#Them Crooked Vultures music video
bisnes-socks · 3 months
alright welcome to my ted talk about the drums on šbj
because both @novime and @me-sploh-rada-imas made the mistake of showing interest in the tags of my post, here we are and i'm sorry.
but seriously like i'm no expert, i'm not a drummer, so maybe someone who actually knows drumming very well or understands music theory etc could word this all better, my music education is all from early childhood and/or absorbed from being the child of a musician lmao. but really i'm just a lifetime enthusiastic listener of all music and spent all of covid years watching music analysis videos lmao, okay so like yeah i'm just rambling BUT the choices jure has made on this song are just so unexpected and cool.
like when the song first starts and the guitars come in playing the main riff, an experienced listener would expect the drums to make space for the guitars. for the guitars to be the lead in that section and drums to kinda blend in to let the guitar riff shine. so you'd expect a relatively simple beat with a lil closed hi-hat action on the offbeats to make it groove. 
but NO!! he plays over the guitars (but the guitars still lead! they still shine!) and the hi-hat is open (could be a different cymbal..? but sounds like an open hi-hat to me, i'll have to find live footage to check how he plays it) so it crashes quite loud and on the beat and then a quick lil pattern on the hi-hat more closed and then bam, open one more time, like it's just super unexpected in a section like that? 
and like. in rock music, hi-hats on the beat are usually on the 1 and the 3. well, if i counted right, he plays it on the 1 and the 3 on the first bar, but the second bar the quick lil pattern syncopates the bar and the second louder open hi-hat is on the 4, a beat later than you'd expect! and then it comes back for the next bar on the 1 and the 3, but then on the last bar of the cycle, it's on the 1, 3 AND 4. which works VERY well with the whine on the guitar. just brilliant composition.
and the hi-hat being open and ringing out the way it does makes the section quite heavy, like it's... stomping. (i think i saw someone else say the song makes them want to kick things and that's probably one of the reasons why. bc it stomps. severely.) while also being very groovy. and that's super cool and odd and amazing. oh and the minor key of the song also emphasises the sort of.. downward feeling of the stomp? but at the same time the whole thing is just.. dancable. that's amazing, that's skill.
and then in the chorus (?) bit (a ja samo čekam...) he's like switching between a more on the beat focused basic type rhythm, but with a very hard rock or even metal inspired naaasty snare drum sound, and then a more groovy beat, the exact one you'd expect in the beginning, where the hi-hat is grooving on the offbeat. like stoooop showing off (never stop).
and then towards the end, when the whole different instrumental section kicks in, i swear that part as a whole gives me like queens of the stone age, them crooked vultures etc. vibes, but the drums in particular, like it's giving dave grohl type energy, like he's going ooooffff. just very purposeful, massive drive, but suuuper tight.
like i've always liked his drumming bc you can tell he can very confidently just sort of ride any beat, easy, decorate it as he pleases, or he can go off with a lot of purpose and drive. and like. he just does all of the above in this one song. amazing.
and like don't get me wrong i could give a ted talk on every instrument on this song (nace i fucking see you i hear you) but jure is my star of the song <3
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becrystalamazed · 6 months
🎶Voice in my head will soon be fed
(By the vultures that circle round the dead) 🎶
Video ID under Read More
ID: A fanvid of the character Wiley Sneak from the show Trapped! set to an abridged version of Fallen Leaves by Billy Talent. He is a young man with spikey light brown hair held off his face with a red bandana wearing a purple zip up hoodie and a cross between a leather jacket and a tailcoat over it. The video consists of clips from the show set in time to the music.
Intro guitar music: Wiley crashes through a wall and it crumbles around him. He does a cartwheel in front of a table of prop food. He stands in front of a key hanging from the ceiling, reaches for it, grabs it, holds it to the camera then jumps through a hole in the floor.
'I hitched a ride': POV of a boat on rough water heading to a tower.
'Until the coast': Wiley stands at the front of a row boat, looking through a telescope. The camera angle changes to reveal the boat is full of scared children.
'To leave behind': Wiley stands in front of an organ and strokes the hooded head of the organist
'All of my ghosts': Wiley strokes his chin thoughtfully, framed by candles.
'Searching for something': There are five booths behind a conveyer belt. Wiley switches between them left to right with the pulse of the music.
'I couldn't find at home': Wiley peaks out the foot of a bed covered with a black and white checkered duvet. He cups a hand over his ear in a pantomine listen.
Music: Wiley is crouched down, pearing over the top of a table with the cups. He taps the one furthered from him. A hand lifts a different cup to reveal an eyeball. Wiley slams his hands against the table in frustration, again in time with the music.
'Well it gets dark in Pigeon Park': The screen fades in from black, and Wiley is rubbing his eyes, but as he pulls his hands away his expression changes to a leer.
'Voice in my head will soon be fed': Wiley fastens multiple locks on a cage and pantomine whistles.
'By the': The cage is raised, it's full of scared children.
'Vultures': A vulture on a beam.
'That circle round the dead': Vultures and crows fly around the cage of children as it is raised further.
Pre chorus music: The camera zooms away from a girl looking out of a window, birds flying past. Wiley gives a exaggerated sigh.
'In a crooked': Wiley jumps up behind a small tent.
'Little': Wiley pops up from behind a table.
'Town': Wiley pops up into the foreground from under the camera.
'They were lost and never found': Wiley peers into a carved pumpkin in a field of carved pumpkins, the scarecrow starts attacking him with elongated arms, Wiley freaks out.
'Fallen leaves, fallen leaves, fallen leaves on the ground': Camera zooms out from Wiley's eyes, he is being caressed by two puppet plants and looks uncomfortable.
'Run away': Wiley runs past the camera frantically.
'Before you drown or the streets will beat you down': A room of green fog, Wiley rises from it, changing from lying to sitting as he stares intently at the camera.
'Fallen leaves, fallen leaves': Wiley is in a orange room dramatically gesturing to a pile of orange crates, then a yellow room dramatically gesturing to a pile of yellow crates.
'Fallen leaves on the ground': Wiley yanks his arm out of a plant pot and stares in horror at the green hand that emerges from it.
'Run away before you drown': Wiley has a long yellow snake around his neck, and directs its head to face the camera, his expresion blank.
'Fallen leaves': Wiley looks away, digusted, from a machine behind him covering in green goo.
'Fallen leaves': A woman dressed elaborately in a pseudo-Georgian style laughs into a mirror, Wiley peers over her shoulder and is horrified by whatever he sees.
'Fallen leaves on the ground': A close up of Wiley shaking his head disappointedly, the camera pans away to reveal he is sitting crosslegged behind a turned off floor light, all others in the room turned on.
'Run away before you drown': Camera zooms away from Wiley's eyes to reveal he is having his face prodded and stroked by two reanimated corpses, he looks very nervous.
'Fallen leaves, fallen leaves, fallen leaves': POV the inside of a werewolf's mouth with sharp and disgusting looking teeth, Wiley reaches in and pulls one out, only to jump backwards scared as it begins shaking in agony.
'On the ground': Wiley slumps onto the floor, knocking over a tower of multicoloured crates. The screen fades to black as the song ends.
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frodo-in-a-fez · 7 months
i am so surprised that them crooked vultures isn’t talked about more because MAN they are a fascinating rock group. it’s josh homme (queens of the stone age, kyuss) and dave grohl (nirvana, foo fighters�� also queens of the stone age) making a supergroup thats basically queens of the stone age 2 now with 100% more john paul jones (led zeppelin). this came about because dave grohl intentionally sat josh homme and john paul jones together at his birthday dinner at MEDIEVAL TIMES (???). they gave themselves the stupidest fucking name ever, dropped one amazing album, and then dipped. it’s the origin of dave grohl “FRESH POTS” and “there were more than six drugs”. their promo video for their single ‘gunman’ is a poorly rendered 3d skeleton dancing for like 30 seconds in a red void with what i can only describe as artificially rendered strobe lighting. the album features the horniest song ever (‘no one loves me and neither do i’) and a song that ends in literal clown music (‘mind eraser, no chaser’). josh homme later cited the project as part of the reason he went into FUCKING CARDIAC ARREST and then released the most banger album under queens of the stone age and. you’ll never guess who played drums on like half of it. truly amazing 10/10 album them crooked vultures please return
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rainingmusic · 5 years
them crooked vultures  - scumbag blues
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jonesyjonesyjonesy · 3 years
what songs would you recommend listening to first from Them Crooked Vultures and The Sporting Life?
oh man have I got some recs for you!!!
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My annoying recommendation is that both albums are phenomenal top to bottom and each deserve a listen through. But! Here are my highlights --
Them Crooked Vultures
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First of all, ^^^ um, hottest dad band ever.
I like every track on this record, no joke. And I'm not going to recommend New Fang since you've probably heard it (it was on an Apple commercial and won a Grammy).
No One Loves Me and Neither Do I - Um...they really just opened this album with one of the dirtiest, sexiest tracks I've ever heard. A "riff bomb" top to bottom. It absolutely fucks. Jonesy plays lap steel on this one (and in concert, played it standing up, the absolute fiend) x.
Warsaw or the First Breath You Take After You Give Up - This was their 'jam' track for concerts ala Dazed and Confused (x). And it's just 7 minutes of juicy goodness (along with John Paul Jones singing falsetto backup with Alain Johannes, bless his heart). It's vaguely soundscape-y, thick bass, I adore.
Spinning in the Daffodils - Some say this is some of Josh Homme's best work as a songwriter. It's not one of my personal favorites, but it's a favorite amongst TCV fans. He did an amazing acoustic at Lolla in 2020 (x). It also features Jonesy on keyboard and he would often do improvisations at the concerts during this part (he cheekily quotes Carouselambra in this version x).
Elephants - This song is really a testament to the onomatopoeic element to their music (I would also put Reptiles and Gunman in this category) where the music really just SOUNDS like the titles allude. It also to me gives an amazing feeling of the band's synergy with the timing elements and changes.
Honorable mentions include Scumbag Blues (enter Jonesy on the weirdly erotic clavinet; live would be a bass solo) Dead End Friends, and Caligulove (they originally wanted to call the band "Caligula" but there was already a band of that name) . This is 110% my comfort album, period.
The Sporting Life
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A comment on a music video from this album pretty much sums up my feelings: "I like it because it is insane."
A much more acquired taste, but considered Diamanda Galas' most approachable work, The Sporting Life is absolutely full of fantastic tracks. "And album of really intense love songs," Galas says. I think it has fantastic storytelling from top to bottom and features not Jonesy, but Galas on the Hammond organ and piano. Jonesy's bass is absolutely STUNNING to hear against the raw vocals.
Be warned, this is a hard album to listen to on a first go. It's out there. But Jones and Galas together are too powerful for this world.
I supply this album with a content warning for graphic discussion of violence and sexual acts. General depravity.
Do You Take This Man - One of the most popular tracks off the album. I think it's a great, palatable introduction to her spoken word elements and DAMN does that bass do things to me. "Husband with this knife/I do you adore/I take you out of this world/With a lot of feeling" -- and that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Galas' lyrical fixation with murdering men which I *personally* vibe with. Here's a hilarious 90s music video where Galas does her thing and Jonesy sits in a chair and plays bass because duh (x).
The Dark End of the Street - This is a cover of a soul song from the 60s and I think it really showcases Galas' softer vocal range while still exploring her general eclecticism. This track highlights just what geniuses these two are: even in its relative simplicity, it snaps, bends, bows, and breaks.
Skotoseme - The first track of the album and, to me, it's Kashmir of avant-garde proportions (the B section is...very reminiscent). It fucks from beginning to end. It's such a powerful track. "Skotoseme" means "kill me" in Greek. So. There's that. They performed it on the John Stewart Show and it's fascinating to watch Galas work. Also, Jonesy is having SO much fun, you can just tell (x).
Tony - Another softer track that highlights Jonesy's work as a producer - elegant, understated, cheeky. From this track, it wouldn't surprise me that artists such as Amy Winehouse and Lady Gaga would have been inspired by her Galas' technique and experimentation even within what would be considered a more approachable framework. Her voice is haunting in this one.
An honorable mention to...The Sporting Life - I hesitate to include this as one of the main recommendations due to the brutality of the lyrics. Galas plays several characters all discussing how they're going to torture a man to death. The eponymous track feels like it's ripped from a play. I think it's marvelous, but I think the content could be disturbing for some without warning.
Each song is rife and trembling musically. Something that doesn't seem like it should have worked and not only works, but absolutely was off to the races from jump. The fact these two came together and ~did that is such a testament to each of their virtuosity, curiosity, and spirit. Also, they're like such pals it hurts (here's a fantastic interview they did for Bomb).
In Conclusion...
I think I might have...overdid it.
Thanks for getting this far if you did. Thank you @tophats-n-lespauls, this was really so fun for me to do and I'm really grateful I got to share my recommendations. As much as I thirst for Jonesy, I admire his talent and musicianship to that degree as well and credit him with a lot of my love for music. I'm grateful for any opportunity to celebrate the old man 🥺🥰
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Anyway, all are welcome for any John Paul Jones related queries. I'm still working through his immense catalog, but TCV and DG x JPJ I could wax poetic on all day if you let me (but I won't subject you to such ramblings).
Be well xx
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rynhaswritersblock · 4 years
curiosity killed the cat | p.p.
a/n: so i've read those imagines where it's like you're an artist and peter finds your sketchbook and sees your drawings of him and it's all cute and stuff and lkbjvhcg right? love those, BUT... what if we... per say... turned the tables?
summary: peter parker is a photographer. the boy is absolutely obsessed with taking pictures of anything that attracts him, anything that catches his eye... anything, particularly you.
warnings: fluff hehe
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"Pete?" you call.
You look around his apartment, the homeliness of it welcoming, yet it was still empty. You shrug, closing the front door.
This wasn't uncommon. Every Friday after school, the two of you would hang out in Peter's room, attempting to do homework and making music videos. A lot of the time, though, your best friend would be out doing his duties as the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. This didn't bother you as much as it worried you; you were fine being alone in his apartment (May would usually be at work), but it left you alone with your thoughts and worries about Peter's safety.
You walk through the living room and into the hallway, making your way into the boy's room.
You had always loved Peter's room. The way his books and weird gadgets were scattered around the space, the way his bed was always haphazardly made, the way his nerdy action figures and posters decked the shelves and walls. The way it was just... him.
A sigh falls from your lips as you let your heavy backpack slide to the ground. You head over to his bed, flopping on the squeaky mattress with content. You take a deep breath, soaking in the scent of Peter's cologne before sitting up, letting your sight fill with the boy's room. Your eyes drifted across the walls and over to his desk, then-
His camera.
There, on the desk, sat his camera. It was much different than any of the other technological gadgets in his room- it was one from Mr. Stark. That camera was Peter's prized possession.
If the building were on fire and he could only take one thing, it would be that camera.
And his suit.
But, mainly the camera.
That device always intrigued you. Not just by how technologically advanced it was, with its super high quality lens and settings much too complicated for you to comprehend, but by the way that Peter would never let you see any of the pictures on it (willingly, of course- there was that one time when he set it down for just a second and you caught a glimpse of him in his suit and laughed about the thought of him using self-timer... but he didn't know about that). You'd always catch him with it, especially when the two of you would walk to bookstores or comic shops. He'd always be donned with his camera, occasionally snapping pictures of the scenery, and, unknown to you- you.
You snapped out of your comfortable state, breath catching in your throat just like how your eyes had caught on the camera. You evaluated your situation:
I am here, Peter is not... Camera is on the desk...
And that was enough to urge you towards the object.
You felt almost a magnetic pull towards it as you walked to the desk, gently lifting the camera. A twinge of anxiety rushed through you, but you shoved it away.
"Curiosity killed the cat," you mutter.
You click the On button, watching in excitement as the screen illuminates. You tap your foot against the floor, anxious to see the contents of the camera Peter hid from you ever since he got it. A smile broke on your face when you saw there was no lock, and you fumbled with the buttons, growing more and more annoyed until you finally reached the camera roll.
And the first thing you saw was you.
Your silhouette against the sunset on the roof of Peter's apartment, your figure stretched across the pavement as you lay on your stomach, reading a book. It was a mediocre sunset at best, but something about the picture made it seem ethereal. Maybe it was the fact that Peter took it, or, further, maybe it was the fact that Peter took it of you, especially when you didn't even know.
A gasp escaped your mouth as you continued to click through the photos, each one catching you in a different way.
The boy had a range of pictures, from New York architecture to your physics classroom, and they were all amazing, of course. But, what really got you, was the fact that the majority of his pictures were of you.
You eating, you studying, you laughing, hell, even you sleeping. Any other person would find it creepy.
Yet, you were enamored by the fact that Peter had all these pictures of you, that he himself took all these pictures of you, when you had no clue at all. And, the thing is, these pictures made you look... good.
Something about the perspective made you feel good about yourself, like just maybe you weren't as ugly as you thought you were.
Tears dared to begin to brim your eyes before you heard the window begin to squeak open, Peter's fingertips sticking to the glass surface and pulling it up. He furrowed his mask at the sight of you, back turned to him, face down, before he swung through the opening and landed with a thud.
You didn't move. You couldn't.
"Y/N?" Peter asked, donned in his suit and mask as he stared at you, a twinge of humor in his tone.
You turn, holding up the camera to display one of the pictures of you.
"Do you like me?"
Nothing had even remotely touched Peter, yet the wind was knocked out of him like he'd been hit straight in the gut by the Vulture. He ripped off his mask, a shocked expression painted on his face.
"I," he fumbles, looking between you and the camera nervously. "What do you mean? Like, yeah, I like you, asafriendatleast, I mean,"
"You have all these pictures of me," you say quietly.
The thought of being mad that you invaded his privacy didn't even come to Peter.
"Well I mean you're a very photogenic person and you're my best friend and we hang out all the time so it's not like I have that much else to take pictures of and I mean yeah New York is great and stuff but taking pictures of architecture and trees gets kinda boring and I don't know I mean I guess taking pictures of you doesn't because you'rereallyprettyandhavegoodbonestructureandIlikeyouandmycameralikesyoutooandIprobablyshould'nthavejusttoldyouthatIlikeyouohmyGodI'msuchanidiotI'msosorryIthinkI'lljust-"
"I love you."
The words fly out of your lips before you can stop them, unable to stay clogged up in your throat for any longer. Peter immediately shuts up, just barely processing your red face and the three words that just left your mouth.
"You... wait you what now?" he asks, mouth slightly ajar and eyes wide.
Your face reddens even more, yet the hint of a smile starts to tug at your lips. "Don't make me say it again, dumbass."
"No, no," Peter shakes his head, now smiling boyishly. He tosses his mask behind him, walking towards you. "no, say it again."
"No, Peter," you laugh, now having to tilt your head up slightly to look at him.
"Say it again!"
Something about the way Peter looks at you, chocolate curls messy from the mask, giddy smile on his lips, and puppy dog eyes, makes you melt into his pleading.
"I love you, idiot," you admit once more.
"I love you, too." he smiles.
The two of you stare at each other for a moment, caught in the actions from the last two minutes.
"What are you staring at, dumbass?" you ask with a slight grin.
"Can I kiss you?"
You mouth falls slightly open, taken aback by the quick question before you open your mouth, "Wha-"
He cuts you off, connecting your lips swiftly. When the two of you pull apart, breathless, it takes you a second before you snap out of your trance.
"You're stupid," you whisper.
A crooked smile grows on Peter's face, "No, you."
Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
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i love relationships where they make fun of each other playfully idk why it's just so adorable
much love <3
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lokibones · 4 years
Back when I was a sophomore in high school, we had a radio station out of New York City called Q104.3. In the years between 1993 and 1996, they were THE coolest rock station that ever existed outside of 89.5 WSOU. Q104 wasn't like your KROCKs or anything like that. These guys were playing deep-cut Anthrax, Type O Negative, ACDC, COC and so much more. They played commercial alternative and metal but they also strayed away from the mainstream often. Enter a band called Eleven.Eleven was formed in LA and left behind an excellent musical legacy even though they were little known. Jack Irons played drums for The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Mark Lanegan, Les Claypool, and Pearl Jam. While the founder, Alain Johannes went on to make major contributions to some of my favorite albums including Queens of the Stone Age, Chris Cornell, Them Crooked Vultures and was a player for Dave Grohl's Sound City Players project. Natasha Schneider was married to Alain and was a great musician as well. She was also involved in a lot of these projects before she passed away in 2008.Jump back to 15 year old Loki listening to Q104. This song jumps on the airwaves, but there was no DJ stop to tell me who the song was by. I thought it might have been Faith No More cause I was at least familiar with them and to me, it had that kind of vibe. Back then there was no Shazam or for that matter, we didn't even have the internet to look anything up. It seemed I would miss the name of the band every time they were on the radio but finally saw their video on MTV. This song always stuck out and stuck with me. The opening riff is so cool. It stands the test of time.I don't believe this song ever got the attention it deserved. So I pay homage to one of my favorite songs when I was a kid and hope to share it with my friends and fans. It was a blast learning the riff and solos. ALSO this is the first time I am recording live keyboards on my setup!Hope you guys enjoy the song! Loki
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 Tagged by the lovely @lookthemoonissinging​ to complete an ABC list of gigs i’ve been to.. However, i’m gonna put my own twist because I feel like I haven’t been to many! If I have been I’m going to bold the answer and if I haven’t been to someone beginning with that letter i’m going to fill it out with someone I want to see/am supposed to be seeing soon !
A - Avi Kaplan, I was supposed to see him this month but the show has been postponed! (Really want to see Arctic Monkeys and The Aces and Arcade Fire and Amber Run at some point too!!)
B - Broods, with my friend Grant would like to see Bad Bad Hats ,Was going to buy tickets to see them before their show was cancelled. (also the Big Moon and Big Theif and the Black Keys and Bleachers and Blondie and Bombay Bicycle Club and Brandi Carlile AND Billy Raffoul and babyshambles
C - Cage the Elephant is on my list of must sees, was going to see this band called COIN this spring but that was cancelled, Cold War Kids is also on my list
D - Dirty Pretty Things lol.. I want to see Dolly with my mom at some point as well and was very sad I never got to see Bowie
E - Elton John on his farewell tour... tickets were purchased but.. CANCELLED 
F - I just started listening to Fenne Lily.. on my list. so is Fleet Foxes and Fleetwood Mac and FLETCHER. I am seeing Flora Cash with my cousin but it’s been rescheduled. IF I DON’T SEE FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE SOON I MIGHT DIE
G - Gregory Alan Isakov, one of my best friends was friends with his manager because her husband produced my friends record and she got us on the guest-list to a sold out show... it was beautiful. Grace Potter and girl in red are on my list
H - HARRY STYLES... i’m supposed to see him in July and just hoping that it doesn’t get rescheduled.. H list includes H.E.R and HAIM and Hozier 
I - Inhaler
J - Joseph,  beautiful vocal girl group.. listened to them for the first time when their album good luck kid came out last fall and realized they were going to be there the next week.. bought tickets on a whim. SO GOOD J list is Jade Bird, Jake Bugg, James Taylor Janelle Monae (wish I could see Janis Joplin and John Denver and Johnny Cash), is Joni Mitchell still touring? 
K - King Princess last winter.. want to see Kacey Musgraves, the killers, the kills
L - LÉON, the first show I attempted to go to myself and it was amazing.. Made so many new friends was front row and got setlist.. she’s so talented.. I NEED to see Gaga, Lake Street Dive, Lana Del Rey, I’m seeing Lennon Stella this summer, Local Natives, Lord Huron, the Lumineers (cancelled 2 days before the show this spring) ALSO ALL I WANT IN THE WORLD IS TO SEE THE LIBERTINES THAT IS MY DYING WISH.. and the Last Shadow Puppets AND LORDE
M - Muna!!! My favorite badass girl group also MAGGIE ROGERS. hope to see Miles Kane and Mt. Joy and maisie peters soon
N - Nina Nesbitt, I was in colorado while she was in MN last year and i’m still sad about it
O - Oasis, orla Gartland
P - hmm Peter maybe.. I WAS SUPPOSED TO SEE PHEOBE BRIDGERS IN MAY BUT IT’S rescheduled and i’m BIG SAD
Q - Queen? in any form 
R - the Raconteurs
S - Sasha Sloan.. I cried to dancing with your ghost TWICE live this fall lol.. and the Stella Loons! they’re the cutest local group and I went to their album release it was so much fun! Also Superfruit was so much funs with a bunch of my friends.. best dancey pop feel good album.. i handpainted jean jackets and gave them to them and they wore them after shows for the rest of tour! Sophie and the giants, the strokes, SZA, 
T - TAYLOR SWIFT WILL FOREVER BE MY BABY.. ALSO INCLUDING THIS PICTURE BECAUSE THIS WAS BY FAR THE COOLEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE (aka sat in her living room in nashville when i was 17 as she played me and 50 other people reputation a month early she’s the nicest person I swear to god)
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Troye Sivan (he’s also very nice) Also I Was also supposed to see Tame Impala in the next month or so lol.. them crooked vultures, two door cinema club and tyler, the creator
U - Us The Duo was such a fun little show 
V - the vaccines and vampire weekend and valley
W - WRABEL. I have a polaroid from one of his music videos that he sent me hanging on my wall but he hasn’t been in town since I was 16 and all of his shows were 18+ (CRIES).. wallows and WET and the White Stripes (in my dreams)
X - the xx
Y - young the giant
Z - one that I actually don’t have.. lol if you read all of this i’m so sorry it just turned into a post where I cry about everyone I haven’t seen and all my shows that have been cancelled or rescheduled.. also realizing how broke i’m going to be if I see everyone on this list.. but how worth it will be! 
not tagging anyone in particular.. just anyone who wants to do it!
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THE PRETTY RECKLESS's Taylor Momsen teamed up with Alain Johannes, co-creator of the highly influential '90s alternative rock band ELEVEN as well as a key contributor on releases from QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE, THEM CROOKED VULTURES and Chris Cornell, to record a cover version of the Cornell song "The Keeper". The performance video, which can be seen below, made its online debut this past Saturday (August 15) during Morrison Hotel Gallery's (De)Tour, a daylong charity music festival featuring an all-star lineup of artists working in association with MusiCares, National Independent Venue Association (NIVA) and Spotify in support of fellow artists, crew members, and independent venues and promoters.
(De)Tour brought together the brightest stars of the music world in order to combat widespread tour cancelations and continued financial uncertainty faced by thousands of music industry professionals.
Last month, Momsen, who has repeatedly named SOUNDGARDEN as one of her favorite bands, spoke to "Offstage With DWP" about the influence of the iconic Seattle alternative rock act on her music career and her songwriting approach. She said: "Their level of artistry and songwriting and musicianship is so above what I can even comprehend. It's so intricate, it's so detailed, it's so good and it's so smart that it takes a minute to understand SOUNDGARDEN. They're catchy, and everyone's heart the hits, but when you really investigate SOUNDGARDEN and get into it, it's like a religion — it's so in-depth and it's just superior to so much music that's out there.
"I've based my whole career and identity off of THE BEATLES and SOUNDGARDEN. They're two bands that I put next to each other, and I know that might sound crazy to some people. But they're so important. There's very few bands, I think, that needed to exist, and SOUNDGARDEN is one of those bands that there'd be a hole in the music world without their records."
Just days after Cornell's passing, Momsen, whose band was the opening act for SOUNDGARDEN's spring 2017 run of dates, paid tribute to the legendary singer by performing a cover of AUDIOSLAVE's "Like A Stone" at the Rock On The Range festival in Columbus, Ohio.
SOUNDGARDEN's Kim Thayil and Matt Cameron guest on THE PRETTY RECKLESS's upcoming album, "Death By Rock And Roll", which will be released in early 2021. The song with Cameron and Thayil, called "Only Love Can Save Me Now", was recorded at Seattle's legendary London Bridge Studios, where seminal LPs like PEARL JAM's "Ten" and SOUNDGARDEN's "Louder Than Love" were laid down.
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Scenes from the Bangalore Literature Festival
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Jasmina Tesanovic:
I still have Indian dust on my shoes from the city of Bangalore, where I spent almost a week at the international literary festival.
I was mind-boggled at the scale of this national Indian event: literature, politics, activism, feminism. There was music and even street art, but what a crowd. Sixteen thousand highly literate participants, roaming from one outdoor stage to another, and engaged with every atom of their souls.
Literary culture persists in this part of the world, where people still believe that leafing through books is a transformative spiritual experience that can change the world.
Authors of the first world, beset with Internet and economic crisis, often seem like plastic vanity-toys kept past their sell-by date, but maybe what they lack most keenly is a creative readership. As a passionate reader, I often claim it is more difficult to read a book well than it is to to write one. As a less passionate writer, I know that even one ideal reader is enough to motivate a decent book.
The beautiful literary carnival -- held on the broad, leafy grounds of one of Bangalore’s finest hotels, an oasis of glamor and privilege -- contrasted with the crooked streets of Bangalore where the sacred cows, pariah dogs and torrents of honking traffic live with a passion for survival. This was not my first visit to India, so I was ready for the epic scale of grandeur and abject poverty, but it was still a culture shock.
The jet-set’s digitized skyscrapers tower like phantoms over vast bazaars seething with a seize-the-day human vitality. It’s reflected in Indian literature, where the English language, global yet somehow frail, towers over sixteen vernacular publishing scenes. In the Bangalore festival, professional writers traded erudite quips in English because thats how one gets it done, but they were singing in the English-speaking choir, and they knew it. The seething, vibrant life in those modern Indian streets, half chopped coconuts and half cellphone components, is never taught at Oxford.
All over the world we women haunt conflict zones, and India, which is vast, has plenty of them. The gunfire tends to sound the same but the conclusions are different. The national patriot woman works to support her brave men at war; the peace activist withdraws support from men who aren’t brave enough to refuse the uniform and leave the slaughterhouse. There is one common ground, though: whether life is called “peace” or “war,” the women always struggle in a trench.
The ongoing #metoo scandal in India is briskly spreading all over the country through social media. It started with celebrities -- actresses and directors, but spread through media centers, universities, publishing, wherever women get sexually harassed by wealthy and powerful men, which is to say, all over the place. It’s evidence that complaints of Western feminism have a universality, and wherever women don’t speak up about the suffering of women, it’s not because the oppressions aren’t noticed; it’s because the complaints are repressed. It’s taboo to speak up, and even a small distance in cultural mores can make the speakable unspeakable.
Women are keenly attuned to what can be said in what conditions. At the festival, one female mystery writer complained that she simply can’t bear to read a “classic English whodunnit novel” which is set in Scotland. All those careful cultural assumptions about who gets battered to death by the butler with the fire iron, they are fine in a homey English county but just don’t work in distant Glasgow, which seems as incongruous as Bangalore, almost. This may be indeed be a literary problem, but it doesn’t explain why crime and detective fiction thrives inside India for Indians, because it does.
At the festival, a female science fiction writer complained: why must I be targeted as a woman when I write fiction about science? I may be a biological woman, but why should that restrict what I can write? I remembered that as a young writer, and as a young woman, I shared her frustration, but I gave it up as soon as I realized that my writing didn’t emerge from some gender-neutral science laboratory.
When women were not on the page, it was an absence. My favorite writers of novels missed the women's perspective. My own life experience was visibly missing from classical novels. The women characters were lame, my world was not that world of canonic literary classics, I was invisible there, and not withstanding the fact that literature was my safe place, and a source of worldly education, I was miserable. I had no power, I had no words. My experience and wisdom had not been captured in those novels I read. It was in my body, as in every other living woman through history, outside of genre, in a gender gap.
As a woman without a fatherland and without a mother language, my own literature had to be born ante literam. The luxury of writing without a gender also has a gender, it is male “mainstream.” But the stream is not the ocean, and dams can break.
In Bangalore I did a “book signing” without books! My books have never been in print in India, but I do have website with many of my books online, and an old fashioned pen in my hand. A handshake, a signature, and a hug for a book from a website address! It was fair barter.
Bangalore has many temples, small and big, fancy and clean, awkward and trashy. The whole city conveys the impression of a temple on the move. The pavements are broken by banyan roots, the skies are speckled with vultures, the soil is overrun by small but aggressive striped squirrels, so watch your step!
The traffic is Los Angeles times ten, with no lane or crossing discipline. Pedestrians including the numerous cows and dogs simply amble through the noisy torrent of motor-rickshaws, endless scooters, bikes ringing, cars honking, trucks blasting. Traffic policemen occasionally shake-down the worst offenders, who can either appear in court or else cough up half the cash on the spot, for cop’s pocket. Somehow the whizzing vehicles respectfully avoid killing elderly women and small children.
In the old summer palace of the Sultan Tipu, a historic structure which in Italy would be guarded relentlessly with video cams, the local people sat on the gleaming wooden stairs, meditating, solemn. A little girl danced as endlessly as an extra in a Bollywood movie, gently applauded by her neighbors.
It is a densely crowded, communal life in India. Most every task that might be done by one person in the West is parceled out among three or four people, then performed for an audience.
In a coffee shop I simply asked for a cold soda. The waiter conveyed the request to the boss; the owner gave the waiter a key to the refrigerator; another waiter opened the fridge, yet another retrieved the bottle and, finally, my original waiter, with a flourish, brought it to me, opened it and carefully poured it out for me. Then I drank it in a rather showy fashion, because, after all that fuss, I felt obliged.
People want to listen and to serve: in my hotel the Don’t Disturb sign is replaced by the written board: Please let us clean the room soon, our pleasure is to serve you. As a writer, as an activist, I confess I feel much the same.
I feel edified and cleansed after being in Bangalore. In India, people check on your condition all the time, emotionally and materially. Then they certify your stay with a nice red stamp, ink in your passport, or henna on your body.
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musemash · 2 years
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Pictured: 1 & 10: Taylor Hawkins 2 Dave Grohl 3 Paul McCartney & Chrissie Hynde 4 Geddy Lee 5 Travis Barker 6 Violet Grohl 7 Sam Ryder & Brian May 8 Shane Hawkins 9 Nandi Bushell
FOO FIGHTERS BID SPECTACULAR FAREWELL TO A DEAR FRIEND – revised & expanded Sep 12, 2022 – by David D. Fowler & Aeon 999
MFF proudly presents our take on the massive TAYLOR HAWKINS homage – which was presented September 3 at Wembley Stadium, by master of ceremonies DAVE GROHL and the fabulous FOO FIGHTERS. The links below take you to the best available audience recordings, featuring the most entertaining guest appearances by some extraordinary talents. Best of all, our presentation ends with a professional recording of the entire concert.
But first, we invite you to enjoy the embedded videos above. You can watch one of the most dynamic performances of Hawkins with ALANIS MORISSETTE in 1995; and LOLLAPALOOZA 2022, the final Foo Fighters concert featuring their dear friend. You'll also find several solos showcasing Taylor's soulful vocals.
After the tribute concert, check out MFF's entertaining presentation of the legendary 2021 drum battle between the amazing aforementioned Ms. Bushell and the iconic Mr. Grohl – which also features the latter gent in lots of complete shows by Nirvana and the Foo Fighters. In conclusion: rest in peace, Taylor – and thanks for all the great music.
Taylor Offstage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIq5EeUiXYM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlddVNkjMfY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36XWvqis5XE Taylor Hawkins Drumming Masterclass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwjEc8S0PRo 10 Biggest Tribute Moments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0TCxWIrhfI Rock Is More Powerful Than Ever https://www.loudersound.com/features/the-taylor-hawkins-tribute-show-proved-rock-is-more-powerful-than-ever-but-not-in-the-way-you-might-think The Epic Setlist https://www.kerrang.com/heres-the-epic-setlist-and-all-the-special-guests-from-the-taylor-hawkins-tribute-concert Foo Fighters Intro https://www.facebook.com/undergroundsred/videos/772011744125455 Liam Gallagher https://www.facebook.com/100006735646352/videos/819008206204090 Them Crooked Vultures https://www.facebook.com/watch/?ref=search&v=600357641573650 AC/DC & Metallica https://www.facebook.com/astis.bauris/videos/1405987336554775/?idorvanity=805762276450653 Paul McCartney & Chrissie Hynde https://www.facebook.com/onaldo.cardoso/videos/779326693277728 The Pretenders https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH7uNOyhnKY James Gang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Am9YLdCIASE Travis Barker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNcSrJid3jE Wolfgang Van Halen & Justin Hawkins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70zQY5tYL-g Stewart Copeland & Gaz Coombes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xohniK33NAg Rufus Taylor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0IZp9k57cM Violet Grohl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kl2lMCGWJ4 https://twitter.com/taradublinrocks/status/1566106386467291136 https://twitter.com/jbuckleyarchive/status/1566121183908708353 https://twitter.com/jbuckleyarchive/status/1566132231533477891 Queen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx0Op5BbJzE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smQ6HOSRlKY Sam Ryder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi70LKFQZlM Paul McCartney https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3Z30HZM-Hg Rush https://www.facebook.com/tony.walsh.3551/videos/804839617218300 Nandi Bushell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2ZQDONWMuc Shane Hawkins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2KnD7sfpoA Dave Grohl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bL5TYvX40Iw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uBjqU3PJ70 Full Concert https://ia601400.us.archive.org/3/items/taylor-hawkins-tribute-concert-2022-09-03-wembley-stadium-london-1080p/Taylor%20Hawkins%20Tribute%20Concert%20-%202022-09-03%20-%20Wembley%20Stadium%2C%20London%20%5B1080p%5D.ia.mp4
BADASS VIRAL DRUM PRODIGY ENCHANTS THE WORLD https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/663284018935136256/gallery-nandi-bushell-top-is-seen-onstage-with
Photo Credit: Daily Mail
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johnpornjones · 6 years
You've said you used to love Jimmy Page very much, I am curious your stories of what makes you in love with Jimmy Page and how you found out Jonsey is your love of your life.
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First all, I really like Jimmy. More on the musical plan, than on the personality plan. Jimmy is brilliant. He considers he’s sloppy, but to me, a guitarist is able to play everything. Fast thing, slow things. And Jimmy pretty well understood this, through his guitar riffs.
Wizard. This word is even more matching Jimmy than “genius” to me. 
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His riffs are magic, his solos are like his passion for Aleister Crowley. Jimmy is a passionate, and we can only understand that just listening to him. Just listen to Dazed And Confused to understand, just watch him use his violin bow. Just listen to Whole Lotta Love too, the theremin part, I don’t have any words to describe that… perhaps “sexual” ? And damn, one of his most famous guitars is the Gibson EDS 1275, and that’s not your ordinary guitar here. This is a monster, and Jimmy totally managed to masterize It !
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Also, I think “Outrider” and “Coverdale-Page” were quite underrated.
Oh well, he also did very naughty things, and I’m not gonna list them because the groupies stories… erm, this is really dirty. His heroin addiction was, too. It lasted a long time, enough for people to call Led Zeppelin “dinosaurs”. But without Jimmy, no Led Zeppelin. Don’t forget the other members, too !
Also, what I consider like something not very kind is that for “No Quarter Unledded”, they totally skipped Jonesy and I don’t think they forgot his damn phone number, I think it’s more because the fans expected a Led Zeppelin reunion but they didn’t want to have a reunion, and so they toured, just the two of them. But even with that, they did well, this album is one of my faves ever. I Totally recommend It.
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A quote by Jonesy about No Quarter Unledded : “One slightly naughty thing I was thinking as I was watching the MTV thing (giggles nervously) is how many people it took them to replace me, and how few people it’s taken me to replace them”
Fifty-One additional musicians played with Page and Plant on Unledded; John Paul Jones at the time was performing in a trio. The following year, Page and Plant finally performed with Jones again at Led Zeppelins induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
In his acceptance speech, Jonesy said : “Thank you, my friends for finally remembering my phone number.” (and now, that’s quite a meme lmao)
Several reunions has occured, but they were never as good at the time when Dinosaurs roamed the earth (to quote Jonesy even more here :D), and finally, in 2007 we had the O2 Arena show, and that was just like good ol’ times ! I think Jason is almost as great as his renowned father ! (this is only what I think, don’t hate me for this please !), but no one can replace the great John Bonham. Rob’ said that, and I think it’s accurate (once again, that’s what I think !)
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That resume why I love Jimmy, even If don’t show It a lot on this blog, and this makes the transition. Now let me explain why Jonesy completely and literally dethroned Jimmy in my small heart that already suffered a lot in 25 years (that’s another story though).
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There isn’t enough words to describe the immense talents of John Paul Jones (even Rob’ is saying It !). John started playing piano at a very young age, then started playing bass. The rest is history !
He can play literraly everything. piano, keyboard, bass, guitar (with more than 4 strings, please !), double bass, clavinet, Recorder, Hammond Organ, Mandolin, Mellotron, electric mandolin, fiddle, pedal steel, lapasteel, lapaphone… List goes on and on… 
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John is such a passionate, and I don’t even think this word is strong enough either…. and I’m very passionate about Jonesy ! (No, really ? :D)
We easily can get how passionate Jonesy is, watching to live version of No Quarter, or more recently, to the end of the live version of the Them Crooked Vultures song “Spinning Of Daffodils”.
Each time, Jonesy manage to show us his influences. From classical music to jazz music, each night were differents, and that’s not Jimmy who’s gonna argue with me here :D
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During acoustic sets, Jonesy lulled us with his mandolin (or acoustic guitar, on The Battle Of Evermore, where he also share vocals along with Rob’, rocked a double bass on Bron Yr Aur Stomp.
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John is a versatile musician, and there were examples to illustrate this. And that’s why Jonesy is a excellent musician. But, in that case, why he is so underrated ?
He deserve so much more attention, and that’s why I’m here, on this blog, flooding you with pictures of Jonesy, sometimes videos. 
When I started piano , almost 2 years ago, my goal was, and still is to play a bit like Jonesy, ince he’s my main inspiration. I don’t wanna copy him, I just really want to have a feeling just like he has when playing piano. I’m still learning, and everybody states that piano is probably the hardest instrument to learn, and it’s ALMOST right. But did you try to play violin ? I do. I used to play violin before, starting when I was 4, until 11. My Mom’s a violinist. and we both got enraged (literally) when I showed to my Mom how John is good with a fiddle in his hands (Advice : go to see John play the fiddle on YouTube. it’s during a Them Crooked Vultures show). I stopped playing violin after I got frustrated by how hard learning an instrument in a music academy is. To me, learning music should be a pleasure, not a pressure. I hated It. and 3 years later when I reached 14, I started playing the guitar, but with not pressure, just passion. At first I tried to learn it all alone, but we can’t be all John Paul Jones, I certainly wasn’t, plus I have dyspraxia, even more contraining. Now, playing the guitar and piano is a real pleasure for me, even more since I found 2 excellent teachers to learn me the subtlety of each instruments.
To get back on tracks of why I LOVE Jonesy, should I have to remind you that he’s a great arranger too ?
The string arrangment on She’s A Rainbow from The Rolling Stones is a great example. And if I don’t get wrong there, he wasn’t credited at all. That’s quite a shame.
He also played with a great lot of musicians. Different styles of artists and music
Diamanda Galás, Seasick Steve, R.E.M., Jars of Clay, Heart, Ben E. King, Peter Gabriel, Foo Fighters, Lenny Kravitz, Cinderella, The Mission, La Fura dels Baus, The Harp Consort, Brian Eno, the Butthole Surfers and Uncle Earl and the list goes on and on…  He’s so versatile !
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He often joins other artists on stage, and if I was one of those artists, even confirmed, I will definitely be petrified if John Paul Jones suddenly appears. 
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By the way, other artists seems to really like him, and I can only agree with them. If suddently I was gonna put out an album, and that John Paul Jones wanted to produce It or making arrangments in it on it(thing that will never happen) I’ll say YES already ! :D
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I’ll add that his personality plays a great role too, I mean, I love how humble, quiet and shy John is. And his offbeat sense of humour makes me laugh so hard sometimes. And damn, he’s married since more than 50 years with Maureen, whith whom he had 3 daughters, and god himself knows how many times he became grandpa. 
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He seems to be a true sweetheart, even if he probably did bad things when he was in Led Zeppelin, but as far as I know, Jonesy wasn’t thrilled by creating a mess everywhere the band were, and stayed far away from their bollocks.
You want a proof ? There you go ! 
Jonesy clarified the reliability of this rumour that the Led Zeppelin song “Royal Orleans”, from their album Presence, is about an experience he once had on tour in the United States. The song is about a person who mistakenly takes a drag queen up to his hotel room, who then falls asleep with a joint of marijuana in hand, lighting the room on fire. Here’s the quote. 
“The transvestites were actually friends of Richard Cole’s; normal friendly people and we were all at some bar. That I mistook a transvestite for a girl is rubbish; that happened in another country to somebody else… Anyway ‘Stephanie’ ended up in my room and we rolled a joint or two and I fell asleep and set fire to the hotel room, as you do, ha ha, and when I woke up it was full of firemen!”
That’s a very long story there. Hope you enjoyed It. It’s a pleasure to write It (even if my goddamn old shit of a computer is quite overheating, and I had to rewrite It all… 3 times)
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megarockradio · 3 years
Foo Fighters - Learn To Fly (Official Music Video)
Foo Fighters – Learn To Fly (Official Music Video)
Happy 53rd birthday to American musician, singer, songwriter, record producer Dave Grohl born 14 Jan 1969. At the age of seventeen, Grohl joined Scream, he was the longest serving drummer with Nirvana and the frontman and founder of the Foo Fighters and is the drummer and co-founder of the rock supergroup Them Crooked Vultures. In 2012, Grohl was estimated to be the third wealthiest drummer in…
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stevesmusicmonday · 6 years
John Paul Jones
John Paul Jones began his musical study at age six, learning piano under the tutelage of his father, a pianist and arranger in a big band. By the time he was fourteen years old, he became choirmaster and organist at the local church while he was studying music at boarding school. After his schooling, he became an in-demand session musician, known for his a creativity and reliability. He played bass, keyboards, and arranged for several hundred tracks. Mostly known for his bass and keyboard work, he is a true multi-instrumentalist, additionally playing guitar, mandolin, banjo, recorder, violin, sitar, and many others.
In addition to his work with Led Zeppelin, he has collaborated with many other artists: Donovan, The Rolling Stones, R.E.M., King Crimson, Peter Gabriel, Foo Fighters, Brian Eno, and others.
He was touring member of supergroup Mutual Admiration Society — a collaboration of Glen Phillips of Toad the Wet Sprocket, Bluegrass group Nickel Creek, John Paul Jones, and Elvis Costello and the Attractions drummer Pete Thomas.
Jones was also a founding member of supergroup Them Crooked Vultures, joining with Dave Grohl of Foo Fighters, and Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age.
If that was not enough, JPJ has also recorded two solo studio albums, and composed or arranged the musical score for seven films.
But we’re not here to marvel at accomplishments, we’re here to hear bass. So let’s take a listen to some tracks where his genius for laying down an inspired bass line shines. First up, Ramble On from Led Zeppelin II:
The verse of the song is completely propelled by the bass, with lilting, melodic bass line giving way to a more hard hitting staccato part during the chorus. Then in the short bridge (around 2:26), if you can tear your ears away from Page’s overdubbed harmony guitar work, listen to the funkiness happening in the bass. Jones listened to a lot of the great funk and soul bass players, and the funkiness in the bass on this song is a testament to his absorption of those influences.
Next up, let’s take a listen to The Song Remains the Same from Houses of the Holy:
The bass line in this song is just so great throughout. A little busy and complicated but in a very tasteful way. Some of the ascending runs he does on the verses display a quick mind and vast musical knowledge. Getting from one chord to another with a certain number of notes in between is not as easy as it might seem. This song also exemplifies what made John Paul Jones such a great collaborator. He sometimes plays in synchronicity with Bonham’s right foot on bass drum, and at other times linking up with Jimmy Page’s rhythm guitar work. His work on this song is a bass part masterpiece.
Lastly, listen to JPJ’s work in Gallows Pole from Led Zeppelin III:
The bass part here doesn’t even come in until the second verse, but as soon as it does, it subtly dominates the song. It starts simply enough, anchoring the song both melodically and rhythmically. (By the way, that’s Jones playing the overdubbed mandolin part. The banjo is played by Jimmy Page, but he had to borrow the instrument from Jones.) Moving forward, the song gets more insistent, faster and more frantic. The drums contribute some to the frenetic feel, but it’s mostly down to the bass. Jones plays more complicated runs while the tempo gradually increases, giving an urgent, insistent feel to the ending of the song.
John Paul Jones is a fantastic bass player, and a phenomenal musician. Not only that, but he is a genuinely humble and nice person. I saw him in 2004 playing at the Birchmere in Alexandria Virginia during the Mutual Admiration Society tour. He blew me away with his talent, and I was moved to do something extremely out of character: hang around to meet a celebrity. He graciously signed an autograph for me and allowed me to gush about his contribution to Led Zeppelin, giving a heart felt thanks for my appreciation.
Extra Credit and Resources
Here’s a video with the isolated bass of John Paul Jones and drums from John Bonham playing Ramble On. It’s pretty easy to hear why these two are widely regarded as the best rhythm section in rock and roll when their work is displayed in isolation like this.
Here’s a Rolling Stone article about some of John Paul Jone’s accomplishments you might not have known.
Here’s a link to a full recording of the exact Mutual Admiration Society show I saw back in 2004. I highly recommend it if you like John Paul Jones, or Toad the Wet Sprocket, or Nickel Creek, or just good music in general. There’s a instrumental version of Going to California with John Paul Jones on mandolin and Sean Watkins on acoustic guitar that is outstanding.
Here’s a video of some performances and an interview with Mutual Admiration Society.
Links to Songs on Google Play Music:
Ramble On
The Song Remains the Same
Gallows Pole
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perseusandmedusa · 7 years
Alright ladies and gents, a new meme for you. The rules are as follows: 1) You may ONLY respond with the titles of songs or youtube links, you may not however give any explanation. 2) You may not double your answers, or in other words, do not use the same song for more than one answer. If a link has more than one song and a song overlaps, this is fine. 3) You may use songs you have not heard until now or don’t like. Theme music or fan made videos are also fine.
I was tagged by: @drum-cu-naluci​ aka Rowena’s twin.
I’m tagging: @terrorfoster & @srj1990
What gods/goddesses do you relate to?
Cocteau Twins - “Persephone”
What mythological creature do you relate to?
Fall Out Boy - “The Phoenix”
What element?
Marilyn Manson - “Ino the Fire”
Which song/s are you likely to be caught singing dramatically?
Klaus Nomi “The Cold Song” & Nina Hagen “Naturträne”
How would you describe your relationship?
Them Crooked Vultures - “No one loves me & neither do I”
Which periods of history do you feel most drawn to?
Bob Seger “Old Time Rock’n’roll”
Which countries?
Rammstein “Amerika” ; The Clash “London Calling” ; Steinkind - “Deutschland brennt”
Which languages?
Noir Désir - “Un jour en France” ; Filter - “American Cliché”
A song that reflects a painter or artist you relate to?
Griftegård - “Paul Gustave Doré”
A composer/musician you relate to?
Johhny Cash - “I won’t back down”
Which historical period would you prefer to live in?
Canned Heat - “On the Road again live at Woodstock 1969”
Which would you like most to visit?
Leonard Cohen - “The Future”
Your favourite piece of historical fiction?
The Reverend Peyton’s Big damn band - “I don’t know”
A song that describes your ideal date?
Rammstein - “Stripped”
A song that describes you?
Friends in Tokyo - “Call me Devil”
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ghostcultmagazine · 4 years
Ghost Cult caught up with multi-instrumentalist and producer Alain Johannes (Eleven, Them Crooked Vultures live, Desert Sessions, QOTSA) recently over ZOOM for a chat. Alain has a new solo album, "Hum", July 31st via Ipecac Recordings. We talked all about him being stranded in Chile during the lockdown, how we got out of a sick bed to write "Hum", how the losses in his personal life such as his father, uncle, his late wife Natasha Schneider, and Chris Cornell affected deeply him, his approaches to acoustic guitar and other instruments, using Instagram to help make music, his beginnings in a band in high school with Jack Irons and Hillel Slovak (Red Hot Chili Peppers), and his favorite album he's ever made. Interview with Keefy (https://ift.tt/2LlAx1W) and editing by Omar Cordy of OJC Photography (https://ift.tt/2yTkDJc). Pre-Order "Hum" here: https://lnkfi.re/AJHum Follow Alain Johannes: https://ift.tt/3dtQU8i https://ift.tt/3drwTj0 https://ift.tt/3hWTEOX https://ift.tt/2VdfsfD https://ift.tt/2NopypI https://ift.tt/385ZLMJ Do you like hydration, cool stuff, and discounts? Get a case of Liquid Death 100% Mountain Spring Water and Sparkling Water in Recyclable Cannes! Use this link and our code GHOSTCULT for 10% off! https://bit.ly/2KHGVk3 This video also includes a shoutout to Same Gods! To get your band a shoutout in one of our future videos, subscribe to Ghost Cult on YT, IG, and Twitter and then check out pinned our Tweet for the details! by Ghost Cult Magazine
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