#Theon Stark
thewatcher0nthewall · 8 months
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The Hungry Wolf of Stark
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asoiaf-source · 2 years
ASOIAF: Stark Family Mentions
I did this a long while ago and then set them aside, but I took another look and thought maybe someone would be interested in this.
There seems to be a lot of discussion around the Stark family relationships and how close they are or think about each other. So, I basically went through the Stark POVs (+ Theon and Jeyne Poole) and noted all the instances they are mentioned / remembered in other POVs. I went the extra mile and also did searches for father, mother, brother, sister, etc. to catch any mentions that might not have referenced the character by name, this was especially important for father and mother mentions with the kids.  
Again, this isn’t meant to be a definitive record, I did searches and did my best to count, and use context for the counts, but I might have miss one here or there, but the info is to the best of my ability and intention. This gives an overall impression of how often they are on their mind, but you still need to look at the books to get the context and break down the actual relationships.
Also, after doing the more straightforward number of mentions, I felt the idea was a little skewed if the characters actually interacted together, of course those numbers would be higher just because of proximity and plot, so I also did charts trying to adjust for this, so you can see the number of times they mention each other without being in the same room / story line.
I would like to stress that removing the interactions isn’t to diminish their impact, those interactions are important and tell us a lot too, but it just didn’t really reflect the idea of mentions / memories when they are AWAY from their family. So I did both charts so you can make the comparisons. By the end of the first book most of the family is separated, so those are the numbers that were most affected.
I also decided to combine books 4 and 5 into one to save some space and they were supposed to be one book anyway, split into two. 
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I would also like to note that mentions of Catelyn, Arya, and Sansa are higher mostly because Eddard was actually interacting with his wife and daughters, so of course their mentions would be higher. Bran is also slightly higher as he had his accident, so of course he was on his mind even while away. Since most of the time there is nothing to worry about back home, Ned’s thoughts don’t really turn to Robb, Jon, or Rickon until the end which is why their numbers are low.
I know that Jon’s seems small, but most of their interactions early on in book 1 take place within Jon’s POVs and I didn’t cross count mentions within other POVs, maybe I should have... but I kinda just stuck to the individual POV as it was easier with the search, would probably need to pull out the books for something more comprehensive and I don’t have THAT kind of time.
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Similarly, Catelyn’s mentions of Eddard and Robb are higher as she is actually interreacting with them in her POV, especially Robb as he has no POV. But clearly her children are on her mind, Bran especially because of his accident. 
Theon is also rather high because she also interacts with him in book 1, and it is in her POV where we see the reactions to his betrayal and taking of Winterfell as well as the ‘death’ of Bran and Rickon.
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I feel like Robb’s huge number of mentions kinda skews the others, their numbers are decent they just look smaller in comparison. It is just that she is our eyes on Robb and of course they are fighting a war. So I did a chart that leaves out all the mentions of Robb and Eddard, and adjusts for interactions just to reflect the mentions better.
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Jon and his struggle to live up to his father’s example and his struggles with leadership, along with his identity issues have Eddard on Jon’s mind more than anyone else. Jon also struggles with Robb loss and his memories of Robb resurface often. Jon also interacts with Arya and Bran earlier in the series, and then of course fArya’s situation brings Arya back into Jon’s thoughts in the last book. 
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I removed the actual interactions (Jon I & Jon II) and just left the mentions and thoughts about each other. This reduced the mentions of Eddard, Bran, Arya, Catelyn, and Robb the most. It is still notable how high Eddard and Robb mentions are on his mind.
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I decided to add Theon’s POV to the mix as he did spend quite a lot of time with the Starks and his chapters deal with them and Winterfell. This is also where I decided to start counting Jeyne Poole mentions, for similar reasons and that her story is very much intertwined with Theon and Arya of House Stark.
Theon also has daddy issues and has complicated thoughts about Eddard and Robb. Bran and Rickon are also fairly high as Theon actually interacted with them when he took Winterfell and drove them from their home.
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Arya and Jeyne Poole’s stories really can’t be separated, as most of the mentions of Arya are mostly in reference to Jeyne being able to play her part, or Theon comparing the two and reminding Jeyne that she is now Arya, or calling her Lady Arya, etc. There are a few memories specifically about Arya, but most are just referencing her due to the situation. You really can’t understand Arya mentions without Jeyne also being acounted for.
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Bran’s highest mentions are with Robb, and mostly in book 1 as they are interacting and Bran is our eyes on what Robb is doing and feeling. Eddard’s situation and death also affect Bran and has him in his thoughts a lot, and learns more about him from the Reed’s stories and his green dreams. Bran spends the most time with Rickon and travels with him, and he also thinks about Jon more as he begins his travels beyond the wall and wargs into Summer more. 
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Bran’s thoughts about his family really start to go down after book 3, only his father is mostly on his mind, and that is because he is learning more about young Ned. Arya is slightly higher too because of his green dream of Lyanna and the children of the forest remind him of her.
Really need to explore Bran’s and Ned’s relationship more.
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Sansa spend most of her time interacting with Arya and her father in book 1 which is why their mentions are so high. Once she is on her own the numbers even out. Sansa thinks about Robb and her mother most in book 2 and 3 as they are fighting against the crown and she is hoping they will rescue her. Sansa also thinks more about her parents once she is in the Vale and Baelish’s fixation with her mother, Lysa’s accusations about her mother, and Baelish insistence on Sansa call him father, bring them both to mind more often in her thoughts.
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Sansa also has a sudden jump in Bran mentions in book 3 when Tyrion mentions him (special saddle) to her and of course when she learns of his and Rickon’s deaths. Sansa’s thoughts on her family also reduce a lot by the last book, once she is truly in her Alayne role.
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Again, Eddard and Sansa spend the most time actually interacting with Arya on the page in book 1. The second chart removes all the interactions and direct story related mentions and only leaves the mentions and memories, of course this reduces Sansa and her father’s numbers, it also reduces Jon’s (Arya I) where he said goodbye and gave her Needle.
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It is clear Arya spends a good amount of time thinking about her father in book 2 and 3, not only processing his death but also remembering his words. 
Arya also is traveling to meet Robb and her mother, so they are also on her mind a lot while on the road and trying to get to them, especially her mother. Sansa’s mentions are pretty consistent too in her thoughts. Part of this is due to her thoughts about her mother and Sansa comparisons, and the other is her travels with Sandor.
I’d say that Jon, Robb and Bran are also pretty consistently in her thoughts too.  The number’s are reduced too by the last book, but Arya usually mentions her family all together, so their numbers line up fairly well (baseline of Rickon with 4), with slight more going to Jon (favorite). She is the most consistent in remembering them all, probably because it is part of what drives her.
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Well, this was a basic run down, I could really go more in-depth with each character, but this was my general impressions on why some mentions seem larger than others. I’m sure this isn’t perfect, I was just trying to get a basic idea.
Like with Eddard. I do find it very interesting how high Eddard Stark is mentioned / remembered by nearly everyone, even though he was killed in book 1, he certainly left an impact on all of his children, even Theon. If I just look at the mentions of Ned from book 2 on after his death and the initial shock of it, you can really get a picture of how often he is remembered in their thoughts.
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Jon - 85 times, Catelyn - 63 times, Arya - 60 times
Bran - 55 times, Theon - 52 times, Sansa - 21 times
* If you think I made a grievous error and a number is wrong, let me know - I’ll look at it again and fix it.
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pokenk · 1 year
This ideas been tickling my brain for the past. I don’t know how long that I need to get it written down so at leaves my brain. 
 The idea is that the Starks have an ancient tome that contains a history of every stark to its ever been a king of winter, or a lord paramount . And like  there entries are like half autobiography and a half biography
 so an example would be Cregan where some parts of his were written by him mainly the parts about the dance of the dragons and his time with aegon the third but other parts were written by all the people scrambling to be his successor.  and it’s really interesting mix of this unique characters perspective in pure propaganda about them.
There’s also some angst potential because characters like Brandon(the one who is Ned’s brother) have their entire history written by their siblings.
And characters like Ned also include entries about their lady wives and their children(who are not likely to inherit.).
There’s also a tome for bastards, called the book of snows, and it contains every stark bastard who’s ever existed an because Ned’s father and his grandfather didn’t have any bastards. It went missing for a few years, but Jon found it  and he felt really validated for like 1 second and then he read the first entry, and it says never tell any starks about this. You’re a bastard not a stark.
Also, characters like Theon Stark use their entries to build up their own hype. And you can slowly see Edrick Snowbeard going senile as he writes entries about himself.
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247reader · 1 year
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Next up, we have Theon Stark, the Hungry Wolf, who beat back an Andal invasion of the North and then proceeded to mount a brutal chevauchee against Andalos itself, leaving a forest of heads in his wake.
He, like my original pencil sketches of Historic Starks, is based on Bronze Age artifacts from Northern Europe, with particular Danish influence in his case, though I also gave him Vlad the Impaler's mustache as a nod to one of GRRM's likely inspirations. I subscribe to the theory that the Valyrian steel Ice melted down by Tywin wasn't the first Ice (and enjoy fanfics where a descendant finds said first Ice in the Stark tombs), and so I gave him a very Bronze Age swordhilt attached to an iron blade. The Starks are magic, they get special stuff.
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thot-chi · 2 years
House Stark, but the kids had past lives as former Stark members. Like one day they are just their usual selves and then BOOM! Suddenly, their former lives flash before their eyes!
Robb- Brandon Snow
Sansa- Cregan Stark
Bran- Bran the Builder
Arya- Lyarra Stark (Ned & sib's mother)
Rickon- Theon the Hungry Wolf
Robb/Brandon finally having the Stark name but also the responsibility. The only downside to it is that it kinda makes a rift between his own mother and him as in another life, he was a bastard. And you know how Catelyn treats Jon... With Sansa/Cregan it's because Cregan is known for the hour of the Wolf and with Sansa's history in the South that would make something interesting, along with Cregan going through womanhood. Bran² well... it would be interesting for Bran² to meet Bloodraven and imagine his surprise when he realizes Bran is also the Builder. Arya was kind of a tough one as there is not a lot of history about the women of House Stark besides a Sara Snow, so I decided to use the kid's grandmother as I always felt Lyarra Stark was a true Northern woman and she would probably raise hell at seeing a Sept in Winterfell. Also the thought of Ned Stark getting a verbal ass kicking from his mother, who is reborn as his daughter is kind of funny. Rickon, well it's almost canon to book readers that Rickon is practically a feral child, a little wildling. So imagine him being Theon the Hungry Wolf. Like imagine a pissed off three year old just shouting in anger throughout the keep "IM A FUCKING ANDAL?!?!?!"
Jon- Torrhen Stark/ some targaryen ancestor
Okay now listen,Jon was really hard to decide who he would be and at first, I was going to put him as Brandon Snow but thought it would be more dramatic to be the King who Knelt. But then I also had this idea of Valyrian magic having its dirty way and also combining a past Targaryen member and not just any boring male Targ, no, a FEMALE Targ. And not the stereotypical reborn Visenya/Rhaenys/Rhaenyra trope but the most unassuming female Targaryen like the Good Queen Alysanne or Naerys Targaryen. Two women who were Queens who suffered losses in their life and were born women to add to the suffering, but now they are reborn in a the body of a male. Their new body is strong(Naerys, who was also a frail woman) and they won't be held back by the rules that society has placed on women(Alysanne) even if they are disguised as a bastard.
Now this could change the outcome, even a tiny bit as it is now children with past lives as people who had experiences already but also its Stark ancestors learning or experiencing different things from their time; Cregan being a female now, Brandon being a trueborn Stark heir, Theon being part Andal with a Sept in Winterfell, The Builder seeing what had become of his descendants, Torrhen/F!Targ seeing what had become of their descendants as well but also wondering were everything went wrong, and Lyarra dealing with her dead husband and son, who died viciously, a daughter who died the same way she did and two living sons not being as close as a pack should be. Watching as her second son, who was not prepared to be the Warden of the North, rule Winterfell.
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rainwingmarvel7 · 7 months
Children of Nadya Dormaire (in ATRF)
Carlyle Snow, Bastard (son of Theon Greyjoy) - deceased
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Ren Stark, Lord of Winterfell and King in the North (son of Robb Stark)
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Lena Stark Arryn, Lady of the Eyrie and Princess in the North (daughter of Robb Stark)
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Eddard Stark, Prince in the North (son of Robb Stark) - deceased
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Gwyndolyn Lannister, Heiress of Casterly Rock (daughter of Jaime Lannister) - deceased
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Jaime Lannister (Waters), Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West (son of Tyrion Lannister)
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Robb Stark, Crown Prince/King of the Six Kingdoms and Prince of Dragonstone (son of Jon Stark (Snow))
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Talisa Stark Tully, Three-Eyed Raven, Lady of Riverrun, and Princess of the Six Kingdoms (daughter of Jon Stark (Snow))
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Margaery Stark Baratheon, Lady of Storm’s End and Princess of the Six Kingdoms (daughter of Jon Stark (Snow))
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Theon Stark, Commander of the City Watch and Prince of the Six Kingdoms (son of Jon Stark (Snow))
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Edwyrd Stark, Master of Coin and Prince of the Six Kingdoms (son of Jon Stark (Snow))
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Lyanna Stark Hightower, Lady of Oldtown and Princess of the Six Kingdoms (daughter of Jon Stark (Snow))
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hiloedits · 2 years
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— house stark headers
like or reblog if you use/save.
© hiloedits on twitter.
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allovesthings · 2 years
Bran: start an history class about the Winter Kings and Lords
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Two that feels important and one I just wanted to shout-out : Jon , Theon and Cregan Stark.
I feel like the fact that there is a Theon and a Jon Stark as King of winters, this is maybe foreshadowing for both of our characters.
Also, shout-out to Cregan Stark for just being awesome in general,and one of Rhaenyra’s main supporters, I can’t wait for him in hotd season 2, hope they do a good job with him.
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Here's what you missed
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The youngest brother of Lord Cregan stark has been perhaps unfortunately not idle these past six moons. 
He has for these past moons rose with the sun every day and practiced his bladework in the yard most diligently, quite impressive most certainly, but that is at odds with his reluctance at his lessons. he is often wandering and keeps searching for secret passages rather than study and prove his capabilities in academia. 
Indeed, he has proven himself to be quite the mischief maker, having started a fight with an unnamed squire. Some say the other boy broke a rib, others say it was Theon himself who broke a rib. Nevertheless, it is obvious that the young lord needs to manage his temper lest it run high again and cause direr trouble. 
Theon has been seen haunting the sept, and so some have suggested that he may be considering converting, but what they fail to mention is that he spent twice the time at the godswood, where he has seen some strange things; indeed, perhaps staying there reminds him of home, he clearly misses winterfell inferred by the frequent letters he writes to his older brother edrick.
Theon is generally politically and socially completely unaware whether this is due to disregard or naivety; it is unknown. 
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iceywolf24 · 4 months
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lmaowh-at · 2 months
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Catelyn heard someone snigger behind her. She loves him, poor thing, she thought sadly. She'd play his squire just to touch him, and never care how great a fool they think her... (and some other things)
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laurellerual · 6 months
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Our Blades Are Sharp
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pokenk · 1 year
Stark wank fics, be like
After the brutal, unnecessary slaughter of the red Grassfield, (they meant field of fire) the evil aegon “the sisterfucker” Targaryen and his Dragon Balerion “ the big fat wimp ” were single-handedly, defeated by  Torrhen “chad wolf also known as based wolf “ Stark who didn’t have to use his entire army of well trained soldiers, or giants or unicorns even though he totally could, and would’ve won anyway  to defeat him here on after begin the start of a new calendar known as  T.W(Torrhen win)
Proceeds to explain Theon Stark was super based and totally not evil for killing all the Andals baby . Probably   Visenya Targaryen Rhaenys Targaryen married off to a third starks son either has this framed as something positive, or makes a joke about having unhealthy it is and how the Targaryen‘s deserve it
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247reader · 1 year
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A while back I drew various historical Starks in neolithic-to-bronze-age clothing, and I decided to expand on that for various historical figures - from right to left, in clothes ranging from bronze age to late antiquity, we have Nymeria, Florys the Fox, Lann the Clever, Elenei, Theon Stark the Hungry Wolf, Daenys the Dreamer, and the Amethyst Empress.
Art notes beneath the cut:
Nymeria is inspired by ancient Sumerian clothing; her spear in particular is based on an artifact from Girsu, but with a stylized sunburst in place of its engraved lion.
Florys is inspired by pre-Roman Gaul; I wanted something similar but distinct from the Stark look, as the legend is part Andal and part First Men, plus the plaid dress was fun to draw.
Lann is Greek; his hat is a petasos, which is associated with Hermes and I thought would emphasize the trickster aspect of his legend.
Elenei is Minoan, which was tremendous fun to draw, though I did cover up her chest more than a Minoan woman would have. She's also shaded more sea-green, to emphasize the not-quite-human aspects.
Theon Stark is more or less a retread of my Bronze Age Brandon "Him They Called Ice Eyes," based on various burial artifacts in Denmark but with Vlad the Impaler's mustache and the crown of the North added to his hat.
I'm hardly the fist to make the Targs Byzantine, but there's a reason for that: it just works. It's also a significantly later period than everyone else, as she moves from "the mists of time" to "just pre-Conquest."
The Amethyst Empress is Shang Dynasty, though the jewelry is mostly fantasy. I really wanted to draw full trailing sleeves, hence the pose, but it turns out they weren't really a thing yet - though there were some excellent hats.
Brush credits to FireAlpaca.
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rainwingmarvel7 · 5 months
Basic Theon Stark Lore (ATRF)
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Born: 309 AC, King’s Landing
Parents: Jon Stark (Snow) and Nadya Dormaire
Siblings: Carlyle Snow; Ren, Lena, and Eddard Stark; Gwyndolyn Lannister; Jaime Lannister (Waters); Robb, Talisa, Margaery (twin), Edwyrd, and Lyanna Stark
Love Interest(s): Allyria Martell (wife)
Children: Ashara, Quentyn, Meliana, and Tyrene Stark (w/Allyria)
Titles: Prince of the Six Kingdoms, Commander of the City Watch
Weapon(s): Wolf Fang (longsword)
Face Claim: Skandar Keynes
(AU lore below the cut)
Basic Theon Stark Lore (Collab Fic/A War of Two Queens)
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Born: 312 AC, King’s Landing
Parents: Jon Stark (Snow) and Nadya Dormaire
Siblings: Ren, Lena, and Eddard Stark; Gwyndolyn Lannister; Jaime Lannister (Waters); Robb, Talisa, Margaery (twin)
Love Interest(s): Rhaella Targaryen (wife), Genna Westerling (wife)
Children: Rhaenys and Viserys Targaryen (w/Rhaella); Eleyna, Roland, Shiera, and Arya Stark (w/Genna)
Titles: Prince of the Five Kingdoms, Master of Ships
Weapon(s): Wolf Fang (longsword), Favor (dagger, gifted by the Veiled Queen)
Face Claim: Skandar Keynes
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irlplasticlamb · 7 months
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i want to fight for winterfell, lady sansa.
prints + merch
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