luxuriouscharms · 1 year
I can’t help but love you (Aleksander Morozova x fem!reader)
Pairing: The Darkling x Special Grisha!reader
Universe: The Grishaverse/Shadow and bone
Summary: He realises he’s in love with you and so do you.
Key note: Please play the listed songs for better experience. Also the striked words are the songs to be played, if followed, a better experience is assured.
Songs:  1. Cinnamon Girl (Lana Del Rey) 2. Cherry (Lana Del Rey) 3. War of Hearts [Acoustic] (Ruelle)
cinnamon girl
The room was filled with people, laughing, talking and enjoying themselves. She moved a dirty blonde strip of her hair from her face and looked around. This was all familiar in a new way. A  way she has never been in. Maybe the punishment to her sins aren’t that bad if this is it. She took a glass of wine and sipped it slowly taking in the details of the room. The music changed into a slow one and she noticed people getting into couples, women having one of their hands on the shoulders of men and the other in their upper arm.  
“Excuse-me, ma’am” she heard a masculine voice next to her. She turned to look at a man, atleast 4 inches taller than her, his brown hair slicked back neatly smiling at her.
“May I help you,” she responded back in the best “elegant” voice she could. This new cover has been quite the task for her, as being an elegant woman was the exact opposite she was told to do her whole life.
“It would quite please me if I could have this dance with you,” he told her, raising his hand, asking for her permission.
“Oh, that’s sweet of you, but i’ve never danced before,” she said him her truth as her lips went into a thin line.
“Well, that will have to change tonight,” he smiled and took her hand in his and placed her other one in her shoulder as he slowly led her to the dance floor.
“Oh well, as long as you dont charge me for the damage i cause in your legs,” she shrugged as she gave a playful smile and let him lead her.
Now, who would not love such a punishment. It was true that she had never danced before, she never had the chance. She doubts most Grisha gets the chance to, afterall they grow up being taught to protect and fight. She smiled at where she was now but soon it had to be ruined as people heard screams outside the room. The music muffled the noise but it was still audible to hear them.
She froze as she looked at outside of the building. It was getting darker and darker every second and it could only mean one thing.
He was back.
Soon, the room darkened and a figure came through the shadows. Everyone knew who it was, it was The Darkling. The same man who destructed many families of people in the very same room. Of hers too.
She looked at his arising form with mixed emotions in her eyes. He came out of the dark and searched around the room when his eyes finally met hers. His grey orbs then skimmed to her hands that were on top of the man next to her. Her quick instinct was to take them off him making the man responsible for her reactions smirk. He looked around once more and swiftly moved his hands, she realised what he was doing and screamed, “No.” as her eyes widened.
In a swift move, her hands moved in a V shape and a shield arise from her hands shielding the whole room from his dark presence. He was moved back in a gush of air due to the excess use of power as his hands shielded his face.  He looked back at her and said,
“This is the only way to do it, remove the shield and we shall disappear.” His statement rang through her ears as she fumed at him. He had the audacity to do this just after killing millions and making her having to disguise herself for his consequences.
“I can erase their memory of our presence.” She stated as she looked into his eyes. His eyes searched hers in amusement and soon his lips broke into a playful yet proud smile as he questioned,
“You can do that now, huh? Well the make it fast, we’ve got places to be and things to discuss.”
She looked at him one last time before moving her hands, as green light broke out of her palms, her eyes emitting a bright shade of green. Soon, everyone in the room fell down into a slumber except for herself and the dark presence across her. He took a look around him as he strolled closer to her,
“What did you do,” he asked looking into her eyes as he came closer than he should but it wasn’t new for her.
“A litte trick that i learned a few weeks ago,” she told him looking back at his eyes. He look at her and sighed.
He took a strand of her hair falling on her face and said,
“That’s not what i asked. What did u do to your hair.”
Realisation swimmed in her eyes and she caught his arm and snatched it away from her face, from her now blonde hair.
“A consequence of your actions.” She stated glaring at his eyes. His eyes moved as he looked at hers and he stepped back,
“You look absolutely gorgeous, but put my colour back on” He whispered before starting to move towards “the places they have to be”.
She looked at his walking figure and remembered the pitch black hair she once had. Something about it always made him feel superior, one of the reasons she loved having to colour her hair to disguise herself. Especially when she could simply do it and blame it on him.
She slowly strolled behind him forgetting the life she had just a few minutes earlier. What else could be done for he is here now.
As soon as she skipped to his pace, his hands moved in a swift motion as darkness engulfed them both. They both were now in a place that looked like a hut but with better interior. She looked out the window and say darkness and shadows of creatures walking around, screeching and flying.  She realised where they were and her voice was caught in her throat. If her little trick was amazing this was terrific, both in a huge and a bad way.
“Who was it.” She turned to him, her eyes confused as she watched him remove his coat.
“Who’s who.” She questioned back at him as her brows formed into a frown. He looked up at her and murmured slowly, “The guy you were with.” Her gaze turned more confused at his sudden interest.
“A gentleman who was willing to teach me how to slow dance,” she said.
“Did you enjoy it?” He asked, his lips curling into a teasing smile.
“Not long enough for me to actually learn it, because you just had to interrupt,” she said coldly to him.
He chuckled at her as his head went low and back again to looking at her.
“Well why don’t you spend some more time with him for a while,” he asked at her smiling.
She frowned more in confusion as he continued,
“Surely, you can still get into you fantasy lands right.” he said.
She looked down for a moment and realised he was referring to her ability to reimagine realities. She can imagine herself in clouds while simply sitting in her bed. She slowly looked up at him and saw his hand raised towards her. She hesitated for a minute but her heart did not as her hand reached on top of his palm. Within the blink of her eye, they were outside among the monsters he created out of shadows. He noticed at her wary look and said,
“They will be of no disturbance,” She turned to look at him and asked, “what about the musics.”
He smiled, as his other hand removed the wooden stick that had her hair in a neat bun, making her hair flow down, like she usually had her hair when it was black and placed his hand on her hips bringing her closer as he whispered,
“Why don’t you bring the very same one you were listening to,” His eyes moved in a quick movement looking into hers, wanting to take in both her emerald ones.
war of hearts (acoustic)
She closed her eyes as he lowered his head, making both their foreheads to meet. Soon, slow piano flowed  into their ears and his legs started to lead both their legs.
“Come to me in the night hours
I will wait for you”
Never once did his eyes leave hers even when they were closed. She slowly opened her eyes and tried to put herself into the fantasy land where the very same man she owns a deep hatred in her heart would be that man that managed to steal her eyes even if it’s only for seconds.
“Thoughts of you consume”
But it was not happening. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him no matter how much she tried.  She couldn’t go back to that ball, to that man. They both remained dancing, even though surrounded by darkness and monsters they were still captivated into each other’s souls, their eyes being the doorway…
“I can’t help but love you,
even though I try not to”
Her eyes skimmed through the scars in his face, an aftermath. He was in pain, she could see it. His head was crippling in pain, a pain as a consequence of consumption of power beyond one should hold. A pain that can only be cured by more absorption of the very same darkness he holds.
“Stay with me, a little longer”
She was scared of what she was doing while he was fooled that she was being in fantasies of another man while dancing with him. The eyes of her held empathy, he convinced himself it was not for him and that she wasn’t looking at him. But something in his heart craved for the look in her eyes, the eyes that held so much light in them, ironic to what he was.
“Oh, oh, oh”
As every second passed, his pain suppressed through the music. For a second he thought it was the music healing it but when he looked at her glowing eyes, he realised it was her doing. Unconsciously, she was holding his pain back which made him realise she wasn’t in her fantasies and was very much present in the moment with him. “What did you do.” He asked her, as his pain was nothing but a memory now.
“A consequence of my mistake,” she stated.
“I can’t help but love you, even though I try not to”
His walls broke, as his eyes opened the doorway and gave a peek of his soul to her. The shattered one, terribly shattered than his face. He realised that he had let his guard down and regained his composure, stopping his legs from moving to the music. Their eyes, never leaving each others was now holding an intense look. A stubborn one, an interaction they would have never imagined with each other.
Just for once, he craved her. He craved her eyes to look at him the same way, their intertwined hands to be stitched together. He craved for him to be able to touch more of her and for the first time he was greedy for something that wasn’t power and it made him fear for what shall come next. For what she was made of.
“I can’t help but want oceans to part
Because i’m overcome this war of hearts”
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Shadow and Bone season 1 timeline (not to scale). First time I watched the show, it felt like Alina was only at the Little Palace a very short time - mostly because the Crow's story was happening later but being shown at the same time as Alina's story.
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simpingcorner · 1 year
Daughter of the Shadows  ch.2
Word Count: ~1.4k Warnings: mild violence (stabbing, mentions of gunshots, physical fighting), blood, alcohol, gambling,mention of human tr*****, implied SA,not proofread, let me know if I forgot something.
Author's Note: Second chapter to my Grishaverse fanfic. A reminder this is insipred by my SoC DR so it’ll follow both the books and the show plotlines, there will be changes to the canon characters and their storylines, it’s also a Kaz Brekker x OC. | English isn’t my first language so please bear with me and tell me if there’s something wrong. I hope you like it.
all rights to leigh bardugo, i only owny liith and her backstory (other ocs will be introduced later)
Read part 1 here - Ch. 3 - Ch. 4 - Ch. 5 -  Ch. 6
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Inej's silent footsteps brought her back to reality, the rooftops of the city stretched out beneath their feet, their legs dangled over the apex of the roof, their eyes studied the streets and the movements beneath them, "You know he won't take you with him if that cut doesn't heal. " The Suli said without shifting her gaze from the streets, "It's lucky it's already healed then." the brown haired one replied, pulling her sleeve over her palm, Inej's gaze stopped on the younger girl beside her, a mixture of concern and pride expressed in the brown irises, "Be careful." she said before disappearing behind Lilith.
The rhythmic clatter of his cane echoed on the roof tiles, a rhythm now known, familiar, "I have a job for you." Exclaimed the boy's impassive, hoarse voice, "What business?" "A banquet will be held for the Council Members, you will infiltrate with the actors of the Komedie Brute along with Specht." "Who is the target?" "Jellen Radmakker."
The second floor of the Geldrennen Hotel had been reserved by the Council Members, five of the richest men in Ketterdam, interested only in their image, their place in the city's food chain, protected by more guards than anyone could count, accustomed to wealth, luxury, security, indifferent to the city's needs, concerned only with dressing well, with showing the rest of the city how rich they were, oblivious to how many teenagers and children had lost their innocence by becoming criminals because of them, because none of them deigned to help the citizens, too worried about losing their investment in Jurda's production.
The girl pulled her veil over her face, the costume of the Lost Bride allowed her to hide, to camouflage herself among the actors, no one seemed to notice the few extra actors, but that was her speciality, hiding in the shadows even when the shadows were not there. Lilith noticed Specht's gaze on her, although older than her she knew he had to answer to the girl's orders, all the members of the Crows knew they had to answer to her orders; her reputation, her name, her history, the legends about her past and her family made her more dangerous and important than anyone thought.
The girl's brown eyes studied the room, Jellen Radmakker was sitting at the table, two armed men were staring at him ready to defend him; to his right was Nathan Boreg dressed in grey, his gaze passed from his colleagues to the guards to the actors, the man's breathing was quickened, although he tried to hide it you could see the drops of sweat forming on his forehead; Karl Dryden sat opposite Radmakker, his gaze fixed on the roast quail on the table in front of him, his mouth open, waiting to dig into the dish; to his left Jan Van Eck resided with a look of superiority and disgust towards the rest of the diners, his purple velvet suit fell perfectly over his body, his gold ring shone on his left ring finger under the dim light of the candles, four guards behind him scanned the room for threats; at the head of the table the figure of Hoede resided boredly waiting for entertainment and wine. "I have had news of the arrival of a more than prosperous merchant cargo." Broke the silence Radmakker, "A durast, a healer, a squaller and three other unspecified Grisha." "When will they arrive?" "By the end of the month. I understand they will be sold on the third port when they arrive. No one has been informed of their arrival yet so we will have exclusive rights to them." "I want the names and any information you have on them by tomorrow night." The three merchants exchanged information for the duration of the dinner, information they were not supposed to exchange in public. Their plans were unknown to the girl but the mere knowledge that other kids would be sold to the highest bidder made her blood boil, she adjusted the gloves on her hands, the veil on her face and the wreath on her forehead before shifting her gaze from the merchants' table to Specht, the man was listening to the conversations of the guards, focus on finding something to tell his boss.
The streets of Ketterdam were illuminated by oil lamps and animated by tourists and locals, the Pleasure District, known as the Barrel, was floodlit despite the fact that the sun had been down for several hours, the men and women working in the various bars attracted customers with false claims, false promises, false truths necessary to survive in this place; the tourists looked around, too focused on the bars, the scenes and promises of an unforgettable time to notice the disappearance of watches, wallets, valuables and other items; blonde hair blocked Lilith's view, the voices around the girl seemed to suddenly disappear the moment she felt the pressure of a hand approaching her side, her left hand clasped on the blonde's wrist, the dagger clutched in her right hand stopped at the thief's side, two pitch black eyes locked into Lilith's brown ones, her blonde eyebrows furrowed in shame and disappointment, a half smile formed on Lilith's face before the girl released her grip on the blonde, "You need to relax your breath and your arm, the pressure of the hand near the pocket would have brought you a lot of trouble." Explained Lilith to the blonde, "Check the other dagger." Said the thief with a proud grin, Lilith's hand moved to the dagger hidden in her boot, pulling it out before releasing her grip on the accomplice's wrist, "You must conceal your footsteps, though the noise in these streets is impossible to muffle, your footsteps echo like a pin on marble." The two kids nodded at the brunette before turning on their heels, "Shouldn't you be checking the tables at the Club?" shouted Lilith before turning the corner towards the Slat.
It happened before she could even notice, two men grabbed her arms while a third stopped in front of her, the man's face inches from hers, the smell of alcohol and smoke invaded her nostrils, the three drunk and out of it men stared at her with hungry stares, a look she knew all too well, a look she had seen all too many times at Emerald Palace, the dagger slipped from her sleeve into her hand before making contact with the arm of one of the three men, the man's blood stained the girl's glove, the wreath slipped from her forehead, breaking on impact with the cubblestone beneath her, the dagger in her left hand ready to be used on the second man, eyes fixed on the enemy, her right hand ready to move if necessary but before she could do anything else the smell of gunpowder invaded her nostrils, the man in front of her groaned before falling to the ground in pain, a pool of blood began to spread beneath his body; before the girl could recognise the shooter she felt a burning sensation between her ribs, her hand clutched her side, crimson red began to cover her hand, she managed to pull the dagger from her boot in time to find a new home in the man's sternum before everything went black.
Her body lay motionless in Jesper's arms, blood oozed from her side, the cut on her right forearm had reopened during the confrontation, her closed eyes and almost non-existent breathing forced Jesper to run through the streets, making space for himself by shouting and pushing tourists and workers, Big Bolliger noticed Lilith unconscious in his arms before he even noticed Jesper shouting and trying to get into the Crows Club, the line of people waiting to enter protested at the sight of the scene, "I've been here for three hours." "I've been waiting my turn since before the sun went down," were some of the comments Jesper could hear before turning towards the Pigeons, "And she’s dying. If you want I'll shoot you too so you can come in," the boy replied before entering the club. Inej was the first to notice Jesper, she stood beside him studying the girl's wounds, her gaze and expression impassive, used by now to such scenes, "Take her to her room, I'll go get Kaz." "No.... Don’t.... Call him..." said Lilith between sighs, before losing consciousness again. Jesper and Inej knew not to go against the girl's wishes, but they needed Kaz to heal her, he was the only one who could find a healer and hire them before the worst happened, "Lil, we have to, he's the only one who can help you." Jesper's voice was gentle and concerned, "Milana... Work... At the Orchid..." Lilith's laboured breathing grew quicker and more erratic as Jesper laid her down on the mattress.
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libraryinthecountry · 2 years
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★ Have you watched any of Shadow and Bone Season 2 yet? Who is your favorite Grishaverse character? I was going to start on Friday, but we haven’t had the chance to yet. (Don’t spoil me!) I am excited to watch it though—I really loved Seige and Storm, and Nikolai is my favorite #Grishaverase character. I am excited to see him brought to life! ★ HASHTAGS // #bookstack #leighbardugo #shelfiesunday #stacksaturday #sixofcrows #kingofscars #thedarkling #kazbrekker #nikolailantsov #alinastarkov #ShadowAndBone #Grishaverse #Netflix #Bookstagram #ReadingCommunity #homelibrary #fantasybooks #readingnook #bookish #fiercereads https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_DairSXQw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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justachaoticreader · 1 year
I'm sorry but if you like the Darkling you're not allowed to like any other male character in SAB/SOC bc Kaz saved Inej from the fate that the Darkling sentenced Genya to. Nikolai stood up for Genya and sided with and protected her over his own family. Matthias would never. Jesper would never. Wylan would never.
There are no excuses for liking the Darkling.
Seperate the actor from the character.
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myahdobilicious · 2 years
my sab predictions literally from the soundtrack
lmk if anyone has any ideas and ill add them some of these i have no clue
on the run- mal and alina obv
market chase- this HAS to be that scene from the trailer with the crows also it sounds so fun
tolya and tamar- a bit self-explanitory
wylan- the official clip we got of him
come sail away- nicolai? my b sturmound
brother- kaz flashback in the water we saw AHHHHH NO
arriving at the island- this could be the crows or the sab squad the crows wouldnt make as much sense tho
crows ambushed- i feel like this is pekka theres like this dark turn in the middle of the track like someones shown up
return of the useless grunt- this one confuses me i dont think its matthias like people are saying because matthias fights is after idk
im here for the killers- darkling fight vibes
matthias fights- hellgate, pretty simple
the night we met- someone said this is kanej flashback/dream sequence (see what amita said about how we'll get to see them do something they'll never get to do) and I soooo agree it sounds so them (OR nina and matthias is also possible)
become the blade- mal/malina babe and his awful tatoo
hope is dangerous- this is what kaz says to inej while she’s looking for her parents names on the wall in season one 👀
shu han- ok so this can go one of two ways, one: inej and zoya in the desert/jurda parem OR something else i just dont know if theyre going to do that plotline
the disciple- tolya/tamar/the apparat
i cant lose you- malina malian babe
deserve her- darkling vibes
chased- the one scene where everyone is in front of the chapel and jes is protecting wylan
battle at the moat- more of the same ^ ???
stronger than an emerald- someone said the lantsov emerald but its a really dark track so im thinking pekka rollins (the emerald prince)
we can do this- ???
final goodbye- maybe i dont want to know. if theyre doing sas + rar itll be alina dipping or even if they arent its the sab squad and crows separating. i hope. im scared of this one.
let me be your monster- make me your villain
loss and sacrifice- ???
hope for the future- YALL I FIGURED IT THIS PLAYS DURING THE DARKLINA MAKEOUT SESH IN SEASON ONE OMG it sounds a lot darker tho um a lot less hopeful
rise and fall- ruin and rising??? malina for sure
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hanorganaas · 2 years
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holy darkling!! if this man asked me to be his summoner id happy oblige #benbarnes #princecaspian #thedarkling #aleksandermorozova #generalkrigan #aleksanderkirigan #shadowandbone #grishaverse https://www.instagram.com/p/Cje7M5gsgHD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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abookwormsnook · 2 years
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Hey everyone! So I’ll be honest I don’t have to much to talk about. It’s already been a super crazy week for me and it’s only Tuesday. Though I am glad I get to sleep in tomorrow as I’m tired lol. But enough about me how is everyone doing? 🍁🍂✨🎃🕯🎃✨🍂🍁 #thedarklibrarians #thedarkling #grishaverse #sixofcrows #bookish #booksbooksbooks #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #ilovebooks #mymagicalmoments #myhappyplace #booksandcandles #booksandcandlesmakemehappy #grishatrilogy https://www.instagram.com/p/CkJ_x50re28/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pale-moonyart · 2 years
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Finally Finished The Redraw For The 4th Time. I Think This One Is Slightly Better Than The Last. But Maybe The Second One Is Better For Likeness. __________________________________ Thank You For Liking And Following ♥️ __________________________________ #thedarkling #darkling #generalkirigan #benbarnes #sunsummoner #alinastarkov #benbarnes #jessiemeili #shadowandbone #shadowandbonenetflix #shadowandbonefanart #grisha #grishaverse #grishaversefanart #leighbardugo #palemoonyart #autisticartist #irishartist #charcoal #charcoaldrawing #charcoalart #charcoalpencil #charcoalportrait #charcoalartist #charcoalpainting #metalicwatercolor #portrait #portraitdrawing #portraitart #pencildrawing #pencilportrait https://www.instagram.com/p/CnAxhrnDzm0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theunchosenpotato · 2 years
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7. Alina Starkhov #alinastarkov #inktober #inktober2022 #shadowandbone #leighbardugo #ruinandrising #fanart #alina #sunsummoner #thedarkling #traditionalart #copics https://www.instagram.com/p/CjaPnDxOzZm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hollymbryan · 2 years
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🖼️ ROSEMARY CREATIONS TOUR + GIVEAWAY! 🖼️ QOTD: Do you collect any bookish merch? AOTD: Um, yes! From bookmarks to candles to stickers to enamel pins to art and quote prints, I have it ALL! 😂 I'm thrilled today to be taking part in the bookstagram tour for @rosemarycreations_ with @onceuponatimetours! Check out this awesome print of the Darkling that they sent me 😍 There's a giveaway to enter below for your own goodies from them, *and* there's a discount code good through the end of the year! I have quite a few bookmarks and art prints from Rosemary Creations and love every one of them. So, go enter! 👇🏼 *** GIVEAWAY -Choice of three items (art print, bookmark, and sticker) *while supplies last TO ENTER -Like, save, and tag a friend -Follow me (@hollymbryan), @rosemarycreations_, and @onceuponatimetours EXTRA ENTRIES -Share the giveaway to your stories for 24hrs and tag @rosemarycreations_ and @onceuponatimetours -Tag 3 friends in separate comments unlimited times -Visit #RosemaryCreationsOUATTour and enter on other hosts' posts RULES INTL Giveaway will end December 16th at 11:59PM EST. Not affiliated with Instagram, must be 18 or have parent's permission, and must be a public account to verify entries. Winners announced on @onceuponatimetours account ONLY. TAGS @rosemarycreations_ and @onceuponatimetours DISCOUNT CODE OUATT20 - 20% off and good until the end of the year on the website and Etsy page 🖼️ 🖼️ 🖼️ #rosemarycreations #rosemarycreationsouattour #bookishmerch #bookishart #bookmarks #bookishstickers #FandomMerch #TheDarkling #PhantomOfTheOpera #ElizabethAndDarcy #PrideAndPrejudice #Fandom #BookishGifts #VampireAcademy #Gothikana #TristanCaine #DanteMaroni #GirlOnFire #TheHungerGames #RedRidingHood #ArtPrint #BookishPrint #BookishPrints #BookChallenge #BookishChallenge #Fandoms #Bookmark #Sticker #Stickers #BookishGifts https://www.instagram.com/p/CmE2AOPr-Ae/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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talesofanavidreader · 2 years
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ℚ𝕆𝕋𝔻: Do you like to change up your theme/photo set up? ⁣ ⁣ I always want to, but then I never like what I set up so I revert back to my usual. I do love my usual, but I see all these posts of using so many props and I want to do it! I just never like how it looks for me. I think I struggle most with lighting in these different set ups. ⁣ ⁣ BUT I decided to try again and this was the result. It’s a work in progress for what I’m actually imagining. I can’t decide if I actually am happy with it or not LOL. I know it probably doesn’t even look that different to you guys! Baby steps! ⁣ ⁣ Ok my rambling is over 😂⁣ ⁣ ✨Hashtags✨⁣ #GrishaVerse #TheDarkling #ShadowAndBone #LeighBardugo #GraphicNovel #SixOfCrows #FlatLay #Bookstagrammer #FantasyBooks #BookObsessed #ReadersAssemble #AvidReader #BookBlogger #BookstaFeatures #FierceReads #ReadingIsMagic https://www.instagram.com/p/CjVje2tLNA4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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My ramblings rewatching Shadow and Bone season 2 as messages sent to my sister. I apparently had more to say about episode 8 than the rest of the season lol.
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jomiddlemarch · 1 year
touching each forehead, breathing a soul into each immeasurable other
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“The problem with wanting,” Aleksander paused, touching her cheek very lightly as if it were a choice and not the consequence of how they had come together, touching her cheek as if she would not recoil and so to spite him, she did not recoil, “is that it makes us weak.”
Candlelight trembled around them, the sense of his shadows as powerful as their actual presence. Alina held her breath, her eyes focused on his lips, curiously more sensitive to him through the tether than she might have been should he have been standing before her in the flesh. He would kiss her next, she was sure of it, and also as uncertain as she’d been when the Fjerdan assassin had tried to murder her in the field twelve miles out of Os Alta. He must and he wouldn’t, not if she listened to the words he said, if she heard the timbre of his voice within her mind like a bell tolled across the sea as a warning of a storm. Or a fire.
She would taste smoke when he kissed her, the fragrance of destruction, of autumn leaves bright a second time in an early evening.
He leaned closer—and pressed his lips very gently to the center of her forehead, a gesture without any carnal desire, the tenderness given as a blessing. He kissed the scar above her brow, whose provenance remained unknown, an injury survived. She closed her eyes, unable to bear the look in his, and he kissed her closed eyelids, even more delicately, first the left and then the right, his hand still cradling her jaw. Next he kissed the apple of her cheek, the slight roughness of his beard against her more compelling than any profession of adoration. He murmured something, some word of endearment in Ravkan so old she could only just recognize it as the most distant echo of the language she spoke, his intonation grave and pure. He kissed her temple and spot beside her mouth where she dimpled when she smiled, each caress filled with a tremendous warmth and the most generous affection that asked her for nothing, praised her for everything, that conveyed respect and delight without any demand or condition.
“I don’t want you,” he said.
“You don’t,” she said, as evenly as she could. He saw the self-control she mustered to keep the remark a statement, not a question.
“I love you,” he replied. “That is something beyond want, beyond need.”
“I don’t believe you,” she said. He would argue now, that he had given her ample evidence of his uncompromising devotion, had shared himself in degrees unfamiliar to anyone else living, had made love to her with a near-abandon and sought her with an unflagging determination; he would make excuses for the stag’s collar and the Fold, excuses for himself and excuses for her. He would argue and she would stop him with her mouth on his, taking the words from his tongue with her own ravishing.
“I know, moya dusha, I know and I carry that, the way I carry the wounds on my face, my hand,” he said. “I hope you will stop needing to believe and will begin to feel. To know that whatever mistakes I have made—and there have been too many—that I have loved you throughout, so thoroughly I could not always have recognized it, as I could not always be aware of the blood in my veins, the thoughts that I would dream when I dared to sleep.”
“A pretty speech,” she said. She tried to sneer and failed, the words uttered with more despair than she would have liked him to have noticed.
“A pack of lies is what you mean, but I cannot find a way to make the truth truer,” he said. “I would ask you to consider, for your own safety, those you have decided to join forces with, their motives, their actions and the consequences thereof—”
“Because you’re so much better? So much kinder and gentler?” she snapped.
“Marie, Pavel and Polina are not here to speak for themselves, but they died for you and the Little Palace, at the hands of the ones you call allies,” Aleksander said. “You have told me yourself of Orestev’s choices. Nikolai is the best of the Lantsovs but true only to himself, absent when the people have needed him most. It may take more to kill you than an otkazat’sya, but Grisha, Summoners such as we are, are not true immortals. I have trusted the wrong people myself. I have paid the price in my own blood and in the breath of those I loved most dearly. I would not have that for you. Become a Sankta if you will—don’t become a martyr.”
“You’re not being fair,” she said. He touched her cheek again, brushed back the hair coming loose around her face. No one had ever looked at her with such an expression before, knowing and care inextricable, Alina herself precious.
“I’m sorry I haven’t made a world for you where that matters,” he said. “I tried, Saints know I’ve tried but I failed. I didn’t want this for you—”
“I’m not a child,” she said.
“You are my beloved, whatever I am to you,” he said. “I’ll leave you now, but you have only to call for me and I will answer.”
“And if I don’t call? If I never call?” she asked.
“I will still wait for you. Waiting in a world you live in is nothing to me—I waited so long in the world before you came, when you were only a hope, not Alina,” he said, smiling at her. His dark eyes shone, perhaps with tears. The tether made it difficult to ascertain, though she tasted salt in her own mouth. He began to retreat, the space between them opening, his image losing definition.
“Don’t,” she said, her impulse made into a word, a gesture with her palm outstretched, the one that would take his injured hand. She hadn’t stopped herself, finding, when she considered it, that she didn’t want to.
“Don’t go.”
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