#They managed to tell so much in so little time ????? I'm so impressed omg
eryanlainfa · 2 years
I am so freaking impressed by The Owl House crew. They had to tell SO MUCH in less than an hour and they did it wonderfully ??? I'm sure lots of people will be complaining about it but I think it was good, they found a way to put all the infos we need and bits more. It does feel like a whole season has been compressed a bit but that's because I need time to process things ! The story goes well and I love what they did !!!
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starsinmylatte · 8 months
Hiiii I just recently discovered your blog and omg your writing is so good?? Damn I’m impressed
Idk if you’re taking requests, if not just take this as a general ask, but I’m obsessed with the idea of Silco and a reader who is like a mother to Jinx after I read that “soft” (i think that was the name?) fic… and I was wondering, how do you think it would get to that point? Surely it must’ve been hard for Silco to accept that this woman would just come into the last drop demanding to see his little devil of a daughter and taking care of her… enemies to lovers much? Anyway… just wanted to hear what are your thoughts in how they would come around to become a couple
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Ooooh, thank you so much for reaching out, my darling anon!! I appreciate your sweet compliment so much. It made me smile so much during my crappy week 💜
I’d love to write a longer piece about this (and I absolutely will), so I’ll just leave you with a few thoughts for now!
Here's a link to the Soft fic mentioned in the ask! (it is absolutely NSFW, be warned) If you'd like to be added to my taglist for when I post the full thing, click here
Pairing: Silco x fem!reader
Warnings: None, really. This is SFW with the barest hint of suggestive content at the end
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At some point, Silco realizes that he either needs to eliminate everyone from Jinx's past life or he needs to use them to connect with her. This strange, incredibly vexing woman is the strongest link to Jinx's past that she still has.
I'm sure that Jinx has a very hard time in the first few weeks after Silco's takeover. It's a struggle to get her to eat, bathe, and just generally take care of herself. She opens up to Silco some, but to his immense frustration that damned woman just keeps showing up and Jinx instantly calms for her.
Silco still has that choice to make. He can forbid the woman from returning (which she's very unlikely to agree to without force), outright get rid of her, or he can just accept her help and try to manage her involvement in Jinx's life.
I think Silco mulls it over quite a bit, especially when Jinx inevitably shuts him out, and he can't connect with her in any way. Killing the woman would be relatively simple, and maybe Jinx could move past the devastating loss, but he can't stop thinking about how his new daughter curls up in her arms.
Silco tells himself he's just being practical, and maybe he is, but the softness with which the woman holds Jinx is the first small chip in his armor towards her.
She does annoy the hell out of him, though, as the only person who can seemingly defy the most feared kingpin in the undercity. He also finds this more attractive than he'd care to admit, which makes him even more sour about the whole thing.
Meanwhile, the woman continues to just show up unannounced to The Last Drop. In an attempt to gain some form of control, Silco finally just snaps and tells her to come on two specific days of the week. Jinx cheers, the woman smiles at him, and Silco instantly realizes that was probably her plan all along. Damnit.
Continuing on with the soup idea from the fic, I think she and Jinx bake together a lot. Silco may have a hard time getting Jinx to eat at every other time, but the little girl absolutely devours anything the woman makes her.
She always leaves out a plate for Silco, which he doesn't eat after that first night. The first reason is because he's petty and still doesn't want to like the woman, and the second is because Jinx will eat the leftovers.
Sevika absolutely loves her, and so do the rest of Silco's staff because the woman has bribed gifted them all with homemade food. They all know her as a woman with a heart of gold who is fiercely protective of Jinx. She's not a threat Silco couldn't handle if he had to, but Sevika does derive some secret pleasure from how badly the incredibly lovely woman vexes her boss.
The first time Silco loses his temper at her in front of Jinx, the little girl cries, and the woman immediately brandishes a rolling pin at him. The sight makes Jinx break out into a small fit of giggles, and Silco just freezes and walks away, muttering under his breath.
Silco can't stop thinking about her, which frustrates him to no end. She's kind but will stand up to a drug kingpin with a fucking rolling pin, she loves his daughter like her own, and she's annoyingly good at cooking. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she stayed.....
I absolutely do think the more Silco realizes he actually likes the woman, the nastier he behaves towards her. He finds some way to rationalize it, but the truth is that he's trying to manufacture a reason to hate her.
I think it all comes to a breaking point one night after the woman puts Jinx to bed. Maybe the woman tries to make some gesture of goodwill towards Silco before she leaves, but he lashes out at her. It starts a yelling match between the two, and they start getting closer together as the argument grows more heated.......
And this is where I'll leave you ;)
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btnclmrttn · 9 months
I rewatched with my younger cousin Carmen sandiego and was thinking....
What if reader was an infamous theft criminal (cheeky little shit) and then there's saitama who is likely annoyed or just has pure excitement and determination because he keeps letting her slip from his grasp like bitchbsiwjke-
This is literally a Batman Catwoman and enemies to lovers sort of vibe
- ❤️
(omg the idea of Saitama letting shit like this slide is like him totally edging himself fr asdfghjkl I'm so into it. I hope the wait for this was worth it for you! Sorry I took so long. I really need to write more enemies to lovers fr 🤧)
Brief Encounter (Saitama/Criminal!Reader)
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Saitama thought today was a good day to get his grocery shopping done to get it out of the way. Who knows how busy the week is going to be? There are always monsters, and crime, and ridiculous prices on fresh vegetables. It's sort of consistent...chaotic, but consistent.
It's nice having sunsets to look at on a walk, between the colors in the sky and what it makes everything else look like in its light. Sometimes that blue sky can be a bit of an eyesore. Just too bright sometimes. The buildings above cast large shadows that make everything less obnoxious and more calming.
Beside him, he notices a small moment in the shadow of a building that just catches his eye by instinct. He follows the shadow with his eyes up to where it's coming from. Is it a cat? He wouldn't mind seeing one right now.
"Oh, seriously?" Saitama groans, realizing it's a familiar figure creeping around subtly on top of the building.
There's you too. You mean trouble. Someone he thought was just a petty criminal at first that the police could manage has made a real name for herself. In such a short time as well. He can't deny that's rather impressive.
He really doesn't get you. All this skill and potential you have is just going to waste on dumb things. The way you act towards him, too. Well, it makes him feel weird, is the best he can describe. You're really weird...and persistent about it...
He sighs to himself as he makes his way to the building you're likely going to cross, scaling it with one jump and blocking your path.
"Hey! Don't tell me you're doing what I think you're doing."
The sudden unexpected appearance of him surprises you, making you stop dead in your tracks. He isn't wearing his hero suit today, though, he's rather casual. A rare sight for you since your encounters are typically "professional" in nature. You straighten up with a smile as you take in his nice look.
"...Well if you must know, I haven't even done anything, yet! What, were you spying on me?" You tease.
"Yet? It's kinda early in the week for your nonsense, isn't it?" he replies, ignoring your question.
"And you're keeping tabs on my habits?" you laugh as you place a hand on your hip, "Saitama, am I really on your mind that much?"
It crosses Saitama's mind how casual he's gotten with this criminal. They even know each other's names now, along with, well, yeah, he's gotten pretty familiar with her habits.
"Don't get the wrong idea here. You might just be getting predictable."
"Oh, predictable? Is that it? Could you explain to me, then, why a hero goes out of his way to chase me down but not catch me? Really, if I'm so predictable I'd be easy to ignore and avoid. Or maybe...tattle and get me caught?"
Getting called out like that makes his face break its poker expression for a more irritated one. His eyes can't decide whether to stay on yours, or the sway of your hips as you make your way to him, but he remains grounded.
"I'm not gonna go out of my way to do the police's job. It's not worth wasting my time on, anyway. Like I said before, though, you should really sit and consider your potential to be a hero if you're this good at what you do."
He does flinch a bit when your face slowly leans in closer to his, with his cheeks dusting a shade of pink.
"Then why "waste" your time following me like this, hm?" you purr, "You just that nice of a guy? Trying to be everyone's hero?"
The corner of his mouth twitches slightly, with his brows setting a bit lower as his pupils dance from side to side, taking in the color of your eyes, and down to your lips.
"Seriously, ____? This is getting pretty cheesy," he dodges the question. His whole body now draws back a bit as you close in more, trying to keep space so your lips don't brush.
You reach up and grab his blushing cheeks to stop him from going any further, letting your eyes fall to his lips before looking back up. You can't feel the warmth of any breath from him. He's holding it.
"Mm, I like the way my name sounds when you say it~"
There's a darker shade that tints his cheeks hearing that. He lets a silence draw out before he shakes his head from your grasp then steps away, pushing you back with his hand to your shoulder and looking to his side.
"...Now you quit that," he mumbles.
"You know as much as I love to sit and chat with you, I really do have somewhere to be," you say as you side step around him, "I would hate to be late."
"You really get on my nerves...," He grumbles to himself, now trying to just avoid being close by letting you get around him.
"So I do have an effect on you?" You ask, turning your head back to him.
Saitama stares you down as he looks at the corners of your mouth tugging up. He points a finger at you, his face unchanging.
"You need to get your act cleaned up...and your attitude. It's gonna all come back to you one day. I don't think you can handle the taste of your own medicine."
"Well, if you ever have a day where you're more free, I can show you exactly what I can handle~"
The sultry sound of your voice sent with a wink makes the hand that pointed at you clench into a fist, redness sinking into Saitama's face deeper, "Will you- will you quit that!?"
"Enjoy your day off, Saitama!"
"Now wait a seco-"
A loud pop rings out before smoke fills his field of vision.
"Smoke Bomb?! THAT WAS REALLY CLICHE!" He shouts as his eyes navigate through the thick smoke. It wasn't hard to catch your location again, watching you run off. To him it's almost baffling. He could easily catch you. Hell, he could snatch you up and have you thrown in jail by lunchtime.
Yet he watches you make your escape, his eyes following the movement of your legs, up to your behind, your back, until you're out of his line of sight completely.
Saitama let's out a long sigh while he pinches the bridge of his nose, "This lady...I swear...why do I keep letting this slide?"
He rubs the tingling parts of his cheeks where you touched him as he starts walking off, grumbling to himself.
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
Ok I was not expecting November to be out until actual November so when I saw your post about au reqs and that the story was finished, I was like ??? Omg what ???
Anyway, loved loved the fic, the concept was original and executed so well, give me x1 farmer’s market steve please. You and your writing talents are incredible! ❤️
And I also have some au requests! and tbh it’s mostly like Steve pov for like everything 🫢 I know it’s going to hurt so much but Steve pov when he comes back and reader’s not there 🥺 And then on the flip side, steve’s first impression of reader at the market 🥺 And also, steve and reader’s first date when they’re back together 🥺
thank you so much for reading!! i'm so glad you liked the fic <3 as for your request, i'm going to go with the middle one -- steve's first impression of bee girl at the market! i have a hard time getting into steve's head but i've tried my best <3
steve's first impression, 1.1k | a no good at waiting one-shot | au masterlist ___
It's not a great Saturday for Steve. The thin fabric on the knee of his jeans finally tore when he tugged them on this morning and he's pretty sure he's getting a sunburn since Robin stole his hat. And, to add to his stress, said best friend is trying her very best to ruin his birthday surprise for her.
Nothing big, not really, just a few candles in her favorite scent from New-Bee's. Which he's meant to pick up today, but Robin won't leave him alone. Despite all of this, Steve manages to take a few deep breaths in the hustle and bustle of market prep. He's a pro at this by now -- making sure all of the produce is organized, prepping the bags for customers, and getting the change drawer sorted. He knows that Claudia Henderson will be by for her plums at 10 and that Ted Wheeler will want apples without any bruises at 1. He'll swing by Rick's to give Eddie his eggs at 11:30 and Joyce will want some berries for Will at close.
This is Steve's life and damn, he's got it down to a system. And he loves it. The Hawkins farmer's market is his home and he knows it like the back of his hand.
Which is why he barely stops himself from swearing out loud when he sees you at the New-Bee's stand instead of Melanie. How could he have forgotten that the new girl was due? Everyone has been waiting for you to show at a market since you got here but this weekend seems to be the one you've decided to make you appearance at. All of his stress rushes back to the surface and he knows he's not going to be his best self for the next few moments. But he needs these candles before Robin notices he's gone.
Even still, he allows himself to stare at you for a few moments before he gets your attention. You're pretty, he realizes with surprise. Really pretty and you look a little lost, a little shy. The stand has been organized much more carefully than Melanie ever bothered to, everything in neat rows with the labels turned out. You care, that much is clear. But why? he wonders. How did you get here?
Not questions for now. He looks over his shoulder but finds no sign of Robin. "Hello? Anybody home?" he says, waving his gloves in front of your face. You startle a little, then smile hesitantly.
"Hi," you say. "Can I...help you?"
He taps his foot once. "Who are you? Where's Melanie?" He doesn't really listen to what you say, eyes taking in your name tag. He says your name aloud in his head, turns it over in his mind before casting it away. And then you say his and he fights the urge to shiver. Get a hold of yourself, Harrington, he thinks.
Maybe he can turn on the charm for you. You probably don't have any friends yet, maybe haven't talked to anyone your age in weeks. So he figures he can pull it off. He decides to lean in, but that only gives him a better look at your face, at the color of your eyes. He has to blink a few times to get himself to focus.
What happens next isn't entirely his fault. That's what he tells himself. It's the unfortunate combination of the day: he's a little stressed, you're new and he doesn't know you, the threat of Robin seeing his activities at any second. But one second he's thinking about flirting with you for real and the next you're telling him you don't have the candles and then you're snapping at him and--. Well. He's backing away and heading for Sara's empty-handed and tasting something sour.
"What was that about?" Robin asks him when he slides behind the berries and starts to fuss with them. "Did Eddie just say you were being mean to the new girl? I haven't even met her yet, Steve! You can't ruin my chance to charm her."
"Yeah, good luck with that," he scoffs. "She's a real treat." Maybe he's being a bit cruel but you were pretty rude to him. He doesn't want you to be rude to Robin, too.
He drags her with him to Rick's to drop off Eddie's eggs during a lull. She interrogates him the whole time.
"I don't get it, Steve," she says and he shushes her. "She just refused to help you? I don't think Bob would hire someone like that."
"Yeah, Harrington," Eddie says, watching the conversation with interest. "You sure you're not just rattled by how pretty she is?" Steve scowls and hopes he's not blushing. Will no one believe him?
"What's it to you, Munson?" Steve bites out. Eddie holds up his hands and gins.
"No need to get jealous, dude," he says. "She's all yours." Robin cackles.
"She's not -- shut up!" Steve runs his hands through his hair. These fuckers will never let him have a moment's peace. "That's not what this is about. Besides, she doesn't seem eager to make friends. I mean, she was pretty rude to me!"
"Yeah, I'm sure you were so nice to her," Robin says. "How did she piss you off so much?"
"She couldn't find the...uh...stuff I ordered weeks ago, Robin. I mean, keeping track of stock isn't hard. I don't know where she came from anyway. Maybe she'll be gone once Bob realizes she's losing stuff like an idiot." Steve has his back to the crowd and he catches Robin's grimace too late.
"Steve," you say loudly, and then your hand is on his shoulder, not so gently turning him around to face you. His brain moves a little too slowly, eyes widening and cheeks flushing as he realizes you overheard him. Shit, he thinks.
Maybe he can salvage this. "Uh--"
"I found your things," you say. Your grin is downright terrifying, and yet he still thinks you're pretty. "So sorry it took so long. I'm just so new and stupid." He grabs the parcel you shove into his hands and doesn't even lean back when you get really close. He can see you pupils dilate. "You don't know a thing about me," you hiss, "so I think you should go fuck yourself."
You turn on your heel and stalk away and Robin and Eddie start to laugh a little too hard.
"Oh my god," Robin says around her heaving breaths. "She's amazing. That was amazing."
"Pick your jaw up off the ground, Harrington," Eddie says. "You'll catch flies." Steve snaps his teeth together and frowns at his friends.
"Stop laughing," he demands. "This isn't funny! I told you she was rude!"
Robin pats him on the back, eyes on the parcel. He shoves it behind him and she sticks her tongue out.
"Yeah, dude," Eddie sighs. "You're so fucked."
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weekend-whip · 1 year
OMG I love Jesse SO MUCH!!! He's just so relatable and awkward and *Chefs Kiss*! I know we got a lot of info on him recently but do you think you have a little more of him? Like some Headcanon? Or maybe how his opinion on everybody is or some opinions in general?
Thank you!! I put a lot of love into him snksnk
I thiiink I've done his opinion on everyone at least in passing in some point, but in short: he sees Antonia as his best friend, Harumi like a sister, he's a little cautious and disapproving of Kai, he would be great friends with Jay if they actually spent time together (and Jesse could keep up with his enthusiasm haha), respects Zane a lot but still gets a little annoyed sometimes rip, is constantly impressed by Nya and thinks she's way too cool to talk to him and...do I need to explain Cole? XD
As for headcanons (are they...really headcanons if I have the power to make them canon?) hmm, let's see... *spins big wheel of whimsy*
He has a moped, as it's the only thing he can drive successfully
He's not a good driver
He's a theater kid (something he's tried to grow out of since entering high school. Miranda can confirm this has not happened)
He can't draw...well.
Loves throwing surprise parties, but never has really had the opportunity to do so
Inversely would also love getting a surprise party (and it would surprise him since most people get his birthday wrong and thus miss it)
He likes and prefers dressing nicely even when he doesn't have to (but will make exceptions for comfy hoodies)
He really likes clothes shopping actually (just can't afford it)
Also got hooked on makeup during Miranda's "makeup phase"; he especially like doing eyeshadow
He's not an amazing chef or anything (not like his mother), but he does know a ton of recipes and takes pride in what he can manage
He likes teaching Cole how to cook
He and Jay visit West Haven in their downtime to make up for the visit to Cole's house; they warp into a live performance by The Fold (but don't tell Cole)
Is eventually the one that shows Harumi how to properly handle knives/short swords (purely for entertainment purposes. Yup.)
His weapon is eventually going to be a naginata that can shift form(s) via his Effect of Metal and I'm only bringing it up again now because I finally started prepping the design and hnnng I'm excited—
It has a naginata form, a wand form, a "twin ring" form, and a "casual" form which he wears as some kind of jewelry (either as bracelets or a choker, something/somewhere he can hide if needed but still have quick access to. Maybe earrings if he's feeling spicy).
I love my boi thank you thank you
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shychick-52 · 1 year
Let's go with 1, 2, 23, and 30 for Fenton!
My first impression of them
I thought Fenton was absolutely adorable! This clumsy, overly-excited, ambitious, cinnamon roll of a nerd who's genuinely passionate about science and desperately wants approval by his mentor (a mentor who appeared to have very little patience and respect for him) who he looks up to. Not only do you get all that from his very first episode ('Beware the B.U.D.D.Y. System'), but his very first scene where he loudly interrupts Gyro's sensitive experiment in his enthusiasm to show off his efficiency, causing Gyro's prototype to go haywire, crash into the glass separating the underwater lab from the bay, and nearly cause a flood (and Gyro's blueprints getting soaked). Poor Fenton was so adorably shamefaced about his mistake, and you could tell by his tone and body language- and Gyro's angry reaction- it wasn't his first screw-up. And I was like 'D'awww!' when he responded to Gyro's "Intern, try to think!" with "That's all I ever do all the time." I knew he'd be a favorite of mine, and I looked forward to more of him (including his dynamic with Gyro).
The weird thing? I didn't even know who Lin-Manuel Miranda was until sometime in season 3!! I was familiar with Hamilton when the show first debuted, but I knew nothing about it and hadn't listened to any of the songs. I just had never even heard of him or even knew what he worked on (including that he voiced Fenton, and was one of the most prominent pop-culture icons of the decade). I didn't find out about any of that until I kept seeing his name in YouTube comments on DuckTales videos I'd watch (often clips of Team Science and review/reaction vids), and I finally decided to look him up for myself.
When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
I was sold on him from his very first scene (see above answer), and especially by the end of that episode when he rose to the challenge of saving the day using Gyro's prototype armor (which would eventually become the Gizmoduck armor), proved his competence to himself (because he previously told LP he just wants to help people and make the world better, and he has so many amazing ideas to do so, but he felt like it was all for nothing because they're never taken seriously by Gyro or probably anyone else, and I loved how him saving the day with this complex suit of armor outfitted with all these cool gizmos was his big moment to shine), and earned some grudging respect by Gyro for how he both saved the day and managed to use the armor so well for the very first time.
Future headcanon
I like to think that ever since Gyro promoted him at the end of 'Astro B.O.Y.D.', Fenton wasn't nearly as clumsy and eager to prove himself. Their dynamic had finally changed; Gyro strongly implied to Fenton that he'd been wrong to treat him similar to the way Akita treated him during his own internships days- and outright admitted he was so very much like Fenton back then too- and that he was going to start treating him with the respect and support he deserved. I like to think that Fenton knew he no longer needed to try so hard to earn Gyro's respect, which I think was what caused a lot of his clumsiness before in his desperation to prove himself. Not only did he see Gyro with different eyes and understood why he was the way he always was, but this was the confidence boost- the validation- he needed from Gyro himself.
The funniest scene they had?
OMG, SO MANY. But I think I'm going to have to go with when he said "That's all I ever do all the time" when Gyro snapped at him to "try to think" in his first scene of the series. From the implications of how desperate he was to prove himself and how hard he tried, to the brilliance of the delivery of that line!
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bellysoupset · 7 months
SOUP‼️‼️ RAHHH THIS FIC THO😭😭😭 i cannot explain to you how excited i was about this one AND GOSH IT WAS SO FREAKING AMAZING AS ALWAYSSSS 😩 you’re so freaking talented bro the POWER your writing and your OCs have over me is INSANE i think i’m hyperfixated on them bc i’ve been rereading so many of your old fics but i’ve also been daydreaming about your OCs like everyday when i walk to class djcvnfdvndfjvnsfjv sorry if thats weird gosh i just love them so much ahhhh <3333
wen’s parents are so awful ugh but also in such a particular way?? like the way they were just so emotionally distant and then managed to bombard poor vin w so many awkward questions while remaining kinda respectful? but they were also so passive aggressive the whole time?? like i started side eyeing them from the start when they were introducing themselves😤 but also this passive aggressiveness + the distant (too) formal vibes they gave off is so fitting given the backstory you gave for wendy a while ago!!! like it made so much sense!! OH and omg the AUDACITY to ask vince about immigration and then saying “legally?” like MA’AM???????? and AGH the way he kept trying to ignore how bad he was feeling and the way he kept trying to impress them and omfg how upset he was when he was in the bathroom like the TEARS goshhhh i can’t 😭 he was so miserable and omg THE TOWEL and then wen being so careful and respectful and SWEET like baby girl is so freaking PRECIOUS i love her sm 😭😭😭😭
and then vince bringing up the ED and wen just telling him everything 😩🫶🏽 even the attempt omfg SOB i wanna hug little wen and tell her she’s so loved and nothing’s wrong w her bc baby was HURTING 🥺 PLS AND THEN THE “you’re a football player, Vince, i was expecting to get hate crimed” SHE WAS SO REAL FOR THAT KANCJSJSJDJWJWB 💀 and AYEEE the end was ADORABLEEEEE
ALSO going back to the parents, i was SO curious as to how you were gonna approach her relationship with them!! like i didn’t know if you were gonna make her be super “submissive” i guess or more outspoken and i honestly LOVED the way you wrote her in this context‼️ like clearly quieter and less outspoken/goofy/bubbly than she normally is, but still very much herself. like it didn’t seem like she was letting the comments get to her too much? and the way she called her mom out whenever she asked that insane question!!!!! and not caring about her parent’s reactions/thoughts after what happened and literally just worried/concerned about vin!!! just focusing on calling the car and getting the fuck outta there!!!!! like YAS that’s my girl and ESPECIALLY given all her backstory i’m SO PROUD OF HER and her growth and how much healing she’s done to get to where she is now😭🫶🏽
THANKS FOR MAKING ME FEEL SO MANY FEELINGS WITH YOUR WRITING❤️‍🩹 you’re insanely talented and i will never stop saying it‼️🫶🏽
Otter, I can never answer to your comments except for just staring at them in awe. Please never change, these gotta be half the reason I write nowadays.
I know Wendy is your girl and I was sooo nervous about the backstory fic, so I'm happy all the emotional beats came through!
I like to imagine Wendy's parents don't see themselves as bad people and, worst of all, they really wouldn't come across as bad people on paper! Which made Wendy sound very "complaining just to complain" during her teen years, because what do you mean your parents suck?
I really enjoyed working through their mundane shade of being sucky people. And man, pooor Vince!! He's such a stronghold, I broke my own heart making him cry.
And LOL at the "hate crimed" comment, I had that line written since I decided I was gonna pair up Wendy/Vin. I think I wrote and rewrote a fic multiple times where she worried about him being a transphobe or not, but eventually I scrapped it all. Glad I could save the line! I imagine it took some prodding from Jonah, vouching for Vince, to actually get them together. Not that Jon will ever own up to it.
!! Finally, eternally happy to have you commenting on these fics, you caught up on all of Wendy's little tells, on how she's outgrown her parents and she's like "over them". I feel so blessed to have people so invested in these characters 😭
Have THE best day Otter!
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aonoexpat · 10 months
20-08-2023 (2/2)
----- Continuation of part 1 -----
The sunrise the next morning was a beautiful sight, but Elrond had never been as frozen as he was that night! I was glad the doors weren't frozen shut and I could still get out to take some nice pictures:
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I'd been keeping a close eye on the status of the roads around these parts, and was overjoyed that the road to Aoraki, which had previously been closed due to heavy snow, had been reopened. At 3724 meters, Aoraki is the tallest mountain in Aotearoa, and a wildly impressive sight to see:
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We drove up as close as we could get along the Hooker Valley Road, and then geared up for a hike up to Hooker Lake. Sunscreen and sunglasses were essentials, for the entire trail was covered in a thick layer of snow. The bushes all around the track looked like soft little snowy hills, and I'm proud to announce I only slipped and fell down a set of steps once. My travel buddy joked that she wished she had recorded all the noises I made every time my feet slipped and I almost fell, which happened countless times during the ~4 hours it took us to get there and back. Especially the three ice-covered swing bridges across the Hooker river were dizzyingly treacherous terrain. Though we both felt sore from walking in the snow, the end goal was 1000% worth it! I bet this track is a lot of fun during summer as well, but this felt like the epitome of "walking in a winter wonderland" ❄️🎶
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We had a lot of fun throwing snow balls and pushing our faces into the soft snow when we needed to cool down from the walking. By the time we got back to the parking lot we were both exhausted, but very pleased with the day we'd had ❤️
During the drive back we called ahead to a holiday park in Twizel to make sure they'd have space for two cars, because we were both craving a hot shower and a proper meal. The camp kitchen wasn't worth much, but we managed to cook up a feast for ourselves and cozied up to the fireplace with a movie for what would be our last night together, at least for now. In the morning we both went our separate ways, because our plans and wishes had started to diverge. I really enjoyed caravan-ing up with somebody else, it's nice to know you have somebody to talk to before you go to bed, somebody to have a cup of tea with in the morning, and somebody to share the beautiful sights with. Who knows, we might catch up again at a later date! We did briefly run into each other shortly after parting ways at the Omarama clay cliffs, which are a really cool sight (again, a short drive brings you to a dramatically different landscape):
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For now I'm back on my own, and while I was planning to head to Oamaru and view the blue penguins, that's going to have to wait for a bit. I decided to take a leap and try my luck at finding a temporary job in the Tāhuna area. It's a bustling region right now due to the ski season, there are loads of tourists here (who drive so slowly omg who have I become that this bothers me) so I'm hopeful I might find a place to work. I'd like to earn back some of the money I've been spending on fuel, and the thought of being in a more populated area for a while, having fun with colleagues, playing music... sounds quite nice to me right now. Who knows though, I might not find anything and decide to just move on after a couple of days after all. Time will tell. In the meantime I'm trying to get some rest, it's been a rather intense week with a lot of driving and I'm content to just sit still for a moment and collect my thoughts. I've been feeling a bit better, getting my sense of adventure back, but I'm not quite as chipper as I'd like to be yet. I do believe I'll get there again though :) I spent some time today looking at photos from my trip to Australia eight years ago, and they reminded me that everything is temporary, and I'll likely look back on all of this with a huge smile in eight years' time too. Negative thoughts can seem overwhelming, and they may make me feel like I'm not making the most of my time here, but even just writing these posts today has made me realise I've been having a lot of fun lately, and I will likely continue to do so 😁
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saxifactumterritum · 2 years
I can't sleep so I thought I'd say about the au I discovered in my brain:
Hst is captain of blue rain, he has to go to the emergency room for whatever reason; the nurse walks in, and it ywz who dropped out of the blue rain training camp. Hst is like YWZ!!!
Other things:
Ywz is unimpressed and hst has to chase him out into the hall. Zx is like 'captain?' as hst goes rushing off half dressed after ywz. Ywz has to escort him back and gets zx into the room and is like 'make sure he doesn't leave'. Hst all through is trying to apologise for the name calling in the training camp.
Ywz explains that he decided to leave the training camp for other reasons completely unrelated to hst. But he is glad of the apology. Apologies. So many apologies.
When the Dr comes they are surprised to find Ywz there and hst works out ywz is way too important to just be getting details from a random patient. 'he runs the emergency room doesn't he? He's so competent and efficient'. Ywz does not, but he's well on his way.
Ywz and zx get coffee and renew their friendship.
Hst is very extra happy that he knows where ywz works and can send a thank-you gift. He sends flowrs, ywz sends a note back explaining he's alergic to those ones, and thus starts the short notes epistolary. Hst sends a gift, 'dear nurse Yu, this time I'm sure I've found something perfect for you' /'dear captain Huang, this is hilarious, but no'.
Hst tries to send ywz the cup when blue rain win the championship. Zx has to come collect it. Ywz asks if hst is in trouble and zx is like 'he just won the cup. He walks of water, according to our managers'. Ywz asks if zx has time for coffee and zx just like 'we won a championship. I can p much do what I want for a few days'.
Ywz's colleague in pediatrics is complaining cus one of her teenagers is obsessed with yx/oal, but ee won't let them request a visit, so ywz asks hst. Hst is like 'no, I won't ask yx. Anyone else, but I won't ask espec if he's already said no'. So they ask smc instead, and hst and smc visit and play games with the teenagers.
Smc doesn't mind hospitals, she says yx dealt with much more of it than she did, when smq died. Also ppl have different experiences so.
Smc brings dancing rain badges, hst akss her for one and pins it to his jacket, and then he sees ywz and has pockets full of rip off dancing rain badges to gift to ywz and smc is like 'omg worst fan' and tries to confiscate his official badge.
Hst and zx are the cap/vice cap team who low key both wish they weren't. Hst enjoys playing games with teenagers just for sheer fun, so he and zx keep doing that.
Ywz recognised hst name that first time and was curious, he didn't expect to get wooed via many gifts and short notes, he doesn't know what to do with himself.
Someone asks hst about his influences one time and hst says wc and the usual but also says 'as they all know' blue rain ethos comes from someone in the training camp. And ywz hears it and goes to find old interviews and sure enough hst always says some variation of that, cus ywz quit after he beat wc.
Oh! When hst was staying overnight for whatever thing, he kept telling all colleagues abt ywz genius gamer and they all have videos and clips and ywz is like "pleas stop. It's not a secret but please stop it" so hst does. One of ywz colleagues reports to ywz that now hst is going around telling everyone how clever and kind and awesome and impressive and competent ywz was when he was a teenager. She's like 'is this better?' and ywz is like 'no. No it is not' and goes to tell hst off again.
There was more things I've been lying here trying to sleep for AGES but I can't remember them right now. I know nothing abt emergency rooms of nursing. Oh,
One time hst is there bringing ywz a gift ('you keep sending my thank you gifts back with such polite little notes. if I bring it in person it will be harder for you to return it') and a big emergency happens and hst is like 'can I... Help? Or get out the way', and ywz looks around and points him over to the kids waiting for news and hst spends the evening distracting them.
Afterwards they are outside and ywz is smoking (for the aesthetic. He can smoke once in a while when he is stressed) and hst is like 'I can't know can I? The outcome. Confidentiality and all' and ywz is like 'correct' and hst is like 'I had a whole thing planned. About it not mattering, being in your hands, it was a good speech. But it does matter, right?' and ywz is like 'yeah' and they just stand there until hst taxi arrives. Then ywz is like 'captain Huang? This isn't my favourite either' and remembers to return the gift and hst like 'damn you so focussed' and is really impressed.
Anyway ywz is very competent and great nurse and they fall in love slowly and there's some pining and zx takes ywz to dinner to make sure that ywz is okay forgiving hst for the names and it's all very wholesome. And ywz wears crocs. That is key. Hst can buy those little crocs decorations you can get.
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Omg??? The fic was beautiful??? I will never get enough of the solreef family especially after that I am screaming. Also how did you manage to write something so amazing in so little time that was another level of impressive. /gen
I've never before in my life thought about the solreef family as much as I have the last week and let me tell you: I am no longer the same person. I am immensely pleased that you enjoyed, I love talking about my writing and sharing every single thought I've ever had
I am also screaming!! So much!! I had so much excited and also nervous energy going into this that it's still lingering. I mean. I'd never written a proposal scene before and have no experience with proposals. And also Arin didn't mention anything about them in cer little requests thing so I wasn't sure how it would be received.
Was toying around with a few different ideas as to what, exactly was happening with the two of them because there were a few blank spots in my plans. First, they were going to go to Tiergan's office and knock over a bookshelf to make the noise. Then I went??? an office?? why would they go there. So then I created their family library. And then I went well there's no way these shelves aren't either built into the walls or very secure, so they can't knock over a shelf. So then I decided all the books were gonna fall off, but then I needed a reason for that. Why would one of them knock all the books off? And so I was gonna tie that to the kiss I promised Arin I'd include, and then I went..hmmm..what if...they got engaged...and now they are :)
honestly I'm mostly surprised that so many people are reading it so soon after posting, i assumed people would see the word count and go "wow that's too much I'll read that later," because a reasonable response to so many words. but turns out y'all love tiertice and the solreef family enough that 19k words was instead very enticing :)
Also idk how I wrote so much it was an accident. Probably helps that I'm on break and we just ended nano last month so I was already primed for high word count days. And also the pressure of a deadline is helpful! Created the doc december 11 and finished the 29th, with almost half of the fic in the past week or so specifically. i am speed!
thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts!! i love seeing what people think of my writing <33
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tiny-tigers · 10 months
Sorry just caught up! I did wonder too why Fred didn't seem to go to him on the pitch during break in play? Maybe seeing your best mate injured would mess with your head too much? 🥺💕
I remember when Jack Willis had that AWFUL injury against Italy the other year where his leg literally *snapped* and you could hear his on-field scream on comms - Ellis was right next to him when it happened and he literally had to walk away, said he was nearly sick just from hearing it 😷
When you say RWC documentary - are Netflix filming that too?! *I did not know this* - but just remember if worst case scenario does happen, Jack will still be in the six nations Netflix show! 🙏🏻😭💕
Interesting about the Sardinia hol! I just assumed Fred had paid as he'd just come back from the Australia tour 😂💰💰💰
Also weird observation - and correct me if I'm wrong - but I feel like Jack is one of those players who will be meticulous in his recovery now?? Some players get despondent and angry with it, but I just feel like he'll be proactive?? He was around Cam so is aware firsthand of what it entails - Ollie 'is a sap' apparently 😅 whereas Jack is smiley and chirpy so will likely stay positive through it?? 🙏🏻💕[also if you're looking for a silver lining of sorts, just think that this is happening *now* and not AT the actual tournament - he's got a solid 4 weeks of pure recovery before a single wc game is played 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻]
P.S Fred can still get a delayed post-game citation 👀 (just like the Argentinian player got in the South Africa game the other week) 🚩
No it is me who completely has a brain freeze I thought RWC was included in documentary. .
Yeah sorry I wrote a lot yesterday couldn't sleep at all. It doesn't help with my own recovery but it is alright today I am just worried and that apprehension in the stomach
Yes I see what you mean but on the other side it is when he needed Fred the most... it is not like Fred was particularly brilliant during that match anyways (sorry not intended to be rude saying that 😭😭😭 they were all rubbish except George Ford ) but omg I feel so much for Jack as he looked fierce and tempting stuffs before his kick in touch and boom all went wrong so wrong
But he had Ollie !!! So you are right and Fred is emotional too so it was obviously messing with his head but it was let say.... surprising ??? I mean George Martin went... 😭💔 and Marchant obviously... and Lenny.. and steve...
I was sooooo clueless about the money from dadda of Fred I am still sitting on my ass at these news
I think he had already a lot of injuries way worse , finger was impressive but manageable he had something on one thigh during U20 and always been fragile from that area with bandages and stuffs. He did break his leg and arm while at academy and/or Oakham which was worse...
I do not want documentary on Jack recovery (well I do but it looks so sad and painful) will he decide to do like Ollie and follow the training squad or go back home... Will England will allow him to stay in squad or stop his chances even with recovery possible? Will a comeback be possible ? It is so silly injury I find him so clumsy on that one omg.... it is how adorkable he is and redemption arc of dirty Jacky I guess but omg can he stops making me sick worried. It is absolute nightmare that all his fam and close friends were at that precise match...
Omg I just cannot believe he had time to look at stories.
Did alex Mitchell and DC teamed up as evil forces to wish him a good karma or? It will sound very egotistic but I really want him to play during the game I have bought for the RWC 😭 I mean I have followed all his journey and called from all my vows for those good things to happen to him, to be called in squad and recognized. Maybe too soon I am not telling the opposite but still he is an hardworker and deserving little chap ♡
I am afraid he can lose his temper very quickly, I have had the demonstration of it.
"Chirpy" is the exact word to describe him tho ♡
Oh damn if we start playing argentina WITHOUT Fred _ Owen and Jack.... 🙃 oh la la la*
in french in the text*
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stupid sexy fantasies
I have the same fantasies over and over. It's like my brain refuses to think of anything normal or interesting. These things show up in my writing a lot, to the point where I worry that readers will notice how repetitive I really am.
So here's a brief look into my strange inner self, as I imagine telling all this to a kindly therapist in the image of Peter Lorre because I cannot afford one in real life.
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*taking notes* Patient is clearly a deviant and a lost cause.
The following was difficult to write down because of shyness but I'm making an effort to be bolder this year:
I'm sure I mentioned this before but I have a huge fetish for bellies. So much. I don't even know why, but I've had this fascination since I was not quite three years old. At least that's when I first remember it. As time went on it went hand-in-hand with a fat/weight gain fetish. I always made up little stories to myself about hungry characters with grumbly tummies who eventually had the opportunity to eat as much as they wanted, and then they rested with a good full belly that happily gurgled away while they slept. Invariably they would eat more and get fatter because in my head, plump bellies = the sexiest thing on planet earth. I STILL find every opportunity to work these things into my fiction and I'm sure it gets old for literally everyone except me.
And I can't forget belly rubs. Bellies are a vulnerable part of us, and something about being allowed to rest on top of someone to soothe and kiss their bloated belly and listen to their food digest is deeply exciting for me. I love getting the same kind of attention, too. I want to be told how fat I am, or praised for the impressive amount of food I managed to put away (in a nice way. Like an appreciative, admiring kind of way). Also if we're cuddling/making out and things are starting to get hot, and our stomachs press together... 😍😍 It just feels amazing and it's so comforting. It represents trust. (btw if there's some long German or perhaps Yiddish vocabulary word for this precise feeling of comfort/safety/sexual lust/belly and/or food obsession in general, I'd really like to learn what it is).
If I'm in another kind of mood, I also like vore; the impossible fantasy of a person swallowing another person whole. Obviously this cannot be done by humans, but in fiction all manner of weird things are possible. The same belly stuff applies here--the predator ends up with a HUGE belly which is always exciting--but there's also that element of control in play. The predator exerts control over their helpless prey by literally consuming them. I like it when prey gets digested, because I just can't be normal about anything. I'm either a soft cuddle bug or a devouring predator and there isn't much in between. I don't know what that says about me.
ANYway, after all that, it's inevitable that I would start to combine various obsessions, so all these fantasies typically involve Peter Lorre in some way. Now that I think about it, my fetishes may have initially played into my love for Peter. See, my obsession with Peter began when I first saw "Arsenic and Old Lace." And there's a line, right after Jonathan and Dr. Einstein first show up at the Brewster home:
Jonathan: I hope there's a fatted calf awaiting the return of the prodigal.
Einstein: A fatted calf? Oh, Johnny, I'm so hungry...
I remember the exact moment when I first saw that and a few things went through my teenage brain at once: "omg, the little doctor is so pitiful and cute. OMG, he just said he was hungry?? !!!! Must feed him. C'mon, somebody feed him, he's starving. Oh I hope he gets to eat soon." I spent the rest of the scene in a state of confused excitement while hoping nobody else noticed the emotional whirlwind I was in. Ever since then, Peter was my favorite actor forever, the end.
I'm sure I would have loved him anyway even if I didn't have the aforementioned fetishes, but now I'm stuck imagining him as the subject of various tummy fantasies, too. I mean, by all accounts he loved food and sort of naturally tended to be plump. What if he enjoyed this kind of thing too? Would he like it if someone, say me in another life, admitted all this to him and gave him loving belly rubs as a form of foreplay? I dunno... but I hope he would like it.
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mountttmase · 5 months
We're already halfway, omg I'm emotional🥺
Your tummy had been churning since you woke up. Partly from the nerves of today but also from thinking about what you and Mason had gotten up to last night. The way he'd handled you with such roughness but praised you at the same time had made you head spin and you could feel your knees buckle as you thought about his wet body pressed tightly to yours. WELL GOOD MORNINGGGG
‘Okay well Mason overslept so him and the boys are gonna follow on once he’s ready. I thought we could go for a little early girly breakfast with the others’ WHO KNOWS WHY HE OVERSLEPT 🤭
‘Don’t you start’ Mason groaned, trying to fit himself onto the sofa next to you before picking up your glass of orange juice so he could take a big gulp. OMG HE DRUNK FROM HER GLASS🤭
‘I was exhausted when I got to bed last night and I must have forgotten to set an alarm for today’ he explained, reaching for the half eaten croissant on your plate and taking a bite out of the end. HE ATE HER FOOD, MASON YOU DONT HAVE TO TOUCH OTHERS FOOD😂
‘S’alright. Never as good as yours though’ CUTIEEEE
‘Where do I pay’ you suddenly heard behind you, Carly rummaging through her bag to try and find her purse but you managed to stop her before she emptied her whole bag out. I LOVE CARLY HAHAHAHAHAH
‘I’m sorry, what the hell are you wearing?’ Mason asked quietly after everyone had moved to the front of the boat and it was finally just the two of you. His face was unreadable and you weren’t exactly sure what to say. I KNOW HE IS IN AWE BUT THIS SOUNDED MEAN MASE
‘You don’t make this easy for me Muffin, you know that right? How am I meant to act like I don’t wanna fuck your brains out every time I look at you when you’re gonna be walking around like this all day’ he told you with a smile and you realised it wasn’t the fact he didnt like what you were wearing, he actually liked it a little too much. ‘I mean what even is this?’ He laughed, fingers gripping the material that hung on your hips. YEAH YOURE FORGIVEN😂
‘Let’s just try and keep it in our pants, yeah?’ SURE
‘I’ll try’ he huffed, pulling back to look at you and the blush across his cheeks made your heart thump. ‘Will you help me with my sun cream?’ NAUGHTYYYY
‘Yeah I’m coming. Y/n promised to get some shots of us’ Mason explained, helping you up so you could join them on the side but he found you somewhere safe to sit so you wouldn’t fall in if the boat swayed about too much. I LOVE HOW CARING HE ISSSSS
‘Oh that? It’s nothing I just uh- I dropped my shower gel last night and it hit me in the chest’ he lied but you could tell none of the other boys believed him. AHHAHAHAHAHAH I LOVE HIM AND THE FACT THAT SHE SIDED HIM
He was trying to impress you, each jump higher and more dangerous than the last and each time he hit the water you felt your heart thump in fear but his little smile as he surfaced always made you feel better. HE IS JUST A BABY AHHAHAHA
You watched him carefully, his towel thrown over his head like a tent as he smiled down at you cheekily but you were slightly distracted watching the stray drops of water travel down his perfect body until they got lost in the waistband of his shorts. You knew he was looking at your mesmerised face and before you knew it everyone began to laugh as he came and laid directly on top of you. HE IS JUST A BABY PT.18161718 BUT HE IS ON TOP OF HER...WITH EVERYONE AROUNDDD
‘Hey I’m not that heavy’ he moaned, slyly kissing your neck out of the view of everyone else before placing his lips by your ear. ‘Do you ever get sea sick?’ MASON WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?
‘Do you think you could pretend?’ He asked, sliding off you a little so he could rest on his arm and look down at you. HE DIDN'TTTTT AHHAHAHA
‘I think it's just a little bit of sea sickness, I’m sure it’ll pass’ you smiled but Mason's head was popping up instantly. Ready to get in on the action and make out like you were worse than you were so he grabbed a water bottle and came and sat next to you again. SHE IS A PROPER ACTRESS
‘You look pale as anything’ he told you, placing a hand on your forehead and making a concerned face. ‘Maybe I should take you inside for a bit, grab you some water and we can stay out of the sun until you start feeling better’ SURE
‘You two gonna be alright? Dec asked, an unreadable tone to his voice but Mason was quick to jump in and reassure him. HE KNOWSSS
‘Come on Kate Winslet, i’ll sort your Oscar out later’ he teased but as soon as you made it downstairs you realised there would be an issue. SILLY
‘This is our only option, come on it’s fine’ he laughed, opening the door and ushering you in. The bathroom was pretty nice and you watched him sit the lid of the toilet down before taking a seat and tapping his thighs. ‘I know it’s not the height of luxury but I’m desperate’ HE IS REALLY DESPERATE OMG
‘Come on muffin, you know what to do’ he teased, the cheeky smirk on his face driving you wild but you just stood looking at him with your lip trapped between your teeth. HIM USING THE NICKNAME MUFFIN EVEN IN THIS SITUATION? AND HE WANTS TO CONVINCE ME THAT HE ISN'T IN LOVE
‘Can I have a taste first please Masey?’ You asked sweetly, taking him in your hand as you looked up at him through your lashes and a sense of pride filled you at the way he was looking at you. His mouth slightly agape as if he wasn’t sure you were being serious but as you began to press kisses to his thighs he nodded his head. Looking on in awe as you licked a long stripe up his length before taking him into your mouth. I GASPED
That were his good girl and he couldn’t wait to have you so you figured you’d put him out of his misery and came off of him with a pop. HIS GOOD GIRLLLL
‘Where are you two?’ Dec called, his voice far away but closer than you wanted it to be and the pair of you looked at each other in shock. Almost frozen in fear as if you didn’t know what to do but thankfully Mason took over to try and bail the two of you out. OMG NOT NOW
He was cut off by the feeling of you rolling your hips on top of him. Not caring the Dec was outside the door and this could possibly end very badly but you wanted to teach him a lesson for dragging you down here so he could get his own away. OMG SHE DID NOT
‘I’m fine, just not good with sick. We’ll be back up soon just keep out the way for now’ Mason pleaded. Hoping that would be enough for him to go and before long you both heard him walk back up the steps and shut the door causing you to look at each other again with stupid smiles as you let out a moan in unison. OMG HAHAHAHAHAH I LOVE THE
Thankfully for you, Mason wasn’t far behind you. Your high inducing his own and once you’d calmed down he pulled you into a hug and you both sat there for a few minutes in each other’s embrace as you got your breath back. His fingers trailing across your skin lightly before he nuzzled into your neck so you could hold each other tighter. Both content in the other’s embrace and not caring if it was allowed or not. RULE BREAKKK🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
‘Remember you're sick when you’re up there. Don't blow our cover’ 🤭🤭🤭
You couldn’t deny you loved it though, feeling like he was claiming you in front of everyone. Like you belonged to someone and when your eyes met his repeatedly throughout the night you felt the excitement rush through you knowing what you’d done earlier and what you could still do when you got back. THEY ARE ALREADY A MARRIED COUPLE
‘I mean there’s definitely something sweet I’ve been thinking about eating all day but I think I’ll have to wait till we’re back at the villa to enjoy it’ MOUNT, THAT'S TEASING IN PUBLICCCCC
‘What? There’s a slice of cheesecake in the fridge I got when we went shopping. I’ve been saving it’ he told you before dragging your chair a little closer to his. ‘I’m sorry, Muffin. You wanna split one?’ SILLY BOY
‘Oh don’t be like that’ he laughed, hand creeping over your thigh as he moved his head next to yours. Dropping a kiss on your cheek as no one could see you both now but it only made you blush even harder. ‘Come on, you pick what you want and I’ll just eat whatever you leave’ ALL THOSE CHEEK KISSES????
‘Looking at the puds. Its dark in here I couldn’t see’ Mason defended before his eyes shot back to the menu. Trying to make it look like he was carrying on what he was doing before but you knew he was acting and it took all of your power not to laugh at him. I LOVE HOW HE ALWAYS HAS A SILLY EXCUSE READY
‘Is there something you two wanna tell us?’ Dec laughed, waving his fork in between you and you felt your face flush as everyone turned to look at you both. HE KNOWSSSSS THAT'S WHAT HIM AN D Y/N WERE TALKING ABOUT IN THE TEASER
‘We’re the only two single people here, yeah? What do you want us to do? Third wheel you guys all the time? We’re just talking Dec, can you not? You making y/n uncomfortable now stop it’ Mason told him, trying to defend the pair of you as you had been acting innocently for the most part over dinner and now you felt like you weren’t allowed to even look at Mason without someone saying something. OH BUT I LOVE THIS MAN
‘Please just ignore him, he thinks he’s funny and he’s not’ Mason told you quietly and even though you tried to send him a reassuring smile, you didn’t feel like you could talk to him how you were before. Choosing to walk home with Carly and Ben so no one thought anything else was going on but you knew Mason had pulled Dec aside to have a go at him as soon as you got back. OMG THAT MADE ME SAD🥺 BABIES
‘No it’s not. Mase told me you’re finding it difficult being here with all the couple’s and you’d made a pact to stick together so I’m sorry for making you feel weird about it’ he explained, taking a seat at the island and you could sense he wanted to talk further about it so you took up the seat opposite him. ‘Truth is, I’d love for him to be with someone like you. He’s been single for a while but he picks all the wrong people, it’s exhausting’ he laughed, eyes lighting up in humour as you laughed along with him. ‘I just think you could be what he needs, but I’m sorry for pushing it, I bet I sound insane’ I HATE DECLAN, BUT THIS DECLAN IS OK😂😂😂
The biggest smile on his face now that you were back with him as you popped his fresh bottle on the table in front of him. Your heart giving a thump as he wrapped his arm around the back of you and pressed a barely there kiss to your temple. ANOTHER KISS🥺🥺🥺 I LOVE THEMMMM
Mason kept his arm around the back of you the whole time and eventually you forgot Dec’s words from earlier. But for Mason it had only made him want to tease you even more it seemed, dropping his arm from the chair so it was draped around your back as he secretly stroked his fingers up and down your waist. HE IS A BIG TEASE, I LOVE IT
‘You look really nice l tonight, by the way’ he whispered. Your face heating up immediately as you weren’t used to compliments like this from him. He’d never said anything of the sort the whole time you’d known him and you did all you could think of and tried to deflect and be silly with him. OMG FIRST TIME HE COMPLIMENTS HER 🤭🤭🤭🤭
‘It’s this new one, I tried it at the beginning of the week actually’ he told you with a cheeky smirk and you wondered what game he was playing. ‘I’ve been looking at it and wanting to try it for a while but I finally got a taste the other day and now I just want it all the time’ OMG OMG OMG
‘Mhmmm’ he drawled, squeezing your hip teasingly and you knew exactly what he was talking about ‘I think i might have a serious problem’ YOU HAVE A SERIOUS PROBLEM MASE
‘No way, it’s my cheesecake this week’ he teased and even though the pair of you were laughing together you felt weird at him specifying it was this week only. OH I LOVE THAT SHE IS SAD EVERY TIME HE SAYS ITS JUST FOR THE WEEK
‘Not even a little bit’ you replied, winking as you took another sip of you drink. ‘Me and the girls have got plans to play a few drinking games’ I LOVE THAT TEASE AHHAHAHA
‘Sweet dreams, Mase. See you in the morning?’ you smiled, kissing his cheek but not waiting for his reply as you made your way back over to where the girls were sat. There were no plans for any drinking games but he didn’t need to know that. You were just waiting to see how long it would be before before he text you to join him or if that didn’t happen then you’d surprise him but the more worked up he was getting the better. SHE IS TEASINGGGGG
‘I want you to strip for me’ he told you seriously, ignoring the little laugh that came from you at his suggestion but it only to a moment to realise he was being serious. OMG
‘Nuh uh. Keep the shoes on’ OHHHHHH
‘Patience is a virtue, Mason’ you teased, sticking your thumbs under the waistband of your underwear so you could tug them down, your hips swaying from side to side a little as you pulled them lower before you bent over for him so you could drop them to the floor and step out of them. I LOVE HOW SHE FEELS SAFE AND SECURE AROUND HIM
‘Get yourself started and I’ll help you in a minute okay?’ He told you lowly. ‘I wanna watch you first’ OH MY GOD OK🥵🥵🥵
‘I swear to god Mason if you don’t-‘ HAHAHAHAHA OPS
‘I think you need teaching a lesson young lady’ he laughed, licking his fingers before kissing your thigh again. 'A few times yes. Then you’ll know how I felt having to come here in my own and wait for you’ MOUNTTTTT
Even if it was just for a week. THSI HURST EVERY TIME
Honestly every time we’re reminded it’s this week I wanna cry like what so you mean you’re not getting married?
They are cheeky cheeky babies and they’re getting so confident with each other and growing I’m just 🫠
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witchboyjimin · 1 year
Tumblr please behave and send this ask and the following nicely please please thank you 🙏🏻
Great, now that the Tumblr Gods have hopefully been appeased, let me get onto this message by wildly applauding you for writing 6k words!! Super super good given how much of a headache writing has been for you recently 🏆
Also [my most frequently used word in my messages to you I get the impression lmao] excuse me Nav but the answer to my question? The snippet of text you posted? The sheer richness in images of that text? I love love love it, i love it when language conjures up a scenery in your head and dang you did that artfully there 😍 I wonder- do you tinker around on those parts of writing and reshape what you've writing or is it a free-flowing process for you where you don't revise much?
And if you could have dinner with a person or two, who would you pick and what would you cook/order? Unless this is too personal a question of course <<
AND OMG NAV you- your last message about ILHDYS was so kind and your offer of sharing the progress too omg. First and foremost, I'm honoured shhshrhskaldjdj 😭 and i do love ILHDYS a lot. It combines many factors that, in a fic, are spot on for me and that i love to read. I did mention this in an earlier ask I think but i so ardently love reading drama as well as hurt/comfort in a fic and the way you placed that in ILHDYS is simply so satisfying for me to read. Even its conflict based on miscommunication isn't sth that makes my eyes roll into the back of my head here like it often does when it's used as a tool to create negative friction. It creates just the right amount of argument that it works in this setting. And it did become one of my go to comfort fics over time that i keep returning to regularly. I get what you describe, that feeling of looking at one's old fics and seeing ways to possibly recreate parts of it. And i am curious what you'd change if you could (if this is at all sth you'd indulge in talking about of course). But looking at my old fic, for me, also means i can see the progress I've made even though I'm not actively writing these days.
I'm hoping you're doing okay! I'm sending kisses back :)
- cabin anon ✨
im crying YOUR PRAYER WORKED!!! and thank you so much hehe!! im pretty happy i managed to hit 6k, too. especially given how hard it is to a) write and b) find time to write TTT
thank you my darling!! i think that's a line that just came to me and i wrote it out and liked it just as is. sometimes, you do have to go back and tinker with a line because you know it could pack more of a punch/could be more succinct but other times, the line just comes to you and you're happy with it as is. this was def one of those times!! thank you so much for your kind words crying emoji x 1000000
i would love to have dinner with you kekekeke hmm, you'll have to tell me if you have any allergies and then we can order in whatever your fav food is! i'm a medicore cook so i wouldn't put you through the ordeal of my cooking hjdsbsj
i absolutely agree! i think you can definitely see the progress you've made and it's nice to see your writing improve. i think with ilhdys, it could be a tighter fic, like some of the scenes are over-indulgent and run too long but then i think, the readers really love the fluff lololol i think the other thing i'd change is i'd want the stakes to be higher or at the very least, i'd want to jeongguk and jimin to maybe be a little nastier to each other cause i think in real life, people are. but at the same time, i understand that ilhdys is a comfort read and the way it's set up, it's meant to be low stakes. i'm so very glad that you love ilhdys so much and that it can be a comfort read to you. honestly, i feel like you've single-handedly given me back a lot of my confidence with writing. when i doubt myself these days i'm like...it's okay cabin anonie ✨ believes in you. i am so so so so so very grateful to you. thank you so much 💛💛💛💛💛💛 and the offer very much still stands! if you ever want to read the fic, let me know! if you want to stay anon, we can figure out some way to keep it that way.
makes a heart over my head pls take care of yourself! and sending you lots of love chu~
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bilbao-song · 1 year
Ok, I think we both agree on a number of eras, but mostly, we agree: Any Jeffrey is Best Jeffrey 😍. And since you did make the offer for me to go on, I shall.
Vaguely unhinged Jeffrey (no disrespect meant towards Jeff with that moniker - just a look of his where there's something mischievous in his eyes and the general je-ne-say-quois of his hair). It's worth a discussion. And by discussion, I 100% mean, let's just take a look at some pictures and scream a little more about how adorable he is while trying to pretend there's a scientific method behind this:
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Is this coy? Is that what that look is? I think it is. He's being playful. Mugging for the camera. It's an 'aw, shucks, are you taking my picture' look. And there's so much floof here; it's getting outta control (this is not a bad thing). I also think he's out for a walk in the country. Which now makes me snicker since that thing you posted yesterday that said "Likes: walks in the country" and "Dislikes: no walks in the country." <- he was screwing with that questionnaire. He had to be. It's extremely funny.
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More out of control floof. Did he just wander out of the woods and into downtown L.A.? Honestly, I think it's great he has fun with photographers sometimes. Also, two things to note here:
1. I'm pretty sure this is the same shirt he's wearing in that picture where he's lying down holding the Playboy magazine.
2. He looks like he's holding an iPhone in his right hand. Maybe 'Time' was more of a personal confession than just a concept album. Proof Jeffrey is a time traveler...."It's either real or it's a dream" - you tell me, Jeffery, you tell me. 😆
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Uncontrollable floof. Smug look. Literally, what is not to love about this??? I will go out on a limb here and assume that's not his first beer in that picture.... .... ... (also, that one little curl that's falling down past his bangs)(I kinda want to pull it. Boing!)
I have no idea what the purpose of all this was other than to just ramble more about Jeffrey. Can you blame me?
Anyhoo, please feel free to drop by with any pics you'd like to yell about, too!
this gives me a lot to ponder lmao
well!!!! i definitely know what you mean about the whole mischievous vibe that he tends to have :^) tbh that’s one of my favorite things about him; he has such an adorable personality and is honestly very funny lmao. beyond that he is exceedingly fluffy in those photos, which is certainly not a problem! i thiiiiink all of those are possibly from the same day? someone once managed to deduce that they were taken in nashville, and since we’re on this subject anyway, this is the design on his shirt:
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anyway the one with the playboy magazine always amuses me hahaha!! i’ve always wondered if he was even awake in that photo lmao
but yes omg that thing he’s holding definitely looks like a phone. i think it’s actually a camera but i would rather just believe he’s a time traveler tbh
and YES those from 1973 are some of my favorites of all time!! he looks simultaneously very mischievous and very innocent, nnnnot to mention those cute little teeth and his nails???? i always feel weird for this lmao but i’m always sort of impressed by his nails. they always look so neat/well-manicured/whatever hahaha. but yeah same re: that one particular curl. sigh.
anyway! tbh any excuse to look at and discuss him is good enough for me
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Hiiii can you give us insider information on Capricorn Venus? 😉
Omg yes honey of course. I'm not sure exactly what kind of information you want, so I'll just tell you how Cap Venus feels from my POV (if you have any more specific questions please send them through!)
Capricorn Venus
- It makes me so insecure about my crushes and romantic feelings. I have such an intense denial phase when I catch feelings. I never tell anyone, the only way you know I like someone is if you've managed to figure it out on your own. People who are EXTREMELY close to me notice sometimes, because I have no idea how to act around my crush hhhh. I usually either go completely quiet or I can't stfu. Personally (idk about other Cap Venus's) but I blush A LOT so even if I'm silent it's super clear on my face. I also talk about them all the time. Not like "Wow they're so amazing <3" more like "Oh yeah and *crush* was there". Just little things? The people I like generally have no idea though. Apparently a lot of times they think I hate them I'M SORRY. That's mostly because I'm either silent (like I said before) or when I do talk, I'm making fun of them in some way. Not like MEAN but like "haha you're such an idiot, let me help you with that" "No PR I've got it" "No you don't you're stupid just let me help". I do that... all the time when I like someone... God someone teach me how to interact with people I like I'm begging </3.
- I know this is a very cliché Capricorn thing to do, but it's true: I try and impress them with my smarts about my hard work all the time. I want to prove to you that I am reliable, sensible and trustworthy. What better way to do this then help you with any classwork? Or let you use my notes? Or always have my laptop charger on-hand in case you need to borrow it? **Btw all of those are real examples. I am actually known for always having my laptop charger because I've had it on me since the first day of high school (I was 12), and the only reason I carry it around everywhere is because there was a guy I liked BACK THEN who I wanted to rely on me for charging his laptop <3**.
- I will work so hard to gain your trust. It is the MOST important thing for me. If I like you, I will be trying to get to know you as much as I can. I literally have notes on my laptop about a guy I used to like. This sounds very creepy, and it is, but it's just because I want to know you. I want you to know that I see you and I accept you for who you are. It's okay, you're safe with me. You know? If nothing else, that's what I strive to do; make you feel safe. Also if I know you, and I know you trust me, it makes it so much easier to me to trust you.
- Getting me to trust and open up to you will be your biggest struggle. I'm sorry! It's just that I'm usually right?? People, generally speaking, will perfectly meet my expectations. It's not that I'm too paranoid, or I drive people away, or I search for issues in our relationship. I'm just extremely observant. I will notice any changes in your behaviour. I will know if you're lying to me. I won't bring them up unless they're big issues, or I can't ignore them. Maybe because I want them to just be anxieties? I'm not sure. This is a message for everyone DON'T DOUBT YOUR INSTINCTS. IF SOMETHING TELLS YOU IT'S WRONG, IT IS WRONG. CALL IT OUT, LEAVE, WHATEVER YOU NEED TO DO. YOU ARE NOT CRAZY. Thank you for listening <3
- When we are in love though? It's gorgeous, really. I would die for you and that's not even a slight exaggeration. You become my home, my safe space. I can't sleep at night because I'm too excited making plans for our future. I'm very future-focused, so I'm sorry if you live in the moment. I cannot do that for the life of me. Spending time with you becomes almost as good as spending time alone. I will bake for you and cook for you all the time. Please let me take care of you. I love you, I'm so thankful you're in my life, please let me repay you. Come to me when you're upset, let me hold you, let me make you food, let me buy you things I think you may enjoy, let me do skincare with you. It's the least I can do, please. This is kind of embarrassing, but seriously, my ~biggest fantasy~ is a loving partner coming home to me after they had a hard day of work where they had to stay late. They look around the house to find me, and see me singing quietly to myself in the kitchen. I'm making their favourite dinner because I knew they would be stressed when they got home today. We sit down to eat and they tell me all about their day, and I watch lovingly as the stress falls off their shoulders. I am not shitting you, that's probably my wildest romantic dream PLEASE LET ME TAKE CARE OF YOU PL E A SE.
I hope this helped you're understanding of Cap Venus lol. If anyone reading this is also a Capricorn Venus, how do you feel? Is this universal or am I crazy? Thanking you for sending this in, and thank you for reading. Love you all <333
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