#Twisted wonderland x arcane
Is there a chance you can make the yan! dorm leaders (mostly Leona and Malleus) react to their darling who acts like Jinx from Arcane? if you don't know Arcane you can ignore this.
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Jinx Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
You are erratic, you’re creative, you’re always building something, and you always seem to be armed. Hanging from rafters or gargoyles, you fit right in with the colorful characters of Night Raven College. So it's no surprise that so many are enraptured by you. If they can survive you that is they’ll make sure no one else around you does:
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Malleus Draconia
“You never cease to amaze me child of man!”
If you are not found conducting major renovations on Ramshackle, your spray paint your tag on different gargoyles of Night Raven
At first, he may not be too fond of this 
but when he finally gets to meet you 
He’s happy there’s a piece of you on the things he loves
He’s aware you're a bit of an outcast but it only means he gets more of your attention
Like with Silko, you establish intimacy without acknowledgment for personal space and he’s all about it
RIP to Sebek should he have anything to say
Luckily for Sebek, you’d sooner point a gun and threaten him than wait for Malleus to exact his own punishment
You scare most people away anyway
So whenever you have doubts or insecurities they come to him 
Malleus is sure to filter out anything that he doesn’t like
“Of course, your toys are appreciated by the student body. No one has died and the screams of joy echo throughout the entire college. Fear not, my love.”
His and your sense of fun and ‘what's okay’ is really skewed
It's so bad Lillia needs to be a father figure the both of you
But since Malleus is so….Malleus, he doesn’t always decide to listen to him
So it's quite possible you two will decide to bring wonderland to an end for funsies
“I’ve always wanted to give the world a taste of me!”
“And they will have it, my Love. Since I will it, your creations will be on everyone’s minds!”
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Leona Kingscholar
“You’re such a wreck. I couldn’t call you an herbivore even if I tried.”
He’s mostly amused by your just bizarre nature
You probably first met because you jumped and continued to snuggle him
He’s also enamored with the way you so easily point your guns at the bigger guys in Savvannaclaw
From then on no one's going to question you
In fact, you're so unhinged the Savannaclaw students group around you like they do with Leona
And he couldn’t be happier
It's like you're the perfect accessory to his crimes
In the future, any scheme is proposed by you 
Because your like “If you want it I’ll get it for you”
He’s the one who has to reel you in
He starts having a problem though when people want to take you down a notch
Whether they trash your workshop or severely damage something big you’ve been working on
“T-they-! R-ruined it! It’s all destroyed!”
“I’m right here. I’m right here. You know me, I won’t let them get away with this.”
And he won’t 
while you’re curled up in the fetal position on his bed, he’s hunting down the poor fools who are going to be paralyzed by the time he’s done
“Y-you beat them up for me?”
“You’re my mate. It’s only natural I avenge you. Now stop crying and sleep.”
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Vil Schoenheit
“If only you put as much work into your inventions as you did your reputation.”
He can deal with radical personalities 
He works with Rook every day after all
But unlike his vice warden who is adamant about maintaining beauty 
you care more to build an invention that's going to ruin everyone else’s beauty
But he loves you still
Even when you have a hard time sitting still while he’s doing your makeup he loves you obsessively
“Darling, you left one of your gadgets in my suitcase!”
“Toss it this way!”
“I’m not. I know what your clicker toys do and I have a shoot today.”
He gains an uncanny knowledge of what all of your inventions do
And he gets just as good at dodging anything you throw at him
But of course, he’s not the only one under fire
Some fans eventually do find you despite your reclusive nature
And it's easy for them to threaten you indirectly through your inventive space
Vil will take control as he usually does
He’ll happily create an untraceable potion and invite the aggressors over to tea
And even when he makes them apologize he’s not giving them the real antidote
People from the outside will say he acts like your parent 
But he likes taking care of you
In fact, if you start trying to move on your own 
He tugs you back by your heartstrings
“Don’t you love me? Don’t you trust me, darling?!”
“Of course I do Vil! I just wanted to help pay the bills you know?”
“But Darling don’t you know I already pay for everything? Even all your inventions? Let’s not change that now, okay?”
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Idia Shroud
“Oh? A fellow builder, huh? Maybe we can...have a bit of a wager. I’d love to see how you fare against me!”
You and him are two peas in a pod
Both of you are something of mad scientists
So you two are always inventing with one another
Normally in demented competition you both love to test your newest inventions with another
“Ah~(Y/n)-shi let’s make a bet!”
“First one to blow up is the winner?”
“And the loser has to be support?
“And the winner?”
“Hehe the winner…gets to make the loser reenact the actions from the R-18 doujin!”
“Awww poor ‘dia you’ll be so embarrassed when I have you reenact the maid scene!”
“Not as cute as you’ll be when I enact page 69.”
You two love wagers 
It’s Idia’s favorite game
To bet with you is the best
He could ask for nothing more
So its only natural he uses his newest inventions to torment whoever he was hearing through the bug he placed on you
He still gets shy but he can’t help but smile when you turn your attention toward him
“Mine! The winner of this game is me! You’re all mine!”
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Azul Ashengrotto
“You truly are an enigma, (Y/n). I insist you join Octavinelle for the next year.”
He’s used to dealing with someone who is heavily swayed by mood
And he always has uses for your newest inventions
And since he’s always keeping you busy theres less of a chance you realize how much he shelters you
“Since you so willingly took up all of our commissions the least I could do was offer you this space.”
“Wow it has all the stuff I like in here! It looks so much like my room! How’d you know?”
“Lucky guess? I also made sure that I’d deliver your favorite meals at the correct hours of the day.”
He’s merciless against those who seek to cut him out 
And he does whatever he has to to make sure they suffer for the crime of gaining your favor
he blushes when you're comfortable enough to sit on his lap 
he loves it all the more
And he promises to keep this as his special payment
All within the contract, you so easily signed 
He’s completely within his rights to do so
“As per our agreement, you can only build for me or concede and become mine.”
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Riddle Rosehearts
“You have no rules or reason! Someone needs to whip you into shape and that will be me!”
He thinks your crazy
Which obviously means he has to take control
Forget about your love for explosives 
And forget about your habits with guns
“You’re royalty show some decorum!”
“Decorum? Forget that I’d rather be poor then!”
“Not possible. I won’t allow it.”
“Oh yeah? Than what do you say to my lovely Pow-Pow?”
“I say: “Off with your head!”
He’s intent on “fixing you” or at least encouraging a ‘better you’
And it's all because he’s grateful
When he was so used to keeping within the lines his mother had placed for him 
You made him happy with that spontaneity you just seemed to have
Now it was his turn
His turn to bring the order that you needed 
You needed him 
not anyone else
He’d sooner let your old habits return than let some plebian steal you away
“Fine I will let you use one of your…toys but I have a target for you. And if you do that successfully I can allow some lee way in your desserts.”
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Kalim Al Asim
“Wow your exciting as always, (Y/n)!”
Leave it to you to be matched or even outdone by the prince’s optimism
He’s so enthusiastic about you
there's no reason you wouldn’t agree to date him
“I’m so excited! Now you can stay here forever with me!”
“Hehehe, Kalim I can’t wait either! Now I can show you all the cool gadgets I build and you can help me try them!”
Even with the more violent results, he’s still cheering you on
Something that surprises many 
But should you try to expand your circle or become more adept at speaking to others
Something begins to snap
Slowly but surely the prince is making sure he’s your only close confidant
And at the end of the day, you’ll come to him for cuddles
Just as heplanned always wants
“Haha did you miss me today, (Y/n)? Because I missed you!”
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saturncodedstarlette · 10 months
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
“Sometimes I think you're the only person who really knows me.”
“I do.”
“You look at me and I can tell you sense all of me.”
“I can see your greatness, your strangeness, your fucked-upedness, your lies.”
“My lies?”
“You love me.”
“It's impossible though.”
“… yes.”
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
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togetherhearted · 3 months
That's right! We reached a new milestone!Happy to see that this place is still doing fine.
It's a big number and I'm grateful for the support.
In any case,as per always,I'm doing the usual
"Choose a prompt for max 3 characters out these lists"
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If you'd like to support me please consider to drop by my ☕ [Link on the pinned post]for a commiss- or just a lil support. You'll get a free sketch ☆
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If this happened during Chapter 6
[Synopsis]: Imagine this scene from Arcane is used during Chapter 6 where MC/Yuu, Epel and Rook were rescuing the Overblotted victims while fighting against the Charons.
[(A/N)]: SPOILERS! If you haven’t watched Arcane or played through TWST Chapter 6, please check them out before reviewing this clip.
[BGM]: Miyavi & PVRIS - Snakes
Vi = MC/Yuu, welding gauntlets
Jayce = Epel/Rook, with a giant hammer that can blast energy beams
Chemtanks = S.T.Y.X. Charons
I swear to god, we need more badass MC/Yuu/[Reader] because I like a self-insert concept/fanfic where we can actually fight back and stand up for ourselves.
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arcane witch institute — dorm leaders
a/n: I KNOW THIS IS REALLY LATE IM SO SORRY— man it’s the first time you guys are seeing the dorm leaders and it’s their genderbend versions lol, i promise i’ll get their bios and dorms done soon maybe…
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celebrating at arcane witch institute, a special occasion full of love and sweets, you go to give a gift to your favorite dorm leader…! let’s see their reactions, shall we?
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“ch…chocolates? huh, really?! for me?! eh, uh…o-oh, no no no, I love it, don’t worry! i-it’s just…i’m not really used to receiving anything…thank you though.”
“my sincerest thank you for the fruit tart, but it would be rude of me not to give you anything back for today’s special occasion. so…here: say ‘aaa’~.”
“…pfft~ aaww, did you want to be the first one to give me chocolate today? you’re so cute. thank you. haahh, i hope you don’t get in a fight with the other fans about this…”
“chocolates? why thank you dear~ but, don’t think you’ll be leaving with empty hands. tada! i have something for you too—now we’re even, hah!”
“thank you very much for the chocolates. ah, if you don’t mind me asking, would you like to have tea together at the cafe? i can arrange a vip room just for you and me. we can taste these together.”
“oh…!! oh this is the cutest one i’ve received so far! it has all my favorites! and you even bought an adorable bird plush with my name on it, thank you very much~ i’ll eat it at the dorm.”
“chocolates? …i see. you know, i don’t really care for this stuff anymore, but seeing as you were so nice to get me anything at all…how about you come to the dorm tonight? we’re holding a mini concert, so it’ll be nice if you were there~ ♪”
“a gift, for me…? my, how peculiar. i don’t receive things like this often, you’ve actually managed to make my heart flutter…i appreciate your gift though, mortal.”
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endlessdreamworld2 · 2 years
Official Grand Opening Event!!!
Welcome to the grand opening of my writing blog, fellow dreamers!
Please send in asks for the following fandoms:
Genshin Impact Twisted Wonderland Final Fantasy 14 Arcane and/or League of Legends
This will be a role swap event!
Some examples: Harbinger Diluc, Headmaster/teacher Epel, Ascian Estinien, and Chembaron Jayce. Since this is a brand new blog the inbox is open to everything, so feel free to ask whatever you want, even stuff not relating to the event.
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vanesdarling · 2 years
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ficsforgaza · 30 days
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You may use our tags #Sponsor a WIP and #Open Requests to show you all creators who have WIPs to sponsor or who are taking requests!
Creators organized by fandom:
↳ Fandoms A through C
Across the Spider-Verse, Alice in Borderland, Alien Stage, Arcane, Armello, Assassination Classroom, Attack on Titan, Ayakashi: Romance Reborn, Baldur’s Gate 3, Banana Fish, Beastars, Black Butler, Bleach, Blue Exorcist, Blue Lock, Buddy Daddies, Bungo Stray Dogs, The Case Study of Vanitas, Castlevania, Chainsaw Man, Code Geass, Cowboy Bebop, Court of Darkness, Cyberpunk 2077
↳ Fandoms D through G
Daiya no Ace, Danganronpa, A Date with Death, Dead by Daylight, Death Note, Degrees of Lewdity, Demon Slayer, Diabolik Lovers, Disco Elysium, Doki Doki Literature Club!, Dragon Age, Dungeon Meshi, Ensemble Stars, Erased, Fairy Tail, Faith: The Unholy Trinity, Fallout, Far Cry, Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, Friday Night Funkin', Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, Gangsta, Genshin Impact, Gintama, Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (MDZS)
↳ Fandoms H and I
Hades I & II, Haikyuu!!, Heaven Official’s Blessing (TGCF), Hell’s Paradise, Hitman, Honkai Star Rail, Howl’s Moving Castle, Hypnosis Mic, Identity V, Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Villains, Imaginary Friend Asylum
↳ Fandoms J through L
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kaiju No. 8, Kamisama Kiss, Kingdom Hearts, K Project, Kuroko’s Basketball, League of Legends, The Legend of Zelda, Life is Strange, Link Click, Love & Deepspace
↳ Fandoms M and N
Madoka Magica, Metal Gear, Mob Psycho 100, Moriarty the Patriot, My Hero Academia, Mystic Messenger, Naruto, Night in the Woods, Noragami
↳ Fandoms O through R
Obey Me, Obscura, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Omori, One Piece, One Punch Man, Osomatsu-san, Ouran High School Host Club, Our Life, Outer Worlds, Palia, Persona 5, Pokémon, Princess Tutu, Project SEKAI, The Promised Neverland, Psycho Pass, Rainbow Six Siege, Record of Ragnarok, Red Dead Redemption, Resident Evil, Revolutionary Girl Utena
↳ Fandoms S through Z
Saints Row, Sally Face, Scum Villain’s Self Saving System, Sk8 the Infinity, Skyrim, Soul Eater, Splinter Cell, Spy x Family, Stardew Valley, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, Tears of Themis, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Tokyo Ghoul, Tokyo Revengers, Touchstarved, Tougen Anki: Dark Demon of Paradise, Tower of God, Trigun Stampede, Twisted Wonderland, Vinland Saga, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Watch Dogs, What in the Hell is Bad?, Wind Breaker, The Witcher, Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop, Wuthering Waves, Yona of the Dawn, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yuri!!! on Ice, YuYu Hakusho, Zombie Land Saga
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daisystwistedgarden · 28 days
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𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒈𝒂𝒛𝒂 - 𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒘𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
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✿✿ 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 & 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 ✿✿
hello! i'm joining other lovely fanfic writers with @ficsforgaza to help raise money for the folks in need in palestine! i wanted to show my support in the best way i can, and this to me is a wonderful effort to bring the community together to do some good.
to participate, make a donation to a vetted fundraiser found on @ficsforgaza's page (aka, don't send me any money!) and send me a screenshot (with your personal information removed, please!) along with what you'd like to request to my ask box. please do not "double dip" aka use the same donation for several writers-- this is a fundraiser, after all! here is what a request looks like:
hello! can i sponsor your mermay fic? i donated $5 to gaza, here is the screenshot! thank you! [insert screenshot]
my pricing will be as follows:
❀ sponsor-a-WIP: $1/100 words ❀ drabbles: $2-3/100 words (elaborated below) ❀ no money to contribute, but you want to support the cause? that's okay. sign a vetted petition from the @ficsforgaza page and send proof, and i'll add a sentence to a WIP of your choosing.
if you have any questions, feel free to take a look here on @ficsforgaza's page or reach out to me. be patient, i will work on these fics at a good pace for me. thank you so much for helping me raise money for a good cause :D
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✿✿ 𝐖𝐈𝐏𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐫 ✿✿
❀ the high school years
before night raven college, each student had their own lives and experiences in high school. what did those years look like? how did they affect each student at the arcane academy now?
headcanon paragraphs for each student. college!au. estimated length = unknown. characters completed: none. wc: 0. current sponsors: none.
❀ mermay: azul, jade, & floyd
you're a researcher and rehabilitation expert at an injured merfolk sanctuary near the coast in a small city. one day upon arriving to work, you're greeted with news of a new arrival. he's a bit... odd, it seems, but you're determined to coax him from the depths of his tank and help him recover from the injuries that landed him here in the first place.
small fics for each character. x reader. nonhuman!au (aka no school, no transformation potions). estimated length = unknown. characters completed: none. wc: 0. current sponsors: two! sponsored word count: 0/1000.
❀ summer camp collab
a super secret collab with two other amazing writers! support this fic if you want to sponsor a fun project i'm keeping under wraps for now...
fics for each character (limited cast). college!au. estimated length = unknown. characters completed: none. wc: 0. current sponsors: none.
❀ escape room hcs
in a convoluted set of circumstances, the members of night raven college are paired up together in completely random groups for an escape room bonding exercise. how does this go? who thrives, and who flounders? which groups make it out alive?
character groups made up of main cast of 24 (22 main students + yuu and grim). six groups of four chosen at complete random by a spinner wheel. college!au. estimated length = unknown. groups completed: none. wc: 0. current sponsors: none.
❀ tattoo/piercer!au
you're looking to start your apprenticeship in tattooing and piercing at a small shop on sage island. there, you study under an employee at the shop meant to take you under his wing. who is he? does your apprenticeship land you your dream job (and relationship), or is it a disaster from the moment you lock eyes?
fic, x reader. limited characters. post-college!au, tattoo/piercer!au. estimated length = unknown. characters completed: none. wc: 0. current sponsors: none.
❀ yandere!fem!vil x reader
vil never expected you'd ever break up. the split was blinding, leaving her in a stupor as she stumbled through coveted on-screen roles and modeling gigs for the most prestigious publications in twisted wonderland. in her mind, you're still hers. it's only when she finds out that you've found another lover that her world-- and mind-- officially crumbles. it's time she takes matters into her own hands.
fic, x reader. trigger warnings: murder, stalking, general yandere behavior. post-nrc!au. estimated length = unknown. characters completed: none. wc: 0. current sponsors: none.
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✿✿ 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 ✿✿
i'll be accepting drabble requests for the main cast. i write in a collge!au unless otherwise stated, elaborated further on my page here. drabbles are estimated to be ~500 words. they can be sfw/nsfw, tropes, fluff, etc. please specify what you'd like to see in this drabble, whether you only have a character in mind or a very specific scenario! (note: anon MUST be off for you to request nsfw, and you must be 18+).
since requests require a bit more work, i'll be pricing them at $2 per 100 words for sfw drabbles and $3 per 100 words for nsfw drabbles.
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do you want to support gaza and request fics for obey me! or obey me! nightbringer? check out my other blog here
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lovelybrooke · 1 year
Masterlist 2
Here is the masterlist of all my works. Please enjoy.
Ni No Kuni, Wrath of the White Witch:
Marcassin Headcanons
More Marcassin Headcanons
Even more Marcassin Headcanons
Childhood friends to lovers with Marcassin
(Aged up) Oliver Headcanons
Cassiopeia Headcanons
Swaine Headcanons
(Platonic) Esther and Oliver Headcanons
One Piece:
Where Am I? (Part 1 Link)
Where Am I? (Part 2 Link)
Where Am I? (Part 3 Link)
Yandere Strawhats x readers
How you met the yandere Strawhats
Yandere Strawhats x Isekai reader
Strange technology
Average Day with the Yandere Strawhats
Strawhats with a distrusting reader
We'll always protect you
I refuse
Platonic Yandere Strawhats with FTM reader
House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones
Platonic yandere house of the dragon x maid reader
Platonic Yandere House Stark
The Last of Us (Tv series)
Platonic Yandere Joel and Ellie Headcanons
Time for School (platonic yandere Joel and Ellie x reader)
I’m your sister (platonic yandere Joel and Ellie x reader)
Stars (platonic yandere Joel and Ellie x reader)
Life Before (platonic yandere Joel and Ellie x reader)
platonic yandere Joel and Ellie with a sick reader (requested)
The wrath of a family pt. 1 (requested)
The wrath of a family pt. 2 (requested)
Regret (requested)
Regret pt.2 (requested)
You're going to be okay
This is home (requested)
Growing up
Platonic yandere Viktor and Jayce
We could be a family (platonic yandere silco and jinx)
Home Sweet Home
Platonic Yandere Silco and Jinx
Platonic Yandere Vander
Persona 5
Platonic Yandere Phantom Thieves x reader
Platonic Yandere Goro Akechi
Yandere Haru x reader
Jujutsu Kaisen
Platonic Yandere Gojo Satoru
Platonic Yandere Yuji Itadori
Gojo with a high cure energy reader
An exception
Platonic Megumi with his childhood friend
Platonic Sukuna with Yuji's Childhood friend
Yandere Gojo and Getou x reader
Avatar the way of water
Platonic yandere sully family
Family Sacrifice
Family sacrifice pt 2
Human Sully Meeting the metkayina Tribe
Tsireya and Aonung after family sacrifice
Ouran High School Host Club
How they knew
Yandere Ouran High School Host Club concept
Pretty Please?
Reader leaving for College
Demon Slayer
Yandere Demon Slayer Concept pt. 1
Yandere Demon Slayer Concept pt.2
Platonic Yandere Inosuke with polar opposite reader
The way things were before
The way things were before pt.2
Welcome home
Platonic Yandere Zenitsu headcanons
Demon Slayers with a foreign reader
I Can Only Hope
Spiderman Across the Spiderverse
Yandere Spiderman Across the Spiderverse Concept
Hanging out With Them
Be Careful
Watching Over You
Hobie with an Autistic reader (Platonic)
How they react to you getting into university
For the Multiverse
Platonic Yandere Miles Morales Headcanons
Reader having a secret partner
Hobie with a reader who suffers Auditory and Visual hallucinations (platonic)
Right were you belong
Death Note
L with an Aroace reader
Best Friends Forever
Aren't you excited
Twisted Wonderland
first years reaction to reader wanting to leave
second years reaction to reader wanting to leave
third years reaction to reader wanting to leave
Yandere Kieran x reader
Hazbin Hotel
Yandere Hazbin Hotel Concept Pt 1
Yandere Hazbin Hotel Concept Pt 2
Yandere Angels x immortal reader
Yandere Overlords x immortal reader
Elden Ring
Yandere Elden Ring Concept
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chibi-celesti · 14 days
Was yea ra afezeria infel waath sos herra(I bless you with my love and song of healing)-REDUX
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A/N: Yes, you are reading this title correctly! I needed to remaster this story so badly. Not that the old was bad, Sevens no. I wasn’t happy with the format and execution. This is not tied to the main story. It was a test run for how Hymmnos would play out in Twisted Tonelico, but yeesh. The format for the chorus and awkward wording left little to be desired in my opinion ^-^’. Hopefully this redux is better.
By the way, for the sake of this story, I had Meryu sing the Pastalie/ [Method] song Implanter-aka METHOD_IMPLANTA/.-a form of Hymmnos that she cannot technically sing because she is not an IPD. But for the sake of this drabble she is one, and I gave it to her because this song fits the events of GloMas. Plus, I was in the mood for some Malleyuu fluff when I wrote this lol.
One more thing!: Words in parentheses are the Bell of Salvation singing, and non parentheses words are Meryu singing!
With all that out of the way, I hope you enjoy this redux!!
Synopsis: In the aftermath of the Fire Lotus incident, the Ramshackle Prefect felt powerless as her classmates fought tooth and nail to end the chaos. Knowing the weakening states of everyone in her group and the city, Meryu decides to break the nighttime rules for one night to sing. Only this time, this song is a gift to all.
Pairings: Malleus Draconia x Meryu Melenas (though like with the old one you read their relationship as platonical or romantical)
Warnings: N/A outside of Glorious Masquerade Spoilers
The night still fell onto Fleur City. The city itself seemed calm and at peace, a complete opposite from what transpired a mere hours ago. Long after the sun had begun to set, horrid flowers of fire had sprouted throughout the city like a disease. Sucking the magic and life out of all its citizens. The people within this primavera town would’ve forever been trapped in the clutches of that fiery nightmare brought on by the Fire Lotuses, were it not for the valiant efforts of Night Raven’s finest.
Together, they had confronted the perpetrator responsible for the birth of this former parasyte, Rollo Flamme, defeated him and used the Salvation magic of the City’s Bell of the same name to eradicate the vile plague before it would spread to all of Twisted Wonderland.
In the end, they all celebrated at the city’s Noble Bell College Lecture Hall, closing off the school’s Arcane Field Trip with the highly anticipated Masquerade. After that, everyone had retired for the evening, so they may be prepared for their eventual return to their school life.
Thinking back to all that happened made it impossible for one little soul to sleep. The soul of Meryu Melenas, Night Raven College’s lone Reyvateil, could not fall back asleep at all. Her mind was still racing from all that transpired. The tour, the square, the outbreak, the fall…almost losing her dearest Prince to death. All of it consumed her mind so badly, the poor girl couldn’t even think straight. 
Meryu hated the fact that she was powerless to stop the fire lotus. She had attempted once to use her songs, only for the blasted plants to try and choke her voice out. She loathed not noticing the signs when Rollo was telling her his thoughts on magic and how the world was better off without it. She felt useless…again.
Getting up from the bed Noble Bell offered to her for their stay, Meryu grabbed the coat from her NRC uniform and quietly stepped out of the room. Since Grim had stayed the night with Deuce it made it much easier for her to leave. Making sure she did not disturb anyone else sleeping in their rooms, with the grace of a ballet dancer she walked past the living quarters and further into the school halls. 
Wandering the enormous, stained glass window halls of Noble Bell College, Meryu marveled at the beauty of the moon’s soft light shining past the colored window planes. She thought once again to the Masquerade where she danced and jumped with everyone to Malleus’s tribute song. It was enchanting, both the dance and his song. It felt like she was healed by his singing like she has to him and everyone during her time in this world.
Before she knew it, her feet had guided her to the very Lecture Hall where everything started. Gazing above to the ceiling, beyond the paintings detailing the beauty of Fleur City, was the Bell of Salvation. An Artifact that she had noted to have the same SH-Waves of Infel Phira back home in Ar Tonelico and the Dark Mirror back at school. She closed her eyes and clasped her hands together, praying to the enchanted Bell. 
‘Oh Holy Bell, I wish for you to sing with me this night. Would you please join me?’
The soft chimes from above signaled to the young Song Mage that they would love to.
‘Thank you…’
A melody began to play, giving Meryu the chance to perform her serenade.
~xA rre exail sarr wLYErm anw sphaela/. xA sorr aLYEuk zess l.l.n. anw aje harphe/. xA sorr aLYEuk zess y.y. Ahiew_ayulsa/.~
Through her song, she hoped and wished for it to heal everyone within this City of Flowers.
~xU rre rhaplanca hLYEmYAmArU enw raklya en yLYEzAtU, jLYEwA dejuy an arhou tes 1001 Implanta/.~
Her body began to glow; a warm light filled with love encompassing her and her song. Wisps of the light took on a phantasmic form; a Will of Wonderland.
~Hana wo sanji shu ni someta yubi de Hitai wo kazaru toge wo ande~ ~Watashi wa ima shokuzai no shirushi Ibara no tsuru no kauburi itadaku~ ~Hohotsutai ochiru shizuku Kawaita daichi ni somite~
She swayed with the tune, slowly dancing about with the fainted Will within the Bell.
~Inochi no me uruosu you Ame to narite sosogitai Anata ni~
As the Will danced with her, it began to drop small golden orbs into the ground…
~Kono mune no naka afururu Hikari maioriru~ ~Inori no tane wa kagayou Kiseki ni mebuku~
Each one became a small wave that flew into the school walls. The waves then became pulses that flew beyond the campus walls and expanded into the sleeping city. As this happened, Meryu began to recall the moment the fire lotuses bloomed and Rollo showing his true colors.
~xN rre harr f.s. tes maoh ess ouvyu sechel/. :/xO rre qwjyu m.t.y.y. anw daedu/. Naave wEsLYN ayulsa sphaela/. xE rre vega a.u.k. ayulsa Asiance_qejyu/:~
Almost as if it’s reenacting Malleus's actions from the Fall, the Bell’s Will embraced the Reyvateil and sang together with her.
~xN rre Maoh s.s.w. tie Rhaplanca enw h.k.t.t. has./~ (:/Reta yorr tYAnu za j.d.r. gor Ajues_qejyu./ sYAIA Atitia_qejyu, Reta yorr hYArAnAt oucc/.)
The shift in the air from the Bell had unknowingly awoken some of the School's inhabitants. Including a certain fae prince.
(:xU yorr vUsUk 1000 Aujes_qejyu wYAfA za rYAfrm 1001 Atitia_qejyu en vYAsk yor/:)
Meryu, feeling more at ease with the nightmares gone as fast as they appeared, continued on with her blessing.
~Shiroki ashi de deido wo fumishime Tsubasa was tsui kegaruru tomo~ ~Watashi was tada inochi hatsuru made, Asu wo shinjite kanata e Habataku~ ~Aganai wa itsuka tabi no Subete wo oeru sono hibi ni~
The newly awakened group watched Meryu's performance from afar. Some musing at her typical actions. Others were mesmerized by her singing as they had dozens of times. And while one was bewildered by what he saw, the boy next to him was silent, taking it all he was hearing from the lone woman.
~Hatenaki negai utaou Omoi kasaneau~ ~Tsunaida yubi wa ikue no Hanabira no you ni~
The passion within her voice was strong, tears suddenly started to form in her eyes. Even from far away, the smallest of the audience saw them and booked it towards her. Leading to the others to follow suit.
~Kono mune no naka afururu Hikari furisosoge~ ~Negai nokigi wa itsushika Sora eto todoku~
In the climax of their song, the Bell and Reyvateil sung together once more.
(xN herra h.r.n.t. ane sphaela ttu y.y. 1000 hiewi meryu/. xN harr v.s.k. nafa eje en Atitia_qejyu enw h.r.n.t./.) ~xN rre Rhaplanca y.y. eh 1001 Atitita_qejyu, en harr w.n.s. anw ouvyu sechel sev maen olo/.~
~xN harr h.l.s.s. ess ouvyu sechel/. :/xU rre vega a.u.k. zz ayulsa siance/. xU rre vega a.u.k. zodal sechel/:~ ~xN harr y.z.t. en y.z.t. enw raklya/. :/mAtUyYAy 1001 Implanta/:~
The last notes faded away into a whisper, carried off by the wind. the sound of bell chimes echoing through the Lecture Hall. 
When she opened her dewey eyes, Meryu felt something paw at her leg. She looked down and saw Grim looking up at her with worry. She leaned down to scoop him in her arms and hugged him close. Seeing Deuce and Epel rush to her side surprised Meryu even more, causing her to see that the whole NRC group had come down to the Lecture Hall. Even Prof. Trein and Rollo were with them, something that shocked her just as much as seeing her classmates. 
As some of the boys came to her to praise or reprimand the Song Mage, Malleus had stayed silent. All throughout her solo performance he had listened to her words carefully, imprinting each one in his heart. He knew what each melodic note coming from his dearest is what she truly felt deep down.
And for that he was grateful. 
Malleus stepped forward to meet her, the others moving away for him to face the young woman. No words were exchanged, only actions as he embraced his beloved Reyvateil, knowing that was enough to express his thanks to her and her song of healing.
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phantomstatistician · 12 days
Saturday Status Update
The wait time for a request is: 58 working days
Upcoming charts (if the sample size is large enough):
Danganronpa - Himiko Yumeno
Merlin - Merlin
The 100 - Clarke Griffin/Lexa most popular AU tags (AO3)
Megamind - 10 most popular tags (AO3)
Community - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Encanto - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Twisted Wonderland - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Mystery Science Theater 3000 - 10 most popular characters (AO3)
Star Trek: Lower Decks - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Baldur's Gate - 10 most popular ships (AO3), Raphael, Cazador Szarr, Zevlor
Percy Jackson - 10 most popular ships (AO3), Percy Jackson
Fire Emblem Awakening - Lucina, Severa
Descendants - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Into the Spider-Verse - Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen
Harry Potter - Remus Lupin
Naruto - 10 most popular tags (AO3), Obito Uchiha, Madara Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Persona 3 - Akihiko Sanada
Powerpuff Girls - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Formula One (RPF) - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Yellowjackets - Lottie Matthews 
Chainsaw Man - Denji, Aki
Addams Family - 10 most popular ships (AO3), 10 most popular platonic ships (AO3)
Delicious in Dungeon - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Wicked - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Kill La Kill - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Persona 5 - Sumire Yoshizawa, Yusuke Kitagawa
Mario - Pauline
Undertale - 10 most popular ships (AO3) (no OCs, selfcest, or x Reader)
Invincible - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Chainsaw Man - Power
Soul Eater - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
RWBY - Jaune Arc, Oscar Pine
Women's Football/Soccer - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Project Sekai - Nene Kusanagi
DuckTales - 10 most popular characters (AO3)
Leverage - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Dr. Who - Fifteenth Doctor
Legacies - Lizzie Saltzman
Black Clover - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Xenoblade Chronicles - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Arcane League Of Legends - Viktor
Canon - Anime vs Canon - Manga - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Mario - Bowser
X-Men - Magneto/Erik Lehnsherr
Have a more elaborate request?  Or want to jump the queue?  Or you want to support me as a content creator?  Buy me a Kofi!
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m1shapanda · 1 year
give me some of the stuff you enjoyed and i'll give u stuff i think you'll enjoy (im srs i have a list)
UH OLKAY WAIT LET ME THINKKL,,, these arent all of em obv but there are too many for me to even thnik of rn]
our life, saint spell book, witchy life story, monster prom there r more but these r at the top of my list lolol
oh god where fdo i even start? one punch man, mob pshsyco 100, campfire cooking in another world, jjk, fairy tail, demon slayer, saiki k, spy x family, that time i got reincarnated as a slime, ouran highschool host club, hunter x hunter, welcome to dmeon school iruma kun, dr stone, a silent voice, a whisker away, my hero academia, haikyuu, blue exorcist, banana fish, howl's moving castle, spirited away, NOT AN ANIME BUT ARCANE, death note, love is war, cells at work,
our life, saint spell book, witchy life story, monster prom, volcano princess, creme de la creme, a tale of crowns, genshin impact, honkai star rail, twisted wonderland, obey me, pokemon, project sekai, fear and hunger, mystic messenger, UNDERWORLD OFFICE, lakeburg legacies, royal alchemist, heart fragments, error 143, enstars, minecraft, entangled hearts, todo: TODAY, the arcana, last legacy, deam house days, stardew valley,
nimona, spiderverse, Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (2022), mosat if not all the barbie movies, the prince of egypt, the little mermaid, parasite, shrek 1, 2 and 4, the book of life, the son of bigfoot, coco, encanto
tcf, orv, song of achilles, return of the mount hua sect, sssvs (though im only like 100 chapters in), the s/classes i raised, jjk, toilet bound hanako kun, blue lock, blue period, the promised neverland,
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togetherhearted · 7 months
After what I think it's been a huuuge while I'm re-opening the request [Please be pateint as I'm having a bit of hard time irl so I'll answer asap]
You can ask for max 3 characters.
Things can be funny,fluffy,spicey and angsty [but not too much. My heart is weak. You want spice? There's @togetherspicier for ya!]
MARIO UNIVERSE [Film/spin offs👍]
ARCANE/LOL [Skins 👍]
My ask box's always open for a chat♡
Like what I offer and would like to support me?My ☕ page's on the description. You'll get a free sketch ♡
Or feel free to commiss!
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its-to-the-death · 11 months
Some weapons I wish had been submitted to the Fictional Weapon War:
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Lostvayne (Seven Deadly Sins): Chastiefol was one of the few I decided to put in myself for the preliminaries but I thought it’d be cool to see any of the Sacred Treasures from this show honestly. Chastiefol is cool for its multiple forms. Lostvayne is cool for its cloning power. My top two from Seven Deadly Sins.
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Nichirin Swords (Demon Slayer): Another show that I would have been happy to receive any weapons from. The basic ones have subtle differences that are unique to their wielders like the color and sword guard. The Hashira who have different kinds of swords are cool too. Mitsuri with her whip sword, Shinobu has a rapier-like sword, Gyomei with a flail, Obanai with a flamberge.
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Demon Blade Benizakura (Fairy Tail): I think the most notable of Erza’s swords since when she uses it, she’s putting all her magic into the sword and none into her armor.
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Kunikida’s wire gun (Bungou Stray Dogs): One I considered submitting myself. He doesn’t use it too much though.
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Magic Pens (Twisted Wonderland): The magestones in the pens act like an arcane focus to keep blot from accumulating in the students. Everyone has these magic pens that look very basic but the house wardens are shown with these kind of staffs that have their magestones. Malleus’ is my favorite. I love the spinning wheel on the end. Leona is a close second.
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Feitan’s umbrella sword (Hunter X Hunter): I think umbrella swords are cool as hell. They have the same appeal as cane sword where you think it’s a normal item and then BAM it gets cooler because you just pulled a sword out of it.
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The Soul Slugger Doom Bat of Maximum Destruction (Epithet Erased): It’s a bat with a knife taped to it.
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arcane witch institute — dorm leaders
a/n: white day cards!! woo! i tried my best to imitate what twst did haha. originally i was gonna speedrun the dorm logos for this but decided i was too lazy lol…oops. justin’s and brennan’s letters were hard to format, maybe i shouldn’t have made them write so much-
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on this special day, those who have received gifts from people reciprocate by giving gifts back. all students in arcane witch institute are giving presents left and right today…
oh! a letter has arrived for you! let’s see what it says, shall we?
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some notes:
the ‘konyd’ character mentioned in galerons’ letter is the grim equivalent of the school!
the ‘naseem’ character mentioned in rayans’ letter is the male version of alya (twst iago)
the ‘atlas’ character mentioned in heros’ letter is the male version of andrea (twst cerberus)
the ‘brennan maleficarum’ guy is the son of mort and the male version of deirdre (twst diablo)
speaking of brennan, don’t take the ominous tone of his letter seriously LMAO he’s just Like That. i promise nothing’s gonna happen to you
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