#They’re all sitting around at a table and Sophie thinks of something she wants to say to Fitz but not the others
melrodrigo · 5 months
friends? - cairo sweet
Cairo Sweet x Reader
Summary: A new class leads to some heated feelings
Warnings: Finally wrote an enemies to lovers, they’re academic rivals ur honor, my writing, cairo being a meanie, quite an excessive use of italics
Word Count: 1k+
A/n: wanted to practice some, tell me what u think? do you want a part two?
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“Cairo Sweet.” You read aloud, scrolling down your class list for the next year. Winnie —your best friend since childhood—laughs quietly at the sound.
“Funny name.” She mumbles when you quirk an eyebrow at her.
There was no reason to think ‘Sweet’ was a weird surname; however, Winnie, at the moment, was high out of her mind, so you let it go.
“Jacob Weinstein, Sophie Bell, Anthony Smith—god I don’t know any of these people!” You whisper, the slightest bit of anxiety creeping in.
Your first day is tomorrow, and you’ve sworn to yourself not to check who is in your specific class, wanting to try to spontaneously make new friends.
The keyword was try, because god you were bad at small talk.
Even in her mellowed state, Winnie could tell the nerves were settling in. She reaches out and draws you towards her, sitting so you’re facing each other, only a finger away from completely pressing into one another.
She swirls the lollipop in her mouth around, angling your head to look her in the eyes.
“It’s gonna be fine. Don’t sweat it, please? It makes me sad to see your pretty face in distress.” She spoke evenly, making you feel like you had steady ground to walk on, helping you come back to earth. You let out a deep breath, one you didn’t know you were holding.
“You’ve got to stop flirting with anyone and anything that moves.” You tell her, lightheartedly. She had helped taken the edge off, for now.
Bless her heart, Winnie’s reassurance lasted about until she left for her own home, leaving you alone with your thoughts in the big lonely house you had to call home.
It takes a book, or maybe two, for your eyelids to flutter shut, comforted by the smell of old paper and the feeling of coarse parchment.
Walking to school is no different. You listen half-heartedly to whatever Winnie decides to babble about this specific morning, your mind elsewhere.
As you near the doors of your next class, Winnie gives you a quick wink.
“Good luck soldier.” She says, smiling an almost teasing smile.
The minute you push open the doors you’re taken by surprise. It was fairly early, and though you expected no one would be there yet, there was a girl sitting smack dab in the middle of the class. Her head rested on her hands, staring blankly at the chalkboard in front of her.
You walk up silently to the desk behind her, far enough so you weren’t in the first few rows, but close enough that you wouldn’t be sitting with all the slackers in the back.
You slip out a book, kick your feet up to rest on the wooden table, and relaxed slightly. She seemed to pay no mind to you, and didn’t seem to want to pay any mind to you.
After a few pages in, you realize you’ve been reading the same sentence over and over again, not quite comprehending the letters that now looked like a random jumble.
There was a sinking feeling starting in your stomach, as if something were twisting and screaming for your attention.
Table or chair, wind or sun—you couldn’t quite figure out what it was that was bothering you.
Your eyes wandered from the page to your surroundings, trying to pinpoint what it was.
You must’ve been making quite some noise, because the girl in front of you turns around, an obvious distaste on her face. The moment you lock eyes you feel it.
Ah, I know what it is now.
It seems almost silly to say, but you could swear, she was the root of your problems.
There was an almost inimical aura about her, the way she acts—the flick of her eyes, the slight clench in her jaw, her rigid robotic posture—was enough for you to cower.
Of course, you had never even talked to the girl, but you could tell all at once, you weren’t going to be good friends.
“Could you stop moving so much? It’s distracting me.” She tells you, in a manner too rude to be a real request.
Her eyes narrow when you don’t answer. You had elected instead to stare at her freckles, ones that littered her face. Not counting your current feelings for her, you couldn’t deny it, she was beautiful.
However, the way she was acting now was more than enough for you to be sure she was not someone friend-worthy, and you ignored her remark.
In a quiet retaliation, you wait till she titled her head back that you scratch the rug beneath you with the heels of your feet.
It creates a faint screeching sound. When the mysterious girl turns back once again, this time with fury in her eyes, you avert your eyes and look around the room, whistling.
You could tell you were pushing her buttons, but oh boy if it wasn’t just the most fun. If it weren’t for the sound of the door opening you’re positive she would’ve gotten up and confronted you.
In walked a short, scruffy, middle-aged white man whom you concluded must have been the teacher.
“I didn’t expect anyone to be in yet. Students aren’t usually thrilled to learn my class.” He said, sounding pleased with himself to have two new focused students.
“I’m quite excited to see how it’s going to go, I’ve never learned with a favorite author of mine.” The girl spoke, this time with no venom in her voice.
The professor let out a strangled sort of squeak, obviously caught off guard.
Great. She’s also a suck-up.
“Well, i’ll be damned. I’ve never met someone that’s read my book— other than my wife. Although I’m not sure if she even read the whole thing.” He said, failing to hide the excitement and disbelief he was surely feeling.
“I thought it was amazing commentary on modern marriages and love through difficult times.” She said, the light from outside lighting her hair up a lighter shade of brown.
Blah, blah, blah. Someone save me.
As if hearing your prayers, another student entered the room, effectively cutting off that godforsaken conversation. More pupils start filling up the class, and even though you can tell the professor wants to keep talking to the brunette, he steps up to the small platform.
“Good morning class, my name is Mr. Miller, and I’ll be teaching you english literature.” He announces, voice full. You can tell he’d practiced this beforehand.
Your plan to make friends, to both your joy and dismay, get crushed almost immediately. There are no group activities or opportunities to even speak to the other people in the class, all attention directed to the front while Mr. Miller scrabbles on the chalkboard.
The brunette’s name, you learn, is Cairo. She manages to be the first person to raise her hand, to challenge Mr.Miller, to question almost every single thing on the board.
And even though that nagging feeling you felt when you first saw her is gone, you let yourself dissociate and simply stare at the girl. If the class was going to be boring, it wouldn’t hurt to have some eye candy, would it?
“Now, who can tell me exactly why Orwell chose to use these sets of words? What do they give to the overall tone of the book, umm-y/n?” Mr.Miller called, looking from his list of students.
You stir in your chair uncomfortably; you have not been listening to him. The air had turned very cold; your heart picking up its pace.
“I don’t know.” You mumble after a while of every face turned your way, impatience in their gaze. You shrink into your seat.
You hear a little scoff from ahead of you, coming from none other than Cairo Sweet.
You bite back an insult, and try to ignore the disappointed murmur that comes out of Mr.Miller.
Before you know it the hour is gone, and the sound of books stacking against one another breaks you out your daze.
Winnie’s waiting for you outside the door, quite creepily, you tell her as you walk together to your next class; a subject that you both have.
“So, how was it?” She nudges you lightly, smiling expectedly.
You flash her a tight lipped smile, then let it drop when you know she’d be able to see right through you.
You grip her arm and lean in closer, checking around you.
“There was this one girl, she was horrible!” You whisper, a new spark of energy flowing through you at the prospect of telling Winnie about it.
“She was the BIGGEST teachers pet, and she said something so rude to me before class, so like we were sitting and…” You continue to recount the story, trying your hardest to recreate Cairo’s glare.
When you get done, you turn to Winnie, waiting for her to join in on your gossiping.
“So am I going to witness an enemies to lovers type of thing right in front of me?” She sighs, exasperated.
You’re so shocked you don’t follow her into the class, stood rooted to the spot at the door.
“Wait, what?”
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bytheangell · 1 year
hii can I ask for a fic of gabrily? I read the one in Ao3 you have about them having Christopher and loved itt
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(Read on AO3)
Cecily never felt this weak in her entire life.
She feels more useless than she ever has before, and that includes the time she realized that she had Nephilim blood and was, essentially, helpless to use it due to a lack of training. She made a vow to herself after those first days and weeks of reuniting with Will and his Shadowhunter friends that that was the last time she would ever feel like such a burden.
She didn’t account for pregnancy. And why should she have? She’s seen others with child, still able to do daily tasks, still able to enjoy their lives right up until the moment of birth. By the angel, she’s even crossed a pregnant Nephilim or two who still went on partner patrols or helped around the Institute to do their part.
Cecily has a sense of duty now, a sense of honor that she didn’t have before. Being unable to fulfill it eats away at her while she lays in bed. She knows it’s a pressure she puts on herself; Gabriel, the kind soul that he is, tells her repeatedly that the only thing expected of her is rest to take care of herself and the child she carries. Will and Tessa visit often with nothing but well wishes, and even Gideon and Sophie have stopped by with some baked goods that grow more and more bland in an effort to find one that Cecily can keep down.
She’s been horribly ill on and off for her entire pregnancy. These last few weeks seem to be the worst of it, every moment she swears it can’t get any worse followed by one that proves her wrong. She’s been bedridden for two days and it’s driving her crazy, so she decides to try and make her way to the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea. She barely makes it down the stairs, an effort that takes several minutes and ends with her seated in the hallway leading to the kitchen taking deep breaths in an effort to not be sick all over the carpeting.
That’s where Gabriel finds her nearly thirty minutes later. He comes through the door and calls up the stairs to where he expects her to be, and instead shifts his gaze to spot her down the hallway.
“Cecily! Darling, are you okay?”
Cecily huffs out a sound that she wishes is a laugh, but falls flat and listless as it leaves her lips.
“No, I am not. I can’t even walk to the kitchen on my own!”
“Did you fall?” Gabriel looks her up and down to assess for any injuries.
“No. I made it this far before I had to sit down, and simply didn’t get back up,” she admits. She hates how defeated she sounds. Maybe if she tried, she could’ve pushed herself to get back up and at least make it back upstairs.
“My love…” Gabriel says, a soft fondness to his tone. “I know how much you hate this. But you’re doing so wonderfully. Any day now and it’ll all be over.”
Gabriel holds his arm out for her to take for leverage, then allows her to lean heavily on him as they make their way to the dining table.
Cecily thinks about his words, about the looming inevitability of giving birth, and instead of bringing relief, she pales, an oversized knot of dread filling her oversized stomach.
“What is it?” Gabriel asks. “Are you going to be sick again?”
“Again? I’ve hardly stopped being sick for weeks,” Cecily sighs. “But no. It’s… I’m worried, Gabriel. I’m so afraid that all of this is a sign that I’m not meant to have this child. What if something goes wrong with the birth? What if-” she can’t bring herself to voice her strongest fear, not that she has to. Gabriel knows. He feels it too, even if he doesn’t mention it to try and keep up enough optimism for both of them.
“Both of you have made it this far, and you’re going to be just fine. I feel it in my soul,” Gabriel says. “You’re the strongest person I know. It may not feel like it right now, but it’s never been more true.”
Cecily manages a small smile at that. She may not fully believe his words but they’re still nice to hear.
“I wanted tea… and maybe one of Sophie’s scones?”
“Of course,” Gabriel agrees. “You know…” he adds slowly, not turning around to face her. “It might help if we picked out potential names…?”
“No,” Cecily says sharply, shaking her head. “I don’t… not if something goes wrong… It feels too much like tempting fate.”
She knows Gabriel’s been thinking of names. She found a little list he made and left out on his desk with some family names and potential other options. Cecily would be lying if she said she didn’t have her own mental list, too - but thinking about it is one thing. Talking about it is another.
“Okay. We’ll wait,” Gabriel agrees easily, walking over a small plate with a scone and a teacup on a saucer with a special remedy to settle her stomach. “And with the Angel’s favor, we won’t be waiting long.”
The Angel’s favor. It’s something many have wished upon them and a phrase Gabriel has taken a liking to falling back on when things seem particularly bleak. It’s growing on Cecily the more she hears it.
There’s a name that’s been on her mind more often than not, one that stuck with her the moment she read it. Anna. It means ‘favor’. She doesn’t even know if their child is going to be a girl or a boy, but she hopes it’s a sign.
And in those moments she allows herself to hope, embracing the optimism her friends and family share so often, she hopes for Anna.
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wakeup-awg · 2 years
Will you...?
--- January 14th, 2023 ---
Alex: It started raining once Alex was leaving the store in London and it wasn’t really a fun drive back to the house, not in the rain and with the winds. He knew everyone would be cooped up inside, no dog wanted to be out in this weather. He dreaded getting out of the car once he had parked, but he still faced the gusty wind and hurried inside. “Fucking hell,” he muttered, his clothes drenched from the rain even thought it had only been a few steps outside. Alex placed down the bag with the paper weight, kicked off his shoes and made sure he had the little box securely placed in his pants pocket before hanging up his coat to dry. “You know, I rather it was snowing out here than this rain,” he muttered as he entered the living room where he assumed Sophie was.
Sophie: The day had been a mix of excitement for all the things Alex was doing with his music that was coming out and keeping an eye on the promo and a relatively lazy day that turned into super lazy evening as the rain started. It was something Sophie was so used to that it was calming and peaceful to her. She had gotten the babies, all three, down for naps finally and had just brought out a bottle of wine to have a glass and put on a movie when the door opened. Seeing Alex come in she turned her head giggling seeing him semi wet from the downpouring raining. “Aw but the rain is so much better. It’s so relaxing and romantic and calming. We can curl up in the couch, snuggle in some blankets and listen to the sound of the rain and just lay here.” She suggested. “How was it our promoting?” She asked, “where are the guys they didn’t come back with you?”
Alex: He glanced up at Sophie's words and noticed the giggle leaving her lips. "How’s the rain more romantic than snow, huh?” he asked, shaking his head and water was dripping off of the strands of his hair. “It was really good,” he told her and then shook his head. “Nah, Zack said something about meeting Annie and exploring London – which is such a stupid idea in this rain,” he said, bringing the bag he’d brought into the living room with him and around the couch to sit down on the other corner of it from where Sophie had been resting. “I don’t know what Jack and Rian are up to,” Alex added with a shrug. Truth was he’d been so busy in his own mind, that he hadn’t listened to what they told him they were gonna be doing. “Kids down for a nap?”
Sophie: “Yes the rain is more romantic than snow have you ever seen the kisses in rain on movies how romantic they are? Sure snow kisses are cute but rain is the good stuff.” She teased. “I’m glad Annie finally is back working with us and that Zack and her seem to be on track and happy.” She loved that they seemed to have blossomed and we’re getting closer and more serious. “Oh I’m sure rian and jack will show up eventually then when they get bored.” Shaking her head because she knew it was true. She watched him set a bag down but didn’t really pay attention to it. “They are finally took forever they should be out for a few hours.”
Alex: "Yeah, you're not getting me to kiss you in the rain, because this," he motioned to the window and then down to himself, "is no fun. My pants are literally stuck to my skin because they’re so wet.” Which thinking about it was such a bad idea to be sitting on the couch, so he got up, glanced around to see whether or not he’d left a wet spot on the couch, but it was mostly the front of it that was wet, so he settled back down to rest for a moment. “I told you they were fine,” he chuckled at the mention of Zack and Annie. “Still don’t see how it’d be fun to explore the city right now.. Except maybe if they just lurk around places and make out,” he grinned slightly and his eyes fell on the bag on the table, a scoffed laugh escaping his lips as he shook his head at how ridiculous this whole thing at really been, now looking back at it at least. “I got you something,” he said to Sophie, chuckling at the randomness of it now.
Sophie: “I didn’t say you have to kiss me in the rain today but someday. Someday you’ll kiss me in the rain.” Teasing as she shook her head. “You could go get changed and take your pants off so you’re more comfortable and you know dry babe.” She glanced up at him crinkling her nose, “see Zack kisses his girl in the pouring rain.” She teased pouting out her lower lip. When he said he got her something she raised her brow. “You got me something? A present? Is it a snack?” Because it would be totally on brand for him to bring her food.
Alex: "Yeah, not to burst your bubble, but I don't think that's gonna happen," he laughed softly, though he was fully aware that if she was determined to kiss him in the rain, he would. Brushing his hands over his pants as if that would wipe away the wetness, Alex felt the little bulge from the tiny box and shook his head. “I will, just let me sit with you for a moment.” He rolled his eyes when Sophie said Zack was kissing his girl in the rain. “Oh please, you can’t tell me you rather want me kissing you in the downpour in some dark alley in London than have me curl up with you here, watch Harry Potter and make out some,” he said with a grin. He nodded as he questioned him giving her a present but then laughed. “No, no. There’s no food… I should’ve brought you food, right? But you’re gonna love this,” he said with a grin and shifted to lean forward a bit, picking up the bag and holding it out for her.
Sophie: “We’ll see about that never say never.” She pointed out. When he said to let him sit with her for a moment she shrugged, “okay sit in wet pants and be uncomfy then.” She joked as she shifted on the couch. “I mean I’m always out to make out and watch some Harry Potter. I even have the stuff to make spiked butterbeers.” She said which would be fun to add to their movie watch. Taking the bag she looked at it, it didn’t give away much and she dug into it finding a wrapped package that was heavy. “Alright you know Christmas was like almost a month ago.” She teased as she opened the package and dropped the crystal paperweight out into her hand. “A paperweight?” She asked “I mean it’s a gorgeous crystal but… what.. why? I’m confused.” She chuckled. “Is this for my office when we get back home?”
Alex: "Oh, you're making me want a spiked butterbeer right now. Can we do that, watch Harry Potter and have spiked butterbeers?” he asked with a chuckle. That sounded so much more appealing to him than going out in the rain just to kiss, something they could happily do inside and not get drenched in the rain. He laughed when she reminded him Christmas was a couple weeks ago and he shrugged. “Yeah, I know. This isn’t for Christmas. It’s not for your birthday either,” he added with a grin. The look on her face was pure confusion and he shifted, laughing softly and shaking his head. “No. No, I wasn’t really.. this is actually a funny story because I wasn’t really looking for, well, a paper weight,” he told her, brushing his fingers through his wet strands of her to mess it up some more, tugging at it lightly. “See I was looking for something entirely different, but then the lady kept offering me things that just weren’t right and I wanted to leave but she’d tried so hard to sell me something that I couldn’t just leave without buying anything, y’know?” Like that really made any sense to her, he knew it probably wasn’t as funny when you hadn’t been there. “See, I was just ready to leave with this paper weight I had no idea what to do with, but then I found this, and it just..” he trailed off, shifting to pluck the little ring box from his pocket and taking a brief moment to look at it. “I saw it on my way out and I knew this had to be the one.”
Sophie: “Yes we can have spiked butterbeers and Harry Potter.” She said because it made it for a good night of cuddling up while the babies slept. He started making a point that this wasn’t even something he planned it buy but that he had to buy something given he had been in this place for awhile apparently. Which she didn’t have a clue what he was talking about. She watched him shift and then she saw it a small box come out of his pocket and she felt herself feel like she stopped breathing. That was a jewelry box and Alex holding a jewelry box and talking so all over the place she didn’t think it was just some necklace in there. “Had to be the one…?” She questioned terrified to get her hopes up of what she thought that was. “Alex…” she whispered looking up at him.
Alex: He was rambling, he knew he was and for a moment Alex wasn’t even sure he made any kind of sense to Sophie. He looked up from the ring box when she said his name and he swallowed, suddenly feeling the nerves that clearly had him already talking all over the place and he took a breath, sitting up a little bit straighter before opening the box to reveal the ring that had caught his attention when he was just about to leave the store. “You see, I don’t really have any words prepared or anything, but I just..” he trailed off and looked up at Sophie again from the ring and held the ring out to her. “Will you marry me, Soph?” he asked, and it was almost a plead now, not that he really thought she’d say no, but suddenly he started overthinking this and maybe he figured she deserved so much more than a paperweight and a ring on a random, rainy weekend just outside of London.
Sophie: There was the little soft pop of the box open, the glint of sparkle when the light hit the ring. It was a ring. Almost immediately everything felt like it was spinning. It was something she never expected, she had planned to never get this and be fully happy being alexs partner. Then the words asking her to marry him and immediately her eyes welled with tears, but the smile gave it away her hands covering her face as she started to nod. “Yes. Yes. Yes.” Her body moving and crawling over him straddling his lap not caring about his wet pants. “Yes a million times yes for the rest of my life I will marry you.” She said tears falling heavily from her eyes now.
Alex: For a brief second Alex saw Sophie tear up and his brain immediately started panicking until he heard her say 'yes' over and over again and he relaxed. He felt her moving into him, her body straddling hers and he almost dropped the box with the ring as he wrapped his arms around her tightly, then loosened his grip to bring his free hand up to her face and wipe at the tears. "I don't think you have any idea how much I love you," he murmured, brushing his thumb over her cheek and he locked his eyes with her teary ones.
Sophie: Tears continued to fall down her face, pure happy ones but she was definitely sobbing and shaking as he wrapped his arm around her before bringing his hand up to wipe her face even if more tears fell. “I am so in love with you Alex.” She breathed, “I.. I never thought you would want this but I want nothing more than to be your wife someday.” She breathed more tears falling from her eyes as she leaned her forehead forward. “You made this one of the best days of my life it’s perfect.”
Alex: His thumb continued to brush against her cheek in an attempt to wipe her tears that really just kept coming. He sighed softly, nervousness leaving him finally and he closed his eyes when her forehead rested against his. The way she said she'd want nothing more than to be his wife someday made him realize that she was absolutely willing to give him time. He'd offered her his hand and he knew she wouldn't keep tugging at it until she'd get the whole arm. She wanted to get married, but he knew she would've just spent the rest of her life with him without marriage if he hadn't wanted it and so he knew she wouldn't pressure him to marry her tomorrow if he wasn't ready for that yet. And that realization alone had him even more sure this was what he wanted. He leaned in after a moment, capturing her mouth in a kiss, tasting the salty tears on her lips and smiling softly into it.
Sophie: She knew that Alex didn’t like when she cried but she imagined this once he was okay with it given it was happy tears. Sophie didn’t know or right now care when they got married. This, this itself was a huge step and Alex was screaming to the whole world look at this woman I want to be my wife. They would figure out those bits together. Sophie loved Alex every bit of him even the parts that were unsure about marriage and forever. She understood his worry about them. But she was so sure about him, had never felt more sure about anything than Alex was her person. The person you hoped you found to spend your life with. His lips captured hers and she kissed him crying into the kiss because she was just so in shock and happy.
Alex: The kiss was wet from Sophie's tears and when he finally broke away, Alex felt like he had stains from them on his own cheeks. He wiped at her eyes again gently, eyes lingering on her face before he dropped his hand and unwrapped his arm from around her to bring the little box with the ring between them. "Give me your hand," he said softly and when she did, he took the ring from the box to slide it onto her finger.
Sophie: She felt Alex shift and his body pull back before he shifted the little box and told her to give him her hand. Her hand shook as he took it softly and took the ring ands slid it onto her finger. It was the perfect fit, the ring was perfect and she loved it but she loved the man who had given her the ring so much more. “I love you so much. Oh my god you’re going to be my husband someday.” She beamed before kissing him.
Alex: Alex had worried the ring wouldn’t fit, that they’d have to go back and find the right size or get it resized so she wouldn’t lose it, but it seemed to fit just right. Sophie’s hand was shaking, but he managed to put the ring on and then took her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze and smiling widely at her, eyes locking on her again. “I.. yeah, that’s why I got you the ring,” he said and a soft chuckle left his lips. He dropped his hands to her legs and shifted a little, realizing the way she was sitting on him now, she was for sure getting wet by the soaked pants he was still wearing. “You’re getting your clothes all wet.”
Sophie: The ring fit perfectly and the one he picked was just what she could dream of. Honestly it wasn’t even about the ring but the fact that he wanted life with her forever. “I just… I didn’t expect this like not now but I don’t know I didn’t think it would happen and you want me to be your wife you really do and that just.” The tears fell again. “I don’t care if they’re wet I just want to be close to you.” She breathed leaning into him. “I love you. I love you so much.”
Alex: He laughed softly and nuzzled his nose against hers briefly. “If it makes you feel any better I didn’t think I’d be proposing to you today when I left for work this morning,” he admitted, reaching up again to try and wipe at her face again as the tears started streaming again. “The wet clothes are gonna be so uncomfortable,” Alex murmured, but he really didn’t want to move right now anyway. He let out a soft breath, pressing a kiss to her cheek as she leaned into him more. “I love you too, baby. I really, really love you.”
Sophie: She laughed, “so what changed the spur of the mind you need to marry me or at least officially make me engaged to you?” Of course she was curious but she hadn’t seen this coming a million miles away. “We’ll we can take our pants off if you like then we’ll both be less wet together.” She offered since she figured he was saying he was uncomfortable. “I know you do you’ve sacrificed so much that I know you don’t always feel comfortable with and it means the world to me I hope you know.” She said softly. “Have you told the boys? Are we gonna tell our parents?”
Alex: “You bring out the best in me,” he said simply, a smile tugging at his lips. He played the whole day in his mind again and shrugged his shoulders a little. “They were asking me about what it was like directing, how it came about. I guess I might’ve mention how you just.. I don’t know, told me I could do it, y’know?” He murmured and tried to recreate the moment for her. “Apparently the boys found that all funny and then Jack said something ‘bout marrying you and it just.. It was all in my head,” he said with a shrug and licked his lips a little. “I just knew I wanted you. And I want everything for you.” When Sophie said something about how they could take off their pants, he laughed. “There’s nothing wrong about you and me being wet together,” he smirked, but the drenched pants really were kind of uncomfortable. “Oh fuck,” Alex groaned when Sophie asked about their parents and he let himself fall back against the back of the couch. “I should’ve totally asked your dad for his okay before I asked you to marry me.. shouldn’t I?” he sighed out loudly.
Sophie: There was a small laugh, “so the idea of someone else marrying me… even as a joke and you realized that was it, I’m the one for you?” It was sweet actually that sometimes it happened when you least expected it. When he said he wanted everything for her she smiled he cared so much about her and her happiness. “Yeah yeah wet together has a whole other meaning to you I meant your pants babe.” She shook her head. “No you didn’t have to ask my dad if it’s okay to marry me he loves you. He loves that you gave us three happy healthy babies. Trust me he wants you to be part of the family.” She said.
Alex: “It’s stupid, I know,” he chuckled. “It’s not that I haven’t thought about marrying you though,” he told her softly. “I may have been drunk, but I do remember giving you a paper ring the other day.” Really, that was kind of him testing out how it felt, though at the time he had clearly not thought he’d actually propose two weeks later. “You can’t tell me you weren’t thinking about that at all,” Alex laughed, but he did know what she actually meant. Falling back against the couch, he sighed and then lifted his head enough again to look at Sophie. “I obviously can’t ask him now. What would I even say? Hi, I’d like to marry your daughter please, and you can’t say no because she already said yes?”
Sophie: "I know I'm not saying it never crossed your mind but I know you made sacrifices in buying a house in England to spend time in and I would have made the same sacrifices for you too if you never felt comfortable with marriage again." She understood it better than at the beginning of their relationship. Rolling her eyes, "Babe you've already won major brownie points if you want to get laid you will have no problem getting laid tonight." she said clearing that up. "You don't even have to ask him babe, that's super old and traditional and we've never exactly been traditional. All I know is I want to be yours and marry you someday and that's all that matters. My mum and dad are going to be so over the moon about it. I just hope your mum and dad will be." she said because she wanted everyone to be happy. "Let alone the boys they're going to actually freak the fuck out when they find out."
Alex: “I know that,” he said with a smile. And really, he though that maybe that was exactly the reason he felt comfortable with the idea of marriage if it was with her. He laughed softly and shook his head. “Just to be clear, I didn’t get the ring just so I’d get laid tonight,” he smirked, leaning in for a quick kiss and relaxing from that first moment of being terrified about not talking to Sophie’s dad first. “Course my parents are gonna be happy. And I do think we gotta tell them. Don’t really wanna go through a phone call because they saw something about it on the internet before hearing it from us.” He was aware Sophie wasn’t going to take the ring off when she went outside, and he definitely didn’t want her to anyway, but that meant anyone taking their picture would see. “Ha, don’t think they’re gonna believe it until they see the ring,” Alex laughed.
Sophie: She didn't know if it was just time or it really had been someone saying about marrying her that had made the realizations pop in Alex's mind but she didn't care. She was his, forever now. "I know you didn't get the ring to get laid last time I checked you can get laid pretty damn easy without a ring." she teased giggling softly. She nodded, "I mean I know I rather tell them in person but we don't know when we'll be back in Baltimore so maybe tomorrow we can facetime them, and surprise them?" she murmured. "We can tell my parents at Sunday dinner." she offered. "Well good thing I'll be wearing the ring when they see me." she murmured before glancing up and back at him. "They're not coming back right away are they?" she raised a brow a smirk tugging at her lips.
Alex: "Any way you wanna tell them works for me," he said with a soft chuckle, eyes lingering on her with a smile playing on his lips. He was a little surprised at her question and shrugged his shoulders. “I have no idea. I feel like they said something about it, but I was kind of not really listening,” he murmured. “But they have keys so if you’re trying to get into my pants right here right now, that’s so not gonna happen,” he teased.
Sophie: "I mean we could be quick babe, I kind of would love to have an intimate moment alone with my fiance." she quipped using the word for the first time, "Plus this is our home and you just proposed to me babe and I'm all kinds of emotions and I need a healthy and good way to burn that energy out." she reasoned, "Then we can worry about telling our parents because right now we deserve to enjoy it."
Alex: "Yeah, but if they just barge in, that's not gonna be an intimate moment alone,” he reminded her, biting down on his lower lip. “If you’re willing to move this into another room, preferably one we can lock,” he said, “then I would be happy to finally get out of these pants.” Alex chuckled softly, grinning slightly at her. “I’d offer to carry you too if you tell me where to go.”
Sophie: "This is why we shouldn't give them keys and make them knock because I kind of don't want to wait." she huffed, but she understood his concern but she hoped he could understand her frustration. "Down here the kids won't wake up if I end up making noise." she pointed out, so it really was a conundrum. Her mind tried to think of another room but she didn't want to just go upstairs to their bedroom they had been pretty much only keeping to their bedroom lately when home. "I don't know maybe we should just wait then." she suggested because if they came home anyway it would disrupt the moment with them yelling through the house for them.
Alex: “Don’t blame me. You heard how they were whining about what to do if they came back here and we wouldn’t open up for them,” he chuckled softly, but he could hear the obvious frustration in Sophie’s voice and he shifted to sit up straighter, wrapping his arms around her. “Wait until when? They’re all back here and occupying half the rooms in here?” He grimaced a little bit and shook his head. “I mean we could just make out until they get here, but that’s so not the same,” he murmured. To make his point though, he leaned in and captured her lips in a kiss, deepening that slightly before he shifted, guiding her legs to wrap around his waist as he started to get off the couch, picking her up with him. Holding her up, a grin curled onto his lips as he started to walk, making their way to the bathroom that was downstairs, letting Sophie down once he’d slipped into the room and locking the door behind them, just to be safe. He glanced at Sophie before moving to the shower and starting the warm water. “I know it’s not exactly kissing in the rain, but…”
Sophie: "I meant wait until they go out again, that might mean no sex until another day but sometimes that's how it goes with guests in the house." she reasoned. "When have we ever been able to make out and not end up fooling around or more?" At the very least heavy petting ended up involved and then frustration from not getting what they wanted and she didn't want frustration on one of the happiest moments of her life. She felt him kiss her and shift her legs till they were wrapped around him. It took him a second to slide up and then off the couch with her wrapped around him, her arms around his neck. When he got into the downstairs bathroom she felt herself put down and the door locked before he started running the shower. "I mean it's kind of like kissing in the rain just a more controlled environment." she chuckled before pulling him in. "You're gonna be my husband someday." she mewled, "Do you know how hot that sounds, Alex Gaskarth my husband?"
Alex: "That might never happen," he laughed, knowing very well just how much the boys enjoyed hanging out in their house, especially this London one right here. He knew she was right though, they rarely managed to make out and not end up wanting more. Though he still leaned in to kiss her and started to shift to get up with her, carrying her into the bathroom. Once the door was locked, he turned back towards her, grinning slightly before starting the shower and shrugging his shoulders a little bit. “It’s as much as you’ll get for a kiss in the rain right now,” he laughed softly, letting her tug him in easily. “Mmh, you know that means you’ll end up with the same last name as our kids.. as me?” he asked. “I mean.. if that’s what you want of course. I can’t say I really considered changing /my/ name yet but I guess it’d give me even more reason to change my occupation to pirate,” he grinned. “You know.. Alexander /William Turner/?”
Sophie: She knew the boys loved staying at their place when they were here and she really didn't mind. Aside when she couldn't get laid in her own living room or kitchen because they could just walk in but you know, they'd make the best of it. "It's about time I got the same name as our kids, I mean I took the time to grow three of them and they just got your name, I had to do all the actual growing." she teased. When he mentioned changing his occupation to pirate with taking her last name she rolled her eyes. "I'll keep Turner for my stage name, just for legalities with acting but legally I'll take Gaskarth. Plus my brother is William Turner and that's just weird." she crinkled her nose, "You'll have to live out your pirate fantasy another way." she teased as she shifted and pulled her top off and tossed it onto the floor before unhooking her bra and letting it fall to the ground.
Alex: “Oh so you’re not even going to consider letting me take your name?” he asked, but he really was just joking. If she really was considering keeping her name, he knew he’d be open enough to talk the options they had, but with it being such a given that their kids had been given his last name, he assumed Sophie would be okay with it too. “Fineeeee,” he said with a long, exaggerated sigh, “I’ll just go back to being a knight.” He checked the water and then grinned when he turned to see her almost halways undressed. “And here I thought you wanted the full experience of kissing “in the rain”,” he teased, moving over to wrap his hands around her waist and tugging her in. “Let me take the rest of your clothes off..”
Sophie: "I mean if you want to be Alex Turner, I am not going to stop you but I will be Sophie Gaskarth while you're Alex Turner." she teased. "I mean you're my knight in shining armor, or tin foil depending on the day." she giggled shaking her head. "Why get our clothes wet if we're not actually going to be in the rain babe, that's just extra work." she said as he pulled her in and held her close to him. "Mm undress me all you want. I'm yours."
Alex: "Nah, I'm good. I'd make a terrible pirate anyway. Except that would be the perfect excuse to be drunk every day," he said with a laugh. He really didn't want to actually be drunk every day anyway. "Well I'm not taking you out in the rain now," he teased as she dropped her bra and he moved over to tug her into him. He leaned on, capturing her lips in a kiss, letting it linger and he slid his hands around her more until they came around to the front and he started undoing the pants to the proceed to take them off.
Sophie: When he said aside from the drunk part she rolled her eyes. “No being drunk every day.” She said shaking her head. “I didn’t think you’d take me out in the rain topless but I’m also not gonna get laid in the rain so this will have to do.” It made sense to her not that their house was around anyone for acres and they had had sex outside in their other home before but it was the middle of winter. His hands came around and unbuttoned the pants she was wearing before pushing them down and stepping out of them her mouth still lingering slowly in languid kisses against his mouth.
Alex: He was much happier kissing and making out with her here than outside in the pouring rain, but really he was starting to be done talking and more interested in getting closer to her. While they kissed he stepped forward, backing Sophie up until she reached a wall and he momentarily trapped her between that and himself. He felt a little breathless when he broke away, but only to tug off his shirt and toss it away, his lips were soon on hers again, hungry now.
Sophie: She loved getting to kiss him, savor in him, but this was their first time getting to be with each other since putting that ring on her finger. Feeling him walk her back step by step until she was pinned against a wall. Once his shirt was off she herself pushed back and her mouth consumed his as she pushed him gently into the shower the water falling down on them even though he still wasn't fully undressed. The water poured down over them as her mouth moved heavily against each other.
Alex: He only briefly caught her against the wall, their lips busy moving against each other the whole time before he broke away, very briefly so to tug his shirt off. As they kissed again it was Sophie pressing him back now ans he happily let hed move him backwards until they were in the shower and he felt the warm water pouring over them. "Soph," he groaned softly into their kiss. He eas still wearing his pants and they were getting increasingly uncomfortable, both from the way the wet fabric stuck to his skin and from how tight they shddenly seemed to feel.
Sophie: Their lips moved against each other and she couldn't help but back him into the shower. Her hands moved down and grasped his waistband, pulling him forward and starting to unbutton them. "We need to get you out of these pants." She murmured the water soaking them even more as they clung to his skin. Her hands pulled and yanked at the fabric down his legs, pulling down his boxer briefs with them as she got them down enough and used her leg and foot to push her pants down to the bottom so he could step out of them as he pulled her into him and pushed herself up against the wall.
Alex: "Yes," he murmured into their kiss as he felt Sophie starting to tug at the waistband of his pants and soon she was pushing them down, which was a pain because they stuck against his skin with how wet they were, but they managed. The moment the pants and boxer briefs were low enough he kicked them off and tossed them out of the way with his food. Stepping more into Sophie, she ended up backed against the wall and his hands slid over her body, one hand coming to rest against her thigh and pulling her leg up so he could step more into her and she could wrap her leg around him.
Sophie: Her back was against the tile, water pouring down over them as their mouths consumed each other. The mouth of her future husband kissing her as if she was his air was enough to send chills down her skin and a moan to come out of her lips into his mouth. His hand gripped her leg and pulled it up, him stepping into her, her hands grasping low on his back, almost his bottom and pulling his hips into her as she groaned out feeling him against her, "Fuck, baby." she breathed her hand sliding up his back before tangling into his brunette hair.
Alex: Where they were often just hands and bodies consuming each other they focused on the kissing for now. Which didn't mean Alex didn't let his hand wander and managed to step closer into her by lifting her leg around him, pressing his hips into hers. He felt Sophie's hands on him sliding up his back and tangling in his hair and he groaned into their kiss, rolling his hips against hers, eager to feel more of her. "Fuck," he cursed out between kisses, his hand running down her chest and stomach to slide between them and adjust them, so with another roll of his hips he could bury his length into her.
Sophie: Their kissing was heavy, like they couldn't get enough of each other. She was so in love with the man who had told her just how much he wanted her to be his forever. His hips rolled against her and her head tipped back against the tiled wall, cursing out feeling his slide between her, eyes fluttering closed and breathing heavy. When his hand adjusted himself his length slipped into almost so eager to take him as she angled her hips up filling her to the fullest, her fingers pulling at his wet locks, "Yes!" she breathed out.
Alex: It was easy to tell how much they wanted each other, how easily they were consumed by their kisses until they shifted and Alex could finally bury himself inside of her. His length easily slipped into her, filling her up and taking a brief moment to enjoy being connected before he started to thrusts his hips, his hands resting against Sophie's waist, then wandering over her sides, along her thighs and gripping lightly into her skin. "Fuck, Soph.."
Sophie: Gasping as he filled her, her body rolling back against the tiled wall. "Al." she breathed out, "Oh my god, you feel so good in me." His hands grasping as her sides, before moving and touching whatever skin he could reach. "God, Alex." she breathed heavier than before, "Lift me." she whined, "Take me against the wall." she panted, wanting him to be able to pin her against the shower wall.
Alex: His hand easily slid under her thigh, lifting her other leg that wasn't already wrapped around him and he lifted her up so she was trapped between the was and him, pressing her against the tiles with the water running over them, down their bodies. Alex cursed out under his breath, picking up a slightly faster pace and dropping his head forward so he could pepper nibbling kisses against Sophie's neck and jawline. "Shit.. Baby you feel so good, he breathed out, biting her skin gently before pulling back and locking eyes on hers." Yes.. "
Sophie: There was a soft giggle and laugh that left her lips when he lifted her up and her legs wrapped around him. With him having her up and pinned against the wall his hips moved faster and she gasped out a slur of curse words falling from her lips. His teeth grazing down her skin before feeling him bite. “Oh god yes Alex!” She yelled at him biting at her skin. “Don’t stop baby. Please don’t stop.”
Alex: He chuckled softly when Sophie laughed and he shifted a little so he could adjust her to being pinned against the wall, safely hoisted up on his hips with her legs wrapped around him. He smirked against her skin when she yelled out. "Don't stop biting you?" he asked with a chuckle. His thrusts were quick and heavy and he was easily consumed by how good she felt around him.
Sophie: She knew by the way he held her that she was safe. He wouldn’t drop her or hurt her. When he pulled back she gasped. “Yes.” She breathed, “just mark me make me yours.” She whined as he thrusts became hard and quick his hips snapping into hers as she moved against the wall for any leverage.
Alex: He laughed softly. "I think I already did." And he wasn't referring to the very light mark that was left behind by the bite. He buried his face in her neck again, suckling on the skin before biting at the spot again, picking up slightly harder thrusts as he felt Sophie move with him against the wall, causing hid breath to get harder, groaning against her skin. "Fuck, baby."
Sophie: “Mm are you sure?” She asked not that he wouldn’t hesitate to leave marks on her body. Feeling his mouth suckle, nip, lick, before biting down on the spot that was super sensitive caused her to buck her hips and pull harder at his hair. “Yes!” She gasped, “god right there oh fuck right there.” She whined feeling a tightness in her stomach.
Alex: Maybe it was the nervousness that had a grasp on him half the day that was finally lost it's grip that had him feeling all kinds of things, or maybe it was just the way they so easily moved perfectly together that had him feeling his orgasm building quick. Sophie's hips bucked into him and he bit at her skin again before licking the spot as if to gently tend to it. "I'm already so close baby.. Fuck."
Sophie: She felt him bite at her skin again and there was no way that she wouldn’t have a good bruise on her neck. His voice was strained and tight. “Oh god.” She whined her own stomach thightening. “Fuck.” She breathed out and nodded, “baby I want you to come for me. Come inside of me please I want to feel you.”
Alex: He cursed out under his breath, nose brushing against her jaw before peppering sloppy kisses there and over her lips, capturing them in a brief, hungry kiss. "Soph.. Oh fuck, baby," he breathed out, his voice tight and strained in a way he was sure she knew he was so very close. Her words easily egged him on and it only took a few more thrusts before he couldn't hold back his release. "Fuuuck," he moaned out
Sophie: Their kisses were sloppy her hands now grasping his face the cool metal of the ring pressing into his skin as she captured his mouth between words. When his hips started thrusting hard she felt him swell before starting to come inside of her and he head fell back hitting the wall her own walls tightening around him as she found her release as he continued to fill her her screaming his name again and again before her body went slightly limp in his arms.
Alex: He felt the ring against his skin and he had to admit he loved the feel, knowing just what the ring meant for them. He came hard inside of her and felt her walls tightening around him with her own release, cursing out as they broke their kiss and he dropped his face against her shoulder, breathing heavily as he started to slow his thrusts, guiding them through their orgasms. "Fuck, Soph.." he murmured, holding her up between him and the wall.
Sophie: He slowed but didn’t stop helping the feeling coursing through her body that had her on pins and needles. “Fuck.” She breathed, “mmm” she knew they couldn’t stay in there long for risk of people coming home but she enjoyed and savored in it. “How’s it feel to have sex with your fiancé for the first time?” She grinned then giggled pepper soft kisses where her lips could reach.
Alex: He chuckled softly, humming at the feeling of her lips on his skin. "So damn good," he mumbled, pressing his lips to her shoulder before lifting his head to kiss her lips instead, smiling into their kiss. He gave her hips a gentle squeeze before lifting his hands to find hers and lace their fingers together, bringing their arms up above her head against the wall, his movements stopping but savoring the feeling of still being buried inside of her.
Sophie: She smiled when he said so damn good. “You realize I’m going to love you for the rest of my life right?” Sophie was going to love him the rest of her life with or without a ring. He knew that but she was still in bliss from being asked and having him take her in the shower. Feeling his hands take hers and lifting them over her head their fingers lacing together as he held her pinned tk the wall buried inside of her. “I love you Alex.” She murmured softly.
Alex: "That's kind of what I was hoping for, yeah," he laughed softly before he kissed her, their fingers lacing together so perfectly and he smiled into their lips, holding her to the wall while the warm water was still drippling over his back. He tugged at her lip teasingly as he pulled away and the smile on his lips widened as she told him she loved him. "I love you too, Sophie." He let go of her hands slowly, fingers wandering down her arms, to her shoulders than around her sides to pull her in a little more.
Sophie: She chuckled softly "I know but I will say I would have loved you forever with or without a ring you know?" It was true she would have been with him forever as long as he wanted her. Her arms stayed up, holding them up herself as his hands started to explore the expanse of wet skin. A smile on her lips when he said he loved her too. "You know we can't stay in here forever the boys are going to come home eventually. Do we want to tell them or do we want them to just spot the ring and freak out?" she grinned giggling softly.
Alex: He took the moment to explore, as if taking her in and he smiled the way she held herself up against the wall. Eventually, he shifted, Sophie slid back onto her feet and he took a step back, taking the opportunity to actually shower and wash the cold, damp rainy feel off his skin. He glanced at Sophie and grinned before shaking out his hair a bit. "Whichever you wanna do is fine by me. They're gonna freak whether we tell them or let them see the ring."
Sophie: He finally shifted her legs unwrapping from around his waist and setting onto the floor him holding her so she didn't slip. She stepped forward under the hot water, her hands wrapping around Alex from the back her hands helping Alex to wash him in a more intimate moment together. "So they don't know at all, not any of them?" she laughed, "You realize you might kill Jack, and you definitely just killed all the Jalex fans in the process." she giggled because she still found it more funny than anything.
Alex: He smiled when he felt Sophie’s arms wrap around him from behind and he turned his head to look at her briefly. “No,” he chuckled. “I didn’t talk to them about it before I went off to look for a ring, and then, you know.. the whole thing with the paper weight happened and it was so stupid I wanted to tell you about it. But it didn’t make any sense without knowing what I was actually looking for,” he explained with a smile, turning around to face her now and finding the shampoo to help Sophie wash her hair, smiling as he gently scraped his hands over her sculp. They lingered in the shower, it really was a sweet moment of helping each other clean up and wash up. Eventually Alex turned off the water and grabbed a towel to wrap around Sophie, then one for himself to dry off. “Think we should totally put on something comfortable and then I’m still hoping for some spiked butterbeer,” he grinned cheekily.
Sophie: Her hands continued to help wash him though it wasn't like he needed the help. It was more just to keep the intimacy going. She laughed, "Well I hope you know I love the paper weight too." she said, because it was going to be special. It was apart of their engagement. When he turned around he helped her wash her hair and she sighed happily feeling his hands caress her wet locks. Taking the warm towel she wrapped it around herself before stepping out of the shower. "I think comfortable is good, and yes we can have spiked butterbeer still. Maybe you should text the boys to come back and we can all have a harry potter marathon, as long as Rian doesn't whine." she grinned.
Alex: It was nice to just be together in this moment, feel hands caressing each other. “I’m hoping it is gonna go in your office,” he chuckled softly. When they got out of the shower, Alex dried off and decided to ditch the wet clothes he had left behind and rather just wrap the towel around his waist. There was no sound announcing the boys had come back yet though, so he figured they could safely make it upstairs and they did. Alex grabbed some comfy clothes from the closet, tossing some on the bed for Sophie just assuming she’d get as comfortable in sweatpants and a hoodie as he was. “I can’t tell Rian we’re gonna watch Harry Potter though, he is definitely going to whine,” he laughed softly and found his phone to text them saying they were gonna have a movie night. “Don’t know if they’re gonna show up soon, but I say we get the butterbeers and just curl up?”
Sophie: "It is going to go in my office, where else would I put it?" she asked chuckling softly. "I got an engagement ring and an engagement paper weight." she grinned giggling. As they exited the bathroom they headed upstairs and she took the warm sweat pants and hoodie he tossed onto the bed for her. "We will just put extra whiskey in his butterbeer so he will get tipsy faster and not whine." she said, tying her hair up. Padding downstairs she headed over and pulled out the cinnamon whiskey and all the ingredients that she found on her phone for these drinks, starting to mix a large glass jug full and putting it in the fridge before making them their own individual butterbeers and heading out into the living room. Sitting down she moved to sit in his lap, holding her hand out with her ring. "It's just so sparkly and pretty." she beamed.
Alex: He was quick to change into comfortable clothes once he had them out. “He’s still going to whine,” he chuckled, but he knew they’d just scold Rian about it and tell him to shut up. When Sophie headed downstairs to get the drinks ready, Alex took the moment to check in on the kids, smiling as he saw them all fast asleep and he realized they were lucky to have them almost always sleeping through the night now. Padding downstairs, he found his way back into the living room and flopped down on the couch, sitting comfortably as he grabbed the remote to start looking for the Harry Potter movies. “Oh this looks so good,” he chuckled as Sophie set their glasses down on the table and then moved to sit in his lap, his arms easily wrapping around her as he smiled. “It had to be one I knew you’d like.”
Sophie: "Can I kick him if he does, he doesn't get to ruin Harry Potter." she said because she was very strongly opinionated on those movies. Whining during them was not allowed for any reason. "You know I believe we watched Harry Potter the first time we stayed in that hotel together back when we first started hooking up, looks like it comes full circle." she grinned. When he said it had to be one she'd like, "firs of all I love it, not like it, and second of all I would have married you with that paper ring you gave me." she said, "I'm just happy to be yours."
Alex: “I’m not gonna dare to stop you,” Alex laughed, knowing very well nobody should ever so much as dare to say anything bad about Harry Potter around her. He leaned back some more, arms lazily around Sophie the way she sat in his lap and he smiled, watching her examine the ring and holding it out to look at it. “That paper ring would not have been great in the shower,” he couldn’t help but laugh. “This whole thing started in the water, obviously the ring needed to be waterproof.” He was just teasing, but it was fun to think back, because she was right they were coming full circle with this in a way. His hand moved up to brush some wet strands behind her ear, starting to grin when he spotted the mark on her neck. “Mmh, definitely mine,” he said with a smirk.
Sophie: She laughed when he said that he wasn't going to stop her from doing that. Part of her knew it was her very British loyalty. "No the ring would have gotten ruined in the shower the paper one." she said chuckling but it was more that she didn't need the ring to be marrying him, even if she did love the ring he picked. "Fair point, we do like our water, though let's just hope we didn't follow suit like the first time and make another baby." she teased, because she knew that wasn't happening. When he looked at her neck she laughed, "Oh god, I didn't even look... definitely yours but how bad is it?" she knew that the boys would call it out the second they saw it.
Alex: “Oh no, no more babies this time around,” he murmured, eyes widened a little bit. He brushed her hair back and chuckled at her question. “It’s.. obvious.” His thumb brushed over the bruise, looking a little closer and biting his lips, he thought he could see the tiniest hint of an actual bite mark, but that was barely visible, though the whole mark was pretty dark already and very obvious he’d spent a little time suckling and nibbling away at her neck. He leaned forward, picking up their butterbeers so they could have a sip and when the glasses were settled on the table again, Alex shifted, gently pushing Sophie off onto the couch so it was just her legs draped over his lap. It took him some more shifting but eventually he guided Sophie to lift one of her legs to bring it behind his back and then he could shift and move to the side, resting against her between her legs and humming softly.
Sophie: “Mm you know babies happen when you have sex and we tend to have a lot of it.” She teased she knew they were perfectly safe and fine. “Like obvious obvious or just obvious.” As if that was understandable. She figured it was probably dark and she wondered if you could tell it was more than just sucking but biting. She felt him shift her onto the couch and moving her body till he was resting between her legs his head between her chest and stomach. Fingers came up and stroked through his damn hair. “Don’t get any ideas with your head down there.” She teased tugging his hair as she took a sip of her drink.
Alex: He took another look at the mark and shrugged. "I'd say it's obvious obvious," he murmured, not that he really was worried about it. So what if the boys saw? They’d be more focused on the ring on Sophie’s finger anyway. He shifted and moved her so he could rest between her legs with his head coming to lay against her torso, just above her stomach. “Mmh, I wasn’t until you mentioned it,” he said with a grin that gave away he was teasing. Besides, they had invited the boys to come back soon and he wasn’t going to risk them walking in on any ideas he might get. He smiled though when he felt her running her hand through his hair and tugging at the damp strands.
Sophie: "Oh great, they're going to find out we got engaged and immediately had sex and are not going to let us live it down." she laughed, as if they let them live down their sex life anyway when they found out any bit of it. She laughed stroking his hair, "Maybe if you're good and the boys go to bed I'll let you explore those ideas." Really it was more of a joke than anything. It was only a little while later as they laid there that she heard a car pulling down the stone driveway, "I think our guests have returned babe."
Alex: “They kind of know we have sex anyway,” he chuckled softly. “Or maybe we just made out and got a little distracted..” He hummed softly at the way she was stroking through his hair and he closed his eyes, comfortably resting again her. “I’m always good,” he grinned slightly, his arm wrapping around her slightly as best as he could with the way he was resting against her and his fingertips caressed at her gently. “Mmh, ‘s about time,” he mumbled, listening to the fumble of keys and then the front door opening. “We could’ve already started the movie and they would’ve been so late for it,” Alex said, not really bothering to move at all.
Sophie: "Only because we have three kids." she rolled her eyes, "If it wasn't for them for all they know we could have been not sleeping together till marriage." A snort of a laugh because even she knew that wouldn't have been believed in a million years. "Are you always good? I don't know about that." she teased sticking her tongue out at him. "Would have been rude to start the movie without them don't you think?" she asked brushing her fingers through his hair making sure it was the hand that had the well noticeable diamond on it.
Alex: He lifted his head a little to look at her as she too started laughing at that. “Yeah, don’t think they would’ve believed that..” He shook his head a little bit before resting it against her again as he heard voices in the hallway. He heard Jack and then Rian, but he wasn’t sure if Zack and Annie were with them yet. “Rian wouldn’t have cared,” he chuckled softly, but he had been fine waiting to start the movie anyway. He enjoyed the feel of Sophie’s fingers slipping through his hair and the few times her hand brushed against his scalp, he noticed it must be the hand that now showed off the ring he’d given her earlier. “See, we can totally still pick a movie,” Rian said as they walked into the living room and noticed the tv wasn’t playing a movie yet. “I’m telling you, they’ve already picked one and are just waiting for us now,” Jack argued and looked around briefly, spotting the glasses on the table. “Are those butterbeers? Oh we’re so watching Harry Potter, Ri.” The men turned his attention to Sophie and Alex where they were curled up on the couch, Alex clearly not bothered to move away from Sophie at all and both boys greeted them. “Hey!” Jack suddenly said, “why is she allowed to play with you ha- HOLY SHIT.” Rian’s head snapped around. “She’s always playing with his hair Jack, what the hell are you so surprised about?”
Sophie: "Yeah I know you never would have survived us not having sex to marriage." she grinned before giggling almost crazy because it was true. They were far too attracted to each other to have that kind of life. Hearing the boys arguing if they had picked a movie or not she sighed, "We picked a movie will you just sit down." As Jack pointed out what they were drinking, "They are spiked butterbeers, actually." she said "And there's a whole jug in the fridge for everyone. No complaining Rian." she said before Rian could even hear anything. Her fingers continued to stroke through his hair and Jack protested how she got to play with his hair before cursing causing Rian to jump. "BECAUSE." His voice raised almost to a screeching level and she had to try her hardest to keep her face straight, "BECAUSE!" His hand gesturing as Rian told him to stop screaming in his ear turning to look, "She did not have that on her hand when we left this morning! What the fuck is that?!" Sophie just blinked a few times before she finally stopped playing with Alex's hair and held up her hand, "Oh you mean this?" a smirk starting to tug at her lips as Annie and Zack came around the corner and she immediately screamed and jumped up and down.
Alex: He scoffed a little. “Oh like you would’ve been fine with that?” he said with a roll of his eyes and a chuckle. Rian was ready to argue when Sophie said no complaining and he seemed to sigh out internally, Alex knew that meant he’d just be fine with whatever they were picking to watch for the night. Not that anyone cared about that the second Jack started screeching, causing Alex to fail terribly at trying to hide the chuckle that wanted to leave his lips. “That’s a ring, Jack,” Alex said as if it was the most normal thing in the world and Rian’s eyes, too, widened. “Holy fuck,” he said the moment Zack and Annie came around the corner and when the woman spotted what the hustle was all about she immediately started screaming and jumping up and down. “Hey, calm down,” Zack tried but chuckled softly. “Is that an /engagement/ ring?!” Rian asked, eyes still widened in surprise and Alex simply nodded. "Yes."
Sophie: "Mm never said I would have just said you definitely wouldn't have." she teased, chuckling softly. With Jack screeching like he was being murdered and gesturing about like he didn't know what to say or how to act. "That's not just a ring that's a ring on that finger!" Jack practically screamed, "Why are you screaming Jack?" Sophie asked rubbing her own ear because damn he was screaming now, "You are going to wake the babies and I may kill you." she warned. Sophie nodded, "We're engaged, he proposed just a few hours ago." she beamed as Annie came running over half hugging her over the couch, "Oh my god it's about time!" she squealed.
Alex: The prospect of waking the babies seemed to finally stop Jack from screaming any more and he shut up almost immediately. Maybe he didn’t want to deal with crying little ones, or maybe he was just afraid of how mad Sophie would get if he did wake them up. When Annie came running over and starting to hug Sophie, Alex huffed out. “Hey, hold on. I’m right here,” he called, starting to shift to sit up and give Annie and Sophie space to hug without him being squished in the middle of it. “Engaged – when.. how – WHAT?” Jack asked, fully confused apparently and Rian and Zack too seemed to look surprised. “Why the hell didn’t you say anything when we were together this morning?” Rian asked. “Because,” Alex started with a shrug, “I didn’t even have the ring yet until after we were done with the interviews today.”
Sophie: Jack seemed to take it serious from there, he stopped screaming and jumping around. Whether not wanting to deal with crying babies or an angry Sophie it didn't really matter. Alex managed to slide out from between Annie and Sophie who were hugging, Annie taking her hand to look at the ring and them whispering like over excited girls. While Alex explained to them that he didn't even have plans or a ring until after the interviews. "It was very spur of the moment from what I've gathered." Sophie said, "I mean you should see the other engagement present he got me." she said as Rian groaned, "Yeah we can tell by the hickey on your neck what else he gave you." As she giggled, "No not that, stop thinking everything is about sex Rian, that was /after/ we were engaged!" she grinned to which he just groaned again.
Alex: "You must've had something planned," Zack said but Alex shook his head. "I really was just gonna look. But you have no idea how invested this lady at the store was to make sure I buy something.. I panicked, but then found this ring,” he motioned towards Sophie who was gushing over the ring with Annie. “If it’s not sex, what else would he get you as an engagement present?” Jack asked, fully confused about that apparently and Alex covered his face to hide the laugh and his face. “It’s not an engagement present,” he groaned but then nodded towards the crystal paper weight on the table. Jack picked it up to look at. “What would Sophie need a paperweight for?” Zack asked, causing Alex to sigh out. “I panicked okay!”
Sophie: She wasn't surprised that he had no plans, from what she already knew. Alex was always someone to do something spur of the moment. "Sex isn't a present, Jack, it's a fun time." she said rolling her eyes. Rian still groaning like he was going to rip his short hair out. The boys started laughing when he said he panicked, "Yeah that sounds like Alex." Zack said causing her to laugh, "It's really sweet, it'll be something I can keep forever besides the ring." she said of course, "So yeah.. we're getting married." she grinned at the boys who just looked stunned, "Not any time soon we haven't even talked about that and there's no rush but he's pretty dead set on me being his wife." she grinned over at Alex and leaned into him to peck his lips. "Now back to our movie night. How about it?"
Alex: "Yeah, we're getting married," Alex repeated, glancing at Sophie with a smile and really, the way she was grinning and how very obviously happy she was, that was all Alex needed to know he'd done the right thing and somehow picked the right time. “Yeah, just because this was kind of spur of the moment, I don’t think we’re gonna get married tomorrow or the day after,” he chuckled as Sophie leaned in to peck his lips. “Oh, movie!” Jack said. “Where’d you say the butterbeer was?” Alex shook his head. “In the fridge, Jack.” He shifted, ushering Annie out of the way. “Excuse me, please let me settle back into my spot,” he said with a grin and once she had taken a step back, Alex shifted to settle back against Sophie.
Sophie: "I don't think it'll be tomorrow or the day after either but I wouldn't put it past us to do something spur of the moment someday." Didn't mean it would even be this year but she could see them just deciding it was time to be married and getting married much like a lot of things in their lives. When he shifted he ushered Annie out of the way and pushed Sophie back before settling back between her legs and laying against her chest, "Apparently I'm the designated pillow tonight?" she raised a brow, as the boys were off to get drinks and Annie curled up in one of the large chairs that Zack and her would be able to curl up together. The movie night went on and they managed to get through three of the movies before the boys and annie wandered off to their rooms to sleep and Sophie shifted on the couch, "We should clean this mess up babe."
Alex: He grinned slightly, knowing that definitely wasn’t off the table. They could spontaneously decide to tie the knot without much planning ahead. It didn’t take long for them to get ready to watch a movie or a few and Alex ushered Annie away so he could settle back against Sophie, the spot he’d occupied before. “Yes, you make a very comfortable pillow.” They all curled up on the couch, or in one of the chairs and made it through three of the eight movies before they all started to spread out and head to bed and Alex was glad the house had as many guestrooms as it had. Alex was half asleep when Sophie shifted, asking him to clean up and he grumbled softly. “Can’t we just sleep?” he murmured, but he pushed himself up to get up and off the couch, running his hand through his hair and over his face. He knew they really should, they had dogs running around the house after all, and the kids would be up early giving them no time to clean in the morning. So he helped her put everything away before he walked up behind her at the kitchen counter and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Mmh, can I take my fiancé to bed now?
Sophie: "Can we at least be invited to the wedding since we missed out on the engagment?" Jack pouted coming back already pouring his glass. "For someone who is so warm you don't seem to mind curling up today on me." she chuckled stroking his hair again. "Mmm normally I would say yes but we should clean then we don't have to worry about it tomorrow." she reasoned because it had been a very long day for them. When he walked up behind her after they finished cleaning she felt his arms tight around her waist the word fiance dancing on his lips and she smiled. "Mmm almost." she said turning around in his arms before pecking his lips, "I was thinking." slipping out of his arms and opening the freezer. "A little ice cream might hit the spot." she grinned as she grabbed a spoon and opened the container taking a spoonful to her mouth and licking it with her tongue slowly and sultry while holding his eyes locked on her.
Alex: “If we have time to send out invitations, it’s not a spur of the moment thing, right?” Alex chuckled. “But if you’re around I promise I’ll let you know,” he said with a grin. Alex hummed as he settled against Sophie again. “I get warm when I sleep not just from laying around,” he argued, “plus the rain drenched me, I got cold.” He was happy she let him lay the way he’d settled though and they had a good time watching the movies. Eventually, finally cleaned up, Alex found Sophie by the counter and he chuckled as she slipped from his arms to get to the freezer. He watched her move over to grab some ice cream and he knew she was teasing him the way she was licking away at the spoon. “Are you gonna let me have some?” He shifted to lean back against the counter, watching her.
Sophie: Sophie laughed at his promise to let them know if they are around. She knew that someday whenever that happened the boys would be there, they were such an important part of their lives. "I mean I guess do you want some?" she asked as she licked off the remaining ice cream. Taking another scoop she she headed towards him and 'accidentally' dipped some onto his shirt. "Oops." she said as she set the carton down. "We should take that off you or it'll stain." she said reaching to pull his shirt off before picking up the spoon again. "You know I have an idea." she said stepping closer as she dragged the spoon across his chest, before dipping down and running her tongue against the expanse of skin.
Alex: “Yes I want some,” he said, watching her, but he still couldn’t stop her from ‘accidentally’ spilled some ice cream on his shirt. “Excuse me?” he asked, chuckling softly as he let her help take the shirt off of him, leaving him standing shirtless in the kitchen. He arched a brow as Sophie dragged the spoon across his chest, spreading more ice cream on him and he groaned softly. “Soph,” he murmured, licking his lips as he felt her tongue on his skin. “Are you trying to seduce me?” Alex asked, a small grin starting to spread across his lips.
Sophie: Her tongue licked softly at the ice cream on his chest, taking it off little by little. She imagined he'd be sticky regardless afterwards but she was feeling playful and everyone was asleep upstairs. "I might be trying to seduce you." she said, as her tongue licked off the rest of the ice cream on him. "And everyone is upstairs, and no one is downstairs but you and me." she murmured, "and I was thinking about your head somewhere else than when we were on the couch."
Alex: He glanced down to watch her, tongue licking along the trail of ice cream she had left over his chest. “It’s working, keep going,” he murmured, encouraging her with a grin spread across his lips and his hands moved to rest on either side of her hips. He groaned softly when she mentioned a different place she’d pictured his head to go to. “And where exactly would that be?” he asked as if he didn’t already had very good idea.
Sophie: A giggle left her lips when he said it was working as she peppered kisses against his chest. When he asked where that would be, "How about I show you?" she said as her hands grasped his shoulders and started pushing him down, her body leaning into the counter, "I was thinking right about here." she said once he was down level with her pelvis, "Do I have to paint you a picture anymore?"
Alex: He arched a brow when Sophie suggested she showed him instead and then her hands were on his shoulders, pushing him down until he was level with her pelvis and he groaned softly. “I got a pretty good idea,” Alex murmured. He brought his hands up her legs, caressing over the fabric of her sweat pants and he almost sighed, internally hoping really nobody would come down in the kitchen. Still, his hands found the hem of her pants and dipped into it, tugging lightly and brushing his fingers against the bare skin beneath.
Sophie: "Do you? I just want to make sure." she said softly, obviously not wanting to be too loud. Feeling his hands travel her legs she knew he would worry about people walking in but she had all the faith between the alcohol and how late they were up that no one would interrupt them. Feeling his hand dip down into the sweats she tilted her head back, grasping the counter as she as he explored her for a bit before she shifted her one hand and moved pushing down her sweats letting them fall to the floor leaving her lower half bare to him.
Alex: The alcohol helped to stop from worrying too much. Everyone had been tired when they wandered off to bed. He knew Jack would be out in now time, Rian would either go right to sleep or talk to his girlfriend before he’d sleep and Zack and Annie.. well they’d be busy themselves or actually sleeping, chances were incredibly low anyone would walk in on them right now. Still he hesitated briefly and let his hands just wander and explore instead until Sophie pushed her own pants down and he groaned softly, leaning forward to bury his face between her now bare legs, humming before starting to pepper kisses and then dip out his tongue to tease between her lips.
Sophie: She didn't want to make him uncomfortable but there were more chances of them waking people upstairs than down in the kitchen on the other side of the house. When she pushed off her pants that seemed to be what he needed, that final push as his head dipped between her legs, her hand grasping into his hair on his head the other holding her up against the counter. Then there wa the feeling of his tongue starting to caress between her lips, "Oh god, yes." she breathed out.
Alex: He was easily overthinking, because it was moments like this he ended up being very protective, especially about what was his in a way, not that he really thought of Sophie as his property. She knew him well enough to know he’d overthink though so the way she just pushed down her pants was what pulled him out of that train and he groaned at the sight in front of him that he definitely couldn’t keep away from. His tongue brushed between her lips, caressing her and humming softly as he felt her hand in his hair. He shifted so he could drag his tongue up more until he could flick it against her clit before wrapping his lips around it and sucking softly, only briefly.
Sophie: She knew that for Alex this was partially because sex was between them. This was them being vulnerable with each other in ways they enjoyed. Not meant for other eyes. Her body leaned back more as her head fell back. "Oh fuck, Alex!" she gasped out her hips pressing into his mouth as he started suckling on her clit. "Just like that baby, don't stop." she whined, fingers curling in his hair as he so expertly went down on her.
Alex: With the guest rooms upstairs and the kids rooms too, Alex knew that chances were anyone would hear them were higher if they were upstairs. Which didn’t fully weigh out the fact that down here, anyone could barge in any time, but then Sophie was bare in front of him and the alcohol in his body made it impossible to not want to give her what she wanted. “Shh,” he breathed out, glancing up at her briefly before focusing back on the task at hand, grinning slightly before suckling on her clit again, flicking his tongue against it every now and then.
Sophie: She heard him shush her and she groaned, "I really don't give a fuck about the rest of the house, don't stop." she panted, pulling him back in. She wasn't normally so demanding but the feeling of his mouth on her was so addicting that she couldn't see past the lust that was settling into her body, though she would try and keep her words at least more quiet as her hips bucked looking for the relief his tongue could provide to her. "Alex." she whined her hand coming up and covering her face and biting her hand to keep her voice down.
Alex: He was too busy to reply to that, but he would’ve told her that he did care though. Thought he didn’t care enough to stop his movements on her to say something, so he rather flicked his tongue against her clit again before going back to sucking on it, alternating between the two, He shifted some more, bringing his tongue between her lips again and letting the tip of his tongue dip inside of her a few times before going back to wrapping his lips around her clit again.
Sophie: She knew that he cared but her mind was hazed over from pleasure that she wasn't reasoning properly. His mouth went back to working on her, his tongue dipping inside of her before wrapping his lips around her clit and she bucked forward, her hips getting sloppy and messy and she knew that with just the right touch she'd be coming on his tongue.
Alex: He continued to move his tongue, flicking it against her clit and then moving between her legs again, dragging his tongue between wet lips before dipping the tip into her again and then burying his face more between her legs so he could pump his tongue easily.
Sophie: His face buried more between her legs and she gripped onto his head, "Yes, yes, yes." she breathed, his tongue pumping in and out of her with each move causing her legs to shake. "fuck alex I'm going to come so hard." she breathed, "Please, oh god, please."
Alex: He felt her legs shaking, his hands holding onto them as if that would keep her standing straight, but he really didn't pull back from her, his tongue buried deep onside of her, or as best as could be at least and pumping in and out. He hummed, not really able to encourage her to come by saying so.
Sophie: His humming was enough to do her in with his tongue buried inside of her, her hips bucked forward on his mouth once, twice, before a nose came from her lips and she yanked hard on his hair pressing her hips into his face as felt herself start to come on his tongue her body shaking as she wanted to ride out the orgasm as long as possible.
Alex: He was happy to feel her body react, to taste her on his lips as she came around his tongue and he tried to lick up everything that he could reach. When he finally felt like she was okay again, he pulled his head back a little to grin up at Sophie
Sophie: Her body leaned back and pressed against the counter. "Holy fuck babe, I think I might need tor request eating out in the kitchen more often." she grinned panting heavily as she saw his grin that showed how proud he was of himself.
Alex: He licked his lips as he slowly came up, stepping close to her by the counter and he grinned more. "Was so much better than the ice cream." He leaned in to capture her lips in a kiss.
Sophie: He captured her lips in a kiss and she grinned tasting herself on his mouth. "Better than ice cream huh?" she murmured reaching out and feeling his hard length and tugging him closer to her with hit. "Maybe I should give you the same kind of service unless you had other plans, I'd hate to cut into your sleep time."
Alex: "So much better," he murmured after their kiss. He felt her hand shift between them and groaned as Sophie wrapped in her hand around his length. He had yet to get his pants out of the was, but there was time to tug and put on theen know.
Sophie: “I’m glad you prefer me to ice cream. Though I guess you did get some kind of cream.” She grinned before giggling at her own dirty joke. She waited and got his pants down and shifted her hand to stroke him in long firm strokes. “Now tell me do you want my mouth on you or somewhere we’re else.” She asked.
Alex: A grin spread on his lips at Sophie's joke and he laughed softly. He was so glad she was comfortable enough to say and do these things, to be open to explore all these things with him. "Fuck," he said through lips almost pressed together and he closed his eyes when Sophie's hand started move her hand over his length. "Mouth," he breathed out, his hips shifting into her tough a little bit.
Sophie: She knew it was from being on cloud nine that she was so open and vocal. Her hand moved back and forth stroking his hardened length. His hips shifted a tiny bit as she sank down on her bare knees pulling her hair out of the way and lick the tip before taking him eagerly into her mouth.
Alex: It wasn't often that Sophie was this very open and vocal about things but Alex loved it. He knew it meant she was comfortable with him and that was reason enough to be happy about it. His eyes watched her sink down slowly, he bit his lip as she knelt in front of him, hips pants gladly dropped down and he moaned quietly at the feel of her lips wrapping around his length. "Oh, fuck.."
Sophie: Her mouth moved effortlessly against his length her tongue caressing thr under side of his cock. Her hand grasped at his thighs pulling him closer she said in her knees completely bare from the waist down her hand twisting around the shaft for extra stimulation as she bobbed her head against him faster taking him further into her mouth.
Alex: He easily moved closer when Sophie tugged at his legs and he cursed under his breath at the feeling of her bobbing her head on his length. His head fell back, groaning a little louder but trying to keep it low still, not eager to wake anyone or just get anyone's attention. His hips bucked forward a bit when Sophie too him in deeper. "Fuck... Yes, baby," he breathed out, his hand reaching down to tangle in her long strands of hair.
Sophie: Her head continued to bob back and forth against his length a little faster. Especially when his hips bucked forward into her mouth forcing him a little deeper into her mouth. Tilting her head back she was able to take him deeper gargling slightly against his skin as his hands gripped her hair tugging slightly causing her to moan around his length.
Alex: He tipped bis head back a little, glad he could lean against the counter slightly to hold himself up. His fingers tangled in his hair, gripping and tugging lightly at the red strands. "Soph..oh fuck." He hadn't expected to be so aroused to quick but Sophie had a way of turning him on and tending so expertly to him that he felt his body tensing a little, the pleasure building up and he cursed out as his hips bucked again. "So close.."
Sophie: She felt him lean into the counter mich like she had. She continued to move faster as his hands gripped into her hair pulling and tugging. His hips bucked again into her mouth pushing farther down and she coughed slightly but didn’t stop as she heard him say he was close determined to get him to find his release.
Alex: Sophie didn't flinch or pull back and Alex loved the way she felt around him, the way she was determined to get him off this way. "Fuck, yes baby. Sophie.." he moaned out, biting down on his lip hard as he felt his release, almost feeling bad about filling her mouth with his come, letting out a drawn out curse, trying to not be too loud.
Sophie: She felt him encourage it more and she then felt the swell before feeling his come hit the back of her throat her tongue attempting to lay flat to let him spill down her throat until she felt him finish. She bobbed her head a few times before pulling back the soft wet sound of her mouth smearing against her lips as she sat on her knees and looked up at him almost innocent as she wiped her mouth gently with the back of her hand.
Alex: He came into her mouth, breathing hard and panting as he looked down to see her swallow him, licking his lip as he let out a chuckle at the way Sophie looked up at him so innocently. "Fuck, baby.." He reached down, tugging her up onto her feet to pull her into him some. "God I love you."
Sophie: When he reached down and pulled her up into him, she grinned, "Oh you love me huh? I think you're in that post stated bliss of after an orgasm kind of love." she teased, "I also still have no pants on my lower half, we should probably at least pull those up if you're gonna stand here and tell me how much you love me."
Alex: "Hey, I spent all day making sure you know how much I do love you,” he chuckled into their kiss. Glancing down, he scrunched up his nose. “We should get you dressed.. and me too, I guess.” He shifted to pull up his pants and help Sophie putting hers back on too before he wrapped his arms around her, sliding his arms down to the back of her legs so he could pick her up and sit her up on the counter. “Are we done cleaning up here? Or were you thinking more ice cream?” he grinned at her as he stepped between her legs to just stand with her for a moment, one arm lazily wrapped around her while he used the other hand to reach for the box of ice cream Sophie had discarded on the counter.
Sophie: "You did, you did a good job babe." Given he had proposed, but she was pretty sure most guys felt extra boost of serotonin when they hit that release, especially when watching someone with their mouth around them. Not that she doubted his love at all. Feeling him help her dress she giggled, "You really are more worried about me getting dressed than you because the boys have all seen you naked." Joking since she didn't really expect any of them to come downstairs. She felt him step between her legs now that she was sitting on the counter. "You do mean actual ice cream now right?" she raised a brow at the man as he grabbed the box of ice cream that was half melted behind her and held it up.
Alex: “I don’t want them coming in here seeing you butt naked,” he chuckled, tugging up her sweatpants to cover her up before lifting her up to sit on the counter. He put his own pants back on, but left his shirt discarded on the floor since it was covered with ice cream anyway. Standing between her legs, he reached for the ice cream and chuckled. “Yes I’m talking about ice cream. Figured we’re good with other creams right now,” he smirked slightly, glancing at her before digging a spoonful of half-melted ice cream from the container. “Plus if we don’t eat this, it’s just gonna be a waist of good ice cream. We can’t just put it back in the freezer like this.”
Sophie: "I'm not butt naked only my lower half was naked and for very good reasons." she teased when he dressed himself. A snort of a laugh left her lips at his comment of other creams. "Yes, yes, I think we've had our fill of other versions." she murmured. When he said that they couldn't put it back like this he was right. "We could pour it into glasses essentially it's like a shake now." she said swinging her legs as she leaned forward and kissed him hard for a moment.
Alex: "Ooh," he said, eyes widening almost excitedly. "A shake would be so much better than just trying to eat this." He dropped the spoonful back into the container and was distracted briefly by the hard kiss she pressed to his lips. "Hmm," Alex hummed, grinning into the kiss and playfully biting at her lip as he pulled back. "Let's pour us some shakes and head upstairs, yes?" A mischevious grin spread on his lips as he added, "unless you wanna linger here and make out for a bit.."
Sophie: "Shake would be so much better wouldn't it?" she nodded, and she was more than happy to be able to have a shake and enjoy it. She felt him bite at her lips and tug it a tiny bit and moaned against his mouth. "I mean if you want to linger here and make out for a bit I'm not going to stay no." she hummed, "But I would hate to exhaust you." she grinned giggling softly.
Alex: “Sooo much better,” he chuckled, putting the container back down on the counter and placing both his hands on either side of her on the counter. “Exhaust me?” he asked, laughing as he shook his head. “I think I will be fine to make out with you some. Now if you expect me to take you upstairs in a bit and make sweet, sweet love to you.. then that could be a little problematic,” he chuckled. “But I’ll never get tired of making out with you.” To prove his point, he leaned in and captured her lips in a kiss.
Sophie: "I mean exhausting it's late and you are getting older." Of course it was just joke when he said if she expected sweet, sweet love making afterwards it'd be problematic. A laugh rang from her lips, "Babe, I hate to be the one to break this to you but we don't make sweet, sweet love all that often." Which was kind of true, given she had just gone down on him in the kitchen. His lips met hers and she reached up and cupped his face, humming against his lips.
Alex: “Never too old to make out with you,” he said with a playful roll of his eyes. He laughed, leaning for a kiss that she gladly seemed to return. “Where’d be the fun in doing that all the time anyway?” he grinned into their kiss before letting himself get a little lost in kissing her, tugging her a little closer to the edge of the counter to bring her closer to him. He only broke away briefly to catch his breath before kissing her again, parting his lips to let his tongue pry against her lips for them to open, asking for entrance to deepen the kiss some more.
Sophie: A smile tugged to her lips that he'd never be too old to make out with her. There was that idea that he really was never going to get sick of her or at least not be attracted to her. "I love making love but I think all the time it'd get boring and we are anything but boring babe." She had learned to appreciate their sex life and intimacy. He pulled her closer, his mouth parting and his tongue prying gently between warm wet lips as she allowed him entrance, deepening the kiss in soft languid movements of her tongue with his.
Alex: “We’re so not boring,” he grinned. “I mean, you just went down me in our kitchen.. with guests upstairs. That’s so far from boring,” Alex laughed. The kiss wasn’t hungry or heavy, it was a soft kiss that they deepened by letting their tongue move together, almost playfully more so than fighting for dominance and Alex sighed happily into the kiss. He held her close to him, enjoying being pressed up against each other as they kissed, letting that linger for a while.
Sophie: "I mean they're upstairs sleeping or getting laid themselves." given two were a couple, "It made more sense to pleasure my man downstairs." Their mouths moved together, her fingers caressing down his cheek as they kissed. It wasn't dominate or possessive but it was playful and fun and she couldn't help but giggle into the kiss. Her lips nipped at his before breaking the kiss breathing heavy as she tugged him closer in between her legs.
Alex: “Do not forget about your own pleasurable moment,” he reminded her with a grin before focusing on their kiss, enjoying the moment, chuckling softly against her lips when she giggle and he leaned forward a little as she nipped at his lips and then he grinned as she tugged him in closer. “We’re gonna be so tired tomorrow,” he laughed softly as he leaned in and kissed her again, not really bothered all too much. The kids were gonna be up early though and though he wasn’t sure what time it was, since they had watched three full length movies, he assumed it was getting really late. But he didn’t have any work stuff planned for the next day and the boys and Annie were around to help with the kids, so he knew they’d be good. Plus.. he couldn’t really get enough of kissing her.
Sophie: "Trust me I don't... not at all. Was a great pleasurable moment." When he pulled back she nodded, "We're going to be so tired, so very, very tired." With three kids, "We should leave a note for Annie and the boys to watch the babies until we wake." Since she knew they would pitch in and help as much as needed. Especially since it was so late. Their lips returned to each other for a bit before she broke the kiss. "Maybe we should go kiss in bed. Any chance I can get you hard enough just to fall asleep with you inside of me tonight?" she asked tilting her head she knew that she didn't expect sex or love making but falling asleep with him inside of her even as he wouldn't be hard just the connection was something she craved as she peppered soft kisses against his jaw. "Or should we worry about that another night."
Alex: “If they’re as busy as we are, Annie and Zack are gonna need to sleep in too,” Alex chuckled. “But we can give that a try, yeah.” He smiled into their kiss and hummed as they eventually broke away, his eyes a little hooded, tired from the long day and all that had happened. He closed his eyes as he felt Sophie’s lips against his jaw and he sighed softly at the feeling. “Think we could be fine with that, yes..” He loved the idea, loved being so close and connected with her. And it had been a while, he knew that, Sophie had mentioned she wanted that a while ago and they had yet to find moments together like that. Bringing his hands to her thighs, he gently patted against them. “C’mon. Let’s leave the ice cream wasted and go to bed. I wanna sleep with my fiancé,” a grin tugging at his lips.
Sophie: "I don't think anyone has been as busy as us today." she teased, they had been fooling around and pleasuring each other. "There's no way they will need more sleep than us." she laughed shaking her head a tiny bit. "If you are sure, I don't want to make you uncomfortable." If he was going to be frustrated or anything like that. When he said to leave the ice cream she felt her heart skip a beat. "You know I think that is the sexiest thing I've ever heard from you. Wanting to go sleep with your fiancé." she said smiling as she slipped off the counter tossing the ice cream into the bin. "But seriously you should leave them a note, I think I'd like to sleep in with my future husband and then tell the babies mummy is finally going to get the same last name as them." she teased before starting to head upstairs.
Alex: “I won’t be uncomfortable,” he murmured. So maybe if they could not get to sleep that way he would possibly be a little frustrated, but he was comfortable enough with Sophie to get over that. And maybe they’d just be perfectly happy and fine. Alex grinned when Sophie said it was the sexiest thing she heard him say. “You’re not gonna be bummed about the ice cream?” he teased, but she was already slipping off the counter to toss the container away. He sighed as she mentioned telling the kids about it and he realized he’d barely gotten to spend any time with them that day. “How about you leave that note and I go check on the kids?” he suggested as he followed her upstairs, catching up halfway up the stairs.
Sophie: "Okay." she said, "As long as you're sure." seh said as she tossed the container in the bin and turned back to him. When he said that he was going to check on the kids she nodded, "Okay you check on the babies and I'll make sure they all get a note." she murmured as she quickly jotted down a note for all of them to find before slipping into the room. She moved to the bed pulling back the blankets and headed into the closet and changed into a nightgown to make things easier when he returned.
Alex: Once upstairs, Alex did slip into the kids' rooms to check on them, taking brief moments to watch them sleep and then he headed back out and towards the bedroom. He smiled when he found Sophie. "You changed. Am I supposed to change to?" He grinned slightly, closing the door behind him and then wandering towards the bed to get in with her. "I think I promised you kisses.. and some real close cuddling."
Sophie: "I figured it would be easier to really cuddle." she said "You don't have to change. Unless you want to but you should make sure the door is locked, Jack has a habit of just walking in whenever he wants." Which was true and him jumping into bed with them while Alex was tucked inside of her was not on her 'to experience' list. "Then the promised kisses and very close cuddling." she nodded, "Because you did promise."
Alex: “It’s gonna be much easier.” He turned to look back at the door and he made sure it was locked before he continued to wander over to the bed to join Sophie in it, humming softly as he paused in front of it. “If you’re only wearing that and I’m gonna be so close to you, I’m so not going to wear any clothes at all. I don’t fancy overheating,” he chuckled as he glanced down at himself. He’d left the shirt downstairs so he was left in sweatpants that he could easily get rid of before climbing into bed, finding Sophie to crawl over her, his hand dragging up her legs in the process and tugging up the fabric of her night gown.
Sophie: When he said he was going to wear nothing at all she figured part of that was to not overheat as well since he always got so hot when he was sleeping but she also figured it would make it a bit easier to be so close. Feeling his hands move up her legs and pushing the fabric up slightly she swallowed, "Are you sure this is okay if you don't want to you don't have to you know?" she said not wanting him to feel like anything had to happen between them.
Alex: He moved to crawl over her, tugging the night gown up before shifting up enough to hover over her. “When have I ever not wanted to be with you, babe?” he asked softly, leaning down a little to almost rest on top of her. “So it’s okay, Soph. I may just need you to touch me.. kiss me.. yeah?” He licked his lower lip as his eyes locked with hers and then he leaned down to place a soft, brief kiss on her lips.
Sophie: She knew it was true when he said that, "I know but you said not to expect anything when we came upstairs and I don't want you to feel like you have to if you can't or don't want to." She murmured looking at him when he said she might need to touch him and kiss him. "I can do that." she breathed out before feeling him pressing a soft kiss to her lips. Her lips moved against his as she adjusted her body under him, moving so he was straddling her leg and shifted her leg to help him grind against it.
Alex: “I want to,” he said simply, because it was true. He did, he wanted to be so close with her. Which didn’t necessarily mean he for sure could be, but he was willing to try and take that chance. Alex smiled softly, brushing his lips against hers. “Good,” he murmured, feeling her shift until he was straddling his leg and it came up so he could grind against her, humming at the friction this caused. Their lips moved together, picking up their soft, yet loving kisses from back when they were in the kitchen and his one arm slid under her to tug her up against him, wanting to feel more of her against his body.
Sophie: When he said he wanted to she nodded her head. Her leg was bent enough for him to grind against her, at least for now. She felt him slid his arm up and under her to pull her closer to him. "Al." she breathed into his mouth, her hands traveling down his sides, "Tell me what you need from me?" she murmured as she wanted this to be as pleasurable for him as possible given she had made him come twice that day so far like he had made for her.
Alex: He lifted her up a little bit to bring them closer together, feeling her press against him slightly as he ground his hips against her. He heard her, lifting his head a little and offering a smile. “Think you did a pretty great job at seducing me earlier.. I don’t think you need me to tell you what to do,” he murmured. Though after another kiss, he continued, “I want to feel your hands explore. I want your hands on me, touch me.. all over."
Sophie: His hips continued to grind against her and she gave a sheepish smile. “I know but this is different I want to get you hard but I also know it might take more than humping me.” When normally them grinding would have him hard in no time she didn’t want him to grow frustrated with himself. When he told her to touch him all over she nodded. “Now that I can do.” She murmured against his mouth rolling her leg under him and moving her hands down his chest, teasing at his own nipples before sliding down his hips nails scraping her skin.
Alex: “You gotta stop worrying,” he said softly, biting his lower lip. “It may take time.” And partially he was telling that to himself too, because this would take longer than it normally did, because he wanted her, but it took time to get that want surging through his body. He moaned softly she she scraped her nails over his skin, caressing here and there, her leg pressing up against her. “More,” he murmured, his hand finding her free leg to wrap that around his one leg, bringing them a little closer together.
Sophie: “I don’t mind how long it takes Alex.” She said, “I don’t want you to get frustrated.” She said because she obviously worried about him. She scraped her nails down over his back pulling him in as his body moved her other leg over his back. Her other leg hitched up slightly between his leg starting to rock harder against him encouraging him to grind agaisnt her leg more her hand grasping at his bottom and pulling him down hard into her as she moaned into his ear.
Alex: His lips twitched, curling into a smile as he peppered a few kisses against her lips. Hed body easily moved the way he guided her and her hips rocked harder into his, causing him to groan. Her skin press more against him, grinding and rocking together. And maybe it was the way her nails pressed into his bum, tugging him down against her, or it was simly the moaning into his ear but he felt his length twitch slightly, moaning out at the feeling.
Sophie: Hearing him groan was like bliss at the very least he was enjoying something. Her nails dug in a little harder as she felt him moan and his body jerk a tiny bit. “I love you.” She groaned into his ear, “I just want to be close to you you know that right?”
Alex: "Soph," he moaned. "I know baby, I wanna be close to you too." Where his mind had been reacting to her all day, clothes took longer at this time. Alex slowed his movement against her leg when he felt the little twitch, the reaction he was hoping for. He knew he couldn't actually fuck her right now, but this was about being connected and he felt comfortable enough to be that now. "Do you want me to lay on top of you all night?"
Sophie: She smiled at him as he said that he wanted to be close to her too. When he moaned she sucked in a breath and arched her body into his slightly before shifting. “Um maybe we should get you enough and then cuddle up from behind into me laying on top of me all night eventually my breathing might get harder.” She said and she was sure neither of them wanted that. “Or we can face each other and I can lay my leg over your hip.”
Alex: He groaned slightly as Sophie shifted. "As much as I love taking you from behind," he started, chuckling at the bluntness of it, "I think I wanna be able to kiss you." He now shifted too, grunting as he slid off of her to lay on his side beside her, reaching out to tug her in again.
Sophie: She mewled a soft moan when he shifted off of her. “Well it’s not like we’re having sex.” Okay he was going to be inside of her so it technically was sex but not in the traditional way they normally would. He tugged her in and she hooked her leg over his hip and settled her pelvis low against him grinding gently against him. “Just tell me when you’re good enough.” She whispered.
Alex: "That's a lie," he laughed softly as they shifted and he pulled her in, feeling her leg hook over his hip. "We're not trying to get each other off, but I'd say it does count as sex." He felt her hips grinding into him so wonderfully and he moaned at her words, rolling his hips into hers. "Baby," he murmured, shifting against her once more and sure she could feel his length hardening more with each movement. His hand moved to the back of her neck to pull her in for a passionate kiss. "I want to be inside of you.. Now," he said after a moment, biting playfully at her lip.
Sophie: “Okay so it counts but not in the same way we’re used to with the whole getting each other.” His hips pressed into hers and she could feel him reacting to it getting hard each time they moved with each other. Feeling him grab her neck she crushed her lips to his her hand curling to his face. Feeling his teeth bite at her skin she nodded shifting her hips to angle them easier for him. “Then you can be inside of me and then cuddle me.” She breathed out.
Alex: He reached between them when Sophie shifted to adjust, then rolled his hips a little to slide his length into her, slow to make it easier to bury himself inside of her, moaning softly at the feeling before his arms wrapped around her, tugging her in and ready to curl up with her.
Sophie: She shifted to help him and he pushed in and slid his length into her. It took a little bit before he was buried inside of her completely and she shivered at the sound of his moan. She shifted her body into his and let his arms curl around her. “Sure you’re not gonna mind getting too warm sleeping this curled up and inside of me?” She murmured.
Alex: "Sophie," he said softly, nudging his nose against hers gently. "I'm perfectly happy being with you like this." He hummed softly, holding her close to him and brushing his hand up her back slightly caressing against her skin and he leaned in to kiss her softly.
Sophie: A small smile appeared on her lips when he said he was perfectly happy like this. She knew he normally got overly warm but she also knew that they wanted to be close. Something she knew was in part to their new engagement to each other. “I love you.” She murmured pecking his lips back.
Alex: His one hand rested against her back and he brought the other up to cup her cheek, brushing his thumb over her cheek before letting his fingers tangle in her hair lightly. "I love you," he murmured softly, smiling against her lips. "God, I love you so much."
Sophie: His hand tangled in her red locks and she looked at him a blush settling on her cheeks when he said how much he loved her. “I know you do.” She said, “I love you so much too. Today was… I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way you know? Knowing that it’s going to be me and you the rest of our lives. I couldn’t be happier.” She said and she fully meant it.
Alex: Alex shook his head a little and chuckled softly. "I didn't even take time to plan out how to ask you... You would've deserved so much more," he sighed softly. He knew Sophie was gonna argue that it was just right the way it happened, and he didn't want to argue, not now, not that, so he leaned in to capture her lips in a soft, lingering kiss. When that finally broke, he smiled at her." Good night, baby."
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zeldas-cigarrette · 3 years
⊱┊𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬. ↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃
— pairing; ⚢donna sheridan x fem!reader
— word count; 3.3k
— summary; Sophie organised an afternoon of speed dating for her mother. You happened to be a customer at the certain restaurant it took place, and it seemed as if Donna was more interested in you than in all the guys that came for her. (lots of fluff because I can’t bring myself to write smut atm. ) xx
— fluff 🍰₊˚.༄ ೃ -
—❥ author’s note; My obsession with Meryl Streep keeps me sane during all those exams I have atm… Again, I’m so sorry for not posting my requests but I tried finishing them all but when I read them again they were so insanely bad, I can’t upload them… I will rewrite them probably next weekend (if I have enough time). But thanks for sticking around although I’m not as active (which will change in a few weeks, when I’ve finished my finals).
..⃗.🕊•̩̩͙⁺⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈ ꒰ 🥥 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ ✧˖*°࿐
🏷 tag list; @paulawand , @pearplate
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The sun was already burning down when Donna found out about her daughter's plans for the afternoon. Apparently, Sophie decided to host a speed dating for her mother in some restaurant on the island. She wasn’t interested in the first place but for the sake of her daughter, Donna decided to give it a try - maybe she’ll find the love of her life? It wasn’t until both mother and daughter arrived at the chosen restaurant when the older woman started worrying about what’s to come behind those doors. The few birds that gathered on the windowsill started chirping as if they were trying to warn her, „don’t go in!” but it seemed too late for that. „I don’t know if this is the right thing Soph,” Donna lurked through the window, seeing a couple of older guys waiting eagerly for someone to entertain them. „It’s gonna be fun Mum, just let it happen,” and with the huge smile spread over the young girl's face, she pushed the door open. Quickly the smell of food surrounded both women.
Only a couple of women were interested in dating as well, everyone was already sat on separate tables only waiting for the main host to start the thing. On the first look, none of these men caught her eye, none of them looked attractive. However, who was she to judge? Said and done, Donna took a seat opposite of a man with full fair hair and glasses. The two minutes started in which they were supposed to get to know each other.
You were sat in the corner of the restaurant, observing the show you were offered from afar. The people, including the owner, were making a fuss about the speed dating someone had arranged. You had moved to the island just a couple of months ago and though such things as speed dating were a pretty common thing in England, it seemed to be hardly a thing around here. Chewing on a shrimp, you wanted to hold back the laughter when you saw the angelic-looking woman’s face when one of the guys seemingly told her an interesting fact about him. She didn’t look very happy with the selection of men. Luckily you had an amazing view of the ocean and you could watch the sun gleaming on the water.
For every passing minute, Donna regretted the decision she made. The first guy was as dull as his name, Tom had 15 cats. He told her a story of when a few of his cats got sick and vomited in his flat. It was a full-on ramble for two minutes not letting his opponent get to word for once. Donna wasn’t sure if she had control of her face, but if she wasn’t at least the guy knew how horrible he was. The next one - didn’t even introduce himself - was shy. So shy that he only stared down on his fingers. Therefore when Donna made the first move and told him a little about her life, he could only nod and blankly stare a hole into the hotel owner.
Sunken in a daydream, you scribbled something in your notebook hoping the words would turn into poems. When you first came to the island you had hoped to overcome the ongoing writer's block, but until now not even the alluring landscape could change that. It ever so often occurred that your eyes landed on the woman with the golden locks not sure if it’s because of how dissatisfied she looked or if it’s her that captured you. Often you came to this restaurant to get the words flowing or to talk to the owners. They have been welcoming from the first moment, so you decided to go there again and again until it became the only restaurant you’d go to.
Meanwhile, Donna was meeting the fourth guy that wanted to meet her. It seemed to be a better start than the rest of the guys, he wasn’t perfect but neither was he as self-centered as the ones before. Their conversation was good until he dropped the 'women belong in the kitchen’ bomb. It ruined everything for her. „Alright people, we’re gonna take a short break so everyone can let the impressions sink in,” Sophie quickly interrupted when she saw how uncomfortable her mother felt. Each of the participants got up and walked out on the terrace or ordered drinks from the bar. Donna scoffed and buried her head in her hands. „This is awful,” it was only a whisper but audible to her daughter. „I’m sorry, I really thought that you’re gonna have fun,” the girl replied. Without another word the woman got up and wanted to walk a few steps to stretch the tense muscles in her leg when she spotted you sitting in the corner of the room.
She took small steps to reach your table, she was curious about what you were doing there all alone scribbling in your notebook. At first, you didn’t notice her coming towards you, but when you did she seemed as if a halo would enlighten her. The notebook was closed in an instant when you realized that you were the aim she was about to reach. „Hi” you greeted her with a wide smile. „Hello, I noticed you sitting all alone,” it was obvious that Donna searched for an opportunity to escape the dating hell her daughter had organised. You saw in how deep of misery the woman was. „Would you like to sit with me for a while?” you requested and pointed at the chair opposite of you. The noise in the overfilled restaurant was deafening so the blonde woman didn’t bother using words and just pulled out a chair. „You don’t know in how many ways you just saved me,” she smirked and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. You blushed but tried to hide it while leaning your face in both of your hands.
„I saw you’ve been busy over there, isn’t speed dating fun?” you teased not knowing if it was alright to overstep this line. „They’re all abhorrently boring and irritating,” the woman huffed and throws a disapproving look at the crowd of men. You couldn’t help but stifle a laugh, you’ve never had the problem with weird men. „I’m Y/n by the way,” you reached out your hand which she gladly shook. „Nice to meet you, my name’s Donna.” Even her name sounded angelic. The woman’s company brought you joy and even ideas for new poems came to your mind. „You could stay here until it’s over, I don’t mind,” you suggested avoiding eye contact, fearing rejection. „I’d love to,” it sounded like heaven to you. Therefore she stayed and every time you looked at her, you hated to avert your gaze the next second. Although Donna seemed to enjoy herself, the men on the other side of the room looked as if they were disappointed that she left. „One of their cats vomited in their flat,” she told you rolling her eyes. „Aww, I love cats but without the vomiting,” you giggled and tried to find out who it was by just scanning them. „It’s the blond one,” she pointed at a tall, skinny guy. „Oh yes, he absolutely looks like a cat guy,” you remarked dryly not averting your gaze from the giraffe-like man.
Sophie saw her mother sitting with you, smiling and giggling sometimes. She didn’t dare to make her comeback and go through another round.
„Would you like something to eat while you’re waiting for this to be over?” you asked shyly. „Actually, yes! I’ve been starving since we’ve come here and the conversations I’ve had didn’t make it go away,” Donna explained and bit down her lip. You waved for Elias, a waiter, for her to order. You’ve been exploring the island with him a couple of times and learned that he would rather like to work on the mainland as a teacher than work at his parent's restaurant. The food was served in less than ten minutes and she hummed while eating. „This has to be the best one I’ve eaten yet,” Donna declared while putting the cutlery on her plate.
Donna admired you for your kindness of letting her stay with you, she was lost in the eyes of yours and how your y/h/c hair was blown from the wind from time to time. The opened window offered her a marvellous view on the deep blue ocean. She felt safe in your company and the stories you’d told her about your future plans captured her. „Then why have you decided to come to Kalokairi when you plan on becoming a writer?” the older woman curiously asked. „Well, I had a very severe writers block and wanted to be surrounded by nature and I’ve a lot about this place in tourist guides so I decided to come here to get my writing flowing,” you explained. „Oh I’m sorry, I hope you’ve overcome it by now.” „I think I just did,” you cheekily replied. Unknowingly that your time was up by now, Sophie strutted over to the both of you.
„Mum, I’m sorry to interrupt but we’re done,” the young girl smiled while looking at you. „I’d really like to do this again,” Donna circled with her finger on the table, „I’ll just give you my address and you can come over some time.” Donna scribbled something on a napkin and handed it to you. You tried to hide the huge smile that was about to form on your lips. „Thanks, I’d also love to repeat this,” your whisper was barely audible. Donna just winked before leaving with her daughter, she was gone and left you with butterflies in your stomach. That day you’re writers block seemed to be gone and you were finally able to bring some words on paper.
»As I sat and looked at her and the rolling hills she sat upon I thought, what amazing luck I have that the world had created such beautiful things and given me the eyes to see them.« *
At first, you’ve been too afraid to drop that little poem off at her house, but when you gathered enough courage you just went for it. It was only when you arrived that you realised she was managing a hotel. You quickly dropped it off with your phone number written on it, not brave enough to give it to her in person. The following hours consisted of you having almost a nervous breakdown not wanting to receive rejection again. You had enough of that for a lifetime. Was she even interested in that way or was she just being nice? It took her until the next morning to get back to you, but when she did, it brought your heart to quiver.
She invited you over for a walk along the coastline by sunset. Whenever Donna laughed, it felt as if the world was changing for the better, and she smiled like a goddess. When the sun was almost gone and barely visible, it made the whole island shimmer in a shade of magenta. The older woman seemed as if she took a liking to you, that’s when you realised the arm sneaked around you. It was that day when you never wanted to leave Kalokairi or the high you’ve been on since you first saw her.
Over the weeks you two had somehow developed an unspoken romantic relationship, none of you were brave enough to talk about the strong feelings in between. When Donna wasn’t busy working in the Hotel, you did almost everything together, sat by the beach while you used her as your muse for writing or you two cuddled on the couch.
You had sent your work to a publisher in New York when you had gathered a few more poems and one night you received an email. They actually wanted you in New York, the head of the company wanted to meet you first and if everything goes well he wanted to offer you a contract and an apartment in which you could get your words flowing. Although that sounded like a dream to you, so surreal and perfect to be true, your true new home was the island and the mere thought about leaving was too much. That’s why you didn’t tell Donna. You weren’t sure if this was the right time or if she’d even care.
„Why did they have to leave her out, just because she couldn’t pay for the country club?” the thing you loved about her, was that she always commented on the movies you watched. „It seems unfair to me,” you added and snuggled closer. You were partly on your laptop to check your mails for a confirmation on an order you placed. She was holding you close while her head was resting on yours. It was the smell of the ocean that comforted you and made your eyelids heavy. You had never stayed overnight at her house because you didn’t know if that was alright for her, so you fought against tiredness. Few strands of her hair slightly covered your eyes which only caused you to give in to your exhaustion more.
The steady sound of the movie and her beating heart made you even more tired until you couldn’t keep your eyes open any longer. A comforting wave of sleep hit you and soon you were comforted in a dream. It wasn’t until the woman you’d fallen asleep on moved abruptly, that you woke up. „Ouch,” you murmured and your head jolted in an upward direction. „I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you,” Donna sounded weird but you brushed it off due to the late hour. „Don’t worry, is everything alright?” you then asked while straightening your back. Only a light hum was a response to your question, she then focused on the movie again. Minutes passed and your eyelids started to feel like cement. „Okay, you know what? It’s not okay. I know going through your things wasn’t right, but your laptop was open and I’ve seen the email from the publisher and internally I’m going mad and-“
„Stop,” it was a short but loud enough interruption of her rambling. Donna's eyes grew wide. „I don’t mind if you’re going through my things, but before you assume something you could’ve asked me, because I wasn’t planning on going,” you didn’t want to snap in that way. Only a regretful „Oh..” broke the uncomfortable silence. You felt bad for speaking to her in that tone. „I’m sorry but I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you, I just found you.” A small but proud smile formed on your lips, maybe the feelings were mutual. „I’m not going anywhere,” you quietly replied. Both of you started staring at the screen of the tv again, wordlessly. „Y/n?”
You hummed in response. „I think I love you.” „You think?” you laughed, „because I might love you too.” Her hands quickly found your face and pulled you in her direction, „Is that alright?” A slight nod confirmed and Donna’s lips found yours. They moved against yours in sync and that’s when you first noticed how soft they were, she tasted like peach and lavender. „Your hair’s so soft,” she mumbled when she stopped for air, after that Donna quickly found your lips again. „And your cute when you’re all worried,” you added when you gasped for air.
That night you stayed with Donna and fell asleep cuddling her. She wore a blue pyjama with puppies all over it, you were gushing over how adorable she looked.
„Come on we’re going to be late for the ferry if you don’t hurry up,” Donna rushed past you to turn off the kitchen lights. „Yeah yeah don’t rush me or I’m never gonna finish,” you replied and closed your suitcase. You were going home for your father's birthday and they wanted to meet the woman that you couldn’t stop talking about. „Ready?” „Yes.” Donna stretched out her hand for you and pulled you after her. „I hope they’ll like me,” she pondered while loading the suitcases in the trunk. „They will absolutely love you, trust me,” you said and helped her closing up.
The ferry was crowded as usual and you two barely had enough space so Donna demanded you to sit on her lap. „I hope we’re gonna catch our flight,” the woman mumbled and nervously checked her wristwatch. „Don’t sweat it, we’re gonna make it on time it’s still early,” you cackled, knowing that she was nervous. The ferry sailed over the water just as gracefully as a bull in a china shop. When the ferry reached the mainland, Donna and you quickly rushed to a cab and drove to the nearest airport. The sky was flawlessly blue, not a cloud could be seen.
Not a lot of people decided to fly to England on that day, you could count 17 people at the checkpoint. In the meantime Donna was a nervous wreck, the woman constantly fidgeted with the keychains. „Ew your hands are sweaty,” you joked when you took hers in yours, „don’t be afraid, I’m with you the whole time.” Donna forced a smile on her face then followed you on the airplane. It wasn’t a long flight, maybe four or five hours. The start was a rough patch, Donna’s anxiety of flying was at its highest and she was seemingly about to throw up. Luckily you could talk her down and she soon fell asleep.
Arriving in London Southend, which was close to your parent's house, your girlfriend's nerves seemed to be calmed and you almost thought she’d taken something. „Let’s get out of here, my brother’s gonna pick us up,” you declared as both of you got your luggage. „He’s very much into cars and all that stuff, so if he’s annoying you just tell him to shut up, I do this every time.” „Oh I hope it’s not getting too complicated so that I can keep up,” she stifled a laugh and cheerily followed you along to the exit. As usual, your brother couldn’t shut up about the new cars he is about to tune, but luckily the ride was only about 40 minutes.
Your father was fascinated by Donna, the two of them got along quite well and even your mother seemed to approve of your choice this time. There have been a few women she wasn’t fond of, almost hated them and in retrospect, she was right about them. As it got darker outside, your father's guests said their goodbyes and left one by one until only the five of you were left at the table. „We’re gonna go to bed, it’s getting late and I’ve got work tomorrow,” your father declared and clapped his hands on both of his legs before getting up. „Yeah me too,” your brother said.
„Wanna sit in front of the fireplace for a while?” you asked as all of them were gone. „Absolutely.” „Thanks for coming, I was afraid you wouldn’t like my family because of how crazy they are sometimes,” you whispered when you draped a blanket over the both of you. „They’re all lovely people, I’m happy they don’t seem to hate me,” Donna joked. „They don’t, they love you but maybe not as much as I do,” you sweet-talked. Her finger booped your nose before she planted a quick kiss on your forehead. „Can I hold your hand?” she quietly asked. You nodded, feeling her soft palms against yours was enough to make you feel safe. While you sat there watching the fire die out, the grip around Donna got tighter, fearing she’d be gone as soon as the sun rises. But she wasn’t, she was still there in the morning and the morning after and so on. You were happy with her, happier than you would’ve imagined.
* used a poem from atticus
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A/N: Idk if this is good, but I wanted to write it so bad, so I did it because I can:
Ship: Sophideon + Family fluff
Title: Puzzles
Sophie woke to the warmth of Gideon’s body and the crackling of the fire in the hearth. She could also hear the children, speaking in hushed tones and giggles. Cracking open an eye, she saw that they were currently sitting side-by-side by the coffee table, their backs facing her. Her left arm was resting on Gideon’s chest, and it rose and fell with his steady breathing.
She realized that their legs were tangled together under the thick blanket that she could only assume their children had placed over them. She closed her eyes and took a blissful stretch before resting her temple on her husband’s shoulder. He was still asleep, emitting soft snores that she felt in her belly.
They had been patrolling all night, and had barely gotten any sleep before their children woke them up again, ready to begin the day. Sophie and Gideon lasted until midday before they must have fallen asleep. The fact that they’d managed to stay awake that long surprised Sophie.
She wiggled her toes a little bit and adjusted herself, so that she could stretch the leg that was thrown over Gideon’s hips. His hand was warm on the small of her back, and she didn’t want to accidentally shift in such a way that would cause it to slip off her. Therefore, each movement was minuscule and delicate.
Gideon’s breath stirred the smallest tendrils of her hair. She looked up at him, brushing a lock of hair away from his forehead. She loved him very much. So much so, she often surprised herself, as she had never thought she could ever love someone again, after what had happened to her all those years ago. She kissed his jawline and put her ear to his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat against her cheek.
It was times such as these that she felt as if the world stopped at her fingertips; like no matter what happened, she would be fine, as long as she were here, with Gideon by her side and their children near.
She heard Gideon grunt softly, as he always did before he woke up, before slowly opening his eyes. He blinked a little, his dazed eyes slowly roaming the room, and closed them once more. He turned to where she was, resting the tip of his nose against her forehead.
“Good morning,” he muttered, his voice an octave deeper than usual and thick with sleep.
“Evening is more like it,” she replied, reaching up to stroke his impossibly soft hair.
She felt Gideon’s muscles shift as he stretched them, the hand he had on her waist tensing briefly as he did so.
Finally, Gideon let out a breath through his nose and said, “that was the greatest sleep I’ve ever had in my entire life.”
Sophie chuckled softly. “I would have thought the best sleep of your life would have been on our wedding night.”
Gideon opened his eyes and smiled, “we didn’t do much sleeping that night, though, did we?”
Sophie nudged him with her elbow. “Why is it that you’re only like this around me? You act diplomatically and mature to everybody, and yet you say the most scandalous things when it is just us.”
Gideon pressed a soft and lasting kiss on her lips. He then brought his lips close to her ear and muttered, “I’m not trying to woo everybody else,” before kissing the spot where her jawline began.
Sophie’s eyes shuttered closed, Gideon’s warm breath sending shivers down her spine, but she turned her face away from him and nodded in the direction of their children. “We should spare them the sight of their parents kissing.”
Gideon turned to where they were huddled around the puzzle. Sophie resisted the urge to turn his face towards her and kiss him regardless.
He looks back at her soon enough, his sea green eyes bright in the soft light the fire emitted.
“They’re not paying attention.” He said, brushing a strand of her hair away from her face with his knuckle. “They have their backs to us.”
“They could turn around at any second and begin shrieking, like two of them did last time.” Sophie said.
It was no mystery to anybody who the two that had done said shrieking were.
Gideon presses his lips together at the memory of that before raising his eyebrows and smirking.
“What’s that smirk all about?” Sophie asked.
Before Sophie could so much as to guess what it could be about, Gideon turned on his side and lifted the thick blanket so that it shielded them from the children.
“How is this?” He asked, kissing her nose.
Sophie huffed out a laugh. “It’s better, I suppose. At least this way, our eardrums will remain intact.”
“Hallelujah.” Gideon said, flashing her a dazzling smile, that made her insides melt. She put both of her hands on either side of his face and lowered his lips towards her own. They kissed softly, unrushed and lavishingly so.
Gideon was so warm. His body seemed to emit heat when he slept, which meant that right now, his skin was hot enough that it felt as though Sophie were standing right in front of a furnace. It ended up working in their favor, because whenever Thomas gets too cold at night, they plant him next to Gideon and he’s able to fall asleep. They’re absolutely adorable when they sleep together, if Sophie does say so herself.
Sophie giggled against his lips, causing them to break apart.
“What?” Gideon asked, his smile soft as he kissed the corners of her lips.
“I just thought about something silly.” She said, spreading her hands on his chest and roaming upward, intertwining them at the nape of his neck.
“Would you care to elaborate?”
Sophie shook her head giggling.
“Come now,” he said, playfully, “I’m dying of curiosity.”
“Alright. I was thinking about the time you slipped off the roof while we were patrolling in London.”
Gideon laughed through his nose, burying his nose in a particularly sensitive spot of her neck. “I’m never living that down, aren’t I?”
Sophie shrugged her left shoulder and kissed Gideon’s bottom lip when he lifted his head.
“Not a chance.”
His eyes fluttered shut as he kissed her shamelessly, his hands sending shivers through her as they travelled up and down the sensitive skin of her waist and hips.
“We should stop,” Gideon said, breaking apart. “Before they realize we’re awake.”
“Yes, I suppose we should.” Sophie said.
They kissed once, twice and then thrice (for good measure) before reemerging from the blanket.
Once they’d gotten over their daze, they arranged themselves in each other's arms, fitting like pieces of a puzzle, and gazed towards their children. They were quiet as they built a puzzle Sophie had left out for them while she and Gideon rested on the couch for a while. They hadn’t expected to fall asleep, but thankfully, the children were still entertained by the puzzle. Barbara had a blanket over her shoulders and had placed little Thomas in her crossed legs, periodically hugging him and adjusting the blanket, so that he didn’t get cold.
Thomas, on the other hand, took every opportunity Barbara was looking away to try to crawl out from the blankets and watch the puzzle-making action.
Eugenia was humming to herself, picking up random pieces and fitting them together. Every time she’d manage to get them to go together, she’d get up and do a little twirl, before sitting down once more and starting the whole process all over again.
Thomas was the first to realize they’d woken up. He gave them a toothy grin and crawled out of Barbara’s arms. Using the table to slowly get to his feet, he padded over to Eugenia.
When he got close enough, however, Sophie reached over Gideon’s chest and scooped him up. She tucked him into her arms and kissed his little cheeks.
“You’ve been caught by the love monster.” She said tickling and attacking him with kisses. Thomas giggled and tried to squirm away from her, but she held on tighter.
Part of her wants to hold Thomas forever. It felt like just yesterday he’d been born, four months and two weeks premature. He was still so small and light in her arms and got sick far too easily, but she thanked the Angel everyday for his life. Her miracle child. Who seemed very keen on getting away.
She stopped peppering him with kisses enough to hold him away so that she could see his face.
“You don’t love the Love Monster?”
He met her stare before putting his hands on her cheeks and kissing her forehead. Sophie
raised her eyebrows at him and when he giggled again, she tucked him in her arms.
“No,” she heard a soft voice say.
She pulled back. “What?”
“I love Mama, not the Love Monster.”
Gideon chuckled and ruffled his hair.
Sophie gave Thomas a final kiss on the forehead and let him go to his sisters.
They watched their children put puzzle pieces together, Eugenia aggressively so, going so far as to slam her fist upon two tricky pieces.
“Mama! Papa! Do you like it?” Eugenia said, gesturing towards the unfinished puzzle.
They both craned their necks to see.
“Oh. Erm…”
“We love it!” Sophie said.
“It’s lovely.” Gideon added.
When the kids turned around again, Sophie covered her mouth.
“There’s not a single puzzle piece that’s connected to its corresponding partner, is there?” Gideon asked.
“No, I’m afraid that in the hours we’ve been asleep, they haven’t managed to piece any together correctly.” Sophie said.
Gideon pressed his lips together and shrugged. “Well…”
“They’ll get more intelligent with age.” Sophie said.
“Yes, yes. I should think so.”
“I should hope so.”
They looked at each other and smiled, and then laughed, perfectly content with the life they had made for themselves.
Tagging: @tsccreatorsnet  @atla-lok143  @rinadragomir  @youngreckless  @autumnangel20  @julemmaes  @cupcakesandkittens  @no-scones-allowed  @ninacarstairss  @stxr-thxif  @writeforjordelia  @itsdaughterofthemoon  @jordeliasupremacy  @cordelia-cardale  @will-effing-herondale  @axoloteca  @heronstairs2014  @ilovemanicures @ti-bae-rius @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @readersconfessions812 @nightshade3465 @livvyheronstairs @zemiraa @proudtobealuthor @neurogliadudette
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leverage-ot3 · 3 years
the remarkable story of the world’s best thief, part one
parker grew up with no one. no friends, no family. and then she found archie (or he found her) and they had something, but he still held back and kept her at arm’s length
and then she takes this one job in chicago that’s stealing back airplane designs and she has to work with a team, something she never does but will do only this one time because the payout was supposed to be good
and then they’re all almost killed, which she doesn’t take personally, mind you. she cares that she didn’t get the money
so she goes along with the white knight’s plan and they enlist this horrible actress who isn’t actually that horrible, and they con dubenich out of his company and thanks to the hacker they get the score, the score that ensures retirement, that she can sit on an island surrounded by piles of money, homemade rigs and laser grids galore just for fun
except she can’t just retire. and as much as she didn’t want to admit it, working with them was fun. so she tells nate to call her when he has another job
and then that job goes sideways and she decides it’s not worth it, that she’s better off alone. so they’ll finish the job and part ways for good- how it was meant to be after all.
but then they give the veterans the truck full of money and they’re so happy and she figures, okay, maybe one or two more. maybe then hardison will tell her why she’s supposed to have a plant in her office. why does she need one if it doesn’t do anything?
and time passes easily, easier than it ever had before. she eats pizza beside hardison and eliot. jumps off a balcony without looking, trusting her ability to fall, but eliot catches her anyways. she stabs a man with a fork and hardison talks to her as she cries and at some point she decides that maybe they’re a little more than a team. he says he liked how she turned out, and it shouldn’t be so reassuring, but it is. she makes a tentative friendship with a woman named peggy, the most normal person she knows but astonishingly, somehow wants to be her friend.
and then they’re in a rehab center and she takes the pills they give her and things feel different, so she doesn’t want to leave. so she stays. and then sophie comes back, understanding her game of pictionary that no one else would ever get, so she goes with her. she sees her her team, her friends and is so happy. she jumps into eliot’s arms and holds him tight. trots over to hardison and holds him close. the drugs wear off, but the affection doesn’t. it never will.
and then they’re trying to con nate’s old boss because he’s on a downward spiral and revenge is something they all can understand. except then maggie, nate’s ex wife is there and she’s an expert on art and would be able to tell that their statue was a fake. so nate challenges her to steal the statue with whatever she can gather from the van and the party. and like some people do chess, she figures out how to get the statue with some gum, tinfoil, and ice. she kisses hardison for a distraction, but maybe she liked it? just a little. maybe.
and then they are successful and sell blackpool’s first david back to him, and things are great. she jumps down onto the transportation truck, picks the lock, and sneaks inside, ready to take the david statue back. except sterling- evil nate- is there and she has nowhere to go. 
and then he figures out that sophie, her sophie, stole the first david years ago and was conning them from the beginning of the job. she slightly gets it- she is a thief, after all. but the fact that she conned her own team (’a little more than a team’) leaves a bad taste in her mouth.
sophie comes through, and they jump off a building. sophie yells a bit, but she’s come a long way from the first job when she screamed all the way down to the first floor. their office explodes and they go their separate ways, because they’re professionals, after all. they know when a job can’t be done, when it is best to flee.
but leaving a job undone is like having a scratch unitched, and the two davids are on display at blackpools’ gallery. she’s pointing a laser at the painting and a woman turns around and it’s sophie. and then eliot is on the floor above her, and so is hardison. so they make a run for it and nate is out there, waiting in a getaway car.
hardison’s safehouse is a bit ridiculous, little furniture and a toiletless bathroom. they start to bicker but nate brings them to focus. hardison has the blueprints splayed out on a table and they start making plans again- easy- just like they did before. 
sophie tries to apologize to them in a tactless way, but they come around eventually. they take a moment, hardison, eliot, and parker, to christen the house with the painting of old nate and sophie directs them how to position it. things feel familiar, normal, and comfortable.
eliot, much to nate’s dismay, meets a willing maggie for lunch. she recognizes the button cam immediately, but takes a moment to make nate very uncomfortable because she’s cool like that. parker likes her for that.
she’s mad- furious in fact. but she agrees to participate in the con and performs wonderfully. parker is a little proud. and then the showing opens, and parker is at the reception desk, taking coats and bags. sterling and his entourage pass her and he talks about every country that wants her in prison, and she almost laughs. she settles on a smile instead.
the con plays perfectly, as almost all of theirs do. she puts the fake statues in all the bags she’s collected and watches it play out. and then they get to work hiding the artwork. they hide in the basement as their plan comes to a head, listening to the chaos above them. nate makes a deal with sterling and everyone leaves except nate and maggie. they come down to meet her, hardison, eliot, and sophie and get to work placing the works of art back in their places.
before long, they are all in an airport hangar, empty except for the five of them. nate tells them how the team has changed him, how they’ve done so much good in their time together. she feels tears prick at her eyes and her stomach has dropped and a part of her can’t believe that this is how it ends.
hardison asks her where she’s going and she smiles, and tells him he will just have to look. they all look at each other and somehow, although she’s still not that good at reading people, they feel the same way as her. it should bring her comfort, but it doesn’t.
one by one they turn and go their separate ways, including her. each step she takes feels harder and more definitive than the last. her heart feels low in her chest and her skin tingles in a way that she’s never experienced before.
spain, she thinks. spain is nice this time of year.
maybe then the weird feeling in her chest will go away. the tugging in her heart said it wouldn’t.
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bibbawrites · 4 years
I Want Your Midnights - Owen Joyner x Female Reader (SMUT - 18+)
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Request: NONE 
Word Count: 2568 words
Summary: You bring your boyfriend Owen home for your family New Years party, which ends with you getting a little more than a New Years kiss 
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking, oral s*x (both male and female receiving), squirting, slight overstimulation 
A/N: this is literally just 2.5k words of self indulgent babble lol so this idea came into my mind and I couldn’t get it out, i know i should be working on requests but i just had to write this, sorry!  as i said, this is very self indulgent, the way new years is described is exactly how my family and our neighbours (who are close friends at this point lol) celebrate each year so i couldn’t help myself  sorry for any typos, its 4am lol  hope you enjoy it! 
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added, removed or if you change your url): @happinessinthedarkesttimes​ @littlemissaddict @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic @headheartbellarke @lovesanimals​ 
Every single year your family celebrated New Years Eve exactly the same way. 
Your neighbours across the road would set up a table and chairs on their driveway, and your family and your next door neighbours would head across the road for a barbeque and drinks under the stars, with the Christmas lights that covered the three houses shining in the darkness. 
And then after food the kids would always head inside to play a board game or battle it out on Just Dance, only stopping at midnight to watch the New Years fireworks go off and to run around with sparklers. 
That’s how New Years had been for as long as you could remember. Only this year, things were going to be slightly different. 
You were bringing Owen, your boyfriend of just over a year. You had celebrated New Years apart the year before, opting for a text to wish each other happy new year instead. 
But you’d been dating for over a year now, and you couldn’t wait for Owen to meet your friends and family, and have the chance to ring in the new year together. 
Owen pulled his truck into your parent’s driveway, parking before turning to you, his eyes full of anxiety. 
“You’ll be fine, they’re all gonna love you.” You assured him, grabbing onto his hand. He bit his lip. 
“There’s just so many people to remember.” He sighed slightly. “Give me a recap?” 
You nodded. 
“So you know my family’s names, right? Mum is Alice, Dad James, brothers Tom, Will and Lucas.” You said, and he nodded, so you continued. 
“Rose and Max own the house we’re going to, and their daughter is Sophie. Then our other neighbours, the ones next door, are Graham and Pam, and their daughters Violet and Bella. You’ve met Violet, she’s my best friend, remember?” Owen nodded again. 
“I think I’ll survive your family, it’s just everyone else I’m worried about.” He told you. You rubbed your thumb over the back of his hand. 
“It will be okay. I’ll make sure to introduce everyone when we get over there, okay?” You said, leaning across the car to press a soft kiss to his lips. “Now we should probably get inside and see if Mum needs help with anything.” 
You climbed out of his truck, walking around to his side of the car and waiting for him to hop out, grabbing onto his hand when he did. He locked his truck and with a last reassuring squeeze you were leading him around to the front of your house. 
“Do we knock?” He questioned as you reached the door. You giggled and shook your head. 
“Knock knock!” You called out, opening the front door. 
“It’s open.” Your mum’s voice called back from the kitchen. You led Owen down the hallway and into the kitchen, smiling widely when you saw your mum and dad stood behind the bench. 
“Look what the cat dragged in.” Your mum joked, and you dropped Owen’s hand to give her a quick hug, then your dad next. When you stepped back he grabbed onto you again. 
“Mum, Dad, this is my boyfriend Owen. Owen, this is my mum Alice, and my dad James.” You introduced. 
“It’s very nice to meet you sir and ma’am.” Owen smiled, and you squeezed his hand to reassure him. 
“Oh please, call us Alice and James dear. It’s so nice to meet you, I’ve heard so much about you I feel like I already know you.” Your mother laughed. “This one never shuts up about you.” 
You pouted. 
“Don’t expose me.” You said. Owen grinned. 
“It’s okay baby. if you asked my mum she’d say exactly the same thing.” He told you and you smiled up at him, before turning your attention back to your parents. 
“Is there anything you need taken across the road?” You asked and your dad nodded. 
“We were just about to take the chairs over, do you want to tell the boys and we’ll all head over now?” He suggested and you nodded, dragging Owen behind you as you went to find your three brothers. 
After introducing Owen to your brothers and collecting the chairs from your garage, the seven of you headed across the road to where your neighbours had already set up the table and barbeque. 
“Hello everyone!” Rose greeted from her spot next to the table with Sophie, as you made your way up the driveway. 
“Ooh we’ve got a ring in.” Max joked, coming over from his spot behind the barbeque. 
“This is my boyfriend Owen.” You introduced. “O, this is Rose and Max, and that’s Sophie.” You pointed to each one as you said their names. 
Owen waved shyly and Rose smiled. 
“Don’t be nervous, we’re all very nice.” She said and Owen smiled back. You placed your chairs down at the table, before turning to find your other neighbours heading up the driveway. 
Violet was the first to reach you, throwing her arms around you. 
“Hey friend!” She exclaimed as you hugged her back with one arm, your other hand linked tightly with Owen’s. She pulled away, grinning happily at your boyfriend. 
“Hey Owen it’s good to see you again.” She said, pulling him into a hug too. You giggled at the slightly shocked expression that covered his face for a few seconds before he hugged her back. 
“Nice seeing you too Violet.” He replied. She turned to her family. 
“This is Y/N’s boyfriend Owen. Owen this is my mum Pam, my dad Graham and my sister Bella.” She said. Owen smiled at them. 
“Howdy.” Graham greeted, while Pam and Bella just waved. 
“Now.” Your mum spoke up. “Should we get this party started?” 
Everyone settled in quickly, loud chatter filling the air as the sun went down. The three fathers headed over to the barbeque, Owen joining them tentatively, and you watched from your chair as your father handed him a beer and made sure to include him in the joking. You smiled, watching your boyfriend visibly relax which could have been because of the alcohol, but also could have been because of the fact that he could finally let go of the fear of being rejected by your friends and family. 
“So Y/N, how did you meet?” Rose questioned, drawing your attention back to the women who were sat around the table. 
“We met through a mutual friend, he was having a little halloween party and invited me and introduced me to Owen and we hit it off and started dating a few weeks later.” You explained. 
“When was that?” Pam asked. 
“Last year. We’ve been dating for a year and a month or so.” You told her. They all nodded. 
“He seems like a good one.” Your mother said and you smiled, looking over to where Owen was stood, laughing at a joke Max had made. 
“He is.” You agreed. “He’s a very good one.”  
The dinner part of the night went well, everyone loudly joking around. Owen had fitted in well, confidently adding to stories and asking questions, and you couldn’t help but smile at how perfect the situation was. 
After dinner, as per tradition, the kids of the three families headed inside, leaving the adults to sit and chat. You dragged Owen inside, sitting together on the couch as the younger kids decided what to play. 
“Why don’t we go back outside and play hide and seek?” Bella suggested and when everyone agreed you all headed back outside and down the driveway onto the road. 
“Oldest counts first.” Sophie said, and Violet groaned loudly before covering her eyes and beginning to count. You grabbed Owen’s hand, pulling him with you. 
“I have the perfect hiding spot.” You told him, dragging him up into your front yard and into a small space between your house and a large bushy tree that concealed the two of you perfectly. 
“You’re not scared of spiders, are you?” You questioned, and Owen’s eyes widened. 
“I’m scared of all bugs, you know this.” He exclaimed in a hushed voice. You pulled an apologetic face, before an idea popped into your head. 
“I know something that will keep your mind off it.” You said, before pulling his face down to kiss him passionately, slipping your tongue into his mouth. He groaned, pulling your body against his as he kissed you back, the two of you lost in your own little world. 
“Ew oh my god, get a room!” Violet’s voice came and you and Owen jumped apart quickly. 
“Shut up.” You replied and Violet laughed. 
“Whatever. Found you, go join the other losers in the street.” 
Midnight finally came around after hours of running around, playing Lego Rock Band on Xbox, and playing the family friendly version of Cards Against Humanity. 
Everyone regathered in the living room, watching as the timer on the tv counted down, and you all joined in noisily. 
“5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year!” You all cheered, and you grinned as Owen pulled you in to a soft kiss. 
“Happy New Year O.” You mumbled against his lips. He smiled as he pulled away. 
“Happy New Year.” He replied. 
After exchanging well wishes with everyone you decided to head home, accepting your mother’s offer of staying the night in your childhood room. 
You watched as Owen pulled his clothes off, leaving him in just his boxer briefs. 
“Happy new year indeed.” You joked, your eyes raking his body. He blushed, stepping closer to you. 
“Your turn.” He whispered, pulling on your dress and helping you take it off, leaving the two of you stood in just your underwear. 
“Does your door lock?” Owen questioned softly, reaching out to run a hand down your side. You swallowed as you shook your head. He made a sound in disappointment. 
“Guess we’ll just have to be careful then.” He said, closing the gap between you and lifting you up to kiss you. Your legs wrapped around his waist as he spun around, placing you down onto your bed and climbing on top of you, reconnecting your lips. 
You ran your hands through his long hair, scratching slightly on his scalp, causing him to moan into your mouth. He grinded his hips down into yours, causing you both to gasp at the contact, your kiss getting steamier by the second.
Owen broke the kiss, panting slightly. 
“We don’t have a condom.”  He muttered.
“That’s okay.” You kissed him softly. “We can improvise.”
He raised an eyebrow.
“Oh yeah?” He questioned. You nodded, pushing him off you and forcing him to lay back on your bed. You palmed his dick through his underwear and he groaned.
“Fuck Y/N.” He muttered. You shushed him.
“Don’t want to be caught, do we?” You said, before pulling at his underwear, letting his dick spring free.
Owen moaned as you lent down, licking a single line up his dick, swirling your tongue around the tip.
“Make sure you’re quiet for me baby.” You instructed, before taking his dick in your mouth, putting as much in as you could without choking and wrapping your hand around the remaining part. Owen’s hands tangled in your hair as you bobbed your head, licking and sucking on his dick and occasionally scraping your teeth gently along it to hear his shaky gasp.
“I’m close baby.” Owen warned eventually and you tapped on his thigh to let him know it was okay for him to cum, a signal you had been using since the first time you messed around with each other. You continued to bob your head, humming against his dick which was all he needed to tumble over the edge, his hot cum filling your mouth as he moaned into your pillow to stay quiet. After working him through his orgasm you pulled off his dick with a satisfying pop, before swallowing his cum and leaning down to kiss him.
“Your turn.” He instructed once you broke apart from the kiss, flipping you over so that you were laying on the bed. He quickly undid your bra, throwing it to the floor before kissing his way down your chest, pulling one of your nipples into his mouth. You bit your lip to hold back a moan as his tongue flicked at your sensitive nipple. He pulled away, before repeating the same actions with your other nipple, and once he was satisfied he began kissing his way down your abdomen, stopping only to pull your panties off.
He spread your legs before making himself comfortable between them. He lent down, sucking a hickie into both of your inner thighs.
“Owen.” You moaned quietly and he grinned up at you.
“That’s it baby, you ready?” He asked and you nodded.
“Please.” You said, your tone verging on begging.
He grinned again, before burying his face in your pussy, his tongue flicking at your clit as you bit into your pillow to stay quiet.
“Delicious.” He commented cheekily, before slipping his tongue inside you, his hand coming up to massage your clit as he tongue fucked you.
“If you keep doing that I won’t last.” You warned and he ignored you, his tongue flicking faster.
“Owen.” You groaned, as he moved his mouth back to your clit, sucking it into his mouth. “I’m gonna...”
You were cut off by your orgasm shaking your body, moaning quietly into the pillow.
Owen looked up at you, giving you a cheeky look before continuing his assault on your now extremely sensitive clit.
“Owen what are you doing?” You questioned shakily. He laughed, the vibrations sending shockwaves through your body.
“Helping you start the new year right.” He explained before returning his attention to your pussy, his tongue flicking at your clit once more.
It didn’t take long for the familiar feeling of your orgasm to reappear, and you warned Owen quickly, gasping when he sucked your clit back into his mouth as a response.
Your orgasm hit quickly, and to both of your shock you squirted all over Owen’s face. He pulled away, staring at you in shock.
“Holy fuck.” He said after a moment. Too exhausted to reply you just nodded.
“Fuck.” Was all you could get out. Owen grinned.
“I didn’t know I could make her squirt.” He muttered, mostly to himself, as he grabbed one of the towels your mother had left out for the two of you to use in the morning, wiping his face and chest with it, before heading back to you.
“You okay baby?” He questioned, wiping your thighs that were covered in liquid from when you squirted.
“Yeah just exhausted.” You said, letting Owen clean you up.
Once he was done he grabbed your underwear from the floor and helped you pull it back on before offering you his shirt he had been wearing, which you accepted sleepily. He pulled his boxer briefs on before pulling back the covers of your bed and helping you in, climbing in next to you.
You yawned, snuggling into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Happy new year O, I love you.” You whispered.
“Happy new year, I love you too.” He replied, placing a soft kiss on your lips.
You snuggled closer and not long after that you found yourself falling asleep, ready for another new year with your amazing boyfriend.
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kookicat · 4 years
The Macaron Job 
I'm a damned idiot, Eliot thinks and scowls at the sheeting rain outside the kitchen window. It's a horrible damp day, the sort that turns his hair into a curly mess that defies even the hottest flat iron, and he's making macarons. They're never going to dry, he thinks and pokes the closest one with a clean fingertip, scowl deepening as the mix sticks to his skin. 
It wasn't like there were a million other, more rainy day compatible things he could have made. Like brown butter and oatmeal cookies. Or madeleines. Or lemon and poppy seed muffins, with a lemon glaze, sweet and sharp. Or an apple pie, rich and golden and spiked with cinnamon. Or even sugar cookies. 
But Parker had asked for French macarons, and he's never been able to say no to the women, especially when Sophie gets in on the act. So he's stuck in the kitchen, babysitting a sheet pan of macarons that are stubbornly refusing to form any sort of skin. They're never going to work, he thinks and sighs, pulling out the ingredients to make a batch of sugar cookies, just in case, letting his hands fall into the familiar actions while his mind wanders, pondering what else he wants to add to his newly established kitchen garden. 
It's another part of himself that he's reclaimed, once he'd committed to the team, and it had taken him a while to get comfortable with his hands in the dirt again, but damn, it was nice to replace the old blood on his hands with warm, fragrant soil, capable of giving life rather than taking it. Parker had caught on first, bugging him with questions about what the plants did until he got his first harvest of peas and squash and carrots and tomatoes, turning them into something they could eat, remembering exactly how at peace he'd felt, sitting down at the table to eat a meal he'd produced in more ways than one. 
He glances at the tray of macarons again, feeling irritation niggle at him when they still aren't set. The sugar cookie dough forms a neat ball under his hands and he shapes it into a log, wrapping it in plastic and slipping it in the fridge to chill, trying to ignore the urge to glare at the macarons. Like that'll make them set faster, he thinks and has to laugh at himself, just a little. Truth be told, there's not many other places he'd rather be on a rainy day than his kitchen, even if he is stuck with the least rainy day friendly bake ever. 
Quiet footsteps head towards the kitchen and he keeps his back to the door, deliberately, ignoring the prickle between his shoulders that he still can't quite shake. He trusts them with his life and his soul and his sanity, but bone deep instincts aren't so easy to turn off. "They're not done yet," he says when the steps transfer from wood to the tile floor in the kitchen, knowing as good as he was, he wouldn't have heard her if she didn't want him to, because the woman was like a damn cat, all liquid grace and soft steps. 
"They didn't take this long last time," she complains, boosting herself onto the counter and reaching around him to steal a crumb of sugar cookie dough from the big copper mixing bowl. 
Eliot tucks a curly strand of hair behind his ear and glances at the window, where the rain has become even worse, pouring down in a way that makes him wonder idly if they need to start building an arc. Hardison would hate that, he thinks, all those animals to manage and manages not to grin too widely. "Last time it wasn't pouring with rain," he says, and lifts an eyebrow at her when she frowns. 
She sneaks another scrap of cookie dough, chewing thoughtfully. "That makes a difference?" 
"Sure." He crosses his arms, resisting the urge to poke the damned macarons again, and leans back against the cabinet. "It's baking, Parker. Everything makes a difference." There's a thread of wry, amused annoyance in his voice. Sometimes the strict measurements, the recipes that have to be followed to the letter, the exacting nature of baking are exactly what he needs, letting him lose himself in the details, pushing back the memories for just a little while longer. It's almost like meditation, steps he knows like the notes of an old, familiar song. And sometimes, he wants the opposite, wants to grab ingredients by instinct to create something entirely new, something fresh and exciting and his in a way that baking never quite captures. 
"How do you know when they're ready?" she leans over, bumping shoulders with him, close enough that her hair brushes his cheek, nibbling on the last scrap of dough. 
"You're going to get a stomach ache," he mutters absently, tapping the closest macaron round with his pointer finger. "They're ready for baking when they don't stick to your fingers." 
It doesn't, to his surprise, and he lifts the tray, sliding it into the pre-heated oven. There's dark chocolate ganache chilling in the fridge and he pulls the bowl out, setting it on the counter to warm, pretending not to see Parker steal a spoonful as he turns away to stack the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. He turns back and has to smother a grin, because she has chocolate on her cheek and an overly innocent expression on her face. 
"Is that nice?" he asks, biting the inside of his lip to keep a straight face. 
She blinks at him, idly swinging her legs, taking care not to thump her boots into the cupboard door. "I don't know what you mean!" she says and he laughs, tossing a dish towel at her. 
"You have ganache on your face," he says and she swipes it away. 
The timer beeps and he silences it, turning the sheet pan around in the oven so everything bakes evenly. He grabs a piping bag and gives the ganache a stir, handing the spoon to Parker while he fills the bag. The kitchen smells safe, like good vanilla and sugar and chocolate and combined with the pouring rain it's making him feel relaxed, tranquil, almost sleepy in a way that's rare for him. He leans against the counter again, letting the comfortable silence stretch its legs, half an eye on the window, watching the water run down the glass. 
"You could have said no, you know," Parker says suddenly, softly and he grunts as he ponders his answer. 
"I know," he starts, and shrugs. "I didn't want to say no." 
"Oh," she says, frowning like she's missed something and normally, he wouldn't have the words to explain it to her, but it's different somehow, in the warm kitchen and he shifts his weight a little, glancing at the timer before he starts talking. 
"I wanted to," he shrugs, "For a long time, all I did was destroy stuff. People, mostly." The words sting more than he expects coming out and he pauses, clearing his throat, taking the time to figure out what he wants to say next. "I was finding my way back from that when we did that first job, but I still had a ways to go. Creating rather than destroying helps." The words are sticking in his brain and he scratches his jaw, meeting her eyes, seeing understanding there, feeling the echo of another conversation like this. "You never expect me to give more than I can." He lifts a hand, gestures vaguely at the kitchen. "This, I can give. So, yes, I could have said no, but I didn't want to." The corner of his mouth quirks up in a wry smile. "Even if you did ask for macarons on the worst possible day to make them." 
"You like them too," she protests, knowing that she's not the only one in the room with a sweet tooth. Eliot just hides his better, but she's never seen him turn down a donut yet. 
"I do," he agrees easily and shoves his hair back again. The humidity means it wants to fall in his face and his last two hair ties had mysteriously vanished. I'd order more, if I didn't think a quick sweep of the brew pub would turn up a dozen, he thinks. With three of them using them, the damn things seem to grow legs. 
"Here," Parker says and offers him a hair tie. 
He takes it, pretty sure it had started out life as one of his to begin with and puts his hair up, washing his hands just as the timer starts to beep. He turns off the tap and dries his hands as Parker silences the alarm, grabbing a dry dish towel before he pulls the sheet pan out of the oven. 
They're not his best batch ever - some are more oval than round, and he's enough of a perfectionist to find that annoying, but they smell great and he sets the sheet pan down on the cooling rack. 
"How soon can we eat them?" Parker asks and he swats her hand away as she reaches for one. 
"They're hot," he says absently, before he remembers that he's talking to Parker and she seems to spend a quarter of her life in places where anyone else would find the heat unbearable. "Let them cool, or they'll break when you move them," he adds. "It shouldn't take long." 
The kitchen is cool and he knows from experience that the macarons will be cold enough to handle pretty quickly. He just needs to distract Parker until that point. 
"There's sugar cookie dough in the fridge. We can shape those while these cool," he suggests and she brightens. 
"Can we make dinosaurs?" she asks, seeming to bounce on the spot without actually moving. 
"No," he says, because sugar cookies should be round and he's pretty sure the dinosaur cutters found a new home, far away from his kitchen. 
She frowns. "Animals then." 
He pulls the dough out of the fridge and sets it next to the ganache while he preps another sheet pan. "No," he says, because he's fairly sure the animal cutters went to live on the same farm as the dinosaurs. "Rounds are fine."
"You're no fun," she grumps and frowns at him, seeing the quirk in his lip that means he's secretly amused and not buying her act at all. 
"I made you two types of cookie," he protests, and reaches into the cupboard on the wall, pulling out a new blend of sprinkles. They're less lurid than her usual pick, but they're also dyed with natural extracts and not chemicals he can't pronounce and so he figures it's a decent trade off. 
"Ooh, sprinkles!" Parker says, grinning at him. "Sprinkles are fun." 
He cuts the log of cookie dough into neat, even slices and arranges them on the tray, reaching over to turn the oven up, wondering what to defrost for dinner. It's just him and Parker, for a change, because Nate and Sophie have a table booked at a fancy new restaurant and Hardison is at some game thing with his friends. Eliot doesn't rate the new restaurant - the menu is overly complicated, and he knows enough about Hardison's game nights to know he'll come home stuffed with enough cheap pizza, orange soda and gummy frogs to fuel a small army for a week. Parker would be quite happy with a bowl of whatever luridly coloured cereal she'd latched onto for the week, but Eliot is craving something rich and warming and comforting, because the weather shows no sign of improving. There's a ragu sauce in the freezer and he pulls it out, setting it aside to defrost, knowing there's fresh pasta in the fridge and homemade dinner rolls in the bread bin. 
Parker is rifling in the drawer next to her knees and pulls out a star shaped cutter. "Stars?" she says and waves it at him. 
"Fine," he says, and rolls his eyes. "Make half of them stars." 
She hops down and crosses to the sink to wash her hands, humming happily as she desecrates half of his perfectly round cookies. He sighs and presses the scraps together, wrapping them in plastic and dumping them in the fridge for later. The cookies will be a little tough, but that's nothing a glass of milk can't solve. 
The oven beeps to let him know it's reached temp, and he slides the cookie pan in, checking the macarons and finding them nicely cool. "You wanna fill these?" he asks as he gathers the stuff he needs for a simple glaze for the sugar cookies. "Just don't eat all of them," he warns as she takes the piping bag from his hands. 
It's the sort of kitchen task she's good at, hands that can crack a safe in seconds graceful as she works the piping bag. Piping makes his hands and wrists ache - he's broken too much stuff for there not to be consequences- so he's glad she took to it so readily. 
They work in comfortable silence as he sets the ragu sauce in a pan over a low flame to defrost and adds pasta to a second pan- fettuccine, not the one of the random bags of shaped pasta that keep appearing in his kitchen. He'd opened the cupboard and found pasta pandas a few weeks ago and wondered seriously if he'd taken one too many blows to the skull before Hardison claimed them. 
The glaze for the cookies comes together easily under his hands and he pours it into another piping bag to keep it from setting while they wait for the cookies to bake. There's lemon juice in it, to offset the sweetness of the cookies and for some reason, the combination reminds him of the team, all distinctive parts that come together to be better than they ever could be alone. 
He has nothing else to do for the moment and so turns to watch Parker as she finishes off the last few macarons, piping a neat dot of ganache on one before adding a second on top. There's a new smear of chocolate over her top lip and he reckons more than one has made its way into her stomach. 
There's an odd macaron left and she offers it to him. "They're really good," she says, around the bite in her mouth. "Is there a secret ingredient? What is it?" 
Love, he thinks and takes the macaron, knowing he's smiling again. "Now that would be telling," he says instead. 
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yeah-all-of-it · 3 years
“Hey, sleepyhead! Get up! Busy day!” Ian calls from the bathroom.
He hears a grumpy, incoherent groan come from somewhere underneath the pile of blankets on the bed. After he finishes fixing his hair, he walks over to the bed. He perches himself gently on the edge, slowly sliding his hand underneath the bright white, high thread count duvet, a housewarming gift they had treated themselves to several months ago along with a new mattress and some sheets. After having to bang in walk-in coolers and dugouts and sleep on old mattresses and prison bunks for years, they wanted their bed to be a haven.
He has to feel around but Ian finally finds the waistband of Mickey’s boxers, and slips his hand in. This elicits a more pleasant groan from the pile of blankets.
Ian leans down and whispers softly, “We don’t have time now since someone decided to sleep in so long, but if you get up now, I promise I’ll make it worth your while later.”
“Ugh, fine,” Mickey grumbles, throwing off the covers and rolling out of bed. He stumbles to the bathroom, still half asleep, and shuts the door. Ian continues getting ready as he hears Mickey’s usual morning ritual; taking a piss, washing his face, brushing his teeth. He emerges from the bathroom several minutes later, decidedly more alert, and stops dead in his tracks.
There, standing in front of the full length mirror affixed to the back of the bedroom door, is his husband. He is dressed in a navy blue suit that looks like it was crafted just for his body. A slim fit jacket that enhances his broad shoulders and hugs his muscular arms. Slim leg trousers that show off his perfect ass, still deliciously thick from a few remaining quarantine pounds. Underneath the jacket is a crisp white dress shirt with a burgundy tie, and he has a pair of wing tips the color of caramel on his feet. He has put some gel in his red hair, not losing his curls, but styling them a bit more than normal. In short, he looks fucking incredible.
Once Mickey is able to breathe again, he manages to get out a flirty, “Hey there, Mr. Milkovich,” while very blatantly panning his eyes up and down Ian’s body.
Ian glances up at his husband, standing there in nothing but his ratty boxers, and grins at him.
“See somethin’ you like?” Ian inquires.
Mickey nods his head and smiles that million watt smile of his.
Mickey does as instructed and saunters over to Ian, who wraps Mickey tight in his arms and presses a kiss onto his mouth, gently sucking on Mickey’s lower lip. He lets his hands wander aimlessly all over Mickey’s bare back and Mickey melts into him with a soft “hmmmm”.
“Okay okay okay,” Mickey finally interjects, and pulls away. “You’re turnin’ me the fuck on and unless you want that fancy fuckin’ suit ripped off’a you right now, we gotta stop.”
Ian steps back and holds up both hands in mock surrender.
He then walks over to the dresser to grab his wallet and phone. “Mick, you got about forty five minutes to get ready before we have to leave.” He kisses Mickey on the cheek and steps out of the bedroom door, yelling from the hallway, “I’ll brew some coffee and we can take it with us. Lip will kill me if we’re late for his wedding.”
Forty minutes later, Mickey walks out into the living room where Ian is waiting on the sofa, playing some stupid game on his phone. He has poured two travel mugs of coffee that are in front of him on the coffee table. He looks up when he hears Mickey enter the room.
Mickey has on a modern dark gray suit, black dress shirt, black tie, and black wing tips. He’s gelled his jet black hair and it harkens back to years ago, when he was younger and wore his hair gelled every day. His brushed white gold wedding band gleams in the sunlight coming in from the window as he reaches up to adjust his tie. His bright blue eyes pop against the dark color of the suit. Ian sets his phone down and stands up slowly, unable to take his eyes off of his husband.
“Hell-o, Mr. Gallagher,” Ian purrs, while strutting up to Mickey, placing his hands on either side of his freshly shaven face. He slides his hands down Mickey’s arms and buries his nose in the crook of his neck, breathing in deeply. He smells of shampoo and Irish Spring soap, fresh from the shower, not yet tainted by the scent of cigarette smoke. He kisses Mickey’s neck gently, sighs, and reluctantly pulls away.
“We have to leave right now if we plan on being at the church by noon for the first round of pictures,” Ian states, double checking his watch.
“Alright, well let’s get goin’, GQ,” Mickey says with a sly grin and a quick raise of his eyebrows, grabbing his coffee on the way out.
Ian’s close behind and smacks Mickey on the ass before closing the door behind them.
“You’re early! I’m so fuckin’ proud!” Lip exclaims as the Gallagher-Milkoviches walk into the church.
He steps up to Ian and gives him a tight hug with a firm pat on the back; actually shakes Mickey’s hand. “Hey, you shitheads clean up pretty nice!”
Ian and Mickey both give him synchronized middle fingers.
“Uncle Mickey! Uncle Ian!” Franny yells and runs up to them, jumping into Mickey’s arms. She’s wearing a burgundy sparkly dress with a poofy tulle skirt and gold Doc Martens.
“Hey, kid!” Mickey says sweetly, swinging the tiny girl into the air, causing her to squeal with delight.
“Franny, you look beautiful!” Ian says to her once Mickey has set her down. “I love your dress!”
“It’s like the one I wore when you married Uncle Mickey!” she chirps cheerfully.
“It sure is!” Ian exclaims, giving her a big hug.
“Hey, Lip, where’s the newest little Gallagher?” Ian inquires. “Gotta get some snuggles in before things get busy.”
“She’s right over here, man. Tami’s got her. She’s gotta go get dressed anyway. Come on.”
Ian walks with Lip over to Tami, who is holding a snuggly baby in her arms, dressed in a soft cotton burgundy colored dress and a white cardigan, with little gold moccasins on her feet. Tami gives Ian a big hug and passes the baby off to him before heading elsewhere to put her gown on.
“Hey, there Sophie Gallagher. Uncle Ian missed you!” he coos. “I can’t believe you are three whole months old! And your mommy and daddy are getting married today!”
He glances up and sees Mickey standing off to the side, looking at Ian holding the baby with nothing but love in his eyes. Ian can’t wait to have kids with Mickey, but there is no pressure. They’ll get there one day. Right now they’re just enjoying being husbands and uncles. Mickey’s still nervous around babies, but Franny and Fred adore him.
“Okay okay, my turn!” Debbie interjects. She carefully takes Sophie from Ian and goes to sit down.
Ian spots Fred and heads over to him. “Freddie, my man, what’s up!” he says and picks up the toddler in the matching tiny blue suit who wraps his arms around Ian’s neck, saying, “Hewwo, Uncle Een!” in his sweet little voice. “Where’s Uncle Mickey?”
“He’s right over there. You wanna go tickle him?” Ian asks playfully.
“Yeah! Wet’s go!” They run over and wrap Mickey in a big bear hug. The tough guy can’t help but melt into a big puddle around his nieces and nephew.
“Hey, buddy!” Mickey exclaims, laughing at Fred’s small fingers tickling his sides.
Typical Gallagher chaos is happening. Liam is trying fruitlessly to convince Franny to go potty before things start. Debbie and Lip are arguing about something, as usual. Carl can’t find his suit jacket.
“Alright, we’ve gotta get this show on the road, people!” the photographer yells over the noise.
The photographer attempts to line up the bridesmaids - a couple of Tami’s childhood friends, Debbie, and Cami as the maid of honor, all dressed in burgundy chiffon floor length gowns. Debbie continues to gripe at Lip from her spot in line.
He then tries to get all the boys to line up - Ian, who is the best man, Brad, Carl, and Liam the groomsmen. The photographer has to shoot Ian a look as he puts Carl in a headlock when they are supposed to be lining up.
“Sorry!” Ian yells, straightening his suit and stepping into place.
Rounding up Franny and Fred and getting them to stand still proves to be easier than getting the adults to cooperate.
Mickey just sits back and watches the Gallagher shitshow with a huge grin on his face.
“You ready to do this, big brother?” Ian asks while standing in the hallway behind the sanctuary. The faint sound of people finding their seats and conversing quietly fills the air around them.
“Absolutely. Tami’s a good woman, ya know? She calls me on my bullshit, which is something I really need. She’s fuckin’ beautiful and she’s an amazing mom to Fred and Sophie. I’m really fuckin’ lucky, man,” Lip says, and Ian thinks he sees tears forming in Lip’s eyes. “I love her.”
Ian just smiles. “Soft motherfucker,” he jokes quietly and wraps his big brother in a hug, squeezing the back of his neck.
They hear the wedding march begin and know it’s their cue to step out into the sanctuary.
As they stand at the front of the church, the doors open and reveal Tami on the arm of her father, wearing a white beaded gown. It’s strapless and form fitting til it gets to the bottom where it fans out. She has her long blonde hair pulled up into a soft chignon, wispy hairs around her face, no veil. Simple. Lovely. She has a radiant smile on her face as she looks at her husband to be.
They begin to recite their vows and Ian notices they have chosen traditional vows. The same ones he and Mickey said to each other almost two years before.
“I Phillip, take you, Tami...”
“I Tami, take you, Phillip...”
“In sickness and in health...”
Ian can’t help but find Mickey in the crowd, locking eyes with him.
“For richer or poorer...”
Mickey softly smiles at Ian, and Ian just knows that sensitive asshole’s eyes are tearing up.
“Til death do us part.”
Ian is smiling at his husband like an idiot now, unable to take his gaze off of him. He can’t help but think of the day when they said those same beautiful words to each other, meaning them with their whole hearts. They had already been through most of it; sickness, poverty, better and worse. And they had made it. Making those promises that day just cemented that they would always go through those inevitable things together.
It was the best day of Ian’s life. The beginning of their forever. No more forced separations. No more goodbyes. No more lonely nights, wondering if the other is safe and okay. He has to fight back tears; this is Lip and Tami’s day after all.
Lost in thought, he’s startled back to the present by applause as Lip dips Tami for a kiss that’s a little too hot for church. This elicits a standing ovation and whoops and whistles from the guests. Ian can’t help but cheer and clap for his brother and his new wife.
After another hour of pictures, these including the bride and groom, they all head to the reception hall.
It’s decorated with white and burgundy linen tablecloths and elaborate floral centerpieces. There are Edison bulb strings hanging from the ceiling. A DJ is spinning beside the parquet dance floor, disco lights flashing away. There is a large table full of chafing dishes and a three tired cake on a separate round table.
“Man, the Tamiettis really went all out,” Mickey says to Ian, grabbing a carrot stick off one of the veggie platters with his fingers, sticking it into the bowl of dip, and shoving it into his mouth.
“Like you have room to talk, Mr. Gold- chiavaris-with-the-white-cushions,” Ian jokes, to which Mickey responds with a light hearted “fuck off”.
After filling their starving bellies with meatballs, chicken wings, finger sandwiches, and cake, the Gallaghers take to the dance floor. They know how to party and they’re not about to let this amazing night with music, free food, and an open bar go to waste.
The whole family is dancing to YMCA, a wedding reception staple, when the end of it fades into a slow song. Ian and Mickey lock eyes. Ian raises a quizzical eyebrow and Mickey nods, almost imperceptibly. Ian slowly walks over to him, gently grips his hips, and pulls him in close. Mickey snakes his arms around Ian’s waist and grasps his hands together at Ian’s lower back. Ian slides his hands up Mickey’s arms and wraps them around his shoulders. They sway slowly to the music, bodies pressed together so closely they can feel each other’s hearts thrumming in their chests. Mickey nuzzles his face into Ian’s neck as Ian rubs his hand on the back of Mickey’s head. They are intoxicated by each other, the romance of the day, and the few Old Styles they’ve shared from the bar.
“Hey, Ian?” Mickey inquires, a little muffled, not bothering to move his face from its place in Ian’s neck.
“Yeah, Mick?” Ian questions, talking into Mickey’s hair.
He hesitates for a second, like he’s trying to think of the right words. “Maybe... maybe it’s the beer, or… or just this day, or maybe being married to your ass is making me fuckin’ soft...” he drifts off.
“Out with it, Mick,” Ian sighs calmly.
“It’s just... I love you. So fuckin’ much. I feel like I don’t say it enough, man,” Mickey finally confesses.
Ian stops swaying, pulls back, and tenderly holds Mickey’s head in his hands. Looks him directly in the eyes. “Mickey. Listen to me. No, you don’t say it very much. But you don’t need to. Because you show me every fuckin’ day. And that’s so much more important and meaningful to me.”
“Yeah. I mean… you got me to stop wallowing on the couch when I lost my job, paid enough attention that you knew where that could lead. Stopped it before it got bad. Checked in with me. Don’t know where I’d be, ya know mentally, if it wasn’t for you. Worrying about me and shit. Fuck, I probably would have fallen through the cracks years ago without you. And… and you created a job for me so we could work together. You planned a surprise anniversary party for me. You moved to the fuckin’ Westside because I wanted to. You agreed to buy a duvet, for fuck’s sake, and helped me pick it out,” Ian laughs.
“Okay, yeah, I guess I am a pretty amazing husband. You really fuckin’ lucked out, Gallagher.”
“Yeah, damn straight I did,” Ian smiles and pulls his husband back into his arms, thinking the matter settled.
There’s a short beat before Mickey says, so quietly Ian almost doesn’t hear it, “I fuckin’ lucked out, too, ya know.”
“Ya did?” Ian asks casually, expecting a snarky answer. Another slow song has begun so they stay where they are, in each other’s arms on the dance floor.
“Yeah, man. Like… like with my fuckin’ dad?” Mickey begins.
Okay, not where Ian was expecting this conversation to go.
“You… you found nurses for him and shit… and kept trying when they… didn’t work out.” Mickey keeps pausing, like the conversation is making him uncomfortable, but he can’t stop. “He was an evil prick that didn’t fuckin’ deserve our help… but you helped anyway… for me, ya know? ‘Cause it was important to me.
“And then… when he…” Mickey sniffs uncomfortably, reaches up and scratches his nose with his thumb. “…you just let me cry for like, 4 days. Didn’t make fun of me. And you held me. But you didn’t let me forget what a monster he was, no matter how hard I tried to only remember the good shit.”
“Mick, it’s okay, we don’t have to talk about all this, not here anyway —,” Ian begins but Mickey interrupts him.
“No, I wanna… I spent so much of my life never saying what I fuckin’ feel and I want to tell you right now how I fuckin’ feel,” Mickey declares, determined but still so tender.
Ian just nods for him to continue.
“Look, all the shit with my dad is in the past. But I’ll never forget the way you were …just, there for me. Through all of it. It just… it meant a lot to me. It meant everything to me, man. I just… sorry, all this wedding shit has me all fuckin’ emotional and I just needed to let it out. Tell you what you mean to me, that’s all.” He clenches his eyes shut, and squeezes the bridge of his nose with his fingers, only briefly. “Just… don’t fuckin’ get used to it, okay?”
Mickey grins after that last statement, relieving some of the tense emotion of the last several minutes.
Ian smiles back and replies sarcastically, “Wasn’t planning on it, softie.”
“You’re a fuckin’ dick,” Mickey laughs and draws Ian in close, starts to sway to the music again.
“Hey, Mick?” Ian whispers into Mickey’s ear as the song finishes. “I love you too,” and he feels Mickey’s smile light up against his skin.
Ian and Mickey dance and drink the rest of the evening away, celebrating not only Lip and Tami, but also the freedom they’ve found in being so emotionally vulnerable with one another. There is a lightness that comes after getting things off their chests, sharing their unfiltered feelings with one another. This might not have been the ideal occasion to share such heavy stuff, but Ian doesn’t want Mickey to ever be scared again to just blurt out how he fuckin’ feels every minute.
They aren’t completely wasted, but are definitely drunk enough that they shouldn’t be driving home. They grab an Uber and Carl, who has an early shift the next morning and quit drinking around 9, drives the ambulance to the Gallagher house where they’ll pick it up later.
Feeling no pain, they laugh and joke and sing like when they were just drunk teenagers, arms tangled around each other, up the elevator and down the hall. It’s nearly 1am and they aren’t exactly being quiet. Their neighbor across the hall, an older eccentric lady named Rhonda, pokes her head out to see what the commotion is, catching the two men pressed up against the wall outside her door in the middle of a steamy kiss.
They finally notice her presence, break apart and Ian blurts out, “Heyyyy, Ms. Rhonda! So sorry to bother you!” as their cheeks turn bright red. They’re not embarrassed that she caught them making out in the hallway, they’re embarrassed because this isn’t the first time she’s caught them making out in the hallway.
“Oh, you beautiful boys are no bother!” she laughs. “Wish I had someone to throw me against a wall and kiss me like that. Shew! You two crazy kids have a great night; god love ya!” and retreats back into her apartment with a friendly smile and a wave.
They laugh, bid her good night, and decide they should probably go inside their apartment before they encounter one of their less friendly neighbors. Ian fumbles around with the key for what feels like an eternity before finally getting the door open. They stumble through the door, slamming it shut loudly behind them, Ian reaching up to lock the deadbolt.
He stops as soon as he throws the keys onto the entry table.
“In case I haven’t told you yet, Mick, you look hot as fuck in that suit. But…,” he steps closer to Mickey. “I think it’ll look even better on our bedroom floor,” Ian teases.
“‘Ey, you look pretty fuckin’ hot yourself,” Mickey responds, biting his lip.
They just stare at each other for a moment, appreciating the sight before them. Suits and ties and dressy shit don’t happen around here that often.
“S’you remember your promise from this morning, right? That if I got outta bed, you’d make it worth my while later?” Mickey asks playfully.
“Well, it’s fuckin’ later, Gallagher. Time to pay up,” Mickey declares with a flirty grin.
Ian doesn’t even hesitate. Grabs Mickey around the waist and pushes him back toward their bedroom, to their bed with the cloud mattress and the bright white duvet, to their haven.
ETA: Check out Ian, Mickey, and Rhonda’s friendship origin story here!
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schrijverr · 3 years
Hold Me Together
Chapter 2 out of 4
Eliot gets hurt on a job and then sick. Hardison and Parker waste no time to jump in to care for him and it becomes harder and harder to say no to their care when it’s just so nice. After he has a nightmare, they’re there for him and feelings come to light.
AKA Eliot has a terrible time physically (and partly emotionally), but gets lots of cuddles and two partners in the end.
On AO3.
Ships: Thiefsome OT3
Warnings: Eliot's low self-esteem and the flu
Pull Me Close
When he awoke the next morning, he was pinned down by two warm weights at his sides. He kept his breathing steady, as if he were still asleep while he assessed the situation, before last night came back to him.
He felt a heat rising to his cheeks as he cracked open one eye to look, the other having swollen shut throughout the night. It was indeed Parker and Hardison who were pinning him down and he knew he couldn't sneak out without them noticing right now. He was trapped and sooner or later he would have to face them again.
Quietly he sorted through everything, hoping to come up with a plan to make this less awkward for everyone involved.
If he moved now, they would wake up and know he was awake and he would have to talk to them, but if he pretended to still be asleep maybe they’d leave him alone, however that would be unrealistic, because he would never sleep through them waking up and it was creepy to pretend to sleep just so that you could enjoy laying in the warmth of your two coworkers that you were in love with without having to deal with the mess that made.
But, fuck, he was comfortable. More comfortable that he’d been in years. The pain had dulled a lot and he was warm and cozy under the sheets with Parker and Hardison there. Hardison snored softly and Parker’s fingers skittered over him in her sleep, almost miming a pickpocket.
It was something nice that he would never have, never deserve. And while it was selfish, he didn’t want it to end just yet.
Still, he had no say in that and all his thinking was for naught when his door slammed open and the familiar silhouette of Nate appeared, saying: “Ah, there you all are. It’s eight, we want to leave as soon as we can.”
“We’ll be there,” Parker chirped, having gone from fast asleep to awake in a moment. Nate nodded at her, before leaving.
On Eliot’s other side, Hardison was taking his time, burrowing his face into Eliot’s uninjured shoulder as he whined softly. Eliot couldn't blame him, they’d gotten to the hotel around three in the morning, so they’d had less than five hours if it was eight now. Still, the hot breaths on his neck were not good if he wanted to keep this platonic, so he poked Hardison and grouched: “Get off me, man.”
“Wha?” Hardison looked up, smiling in a way that made Eliot’s heart twist when he saw it, before he said: “Hey, it’s you. How you doin’?”
“I’m fine, slight headache and sore muscles,,” Eliot told him honestly. “I’ll be up and running in no time, now just get off me so that I can get up.”
“Your eye is bruised,” Hardison frowned, noticing the black eye that had been a light bruise a few hours ago.
“Yeah,” Parker agreed poking it and making him wince.
“Don’t touch it, Parker,” he said, leading her hand away from his face. “It’s fine, just a bruise that I forgot to cool, it’s nothing. Now stop pinning me to the mattress.”
“Oh, yeah, sorry, man,” Hardison got off and Eliot could see the other man was just wearing sweatpants nothing else and his face got a bit hot again, so he looked to the other side, only to discover that Parker was in nothing but a shirt and underwear. God either loved or hated him very much.
So, instead of focusing on them, he focused on getting to a sitting position, pleased to find he could do that on his own.
He was still in Hardison’s hoodie and his own sweatpants and he really didn’t want to change. This was comfortable and warm and it would be easy to take off at home when he was by himself again, which twisted something cold in his chest. Besides he could always wash it and give it back later, an excuse to keep it for a little while. He asked: “Hey, man, can I keep this for today?” as he rubbed the sleeves between his fingers, trying not to think how sad it was that he wanted to keep it, just craving a bit of comfort for today. He still felt groggy and generally uncomfortable.
Hardison looked over, a strange look coming over his face when he saw how the sleeves fell over Eliot’s hands, before he nodded: “Yeah, course.”
“Cool, thanks.” Now this was just getting awkward, so Eliot swung his legs over the side of the bed where Parker had been, since she had disappeared a few seconds ago.
Before he could stand up, however, Hardison was crawling after him, nearly toppling off the bed, before he said: “Wait! Stop. You can’t just do that, Eliot. Your ankle is hurt.”
“Me and my ankle will live,” Eliot informed him. It would be slightly painful to walk, but not impossible.
“Just let me help for a moment,” Hardison asked, quickly pulling on a shirt he found on the floor, before offering a hand.
Eliot rolled his eyes at the fussing, but he was also selfish enough to allow it. It was going to be over soon anyway, why not enjoy a bit of contact? Hardison wanted to help, so it wasn’t taking advantage of it, and not putting any weight on his ankle would be a smart move.
So, they made their way downstairs, with Hardison carrying Eliot’s bag and laying his hand on Eliot’s waist again, while Parker met them at the elevator, her and Hardison’s stuff in hand almost as if they’d planned this.
He tried not to think about it as Hardison led him to the table where Sophie was sitting, before telling him he was to stay there and that Hardison would get him a plate from the buffet. Once he was gone, Sophie leaned over and asked: “So, good night?”
“Was fine,” he replied, eyeing her suspiciously after she’d grinned at him and flicked her eyes towards Hardison and Parker. Had she figured out his feelings? Was he being obvious? Did she think something happened between them? Trying to play it cool, he added: “Got more than 90 minutes of sleep for a change.”
“Oh, your productivity out the door like that,” she teased, luckily dropping any suggestiveness and prying.
“I was productive in healing my body,” he shot back, hiding his relief.
Sophie frowned at his face, cocking her head. “I can see that,” she said sarcastically.
“Come on, Soph, this is not my first black eye,” Eliot said. “My stitches are clean, my ankle is wrapped, my shoulder is back. I’m as good as I can be, little swollen eye is nothing. Could be much worse. Has been in the past.”
At that point Hardison came back with a plate of stuff Eliot actually liked, which touched him more than he’d liked to admit. He put the plate down in front of Eliot, inserting himself into the conversation: “Is he trying to tell you he’s fine by telling you everything that’s wrong with him and reminding you that he’s had a shit life?”
“Yes, it’s not really working,” Sophie said, before Eliot could protest that it was useful, because he was reminding them this was his job and it was okay, that he was okay and taken care off, because all his wounds were clean and it wasn’t that bad.
Instead of saying all that, however, he shoved a fork of food into his mouth and glowered: “See if I ever tell you about my injuries again.”
“He’s grouching, that means he’s okay, right?” Parker asked, poking his cheek again.
“Stop that, Parker,” he snapped, not really mad at her, because he was weak and would do anything to make her happy.
“Jup, he’s okay,” Hardison said, smiling and Eliot wanted to smack him, but he was right and cute, so he couldn’t. “And he’s telling us about his injuries next time.”
“Or we’ll force him!” Parker added enthusiastically.
“Was it that bad?” Sophie was immediately worried again and Eliot wanted them to stop fussing, because it felt weird and twisty in his chest when they did and he hated that he didn’t know what to do with the feeling.
“No, it wasn’t, I’m-” he got cut off by Hardison, who said: “He was kinda out of it for a bit, but nothing we couldn't handle. He was a bit grumpy about the whole thing, but he’s always like that. We just need to keep his leg up and as cool as we can during the drive and he should be set. Probably sleep a bit on the way too.”
“And how am going to sleep in that crappy van?” Eliot grouched. He wanted to protest it all, but no one was listening to him, so protesting seemed a bit redundant. Besides it was hard to be mad at them about it when it seemed like they all cared about his well being and the twisty feeling in his chest was only getting twistier.
“Excuse you, Lucille is a beautiful lady and you will treat her as such,” Hardison began. “And second off, you can sleep in the backseat. There’s a storage area between the front seats that you can rest you foot on. Promise me and Parker won’t bother your little nap.”
“I’m not sleeping in the van,” not between the two of you, he added mentally. “And why don’t I get to sit up front? Don’t I have injured rights?”
“No, there’s more space on the backseat and Nate’s driving and you’re horrible when Nate drives,” Hardison explained.
“I’m not horrible when Nate drives, he just sucks at driving,” Eliot frowned.
“He turned on his blinker once and you got annoyed, because it was too early, Eliot,” Sophie pointed out.
“Yeah and what about that time you said he switched lanes wrong,” Parker said. “You were very scary. You’re not even that scary when I drive and everyone hates my driving.”
“I can’t help that Nate can’t drive,” Eliot crossed his arms.
From behind him Nate’s voice said: “I’m glad you think so highly off my driving skills. You’re in the back seat, I don’t need you to grouch at me for hours about holding the steering wheel wrong or whatever you come up with.”
Eliot had registered him coming up behind him, but he didn’t care that Nate heard. He wanted to be mad about being injured and unable to fight, but he wasn’t able to, so he was going to be mad about something else and right now that was Nate’s driving and being in the back seat. He frowned (frowned, not pouted, Hardison): “I’m still gonna yell at you from the back.”
“Sure you are,” Nate said as he started to walk off with a cup of coffee. “Our mark has officially been taken into custody and the victims have been repaid. I want to be home before dinner, so buckle up everyone.”
They grumbled and groaned about it being too earlier to pack up, but no one stayed seated. This time it was Parker steadying him while Hardison carried all their stuff to Lucille.
Getting back into Lucille was another problem and Eliot was glad Nate and Sophie had already gotten into the van, because this was embarrassing enough as it was without onlookers.
Hardison had to support him fully on the left side, where his injured ankle was, but not his ex-dislocated shoulder, while Parker physically put his uninjured foot into Lucille. Then Hardison hoisted them into the van with Parker making sure they wouldn't fall back, until they were in and they could shuffle forwards and get seated.
Eliot was determined not to be visibly injured, so he crossed his arms and planted his feet on the ground, before staring ahead, vowing to keep his one, not swollen eye firmly open for the entire ride.
His plan was ruined by Parker the moment she settled on his other side, because she leaned forwards and put his leg on the little platform and right as he was about to protest, she put a bag of ice cubes on his foot and that actually felt really nice, so he cut himself off with a soft, grumpy thanks. She smiled: “Of course,” before handing him another ice cube bag for his eye.
Still, he could be awake and grumpy about everything, even when they were treating him like he was terribly injured, which he could understand after the fucking spectacle he made of himself last night. So he just told Nate that he shouldn’t pull up so fast, which earned him a glare from the man through the rear view mirror that he ignored.
Parker was on his right fiddling with one of her locks while she gazed out the window. Hardison was on his left and tapping away on a screen that was moving too fast for Eliot to follow. It was peaceful and they talked with each other softly, though Eliot didn’t have the energy to add his own commentary.
He felt bad about being in the middle of them again when they had already missed each other last night because of him. They hadn’t even seen each other during the job either with Hardison on tech support and Parker running between stealing and grifting.
He didn’t know how to bring it up that he wouldn’t mind switching with Hardison so that they could be next to each other and he could lean against the window. It wasn’t that he was tired and wanted to lean against something, he just wanted to have a clear line of sight, that was all.
The ice was slowly melting, until he had two bags of water and they were nearing their first stop, where Nate pulled over. Sophie would be driving the next stretch, because car-safety and all that jazz.
“Want me to get you anything?” Hardison asked when it became clear that Eliot wasn’t leaving the van.
“Nah, I’m good,” he said. “Maybe switch places with me? I can’t lean against anything in the middle.” He didn’t add: ‘and I’m sure you missed Parker,’ partially because he knew it would have come out sounding bitter and that was something he did not need to deal with, both mentally and in real life.
Hardison raised a brow. “And where are you going to rest you foot if you’re on the left? And I know you ain’t going to be on the right, I heard your shoulder that shit was just wrong.”
“I’ll be fine without resting my foot anywhere. Dammit, Hardison,” Eliot frowned, not sure why the hacker was even fighting him on this.
“You can lean against me, promise I won’t draw on your face,” Hardison said, before walking away so that Eliot couldn't reply. Parker skipped up next to him and asked about the drawing on the face with a bit too much glee.
The words caught up with Eliot and he could feel his cheeks getting warmer, which he pushed down immediately. Hardison had offered it so casually, like it wasn’t weird at all that he was turning down the offer of sitting next to his girlfriend so that Eliot could lean against his shoulder. But maybe Eliot was seeing things where there was nothing, he was injured (minor injuries but that didn’t seem to stop Hardison from worrying), so it could just be a normal offer. It wasn’t as if Hardison hadn’t fallen asleep on his shoulder from time to time.
It wouldn't be weird, he didn’t need to make it weird. Besides, he didn’t needto take him up on the offer and lean on Hardison. He could just not sleep and keep on looking forwards. Yeah, that was a plan.
Soon the others came back, piling into the van once more, with Parker shoving two cold things in his hands as she proudly proclaimed: “They sold ice packs!”
“Oh, thank you, Parker,” he smiled at her, starting to lean forward with a grunt only to find one of the ice packs stolen and being placed on his foot again. He nodded his thanks to Parker, before settling down against the backseat and putting the other ice pack against his eye.
The swelling had gone down already with the ice cubes from the hotel, but the fresh coolness of the ice pack was still welcome.
On his other side, Hardison said: “I managed to convince her not to take the markers, so you’re welcome.”
“And who gave her the idea in the first place,” Eliot shot back, getting an idea. “I’m not risking it by sleeping. You never know if she doesn’t have them anyway.”
“Come on, man, you need the rest,” Hardison tried to argue.
“I already had more sleep than normal, Hardison. I’m fine,” Eliot replied. He did feel tired, but he wasn’t admitting that.
“But I promise I don’t have the markers,” Parker inserted herself into the conversation as well, showing that she only had some hundred dollar bills in her pockets along with some earrings that weren’t hers and a small stuffed mushroom.
“You literally just asked me if we could switch places so that you could lean against something,” it was clear that Hardison wasn’t believing him.
“I thought that you would want to sit next to Parker, sorry for trying to be nice,” he huffed out the truth, hoping it would get them off his back. They stayed silent, so he called out to the front: “Soph, can we please listen to something else, I am so not in the mood for opera.”
Sophie did change the station to something more generic with less high notes that made his head hurt, even if she grumbled: “Someone’s in a mood today.”
He snapped back: “You try getting beat up on a regular basis, see if you’re still sunshine and rainbows after.”
“No, for real, man, you’re never this grouchy,” Hardison frowned, trying to subtly check him over and failing on the subtle part. “Is something wrong? What’s going on?”
“Is there an alien in your stomach controlling you?” Parker asked with wide eyes.
“Dammit, Hardison, I told you not to watch those stupid alien movies with her,” Eliot focused on something other than the uncomfortable questions Hardison had asked.
Because yeah, he was more grouchy than normal and something was wrong, but the something that was wrong was the fact that he had discovered that he was in love with his two best friends and now he was stuck on an eight hour car ride between them after they had seen him vulnerable and he feared that they would catch on or that he was coming between them and it was all the confusing twisty things he had tried to avoid and didn’t want to talk about.
Grouchy didn’t entirely cover that.
“Uhm, excuse you, alien movies are a staple of American culture that everyone should get to experience, so don’t even start there, also you didn’t answer my question,” Hardison told him, leveling him with a stare.
Eliot now had a choice. And it was easily made. “I have a huge headache, Hardison,” he sighed a partially lie, before going on with a whole lie, “I have a headache, I barely slept on the last con and you’re all very loud. I don’t need anyone’s fussing, I just wanted to sit quietly and everyone is making it really hard.”
“Thank you for being honest with us,” Parker said and it was obviously something she’d learned from Sophie and Eliot felt guilty about pretending to be open about his injuries a bit, just so they would get off his back.
“Yeah, man, we’ll be quiet,” Hardison added.
Hardison turned back to his screen and Parker to her locks and Eliot tried not to miss their soft chatter as he closed his eyes and tried to find his zen place.
After how much he’d insisted he wasn’t going to sleep, he was slightly embarrassed that the next moment he was waking up, having been asleep for some time. He could tell Sophie was behind the wheel, which meant he either hadn’t been asleep for long or they were on the last two hour stretch home.
He now registered that the ice pack on his foot had was cool again and the one on his cheek was held in place by someone – Parker his mind supplied – but he was leaning against something, someone, else with his other cheek. He was kind of groggy and he struggled to wake up, blinking bleary until he heard Hardison’s voice near his left ear: “Hey there, finally joining us in the land of the living again, huh?”
“Wha?” he was still feeling disorientated, the headache was much worse than when he’d drifted off and his muscles were sore, he was also cold and his throat ached slightly in the background. He levered himself into a sitting position and tried to take a deep breath to wake up, only to find his nose stuffy.
Fuck no.
It all clicked into place after a second. The confusion, the chills, the headache, sore muscles and throat and then also a stuffy nose. He was sick. He had managed to get himself sick.
“You okay?” Hardison asked, obviously concerned and Eliot felt guilty about having been asleep on his shoulder after everything, as well as guilt because that couldn't have been comfortable and Eliot just cozied up to him again, even when he knew Hardison had a girlfriend. A girlfriend who had been holding his ice pack for him.
He owed those two so much in just the last 24 hours alone, not to mention the past few years. That was something he couldn't pay back and he had treated them like shit and had caught weird feelings for them and gotten in between them.
Tears came to his eyes and he blinked them away as a hole started to eat away at his heart and he couldn't fully push that down, even if he tried.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew that his too emotional state of being was due to his lower defenses since he was sick. He felt too exhausted to fight it, but did it after a moment anyway, replacing it with enough grumpiness to be believable.
“‘m fine,” he mumbled, trying not to make his sore throat obvious as he rubbed his eyes in an attempt to wake up. They didn’t need to know he was sick, they would only worry. He would disappear when they got home and come back when he felt better again. “Are we near the brewpub yet?”
“Yes, you slept for so long, it was a bit boring, but your nose whistled and that was funny,” Parker informed him. “Hardison was trapped under you the entire ride.”
Now at that he did blush and avoided Hardison’s eyes as he softly apologized.
“No worries, man, you obviously needed the sleep,” Hardison assured him. “And I wasn’t trapped under you the entire ride, we managed to lever you over to Parker’s shoulder when Nate took Sophie’s place again. We only switched you back last stop.”
“I didn’t wake up?” Eliot asked, frowning, he must be sicker than he thought.
“Slept like a baby,” Hardison said. “Are you sure you’re okay, man?”
“‘m fine, I already said that,” Eliot grouched, trying not to let show how much he wanted to not be okay and wrapped up in a hug or a blanket or something. He was the tough one, he couldn't be weak, because his job was being strong. Just hold on, Eliot, he thought, then you can crash on your bed.
“Your voice sounds off,” Parker observed, “more gravelly than normal. And you didn’t wake up in a second and your eyes are still drooping.” She cocked her head, before her eyes got a knowing gleam in them. He was made. “Do you feel hungry? Or are you nauseous? Are you in any discomfort? Cold, perhaps? How’s your headache?”
“Hey, mama, why don’t you give the man a rest,” Hardison came to his defense. “You’re kinda overwhelming him with questions right now.”
“When has Eliot ever been overwhelmed?” Parker shot back and Eliot cursed her observation skills, there went his plan to hide until he was better.
“What are you getting at, baby?” Hardison frowned.
“She figured out I’m sick,” Eliot snapped, before Parker could tell him. “And I’m right here. No need to talk about me like I’m not.”
“You’re sick?” Nate asked. “How long has that been going on?”
“I only noticed it when I woke up,” Eliot replied, remembering one of Nate’s rules. “I would have told you if I was sick on the con. I wouldn’t have put you all in danger over me being sick, you know that.”
“Is his wound infected?” Sophie asked and before Eliot could tell them that no it was not, because he would have noticed that, two small calloused thief hands crawled under his shirt, feeling at the bandage, before lifting his shirt to inspect it. Parker reported: “The wound is fine.”
“Do we have supplies for soup at home?” Hardison asked.
“I think we have a blanket for him somewhere under the chairs,” Nate said.
“Oehh, we can build a pillow fort!” Parker exclaimed.
“I’m right here,” Eliot grouched, he didn’t need their care. Craved it? Yes. But he didn’t need it and he wasn’t going to let them. He was supposed to be invincible and while they were long past believing that, he couldn't let them see how pathetic he was. “And I don’t need a damn blanket or soup, or a pillow fort. I’m just a bit under the weather and I am fine on my own. I’ll take a few days and then I’m good to go, don’t be so dramatic.”
Hardison looked him over, then looked at Parker and raised his brow in an ‘are you hearing this guy’ manner, before he said: “I can be as dramatic as I want to be.”
“What? No,” Eliot said. “I’m the sick one and if I say I’m fine and you gotta stop being dramatic about it, then you stop being dramatic about it. Simple.”
“Sure, simple,” Hardison said, pulling out the blanket and teamworking with Parker to get it around his shoulders. “Except I worried my ass off last night because you could hardly walk, or even stand on your own and you dazed out constantly while trying to tell us you were fine. So when it comes to you telling me you’re fine, I’m not really trusting you, alright.”
The blanket around his shoulders was warm and he wanted to burrow into it, but he wasn’t giving in so easily.
“Dammit, Hardison, I said I was fine. I don’t need any of your fussing near me, alright. I’m not incompetent. It’s not even that bad,” he yelled, snapping because he had no energy to do anything but snapping or giving in at this point. And giving in wasn’t an option.
“I know you’re not incompetent, Eliot, we all do,” Hardison said, Parker agreeing: “Of course we don’t think that, you’re skilled.”
He crossed his arms and looked away. He knew they didn’t think he was incompetent, they wouldn't trust him with their lives otherwise, but that could change at any moment. He’d seen it happen before, so he wasn’t risking it.
“And I’m also hearing a lot about you don’t needing anything, which I also believe,” Hardison went on in a tone that had Eliot’s guard up. “But I ain’t hearing nothing about wanting. And we care about you, man, how many times have I got to tell you that? We want to take care of you, even if we know you don’t need it.”
“I don’t need anyone playing nurse,” he protested again. It was weak and he knew it, but he had to protest, he had to warn them without explicitly warning them, because that would also be a weakness and- His head hurt and the thoughts in it were swirling and confusing him.
“That kinda looks like a lie to me,” Hardison said, looking him over with concern in his eyes. “And you’re again talking about needing not wanting.”
“Are you okay, Eliot?” Parker was also not happy with his face it seemed, but he knew he must look like a confused, sweating, hurt mess, with a swollen eye and a shivering frame. He had even pitifully burrowed into the blanket without even realizing.
“I’m- I’m- I don’t know,” he finally admitted. He was just tired and upset about feelings he couldn't place. He wanted to crash someplace warm and not have to think for a moment. “I don’t know,” he said again, voice unsteady. “It’s- I- I can never want something. ‘s a weakness.”
If he was paying attention, he could have pinpointed when Hardison’s heart broke by the look in his eye, but instead he was distracted by Parker pulling him into a hug as she said: “I get it, but Hardison taught me how to feel stuff and you taught me how to like stuff, we can teach you how to be taken care of.”
“I think that’s a great idea,” Sophie’s voice was slightly fake in her enthusiasm as it came from the front seat, cutting off any half-formed protests from Eliot.
“Me too,” Hardison quickly agreed, throwing an arm over Eliot’s shoulder and pulling him close, until he was leaning against his chest, Parker on his lap like a pretzel. “We’ll teach you how to be taken care off and then you can work on your verbal explanations by teaching me how to make soup for you from the comforts of a bed.”
“Wha- I don’t-” Eliot’s mind was too confused to properly fight the argument, he somewhere knew needed to be fought, while also not wanting to fight it.
“It’s been a lot of don’ts from you, just accept it, alright?” Hardison said, pulling him closer and he wanted to protest again. Really, he did. But he was also very comfortable and warm and he was tired and they’d be home soon. He could fight them again when they were home.
In the end, it turned out that fighting them when they got home was a terrible plan. The sleeping had left him groggy and Nate and Sophie had already disappeared, leaving him with just Hardison’s comforting chattering and Parker’s puppy eyes. He couldn't drive home in this state and both had refused to drive him and he already had a room above the brewpub, so he could go home tomorrow if he felt like it and-
And he gave in, the great Eliot Spencer, defeated by cute little eyes and too many arguments about a comfortable bed nearby. What had his life come to?
His life had come to waking up in a soft bed, that Hardison had managed to get exactly right before he’d even arrived in Portland all those months ago, with a sore throat and muscles, while being nicely warm on his right side where a bony elbow was wedged into his side, while on the other side there was a consistent, comfortingly familiar tapping noise.
He blinked blearily and groaned when a wave of nausea rolled over him, before a coughing fit overtook him. Parker’s warmth disappeared, but Hardison’s voice came: “Hey, hey, you’re alright, you’re alright.”
A glass of water appeared and he took it gratefully, sipping it slowly and letting it sooth his throat and wash away the itch at the back of it.
“You’ve been clonked out for the past few hours, about sixteen. How you feeling?” And Eliot was grateful that Hardison knew him well enough to first tell him how much time he’d lost before asking him about his state.
“I’m fine,” he replied, but his voice was barely a whisper.
“That response is really ingrained, isn’t it, huh?” Hardison said, but there was no judgment in his voice.
“Oehh, is that one of the things we’re teaching him to stop with? Like how I had to look further than the alarms in a museum?” Parker piped up.
“Yeah, exactly, mama,” Hardison’s smile was obvious when he talked. “He can start by telling us how he really feels.”
And Eliot was honestly too tired to follow the conversation, so he gave up on trying and just answered honestly: “Like I’ve been hit by a motorcycle.”
“Not a truck?” Hardison asked.
“No, motorcycle hit is very distinctive.”
“You and your distinctive,” the mutter was more for Hardison himself than him, so he ignored it. “Parker, baby, if I go get the soup, can you make sure he doesn’t drop off again. He needs to eat if he wants to recover.”
“Of course, I’ll keep watch!” Parker saluted and Hardison left the room.
Eliot let his eyes close, content to just lie there, but Parker obviously thought he was falling asleep again, because she poked his right cheek where the bruise was. It was less tender than last time, but still sore, so he hissed: “The fuck, Parker.”
“I need to keep you awake,” she said with wide eyes and he wanted to roll his, but that would make her sad, so he just sighed and leaned back into his pillow, this time with his eyes open.
“What happened?” he asked, trying to put together the little bit of information his brain was willing to give him.
“Well, you were out beating people up in the rain,” she launched into an explanation, “and Hardison says you don’t actually get sick from the rain, but you did get sick and me and Hardison are taking care of you, but you were really grumpy on the drive back, but then you fell asleep. And your nose whistled.”
He let her voice wash over him as she went on.
“But then you woke up and you were really sad about something, but also grouchy and then Hardison did his thing, where he gets people and has like the voice that tells him what you need to hear. He and Sophie both do it, it’s fascinating, he’s teaching me how to do it too. And you gave in, because you wanted to, but you didn’t want to tell us, so we had to crack your emotion safe with our words and now we’re going to teach you how to be taken care of,” she finished.
Wait what? He had put most of the pieces together and part of him had only partially questioned why they were in his bed, but he hadn’t remembered this. He thought they were just here to see if he woke up again and now that he had, he could throw them out of his room (going to his apartment seemed too hard at this point), but not this.
Before the freak out could fully set in, Hardison entered with a bowl of steaming soup. “Here you go, chicken noodle soup, the best for when you’re sick and homemade,” Hardison grinned. “I really want to say by us, but we set a pan on fire and then asked the kitchen staff to make it.”
He wordlessly accepted the soup, still trying to figure out what was going on exactly, how he felt about it and how he would get out of it.
Yeah, okay, what the fuck had his life come to?
I really like the idea of Eliot being fine with the insane driving off Sophie and Parker, because it’s at least functional in a getaway situation, but he can’t stand Nate’s just below average driving (personal headcanon) in an everyday situation. It tickles me.
Also I know that Lucille doesn’t have a backseat bench, but the vibes were too good so just go with it
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scuttling · 3 years
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/OC Derek Morgan/Penelope Garcia Word Count: 2,917 Tags: 18+, NSFW, Voyeurism, Daddy kink, Dom/sub, Tie as restraint, Oral sex, Vaginal fingering, Hand jobs, Unprotected sex, Married sex, Biting, Multiple orgasms, You will need Jesus after reading! Summary: Aaron and OC are out to dinner with Derek and Penelope, and OC makes an offhand joke about letting them... watch. Smut ensues. Note: This is a reformatted, previously published work. Link to A03 or read below! They are out to dinner one night, on a double date with Morgan and Garcia—which Aaron thought might be awkward at first but is now one of his favorite casual activities—when Morgan makes an offhand comment about how different they are, as couples.
“We all know you two are in love, but your thing is still so intense. Penelope and I are all sappy and soft 100% of the time, aren’t we, baby girl?” he asks Garcia, and she smiles, something sweet and shy, looks over at him with adoration in her eyes.
“Yep, very sappy and soft. We’d make for a very interesting episode of Wife Swap,” she jokes, and Sophie, only about halfway into her first glass of wine, laughs softly.
“Well, I won’t swap, but you could watch,” she says, completely teasingly, but the atmosphere among the four of them changes abruptly—not with awkwardness, but interest. She looks to Aaron for guidance, and he puts a hard hand on her thigh, takes a sip of his own wine.
“You could. Watch. If you wanted,” he says, not exactly making eye contact, because he doesn’t know where the rush of boldness comes from, but Garcia looks at Morgan with an unreadable expression, and then they both nod.
“Yeah. I think we would like that.” Sophie’s hand covers his on her lap and she squeezes, pushing it higher up her thigh, a great sign of things to come. Morgan looks like he wants to speak again, but the waiter arrives with their food, and the spell is kind of broken.
They eat, talk, laugh, nothing unusual about the night compared to the many other times they’ve all gone to dinner, but when Morgan signs the check, he looks over at them cautiously.
“Got any plans for the rest of the evening?” The question itself is so casual, but his tone betrays him, and Aaron knows exactly what he’s asking. He looks to Sophie, who presses her lips together in thought.
“We have a bottle of that Merlot you like, if you guys want to come over for a bit,” she says to Garcia, who rambles a little about how good it is, and the first time she tried it, before Morgan brushes her cheek and accepts the offer for them.
When they meet up at Sophie and Aaron’s apartment after dinner, there is a bit of tension; Sophie tries her best to make small talk with Garcia about the building as they head upstairs, Morgan and Aaron don’t look at or speak to each other at all, and it makes him wonder if maybe he misread the situation.
Still, everyone takes off their coats, their shoes if they want to, and Sophie plays hostess, brings out the wine, pours a glass for each of them.
The conversation comes more easily, then—not because they’re drunk, because between the food and the time spent at the restaurant, no one is even tipsy—but maybe because they are curled up as couples on opposite couches, something easy, normal, somewhere they’ve been before.
Aaron says something offhand that Sophie finds sweet, and she kisses him, just a peck at first, but it becomes something more, deeper, wetter, without either of them really trying. He moves the hand around her waist, uses it to push up her dress a bit, sliding over her bare thigh, and she hums at his touch.
He risks a glance at Morgan and Garcia, and they are watching carefully, Morgan’s hands running smoothly up and down her arms. They look comfortable, intrigued, aroused, and Aaron can find no reason to stop, in them or Sophie, so he doesn’t.
He puts his other hand on her waist as well, guides her into his lap, so she’s straddling his thighs, and he takes her face in his hands, kisses her hard, earning a slow roll of her hips. It’s exactly what he’s looking for, and he pushes her skirt up over her ass, showcasing little lacy panties.
If they’re interested in how intense their sex life can be, he knows exactly where to begin.
“Sweet girl,” he says, a little bit louder than he might normally, but they do have an audience tonight, “there’s something I’ve been thinking about all evening.” She licks her lips, wraps her hands around his biceps, looking so beautiful it hurts, and he feels himself getting a little emotional when he thinks of how much trust she is showing tonight.
He will be sure to reward her for that when they’re alone.
“What is it, daddy?” He wants to flick his eyes over Morgan and Garcia, see how they react to hearing how easily that falls from her lips, but he remains focused on her.
Without words, he reaches up to loosen his gray silk tie, pull it off, and he brings her wrists together behind her back, wraps it around them, knotting it tightly, twice. He hears a soft gasp that must belong to Garcia, but his eyes don’t leave Sophie’s.
“You know I love to tie you up, feel how tense your body gets beneath my hands.” He slides those hands over her hips, her waist, her back, slowly, making her moan and rub against him. He lifts her skirt up again, so they can see her perfect little ass, but not enough to cover her bound wrists, and he encourages her to grind in his lap. “If I want to turn up your level of desperation, I know all I have to do is take away your ability to touch me; you become a slutty, writhing, moaning mess, don’t you?”
“Yes, daddy,” she agrees, letting her head fall back as her thighs work around him. He pulls her closer by the throat, presses his lips there, and she groans. “Do you want me to come like this?” He pretends to contemplate that for a moment despite having his next move already planned out, puts his hands on her hips to still them.
“No, baby. Another thing I’ve been thinking about all evening is eating your pussy. Craving it. That’s how I want you to come.” She nods eagerly and he lays her back along the couch carefully, resting on her wrists. He folds her skirt up over her chest, presses his lips to her taut stomach, and slides off her panties, makes a show of placing them on the coffee table.
He leans up to peer into her eyes, because this is a whole new ball game, now, and she looks at him with the hazy expression that means she’s right where he wants her; he smiles, kisses her mouth, and then slides down, holds open her right thigh so it’s easier for Morgan and Garcia to see what he’s doing.
He kisses her pussy a few times at first, with lots of tongue, and she pants, stretching out her neck and sinking her teeth into her bottom lip. He knows how sexy that is, can hear rough breath coming from across the room, but he doesn’t look, doesn’t take his eyes or his mind off of Sophie.
His left hand, the hand holding her thigh down, snakes around so he can rub at her clit with his index finger; she lifts her hips involuntarily when he does it, and he slides his tongue between her lips, earning a strangled groan.
“Mmm, ah,” she pants, arching her back a little to relieve pressure on her wrists, and he doubles down, stimulating her with his lips and tongue, even his nose, making her shudder and rub her cheek against the throw pillow behind her. Still pressing gently against her swollen, throbbing bud, he slides one finger inside her pussy, flicks his tongue a couple times, and she comes loudly, squeezing around his finger, pressing up against his face.
He continues to softly lick at her once she’s spent, until she moans in a way that means she’s had enough, and he pulls back, removes his finger, presses it to her lips and then inside her open mouth. He wipes his face on the inside collar of his shirt and she sucks and licks his finger clean, sighing when he pulls it out.
“Did that feel good, baby?” he murmurs, leaning in to capture her lips, and she nods, smiles when they break apart.
“Always good.” He pulls her up to a seat, facing away from him, and runs his hands over her shoulders, her arms, unties the knots at her wrists, dropping his tie on the table next to her panties. She sighs, and he pushes her hair away from her neck, kisses her there, and slowly slides down the zipper of her dress.
He takes a moment to look over at Morgan and Garcia, who are fully turned on by the looks of things; her hand moves slowly in his lap, his hand between her legs, and she is flushed where he looks serious, restrained.
He helps Sophie out of her dress, kisses her deeply, full of love and hunger, and then unhooks her bra so she is bare before them all. She trembles a little in his hands, but he knows she knows the words to say if she wants to stop, and every minute she doesn’t say them, doesn’t want to stop, is like a gift.
He sits up in the middle of the sofa, legs spread, and she kneels down to work at his belt, his fly, looking up into his eyes when he pushes his pants and underwear down, but not off. He says nothing, does nothing, for a moment, and she sits there, patient, quiet, waits for instruction. When he gives none, she squirms a little, puts her hands on his knees.
“Do you want me to suck, daddy?” He cups her throat with his palm, slides it up to her face, brushes his thumb over her lips and shakes his head.
“No, baby. Climb up, away from me.” She does as asked, settles into his lap facing Morgan and Garcia, her thighs spread wide, his hard cock nestled against her ass. The view this time is more explicit, especially as they all face each other, and his dick leaks at the thought of taking her in front of them, of them seeing how completely she belongs to him. “Good girl. Daddy’s going to fuck you, now. Come when you want to.” He squeezes one of her breasts in his hand and she braces herself against him, sighs as he pushes in.
He won’t last long, he knows that from the start as he pounds up inside her, as she moans long and decadent, full to the hilt. He puts his hands on her hips and slams her down as he thrusts up, lets her just focus on holding herself up and being fucked so hard their bodies slap together loudly.
“God, baby. So tight for me, so fucking wet,” he all but growls against her throat, and she arches against him, pushing out her chest and breathing rough and ragged. “You have the sweetest, most beautiful pussy, and it belongs to me, doesn’t it?”
“Mmm, yes daddy,” she pants, reaching back to curl a hand in his hair, and he groans, thrusting into her with reckless abandon.
“Yeah, even before I married you, you were all mine, but now you like to be the perfect wife, sucking my cock before work, riding it afterward. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”
“Fuck, yes,” she whines, puts her hand on his, wedding rings catching as their bodies move roughly; it turns him on the same way seeing her in one of his shirts does, because it means mine, and he mutters the word in her ear, earning a sigh.
It’s impossible not to look at Morgan and Garcia while he fucks her, and they are staring, rapt, at where his body connects with Sophie’s; she has his cock out of his pants, stroking softly, and her panties are pushed aside, two fingers pumping inside her while the other hand rubs at her clit. He’s a little pleased they’re putting on that good of a show, kisses Sophie’s neck in a reward she may not quite understand.
He bites down, soft in comparison to the way his cock is so deep it feels like he’s in her stomach, and she comes, moans, yanks on his hair. Immediately after, she wants to sag against him, but he snaps his hips hard against hers, whispers soothing words against her bitten skin.
“No baby, not yet. Keep coming on my cock. I’m not done with you yet.” He fucks her faster, harder, if that’s possible, moves his hands to her breasts and squeezes them tight as he pummels her soft, spent body. “Keep coming on it, sweet girl, for daddy. Don’t stop.”
She is really moaning now, wanton, filthy, basically putty in his hands, and their friends are gasping softly against each other’s mouths when she comes a third time, clamping down so tightly that he loses it too, groaning her name and pumping come inside her tight channel. She practically collapses back against him, and he murmurs sweet words like perfect and gorgeous and love you into her ear, rubbing her body until she all but flinches away from overstimulation.
They lay there for a moment, thoroughly satisfied and boneless, just breathing together, and then she lifts off of him; he can feel all that come gush out when it’s no longer got his cock holding it in, and Morgan must see it too, because his breath hitches and he spills over Garcia’s hand with a grunt. She whispers in his ear, and Sophie stands, pulls Aaron to the bathroom so they can clean up and grab some things for the other couple to use as well.
“That was…” she says as she washes her hands after she pees, and he comes up behind her, wraps his arms around her, kisses her cheek. “Hmm. Something else. You were in rare form,” she teases, and he turns her head so they can kiss properly.
“It’s easy, with you. Especially when I want to show someone that you’re mine.” She laughs softly against his lips.
“Everyone knows, Aaron. As if the ring wasn’t enough, the vibes coming off of you are so strong, I don’t get hit on even when you’re across the room anymore. People just know.” He wipes at her pussy with a warm, wet cloth, and she sighs happily. “Maybe it’s pheromones or something. I’ve probably swallowed and absorbed so much of your come that I smell like you, now.” He makes a pleased noise at that, meets her eyes in the mirror.
“Now that’s an idea: fill you up with my come before we go anywhere so everyone backs the fuck off of what’s mine.” He knows his tone is possessive, but she just sighs indulgently, turns to help clean him off as well.
“You know I won’t complain,” she murmurs, looks up at him through soft lashes. “Just write ‘specimen container’ on my forehead and call it a day.”
He laughs at that, probably exactly as intended, and his streak of jealousy is diffused just like that. They leave the bathroom, and she slips on her robe while he opts for a t-shirt and boxers. When they make their way out to the living room, Morgan and Garcia are finished, looking at them with a tentative gaze, and Sophie smiles softly, hands them the small stack of towels.
“You remember where the bathroom is, right? I can get us some more wine while you two get freshened up,” she says kindly, as if she wasn't just fucked within an inch of her life in front of them, and his come-dumb brain can only focus on how pretty she is, and how lucky he is to have her as his wife. How lucky he is that she puts up with his bullshit.
The other couple heads to the bathroom, holding hands, looking very sweet and sappy, and Sophie makes for the kitchen for more wine, as promised. She pours them each a glass, and Aaron rifles through the snack cupboard until he finds the crunchy little cookies she likes, puts a few on a plate for her. When she sees what he’s doing, she smiles, runs her hand across his back.
“Three orgasms, snacks… what more could a woman ask of her handsome husband?” she murmurs, popping a cookie into her mouth, and he bends to kiss her, sweet, slow.
“If you think of something, let me know. I'd do anything to keep you happy.”
"Oh, you do," she says, brushing his cheek. He picks up a cookie off the plate and puts it in her mouth, earning another smile.
Morgan and Garcia linger for about an hour after emerging from the bathroom, and they make easy conversation; he's glad it's not awkward or stilted, that he didn't make a mistake when he offered this. When they put on their shoes, their coats to leave, Garcia thanks them for the wine, pulls Sophie into the usual hug. Morgan stands just outside the door, and Aaron nods in his direction.
"Thanks again for dinner," he says, makes a mental note that next time is their turn to pay. Morgan smirks a bit.
"Thank you, for the tie thing." He gestures to his throat where a tie would hang. "Might have to give that one a try."
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All hail
Sophie, humming while brushing her hair: hmmm..
Jim, walks up behind her and covers her eyes: guess who..?
Sophie, playfully: oh gee I don't know, Lukas maybe?
Jim: oh please you already know who it is babe. *Uncovers her eyes*
Sophie: I know, I was only teasing *gives him a peck on the cheek*
Jim: I wanted to give you something that I bought.
Sophie: hm, what is it..?
Jim, pulls out a shell small jewels necklace with small jewels: tada!
Sophie: Jim it's lovely! Thank you..
Jim: I was in the market today and was thinking about a certain someone when I saw this beauty. I thought to myself, huh, who do I know is as beautiful as this necklace that I found.. and you know who said it was..?
Sophie, playfully: I can't seem to put my finger on it.. 🤔
Jim: It was you.
Sophie: oh Jim, you're so sweet.. *hugs him*
Jim, hugs her back: I know.
//The two lean in for a kiss until Lukas pops his head in, sharing a hug with the two.//
Lukas: YAY! Group hug!! What are you guys talking about??
Jim, displeased: oh, hey Lu, were just having an intimate moment.. but it's fine, its whatever.
Lukas: whoops! Sorry about that, didn't mean to ruin the moment. *Rubs the back of his neck*
Sophie, giggles: it's okay, maybe next time Jim *kisses his cheek softly*
Jim, blushes softly: thanks babe.
Lukas: anyway, came to tell you all, Silver and Elinor made breakfast.
Sophie: we'll be there in a while, just gotta finish up getting ready.
Lukas, nods: aight, see y'all later! *Leaves the room*
Jim: now that we're alone.. mind if I can get that kiss?
Sophie: okay you can.. *Gives him a peck on the cheek* now get out because I'm going to change.
Jim, shrugs: whatever you say babe! *Leaves the room*
//Jim walks into the dining area where everyone was sitting at the table. He sits next to Ollie. Ollie notices the lovey dovey look on Jim's face.//
Ollie: Something on your mind Jim?
Jim: huh? Oh it's nothing.. just thinking about how I'm the luckiest guy in the world.
Ollie: what did you win the lottery or somethin'?
Emma: more like the lottery of l o v e
Jim, playfully: pfft yeah right.. Just because I'm with the most beautiful, intelligent, kindest girl in the world doesn't mean- wait.. yeah you're definitely right.
Emma, giggles: remember to have me as a bridesmaid at your and Sophie's wedding ;) *goes to sit down next to Jim*
Jim: that won't be for a while..
Elinor, places a bowl of porridge in front of Jim: aw young love, a precious thing to cherish. Reminds me of when me and Silver were younger. Butterflies in our stomachs and completely all over each other.
Silver: you act as if we still don't do that now.
Elinor: oh I know.. were just not young anymore. *Kisses Silver on the cheek*
Silver: like that makes a difference *hugs her from behind*
Fisch, jokingly: you two love birds gonna join us to eat or make out in the middle of breakfast?
Elinor: heh, you're right. Let's sit down Silver.
//Just as they were about to seat themselves, a comet had scrapped by the chip. Creating a large hole on the side of the ship.//
Silver: oh you've got to be kidding me!
Cetus: huh.. maybe I shouldn't have parked here.. sorry Silver.
Silver, sighs: I don't blame ya lad. No one could've predicted this happenin..
Andrew: we should go to Montressor to get that fixed up. It isn't too far from here.
Silver: I just hope we'll be able to make it.
//Sophie had finally finished up changing. She heard the commotion and worried something bad happened. Sophie rushed towards Jim.//
Sophie: what's going on? Is everything ok?? Jim, are you okay???
Jim: Babe, I'm fine! We just had a "little" accident on the ship.
Sophie: Little??! It felt like we crashed into something!
Jim: ummm.. more like something crashed into us.
Sophie, sighs: okay, this is fine.. We're going to be okay right..?
Jim: of course we are! They're just going to stir the ship towards Montressor, they'll get it fixed then bata bing, bata boom! It'll be fixed up and it'll be like the damaged never happened.
Sophie: I sure hope they do.
//A few minutes went by and Cetus managed to stir the ship towards a docking area. After having a conversation with a repairman, a majority of the crew left the ship. Deciding to explore or purchase since they were on Montressor.
Sophie and Jim decided to take a walk. They held hands as the two looked around the many shops and stands.//
Jim: Do you want to get something to eat Sophie? You kinda missed breakfast back there.
Sophie: oh, um, sure!
Jim: what should we get?
Sophie: hmm, how about.. a smoothie! I just want something light and easy to carry around for now.
Jim: Okay! Let's go!
//The two got into a line at a smoothie stand. As they waited, something caught the eye of Sophie. A few feet from the couple was a group of people reading newspapers. They seemed panicked as they chatted about what was in the news. Interested, Sophie walked over to the newspapers.//
Sophie, picks up a newspaper: huh?
//On the front cover showed a cryptic image of a woman with black hair in a red and black dress. They were holding to what appeared to be a staff. Next to them was a green woman with pink hair. The image couldn't make out what she was supposed to be. Maybe like a plant?//
Sophie: says here that the proclaimed dead Queen Hatred and her henchman Veronica have been spotted inside of Amoretia.. huh? Never heard about this lady before.
???: HEY!
//Sophie turned around to see a guard standing a few inches away from her.//
Guard #1: You! You're coming with me!
Sophie: uh.. no..?
Guard #1: you have to. They've been looking for you.
Sophie: who?
Guard #1: The high counsel of Terra. Now come with me! *Grabs Sophie by her shoulder*
Sophie, tries to jerk herself out of his grip: get your hands off me!
//Jim, who was about to purchase the smoothies, quickly turned his head when hearing Sophie yell. He ran over to her and the guard.//
Jim: you heard what she said! Let go of her!
Guard #1: can't. The high counsel told me not to.
Jim: high counsel??
Cetus: what is going on around here?
//The others had arrived when seeing Sophie and Jim in danger.//
Guard #1: don't I recognize you..?
Cetus: No, I don't believe we've met.
Guard: Wait, I do know you! You're that cursed cephalopid that stole from Terra's merchant ships!
Cetus: it was someone else.
Guard: I'm not letting you go this time! You and your entire entourage are coming with me!
Silver, smugly: oh really? You and what ar-
//A bunch of other soldiers pop out of nowhere.//
Silver: I didn't even get to finish my sentence and you already knew what I was going to say.
//In the next scene, everyone except for Sophie were in the dungeon of the Terran castle.//
Valentino: why am I here?? I'm not a criminal like the rest of you!
Andrew: I'm pretty sure coercing with theives and pirates still counts as a crime.
Valentino: what?! I don't know that!
Elinor, sighs: hopefully our trials are fair and they actually give us, I don't know, maybe a few months behind bars? Then again chances of that are very low.
Valentino: you mean we'll be sent to the gallows??? But I still have some unfinished designs to do! Oh this is horrible!
Silver: oh shut it for once Val!
//In private meeting room of the castle, the counselmen were standing in front of Sophie.//
Sophie; who are you people? Why'd you put my family and boyfriend in jail???
Counselman #1: they were wanted criminals that deserved to be locked up.
Sophie: let them go! I demand it!
Counselman #1: you are so much better than them, why do you affiliate yourself with such hooligans?
Sophie: because I love them!
Counselman #2: Miss Sophie, do you know about your royal heritage?
Sophie: royal.. heritage..?
Counselman#2: hm, well you're father was the brother of Queen Illysa. Making him a-
Sophie: prince..?
Counselman #1: correct
Sophie: So technically I'm a.. princess..?
Counselman #2: also correct.
Sophie: I- I-.. why..?
Counselman #1: we need your help Miss Sophie.
Sophie: I don't understand.
Counselman #1: Queen Illysa has been turned to stone and we need your help guidance!
Counselman #2: yes certainly! We need your guidance on how to defeat Hatred!
Counselman #3: what?? I thought we agreed that we'd make peace with her??
Sophie: I-
Counselman #2: no, we need her to wage against Hatred! Why would we make peace treaty with that lunatic??
Sophie: um-
Counselman #3: because Hatred is going to kill us all once she gets her army back! Listening to her demands is the way to go!
Sophie: can I-
Counselman #1: enough out of the both of you! We need her guidance!
Counselman #2: yes with war!
Counselman #3: no, peace!
Counselman #2: war!
Counselman #3: peace!
Counselman #2: WAR!
Counselman #3: PEACE!
Counselman #2: WAR!
Counselman #3: PEACE!
Sophie: F*CKING SHUT UP!!!
//All counselman look at her with a shocked looks on their faces.//
Sophie: please... As your queen.. princess.. whatever.. can you let my family go?
Counselman #1: but they're-
Counselman #1: of course your majesty.
//Down in the dungeon, everyone seemed to accept the fact that they were going to get hanged. Except for Valentino.//
Valentino: I can't, I can't! This isn't happening!
Silver: Just say you're prayers. You'll feel less scared.
Valentino: there's so many things I haven't done! Like making a gown for a princess or skydiving or um, uh- I CAN'T DIE THIS SOON!
Guard, unlocks the door and opens it: congratulations, you've all been let go by the queen.
Cetus: the queen? Huh.., she most be feeling extra generous today.
Valentino: YES! FREEDOM!
Guard: not so fast horn head, she wants to see you all.
Cetus: nevermind. We're doomed.
Valentino: ಥ_ಥ
//All of them went to a private meeting room. They opened the doors to see Sophie and the other counselmen.//
Jim: Sophie! *Tries to run towards her*
Counselman #2, stops Jim: now what do you think you're doing???
Jim: huh?
Counselman #2: what? You're not going to bow to your queen? Show some respect!
Jim, looks at Sophie; Sophie..?
Sophie, bows her head: it's true.
//Jim looked very shocked. He tried to take in this new information but he had so many questions. Did she now she was a queen? Why couldn't she tell him?? Or why did they need her now??//
Counselman #2: didn't you here me boy? Bow before-
Sophie: that is unnecessary. Now, please leave us.
Counselman #1: what about Hatred? What will we do and prepare for?
Sophie: I'll figure that out later. I want to talk with my family first.
//The counselman #1 nodded as he and the other counselmen left the room. As soon as they left, Jim went up to Sophie.//
Jim: what the heck is going on??
Sophie: I don't know! They want me to handle a situation with a lady named Hatred?? I don't even know who that is! I don't know if I should go to war or peace but either one seems like a bad option!
Jim: babe calm down! You can think about it later...
Sophie, whimpering: then all of a sudden I'm made a queen and I found out my dad was the brother to the queen and I- I- *falls to her knees* all of this info is too much for me right now..
Jim, gets on his knees: It's gonna be okay, I promise. We'll figure this out together!
Emma: Jim's right! We've got your back Sophie!
Victor: absolutely! If you need some advice just tell us!
Elinor: you know this Hatred lady kinda sounds familiar..
Cetus: you know something about her Elli?
Elinor: From what I learned, she was just a myth at the time. A queen that lived five hundred years ago and almost had full control of the etherium. She was hell-bent on getting rid of all love in the etherium which is why she wanted to take over the etherium in the first place-
Jeremiah: wait, wait.. you're telling me this queen wanted to get rid of all love? What kinda lunatic would do that!?
Emma: almost like it's similar to trying to achieve class equality by killing rich people.
Jeremiah: yeah, I know right?
Emma, looks at him confused: oookkaay..
Elinor: but anyway, this Hatred is a big deal. Legend says she never lost a battle or war, created her own henchman, and was able to conquer multiple planets.
Cetus: Well, Hatred has clearly never met us before. We'll take her down! She'll be so easy to defeat because I mean come on, there's a ton of us and one of her. It's not like she has an army.
Elinor: She has an army.
Cetus: as long as we believe in ourselves we'll win!
Silver: yeah, that believing we'll take us right to the graveyard..
Valentino: I think we should let Terra's army handle it and maybe come up with a battle strategy?
Elinor: Probably. Even if we make peace with that looney bin, she'll ask for the keys to the Terran empire. Then she'll try to conquer the rest of the etherium.
Sophie: wait.. we have to fight her.
Everyone: WHAT?!
Sophie: Using an army won't be enough to take her down. If they couldn't do it in the past, then we can't make the same mistake. We have to make a plan to get rid of her by any means!
Jim: Sophie, are you sure about this?
Sophie: positive.
Elinor: Hm, maybe if we try ambushing her we can take her by surprise and get the job done! That's how they "killed" her in the past! But I'm sure we'll manage to get the job done.
Cetus: sounds like a plan! I'm in!
Andrew: me too!
Jeremiah: let's kill this tyrant!
Emma: heck yeah!
Fisch: I'll die trying if it means getting the job done!
Ollie: Hatred won't even know what hit her!
Lukas: She's going down!
Nomura: Destroying Hatred will be a walk in the park.
Lyka: Question, after we kill her can I take her jewels?
Elinor: Yes Lyka.
Lyka: LETS GO!!!!
Jim: I'll do it if Sophie's up for it!
Sophie: Honey I'm always down to kick some ass.
Valentino: um, I'll just stay here...
Silver, sighs: Alright let's go!
Elinor: I can't wait to beat someone up! It's been so long!
Silver: um.. yer not going lass.
Elinor: what?
Silver: I can't risk you getting hurt. We have cubs for goodness sake. You need to stay here and watch over them while we're gone. You understand lass?
Elinor: okay.. I understand.
Silver: I'm only doing this because I love you and our cubs..
Elinor, smiles softly: then go get em' you big softie! *Kisses Silver*
//Silver kisses her back. They others waited around awkwardly waiting for them to finish.//
Cetus, coughs fakely: kinda running on a schedule here guys.
Elinor, pulls back and awkwardly rubs the back of her neck; oh yeah right, sorry.
Silver: be safe darlin'
Elinor: and you be careful.
//And with that, the heros set off on another ship that the Terran empire owned. They sailed off.//
Silver: where exactly are we going Sophie?
Sophie: a planet called Amoretia. Its gonna be a while so we should plan our strategy on how to take down Hatred.
Silver: aye your highness!
//They sailed for the planet Amoretia. With Sophie contemplating if this was a good idea or not. Well it was too late to back out now. Time to go take down this fool...
Yet as they sailed, in an office on another planet, was a mysterious person sitting at their desk.//
???, Reading a newspaper: huh, says here old Queenie finally found a way to come back. At last, I was starting to think she'd never show up.
//Another person walked into the room, standing at the doorway.//
???: You wished to see me sir..?
???: I did. I want you too set sail for our ship. We're going to Amoretia.
???: Um, can I ask why sir?
???: Hatred is back and I taste an opportunity.
???: If you don't mind me asking, of what kind sir?
???: An opportunity to finally get all the riches I desire. As well as boost my position of power. And that hot-headed queen is going to help me get there. Wether she likes it or not.
???: Right. I'll go prepare the ship sir.
//the unknown person walks out of the room. The first unknown person placed the newspaper down on their desk.//
???: This etherium is going to become mine..
//Their snake like tongue sizzled out as their slit eyes lit up the room.//
To be continued...
((Hatred, Elinor, Valentino, and Jeremiah belong to me
Cetus and Andrew belong to @aalbliii
Sophie belongs to @sleeplessdreamer14
Emma belongs to @the-weirdos-mind
Lukas belongs to @wallymcflubberfins
Lyka belongs to @princssealexis165
Fisch belongs to @komatheterrible
Ollie belongs to @sailingthespiral
Nomura belongs to @authorchanlove))
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It’s A Wildmoore holiday wish list🍂🍎🎃🦃❄️🎄
Picture this:
Wildmoore going to a pumpkin farm and picking apples and getting pumpkins and drinking warm cozy drinks together and snuggling under a blanket. They’re just friends at this point but the flirting and closeness has amped up. Mary suggested that her Luke, Ryan and Sophie all go out for some pg-rated fun to get to know each other better since they will all be part of The Bat Team. There are new dynamics now with Sophie having quit the crows and looking to work with The Bat Team officially. Ryan is in her second year of being The Bat and feeling like she finally isn’t flying in Kate’s shadow, and Luke is now Batwing. Mary says it’s like a professional development meeting. So they go to the pumpkin farm and cute autumn shenanigans ensue. Cue Ryan trying to show off by grabbing a huge pumpkin, only for the stem to come off of it as she is carrying it and for the pumpkin to fall onto the ground and burst. Sophie can’t stop laughing. Cue Ryan and Sophie finding a bench and sitting on it, huddling together under a flannel blanket sipping hot ciders and hot chocolates. Even though Luke and Mary tell them it’s not that cold. Sophie and Ryan roll their eyes at Luke and Mary. They all go back to Ryan and Mary’s shared place and they bake pumpkin seeds and make apple pie. 
Deeper into the month of October they all go to a haunted house. Ryan is terrified of haunted houses, she claims that Black folks and horror don’t mix. Both Sophie and Luke try to lecture her about Black folks and horror and how they do mix until she says FINE I WILL GO IF YOU BOTH SHUT UP! They go to the haunted house and there is also a maze. Ryan see’s the maze and says there is absolutely no freakin’ way she is going in a maze. Sophie whispers into her ear that she’ll protect her and Ryan gets goosebumps along her entire body. They go through the haunted house and Ryan jumps into Sophie’s arms at every single sound. Even the times when there was no sound Ryan grabs Sophie’s hand or her arm because the lack of sound is also scary. Sophie pretends to be annoyed but she secretly loves protecting Ryan and she thinks Ryan being Batwoman but also being a scaredy cat is just plain adorable. They all go through the maze next and Ryan in the crisp and biting October air and eerie full moon night discreetly never lets go of Sophie’s hand. Sophie runs her thumb over Ryan’s thumb and she thinks that their hands fit perfectly together.
Thanksgiving rolls around and they all decide to have a Bat Team feast. On account of none of them having good relationships with their parents, and half of them not having parents who are alive and well, they decide to start their own tradition. Sophie invites Jordan and Jordan takes every chance she gets to elbow Sophie or wiggle her eyebrows at Sophie any time that Ryan is mentioned or any time Ryan comes over to Sophie to speak to her or any time the group laughs at something mindless and Ryan and Sophie glance at each other while laughing. Jordan regards the situation with a smirk. Sophie constantly kicks Jordan under the table. Luke and Sophie are the ones who make most of the food. Turns out Luke is a very good cook and Sophie while she doesn’t like to cook she decides to help out with most of the food. Ryan makes vegan mac and cheese that she found an amazing recipe for on youtube. Mary says she doesn’t trust herself to make food that won’t get them all sick. They thank her for not risking their lives. They all watch football even though none of them know much about football. Sophie and Ryan snuggle into each other and everyone but Jordan pretends not to notice. They all share what they are thankful for and they are all thankful for a lot of different things but one of the most important things that they are all thankful for is each other. 
It’s December and Ryan loves the holidays. Nobody else is as into it as she is so she has to beg everyone to come look at Christmas lights. She begs them to put lights and a tree up in the bat cave. They all go sledding a couple of times and Joran tags along. Mostly because she loves her big sister and is happy that they are spending more time together, but also so that she can watch Ryan and Sophie pretend they don’t have feelings for each other. Jordan thinks Ryan is sexy and she’s never seen Sophie more happy than when she is around Ryan and The Bat Team. Jordan thinks about trying to get them to kiss by hanging mistletoe. They go to a ski lodge even though Luke and Mary are the only decent skiers in the group. Ryan wants to go for the ambiance. Jordan wants to learn to ski so Mary and Luke take her out for lessons while Sophie and Ryan chill in the loft near the fire place. They snuggle under the same flannel blanket that they shared in the fall. They lean against each other and share inside jokes and hushed conversation. They sip hot tea and soul soothing warm coffee. Ryan gets sleepy and she puts her head on Sophie. Sophie sees Jordan, Luke, and Mary all come back from skiing. Jordan is about to say something about how Ryan is asleep on Sophie’s shoulder but Mary puts her hand theatrically across Jordan's mouth and drags her away from Ryan and Sophie and back to their rooms. 
Christmas is getting closer and Ryan tries to get them all to do Secret Santa. That is where they draw the line and Ryan pouts. Sophie later on texts Ryan and tells her that they can just get gifts for each other and not tell the others. Ryan likes this idea. Everyone is out and about and Ryan asks Sophie to come to the loft so that they can do their gift exchange. Ryan gets Sophie a beautiful gold necklace with a bat symbol on it. Sophie eyes it curiously with a twinkle in her eye. She asks Ryan if this is to remember her by. Ryan laughs and says maybe but it is also a gift to welcome her to the Bat team. Ryan tells Sophie that she is happy to have her here. Sophie asks Ryan to help her put it on and when Ryan stands behind Sophie to put the necklace around her neck her hands linger on Sophie’s collarbones and breathing from both women hitches. Sophie pulls out a small book from the large red bag she has. It’s a book about the symbolism of plants. Ryan smiles wide when she reads the cover of it. Then Sophie reaches into the bag and pulls out a small succulent plant. She tells Ryan that the succulent represents loyalty and endurance. She tells Ryan that it represents someone who is trustworthy and always there for you. She tells Ryan that she sees her in that way and that she hopes one day Ryan can see her as trustworthy and always there for her. Ryan tells her she always sees Sophie in that way. Next Sophie pulls out a small cactus plant. She tells Ryan that the cactus represents protection and endurance, it’s good for someone who is going through a hard time but is a determined person. Sophie tells Ryan that she sees her as a protector but that she always will also do her best to protect Ryan as well. Lastly she takes out a ficus plant. She tells Ryan that the ficus represents abundance and peace. It is a great plant for someone who is a leader and symbolizes unity and success. Ryan has tears in her eyes and she walks over to Sophie. She places her hand out for Sophie to take it. Sophie does and now Sophie is standing too. Ryan wraps her arms around Sophie holding her in a deep and meaningful embrace. They chat and have tea, hot chocolate and cookies and then Ryan walks Sophie to the door. 
It is only a week before Christmas and the Bat team are holed up at Mary and Ryan’s loft. It’s a snow day across Gotham and thankfully Batwoman is off tonight and so is Batwing. They figure if something major goes down they will hear about it. They just want a few days where they don’t have to be superheroes. It is the holiday’s after all. Ryan has made them all watch tons of Christmas movies. They all groan about it but secretly they enjoy feeling like a family. Ryan says they should all get matching Christmas pajamas and someone throws a pillow at her. Ryan squeezes onto the couch between Sophie and Mary so that she can be close to Sophie; she is practically in her lap. Everyone regards each other with knowing looks that Ryan and Sophie don’t seem to notice. Jordan decides this is a good moment to sneak up behind them on the couch and dangle mistletoe above Ryan and Sophie’s heads. Everyone laughs nervously but Ryan leans over just the few inches and places a soft kiss on Sophie’s lips. Sophie deepens the kiss and then Jordan shouts HAPPY HOLIDAYS GOD BLESS US EVERYONE! Everyone laughs and gets into their own conversations or back into the movie playing on screen. Ryan snuggles into Sophie once again. Sophie whispers in Ryan’s ear; never failing to send shivers down Ryan’s spine, and she tells Ryan that she can’t wait for what the New Year is going to bring. 
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youngerdrgrey · 3 years
[excerpt from] I know you (even if you don't want me to) - chapter seven
since I'm hearing how hungry y'all are (cough @aliyahtheghost + @breeleroux especially), here's the start of chapter seven of I know you (even if you don't want me to) -- Ryan's recovery period is nearly up, so Batwoman is (almost) back bbs. Read on for some roommate talk into some WildMoore texting goodness. This chapter is a true fav.
(includes some talk of police brutality / Crow brutality + violence)
Ryan hops from one foot to the other. She keeps the pressure mostly on the pads of her feet. Light and nimble. Finally back at full form with only one day left in her two week recovery period. She’d do a flip if it wouldn’t make Mary’s head explode. Or disrupt the perfect tuck of her Center Volunteer shirt. Then again, Mary does anxiously hover in the doorway of Ryan’s bathroom. Maybe she’ll explode on her own.
“Mary, seriously?” Ryan reaches for her favorite purple lipstick. “I’m making mocktails and guarding the punch bowl. I’m not even dancing. Doctor’s orders.”
The doctor in question stabs a finger out at Ryan. Mary manages to look menacing even in her little scrubs. “If you so much as think about doing the Wobble—” She stomps into the bathroom.
It’s truly one of the greatest dances of all mankind. Ryan crosses her lipstick tube across her heart.
Mary continues, “I’m leaving you to climb up the stairs on your own. No ice pack, or pain meds, or anything.” Mary takes a deep breath. “Fortunately for you….” She walks over to Ryan to adjust the hair on Ryan’s shoulder. “I know someone who might help you out. Depending on how well your side mission is going.”
If they can call Ryan talking to Sophie a side mission. Ryan applies her lipstick and rubs her lips together.
Mary bats expectant eyes towards the mirror. “You’ve been getting along. Can I draft up the offer letter?”
Ryan smacks her lips. “She’s still a Crow, Mary.”
“A Crow you spent, like, all of yesterday on the phone with.”
Ryan didn’t spend all of yesterday on the phone with Sophie. In the morning, they texted about how awful the playlist for the dance might be. Then they swapped bad songs in the afternoon. Ryan’s personal favorite was a religious remix of ‘The Thong Song’ that truly had to be a parody. (“That God, Go-God, God, God.”) Then they told their personal dance horror stories after Sophie was off work. There were breaks.
Before Ryan can defend herself, her phone lights up from beside the sink. Sophie’s name flashes, and Ryan’s got her phone in her hands in seconds. Mary snorts.
Crowphie to Ryan Have fun making Shirley Temples all night. Here’s hoping someone will forget their school ID so there’s some action at the ticket table
Ryan leans her hip into the sink as she types.
Ryan to Crowphie 👀 You’re looking for action at a school dance?
Crowphie to Ryan Oh yeah, fingers crossed my crush saves me a slow one.
It’s a joke. It has to be, but Ryan thinks back to each near moment between them and feels hope and heat in her cheeks.
Ryan to Crowphie Too bad Batwoman doesn’t do dances
Crowphie to Ryan That’s probably for the best. We’re not on the best terms right now.
Not since the night Sophie rejected Batwoman. The night of “Figure that out, and get back to me. Until you do, I’m done.” Did she really mean that?
Ryan to Crowphie What happened there? She miss a signal flip this week?
Crowphie to Ryan haven’t used it. I doubt she’d want me to. I think I hurt her feelings.
That’s an understatement.
Mary clears her throat behind Ryan. Ryan glances up into the mirror to see Mary’s reflection. The teasing grin matches the tilt in Mary’s voice as she says, “You were saying? About not texting Sophie all day?”
Ryan narrows her eyes as dramatically as she can. “Don’t you have lives to save?”
Mary backs away. “Fine, go back to texting, just think about how much fun you could have talking to Sophie on the comms if she were part of the team.”
Ryan can’t help the sarcasm. “Because me and Luke have so much fun?”
“Obviously it’d be a different kind of fun. Less brother-sister fighting and more….” Mary pauses to think and cringes at whatever she thinks of. Ryan turns around to gently push Mary out of her bathroom.
“Good night, Mary!” she says before closing the door behind her roommate. She probably should’ve stepped out there too, come to think of it. Her phone buzzes again though.
Crowphie to Ryan I do miss going up to the roof. You know, feeling like I’m a part of something, even if I never will be
Ryan drops down onto the stool in the bathroom. It’s an accessibility aid that’s kind of perfect for moments like this. She can take her time. Process without having to actually move around in here. Close her eyes and remember what the wind of the rooftop felt like against her cheeks. With the suit tight to her body and all of Gotham below them. Sophie looks amazing up there.
Ryan to Crowphie You could go flip the signal. Send out that city-wide ‘you up?’ Or an actual you up since you have her number.
Sophie hasn’t texted Batwoman once in the last two weeks.
Crowphie to Ryan You don’t understand.
Ryan chuckles. She’s the only other person that could.
Ryan to Crowphie No, I get it. You could text her if you wanted to talk. Going up there would mean that you want to see her. You want to be with her.
Want to touch her the way Ryan did that night on the roof. The pads of her fingers over Sophie’s waist, their faces so close that it’s a wonder Sophie hasn’t recognized her yet. It goes to show that Sophie’s not that into Ryan as Ryan. Hasn’t memorized the way her jaw sits, or the shade of her eyes.
Crowphie to Ryan yeah
Yeah what? Yeah which? Because Sophie didn’t say it back.
Ryan to Crowphie So you admit it? You want Batwoman?
The typing dots come and go, then come again. Maybe it’s not about Batwoman at all. Maybe Sophie just wants to make out on the roof and be a part of the team. She wants to be Batwoman’s friend with benefits and can’t bring herself to admit it. Fine. Don’t admit anything.
Ryan to Crowphie Can’t blame you. She looks good in the suit 😏 — probably looks good out of it too lol
A perfect cop out for the cop.
Crowphie to Ryan If I wanted to see her without the mask, I could have. We flew together, remember?
Ryan tenses. A painful chill zips down her spine. Does Sophie know? Has she known all this time?
Crowphie to Ryan I didn’t look then because it’s not about her looks or who’s behind the mask. She makes me think. Both Batwomen have. 1.0 got me suspended. It’s the closest I’ve ever come to leaving the Crows. But it wasn’t about everyone then, you know? Jacob Kane hated Batwoman, and I really liked her. Those couldn’t exist at the same time. Meanwhile, 2.0 will not remove her boots from my neck. She’s like you in that way. She takes every opportunity to question my loyalty to the Crows and the people of Gotham. I just wish I knew if I was doing the same. If I was more than just another compromise for her
Fuck, it’s a good thing that they’re texting. Ryan’s whole face burns with that message. Since when is Sophie questioning anything? She never wavers.
Ryan to Crowphie Your Crow-workers beat the shit out of Batwoman 1.0, and you stayed.
Crowphie to Ryan Where else was I supposed to go? The GCPD? I *HATE* what they did, but that will NEVER happen again.
Ryan to Sophie And if it does?
She’s being generous by not saying “when it does.”
Crowphie to Ryan Then I slap my resume on the Bat-signal and hope she doesn’t throw it in the shredder.
Ryan to Crowphie Much more fun to use it for target practice.
Crowphie to Ryan Throw a bunch of Batarangs at it?
Ryan to Crowphie See, you get it 😉
Crowphie to Ryan It’s important to me that little Black girls can see women like us in law enforcement and positions of powers. I want them to know that they can save the world if they want to. It’s not their responsibility, but if it’s their purpose? If protecting people makes them happy, then I want them to know that they are not alone out there. They can make a difference.
There are so many other ways to make a difference. Ryan might have to let Sophie have this for now though. Her heart’s in the right place at least.
Ryan to Crowphie And if that doesn’t work out, there’s always being a ticket taker for a community dance. Shine that flashlight. Ruin somebody’s night!
Crowphie to Ryan Wowww. Spoken like a trouble maker.
Ryan to Crowphie Trouble finds me, okay? No need to worry about me, Agent Moore.
Crowphie to Ryan You sure about that? Your kids might try to fight you, just to see if you’ve still got it.
Ryan to Crowphie Oh I’ve got it. They’ll be too busy following you around to even notice me. Ol’ “Miss Sophie, Miss Sophie” punk asses
Crowphie to Ryan LOL. Ten bucks says they ask me where Batwoman’s been hiding.
Ryan to Crowphie Twenty says they don’t.
Crowphie to Ryan Easy money. You can drop it off at the lobby on your way in 😉
more to come when I drop the rest of the chapter! reply and let me know if you're still with me. try and guess what happens at the dance?
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calcifers-writings · 3 years
sokeefe one-shot
( they’re researching something for the black swan and its late and dark out and theyre exhausted and sophie’s frustrated and...)
Sophie slammed the book shut, dropping it on the table with a frustrated sigh. “This is pointless.”
Keefe shut the volume he held much more gently than she had. “Do you want to take a break?” he asked with a yawn.
“I want to actually do something! I’m sick of being shoved towards a stack of books and told to let the adults handle things.” She pushes her hair out of her face and stood, pacing around her room.
Keefe watched her like she was a caged animal. “Listen, I’m all for Feisty Foster, but maybe they’re right.”
“Since when do you agree with the adults?”
He clutched a hand to his chest with a mock shudder. “You wound me, Foster.”
Sophie rolled her eyes. They had spent hours in her room, spread out across the flowered carpet with stacks of dusty books the Collective and Council dropped off, searching for anything they may have missed. So far, their search had produced nothing except more frustration for Sophie.
Most everyone had left to go home, but Keefe remained. Sophie figured he was avoiding Lord Cassius.
“How about we go for a walk?” Keefe suggested, standing and stretching his arms over his head.
Sophie quickly turned away, tearing her eyes from the sliver of skin that appeared above his waistband when his shirt rode up. She redirected her gaze to the window. “It’s dark out.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep you and Gigantor safe.” Keefe slung an arm around her shoulders, and Sophie shrugged it off with burning cheeks.
“Where would we go?”
“I think Calla would help you calm down a bit.” He gently pushed her towards the door. She glanced back at the books, knowing she should probably keep trying.
But it was late, and she was tired. Surely a break would be good.
Sandor and Ro followed them downstairs. Grady and Edaline were nowhere to be found, so Keefe led her outside without interruption.
It was mildly warm, but cool, salt-scented breezes blew in from the ocean. Sophie wrapped her arms around herself, rubbing at the goosebumps that had popped up. They walked in companionable silence up the hill to Calla’s tree.
Sophie inhaled the sweet perfume of the blossoms. Keefe was right—not that she was going to tell him. But she did feel calmer and more focused.
Keefe shot her an i-told-you-so look, but oddly enough didn’t say anything. Instead, he plopped down on the grass, stretching out on his back.
Sophie lowered herself down more carefully, sitting next to him with her knees to her chest. She looked up, admiring the ribbon of twinkling stars overhead. The pastures were quiet; the only sounds came from gentle waves hitting the rocks of the cliffs far below and the quiet, even breaths from them.
“You know, back in San Diego, we could barely see the stars at night.” She broke the silence after a few minutes.
Keefe propped himself up on his elbows to look at her. “Really? But there’s so many.”
“The pollution was too bad, especially in the summer.”
“What happened in the summer?”
Sophie turned to glance at him. “Wildfire season.”
Keefe nodded slowly, his eyes pale and indiscernible in the dim lighting. “That’s crazy. When I was young and escaping my dad, I’d spend hours up on the roof watching the stars.”
“That sounds very peaceful.” Sophie looked back at the sky. She felt so much safer and relaxed out here.
Keefe didn’t reply, but he laid back on the ground. After a few seconds, Sophie copied him, folding her hands on her stomach.
Neither of them moved or spoke, and Sophie could feel her eyes growing heavier. Keefe let out a yawn next to her. After a few minutes, he let out a quiet snore, and Sophie grinned, despite her exhaustion. She scooted closer without thinking, curling up against his side with her head on his shoulder. It was only a few moments before she, too, fell into a soft, dreamless sleep.
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moldisgoodforyou · 4 years
wordcount: 3k
warnings: cursing, mentions of sex
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After a little bit of bribery, Rafe convinced Sophie to come with him to a charity event he was representing his dad at in Columbus. Once Rafe had committed to Ohio State, Ward immediately began making contacts in Ohio and broadening his impact, putting Rafe to work - and still keeping him tied to the family business as much as he could. To convince Sophie just a little bit more (even though it wasn’t necessary, she’d stand by his side no matter what), he got the help of Allie and Julia to pick out a new dress for her and surprise her with it the morning of the event. 
Once she learned that Ward wouldn’t be attending, she was a lot more excited for the event. Rafe made a show out of picking her up, coming to the door with flowers in hand. Word moved fast in the sorority house and by the time Sophie made it downstairs, there was a whole discussion in the groupchat about who the cute boy was wearing the suit and waiting outside their door. When she came down in the dress, red lipstick and all, he whistled, motioning for her to twirl. 
Sophie grinned and rolled her eyes but spun for him. “Are those for me?” 
He handed her the flowers, beaming. “Yes they are. You look incredible, baby.” 
She blushed, shaking her head. “You don’t look so bad yourself. Here, I’ll be right back, let me run these up to my room.” She accepted the flowers and turned on her heel, striding upstairs. 
Allie and Julia came back downstairs with Sophie, wearing matching grins. “Clean up nice, Cameron!” Julia called out with a smirk. “Yeah, do you have friends that'll buy us nice dresses and take us to galas?” Allie chimed in, laughing when Sophie gave her a shove on the way past. 
“Ah, this one already tried that. Didn’t end well.” Rafe teased, sending a pointed glance to Julia. Julia’s cheeks heated almost instantly and she flipped him off, shaking her head. “You said we’d never speak of it again.” 
“Pretty sure that was my rule.” Sophie interrupted, taking Rafe’s arm. “Leave my boyfriend -” 
“Sugar daddy -” 
“Oh my god, I told you to quit that -” 
Allie cut both the girls off with a pointed “hey!” and Sophie rolled her eyes. “Julia, hush, Sophie, you go have fun. Snag us a bottle of fancy alc.” 
Rafe laughed and waved goodbye to the girls, escorting Sophie out. “They’re fun. I’m glad they’re your friends.” She shook her head, laughing. “Sometimes I am not. Hey.” 
“You did a good job on the dress, I’m impressed.” 
He smirked and helped her into the car, then ran one hand up her thigh. “I have to admit, I picked it out more for the slit up the leg than anything.” Sophie giggled and tugged on his tie to pull him in for a kiss. “Think we can sneak away early tonight?” 
“We have my room available from...” He paused, thinking. “Eleven to midnight. The gala ends at ten thirty.” 
She laughed, messing with the radio once he got in to drive. “We’re really scheduling sex like an old married couple?” 
“We won’t have to when we’re old and married.” Rafe responded without missing a beat, then instantly realized and blushed, fumbling with his words. “Uh, I mean. Um. Yes, uh, but only because we have the roommates - I mean, next year, we’ll both have our own rooms, so -” 
She cut him off, amused by his embarrassment. “I’m just messing with you. Besides, that’ll give you more than enough time to finish.” 
“Sophie! Take it back. You know that’s not true.” He pushed her shoulder playfully, shaking his head. 
“It was true after your formal.” She smirked, loving the way he squirmed when she teased him. The rest of the short ride was spent like that, with mindless flirting and teasing about sex, until he had to make her find directions to the venue. 
When he parked, she moved to get out right away, but he reached over and grabbed her hand before she could get out of the car. “Hey, wait. Uh, I should maybe warn you -”
She raised her eyebrows. “Now you decide to warn me about something? Right before we’re going in?”
Rafe winced. “I love you?”
“Uh huh. Not the time. What do I need to know?”
He spoke quickly, knowing he was in trouble. “My ex will be there and she’s liked every picture of us together on Instagram and texted me that she was excited to see me this weekend.”
Sophie sat back in the seat, taking a deep breath as she processed the information. “Who? And you didn’t tell me this, why?”
“Brooklyn. And, uh...that’s a good question, Sophie. You know, I really appreciate your critical thinking skills, have I ever told you that?” He gave her a half-smile, trying to cheer her up without success.
“Please shut up.”
“Yes ma’am.”
She rolled her eyes and got out with him, taking his arm when he offered it as they walked inside. Sophie didn’t ask much about his previous relationships, just noted when he brought it up infrequently and tried to reassure him that whatever his ex had told him, they were wrong and he was a great boyfriend. She only regretted not pushing more about it now, when she was about to meet the girl. 
It was almost amusing watching him go into entertaining mode the second they stepped in and the first person came over to greet him - it was the same presence he commanded at parties, just remarkably more professional in that environment. After a solid hour of Sophie just standing by while Rafe made polite small talk, dinner was announced and they glanced over the table arrangements to find their spot.
“Oh, fuck.” Rafe mumbled under his breath, spying his ex’s name featured right next to his and Sophie’s. She noticed her name was written as Sophie Cameron, but decided to hold her tongue on the mix up.
She furrowed her brow, taking his hand. “It’s a minor thing, Rafe, I’m sure it was a simple mistake -”
“What? No, no.” He shook his head and pointed to the name Brooklyn Rowley at the head of the table. She nodded once in recognition, pretty sure her heart was sinking to her stomach at the moment. “Oh.”
“You know what? It’ll be fine. It’ll be fine, we won’t even have to talk to her, there’s fourteen people at the table. It’ll be fine.” He repeated, trying to reassure himself more than Sophie.
She let him lead her to the table - that was already full except for their two seats. Brooklyn practically jumped up out of her seat when she saw Rafe, grinning ear to ear. “Oh my god, Rafe, hi! Here, come sit next to me.”
Rafe gave Brooklyn an awkward side hug in response to her attempted bear hug, pulling out Sophie’s chair before taking his seat. “Brooklyn, this is my -”
“I’m Sophie.” She interrupted, giving the girl one of the fakest smiles Rafe had ever seen. “His girlfriend. It’s nice to meet you.” She reached across Rafe, extending her arm to shake Brooklyn’s hand.
Brooklyn pretended to be surprised as she shook Sophie’s hand. “Oh!” She elbowed Rafe teasingly. “She’s cute, Rafe. Didn’t think you’d jump into a relationship again, after.” She gave him a sly smile and touched his arm. “Well, you know.”
Sophie steeled herself, pouring herself a generous glass of wine from the table. Rafe gave a nervous chuckle and nudged his foot against Sophie’s under the table. “We’ve been together for four months now, there’s no jumping into anything. I’ve known Sophie since we were at least fourteen.”
“So you didn’t meet at school? Sophia, do you go to Ohio State with us too?” Brooklyn’s eyes flitted to Sophie’s fingers curled tight around the wine glass, asking the question right when she took a sip.
“No, we met in high school. We’re both from the Outer Banks.” Sophie explained, ultra-polite. “But I go to Ohio State, we just happened to end up here together.”
“Right, right. So you’ve met the family and everything. Has he taken you to the Bahamas house yet? The view is gorgeous.” Brooklyn grinned, touching Rafe’s hand again.
Sophie resisted from gritting her teeth as Rafe gave her a pained glance. “Um, no. I haven’t been.” She tried racking her brain and vaguely remembered a brief mention of the Bahamas from Sarah talking about their summers, but didn’t realize there was a whole vacation home involved.
“Oh! That’s funny. He took me after, like, two months.” She paused for a second to look Sophie over, pleased her words were clearly taking effect. “But it’s like, more of a summer house anyways, so the timing must not have worked out with you two yet. I mean, we went over Christmas break that one time, but -”
“We stayed home for Christmas this year.” Rafe interrupted, resting his hand on Sophie’s thigh under the table, but in clear view of Brooklyn’s line of sight.
Brooklyn nodded, not backing down. “So, Sophia -”
“It’s Sophie. But go on.” Sophie shot back an equally tense smile, feigning interest.
“Right, sorry, Sophie. There’s this gorgeous little private beach you can go to, you should go. If he ever takes you.” She touched Rafe’s shoulder and Sophie bit the inside of her cheek hard, feeling ready to snap. “Oh my god, Rafe, remember when we were drunk and we almost got caught on the beach?” She giggled. “Good thing we weren’t actually making love that time, but my top was off and everything, it was so embarrassing.”
“Sounds like it.” Sophie replied dryly, stepping on Rafe’s foot with her heel under the table. As much as she wanted to gag hearing about the two of them ‘making love,’ she just swallowed another big sip of wine instead. He let out a pained, quiet groan and Brooklyn frowned. “Is something wrong?”
“No, no, I’m fine. Just, uh,” he gestured to their empty plates as they waited to be served. “Hungry, I guess. Hey, you’ve been to Barcelona, right? Sophie’s studying abroad there this summer, I’m really proud of her.” Rafe squeezed her thigh under the table, and Sophie relaxed a tiny bit.
Brooklyn shook her head. “No, I’ve been to Madrid. Spain is like, so much better in the off season. But that’s so exciting! What are you doing, how long will you be gone for?”
“It’s through my architecture major. I’m sure I’ll visit Madrid too at one point.” Sophie reached out and straightened Rafe’s collar, just for an excuse to touch him and stake some possession. “It’s for three months.”
“Three months...” She repeated, turning her attention to Rafe. “Are you going to be able to handle that?” Brooklyn laughed, glancing back at Sophie. “He was always so needy, isn’t he?”
“No. I haven’t noticed. We have a healthy relationship.” Sophie replied pointedly before Rafe could open his mouth. 
“Right, of course.” Brooklyn gave her a grin, like she was sharing a secret with Sophie and Rafe wasn’t literally in between them. “Give him time, it’ll show. You said you’ve only been together for four months, right? That’s like, so soon in the relationship. Like, Rafe and I -” 
Thankfully, the servers came to their table and interrupted them just as she was about to finish her sentence, and Sophie visibly relaxed as the speaker for the night started talking. Rafe leaned over and murmured in her ear. “I’m sorry, Soph.”
She just gave him a tight smile in response and turned her head, kissing his cheek chastely. Thankfully, the rest of the dinner was occupied by the guest speakers and left little room for side conversation, until the dance floor was opened up after the dessert. Sophie had limited herself to the single heavy pour of wine, while Brooklyn hadn’t held back and was clearly tipsy.
When the three stood after the last guest speaker, Brooklyn leaned into Rafe, giggling as she steadied herself on his extended arm. “Oops! Sorry. I’m kind of a lightweight.”
“Oh, I used to not be able to hold my liquor. In high school, I think.” Sophie couldn’t resist the dig and Rafe sent her a warning glance, taking her hand once Brooklyn was upright.
“Not all of us got blacked out at high school parties, Sophia, some of us had priorities.” Brooklyn told her pointedly, and Sophie only rolled her eyes. “But you’re in one of those trashy sororities, right? So I guess it makes sense.”
“Brooklyn, watch it.” Rafe cut in, sliding his arm protectively around Sophie’s waist. Sophie shook her head, keeping her eyes locked on Brooklyn’s. “It’s fine.”
“You could at least not be so obvious.” Brooklyn stated, taking a sip of her drink.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Sorry, it’s just.” Brooklyn gestured to Sophie, to her dress and shoes, and lowered her voice conspiratorially. “There’s more to like about him than just the money, you know? Open your eyes, Rafe, you’re being used.”
Sophie’s jaw dropped and she took a quick step forward without even processing all the words that Brooklyn had said. “I can’t believe -” Rafe grabbed her around the waist and stepped in front of her, in between her and Brooklyn. “Sophie, don’t.”
She glanced over Rafe’s shoulder at Brooklyn and her smug smile, then looked back to him with a pleading look. He shook his head, almost imperceptibly. “Meet me out in the hallway?”
She only relented when he kissed her quickly, trying to calm her down more. Sophie reached into the inside of his suit jacket and pulled out the keys, placing a possessive hand on his chest for a steadying breath. “Fine. I’ll be in the car.”
“Aw, you’re leaving? It was nice to meet you, Sophia!” Brooklyn shot her a grin and Sophie grit her teeth, giving Rafe another look again, but he turned her away with both hands on her shoulders. “Ignore her. I’ll talk to her. Go.”
He kept his eyes trained on her until she left the dining room, then turned to Brooklyn, his tone icy but quiet so they didn’t make a scene. “What the fuck was that?”
“Come on, Rafe.” Brooklyn shrunk back a little, pouting. “You’re telling me that’s all real? Seriously? She’s so stiff.”
“Yeah, because she was trying to be polite while you were nothing but rude all evening.” He shot back, arms folded. “I thought you could be civil and finally mature about this. I guess I was wrong.”
“You’re not serious.” She rolled her eyes and reached out for Rafe, only for him to flinch away from her touch. “I mean, look at her. You think she compares to me?”
“No. She’s miles beyond you. She’s so damn clever, she’s fucking gorgeous and she’s loyal as hell.” He paused, a wave of hurt flashing across his face. “Unlike you.”
That seemed to break Brooklyn and her shoulders slumped, face dropping. “Rafe, I...I didn’t mean to hurt you -”
“Am I wrong?”
“He initiated it -”
“Am. I. Wrong.” He spoke evenly, nose flaring.
She sighed quietly. “No.”
“Goddamn it.” Rafe exhaled, nodding once. “Okay. That’s all I needed. Don’t text me again.” He turned sharply on his heel, ignoring her call after him. He strode out to the parking lot and got in his car where Sophie waited in the passenger seat, letting the door slam shut behind him.
Sophie was about to start on an impassioned rant until she noticed his set jaw and tense shoulders, and she reached over, combing one hand through the hair at the nape of his neck. “You alright?”
“I love you. So fucking much. You know that?” He asked after a moment, pressing his head back into her palm.
“I do. I love you too.” She hesitated. “You don’t believe any of that, what she said. Right?”
“No, god, of course not.” He cracked a grin at her. “If you were with me for my money you’d have let me pay for your jewelry tonight.”
Sophie rolled her eyes, tugging teasingly on his hair. “I have perfectly fine jewelry, it’s ridiculous, not to mention unethical, for you to buy me a new something for every event -”
“I know, I know.” He laughed and leaned over to catch her lips in a kiss. “I’m kidding, baby. You look stunning, no matter what you’re in.”
“I could have taken her, you know.” She squared up in her seat and pretended to punch the air. “Two hits and she’d be out.”
Rafe shook his head, grinning. “I know, that’s exactly why I held you back. Remind me to not get on your bad side.”
“You’ve already been on my bad side.” She informed him, lightly punching his arm. “I think you’re in the clear for a while.”
“Just a while?”
“Yeah, I gotta keep you on your toes.” She paused, trying to gather her thoughts. “Is she - um, can I - do you have her blocked? I don’t want to overstep, but -”
“No, that’s a good idea. Go ahead.” He handed her his phone once it was unlocked, starting the car and backing out. “All of that was so fucked up, what she said.” He scowled. “And I promise I’ll take you to the Bahamas, it just felt early - I mean, I was nervous to even bring you to the Christmas party, much less family vacation, that’s unnecessary pressure for you -”
“You’re fine, Rafe.” She rested a reassuring hand on his thigh. “I promise. I don’t care about that. She was just trying to get under my skin.”
“I’m really sorry, I promise. I didn’t think she’d be that way or I would have just gone and switched tables with someone.” He frowned and stretched his arm out, resting it across the back of her seat. “She was so touchy.“
“I would have done something if she touched you again.” Sophie scowled, letting her head fall back against his arm. “I don’t like that.”
“Yeah? You jealous?” He resisted a grin, loving the way her nose scrunched up in the scowl.
“No, I know you’re mine.” She slid her hand up his thigh, squeezing once. “I just don’t like other girls flirting with you. It doesn’t feel right.”
“You’re the only one I want flirting with me for a long time.” He reassured her, sending her a smile. 
Sophie shoved his shoulder with a grin, shaking her head. “Cheesy.” 
“Yeah, and you love it.” 
“You know I do.” 
taglist: @whoeveniskendall @kkmaybank @karsinner @outerbanksbro @outerbankspreferences @randomficsandshit @sunshineitsfine44 @jailcalledlife @tovvaa @moniamaybank @illbesafeforyou @dontjinx-it @freddymaybank @jjmaybankzz @g4bster @oopsiedoopsie23
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