#Their delay made me half an hour late for my lunch break :(
sseniita · 1 day
unscheduled comfort
Hero’s schedule has found itself to be very full. She’s asked for a total of a week in extensions, called to be covered at work four times this month, meticulously rationed her four hours of sleep and finally, organized her crime fighting into appointments. And so, it’s safe to say that when the villain had missed his appointment- she was upset. 
Every other villain in the city has been completely uncooperative on the shared calendar the hero had sent out, but the villain was always in time and at their planned locations. She had started to look forward to the only consistent thing in her life. 
She shrugged on her old, tattered jacket. It’s gonna rain. Great. She looked at her phone and tapped her foot impatiently. 
Five minutes passed. 
Ten minutes. 
Fifteen minutes. 
Thirty minutes. Thirty minutes late. 
“Thirty minutes late!” She screamed into the pay phone, searching her pockets for more quarters. “You are thirty minutes late! At this point I won’t make it to work and I’ll get fired and I won’t be able to pay for school and I’ll die homeless!” 
“Can you- argh- can’t we postpone?” The rain pattering rhythmically on the phone box made the villain’s voice sound staticy and muffled.  
“That isn’t the point! The point is no one listens to me and I’m trying my best here! Besides, my schedule is so overfilled that next week I’m going to have to prepare a presentation during my lunch break at work!” She glanced at the broken screen on her phone. “I’m gonna be late to work because of you and I can’t get fired because being a hero pays in applause and bruises. I can’t pay my bills with fan letters, Villain!” 
“Hero- now is not the time-” The villain’s voice stopped mid sentence and the hero could hear the slight murmur of a voice on the other line. The hero held the phone closer after putting in two more quarters. 
“Who is that?” she asked in between the murmurs. 
“I- Can you shut up for a second” the hero started at the phone in disgust. The phone was muffled by something so that only the villain’s voice was clear. 
“What? No. No way. She can wait… No, this was planned… So what if I double booked… I don’t… You’re joking… Dear Lord, fine!” 
The hero tried to make sense of the betrayal currently taking place. The villain was having some sort of disagreement with the mystery person- and they had lost. Whoever the mystery person was- they were able to overpower the villain in an argument. They had the hero’s respect… and fear. 
The villain’s clear voice through the phone made her stand up straighter. “Are you in the usual place?” The villain was curt, annoyed. 
“Oh. Uh, ya. Are you coming?” The hero heard the villain’s scoff before the line went dead with two more minutes. Waste of two quarters. 
The hero hung the phone on the receiver and stared out onto the rain flooding the streets. The lights reflected on the pavement almost looked pretty, but they quickly blurred into ugly splotches as the hero tried to blink away the wet from her eyes. She hadn’t noticed when she started crying or how long she had been motionless in the phone box. A salty tear reached the edge of her lips and the cold and tiredness dawned on her. 
She reached into one of the thirty pockets her windbreaker had and pulled out her phone. 
13%. An hour and a half till my shift starts. I can fight the villain for twenty minutes and if I leave right after I’ll make it to work about 45 minutes late, and I can work on my paper on the train- oh wait. I can’t. My phone is basically dead. Cool. 
A knock on the phone box startled her into a sobering alertness. She quickly wiped her tears, wrapped her jacket closer to herself and opened the door, muttering a “sorry” before b-lineing towards an alleyway. 
“Hold on, Hero.” A hand found itself on her shoulder. Villain. The fear was delayed. There was no way she’d be able to fight him in the state. Her joints were locking, she couldn’t feel her fingers, and her nose was all snotty. This was it. Goodbye cruel world. 
“You-” Her body seemed to work on autopilot as it turned to face the villain. She found herself in a defensive position, ready to take a hit. Until her eyes caught what the villain was wearing. The tips of his leather shoes were shiny from the rain,  he was wearing a pair black slacks that elegantly hit right at his ankles. He couldn’t see his presumably also impeccable shirt due to the cozy and warm coat he had on. Black, warm cashmere that hit right almost to his knees. The hero thought for a second that maybe theft wasn’t a bad idea. She could use that coat as a blanket. Or sell the buttons and buy a house. The possibilities are endless. “-aren’t even ready! Where is your suit?” She finished. 
The villain rolled his eyes. Pushing his hair to the back with his free hand. The other hand rested an umbrella against his shoulder, keeping his dry. I could sell the umbrella and buy a car, she thought. “Neither are you, do you think you can fight me in jeans and- are you ok?” 
“I’m fine, thank you very much. It’s raining. Can we get this over with?” She answered, not bothering to wipe away the snot from her nose. 
The villain stared at her for a second, the hero knew the villain knew she was probably crying. But she couldn’t be bothered to care. She wanted to finish this and get to her shift, and then to her tiny room and tinier bed in her three bedroom-five roommate apartment. 
“Right. We’re not fighting today.” The villain turned away, the hero hadn’t noticed the umbrella was above her head until the villain began walking towards the curb. 
‘What do you mean we’re not fighting! We-”
From the distance they heard the honk from a stalling car by the road. Inside it was a woman yelling in their direction. In the dark, all that Hero could make out was the faint silhouette of brown Hollywood curls and the sparkle reflecting off shiny jewelry. The woman yelled at them. 
“She’s soaked! Give her the umbrella!” 
The villain sighed, walking back to the hero and handing her the umbrella. All the hero could do was accept it and watch the villain walk away. Then turn back. And then walk back. 
“Can we please get going? We’re already late.” 
“Huh? Late to what? What’s going on?” Perhaps it was the tiredness or confusion or fear of the mystery person in the car that let the hero be directed by the villain towards the car. 
“I have an ultrasound appointment. We’re going.” 
The hero could only laugh humorlessly as they approached the car- completely numb. “Are you pregnant?”
“No.” They reached the car where, from the passenger’s seat, a beautiful woman was beaming at the hero. “My wife is.” 
The woman held out a hand through the open car window. “I’m belle! I’m so sorry, my husband booked your flight and my ultrasound at the same time, we’re running late but I promise we’ll drive you anywhere you want after the appointment!” The hero couldn’t find it in herself to not shake the beautiful woman’s hand. 
Belle’s voice was the same one the hero tried to put on when she was on television or doing an interview that ‘needed to inspire hope in the hearts of the citizens.’ Except Belles’ came naturally, a joyous and light voice that warmed the hero right up. The hero could only do a nervous and shaky version of it, though. 
“Gosh, you’re much younger than I thought you’d be.” Belle added, with a rather pointed look at the villain- her husband. 
The hero often found pride in herself by knowing what to say. From cheeky one-liners to perfectly crafted emails. But now, in the cold, villain’s hand on her shoulder, and the warmth radiating off this woman, she was disoriented and all she could think to say was; 
“You’re making another one of him?” Belle laughed, the hero was practically sweating. “Villain- wha-” 
“Get in the car, bootlicker.” 
“Honey, don’t be mean!” 
“Get in the car, oh holy and gracious hero.” 
Being seated in the back seat of Villain’s car was sobering, Hero could care less if she was about to be killed. Perhaps they honorably discharge her from her burger flipping job once they’d find out. 
“By the way, I’m a huge fan! And I’m so sorry that you’re being forced to fight my husband. I swear I thought you two were about the same age.” 
“Thanks, I appreciate your support.” Said the hero automatically. “Um. No, we’re like 20 years apart.” 
“I’m 31, hero.” Said the villain, turning the keys into the ignition.
Belle laughed. “Awe, so you’re so charming! I’ll make sure Villain takes it easier on you, honey. Oh! Here, please have a tissue. It’s cold out isn’t it. Villain, take off your coat to give it to the hero-” 
Belle continued talking and as much as the hero wanted to ask a million questions, the evening had become dark and the passing cars hypnotized into a soothing sleep she wasn’t able to fight. 
The last bit she heard before her head hit the window comfortably was Belle speaking to the Villain. 
“Awe, look she’s sleeping. She must be exhausted.” 
“I’m not sure where she lives- to drop her off. Can you wake her up?” 
“Oh, absolutely not. Poor girl, she's so young. I can’t believe this is your nemesis. She’s barely out of highschool. Let’s take her home, she can stay in the guest room. Just for a while. Awe, she’s adorable.” 
“Love, she gave me a black eye last month.”
And it all went dark and peaceful and warm.
sorry for not updating btw!!! been busy with work and school grrrr hero is so me FR!!!
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femme-malewife · 11 months
Tomorrow marks my 6th day working at my new job and Monday will be my 7th/weekiversary....
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strawberryblue-blog · 4 months
Fermin: female reader x Fermin Lopez where they have been dating for a while but recently they had problems & have been having stupid fights. The reader has been stressed with school and him with pressure brought by his recognition in the first team. Maybe he’s acting weird & distant, which leads to a fight between them and them taking a break. Angst plot where the reader has an accident ( car accident or something smaller- up to you) and Fermin confirms how much he loves her and doesn’t want to loose her. Fluff ending where he takes care of her during her recovery.
Comeback to me —Fermin Lopez.
summary: read the request.
warnings: none. fights, bad words, car accident, injuries, etc. sad, angst, cute, fluff.
words: +4.5k
#SEXYNOTE: I apologize if there are errors. I use the translator since English is not my first language. I hope the person who asked for this enjoys it as much as i enjoy writing it.
Thanks for the support 🎀🪽
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You sighed as you flipped through the channels on the television while holding the ice cream spoon to your mouth. At least ten minutes ago you were looking for something to watch on TV but couldn't find anything interesting.
Fermin was supposed to be here a while ago but there was no sign. You looked at your phone to see if he had left a message but nothing. You had prepared lunch and had had to eat after it was getting late, surely the training had been delayed. He hadn't seen your message and he wasn't answering your calls either so you were starting to worry.
You weren't going to go to sleep until he came back or at least you would hear from him. So you sat on the couch watching something with your bowl of ice cream. Your thoughts were scattered, you couldn't stop thinking if something had happened but you didn't want to think negative. Sometimes it was delayed because the coach gave them an extra talk or they missed their schedule and stayed in training.
You turned your phone back on and immediately sent a new message but still no news. You let out an exhausted sigh again, throwing the controller away from you and eating more of your ice cream.
You didn't want to bother him so much, you were having a hard time and bothering him was the last thing you wanted to do if he was out of the house. Lately you had been focused on your studies and had left his relationship a little bit but you tried to wait for him in the evenings, make food or clean the house so he wouldn't have to worry about everything after training. You had to admit that you felt your relationship was a bit distant these days, you hadn't even seen enough of each other this week. The fights had been constant over the smallest things and you wanted to apologize for that, so now that you were free you had decided to prepare everything for Fermin and wait for him.
After a while, when you had finished all the ice cream in your bowl, you heard the sound of the door opening. Worried, you watched Fermin enter with his bag, but you sighed at the sound of him coming in all right.
"Hello" he greeted somewhat concerned to see you sitting there.
"Hi Fermin" you said with a smile.
"What are you doing awake?" he asked putting down his things. He seemed surprised to see you sitting there.
You raised your eyebrows in confusion.
"I was waiting for you" you mentioned. He nodded taking off his sweatshirt. "Was training late?" you wanted to know.
"No, it was normal" he said sitting down next to you.
You grimaced in confusion. "A lot of traffic?" you asked again.
"No" he denied simply.
"I made you dinner, I told you this morning that I would be home after school and that I would take care of everything" you told him sighing.
Fermin remained silent.
"I texted you, I even called you" you insisted ballasting the phone that was in your hand.
You had spent at least an hour and a half texting him with your heart in your mouth from the scare you were having.
"I took Gavi home and he invited me to dinner, sorry I forgot to tell you" he commented and your heart broke.
I forgot to warn you? You didn't mind him staying at Gavi's, but you had told him you were staying home today and had been working hard on his dinner. You would have liked to have gotten a message of his warning too, at least to go to bed early.
"Okay" you said getting up from the couch.
Clearly things between you were not right some time ago. I don't know why you had tried to do everything for Fermín, you should have talked about it before. You felt forgotten and offended, he seemed to show zero interest in spending time with you. In the morning you had tried to talk to him but you had to leave early for class and Fermín was still sleeping but you had made sure to let him know that you were in charge of dinner.
Almost on the verge of tears, you walked silently to the table. You put the dishes and the food together, putting everything away in its place. You were tired and wanted to go to bed as quickly as possible. You had come up a hard morning and your effort hadn't paid off at all, so you were overcome with this situation.
"Are you mad?" you heard him coming. You turned your back to him, washing what was left in the sink.
"No" you said slowly.
You weren't angry, you were disappointed. You were tired of this same situation, the pointless fights that went through you every day. So you didn't want to fall into the same thing.
"Yes you are" he snorted coming up behind you.
It seemed like Fermin was more mad at you than you were at him. why was he even mad? It was unfair. You had been the one who had been stood up after preparing a whole dinner for him.
"It's just that you could have at least texted, I could have gone to rest earlier" you tell him resting your hands on your waist as you finish.
"That's all you do!" he yells and his tone of voice catches you off guard. "If you're not sleeping, you're out of the house or studying - all day!" he raises his voice again.
His reproach freezes you. He's right, your last few days have been studying, going to class and going back to sleep in an endless loop. It was the end of the semester and you had exams, reports, group work, etc. You couldn't blame him, you also felt like you were giving up on the relationship but you also felt tired and needed to pass. Studying a demanding college degree was stressful and your days were getting harder and harder but you didn't give up.
"You get mad because I went out with the guys one night but you are never here, you don't even ask me how training went, you don't care about me at all" he says angrily and you look at him incredulously.
Of course you care about him. Of course you care about his training, but you can't neglect your studies either. You didn't see each other much and you kept different schedules, it was clear that it was hard to see each other and talk. But you always worried about him, you thought about if he was doing well and if he needed anything he would come for you.
"You think it's my damn fault I have a demanding career?" you say in the same way he does.
I wasn't going to put all the blame on you, not when he didn't seem to be there for you either. In the mornings you'd call him to have breakfast together but he'd say he'd stay in bed a while longer and you'd let him, since he used to train late. But when you tried to get close, he wouldn't seem to let you.
"I try to do the best I can every day, this week I was a little more free and I told you so, Fermin!" you reproached him in a shout.
You were a little upset and angry because of his attitude, not because of the recent situation. He wasn't the only one suffering, you were also stressed and felt you couldn't take it anymore. It's true, you had become strangers these last weeks but now you were trying to fix things and Fermin didn't even show up at the house.
"Don't blame me for everything!" you squeak out.
You want to get away from him, walk to the bedroom and go to sleep. You know that if you keep fighting this will have another ending and you're not at your best time to argue. You were already exhausted enough to listen to his reproaches.
"You know what it takes to be on the first team, it's my dream and you don't care!" he yells when you try to pull away. "I needed you to be there for me but you do nothing but sit between your books and you don't even remember the games!"
Your heart breaks when you hear him. You had forgotten about watching his first team games and now you felt worse than before. But he was being unfair. You were proud of Fermin, you always had been. You were so supportive of his dream and with your schedule you hadn't been able to be there for him as much. Playing in the first team was important to Fermín and you knew he had worked hard but it wasn't all about him. It was a fifty-fifty relationship.
"Did you even ask how I did on my final exams?" you snatch. "You weren't interested either and it's important to me too, Fermin!" you shout back with tear-filled eyes.
You are angry, sad and disappointed. With you and with Fermín. You have both hurt each other with your words and your distancing. It's both your fault, you can admit it. And you want to do everything to recover your relationship, you even prepared a delicious dinner for him, you wait for him until late hours and now you are the one who cries.
Fermin sighs with his hands on his head. He won't say anything else. He always does when you argue. Arguments had become more frequent in your relationship and even the slightest thing was the trigger for a fight. You were tired of it, you were tired of putting up with it.
"Can't you if you want be happy for me?" he says after a silence. "You always put yourself first, this started because of you and it won't end because of you" his words stab like daggers in your chest.
"You started it!" you scream but sigh calming yourself down. "It's always going to be my fault, isn't it?" your voice drops in pitch and you force yourself to calm this down.
You can't believe it but continuing to add fuel to his fire is not the solution. He's angry and he won't change his mind until one of you gives in and you're willing to be that person. You love him. You've always wanted the best for him, but that doesn't mean you're giving up on yourself.
"You're not the victim!" she insists again and you lower your arms in surrender.
"I'm sorry, okay?" you say sincerely trying to calm things down. "It's been a rough few days for both of us, we don't have to do this."
He lets out a snort. He sighs and you can see his hard stare shatter like glass. He shakes his head from side to side, thinking. You want to speak but the words don't come out of your mouth, you're both at a loss. You're scared of what he's thinking, because you know him so well you know the next thing he says could be as good or as bad.
"I think we'd better take some time."
His words are enough to overwhelm what little was left healthy in your heart. Your eyes leak endless tears and you want to refuse, to take him in your arms and hug him but you're hurt and you can't respond. You are paralyzed. You stand there as you watch him dodge you to enter the room, watch him take his things. You walk slowly to the door and lean against it.
"Fermin" you whisper in pain. "No..." you ask sobbing.
Maybe he's exaggerating, you want to think. But it seems very real. His mind seemed made up, he was very confident putting his bag together. You walk up to him and try to grab his things and take them out of the bag but Fermin stops you, wrapping his hands gently around your hands. Your eyes say 'what are you doing' But Fermin's eyes say nothing in response.
"We're hurting each other, y/n, we can't go on like this" he says looking at you. You deny in tears. "Look at you, look at me."
You're a mess and as much as he looks whole, you know he's broken just like you. Deep down you know he's right but you keep refusing, you can't let go.
"We can fix it..." you try to say but he interrupts you.
"I know, Y/n" he drops everything and comes so close to you. "But we need it, we both need time, we each have to make a decision" his hands wrap around your face full of tears and pain.
You keep shaking your head, you don't need time. You just need to rest but not from Fermín. You love him, you have a relationship of four years and you don't want it all to end because of a damn fight. It's not just that though and you know it. You saw the pain in his eyes, Fermin was suffering. You didn't want to give in to this thing you two had, you couldn't. But both he and you, you knew perfectly well that this was for the best.
"It will only be until this gets better" he says caressing you.
"And if it doesn't get better?" you ask trembling. "Will we give up everything we have?" you say again.
He doesn't respond and that makes you swallow saliva that feels like poison in your system. Instead, his lips kiss your forehead softly and you feel your whole body go numb. You wrap his waist around your waist and hug yourself tightly to him. His warmth invades you and you let yourself be carried away in the feeling of his last embrace.
Your heart bleeds, your mind is drifting, you don't want to let him go but you have to.
"I love you, baby" he whispers in your ear.
"Come back to me, Fermin" you ask sobbing. Your boyfriend smiles at you and caresses your back one last time.
You feel your soul leave your body the very moment his arms let go of you, you stand there empty, your heart shattered. You see him take his things and he says goodbye with a last smile. A smile that hits you like an arrow in the chest, leaving you breathless as you watch his back disappear from his home. The home you had created and loved, now felt like a cold, empty apartment.
I can't bear to see him go but there is no choice. He asked you for time and you know you need it too. You both have neglected this relationship and neither of you are to blame, that's just the way it is. That's life, sometimes you get apples and sometimes you get stones. You get to your bed and fall into it with the memories of all the nights you slept together, his scent is still intact in your nose, in the sheets, in the air. You cry again and this time you let it all out.
You don't know how you will go on after this but at least you have to try, you need to think, you need time, you need to find yourself.
You need to find yourself in that relationship and in Fermin, you trust you. So time will tell.
At the end of the day, if there's one thing time can do, it's heal, right?
At least you pray so because you're not ready to let him go, you love him enough to end this.
'Comeback to me, please' you beg in your head wishing he would come back to you as soon as possible and that this was all a dream.
You stand in front of the mirror, staring at your reflection as tears slide down your cheeks. The echo of his words echo in your mind: "I need time". Each word weighs like a burden on your heart, and you feel sadness envelop you like a shadow.
You try to remember the exact moment when everything changed but the reasons fade away in tears and lost whispers. The photographs on the wall look back at you, capturing moments that now seem far away. Every corner of your room seems to contain the echo of her laughter, but now everything is shrouded in bitter silence.
After a few weeks, you had finally been able to get out of bed today. You hadn't even touched your college stuff, your friends used to bring you your notes and then you went back to bed. You hadn't seen Fermin since then, all his stuff was still here and you were beginning to wonder if he would ever come for it or just leave it there. You had had too much time to think and your decision remained the same, you loved Fermin and you didn't need more time. But you respected his decision and tried to stay out of it, you hadn't called him, you hadn't texted him. He seemed to be fine, now he was playing games with the first team, scoring goals, assists and playing very well. You were proud and still supported him from the couch at home, you hadn't told anyone about his "break up" you didn't even know if you had really broken up but it felt like one.
The phone remains in your hands, tempting you to dial its number but you stop yourself. You wonder if time will really heal the wounds or if it will only prolong the agony. As the nights grow longer, you sink into a sea of memories that seem to fade like a dream upon awakening.
Tears fall with the same intensity as broken promises and you cling to the hope that someday time will give you back the peace it took from you today. In the midst of sadness, you face the difficult task of letting go, even though every step seems like an abyss in your soul. But you have to move on, now that you are back to classes your mind will be occupied with other things and you will be able to recover. At least you hope so but everything has been harder since Fermin left and every time you remember something about him, you want to cry. But you kept forcing yourself to stay strong.
You grabbed your things, finishing getting ready. You texted your friend that you were leaving on a trip to look for her and you saw that the sky was dark gray, it was sure to rain at any moment, so you had to hurry to get to class before the rain.
The gray sky loomed over the city as you drove through the streets, drops began to fall from the sky in small amounts but as you kept going you could see the roads getting wet. The drops hit the windshield and visibility was reduced, making every turn a challenge. The rain was falling heavily, turning the streets into mirrors reflecting the lights of the city. You were concentrating on the steering wheel, fighting blurred vision. As you rounded a curve, the left wheel slipped in a puddle, and control of the car vanished in an instant, you did your best to regain control but in vain. The metallic sound of the crash echoed as your car crashed into the guardrail.
The impact left you dazed, adding to the shock of the accident, the smell of dampness and gasoline filled the air. When you opened your eyes, you noticed the tinkling of rain on the roof of your vehicle. The car had gone flying into the guardrail off the road but at least it hadn't rolled. Your heart was pounding and your pulse was trembling, you sighed trying to calm your shock. You were fine, it had only been a minor accident.
Your left leg hurt intensely but when you checked yourself, you noticed that the injuries seemed to be limited to minor cuts. However, the difficulty in moving your leg indicated deeper damage so you left it still.
You saw a group of people approach you and ask you if you were okay, they quickly assisted you and called the ambulance. Soon, the flashing red lights of an ambulance became visible in the rain. The paramedics carefully helped you out after they made a quick examination of what had happened, placing you on the stretcher as the water continued to fall mercilessly. The siren echoed in the night as they sped to the hospital, the lights of the city flickering in the fogged glass of the ambulance.
Entering the hospital was a whirlwind of bright lights, rushing voices and the steady murmur of rain. It was all right, you still wanted to call someone and as soon as you were asked for the number of a relative, you thought of Fermin. Normally he was the one you called when you had problems or needed something but now he wasn't feeling well, you didn't want to bother him, so you opted to tell your mother. Still dazed, you were taken to a room where the smell of disinfectant mingled with the dampness of your wet clothes. The doctors checked your wounds, confirmed the fracture in your leg and ordered rest. You never stopped thinking about Fermin at any moment, even when your mother was with you holding you back, you wanted him to be there too, he always was. And it didn't add up that your mother kept asking about him while you blatantly lied that he was busy with training.
They decided to keep you in the hospital for a day to check that everything was normal. They did the corresponding tests, prescribed medication for your bruises and pain. So now you were waiting for your mother who was supposed to bring food. You were lying down still thinking about the shock you had gone through when you heard the door, opened your eyes and found the figure of the boy who stole your sighs.
"Y/n" he sobbed running to you. He wrapped his arms around you completely, your senses responded to him immediately. Your heart raced and the pain in your body was gone, it was like pure magic.
A tear ran down your cheek as you felt his touch again, so delicate, so warm, so familiar as you remembered. You had missed him so much.
"It's my fault, i'm so sorry" he whispered still squeezing you. "I should never have left you, i was an idiot" he said chastising himself.
"No, Fermin" you said enjoying his embrace. "It's nobody's fault, it was an accident" you tell him trying to calm him down.
His eyes were red, probably because he had cried on the way to the hospital. His face was sad and worried, his grip touched you as if he had needed you all this time.
"I was so scared, I thought something had happened to you.... I-I" you cut him off.
"It's all right, i didn't mean to upset you" you smiled a little.
Your heart was happy to see him back, you missed so much his voice, his skin, his affection, everything. But you didn't want to give yourself false illusions so you kept on the sidelines. Everything had happened too fast, you were not over him and life had taught you a lesson. So you lived every moment as unique and tried to smile in spite of everything, you were safe and sound.
"You don't bother me, quite the contrary" he said kissing your forehead. "I'm glad to know that everything is fine, that you are well" he caresses your head and you nod.
"Mom called you?" you asked shyly. He nodded.
Did he tell her that you...? You wanted to ask but you felt shy under his deep gaze.
You had never been shy with Fermin but everything had changed. You felt ashamed of what had happened, the fights, the separation and now the accident. You didn't know how to react, so much had happened in such a short time. You wanted to be happy to have him back but you didn't know if he was going to stay and that truth hurt.
"I'll stay the night with you, is that okay? I told your mom she could go rest, I'll take care of you" he asked now, sounding friendly.
"Sure, of course" you whispered with a smile.
There was an overwhelming silence, the two of you stared at each other for a few seconds until Fermin lets out a big sigh that surprises you.
"I'm really sorry, Y/n" he says in shock. "I was an idiot, I don't know why I pushed you away" he continues.
You want to say things too but you let him do the talking first, you are afraid that now he will ask you for a definitive separation and you don't want to get hurt again. Things between you have changed and you feel that you are no longer the same but deep down you still love each other unconditionally as before. At least you feel that way and you have no doubt about it.
"I thought you didn't care anymore, you were into something else, I even thought you didn't love me anymore" he sits on the space left over on the bed and grips your hands deliriously. "I neglected you, i distrusted you and i hurt you" his eyes fill with tears.
Your chest hurts but not by accident but because of all the feelings that bloom from it. Your tears don't take long to come at the sight of him like this, shattered in you.
"I was selfish, i wanted time because i thought you felt different things too but you didn't. I love you so much, i don't want to be without you" his hands squeeze yours with every word and he makes you feel at home.
"Don't blame yourself, Fermin" you reply caressing his cheek. "It was both of us, i also distance and neglected you, we were both estranged".
"No, you didn't give up" he sobs. "I hurt you, i asked you for us to walk away, you wanted to fight for us, for me" he says disappointed.
You shake your head. Deep down you knew he wanted to fight too but you saw going through a bad time and maybe it was right. No one knows what is right or wrong, he had the right to ask for his time and you had the right to respect him.
"I thought every night about you, i wanted to call you, i wanted to see you, i wanted to touch you but i didn't deserve it, i hurt you" again his tears wrap his cheeks but you take care to wipe them away so his beautiful face doesn't get splashed with them.
You want to jump with happiness, hug him, kiss him, shout how much you love him, you want to go home with Fermin and go back to the way you were before. Your love for him is still intact deep in your heart, Fermin knows it and feels the same. You were made for each other, with all the good and the bad.
"I'm really sorry, love" he apologizes for the third time. You smile towards him with nothing more to say.
"Stop talking and kiss me" you ask desperate to feel his lips on yours again.
Fermin smiles and fulfills your wish, kissing you softly as if for the first time. It feels warm, tender and delicate, his sweet lips caress you gently and you let yourself go from the feeling of bliss. There are no words for the moment, you just enjoy his gentle kiss.
"When your mom called me and told me what had happened I was so scared, Y/n. I thought i was losing you and i couldn't let that happen" his hands take your face and pulls you closer to him.
Butterflies flutter in your belly like the first time, his hands sweat and your pulse quickens as you feel so close to him. You can't even think how much you miss having Fermin, touching him, feeling him, smelling him.
"I love you so much" he whispers. "I don't want time or space, i don't want to have you far away, i want to be with you, i want to fight for us, i want to have you and take care of you. I want to comeback to you" he says with his forehead on yours.
The feelings you have for Fermin bloom like flowers in spring, they had never faded, you felt every word like band-aids in your heart, his touch is like a pain reliever, his eyes on you are like the light of the sun itself. You are spellbound, you love him so much you can't help but smile.
"I'm so sorry, i love no one but you. I'm in love with you, every part of you, y/n" he says caressing you. "I regret what o said that night, i should never have doubted us, i'm not giving up on you ever again."
'I want to come back to you' the words he used seconds ago echo in your mind like an echo, you had used the same words the night it all ended.
'Come back to me, Fermin' you said through tears begging for him to come back that night. And he did. And that makes you immensely happy.
Your foreheads stay glued together for a few seconds as you pull apart from your kiss, your cheeks rosy, your eyes shining, your smiles contagious. He helps you settle in, just enough to make room beside you and leans against you. Your head rests on his chest and there is no pain, no sadness whatsoever. You are at peace, surrounded by what you love most, ready to recover and go home tomorrow.
Over the weeks, the pain lessened but the bond between you grew stronger. Since Fermin came home, everything had been better. He took it upon himself to take care of you every moment, to help you with your chores, to do things around the house, to pamper you and take care of you.
Together, you celebrated small triumphs in this new chapter: the first walk outdoors, the shared laughter during a movie and the simple moments that became significant.
When the day finally came that you were able to return to your normal life, you did so with a renewed appreciation for the beauty of routine and the value of unconditional support. Your "parting" not only marked a challenging chapter but also wove a narrative of resilience and love that would endure long after the traces of the moment faded. You were back to your old selves, only this time you supported each other no matter what. You trusted, you talked, you learned, you endured.
You were willing to find new ways to connect, to love and support each other. To build new memories that would last in their memories for the rest of their lives. The daily routine was transformed into a ballet of love and patience.
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tamagochiie · 3 years
a line without a hook | part three.
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part three. “merely tolerable, really.”
chapter synopsis. Had you known freedom tasted like this, you wouldn’t have bothered to form an attachment with Mr. Ackerman. Was there really a point in what you were doing? 
word count. 7.5k
tags. swearing, angst, tones of misogyny
notes. This is a very late post, and I apologize for that, but I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. As for the upcoming chapter for this week, there may been another delay. I’ve been swamped with a lot of assignments and its my finals week, so I hope you all understand :/ 
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<< part two. | part four. >>
Your mother always told you gossip to women is like honey to a swarm of flies: you can catch more of them depending how sweet the scandal is. But she never thought to tell you what it'd be like if you were the honey, that the women would stick to you, drinking the life out of every little thing you do and unpack it together with their girl friends over afternoon tea and biscuits.
Your name, along with Mr. Ackerman's, had travelled from one tongue to the other in the last four days.
Each story are more intricately fabricated than the last. You heard all sorts of things, too many thing to keep track of — something about Mr. Ackerman's family background and more so yours, but you didn't want to pay heed over something that didn't come directly from the man himself.
And just the other day, while you commuted to town to deliver Reiner's forgotten lunch, you overhead a group of women whispering that you were already singing with the church bells.
You had shuddered at the thought and assumed it was something your mother must've cooked up given how she easily melted at Mr. Ackerman's feet when he came to visit a few days ago.
You and Mr. Ackerman were both aware that his visit, and all the kind and loving words he had said before you and your family, were merely for show. And that it was for purpose of sweeping your house clean of all trespassers and violators of your freedom.
But nonetheless, even with a letter that came to heed you of his visit, you were still left utterly speechless.
Mr. Ackerman had strolled into your cozy home, he hadn't been swathed in his usual drab choice of clothing, but settled with more pleasing fashion that didn't say,"I'm pessimistic and moody, and I've got a reputation for killing for sport".
He had been bathed in shades of blue, but still leaned on the darker side of the color spectrum. It had been a good change save for his signature cravat, and it led you to wonder just how many he owned.
You came to the conclusion he owned quite enough to be stitched together and make a thick and long blanket to last through the winter.
However, what had left you gobsmacked and rapidly blinking in succession was not Mr. Ackerman's slight change of style, but the little smirk across his lips while he spoke to your mother. His tone hadn't been clipped and did not drip in annoyance, but was a twinge softer — completely out of pocket for a man with a reputation for being dark and brooding.
Sasha, on the other hand, had been easily tickled in pure curiosity by Mr. Ackerman, poking and prodding him with peculiar and rather personal questions. You had expected he'd yell at her, seeing he'd be the kind of person to do that.
But he didn't snap. It was obvious his patience had been wearing thing, so he kept his replies quick and short just like his temper.
Pieck never spoke a word, but had instead observed the exchange as she sat on the couch, sandwiched between Connie and Jean while your mother had done her best to entertain Mr. Ackerman in small talk even though the man reeks of disdain for it.
Though Mr. Ackerman had successfully wooed your mother, and probably the rest of your sisters and Connie, Reiner was anything but.
Your brother protectively glued himself to your side, glaring down at Mr. Ackerman with a vexed look plastered across his scruffy face. Unfortunately, Reiner's attempt to be intimidating had fallen short and made you not only you, but Mr. Ackerman, suppress a stifling laugh.
Regardless of your brother's wishes, Mr. Ackerman's visit had been deemed fruitful. Your mother's eyes as well as her heart completely set on Mr. Ackerman and Mr. Ackerman alone.
To which both requests you firmly nodded and smiled at.
But your smile had been quick to fade.
You agreed to this little sham because you admired your freedom, but ever since Mr. Ackerman's visit, despite no men coming to bother you from the early hours of the morning till the late afternoon, you find yourself anything but free.
Your mother, the seventh circle of your personal hell, has taken it upon herself to berate you—tells you to make more of an effort on your appearance. She'll comment on how you sit, how you speak or how you eat, and every other thing you do.
You may have been liberated by the lusting grips of men, your mother's iron clad hold on even the thought of you being a few steps away from marriage is much tighter, and much more stubborn than you ever imagined.
So you spend your days hidden in your room, away from your mother and the rest of the world.
Sometimes you'll read or stare out the window, and when you do decide to step out of your little bubble, you'll be sure to check if the coast is clear from any possibly ambushes from your mother.
Though the only time you really do go out is to check the mail to see if Mr. Ackerman has written to you — he has not — or spend some time with your great love, your horse, Maria.
But for the most part, you plant yourself on the couch right up against window sill with your back slumped on the wall and legs sprawled out. You stare outside, not really looking at anything in particular.
Maybe the chickens.
You heavily sigh, fogging up the class as you gaze idly, twirling the ends of your hair. You grow jealous of the chickens and the roosters because at least they have their freedom. Their simple minds and their simple lives; the lay eggs and crow at dawn.
Damn chickens, you seethe in thought.
There's a faint knocking on your bedroom door that cease your internal tanget. You turn your head as the door creaks open, revealing your sister, Sasha, poking her head out between the gap. A friendly smile adorns her pink lips as she holds a plate of food in her hands.
"Can I come in?" She asks, already stepping inside. "I brought you food. You've been cooped up in here for too long, I thought you might be hungry."
You chuckle and motion her to come in.
Sasha moves briskly and steps inside before shutting the door behind her. She tiptoes across the room and over to you. She lightly taps your foot to make room and you swing it off the couch.
She places the tray between the two of you. A few loaves of bread, some grapes, and other fresh fruit that you assume she's stolen from the batch Reiner's supposed to sell.
She swipes the loaf of bread, breaking it in half and hands you the bigger piece before chewing her's down.
"You alright?" She asks, her words muffled by the bread. "Mamma's gotten under your skin, hasn't she?"
You bob your head, humming in response as you eat the bread bit by bit, taking your time.
Sasha follows your line of sight, checking to see what you've been so keenly staring at. Only to find that it's just a bunch of chickens running around.
"I'm overwhelmed," You confess breathily. You pull your legs up to your chest and rest your chin onto your knees. "I don't like the feeling one bit."
"Is it because of Mr. Ackerman?" Sasha looks at you with concern outlining the softness of her face. You don't really reply, just lulling your head in thought. "You surprise me, you know."
"I do?"
Sasha hums delightfully as she takes her last bite of her bread before moving onto the grapes.
"For someone who admires her freedom and never spared an interest in even the thought of forming an attachment, you latched onto Mr. Ackerman rather quickly." Sasha had always been mistaken for an idiot at a surface level, but she's a lot more perceptive than people give her credit for — than you give her credit for. And for once, you hated it. "One could even say that it's a bit...odd. But you've always been off, so maybe it isn't so out of the blue."
"Oh, how you read me so well," You say, sarcasm oozing from your words. You take a quick bite of bread.
"What's he like?"
You shrug your shoulders, pouting in thought. "I've only ever met him thrice," You point out, laughing at the curiosity avidly pooling from her eyes. "There's not much I can judge. If anything, I think you'd know more than me since you've pummeled the poor man with one too many questions."
Sasha takes the tray of food and scooches closer to you before putting it on her lap.
"But that's different! You've gotten first hand experience. Is he really like all the rumors?" She asks, a little too keenly. "Is he really as mean as they say? Because when he visited the house, he seemed too stiff for comfort."
You snort and are quick to cover your mouth to keep the bread from spilling from your lips.
"Mm, well, Mr. Ackerman is man of few words and very few expression, but he seems...genuine?" You don't mean for it to come out sounding like a question, but the more you speak, the more you're hit with the realization you know absolutely no idea who the man is.
All you're really left with is his hatred for attention, and your mutual need for peace. Everything else you try to think of comes up short.
Mr. Ackerman hasn't written a letter to you since his visit. It's not like he said he was going to, but a very small and naive part of you thought he would.
Sasha continues to rain down on you with more questions, but it isn't as persistent as you'd expect her to be. Its either her line of concentration snaps too quickly for you to formulate a response, or she's just too excited to hear more.
You answer what you can until you can no longer think. Eventually you're too tired to talk about you and the subject of the conversation shifts to Sasha.
"Hey, Sasha," You carefully speak between chews, minding the grape in your mouth. Sasha's eyes, still colored in hunger as she takes another loaf of bread, darts to look at you. "What about you, though?"
"You and..." You shift in your seat and lean in. "You and Nicolo - are you two really - Oh! My God, are you alright?"
Sasha nearly chokes on her bread. Clenching her fist, she beats her chest to help soothe the burn in her throat, coughing for air.
"I-I'm fine!" She finally says, swallowing thickly. "Sorry, yes, I'm fine."
"Do you need water?" Sasha shakes her head as she rests her hand on your shoulder to keep you still in case you choose to leave. You move even closer to rub her back to ease her, but once she does, a smirk plays across your lips and chuckle stumbles from your lips. "So, I guess it's true. You and Nicolo really are —"
"Shut up!" Sasha interjects, her head snapping up to look at you with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. "Please! I've had enough of mamma pestering me about this— ever since Pieck decided to tattle on me! If you're going to being just as annoying as her than—"
"I won't be!" You argue, your tone playful and lilting. "I'm only asking, and you're taking forever to say anything!"
"Well, fine! Alright." Sasha sharply huffs in defeat as she tosses her bread onto the tray and sets it back onto the couch. "Yes, okay, I suppose I might have feelings for Nicolo, but I don't know. I can't tell."
"You can't tell...?"
Sasha lets out another breath as she slumps against the wall. Her head tilts up to look at the cracked ceiling before looking back down to you, her bottom lip caught between her teeth as she picks the right words to convey how she feels. She nervously twiddles her thumbs while doing so.
"How do you even know when you like someone?"
You blink at Sasha, taken aback by her question while she looks at you eagerly.
You realize, after a few breaths, you don't have a definite answer because unlike Pieck, you've never really experienced the feeling yourself. You always lived vicariously through fictional characters you read in novels, and Mrs. Bloom's sweet story of how she met her husband.
But other than that, you come up short—you can't tell at all.
"I think I'm the wrong one to ask." You confess, causing Sasha to look at you quizzically as confusion stirs in her mind. "I haven't really found the answer myself, I'm sorry."
Sasha sighs dejectedly.
"It's best to ask Pieck, isn't it?"
"As me what?" Pieck's voice, delicate and laced in curiosity, has your heads turn to the bedroom door.
It seems you were both too deep into your conversation to hear her knocking.
Pieck stands by the door, her olive green dress flows in the gentle window coming from the opened window, her hair into the usual messy, low ponytail that falls down her shoulders; her eyes heavy-laden with sleepiness.
Your eyes trail down to her hand, finding a pile of letters tightly held in it.
"Pieck, what's that?" You ask, dismissing her question with a question.
"Now hold on," Pieck hides the letters behind her back, pressing herself against the door to create even more distance—as if the wide expanse of the room wasn't enough. "What's the question?"
Sasha rolls her eyes. "It's silly."
"Well, if it's from you, I'm sure it is."
Sasha grumbles at Pieck's sarcastic retort, and you watch as your two sisters begin to bicker.
"If you're going to be an ass, I won't tell you." Sasha crosses her arms and twists her body away from Pieck and towards the window, her eyes falling to the clucking hens.
Peick nimbly trots across the floor and over to Sasha's side, crashing into her and quickly wrapping her arms around her shoulders, nosing through Sasha's hair bunched up in a high pony as she rests her chin onto her shoulder.
"Go away!" Sasha growls, her face contorts a sour expression as her attempts to shove Pieck off fails.
"Oh, c'moooon," Pieck coos, peppering kisses over her little sister's cheek, "won't you tell me? I hate being left out, especially when it's the two of you."
Sasha grunts as she tries to pry away from Pieck, but only to be caught in sloppy kisses on the cheek and the temple of her forehead. Though Sasha visibly shows disgust, even you can see that she loves being showered in affection from Pieck.
Pieck, being the eldest and holding the most responsibility, had always held you both with great love and adoration.
"Alright!" Sasha yells in surrender, tangled in the arms of her sister and somehow in a headlock as Pieck sits behind her. "I'll tell you, I'll tell you! Let me go and give me room, please."
Sasha elbows Pieck away from her, giving her enough space to breathe, and you snatch the tray off the couch and onto your lap to keep it from falling.
And as Sasha begins to explain her little dilemma, Pieck comfortably sits herself behind her, propping her chin back onto her shoulder and winding her arm around her waist as she listens intently. Pieck's gentleness doesn't go unnoticed by Sasha, and you watch as she sinks in the hug.
Pieck clicks her tongue, her eyes look at you as she falls into a thought, not deep enough to overthink and get carried away as she finds the answer.
"Hmmm, love and likeness can be complicated, but only if you let it be." You tilt your head at Pieck as she continues on her train of thought. "But you can tell if you like someone if you enjoy being with them and find their company pleasant. Do you find Nicolo's company pleasant?"
Sasha mindlessly hums in thought as her head lulls back on Pieck's shoulder.
"I do, actually." Sasha admits without hesitation. "I think..." She takes a beat to suck her teeth as she continues to think about it a little more, "I like the food he makes and that he, well, never seems to be bothered by me..."
"He's always so kind—like his eyes. His smile's nice, too, I suppose. Whenever he speaks, whether it's about food or well, other things, I can't help but listen."
There it is, the shimmer of affection in her light brown eyes and the oh-so-subtle smile across her lips. You almost miss it, but the world stills around you as you're caught in her bubble.
Pieck gives you a knowing look, smiling playfully.
Without saying a word or even slipping a sound, you and Pieck come to the agreement that Sasha'll have to come to her own realization that he loves him. The question is when she'll arrive at it.
Sasha brushes it off, not wanting to muddle herself any longer. She plucks the letters from Pieck's grasp and eagerly swifts through the pile while humming thoughtfully, completely ignoring Pieck's groan of disdain.
It's the usual; a couple of people from your father's family, inquiring when you're to sell the estate, one from your distant aunt from your mother's side that never bothers to actually visit, but diligently sends letters whether it be rain or shine, and one for —
"You've got a letter!" Sasha chirps, snapping her head up to look at you before shoving it into your hands. "It's from Mr. Ackerman! He's finally written to you!"
You throw your legs over the edge of the couch, sitting upright and fixing your hair as if Mr. Ackerman's just right there, watching you as you open his letter with shaky breaths and nimble fingers.
You quickly but carefully open his letter, scanning through his words and your eyes bulge out of it's sockets.
"What's it say?" Pieck inquires, excitement dripping from her lips as she scooches closer to try and peak at the letter. "Will he be visiting again?"
You shake your head.
"Well, don't be shy!" Sasha whines, "What is it?"
You open and close your mouth, blinking frantically as your shock still rides through your body. "Mr. Ackerman would like me to visit him at his estate next Tuesday."
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When your mother heard news of your presence being requested by Mr. Ackerman, she took it upon herself to teach everything you needed to know about being "prim and proper". She stole your remaining days of peace and prepped you as best as she could.
When it came time for you to leave, she was adamant that you opt to take horseback instead of taking the carriage. All, especially your brother Reiner, were completely against it when they noticed the storm clouds reeling in. But your mother was deeply rooted in her stance, firm like a tree that not even the wind of your brother's disdain could change her mind.
So there you stand, having been caught in the rain, dripping from head to toe as the Smith estate towers over you, as if it's ready to swallow you whole in one go. You have to crane your neck back in a particularly painful angle to get a good look of the entire building, and you’re sure you’re only seeing the very tip of the iceberg.
Your mother warned you it would be much larger than you were used to - you just never imagined it to look like something out of a book.
Shivering and tightly wrapping your coat over you to trap any warmth you might have left with one hand, you swiftly knock on the door with the other. A shuddering breath escapes you when the door creaks open, revealing a servant to greet you in.
“Ah, Miss,” The servant’s eyes widen in fright, flinching back.  His gulp is audible even with the thundering behind you. He scans you from head to toe, and he doesn’t bother to mask his sneering at your drenched frame and all the mud collected at the hem of your skirt. “You must be Miss Blouse, yes?” You greeted him with a sneeze, and briefly apologized. “Come quickly before you catch a cold.”
But your second and most aggressive sneeze yet tells him you might already have one.
“He’s been expecting you,” Is all the servant says before guiding you down that hall.
You rub your eyes, wiping your hairs sticking to your face as you take in the sight before you. The air in the estate is chilly and deadly quiet - enough to hear the sound of your clothes dripping with water and to catch the servant clicking his tongue at you.
You hold your breath; you didn’t think the estate could get any bigger, but it does. The hallway is vast and seemingly endless; portraits of many different men and women - all who you assume were probably family members of Mr. Smith because of the signature blonde hair and blue eyes - canvas over the great walls.
Giddiness tickles down from your chest and into your stomach as you trail behind the servant, your arms swaying to the side with a little skip in your step. You try your best to catch a peak at every room and hall you pass by, but everything moves in blur.
You can’t tell if you’re tired from your travels or if it's the pace you’re walking in. You take deep breaths, trying to pull yourself together as the servant ushers you into the drawing room.
“Mr. Ackerman will be here shortly,” is all he leaves you with, not bothering to spare another breath.
You’re surrounded by more paintings and books, but a particular painting catches your eye. It’s a portrait of a woman relaxed on a chair; she looks nothing like the ones outside.  She has soft features and kind eyes, her lips supple and plump with an endearing smile. Her dark hair flows down to her shoulders, framing her face.
You squint your eyes, inching towards it with your hands clasped behind your back to avoid reaching out to touch it. The longer you stare, you find a weird sense of familiarity in her. But you just can’t -
“You’re wet.” You snap your head towards the gravelly voice to find Levi standing by the door with his brows pulled down in horror. “You’ve tracked in so much rain water, I thought a dog had stalked in.”
“Oh, I’m quite fine - achoo! Thank you for asking - achoo!” Your feeble attempt to shoot down his sarcastic remark is embarrassingly interrupted by your persistent sneezing. You wipe your nose with the back of your glove, earning a look of disgust from Mr. Ackerman. “Excuse me, I got caught in the rain.”
“I couldn’t tell,” He clips with a tight lip. “You could catch a cold -”
“It seems you already have…” Mr. Ackerman groans, and you find yourself picking at your fingers in embarrassment, your head lowered to the floor. “Follow me, I’ll give you something to change out of.”
Mr. Ackerman wastes a single breath, nor does he allow you to. But instead, with the utmost jaded expression on his face, he turns on his heels and leaves the room, expecting you to follow. You have to admit, with a fuzzy feeling buzzing in your head and the sudden sensitivity to the ache in your bones, it takes you a moment to pick up what he says and follow suit.
Has it always been this chilly?
A tremble in your damp coat, exhaling tremulously as you trot down the hall behind Mr. Ackerman. Your struggle for warmth doesn’t fall on dear ears, but it does motivate him to pick up the pace, up the winding steps and into another hallway.
Your shoes continue to click against the marble, passing by paintings and statues; for a moment you mistaken yourself to be wandering around a museum and not someone else’s home. But your head is spinning and you can’t appreciate the art even if you wanted you - you can’t even glance at a painting without wanting to vomit.
Mr. Ackerman comes to a jagged halt, causing you to nearly stumble against him. He glares at you over his shoulder.
“Sorry,” You mutter before stumbling a few steps back to give him space.
“Wait in there,” He instructs dryly, “and I’ll get someone to help you in a bit.”
“Oh, I - I don’t understand -”
“You have a cold,” He points out, “and I don’t think you’ll appreciate it if it were me helping you change out of your clothes.”
Your cheeks flush and your heart paces quickly in your chest; embarrassment overwhelms you and you wish the ground would swallow you up. He’s too direct and it makes your knees a little wobbly along with the rest of your body - you’ve turned into jello.
“Just wait in there and there’ll be a maid to bring you clothes. I’ll meet you again once you’re done.”
“Oh, uh, thank you.” You whisper, your eyes finally snap from the floor and meet Mr. Ackerman’s same old arid visage, but there’s a tenuous, unfamiliar gleam in his eyes you can’t seem to read.
He sternly nods, but just before trodding off you call after him, “Mr. Ackerman?” Your voice hushed and trembly.
“Yes, Miss Blouse?” He watches you expectantly, his head faintly tilting to the side. “Is there something else?”
Ironically, despite Mr. Ackerman coldness and indifference, you can feel that he cares - his warmth. And you can’t help but feel dangerously eager, a little selfish even, for wanting more. You can’t help but want to push further, but you’re reminded of the rumors and prefer not to push your luck.
“Thank you,” You say with a smile, a genuine one that catches him off guard, but not that you can tell with your glossy eyes.  “Thank you fo - achoo! I appreciate your kindness, Mr. Ackerman.”
There’s a very, very subtle blush that spreads across his cheeks that reaches the tips of his ears, and maybe if it wasn’t for the odd lightly in the hallway, you would’ve caught it. But once again, Mr. Ackerman thanks his lucky stars and gulps, “Don’t mind it too much,” and spins on his heels before striding down the hallway.
You watch till his footsteps fade and his slender frame disappears as he turns the corner before finally looking at the door beside you. You stare at the door knob, your hand fidgeting over it before finally taking it in your hand and opening the door.
You gasp in awe, your eyes going round - the room can eat your house in a single bite. Even the bed that sits at the center, headboard pushed up against the wall, is bigger than the one your share with Pieck. Maybe bigger than the bed your mother and father shared.
You step inside, pushing the door shut behind you before twirling and taking in all the green and gold in the room. You’ve never seen so much gold - you’ve never seen gold in general, but here you are completely surrounded by it.
The strident knocking on the door causes you to still, staggering over your feet to find a familiar face greeting you with a cheerful smile, balancing a folded pile of clothes in their hand.
“Hange!” You squeak in shock, nearly losing your balance.
“Miss Blouse,” They playfully salute to you before entering in completely. “I saw you come in earlier and Levi said you’d be in here, so I thought to help. Though he did oppose, I'm not one to follow orders anyway.”
They cleverly wink at you, stretching their arm out to hand you the clothes and you meekly take it.
“How are you feeling?” They ask, taking a seat on the bed, “You can change over there, behind the partition,” They point to the other side of the room where it stands beside the window, and you quickly shuffling behind it.
You finally peel off your clothes, finally being freed by way your damp clothes and the way it clung to your body. You sigh heavily, tremulously.
“So, how are you feeling?” Hange’s voice echoes in the room from where they sit. They lean back on the heel of their palms, lulling their head bad carelessly as they wait for your response. “Levi said you might have a cold, and luckily for you, I’m a doctor.”
You hum in response, your focus directed on changing your clothes as quickly as possible.
“I’m, uh, I think I’m okay,” There’s a tingling in your skin and an unbearable ache in your bones. Your whole body feels sensitive; you’re not sure if you feel chilly or too warm. But you don’t want to be a burden, especially since you’re already borrowing someone else's clothes.
Whose are these anyway? You can’t imagine these are Hange’s, it’s way too small.
“He said you were sneezing!” They say, their voice slightly raising. “That you were sneezing a lot.”
“Probably just allergies!” You try and laugh it off, hoping Hange doesn’t press any further. But much to your displeasure, Hange isn’t one to simply let things go.
But the moment you step out from the partition, tying your hair up to keep from staining the dress, Hange strides over to you, placing her wrist onto your forehead and hums.
“You’re sick.”
“I’m fine.” You press.
“You’re a liar.”
“I'm not!” The whine that escapes your dried lips, takes enough energy from you to have your vision grow spotty and have your knees give in. Hange loops their arm around your waist and you slump onto their chest for support. “Right, maybe I am a liar,” You admit breathily, your eyes fluttering shut. “I’m really sorry, this is extremely impolite and my mother would kill me if she found me like this.”
“Never mind what your mother says,” They sigh before helping you over to the bed, “nothing good will come of thinking about what your mother says,”
You laugh softly, finding irony in their words.
The cushions are warm and comforting, pulling you into ease as you’re swayed by your need for rest. You try to combat it by blinking away, but drowsiness overtakes you like an unrelenting storm and you fall perilous to it the second your head sinks into the pillows.
You're greeted by a sharp, persistent ache in your head and a stubborn throb in your bones. You moan in discomfort and writhe beneath the cotton bed sheets.
You feel something cold dripping down your head, but before you can reach to check, you feel a wet cloth being placed on your forehead. You crack your eyes open and draw a bitter breath to find Mr. Ackerman towering over you. His brows pulled into a deep line of focus and his eyes colored in determination as if its taking all his verve to adjust the way the towel sits on your head.
He looks down at you and his expression softens.
It softens?
"You're awake," Mr. Ackerman notes. Maybe its the sickness, and that you're probably imagining it, but does Mr. Ackerman's tone sound a lot gentler? Its almost as if he's concerned for your well-being — almost as if he's worried and relieved you're finally awake. But his face remains unreadable, devoid of emotion. "You've been asleep for quite some time, but your temperature seemed persistent. Hange said as long as the rag is frequently changed then you should be better. How are you feeling?"
Does that mean he's been changing the rag? He said it should 'changed frequently' —
You arch your back when the ache in your bones come back stronger than ever. You whine in pain and drown back into the mattress.
"I don't feel too well," You croak, swallowing dryly.
"Do you need water?"
You can only nod.
Mr. Ackerman swiftly reaches for the glass of water that sits on the bedside table. You try and sit up , your bones feel like chalk as it grates against each other. You try to take it from him, but he raises his free hand to stop you. “Let me,” is all he says to you before bringing it up to your lips.
Baffled, you still drink it.
Your thoughts are still too foggy to draft a single thought. But all you is know your heart’s drumming in your chest and your breath is hitched in your throat for an entirely different reason that’s far from your cold.
You sigh in relief after a few gulps, muttering a ‘thank you’.
“Mr. Ackerman, you said that I’ve been asleep for quite some time,” You recount, looking at him puzzled, “How long have I been asleep?”
“Two days.” He replies flatly, as if he's not bothered by it at all.
“Excuse me?”
Mr. Ackerman hums as he falls back into his chair grabbing the book beside him before opening it up to the page he left off.
“You needn’t worry,” He eases without looking up to meet your eyes, as unbothered by the worry screaming in your eyes. “I’ve already written a letter to your mother the moment you fell asleep and informed her of your current state.”
“And what did she say of it?”
“She deeply apologizes for overstaying your welcome, but is pleased to know you’re in good hands.” Mr. Ackerman turns to the next page before he crosses his legs. His eyes flicker up to look at you to find irritation seeping out of your through eyes narrowed at an empty space on the floor, chewing on the inside of your cheek “I assured her that **you are in good hands, Miss Blouse.”
“I’m sorry,” You apologize again for the umpteenth time as you stressfully run your fingers through your hair. “My mother must’ve planned this in hopes that I may grow closer to you.”
Mr. Ackerman cocks his brow at you, “Are you blaming your mother for your cold? Shouldn’t you be blaming the weather, or that you rode on horseback on a rainy day?”
"I cannot blame my mother for my cold or the weather, but I can blame her for scheming along with it." You sigh, leaning your head back onto the pillow, "My mother is an opportunist, so she must've seen the rain clouds as her 'moment to grasp'. She was adamant that I take horseback and not that carriage. My mother is many things, but most importantly, she's a scheming woman."
Much to your surprise, Mr. Ackerman smirks at your words. He smirks.
He licks his thumb before turning the page of his book, his eyes ghosting over the words without much intention to actually read.
"What are you doing?" You ask, twisting to face him, your hand tucking beneath the side of your face.
"I'm reading." He isn't.
"Would you rather I not keep you company?" His grey eyes blink away from the page and up at you. "Isn't this the whole point of your visit, to get o know each other?"
"W—Well, yes, but I didn't think you'd take our proposition quite literally." You voice falls soft at the end of your sentence and you feel yourself shrink in embarrassment.
"How else are we to make them believe we've formed an attachment?"
"Oh, well—"
"Is my company a bother?"
You shake your head. "Is mine?"
Mr. Ackerman chuckles and if it weren't for the whirling of your brain, you would've caught it. "Merely tolerable, really. You best get some rest, Miss. Blouse."
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When you awaken again, it’s a little later in the afternoon and the sun is harshly bleeding through the glass window and casting over your face.
The first thing you notice is not the freshly changed rag resting over your forehead, but the empty chair that Mr. Ackerman sat himself earlier. You pout and you feel a little disappointed.
You prop yourself up on your elbows, drawing a sigh of relief. The smell of fresh sheets permeate your lungs and your tilt your head back before tilting it back up again.
Through your hooded gaze, your eyes scan through the room. You finally appreciate just how beautifully decorated it is. Shades of complimentary greens canvas the room and soft golds accent the room here and there. It’s ingrained in the walls and on the doors, and coloring the the bed posts, too.
With nimble fingers, you peel the covers off and a wave of cool air washes over your body.The floor is just as cold when your feet meet the carpet. You shuffle around the room, nosing through things but never really touching anything. You're too scared you might accidentally break something.
But the thirst of your curiosity has yet to be quenched, so you find yourself straying out the room, trotting down the hall and twirling around the space gleefully.
The estate is something written in the books. If it wasn't for the dreary, unsettling air hanging over you as thick as fog, the feeling would be magical.
Too busy to play make believe in your head, you find yourself too far off the path. Everything looks the same, and you eyes widen in panic.
Think, think, think, you chant inwardly, twisting your head around for something familiar.
Panic rises from your chest and lodges into your throat, and the last thing you need is to fall onto Mr. Ackerman's bad side.
But before your knees can shake in such unnerving trepidation, faint whispers echoing down the hall and towards you pull you from your thoughts. The voice are so faint and low, you nearly mistaken it to be elves.
You listen intently and follow the source, passing through a few more paintings and doors to lead you to a fragment of light bouncing off the wall and onto a door left ajar. You come to an immediate standstill when you recognize the voice — it's Mr. Ackerman.
Every inch of you tells you to turn around and walk away, but you aren't your mother's daughter for nothing. So the greater part of you belonging to her tugs you close, stealing a peak through the little gap as you hold your breath.
"When did you hear of this?" Mr. Ackerman's voice is gravelly, laced in annoyance. You hear him sharply huff followed by the sound of a hand slamming against the table, causing you to jolt in place. "How long have you known?"
"Not long," The unfamiliar, gruff voice says, and Levi grumbles. "Be thankful I'm telling you now and not waiting any longer. How could I with all your dallying? Since when have you taken any interest in marriage?"
"I haven't." He clips, tone dry. "The point is —"
"The point is, he's back and the last thing you need to do is wasting your time in courting a woman. Honestly, Levi, since when have you been so reckless?"
"Erwin," Mr. Ackerman grits, "my personal affairs have nothing to do with you. Who I choose to spend my time with has nothing to do with you."
"It has everything to do with me!" Mr. Smith seethes, yelling in a whispers. "If you cannot do your job, then how can I trust you? Do you not remember the reason why we're here?"
"I'm not an idiot."
"It seems that you are," Your eyes widen at Mr. Smith's counter, "she's slept here for two days, and you for two days, you've watched over her instead of doing what I've instructed you to do."
"She was sick." Mr. Ackerman argues flatly.
"Hange is a doctor for a reason."
"And I don't trust them for a reason."
You can only assume it's Mr. Smith who sighs dejectedly and clicking his tongue agitation. It only further piques your interest, and you wish it doesn't. But you can't help it, hearing that Mr. Ackerman stayed by your side while you rested made your cheeks burn and you can't help but grin to yourself, completely overjoyed.
You mentally kick yourself for being so much like your mother.
"You cannot hold that burden with you forever." Mr. Smith sighs.
"Whatever," Is the weak counter Mr. Ackerman spits back. "I'll take care of it tonight — the one of Governor Pixy's."
"Be sure to make yourself like an artificial night when you do." Mr. Smith commands, his voice smooth and stern. "You mustn't be caught."
"When have I ever been?"
You quickly leave, sprinting down the hall the moment you hear a chair grating against the floor.
Your heart drums in your chest and you breath tremulously. You heard something you shouldn't have even if it was only in incoherent pieces. Truly, it could be anything, but with the rumors circulating around him, it shouldn't be so surprising.
So why is it?
You find yourself in a more familiar part of the estate and you breathe out in relief.
You’re about to head back into your room when you stumble past a room, catching a glance of a grand piano standing tall from the corner of your eye. You retract your steps and turn your head to get a better look, your lips falling into an 'o' when you do.
She's beautiful, you think.
It’s an alluring, glossy ebony piano — one Sasha finds herself drooling over to play on whenever she sees one. She'll hate you so much when you tell her about it.
Against your better judgement, with all the bells warily ringing for you not to, you walk over to the piano, your hand shadowing over the wood. You take a seat before the keyboard just to take a good look at her. You have no intention to play her, really. Even if you wanted to, you couldn't for the life of you.
Your eyes flicker to the fall board of the piano and find a name engraved in gold.
"Petra," you whisper. "It's very nice to meet you. You're very beautiful, aren't you?"
"What the hell are you doing?" You shoot up from the chair and snap your head up to find Mr. Ackerman fuming at you. His eyes dark with rage and his jaw screwed shut, gritting at you. "I asked you a question."
"I— I didn't touch anything." You peep. You feel incredibly small underneath his scrutinizing gaze. You wish the ground would swallow you up right then and there. "I, I really didn't—"
"Get the fuck away from her." Mr. Ackerman speaks lowly, his voice quietly trembling, but you can't hear it. 
Even if you hadn’t done anything wrong, you feel as if you’ve been caught red handed. Fear buzzes in your head and fogs up any line of thought. 
"I'm sorry?"
"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE PIANO!" He bellows, his eyes as fiery as his anger, causing you to stumble back and nearly trip up on your feet. "Who the fuck do you think you are, wandering into places you have no business? Is this what you shitty farm people are like? You get a chance to walk into a place thrice the size of your home and they think they could just parade around?!"
"I—I didn't mean to —"
"You and your family are fucking disgusting."
There are many things you're willing to put up with. You don't mind if someone were to come after you and call you out, but coming after your family is completely different. So your kindness and the very last bit of your patience snaps like a twig.
"I would imagine you're the disgusting one." Your voice is still small, but you’re building up to your confidence, peeling your eyes away from the patterned carpet to stare daggers right back at Mr. Ackerman who stills completely.
"Excuse me?"
"I'll admit I've overstepped and I deeply apologize for that," You begin, your voice no longer wavering in fear, "but how dare you? My family’s been nothing but kind to you."
"I think you've mistaken that I fucking care."
"I've heard many things about you, too many, for that matter. Yet I never labelled as anything as derogatory as what you've called me." You draw out a sharp breath, closing your eyes for a moment to steady you heart before continuing, "I think its disgusting, I think,  that such a man as yourself, who've I've heard has been through hell and back, would think so lowly of people that's no different than him."
You never dared to listen to the rumors or any of the gossip. Even when your mother would try to entertain any of it, you’d stop listening or leave the room if you could. But if Mr. Ackerman was willing to aim for such a low blow, you couldn't think of a reason why you shouldn't do the same.
"I think you’re 'fucking disgusting' for forgetting where you came from."
Mr. Ackerman clenches his jaw and balls his fits tight til his knuckles paint white. He's ready to fire bullets into your self-esteem, but before Mr. Ackerman can even utter a syllable, a servant appears behind him, clearing his throat to cut of the momentum.
"Apologies for the intrusion," The servant says, his tone monotonous and dry, "but it Miss Blouse's brother is here to collect her."
You widen your eyes at the servant, and your expression softens. 
“Reiner’s here?” You voice is small again. 
“Yes, Miss.”
"Perfect." Mr. Ackerman huffs, his whole body still tense. "Get the fuck out."
You snap your gaze back to Mr. Ackerman, sneering, "Gladly."
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tag list. @castellandiangelo @astronomyturtle @regalillegal @oshuncheyenne @drapetomaniaac @whalerus @hinaamaya @ggsmashgg @kyosugi92 @daikushiji @acker-baby @lundabean @moonxochu @melodiamore @unlikelyfestivalshepherdhuman @osmosly @halparkebitch @leashaoki @bonkybabe @myeg1993 @chikenbitches @subtlepjiminie @mangobee
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flooffybits · 3 years
Slow Down
Idol: Jeon Heejin
Part 2 of Where You At
A/n: this was so long ago damn. sorry for the wait but i hope you guys enjoy!
☕buy me a coffee☕
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“What did Y/n say?” Hyunjin’s soft voice had cut in through her friend’s train of thought and the other looked away from her phone, letting out a deep breath as she turned the device off and set it down. “They haven’t replied yet, but last time, they said they would look for a free schedule.”
You were understandably busy. Your group was gaining popularity all over and the amount of interviews and performances you had lined up would mean meeting up was going to have to be scheduled at a later date.
The girls were pretty much busy, as well, prepping for their newest album and having a few interviews every now and then. Haseul was also coming back and, though she is happy to have their leader back, she can’t help the anxiety with having your meetup delayed even further than she had hoped.
What if you were purposefully avoiding her?
She shook her head, brushing the thought off. She had to be rational, and even if you were, she had no right getting upset about it. Though, maybe it was disappointing that you had said that you could talk and then left her hanging.
“I’m sure they’ll text you, some time, soon. They’re still doing promotions.” Hyunjin reminded her and she nodded her head absentmindedly. “Yeah...”
Setting her phone aside, she saw Yeojin coming closer after she finished her part in the recording room. “Unnie, it’s your turn.” She called out and Heejin smiled lightly, nodding as she stood up and went back to work, Hyunjin staring after her with a slight frown on her face.
Heejin has been busying herself with so much work lately, just doing anything to keep her mind off of you. She was currently finishing up the edit of her vlog when she heard her phone go off in her pocket.
Mindlessly picking it up and answering, she failed to see who had called her until your voice registered into her head.
"I'm sorry for the sudden call, but I was wondering if you were free tomorrow?" You ask her. "We get a bit of a break for the afternoon, so I thought you'd like to meet up, then." You tell her, making her eyes widen as she sat up straighter and put the stylus down so she could focus on you.
She glanced at the calendar that was hung on the wall and saw that there was nothing planned for her after lunch. "I'm free from two, onwards." She informs you, a bit of hope sparking inside her. "That's good. I'll see you, maybe around three. Wherever you want to meet is fine." You say softly. "I know that your company is kind of strict."
Something about the thought of you knowing about her company and the rules set for her group somehow made her heart skip a beat, but she quickly shook that thought away as she went to answer you. "That's fine."
She takes in a deep breath. "I'll... uh, send you the address of the place." She sees Hyunjin come into the room, pausing when their eyes meet. "Okay. See you then." After saying goodbye, she hangs up while Hyunjin walks over to her.
"Was that-"
"Y/n. I'm meeting them tomorrow." She answers quickly, staring at her phone as she tries to think of a place that you might want to go to, feeling as though she was dreaming and everything that was happening was just a figment of her imagination.
Hyunjin sat down beside her best friend and looked over everything that she was doing. When she shifted to glance at her phone, she quickly looked away when she saw that she was actually texting the address she had decided on.
"Where are you meeting up?" She can't help but ask, taking the stylus to fiddle with it instead of just sitting there and awkwardly looking around.
Her friend stared at her unfinished work when she finally put her phone down and let out a deep breath. "There's this cafe we used to go to. I remember that Y/n liked the food there and maybe they haven't gone there in a while, so-" Hyunjin quickly stopped her from rambling and placed her hand over the latter's, effectively quieting her down and letting her take a breath.
"You're there to talk. It's not a date."
Though Hyunjin doesn't mean to sound so harsh, she needed to remind her friend the reason she was really meeting you.
You had only agreed to listen to whatever it was the girl had to say and whether you decided to agree to keep in contact or not, she had to accept that.
But that didn't stop her from hoping.
"I know that there's still something in there that's wishing you could go back to normal, I do too, but before you think too far ahead, start with fixing your friendship." Hyunjin stated softly when she glanced at the few pictures Heejin had scattered on her desk. One of them was a photo she had taken of the two of you together during one of your walks. You were both so stuck in your own world and she admitted that the moment was too cute to not take a picture, so she did.
"I know." Heejin mumbled when she leaned back against her seat and nibbled on her lower lip. "But they've agreed to talk, at least. I'm taking it as a sign that they don't outright hate me." She muttered as Hyunjin gave her a small pat on the arm. "You know Y/n could never. No matter how stupid you could be, they would always be there to understand you."
Heejin smiled a bit at that fact and nodded lightly. "Yeah. I guess that's true."
"Hey, sorry, I'm late!" You apologize when you reach the table and Heejin shook her head while smiling to reassure you that it was alright. "Relax, I just got here a few minutes ago."
Even though she was really half an hour early because of her nerves, the latter didn't want to make you feel bad right off that bat with your time together.
She only hopes it could be longer than a simple chat.
Watching as you took a seat in front of her, Heejin pushed your favorite drink in front of you before both her hands wrap around her own drink just to soothe her nerves and you blink before quietly thanking her as you take a sip.
Judging with how you fiddle with the tissue wrapped around the cup, she can tell that you’re probably just as nervous as she was.
You clear your throat awkwardly before looking up to briefly meet the girl’s eyes and then drop your gaze back to the cup in your hands and Heejin bites her lip before sucking in a deep breath. “How are you doing lately?” She tries, just to ease both of you into a steady conversation. “Promotions are still ongoing for you guys.” She attempts with a smile and you nod your head. “Yeah, but we’ll be wrapping up in a few days, so I think everything will calm down by then.” You explain and Heejin hums, leaving an awkward silence to hang over you as you fiddle with the straw of your drink.
“Congratulations, by the way.” She suddenly says, and you take a peek to see her smiling at you. “I forgot that I didn’t get to properly congratulate you for your award, but I wanted to say that I’m really proud of you.” The words come out without thinking and you both stare at each other before you let out a soft sigh.
“I’m sorry.”
Her voice is quiet, but it was enough to stop you from further speaking, and she takes that as a sign to continue, sucking in a deep breath, because it was now or never. Whatever she wanted to say - what she had to say, it had to be now. And whatever the outcome of this would be, she would accept it either way.
“What I did… it was selfish. And I know you said it was fine, but it’s really not. The day I left… I wanted to turn around and take everything back but…” She bit her lip and you look at her with understanding in your own eyes.
You let your hands rest on your lap before you let out a quiet breath. “It’s okay to be selfish, Heejin. We were both young and we had so much at stake, your career had just started and you made the right decision.” You assure her, but she stubbornly shakes her head when tears begin to build up in her eyes.
“The right decision didn’t have to cost so much.”
You purse your lips at the look on her face before reaching forward, taking her hand in yours and giving it a light squeeze. “Heejin, I know that it hurts, more than anyone else. But we both needed it. We were drifting apart no matter how much we wanted to keep our relationship together. We were only going to end up hurting each other if we kept going.”
“But I didn’t want to lose you.” She argues and you feel as her hand trembles in your grip. “Maybe I was hurt at the time, but you will always have a place in my heart. You’re never going to lose me forever.”
Your words caused a lone tear to trail down her cheek and she quickly wipes it away with her free hand, the other holding on to you in an attempt to make her believe that she still had you.
The situation you were in now, you could see just where this conversation was headed. With the regret and guilt on Heejin’s face, along with how she clung to your hand, it was clear as day.
And it would be a lie if you said you didn’t want her back, too.
Maybe you would, if the circumstances were different, but at the moment, it seemed that the tables have turned and you were the one who had to let go of her. “Look, I know, it’s hard and I want to go back to how we used to.”
The whimper she tries to suppress is heartbreaking, but you had to be stronger this time. She knows, and it didn’t make things easier. “But I can’t be in a relationship right now. My group has just started and our dating ban isn’t going to lift until another year and a half. I can’t ask you to-”
“I’ll wait for you.”
You frown at her words, shaking your head in response. “I can’t ask you to do that. That would be giving both of us false hope.” You point out, and as she tries to argue, you beat her to it. “Even if you tell me, that’s still a long time. Things can change. My feelings might go away, yours might go away. I don’t want either of us holding on to something that isn’t certain. The future is unpredictable.”
But Heejin wasn’t going to back down, not when she knew she had a chance. She wasn’t the same person when she had walked away all those years ago.
“Then you don’t have to hope, because I swear that I’m going to be waiting. I wasn’t sure when we were away from each other, but now I know. And even if your feelings do fade away by then, I’ll make you fall for me again, whatever it takes.” You could see the determination in her eyes, and you knew that no matter how much you tried to convince her, she wouldn’t listen.
Sighing in defeat, you let out a chuckle and shake your head. “You really are something, Miss Jeon.” And she shoots you a smile of her own. “If taking the risk is what it takes, then it’s worth it.”
You can’t stay for long, and she’s aware of that, but at least when you part ways, her shoulders aren’t sagged and she doesn’t feel the weight of insecurity on them. In fact, she’s able to get a hug right before you leave.
She may have left without you, but she’s made it clear.
She’ll count the days until she can finally come back to you, fully. If fate allowed it, then one day, she can find the comfort of your arms around her again.
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xiaomoxu · 3 years
LUCIEN - Taste Date
A date from CN server which hasn’t been released on EN server yet. Might contains some spoiler.
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The projector in the living room flickered, and the music at the end of the movie was intertwined with the warm sunshine. In this space that belongs to me and Xu Mo, there is a warmth day after day.
I looked at the scrolling subtitles on the screen and yawned.
Xu Mo: Do you think the movie is boring?
Xu Mo turned his head and looked at me with a faint voice as always, but the smile in his eyes was a little bit more than usual.
MC: Nope. The movie is very interesting. I especially like narration, music and mirroring.
MC: It's the movie you picked.
As I said, I leaned against Xu Mo again, leaning my head on his shoulder.
MC: I just relax suddenly and feel like I'm lazy
MC: Obviously I did all kinds of imagination before the holiday, but when I could really rest, my brain went on strike, and I didn't even bother to think about the plan.
Xu Mo: However, if you don't plan well, this rest day will also slip away unknowingly.
MC: There is nothing wrong with this principle
MC: Then we will discuss how to spend a full and rich rest day tomorrow.
MC: But right now... just rest with nothing to do for one day, okay?
When I looked up at him, I was amused and blinked earnestly. Xu Mo seemed to squeeze my face helplessly.
Xu Mo: You...
Xu Mo: Do you want to watch another movie?
Before I had time to agree, Xu Mo's phone on the table rang untimely.
The caller is Aming.
Xu Mo pressed the hands-free button after answering the phone, got up and walked to the cabinet where the discs were stored.
Aming: Professor Xu, sorry to disturb you.
Xu Mo: what's happening?
Aming: Do you have any arrangements for today? The previous experiment has made some progress, I would like to trouble you to follow up.
Xu Mo paused when he picked the DVD.
Xu Mo: is it urgent?
Aming: It's not actually too late after the holidays.
Aming: However, there will be a few academic conferences and postgraduate papers that you need to check. Time will be a little tight.
Xu Mo: I know. Leave it until after the holidays.
Aming: Alright professor, take a good rest.
As the phone hung up, Xu Mo also chose the DVD. And I, who was listening silently beside him, suddenly had a thought.
MC: Xu Mo, I have a plan!
Xu Mo: Yes?
MC: Since it's a holiday now, there shouldn't be many people in the research right?
Xu Mo: Well, that's right.
MC: Then I will go to work with you!
As if shocked by my sudden suggestion, Xu Mo raised his eyebrows and said again to confirm.
Xu Mo: Go to work with me?
MC: Yes! This way you can spend the rest day with you without delaying your work.
MC: And it satisfies the condition of "fullness and richness" very well. Isn't it a great idea?
Xu Mo: I do not deny that this is a feasible method....
Xu Mo: But my work is probably not as interesting as you think
I shook my head vigorously.
MC: It is not an opportunity every day to see Professor Xu's work side up close.
MC: This holiday plan will definitely be the one I wanted to start a long time ago.
MC: "Professor Xu Mo's Ecological Observation" project adds an important record!
Although I have “sneaked in” here many times because I gave Xu Mo a lunch box or helped him take care of the plants in the office...
But walking into the office with him in this way and watching him sitting behind his desk up close is still a new experience.
MC: Xu Mo, you just treat me as if I'm not here, just do your usual work normally!
Seeing that I had quite taken out a notebook to record his daily momentum of work, Xu Mo gently tapped on my head.
Xu Mo: Well, now that producer MC is fully prepared, then I will cooperate well.
Xu Mo: But say it in advance, even if you feel boring, you can't run away.
MC: Pftー don't worry, I won't!
I hope our "cooperation" today will be turned well.
I held back a smile, sat pretentiously on the sofa in the corner of his office, and waved to him.
The so-called "Professor Xu Mo's Ecological Observation" project, only "observing Xu Mo" is my real purpose.
The person in front of me always seemed to be able to cooperate with my careful thoughts, and would not pierce easily.
For me, seeing Xu Mo's work in a rare way is already the most interesting thing for me.
Xu Mo sat behind his desk, his narrow eyes could not see emotions, only the light spots on his face swayed playfully with his breathing rate.
We didn't speak for a while, and typing sounds regularly echoed in the office where only the two of us were alone.
Xu Mo: Is it connected to the intranet?
Xu Mo didn't stop his hand movements and spoke naturally
MC: Yep, it's already connected.
MC: However, the network speed of the highest biotechnology institute is really fast
??: After all, we have a lot of data to process, and it will be troublesome if the network cannot keep up.
With a soft knock on the door, a familiar voice heard outside the door.
Researcher: Amin told me that the professor was not coming today, and he was probably going to accompany MC. I saw that the office light was on, and it was strange.
Researcher: Unexpectedly, you came together.
The other party was one of the researchers who followed Xu Mo as a researcher, and I had met Xu Mo several times before.
Xu Mo nodded lightly in response, and I also smiled politely at him.
MC: Do you have a job to talk about? Then I first
Researcher: No, no, I will go back to the lab now. Professor, you are busy, I won't bother you.
The researcher winked at us jokingly and waved away.
Xu Mo raised his eyes and looked at the direction the person was leaving, then smiled and said to me.
Xu Mo: It seems that when I didn't know, the researchers around me had a better relationship with you.
MC: Because everyone is very kind.
Xu Mo: A lot of things have been added to the office unknowingly.
Xu Mo smiled and pointed to the blanket on the sofa.
MC: Of course. My goal is to make it comfortable and easy to work with!
Xu Mo: Then I will wait and see.
In the next few hours, Xu Mo's typing sound never stopped.
Occasionally, a few researchers came in to submit materials, and because they were all familiar people, they directly handed me the documents that needed to be sorted out.
In this way, I also feel a little happy to be around Xu Mo and do something for him.
Xu Mo: Ugh...
Hearing Xu Mo's sigh for many times today, I walked behind him and massaged his shoulders and neck.
You keep sighing, is your work today not going well?
Xu Mo: Is not. It's just that the efficiency is not as high as usual.
MC: Is it too tired?
MC: Xu Mo smiled and took my hand, leaned a little later, half leaning on me.
He took off his glasses and put them on the table. The eyes that looked at me were full of clarity, and there was no fatigue.
Xu Mo: If you are here, I will be distracted.
Xu Mo: Are you hungry, do you want to eat first?
The noon daylight gradually slanted, and the crisp keyboard tapping in my ears stopped.
Xu Mo stood up and moved his shoulder and neck slightly.
The work is more cumbersome than I thought, and it may take more time.
Xu Mo: Why not we have lunch together?
MC: It would be nice if Professor Xu Mo could eat as well as he did today in his usual work.
Xu Mo: With your strict supervision, I am getting healthier day by day.
Xu Mo got up and put on his coat, and naturally brought me a coat and hat.
Xu Mo: For the restaurants nearby.
Seeing Xu Mo's thinking, I interrupted him first.
MC: Today I am here to do "Professor Xu Mo's Ecological Observation", so just go to the place where you usually eat.
Xu Mo: But I usually.....
I can probably guess what he said subconsciously. I squinted at Xu Mo.
MC: Did you really eat well under my supervision?
Xu Mo: ....
Xu Mo: Compared to before, my life is indeed much healthier. Especially the love bento you sent, I ate them on time.
MC: Huh?
MC: What about when I didn't send it? Is it not on time?
I did not let Xu Mo go, but further "questioned" him.
Xu Mo: Overall.... it is on time.
Xu Mo turned his gaze away with a rare guilty conscience, and gave an ambiguous answer.
MC: Then take me to the place where you usually eat now.
MC: I have to supervise the cunning big fox Professor Xu!
Although I am always amused by him accidentally, I will never compromise in this kind of place.
Xu Mo: Alright, I get it.
Xu Mo: In the future, I will follow MC's requirements more strictly and try to ensure that I work and rest regularly.
Seeing that I couldn't help but Xu Mo could only sigh and surrender.
Xu Mo took me to a small restaurant near the research center.
Most of the diners who come and go in the store wear badges from the research center.
MC: It seems that this is still a popular meal of the research center.
Xu Mo and I stood at the end of the ordering queue, looking up at the short menu. The dishes were almost occupied by sandwiches, burgers and pizza.
MC: But the food does not seem to be too rich...
Xu Mo: Yes. After all, people usually think more about how to make eating time the most efficient than enjoying food.
Xu Mo: If you have not forgotten to eat, you will choose food that is portable and can be eaten as quickly as possible.
Xu Mo: So you can finish a meal while walking or working.
Xu Mo didn't look at the menu and ordered a sandwich when it was our turn.
It seems that he does come here often.
The clerk clearly placed the order and settled the bill. The smooth and streamlined movements are in line with efficiency aesthetics.
MC : I'm going the other way with you, and I will never give up any chance to enjoy food
MC: Occasionally, I ran for a cup of coffee during my lunch break.
MC: After all, eating is a very happy thing.
Xu Mo: Yes. Indeed it is.
MC: Xu Mo looked at me as if he missed and said with joy.
Xu Mo: I didn't think three meals a day were important or pleasant.
Xu Mo: But I found it now.
Xu Mo: This feeling is especially strong when you eat the rice cooked by this "Snail Girl".
Almost as soon as I was seated, the clerk had already delivered some nice sandwiches.
MC: Huh? Is this restaurant serving food so fast?
The sandwiches on the tray are very rich in content, some vegetables and meat, and it seems that there is an egg in it.
MC: Is this your usual lunch?
Xu Mo nodded and unpacked.
Xu Mo: The sandwiches in this shop are very popular in the research center.
MC: Is it because the nutrition is balanced and delicious?
Xu Mo: Would you like to taste it?
Xu Mo smiled and split off a corner of the sandwich and handed it to me.
While talking, other meals were also delivered over.
In such a comparison, I always feel that the sandwich in front of me looks very simple.
But as the saying goes, the food is not good.
MC: Well.... the nutrition seems to be very balanced.
I returned Xu Mo with a bright smile.
Xu Mo: Doesn't it taste good? It's better to say that it was just enough to swallow it just now.
MC: ....
MC: It must be that the ingredients used in the store are more particular, right? It can add rich nutrition.
Xu Mo: It's just ordinary ingredients.
Xu Mo: From a nutritional point of view, meat is somewhat insufficient, and the intake of carbohydrates and protein is definitely not enough.
I tried to maintain the smile on my face, somewhat worried whether the store would hear this straightforward conversation and swept us out.
Xu Mo: However, it has a unique advantage that it can become the favorite food in the hearts of researchers at the research center.
I opened my eyes slightly and listened carefully.
Xu Mo: High speed.
MC: What?
Xu Mo: The serving speed is very fast, if it is taken away, the speed is even faster.
MC: So that's all...
Xu Mo: Someone once did statistics...
Xu Mo: If you order this sandwich in this restaurant, you can save at least 13 minutes and 22 seconds even during peak dining periods.
As I listened to this so precise and unnecessary data, my brain gradually emptied.
Does the research scope of the research center cover this kind of place?!
Xu Mo: This statistical report covers all shops within a walking distance of 20 minutes, and the credibility is very high.
MC: That's it, everyone at the research center are so strictㅡ
Xu Mo was amused by my lack of emotional ups and downs, and he pushed my burger toward me.
Xu Mo: But the taste of other dishes should be normal and worth eating.
Sure enough, the beef Hamburg, which looked very tender and juicy, basically reached the standard of "delicious".
Compared with the tasteless sandwich just eaten, it can be called "delicious."
MC: So, do you usually eat this kind of food for lunch?
Xu Mo: Yes. This is considered to be one of the most optimal in all aspects
Xu Mo bit the sandwich in his hand and explained the facts calmly.
MC: Although time is important and this sentence is also very long-winded, I still think three meals a day are very important
MC: After serious work, it is worth rewarding yourself with delicious, nutritious and balanced food.
MC: Eating enough and sleeping well is not only a guarantee of life, but also a statement to myself: Today I am also living seriously.
Facing my serious "preaching" Xu Mo stretched out his fingers to smooth my frowning brows, and smiled a little happier than before.
Xu Mo: It is as expected.
Seeing me looking at him a little puzzled, Xu Mo smiled and fed me a piece of French fries, and continued to speak.
Xu Mo: Several times, when I ate sandwiches from this restaurant, I wondered how you would react if you came here and ate the same food as me.
Xu Mo: When you taste the taste, you will definitely hesitate to say it bluntly.
Xu Mo: You will definitely tell me after listening to my reasons for choosing it, to eat well and take care of yourself.
Xu Mo: My guess was not wrong.
MC: Hm....
MC: Why do you think of me at this time?
Xu Mo: When you encounter all kinds of things, you will always share with me
Xu Mo: Every time I receive a message from you and learn about every bit of your life, I am very happy.
Xu Mo: Of course I would want to do the same thing.
Xu Mo: Rather, it is the most normal thing to unconsciously think of the people you care about in every bit of your life.
Xu Mo's tone was light.
This is indeed an ordinary thing.
But this kind of thing, being said so bluntly and seriously by him, still makes my cheeks hot.
MC: You, why don't you hurry up and try other foods?
MC: This pizza looks delicious. Would you like to try it?
As if to conceal my feeling of making a fuss about "normal things", my body has already taken a step before my reaction.
Tumblr media
(karma CG included)
I picked up the pizza just baked and handed it to Xu Mo.
MC: Is it a sweet pizza that you haven't tried before, try it?
Xu Mo didn't take the pizza I handed over, but just bent down and bit the tip of the pizza.
His snort rubbed my fingers, it was warm and a touch of humidity.
The reduced distance is like a switch that flashes a similar scene in my mind.
Xu Mo: is good?
Xu Mo who bit the pizza opened his eyes slightly.
MC: Is the pizza with cheese, blueberry and honey taste too weird?
I looked at Xu Mo's face and tried to find the answer in his expression.
Xu Mo moved closer to my side and bit off the cheese.
Probably the pizza that was just out of the oven was still a little hot, Xu Mo didn't speak immediately, but motioned for me to try it too.
MC: It is good!
On the first bite of the pizza, I also opened my eyes wide and nodded to Xu Mo frequently.
MC: it's nice!
MC: Unexpectedly, there is such a delicious thing hidden in a place so close to the research center!
The little beauty and surprise that I suddenly found, the joy that I shared with my favorite person the first time...
The scent of blueberries and the sweet taste of honey are intertwined, and the heart is full of satisfaction.
Xu Mo: It seems that I am too underestimated and I am too used to this restaurant.
MC: Coming with you today is really rewarding!
Xu Mo: Indeed it is.
As Xu Mo said, he picked up another slice of pizza and handed it to me, his eyes were softer than the lemon-colored sunlight outside the window.
Xu Mo: Even if I'm very familiar with the things I am used to, when I'm with you, it will always be different.
Xu Mo: It seems that as long as I look at you, I won't miss all the beautiful things.
Xu Mo's voice is still so faint, with some warmth and softness in the heart.
MC: In the future, I will continue to work hard to discover the little beauty in life.
MC: So Professor Xu will continue to rest assured with me.
He did not speak any more, just smile and stretch out his finger and wiped the corners of my mouth.
There have been many times when he used the same tone and tone to explain a certain theory and a certain truth for me.
Just now, he told me more facts about himself.
Small, ordinary facts have not been verified by large sections of papers, nor are they new discoveries that shock the world.
But it is absolutely correct and constant like any other law that constructs this world.
It was enough to make my heart beat faster than usual.
--- END ---
I’m sorry if there’s some mistranslation. Kindly tell me if you found some :) thank you for read it~ ^^
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jamestrmtx · 3 years
Fairytale Complex - [Undertale | Sans x Reader]
[Gender Neutral, Frisk's Parent Reader | Slow Burn]
Chapter Nineteen | Temmie Village (Part 1 of 2) [First] | [Previous] | [Next]
Song Referenced
Temmiefied Version
Alternate Chapter Title(s): Stand by Me (no duh) or The Corny One With A Song Title Reference, Part 1
• • •
The shopping district’s as busy as the roads you’ve just driven by; food courts are the most bustling with the hour your phone marks: ten minutes past noon. Contraire to her punctual self, Brenda’s running late, though you settle for waiting ten more before sending her a message. You sit by an empty booth and take the last chair available in the row to avoid disturbing those who’re already eating. Then, you pull your planner out and skip through a few pages until you find the right one. Aside from your usual schedule, you had her visiting again this Friday, a meeting with Toriel regarding some plans she wanted to discuss with you on Saturday, and another one with Sans on Sunday to arrange the second step towards homeschooling Frisk while you enrolled them somewhere else.
It’s still hard to read that last one, not for what it was, but for the fact that almost every school you’d tried to sign them up into declined having other guardians aside from you and Jerry to pick them up. They declined Toriel just as much as they declined Undyne, all due to the new rules and regulations set up in schools since the monsters’ arrival. What Toriel wanted to discuss with you was related to that, though you hadn’t been given too many details as to what it was, exactly. You glance back to your phone to see over ten minutes have passed by already, yet Brenda's nowhere to be seen. You start typing up a message, only to be interrupted by her call; the device almost slips off your hands with how abrupt it is. 
“H- Hello?” you answer, catching your breath.
She screams an accusation at you, not an ill-minded one per se, but one questioning over why you’d kept information hidden from her.
“Why didn’t you tell me you’re that close to him already?” she asks, words jarringly loud. You have to turn down the volume despite it not being set on speakerphone. “So he's going to help you with Frisk? That’s serious boyfriend material, honey!”
Thankfully, she sounds happy.
Still, a correction's deemed necessary.
“What do you mean, Brenda?”
“Auntie Brenda, mind you.”
You huff and bring a hand to the side of your neck, tension consuming it. “Alright, Auntie Brenda… Where are you right now? I don’t have much break time left anymore.”
“Just go ahead and eat, dear. I’ll drive over on the weekend.”
Right as you’re about to complain over her choices, she speaks up again, calmer than before.
“Or why not come over after you have lunch there?” she asks, words cooed. “You work close to him, don't you?”
“Thanks for the offer, but I’ll stay here.” You can’t help feeling a little sour over her suggestion and with the reminder you’ve waited almost half an hour for her at the mall. With the call, it’s now thirty-five minutes past noon, giving you barely sufficient time for you to eat -- let alone listen to her rambling over how she’d misinterpreted your relationship and how Sans was better than she expected him to be. “You didn’t bother him with questions about his job, right?" you add. "He’s-”
“Why would I? He’s working an office job just like you!"
“He, what?”
You can’t avoid blurting that question out; a blank canvas replaces the image of him working at a hot dog stand. You try to imagine him working an office job, but it's near impossible to. Even if he knew plenty on various subjects, the monotonous yet fast-paced ambience of a desk job didn’t quite fit with your view of who the monster was to you.
“He works an office job, honey. Don’t you know where your own boyfriend works?” You can almost hear her shaking her head, disappointment made known through the blatant change in her voice. “Shame on you!”
You pinch the bridge of your nose and stand up, too vexed to sit still. “That’s not what I meant, Bre- ...Auntie Brenda,” you say, trailing off on your words. “I just… didn’t know he worked two jobs.”
“He does?!”
You lower the volume once more, Brenda's voice taking up a speakerphone quality to it again. Her tone then grows fainter as she questions the skeleton about the legitimacy of your statement. When her voice turns louder, you figure he’s given her an answer -- one you’ve no clue of. If he had two jobs, then you’re not so sure over how she'll be reacting. And if he didn’t, then you’d inadvertently put him on the spot by letting the truth known, something that didn’t really make sense if he was supposed to be working -- or at the very least, ending his lunch break right now.
Feeling it’s going to take a while, you stand in line at one of the fast-food establishments nearest to you; a growl from your stomach reminds you time’s running out. “So what did he say?” you speak up, knowing she’s getting distracted again.
“He does!” she exclaims, almost in a cheer. “Why didn’t you tell me he was that well-off, then? You should marry him now that you’ve got the chance to.”
“Weren’t you scolding me over the opposite barely a week ago?”
“Maybe so, but that was before I knew him better, dear!”
You roll your eyes and sigh, headache worsening. “Alright, I’m hanging up now. Don’t bother him too much, and stop interrupting his-”
“Wait,” she calls, excitement still there. “Have you ever thought of learning more about monsters? There’s a bunch of workshops going on right now… And I figured you could take one, since you’re dating one and all!”
Nearly the time for you to make your order, you let your tone become sterner, hoping to get your point across. “That… That sounds good and all, but I really need to go now. My lunch break’s almost over.”
Brenda huffs. “Fine.” Her voice comes out dragged, and it’s almost possible for you to hear her pouting. “But we need to talk all about this on Friday!”
“Sure. See you then.”
“Farewell, dear!”
You hang up, slip your phone back in your pocket, and turn to the register when you’re done, right on time to make your order.
• • •
Breathe in, breathe out.
You repeat that sentence along with those actions as you clock out of work, more than ready to relax, but less than capable of with how much you've left to resolve. 
Before turning off the computer, you click on your boss's e-mail for a third time today and read it once more.
>> Come to my office as soon as you're done with your shift for the day. I'll be waiting. – Sent from my ayPhone <<
You huff and glance at the pills on your desk. Despite these being given to you by the doctor herself, you're trying not to take them as often as the instructions on the bottle tell you to. You don't want to grow dependent on them, yet -- at the same time -- it's nearly impossible for you to go by your usual routine without having the repercussions of not taking them delay your progress. The side-eyes and looks some of your co-workers offer you on occasion reveal they're not too thrilled by the idea of having someone in your state around, either. Dizziness takes over and your headache worsens; they're enough for your body to finally give in, causing you to stumble out of your desk chair and direct all gazes on you.
Breathe in, breathe out.
It's just as impossible trying to ignore everyone, and it's even more difficult trying to stand up without making a complete fool of yourself.
Breathe in, breathe-
A hand's offered out to you; you accept it, yet you refuse to look at the person until you're back to your feet.
When you do look up, you recognize who the person is in an instant. It's the same man Sans had taken a picture with the day you first met. His hair looks different, but his face and clothing style remain the same. His hand stays holding yours until you assure him you're capable of standing straight again, and even then he still has his doubts. A subtle frown shows on his visage, fueled by concern.
"Are you alright, or should I call someone?" he asks, forehead creasing. "That fall looked pretty serious."
"I'm alright," you reply, managing a smile. You're still dizzy, the headache has only grown worse, and having people still looking in your direction doesn't help much with any of that, either. Even so, having him by your side along with a few other, approachable co-workers helps with bringing you back down to earth and allows you to find some more stability before going to meet with your boss. 
"Excuse me, (L/N), but…"
You turn to the voice to see a woman -- tall, pale-skinned, and dark-haired -- offering you your phone. It takes some time, but you're able to recognize her as one of the few co-workers you spent your lunch break with before Frisk went missing. She's as professional as ever, and her formality still shows subtly through speech, yet it doesn't erase how warm and genuine her tone sounds. "Your phone broke with the fall." She pulls her hand back as soon as you have the device in your hold; her body language reveals she has a hunch in terms of just how 'alright' you really are, and what a twice-broken phone in less than a year could do to your current, physical and mental state alike. "It seems like it still works though, since it was ringing just a minute ago."
"Thank you." You turn it on to view a cracked screen. The update Alphys gave it appears to have made it more durable, based on how minor the damages are compared to the first time it fell. You're capable of unlocking it and even checking your notifications to notice you've got a few unread messages from Brenda and Frisk's school, coupled with a missed call from Sans. That last one is harder to take in. He already knew what hour you clocked out, and he had enough common sense and decency not to call you unless it was an emergency -- unlike Brenda, who didn't really know how to read the room, and Frisk's school, which called only when it was absolutely necessary. "I, uh…" You're not sure on what to do first. Brenda could be easily set aside with what she did during your lunch break, but the same couldn't be said for everything else.
Breathe in, breathe out.
You flinch at the sudden sensation of needles on your forehead and a dizziness so strong and wild, it makes your stomach far too queasy for you to manage with. Still, you combat that feeling by grabbing some gum from your belongings, taking a few, and chewing them all at once. The sharp taste and scent of mint helps wash away nausea, yet the dizziness persists.
"Do you want us to take you home, (L/N)?" the man from earlier asks, sounding more concerned than before. Meanwhile, the woman approaches you with some water, one you accept and drink as quickly as it falls in your hands. They both help sit you down on a different desk chair -- one without wheels to prevent you from falling over again. Most have left, while some stay and try to offer more aid. Your boss stands by the exit, arms crossed, stance firm, and face hard to read with how bad your symptoms have turned. "Or maybe accompany you to the bus stop, at least? You shouldn't drive in these conditions."
Your eyes fall on your phone again, tempted to make a decision.
With your priorities now changed to the subject of your health, you set Frisk's school aside with the knowledge they're with Toriel at this hour and forget about the meeting with your boss, aware she's already seen you from a distance. Only his name remains; truthfully, you'd rather limit how much time you spent with him, knowing what the opposite did to your heart and mind alike. You hesitate and stare blankly for a short while before you click on his missed call. One tap and two rings is all that's needed for you to reach him. It takes a second for you to answer back at him, half as much as it takes for your hand to stop shaking and for your voice to gain a better semblance of strength. It's too late to hang up now -- and his call could likely be an emergency -- so you continue forward with it.
"You don't sound too great. Everythin' okay?"
"About that…"
You share some words with him and refuse to tell him of your situation until he gives you his own reason for calling you at this hour.
"...Why did you call me?"
"It's about Frisk, but it ain't an emergency or anythin' -- it's good news, actually."
"Then why did y-"
"Listen, I don't mean to be harsh or nosy, but you sound awful right now. I can give you all the answers you need later, but could ya tell me what's wrong?"
You heave a small breath and look at the time, along with the hour of his missed call. He made it around eleven minutes past the end of your shift, so it wasn't exactly interrupting your job, but you're not sure how to interpret his call and the fact it was his first occasion calling you so close to your work schedule. Even if you were overthinking it, you didn't want to overlook anything, either. And then again, the state you're in isn't really the best for you to be questioning every little thing about your relationship with him -- at the moment, of course. "I feel sick. Kind of similar to that day at the hospital." You decide to be earnest, regardless of how dry your throat feels and how fast your heart goes. "I, well…"
"Want me to pick you up?"
Your ears turn hot while your hands do the opposite. "Y- Yeah…" Your chest tightens and your words grow faint, until you continue with, "I need your help, teddy bear."
"Teddy bear?" he asks, chuckling.
"You're calling me puddin' now, aren't you? You're a teddy bear in my eyes, then."
"I wonder why."
You smile.
"...See you in a bit?"
"'Course. I should be there in ten minutes max."
"Thank you."
With that, you say your farewells and hang up.
Now left to wait, you put your phone away, pick up the rest of your belongings, and stay with the company of your two co-workers as you make it to the exit. Your boss is still waiting next to it, yet she steps aside as do other people standing nearby, providing you with space to pass by. She says nothing, so you stop for a second, only to have her nod for you to carry on walking.
"Come to my office as soon as you recover, (L/N)."
That's the only thing she says as the door closes, leaving you with one co-worker by your left and the other by your right, both waiting in case you were to fall over again.
Breathe in, breathe out.
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• • •
Small but Important™ Q&A regarding healthcare and whether it's American-based or not
To clarify for everyone else possibly having that same doubt, based on a question made by a reader in terms of Chapter Six and Seven's events:
All healthcare/medical attention mentioned in this story is based off my country, meaning it's either free or at the very least, affordable enough that you don't have to choose between an Uber or an overpriced weewoo vehicle in case of a medical emergency.
For example: I pay only $10 for 4 different medicines I'm meant to take, 3 which are for a lifetime (example: thyroiditis), and the only thing my insurance doesn't cover is optometry, which is around $300 to $500 a year for a full exam and prescription!
Tl;dr: It isn't. There's no debt here so far, lol.
• • •
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captaindodson · 3 years
7AM confessions (t.h oneshot)
Synopsis: You just finished working a graveyard shift at your summer job. Just as you’re about to get into your car to leave to sleep the weekend away, a familiar face appears to confront you on what happened. 
Paring: Tom Holland x Gender Neutral!Reader
Word Count: 2.4k+ 
Warnings: Angsty (?), Swearings??
Once your apple watch displayed 7 AM you knew the long week you had was finally over. The assembly line filled with car parts ready for inspection remain still and untouched as everyone switches off with the next group of shift workers who are already coming onto the floor. Luckly, its Friday, so you get to sleep the weekend away and reset your sleep schedule for your last week of shifts before the fall semester starts. You tidy up your small station and when you think you’ve done enough you turn around to leave and then you see your co-worker/work friend Raj approaching. You both wear matching white hard hats, blue gloves, white jackets, dark blue work pants, and brown steal toed boots.
“Hey, how was this morning,” Raj stops a few feet away and raises his hand to fist bump and you happily reciprocate before sliding your hands into your jacket pockets.
“It wasn’t a bad night, Lauren didn’t come in tonight cause she was sick with a stomach bug. Oh I did finally registered for my university courses during my break, and I got so lucky with my extra circulars.The moment I went to register there was only one spot left for the ones I wanted.”
Raj just nods and glances around the work station, inspecting to see you cleaned it to his standard. You notice his wandering eyes but you aren’t bothered by it. You’ve been in that position where you have to work a long eight hours on your feet and the person before you at your assigned station leaves it a mess and you’re stuck cleaning it for the first hour of your shift. So after he finishes inspecting he meets your eyes and nods in approval.
“Oh shit really? I should probably do that sooner rather than later. I’ve been going to university for three years and I almost always forget every time  to register on time,” He replies.
“Don’t you have your final research seminar and reading seminar this year? I thought certain classes had a small capacity?”
“Oh. Well guess what I’m doing during my lunch break,”
You lightly laugh at him as the sound of a warning buzzer echoing through the factory floor goes off. You look around and see that most, if not all of your night shift people are already off the floor and you take this as your cue to leave.
“Anyway, talk to you later Raj,” he gives you small smile in response and steps around you to get started. You make your way off the floor and to your designated locker, providing some of the people from dayshift a warm smile as you walk past them.
You walk through a pair of white double doors which leads into a a bright baby blue hallway which eventually guides you to where the designated bathrooms are with the lockers. When you get to the end of the hall you turn left and head into the female washroom where the you’re met with an empty room. Usually, when everyone’s shift ends they’re rushing to get out (and you’re no exception). You would normally find yourself squeezing by people and dodging elbows trying to get to your locker but today is different. Staying behind for an extra few minutes to talk actually lets you take your time for once. By taking your time it also means the parking lot won’t be backed up as usual and you can drive home without any major delay to sleep your weekend away. That’s the only thing you have to look foreward to, your bed because there is no one at home, no roomates, no pets, no boyfriends, no nothing. The place you were at two months ago was totally different from where you are now. You lived abroad in London with your then boyfriend for six months until you broke it off because you were lost. 
You had to get out because your identity slowly became tightly intertwined with the person you were with. Everything revolved around them and their job and you were going no where in life. Your dreams were pushed to the back of your mind as you stayed in fancy hotel suites, alone waiting for your ex-boyfriend to come back from an exhausted day on set to only desperately try to keep his eyes open when you two watched a movie or went out for a night on the town.
He really did try his best to make your time with him exciting even if he was burn out from working all day. He made small dates in your hotel room feel magical. He had your hotel room decorated in fairy lights and planned a romantic dinner looking over the city you two stayed in. He made love to you in the early hours of the morning to the organy rays of the morning sun. Or another time, when he wasn’t allowed to leave the hotel at all, he took you to the hotel roof to slow dance under the stars to music playing from that headphones you two shared. You’d pay a million dollars to experience these small moments over and over again.
Over a weekend back in London by yourself while Tom had to catch a flight last minute to do film re-shoots in LA, you decided to have a self-care night.  After lighting some candles, ordering take-out, dimming the lights, and scrolling through Netflix to finally find a good-feel show, you finally sit comfortably on the couch and relax. You found a generic rom-com from the 2000’s that looked mildly interesting and even if the plot wasn’t any good you could still get a good laugh about it.
As the movie progresses and the main character struggles to choose between a boy and her dream job you find your mind slowly loosing focus with what is happening on the screen and  reflecting it back into your own life. After a few seconds pondering you realize something,  had no idea what you wanted to do. You were in your early twenties, you were doing school part-time online with a program you liked but you spent most of your time with Tom. Traveling to country to country to join him while he filmed, staying in hotel rooms waiting for him, sometime visiting set when you were allowed too, it was truly an exciting and calming lifestyle.
Even though you believed you finally found the guy that you could spend the rest of your life with, a second family you got along with, a place you could see yourself settling down in, you didn’t have anything for yourself. When you thought you of trying to return to in-class schooling with a larger course load and renting a place for the semester and trying to sustain a long-distant relationship with someone in the limelight, it just stressed you out. You knew it wouldn’t be easy and just seeing how deflated Tom looked when he returned to you after working, you knew the relationship would push him to his limits.
Even after initiate moments you realized how tired and over worked he was. The look in his eyes when he had to leave for work the next morning couldn’t go unnoticed.  You felt your heart squeezing itself and your breathing became heavier. You would never want to cause Tom any pain on your behalf, and you can’t continue to drag your feet with your education because you felt like you . So, you did what you did best, shut someone out and leave. You made up lie about how this relationship wasn’t working on your end, broke it off and flew back to the town where you had been attending school online. Scrambling enough money together to buy a used car and a small studio apartment and apply to as many jobs as you could. You got lucky, that when you were applying that a car factory needed more summer students and they were paying their workers a decent living wage and you just jumped on it. The job helped you get settled but it also helped ignore the small amount of regret you felt. It is too late to turn around now and now you must live with your choices. 
You shake yourself out of a daze you didn’t realize clouded your mind, and it seems your feet have carried you to the front of your small grey locker. It looks like what all typical high school lockers look except half the size. You raise your hand to the lock to do one full twist to the right, one full twist to the left, and half a twist to the right again and my the lock pops off with a light pull.
You reach in to collect your phone, black spring jacket, dark blue water bottle, then you reach into your jacket pocket to fish out your car keys. You hum in satisfaction when you feel the cool metal of your keys in your pocket. You drape your jacket over your arm as you shut the locker quietly and slide the lock over the hook and push it shut. You proceed to continue to follow the baby blue hallways until you’ve reached the double glass doors of the exit. You push open the glass door and is met with a cool morning breeze also paired with a peach colored sky.
You make your way across the concrete of the parking lot, following the line of different coloured cars parked next to each other, eyes wandering at the different licence plates, soaking up the calmness of the morning sun until you stop dead in your tracks. You look up to see someone leaning on the hood of your car. This person is dressed in some blue jeans, a black hoodie, dark red hat, and it seems they’re just casually looking down and scrolling through their phone unaware of your presence a couple feet away. You think for a minute before speaking, should you just walk back inside and get someone to confront this guy or should you just do it yourself? I mean it is your car in a private parking lot, someone will hear you scream right? After a few seconds go by you just say fuck as the longer you stand here the less time you get to spend sleeping. 
“Ah hem, excuse me you’re leaning on my car. Can you please get off,”
You keep your distance and tightly grip your waterbottle. Just so you have a head start if you need run back into the factory or even defend yourself. Their fingers stop scrolling, but their gaze is still facing downwards, hood and hat hiding their features.
“Uh hello, you need to get out of this parking lot its a private. Ill call security if you don’t move, ”
You shallow nervously as the figure stays still, unresponsive. When it seems like this figure is just going to continue to ignore you they stand up abruptly causing you to jump.
“Hi Y/N,’ An english accent comes out from the hood and your expression changes from fear to dread in seconds. Heart still pumping fast in your chest and you feel yourself getting even more nervous. 
“What are you doing here, Tom”, You cross your arms the best you can and start staring at your feet to avoid eye contact.
“Can’t I come visit my girlfriend after she finishes work,” Tom questions as his foots steps get louder as they get closer.
“I am not your girlfriend remember.  Besides the point, how do you even know where to find me. I haven’t talked to you in two months.”
‘You left without a much of explanation. You said when I came home from LA that this was over because you couldn’t handle this relationship, it stressed you out to much. I thought everything was going good mutually good in all aspects of the relationship, but I guess I was wrong. After months of trying to unravel what I could have possible done wrong, I just had to find you and get the truth of why you left,”
He ignores your question as he bends his knees to try and get a look at your face. Your mind almost speeds up, unable to come up with a good enough half-assed response, you mouth blurts out the truth without much thought.
“I love that you’re able to pursue your dreams, and god Tom I wouldn’t want you to do anything to compromise that. But I want to be able to pursue my dreams too Tom. The only way I can do that is if I leave and doing a long-distant relationship hardly ever works out for anybody! I don’t want you wearing yourself out because of me and being long-distance was going to tear you apart,”
You sniffle away the tears building up in your eyes while focusing on the curves on the concrete.
“Darling, why didn’t you just talk to me? I would and do understand if you want to pursue something on your own. I would never want to settle for anything less.  “
He reaches out a finger to find a place under your chin to lift your head gently so your eyes will meet. You glossy eyes meet his soft, gentle brown eyes and that alone makes you want to cry. You never meant to cause pain to reach those eyes, you just thought you were doing yourselves a favour.
“Baby, we could’ve done this together you know that. We would’ve never survived our first year together if we didn’t talk stuff out. Trying to make a relationship work with a person I’ve loved since our first date is worth the endless amount of stress life causes. Y/N, my darling, I would do anything to make you happy but also stay in my arms forever,”
His soft tone makes your knees weak and that is when the dam of tears breaks from your eyes and they flow down your cheeks.
“I’m sorry. I-I just thought I was doing the right thing for both of us. I was watching a movie and I started stressing my sell-out and just thinking for myself .I’m sorry I put you through this, I know I can’t turn back time, but please forgive me for causing you any pain because my love for you got me all fucked up, “ You say trying wipe away the salty tears dripping down your face. 
“I’m not mad nor am I upset with you. I’m just glad I can have you back in my life again.”
Tom smiles even bright as he pulls lightly on the hand he has a hold of to drag your body over to his. He embraces you into his warmth and your body curls into him and all you can think is there is no place you’d rather be.
“Now, why don’t we go back to your place and catch up on some sleep huh? Then you can give me tour around your new place and make up for lost time,”
He hums into your hair as you pull back from his embrace to look up, wiping your eyes with your sleeve to look at Tom more clearly.
“Yeah, I’d like that”.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “What Happened.”
Sorry for any issues this one might have, but I am trying to write it between flights and and scrambling to find a plug that will work, so I hope you like it anyway, and I hope it answers some questions you have 
Three months leave
IT was going to take an extra three months  before the ship would be ready for launch. Even as they spoke, it was docked at the Europa station as they put on the final finishing touches. Until then, it had been Commander Vir’s job to go through files on the personnel he wanted aboard his new crew.
He had suggested some alien additions to make the crew more diverse, which the GA had loved considering that the ship was an amalgamation of both human and alien technology. It had Rundi communications systems, Celzex weaponry, Vrul shields, and  a Tesraki warp core. The design otherwise was completely human. But for those reasons, the project was obviously very time consuming, and they were lucky that it was going to be finished in as little a time as it was.
Sunny hadn’t seen Adam very much in the last month or so considering that he had been working hard to find an extra five hundred members for his crew, and speak with the brass about what he had seen on the other side of the wormhole.
Sunny knew that it was important that Adam do his job, but a part of her was annoyed they hadn’t been able to speak properly since getting back.
Instead, she was stuck in base housing on the cost, alone and with nothing to do aside from long walks on the beach. She had never been the the beach beforehand as anin didn’t have any substantial bodies of water like that, at least near her, and there was something about the endless water that unsettled her. Even Krill and Conn were off doing important things. Krill was giving his services to a level one trauma center in New York, and Conn was helping the base MPs conduct polygraph tests, though he had sort of replaced the polygraph.
That left Sunny alone most days to think.
She hadn’t gotten over Adam’s disappearance, and not how he had tricked her, pushing her from the bridge before turning around and preparing himself for death. She felt a bit cheated, and like a decision had been made for her. She wasn’t stupid, logically she knew that is what she would have done if she were in his place, so she couldnt fault him for that, though she still coudln’t help feeling hurt over it.
And these thoughts she was left to stew on, tossing and turning in the quiet of the night while everyone else was out and busy.
Needless to say she didn’t expect the little bell on her front door to ring late one evening, and when she opened the door she certainly didn’t expect to see Adam waiting on her front porch.
HE was smiling, though the skin around his face and neck were already flushed a light pink with embarrassment.
In his arms, he held a large collection of flowers.
“May I come in?”
“Adam!” Her surprise was a bit delayed 
He shuffled his feet, “I uh, I got the go ahead to take the day off so I…. thought I would see you.”
He shifted again.
He looked better now than he had on returning from his ordeal, face clean-shaven and in clean clothes that actually fit, though she had to admit his cave-man look hadn’t been so bad.
She stepped aside, and he tentatively followed.
She closed the door and he turned to face her, “I uh…. um … well I…. flower…. Or I mean, I got you, flowers I…… Bought some, but also picked…. some ….. I not that that really matters I just.”He sighed took a deep breath and cleared his throat, “I got you flowers.” he held them out, and she took them in half amusement, picking one from the top and popping it into her mouth before setting them down on the little side table.
“Look, I’m sorry we haven't been able to talk since I got back… and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a little bit of me avoiding having a tough conversation.”
“I like that you are at least being honest with me.” She said quietly., “Do you want to sit down?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, “Actually, I was going to ask you if you wanted to go on a walk…. I.. I think better when I walk.”
She shrugged and agreed, following him outside to where a thin layer of clouds had veiled the sun which was slowly inching towards the horizon. The clouds muted the colors and the sea was grey in the distance.
Together they walked a little ways along the sand, him shifting nervously, and her walking to the side, relaxed though she didn’t feel like it 
The silence stretched on for nearly a mile before Sunny -- growing frustrated -- was forced to break it.
“You tricked me.”
He looked down at his feet, “I did.”
“You tricked me, and because of that I have had some of the worst few months of my life.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I understand you did what you thought you had to, and I get it that if I was in your place, I would have done the same without hesitation, but…. I I feel cheated, and I feel used, and for some reason I can’t stop it.”
He looked away, “I’m not sure what to say.”
“At least say SOMETHING.”
HE turned to face her single green eye wide. Looking down she could sense that his hands were shaking. A part of her felt bad about that, but they needed to have this conversation, and she wasn’t going to let him out of it.
“I… would do it again to save your life, and I won’t apologize for that, but I’m sorry that that’s how you feel.”
“I thought we were a team.”
“And we are.”
She paused, her feet digging hard into the sand, and he drew to a halt beside her, “I need you to understand Adam, when Drev say a team, they mean a battle pair and that means….”
“I know, I know……. I know what it means, and I am agreeing with you.”
“Will, you try, for me.”
“Yes, but sunny, I I don’t know how well it will work out, I…. well I’m broken when it comes to this sort of thing I don’t even know if I can.”
They went silent again and she could see the veins pulsing in the side of his neck. Beads of sweat collected on his brown and face. He looked almost nauseous, like he was scared or something, that too made her feel bad, but she didn’t really know how to help.
On instinct, she reached out a hand, inches from his before pausing, “I…. Can I?”
He paused look down at her hand.
His clenched into a fist.
He was pale whit like snow now.
“I…. I don’t think I can right now but…. Thanks for asking.”
She watched the expression on his face closely, and on his face she saw him proceed through a rapid series of emotions starting with fear, working over to shame, sadness and finally ending on guilt.
He turned away.
She walked up next to him, head tilted, “You don’t have to, Adam, but maybe if you told me why I could better understand. Of course you don’t have to.”
He took a deep shaky breath, “You deserve to know. But just don’t… I don’t know laugh or something. I know logically it wasn’t a big deal but….”
“Adam, I promise I won't laugh, you have my word.”
He nodded his head slowly and sighed, “I can trace it all back to one event I think. It was MY freshman year of high school…. Maybe and I was the awkward, nerdy sci-fi weirdo who believed in UFOs and Aliens.
Adam Sat Under a tree outside the school arms wrapped around his knees back tucked against the bowl of a tree which cast the shadow of its leaves down over the ground to wave and rustle in a light breeze.
It was lunch break, and he was watching the other teens standing around in their cliches. The football jocks were playing a game to one side, the cheerleaders were clustered around a bench, and all the rednecks were sitting in the back of their trucks in the parking lot laughing loudly and occasionally turning on their trucks just to rev the engines as loud as possible.
His hair was long-ish, kind of scruffy and hanging down around his ears. The clothes he wore were baggy hand me downs from his older brother Jeremy (a senior) and shoes with holes in them from his older brother Thomas.
He didn’t mention the holes to his mom, dad was in between jobs right now, not that it was a big deal, he would find work, it was just paperwork in the way, but he didn’t want to worry her with something extra that didn’t matter right now.
He looked down at the ground where he had a stack of books waiting in the grass for him, The Martian, War of the Worlds, and an old tatty compendium of start wars stuff with pictures and diagrams.
The T-shirt he was wearing was one he had purchased online, and had a diagram of the star-trek enterprise on it.
He shuffled his feet in the grass waiting for his brothers to show up and feeling sort of lonely as he waited.
Since he was a little younger, he got out a half an hour before they did, and only got to spend thirty minutes of his half hour lunch break with them, otherwise he tried to avoid people as much as possible. It wasn’t that he was bullied per-se, because he wasn’t really, neglected by his peers was probably a better term for it.
They were nice to him in the way you are nice to small children or crazy people, keeping up polite conversation just long enough to leave as soon as possible. He was used to the treatment, and didn’t bother subjecting people to his presence more than he had to. He knew he was weird.
He was sure he would have a harder time if it were not for his older brothers. Jeremy, who was a popular football player, David because he was student body president, and arguably the best looking guy in school, though he never seemed to be dating anyone, and Thomas, who was a bit of a loose cannon and didn’t mind getting in fights to protect his family members when he wasn’t hanging out with the other weird and unpredictable kids.
He was sitting there thinking about his brothers and staring down at the grass, when he saw a pair of shoes appear in his vision. They were white vans, or something similar with bright green laces, and when he looked up he saw a girl standing over him. The school was small enough that he recognized her immediately. Her name was Amanda and she jumped between the Drill team and the Basketball Girls click.
She was smiling, and he watched her as she turned her head back to her group of friends who were giggling and trying not to look like they were looking over in their direction.
Adam sat up a little straighter, “Can I help you.”
She smiled at him, her cheeks slightly pink, “HI…. Adam.”
He frowned, eyes narrowing suspiciously.
She shuffled her feet, and off in the distance, her friends giggled and looked away.
“Can I help you with something?’ He wondered, waiting for the punchline somewhere. Something about the weird UFO kid, or maybe they were going to ask him to help them do something against school rules, so when they got caught they could all blame it on him. Or maybe they were going to ask him to be the designated Sherpa for their bags or something.
He had been tricked into most of those things before, though by now the teachers and the principal knew that he was just socially stupid and not a troublemaker.
“Relax ok, I’ve just come to say sorry?”
“Sorry for what?”
“Sorry for treating you like you were weird.” When she smiled it seemed genuine, “You see its…. One of my friends.” More giggling I the background, “She thinks you’re cute, but she didn’t know how to act before.”
He glanced past her to where  the group of girls had burst in to excessive giggling.
He frowned again, “I’m not stupid, you know.”
“I didn’t say you were.”
She crossed her arms, “Serious, Adam.”
“Who is this friend of your.” His eyes narrowed, but past that he was looking towards one of the girls in the group. She was pretty  with honey blonde hair and an infectious smile.  She played the violin, and he knew for a fact that she was a comic book nerd. He had seen her carrying them around, and she was a petty good artist too. He felt his face flush a bit but tried to fight it back.”
“She smiled, “Avery.”
His eyes shot wide, and he felt his face turn scarlet. The part of his brain that had been skeptical immediately shut off as the human brain is prone to do when they think something good might be about to happen.
“I… really.”
She grinned, “Really.” She reached into her pocket and passed him a note, “She wants you to meet her by the stadium.”
His hands were shaking a bit as he took the note, but he felt his heart hammering in excitement.
Was this his way out of exile?
He had always been extroverted, starved for all the friends he wanted and all the people he wanted to talk to. Avery had the life that he wished he did, a large circle of friends, and fun things to do every weekend.
Maybe with her around, he would finally have that.
All the better if they were dating, but he was getting ahead of himself.
He watched as the group of girls dispersed and Avery moved towards the back of the building over towards the stadium, her beautiful, honey-blond hair blowing in the wind.
He stood awkwardly gathering up his things and shoving them in his bag without zipping the zipper all the way before turning and cutting around the other side of the school. His heart hammered in his chest and his hands were cold and sweaty as he made his way around the other side of the building and towards the stadium.
His heart only began to race faster when he saw her standing alone under the stadium between the cross-bars and in the shade of the metal benches above.
He approached nervously, his hands shaking in excitement.
She turned her head, bright blue eyes catching his.
He stopped in place at the edge of the shadow. But she smiled and waved him in, “Adam over here.”
He followed nervously his feet trailing in the dirt. As she approached she nervously rocked back and fourth on her heels hands in her pockets. He paused a few feet away. She looked up at him through her lashes, and he noted she was wearing little Iron Man earrings.
“Hi.” She said nervously
“Hi.” He replied back
She shuffled her feet, “Look I…. I’m sorry about laughing at you earlier today In class I…. well I think your funny, not, like in a bad way or anything.”
HE knew he was bright red at this moment, probably brighter red than any tomato, “Really?”
“Yeah, so I wanted to say sorry, and…. And maybe make it up to you.”
His heart was in his throat, “Oh, you, you don’t have to.”
“But I want to.”
It went quiet as she stepped forward, and he was frozen in place. She was right in front of him now. She leaned forward a little, and he was frozen in place. Her eyes closed, and then so did his, he waited for the moment, and waited, and waited, but nothing came.
Someone snickered, and he cracked an eye to see Avery’s once pretty face twisted up into a sneer of contempt and malicious amusement.
“April fools.” She jumped at him, and in surprise he tripped backwards over one of the metal bars landing hard. The zipper of his backpack, not all the way done up, erupted outward spilling all his books out onto the dirt.
He turned his head looking around to the cracks in the stadium seats where dozens of eyes stared at him laughing.
Avery stood over him as others began flooding down from their spots laughing.
He crawled back, his head down, “But it’s not even April.” He whispered
“Its not even April.” Someone mimicked from behind, and he ran into soemthing hard looking up to see one of Avery’s friends standing over him. She was state shotput champion last years, and her arms were as big as his head, “What is this.” She reached down and picked his book off the ground.
“Please, give it back.” He said crawling to his knees and reaching up for it.
“The Martian.”
She flipped open a few of the pages. He stood up trying to reach for his book but he was blocked by another two of her friends.
The laughter continued, the mocking voices over and over and over again.
He tried to push forward reaching for his books which had been picked up off the ground.
“Gross, Its all sticky!” the friend yelled.
“No it isn’t.” He protested, it was true, he took very good care of his books. But of course no one listened. A chorus of disgust rose up around him. His books were dropped, one clattering to the rocks its pages bending, the other one landing halfway in a puddle of stagnant water.
He cried out and dove forward pulling it out of the water even as mud dripped form the hardback.
He cradled it in his arms, feeling hot tears of anger and humiliation begin to prickle at the corners of his eyes.
Laughter continued.
Fingers pointed.
HE stood fists clenched ready to hurt someone, but when he turned the same girl from before hand his book in either hand and when he moved she pulled.
There was a sharp ripping noise as the spine of the book tore a quarter, and as he cried out she laughed and dropped it into the puddle.
As a paperback, the book didn’t stand a chance.
Mud and water caked his hands as he reached in to pull it out on his hands and knees. Something hit him hard in the back and he pitched forward into the puddle getting the book wet a second time as the kids laughed.
He scrambled sitting up coughing and spluttering feeling the slimy grittiness of the water on his lips.
Someone knelt down next to him. A voice in his ear, “If you tell anyone. I’ll tell the teacher you tried to touch me.”
Tears dripped down his cheeks as he tried wiping mud from his face. The laughter receded and he was left along kneeling on the gravel.
His face grew hot and read as he stared down at the ruined cover of his book. Hot tears dripped onto the mud coating his hands.
His breathing started up in great gasps his heart hammered so fast he thought it was going to burst out of his chest. His head was going to explode either from anger or frustration he didn’t know. Choked sobs broke from his mouth as he knelt over the books ruined in his hands. He couldn’t breathe. He stood vision clouded face hot wet and muggy from the heat.
And then he ran.
He had no idea where he was going or what he was doing.
His paperback held muddy and dripping in one hand he pelted into the woods and didn’t stop running until his foot caught on a branch and he went rolling into the leaves.
He lay there on his stomach heart still hammering breath still coming in ragged gasps. He just couldn’t calm his breathing down.
He didn’t know where he was.
He felt like he was having a heart attack, or dying, or something. He lay there gasping on the forest floor for hours.
It grew dark. The mud dried on the back of his book and against his chest and hands.
It was only when he heard the voices did he finally sit up, mud caked and bleary eyed.
There were no other sounds for a long moment before the call started up again.
He stumbled over, it was dark so his feet kept coughing on branches and twigs.
“Adam, ADAM! I swear ADAM.”
“Thomas?” He said his voice so raw it was barely above a whisper.
“ADAM!” Footsteps rushed towards him through the trees, and Thomas burst from the foliage his scruffy blind hair run wild, his jeans covered in dirt, “Adam there you are where have you-“
He didn’t have time to say much else as he was hugged tight around the middle.
“Adam I…. what’s wrong. What happened! Who did this to you!”
Thomas looked ready to rip someone apart, but Adam didn’t say anything. He wouldn’t say anything about the event for the next two years.
Sunny stared wide eyed as Adam turned away again.
“Look, I know its stupid, it happens to plenty of kids and they don’t take it the way I did, but. I mean, with the panic attack on top of it, and then a few years later the same thing happened on my first date, so now I just… I can’t…”
Sunny was quiet for a moment while he looked away.
“Who the FUCK do they think they are.” She snarled.
He looked up in surprise, “I what.”
She marched around in a circle, “What the hell kind of person does that to someone. That’s just sick and wrong. That is just… horrible.”  She pulled out her spear, “I swear If i ever meet someone like that if i ever meet THEM, I am going to-”
He caught her arm, “Sunny stop, it was a long time ago.”
“It doesnt matter!”
A small smile cut across his face, “IT doesn't matter sunny, you want to know why.”
“Because I saw their pictures.” he grinned, “Avery got really fat and her friend got hit by a car, not fatally but I consider it Karma doing me a solid.” He paused, “It’ll be ok…. I just need some time. Think you can do that for me?”
She paused and nodded her head, “Yes, I think I can.”
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gloomyhearts · 3 years
That's life || Steve Harrington
Chapter eight
November 10, 1983
Y/N's pov
"Dustin what's wrong?" He threw the door closed.
"Mike and Lucas fought and won't talk to each other" we sat on the sofa.
"and what happened?" I turned to face him.
"We searched after the gate."
"The new north?"
"Yeah and at some point Luke's compass showed another North than mine. Luke said that Eleven would manipulate them. Mike and him discussed over half an hour and then it escalated El threw Luke with his power against a car and Luke drove away. He never left us like that when he and Mike argued. I lost my party. I've got nothing left."
"You have me." I laughed to brighten him a bit up but it failed and he started to cry.
"Dusti, sweatheart everything will be fine. I know it. You all have this inseperable bond and no one will ever break it. You have to convince Mike to apoloize to Luke and then it'll be alrigth, trust me." he burried in my arms as we lay down on the sofa.
"I hope so. I can't loose another friends beside Will."
We lay in silence when our parents entered the room, yeah their travel week has end today.
I think by the time they entered Dustin was asleep. As my mother stood by the couch she mouthed 'is he?" and I only nodded. My dad came to us and carried Dustin in his arms to his room upstairs. Dustin is a deep sleeper in the second he fell asleep the world could end and he would'nt wake up. When my dad was out of the room my mom sat down next to me.
"So what happened?" I told my mother something on the phone but not everything, she shouldn't be involved too much.
"As I told you. Will went missing and a few days after he was found in the Lake. Two days ago we were on his funeral. Dustin is really damaged through this accident. He feels sorry that he couldn't protect Will. And today Luke and Mike argued and Dusti fears that his party is falling apart." she looked shocked at me after telling the events we went through the whole week alone.
"You don't have to worry mom. Dustin and I are fine. We have got each other and he knows I'm helping him with everything."
"I'm proud that you both love each other so much." she gave me a kiss on the forehead and left.
On the next day when I arrived at school there was this tension, I can't describe it but it was there. It was because of the funeral a few days ago but not that everyone was involved.
It was only the three of us, Nancy, Jonathan and me.
At lunch we sat in the nearst corner so nobody could eavesdrop our conversation.
"Ok so Nancy and I want to buy weapons and go for a hunt."
"This afternoon." Nancy adds after Jonathon doesn't seem to speak on.
"This afternoon? Why? I don't know if I can. I have to ask my mom. Maybe we could meet there or I'm coming where you're getting ready."
"Jonathan and I went to the forest behind Steve's house and there was something, we want to hunt." they both nodded as the school bell rang.
"See you later" we seperate and I went to my math class but have to stop at my locker before.
No one was in the hallway what was kind of creepy because otherwise it was full because students wanted to delay the break.
"Y/N." Someone touched my shoulder but I know exactly who it was.
"What?" I turned to face him.
"Why are Nanc and Jonathan hanging out so much lately?"
"I don't know. Ask her yourself I suggest"
"Do you know something? I saw them yesterday in Nanc' bedroom."
"Steve." I shut my locker and turn to him, "I really don't know even if I'd, I don't care about it."
"Why are you so harsh?"
"Why do you even care at all?"
"Because" he came closer and whispered, "I'm still caring about you. I still worry about you. I'm still your best friend"
He is what?! Where was he when I lost my grandmother, when Barb went missing?
"Ah no, Stephen. I don't believe you. You were my best friend yeah that's right but I wouldn't call you a friend anymore. So excuse me." I began to walk to my classroom and bumped intentionally his shoulder.
During my bike drive to the Byers house I listened to my favourite music on my Walkman including 'eye of the tiger' and 'under pressure'.
When I arrived at the location there were no one not even miss Byers.
Through the window I can see some Christmas lights hanging around in the living room and letters written on the wall.
I took my bike and drove away.
When I drove by at the supermarket I saw Steve and his best friends standing around his car. Steve held a cola bottle to his eyes.
What happened there?
I didn't even notice that my feet were riding my bike to the entry of the market. As I arrived there Steven jumped up from his car and walked towards me.
"Y/N, hey there" he tried to hug me.
"What happened to your face" I pointed at his eye.
"Ah my friend Jonathan and I beat each other up. Nothing to worry about"
"someone has to nurse it." He approached to me.
"Maybe you could. I trust you" I just laughed. "Please it hurts really bad and my friend over there aren't a good help."
"Fine but only this time. We meet at my house, Harrington" he nodded and I began to ride home.
"What took you so long" he walked to the door.
"Thomas and I fought a bit but it's okay. He's an asshole"
oh really
"jup he is" I opened the door and we walked into the house. Mews came running to us and Steve cuddled her immediately.
"I missed her really bad" I just nodded and walked upstairs to my room.
"you coming?" I heard footsteps on the stairs and moments later Steve stand next to me.
"Sit down. Feel yourself home."
"I'm always feeling home when you're around." He held my wrist
"Steve please." The tension between us is thick you could cut it.
"I'm getting ice and some band aid." I walked to the bathroom and when I arrived in my room I saw that Steve was reading something.
"What are you doing?" He frightened as he heard me.
"I was just" he laid the paper down. "I'm sorry" he sat down on my bed and put his hand next to him to show that I should sit next to him.
"What did you read?"
"Your homework?" I walked over to desk and picked the book which declares to be my diary.
What? He didn't. Wait.
"Did you read my diary"
"I'm so sorry Y/N. I didn't want to."
"You saw that it wasn't a normal book but you didn't stop. Steve I wanted to help you but now" I grow angry and couldn't held my anger back. "Steve you're an asshole I can't believe I was so naive to help you. Leave!" I shout at him but he didn't go.
He stood up and walked over to me.
"Y/N I'm so sorry I was and still am an asshole. I was so stupid to let you down. I'm so dumb. I can't believe I left you only to be popular, to become a completely asshole. I'm so sorry to hurt you. You were my best friend and I still hope we can be friends again." By now I started to cry and Steve embraced me.
"I read the letter you wrote and I'm so sorry. I always look at our pictures we made. I miss you everytime I see you in school I want to go to you and talk. Nancy often talks to me about you how you seem to be alone and cold towards her and Barbara and I think it's my fault. Its all my fault." I let out a sob.
"Y/N I was such a dumb boy" I heard Steve sobbing too.
"I can't believe you didn't want to say all the things to me. You know you can always tell me everything. Why didn't you told me that you love me?" I gathered my courage and spoke the first time in forever
"It's not that easy Steve."
"First when I'm talking to you everyone would stare at us and call me a whore because I'm talking to a boy in a relationship. And second you wouldn't have cared about it. You would have left for Nancy anyways. You had liked her since ever."
"Ok wait. Nancy is hanging out with Jonathan lately I don't even think I'm her boyfriend anymore. And second because I loved you too but I was afraid to tell you"
"But you love Nancy right?"
"Yeah but it's difficult" by now I began to cry and he sat down on my bed next to me.
"I'm so sorry Steve. I couldn't handle it. And it's my fault I lost you. I wasn't enough for you."
"No.. no you were and you are still perfect" he gently put a strand of hair behind my ear. I looked down onto the floor but felt his graze on me.
"And why did you fought with Jon?"
"Tommy and Carol thought they would be funny if they would let Nancy be starring in the movie theater. They called Nancy a slut after I told them she was with Jonathan yesterday in her room. Jonathan backed up for her. He's at the police station."
"What the hell" I ran my finger through my y/hc hair.
"Nancy slapped me and then Jonathan came and threw his fist in my face and it escalated."
"You're an idiot Harrington." I rolled my eyes. Slowly it feels like it's going to be normal even after the talk before.
Don't let him in again.
"Steve you should go." He nodded and walked toward the door.
"See you in school Y/N" I only nodded as and he left.
Dearest Steve,
Thanks for the memories that you gave me over all those years. I really appreciate that we were friends until Tommy our biggest enemy brought us apart. I did everything for you even if it seemed impossible and crazy. I love you from the very first day and I always gonna love you.
Even if you'll never get this letter I want you to know that you're my everything, my life and my best friend.
I hate being apart from you and not talking to you kills me. Every time I see you and Nancy kissing it kills myself. I'm dead inside and you left. You gave me power to live to hold on but then you left. Puberty really changed you just as Tommy did.
I miss the time when we lay under the stars and talked about our wishes and dreams. My dream now is to go back; to have my Steve back. I had loved it when you were around and we acted like we don't care what others are thinking mostly when we did the weirdest things. I was proud that my best friend is a year over me at school and still likes to meet me.
But the horrible thing is that we see us at school and don't even look at each other. I miss your beautiful brown eyes which light up when you were laughing over my bad jokes. I miss your fluffy hair and your crazy secret behind it. I would love to go back but I can't and I know it. I know I treat you like shit but its just to protect myself not to be hurt again.
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oddly specific memories i have of listening to tma
in honor of the finale, and because i am a sentimental asshole, i bring you this potentially uninteresting and completely pointless list. i'm gonna miss this show a lot
half my original reasoning for listening to the podcast was to motivate me to walk on the treadmill. this did not work. but i did it the first time, when i was going through the trailers and anglerfish, and i remember the room where my dad keeps the treadmill is really dark and the spooky chanting sort of freaked me out
after the treadmill, i ended up listening to the bulk of the first four episodes on the couch, and halfway through i let my oldest cat, winnie, who always lived outside (i know, i was very against actually keeping her outside) in the house. and she jumped up on the couch with me, which she literally never did. (she was very grumpy and not super affectionate.) i had that cat since i was five, and she passed last june, and i really miss her. quarantine kind of gave us the opportunity to hang out with her a lot, because we were home so much. so i'm glad these memories are kind of intersected in my mind. (below: a pic i have from that day.)
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my friend sarah relistened along with me the first time around, which was extraordinarily sweet of her, and also led to some interesting interactions. for example: she forgot when it was revealed that sasha was dead, so she accidentally spoiled that for me when i asked when the others would find sasha (and i spent all of season 2 just like. anxiously vibrating over this fact). she also made this post, when i was still in like early first half of season 1, and my immediate thought was "oh no martin is dead." i hadnt even MET martin at this point
back in early quarantine, my mom had this rule that we had to do something new every day (to keep away the depression... ha ha). anyways, all i wanted to do in my free time was sit around and listen to tma (and also watch this show i was into on netflix), so i came up with some lame excuses, one of which was "i'll give myself a pedicure." this led to the memory i ultimately associate with mag 56 (trevor herbert 2) being me sitting out on our roof balcony thing, giving myself a horrendous pedicure
another time, my family wanted to go play tennis, and they brought me along and brought a hammock for me to lay in. there was this excess material from the hammock, and the sun was in my eyes, so i ended up pulling it up and over me to block the sun and creating this ridiculous hammock cocoon thing. one of the episodes i listened to that day? "tucked in."
before i ever started the show, my friend sarah stayed with me while i was pet sitting. i remember when she got there, she'd just listened to 150 and was telling me how freaky it was (she was still trying to get me into the show), and she was like "of course we're staying on a CUL DE SAC." (that was also the weekend she watched us for the first time and was very upset because i slept through the whole thing, which is scary when you're staying somewhere by yourselves.) anyways, i spent the whole show waiting for the scary cul de sac episode
while i was listening to the show for the first time, my step-dad (an artist) started painting an EYE on the door downstairs near my bathroom. a fucking EYE. he didn't finish it til i had finished the show. but still weird!!
i binged like 12 episodes in one day to finish season 4, which is not impressive at all, but it's still my personal record. i just remember staying up late in my dark bedroom (til like.... 11 i'm lame and i go to bed early), listening to like 158 & 159 & 160 and just being knocked on my ass by how good it all was... i was SUPER spoiled by this point, through my own fault, and i knew exactly what was coming, but actually experiencing it was nuts
the second week i listened live was 167, where the public release was delayed by a couple hours by accident. i spent like 20 minutes refreshing spotify, thinking it was broken, before going on tumblr and seeing what the deal was. (and 167 remains one of my favorites of s5 because i remember just going "thank god it was worth the wait.")
this one car ride where sarah and i made some of our friends listen to the first three episodes of the show. it was the middle of the night and we were just like blasting down i40 listening to anglerfish and do not open etc
the night the what the ghost episode publicly dropped was the night after my graduation, and i was sleeping out on the couch in the living room so my grandfather could sleep in a bed. it was super dark, and i am a jumpy person, and i Remember being mildly disgusted with myself because the corny sound effects were actually freaking me out. (i think i mightve actually seen something weird that night, maybe, but that's another story.)
the weekend my parents moved me into college, we couldn't get the cable in the house we were staying in, and we were all sitting around doing nothing, so i jokingly suggested starting tma with them, and they were like ok grace. my step-dad promptly fell asleep and my mom zoned out -- which is probably good, she doesn't like horror and she's super claustrophobic, so it's probably better we never got to do not open
my brief roommate in college talked about how she was into those youtube channels where people just read scary stories, so of course i was like try tma out. so she listened to the first episode on her own, and we were out one night, and she started mag 02 while i went into an ice cream place. she was into it (she kept being like open it, ya pussy) and wanted to keep listening while we went home, and even back in our room. i had only been in town for a couple weeks, and barely knew my way around, but i also didn't want to turn the gps on and be interrupted every five seconds. so i tried to find our way back on my own. it took the entirety of mag 03, and into mag 04, before i did it. so now i will forever associate across the street with all those wrong turns i took in a dark, semi unfamiliar city, trying to get back to our college without a gps
the day of the early drop for 179 was the day i moved back home from college -- a five hour drive by myself. i ended up listening to it on the final stretch of the trip, when i was super tired and it was dark and i knew it'd probably be a crazy episode. just me full blasting down i40, drinking an energy drink (which i never do) through a hole punched in the top, listening to daisy's death
186 early dropped the day after initial u.s. election day (when we still didn't know anything). my mom had set up a "watch party" in the living room with these giant air mattresses, and we all sort of spent the day crowded around the TV watching the numbers. not much of a memory, but i remember sitting on that air mattress and listening to martin's monologue in the midst of that messy week
i had a virtual therapy appointment on the day of 187's early drop, and my dad was home, so i drove to an empty parking lot to do the session in some privacy. i was trying to listen to the episode before the session started, so i ended up listening to the last half sitting in my car, in the pouring rain, just staring at my radio in shock (187 remains one of my favorite s5 episodes)
my friend sarah had just come home for winter break the day 189 dropped, and we decided to listen together, just like driving around in circles drinking coffee and listening and speculating on whether or not that was really martin
i started my relisten right after thanksgiving and was just kind of blowing through fast as i could through the whole of december. i had to go back to college to empty out my dorm, and i went to the beach after, and i ended up listening to mag 11 while just like walking around in circles in the tide pools. the closer it got to christmas, the more christmassy i wanted to keep things, so i would like. listen in the mornings and turn on one of those Netflix fireplaces and get all cozy
my other friend went with me on a mini bagel road trip in december, and he was still trying to get caught up, so we listened to mag 169, 170, and 171 on the drive home. (by this point, i was accustomed enough to s5 and smiting scenes to automatically reach for the volume controls when jude perry and jared hopworth died.)
when i relistened to mag 47, i was sitting with my cat beezus. i paused the episode to write this big long meta, so i was in a different headspace when i pressed play again. jon immediately yelled for sasha and i immediately jumped, and beezus gave me a searing glare and just got up and left
i relistened to piecemeal while i was cooking, which i thought was kind of funny and also disgusting
after christmas, i got into the habit of bringing my cat georgia into my room in the mornings, and she'd crawl under the covers with me while i listened to tma
one story i've always liked to tell from my first listen is how when i first listened to the meat arm grinder episode, my dad asked me to help him cook hamburgers later that day and explained how hamburgers are ground up (to my disgust). i hit meat grinder in my relisten and um. you'll never fucking guess what i made for lunch that day
so i had all these arbitrary rules for myself when i started tma last april, and i've broken like all of them. i started listening to tma while virtually working -- you just pull it up on your computer and it works. (i got the life scared out of me when one of my coworkers started talking over the podcast, wondering who it was that had walked into jon's office and why he wasn't reacting and why i didn't remember it.) i also started listening a lot while driving, which led to several long meta posts i wrote being typed up in a parking lot somewhere
i spent the entirety of 194 anxious-cuddling georgia. (i tried to do this for 198 and then didn't have any anxiety to cuddle her over.) i fully plan on doing this for 200, where i am sure i will need it again
my favorite place to listen to tma probably ended up being the roof room at my mom's, and unless something goes awry, this is where i will listen to the finale. (with georgia, of course.)
this list is super uninteresting, like i said, but here it is. i'm gonna miss this show a lot. i can't wait to return to it, later in life, and make all new listening memories in the process
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 years
Hi there! I am a huge fan of your writing. You’re so talented!! All of your stories are pure GEM!!! Anyway, I have a story idea: reader is tom’s childhood friend and she substituting Harry as Tom’s assistant during one of his filming. Only if you don’t mind :) Thaank you!!
Thank you so much!!
Old Friend
part two
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
more like this:I might be the writer if we were a movie
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“Are you serious?” Tom whined Into the phone.
“I know.” Harry sighed. “I’m sorry. But if I don’t make up my exam today, my professor is gonna fail me. There’s no way I can make it to set today.”
“It’s not your fault.” Tom didn’t want to put the blame on his brother. “I just really need an assistant. I get disorganized and stressed when you’re not there.”
“I know. That’s why I’m sending in a substitute assistant for the day.” Hardy replied.
“A substitute?” Tom sighed. “Who? I don’t really feel like teaching a stranger my whole schedule.”
“I already got them up to date on what they need to do.” Harry assured his brother. “And they’re not a stranger. You’ll know her when you see her.” 
As if on cue, Tom heard a knock on his trailer door.
“Tom?” You asked as you entered his trailer. Tom turned to the voice and his eyes widened at the sight of his childhood best friend. You were grown now, as was he. Your baby face had melted into a beautiful young woman. Your hair was lighter and your skin tanner, no doubt from the LA sun. He hadn’t seen you since you were 10, and you told him with tears running down your face that you were moving to America after growing up next to each other all your lives. Tom let the phone fall from his hand and felt his throat dry out.
“Y/n?” He asked hopefully. “Is that really you?”
“I think so.” You smiled. That was something that hadn’t changed. You still had the same angelic smile Tom remembered from his childhood, and it made him smile back.
“I haven’t seen you since we were kids. God, I barely recognize you when you’re not in a princess dress.” Tom laughed, still taking you in.
“And somehow, you still look like a prince. Nice hair.” You nodded towards his quaff and he blushed in embarrassment. It felt like you had fallen right back into how you used to be, and Tom was loving it.
“Trust me, it wasn’t my decision.” Tom defended his Prince Charming-esk hair.
“I like it no matter who’s decision it was.” You shrugged with an easy smile. “I see you still like to wear the same clothes.” You pointed at his Spider-Man suit with a cheeky smile. You and Tom had grown up in love with the 16 year old superhero, and him playing him was a dream come true.
“Yep.” Tom agreed, thinking back to late nights on the trampoline pretending to be Spider-Man. “This ones a little fancier but a lot harder to use the bathroom in.”
“If I remember correctly, you never had a problem using the bathroom in uncomfortable costumes before.” You raised your eyebrows and Tom groaned.
“I pee my pants during one school play and you never let me forget it.” He whined.
“Just trying to keep you humble, movie star.” You winked. “And I can’t get over it since it was during my only speaking line.”
“I was nervous.” He declared.
“You were a tree!” You protested.
“A nervous tree.” Tom defended. “And I can promise you, I have not peed during any scene since then.”
“I hope not, because as your assistant, I’d have to help you clean up.” You pointed out.
“How’d you end up as my assistant anyway?” Tom wondered, not that he was complaining.
“I moved to LA a month ago to follow my career and I ran into Harry yesterday at a cafe. He told me he was about to fail some class and I asked what I could do to help, and this is what I could do.” You replied. 14 years missing each other and you just so happened to run into Harry in a cafe.
“I’m gonna feel bad making you do things for me though.” Tom realized. He didn’t want to boss the only girl he ever loved around all day. Getting coffee was beneath you.
“Don’t.” You assured him. “Do you know how hard it is to find a job in LA? I will be your assistant for the rest of my life if you want.”
“Oh, okay.” Tom nodded, feeling a little disappointed that you were only in it for the job.
“Plus, I get to hang out with my childhood best friend on a million dollar movie set. Trust me, I’m living the dream.” You smiled and poked his arm. At the first contact with you in 14 years, Tom felt his body light up like a live wire. He pulled you into a hug and held you there as if his life depended on it.
“I have missed you.” He said, voice wavering with emotion.
“I guess I missed you too.” You shrugged in his arms.
“Ouch.” Tom laughed at your indifference.
“I’m only teasing.” You laughed back. “My friends from high school and college know everything about you. You were all I talked about.”
“I get it. You wanted some street-cred for knowing a celebrity.” Tom said with a cocky grin.
“I actually never told them you were famous.” You answered, still in his arms.
“Really? You didn’t tell them you and Spider-Man used to finger paint portraits of each other?” Tom looked down at you the best he could.
“I told them about those portraits, but not that it was with Spider-Man.” You replied.
“Why not?“ Tom wondered.
“Because it wasn’t.” You shrugged. “It was with you. I knew you before you were famous and that’s the Tom I remember. I told them about how you were secretly a great carpenter but pretended to be bad so your mom wouldn’t make you go to carpentry school and how you accidentally ran over a butterfly with your bike and cried for a month. Those are the things I remembered and loved about you. You being famous is the least interesting thing about you.”
Tom was speechless with your words. You loved him for him, and clung on to your memories the same way he did. He squeezed you tighter and sniffled a little.
“I really missed you, Y/n.” He repeated. It was all he could say.
“I missed you too.” You smiled softly as you hugged your childhood best friend. You and Tom stood in silence, quietly swaying as he rested his chin on top of your head. No words were spoken, but no words were needed. You let your body language speak the words you didn’t have a chance to all those years you were apart.
“Now go make me a coffee.” Tom said, breaking the silence. You slipped out of his hug and gave him a shocked face.
“I’m kidding! I’m kidding!” Tom pulled your back into his arms with a laugh, placing a gentle “welcome home” kiss on your forehead. “I drink tea.”
You spent the day at Toms beck and call. He was incredibly easy to work with and just as kind as you remembered. He always sent you away with a “please” and greeted you with a “thank you.” You brought him his tea, script, schedule, and anything else he asked for. He was filming all day, but spent every break and lunch with you, just catching up. He learned that you were single and trying to become a playwright. Tom told you you’d be amazing. He was just as you remembered; goofy, annoying, and just about the sweetest guy alive. The day ended before you knew it and soon it was time to leave.
“I’ll see you when I see you.” You said as you gathered your things from Toms trailer, feeling deflated. He was busy at work and your time together was ending.
“Right, I’ll see you.” Tom said before putting his hand over his pocket. “Oh, what’s that? My phone is ringing?”
“I don’t hear a-“ you tried to say.
“-oh, it’s definitely ringing.” Tom cut you off as he took out his phone and held it to his ear. “Hello? Oh Harry! It’s Harry.” Tom whispered to you. “What’s that? You can’t be my assistant tomorrow either? You’re failing another class? Gosh golly darn it. I don’t know where I’ll find an assistant on such short notice.” Tom sighed loudly and you bit back a smile as his ridiculous behavior. “What did you say? You think Y/n should stay for another day? That’s a great idea Harry. Gee, I wish I thought of that idea. I’ll ask her. Okay. Bye now.” Tom pretended to hang up the phone and looked at you.
“Harry’s not coming tomorrow either.” Tom sighed again.
“Really? I had no idea.” You played along.
“I guess you’ll just have to be my assistant again tomorrow.” Tom shrugged as if he didn’t orchestrate the entire plan.
“I guess I will.” You shrugged back. You and Tom shared shy smiles, feeling like kids again.
“So I’ll see you tomorrow?” You asked as you made your way out.
“Yes. Tomorrow.” Tom nodded and watched you leave.
“Damn it.” The director grumbled as he got off the phone the next day.
“What’s wrong?” You asked as you fixed Toms hair before his next scene where Spider-Man had to save a girl from a falling truck.
“The extra broke her leg over the weekend.” He answered. “She’s not coming.”
“Can’t you just use someone else?” Tom asked.
“We’d have to find a girl who can fit into her costume and act in under half an hour to stay on schedule. That’s not happening in such short notice.” The director sighed and checked his clipboard.
“Y/n could do it.” Tom spoke up.
“What?” You asked him.
“It’s perfect.” Tom continued. “You can act and you can fit into her costume. We used to do plays all the time when we were younger.”
“A year 3 play is a lot different from a Marvel film.” You reminded him.
“Not really. Anthony Mackie acts like a third grader anyway.” Tom answered. “You’ll be fine. All you have to do is scream.”
“Tom, I can’t.” You said out of the corner of your mouth.
“Please?” He begged. “If we don’t shoot this scene today the whole movie will be delayed.”
“I’ve never been on camera before. I can’t just jump into a Spider-Man movie.” You protested.
“I did! Actually, I flipped in.” He corrected himself. “That’s besides the point. The point is, you’re amazing, you’re talented, you’re here, and I need you.” Tom listed. “Please?”
You looked at Tom and sighed. “What do I have to do?”
“Yay! Thank you!” Tom kissed your forehead. “All that’s gonna happen is I’m gonna swing down and pick you up to stop you from being crushed by a falling truck. Then we just swing around New York before I set you down all safe and sound. That’s easy enough, right?”
“Swing me around?” You gasped. “How high?”
“40, maybe 50 feet.” Tom shrugged.
“50 feet?!” You shrieked.
“I said maybe!” He shot back.
“I’m not good with heights.” You whined.
“It’s okay. I’ll be holding onto you the entire time. You’ll be safe in my arms.” Tom assured you, and you almost believed him.
“I don’t know.” You bit your lip.
“Come on, Y/n. We were the biggest Spider-Man fans as kids. You always told me it was your dream to swing around in his arms. This is your chance.” Tom pleaded with you as you felt the eyes of the entire cast and crew staring at you.
“My chance to fall 50 feet and die.” You shot back.
“You won’t fall. I won’t let you.” Tom promised as he held his hands under his chin in a pleading position.
“Fine.” You blurted. “What do I have to say?”
“You don’t have any lines. You just need to scream. You don’t even need a script.” Tom smiled as you were rushed off to hair and makeup.
Next thing you knew, you were changed into your costume, harnessed and had wires attached to you, Tom as well.
“Ready?” Tom gave you an excited thumbs up.
“No.” You answered, but couldn’t help the smile that appeared. Tom shot a grin back at you before slipping on his mask. The first story nodded at you, and you nodded back.
“Action!” The director called.
You did as you were told. You started running away as the cameras followed, always looking back and screaming.
You tried to go left and a car exploded in your way.
You tried to go right and a telephone line fell, blocking your path as sparks flew. You had nowhere to go and no one to save you. Then, the truck came flying at you. You screamed and covered your face just before Spider-Man came swinging in and swept you off your feet. You kept your eyes shut as Tom gave your hip a reassuring squeeze. You didn’t watch as you felt the worse pulling you higher and higher. You just held on tightly to Toms neck and prayed for a safe landing.
“Give is a scream!” The director called from below. You did as you were told.
“It’s okay. I got you!” Tom said triumphantly as Peter. He saw the platform he had to land on and squeezed your hip twice to let you know it was ending. He stuck his landing and you felt your feet touching the floor again. You slowly took your face out of the crook of his neck and looked around, timid and afraid, before looking at Tom.
“See? I told you I got you.” Tom laughed sprightly and gave you a squeeze.
It was in the script.
All of it.
The words, the swing, the moment. The extra who didn’t show up knew that. Tom knew that. The cast and crew knew that.
Not you though.
You’d never read the script. Not that scene anyway. So in the rush of the moment with your favorite superhero’s arms around you and your heart beating rapidly from the adrenaline, you lifted Toms mask above his nose and kissed him firmly without a second thought. The kiss softened and he cupped your face before you pulled away and shook your head to wake yourself up.
“Thanks Spider-Man.” You said bashfully and slowly took your arms from around his waist.
“Okay. You have a good day ma’am.” Tom pretended to tip an invisible hat at you and ran out of frame.
“Cut!” The director yelled.
“Sorry, I kinda went off script at the end there.” You quickly commented to both Tom and the director before it could get anymore awkward between you and Tom. He hadn’t removed his mask yet, and you were glad he hadn’t. You didn’t even know why you kissed him. You just did. Everything in you told you you had to.
“No problem. You were feeling the moment. All good actors do. You’ve felt the moment before, right Tom?” The director asked.
“I definitely felt something.” Tom said in a strange way.
“Y/n, Tom, great work. I think we got everything we need. You two can go home for the day. See you tomorrow.” He smiled and patted Tom on the back. Tom removed his mask and was just as red underneath. At first, no one spoke. Then he cleared his throat, then you. Finally, you had to speak.
“Sorry about that.” You offered.
“Don’t be.” Tom smiled tightly.
“It’s just, you know how long I’ve loved Spider-Man and when we were shooting that scene”, your heart started to pound again like it did when you were in the air, “it all felt so real. You in your suit looking like Peter Parker, I mean it was just magical.”
“I’m aware of how magical it was.” Tom smiled genuinely this time.
“No, but you’re used to it. Swinging around with the wind in my hair and your arms around me, I just got so emotional that I kissed you” you explained. “All I could do in that moment was kiss you. Uh, kiss Spider-Man I mean. I just really needed to kiss Spider-Man.”
“Right. Spider-Man.” Tom nodded, suddenly wondering if he wanted to be more than friends with his old friend.
Part two
Tag List 🏷
@maybemona @sunrise-shawn @meghan-8520xx @writing-for-hours-on-end @lavender-writer @captainmandeestudent17 @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @theolwebshooter @autumnlyholland @andreasworlsboring101 @guksmyfav @waiting-to-be-myself @letsloveimagines @ho-ho-holland @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @m19friend @justcallmehitgirl @iamanerdot @averyfosterthoughts @celestial-skylines
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sarahwroteathing · 4 years
Art 265 (1)
Word Count: 1086
Summary: Steve and Sam join Bucky in his office for lunch.
A/N: I am FINISHED with college, I am TIPSY, and I am EXCITED to finally share this silly nonsense with you.
Reader Perspective 
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Steve paused outside the door for roughly half a second before letting himself into Bucky’s office, the disapproving look he received in response having no impact on him whatsoever. 
“You’re not even going to pretend to knock first anymore? Just bust in here like you own the place?”
Steve raised an eyebrow in challenge.
“You’ve never knocked on my door in your life, so I don’t want to hear it.”
“Yeah, because I’m waiting for the day there’s actually something to walk in on. At the moment, the most scandalous and indecent thing you have in your life are those pants,” Bucky said with an accusatory point.
“They’re workout pants,” Steve said defensively, settling into the chair across the desk from Bucky. “You’re the one who claims he can’t possibly delay lunch an extra twenty minutes for me to go back to my office after yoga to change.”
As if suddenly remembering all the texts he sent about starvation, Bucky hopped up from his seat to rummage in the mini fridge in the corner, flinging Steve’s lunch box at him over his shoulder before claiming his own sandwich of alarming proportions. 
“I think you’re teaching them more about anatomy than yoga, pal.”
“They’re not that tight! They’re not even yoga pants. They’re joggers.”
“Jogging everyone’s memory of high school health class,” Sam said as he came through the door. 
“Alright, that one was pretty good,” Bucky said begrudgingly over Steve’s groan while Sam reached into the mini fridge for his lunch. “Almost makes me feel guilty.”
Sam shot him a suspicious glare, expression melting into resignation when he saw the bite taken out of his apple. 
“Seriously? Why.”
“Rent for the fridge space.” 
“Why are we even friends,” Sam grumbled as he claimed the last free chair by a sulking Steve.
“Because you are the only psych professor that you like,” Bucky answered with a triumphant smile. 
“They’re fine. They’re just a bunch of nerds.”
“Sure. How many hours did you spend trying to convince me to build robot wings for you?”
“You’re the one who asked for independent research ideas. Not my fault you don’t have the talent to deliver objectively awesome inventions.”
Steve’s sanity was saved when his phone gave a soft chime, Bruce’s name lighting up the screen. He was halfway through his reply when Bucky cleared his throat pointedly.
“Respect the no texting rule, Rogers.”
Steve looked up with a deadpan expression, maintaining eye contact while continuing to type his response. 
“Who’s that, your fan club asking for private lessons?”
“An art emergency? Someone use the wrong shade of blue?”
“No, assholes. Bruce is asking about my teaching schedule for next semester.”
“I thought you guys already settled on your class time,” Sam said with a raised brow that twitched back down in annoyance when Bucky slapped the tabletop.
“I swear to God, Steve... You know I love you, but if he bails on you, I’m not standing in for him again. I don’t get paid enough to let undergrads stare at my ass for two hours a week.” 
“More like these poor undergrads pay too much in tuition to be subjected to your ass in spandex,” Sam corrected, grinning victoriously while Steve laughed.
A new text alert sounded before Bucky could retaliate, drawing everyone’s attention back to the phone.  Steve didn’t say anything at first, frowning thoughtfully down at the screen until Bucky flung a chip in his direction.
“Uh, one of his friends in the English department is trying to start a new course. She needs a partner from the Art department to get it approved.”
“Is it Y/N?” Bucky asked, leaning forward in his seat with a suspiciously eager smile.
Steve’s eyes flickered back down to his screen. 
“Yeah. Do we know her?”
“Say yes, Steve.”
“Less talking, more typing. Say yes before she finds someone else. Don’t give me the stubborn chin; just trust me on this.”
“Fine, but no more taking rent from our lunches. And if this goes badly -”
“It won’t go badly. Seriously, she’s amazing.”
“Is this the old lady who makes you lemon bars?” Sam asked. “Or is this a woman you’re trying to date?”
“The lemon bar lady is Sue, and I would die for her,” Bucky corrected. 
Steve typed his reply to Bruce, trying not to fantasize about said lemon bars. Bucky wasn’t exaggerating. Steve would take a bullet for Sue the Lemon Bar Lady.
“So how do you know someone in the English Department? That building is across campus from here,” Sam pushed.
“I’m cute, and people like talking to me.”
“It’s definitely not that. Try again.”
“Alright, look, so remember that one night I stayed really late in my lab trying to fix this damn prosthetic? I canceled my morning class the next day and came in late. She was heading up the steps right in front of me, and I immediately knew I needed to meet this woman. And she was headed for the labs, and I hadn’t been down there in a solid 12 hours anyway, so I kind of… followed her down there.”
In the brief pause Bucky took, he was hit by three chips and a gel pen.
“Buck, that’s creepy!”
“You can’t just follow random women into basements, man!”
“It was noon on a Tuesday! Relax, will you? And she wasn’t alone anyway. Turns out she was going to see Stark, and I… know him kinda, so. I invited myself in there. We had a nice chat. She’s cool.”
Sam and Steve stared incredulously at Bucky for several long moments until Bucky began to shift uncomfortably in his seat.
“Look if you had seen the dog you would have understood. I needed to pet it, okay?”
“The dog? What dog?”
“She has a dog! Big fluffy mess of sunshine and love. Her name is Faucet.”
“Faucet?” Sam repeated. 
“Bucky did you just have me commit to a semester with a stranger because you like her dog?” Steve asked slowly. 
“Her name is Faucet. Have some respect,” Bucky said, pointing at Steve. “ And no. Y/N is also kind of awesome, and she’s pretty cute too. You’ll like her.”
“I hope not.”
Sam gasped, leaning forward and reaching across the desk to grab at Bucky.
“Could she be the one? To break the Great Dating Embargo?”
“Only time will tell,” Bucky said solemnly.
Both he and Sam turned evaluative stares on Steve who rolled his eyes in exasperation before turning to leave the office. 
Woo! Who’s excited? I know this was just silly banter, but it made me happy to write, so I hope it made you happy to read. For those of you who have read chapter 2 of the reader’s perspective, what are you looking forward to about Steve’s side? 
Replies, comments, and asks make the world go round!
Part 2
Tags: @aubzylynn @shifutheshihtzu @internalbullshit @lilasiannerd-blog @kennadance14 @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @iwillbeinmynest  @scotlandasshole @netflixa @hardcorehippos @singingprincessstudent @sophiealiice @blue1928 @tinuviel015 @jacks-on-krack @a-book-pressed-rose @fvckjamesbarnes @bbparker @battlebunnyteardropsinthesun @feelmyroarrrr @breezy1415 @orangespocks @multifandomgirl-us @majesticavenger​ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @patzammit @pato-el-cerdito​  @intricate-melody​ 
146 notes · View notes
claraoswaldfics · 3 years
Halloween Night
The throbbing in her neck was the first thing Clara noticed as she woke up. The second was that she was naked. What had happened last night?
As she pushed her fringe out of her face, she noticed a trail of clothes winding their way from the door to her bed. Heels, jumper, skirt. She lifted the covers, where she discovered her bra and underwear, neither of which were still on her body. But strangest of all were the orange knee-socks on the unoccupied pillow beside her. Were they hers?
On her bedside table, her phone announced it had finished charging. That should have taken it about one and a half hours, so either there had been a power cut last night, or someone else had recently plugged it in for her. Clara looked at the screen and saw on it a message from her flatmate, Priya.
“Noticed a redhead sneaking out of your room this morning. Congrats on losing your gay virginity!” Dozens of emojis followed; huge blocks of pride flags and fireworks lit up her screen, then the message continued, “Not going to tell the group chat until you’re ready of course, but girl, I am going to need all the deets!”
There may have been more to the text, but it was then that Clara noticed the date. November first. Suddenly it all came rushing back.
 It was Halloween at Glitz.
The club itself had been dwindling for a while now and most of the cool young people had probably moved away to venues that were more ‘hip’ or ‘fresh’. The fact that Clara assumed that was still the lingo was part of why she still came to Glitz. Not often, granted. It was strictly on an annual basis now. An ersatz tradition dating back to their university days (back when they’d all briefly experimented with paganism) to dance at this increasingly outdated, overpriced discotheque every 31st of October.
Even in the rain
Clara was as usual the first to arrive. It wasn’t so much that she was always early as everyone else was always late. The whatsapp group had assured her a few hours ago that they’d be there though, so there was still a chance (however small) that they were already inside.
She flashed her ID to the bouncer, who made a point of studying it. She was 26 now, old enough to appreciate being mistaken for someone younger, but still young enough to be impatient about the delay. Or maybe it was the costume that was holding him up. Thinking about it, it must be hard to tell if someone is who they say they are when they’re dressed as Velma Dinkley.
Ever since she’d gone for a more bob-like haircut, she’d been getting a lot of comparisons to the Scooby Doo character, so it was an easy decision to lean into it for Halloween. This didn’t mean it was an easy or cheap costume – Clara Oswald never did things by half, after all. She’d been nosing around high streets and second-hand shops the last two weekends putting it together. The orange jumper was baggy but sewn so as to give a good impression of her figure. The glasses made her eyes seem even wider, and combined with the freckles she’d drawn on took five years off her face. Surprisingly it was the little red skirt that had taken her the longest to find, only appearing in a last-minute lunch-break scrabble in Oxfam, and between it and the knee-socks, she was showing a lot more thigh than she was used to.
I mean it looks damn good, she thought to herself, but it isn’t half cold…
The bouncer finally nodded her through, and soon she was enveloped by the warm haze and pounding bass of Glitz. Maybe two dozen people were on the dancefloor, jumping and swaying to a song Clara was fairly sure had come out this year, but not one she knew the name of. I’ll dance at the next one, she thought, or maybe wait until the others get here.
It seemed that almost the moment she found a seat at the bar, her phone pinged. Naomi and Ellen weren’t coming. Apparently some couple had been trying to book their wedding venue out from under them so they were resigned to staying in and shouting down a phone all evening.
That wasn’t good. Those two were the lynchpin of all group planning. It was always worth going out with Naomi and Ellen because there would always be a story the next day. This was because the drunker they got, the more they’d dare the other, and those dares usually involved even more drinking. Clara had even had to bail them out once after they got arrested for shagging on a pool table.
But without them, the group dynamic fell apart. Priya loved nothing more than when a plan got cancelled. For her it was an excuse to shrug her bra off and fall asleep in front of the tv. Clara herself only owned two bras, one good but itchy and the other comfy but old, but Priya could have five littered around the living room at any one time. She’d hidden them on one occasion to encourage future tidiness.
And Emerald, the last of the group, Clara didn’t know particularly well. She knew they kept up with Yugioh (somehow) and read PG Wodehouse, but they’d joined the group in Clara’s last term at uni and she’d had her nose too deep in books to get to know her in any great depth. No doubt they’d have put a lot of effort into some anime costume, but if it was just her and Emerald left, they wouldn’t come.
Okay Clara, it’s not too bad. Shake it off, get a cocktail in you. This night could still go well.
The two pings of doom arrived before she was even halfway through her pina colada. Two more cancellations. Urgh. This calls for a consolation drink. And make it a pint this time.
It wasn’t even nine yet and it felt like the night was over. Clara sighed audibly. Such a shame, she thought. It’s my first Halloween as an out bi woman. This should have been like gay Christmas! I had all this Sapphic energy built up inside me tonight and I’m going to waste it fingering myself in the bath reading Jane Austen again. I’m even wearing the bi flag underpants Ellen got me for my birthday!
She’d been considering the idea of a second pint for around five minutes when she got a tap at her shoulder.
A jolt of electricity raced up Clara’s spine. She knew that voice, didn’t she?
She turned around in her stool just as the lights above the dancefloor shifted. The woman behind her was briefly illuminated from behind, her face a shadow, but her hair a fiery red halo. Putting a hand in front of her face for a second, Clara took in the rest of her body; a purple dress and go-go boots. Her brain rushed to piece it all together, arriving at the costume before the face.
“Daphne?” She replied, weakly.
As the lights shifted again, Clara was blessed with another view of this woman, who was somehow more dazzling out of the spotlight. She stood imposingly tall, her soft moon-like face looking kindly down on Clara. Taken altogether with her vibrant red hair, Clara felt like she was looking directly at a solar eclipse, and one she couldn’t look away from.
“Hi, I hope you don’t mind. My Shaggy’s gone off with my Scooby.” The woman smiled apologetically. “Thought I might go and make some new friends and well… the costume…”
Clara blinked. In fact she blinked rather a few times. She was still trying to process the fact that an angel had descended from heaven right in front of her.
“I beg your pardon?”
The redhead explained herself again. Clara made a note to focus on what she was saying, which, she justified, involved looking at this woman’s lips a lot.
“I did a group costume with these two guys. One was Shaggy, one was Scooby; we thought we’d come here for the night, have a few drinks, have a few laughs, but instead,” the next part of the sentence involved turning her head to shout pointedly “they’re GETTING OFF IN THE TOILETS!”
Clara let out a nervous giggle. It was a good cover for the big red wave of excitation that was coursing through her body. There was something about the way her Scottishness had just announced itself in her voice that made Clara’s thighs shudder. That woman could shout!
“Shaggy and Scooby-Doo?” Clara repeated. “The dog and the dog owner?”
“Exactly!” she bellowed. “Isn’t that mad?”
“That is so mad.” Clara nodded. Agree with everything this woman says, she thought. If she asks you to rob a bank, do it.
“And after only one drink as well!” She continued, exasperated, “They. Are. Terrible!”
“I guess that’s why they call him Shaggy?” It was a weak joke, Clara knew. And I fumbled the delivery. But frankly the fact that I managed a straight sentence around this woman is a miracle. Managing a straight anything was a challenge, to be honest.
And she laughed! She laughed at my dumb joke! I made that sound come out of her! That brogue-y Scottish cackle! Oh this is the best feeling in the world!
“I know! And that dog will do anything for a Scooby Snack!”
God, me too, thought Clara, as she unleashed a laugh a lot less cool than she hoped she would.
“Can I get you a drink?” Clara asked, thankful she still had any rational thoughts left.
“Ooh, yes. Rum and Coke, please.” She smiled. Such a lovely smile. “Do you have a name, or should I just call you Velma all evening?”
“Only if I can call you Daphne” Clara replied with a grin, signalling to the barman. This was a bit of damage control. It was suave and flirty, but she’d missed the window to introduce herself properly, or find out this charming redhead’s name.
“Oh, you want to play that game, do you?” Clara braced herself for the next word, as the redhead’s lips formed around it. “Velma.”
Beads of sweat started to form under her jumper. It was then that Clara realised where she’d heard that sexy Scottish brogue before…
The kissogram from Naomi and Ellen’s engagement!
Six months on and I’m just as flustered.
The drinks came and Clara positively snatched hers off the table. As long as her mouth was occupied with alcohol, she had more time to think. And as always, Clara, try and play it off as glamorous and mysterious.
The more strategic side of Clara’s brain spoke up; so you know who she is, but she doesn’t know who you are. What does that mean? You know what she does for a living – is that an okay thing to bring up? Does the fact that she hasn’t recognised me yet mean my costume is too good…
…or was that kiss unmemorable?
She chanced a look. The woman in the Daphne costume was nursing her rum and coke, but her eyes were still fixed on her over the rim of her glass.
Right. So what if she didn’t remember that kiss. It was half a year ago and in her line of work she couldn’t be expected to remember everyone she’d ever kissed. Clara could hardly do that herself. What it meant was that Clara could make another first impression. A confident, in-control one.
“Miss Blake.” She congratulated herself on remembering that scrap of Scooby Doo trivia.
“Is that Daphne’s last name?” The redhead half-giggled. “I’m sorry, I haven’t watched Scooby Doo since I was a wee bairn.”
Aha! The strategic part of her brain roared into force again. I know more about Scooby Doo than her! I can leverage this to my advantage… somehow! Strategy brain realised it should probably shut up for a bit, and that the reason it had been allowed to think so long without interruption was because the rest of her brain was once again cooing at the Scottish turn of phrase.
“So why Daphne, then?”
“It was a group costume with a bunch of friends, but there were a few no-shows, you know?”
Clara made a gesture to the four people who were definitely not standing next to her “I do know.”
“Between you and me, I’d have quite liked to come as Velma.”
The seriously unstrategic part of Clara’s brain practically roared: Come into the bathroom with me! We can swap clothes right now!
She continued. “besides, what other characters are there to dress up as, as a tall ginger woman?”
Jessica Rabbit, said Clara’s brain.
“Jessica Rabbit” said Clara.
Oh shit, said Clara’s brain.
“Naughty” she chided. “But I don’t think so. Not two years in a row, anyway.”
Oh shit, said Clara’s brain again, but with purpose (and without vocalisation). This is definitely flirting! This could go well! I haven’t made an embarrassing mess of myself!
Tonight, I’m going to rock her world.
“Would you like to take a seat?”
High on her own hubris, Clara hadn’t noticed the seats either side of her were taken. Um…
“I’d love to.”
Sirens blared in Clara’s head as ‘Daphne’ draped one arm over Clara’s back and slid both her indigo tight-clad legs over Clara’s until she was Sitting! In! Her! Lap!
“Oh, you don’t mind, do you?”
In a moment, all of Clara’s newfound confidence melted and words stuck in her throat. Clara worried for a moment maybe her nose was bleeding, or her entire lower body had turned to steam, or worse, that her damn traitor face might be giving Amy some reason to stop sitting on her.
“Oh, not at all.”
“Would you like to get in the van with me?”
“The van?”
“The um… the mystery machine.”
“Oh, the van from the show”
“So you want me to get in the Scooby Doo van with you?”
“Do you have a van?”
“But you just invited me to your van.”
Clara blinked a few times while her brain rebooted.
“It’s a metaphorical van.”
“And what exactly is it a metaphor for?”
“I don’t know.”
“Truly, this is one mysterious machine.”
A few mortifying seconds later, her strategic brain came back online. As did her non-strategic brain. They both made this noise: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!
The Daphne impersonator slid her legs off Clara and stood crouched at eye-level.
“Look, can I propose something?” asked the redhead “Instead of you trying to entice me out of the club, into a dirty alley, and into the back of your metaphorical van, why don’t we just get a taxi back to my place?”
Clara fell off her seat.
“Oh my God, your little flustered face!” She belly laughed. “Oh we are going to have such a lot of fun tonight! Come on, Clara.”
Their hands touched as the redhead reached down to help her up. In all future memories of this moment, it seemed to Clara like she was in Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam. Any hints of the reality, that a wide-eyed, shakey-legged sex-addled Scooby Doo cosplayer was being picked off the floor of a bar, were quickly purged from her mind by a greater realisation.
“You know my name.”
“Of course I do. I don’t get to snog many girls in my line of work.” She winked “And I make a note of the cute ones. I’m Amy.”
Clara nearly fell to the floor again.
But Amy kept her on her feet, one arm pulling her whole body to her.
“How about we get you into that taxi, I let you calm down for a little bit, and then you and I can get to know each other, okay?”
A sigh of relief from Clara; this was going well at last!
“And then after that we can make out a little and I’ll put my hands up your jumper, sound good?”
“Oh God yes.”
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kunderdogs · 4 years
Take A Chance IV
Simon Dominic (AOMG) x Y/N (Reader) Genre: Romance / Angst Count: 2.4k+ Warnings: None Rating: Mature (suggestive, swearing) Summary: Who would’ve thought a one night stand with Simon D would turn into FWB? It only gets more complicated when you developed feelings, against your better judgement.
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Chapter One. | Chapter Two. | Chapter Three. | Chapter Four. | Chapter Five. | Chapter Six. | Chapter Seven. |
Over the course of two weeks, you and Kiseok had a pretty good routine going on. He didn't come over every night, more like every other but he called and texted you nearly every chance he got.
At first you didn't think anything of it. He would ask you how your day was, if you ate and how you were feeling. Nothing crazy or out of pocket. It was innocent most of the time, and usually followed up by making plans to see you later on.
There was nothing you could do to stop your heart from bursting out of your chest each time you heard a small chime. Nicole had glared at you once when you two were on lunch and you scrambled over the table to reach your phone.
"Is that Lover Boy?" She teased. You were thankful that, out of all the nicknames she could've used - and she had a lot of them -, lover boy was the one she had stuck with. For now.
"What?" You feigned ignorance, "I have no idea what you're talking about. That's...Amazon. My package was delivered."
She smirked, sipping her iced tea, "I'm sure it was."
After a few days, Kiseok's texts became a little more...risky. You had no problem with sexting. When in the right setting, it was hot but he would send you wild shit while you're in the middle of a meeting, or when you're trying to finish up the last of your work before heading to see him. Usually you could play it off then retreat to the bathroom to respond but when he sent a voice recording of that damned deep voice of his, you stood from your desk and went to the stairs corridor to call and cuss him out for getting you bothered at eleven in the morning. You promised punishment as soon as you were off and Kiseok was, to say the least, intrigued. That night he was stunned at how different you could be if he gave you the reigns. Days after that, he still catches himself staring after you with amazement.
From that point on, he pretty much figured out that he could make you do nearly anything with a certain voice. It was a dangerous game that you two played. It only escalated when he coaxed you to touch yourself in the private bathroom at your company with him on FaceTime. You were lucky that you had finished in record-breaking time, before any of your coworkers (or God forbid, your boss) found out what exactly you were doing.
By the time the third week rolled around, Nicole had stopped hounding you for details of your hookups. Instead, she cautioned every now again. Typically, it was the same thing.
"Don't get too attached."
"He's a celebrity. You know how society is to foreigners dating celebs."
"What if he's a player? I just don't want you to get hurt."
While you appreciated her concern, you knew it was already too late not to get attached to him. Other than text you constantly, Kiseok did little things that had your head and heart confused.
On his bad days, he would complain to you about what happened and asked for your advice, if you had any to give, on the topic. He joked and teased you just like a friend would and willingly showed you pieces of his personal and work life as well. It was subtle at first - videos of him in the studio and then pictures of his friends when he was telling you a story about them. Each time, he would bring you food or have something delivered so you both got to learn each other's eating and drinking habits. You had seen him tipsy but he made it a point not to over do it in front of you.
Kiseok was also very considerate of you and your time, which you appreciated more than anything else. He didn't hound you if you didn't text back immediately and understood if you were swamped at the office or had to cancel that one time because the work would not be done until late in the night. He just told you to take care of yourself and later, had a pizza ordered to your job. It was around that time that you noticed you were falling a little too fast. You hadn’t admitted it out-loud, instead you chose to ignore those feelings completely. Hopefully, they would magically disappear into thin air.
You both didn't get into intimate details of your life. It was only by a weird stroke of luck that he hadn't found out about Cookie. She usually called right after you got off work anyway. Kiseok was busy during the day so when you went out to meet with your daughter and her father on your off days, he was in the middle of his own jam-packed schedule. Really, he was only available during the night time so you were more of a booty call than a FWB at this point. Neither of you had defined the "relationship" so far though, so it was hard to put a name to it right now.
It was Saturday when you woke up early and got dressed in casual clothes to go with Cookie to the zoo. Her, her father and his girlfriend were flying back to the US tonight so they wanted to do one last thing to fill the hours before the boring plane ride. You had cried last night as you thought of being without your mini-me for two whole months but his family hadn't seen her since she was much younger. You knew she would have fun, especially since his parents were dying to take her to Disneyland. You wished you could take an extended vacation and go with them but you had used most of your vacation days to take Cookie to Disney World for her birthday and that was only a couple of months ago.
Either way, you were sadder these past two days and thankfully Kiseok was swamped with an upcoming project so he hadn't been over in about four days. You didn't have to explain your blood-shot eyes.
You had so much fun at the zoo with your daughter that you didn't bother touching your phone. Your ex had taken most of the pictures for you all with promises to send them to you. It was around two in the afternoon when you four decided to go to a nearby burger joint and get some lunch. Cookie was shoving her face with chicken tenders so you decided to check your phone to pass the time. There were a few new gray message bubbles.
'Hey sexy thang ;)' 10:09AM
'This song better go double platinum with all the work I'm puttin in this bitch' 11:32AM
'Don't tell me you're asleep still?' 11:38AM
'I'm going to find a way to get your sexy ass as a video vixen one of these days' 11:47AM
'Argggh PD is calling me back. Text me when you wake up' 11:51AM
'We should be done by 2. Loco is taking me to some new place for food then I'm free. Can I swing by your place?' 11:52AM
Of course they were all from Kiseok. Not even your mother texted you as much as he did and although you liked the attention, right now you wanted to focus on Cookie since you won't physically see her for weeks after this. You frowned to yourself, feeling tears well up in your eyes for the millionth time today. You were going to miss her so much.
Composing yourself, you quickly typed a reply back. 'Hey. I'm up, just a little busy today. I won't be able to see you tonight. Maybe tomorrow if you're free?' 2:16PM
With that, you locked your phone and slid it in your pocket, once again forgetting about it soon after.
Your ex's girlfriend, Mia, nudged you slightly when she saw how pensive you were. "Hey, you okay? Was that work?"
Shaking your head, you took a breath, "No, I'm just gonna miss having my best friend around."
Cookie popped up, french fries sticking out of her mouth, "I'm gonna miss you too, mommy!" Her curly hair was pulled into two pony-tails, coils springing happily as she devoured the food in record-breaking time. "Don't cry! I'll make daddy buy you a Tiana dress so we can match!"
You laughed at the sight, tears pooling in your eyes again as her father pouted. "Ok, sweetie, I'd love to match with you."
About thirty minutes later, you all were getting ready to leave when Mia said she'd swing by and grab the rental car from the parking lot. They had to go to back to their hotel to pack. You all said your goodbyes, tears flowing freely between you and Mia. Cookie looked concerned for you as she wiped your tears, kissing your cheeks to reassure you.
Your ex hugged you and thanked you again, his eyes sparkling with happiness to have his precious daughter with him. You wished you could go with them once again as you watched their car drive off.
Back at home, you were greeted with a depressingly quiet apartment. It was cold and dark, something that was going to be a common occurrence for the coming weeks. Sniffling, you made your way to Cookie’s room, scanning her pink room with a blurring gaze. You were slowly walking around the room when you felt your phone ring.
It was Mia.
"Hello?" You called, wondering what could've happened in the last hour since you parted ways.
"Hey, Y/N, Cookie is freaking out because her father forgot to ask you to bring her Peach doll," Mia nearly shouted over the distraught crying in the background. You could hear your ex trying to console Cookie, to no avail. "Can you meet us at the airport with it?"
Searching the room, you spotted the Princess Peach doll on her bed and nearly sprinted out of the door. "I got it. When is your flight again?"
"Boarding is in another hour and a half."
Shit. You scrambled to snatch your keys and shoved the doll in your purse. "Okay, I'll leave now and meet you at departures, okay? Tell Cookie mommy's on the way."
You hung up and made a mad dash down to the parking garage. The airport was about a forty-five minute drive from your place, not including traffic or any other delays like the predictable Seoul rush hour.
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At his own apartment, Simon was lounging on his couch, laptop on his chest as he worked. Loco was right next to him, on Face Time with the one and only Jay Park as he was at the airport.
"Have a safe flight," Loco was saying before Kiseok slid shoulder-to-shoulder with him.
"Get there and back in once piece, boss," the oldest one teased and Jay laughed. Unfortunately, he was distracted a little too long because he suddenly collided into a woman. The phone fell, face up and there were suddenly two faces on the screen.
His body guards reacted immediately and made sure the two were alright. Mildly interested, the two on the other side of the line watched on.
"I-I'm so sorry, oh God, I'm just in a rush." The woman's voice was so eerily familiar to Kiseok that he took a second to strain to hear it over the airport commotion.
Jay was off to the side, picking up his passport and other belongings that fell. "Nah, it's alright. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, thank you. Again, I'm so sorry I wasn’t- Is this your phone?"
Without further ado, the woman picked up Jay's phone, and Kiseok felt his eyes bulge out of his skull when her face came into view.
What was Y/N doing in the airport? Loco didn't notice the other's tense reaction and simply waved at the stranger. You didn't seem to glance at the screen, yet they could easily notice your tear-stained cheeks, and just passed it back to the owner.
Over Jay reassuring her that it was fine for the third time, a loud and very male voice yelled. "Y/N! There you are!"
With another apology, you left the frame and turned towards the male voice. Jay watched the interaction for a second before continuing on his way, which was conveniently right past you. Loco was talking to the CEO like that didn't just happen when Kiseok saw you in the frame again. He was positive it was you this time around.
You wore that over-sized gray sweater that he thought was so cute on you, hair tied messily and hugging a handsome foreigner tightly. He pulled back from the hug and pushed back some pieces of your hair from your face before smiling, his lips moving. Staring up to him, you nodded, wiping your face with your sleeves. He brought you back to his chest, arms around your shoulders.
Involuntarily, Kiseok felt his jaw clench at the display of affection. His eyes tore from the phone quicker than he meant to, causing his junior to stare at him in confusion.
For the rest of the night, Loco was warily watching as the older man was fuming next to him. There was hardly any movement from his part and he was sure he was in a coma until Simon wiped out his phone, tapping it a few times before pressing it to his ear.
“Nayoung? It’s been a while. Are you free right now?”
Almost choking on his coke, Hyukwoo coughed. Why was Kiseok calling her, of all people? Once the call wrapped up, he nervously voiced his concern, “Hyung...Why are you calling her at this hour..?”
He didn’t get an immediate response, instead, Kiseok stood and glared with the power of a thousand suns at the TV in front of them.
“Am I not single? Can I not do what I want, with whoever I want, too?”
Without any further explanation, he stormed out of the apartment all together.
Hyukwoo stared after the front door in confusion. “Too?”
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alicetravelstories · 3 years
There’s nothing in the world that a trip to Sri Lanka can’t fix
There is so much more to Sri Lanka than what meets the eye. Get a taste of this quirky and beautiful place with me.
 Sri Lanka is as famous for its rich past as for its curry rice. I work with a renowned beauty brand. The brand is going global soon, and I was given the responsibility to check out the Asian market before the company launches its products. I was given the task of leading a team of ten people, all of them super-talented. Aside from being a little nervous, I was on top of the world. One of my closest friends is a travel blogger and has raved Sri Lanka ever since she came back from there.
I was told that if my flight lands early, it is better to take the three and half hour taxi ride to reach central plains. Unfortunately, I had to reschedule my flight because of prior work commitments. I landed three days after my team landed. My flight landed late at night, so I decided to stay the night in Negombo and travel for the plains the following day.
Since my work included a lot of research, I wanted to stay where the connectivity is excellent. My team and I decided to stay in a lovely lodge named Cinnamon Lodge in Harbanara. Harbanara is at the ideal location. Commuting to surrounding areas was a breeze. Our combined jet lags and exhaustion were asking for a spa day. A kind gentleman that I met at the reception recommended Thrimal Ayurvedic Massage. Ayurvedic massage is a kind of massage done using herbal oils and ancient methods. The technique originated in India and soon found its way in Sri Lanka. I have never been a fan of Ayurveda. For me, if I feel drained or exhausted, I would rather have a glass of red wine than book a massage. But after my experience with Thrimal Massage, I think it's time to look for massage places in my city. After the relaxing massage, my team and I decided to hold a meeting in my room to draw a blueprint of our trip here. We ordered in for lunch and dinner. The next morning we took a taxi to Sigriya Rock. Sigriya Rock is one of the most popular tourist spots in Sri Lanka. It was a long walk uphill to get to the top of the rocks. I was drenched in sweat by the time I reached the top, but the view made it worthwhile. The flat top of Sigriya Rocks contains the ruins of the Kassapa Kingdom.
We decided to grab lunch at a nearby café serving local cuisine. The lunch break was spent talking about future plans and harmless gossip.
The next stop was Dambulla. We took a taxi to Dambulla Cave Temple. The taxi driver was an expert with the local sites. He could speak a little English but was fluent with his facial expressions. The Dambulla caves are carved into a rock and have 150 Buddha statues in all shapes and sizes. It is said that the first statue was placed about 2000 years ago. There were some strict rules in place to be adhered to before entering the caves. We were asked to cover our knees and shoulders.  We bought sarongs at the entrance. We had already asked the driver to wait for us at the bottom of the hill. After being at the cave for two hours, we made out our to the exit. The highlight of my trip was the mangoes I got to eat there.
Like I mentioned before, I had to make some last-minute changes. I am so glad I made United Airline Reservations because the way they managed my booking was remarkable. I was panicking about delaying my trip, but the customer service assured me that there are plenty of United Airlines Flights that will be flying to Sri Lanka, so I had nothing to worry about.
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