#They figure it out. eventually. they’ll get that happy ending. probably
having tranquil hawke thoughts. it’s that kind of night
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redjayson · 5 months
oh boy, now that chapter 17 is posted I can talk about some of the extras that I want to write in full at some point! since that’s rather far off in the future (and probably a lot of work when second-hand alibis still has its own Incredible Amount of Work left), have some quick and dirty snippets/ideas of what they might look like.
first one is a "su xiyan lives" spin-off:
exactly what it says on the tin. shen yuan makes a deal with the system (which would have to be somewhat less strict in this scenario) or he gets his hands on a macguffin or something and manages to make it to the luo river in time to help su xiyan through luo binghe’s birth and save her life afterwards
that, then, leaves them both desperately injured with a (somewhat unhappy) baby in the middle of winter when huan hua is undoubtably searching for them and their only allies probably think shen yuan and su xiyan betrayed them
shen yuan has the bright idea to lead them down the river to the washerwoman who was luo binghe’s adopted mother in proud immortal demon way. she’s kind enough to take them in, softened immensely by the baby and by how injured and grief-stricken shen yuan and su xiyan are
shen yuan and su xiyan slap up every (subtle) barrier and disguise and warding talisman that they can possibly think of to help hide them from any huan hua searchers, before collapsing from the expenditure of energy. shen yuan possibly uses his altered-but-no-longer-untested body-stasis talisman on su xiyan, who is predictably Not Amused by the recklessness of shen yuan having used this on himself, but it gives them more time to handle the poison while also allowing su xiyan’s qi to replenish itself and hold off the effects of the poison trying to kill her while they find an actual cure for it (assuming shen yuan's macguffin/system deal wasn't enough)
they both heal. they help around the house as much as possible, and gift the washerwoman with as much money as she’ll take from them, which is far less than she deserves for all the kindness she’s showing them. eventually, they’re healed enough to begin moving again, and they judge that it’s likely too dangerous to stay this close to huan hua any longer. 
before they go, though, there’s the matter of tianlang-jun. they debate for days—is it too dangerous to try and check on him? do they think zhuzhi-lang was sealed as well? what happens if they’re captured by huan hua? what will happen to binghe? (yes, luo binghe ended up with the same name as canon. shen yuan only suggested the “binghe” portion of the name, but su xiyan came up with and ran with the “luo” portion of it, because it’s far too conspicuous for a child to be running around with her surname, isn’t it? shen yuan, twin brother of shen qingqiu, keeps his mouth shut.)
in the end, they decide that they’ll take their chances now, while there’s still enough chaos and confusion from the end of the battle + setting up how the guard on tianlang-jun is going to look long-term for them to get close. better yet, if they can find zhuzhi-lang, then they won’t even have to get all the way to bailu mountain. 
whatever happens, it ends up being a bit of a mess. zhuzhi-lang is not happy, but shen yuan has spent years being one of his favorite people, and both he and su xiyan are still moving pretty gingerly when they manage to find him. in the end, zhuzhi-lang believes what they tell him about the betrayals committed against them, too, and agrees to carry the news to tianlang-jun (and plead their case, should he prove unwilling to listen).
after that…su xiyan and shen yuan beat feet out of huan hua territory, taking binghe (and possibly the washerwoman!) with them to live a life as rogue cultivators. cue years of sneaking back into bailu forest to visit zhuzhi-lang and tianlang-jun and try to figure out the best way to help tianlang-jun escape. shen yuan helps zhuzhi-lang get ahold of some sun and moon dew mushrooms, but warns that unless they experiment wildly and are also exceedingly lucky, the mushroom body will fail pretty quickly with a demon inhabitant instead of a human one. 
I imagine that this au would either end up as a su xiyan/tianlang-jun/shen yuan throuple, or zhuzhi-lang might finally shoot his shot with shen yuan and actually get somewhere with it. I lean toward su xiyan/tianlang-jun/shen yuan, just because there’s only so many times you can pretend to be married with a child, spending literal years working toward a common goal and in close proximity and with shared fondness, before you fall into an actual relationship. tianlang-jun is on board with this when it’s explained to him—shen yuan is great! (the wife-beam strikes again, it just took a little bit longer with tianlang-jun because he was so focussed on su xiyan)
also it’s deeply funny to imagine shen yuan reuniting with shen jiu (+ yue qingyuan) and cang qiong mountain sect and boldly gesturing toward binghe and declaring, “this is my son.” yeah, this carbon copy of su xiyan, with eyes that are notably not hers or shen yuan’s? suuure. the other peak lords aren’t going to argue, though, because shen qingqiu looks way too willing to fight them (read: yell at them) about it, and that’s almost never worth it. plus, like, what do they care? 
shen qingqiu, notably, doesn’t believe that luo binghe is shen yuan’s biological son, but apparently he is shen yuan’s adopted son (son by marriage?), so it’s really all the same thing. he’s doing some math about the tianlang-jun situation (as is yue qingyuan) and not liking the answers that he’s come up with, but if shen yuan wants to keep the child, then let him. better to allow a half-demon on his mountain than to lose his brother again. 
shang qinghua is losing his shit in the background. you did what with my protagonist’s parents?! my cabbages plot!!!
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yaut-jaknowit · 10 months
Hi! I like you, you seem so cool. Such a vibe.
So, i might end up writing this eventually BUT the writers block has locked barricaded and blown up any entrance to writing anything beyond poetry for the past numerous months and, honestly, I don't think she (gn) is willing to open up. We've gone to therapy. But she just says she needs time. 🙄 . ANYWAYS, I had this idea, right? Reader and a Yautja who are mates/soulmates, and he is NOT for it. Big no no time. Shuts them down and pushes them away. Thing is, while the pull towards them is intense for him, he doesn't realize that for humans it's, like, a painful experience. They can go a bit without being near their soulmate once they find them, but months? *years*?? Eventually he goes back to earth and something pulls him to go check in them and finds them an absolute wreck. Chronic pain, maybe some of that ✨️classic substance abuse✨️, and absolutely heartbroken because their *soulmate* didn't even want them.
And... that's where the little writer part of my brain walks away.
Anyways, maybe one day I'll write this, but the ADHD part of my brain wants the gratification my writer part just isn't interested in entertaining.
I'd love to see your twist on it, if you'd be interested! If not, I get it (not every request peaks our interest and that's valid, but thought I'd share).
P.S. I just heard an owl for the first time in AGES. Really cool.
Are We Meant to be?
Pairing: Yautja x GN!Reader
Word Count: 2031
Summary: On a walk home from work in a city that wasn't friendly, you stupidly decide to take a shortcut. A shortcut that could cost you your life...
Author Note: Thank you! I'm glad I have good vibes! I might be falling into writers block... Towards the end, it was hard to figure out what to write but I hope this is good for you! I wanted to give you a start so you can finish it yourself!
Part 2
When you find your soulmate, it’s said that fireworks go off in your stomach. Then, life is a happy fairytale afterwards. Both souls are drawn to each other by an invisible string. Over time, they’ll be pulled to one another until they meet. From there, life is filled with happiness and complete. You are at height of your life with your soulmate.
So why was the universe cruel to you?
In the concrete jungle that made up your city filled to the brim of people and constant death, you raced back to your little apartment. The minute place you’ve carved out for yourself in a city like this. Something told you to be here, to stay here, no matter what happens. Just a tiny feeling in your cold, hope-filled heart. Maybe, just maybe your soulmate was here. So you endured the life you’ve created here and waited.
Waited for that faithful day they would stumble across your path and boom! Fireworks.
This was a bad idea, your brain shouted as you turned into a dark ally. It was a short cut that would shave off about five minutes. Five minutes closer to your studio apartment. Or lose your life.
A dark figure stepped out from the shadows. In the limited light, you see the way a blade reflects. Shit. Cursing internally, you skid to a stop and started to walk backwards towards the safety of the public street. But footsteps behind you had you pausing where you stood. More curses flew around in your brain as any logical thought.
Nothing needed to be said as you stared down the figure before you. This wasn’t unusual for a city like this. They wanted money, your money. Yet, you didn’t have much on you to offer. Probably only two dollars and nineteen cents in your pocket. Definitely not enough to quell them.
Before you had a chance to even inhale and speak, the person before you collapsed to the ground with nothing but little more than a squeak. A hunking form towering over his crumbled body. Your jaw dropped at the size of this figure. Your heart stutter in its bony cage as you were pinned to the spot like your shoes were welded there.
The string in your chest yanked hard directly in front of you. Your eyes couldn’t expand anymore at the feeling.
With nothing more but a breeze, the shadow zipped past you. You spun around to keep an eye on whatever had attacked your own attackers. Now that it was closer to the street lamps, you were able to pick up flashes of what it looked like. Yet, your brain couldn’t comprehend who this figure that moved in a blink of an eye was. You’ve never seen anyone move like that before. It couldn’t be possible.
A sick snapping echoed through the alleyway that had you tensing. The second attacker fell to the ground, unmoving. Finally, your shoes unpolarized from the dirty concrete but stepped away from the towering form that casted a long shadow. The head barely touching the tips of your toes. You swallow thickly and ignored the way your heart pounded heavily. It wanted freedom, wanted to rip out and go towards it.
He lifted his head. What could you see were long, thick… dreads? swaying as he shook his head. Metal, shining ornaments were attached to them. His form, larger than any man you’ve met before stood there. Only one arm moving, bending at the elbow. You couldn’t see what he was doing. You felt a fluttering feeling in your chest.
The figure whipped around with a snarl that echoed back at you. All you could see was emotionless eyes before it was upon you.
Your back slammed into the brick wall but a hand cushioned the back of your head. A gasp tore from your throat then your vision settled to take in the sight. He had pounced on you, pinned you to the alleyway wall, all the while breathing heavily. A hand had captured your neck, to ensure you stayed there, trapped.
Even with the knowledge this unknown figure might had just killed two people, your body was warm, lax underneath him. Your brain should’ve been screaming danger of the situation but all it sung was safety. A melody you couldn’t tell was true or not from the logical side of your brain. Yet, you couldn’t dispute the hot flash of an connection that struck you deep in your stomach at just his touch.
“Y-you…” he forced out in a guttural, gravely voice. This close to him, you realize he was wearing a mask, metal by the looks of it. “Not po-possible.” Your brows furrowed at his barely audible words. What did he mean?
Timidly, you reached out and rested your palm on his chest. He was incredibly hot, temperature wise. You felt a sort of netting there. He hissed, like a cat, and slipped the hand behind your head to snatch your wrist. It was pinned above your head. “No.” It was hard to understand what he was saying.
Not an ounce of fear entered your body as he continues to pin you there. Yet, your voice was caught behind a lump. So many questions fluttered around inside of your head but all you could do was stare into the emotionless eyes of his mask.
As if you had burned him, he ripped himself away from you within a blink of any eye. It left you feeling unsteady and almost falling to the ground. You saw for a moment he reached out to help you before letting the limb fall to his side.
Then, he was gone. In a small flash of blue, his form disappeared completely. Yet, you could feel him standing there, like a ghost to haunt you.
The walk home was confusing.
Blaring noises, inundated scents. Everything that a newly blooded would not be able to handle. Through the thick of it, the hunter waited in the shadows for the perfect moment. His ears picking up every little noise yet filtering them until he felt a pull. This pique his interest. A feeling he’s never felt before. His eyes closed as it persisted inside of him, his chest tightening.
A huff sounded from his mask he stood up, long legs stretching after being in a crouch position for so long. The Yautja cracked his neck a couple of times before beginning his trek through the concrete jungle. He allowed the tug to guide him over buildings as if he back on his home planet. It took him from one side of the city hundreds of thousands of oomans resided in all the way to the other side.
All of his moves were smooth, agile. He knew where and how to land before he was going to. His body going through the motion like a thousand times beforehand. His feet never making a sound. His breaths steady, confident. He loved this, the movement, the rise of adrenaline. That extra energy that filled his system.
The pads of his feet let him land silently on the edge of a building. The pull taking his straight down. He stopped and peered over the edge… to find three measly oomans. The heavy scent of fear permeated the air. He drank in the smell and watched the scene unfold before his bright eyes.
At the sight of ooman between the two male had his quills bristling at the sight. With his cloak deactivated, the Yautja stepped off from the edge. His entire body landed on top of one ooman, simply crushing it underneath his feet like the scum it was. Its frame making a sickening sound he could care less about to think of.
He launched himself at the other ooman. No mercy. A hand wrapped around the ooman’s throat while the other wrapped around its head. Only an ounce of his strength was extruded as he snapped the neck of this low life. Its body dropped to the dirty floor of this noisy, death filled city.
Beneath the thick scales that covered his chest, a strange feeling bloomed. It was the same notion from before. Pulling him backwards. He raised a hand to graze over the spot, deep in thought.
A snarl ripped at his throat. He whipped around to face the only other living thing in this dark path. The biomask that covered his face scanned over the little ooman left in his presence. Weapons, nonthreatening, adorn its small body. He wasn’t intimidated by them. He could scoff at how unprotected it was in a place like this.
He was upon the ooman in a second, ramming them into a brick. One hand coming around to cradle the back of its head while the other swiftly encased your neck. The Yautja gave it no room for escape.
His entire body tensed as the feeling tenfolded, eyes widening behind his mask. He didn’t know what was happening. Unlike any other time he’s had a ooman in his grasp, you didn’t move, you were like water in his grasp.
Tales as old as time sprung to life in his mind. “Y-you,” he grumbled in the ooman’s dialect. It hurt his throat to speak the language but he wasn’t going to waste a translator on you. He couldn’t… couldn’t. His heart, his mighty heart pulled, fluttered even, at your proximity and touch. “Not po-possible.” He hated the ooman languages.
The ooman’s face turned sour with confusion. He watched as you raised a hand to his chest, where his heart beats. A hiss surged past his mandibles. With a hand, he snatched your wrist and pinned it above your head harshly. Hopefully, you would learn a lesson. Not a single waft of terror rolled from your tiny, fragile body.
It jerked at his heart harder. In an instant, the Yautja yanked himself away from you with disgust. Yet, the way you stumbled from the lack of a steady body to protect you, he moved to help you. Halfway through the motion, he paused, arms falling to his sides. He needed to leave. Now.
A simple button had his cloak reactivating and gone from your sight. His feet were cemented in place right before you. You could still feel him, standing there. He observed you after you finally ripped yourself from the wall and began the trek of wherever you were heading.
Like your shadow, he followed you. All the way, even as you opened a door to a dingey old building and up the stairs. The Yautja followed your every move even as you prepared for bed and laid down. He watched you struggle to find comfort, kicking, squirming, and shivering. The distress clearly evident. Strangely enough, he wanted nothing more to march into your room and comfort you. But, the Yautja stayed.
When he knew it was time to become homebound, the Yautja gave you one last look. Days in, days out, he’s been your shadow, observing your every move. For the fifteen rotations of your planet, he’s been there. He didn’t allow himself to be seen, by anyone. Including yourself. He was there though.
Sleeping was difficult. A struggle to find peace within the storm raging inside of you now. It felt a door had been opened and couldn’t be shut. You felt incomplete now. A distraught noise escaped your lips as you fulfilled your worthless job. You leaned heavily on the counter with a sigh, eyes shutting. All you saw through the darkness was flashes of that night.
The night were everything changed.
On the day afterwards, you took an unfortunate day off from work. As much as you needed the money, research was needed to be done. For the entire day, you searched through every article possible about soulmates. Everything. You also dug into anything that was close to whatever had… saved you. It had saved you then disappeared. But it left behind a feeling that was consuming you every thought.
Was this what it felt like to be abandoned? You whined at the thought and opened your eyes. Work needed to be done. If only you knew the consequences.
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girlscoutbrownies · 10 months
sbg headcanons!
(i had to put a title because it keeps just showing up as “aiden” in my notifs)
some of my favourite school bus graveyard headcanons! (in celebration of 101 followers) some are mine, some belong to other people that i’ve taken as well
these got really, really long so ill split it into two parts: aiden, tyler, and taylor for this post and ashlyn, ben, and logan will be in the next
(bit of a tw for disassociation around the end)
- uses he/any pronouns, he mostly doesn’t give a fuck. also doesn’t care if you stick to he/him because he likes it. he also tries out mirror pronouns every once in a while and flipflops between any
- unlabelled energy. also doesn’t care abt that type of stuff, but he’s asexual and it takes him a while to grow feelings. he’s afraid of letting people close to him but it really doesn’t matter to him, not that much. he’s pretty apathetic about it
- generally smells like shittily applied cedarwood cologne. it’s one of those cheap drugstore brands and sometimes he forgets to apply it in the morning, and he doesn’t spray it very well. also smells like grass sometimes
- his favourite subject is psychology/maths/anything logic based (he likes those puzzles). growing up with his bitchass karen mom who probably twisted all the words he said, he doesn’t like cryptic or vague language or poetry (english class) because it reminds him of her. in math, there’s only one answer. in english, there’s hundreds. also the words swim on the paper and he finds it hard to focus
- he has his ears pierced. he begged his parents to take him to an ear piercing studio they just ended up taking him to claire’s but he was still so happy about it
- he BEGGED for a dog or a pet when he was very little but eventually stopped at some point. he asked for stuffed animals and never got any because “it would be too hard to keep track of when we’re moving and you would lose them and get sad” and he’s still very upset about it. used to hug like three pillows when he slept
- he was told they were settling down in georgia and now his current room has millions of stuffed animals i will not hear any arguments about this
- he’s a kicker in his sleep (when he gets any). he kicks plushies off his bed like all the time, he’s not apologetic though he’s just like “oh shit”
- worst and best guy to have a sleepover with. super clingy
- he knows very few actual life skills other than operating a microwave for frozen meals because he largely grew up alone without his parental figures in his life. ashlyn and tyler eventually teach him how to cook
- his growth is stunted bc of that period in his life and he’s short like ashlyn
- he is a HORRIBLE gossip addict. they’ll be sitting at the lunch table eating in silence and he drops “did you hear that samantha’s parents are divorced and madison dropped her bc samantha’s mom doesn’t drive them to the mall anymore” like HUH WHERE DID YOU HEAR THIS?
- he gets school lunch and very rarely (if ever) brings lunch from home. sometimes ben makes him lunches
- plays with his food (this is canon) but he makes storylines out of whatever he does its like his personal roman empire
- big fan of extreme foods (spicy, sour, etc) ((he grew up eating plain ramen)) and loves weird food combinations. everyone always makes weird faces at him when theyre at the mall and he orders weird shit
- he doesn’t know proper meal etiquette until someone has to tell him, his parents didn’t teach him anything (I HATE THEM)
- he’s a really bad cook like ben because he always ends up getting distracted, and somehow manages to skip over steps in the recipes.
- he probably likes cooking shows though and is like “yeah i could do that” (he can’t do that)
- the first time someone (tyler) made aiden a homecooked meal he started cry laughing (it was mostly crying) (nobody talks about it)
- the few times his mom has made him meals whenever she’s home they’re really bad. they don’t taste anything like home, but he didn’t know what home tasted like so he just cried. his mom thought it was because of how good it was (it wasn’t) and he just cried harder
- he dislikes bitter flavours, especially like, orange juice that you make from scratch but you don’t put any sugar in it (it’s because his mom once tried to make homemade orange juice/lemonade to feel more like a “real mom” and it was horrible
- he’ll still eat bitter food though he just wouldn’t like it that much
- likes crunchy food or food that pops in your mouth (poprocks) bc he thinks its cool
- probably needs glasses from how long he’s spent staring at screens (his backstory)
- the one thing his parents consistently did as a kid was take him to his doctors appointments so he has stellar teeth
- he’s fit and fairly athletic (jumping off walls and all) but he doesn’t play sports because he just. isn’t interested in any of it. he tries everything but nothing really sticks that much
- he eats his greens but probably wouldn’t care much for the healthy vegan lifestyle, not that much of a picky eater (this part is canon)
- his favourite holiday is halloween because 1. candy (which he didn’t get much as a kid unless he specifically asked for it or ben brought it over) and 2. he loves dressing up it’s so fun to him
- understimulation is the BANE of his existence he genuinely wants to tear out his own hair every time he gets like that. gets really irritated
- he disassociates a lot, generally experiences a lot of derealization. he doesn’t feel like he’s in his own body sometimes
- insomniac
- chases thrills so that he can “feel” something. doesn’t care if it hurts him or not, because at least then he’ll remember he’s a real person and that his life matters
- really bad at telling when people are lying/are irritated with him. he just keeps pushing until they explode
- good with secrets (his own) but isn’t good at deflecting if asked about someone else’s. he’s just like “ummm. would u look over there. a bird!”
- runs really fast, he wakes up early in the morning to take a walk around the neighborhood. he sometimes encounters tyler if he happens to go into his city (which is often, because he doesn’t like being in his house)
- his house is always really cold, which is why he tends to run really warm (his body is compensating). he knows how to turn the ac off, but it always ends up turning back on in the middle of the night
- he grew up learning The Gifted Child instrument; the piano. he dislikes classical music (he says it’s boring but it’s because of this). he also almost got forced to learn the violin but he once practiced so hard his fingers started bleeding which is how he got out of it
- likes verbal validation bc his parents never told him they were proud of him
- she/they cis demigirl, gets a bit upset at being misgendered though (people think she’s the transfem twin because tyler passes really well)
- bisexual fem pref
- decorates her locker for almost every occasion. halloween, christmas, easter, birthdays. also decorates other people’s lockers for their birthdays before school starts with sticky notes
- has tons of stuff in her locker (except food because tyler won’t let her) just in case anyone needs anything but she’s not very organized so she doesn’t know where anything is
- because of this she’s one of those people that barely makes it to the door before the bell rings but she’s trying to fix that habit
- enjoys crime documentaries/true crime, horror stuff. used to make tyler watch with her but his anxiety gets really bad and he started getting paranoid
- adores christmas bc it’s a family holiday she makes tyler and her mom homemade gifts every year
- loves dogs with every bone in her body she asks santa for one every year but alas. tyler always has to write “a letter from santa” back saying they ran out of dogs at the north pole
- uses emoticons like “:D :] :3” all the time when she types, downloaded a bunch of sticker packs too. especially cat ones
- had her future all planned out as a kid and told her dad she’d be a mechanical engineer and build trains and rockets to bring him places when he started getting really sick and couldn’t move anymore
- her hair is actually kind of dry (compared to aiden’s or ashlyn’s) because they couldn’t afford great shampoo or anything
- has an ehh skincare routine and doesn’t care much for her fashion sense, just wears whatever’s comfortable
- knows a lot of random facts as conversation starters, she’s surprisingly good at small talk ( + comforting people)
- gossips with aiden aallll the time bc she’s super sociable and knows lots of people who tell her secrets. she doesn’t tell any of the important ones but just little drama things
- her and aiden are bffs
- really likes kids because they’re funny, she has a big imagination like them so it’s easy for her to play with them
- she’s a swiftie and whenever someone asks her if she likes taylor swift as a joke bc of her name she says “i like all music!” (she loves tswift)
- really likes sweets over most types of food, she’s healing her inner child guys
- has always ALWAYS wanted to go to a circus/carnival/festival when she was younger, but they couldn’t afford tickets. she still has that dream but she obviously has bigger priorities now…
- transmale he/him
- doesn’t care that much about dating, he actually doesn’t think about it that much until he meets The Gang. he always too busy taking care of his family to bother with relationships
- dislikes heavy meals, eats in small portions. it’s a habit
- used to be a picky eater but isn’t anymore, when he was younger they struggled to put food on the table so
- he’s like tigris from ballad of songbirds and snakes; when he prepared food for the family he’d eat bits and pieces of it while cooking. eats raw meat sometimes but once got sick from it so never again because he doesn’t want people taking care of him
- he HATES being sick. HATES HATES HATES it, hates having to burden people
- stress cooks because he likes having things to do with his hands. he also runs laps/paces around when he’s stressed
- runs his hands through his hair so it’s always messy
- he doesn’t bother combing his hair unless it’s for a special occasion like the first day of school, he just doesn’t care that much
- gets up early like aiden to keep up his physical fitness, doesn’t stray far though because his mom wakes up around the same time he does
- is VERY punctual. will be furious if someone makes plans and then is late. always arrives somewhere like, fifteen minutes early. he’s trying to break taylor’s habit of being late
- occasionally scolds taylor about how messy her locker is
- is extremely (and kind of scarily) meticulous. clean backpack, clean locker, clean room. it’s a habit
- book smart and figures things out pretty easily. he has an internal computer inside his head i swear. latches onto concepts very quickly
- likes math because he’s good at memorizing concepts but biology is his worst enemy, he gets queasy very easily
- motion sickness
- doesn’t actually have a set plan for the future, other than “help his family.” will probably do something related to sports (sports scholarship) or will do something math/analytical related
- spams people when they don’t respond to him but quits eventually (semicanon)
- has some sort of separation anxiety i swear he does
- keeps every single promise he makes because he hates broken promises (his dad told him he’d be fine and out of the hospital soon), he also doesn’t make a lot of promises
- dislikes nicknames like “champ” and “buddy”
- he’s ambidextrous
- he always seems to be like, tense? can’t relax at all. it might be because of his anxiety (HE HAS ANXIETY)
- only ever relaxes if he’s at home
- rarely watches television, he says it’s a waste of time (he always gets distracted and gets up and goes to do something else) he can leave it in the background though
- i think he has chronic pain, i don’t know where but i just think he does. everything just aches sometimes and he’s so young fuck life
- he’s okay with kids like his sister, not as good as her but he’ll take care of them (habit x37362828) he’d probably say everything really monotone though “there’s santa claus, wow.”
- he and taylor both have a pretty strong southern accent from living in middle of nowhere georgia (i think someone made an art post on this a while back :D)
- is really bad at video games because he gets frustrated easily
- he grinds his teeth when he sleeps and has jaw pain what a loser
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whatitsdecending · 1 month
Chokehold: Pt. X
Vessel x Reader x Noah Sebastian
Word Count: 3.3k
After touring with Bad Omens for a few weeks, you begin to feel the effects of being around Noah for so long. Eventually everything comes crashing down the first night of their headlining tour, leaving you stranded with your feelings.
Content warning: angst, emotional distress, extreme use of language
A/N: hi all :) one more chapter after this one, apologies ahead of time for the ending! I will be doing an alternate ending and that will be uploaded along with the final chapter :)
You stared out the window at the trees passing by as the bus drove to the hotel in Germany. It was all a blur of white and brown as the snow had layered itself on the ground and the branches of trees, letting them shine in the morning sun.
It was a beautiful sight. Snow, the thing you loved so deeply and that held wonderful memories from your life within its own. It brought a smile to your face and was comforting to see after the last few weeks of your life.
They weren’t easy, but not exactly difficult either. You were busy most of the day with Matt, learning all you could from him was the most important part of it. He was great at teaching and made everything so simple that you barely asked questions. Every show you’ve done has become easier as you learned the routine. You and Matt rotated songs, him watching over your shoulder as you worked while you did the same for him.
Despite that excitement every day, you faced the reality of dealing with the part of your life where Noah was a concern. You hated yourself for caring so much about how he might be feeling about your relationship with Vessel. Was he as hurt as he had been coming across as? Or is he simply figuring it out on his own, not wanting to get in the way of your happiness?
You do not know and you weren’t sure if you wanted to know.
But that small part of your heart ached to tell Noah everything, to tell him all about your time with Vessel and how the relationship blossomed. You wanted your best friend more than anything, but you weren’t sure if that same ache would be reciprocated.
“God, this song is going nuts.” Jolly’s voice cut through your thoughts from behind you. It prompted enough of your attention to get you to turn around, noticing his laptop was propped open and on YouTube. The music video for their latest single V.A.N was up and he was skimming through the comments, stopping every so often to fully read one and chuckling at it.
“It’s sick as fuck, of course it’s going nuts.” You say as you stretch.
He nodded. “Always a little nerve racking when you release a new song.”
You shrugged. “Wouldn’t know the struggle.” He pushed your arm playfully and went back to the comments.
The rustle of the curtains that closed off the hallway of bunks piqued your attention and you watched as Noah sauntered out. He was on his phone, probably doing the same as Jolly was. You watched from the small distance as he sat across from you, crossing one leg over the other and huffed a deep sigh.
“You’d think these people would get a grip.” He ran a hand through his hair as Jolly glanced at him. “Won’t stop shitting on Poppy and getting pissy that I didn’t sing on the track.”
“Weirdos.” You mumbled, earning a nod of agreement from Jolly.
Noah sighed again. “You’d think mixing something up for a fresh sound would be okay, until you actually do it and people shit on it. Fucking frustrating.” You stared at him while he kept his head leaned back and his eyes shut, deep breaths making his chest rise and fall like waves on an ocean.
“It’ll be alright, Noah,” Jolly started. “Once they hear it live I think they’ll take all those comments and shove it up their asses.”
“Hopefully.” Noah breathed out, peeking one eye open and noticing you staring at him. “Did you like it?” Your stomach flipped when you realized he actually was speaking to you and suddenly you were nervous.
“I did.” You smile, hiding that nervousness that tried to overwhelm you.
He smiled back. “Good. I’ve always appreciated your opinion.” That ache in your heart grew again at the earnest look in his eyes as they stayed in line with yours. He cut the contact as he put his attention back to whatever was on his phone, you glanced every so often back at him to see his face scrunched as he read.
You finally turned back around to the window, finding your AirPods that you’d placed on the table next to you and putting them in your ears. You let the relaxing sound of Vessel’s voice take you back into your small dream world as the snow-covered trees turned into a blur.
You gathered your suitcase from the undercarriage of the bus, struggling a little to pull it out as its weight seemed to increase each time you had to get it out. This time around you’ll be able to have it out longer, since everyone would be staying in this hotel for a few days until the show. It will be much needed, a few nights of sleep in a bed that isn’t your bunk on the bus.
“Alright,” Matt said as he began walking over to everyone with room keys in hand. “We got extremely lucky with this place, everyone gets their own room.” Cheers sounded around you as he handed them out to everyone, the biggest sigh leaving your body when you realized you can take the longest bath of your life without someone nagging at you to get out.
You knew you weren’t alone in the relief as everyone practically ran to their rooms, clearly being surrounded by people constantly and rarely having any good alone time was a shared pet peeve.
You made it to your room and waltzed your way in, observing the simplicity of it but grew happy when you noticed that the bed was king sized and you weren’t sharing with anyone. It was soft as you sat down and ran your hand along the threads of the comforter, embracing the feeling of a nicer comforter rather than the cheaper one in the bus.
You stared at the cream colored walls as your body settled into the space, observing the little art pieces of flowers hanging on them. It was so simple but it gave you a break from how stressed you’ve felt recently.
It was a rough tour. Even if you were having the time of your life, every night when you climbed into your bunk you felt the weight of everything crushing down on your chest and it made it hard to breathe to the point where you’ve lost sleep from it. Just a few more weeks, you told yourself. A few more weeks and then you’ll be back home.
You sighed and pushed your palms into your eyes, the overwhelming feeling to cry was pulsing through you again, but the tears wouldn’t come. It’d been like this since the night Noah had come to talk to you, ever since you cried your eyes out and did not sleep at all. It was difficult to figure out how you felt about the situation with him. Were you mad? Sad? Frustrated?
You could not figure your emotions out for the life of you.
The buzz of your phone next to you took you away from your mind, placing that cream colored wall back in front of you and steadying you once more when you saw the name on the screen.
“Hey.” You said, a little more hoarsely than you’d like.
“Hi my love.” Vessel’s voice echoed through the small speakers of your phone, a smile tugging at your mouth at the nickname. “You alright?”
Your leg bounced against the bed as you picked at the skin around your nails. “Not really.” You heard the sound of rustling, presumably him getting more comfortable in bed or on the couch.
“Want to talk about it?” That was enough for the dam to burst and every little thing that had been bothering you these last few weeks flew out of your mouth. Even the message you’d seen Noah send to Jolly, that had rushed out before you could even think. The tears came as well, stopping to take a deep breath because you could not fully breathe at some points and Vessel made you stop so you could breathe.
“It just sucks.” You said, sniffling as you held your arms tight against your chest. “I wish I had the guy who’d always been my best friend, but it feels like he’s just gone and now replaced with this other man I don’t know.”
He was silent for a while on the other line, the only sound in the room was your sniffing as your crying slowed down. “Y/N, I’m sorry it’s been like this for you. I didn’t know it was this bad.”
“It’s okay, Ves. A few more weeks, I can manage that.” You say.
“A few weeks might not sound like a long time, but with what you’re going through it may feel like ages. I don’t want you to feel so alone.”
You closed your eyes and pursed your lips. “I’m thinking this is just a punishment the universe is giving me.”
“For what, Y/N? For getting out of an endless cycle of a feeling you thought was never going to be reciprocated and finally finding the person who gave it to you?” His words were sharp but you knew he meant well by them, his honesty was something you adored and needed. “You know damn well you were going to be trapped in that cycle forever if Noah never acted upon his little fantasy. I love you so much Y/N, and I thank Noah daily for bringing us together. Even if he’s a fucking dick right now, he’s brought you true happiness by introducing us.” Your heart swelled at his words, clutching at your chest as it raced wildly.
“I love you too, Ves. And you’re right,” you brushed another tear away from your cheek. “Noah might be a piece of shit, but he gave me you.”
You could hear the smile in his voice as he said, “That’s my girl.”
You stood in the sound booth with Matt, the energy of the room filling you with excitement as the time drew closer to when the boys went on stage. It was their first headlining show for the European leg and with a new song to perform, you could not wait to see the crowd’s reaction.
Matt started signaling to you as you got to your spot next to him, readying to get the opening video to play before Artificial Suicide. Each movement you made had become part of your muscle memory, each button you hit and every step of the show flowed through you like water in a river. It had all become so easy, so normal that you felt at ease doing it.
The show was going amazing. The first performance of V.A.N took your breath away as you watched Poppy grace the stage alongside Noah. You and Matt bounced along in the booth each time Noah told the crowd to jump, laughing at each other as you did so.
“Now,” Noah said into the mic after they finished Limits. “Tonight is a special night, only because we’re debuting two songs. One you’ve heard already and the second one…. Well I hope y’all know the words, this is Somebody else.”
Confusion racked your body as you looked over at Matt, his focus clearly on the mix for the song. You glanced down at the setlist on your side and not seeing the song anywhere on it. What the fuck?
Noah started singing and the room seemed to shrink in size, leaving just the two of you.
“You said enough, you never loved the thought of us. You’re too good to be true, yeah. I gotta go, gotta run, you don’t want me the way I want you, no.”
A pit opened in your stomach and you felt your heart sink into it, especially when you could see Noah looking at where you were standing. He was singing about you. Out of anyone he’s ever been with, he chose to debut this song to you.
You nervously glanced around at everyone in the crowd near you, the faces of those excited to hear this song played live for the first time and recording every second that they could, singing along loudly to Noah. You felt like throwing up.
Noah stepped up onto the elevated platforms on the stage in front of where Ruffilo stood, his eyes focused on where you were and a finger pointing toward your direction as he sang; “I know we said that sex isn’t love, but it seems like enough for us. I know we said that we’re having fun, but I’m getting too numb to your touch.” Your heart shattered and you gripped the ledge in front of you, waiting for the song to end and the misery you felt with it.
As it ended and the cheers of the crowd rang out around you, you grabbed at Matt’s arm. “When did they say they were gonna fucking play that?”
Matt stared at you with a confused expression. “They told us yesterday? Noah specifically said it was a song he wanted to do live, you didn’t know?”
“No! When the fuck was it rehearsed? I wasn’t told shit about anything.” Rage flowed through your body as the misery left it, now all you could see was red.
“Noah said-”
“I don’t give a fuck what Noah said!” You shouted, luckily the crowd was still loud enough that no one turned to stare at you. “I had no clue that was going to happen.” Matt looked you in the eye and you watched as it finally clicked in his mind.
“Shit…” he braced himself against the ledge and stared at the stage. “I’m sorry Y/N, I didn’t realize what he was doing.”
“It’s okay. I’m just,” you bit at your lip as you prepared to get the next song going. “Really fucking pissed at him.”
Matt nodded and took a step back as you began to work. “You gonna talk to him?”
“Gonna rip his head off?”
You purse your lips. “Yep.”
He patted your shoulder. “Atta girl.”
You sat outside the bus again. It had become too cramped in there, the atmosphere was stifling as the guys were happy and riled up about the success of debuting the two songs tonight and the show itself.
Noah was nowhere to be found, he’d told Ruffilo that he needed to take a walk and left… It’s been about an hour since then.
All you wanted was to talk to him, hopefully a civil conversation about the stunt he pulled tonight. Each passing moment made your anxiety spike higher and higher, not knowing when you’d be able to speak to him was driving you crazy.
You got up after the building anticipation of waiting for Noah to come around that corner finally died down, and you decided that you needed to take a walk as well. It was cold outside but nothing unbearable, your hoodie, jeans and rage that burned in you was enough to keep you warm.
You walked to wherever your heart desired, passing by pubs full of people getting wasted and having a time with their companions. Restaurants where people dining inside eyed you as you walked past, keeping your eyes ahead of you so your anger didn’t accidentally lash out at random strangers.
After ten minutes of walking, you found yourself at a bridge overlooking the creek below you. The water rushed a little more than it normally would due to some of the melting snow around you, but you liked the noise that came from the extra water in the creek.
You felt the person before you heard them, and turned around swiftly in case you needed to defend yourself. But when you did, your eyes landed on Noah as he stood a few feet from you, his focus also on the creek.
His face was soft as he stared ahead, his hands shaking slightly as he waited. He was waiting for you.
“Noah.” You said, a rasp coming from you as you hadn't spoken since the show. He turned his gaze to you and a clear, broken expression was now on his face. And that just about set you off. “How can you look at me like that after the stunt you pulled earlier?”
“What stunt?” His voice was raspy too, but in a different way… like he’d been screaming.
“Don’t play dumb with me, Noah. You know exactly what I’m talking about.” You stared into his eyes that were shadowed by the night. “Why the fuck did you play that song without letting me in on the fact you guys were gonna play it, leaving me confused and fucking hurt especially when I could tell it was directed towards me.”
He shifted on his feet, your words were working, but he didn’t respond.
“Noah.” You snapped at him, waiting for his answer.
He shoved your hand down. “What the fuck do you want me to say, Y/N?” He didn’t yell, but his voice was full of every emotion he felt.
“I just want you to tell me why you would do that to me.” Your voice became quiet as you wrapped your arms around your body and hugged yourself tight.
He stared at you for a long while, waiting for you to speak again. Once he realized you weren’t going to, he wiped at his face and spoke. “I miss everything we were, Y/N. And I’m angry that you’re with someone else.”
“Everything that we were?” You questioned. “And what were ‘we’ exactly, Noah? Because the last time I checked we were only fucking each other for pleasure, not for love.” At that moment you saw your knives twist in his heart, the way his whole body language changed… you hit the mark.
“I love you, Y/N.” He whispered, his voice quivering as he took a small step towards you. “I’ve loved you since the day I met you, I just never knew how to approach you about it because I only ever thought you saw me as a friend.” You let him come to you, his hand resting gently on your cheek as tears began to roll down them. “I never wanted to cause you pain. I’ve only ever wanted to give you the love you deserve.”
You shook your head. “Noah…” His brown eyes were glossy as he stared down at you, waiting for you to say something as his thumb brushed the tears from your face.
As you stared into his eyes, the same ones you’d grown to love as your friendship with him blossomed, you couldn’t help but feel a tug at your heart. But not for him.
“Noah… I’m in love with Vessel.” Your voice shook, the words you’ve been needing to tell him finally coming out but not in the situation you had imagined. “What we had is no longer there. I’m happy with him, happy with my life and that’s all I want for you.”
His hand retracted from your cheek and he took a small step back, keeping his eyes that now leaked with tears on yours. You stared at each other for a while, waiting for something to be said or done.
After a long, long time you finally turned to head back to the bus, but Noah’s voice stopped you in your tracks. “Did you ever love me, Y/N?” You stood there with your back facing him, debating if you should tell the truth or not.
“I did,” you finally said over your shoulder. “I waited, but you were too late. Goodbye, Noah.”
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Is there a chance you can make the yan! dorm leaders (mostly Leona and Malleus) react to their darling who acts like Jinx from Arcane? if you don't know Arcane you can ignore this.
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Jinx Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
You are erratic, you’re creative, you’re always building something, and you always seem to be armed. Hanging from rafters or gargoyles, you fit right in with the colorful characters of Night Raven College. So it's no surprise that so many are enraptured by you. If they can survive you that is they’ll make sure no one else around you does:
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Malleus Draconia
“You never cease to amaze me child of man!”
If you are not found conducting major renovations on Ramshackle, your spray paint your tag on different gargoyles of Night Raven
At first, he may not be too fond of this 
but when he finally gets to meet you 
He’s happy there’s a piece of you on the things he loves
He’s aware you're a bit of an outcast but it only means he gets more of your attention
Like with Silko, you establish intimacy without acknowledgment for personal space and he’s all about it
RIP to Sebek should he have anything to say
Luckily for Sebek, you’d sooner point a gun and threaten him than wait for Malleus to exact his own punishment
You scare most people away anyway
So whenever you have doubts or insecurities they come to him 
Malleus is sure to filter out anything that he doesn’t like
“Of course, your toys are appreciated by the student body. No one has died and the screams of joy echo throughout the entire college. Fear not, my love.”
His and your sense of fun and ‘what's okay’ is really skewed
It's so bad Lillia needs to be a father figure the both of you
But since Malleus is so….Malleus, he doesn’t always decide to listen to him
So it's quite possible you two will decide to bring wonderland to an end for funsies
“I’ve always wanted to give the world a taste of me!”
“And they will have it, my Love. Since I will it, your creations will be on everyone’s minds!”
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Leona Kingscholar
“You’re such a wreck. I couldn’t call you an herbivore even if I tried.”
He’s mostly amused by your just bizarre nature
You probably first met because you jumped and continued to snuggle him
He’s also enamored with the way you so easily point your guns at the bigger guys in Savvannaclaw
From then on no one's going to question you
In fact, you're so unhinged the Savannaclaw students group around you like they do with Leona
And he couldn’t be happier
It's like you're the perfect accessory to his crimes
In the future, any scheme is proposed by you 
Because your like “If you want it I’ll get it for you”
He’s the one who has to reel you in
He starts having a problem though when people want to take you down a notch
Whether they trash your workshop or severely damage something big you’ve been working on
“T-they-! R-ruined it! It’s all destroyed!”
“I’m right here. I’m right here. You know me, I won’t let them get away with this.”
And he won’t 
while you’re curled up in the fetal position on his bed, he’s hunting down the poor fools who are going to be paralyzed by the time he’s done
“Y-you beat them up for me?”
“You’re my mate. It’s only natural I avenge you. Now stop crying and sleep.”
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Vil Schoenheit
“If only you put as much work into your inventions as you did your reputation.”
He can deal with radical personalities 
He works with Rook every day after all
But unlike his vice warden who is adamant about maintaining beauty 
you care more to build an invention that's going to ruin everyone else’s beauty
But he loves you still
Even when you have a hard time sitting still while he’s doing your makeup he loves you obsessively
“Darling, you left one of your gadgets in my suitcase!”
“Toss it this way!”
“I’m not. I know what your clicker toys do and I have a shoot today.”
He gains an uncanny knowledge of what all of your inventions do
And he gets just as good at dodging anything you throw at him
But of course, he’s not the only one under fire
Some fans eventually do find you despite your reclusive nature
And it's easy for them to threaten you indirectly through your inventive space
Vil will take control as he usually does
He’ll happily create an untraceable potion and invite the aggressors over to tea
And even when he makes them apologize he’s not giving them the real antidote
People from the outside will say he acts like your parent 
But he likes taking care of you
In fact, if you start trying to move on your own 
He tugs you back by your heartstrings
“Don’t you love me? Don’t you trust me, darling?!”
“Of course I do Vil! I just wanted to help pay the bills you know?”
“But Darling don’t you know I already pay for everything? Even all your inventions? Let’s not change that now, okay?”
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Idia Shroud
“Oh? A fellow builder, huh? Maybe we can...have a bit of a wager. I’d love to see how you fare against me!”
You and him are two peas in a pod
Both of you are something of mad scientists
So you two are always inventing with one another
Normally in demented competition you both love to test your newest inventions with another
“Ah~(Y/n)-shi let’s make a bet!”
“First one to blow up is the winner?”
“And the loser has to be support?
“And the winner?”
“Hehe the winner…gets to make the loser reenact the actions from the R-18 doujin!”
“Awww poor ‘dia you’ll be so embarrassed when I have you reenact the maid scene!”
“Not as cute as you’ll be when I enact page 69.”
You two love wagers 
It’s Idia’s favorite game
To bet with you is the best
He could ask for nothing more
So its only natural he uses his newest inventions to torment whoever he was hearing through the bug he placed on you
He still gets shy but he can’t help but smile when you turn your attention toward him
“Mine! The winner of this game is me! You’re all mine!”
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Azul Ashengrotto
“You truly are an enigma, (Y/n). I insist you join Octavinelle for the next year.”
He’s used to dealing with someone who is heavily swayed by mood
And he always has uses for your newest inventions
And since he’s always keeping you busy theres less of a chance you realize how much he shelters you
“Since you so willingly took up all of our commissions the least I could do was offer you this space.”
“Wow it has all the stuff I like in here! It looks so much like my room! How’d you know?”
“Lucky guess? I also made sure that I’d deliver your favorite meals at the correct hours of the day.”
He’s merciless against those who seek to cut him out 
And he does whatever he has to to make sure they suffer for the crime of gaining your favor
he blushes when you're comfortable enough to sit on his lap 
he loves it all the more
And he promises to keep this as his special payment
All within the contract, you so easily signed 
He’s completely within his rights to do so
“As per our agreement, you can only build for me or concede and become mine.”
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Riddle Rosehearts
“You have no rules or reason! Someone needs to whip you into shape and that will be me!”
He thinks your crazy
Which obviously means he has to take control
Forget about your love for explosives 
And forget about your habits with guns
“You’re royalty show some decorum!”
“Decorum? Forget that I’d rather be poor then!”
“Not possible. I won’t allow it.”
“Oh yeah? Than what do you say to my lovely Pow-Pow?”
“I say: “Off with your head!”
He’s intent on “fixing you” or at least encouraging a ‘better you’
And it's all because he’s grateful
When he was so used to keeping within the lines his mother had placed for him 
You made him happy with that spontaneity you just seemed to have
Now it was his turn
His turn to bring the order that you needed 
You needed him 
not anyone else
He’d sooner let your old habits return than let some plebian steal you away
“Fine I will let you use one of your…toys but I have a target for you. And if you do that successfully I can allow some lee way in your desserts.”
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Kalim Al Asim
“Wow your exciting as always, (Y/n)!”
Leave it to you to be matched or even outdone by the prince’s optimism
He’s so enthusiastic about you
there's no reason you wouldn’t agree to date him
“I’m so excited! Now you can stay here forever with me!”
“Hehehe, Kalim I can’t wait either! Now I can show you all the cool gadgets I build and you can help me try them!”
Even with the more violent results, he’s still cheering you on
Something that surprises many 
But should you try to expand your circle or become more adept at speaking to others
Something begins to snap
Slowly but surely the prince is making sure he’s your only close confidant
And at the end of the day, you’ll come to him for cuddles
Just as heplanned always wants
“Haha did you miss me today, (Y/n)? Because I missed you!”
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reysdriver · 1 year
sirius black x pureblood!slytherin!reader where he takes her home for break or for the summer and walburga and Orion are enthralled by her which pisses sirius off for obvious reasons and he distanced himself from her and eventually she confronts him and reassures him
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When Sirius brings you home to Grimmauld Place over the winter break and then starts to distance himself, you feel the need to confront him and talk about what's going on — sirius x fem!pureblood!slytherin!reader hurt/comfort
warnings: themes of a toxic/abusive family
words: 0.8k
a/n: I was kinda unsure how to write this one since the family is canonically super abusive to sirius so I'm just kinda pretending they're more just cold and rude to him so I could make this, I hope you like it :)
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“Regulus,” You called alongside a knock on his door, pulling his attention away from the book in his hands. “Do you know where Sirius has gone off to?”
He sat up so his back was up against the hard headboard. “He’s probably moping in his room. That’s his favourite thing to do here.”
You would have laughed at that if it weren’t for the fact that you just couldn’t find your boyfriend. “I’ve checked there.” You sighed. “But that’s alright, he’s somewhere around here.” 
After thanking Regulus politely—even if he couldn’t help find his brother—you  left his bedroom and went back to looking for Sirius. 
Over the winter break, you had noticed yourself having to play this one-sided game of hide and seek several times. It was frustrating, especially when you didn’t know why he was so distant. Nevertheless, you kept your head up and just continued the search. 
You checked the drawing room and sure enough, there he was, sitting by the window and looking outside. You walked towards Sirius and tapped him on the shoulder to show him what you had wanted to show him in the first place. 
“Siri, look at this bracelet your mother gave me. Isn’t it nice? She said I could even have the whole set as a wedding gift eventually!” You said happily, flashing him a silver bracelet adorned with small but shining emeralds. 
He flashed a tiny smile, not nearly matching your emotions or genuineness. “Yeah, love, it’s pretty.”
You could tell he obviously didn’t care. Sirius was pretty fashion forward and has been enthusiastic in the past when you’ve shown him new clothes or jewellery, so that excuse couldn’t be used. 
Running through different excuses and reasons as to why he was acting this way, you had thought that maybe he was upset that both you and his mother had been thinking about marriage. Insecurity surged throughout your whole body. 
You had spoken about marriage before, but it was never more than pillow talk or teasing jokes; was your relationship getting too real for Sirius? Was he upset that you had been talking to his family about your future together? Had he lost his feelings?
The different theories flying around in your head were getting to be too much, and you couldn’t let them go unanswered. You were determined to figure out what was going on as soon as possible. 
You sat down on the loveseat with him. You were close to him, but you still gave him enough space in case he wanted it. 
“Sirius, what’s wrong?” You asked softly. “You’ve been seeming off lately.”
He just brushed it away. “Nothing’s wrong.” 
You knew it was a lie so you kept pressing gently. “I know there’s something that’s upsetting you. Just tell me what it is so we can fix it.”
“I’m fine.” He insisted. “You can go back to hanging out with my parents, maybe they’ll give you my bedroom by the end of the week.”
That stung slightly, but it did at least partially reveal the reason for his recent distance. He was upset that his parents were so taken with you. Of course, you understood that Sirius didn’t have the best relationship with his family, but you had hoped he would be happy seeing you getting along with them. The thought of him being jealous hadn’t even crossed your mind. 
You brought a hand to his upper arm and rested it there. You tried speaking softly to make it clear you weren’t judging him at all. “Siri, are you jealous?”  
“They like you more than me.”
“They don’t. They’re just happy I’m in Slytherin. They like that they’ll have pureblood grandkids with the most Slytherin lineage as possible.” 
“But you like them too.” Sirius said sadly. 
“I only like them as much as they like you.” You explained. “If they’re gonna be awful to you, then I don’t like them at all. I can just pretend otherwise in exchange for some priceless family heirlooms.” 
There was a smug smile on your face as you shook your bracelet in front of Sirius, causing him to chuckle. 
“You’d steal from my family for me?” He asked you with a fake pout. 
You cupped his cheeks and pressed a kiss to those soft lips you love so much. “Of course I would. And once we graduate and get the hell away from them, we’ll sell it all and buy a nice house without ever dipping into your uncle’s fortune.”
“Alright.” He sighed overdramatically. “If it’s for a great cause like that, then I think you should go ahead and ask my mother for a tour of all her priceless jewels.”
“I’ll make sure she gives me a nice brooch so we can have a pool, my love.”
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lilislegacy · 6 months
you may have gotten a similar ask before, but I'm new to your blog, so i just wanted to ask: what do you envision Percy and annabeth's post-college life to be like? how many kids? girl/boy? names? (If they have kids at all?) their jobs? where do they live? what does their house look like? do they have pets? what are their relationships like with the other demigods? This might be a lot for one ask but you seem like you can literally dive right into percabeth's minds so I just thought I'd ask 😅
ok. you have just asked me a question that i instinctually want to answer with a 3,000 word essay. so i am going to keep this as short as possible (which is not short at all.) i’m also open minded, so my headcanons can be changed if i see a take i really love. but these are my own beliefs
i think they get married. definitely after college. i know some people think they don’t marry because of hera, but i can’t stand the thought of them not doing what they want because of a god. (i also have a hc that they kinda blackmail her lol. as in she goes to them needing help - a quest - and they say they’ll do it only if she swears on the styx to never interfere with or harm their marriage)
i think they both do a lot of things over the course of their careers. annabeth is an architect, but she does multiple things with that. she creates some big famous attractions, she designs a greek version of new rome, aka “new greece” or “new athens” or something, maybe she builds hideouts for demigods (suggestion from a previous asker), etc. and for percy, i think he definitely does something that involves helping marine animals. he can literally speak to them - something no one else can do. he also is very protective of all sea animals he encounters in the books. so he needs to be doing that. personally, i love the thought of him becoming an aquatic vet. but there are several other marine animal related jobs that he could do in replacement of/in addition to that. i also see him doing several things throughout this life, and i made a big post about my thoughts there. i’ll link it at the end of this post.
they definitely have kids. no doubt. they’ve been thinking about having kids together since they were 16. i love the thought of them having 3, maybe 4. i think their first is a boy with short blonde curly hair and sea green eyes. i also think he has a “p” name, since his dad is named percy and his paternal grandfathers are poseidon and paul. but i don’t have names for any of them. ive always imagined them having 2 boys close together and then a girl later on. but i don’t have exact ideas, you know?
i think they live in a few different places. they probably start off in new rome, then eventually in new athens/new greece, and then i think nyc again at some point, maybe when the kids are grown. but i think they always try and live on/near beaches or lakes, when possible. (for obvious reasons)
they do a lot of traveling throughout their lives. because annabeth loves it, and percy loves seeing her happy.
they definitely have a family dog (look in the linked post for my thoughts on that.) plus horses/pegusi will always be around their place.
i don’t have exact house details in mind.
and they keep in great contact with all their demigod friends. both roman and greek.
all i know for sure is that they remain best friends who are deeply in love. they’re always each others battle partner. and they do everything in their power to not only protect their kids, but to make sure their childhoods don’t contain the same darknesses that their own childhoods did. they’re amazing parents, and they’re gonna do great things. they’re both going to use their abilities to help so many people and creatures. and their lives will never be dull or “normal.” not even for a second. and they love it.
my thoughts on percy’s career: ⬇️
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arliedraws · 2 months
Tell me more about Sirius/James hooking up in a bathroom during their kids' birthday party....
So it’s Harry’s birthday. I think I’ve described a little bit of this scenario? But I’ve thought of more details.
Sirius and Marlene (or whatever) have been married for ten years, and things are tense. They have two older kids but accidentally had another that’s almost a year old now. Marlene complains that they’re stuck in their routines as a couple while Sirius doesn’t understand what she’s complaining about—he thinks that what they have is actually pretty good, and people who are crazy in love with their spouses are probably lying somehow. I sort of started to think that it’s Marlene who’s the politician? So it’s Sirius who’s home with the kids and maybe working part-time as a [insert job here] but with the new baby, he’s got his hands full, and he’s slightly resentful that Marlene is never home.
James and Lily, however, seem to have it all figured out. They love their son, and decided that one was enough. Maybe Sirius looks after Harry during the day while James and Lily work full time. Anyway, Lily is the Dream Wife. She is intelligent, funny, sexy, kind, and she even works for Nimbus as the executive charms specialist (so she has the inside scoop on the Next Big Broom). Meanwhile, James is an Auror who’s really Done with being an Auror but can’t figure out how to tell Lily, which is weird because he tells her everything.
James and Sirius are both deeply in love, obviously, but their days of finding each other in broom closets and sneaking into each other’s beds are long gone. But they can’t help but touch each other, pushing the limits of what is platonic. Maybe they have an emotional fallout when Marlene confronts Sirius about playing absently with James’s hair while the two couples played boardgames together, or that Sirius and James are ALWAYS on a team.
So years go on and Sirius/James try not to touch each other, which just heightens the tension when they brush thighs or shake hands. A year before the bathroom hookup, Sirius and James kiss during Christmas after everyone has gone to bed. It doesn’t go any further than that because a kid interrupts and wants water or something. Then Sirius and James promise not to be alone with each other. Ever again. Or else they’ll ruin everyone’s lives.
Anyway, so Sirius and Marlene accidentally get pregnant, have baby, James/Sirius see each other but are emotionally estranged. Things are Fine.
Sirius excuses himself to use the bathroom, and James notices him slip away. When Sirius comes out of the bathroom, James shoves him back inside. Soon, they’re hooking up. The window is cracked and they can hear the party below. Well, yeah, they’re having sex. And they’re sloppy and desperate. Outside, people are wondering where they are because Harry’s about to open gifts. And upstairs, they’re just like sucking and fucking with years of suppressing their feelings—not quietly, even though Sirius is trying to shut James up and eventually gives up.
Then, the door flies open. It’s Marlene! She’s holding the baby! She’s so angry! She starts shouting, and Sirius/James are trying to get themselves clothed again. And then the facade completely crumbles and everything falls apart :)
Just kidding, it would have a happy ending. But it’s a hard-won happy ending 😅
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11bobear · 2 months
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My experience with SP (Sleep Paralysis)
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I’ve notice that SP has been becoming popular as a method for shifting so I wanted to share my experience because why not !! ✌🏾
Things to keep in mind : 🐇
(For the people who are afraid of SP)
- It’s only scary if you let it be.
- It’s harmless.
- Disrupt your sleep schedule will most likely be the cause of SP.
I’ve seen people talk about how scary sleep paralysis is and then they’ll say they avoid sleep so they won’t get it and I just sit there like 🧍🏾.
you are basically self sabotaging yourself because lack of sleep is one of the common causes of SP.
Now let’s talk about my experiences with SP :
The first time :
I didn’t see any figures the first time I got sleep paralysis, the only strange thing I saw were the walls in my room because they were glowing green.
The second time :
The second time I got SP was on August 26th, 2022. I was really tired that night and of course I decided to sleep on my back <3. I woke up to growling in the corner of my room !!! I couldn’t see the creature but it was terrifying especially since I always sleep in complete darkness. I kept my eyes closed and waited for it to end and it eventually did.
The third time :
I was binge watching a Sally Face gameplay by Kubz Scouts til like 4 am-ish. I fell asleep on my stomach and woke up to the same growling creature AGAIN but this time the noise was even louder. This was the first time I had gotten sleep paralysis in a position that wasn’t me laying on my back.
The fourth time : The strangest one
This one happened not too long ago probably like almost closer to the end of school year but It was a school night and I got like 3 hours of sleep. This was the first time I had gotten SP during the day time. I woke up and was in SP for like a minute or two and then I remember getting out of bed somehow and opening my closet door and walking in. My closet felt like a portal as I walked inside. I didn’t go far because I ended up falling backwards into one of the shelves in my closet. Instead of cracking my head I fell through the shelf and into some sort of void. It’s hard to explain but It felt like reality was literally breaking apart around me and I couldn’t do nothing but sink in deeper. I don’t remember how long I was falling for but I eventually woke up back inside my bed…
The fifth time :
This happened either on the 21st or the 22nd which was when I first heard about using SP as a shifting method. I was listening to Alunir’s (void + raven + heartbeat) method but I didn’t have the intention to get SP that night I decided to stay still while I did my method and relax. After I finished the method, I decided to go to bed and had the intention to wake up in my DR. I could not fall asleep even if my life depended and it was so frustrating (I looked like a hotdog rolling around in my bed). When I finally fell asleep I woke up on my side and I was in SP. Being the idiot that I am I immediately started affirming and then not even 2 minutes later I was out of SP. I didn’t see anything weird that night but while I was affirming I started seeing the outline of a persons face.
Final Thoughts :
This post is low-key random but relevant ig.
It’s important to remember that YOU control YOUR reality and I guarantee after you experience sleep paralysis a few times you’ll realize that SP is not as scary as people make it seem.
Don’t let fear win
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Thats all
Happy shifting !!
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starlitiris · 3 months
The Feeling (part 1)
wrote this a few nights ago while I was in a spooky mood and ended up having to split it into two parts because it was too long </3
Here's part 2
SUMMARY: Reader is just an average person living a normal life, then Feitan moves in next door. He gives you an unsettling feeling, and eventually you find out why.
WARNINGS: mentions of torture, implied torture
You’d always felt like something was off about him.
You weren’t even really sure why.
Was it something he did maybe, that made you feel this way?
No. If that was the case, then you would know what it was.
Sure, he was a little antisocial and said strange things sometimes, but that wasn’t enough to warrant feeling unsettled by him.
You could never figure it out, so you just decided to ignore the feeling. You shouldn’t have.
For a while after he moved in next door, he was very standoffish to the surrounding residents.
You gave him a few days to settle in before you decided to go knock on his door. You wanted to welcome him to the neighborhood.
He didn’t answer.
But you could hear him inside.
Didn’t like being bothered, you guessed.
A few weeks later, you ran into each other in an aisle at your local bookstore. It seemed you both had similar taste in books.
You wanted to wave at him, maybe say hi, but he didn’t even bother looking at you. Perhaps he just didn’t notice that you were standing next to him.
You minded your own business until you saw him picking up one of, in your opinion, the most underrated books of all time. It was your favorite, but you felt like you were alone in that.
You’ve read many reviews of the book online, and they all had negative opinions on it. ‘The ending wasn’t satisfying, that flashback added nothing to the overall story, this character’s actions didn’t make sense, blah, blah, blah.’ They just didn’t get it.
None of those people saw the point that the author was trying to get across. Nobody understood how significant that flashback was, or how that one character doing what he did made sense because of it. If only they read between the lines. And because nobody could look beneath the surface, they didn’t get to see - or feel - how powerful the ending was.
But you digress. You try not to get too worked up about these things. It is just a book, after all.
Your neighbor seemed interested in what the summary on the back of the book had to say.
His apparent interest excited you, so you finally said something to him.
“That one’s really good,” you blurted with a smile.
He looked at you, raising an eyebrow.
“I highly recommend it. It’s one of my favorites.” You gleefully added.
“Hm.” Was all he responded with.
It’s okay. He bought the book. You were happy.
About a week or so later, you ran into him again. This time at the food market. You weren’t going to bother him again, but this time he came up to you.
“Hey,” he started. “I finished the book.”
You smiled hopefully. “So… what do you think?”
You know he’s probably just going to say the same thing everyone else says, but you wanna stay optimisti-
“Was good,” he said, a faint smile gracing his lips. “I really liked it.”
Your eyes lit up in joy. Finally! Someone you could appreciate your favorite book with!
“Really? I’m surprised! Most people don’t like it. They’ll complain about all the ‘meaningless backstory’ and how the torture scenes were written.” You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes at the stupid critiques people have on this masterpiece.
“That so?” He asked. “Thought it was well written. Felt real.”
“I thought so, too! Though, it’s not like I have any real experiences to compare it to.” You laughed at your silly and obvious admittance.
That smile.
That was the first time you got the feeling.
The feeling that something was wrong about him.
But it was just a smile. He was talking to you, and seemingly enjoying your conversation. Don’t be ridiculous.
That’s what you would tell yourself.
From that point on you two started waving at each other or saying hi when you’d cross paths in town.
Every time you met in the bookstore, you would give each other recommendations on what to read next. Sometimes one of you recommended something that the other person had already read, and you would talk about it. Your favorite moments, little critiques you had, how the story made you feel. It was nice. You felt like you were making a friend.
Eventually you boldened up and asked him to come over for dinner.
Honestly, you expected him to decline.
But he agreed to come over.
So he did.
And he kept coming over.
You were glad you could call him a friend at that point. You really did enjoy each other’s company.
The more time you spent together, the more you would learn about him.
You learned that he has a friend named Phinks. You found out he likes horror movies, too. He doesn’t like pets. He never cared much for music. He’s a little short tempered, and he collects knives.
You liked learning things about him. But, oddly enough, the more you learned about him, the less it felt like you knew.
You couldn’t get him to tell you what his job was. You think he’s on a graveyard shift, though. There’s been a couple times where you woke up in the middle of the night needing water or the bathroom, and you saw him out the window. Dragging something into his house.
You couldn’t tell what he was dragging in the dark, but it looked big.
No idea what that could’ve been.
You asked if you could hang out at his house once, wanting to know what his place looked like.
He made it clear that wasn’t happening.
The look he gave you was indescribable. It gave you that feeling again.
He said no, and you decided not to push. Maybe he just likes his space. That’s not hard to understand, right?
Sometimes you would hear noises coming from his house.
Strange noises.
It never sounded like what you would expect to hear. Like floor creaking, dishes clinking together while being washed, voices from a tv.
Though, sometimes you can definitely hear when he’s watching a horror film.
‘He must have really good speakers connected to his tv,’ you would think to yourself. ‘The wailing almost sounds too real.’
But those strange noises were always impossible for you to distinguish.
Sometimes they sounded… wet. Heavy. Something about the sound sent chills down your spine. You didn’t hear it often enough to complain about it, but it was definitely disgusting.
Other times it sounded like a thick crack, like something breaking. Though, you couldn’t imagine what.
There were nights when you heard crack after crack.
You thought that whatever he was doing in there, he must’ve enjoyed having on a horror movie while he did it.
You often heard muffled cries and pleas while he… did his thing.
You wanted to ask about it. But you didn’t.
Maybe a part of you was scared to.
Or maybe you just didn’t deem it important enough to bother asking.
Either way, it’s probably a good thing you didn’t. Or perhaps you would’ve ended up here sooner, and not by your own volition.
“Here” being in Feitan’s house.
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hii i love your shane and your farmer!!! the isekai concept is so creative and tastey!!!!! and i also love the idea of a shane harem <333 how do you think shane would react finding out he’s got a whole club thats got the hots for him?? or would he just stay unaware forever (lol), i just love this concept and would read a whole novel of shane and your farmer hehe
THANK YOU 💜💜 im happy you enjoy my self indulgent headcanons :’)
for the harem stuff, i noticed people usually do a kind of harem/everybody-has-a-crush-on thing with their farmer. probably because if you get high heart levels with all the marriage candidates in game, it kinda ends up feeling like that. but i don’t really see samuel as that. so i was like, “how about we take that concept and turn it on shane.” because 1, i think the subversion of expectation here is funny, and 2, shane deserves all the love. shane and my farmer are endgame of course but i like to have silly hijinks along the way.
i think shane would eventually figure out some of those who like him, whether that’s thru obvious flirting or confessions or whatever. like maybe he’d figure out 1 or 2. but there’s no way his oblivious ass is going to realize the full size of his harem lol. samuel will just have to be battling everyone in the background as shane goes about his daily life, unknowingly doing things that makes everybody else go, “yoba he’s so hot.”
later in the future when shane and samuel are married, they’ll be hanging out on the couch and samuel will just be like, “did you know you have a harem” and shane will be like, “what.”
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chrimson-oc-central · 5 months
Neji and Chihiro’s Sensei’s (and Chihiro’s mom) Reactions to Them Getting Together
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Gai is ESTATIC. He’s SO excited and happy for them both, and that they were able to finally get together LMAO! He’s probably a bit overbearing towards Neji; constantly spiffing up his clothes before dates, reminding him to pull her chair out and open doors for her etc., but it all comes from a good place. Every once and a while he has a moment where he just smiles and says how happy and proud he is of his student, and he’s glad that he was able to find peace and happiness with someone he loves. Cries constantly during their wedding.
Anko is fairly similar; she smiles from ear to ear and hugs her. She’s just genuinely overjoyed and keeps asking Chihiro how they’re doing, when the wedding is, kids (it’s a bit stressful dksnxkw!) etc etc. I like to think that Anko would also just feel... relieved? Like she knows her student is going to have a much happier life and not suffer from the same trauma she went through with orochimaru (she was really nervous that she would end up doing the same thing to her lol). Also cries at the wedding.
Makoto (Chihiro’s mom) is over the moon for them. She kinda figured it was gonna happen eventually LOL but she wanted them to take their time with it. She’s also a bit nervous, mainly because she knows that neither the elders in the Hyuga clan nor the Osaka clan are going to be happy about hearing their relationship, and will likely not recognize Neji as a “worthy suitor,” so they’ll continue sending boys after her, but she’s prepared to fight for her daughter and her right to choose who she spends the rest of her life with.
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my-castles-crumbling · 6 months
i’ve been debating sending you an ask about this, but i’ve read a lot of your anon answers recently and you’ve given some really great advice. 
(i’d like to just add here that ALL pronouns/neo-pronouns are completely and utterly valid and if anyone tells you otherwise, they can go fuck themselves. Also, i’ll be using he/him to refer to my partner as that’s currently the pronouns he’s asked me to use- this will become relevant). 
So I have a long term partner of seven years. last year he came to me and said he wanted to experiment with pronouns and self-expression. 
I was totally for it and together we found a hairdresser, and we made an effort to meet other trans people and I started using different pronouns for him and it pretty quickly went from she/her to they/them. 
And when he was using they/them, he was euphoric. I mean, i’ve known him a long time, and I know when he’s happy.
And he said that was for sure what he wanted.
And then he went to his parents house and told them about his new they/them pronouns. 
And they spent the whole time mocking him. Saying he should just fully transition and he’s being a wimp and they/them isn’t real- comparing it to identifying as random objects and animals (WHICH IS NOT TRUE, all pronouns, and neo-pronouns, are VALID!)
Anyway, he came home and didn’t wanna talk about it and two days later he asked me to use he/him pronouns.
It’s been nearly two months of this and I can tell it doesn’t fit. I’m using it now because it’s what he asked and I respect him, but I also know him, he isn’t euphoric and he doesn’t like the clothes he feels he has to wear.
If i’m being honest I always sort of noticed back when he was using she/her all those years. That something didn’t quite fit. And I had already been prepared to help him figured it out. Even though it didn’t actually click it in my head until he brought it up that first time. 
He liked his new name for they/them pronouns. He picked a “manly” one for he/him and he’s been asking me to refer to him with the they/them name as a nickname. Which I obviously have. 
I do think eventually this’ll run its course and he’ll go back to they/them. 
I know I don’t have the right to claim to know what’s going on in his mind, and I have supported him every step of the way, and he’s not sad now, he’s just not pleased with it. Like he is with they/them.
I can’t decide whether I should wait and see or not.  Because knowing his family and their love to get involved, it might take a while for him to pull away enough to realise this isn’t what he wants.
But his family is important to him and if I bring it up now he’ll probably just quote something his family said. And i’ll wait if that’s what he needs, of course I will, but this is hurting him- and I wish I could help. 
I bring up how they/them pronouns are valid all the time. And he’s never once thought against our friend who uses them. 
 But I personally have always blamed his family for it taking so long for him to ditch she/her, so I don’t know how long they’ll make he/him last.
And as I said, I do not care what he ends up choosing or how he presents himself as long as he’s happy. But I just don’t think this is him happy. (Also just to add, I am 100% sure he knows that I don’t mind whatever. Obviously anyone can love anyone who’s transitioning but I am pansexual and don’t give a shit how he presents himself cause he’s amazing and I love him for him. And I am sure he knows that).
Do you think I should tell him what i’ve been thinking? I’ll be careful not to phrase it in a selfish way as i’m aware this might make it seem like I think i know better than him or I want to rush him. But neither is true. 
I just want him to be happy. 
But I also know it’s not right to push him if he’s not ready yet. 
Thanks 😊 
This is definitely a tough question, because gender is such a personal topic, you know? But I do think you should be honest with your partner. I think it's just the way you're honest that matters.
The parts you said about noticing he's not as happy? That's what you should focus on. Because I feel like that comes off as concerned (which you are) and loving. Saying something like "Hey, I've noticed you've been different since you started using he/him pronouns. Do you agree? Why do you think that is?" I think that would really open the conversation to his feelings. Hopefully he'll be able to recognize your love for him and that you're coming from a place of concern. You could even say "I noticed when you started using they/them pronouns, you were so happy! Like X time, you were just so confident, you know?"
I don't think, though, that you should bring up his family. It sounds like he still has loyalty to them and bringing them up could cause more conflict than resolution. Same with saying something like "I think you'll end up going back to they/them." That makes it seem like you're dictating how he'll live. I know you're not, but it could feel that way.
But yeah, I do think you should bring it up. I think partners are the best people to try to point out to their S/Os that they need to put themselves and their needs first sometimes, and stop worrying about others.
I hope that helps! Feel free to message/update me if you want! I'd love to know how you both are doing!
Also, I'm naming you smiley anon because I'm trying to give every anon a separate tag and you put a smiley face at the end of your post.
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afloralrib · 2 years
So, guys. I know we’re all wondering what’s going to happen in CoT, and that we’re wary about what CC might have done with Thomastair for good reasons. But, I’m actually hopeful?
You’re right, it’s foolish. And yet, I can’t help thinking that all the Thomastair snippets we’ve been given lead to the two of them sorting things out by CoT’s first half.
Of course, I don’t think all will be fine by then; rather, that Thomas and Alastair will have talked it out, and moved on to dealing with the Merry Thieves.
Why do I think that? Well, my brain’s been mulling over the snippets since they got out, which means you now have to hear my interpretation of them.
A warning: I won’t be posting spoilers about CoT’s leaked chapters, but there’ll be clear references for those who read them.
CoT was always starting in conflict considering how CoI ended, and that became even more evident when Thomas’s note - because it’s his note, let’s be honest - was released.
With its tone, the note mirrors Alastair’s to Thomas before the Townsend Musicale, back when the roles were reversed. It expresses care and longing; the need to be with the person you love.
Now Thomas’s in that position, and all the while having to figure out what’s happening between Alastair and Charles.
He’s with Kit when Alastair visits Charles, and he’s distracted by the ruckus upstairs. The scene is clearly from early CoT, as shown by the lack of communication between him and Alastair.
How do we go from them not communicating to sorting things out, though?
There must be at least one meeting - most likely accidental - in between the encounter at the Fairchilds’ and Thomas and Alastair’s eventual reconciliation. The snippets say so:
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This means that Thomas and Alastair meet exactly one day after Alastair visits Charles. It’s really too short of a time for them to have sorted things out, and Thomas clearly doesn’t know anything about Alastair and Charles yet.
After that, it’s all left open to interpretation, but Thomas and Alastair meet again - this time in a carriage - not much later. And maybe, it even happens because Alastair gets Thomas’s note.
Regardless of the reasons, the carriage meeting will presumably represent the turning point in Thomas and Alastair’s relationship.
They meet, share a blanket, talk. They, believe it or not, discuss Charles. And while bringing him up will likely be related to something he did, it’ll also help Thomas and Alastair sort things out.
They’ll be forced to face their feelings, and between that and their newfound proximity, they’ll kiss. It’s only natural, and there’s an art which confirms it.
There are good chances, then, that the carriage meeting will bring major changes to Thomas and Alastair’s relationship.
While making them kiss doesn’t necessarily have to mean anything, it shows that Alastair is faltering; that he’s rethinking his position.
Having talked to him, there won’t be much left for Thomas to do outside of clearing the air with the Merry Thieves - with Matthew.
The only other Thomastair snippets CC gave us either see Thomas and Alastair being happy - the mistletoe, hopeful Alastair - or them effectively dealing with Matthew.
And to be frank, getting him to support their relationship will probably be Thomas and Alastair’s greatest challenge in CoT’s second half.
They’ll be talking about it when Matthew asks Thomas if he loves Alastair, and he’ll accept it throughout the course of the book.
Maybe not immediately, but eventually:
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It’ll take a moment of great emotional or physical distress, but Matthew will come around.
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puppersfluid8xd · 9 months
here’s my list of all my favorite death note ships and y I like them
lawlight: I feel like there’s nothing to say here bc it’s so obvious??? Like they’re so obviously gay and who doesn’t love seeing them be silly gay rivals?? I do think in a canon where L didn’t die they would be end game but idk how we’d go abt it *except* for like just serving time and giving up being Kira and then L and light become a thing (7/10 ship)
Lawlightmane: Shakaoshshhdkd I luvvvv this one bc I luv misa being happy and I also luvvvvvvv poly representation, however I do see light as almost strictly mlm or masculine attracted so I think his and misa’s relationship would be more like “she’s a best friend I wanna protect and keep happy so what better way to do that than being (one of) her bf(s) 🥰” like i think it would be mainly if not only platonic attraction on his side for misa, idk I can just never rlly see light w a girl, anyways I think in all other directions it would be fun and everyone would luv each other and it would be so cute (9/10 ship)
mellodramattic: once again I feel like there’s little to say bc it’s so obvious?? But they’re so cute and I luvv em and I luvv seeing em happy, although I do think they will get w other ppl for fun, I’m not sure if they do it together or if they find sumone one on one, yk however they want to be in their open relationship. I think they both know they want each other more than anything, and I think Matt gets protective of Mello and I think mello probably gets jealous, but they do still work it out and have fun w other ppl as a small thing (10/10 SHIP BBY)
lawtsuda: I luvvv lawtsuda I think it’s so so so cute and I think they’re both just silly lil ace neurodivergent bois who get each other and luv each other, they’re just bois being bois n they luv it and I luv seeing it (8/10 ship but i dont think they’re more canon than lawlight)
mikalight: I think mikalight exists in the canon where L does die, I think he’s almost a dream replacement of L for light. I mean they’re very similar, the black shaggy hair and the sharp attractive figure the strong sense of justice and the (mainly) monotone voice and their grip on controlling their emotions their smarts etc etc. I think mikami is a version of L that light at sum point or another wanted and yet eventually he realized that he liked all of those qualities on L bc L challenged light w them, and light eventually does end up luving mikami for mikami. he still finds mikami to be his type even if he can be a bit of a sad reminder of his dead luv L, but they’ll still grow old together in a nice house (or cell depends on how u see Kira’s reign ending) (8/10)
But mainly my favorite death note ship is almost any death note character (including Ryuk) X me <33 :P
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