#Thena tells him he's funny!
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
in your latest piece of the receptionist au thena feared that gilgamesh would fall in love with somebody else one day. what if gil has a business meeting with a woman who wants to lay a hand on him. and one day thena wanted to grab something from her desk and has to see how this woman is kissing gilgamesh and Thena runs upstairs, tears in her eyes. and after gil is done with his crime business for the day he wants to spend some time with thena but she's avoiding him. he tries to talk to her but she's so angry and sad and so scared. she thinks gil has enough and doesn't want her anymore. some angsty fluffy drama :)
Thena taps her pen on the desk. Gil is in a meeting with some woman who runs casinos...or something. They have profit shares to discuss, and Thena has no reason to barge in on them.
No excuse, really.
She doesn't want to feel this way. It's not as if she would have any reason to feel insecure with someone as wonderful as Gil. For a hardened criminal, he really is the most wonderful partner she could imagine having.
Maybe that's it, though--the criminal part. Maybe she worries that he misses this life. He's been thriving since they came back to Korea to do some business again. So much so, that they extended their visit. And Thena can see some of the worries that settled into him since moving to London lift off of him.
Does he miss being a crime boss? Does he feel too suffocated in London, stuck in her flat all day, playing househusband for her?
Thena stands abruptly, determined to just...just...just ask if he needs anything before she runs out to the store. It's a lame excuse, but he's been a meeting with that woman for an hour, now. And Thena saw clear as day the way she looked at Gil.
Thena knows very well that Gil is a desirable man. She doesn't expect other people to be ignorant to it, after all. But it would be nice if she hadn't seen the woman literally lick her lips at the sight of him.
Thena opens the door, ready to ask if he wants a convenience store drink or something. But what she sees - before the door is even all the way open - is that woman, freely and happily leaning over Gil in his chair. Her hands are on his arms, and she's...she's kissing him.
Thena turns. She walks towards the elevators, practically sprinting the second half of the way. She slams her fingers against the buttons, desperate to escape what she just saw.
It's burned into her mind, though. That woman's silken black hair, the perfect ivory of her skin, her petite and willowy form. Her lips on Gil's. Her lips touching Gil's lips. Her hands on his arms--arms he uses to hold her every night, after work, after dinner, in their shared bed-
She storms off the elevator into the penthouse above his office. She feels absolutely sick, her breath coming in short gasps and her tears stinging her eyes. Her hands are shaking. She walks through the penthouse and directly to their bed, throwing herself onto it and pulling the covers up over herself. She curls herself up into a ball, trying to ignore Gil's half of the bed with his scent still clinging to it.
She doesn't know how long she lies there for. Obviously she's not doing a very good job as his receptionist, but fuck that. Fuck all of this. And fuck that woman for kissing her Gilgamesh like she has any fucking right.
She used to think about this, she reminds herself. She used to feel like such a lost little fawn when she first moved to Korea, literally trying to rebuild her life from the ground up. And then as she fell in love with her boss, her life got...rebuilt around that--around him. And the thought of having to see him fall in love with someone would plague her when she was harbouring those quiet feelings from afar.
She wonders if it would be as painful as this is now.
Thena sniffles, staying wrapped up in her cocoon of sheets and duvet. She could have left the building, she supposes. She could have locked the bedroom door and told him to go fuck himself. But why didn't she?
"Thena," Gil calls out softly as he walks into the bedroom. He takes cautious steps, trying to gauge how she's doing. "Sweetheart, will you look at me?"
She stays closed off. She doesn't hear him walk away, though. "Why?"
"Please, Gongjunim?" he tries again, with a different petname for her. He moves closer, sitting on her side of the bed at her feet. "I don't know what you saw-"
Thena stretches out her legs, giving him a bony kick right in the hip. She hears him grunt and finally pokes her head out. "You mean that associate of yours kissing you?"
Gil nods, and she wonders if she expected him to try and deny it or not. She wonders if she wishes he had at least tried to deny it a little. "Before I kicked her out?--yes, she did kiss me."
Thena throws herself against her pillow again.
"Baby, please," Gil sighs, leaning over so he can push the duvet down and brush her hair away from her face. "You know I don't want anyone but you."
She does know that, but she doesn't feel any less stupid over it.
"I told her to get away from me," Gil whispers, pressing light kisses wherever she'll let him. "That I'm very happy in my relationship with you."
Thena slowly turns over to look at him.
He sighs, more able to see now that she's been crying. He pulls her up to him, brushing his thumbs over the reddened corners of her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Thena. You know I would never do anything to hurt you."
She does know that.
"I love you," he whispers, kissing her softly, one hand on her waist and the other tangled in her hair, just the way he likes it.
Thena pulls away from him, and the devastated look on his face is almost enough to wipe away the vision of that woman all over him. "I can still see her, leaning over you-"
"I'm sorry," he whispers again, obviously prepared to keep on apologising as many times as it takes. "It came out of nowhere!"
Thena levels a look at him that makes the hardened crime lord shrivel. "Nowhere, Gil?"
He catches her meaning and offers her an impish smile, "come on, Sweetheart. You know what I'm like with that kind of thing."
Yes, she has extensive experience with how dense he is to someone having feelings for/being attracted to him.
"You really didn't notice," Thena glares, crossing her arms at him. He rests his chin on the hand on top of her knees, looking like a dog being scolded. "The hand brushing, the light arm touches, the eyelash fluttering?--none of it?"
Gil stares right up at her with those big dark eyes of his, "no. You think I can notice anything about her while you're in the room?"
Thena rolls her eyes in a huff, determined to stay strong and not get all charmed and fluttery over his cute little remarks. "You're terrible."
He winces, drawing up his shoulders, "a terrible boyfriend, maybe. But I'm telling you the truth, Naekkeo. I had no idea that woman was going to come onto me. Because I only have eyes for you."
Thena leans back against her pillows again, still crossing her arms and now pouting. He's so good at making himself at home in this heart of hers. She gives him a frosty side-eye. "You know, most women wouldn't care for your explanation. They would see you kissing another woman and that would be it."
Gil looks at her with hope in his eyes. He keeps his arm wrapped around her knees as he holds up a finger, "y'know, I don't consider it a kiss. She...put her mouth on mine."
Well, it does sound a little better when he puts it that way.
Thena takes in her loyal, devoted househusband, looking at her with puppydog eyes and a pouted lip. He knows she won't make him sleep on the couch. The only other time she'd tried it, she just brought him back to bed - because she couldn't sleep without him - anyway.
Gil senses her defrosting and leans forward, "I'm all done work for the day--what do you wanna do? Anything you want, baby. Are you hungry? D-Do you want me to take you to the spa?"
Thena cracks half a smile, if only at the sight of Gilgamesh - a major crime lord of Seoul - suggesting cute little things he can do to earn his forgiveness. She's going to make him work for it, but still.
"You name it," he smiles eagerly as she sits more upright against her pillows.
Thena maintains her right to withhold kisses from him, crossing her arms again and raising a brow. "I suppose I am hungry. I was about to ask if you wanted to order something when I walked in on you-"
"Okay, you got it!" he rushes, scrambling to stand off the bed and lean down to kiss her cheek and pull his jacket on all in the same second. "I'll get your absolute favourite, baby, you stay here--relax! Why don't you get into your comfy clothes? I'll bring food, and some wine, and we can spend all night here, okay?"
"Mm-hm," she smirks at him as he dashes out the door.
"I love you!"
Thena curls up under the blankets again. She will get changed into her comfy clothes, and she knows he's going to come back with a massive floral arrangement, and chocolates, and probably even more than that to go way overboard. She pulls out her phone, laying it on his pillow as she types.
I love you too. Hurry back xo
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rekino2114 · 13 days
Presenting your profile to the ace attorney girls
A/n:I got inspired by a post I saw and decided to make it with the girls mainly cause i LOVE writing stuff that fits with the gameplay of a game if that makes sense, please tell me you understood that
Let's pretend that you can show profiles in every game
Ngl putting the tags on this might have taken more time than writing the fic itself (I literally exceeded tumblr's tag limit)
Maya fey
Maya:Oh hey, it's y/n. Do you know what they're doing now? I'd like to go on a date with them
Phoenix:....we're in the middle of solving a case.
Maya:so? There's no wrong time to go on a date with your partner
Mia fey
Mia:y/n? What about them?
Phoenix:they're your partner aren't they?
Mia:Yes, that is true....although I'd like it if you could keep that private. I am your superior, after all
Phoenix:s-sorry boss
Lana skye
Lana:what is it?
Phoenix:nothing I just thought you'd have a stronger reaction to seeing a picture of your s/o
Lana:I don't like to mix my work and personal life, ask Ema if you're really interested
Phoenix:(how does she have an s/o at all with that attitude?)
Ema skye
Ema:That reminds me, if you see y/n, please don't tell them I was eating snackoos
Apollo:hm? Why?
Ema:they.....might have put me on a snack ban cause I spilled fingerprint dust on their clothes
Apollo:......why were you carrying fingerprint dust in your home in the first place?
Ema:......y-you don't need to know that
Franziska von karma
Phoenix:prosecutor von karma might I- ow what was the whipping for?
Von karma:that was for carrying a picture of y/n without their permission
Phoenix:I keep photos of everyone involved with- ow! Again?
Von karma:that was for presenting it to me
Phoenix:why are you mad at me for tha- WHAT ABOUT NOW?
Von karma:nothing, I just felt like it
Adrian andrews
Andrews:Oh,that reminded me. I should probably call y/n and see how they're doing
Phoenix: You must really love them
Andrews:Of course, after celeste's death, they were the only good person I had in my life. They really are so so important to me
Iris Hawthorne
Phoenix:they're your partner right?
Iris:yes....they-they're the only person involved with me that didn't get their life ruined by dahlia, I couldn't be happier about that
Trucy wright
Trucy:Please don't tell y/n about this, but I'm preparing a super cool magic show made just for them
Apollo:oh that sounds great.....I'm not participating in it am I?
Trucy:Of course polly, who else is gonna be my assistant?
Apollo:(and when did I agree?)
Vera misham
[She draws a heart on her notebook with a smile on her face]
Apollo:I think that's the most emotion I've seen out of her
Trucy: Yeah she probably loves her s/o a lot
Athena cykes
Widget:y/nnnnnn, I love them soooo much
Athena:*blushes* w-widget!....s-sorry boss
Phoenix:it's alright, I know how widget is, that just means you really love your s/o and that's great
Athena:Yeah you're right, I do really love them a lot
Juniper woods
Woods:*blushes* t-thena, don't go around showing me y/n's photo randomly
Athena:Sorry, Junie, but there's nothing wrong with that, right? After all, they are your partner that you love sooo much
Woods:*blushes* If you continue like this, you're gonna make me die of embarrassment
Kay faraday
Kay:there they are! The person who stole my heart
Kay:Get it, Mr Edgeworth? Cause I'm a thief
Edgeworth:yes I got it, I didn't laugh because it wasn't funny
Kay:come on!
Justine courtney
Edgeworth:judge Courtney, this is your romantic partner correct?
Courtney:Yes, they are, y/n is my fiance actually,John is very happy to have another parent figure other than me
Kay:Wow, it must be nice of him to have both of his parents
Courtney:.........shall I remind you that technically he has none of them
Kay:......o-oh yeah I forgot, sorry......eheh
Edgeworth:were you jealous of him?
Kay:........a-aren't you too?
Susato mikotoba
Susato:Is y/n in need of something?
Ryunosuke:oh no I just wanted to speak to you about them
Susato:oh alright then
Ryunosuke:you were really ready to go to them?
Susato:Of course, I'd do anything for them, I want to be the best girlfriend they could ever have, just like I want to be the best judicial assistant you could ever have
Gina lestrade
Ryunosuke:Hey Gina I wanted to-.....w-wait where's the picture?
Gina:you looking for this oddo?
Ryunosuke:....I thought you stopped with the pickpocketing
Gina:Sorry, but I'm gonna keep it, it's of my s/o, and we don't all have fancy cameras like Mr sholmes
Ryunosuke:Scotland yard doesn't?
Gina:Nah,we do, but the boss won't let us use it for "personal purposes." trust me I tried
Esmeralda tusspells
Tusspells:Oh, you have a picture of y/n perfect! Do you mind selling it to me?
Ryunosuke:Hm, why?
Tusspells:I want to make a wax statue of them to celebrate our anniversary but can't use them as a model since I want it to be a surprise, so a picture would be perfect
Ryunosuke:sorry but I need this for the case
Tusspells:Should I remind you what position your detective friend is in? I'm sure you need all the money you can get
Ryunosuke:.......that's fair
Maria gorey
Gorey:That's y/n.....why do you have a picture of them?
Ryunosuke:o-oh you know for case-
Gorey:You know it's been a while since I gave them a gift. Maybe they'd appreciate a real heart to show them my love
Ryunosuke:ok ok I'll throw the picture away (every time I'm near her i feel like she wants to kill me)
Espella cantabella
Espella:ah y/n, they're so sweet
Layton:they must be very important to you am I right?
Espella:yes they treat with so much love and kindness, they truly are the light of my life
Layton:ah young love is so beautiful
Darklaw/eve belduke
Darklaw:if you want to ask me about y/n then don't. Do you want to end up on trial for disrespecting the high inquisitor?
Phoenix:o-ok (with how scary she is y/n must feel very protected)
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supercap2319 · 2 years
Best Friend’s Brother
Ikaris x Male Reader
A/N: Song fic. I’ve never done a song fic before so. This is about the reader being in love with his best friend’s brother. Young Bucky and Ikaris. A Victorious song.
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I call you up when I know he's at home
I jump out of my skin when he picks up the phone
Y/N gripped his phone nervously as he dialed Bucky’s number. Why is he so nervous? He’s called Bucky plenty of times before. After all, they were best friends, but there was one person who made Y/N feel queasy to his stomach. The phone rang a couple of times as Y/N put it to his ear. When Bucky finally did pick up, Y/N was expecting to hear his voice, not the voice that made him shiver with excitement and nervousness.
“Hello? Bucky’s phone,” Ikaris’s smooth, deep Scottish sounding voice rang in Y/N’s ears. “Y/N, are you there?” The younger boy blushed hard as he hung up the phone.
Why can't I tell if he's looking at me?
Should I give him a smile?
Should I get up and leave?
Y/N tried not to think about the embarrassing phone conversation he had with Ikaris as he, Bucky, Steve, and Sam were chatting at the food court in the mall as Y/N glanced over at Ikaris and his table of friends. There were Sersi, Kingo, Thena, Sprite, Ajak, Phastos, Druig, Makkari, and Gilgamesh. Ikaris laughed at something Sersi said and gave her a winning smile as Y/N’s face burned with jealousy. Why wouldn't Ikaris look at him the way he looks at Sersi? Oh, that's right, Sersi was a girl and Ikaris was straight, unlike his twin brother, who was bisexual and in love with Steve Rogers.
As if sensing his thoughts, Ikaris turned to look at Y/N from across the room and smiled at him. It was a charming and teasing one. Y/N blushed hard. Should he smile back at him or should he just save himself the embarrassment and get up and leave?
I know it's strange
I don't know what I'm thinking
But is it wrong if I see him this weekend?
Was it strange for Y/N to invite Ikaris to the movies with him this weekend? He called him up and asked him if he’d like to go see the new (insert new movie of your choice) with him and Ikaris surprisingly agreed. Y/N couldn't believe his good luck, but was this wrong of him to do? It's not like they were going out on a date or anything, but the young Maximoff boy was still worried. Especially about one person in particular.
I really hope I can get him alone
I just don't, don't want him to know
Y/N really wanted to be alone with Ikaris. Just the two of them. But at the same time, he didn't want Bucky to find out about this. He didn't want his best friend to hate him for having a crush on his twin brother, so he prayed he didn't find out about them. Sersi too.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Y/N couldn't deny it anymore. He was completely smitten with his best friend's brother. Of all the guys Y/N had to fall for, it was Ikaris Madden Barnes. He was the one for Y/N. Damn it!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
A punk rock drummer and he's six-foot-three
Ikaris wasn't six-foot-three. He was five-foot-ten with dancing blue eyes and soft dark brown hair with a gray streak in it. He was smoking hot and if that wasn’t enough. He was in a band with his friends. They called themselves: The Eternals. He was the punk rock drummer in the band, and he looked so amazing on stage when Bucky took Y/N to see them play. That’s probably when Y/N’s crush started. Seeing him on stage. Sweat glistening down his face underneath the hot lights as he had no sleeves on his shirt as they showed off his bare muscled arms.
I don't want to, but I want to
'Cause I just can't get him out of my mind, and
Y/N didn’t want to fall for Ikaris, but it was very hard not to. He was charming, handsome, funny, and kind. Yeah, Y/N had it bad for Ikaris. Every waking moment, he thought about Ikaris. He couldn't get him out of his mind, no matter how much he tried.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Why did Y/N have to fall for his best friend’s brother? Pietro and Wanda warned him to be careful, but Y/N couldn't help the feelings Ikaris stirred inside of him.
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
It echoed inside Y/N’s head like a pop song. Over and over again, nonstop, as his conscience reprimanded him for his impure thoughts about Ikaris. Ikaris was taken and Bucky’s brother. Y/N’s best friend!
I kinda think that I might be his type
'Cause when you're not around, he's not acting too shy
Y/N thinks he could be the type of guy Ikaris could fall for. They had similar interests and tastes, but they were almost very different as well. What did Sersi have that Y/N didn’t? When Ikaris and Bucky are in the same room together, Ikaris is calmer in an almost shy fashion, compared to when he's with Y/N alone. He’s like the most confident and cocky guy there is. Almost like Tony and Loki.
Sometimes I feel like he might make a move
Is this all in my head?
I don't know what to do
They were at the movies together watching the new film, as Ikaris clutched onto Y/N’s arm. Much to the younger boy’s embarrassment and excitement. After that they went for ice cream and just talked and laughed as Ikaris leaned forward towards Y/N as the shorter boy blushed. Was Ikaris making a move on him? Was he going to kiss him? Should Y/N kiss him back if he did? Was he just imagining all this in his head? He didn’t know what to do. Ikaris wiped the whipped cream off Y/N’s nose and giggled at the poor boy’s flustered state.
I know it's strange
I don't know what he's thinking
But is it wrong if I see him this weekend?
Apparently, Ikaris enjoyed their weekend together so much that he invited Y/N to his band play next weekend. Front row too. Y/N accepted immediately, but was a little bit confused. Why was Ikaris so eager to invite Y/N everywhere? What could he be thinking?
I really hope I can get him alone
I just don't, don't want him to know
Maybe this was Y/N’s chance to tell Ikaris how he really feels about him. To get him alone before or after the gig and confess that he’s had a crush on him for a while now. He just hopes Ikaris isn't disgusted by his confession and outs him to Bucky. It could ruin both his friendships with the Barnes twins, but Y/N has to risk it. These feelings are driving him insane.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Y/N smiled as Ikaris waved to him at school. He was leaning against his locker talking to Kingo and Gilgamesh when he caught Y/N’s eyes and flashed him a smile as he waved to him. Y/N waved back shyly as Wanda chuckled beside him and Pietro bumped his shoulders teasingly.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
A punk rock drummer and he's six-foot-three
Y/N was walking down the hallway when he heard the sound of music being played. He walked toward the sound of rock music as he stopped in the doorway of the music room and saw Ikaris with headphones in, playing his drums to the beat of the rock song. Following the song note for note. He looked amazing. Just like on stage. Y/N bit his bottom lip as he looked at Ikaris practicing as Steve came up behind Y/N and tapped him on the shoulders. “Who are you drooling over? Ikaris again?”
Y/N blushed. “Shut up, Rogers!”
Steve chuckled.
I don't want to, but I want to
'Cause I just can't get him out of my mind, and
Y/N laid in bed thinking about his decision. He didn't want to tell Ikaris that he had a crush on him and that he liked him, but at the same time, he did. Ikaris wouldn't stop plaguing his thoughts. So, he was going to do something about it and end this once and for all.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Y/N snuggled into his pillow with a smile as he imagined it was his best friend’s twin brother that he was holding and cuddling against. Ikaris was the one and only one that Y/N wanted. No one else. Not even Ikaris and Bucky’s hunky cousin, Eros.
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
Y/N smiled as he wrote Ikaris’s name in his journal as Bucky drove them to the concert. He and Steve were in the front of the car and Y/N and Peggy Carter were sitting in the back as Peggy glanced at Y/N’s drawing of Ikaris’s name circled with hearts all round as she chuckled.
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
“I’m in love with my best friend’s brother,” Y/N thought giddy as Bucky parked the car and they all got out as they headed towards the building where Ikaris and the other members of Eternals would be playing.
'Cause he's such a dream, yeah
And you'd know what I mean
If you weren't related
Ikaris was probably everyone’s dream, including Y/N’s. The way he looked onstage as he walked towards his drums to begin playing. He looks at Y/N in the crowd and winks at him as the people go crazy as the Eternals rock out and jam. If only Bucky understood how Y/N felt. It might make things easier for him if they weren’t related. If Ikaris and Bucky weren’t brothers, then Y/N might not be so nervous about doing this.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Y/N danced with Peggy as Steve and Bucky danced together to the beat of the music. Sersi and Thena were up front singing as Kingo played the guitar as Ikaris slammed on the drums as he glanced at Y/N, who looked so peaceful and happy as he and the others enjoyed their music. Y/N looked from Peggy to Ikaris and smiled as he winked at the older boy, who blushed.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
A punk rock drummer and he's six-foot-three
The crowd enjoyed every minute of their music as Y/N watched with amusement and amazement out how much joy the Eternals brought to different people. It was so cool.
I don't want to, but I want to
'Cause I just can't get him out of my mind, and
After the concert was over, Ikaris pulled Y/N to the side in private and smiled at him. His blue eyes were shining. “So, what did you think of the band, Y/N?” Y/N smiled back as he looked up at the taller male. “You guys were amazing. Absolutely, perfect.”
“You’re perfect, Duckling…” Ikaris cupped Y/N’s cheek and stroked it gently as the other male blushed hard at the new nickname.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Ikaris leaned close towards Y/N as he gave him the choice to close the gap between them or just leave things as they were. Y/N closed the space between them as he and Ikaris kissed. It was like fireworks went off as Ikaris grabbed the back of Y/N’s head to deepen their kisses as the younger boy whined against his lips as Ikaris smirked and kissed him sweet and slow.
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
They separated as Y/N looked up at Ikaris. “Ikaris, listen. I like you a lot and I’ve had a very big crush on you for a good while, but you're my best friend’s brother and I don’t want things to be weird between us because of that. Also, aren’t you with Sersi?”
Ikaris looked shocked for a moment before he smiled. He kissed Y/N again before pulling back and looking him in the eyes. “I really like you too, Y/N. I alway have, but I was just too scared to admit it. Sersi and I are just friends. Best friends. And I get that you don’t want to ruin your friendship with my brother, but he will understand if you want to do this with me. Be more than friends.”
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
Y/N looks at him. “Really? Bucky will be okay with this?” He gestures to both of them.
Y/N turns to see Bucky smiling at him. Steve, Peggy, and the others are behind him. They all look at Y/N and Ikaris with encouraging looks of endearment. “Bucky…. I… I…”
Bucky smiles gently. “I still love you, little shit. Even if you’re dating my ugly and gross twin brother. Nothing about you two liking each other will ever change our friendship. I promise.”
“Hey, I’m not ugly! You are.” Ikaris protests as Y/N chuckles. “Thanks, Buck. I really needed to hear you say that.”
“No problem. But my best friend is in love with my brother? Who would have guessed it?”
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leviathanverse · 10 months
Chapter 10: Proven not guilty
You woke up in the medical wing. Oh yeah... you might lose your job after being found in paddock 3.
" She's awake!"
" That's good. Don't want to get cut off from her end of the story."
You sat up a bit too quickly, and regretted it. You were now dizzy from the quick movements.
Shinobu kept you from getting out of the bed. She had a firm grip when preventing you from getting out of bed.
" Easy. Easy. You aren't off the hook-"
Just thena woman, who you saw in paddock 3, came into the room and pointed at you. Which was rude, as it was a sign of accusation.
" She's telling the truth!"
" How can you be so sure?"
" The cameras! Remember?"
The entire room was silent as she said this. What was her name again? Koyuki, right? You think that was her name.
You were more relieved of, hopefully, being off the hook. You hoped that you were off the hook anyway.
" A worker pushed her in paddock 2, and Douma got her over the wall that separated him and Akaza."
" Impossible. The only humans that Spinosaurus likes are Kotoha and Inosuke."
" True, but he seemed to like her. Even Akaza was protective of her."
So the Utahraptor was Akaza? That was good to know. You froze when all eyes were on you now.
You felt the tension in the air increase with each passing second. It was just... awkward silence before Shinobu sighed.
" Alright. Fine. I'll check the cameras myself and show it to the others. Shinagazawa, carry her to her room please."
" Why?!"
" Because I am not the one that was rude to her."
He grumbled, crossing his arms as he mumbled curses under his breathe. He really loved cursing, didn't he?
However, you were embarrassed when Salami slipped his arms under your back and picked you up. Your face flushed with colour.
It was embarrassing, even confusing and weird too. Why was he carrying you? As if reading your mind, Shinobu spoke up.
" You are still recovering from Kokushibo's stare. And not to mention that you already passed out twice in a day. That is something to keep an eye on and be weary of."
Okay! So you still had the alcohol from the antidote in your blood? How nice it was to know that AFTER the event.
" I believe you owe someone an apology."
" Im sorry?!"
" You were rude from the beginning with the other trainees. Including Mrs. Y/n, from what I have seen on the cameras."
He glared at her, but sighed and directed his pupils away from you as he spoke. It was... funny, in a way.
" I am sorry. There! Happy?!"
" Very. Run along now."
He huffed and began to carry you in his arms to your bedroom. At least you were proven to be not guilty.
You didn't want to know what would've happened if you were guilty for something you didn't know how it happened. Probably get fired.
Now, you were doubting Fate and Destiny for putting all the battles in front of you. Adding new challenges.
What would happen next was up to them. Maybe Karma too. Hopefully Karma went for the dude that caused all this and not you.
You really didn't want to get in trouble anymore. Not after being proven to be the victim of a possible attempt at murder.
You shivered at that thought, but prayed for everything to be normal the next day. Hopefully normal to a small degree.
Only Fate, Karma and Destiny could decide your path. And how cruel it should be. It was only up to them, and them only.
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chaoticornot · 5 months
9-1-1 s07e02 reaction rambles
This is not good, but it will be alright. Well, there he goes. Yess, Athena. Poor guy, that's rough. Well, he kept his word, that was decent. The storm is not good though. Where do I know that guy from? My team, awww. 
Captain Hen, queen. Eddie's little nod at Buck, speaks of years of partnership. Oh, poor Hen. She is gonna doubt her actions now.
Nostalgic conversation, the little tears. He's happy, aww. I love it when she swears. 
Oh fuck no, now even more doubt. She did follow protocol, how absolute shit. 
How do you wanna get out of the ship? I know she loved doing that. Captain is a badass btw. My wife!!! Is it a bomb?? Shit, it's a bomb. A big one, well damn. 
The way they are comforting her. The slap, Buck's smile, shuttup. Eddieee, babe, why are you giving her doubts? Buck not helping, they talked themselves into this trap. Dumbasses. Their defeated faces.
This dude is super annoying. My wife!! Go Athena. Be useful, fucker. 
Henren, yayy. Karen calling her wife out, but also validating her feelings is so awesome wife of her. Karen keeping an eye out. Karen knows she lost her. 
Bobby is so worried. "Of course, she is", a proud and worried husband right there. 
Maddiee. Going to Maddie for help, love it. Maddie's puppy eyes. 
The hand covering her hand is a beautiful shot. The way she relaxed. The look between them. Flashback with Frank, whoop. The way they are both a little bit insecure. The way he doesn't stop trying, Bobby, breaking my heart here. Baby!! Bobby, nooo. Tears. Tell him, Thena. Awwww. Her panicked breaths. Her screams. The hands. He was useful after all. Heart attack, my heart is beating so fast. 
Thank god. The way she was already accepting being fired, but she isn't. He listened, but he isn't allowed to act. Go Hen. 
Does she speak Spanish?? Her run. Not exactly, my ass, haha. It's not funny, but it is. At least, there aren't any windows in the casino. Did they capsize, yeah, okay. Cliffhanger, damn.
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acutiewithagun · 9 months
Just some of my favorite moments with my best friend, starting out with our first meeting, then progressing.
“That looks nice, who are you drawing?” She smiled nervously as the new student scribbled on his paper. “Lawrence from Aphmau’s Minecraft Diaries series.” She beamed as she sat down next to the smaller boy. “Oh, I've been meaning to watch it. I've only just started My Street.” The boy looked at her with a deadpan expression. “Don't talk to me until you've watched it then.” Without missing a beat he went back to drawing as the girl never wavered. “So, who is your favorite character?”
“And then when Kaitlyn fought that monster, I just couldn't stop crying!” The excited teen rambled as she walked with the boy. “Oh yeah, it was supposed to be an emotional moment.” He cracked a smile before glaring behind the girl. She frowned and sidetracked from the conversation. “Hey what's wrong?” She looked behind her as a person quickly slipped out of sight. “Don't worry about it.” The boy grabbed her hand and continued walking faster.
She smiled as she listened to him rant. “I mean can you believe that they decided to do that!? I was so mad.” She giggled as she leaned against his shoulder, closing her eyes. “Yeah, thena what happened?” The boy hardly notices as he continued with his rant. “Then this guy came out of nowhere! I was ready to start killing at that point!” She hummed as she started drifting off to sleep, he'd wake her before the bell, or the prying eyes would.
“Lily?” A hum came from the boy snuggled close to her side. “You comfy?” He chuckled as he nodded and cuddled closer. She rubbed her hand on his arm as she readjusted the blanket. “Good.”
She nuzzles her face against the top of his head with a content smirk.
Her cheeks were tear stained as she huddled in the corner of her room as she read the chats between her and the boy. Funny clips shared, little jokes sprinkled between sweet words and serious conversation. She missed seeing him so much.
She tapped her hands excitedly on the box before she saw him coming down the hallway. She cheerfully ran up to him with the box outstretched. “I got you a present!” Her voice was muffled by the mask covering her mouth and nose as she smiled brightly. Even if she couldn't see it she could tell he smiled back at her. “Thanks.” He opened it up and pulled out a heart shaped necklace. “I have a matching one!” She was practically bouncing on her feet as she hugged him, giggling.
Holding hands, the two friends laughed as they chatted about everything and anything. When they reached her classroom, her hand tightened with a squeeze as she nuzzled his head. “I'll see you later wifey.” He smiled back at her, squeezing his hand in return before letting go. “I'll see you later Dani!” He quickly walked down the hall as her smile fell slightly. She clenched her hand before throwing on a grin once more and entering the room.
“Okay, one, two, three!” She pushed her face to his and almost immediately pulled back from the failed kiss. “Ah, it got in my mouth!” “Gah, so gross, it feels so gross!” The two friends gagged as they rushed to wash out their mouths. Maybe trying to give your best friend their first kiss at prom isn't the best idea. Especially when it's so uncoordinated. The two silently agreed between almost puking to never do it again.
“I drew this for you, sorry it's not that good, I kinda rushed it.” The boy smiled as he took the presents and art piece. “Thanks wifey, I actually have gifts for you too!” She blinked with surprise as she beamed. “Oh?” He pulled some gloves out of a drawer as he handed them over. “I have a matching set, I thought these would fit you better because they're pink.” She laughed and happily took them. “Thank you so much.”
“Wifey! Stop trying to kill her, she's just so hot!” She giggled as the boy huffed with annoyance. “But you're mine! You can't simp for anyone else.” She laughed again as she playfully pleaded. “But wifey, I love her!” He huffed again via the microphone. “But do you love me more.” Her eyebrows furrowed as she smiled lovingly at her device. “Yes, but that not the point, she's just so hot!” The boy laughed with an annoyed groan as she cackled.
“She looks throwable.” She scoffed as she cradled the sleeping child in her arms reading the message. She typed back quickly. “No.” The three dots bubbled as she gently placed the slumbering infant in her crib. “But it's true. Especially when you hold her like that.” She scoffed and sat on couch, looking over at the room with the unconscious baby. She smirked and typed back. “Well she's getting all my snuggles.” She quietly snickered before having to stop herself from bursting out into laughter at the next messages.
“No fair. I'mma fight that baby over you.”
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monstermaster13 · 2 years
Corey and Oats in..
The Yugely Fun Trumpy Adventure.
Everyone’s favorite microbe and equine duo had a friend who was a tubby anthropomorphic cat with orange fur and his name was Trump Cat, Trump Cat likes to snuggle up with his friends and also talk about how great it was to have friends. Of course Trump Cat liked playing the leader and he loved entertaining people but he was a nice guy, or so he kept telling his friends and he had the best ideas.
Corey and Oats were in their home in Nile Road when Trump Cat came in with an idea for an adventure. ‘You guys, I just found the bestest place ever…it is perfect for our adventure.’ ‘What is it?’ ‘I found a place that has all sorts of Trumpy things, we should take a look.’ Mel looked over at the orange feline as Corey asked if they could go on another adventure, she said yes as she pulled out an item which accessed a hidden door which took them to a store in Myrtle Beach, USA. The store was called the Keep on Trumpin store.
“I told you that it’s great.”
“Of course it is.”
The duo entered the store with Mel and with Trump Cat, Trump Cat gave them a tour of the store, showing them all sorts of Trump merchandise for sale such as t shirts, costumes and masks, as well as funny novelty toys and even some items with Trump’s presidential seal on it. ‘This store definitely has you all over it, Trumpy.’ They explored the store and got out some Trump hats which they brought for each-other.
A group of miniature Trump-monsters jumped down from one of the shelves but these little creatures weren’t vicious, they just wanted to play with the duo. Trump Cat knew a few of them and he introduced Corey and Oats to a few of them, the group had a mad-cap mini-adventure in the store.
Trump Cat taught them all about why the store was special to him,
explaining what it meant to him. He showed off his very special talents for people who were taking photos.
The mini trump-monsters welcomed the duo and showed them around the store, and even showed them a play area where they played together, Oats whinnied as he performed a little dance. This was followed by a session of fun and games followed by a journey into a special section of the store, they learned a lot about Trumpy things.
A couple of hours later they decided to have lunch, Trump Cat ordered Mcdonalds for himself and for his friends. They explored the store a bit more and picked up some things for their friends. The orange feline showed them a special room he had been working on, with lots of memorabilia on the wall and there was a playroom as well for the Trump-monsters.
After they had finished, Mel gestured to them that it was time to leave as they hopped inside a floating van and they went all the way back to their home in New Zealand, specifically their house in Nile Road. Upon arriving back at Nile Road they had afternoon tea.
After their afternoon tea they played for a little while and they had dinner in the early evening, throughout the evening they all played together and had fun and bonded as Trump Cat told them a funny trumpy story (he told them the story of ‘Whose Boat is This Boat’?).
Of course after they all had dinner, they played together and cuddled, and when it was time for bed they all got ready, got into bed and snuggled up as Trumpy Cat sat on the bed and dreamed of his favorite spot where he liked to sit and talk to his friends.
But that is not all, stay tuned for more including ‘Ghost of Thena Rae’ ‘Pop-Culture Beach Journey’ ‘Corey and Oats’s Galactic Journey’ ‘Cinnamon: Princess of the Flowery Forests’ ‘The Smallest Koala’ and ‘Return to Weta Workshop.’
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saintlike78 · 3 years
How could they not know? [Druig]
Pairings: Druig x fem!eternal!reader
Words: 1.1k
Summary: Your relationship with Druig has been a long one, spanning over thousands of centuries… yet it takes your fellow Eternals 7000 years to piece it all together.
Warnings: nothing but fluff really, dialog heavy.
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“I think that’s them,” you signed happily to Makkari, bouncing giddily in place as the sounds of your fellow Eternals echoed through the halls of the Domo.
Makkari leaned back in her throne-like chair, smiling as they all filed into the room.
You stood from your seat, happily greeting your unusual family.
“How was your trip? Not too bad, I hope,” you asked, eyeing Thena worriedly over Kingo’s shoulder, noting how both Ajak and Gilgamesh were missing.
Kingo let out a throaty chuckle pulling you into his characteristically warm embrace, “it was… well… eventful, but we’ll talk about that later.”
You nodded, noting the solemn message behind his words.
“The most challenging part was recruiting leather jacket over there,” Ikaris interjected, pointing at the man you had missed the most.
His eyes were already on you when you looked over, a smug-looking smile hiding behind his stone-cold exterior.
“Bet you used your movie star charm to win him over, eh Kingo?” you laughed, elbowing him slightly. Kingo only looked at you, raising a surprised brow, but laughed lightly.
“Yeah yeah, you’re almost as funny as him,” he dismissed with a hint of sarcasm.
You shook your head, leaving them to converse on their own, enjoying how the chatter of everyone faded to the background as you made your way toward the smiling mind controller.
“My beautiful, beautiful angel,” he grinned, pulling you into a tight embrace.
Even after all this time, countless centuries, he still brought a small giggle out of your mouth and butterflies to your stomach.
His arms were tight around you, rubbing his hand up the expanse of your back through the t-shirt you’d stolen from him.
“Did you miss me?” he whispered as you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
A small huff of a laugh escaped you, “I’ve only been gone a week.”
“And that means you can’t miss me?” Druig questioned, feigning hurt.
His hand gently landed on the back of your neck, pulling you from your hiding spot. Druig’s forehead rested against yours.
“I certainly missed you, my dove,” he whispered, leaning in to connect your lips in a loving kiss.
As soon as your lips met, a silence washed over the room, drowning you like a tidal wave.
“What are you doing?!” Kingo gasped; his jaw was on the floor. The rest of the group slowly looked over to see what the source of Kingo’s surprise was.
You turned your body, removing yourself from Druig’s embrace.
Druig raised a questioning brow, crossing his arms over his chest, his body touching yours from behind. “Kissing my girl..?” he questioned, giving the team an odd look as they all stared back completely dumbfounded.
Silence filled the room along with an awkward tension that puzzled you.
“Your girl?” Sprite broke the silence, looking back and forth between yourself and Druig, an unreadable expression on her face.
You let out a small awkward laugh, “yeah? Why are you all being so weird?”
“We’re the ones being weird?…- I actually can’t tell if you’re joking or not,” Phastos waved his hands wildly around as he spoke.
You gazed behind at Druig, inviting him inside the complicated world of your mind.
“Do they actually not know?” you thought, blinking at Druig with a raised brow.
“I think not, my dove,” his voice echoed in your mind, his hand finding a comforting spot on your shoulder.
“I don’t understand… we’ve never hidden our relationship… we’re wearing wedding bands,” your thoughts flowed across the invisible bridge into Druig’s mind, a small smile cracking on his face.
“Sometimes they just need it spelt out,” Druig’s face was smug with a smirk. You giggled lightly at the dig directed at your fellow Eternals - you loved them, but sometimes they really were dense.
Your telepathic conversation ended at the sound of a throat clearing.
“You do realise we can see you even when you do that,” Ikaris groaned, crossing his arms over his chest as they all kept observing you and the man behind you.
“Sorry… we’re just surprised you didn’t know,” you laughed lightly.
“How long has this been going on,” Kingo asked, pointing between the two of you.
Your mind travelled back and forth between the countless memories of yourself and the love of your eternal life: his gentle words, the soft kisses and touches. You had never doubted his affection; he was so open and fully devoted to you; it surprised you that throughout your 7000 years on the planet, it had gone unnoticed.
“Hmm, I think around 100 years after we arrived… and then we got married sometime during the 16th century.”
“1534, my love,” Druig reminded softly.
“Right, sorry,” you gave him a gentle smile, placing a hand on top of his, apologising for your forgetfulness.
“Wait, wait, wait! You’re married?” Phastos almost shouted.
You shrugged your shoulders, “why did you think we always travelled together?”
It was quite an amusing scene, watching the wheels turn in each of their heads. Kingo, Phastos and Sprite were obviously the most vocal because of the shock, whilst the rest of them silently worked through the information - with the exception of one.
“It’s not like it was a secret…- Makkari and Ajak came to the wedding,” you explained with a slight scoff.
“YOU KNEW? And you never told?!” Kingo signed, pointing accusingly at an amused looking Makkari.
She shrugged, smiling innocently, “I thought you all knew,” she signed back, giving you a small wink, knowing how much you all loved watching Kingo get all worked up.
“It was never a secret; we’re sorry it felt that way,” you said gently, trying to dissolve the weird conversation regarding your relationship.
“We’re very happy for you,” Sersi butted in, coming over to hug you. She squeezed your body before disconnecting and taking your hand in hers to examine the gold ring that decorated your ring finger.
Thena made her way to you as well, giving your cheek a soft stroke, “we should have known… with the way you look at each other, it couldn’t have been anything else.”
As the girls fawned over your wedding ring, begging for the story of the day, Druig slowly backed away, leaning against the wall; he enjoyed watching you converse with others, the way you smiled and the subtle expressions that ran over your face, painting a clear picture of the direction of the conversation.
After the initial shock wore off, the conversation dispersed. Your point of interest automatically shifted to Druig, who had moved to the small ledge seat, munching on a chocolate bar.
“My dove,” he smiled as you sat down next to him, pulling another bar from his jacket pocket and handing it to you.
You thanked him quietly, trying to unwrap the sweet snack he’d kept for you.
“That was something,” you grinned, taking a bite of the chocolate.
Druig laughed lightly, “it’s obvious why it had to be us… you’re the only one who tolerates me, and you’re the only one I’ll tolerate.”
“I think I more than tolerate you,” you whispered softly, placing your hand in his.
“That you do, my love.”
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A/N: to be notified of future work follow @saintlike78slibrary and turn on notifications
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misskatebishop · 3 years
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Don't hide in the shadows
Word count: 1.588
Pairing: Druig x Eternal!Reader
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff.
Summary: You're too shy to tell Druig that you like him, so you turn red whenever he's around you.
Let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist.
A/N: I loved writing this. I was so excited when I received this request. I hope you enjoy it.
Request: May I ask for a Druig story where Reader's an eternal too and the most shy of them all, like very shy, and Druig loves to tease her and sees her blush, but Druig obviously has deep feelings for her.
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Reunite with everyone in a single room was some sort of torture, you think. Not because of the arguments that are more likely to start when everyone’s together and disagree on something, but because you always felt a little out of place.
Well, not a little. You’re definitely out of place.
You look at Phastos arguing how his newest design can help mankind to evolve with Kingo and Ajak. Ikaris is having an argument over each Eternals’ power with Sprite while Sersi calmly listens to them. You don’t know where Makkari is, you enjoy her company. Instead, Thena is leaning against the wall across the room, observing. Gilgamesh isn’t here yet, nor is Druig.
You step in the shadows of the room, crossing your arms in an attempt to make your presence as unnoticeable as possible. You really wish everybody were here by now. All you want is to go back to your book.
“If you keep walking backward, you’re going to merge into the wall,” Druig whispers in your ear. His sudden presence startles you. You hadn’t heard him approaching.
Druig has a pear in one of his hands. He stands by your side, giving the pear a bite. You blush at the sight of him. The truth is, you’ve had a crush on Druig for a long time. You admire his fierceness to fight for his values and defend his points during every meeting. However, the other Eternals barely notice your presence in the Domo. You’re too quiet, Sprite said once. You’re always focused on your duties, exchanging a few words with whoever was partnered up with you.
Sprite was one of the most talkative until she gets tired of only talking while you agree with whatever she’s saying. Sersi is as focused as you, you barely talk to her. It was easy to talk to Thena, she always had the most interesting subjects. Makkari likes to make fun, but you feel comfortable around her, maybe because you didn’t need to voice your opinions out loud, the words were at the tip of your fingers. Ajak was always kind.
Kingo was too self-centered, and you definitely don’t know how to make conversation with him. Phastos likes to hear what you have to say about his creation, even if you’re too shy to share it at first. You like Gilgamesh, and he enjoys showing you what he’s baking. You don’t have much to share with Ikaris, but he would make the other shut up so everybody can listen to you, and Druig… well, you don’t think you can keep a conversation without blushing every eight words. He likes to tease you, just like he did a few minutes ago. It was funny, but you often find yourself wondering if he liked you the same way.
Gilgamesh enters followed by Makkari who stops on your other side. She greets you, then exchanges a glance with Druig, it’s too fast, but be the quietest one also allowed to observe the others better. You see Ajak steps forward to the center of the room.
“Good. Is everybody here?” The leader says, eyes searching the room.
Then you feel Druig’s arm around your waist, pulling you forward to the line of people. He keeps the arm around you, and you feel your cheeks and ear heating up at the display of closeness. Ajak’s gaze fell on you, and on Druig’s arm, and she nodded.
Ajak explains that their stay in Babylon will be a little longer than usual due to the goal of making it one of the greatest cities in human history. They would need the Eternals’ help to evolve as a society. The rules are the same, kill the deviants, improve their technology, don’t interfere in conflicts. You feel Druig’s tight around you at the last rule, his body tensing up. You know that despite the rule Druig wasn’t willing to let it go. If no one was seeing, he’d interfere.
The meeting is over the moment the Domo floats above Babylon. Ajak reminds all of you of your duties before dismissing you. Druig plays a big part in it, as he can control minds, he’d calm down the humans, making them accept the Eternals in their city. After all, a flying spaceship would freak any human out in this moment of history.
The other starts to walk away, but not Druig, he turns to stare at you, his hand still on your waist. Looking eye-to-eye at him, makes you blush again. Damn, he’s handsome! Just a glance from those eyes is enough to make your knees buckle.
“Don’t hide in the shadows, princess,” Druig tucks a lock of hair behind your ear. “You’re too beautiful to not allow the world to admire you.” And just like that, he walks away.
You were sitting by the fields after you’ve completed your duties. The sun would set soon, and you enjoy watching it from this perspective, even though you’d have to run back in time for dinner. You were chilling, watching how Sersi works with the plants has helped to keep them healthier and to create some sort of trading market.
It was a good thing, except for the fact that trades usually lead to greed, the desire for power, to have more and feel superior in a certain way. Of course, even though plenty of good things come from their work with humans, it also awakens bad sides within them. So you heard the yelling, you stood up thinking it might be a deviant, but it wasn’t. It was two men fighting over a bowl of onions.
You see when one of them pulls out a blade. You couldn’t do anything about it. Those were Arishem’s rules, no matter how much you wanted the men to stop. You expected the worst, but then, the man let the blade fall on the ground. They laughed at their own stupidity before sharing the number of onions.
You see Druig approaching, a smirk on his face.
“I thought I told you to not hide in the shadows,” he reminds you.
“I thought Ajak said we shouldn’t interfere,” you tell him.
Druig sighs, walking along with you.
“You could get in trouble with Arishem.”
“Worrying for me?” Druig says, a teasing smile tugging on his lips.
You can’t help the blush from spreading on your face. Of course, you worry about him. You worry about all of them, but Druig… He has this way of getting in the nerves of anyone, which makes you fear for him.
“I don’t care about what Arishem says,” Druig admits. “Why would a Celestial allow war and violence to happen in the world when they consume human’s hearts with selfish desires? I don’t understand. I never will.”
You could see the sense in his words. You walk in silence for a while before you break it.
Then, you spill out. “I can’t disagree with you,” you shrug, looking at your feet as you walk.
“Does it mean you won’t tell Ajak?” His voice makes you look up, and it gives a little bit of courage when you poke his ribs.
“I won’t tell her,” you assure him.
You walked the rest of the way. You enter the room you reunite for dinner. You frowned when nobody was there, you were late, where could they possibly be?
“Y/N,” Druig calls you. “Today we killed the last deviant in Babylon, so they must be at the celebration.”
Oh, yes, you had forgotten about that. Did he��?
“Did you read my thoughts?” You ask, confused.
Druig steps closer.
“No. I’d never do that,” he says, seeming equally confused.
“You do that to Ikaris every time,” you raise a brow, but you’re smirking too.
“Well, it’s different with you,” he says, getting closer. You’ve never been this close before, and it messes with your sense. You inhale deeply his smell, you could see the freckles on his cheeks, and how light the blue in his eyes is.
“Why?” you ask in a tone of defiance.
Druig’s gaze drops to your lips, which makes you feel small.
“Because I’m waiting for you to tell me how you feel.”
If he hadn’t stepped up and cupped your cheeks to kiss you, you might never have acted on your feelings at that moment. You drown in the sensation of his lips against yours, for a second you don’t know what to do with your hands, but you end up wrapping his neck and holding onto his shoulder. Then, when he pulls away, and the magic seems to disperse, it’s only then that you realize that that actually happened.
“Uh, I-I really like you,” you confess. Better do it in the heat of the moment than never. If you hadn’t said that now, you’d probably pin on him for the rest of the centuries.
“I really like you too,” Druig says, grinning. He strokes his thumb on your cheek. “My beautiful, beautiful, Y/N.”
The truth is, you can never know if someone returns your feelings if you don’t talk them out.
Walking to the celebration drew glances from your fellow Eternals companion. You snuggle close to Druig.
“The lovebirds are finally here!” Kingo blurts out too loud, drawing more attention to the couple. “We have to toast. Where’s Sprite and Makkari?” Kingo stood up. Thena had a victorious smile on her face, and Gilgamesh looked as happy as her.
You blush, hiding your face against Druig’s chest. You have a long night ahead.
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melancholyshadow · 3 years
Well...since you asked, I have a druig request😁😁 The reader is an eternal and druig broke her heart when he left but she comes with the others and sees him the first time since then and idk somehow they makeup, druig is very loving towards her
vengeance || druig
summary: druig broke not only your trust, but also your heart. when you did see him for the first time in hundreds of years, it went the opposite of how you had expected it too.
pairing: eternal!female!reader x druig
warning: angst-city, talks of mind control, heart break
an: another request woohoo! another one should be out in the next couple days, my school starts back up on monday so i’ll be a little less active for about two weeks and then i’ll be on winter break for about a month!!!
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Something switched in you that night, you were never the same. Some part of you went with Druig when he left. That bubbly, sociable person was gone, and she never did come back. For months your fellow Eternals tried their best to patch you back up, but this was one mission they never did complete. And after Ajak decided to disband the remaining ten of you, it only got worse.
For years you avoided them, purposefully making yourself hard to find. So, when Ikaris, Sersi, and and Sprite showed up at your doorstep, you were surprised. Without a word, you reluctantly let them into your apartment. “Ajak is dead.” Those were the first words you exchanged with one of your fellow Eternals in hundreds of years. “How?” You asked, a quick waiver of your harshness pressing through your tone “Deviant.” Ikaris answered, not looking up from his lap.
It didn’t take long for them to convince you to join their cause. Mostly to avenge Ajak, but a part of you, deep within yourself, knew this journey would land at Druig’s feet. Eventually, you would have to face him again. You couldn’t tell if this excited you or if you dreaded it. It was a mix of both.
The system was similar with Gilgamesh, Thena, and Kingo. After hearing about Ajak, they were quick to tag along. Thankfully, Gil had some idea as to where to start looking for Druig. He was in the Amazon, hidden away from the rest of mankind, no one was surprised.
When you came across his compound, it wasn’t hard to tell it belonged to him. The people hadn’t advanced past their way of life since he took them. It was traditional to say the least. Growing their own crops, no electricity, living in homemade huts. It was quaint, really, it reminded of your life those thousands of years ago. The good old days, before everything fell apart.
“Hello Sprite.” Just hearing his voice, even if it was through a mouthpiece, made a shiver run down your spine. Almost in sync, the seven of you turned your head towards a lone chapel, it’s doors were pushed open. And who would it be other than Druig himself. He had always been quite dramatic, good to see some things never do change. “I’ve missed all of you.” His tone was sarcastic, and he garnished it with a cocky smile.
After Sersi explained the situation with Ajak, the deviants, Arishem, and the whole nine, Druig seemed to be speechless. Something new. But when he did finally speak, it was right back to his usual self. “That’s a lot of bad news in one go, Sersi.” He said with a shallow chuckle, obviously finding nothing about the news funny or entertaining. Things escalated quite quickly from there, and before you knew it Karun’s backup-backup camera was in a pile on the floor.
Kingo was in Druig’s face, and Druig seemed to be having the time of his life. A dark smile on his face, almost like it was saying “hit me.” When no one spoke up, you decided it was your turn to get involved. It was time for him to get a taste of his own medicine, something he hadn’t gotten in twenty generations. “That’s enough, knock it off. You’re both acting like you’re twelve.” You scoffed, standing from your seat on the bench.
That smile on his face only seemed to grow more sinister now that he had your full attention. “My beautiful, beautiful (Y/N), how’re you?” Those nicknames may have worked on your before, but not anymore. Okay, maybe a little bit. “I’ve been better.” You admitted. Slowly, very slowly, making your way to where the two men were stood. “Did you miss me?” He asked, his words like venom.
A scoff passed your lips before you could even fully process it, followed by a chuckle, you were astonished at his words. “Not nearly as much as you hoped.” If you were anyone else, you wouldn’t have noticed, but his ego took a slight blow at your words. Only giving you more confidence. “But it’s clear to see you haven’t changed much, at all really.” You began gesturing around the room. “Still throwing your little hissy fit, when are you gonna grow up?” Another blow, this time more noticeable to the others.
“(Y/N)…”Sersi warned, her voice quiet. You had now reached Druig, only feet from him, your head tilted upwards to look at him. “No, no, let her finish.” He pushed. That smile had disappeared, and his lips were sitting in a flat line, eyebrows furrowed together. “You’d think after hundreds of years you’d have time to think about your actions. But you’re never wrong, right?” Your index finger made contact with his chest.
“You’re Druig, Mr. Right, I have a moral high ground. Do you really?” You asked, another cackle erupting from your throat. “It’s real ethical of you to keep these people tucked dee in the Amazon, take away their free will, and control their entire existence.” With each syllable your finger made contact with his chest. “You wanna talk about morals, huh?” His crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m not the one who stood around while they let millions of people kill each other.” He raised his voice, another thing he had never done to you before. He was quick to compose himself.
His eyes burned holes into yours, he was grinding his teeth, and you could see steam leaving his ears. That’s when he grabbed your wrist, catching you off-guard. “That’s enough.” Ikaris butted in, placing one hand on one of yours and Druig’s shoulders, creating some distance. You ripped your hand from Druig’s grip, storming out of the chapel. One, wanting to get as far away from Druig as possible, and two, to get some air.
You didn’t want to cry. You couldn’t cry. It was stupid. But the tears still spilt down your face, desperately you tried to wipe them away before anyone saw this. You couldn’t stop them, you felt stupid. This wasn’t how you wanted this to go. This wasn’t how you thought it was gonna go. You hadn’t seen him in hundreds of years, you just wanted for things to back to the way they were before that night in Tenochtitlán.
“(Y/N)…” Someone called out behind you, it was Thena. “Hey!” You exclaimed, wiping away any stray tears, acting cheerful. “Are you alright, darling?” She asked, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Yeah-Yeah, just overwhelmed is all.” You chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. “And that’s okay, take all the time you need. I think we’re gonna be here for a couple hours.” She glanced over her shoulder. You saw Druig and Ikaris yelling at each other, before Druig stormed off deeper into the camp.
You decided to pass the time by interacting with the people in the compound. They were instantly interested in all of you, Druig must have told them stories about you and the rest of the Eternals because they had a ton of questions for you. They seemed to like your powers a whole lot, element manipulation.
It was getting semi-dark and you decided to help the townspeople find some wood to burn for the torches inside their homes. You ventured along the outskirts of the compound, and Druig took advantage of the distance between you and the rest of the compound. Quietly walking up behind you, admiring the way you moved. You hadn’t changed all that much since he last saw you, but he never got tired of watching you do even the simplest of tasks.
“They started to not believe me, ya know. About you guys.” His words made your whole body tense. You stood up slowly, reluctantly spinning on your heels to face him, the pieces of wood wrapped up in your arms, becoming heavier than before. “They thought I was just making you guys up.” He chuckled, arms folded over his chest, body propped up on the trunk of a tree. “They thought I was the only one like this.”
You didn’t trust your speech. You could feel the hurt creeping up your throat, water building behind your eyes. God, you hated being so emotional. So, you just nodded, trying to keep yourself distracted by looking for more firewood. “I’m sorry, (Y/N)…” Those words sounded foreign leaving his mouth.
“Are you really?” You asked, ignoring the crackle in your voice. “We were best friends. Inseparable for thousands of years. Then you just leave me, no contact, cold turkey.” The waiver in your voice only growing with each passing word. “You threw me off to the side like I meant nothing to you. To fend for myself.” You continued, the anger bubbling inside your stomach.
“I regretted my decision everyday if that’s any consolation.” He shrugged, avoiding your gaze. “No call? No letter? Not even a fucking carrier pigeon.” You let out a mix between a scoff and a laugh. “I thought you would want nothing to do with after I left.” He admitted, taking no credit for his actions. “Druig…” What you were feeling was so confusing. You felt scared, angry, relieved, and frustrated all in one.
“I was in love with you, idiot. Did I really have to spell it out for you? I made it so obvious. Of course I wanted everything to do with you.” When you confessed this, your gaze faltered. wrapping your arms around your torso to feel small. “What about now?” He asked, kicking himself off the tree stump, his large steps bringing him closer to you.
“What do you mean?“ You asked, noticing his sudden closeness. “Do you want anything to do with me now? Do you still feel that same way?” Your mind and heart were fighting against one another, and you didn’t know which one to listen to. “Dru, I-I don’t know…” You still trusted this man with your life, but you couldn’t say the same about your heart.
“I don’t need an answer now, but I don’t know how much longer we have together.” His voice faltered, his warm hands coming to cup your cheeks. Red and stained with tears you hadn’t noticed until now. He was right, time was no longer indefinite. You might only have a few days left on this planet, with this version of Druig.
You didn’t know if it was the mix of emotions or your sudden realization of imminent death, but your lips flew forward against his. They were soft, tasted like mint and some sort of flavored tea. Yours must have been chapped and salty, from your tears, but he didn’t seem to mind as he pulled you closer. Your chests now touching, and your hands resting on his.
You had wanted this for hundreds of years and it was just as good as you had imagined it. His body moved in sync with yours, the curve of your bodies fitting together like a puzzle, like the two of you were made for each other. He removed one of his hands from your face, sliding down the small of your back and under your t-shirt. The skin to skin contact made a warm feeling grow in the pit of your stomach. When Druig pulled away he didn’t go far, placing his forehead on yours.
“God, I’ve wanted to do that for so long.”
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softquietsteadylove · 2 months
omg I love possessive Gil in your 10 things AU so much🥵 can you please write more smut like that? (with any AU you want)💌❤️‍🔥
Thena laughed at the man's joke, who was happy to receive her payment with a sleek smile. His hand even floated down to her shoulder. Their exchange continued, but that hand felt the need to linger.
Gil watched it the entire time.
Thena was on her doctor mandated break, from both performing and even teaching for at least two weeks. He was happy to take care of her at home, but almost at the end of her time off, she was getting restless. So, seeing a show seemed like a great idea.
Thena had a great time--at least he thought she did. He had asked if she knew anyone in it but she hadn't recognised any names from the show program. That made this even worse.
The male lead had just happened to recognise Thena, purely from running in similar professional circles. Gil was proud of it! She was an amazing ballerina, of course she should be recognised for it. That wasn't the problem. This guy was the problem.
"I'm honoured I could finally meet the Swan herself," he schmoozed right in her face.
Gil tugged at his tie. He called her that, thank you.
"I've seen so many of your shows, I should be the one dying to meet you," he continued. His hand left Thena's shoulder, but only to trail down her arm to clasp her hand in his. He was really pushing it.
"Nonsense, you're the crown jewel of your company," she countered his flattery, although she hadn't yanked her hand out of his yet, much to Gil's distaste.
"If only I were the crown jewel of yours." Okay, this guy definitely knew what he was doing. Gil stood straighter as the man even raised Thena's hand to his lips.
"Oh," she blinked, blushing faintly as he did so.
Gil cleared his throat loudly. He had stood by for enough of this. He moved in without a thought to the jostling of everyone. He elbowed the man out of his way and captured Thena's waist in his arm. "Sorry, we're late for something."
"Of course," the man sighed dramatically. He waved as Thena was dragged away from him. "It was a pleasure, ma cherie!"
"I'll show you pleasure.
"Gilgamesh," Thena huffed as he ushered her into an empty dressing room and slammed the door behind them. "What is-!"
He pulled her close, taking her lips in his. He cushioned the back of her head with his hand, although her back hit the door as he pressed as close as he could get.
Thena moaned against his lips, their tongues moving fluidly and her hands on his cheeks. Her shoulders bunched up, surprised by his urgency.
He moved his shoulders, eager to get her elbows out of his way. He moved his hands from her waist to grasp her behind through the light layers of her pretty dress.
"Gil!" she all but yelped. He hoisted her, hands grasping her behind so he could move them from the door to the mirror. He plunked her down onto the table of it, her shoulders pressed against the cold glass. She gasped. "What are you doing?!"
But he wasn't in the mood. He was in a very different mood. He grasped the insides of her knees to help them wind around him. These things were the perfect height. "You want pleasure?"
"Gil," Thena attempted to scold him, but he could watch the tiny twitches in her face as he trailed his hand up the inside of her thigh.
"You can have it," he breathed into her ear. He dragged his teeth over it, enjoying the flush of red that followed. She shivered. He used the other hand to trail over where he had watched that asshole do exactly the same. He would replace that man's touch on Thena's body with his own. "Because you're mine."
"Gil," she bit her lip as he latched onto her neck. His one hand continued to trail lightly from her hand up to her shoulder, back and forth, up and down, so lightly it was almost ticklish. But he reached her shoulder and planted it more firmly. "We can't."
"What did I just say?" he whispered roughly, his other hand reaching its goal and easily pushing aside the white lace she was wearing. He remembered it well; he had watched her select that exact set and then joke about not going.
Thena whimpered as he skipped any sort of warm up and instead pushed in just the tips of his fingers first.
"Miss Thena," he teased, pushing in to the second knuckle. "What did I tell you?"
"You're mine," she panted, her hands finally moving up his chest and around his neck to his back to pull him closer.
He chuckled. It was close enough. He liked rendering his Swan all ruffled and speechless. He dove, dragging his teeth from her neck down her clavicle to her cleavage. "I said you're mine."
Thena let out a deeper moan as he pushed his fingers in completely, simultaneously using his teeth to drag down the front of her dress. It had been sitting just off her shoulders, teasing him all night.
He reached for the back zipper, freeing her breasts completely. Its tightness had offered her some lift. He admired the way they bounced, now at gravity's mercy again.
"Gil, please," she whimpered, moving her hips with his fingers.
He could multitask. He continued to watch the rhythm of her breasts, eventually bending his head to take a nipple between his teeth. He bit a little more firmly than necessary. Her back arched but he pushed his thumb into the dip of her collar bone, not needing any pressure to keep her shoulders against the mirror. It was fogging up.
Thena whined as he pulled his fingers away. She was panting for breath and a light sheen was fighting the setting layer of her makeup. "Jealous and a tease?"
If he could give her behind a little smack, he would. But he kept her firmly planted on it, deliberately pulling both hands away from her to undo his belt. She watched with hunger in her eyes. "This what you want?"
She nodded.
He undid his suit trousers, pulling himself out and grasping himself at the base. Fuck, he was hard. "Say it."
"I want you," she managed, her voice full of breath.
He bent her knees more, forcing the skirt of her dress up and out of his way. He gripped the flesh of her inner thigh, a fine mix of natural fat and firm muscle. It clenched as he massaged little circles with his thumb closer and closer to her hip. "Ask for it."
A flash of stubbornness passed over her. He raised his eyebrows, just touching his tip to her warmth.
Her eyes lowered as she looped her arms around his neck, "please, Gil?"
"Please," he moved closer to her ear again, letting her fold her swanly form around him. He nipped at her earring, "what?"
"Please," she whimpered again, the red from her ears shooting down her neck. "Fuck me."
"Good girl," he congratulated her as he pushed in. She moaned, her knees tightening around him before stretching out and then closing in again. "You're mine, aren't you?"
"Yes," she gasped, her whole body adjusting to him in this position as he kissed along her throat.
"And this," he grinned, rolling his hips and hitting up and forward within her. Oh, this was a good spot. She tightened around him and he nipped at her cleavage again in thanks. "This is mine."
"Yes," she moaned, trying to urge him into moving more.
He leaned forward, pushing them both more firmly against the mirror behind them. It was completely fogged up from their heat now. Thena's bare shoulders squeaked against the glass. "All mine?"
"Yes," she whined, digging her heel into the back of his thigh.
"Say it," he teased again, moving lightly, as if they had all the time in the world for him to fuck her in a strange theatre full of other patrons.
"I'm all yours."
Gil slammed their hips together, picking up a completely frantic pace. He gripped his arm around Thena, keeping her at the perfect precipice, close enough to the edge for him to push all the way in but also safely planted on the counterspace. These things were not meant to be fucked on; he could hear the braces of it in the wall as they moved.
Thena made a buffet of sounds for him to enjoy. Her head rotated between leaning down, searching for him, and pressing the bun in her hair against the mirror, smearing the steam. "Gil!"
He ran his hand down her arm again, bringing her hand to his lips, then her wrist, then up her arm. "Mine, mine, mine."
"Yours," she repeated back to him. He wasn't sure she was really in the depths of territorial need like he was. But so long as she was enjoying herself, that was what mattered. "Fuck, Gil, I'm-"
"Coming?" he snarled, trailing his tongue from between her breasts and up her neck. He nipped at the sharp angle of her jawbone. "On whose cock?"
"Yours," she answered again, although her voice was so breathy and high in pitch it was getting hard to hear her.
"Say it," he grunted, changing angle, pushing the top of his head down and burying his face in her breasts. Her fingers ran through his hair.
"Your cock, yours," she obeyed, pulsing around him frantically. He gripped her hips and pulled her, slamming and grinding them together where they were joined. Her shoulders slipped down and she gripped the corners of the counter edge as she came.
Gil held her by the waist, lifting her bottom half completely to keep them firmly joined. He came with her, both of them erupting with nowhere to go. He opened his eyes slowly, coming down from the high as they both gasped for breath.
The skirt of her dress pooled around their hips and drooped down from where he was holding her. But he heard a faint dripping sound that made him feel positively feral.
Thena attempted to call out his name, but she was shaking all over, especially her arms. He moved closer again, helping support her again. She leaned over him, her back to the mirror and her front to his chest. She whimpered as he slipped out of her.
Gil examined the damage, slipping her panties back into place, not that she didn't squirm at that. He glanced briefly at the floor as he stuffed himself back into his trousers and did up his belt.
Thena cleared her throat. He looked at her and she looked positively scandalised. Although, her glaring and pouting would do a lot more if she weren't so flushed, and such a cute shade of pink. "Gil."
He chuckled, knowing exactly what she was asking. "Yes, Miss Thena."
She looked away as he wiped the evidence of them off the floor. Her legs were crossed and she was gripping the skirt of her dress over her lap. "I like this dress, you know."
"I'll have it dry cleaned, Gorgeous," he promised, kissing her cheek as he gently helped her slide off the counter. Her heels hit the floor but they clattered and skidded as she struggled to stand upright. "You got it?"
She grumbled into his chest, trying to find the strength in her knees.
"Hm?" he hummed, observing the top of her head and how even her bun was a little messed up now. He picked at it, trying to make it seem more deliberate. She swatted his hand away.
"I said you were insufferable," she huffed as she finally managed to take two straight steps without wobbling.
No, watching some stranger paw at his girlfriend was insufferable. This was quite pleasurable, if he did say so himself. He tilted his head as Thena paused at the door. "Sweetheart?"
She turned, positioning herself behind him. "Tell me if it's all clear."
His poor Thena. She could be so adventurous at times, but when it came to the consequences of their lovemaking, she would prefer not to deal with them. He gripped the handle, ready to strut his stuff.
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siempre-bucky · 3 years
Hi i love your dad!druig stories, could you do one with the eternals meeting orla for the first time maybe on the way to phastos house? Happy holidays 🎅
Dad!Druig x Reader | Headcanons
Summary: Your and Druig's daughter meeting/interacting with the other Eternals for the first time
A/N: BESTIE LISTEN I HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS WAY TOO MUCH. jfc I love dad!druig... buckle up bc this is a little long since I did little headcanons for each of them...with a cute ass bonus at the end
requests are open♡
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Sersi ADORES Orla! As soon as she met the kid, she took up the 'greatest aunt ever' mantle.
Orla was just excited to meet her from all the stories you told her
she introduced Orla to the wonderful world of Snapchat filters
"Orla, do you want to see something funny?" she asked
Orla erupted into the biggest fit of giggles that could be heard throughout the ship after she saw herself as an old person
Sersi 10/10 is going to take her on a shopping spree when everyone got settled on earth
Orla loved when Sersi showed her how her powers worked, asking if she could turn everything into water
they're besties 10/10
Makkari was more excited to tease Druig about being a dad than anything else!
'Being a father made you soft.' she signed up to him as she knelt in front of her goddaughter. "It's a good look for you."
Druig rolled his eyes as he leaned against the wall
Makkari was the ONLY Eternal that was allowed to tease him about it
she was overjoyed when Orla introduced herself in sign language, her little fingers slowly spelling out her name
she was so happy when Makkari gve her a sign name
"Aunt Makkari can we race around the Domo?"
'You know how that's going to end right?'
"Yeah...but I still wanna try."
Makkari let her win :')
Gil was the one Orla was the most nervous about meeting, he was big and strong, looming over her
he smiled down at her and introduced himself
he instantly turned into her personal teddy bear
carrying her around the Domo
lifting her up to the top shelf in the kitchen to get the cookies you hid
Orla was his personal taste tester while he cooked family meals again
no doubt you and Druig asked him to be your children's godfather
Thena was wary of meeting Orla
after being isolated for so long it was unusual to see a child
especially one made by 2 Eternals, she didn't think it was possible
but after Orla flashed her a toothy grin and asked the goddess to tell her a story she instantly warmed up to your daughter
showing off her weapons and letting her touch them
"She doesn't need combat lessons," you gasped
"She needs to know how to defend herself on the battlefield, Y/n."
"Orla's 6!"
Sprite gives off older cousin energy
Orla thought she was just 'ok'
her powers were really cool but that was about it
plus she could tell Druig wasn't fond of her so naturally, she didn't like Sprite either
Orla didn't introduce herself to the flying one
she only met him after the fight in the amazon, she was too petrified and clung to Druig's side
and it wasn't like Ikaris made an attempt to get to know her either
she was 6... not stupid. Orla could sense the tension between the two men
so it was ok he yeeted himself into the sun
There was an instant connection between Orla and Phastos after the initial shock went away
being a dad he could sympathize with what she was going through
so he wanted to be her best distraction
watched her while you and Druig got some rest
her favorite part was when he would let her play in his lab helping him come up with new inventions
she and Jack became best friends after Phastos introduced them when they got to Ajak's
Kingo made Orla laugh the first time they met
he stared at her for a while, "Druig's your dad?"
she nodded happily, "mmhmm"
"Oh...wanna watch one of my movies?"
Kingo was bound and determined to make Orla a fan of his work
halfway through one of his movies she turned and looked at him, "Can we watch Frozen now?"
regardless, she was his new movie buddy even if that meant just watching Disney movies
Orla didn't understand the concept of death
she heard everyone going on and on about Ajak being gone...dead
Orla sat next to Druig as he looked out the window
"When do I get to meet Ajak, Daddy?"
Druig's face fell. "Ajak's gone...she, ehm... passed away."
"But will she be back?"
"No, m'love. Passed away means she won't be back."
Orla frowned and clutched her pink stuffed bunny tighter, "She didn't know me."
"She did." Druig leaned forward and touched one of the stuffed animal's ears. "When mommy found out we were having you, we went to see Ajak and told her. She was the only one that knew about you, and before we left she gave you that bunny."
obviously she met her father, but thanks to Karun who just refused to leave the battle on the beach, Orla got to see Druig for who he really was. An Eternal, a hero
she sat on the couch of Ajak's home, nuzzled up next to her dad as she watched him
Druig never let Orla see him use his powers, he didn't want her to see him as someone who controlled people just because he could
but she was in awe as she watched his blue eyes glow, golden swirls covering his body, illuminating his armor
she gasped when those same swirls appeared around everyone else
"Daddy!" She gasped, hopping into his lap, her hands pressed against his cheeks. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him, "Make your eyes glow! Please, please, please!"
his worried face softened, "Maybe someday."
she whined, "Please!"
Orla loved you more than life itself
she rarely saw you angry
so it was a huge thing when she saw you creating boulders out of thin air on the tv, hurling them at the man in the blue and gold suit
"Woah," she said in wonder at your powers and the cool suit you wore
you sucked in your lower lip, a little embarrassed at yourself... but then again Ikaris did try to kill your husband
"Mommy that was awesome! Ugh you're so cool."
Druig looked over to you with an amused smile
"All that just for me?" he joked
you hummed and nodded, "And I would do it again."
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peterpparkrr · 3 years
my little dark age
Pairing: Druig x reader (Eternals) - No use of (Y/N)
Summary: Chance encounters become all the more unlikely when it’s been hundreds of years since you last saw them. Or, Druig pines after a stranger he never even spoke to for centuries.
Word count: 2.1K
Warnings: mild violence, allusion to suicide, discussion of death
A/N: I’d been struggling to figure out a druig premise since I saw the movie and then I wrote this all today after work lol 
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Athens, 896 BCE
Athen’s had been the Eternal’s home for the last few years. Thena had been named the defender of the city after killing more Deviants than you could count. She’d saved the population and the people had named their city after her in thanks. 
The people loved Thena. She was a goddess to them, and they practically worshipped her. 
When Druig sat and listened to Sprite tell stories about their family to children and adults alike he could already see the way the fables were forming in their minds. The way the stories would grow and spread until the myths of who they were shifted and became unrecognizable. 
And he would still be here, to hear those stories. In a hundred years, in a thousand years, wherever they went the stories about his family would follow them. It had already happened with Gil, and Phastos was fast on his way to becoming another god in these people’s eyes. The inventions and sparks of creativity he gave them would serve these people for the centuries to come. 
And Druig would just have to watch. 
Maybe fight a few more Deviants along the way, but eventually, they’d kill the last of them, and then what would he be able to do? 
Sit and watch while these humans continued to wage wars against each other, to kill each other over petty arguments, over minor disagreements? The death and destruction that humans waged on themselves were growing every day. If the others would just let him, he could stop it. Stop the pain and suffering for everyone. But they would never let him do that. He was forbidden from interfering in the conflicts of humans.
So instead he’d just have to watch them tear each other apart. 
And he had been watching when he saw her. 
You caught his eye from across the pavilion. A beautiful face, but more interestingly, curious eyes. You were standing off to the side while a crowd listened to Sprite tell another story. She was droning on and on about Ikaris. Druig wasn’t sure which story she was trying to tell, there were too many unimportant details, about what Ikaris had looked like, detours to his interests, little personal details, it was boring.
So he allowed his gaze to wander. And he’d happened to lock eyes with you. And you smiled flirtatiously, a quiet burst of laughter bubbling up from your chest as you stared back at him, not daring to be the one to break the eye contact.
Part of him wanted to go to you. To talk to you. To find out what was so funny, and if things went well, to make you laugh again. 
He wanted to know you. He really did. But he also knew that he couldn’t. Getting close to humans only made it all the more painful to watch them grow and age while he stayed the same. 
Druig had had friends before, close friends, but every time they would grow old and die and Druig would be left with nothing but memories. No matter how hard he tried, death could not be stopped. Not even by an Eternal. 
So he learned to keep his distance. To never get too close to the humans. It was easier that way.
So he took the easy way out. He winked at her before standing up and disappearing down an alley into the dark night. 
Druig walked away, ending the story before it could even start.
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Rome, 30 BCE
You were perusing the stalls of the Tuesday market when you saw him. The stalls and tables stacked high with goods, wares, food, crafts, anything you could ever dream of owning. Treasures from the farthest reaches of the empire. You needed to purchase some food to last you through the rest of the week. Nearly completely focused on completing your tasks when you’d loved up by chance and caught the eye of a stranger at the same time he looked over at you.
But was he a stranger?
You’d seen him before. It couldn’t be a coincidence. This wasn’t some stranger that you’d seen in the market a few years ago. This was a man that you recognized from centuries ago. And he was looking at you like he remembered you too. You didn’t dare speak. If he knew what you were that was one thing, but he was something…else. It would be a bad idea to go in blind to whatever he was. 
So you were going to do what you do best. Run.
Life - if you could even call it that anymore - had been hard on you. 
You’d been a young woman when the whispers had first started. When your sisters began to look older than you despite being years your junior, your father was getting greyer and greyer, and fine lines began to appear on the faces of your friends. When you first realized that while they had begun to age, that you hadn’t changed a bit. 
As the years went by the whispers only grew, the more people wondered what you were, or what you had done. 
Some thought you were chosen by the gods. A favorite. Bestowed with a blessed gift. Some of those people revered you and honored you. Others were jealous and envious, they couldn’t see what was so special about you that the gods would pick you over them.
But there were others who thought you had been cursed. That the gods had smited you, given you a malediction. Those people wanted you gone, banished from the city. Sent somewhere far away so that you couldn’t infect the rest of the city with your sin and wickedness. 
They’d dragged you screaming and crying out of your father’s house. They’d dragged you through the city’s streets and to the edge of town where they’d tied you to a mule and sent you out into the desert with nothing but the clothes on your back.
You’d wander for who knows how long. 
You should have died. Of dehydration. Starvation. Of something, anything that had happened to you in the wilderness. 
But you couldn’t seem to die. You laid in the desert, stranded. Your dead mule left behind long ago and willed the gods to take you. To end your suffering. But they wouldn’t answer your prayers. Perhaps there were no gods after all. Or maybe they really had cursed you, maybe this was your punishment, to suffer and unending death for the rest of time. 
You weren’t sure what your sin had been, how you could have offended the gods. But if the stories were true then the gods didn’t always need a reason for doing the things they did. They were all-powerful beings who could do what they pleased. 
But you had your own power now. A power that had scared the people in your village. A power that you would have to learn to use. 
Eventually, you’d accepted what had happened. And began your trek. You’d wandered through the wilderness until you found a new village. They’d taken you in, nursed you back to health, and allowed you to live with them. 
But after a few years, you knew what you had to do, that you need to keep moving, from village to village so you never stayed in one place too long, never allowed anyone to get to know you too well, all in order to keep your secret safe. 
Holding yourself at arms distance from all was hard at first, but eventually, it became second nature. It was only natural. And you’d traveled the world. Visited corners of the world that you never could have dreamed of.
Big cities were the best, it was easy to disappear into a busy place. And you could stay a few years longer which was always nice.
So when the Roman Empire came to power Rome was an obvious choice for your next home. 
You’d been walking through the market when you’d seen him. Just glanced up from the fruit you were inspecting at the right time and made eye contact with him across the way. 
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She had to be a great-granddaughter 40 generations over. Some distant relative, one identical to a woman who had lived centuries ago. You’d think it impossible. 
But Druig remembered her. Remembered her face. The smile was the same, her hair, her lips, the set of her cheekbones, and the rise of her chin. But her eyes….her eyes were different.
This time. He didn’t run away. He moved towards her.
She had turned to walk away. And was halfway down an alley when he finally caught up to her.
“Have we met before?” He asked as he chased after her, unintentionally cornering her in the alleyway.
“I don’t think so, But I do come to this market often, maybe you’ve just seen me around here before,” You tried to reply, your words coming out unevenly as you avoided eye contact, trying to step back from this strange man, to get somewhere safe.
“No, not here, somewhere else,” He said slowly. Trying to choose his words carefully. He’d clearly spooked her. And he didn’t mean to, but he also needed to understand.
“I’ve lived here all my life,” You lied quickly.
“That’s not true,” Druig replied with a simple shake of his head. “You’re from Athens.”
You stared up at him with wide eyes. “I-”
“I saw you in Athens, over 800 years ago.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I- You’re crazy,” You rambled as panic began to seep down your spine. What did this guy know? And what was he going to do to you?
“I’m not going to hurt you, I’m just confused,” He told you. Wishing he could reach out and press a reassuring hand into your shoulder. But he knew that he couldn’t. That you’d probably actually bolt.
“Who are you?” You asked as you looked up at him. Trying to search his eyes for some hint at his true intentions.
“I’m sorry,” Druig apologized. He’d gotten ahead of himself. And he needed her to trust him. “My name is Druig. I’m part of a group called the Eternals. We were sent to earth five thousand years ago to protect Earth from monsters called Deviants.”
“Who are you?” He asked after a beat.
You tell him your first name. “I’m...I’m not sure what I am. I haven’t aged since around 890. But I also can’t seem to die.” 
You’d never told anyone that. You’d gotten close before, to breaking down and telling someone the truth. But you’d always known that the consequences would be terrible. But now you were here, telling a complete stranger, a man that you’d known for thirty seconds your deepest secret. 
Maybe you’d finally lost your mind? Or maybe your death wish had finally returned.
“So it was you,” He breathed out. “And… do you have any powers?”
“Is immortality not impressive enough for you?” You shot back before taking a deep breath. “Not that I know of. I just don’t age, can’t get sick, never get sustain serious injuries, nothing can kill me.”
You looked away for a moment, closing your eyes tightly in an effort to banish the memories of your darkest moments, banishing them back into the recesses of your brain. “How did you remember me, you’re even older than I am, and you remembered me. From centuries ago. We didn’t even speak that night, did we?”
“We didn’t.” He admitted. Thorough he wasn’t sure he was prepared to admit the whole truth to you. The embarrassing fact that he’d thought of you frequently over the years. That a mysterious girl who’d smiled at him one time had plagued his thoughts and struck a chord in him back then, and that it had happened again today when he saw you.
No. That would be way too embarrassing to admit. 
“I-I could take you to my family. We could figure out how this happened to you?” He offered, albeit, lamely. 
“Phastos, he’s an inventor, if anyone can figure out what happened to you it would be him. And Ajak, she’s a healer, if we go find them, she might be able to fix it,” “Only if you wanted that.”
“I would,” You admitted as you glanced back up at him, trying to ignore the way your stomach flipped as his eyes locked back onto yours again. “I would like that.”
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lonelydarlings · 3 years
I'll Be Seeing You pt. 2
Druig x Eternal!Reader
Inspired by “I’ll be Seeing You” by Billie Holiday.
After 2000 years, Druig thinks the spark of love between you two is gone. He’s surprised that when he sees you to find out he’s dead wrong.
Like Sprite, Reader also is a storyteller but she has the gift of music. Her songs are what brings music to the world and Druig loves that shit.
Okay folks, this one got away from me just a little but I hope you all enjoy it! I honestly have no idea where this is going AHHH. Also sorry if the timeline is all goofy ive only seen Eternals 30 a few times and im still trying to piece it all together
Tags: soft!druig, sersi x ikarus, mentions of a wedding, fluffy ending
Part One Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine
“That was a beautiful song tonight, Y/N. Truly moving.” Kingo said as you and your fellow Eternals made your way back to the Domo.
“Thank you, Kingo.” You smiled up at him as you made your way to your central gathering place.
“Arishem would be so proud of the beautiful music you’re bringing to this world.” Ajak mused, placing a motherly hand on your cheek. You blushed thanking her with a small smile.
“Yes, Y/N. It’s truly wonderful what you do. You could put Sprite to shame with your voice.” Gillgamesh teased, poking the girl in the side as he crossed the room.
“Not funny, Gil.” The redhead said, crossing her arms.
“I agree, not funny. Sprite’s gifts are amazing, and they bring joy. She tells our stories and brings hope to the future of these people. Even if she does stretch the truth just a little bit.” You smiled, throwing your arm around Sprite’s shoulder, giving her a small squeeze. You knew it was hard on her. Everyone always treated her like a child even though she was so much more than that.
“At least someone has my back. What do you think, Ikarus?” The girl asked, trying to hide the giddiness in her voice.
“I… well, I think your powers are equally special. You’re both telling your own stories in a way. Maybe you two should team up one night. Give us a real show.” Ikarus said, taking his place by Sersi’s side.
“That’s actually a lovely idea. Sprite, would you like to do that one day?” You asked.
“Sure. That probably wouldn’t be too awful.” She giggled playfully and squeezed your hand.
“Fair enough,” you laughed, making your way across the room.
“Sorry I missed the show tonight. Must have been a good one from these glowing reviews.” Phastos said, eyes and hands busy at work on his next invention.
“You should be, it was beautiful.” You heard a voice come from behind you. Turning around, you spotted Druig and Makkari standing in the doorway of the lab. You hadn’t heard the duo slip in. You blushed again, turning around to make yourself busy with a random piece of metal on the table.
“I’m truly impressed with this one, Y/N. I believe it might be my new favorite.” Druig said, taking a seat beside you. In all these years, he never really commented on your songs so this took you a bit by surprise.
“Thanks, Dru.” You said softly.
“Anytime, my love.” He said, a cocky grin breaking across his face.
“Uh, did we miss something?” Phastos asked, giving you two an incredulous look.
“Oh, you mean their little “I like you but won’t say it” dance? No.” Kingo said, using air quotes around the statement. A blush rose to Druig’s face now, causing yours to deepen even more.
“Leave them alone, Kingo.” Thena said, knocking him in the back of the head as she passed by.
“Ow, Thena. Rude.” Kingo said, pulling a face.
“Don’t be a baby.” Makkari signed, a smile plastered on her face as she came to stand beside you. “Don’t listen to Kingo, you know how he is.” She signed, smiling.
“Alright everyone, settle down. I have news from Arishem.” Ajak said, taking her place in the middle of the room. Phastos quickly finished his project and gave the older woman the floor. “We’ve been asked to relocate. Babylon is free of Deviants and has become the largest and safest city on the planet. Our work here is done. We’ve been tasked to reposition ourselves to the Gupta Empire. Their people need our help in continuing their growth. We will leave at first light. Phastos, prepare the Domo for the trip please.”
“You know I will.” Phastos said, clapping his hands together.
Your leader took turns reminding everyone of their duties and instructed all on expectation for the next part of the journey.
“Does anyone have anything else to say before we end our meeting?” Ajak asked, gesturing in your and Druigs’ direction.
“Actually, I have something.” Sersi spoke up, taking Ikarus by the hand.
You thought your heart would beat out of your chest. You cast a look at Druig who shot a wink in your direction. What was that about?
“Yes, Sersi?” Ajak motioned for the raven-haired woman to take the floor. Each pair of eyes in the room watched as the two lovers moved into the center of the room.
“Ikarus and I have decided to get married. We want to have the ceremony as soon as possible.” Sersi smiled as Ikarus wrapped his arms around her.
Squeals of joy and congratulations erupted from every corner of the room. You made your way from your spot beside Druig and over to your friend. You were so happy that Sersi had found someone who she could see spending the rest of her days with. Ikarus was a perfect fit and you couldn’t be happier for the both of them. You wrapped the taller woman in a tight hug.
“Congratulations, boss.” Kingo said, clapping his hand on Ikarus’ shoulder, pulling him in for a quick embrace.
“Yeah, congrats.” Sprite said, trying to mask the sour look coming onto her face.
“I’m so happy for the both of you!” You said, happy tears welling in your eyes. “You truly are the perfect fit for one another.
“Yes, these two are truly two halves of one whole.” Ajak said, taking Ikarus and Sersi’s hands in both of hers. “There will be a wonderous wedding, as soon as we are settled in. I’m sure our new friends will be more than happy to accommodate.”
“Yeah, and if not Druig can always make them.” Gillgamesh joked, bringing laughter throughout the room.
“Yeah, sure.” Druig said, his tone even. Turning back, you could see he wanted to say more but chose not to. Something was bubbling up behind those steel blue eyes. You made a mental note to ask him about it later. Right now wasn’t the time, it was Sersi and Ikarus’ spotlight and you couldn’t take away from that. The night commenced on in celebration. Drinks and toasts were had and made on into the evening. Eventually, Ajak took her place in the middle again.
“My Eternals, as fun as this has been, we all need rest. Let us make our way to our own rooms. We have all the time in the world to celebrate. Goodnight to you all. I expect to see you early in the morning.” Everyone said their final goodbyes for the evening, slowly trickling behind Ajak and into their own rooms.
“Goodnight, everyone. Sersi,” You paused as you passed your friend, “I really am so proud for you both.” You said, giving your friend another tight squeeze. “And Ikarus,” you paused, laying your hand on the man’s arm. He turned to look at you, a knowing smile pressed onto his face. “I know I’m not the fighting type but if you hurt her, I’ll absolutely and totally end your existence. Don’t forget it.” You punctuated your statement with a poke to his chest as you both laughed.
“I would never do that, Y/N.” he smiled, laying his hand on top of yours.
“You better not or you’ll get this!” You mimicked punches to his stomach and face playfully.
“Yeah, sure.” He said, rolling his eyes with another laugh and Sersi lightly slapped his chest with a grin.
“You won’t have to, Y/N/N. If he does, I’ll do it myself.” Another laugh came from the three of you. You truly were so happy to see this union. You knew they needed each other.
“Goodnight, my dears.” you gestured to the remaining few.
Echoes of goodnights followed you out the door. As you were rounding the corner, a hand fell on your wrist.
“Y/N, wait.” Sersi was behind you, her thin frame leaning into the arched doorway.
“Yes, my blushing bride?” You two giggled like young girls.
“I was wondering, would you sing at our wedding? It wouldn’t be right if you didn’t. Maybe something not as sad as the one tonight?” She said, laughing a little bit.
“Of course, I will!” You smiled brightly. “I promise, it’ll be a song of love. True love.” You said, squeezing her hand. You turned to walk away but she stopped you again.
“Yes?” you asked, a curious smile across your face.
“What’s up with you and Druig? I mean I know you two flirt but tonight seemed different. Did something happen?” She asked, an air of excitement around her.
“I mean, we were talking before I sang but there’s nothing different about that. Why, do you know something I don’t?” you asked, and incredulous smile playing on your lips.
“Well, that’s the thing. The song was about seeing a lover again someday. Did one of you finally confess?” She asked, voice lowered.
Of course she would ask that. Sersi knew all your secrets, even the ones you so desperately tried to hide from everyone including yourself. She had known from the very beginning that something special was blooming between you and Druig and many times had encouraged you to move into unknown territory with the quiet man. She was your closest confidant, your safe place to confess all.
“No, Sersi. Nothing happened. I don’t know where the songs come from, you know that. They just happen. It wasn’t any sort of message to him. That’s just not how my power works.” That was a lie and you knew it. So did Sersi but she let it slide. She knew that you would be true to both her and you in your own time.
“Okay. If anything does change, you know you can tell me.” The woman took your hand in hers and squeezed.
“Thank you.” You squeezed back. “Now, I really have to go to bed. We’ve had quite the eventful evening after all.” You let her hand go and slowly turned, giving her one last wave.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” She called after you.
You made your way to your sleeping quarters, still running over the question Sersi had asked you earlier. Druig never had commented on your music, that was true. His words still rang in your ears like a sweet symphony. Stepping into the soft lighting of the room, you closed the door behind you and made your way to your bed, shedding your armor as you went. Folding it and placing it on your table, you pulled your sleeping tunic over your head. Tonight had been exciting indeed. A wedding, a new adventure, a compliment from the man who made you week at the knees. There was no way you would be able to sleep. You decided to put on some music. Phastos had made you something special for nights like this. He had called it a gramophone. It was a device that would be considered top of the line centuries from now and with his help he had even shown you how to put your music onto it. He said he had bigger plans for it but for now you could test it out and give him pointers on how to improve it down the line. Any human to see it now would surely think it was some devious device, so it was a secret to you and your fellow Eternals. You had cried when Phastos had presented it to you, pulling him into a rib crushing hug. Crossing to the shelf on the far side of the room, you picked up a wax roll and placed it onto the needle. Soft crackles filled the air as a slow song began to bubble from the device. You danced slowly around the room, musing about your evening. Your body began to glow as the music took you over, your powers sinking into the small area. You were lost in your own world when a small knock came at your door, breaking you from your revere. Crossing to the door, the knock came again. Suspecting it was Kingo telling you to turn it down, you were surprised when you opened the door to see two blue eyes staring back at you.
“Druig, um, hi. I’m sorry, was I being too loud? I can turn it off, I just couldn’t sleep.” You were blushing again, realizing he had also changed into comfier clothes, his large biceps on full display without his bulky armor.
“No, m’lady. I just heard the music and thought I would say hi since you were awake.” The man grinned at you from his place in the doorway.
“Oh,” you smiled,” Would you like to come in? I’m testing out the gramophone. Would you like to have a listen with me?” You gestured to the side and Druig followed your direction, pausing to let his eyes linger on you for a beat too long.
Gods, help me. If I was capable of heart failure I would probably die right now.
Druig walked casually into the room, his hands placed behind his back. You closed the door slowly, turning to rest your back against it. He had never come to you in the night, much less been inside of your room. Druig made a slow turn, surveying the room with inquisitive eyes. Finally landing his gaze upon you, he stepped in your direction.
“Is this your music?” He asked, slowly closing the space between you.
“Yes,” you breathed, “Phastos helped me put it on wax cylinders. That way I can practice my powers even when I’m alone.”
Druig came to a stop mere feet from you, surveying your form slowly.
“I wasn’t lying earlier, that song tonight was beautiful. You, your powers, all of it. Absolutely stunning.” Druig paused, licking his lips. He took another step closer, waiting for you to stop him. Slowly, he brought a hand from behind his back
“Darling,” his accent thick and present, “you wouldn’t mind sharing a dance with me, would you?” his hand extending toward you.
“A dance?” you asked, voice shaking slightly. “Sure.” You took his hand.
He pulled you into the middle of the room, placing a hand on your hip. You rested your other hand on his shoulder and closed the rest of the distance between the two of you. You began to sway to the beat, smiling when he would do a little spin every now and then. You couldn’t get over how beautiful he was this close up. His blue eyes pierced into your own y/e/c ones, the soft lighting of the room dancing across his face.
“Would you sing for me, my moon, just a little bit?” he asked, eyes glancing down to your lips for a beat. My moon. That was new.
“For you, Druig, I would do anything.” You smiled again as you let your powers fill you up. The same song from earlier in the night began to drift softly from your lips. Druig drew you closer, laying your head on his chest. He hummed along with you, seeming to have memorized every bit of the earlier performance. When you finally sang the last few words, you looked up at him again.
“How was that?” you asked, a flirtatious grin on your face.
“Wonderous.” He said cupping your cheek. Thinking the moment would end, you were taken over when he pulled you closer, planting a kiss on your lips. You melted into him, letting the sensation of the closeness engulf you. His lips were soft and plush against your own, moving in perfect sync. Was this what you had been waiting so long for? Why had he not acted sooner? What was changing? When he pulled away, you almost whined at the loss of his touch. Looking into his eyes, you smiled brightly.
“What was that?” you asked, placing your hands on his chest.
“That was, well. That was something I should have done 300 years ago.” He connected his forehead to your own, inhaling deeply the scent of you.
“All this time, why didn’t you ever say anything? And why now?” You asked, looking up at the taller man.
“I don’t know and I’m sorry I’ve waited this long. I do know that my feelings are true though. I like you very much.” He said, a true smile spreading across his pale face.
“I like you very much too, Dru.” You giggled back.
“So, what does this mean for us then, eh?” He asked, leaning back so he could see you properly.
“Well,” you paused, a faux look of deep contemplation on your face. “We could keep this a secret and continue our “little dance” as Kingo put it. Or,” you paused again, wrapping your arms around his neck. “We could finally tell everyone we came clean.” Druig laughed at that.
“For some reason I feel like you want to keep this a secret. Why, you ashamed of me?” Druig pulled a face of fake hurt, only to laugh when you slapped his chest playfully.
“No, Druig. I would never be ashmed of you. I just think right now with the wedding coming up and our move to a new place, maybe we need to just keep it between us. Besides, it’s kind of fun that you snuck into my room in the dead of night.” You pulled him into another kiss, this one more passionate than the other. Druig smiled into you, holding you tight to him.
“Whatever you want, my beautiful, beautiful Y/N.”
This was not what Druig wanted, no. He wanted to be loud and proud that he could finally call you his girl. He had wanted it for so long, why should he have to wait. He knew you were right though. After the wedding and everyone was settled in. Then, he could make his true feelings known. Sersi and Ikarus weren’t the only ones in love. He hoped the next wedding would include you as the bride
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chxrrysangel · 3 years
Whatever You Want
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My work is not to be reproduced, translated, or copied ANYWHERE that is not my account. If I find it, I’m coming for you. Plagiarism will not be taken lightly.
Relationship | soft dom!Druig x Eternal! Black femme reader /lowkey orginal character
Warnings | 18+ NSFW MINORS DNI, dom/sub relationship, teasing, orgasm control/denial, oral sex ( m + f receiving), fingering, degrading kink, praise kink, voyeurism, breeding kink, pet names, dubcon (not 100% sure on this one but I’m putting it anyways), unprotected sex, cum play (if you squint)
Words | idk yet.
Notes | I felt like this needed a name instead of y/n in some places, so your eternals name is Rhea. She’s the goddess of fertility, motherhood, and regeneration. She’s also Queen of the Titans and Mother of Olympus. Also this is very unedited for the time being. I’ve been working on it for like 3 wks and I need to get it out of my drafts before I lose my mind.
"God I wanna scoop my eyes out with a fucking spoon."
Druig's mood had quickly taken a sour turn as Ikaris and Sersei flirted obscenely with one another. It's not that he wasn't happy for them, not in the slightest. It had taken thousands of years for Ikaris to man up and finally tell Sersei his feelings. But they were incredibly annoying to watch. Druig watched with distaste as the couple whispered and giggled quietly just a few feet away. Sersei's hand grabbed her lover by the cheek, pressing her lips against his with great passion.
"Oh for fuck's sake! Not in front of my dinner, have you no shame?!"
Kingo simply cackled at his friend's grouch behavior, enjoying his suffering. He thought it was because the mind controller was eternally lonely, not ever finding someone to call his. He could not be more wrong. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and Dru was in agony. He hadn't seen you for quite some time, off on you adventures with Gilgamesh and Thena. It got so bad at times that he’d accidentally find himself etching your name into paper and seeing your face in crowds.
Little did he know that you were back early from your trip. Thena was having a really bad week, so the three of you deciding going back home could help her return to normal. She tried to convince you otherwise, but you could see the suffering in her eyes.
Gil and Thena said their goodbyes in the foyer, retreating in the opposite direction to get some sleep. You passed by the dining hall and went to your room, hoping the do the same. Suddenly you heard giggling echo from the hallway, peaking your interest. It grew louder as you came closer to the dining hall, and you stepped inside to investigate.
"What's so funny?"
Conversation came to a halt as the warrior stepped into the room, everyone shocked by you appearance. The room seemed to grow less tense with your presence, fitting as the goddess of ease.
"Just going on about Druig's destiny to be forever alone. I'd be surprised if he ever gets a girlfriend with his attitude." You giggled at Kingo's joke, much to Druig's dismay.
Is that so? His eyebrows raised in your direction, surprised by your thoughts.
I don't know what you mean Dru. Problem?
He smirked mischievously, maintaining eye contact over the top of his drink.
No, no problem at all Rhea.
As to be expected, Ikaris said something annoying, prompting the attention to shift over to he and Kingo. This gave ample opportunity for Druig, dragging you by your arm out the corridor and towards his quarters. You didn't protest in the slightest, knowing deep down that you'd follow him anywhere.
The golden door slammed behind you, only to meet your back when he pressed you against the frame. His gorgeous green eyes stared into your, not saying a word.
"Wanna repeat that darling?"
Your heart beat erratically in your chest, nervous but excited for what could happen next.
"Whatever do you mean Dru?" You knew you were tested his buttons by acting coy, but that was half the fun.
"Oh don't act all shy now lovie. I wanna hear you say it again. Or do I have to force it out?" Mischief glimmered in his iris at the last sentence, sending a chill up your spine. The lack of words from you gave him all the response he needed, causing a smile.
Pillow soft lips captured yours, demonstrating all of the love he had for you. Every now and then, he lightly nipped at your lips, soothing the pain with his tongue. Your tongues played a game of cat and mouse, dancing in sync with one another yet fighting for dominance. You could kiss him all day if allowed. Dru quickly moved on, much to your dismay, peppering kisses across your cheek and down your neck.
He loved to mark your skin, forcing you to stress about hiding the bruises. He wanted everyone to know you had a person, even if they didn't know it was him. That was almost the best part: the fact that only the two of you shared the secret of those markings. He wore your love bites proudly, showing them off like some kind of trophy. He revelled in it.
His soft wet kisses led a trail down your neck and collarbone, almost like a necklace. Extra time was spent near your ear, Druig knowing what a mess he could make of you with just a little extra tlc. A moan escaped your lips and he stopped immediately.
"What was that my love? A confession?" You could feel the ghost of a grin pressed into your skin as you spoke. You bit back a smartass remark, knowing the consequences of such actions.
"Nothing. I said nothing."
"If you say so." He continued to mark you, hands travelling down your body ever so lightly. His touch nearly had you ready to beg, wanting so badly to be fulfilled. He took his time, slowly untying the strings of your dress to get you more riled up. Dru would follow every place he touched with a feather-light kiss, torturing you further.
"Druig," you whined desperately. A stern glare was sent your way, and you grew immediately silent.
"Behave my darling," he warned you as your hand grazed the zipper of his pants. Ignoring him, you palmed him over the velvet material. Druig grips your wrist, placing it back by your side.
"What did I just say?" You smiled innocently at him, trouble on your mind. Going further, you reached your hand into his pants, passing by the thickest obstacle of clothing. His cock strained against the fabric, letting you know he was just as needy.
"Are you sure this is the best choice, Rey?"
"I want you." You try your best to sound as sweet as possible, hoping to keep the punishment to a minimum.
"Should've thought about that beforehand, my love. Should've asked nicely because now--he paused for the dramatics--'m gonna have to punish you." Now only one of you was smiling. You pouted, angry with yourself for being so careless. He grabbed your chin, forcing you to stare into his cold eyes.
"Ah don't pout pet. I don't like punishing you, but you broke the rules. And you know what happens when we break rules." With a delicate hand, he pushed your underwear to the side, feeling how wet you were already. You waited with bated breath, watching as he brought his fingers to his lips for a taste.
"Mmm such a shame you were naughty my love. Now we both can't get what we want."
Your lover’s hand pressed down into your shoulder, pushing you until your knees hit the hardwood floor. Your eyes met his, watching him tower over you like a god. If you weren’t in trouble, you’d find it to be quite enticing. He pulled down his pants, watching your eyes shine with hope of something good. Freeing his erection from its confines, your mouth salivated. Never have you wanted him this desperately.
“You look so pretty on your knees baby.” His hand caressed your cheek, a stark contrast to the coldness a few minutes before.
“Now spit on it.” You did as you were told, watching as Druig fisted his cock in preparation. Although you thoroughly enjoyed letting Druig do whatever he wanted to you, making him feel good was even better. The way he’d be a whimpering, moaning mess begging to make him cum; it was like nothing else in this galaxy.
“You wanna suck me off Bunny?,” he asked in a seemingly sincere tone.
“Please.” He smiled, giving you hope for redemption.
“Well that’s too bad isn’t it?”. Your mouth dropped, watching him saunter over to a chair a few feet away from you. You wanted to do badly to wipe that sick smirk off his face.
“Sit quietly and watch. Got it?”
“Good girl.”
Druig really knew how to torture a person. He sat across from you, legs spread with his fingers wrapped around his shaft. All you could do was watch as he spit on his cock, chasing his own orgasm while you suffered. He was torturing you, moaning and whimpering your name. He went on about how pretty you looked right now and how badly he wanted to ruin that pretty cunt of yours. If only you hadn’t been so naughty.
“Bet you really want my cock in your mouth, do you bunny?” You nodded absentmindedly, staring intently at his hand as he masturbated.
“Come here.” Wasting not a single moment, you practically ran the several feet, plopping down at his feet.
“Hands on your thighs, no touching. Got it?”
“Good girl. Now open.” You did as you were told, opening your mouth and waiting for him to oblige in your desires.
The salty taste of precum coated your tongue, feeling the heavy weight of his cock in your mouth. He allowed you a few seconds to adjust, small thrusts making the head just barely hit the back of your throat. He grabbed your hair into a makeshift ponytail, using it as leverage to guide your mouth the way he pleased. Your eyes began to water as you gagged on his cock, watching your boyfriend through glassy eyes use you to get himself off.
Druig closed his eyes, enjoying the sound of you gagging around him. You looked beautiful always, especially when you were on your knees before him. The string of spit that would stretch every time he pulled out and the feelings on your throat constricting around the head of his cock pushed him closer to the edge.
“I should just cum in your mouth. Treat you like the cumdumpster you are. But no, you’d enjoy it wouldn’t you?” The way he whimpered in between every word made your pussy clench. He was so desperate to cum, you could tell.
“You’d enjoy swallowing my load, even if it means you wouldn’t get fucked. Wouldn’t you baby?”
You nodded obediently, knowing how much truth was in his words.
“But you wanna be fucked like a slut.” It was a statement, not a question. But you nodded anyways in confirmation.
“Bed. On your back, legs open. Now.”
You wiped the spit from your mouth and did as you were told. Whatever he would give you, you’d take. Desperation might as well be your middle name. The bed dipped as he drew closer, laying on his stomach with hands gripping your thighs.
The two of you maintained eye contact while he peppered kisses down you stomach and across your thighs. He purposely skipped where you needed him, smiling deviously every time you whined.
His tongue danced around the hood of your clit, refusing to divulge in your desires. His fingertips brushed lightly over your core and you tried to grind against them for relief.
“Want me fingers baby?”
His fingers stretched you out so nicely, but it wasn’t nearly enough. You mewled as his digits scissored inside of you, providing some kind of relief. Druig lightly sucked on your clit, making you squirm under his touch. If he kept going, you’d orgasm soon enough. And then he slowed down.
“Dru, please.” His pink lips sported a seemingly innocent smile.
“Please, what?” He continued to finger you at an agonizingly slow pace, rubbing lazy circles on your button.
“I need you.”
“Need me to what bunny? Tell me what you want.” His playful attitude amidst your suffering made your blood boil.
“Stop teasing and fuck me!”
“Oh? You don’t like my teasing? Then why are you so wet and moaning my name?” He got you there and he knew it. You couldn’t argue.
“Druig, please. I’m begging you. Fuck me, I’ll be a good girl I promise.”
“Will you now? Oh darling you must want me bad huh?”
“So fucking badly.” You nodded eagerly, hoping to convince him.
“You want my cock to stretch your pretty cunt out so good, don’t you bunny?” As he spoke, he pushed another finger into your pussy, making you moan as a response.
“Cum before I tell you to and I stop. Got it?”
“Yes sir.” Your lover sucked your juices off his fingers, burning his gaze in yours. How could a man be so attractive, you still wondered how.
His hands pulled your legs farther apart, holding them down by force. He pushed your knees into your chest, bending you like a pretzel. You watched with baited breath as he lined himself up with your hole, feeling the head swipe between your lips. He was teasing you, again. His cock slid between your folds, stimulating your clit but not enough to make you cum.
“You know…I could just do this. Use your dripping cunt to get me off.” You were to the point of tears now, wanting to be fucked more than anything.
“Dru, please. Stop being mean. I need yo—”
Your words were cut off by your own whimpers as he bottomed out, leaving you filled to the brim. Druig thrust in and out of your curb slowly, watching the way his cock disappear inside of you. It was his favorite thing to see, the way your cunt was throbbing and so needy. His thrusts became faster, the sound of skin slapping echoing around the room.
Your thoughts turned to jelly, the pleasure overwhelming. All you could think about was the feeling off his cock stretching you out so perfectly.
“Look at you, such an obedient slut for your daddy. Just a minute you were crying about my cock and now you can’t even speak. Too cockdrunk to be a smartass.”
Anything he said made your pussy throb. His thrusts increased again, the bed creaking more from the speed. Druig bent over you, burying his face deep in your neck to provide more stimulation. He kissed up and down your neck, placing hickies too high to be hidden.
“You like being fucked like a slut my desperate girl? Do you baby? Like being used as my personal cocksleeve?” You couldn’t really respond with words, so you moaned and nodded your head.
With his mouth buried into your neck, your body vibrated with every moan and whimpered that escaped his lips. Druig rambled, telling you how fucking good you were, how tight your walls felt wrapped around him, and how sexy you sound when you whimpered his name.
Eventually his mouth made its ways down to your breast. His sucked on your nipples with great pleasure, watching you watch him. He could spend all day buried between your tits. The stimulation from his mouth, a finger on your clit, and every hit against your gspot was too much. Your stomach was turning, you could feel it in your lower belly.
“Druig im gonna cum,” you managed between whimpers.
“Not yet baby.”
“But I can’t—”
“You can and you will.” Druig didn’t ease up on you, pounding into your cunt so hard that the bed shifted with every thrust. He knew you wouldn’t last, he was hoping for it. Your pussy squeezed his cock so nicely, trying to stay off your orgasm. It was difficult, almost reducing you to tears from how badly you wanted it.
Your lover began to lose the rhythm of his thrust, signaling he was very close. Your hips met his thrusts, knowing the sooner he reached orgasm you would too.
“So fucking desperate. You wanna cum? Want daddy to fill your aching cunt?”
“Oh, yes. Fuck yes.” You could barely utter words as you finally let go, finally given permission. Druig pumped you full of his seed, watching his cum gush with every thrust.
“Your pushy look so pretty filled my cum baby. So fucking pretty,” he whispered, more to himself than to you.
A gentle finger grazed over your used pussy, pushing the cum back inside. He brushed past your sensitive clit, making your whimper.
“Even though you were a complete brat earlier, you became such a good girl. My good girl. And good girls get rewarded.”
You picked your head up at the word reward, suddenly quite intrigued.
“And what’s my reward?”
“Whatever you want.”
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iguana-eyanna · 2 years
She Needs To Know
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Summary: Druig is not ready to tell you the truth about his "college friends". But when they come over, chaos ensues
Pairing: Druig x Reader
"Angel, can you pass me the Paprika?" Druig asked out loud, stirring a boiling pot.
You snake one of your arms around his waist and look at him.
"Here you go, my love." You said, offering your free hand that held the spice.
He kisses the side of your face as he grabbed the spice.
"Try." Druig commanded, offering a spoonful of the sauce to you.
You take a taste of it, rolling your eyes behind your skull.
"That's so good. They're going to love it." You said, leaving the kitchen to collect the bowls for tonight's event.
Druig's old college friends were visiting tonight and you were excited to meet them. Your boyfriend never really talks about his past, and you felt off because you didn't know much about Druig as you moved in with each other.
He felt apologetic and arranged a night for his friends to meet you so you're much more eager to know him better by his friends.
A few minutes later, you hear a knock on the door.
"I'll get it!" You said, running to the front door. You were then greeted by a young woman, a young man, and a preteen.
"Hi! I'm Sersei, it's so much to meet you! This is my boyfriend Dane and Sprite, my niece." Dane smiles brightly at you and Sprite (who looks like they want to be anywhere else but here) shows a sarcastic smile.
"It's so nice to meet you all! " You said, welcoming them in.
"Here's a little housewarming gift for you and Druig. He was was so happy when he told our friends he was moving in with you." Sersei said, offering you a vase of flowers.
"Aw, thank you so much! They're beautiful." You said, placing them on a small table.
"So this is where the infamous Druig lives?" a voice boomed in the room. You all turn around and see that famous Bollywood actor you've seen in movies at the door frame.
Sprite grunts at his presence as Druig comes out from the kitchen, slightly looking annoyed.
"Kingo..." Druig said, almost dreadingly.
"You need to be careful about keeping the door open, any stranger can just walk in." He says, closing the door.
You lean in to Druig and whispered lowly. "You didn't tell me one of your friends is a celebrity!"
"Believe me, you have no idea." Druig whispered back as he began to greet his friends.
A while later, Thastos and his husband arrived as well as Gilgamesh and Thena. You've noticed how all of them had similar names to ancient myths. It's not like they were thousand years old, right?
Ajak and Makkari came in as well as Ikaris (whom you know Druig never favored him for some reason) and you all scattered around the living room area to eat dinner.
A bunch of stories was passed left and right, it was so hard to even hear half of them
Gilgamesh's voice rose from the rest "Remember when we went to Cambodia and Kingo thought it was funny to chase that devi-"
Druig shoots a warning glance to his friend as he choked on his words.
"I mean, the water buffalo all by himself?"
You turn to look at Druig, and he simply shakes his head no. Not understanding why your boyfriend isn't opening up, you excused yourself to the kitchen to fill your empty cup of wine.
Just before you enter, you hear Dane and Phastos' husband, Ben, talking.
"Do you think she knows?" Dane asks.
"I don't think so. I feel like Druig wants to tell her but with all of them together in their space? He's not ready." Ben said.
You walk into the kitchen and you see them stiffen up by your presence.
"I'm sorry that I eavesdropped, but what are you guys talking about?" you ask, placing your hands on your waist.
Dane coughs in his mouth, trying to find the right words.
"I think it's best if you ask all of them out there." Dane suggested.
You storm back to the living space and everyone falls silent as they see your angry state.
"Dude, I think she knows." Kingo whispered loudly to Druig.
"No, actually. I don't. All of you have been speaking in riddles this past night and my boyfriend here refuses to even let me know what school you all went to!"
"Columbia University."
Phastos and Sersei said at the same time.
Makkari looks at Druig and signs to him.
"She needs to know"
"Know what?" you asked.
"You can understand sign?" Ikaris asked out loud.
Druig turns to him. "Her grandfather was deaf, so she learned at a young age."
"You're all getting off topic here!" You yelled, being fed up.
Ajak slowly rose from her chair and looks at Druig.
"I think it's best if we show her, if that's alright."
Druig nods his head then lowering it, feeling that the chaos has just begun.
Ajak looks at Sersei, understanding what she needs to do. Sersei walks up to the flowers that she had given you and touches the vase. Within a millisecond, everything had turned to gold.
You stumble, almost falling backward until Makkari ran at striking speed to help you stand up straight.
Your eyes widen as you look around at the people you've invited to your home.
"Who are you?"
Thena looks at you, her features not bothered.
"We're the Eternals, Earth's first protectors."
Ajak took her turn to explain that they arrived to Earth thousands of years ago. Sprite uses her illusion to fill the room, painting you the picture of their many journeys on your planet.
Once they conclude, you look at Druig.
"Why didn't you tell me about this?"
Druig gets out of his seat to stand in front of you.
"I wanted to, so badly. But when the days passed and we were so happy with each other, I didn't want to ruin that. I like our mundane life-"
"Mundane?" you ask, feeling your temper rise.
"That's not what I meant."
"I feel like we need to give you guys some space." Dane said, making his way out the door.
"No." Druig said, his eyes glowing a white gold.
Dane's eyes turn the same shade, but his body looked lifeless as he mindlessly walked back to where he was at.
"Druig!" Sersei shouted, making Druig lose his focus and he lost control of Dane. She rushes over to her boyfriend, checking if he's alright.
Druig turns to you and sees that your slowly walking away from him.
"Angel..." Druig whispered.
"Don't, don't come any closer." You said as you sprint back to your bedroom, with tears in your eyes.
Druig stands there as his friends look at him with pity.
"You all should go. I need to fix this." Druig said, walking over to where your room is.
He arrives at the door and turns the knob, seeing that it's locked.
"Please, open the door." Druig begged.
"What are you going to do, use your powers on me?" you responded.
"I would never do that, not to you." he said through the door.
He could faintly hear a bit of commotion inside and realized you were packing a bag.
With no choice, he knocked open the door with force.
You turn around and see him, almost looking scared.
"Please, don't go." Druig says in a small voice as he could see the half packed luggage on the bed.
"I can't be here Druig, you lied to me." you said, continuing to pack.
He slowly makes his way to you, softly grabbing your wrist.
Not wanting to fight, you give up. Your eyes begin to tear up as you bury your face in his chest. You feel him hug you closer to him, as he too was crying.
"Why couldn't you trust me?" you ask, not wanting to let him go.
"I couldn't trust myself..." he responded as both of you look at each other.
He sits on the bed as you join him at his side.
"I never felt love before. I was full of myself, and I learned how to be much more tolerant." You laugh a little, making him smile.
"It wasn't until I met you, that I came to life. You had this infectious smile and eyes that made me want to melt where I stood. I realized I was falling in love with you. I didn't want to change that feeling because you truly make me a better person. I thought if you knew who I was, you wouldn't want to be with me."
"How could you think that?" you ask, placing one of your hands in his.
Druig looks down at your hands intertwined on his lap.
"I don't age, angel. I can't be the one who you'll grow old with, wrinkles and all. And I knew you were going to find out soon enough, but I wasn't ready to tell you yet."
"Is that why you wanted to bring your friends over, to help you explain?"
Druig bitterly laughs and nods his head.
"Yeah, but I forget how chaotic they are together so my anxiety was building up."
You laugh too, leaning closer to his shoulder.
"Druig?" you say to him, making him look down at you.
"I don't care if you're from outer space or if you won't have gray hair. I love you, and I want you to know that I trust you if you'll trust me."
"Always." Druig said, connecting your foreheads together.
You then hear a knock on the door and you turn to see Ajak
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but we were just checking if you're alright."
You and Druig get up as he was behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"We're better now." he responds, placing his head on your shoulder.
"And if it's alright, I'd love for all of you to stay longer for dinner." You ask.
"Of course! We'd love to know more about you. Makkari has tons of stories of Druig for you to laugh about." Ajak said before leaving.
Druig groans in your ear, making you giggle.
"You also need to apologize to Sersei for controlling her boyfriend."
"It was funny if you look at it another way." he joked.
You didn't laugh this time, only lightly whacking his chest. He makes a fake hurt reaction which made you smile.
He held out for his hand which you gradually took, and walked back to the living room where your new family embraced you.
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