dragons-and-magic · 4 months
I just found a HUGE missed opportunity in Journey Beyond Sodor.
You know how Lexi, Theo, and Merlin are experimental engines. Well, do you know who is also one?
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crowdedimagines · 7 months
Roadkill - Aaron Hotchner Imagine
Based around the season 4 episode 23 titled Roadkill! I am going through a rewatch right now and just watched this one!! Also I am trying to stick to the storyline of the episode, but obviously things will be a little different in how they play out 🤩 3.6K
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"How do you feel about Oregon?" JJ asks immediately after I pick up on the third ring.
"I have a feeling I would like Oregon a lot more when it isn't 3:00a.m." I tease, sitting up in bed, already knowing whatever she's calling for is going to be bad enough to to call us in this early.
"Can you be in to the office to brief in an hour? Wheels are up around 4:30."
"I'll be there!"
We both get off the phone so we can pack our go bags and get the day started, although earlier for both of us then intended. I manage to take a fast shower by the time I get out my phone is ringing again, this time it's unit leader Aaron Hotchner.
"I assume you've been informed that we have a case and we're meeting shortly." Hotch has his stern, yet tired voice on.
"Yep, showered squeaky clean. I just need some coffee and I will be on my way!" I smile, wringing out the moisture that's still in my hair and put the phone on speaker to set it down on the bathroom counter.
"I actually just made too much, I'm on my way in now. I could bring you coffee." He offers.
I pause in my actions, surprised by the offer. Although I would've been a lot more shocked a couple weeks ago. When I started with the team Hotch was going through a divorce, but in recent weeks there's been a shift in our dynamic and I'm not sure I'm dreaming it up. It all started a couple weeks back when I dropped off some baked goods after a rare long weekend away from work for him and Jack since it was his weekend to have him. They invited me to stay and I spent the rest of the afternoon with the boys. By the end of the night I was calling him by his first name instead of 'Hotch' which was a new development. Ever since it's been small gestures and looks that tell me something is different.
I've been a part of the BAU for a couple years, growing in confidence and skill the more cases I get under my belt. I spent four years in the military as a designated marksman before continuing my training with the FBI, which lead me to the Counterterrorism Division, and then to the BAU.
"That sounds great actually." I grin. Bringing me coffee to work is another new thing. Aaron has been chattier, smiling more, but coffee is a new ball park.
"Alright, I will be in around twenty. Drive safe."
I mutter back a "you too" before we both hang up. As I make my way into the office I'm the first to reach the bullpen, I came a little early once I knew Aaron was going to be in. A traveling mug is sitting on my desk and I take a long sip. It's still hot, and it's exactly how I always make it. It's also the traveling mug he almost always can be seen with. I set my bag down by my desk before climbing up the stairs to Aaron's office.
"Good morning." I knock lightly on his open door, "Thank you for this. It's perfect."
He looks up from the folder in front of him and the frown leaves his face.
"I'm glad."
I take a seat in one of the chairs across from his desk. It'll be fifteen minutes before the rest of the team joins us. Hotch begins to fill me in on some of the details without going too much into it. We still have to brief as a team.
"I don't think I've ever heard of a vehicle being used as the weapon." I surmise.
"It's highly rare. I've never seen a case likely this first hand." Aaron admits and we discuss a few more aspects of the case.
Eventually the rest of the team trickles in and after some light conversation I go back to my desk. Garcia comes in stomping directly to my desk.
"What's up?" I ask.
"Kevin is looking into a working a secret job and I wont even know where he'll be!" She gushes.
"Slow down, he what?" I spin around in my chair. Garcia fills me in on the details of the job and exactly what he had said to her. The worry on her face is permanent.
"Don't worry yet. He hasn't gotten the job, and if he's offered, you don't even know if he'll take it! Lets just wait to worry once we have something to worry about."
Penelope nods agreeing with my words before moving onto Morgan's desk to do the same and I smile and shake my head. JJ pulls us all into the conference room.
"An unsub that kills with his car." Emily states, "I haven't seen that before."
"Neither have the police in Bend, Oregon." JJ replies, displaying pictures on the screen in front of us.
"Two victims in the last twelve days." Hotch adds, "First was hit on a morning jog and the second was a woman stranded after her car broke down."
"Both female victims, but completely different age groups." I speak up, "The first victim was 23 and the second was 43."
"Maybe they aren't connected." Morgan thinks out loud.
JJ pulls up more pictures and explains that both victims were backed over after they were hit. No chance of accident and the same tread marks at both scenes.
"With where these wounds are, the worst of the blow is high on the bodies." I comment looking through the file, "It has to be a truck or SUV to match these wound patterns."
"See if Garcia can follow that. Try tracking makes and models." Aaron directs.
"There should be significant front end damage to the vehicle." Spencer chimes in.
"Unless our unsub is smart enough and skilled enough to cover his tracks." I begin, "Somehow I don't think it'll be as easy as finding a damaged truck."
It's a five hour flight from DC all the way to Bend but thankfully it gives us all the opportunity to rest up again. By the time we land we can go straight to the police station.
"I think it's safe to say our unsub is male." I read over the case file, thinking out loud with Aaron. This is something new too, we often brainstorm together and work well to get the other thinking outside the box.
"I agree." Hotch nods, "Given what we know about aggressive driving and road rage."
"And the fact that men have an unnatural bond with their cars." Emily laughs. JJ chimes in to agree, which turns into Morgan disagreeing before Rossi is also adding to it.
"I think he has to be overcompensating. Why else have a need for a truck that big." I guess.
"Possibly." Spencer comments, "If the unsub is physically defective the car not only gives the power and control he otherwise lacks, but it also serves as a shield."
"A way for him to avoid physical contact?" Hotch asks.
"He wants power and control of his victims." Prentiss shutters, "Female victims. It almost reads like an assault profile."
"I wanna know why he isn't getting personal with it then. If this is how he assaults women, what if there's something that prevents him from going a more traditional route. It's possible he's disabled." I suggest.
Hotch tells Garcia to look into it to see if anything recent could be a trigger and to look at the people surrounding the victims. Morgan and Rossi head to the highway to get a feel for it and see what they can get from it from the second victim's scene. Hotch and I head to where the jogger was hit.
"Not a lot of people jog here. It's a physically demanding hike." The sheriff informs gesturing to the trail.
"Well, she was a triathlete." I remind.
"The assailant drove behind her and ran her down right here." The sheriff walks us in to where the red stained gravel remains.
"She was jogging alone? Any woman would know if a car was following her up the trail. Her intuition would've been driving her crazy. She would get off the trail or call for help."
"What if he was already here waiting." Hotch agrees, taking in the scene, "What if she was the reason he was here and it wasn't random. He was waiting for her specifically."
"That would mean we underestimated him. It wasn't a random attack, it was planned and vindictive.
The team meets back at the station to go over what we've discovered. The second victim's husband comes in and recalls seeing a large black truck parked by their house giving us something. This confirms that he's targeting and stalking specific individuals.
"Ready be done for the night?" Aaron asks, he peeks his head into the conference room that only I occupy at this point. The rest of the team has already gone to the hotel to call it a night, but Aaron was still talking with the husband and I was just pouring over people in the area that raised some of Garcia's flags based on what we know so far.
"I suppose." I close the file I had been reading and rub at my eyes.
"It'll still be there tomorrow." He reminds.
"I know, the sooner the better though." That's something I don't need to remind him on. We both know it all too well. With an unsub this aggressive we know he isn't stopping anytime soon.
The drive to the hotel is short and comfortably quiet. Neither Aaron or myself have the energy to discuss anything as we're going on a fifteen hour day.
"Goodnight, Y/n." Aaron carried my bag in from the car to the foot of my bed in my room, even with multiple reassurances that I could carry it just fine. I give him a soft knowing smile before he leaves for his own room.
The next morning it's discovered that the unsub sabotaged the second victims car in order to strand them. He's very focused and well planned.
"We need to figure out why he's picking these women." Hotch states, "What makes them a target and links them together."
"Road rage, maybe they cut him off at some point?" I question, "Also how does he have the time to stalking these women to know their routines, sabotage a car, park and wait."
"Roughly eight percent of the United States is unemployed." Reid rattles off.
"Including someone who could be disabled and lives off of a pension." I remind from my earlier guess."
"Have Garcia look into it." Hotch states before walking away and I smile.
"Pretty girl is on top of it this case." Morgan teases with a smirk.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I roll my eyes.
"Maybe it's something to do with her getting the case early and going over it with Hotch before our team briefing." Reid says with his nose already in a new file. I can feel my face turn a shade of red.
"Pretty girl is getting extra credit!" Prentiss joins in happy to tease, even adopting Morgan's typical nickname for me and Penelope.
"I don't know what you guys are talking about. I simply got in early and we were both at the office." I take a sip of my coffee, looking for any distraction, reaching out to grab a file for myself to ready through. I'm really glad that I didn't bring Hotch's travel mug in from the hotel, I still have it and I almost used it today. That definitely wouldn't go unnoticed with the people surrounding me.
Thankfully the team lets us move on and were able to brainstorm some more. Unfortunately it doesn't take long for JJ to interrupt to tell us there's been a third victim.
"Impact nearly cut him in two." The sheriff explains.
"Male victim?" I question as we arrive on the scene. The unsub hit him in a parking garage, pinning him between the truck and elevator doors. "He's getting more aggressive."
Cigarettes butts are discovered where the truck was parked in waiting. All of them stripped of the filter showing signs that he's military.
"Guys I think I know what ties the victims together." Reid interrupts, "All of the victims drove two door red coupes."
Garcia was able to look into car accidents that left someone injured enough to the point that he can't kill traditionally. He holds the person responsible for his accident for killing his loved one and his own disability. There's nearly twenty five people to still filter out off of the specifications we gave her.
"Wait you guys I think I found it." I sit up from the most recent file that had red flags, "Ian and Sheila Coakley crashed while driving home from Napa Valley on route 7 around midnight. It appeared their car was run off the road. His wife died at the scene."
"And Ian?" Rossi asks.
"He survived although he suffered a spinal cord injury."
Morgan and Prentiss go to his doctor to verify some information while we try to track down Ian. His house foreclosed after the accident.
"Track the parts for his specific truck. He's been doing his own repairs so they have to be sent somewhere." Rossi suggests to Garcia.
"Rossi gets a gold star!" Garcia sings, "He's having the parts drop shipped, I'm sending you guys the address."
"Hey, what do I get for knowing he would be disabled?" I jest, I called that from the plane.
"Nothing but my love, sugar." Garcia says before hanging up.
"I don't have a gold star, but well done Y/Ln." Aaron nods.
Arriving at the home Ian had been renting we find it empty but lots of surveillance photos of the victims and one other person who hasn't been harmed.
"Send this to Garcia now, we need to know who this is." Rossi hands me the picture. I send it to her and she's able to run his plate from the image.
It doesn't take her long to find him and contact his home, where she finds out that he's out biking with a group doing a thirty mile loop.
"Y/n, you're with me. We'll take the north side, Morgan and Rossi you start south and we'll meet in the middle." I quickly get in the passenger side of the SUV and Aaron takes off.
The biking club that target is in covers a lot of milage as Aaron speeds through the dirt road trying so hard to meet the group before the unsub does. Eventually we're closing in, but unfortunately the black truck is ahead of us and gaining on the bikers faster than we're gaining on him.
"Hold on." Aaron takes a risk by cutting Ian off before he can clip the mass of bicyclists. He does this by driving the front left corner of our car into the back right of his truck.
The airbags go off and were spun around from the impact.
"Y/n." Aaron calls. He says it a second time with more panic when I don't answer.
"I'm okay." I groan. The unsub is attempting to back his truck out of the ditch we're both stuck in to finish his mission. He took a much less impactful hit from our collision. I unclip my seatbelt and swing open my door, shattered glass falling from my lap as I stand up.
"Y/n, wait." Aaron instructs, he pulls hard on his seatbelt. It seems like he's stuck from the accident, but the worry on his face is only for me. I give him a look to say I've got this, while he continues to pull at his jammed seatbelt.
"Ian Coakley." I call out, and the man looks over to me briefly. It registers on his face that I am holding my gun and it's aimed for him, he has tears in his eyes.
"This is for Sheila." he floors it heading straight for the group that's waiting after witnessing the accident.
I plant my feet and aim for the back window of the truck, hoping to hit Ian's shoulder. Enough to stop him in his tracks before can harm anyone else without killing him. I've done enough killing myself over the years, and even with all he's done he's a man suffering with the grief of accidentally killing his wife.
The bullet leaves my gun with a loud crack, shattering the back window of the truck. He swerves but not enough to take him off the road. I let out a breath and fire again, this time sending a bullet into the back of his chair and sending his car off the road again to be stopped by a tree. I let out a huff of exhaustion from the impact leaning against the SUV.
Morgan and Rossi pull up and stop to get out and help Aaron and I after seeing our totaled SUV.
"Go" I wave them to keep driving to the unsub to see if he's ok and they do. Aaron manages to get out of the car finally, I hear Morgan call out to radio in an ambulance.
"He's still alive." Rossi shouts to us referring to Ian, they have him laying down now while applying pressure to his wound. The top of his shoulder which shouldn't be fatal, I sigh in relief.
"Are you okay?" Aaron asks finally rounding the back of the car to join me where I stand, he steadies himself. I nod, finally putting my gun away, feeling how stiff my body is.
Aaron fully ignores my nod, taking my head in his hands and pulling my eyelid open to check for signs of a brain bleed. He wipes at my forehead, pulling back his hand with blood on it. Maybe we were hit harder than I thought. Damn airbags.
"I think you have a concussion-" He states, "and you might need stitches."
The worry on his face is deep. I can feel the guilt radiating off of him, he was the one driving. He's the one that chose to hit the unsub's truck.
"I'm okay!" I reassure him, placing my hands on top of his that still rest on my head. This is crossing a new line. He's never touched my face, and I've never touched his hands like this.
"I shouldn't have done that. It was reckless."
"I'm glad you did." I disagree, "If we had waited any longer he would've been able to get his last victim. There's an entire biking club alive right now because of you."
This reminder seems to help slightly, he looks over my shoulder where the crowd remains. I pull him in for a hug, both of us shaking slightly from the adrenaline. After a while we pull apart, the rest of the team arrives as well as a couple ambulances. One takes Ian away immediately, escorted with two police officers as well.
"It took two shots? You're losing your touch." Morgan teases, thowing an arm around my shoulder that makes me wince a little. My phenomenal aim has always been a touchy subject with him, not liking being second.
"I'm concussed and he was driving fast." I defend, fully knowing how whiny I sound.
"Statically of our entire team Y/n would be the only one likely to have made that shot with the variable speed that Ian Croakley was traveling at." Spencer chimes in.
"I knew you were my favorite for a reason." I grin pulling Spence in for a hug effectively shaking off Morgan's arm.
"Yeah, whatever." Morgan shrugs, ruffling the hair in top of Spencer's head.
"Ma'am, you really need to get looked at." The emt reminds, interrupting our conversation. I leave the group and look over to see Aaron sitting on the back of one of the ambulances. We both finish getting evaluated, thankfully nothing too serious that we have to delay our flight home.
"You were right about the concussion." I grin walking up to Aaron as the sheriff walks off.
"And it would seem the stitches too." He reaches out again, thumb hovering over the threading sticking out of my forehead.
"Yeah, should make fore a pretty badass scar." I tease.
"I'm sure it will." He smiles, a real smile. The Aaron smile that I have seen so rarely, but more frequent lately. The plane ride back home is quiet, everyone drained, Aaron and I just flat out sore. By the time we get back to the BAU, Aaron sends everyone home saying the paperwork can wait for the following day. Everyone clears out and he goes back up to his office.
"Not following your own advice?"I question, walking into his office. I make my way round to his side of the desk and lean back on it. The edge of my thigh just barely meeting the outside of his arm from where he sits.
"Just wrapping up a few things before." He sets down his papers, his eyes raking all the way up me from toe to head, we both pretend I don't notice.
"You know, since I have a concussion they said I need to be under observation. No sleeping, crazy delusions, slipping into comas that sort of thing. You know anyone who wants to stay awake with me?"
"I can think of someone" He smirks, "I can put on a pot of coffee."
I pull out the to go mug he had brought my coffee in a few days ago out of my tote and hold it out to him.
"Take me home Aaron."
AHHHHHHHH i hope yall like this! i haven't written in forever to it was honestly just fun to do! :)
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quirkle2 · 5 months
no way, you haven't seen train to busan yet? i say you're definitely in for a ride 🤩
also hhhh ritsu finally getting his big bro back.. iwnxowmx i love them sm i rarely came across wholesome kaegbros content so thank you for your service 🛐
((i don't think anyone's ever asked this but what are zombie mob's dynamic with reigen and teru after they reunite bcs i am in need of dad reigen and angsty platonic terumob sobs ((also teru and mob's special hand shake hHHHHH SOBS))
i have not i should watch it ! looks sick as hell :]
both reigen and teru are ... a little distant with mob as soon as they see that he's a zombie, mostly out of fear of getting bitten, but also just... genuine grief and uncertainty on how to move forward
after just a few days of spending time with him though, they both see a Lot of mob in him, and like i said in that other ask a while ago, they Start To Believe. teru is a lot quicker to warm up to mob, and a lot more willing to get near him sooner than reigen. he misses hugging mob a lot, but he doesn't dare try for a while
when he Does get comfortable touching mob, and when mob seems unbothered by it, he kinda goes full swing into it and reverts back to his old clingy self. mob never seems to mind, though he doesn't do it back except for basic hugs. and also the handshake <3
teru Is a bit starved for returned affection—he desperately wishes mob could like .. compute that and Realize that and at least Attempt to do it back. he misses talking to him, and holding conversations, and seeing him smile. teru misses his smile a lot—he doesn't seem to smile as a zombie
reigen is frankly fuckin devastated bc he's rly not one to believe in a cure (at first, anyway) and this right here feels like a Fraction of what mob used to be, so it's rly rly hard to look at the kid and not get upset about what he Could be looking at instead, had reigen had a better handle on the kageyama's whereabouts when they got separated
reigen calls him "mob" out of instinct and mob, despite going a full year without hearing that name once, instantly turns to reigen in response, attentive. he thinks it's a fluke at first, but over time as it happens again and again he realizes that Yeah, mob recognizes that name and knows reigen is talking to Him specifically, and mob is trying to listen. it's a small piece of proof, for him, that mob is there
when reigen gets more comfy with the circumstances, he settles back into old habits. he ruffles mob's hair and the first time it happens mob looks comically bemused and he like.blinks several times like What The Hell Was That but the second time he does it he seems to recall the sensation and leans into the touch
HILARIOUS to think about mob latching onto old memories, and occasionally he'll stand next to reigen and hold his hand out. and reigen kinda stares at him, a little lost as to why, and on instinct reigen just kinda puts whatever he's holding atm in mob's palms and he seems satisfied w that and simply walks away ???? idk How long it takes him to recognize that mob is holding his hands out waiting to be paid, but it's gonna be hilarious when he realizes it . his memories r rough atm so he doesn't rly remember What he's waiting for, so when reigen gives him literally anything he thinks "ah, that must be it" and carries on.
teru and reigen don't realize it, but tome and ritsu catch on quite quickly—mob actually seems happier, after the reunion ! tome mentions that shigeo seems kinda chipper lately, and more alert, more talkative. ever since seeing teru and reigen again, sections of that rusty brain have turned back online to rifle through memories, and even though it's a little hard to tell, they can see it in his eyes, The Joy
makes ritsu think a lil bit. ritsu had sorta defaulted to the idea that mob didn't recall ever being with teru or reigen to begin with, beforehand. he's not sure why he came to this conclusion—he just never rly thought abt it too hard, over everything else to consider
makes him wonder if mob had been quietly mourning teru and reigen this whole time, quietly missing them, but never having the ability to show it or vocalize it, even to ritsu. or if it's like an out-of-sight, out-of-mind thing, where mob didn't rly think about them until they appeared in front of them, and now he's happy they're here. it's hard to tell
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swifty-fox · 1 month
Could you tell us a bit about Amoretti for this post? 🥰
Absolutely love your fics, they are so full of feelings and so so good 🤩😍
My favorite scene
oh god EASILY:
“I’m going to close the window on you,” Gale’s whisper is furious but John can see how his eyes sparkle and snap, primed despite himself for the fight. 
He wasn’t sure if the blonde even noticed the way he came alive at John’s pigtail pulling; the way his lips parted and he turned to face him full on. A boxer squaring up for the match. He wanted John to throw the punch, just to give him an excuse to hit back.
“No-” John pants, hauling himself onto the tree limb that extended towards Gale’s window and shimmies his way down it, “- you won’t.” He finishes as he reaches the sill.
Gale was looking down his nose at John, which made his dick hard where it pinched between his legs and tree limb. He rolls his hips subtly and wonders if Gale would push him off the branch if he yanked him in for a kiss. That is not a gamble John is quite willing to take so he settles for a practiced crooked grin and a sweep back of his sweat-dampened hair. The blush on Gale’s face isn’t so bad of a reward either. 
“I could,” Gale answers stiffly. 
This close John could take in the details of him. He was as pretty as the first time John had seen him two months ago at 6 p.m. mass. Angular face softened by sleep, hair that was no longer tamed by gel and fell around his forehead in sweet waves. A plain white t-shirt that stretched across his broad shoulders handsomely and clung to his tapered waist. His briefs were black and hemmed to mid-thigh, showing off the curves of him deliciously. 
“You won’t,” John croons, shuffling a little closer until their noses are just brushing. Until the branch creaks warningly under his muscled weight. “You wanna kiss me.” 
I just think it's so sweet of a moment (before all the filth) it's so highschool romance movie, it's so John Egan. I can picture the way he smiles at Buck so easily and the way Gale is so fucking smitten. I think overall the highschool movie theme to this fic was just so fun to play with even in the horny aspect
Hardest scene to write
Gosh it's been so long I can't even remember that well but I think I fought a bit with their post-coital conversation. Playing the line of them exposing their intimate details to each other just the right amount without it seeming like they were trusting each other too fast. I'm happy with how it ended up but
Favorite character to write in the fic
John. always John in this series he's a fucking Delight
Favorite dynamic to write in the fic
Again barring Clegan it's definitely John and Brady. it's weird thinking about it now a bit because since exploring brady I have a much diff idea of him but I think the big brother/little brother dynamic of them is really fun to play with (guess who is who lol)
Why I chose that title
It's from a 16th century sonnet
I believe specifically this one resonated with me for them
“My Love Is Like To Ice, And I To Fire
My love is like to ice, and I to fire; How comes it then that this her cold so great Is not dissolv'd through my so hot desire, But harder grows the more I her entreat? Or how comes it that my exceeding heat Is not delay’d by her heart-frozen cold; But that I burn much more in boiling sweat, And feel my flames augmented manifold! What more miraculous thing may be told, That fire, which all things melts, should harden ice; And ice, which is congeal’d with senseless cold, Should kindle fire by wonderful device! Such is the power of love in gentle mind, That it can alter all the course of kind.”
A fun fact about the fic
uhmmm horny fact you can actually come from getting your neck kissed that isn't just fanfic magic I've done it.
The guy who showed John how to do it was Curt
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ardra-astrology · 3 months
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Live From the War Trenches of Pluto Opposition
I have already had one go around of Pluto transiting over the exact opposition degrees directly across from my ascendant of my birth chart. Now Pluto is retrograding back over these these sames degrees (May 2 - October 11.) Then for a third time, when He goes direct. What kind of spiritual lottery is that!? I honestly don’t know if I’m going to survive it.
I can tell you what I have learned so far: Pluto in Opposition brings you people who want to destroy you. Every greedy narcissist sees you as competition. You will be at war regardless of whether or not you want to be. Some people might get off on these dynamics- unfortunately I am not one of them. Personally I always try and avoid that kind of energy. I keep my eyes on my own lane. I’m the artist, the free-spirit, I have Venus on the Mid-Heaven in the 9th ~~ I’m doing my own thing ~~ However I have already learned it’s IMPOSSIBLE to avoid this negative drama with Pluto in Opposition. It’s like opening your front door everyday to the Grim Reaper. It calls you at 7 am just for the sheer sadistic pleasure of it. Personally I have never chanted so much in my entire Life. I literally start chanting the moment I begin to wake up!
I can’t imagine having this placement in a birth chart. What a training ground Life would be. Interesting to think about how this would affect all the different ascendants. This could create some very strong & powerful people. Some Winners - but also most definitely some losers.
Currently this is effecting Cancer Ascendants. A SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO ALL CANCER ASCENDANTS!! 💚 keep going - you are not alone!!! Find your Goood 🤩Find your Sanctuaries and go there often.
I have also considered that since Pluto in Opposition brings in other people who want to destroy you, conversely when Pluto is on the Ascendant there is a similar war, but one that is internal. Either way - you WILL be transformed ☠️
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respectthepetty · 2 years
Hello! 👋
I'm sure it's already in your drafts, but may I request some clarity on the colors in MLC?
I don't get a red rascal vibe from Jim, unless they meant something else putting him in all those reds and warm Earth tones (ha!). And Wen in blues/teals? A blue boy?
You're so good at this and I just can't wait to hear from you. 🤩 Also Infidelity Rooster the Series is fantastic so far, so thrilled that it's living up to the hype and everyone is Being So Normal about it 🤣
@abstractelysium - I’ve seen this show referred to as Gay Chicken, Infidelity Rooster, and Lunar Cock, so I love that all of y’all decided that Moonlight Chicken just wasn’t serving the juiciness we needed.
Now onto the COLORS!
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Let me apologize for the confusion. I do not think Wen and Jim are color-coded, at least not in the way many other shows code their leads. Instead, the colors are symbolic of the moon and the sun. The Eclipse and Big Dragon both incorporated the moon and the sun into the narrative of the story. Colors, in both, were used to symbolize the moon and sun.
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In my initial analysis for The Eclipse, I pinned Ayan as the moon (alone) and Akk as the sun (popular); however, Ayan was red and Akk was blue. Big Dragon did something similar by making Yai the moon and Mangkorn the sun, yet Yai’s safe spaces were during the day while Mangkorn’s were at night. These shows are demonstrating how the moon and sun need each other, and they must meet in the middle to to do so (during an eclipse or at dawn).
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The moon is represented by yin which is darkness, water, and feminine energy, and the sun is represented by yang which is light, fire, and masculine energy (ex. Ayan and Akk eating at night by the water on the blue chairs versus them fighting on the red mat). Both are opposites but compliment each other and are needed for the balance of life. We saw this to some degree as well in KinnPorsche with Kinn (water) and Porsche (fire).
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If Moonlight Chicken is doing the same, it is saying Wen is the moon and Jim is the sun, yet they exist in the opposite worlds. Wen’s apartment is full of cool tones and he wears blue in the first episode, while Jim’s house is full of warm tones and he wears red throughout the first episode.
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Even when they come together in Jim's living room, they align with their colors.
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Jim’s life is constantly full of people. Wen is alone most of the time. However, Jim naturally doesn’t start his day until much later because he works at night, while Wen has a day job. The visuals are showing us how they compliment each other. Night and Day. Dark and Light. Accessible and Isolated. Jim is not a red rascal. Jim is the sun and gives life to others through his warmth. Wen is not a blue boy. He is the moon and helps light the path for others in times of darkness.
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Heart and Li Ming also show this dynamic.
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Heart, the moon, is isolated and alone, but Li Ming’s life is full of interactions and conversations with others. Li Ming is the sun who gives Heart warmth and Heart will be the one to light Li Ming’s path during dark times.
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There will still be an exchange of colors. There always is (unless you are Sam on GAP who REFUSES to wear Mon’s pink! AHHHHHH!), but the exchange won’t be as much about feelings as it is about balance. As the pairs begin to harmonize, we will see them exchange colors (or hues of them).
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The moon only shines because it reflects the sun’s light, and the moon provides stability (the Earth would wobble without the pull of the moon, and it creates a rhythm through the tides). In order to have life, we need both the sun and the moon. We need their light. We need their love.
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
So in the first story in the Stepney book, the dynamic between Percy and Douglas is really interesting. (Especially when I edit it almost beyond recognition, lol.)
Coz they're talking about, well, you know, how there's an actual genocide of steam engines going down on the mainline. And in such a conversation you'd think Douglas would be the more grounded and worldly, yeah? Coz he's fresh from that frying pan, himself. Or maybe you'd recall that, after all, it's definitely Donald who is the brain of our Caledonians, and predict that actually Perce and Douggie are on a level.
But in fact, in this of all conversations, it's Percy who strikes me, again and again, as the more aware and open-eyed of the two. And it's all the more remarkable because Percy himself is really playing up this "oh don't ask me 🙃 I am but a simple saddletank, I do not understand the ways of the cruel and confusing outside world 🙃 I like to sing daft songs and think as little as possible 🙃" shtick to the hilt. But... what he says and how he says it doesn't bear this out at all? He got the gist of what the Fat Controller told them at the staff meeting perfectly well, thanks. The "nuance" and correction in the author's note is literally corporate propaganda and Percy is right to have tuned that line out. And he is not insensitive at all to their mainland counterparts, he feels deeply for them, but he also shows a lot of sense about how he conducts himself. Douglas has been happy to ignore any updates on the mainland situation till now—I'm not criticizing him, just pointing out that in comparison Percy has in fact paid attention and kept himself well-informed even though he goes on living his best life on Sodor. Perce is doing fine. He's excited about their visitor, as he gets excited by most grand events, but it's actually Douglas who starts immediately romanticizing and lionizing this new idol in a way that I find kind of naive...
D: 'He's sooo brave to travel among all those hordes of murderous diesels just to see us! 😍'
P: '... He has his Controller with him??'
Douglas can't comprehend the idea of getting to Sodor with official permission, lol. Also, lookit him—he's already thirsty for Oliver before he ever meets him! My man is actually out here projecting his boyfriend fantasies onto a celebrity. How this lucky, lucky bastard had said fantasy just materialize in front of him in the moonlight at Barrow yards is beyond me. Douglas the Bullshitted His Way Onto the Island of Sodor Engine was truly built under a lucky star.
Mind you, I think Percy is right there being a short king. Like, Douggie. My babe. The way you immediately take Percy's remarks about 'it's really sad what's happening to our poor brethren on the mainland 😓' to 'yeahhh, fuckin' diesels, man. they're all devils' at the speed of light? Now I am criticizing you. Like I understand where you got this attitude but I am disappointed at your machine racism.
But Percy? Percy 💖. I will eternally love him for at once calling his friend out. 'douggie, what the fuck? you know that's not true. can it.' Like he's not super assertive about it and he doesn't press the point. But he does instantly drop the whole "i am so clueless and WHIMSICALLLL hehe" persona he'd been playing literally one second before to just speak directly and intelligibly and to the point—and he nails it. Douglas can't separate his fears about scrap from his feelings about diesels but Percy's is basically all 'it's literally so easy to not be a dick... so don't.'
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puthyflapps · 2 years
Leighton with a dumb jock golden retriever gf would be so fuckinf cute. Also the girls would never miss an opportunity to tease her ass about it 💀
You’re seeing the vision babes!! 🤩🤩🤩
It would be soooo good. The potential is limitless. The idea of Leighton regularly attending sporting events is hilarious to me. At first she’ll hate it because it’s so not her scene. She hates sitting in the stands surrounded by loud, obnoxious fans. She gets bored easily because she doesn’t know anything about the sport but watching her girl play is kinda hot. Soon her feelings start to shift and now she’s cheering right alongside those fans she used to detest. And you better believe she knows the rule book better than the refs.
Ugh and just think about the dynamics that could develop between the roomies and the dumb jock golden retriever girlfriend 😭🫶🏻
She and Whitney would bond over being student athletes and they’d definitely start working out together. I think they would become really close like in a sort of bro way and Leighton would have to peel them away from each other because she wants alone time with her girlfriend. They can go lift heavy shit and put it down later
Bela would never miss an opportunity to let Leighton know that she bagged a straight 10. Every conversation between the gf and Bela would include Bela letting her know just how hot she is and that if things don’t work out with Leighton to hit her line next because gahdamn 🥵🥵🥵🥵 I also think Bela would be the one to crack the most jokes about the girlfriend being a little head empty, no thots and that delights me
My personal favorite dynamic would be the one between Kimberly and the girlfriend mainly because the way Leighton lowkey bullies Kimberly is so fucking funny to me and I think it would be hilarious if the girlfriend liked Kimberly the most out of everyone. And omg if they had stuff in common like not having a lot of money and being from a small town and they constantly exchanged anecdotes and stories about their times back home plsss I know Leighton would be so annoyed I love it
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los-ninos-tortugas · 7 months
Hey! Hi! OMG!! I CANNOT BELIEVE I STUMBLED UPON YOU!! I have to tell you how much I LOVE Set a Course for Home!! When I first saw it on ao3 I about went insane!! Star Trek and rottmnt are two of my favorite things and I- AHHHHH!!! YDOYSUFFUSUSKDJFTZJC I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!! Voyager is special to me because it’s my mom’s favorite and genuinely so good and throwing Donnie into the mix is so interesting!! The way you wrote he and Janeway in the first couple chapters was so cute and I can see them just having the cutest mentor mentee relationship (cause let’s be real, Janeway has a habit of picking up strays and Donnie is a particularally cute one). Having Samatha be his “official” guardian was such an interesting and great choice as well and Donnie and Naomi having a sibling relationship is so adorable. Donnie is the best big brother! One relationship I think would be interesting would be Tuvok and Donnie. Something about “Mr Vulcan” and “unemotional bad boy” hanging out and having long interesting conversations is so captivating to me. Plus I can just see Donnie learning how to play kal-toh and loving it. He can respect a fellow lover of logic. Honestly just all around love the concept and cannot wait for a fic update!
Good luck in the niche au comp! I hope to see you there and maybe compete against you! 💜🖖
I also got introduced to Voyager through my mom! (Honestly if it weren’t for her showing me Voyager I might have abandoned Star Trek altogether, but that’s a story for another time) after getting into rise I was just like, “YES PUT THEM TOGETHER”
The character dynamics are so fun to play around with!!!
Good luck to you too!! I’m really excited it looks like it’s gonna be a lot of fun!! 🤩 🖖
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tadpolesonalgae · 8 months
Once again I rise!
CBMTHY #13 was such a fun read! I’m so on board for this dynamic with Eris, I ate it up. I love how she feels more a bit comfortable being herself with him, like it’s a mask she gets to shed once her family or the guy she wants to give a good impression to (cough Azzhole cough) aren’t there to watch.
I also wanted to say I think it’s so interest how you’re weaving the food related stuff into the story? With them being hungry in the past, now how she struggles with taking pleasure from it, and Eris withholding it. Also her vegetarian preferences! I’d love to see a scene where he is like “She doesn’t like meat, fools” to the inner circle akfnsjdbbsjss
I can’t wait for the next parts. And— I’ve always imagined Eris with shorter hair, shoulder length at least. kissus and talk soon!! 🥐
‘Once again I rise!’
‘CBMTHY #13 was such a fun read! I’m so on board for this dynamic with Eris, I ate it up.’
I’m really so relieved to hear that, thank you 😭🫂
It was quite a lot of fun getting to write them together and also without the looming worry of angst too—though the short conversation they had where reader has a small realisation moment was admittedly a little sad, but at least that’s out of the way 😕🙂
‘I love how she feels more a bit comfortable being herself with him, like it’s a mask she gets to shed once her family or the guy she wants to give a good impression to (cough Azzhole cough) aren’t there to watch.’
And hopefully now she’s becoming more relaxed she’ll remember how nice it is to be herself and also stop changing when she’s around Az, because it was honestly kind of backfiring on her 😬
It’ll also hopefully be nice to have some of her retorts begin to make appearances around the IC, or at least around people other than Eris or Bas 🧡💛
(Azzhole 🤭)
‘I’d love to see a scene where he is like “She doesn’t like meat, fools” to the inner circle akfnsjdbbsjss’
Sooo…there is a scene…very far in the future, where something like that might happen? But, it is very distant so that’s totally just an idea at the moment, I don’t even know if the scene will actually make sense and whether I’ll actually be able to weave it in sensibly—I hope it’ll work because it’s one I think about a lot, and I genuinely think would be enjoyable to read, too 🧡💛
‘I can’t wait for the next parts.’
I don’t know what’s going on but I’m already about halfway through writing the next one, so fingers crossed it’ll be ready soon! (And thank you so much for just continuing to read, it really means so much to me people are willing to stick with it even though it’s been a bit slow at points and updates haven’t been the fastest! 🧡💛🫂)
‘And— I’ve always imagined Eris with shorter hair, shoulder length at least.’
I’ve seen some more fanart recently and I’m so on board with the shoulder length 🫣🫠 it suits him so well 🫢
‘kissus and talk soon!! 🥐’
Hopefully talk soon!!! I love getting to read through your thoughts and chat!! 🧡💛
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wexhappyxfew · 1 year
hihi! i have been working my way through soldier of stars recently and decided to come up with my own trio of bob ocs :D
my question to you, how do you come up with your ships﹖ like what made you decide to pair hazel and liebgott or luz and catherine﹖i have been trying to come up with the ships for my ocs but they feel too simple to me and more based on how similar the characters are, not so much their dynamic
omg HELLO ANON!!!! thanks so much for stopping on by the ‘ole askbox!! 🙌 sorry if this response took a bit today, had a long and exhausting day at college today so 🤩 ANYWAY!
first off! i am SO HAPPY to hear that you’re enjoying the soldier of stars right now!! that fic truly got me through the beginning of quarantine when we were all locked up with nothing to do and hazel, catherine and lizzie were by far some of my favorites (i genuinely miss writing them sm)!! and your own bob OCs too! AHHHH! that’s so exciting!!! truly OCs are some of the greatest joys i stg! 😭🫶
second! i will HAPPILY answer! because it still very much holds true to this day, even through other fics i write! so honestly, when i write BoB OCs, i really just start writing and focus on the OC and see along the way who she ends up vibing best with if that makes sense? sometimes i start a fic and know exactly who i want the OC to end up with and tailor it that way. but most of the time, it ends up where i’m writing and then suddenly, i really start to see a certain OC with a certain canon character.
for example, we’ll use hazel parker in this situation, i wanted her to end up with liebgott so i really tailored their connection and story together to be about that friends-to-lovers vibe and it worked out well for them. someone like catherine mccown though? i had NO IDEA who she’d end up with and i was so happy it was luz in the end! but at the beginning? i had absolutely no clue if cath would even end up with a BoB canon character. sometimes i start a fic and immediately know but sometimes it takes me a while, some trial-and-error along with a whole lot of writing to see if things will even work. but you get there.
if i have any advice, really get to know your OC inside and out. because for me, once i really know my OC as if they were a part of me, i see where they best fit as i write. it may not happen in the first 10 chapters, but as you write, you may begin to notice, “oh wow these conversations X has with Y are actually really much deeper than i thought they were.”.
once you really flesh out your OC and where they fit in the story, then i feel you see where they fit in with other characters. when i write, i try to put my OC in situations and conversations with other characters to see how well they play off others. and by that i mean, i just write, i just see where a scene takes me because sometimes i really struggle to structure a scene second by second. like today, i had 10 minutes to write and just went at it, typing up a storm and got somewhere i didn’t expect to get and it’s actually working MUCH better?!
sometimes i feel just writing and seeing where it goes is most helpful. and maybe if you don’t want to necessarily be working on a fic and just want to do scenes, then that definitely is helpful too! especially if you have an inspo scene between a character and a possible love interest. test it out, see if it works. sometimes you need to just write without even thinking about it to see where it takes you to then realize wow this actually works really well!
i hope this was helpful dear anon!! as always, this askbox is always open for questions, im happy to help with writing advice, especially for bob and messages are always there too! thank you! and i hope this helped! :)
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alyjojo · 1 year
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Love Reading 🤩 - April 2023 - Taurus
Overall energy: 6 Pentacles
How you will meet: 10 Swords
How they will treat you: 4 Pentacles
Long-term Potential: The Hierophant
Oracle: Namaste, bitches 🕯
There is so much Taurus in this reading, either you’re dealing with another one, or the ball is 💯 in your court when it comes to them. You know them, they’re someone that’s betrayed you before, not making decisions or valuing you appropriately. You offered them 10 Cups as The Empress, and that wasn’t good enough, the best of everything isn’t good enough lol, this person can kick rocks. And maybe you felt like that, because though they’ve betrayed you in this way, they also won’t let you GO with 4 Pentacles. They expect you to hurt them, maybe as revenge or something, they’ve certainly done it to you. There is communication between you and you seem very gracious towards them. Idc what they’ve done, or what you’ve done, for the long term, y’all are married. If you’re already married, and separated, there is no way this person is actually going to let you go. It IS possible that money plays a role in this…they lose you, they lose money, an Empress, and 10 Cups? They’re not that stupid. But they are kinda shallow, materialistic, and douchey, Spirit confirms. That’s why the ball is in your court.
Messages -
Their side:
- My money is my life 💰
Your side:
- Till Death Do Us Part 💍
- Temporary Feelings
- Respect ✊
Signs you may be dealing with:
Taurus 💯 Capricorn & Libra
Overall energy: The Hermit
Current: The Devil & 2 Swords
Challenge: The Tower
How they feel about you: Death
How you feel about them: 2 Wands
Outcome: Ace of Swords
Going by the oracles, this is a very difficult connection, the two of you have been through a painful situation together, and have spent necessary time apart with The Hermit. There is a lack of equal exchange between you, one person is offering Page of Cups…like “talk to me”, trying to be sweet, sending messages. And the other person just completely shuts them down or ghosts, zero access. You’re both currently trapped in a toxic dynamic where every time you communicate, someone gets defensive and wants to argue about it. There’s a major lack of clarity or GOOD communication, maybe that’s something that’s difficult for one or both of you. You trigger each other, or the real actual problems are not addressed because you’re bickering over this perceived slight or that one.
The challenge could go two ways. For some, another person may be entering the mix, King of Cups, and this is someone with deep emotions for you, which may shock the hell out of this person. And you, who comes out as Queen of Pentacles here. For others it may just be deep feelings that have been held back, now being expressed, that shock the hell out of them. And they are seeing things differently, something you have said or done has pulled the rug out from under their feet, perspective wise. How they feel about you is…they’re not talking to you because they’re petty and trying to prove a point? Or they think that about you. They could just want to not argue and expect that, defensive energy is apparent from the first row. Your messages show you want to talk to them, so I’ll assume it’s them. They can’t seem to talk and not argue.
You are in two minds whether to end the whole thing. You’re the one clearly in Hermit energy here, reviewing everything you’ve been through to get to this point, deciding what thou want moving forward. You aren’t sure, and go back and forth. You want this to end, but the whole relationship, or just the bs going on in it? Outcome for April, you will eventually have a conversation to clear the air, there is a passionate new beginning between you, and you will feel victorious about this whole situation 💚 You’re waking them up to something they didn’t see.
Messages -
Their side:
- New Perspective
- Similar Values
Your side:
- I just want to talk to you.
- Younger man/woman
Oracles -
Keep Your Word.
Their side: Be aware that sorrow can shape your soul like fire forges a sword.
Your side: Fill your heart with the love of God/Spirit/Etc. Then there’s no room for hate.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Scorpio, Leo, Capricorn, Aries, Aquarius & Pisces
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estcaligo · 2 years
@deeva-arud✨ thanks for the tag! ✨
1.would you be a mer, a beastman, a fae, or a human? (or other!)
Human. Because of the dynamic with certain someone ⚡️🌚⚡️
2.would you be at rsa or nrc?
Lol bad people like me belong to NRC. I’d overblot because of sweetness and positivity on the very 1st day at RSA. Also don’t like their uniform design.
3.what dorm would you belong to?
As much as I love Diasomnia aesthetics, I’d be in Ignihyde. Majoring in tech, so yeah.
4.what character(s) would you be best friends with?
I think Malleus, because he’s 100+ years old(?), a fae and a nobility and I am really curious about his way of thinking. Also late night walks, conversations about architecture or classical music, listen to him speak ancient languages… Oh, to be friends with a dragon. Another one is - unsurprisingly - Idia. Many common topics to discuss - tech and geek stuff - and I won’t mind his harsh words and rude behaviour (because I act the same often). Overall, “anime and chill, sending memes to each other, just vibing in his room” kind of friendship.
5.what character(s) would you hate?
Hate is a pretty strong word…but I’ll use it anyway 🤩😈. I’d say anyone who’ll force me to do anything against my will/boss me around and/or give me unsolicited advices, which means Riddle, Vil and Vargas. Also Crewel?
6.what character(s) would you date?
I MEAN. ISN’T IT OBVIOUS. If you’ve visited my blog you know. A certain loud devoted loyal courageous handsome smart talented strong hardworking funny well-read beautiful precious green croc man ⚡️⚡️⚡️🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊⚡️⚡️⚡️
7.what would floyd’s nickname be for you?
Shibireei-chan or electric ray. Because when we first met I zapped him with a stun gun when he tried to “hug” me 🙂
8.and rook’s?
Still Trickster. Because I am a trickster. And a treater. 🤡
9.what twst character(s) are you most like? (personality-wise)
Well, my first choice was Idia, but after thinking a bit it appeared that it would be, in fact, Leona. 😔
10.which subject(s) do you think you would excel at?
Picking from subjects we know about - alchemy. It’s like chemistry but with a touch of magic, right? Also practical magic, because, if I am not wrong, it was stated that using imagination is important when casting spells so I would excel at it hell yeah.
11.what club would you join?
EQUESTRIAN!!!!!! Horse riding is one of my favourite hobbies. I’d also consider joining science club, but given the opportunity to spend time with horses on a regular basis, I’d definitely choose that. And of course to spend more time with you know who………………………
12.how do you think you would survive in twisted wonderland/what would your life be like in general?
Perfectly fine, just need a gun /hj For real though, it can’t be worse than here so I’ll live my best life. Would research how magic and technology combine and what can be created.
13.[optional!] what would your unique magic be?
“I was never there” - Basically turning into an invisible ghost substance. Just…disappearing from this world. Nothing physical can affect the user in this state. Can walk through walls, punches don’t hurt the user, etc. However it works only 4 hours a day and the requirement to successfully activate it is…to have an empty stomach meh.
If you don't mind - @allimili @mondeeznuts @eunzul
and anyone who wants to join!!
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boneyfaun · 2 years
hello! I see that you're doing a matchup, may I request one 🤩?
I use she/Her pronouns, my mbti is Enfp 2w9 and I'm a scorpio. I have long curly blonde Hair and blue Eyes. I have even an undercut under my hair, mostly because I tend to have so much tangle in that place that it's difficult to deal with them. My type of clothes is generally ad Edgy one, but a little bit elegant (such like lace body or lace t-shirt/top with bright colors etc).
Most of my closed ones tells me that my voice calm them so sometimes I tend to sing or talk out of nowhere just for calm the situation around me :'). I'm a little introverted around people I don't know, but when I start to do a conversation I don’t finish until my throat dries up or until I know by myself that I’ve talked too much. I’m vengeful of people who hurt my closest friends and family, but in those moments I tend to give advice and to reassure them because I don't want to be a burden and 'cause if I start to argue I could make it worse :'). I like stay in my room and listen some music or play genshin, but I don't dislike go out with my friends/partner and have fun outside. I'm the clown of my group (I’m the kind of person who starts joking because I like to see their loved ones happy) but if I'm in a serious situation I don't waste time to start talking seriously. I'm even clumsy so, well, I tend to walk behind o forward for not bump with someone, and when I'm at home I hit every angle of the house :'). I'm a dog person (I even have a dog myself) but if you let me meet a cat I start to cuddle them too lol. I even like to learn some new clues of every kind of argument and I like to know more culture and language, I study psicology because it intrigue me. I'm not particularly lovey-dovey in a relationship, I like stay in my world. My love language is Quality time and physical touch (indeed, I like to hug or just stay in company with my partner or friend, just the fact that we are in the same room warm me up). I wish to do more things that I normally do and have some new experience with more adrenaline. I even tend to say yes to whatever my friends/partner ask if I think that would be okay and safe for us. I hope I didn’t write too much but I didn’t know how to do it, I took inspiration from other people’s requests (obviously putting everything of my own, in fact it is confusing lol)
Thank you so much and I hope you have a nice day❤️
I might just be in a mood to write Women but I also just think this dynamic is soft and genuine, so I pair you with Ganyu!
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She is so soft spoken and kind I just think it would, work? I don't think Ganyu would ever not admire your comfort to speak so openly and protective nature. Plus, if a character is ever going to understand the idea of being concerned of being a burden leave it to a character who appears to have some form of anxiety and natural affinity for working to understand and want to help push back those concerns. I just think it is a very comfortable dynamic and I think your soothing voice would be very nice for the evenings she might feel a bit coiled up with stress and need someone to tell her to take a break.
Also I imagine her love languages are very much the same as your own. Quality time is very important even to someone who is three thousand years old and might even be more so with her more sentimental nature. Time with her is calming and easy, and most likely quite snuggly as well. I think she just very much likes a good cuddle to help take a nap. Additionally, with her experience as an quilin I do think she would be a nice match if you ever wanted to explore and try new things. She won't take you anywhere dangerous, but she would love to show you places she remembers far more fondly from a time when she walked with archons.
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porgthespacepenguin · 2 years
Star Trek: Picard -- Season 3 Theory
Okay, so hear me out. Galaxy brain time.
What if season 2 ends with Q more or less sacrificing himself, and season 3 is about Picard trying to save him, "Search for Spock" style?
Haha, just kidding.
We have 3 episodes left and we're nowhere near a resolution. How are we going to solve everything by the season finale? Unless... We're not. Because season 3. (They could also just wrap things up in a stupid way, that's a distinct possibility... Wouldn't surprise me in the least, honestly.)
It would be satisfying narratively and would set up Q and Picard as narrative equals. Season 2 is about Q saving Picard, we know that both from interviews and from the show itself. And it's not the first time by far that Q has done that (at least 2 other times that we know of). So a season 3 where we see an inversion of this dynamic, and Picard starts to level the field makes a lot of sense to me. It's time for Picard to step up narratively, and having him save Q accomplishes this in a beautiful way.
Also, Q has always been the initiator of all their interactions. He's the one who shows up, the one who teaches, the one who saves. Picard has always been reacting to him, been a passive player in their relationship, and it would be another smart reversal of their existing dynamic.
It would explain why Q's not officially in season 3, yet we know Riker and him have a conversation at some point. I don't see where that fits in season 2. Most likely because it happens in season 3. And if saving Q is the end goal of season 3, then he wouldn't be on screen much at all, until the end, most likely, which tracks with what we know of JDL's filming.
They filmed seasons 2 and 3 back to back. Now, that doesn't mean the storylines are related. But it makes it likelier. And if they are, it makes a lot of sense to film everything at once, like a single unified season. You've got to admit, it's a bit suspicious. Plus Season 3 is a apparently a send-off to the entire cast, and Q was an integral part of TNG, so leaving him out entirely is odd, to say the least?
It sets up the stakes to be deeply personal rather than saving the universe for the third time. I mean, they've done it twice already -- what else is there to say narratively? And it would explain why Picard needs to assemble his crew out of old friends: if he were out saving the world, Starfleet or the Federation would either 1) be doing it themselves or 2) giving him a crew that doesn't have an average age of, like, 75. What else are they assembling a geriatric crew for, if not something personal to Picard? And what personal reason could he have to need for a crew and a spaceship, if not to rescue a friend future husband in great danger? Especially since, for once, Picard's doesn't seem to be thrown bodily into trouble like in seasons 1/2. In the season 3 trailer, he's taking the time to write (goodbye?) letters and getting his old uniform out of storage… So clearly, they have time to plan. It's not a last minute situation where Starfleet just can't send someone else. This is deliberate, a choice to risk himself for something important. Important to him, personally.
Sir Steward said that the ending was "unconventional, but satisfying", and that he "could come back from it". Which rules out death (traditional death at least), and going back to his vineyard (so conventional it's the START of the series, his previous "ending"). Don't know about you, but it sounds like Picard joining the Q to me (even the general audience seems to be rooting for it). Or ascending in some way. And what better way to work up to such an ending than spending a season trying to "save" Q in some form? Especially after the "reveal" that Q was helping all along in season 2? And that whatever he is doing is hurting him?
Anyway, in the end we'll most likely get another boring "save the universe" scenario, but meanwhile, think about the possibilities… 🤩
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
pluto taurus scorpio 2H 11H :D
Aw thanks for the ask Wolfie! 🤩❤️ It's another long one so I'll put it under a break :)
pluto ⇢ tell something supernatural that happened to you
Oh boy ~ well bearing in mind that I'm in a shared space and likely could have someone rolling their eyes at me for any of the stories I got, maybe I'll have you DM me and I'll share those there lol.  But basic gist: I've had enough experiences where I feel very secure in my belief of an afterlife.
taurus ⇢ what's your favorite food?
I don't know if I have a fave food per se, for multiple health reasons, but I can say I tend to lean towards bread and pasta options that are fairly plain when I do order things (I don't tend to be able to taste multiple ingredients in a dish - mostly in relation to chronic sinuses, so no sense in spending money on complex dishes when some noodles and cheese will do the trick lol).  I do joke that since I'm not too much into sugary stuff this body of mine is a pasta and bread body, not a sugar one lol.
scorpio ⇢ do you feel comfortable talking about taboo things?
I think it depends on what, and for what purpose?  Like I have worked in human services and done mediation work and am very open to discussions of trauma and the healing journey.  I've heard some heavy things, I've lived through heavy things, that society would consider "taboo" to discuss - only we can decide the boundaries around discussions of these things (like trauma is valid, *and* you cannot use it as a weapon to lash out at others), and depending on how detailed someone wants to get I might need to schedule that sort of heavy subject matter, but I'm definitly open to being a sounding board as someone is processing feelings and gently encouraging resources they might like to look into, or even virtually sitting in the discomfort with them for a moment because trauma likes to declare "you are alone in this" and I think in a moment where I'm able to say "I'm listening with an open mind, and open heart" that that can help combat that narrative.
Of course I'm only speaking for myself, and in general we should always do check ins first - even among friends - before we start, and even during the conversation, so if someone needs a break they can tap out and tap back in when ready. And also everyone has their own emotional boundaries and no one should feel forced to be more vulnerable with someone, or be held responsible for someone else's journey - or be guilted to holding space for someone. Just yeah, check in with someone first ;)
Since I'm in fandom for the fun, light stuff, I do have a fairly firm self policy on the kind of content I want to invest energy consuming - this is partially because I do a *lot* of emotional and mental labor with both my own healing, but also because I'm an advocate among my family's health issues (including my own), a legal co-guardian of an adult family member, special needs children, and volunteer where mediation and inter personal dynamics are fairly at the core of it - but anyway, it's a big reason why I don't engage with certain tags in fandom because the work it would require to consume would tap me out. And like I said, I'm here for some art therapy for processing and healing sure, but in general I use fandom as play therapy to lighten things up with the rl things I got going on.
However all that being said, I'm very open to someone sharing a hard time they're going through, because I know my boundaries and capacity for holding space for someone - and if I need a break, I'll gently point that out *and* plan for a time to come back to it.  If it becomes a subject matter that I'm unable to hold, or validate (like someone with toxic behavior who is trying to harass etc), then I'll place a boundary around that as well.  But all in all, I've heard plenty, been through plenty, and am good one on one talking about heavy things, especially under the context of processing to heal and growing on our journeys.
2H ⇢ do you have any object that you like a little too much? what is it and why?
I'm fairly decent about not placing too much importannce on materialistic items (probably because I grew up poor lol), however one object I've been wearing for years is my St. Dominic medal - I received it when I made my temporary promises as a Lay Dominican, and use it as my scapular essentially.  About a year later a local priest gave me a Miraculous Medal, that had been blessed by the Holy Father, so they both clang around my neck for some three years now lol.  I'm making my final promises next month, but I'm not sure if I'm adding anything else to the necklace!
11H ⇢ describe your friends in 3 words
Loving, playful, inspiring ❤️
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