#There is nothing platonic about this
stiffyck · 4 months
Good luck during pride month to all the aroaces who are gonna be blasted with "love is love" everywhere
This post includes aplatonic people, loveless aros and any other people who fall anywhere on the aro and ace spectrum.
Stop saying "but theres platonic love and familial love-"
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karvviie · 17 days
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have i mentioned that i’m a red team locus truther
(this is old art. earliest is from 2020)
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scyeschef · 4 months
This moment will always be IT for me. This scene was probably more significant for me than the table scene, and that says a lot because that scene was extremely significant! I remember when i first saw this scene and was genuinely so taken back by the editing, the song, the expressions. And the fact that it's STILL on my mind almost a year later and i end up finding something new about it every time??
Then people want to pretend that this moment was strictly platonic and that Syd only equaled the restaurant... I knew in this moment that they were showing us Carmy realized how much he loved Syd and that she meant so much more to him. She's his peace. She was not a product of his trauma through his childhood and family. He was uncertain about Claire, but certain about Syd. I don't care. I am not budging.
I even tried to one time just so i could stop talking about sydcarmy to my friend who wants them to only be platonic. But oh well! The editors and Mr. Storer shouldn't have shown me this scene!
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Steve let out the greatest sigh he'd ever heaved. "I can't believe I have to fuck him."
Robin's head whipped to him so fast like he just said he was gonna jump off a building. "You don't have to."
"No I'm gonna", Steve said, eyes not leaving Eddie. He was biting his thumb like he couldn't wait to get alone with him.
Robin looked back at Eddie, who was filling up his plate with things from the picnic table. "I don't see it."
"Because you're a lesbian."
"With taste. And standards. I mean what exactly has got you twirling your hair right now?"
"I mean look at him!"
Eddie had a plate in one hand that already had an open burger on it. The fingers of his other hand danced like they were trilling a piano as he was deciding on what to put on the plate next. He grabbed some chips on the side and then placed the plate down to figure out what he condiment he wanted.
Eddie put his hand on his chin like it was the utmost important decision. Then he grabbed the mayo and the mustard in one hand and squeezed them in a swirl.
"You gonna kiss him with must-ayo breath?", Robin snickered.
"I wish I was that burger", Steve said as he watched Eddie sink his teeth into it. Steve bit his lip while Eddie was licking som stray sauce off his fingers and Robin felt uncomfortable.
"Um, do you, Eddie, and the burger want some privacy."
If Steve was being honest, he didn't fully trust himself to be alone in a room with just Eddie and whatever he was currently feasting on.
Eddie wasn't drunk. He wasn't even buzzed. No this particular evening, he was simply loopy on lack of sleep. He'd meant to go to bed, honest. But an idea popped into his mind and things kept adding in a delicious stew of inspiration and he just stayed up all night.
When Steve heard that, he nearly cursed him out for driving like that to his house.
"We were supposed to meet today, Steeeeve."
"It could've waited."
"Hmm, one doesn't make the king wait."
Eddie collapsed onto his couch and Steve thought he might conk out right away, but he was valiantly staying awake. Steve sat next to him and thought he might wait to see just in case Eddie fell asleep in the next 15 seconds.
Instead, Eddie reached out slowly with his pointer finger and booped Steve's nose. "It's so pointy", he said in a croaky voice. "Bet the girls loved that."
Steve snorted. "What?"
"When you ate 'em out."
"Dude!", Steve laughed. Eddie was always pretty candid, but this was another brand.
Then Eddie began to draw circles on Steve's face with his finger, all while drawing out that croaky sound before saying "Phooone hoooome."
Steve giggled and Robin finally spoke up from the loveseat.
"Yeah, I'm still here. But you know, movie night can wait or whatever."
Steve's hands were in his face as he sat on the edge of his bed. Robin was patting his back reassuringly.
"There, there."
"It's just... Robin you should've seen him."
"I've seen him, babe."
"Not like this he was just-he was so into it!"
Steve had gone to pick up Eddie from the Wheeler's. He figured he'd find the other either with Mike, or maybe even Nancy. But no. Eddie had been in the backyard, in the middle of a very intense game of pretend with Holly. It had taken Steve everything not to strip and beg Eddie to give him his own babies.
"Have I...always been this much of a slut?", Steve asked.
Robin thought for a second before answering. "Yyyeah. But also, you've always been a goofball. Now that I think about it, you and Nancy had kinda an opposites attract thing. But maybe you don't need to opposite. You need someone as silly as you."
"Steve!", Eddie nearly crashed through his door. "We're making a blanket fort downstairs, you in?"
Steve rubbed his face and looked to Robin, admitting defeat with his eyes and then looked to Eddie. "Yeah. I really do."
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knifearo · 1 year
i hate the concept of platonic and romantic as a binary i hate the concept of platonic and romantic as a sliding scale of "less" to "more" i hate the concept of platonic and romantic as the only two options i hate the concept of platonic and romantic as significantly different things i hate the concept of platonic and romantic as all encompassing i hate the concept of platonic and romantic as the two halves of a shallow concept of love that doesn't actually encompass anything at all i think we need to overhaul every popular conception about "types" of love so we can talk about things that are real and true for once
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dreamofbecoming · 1 year
listen i know we all love steve “completely ignorant of queer culture to the point that bisexuality is a surprise” harrington being roasted and educated in turns by robin and eddie, yadda yadda, good stuff. i read “they made a horror version of rocky?” in a fic recently and cackled. also a big fan of “he knew he was bi from the start and just never talked about it” as a trope, love it excellent well done
but what about steve who realizes after starcourt that the most important person in his life now has this thing that’s a major part of her life that he knows nothing about, and what if he fucks it up? what if he says something ignorant or rude by accident, and hurts her? what if he loses her because he didn’t know the right thing to say? what if he can’t keep her safe because he doesn’t know what to look out for? absolutely fucking not, this steve says
and listen she’d never say anything, because she can tell that he can tell how much she likes teasing him and teaching him things, so he plays dumb, and she thinks it’s very sweet. but she notices when the zines she keeps under her bed that she buys at that one secret bookshop in indy when she can sneak away on family trips start going missing, always one at a time, and replaced in a few days with another disappearing. and she finds the new ones he must have gone to buy the weekend she was at her aunt’s house hidden in the back of his closet when she goes to steal one of his sweaters. and she notices when he slips more of her queerer movie recommendations into his personal take home pile rather than the movie night stack when he thinks she’s not looking.
she doesn’t notice when he drives to indianapolis after she tries to explain to him why she can’t just ask out a cute girl, tries to impress on him the fear attached to every moment of attraction that he simply has never had to feel, but later she finds a crumpled receipt from a diner in one of his jacket pockets when she’s looking for his keys, and the address is across the street from the bar the gorgeous woman at the bookstore told her about, the one she memorized the address of but hasn’t worked up the guts to think about visiting, and she knows he must have gone looking for a place like that, must have been trying to understand, must have been scoping it out to make sure it was somewhere she could feel safe, after she told him she never had.
so when eddie nearly pops a blood vessel when they clock each other and she mentions that steve is the only person she’s ever come out to before, her hackles come up. because she gets it, she does, he’s only known king steve until recently, so it makes sense that he would be afraid, be concerned for her safety.
but steve is her person, and no one- no one- has ever made her feel as protected or as cared for as he does. no one has ever tried as hard to understand her, no one has ever put so much work into making her feel safe and seen and loved. and she thinks maybe even if no one else ever does, that’s ok. because she has steve, and more importantly steve has her, and that means no one gets to question his ally credentials in her presence without a dressing down to remember, no matter how well they mean or how recently they helped save the world.
(and maybe she’s not as surprised as she could be when he figures out bisexuality all on his own, because she’s been reading all the same pamphlets he has, after all. and she’s seen the way he looks at eddie, i mean come on. maybe no one else has noticed, but then, nobody knows steve harrington like she does.)
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deathdetermineslife · 2 months
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guys if someone said something really mean to you that hurt your feelings your f/o would comfort you. or fight the person. or both.
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piiinkfreak · 3 months
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They are besties who sometimes kiss eachother, nothing out of the ordinary here
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nartml · 20 days
was it casual when i had a panic attack at the thought of you dying was it casual when you risked your entire carrier just to feed me lunch was it casual when you were willing to die protecting me even though you wouldn't accomplish any of the goals you devoted yourself to was it casual when i spent so many nights rolling around in deep thought about whether you think of me like i do about you was it casual when i wished for you upon a shooting star was it casual when i refused to let you continue your way down a path of self-destructive loneliness even though you wanted me to was it casual when you needed to kill me and only me to grow stronger and be entirely untethered from your past but you just couldn't was it casual when i preferred to bear your pain and hatred and die fighting you as opposed to giving up on you was it casual when i could trade blows with you (read your heart) even though your supposed wife couldn't was it casual when i was your one and only was it casual when the hands that we blew off of each other bore the evidence of our cosmic connection was it casual when you cried your first tears of relief and happiness after you lost to me was it casual when you kept in touch with me but not with your wife was it casual when we fought and laughed and became inseparable was it casual when i can't exist without you was it casual when i put all my goals on hold because how could i focus on them when i can't even save you was it casual when you were my main motivation for training to become infinitely stronger was it casual when i'd remain a fool my entire life if being smart meant that i had to give up on you was it casual when you know my heart i yours was it casual when
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pumpkster · 3 months
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here is the thing
when i started playing bg3, i didn't expect wyll to be so devoted to karlach. her devotion to him is a given; the guy risked his life to save her when they had literally just met. of course he matters so much to her
but wyll matched that same devotion right back, as if she had been the one to save him, even though karlach never really got the chance to do anything of that magnitude back for him
but then i think about it
mizora's punishment plays directly into wyll's worst trauma. to be suddenly branded as demonic, so people will always look at him and see that first. like his father did. like the whole city, everyone who ever knew him, did. no amount of good deeds will ever be enough to compensate for his association with evil; his soul will burn in hell and he will not be welcome anywhere because he's a greedy warlock who made his choice. i don't know if that is actually true, but he certainly thinks it to be, if anything, from his assumption that the people of the grove (whose lives he had just saved, and who had known him for at least a few days as nothing but a kind hero who looked out for them) would be unable to look past his appearance and wouldn't want him near them
and mind, mizora clearly wants wyll to stay isolated. why else would she forbid him from explaining the circumstances of his pact? what could she possibly gain from that, other than making sure he can never dispel the notion that he made a deal with the devil simply for power?
so it makes sense that that, more even than the non-consensual body modification, was the punishment. to put his warlock status on display, so that people would immediately be offput by him - and even if they aren't, he will be sure they are
his own father couldn't stand to look at him, and that was back when he had just lost an eye
but the first thing karlach tells him is this:
"Thank you for seeing me for who I really am. And... I think I can see you for who you really are, too. A hero"
obviously, it's common sense for her to see him like this after he just saved her life at great, and at the time unknown, personal cost. but it would also have been common sense for his father to know that the son he himself raised and who's nothing if not a paragon of kindness and duty wouldn't just decide to sell his soul for power out of the blue one fine day. or that, if he keeps trying to say something but can't, then there might be more to the story. for fuck's sake, he lost an eye. and yet, ulder didn't. wyll's association with the demonic was enough to dispel everything about his personhood, his values, and his actions. and now said association was branded, quite literally, on his forehead
and karlach's suffered so much at the hands of devils. just like with the other tieflings, he expects her to be unsettled by him, at the very least
but then she says that she looks at him and sees only a hero. the man who saved her. the man who cared enough to listen and do what was right. the man who sacrificed something for her, who had to make a choice no one should have to make
he had saved an entire city when he first made the pact, and yet not one soul in it was able to see that. see him
but karlach did
karlach does
and not only that. not only is she the first person in perhaps his whole life to put more weight to wyll's personhood and actions than to mizora's; but she knew he needed to hear that. she says it like someone who's trying to offer a comfort in a hopeless situation, which is exactly what she's doing. she knows that he is afraid of being rejected
and of course she does
she is the one who comes closest to fully understanding him.
can you imagine being wyll and seeing karlach's story play out in dizzyingly rapid succession in your mind? had a pretty good, happy life, then in the span of one day everything changed when she was associated with the demonic. she lost everything and everyone she ever had. from then on, she only knew one thing: to fight. no rest and no friends and no breaks, just endless, senseless fighting. her body was changed against her will. she hadn't been touched in a positive way in ten years. even fucking mizora was there
that's his story, too
sure, he might not have been literally unable to touch people, but neither was karlach when she was in hell. he's been completely alone except for mizora for the last seven years, at least in the ways that matter. nothing in his life was constant, except for the fighting and the humiliation at a devil's hand. and the loneliness
of course he thinks it's a trick. it hits too close to home
and of course he can't help but listen anyway. because wyll is nothing if not compassionate, and he's just watched a tldr of his own pain inflicted on someone else
so when karlach says that she still sees him as himself first?
he is reminded that she gets it
for the first time in seven years, he is not alone, and he is understood
of course he would do anything to keep her in his life, just as she would
in a way, she did save him, too.
(slightly late meta submission for @thekindredcollective's wyllstravaganza2024, day 19: bond)
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teojira · 3 months
Hi! Do you think you could write some head cannons for Pota Maurice, like reader trying to befriend him and wanting to be around him a lot (platonically)
have a nice day :)
[Maurice and reader friendship headcanons!]
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Summary: Maurice comes to accept you as a loving companion despite his previous doubts.
Warnings: None! Platonic friendship with Maurice!
A/N: I was so excited to see this request that I immediately did it. Whoops. I hope this is good!! I love Maurice so bad, I see him as a friend that kinda takes on the role of dad.
Maurice out of the entire ape council is the best suited to become friends with.
He has his fair bit of trauma related to humans and at first, he is hesitant to let you near him, he respects Caesar undoubtedly, but the deep rooted fear still exists within him, the abuse and punishments still fresh in memory.
But the orangutan has a good sense of character, so when you're taken in by the colony per Caesar's allowance, it's only natural that he places you with the calmest of the apes.
The way to win Maurice's favor is easy, treat him with respect and treat the small apes he teaches with respect. That's really all he asks.
Don't touch him without permission, and don't try and be forceful. He'll come to you when he's ready. He knows you have good intentions!
You can not buy his friendship, but finding him berries and herbs that he can eat will soften him to you and eventually boom, you're one of Maurice's friends now.
He doesn't care for meat like the others, so the fact that you've gone out of your way to help him find stuff to his taste makes him warm up to you all the more.
He doesn't mind that you tend to cling to him. Honestly, he's gonna see you as a kid. He can't help it. You're new to the colony, no friends or family, so he decides he'll be the one to be your family.
He'll drag you along to classes he teaches, asking for your help. You, of course, know a lot more human words than he does, and with your help, teaching goes a lot more efficiently, more apes learn the better.
Maurice expects you to eat with him at dinner, waving you over with his hand when he sees you awkwardly stand around. You have him. You're fine.
It's usually Maurice and Caesar who dine together and they can smell the anxiety radiating off of you, so they try and make conversation for your sake, their hands sign slow for you to read with ease.
'Take more berries.'
"I'm fine! This is plenty, than-"
Cue Maurice giving you a look that is pretty much saying it's not up for debate. Take the damn berries. You're not gonna go hungry.
Fast forwarding to War, everyone knows you as Maurice's companion, and it's due to you that Nova is able to travel with you all.
Maurice can't help but see parts of you in her, small and alone, just like all those years ago.
You, Malcolm, and his family have proven that the cruel and sadistic humans that he once dealt with were a minority.
So he gives Nova a chance and is happy when you accept her without thought, immediately forming a friendship with the young girl.
It makes him ever wonder why he disliked humans before then, the circus and the army soldiers being long forgotten due to you.
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hold on. i just wanted to see their height difference and. and hold on-
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ill probably clean this up & do the other neighbors but ohhhhh my god. hes SMALL!!!!!! TWELVE! APPLES! (bg Home included to see if Barnaby would be able to fit through the front door. nope<3)
#im imagining barnaby leaning against home's roof while home repeatedly hits him with the side window#(it does nothing)#ANYWAY SO YEAH WALLY TINY. SMALL MAN#since the only info we have on heights is that wally is 3ft (twelve apples) and julie/sally are just a smidge taller than him#then frank/eddie are 4 ft#and then howdy/barnaby/poppy are all 7-8 ft#since theyre a bit vaguer im currently hc-ing that barnaby is the shortest at 7'9 while poppy is a solid 8 ft and howdy is between them#that still leaves barnaby as an absolute BEHEMOTH#scribble salad#welcome home#welcome home puppet show#welcome home fanart#okay. okay okay okay im so anormal about this#because i fucking Love height differences ok#whether its platonic or romantic or WHATEVER I AM WEAK TO IT. ITS MY FAVORITE THING#just a big person and their little guy. a little person and their big guy. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#barnaby can hold wally like a ferret. wally can probably hide under barnaby's fluffy ears. im losing it#also the character heights are probably different than the physical puppet heights#since in the official art they all seem to have consistent size/height differences that slightly contradict their heights#which makes sense!! the big guys have walkarounds And live hands to keep em in frame with the smaller guys after all#(unless that info is a lie and there Are no different puppets bc theyre all alive and autonomous maybe but also hmmm Thinking)#still. wally is. so small#also its gonna amuse me when humans come into play#bc its like oh no!!! the puppets are all 3-4 ft tall! so tiny and vulnerable!#and then barnaby & howdy & poppy show up-#they could absolutely wreck humans. like fuck dude. theyre Huge.#id shit. just saying. if a near-8-ft-tall four armed four legged caterpillar man showed up id Pass Away On the Spot#i would say No Thanks and then Die Instantly#great now im picturing julie screeching THEY CANT STOP US ALL and then the smaller puppets swarm a person#so true queen <3 they Cant stop you all <3 especially when you have a huge fuckoff dog backing yall up
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chrkrose · 2 months
I think fandom needs to accept a certain fact regardless of their bias or headcanons: Nettles isn’t Daemon’s biological daughter. Period. No, there’s not “if” or “but”. End of discussion. She simply isn’t.
I’m not gonna argue about the nature of Nettles and Daemon’s relationship, because that is something that is up for interpretation (even though I think people oversell the idea that George wrote it to be this super ambiguous situation where we don’t know the truth. I think it’s pretty obvious what the truth is about, but I digress).
I’m talking about facts. And here they are:
Nettles was born in 113AC
Daemon was away from Westeros from 111AC to 115AC.
This is stated in several asoiaf books: Fire & Blood, A World of Ice and Fire and so on. It’s simply not possible for Daemon to be Nettles’ biological father, because he wasn’t even in Westeros during the time Nettles would have been conceived.
Fire&Blood is written by unreliable sources, but that doesn’t mean every piece of factual information is suspect. Core dates and events such as Daemon fighting a war on the Stepstones aren’t up for debate. “Oh, but what if he secretly returned to Westeros” “what if her mother was at the war and ran away” “what if” then George would have written it. Because this is all from George’s mind and if he wanted it that way, he would have it written that way. As it is, he hasn’t. And if we are going to bend canon so it can embrace our headcanons, then I might as well go as far and say that actually, Aegon was secretly named heir by Viserys and Rhaenyra was excluded from the line of succession, and are we sure Daemon wasn’t actually a woman and married to Viserys because at this point I’m just making up shit.
These are the facts as they are. Take it or leave it, ignore it or not, they won’t change. If you want to headcanon that they were father/daughter, feel free to do so. But that’s all that will be: a headcanon. It’s not a theory. It’s not a “maybe”. In canon, it’s not a possibility.
Daemon is not her biological father.
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wowieeitsisa · 15 days
I love DrRetro, Pest and Bive as a trio SO MUCH guys
PEST is an individual who clearly doesn’t want to deepen his relationship with the people of the elevator (biggest example being Poob, who tries TOO MUCH). But there’s DrRetro, dialogue between her and Pest imply they are closer, and quite know each other from BEFORE (they is canon facts that DrRetro have busted Pest out of prison!). PEST IS MORE LOOSE WITH THE WAY HE TALKS WITH HER, IT’S SO SPECIAL TO ME
Bive might not be as canon awesomeness as I like to think. But in a moment where Pest needed someone to LISTEN about some ‘dream parasite’ he immediately came to her… he recognized her as an actual detective!!!!!!!!!! Canon information that Bive also doesn’t trust Pest, BUT UPON A COMMON ENEMY THEY GO AGAINST IT TOGETHER RAHAHEHHEGFHG
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Take my "How much of an eeeevil hardcore stan are you" uquiz
According to MEEEEEEEEE
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