled Tarzan The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh Treasure Planet Winnie the Pooh Wreck-it-Ralph Zootopia
Extra Fun:
🐇To make things extra fun I have decided to watch the movies with @bhunyee.
🪞A list of references made in Twisted Wonderland
👑I came up with a list of Disney tropes for every movie that I watch:
#1 Racism or the portrayal of non-white racial groups in poor taste #2 Using minority groups, such as LGBTQ, for comedic relief #3 General ickiness or an obvious dirty joke #4 Twist Villain #5 An animal sidekick for a humanoid main character #6 Dead biological parent(s) #7 Has a sequel or spin-off #8 References / Easter Eggs for other Disney movies #9 Has at least 2 bangers #10 Things you wouldn't expect in a kids movie(alcohol, smoking, corpses, etc.) #11 No magic or fantasy #12 Disney "prince/princess" doesn't end the movie as true royalty #13 Well known lost/deleted/cancelled/edited media or hidden background
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artist-issues · 9 months
As much as I adore Lilo & Stitch: The Series and Kim Possible, I don't think my brain returns to any Saturday Cartoon Adventures more than:
Aladdin: The Series - Remember the one where the cat goddess is kidnapping children and turning them into monsters? Or the one where there's a prophecy that Aladdin will die? Or the one where Genie is being hunted by the last of a race of magic-vampires? Or the one where Aladdin is being possessed by the vanquished sorcerer Mozenrath's (what a name) spirit through his magic glove? Or the one where Aladdin literally crosses over with Hercules?
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The Little Mermaid: The Series - I think about that episode where she gets sucked down into the trippy, surreal Wonderland trench and can't escape probably every week. Go to Disney Plus and find that episode, it's called "Charmed," it's worth it.
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The Legend of Tarzan - Like every episode is burned in my brain forever. The Opar episodes where he'd rather die than choose anybody but Jane, even after he thinks she's dead. The one with the Mad Elephant where Tantor thinks he's contracted the same illness. The one with DINOSAURS. The one where the new radio tower makes every animal go insane and try to kill Tarzan and Jane. The one where a different ape challenges Tarzan for leadership and WINS. The one where Jane's friends come to the jungle to rescue her. The one where Tarzan gets locked in like a prison camp with Teddy Roosevelt?! The one with a magical healing albino gorilla?! The one with Kerchak's old rival Tublat coming to try and take over the gorilla family in a series of traps? ! The one with the giant snake?! The one where Tarzan gets bit by a spider and almost DIES?! The one where Clayton's sister comes and forces Tarzan to choose between saving himself from poison or saving all of his loved ones from several death traps in time?! The one where the African tribes from the Tarzan books help Tarzan find a cure for a deadly disease in special two-part episodes?! The one with a WWII spy coming and trying to steal Jane's affections while simultaneously looking for war information he left in a music box he sent to her?! WHY IS THIS NOT ON DISNEY+?!
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Buzz Lightyear of Star Command - Skilled. Courageous. And ever-vigilant. Leaping into action, it's BUZZ LIGHTYEAR, of STAR! COMMAND! I'm tired of having to dig around the Internet to watch episodes like The Wirewolf where an old Space Ranger buddy gets turned into a machine-mauling cybernetic wolf monster by the light of a radioactive moon, or the one where an "energy vampire" named N0S4-A2 tries to eat Buzz's robot friend.
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Come on. We got The Little Mermaid: The Series. That Tarzan & Jane movie isn't enough! WHERE ARE THE REST OF THEM, DISNEY
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joshuasumter · 9 months
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You're not going to believe this! The Disney 100-year Anniversary crossover short, Once Upon A Studio, is coming! 100 years of stories, 100 years of magic, 100 years of Disney! It's like Disney's House of Mouse all over again, with a hint of Night at the Museum. I've been waiting for this all my life, I'm so excited! (Also gets you and some people hoping for a House of Mouse revival/reboot on Disney+, or maybe a mini-series inspired by this short) Featuring 543 characters from over 85 Disney films and shorts, the following list features those that are only from Walt Disney Productions (1937–1985), Walt Disney Feature Animation Studios (1986–2007), and Walt Disney Animation Studios (2007-present).
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
The Reluctant Dragon
Saludos Amigos
Victory Through the Air
The Three Caballeros 
Make Mine Music 
Song of the South 
Fun and Fancy Free 
Melody Time 
So Dear to My Heart 
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad
Cinderella (1-3)
Alice in Wonderland 
Peter Pan (1-2)
Lady and the Tramp (1-2)
Sleeping Beauty 
101 Dalmatians (1-2)
The Sword in the Stone 
Mary Poppins 
The Jungle Book (1-2)
The Aristocats 
Bedknobs and Broomsticks 
Robin Hood 
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh 
The Rescuers
Pete's Dragon
The Fox and the Hound (1-2)
The Black Cauldron 
The Great Mouse Detective 
Oliver & Company 
The Little Mermaid (1-3)
The Rescuers: Down Under
Beauty and the Beast (1-3)
Aladdin (1-3)
The Lion King (1-3)
Pocahontas (1-2)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1-2)
Mulan (1-2)
Tarzan (1-2, Tarzan & Jane)
Fantasia 2000 
The Emperor's New Groove (1-2: Kronk's New Groove)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (1-2: Milo's Return)
Lilo & Stitch (1-2: Stitch has a Glitch)
Treasure Planet 
Brother Bear (1-2)
Home of the Range  
Chicken Little 
Meet the Robinsons  
The Princess and the Frog 
Winnie the Pooh
Wreck-It Ralph
Big Hero 6 
Ralph Breaks the Internet
Frozen 2
Raya and the Last Dragon 
Strange World 
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit in "Trolley Troubles"
Mickey Mouse in "Steamboat Willie"
Silly Symphony (Three Pigs, Big Bad Wolf)
Donald Duck
Chip n' Dale
Adventures in Music
Humphrey the Bear
John Henry (Disney's American Legends)
Ballad of Nessie
Ben and Me (1953)
Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom (1953)
Lambert the Sleepish Lion (1952)
*Roger Rabbit, made by Richard Williams's studio in England, and Enchanted, made by Tony Baxter, will not appear in this short because they don't belong to WDAS. 69 + 16 = 85!
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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Tarzan’s New York Adventure (1942)
New York, New York: the only place in the world where they can make Tarzan wear pants!
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thebelugawhalefriend · 6 months
The Arcana Headcanons: The Favorite Animated Movie!
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Asra - Spirited Away
- This one was a hard one to think on, mostly because there were a LOT of movies that could really fit as his favorite
- However, I feel like he'd really indulge in a similar taste to Portia, creative fantasy movies where you travel to whole new worlds
- Haku? An icon he ASPIRES to be. He wants to be an Eastern dragon too smh
- Inspired him to actually learn more about magic despite his already vast knowledge. Even found a few new lessons to be learned!
- Asra 🤝 Julian: Dragon movies (see below)
Julian - How To Train Your Dragon
- He was a dragon kid, and always will be!!
- He always wanted to ride Toothless. Always. Still hopes he's real
- The fact that they ALSO have ships and sea adventures? Icing on the amazing cake
- Was BAWLING at the third movie so so hard
- Wants to watch it every other week with you
Muriel - Tarzan
- You thought I'd put Brother Bear? Nah, Tarzan gets this one
- He can honestly relate to the main guy- Muriel has been through losing his home and family and had to learn to live through that
- The first half with Tarzan's gorilla mom strikes his heart, but he'll try not to cry
- At first he was confused as to why Tarzan would leave his home for humanity just to be relieved that he came back
- Does he want a Jane in his life? Not really, she wasn't the best part to him.
Nadia - Mulan
- Badass woman saves China? Sounds like her kind of movie
- Sees herself as the main character LIKE SHE SHOULD and wants to be Mulan LIKE SHE IS!!
- Loves especially the scene where Mulan sets off the avalanche and kills most of the army (though you're worried when she writes down notes)
- Hums "A Girl Worth Fighting For" while fixing your hair and brushing it
- Unlike Lucio, her singing of the songs is actually worth looking on in adoration towards her
Portia - The Cat Returns
- Haru is actually so headstrong?? Portia would relate so so hard
- She badly wants to see Pepe in the movie's art style
- okay maybe it's because of the cats
- You can't tell me she isn't a sucker for whimsical animations
Lucio - The Lion King
- Putting aside my personal opinions of this man, I feel like he would really enjoy this movie
- He knows Be Prepared by heart and belts it out for everyone to hear
- Despite this, his favorite character is probably Mufasa. He's a sucker for big ol masculine looking characters
- Hyenas? Loves them. He doesn't find them disgusting like the movie wants you to believe. Points to the movie and says to his dogs, "Hey, it's you two!"
- Cries unabashedly when Mufasa dies (spoilers whoops)
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Going off of one of my previous reblogs, i attempted to make a list of where in the world every Disney Animated Canon movie takes place
Pablo the Cold-Blooded Penguin (The Three Caballeros) (Pablo starts out living in the South Pole and then he goes to Chile, Peru, and Ecuador)
The Lion King
Aladdin is set in a mishmash of Middle Eastern countries. It was supposed to be in Iraq, but because of the Persian Gulf War, Disney said no, so it takes place in the fictional country of Agrabah, which is inspired by Baghdad in Iraq.
Raya and the Last Dragon is set in a mishmash of Southeast Asian countries, but takes the most inspiration from Vietnam
China: Mulan
India: The Jungle Book
England: The Wind in the Willows (The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad), Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, 101 Dalmatians, The Sword in the Stone, Robin Hood, Winnie the Pooh, The Great Mouse Detective
France: Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, The Aristocats, Beauty and the Beast, The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Germany: Snow White, Tangled
Greece: The Pastoral Symphony (Fantasia), Hercules
Italy: Pinocchio
Norway: Frozen (Arendelle is heavily inspired by Norway)
Russia: Peter and the Wolf (Make Mine Music)
Spain: Wish (Rosas is inspired by Spain and located off the Iberian Peninsula)
Turkey: Pomp and Circumstance (Fantasia 2000) is about Noah's Ark, and many people believe that the ark landed at Mount Ararat in present-day Turkey
Ukraine: Night on Bald Mountain/Ave Maria (Fantasia) (the real Bald Mountain is Mount Triglaf, near Kyiv in Ukraine)
Wales: The Black Cauldron
North America
Las Posadas
Mexico: Pátzcuaro, Veracruz and Acapulco
You Belong to My Heart/Donald's Surreal Reverie (all from The Three Caballeros)
United States:
Different towns in Massachusetts and California have claimed to be the Mudville that Casey at the Bat (Make Mine Music) takes place in, but the author of the original poem said it has no basis in fact.
The Legend of Johnny Appleseed (Melody Time) - the real Johnny Appleseed (real name John Chapman) planted apple trees in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Ontario, and West Virginia
Lady and the Tramp could take place somewhere in New England
The Fox and the Hound looks like it takes place in Appalachia, so maybe Pennsylvania or Virginia
Home on the Range is somewhere in the Old West
Bolt takes place across America: starts out in California, the title character ends up in New York, visits Ohio, and is back to California by the end
Alaska: Brother Bear
California: Wreck it Ralph (Ralph Breaks the Internet reveals that Litwak's Arcade is in California), Big Hero 6
Florida: Dumbo
Hawaii: Lilo and Stitch
Louisiana: Blue Bayou (Make Mine Music), most of The Rescuers, The Princess and the Frog
Maine: Bambi (the forest was based on Maine and the animators traveled to Maine for reference)
New York: Johnny Fedora and Alice Blue Bonnet, The Whale Who Wanted to Sing at the Met (Make Mine Music) (the Metropolitan Opera is in NYC), Little Toot (Melody Time), The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad) (the real Sleepy Hollow is in New York), The Rescuers (the Rescue Aid Society headquarters is in NYC), Oliver and Company, Rhapsody in Blue (Fantasia 2000)
Texas: Pecos Bill (Melody Time)
Virginia: Pocahontas
Washington, DC: Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Milo works at the Smithsonian
The Rescuers Down Under: Australia
Moana: Polynesia
The Rite of Spring (Fantasia)
South America
Argentina: Pedro, El Gaucho Goofy (Saludos Amigos)
Bolivia: Lake Titicaca (Saludos Amigos)
Brazil: Aquarela do Brasil (Saludos Amigos), Baia (The Three Caballeros), Blame It on the Samba (Melody Time),
Chile: Pedro (Saludos Amigos) (The title character delivers the mail in the Andes, between Santiago, Chile, and Mendoza, Argentina), Pablo the Cold-Blooded Penguin (The Three Caballeros)
Colombia: Encanto
Ecuador: Pablo the Cold-Blooded Penguin (The Three Caballeros) (Pablo goes to the Galapagos Islands, which is an archipelago in Ecuador)
Peru: Lake Titicaca (Saludos Amigos) (the lake is at the border between Peru and Bolivia), Pablo the Cold-Blooded Penguin (The Three Caballeros), The Emperor's New Groove
Uruguay: The Flying Gauchito (The Three Caballeros)
Unknown/does not take place in our world
Any of the package film segments not mentioned here
The Little Mermaid seems like it takes place in the Mediterranean Sea, but it could also take place in the Caribbean, which would explain Sebastian's accent
Fantasia 2000: "Pines of Rome" is set in the Arctic, so it could be anywhere from Canada to Alaska to Finland to Russia
Most of Atlantis: the Lost Empire, since the city of Atlantis is completely made up
Treasure Planet
Chicken Little
Meet the Robinsons
Strange World
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