#This Barbie is trying not to murder her friends
riza-hawks-eye · 1 year
Good Aligned Dark Urge Going for a Long Rest at Camp
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tricoufamily · 2 months
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just some ivy league kids trying to figure out necromancy
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mars-ipan · 1 year
i do miss being a little kid and creating the most vividly fucked up stories with my toys that i could
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scoops-aboy86 · 4 months
I just saw a post about a sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship but with the ages switched, so the one with money is in his twenties and the financially struggling one is in his forties. And I thought, wouldn't that be GREAT as a Steddie fic. 
Like, heir to the Harrington fortune Steve is just itching to dump his parents’ money down the drain on something. Or someone, because. You know. His parents tried to buy his love without ever being around to deserve it and that worked out Great, might as well continue the Harrington tradition (he thinks, while rolling his eyes). 
Enter Eddie Munson, walking disaster. Who sells weed for a living but spends most of his time planning and running dnd campaigns for underprivileged kids. Who is still trying to make it with his band, but meanwhile he’s the only member who can’t get a decent steady job because of bullshit murder charges when he was 19. (Which didn’t even stick, but it’s a small town… or maybe his dad just pissed off that many people.)
Eddie has the muscle tone of a slim jim and the hair of a tormented barbie doll, but the one physical feature he’s incredibly proud of are his tattoos. They’re all obviously home done, but when Steve realizes they’re all Eddie’s own work he’s (a) grudgingly impressed and (b) now has TWO great ideas for pissing off his parents. 
So Steve gets a tramp stamp in an apartment that he pays for but has Eddie’s name on the lease, and a grungy older boyfriend to parade around whenever he feels his parents need keeping in check. And maybe Eddie kind of makes it his unofficial job/personal undertaking to look into Harrington family dealings (he has his sources; his dad also schmoozed a lot of people and everyone knows his uncle is a stand-up guy) and alert Steve to things they’re being assholes about that Steve, more through fault of his upbringing than his own, wouldn’t have noticed. 
Like, maybe they own some medical buildings and are thinking of raising the rent on a pediatrician practice that offers sliding scale to low income families. At first, Steve is a little dismissive…
Steve: What’s the big deal? There are other pediatricians in town.
Eddie: Yes, but not everyone can afford to take their kids to them. 
Steve: Oh come on. 
Eddie: No, seriously. 
Steve: But… What if the kid gets really sick or hurt? 
Eddie: Sometimes they die, Steve.
Steve: ………………………. Okay yeah no that’s not happening. 
The next week, that practice has their rent lowered and a new lease locked in to keep the space (maybe even expand it into the plastic surgeon’s place next door) pretty much indefinitely and there’s an elite charity event that Steve and Eddie pointedly do not go to. 
(He can’t always get away with not going. Sometimes he plays the cards he’s dealt and goes with some pretty girl on his arm, but he has her home by midnight and he’s riding his boyfriend into the mattress by 1am.)
Eddie’s bandmates are dubious, but Eddie keeps swearing up and down that Steve isn’t a bad dude, he just has a lot of blind spots that he’s working on. Some harder than others, sure, but overall his cause seems to be just. Ish. A lot of what Steve does is motivated by petty revenge, but his parents are kind of shitty people so it tends to work out. “Plus,” Eddie adds brightly, “he’s a firecracker in the sack.” And is pelted with things for the crime of rubbing his sex life with a catch almost half his age in their faces. 
At some point they meet Steve, who has been specifically coached by Eddie to NOT buy out an entire restaurant or bar for the night just for the occasion. They come away with the general impression of, “He’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit.”
Maybe they met in the first place because Dustin is one of the underprivileged kids Eddie was running campaigns for, and Steve has always had a soft spot for Dustin (and by extension all of Dustin’s friends and their families) since Mrs. Henderson was one of his nicer nannies growing up. Maybe Steve sets up a whole community center and tries to put Eddie in charge of it, but Eddie doesn’t really want to be anyone’s boss; he just wants to help kids excel at a game he loves because its one of the things that really helped keep him steady through his rough childhood and adolescence. But he does work there, because that way he can keep playing dnd AND teach guitar lessons. 
(Steve offered to help get the band signed to a label but Eddie was adamant, if they were going to make it they’d do it on merit, not money, or not at all. It’s really become more of a hobby for the other guys anyway.)
So Eddie is finally OKAY. He has a good income, a decent amount saved up from while Steve was covering all the bills he can now pay himself, and his Uncle Wayne hasn’t been more proud of him since the day he finally graduated high school on the third try (which was pretty good, for a Munson). 
And Steve… isn’t sure what to do with himself now that Eddie doesn’t need him anymore. He can’t think of anything he’s good for other than money—though his best friend Robin tells him that’s just because he’s a dingus, there are PLENTY of things. (They’ve been best friends since college, and there’s a story there but someone else is gonna have to fill in that blank because I’m getting sleepy.) Dustin chimes in that yeah, he can totally tell that Eddie has been sneaking Steve into campaigns as an npc (which he has to explain to Steve, again, even though they’ve been over this many times) for ages and is clearly so in love with him it’s ridiculous, has been for a while. 
Maybe Steve panics and does something dumb after that, but not so boneheaded that they can’t work it out dramatically in the rain after a brief period apart. Like in one of those romance movies that they both pretend they think are silly but genuinely get them choked up sometimes because they’re both kind of saps underneath it all. 
Eddie goes on to become a well respected tattoo artist, while still pitching in at the community center a few days a week. Steve continues his philanthropy work with the guidance of Eddie, Robin, his ex and investigative journalist Nancy, etc., and his own shaky-as-a-baby-giraffe-that-landed-on-its-head-straight-out-of-the-womb-but-getting-steadier instincts. They get married while skydiving (because Eddie joked about it and Steve held him to it), build the found family of Steve’s dreams, and live happily ever after. 
… Anyway, if someone could write all that out in actual prose I would love to read it. But with the sex dialed up to eleven because that’s important but I think I only actually mentioned it twice, a travesty.
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
just a warning - this is slightly nsfw
so back in season one I assumed the show was actually doing something smart with the way Stolas, despite being the more sexually aggressive one, was the bottom and Blitz the top
I thought it was supposed to be a reflection of the relationship - that Blitz has to put in all the work to please Stolas while his own needs go ignored. that it was reflective of Stolas being a prince and wanting Blitz to serve him, merrily ignoring Blitz's own preferences or comfort the entire time
but looking back on it I notice that while Stolas did still say things that imply he was the receiver in the early episodes of the show (Murder Family rant down the phone) there were also lines suggesting some level of force from his side, too - in Loo Loo Land Blitz says 'wait til her dad tries to diddle your holes' and tells Stolas directly 'if you try fucking my ass in that park', which imply they were switches at some point in time and that Stolas certainly molested him in addition to demanding Blitz sleep with him
but the minute the writers decided Stolas was the good guy, he basically became the bottom in the relationship and nothing else. what had looked like a sophisticated portrait from Viv about how the 'submissive' or bottom partner can be the abuser and the top/dominant one can be the one being used turned into her trying desperately to imply that because Blitz is the one who's 'in control' in the bedroom it can't possibly be coercive on Stolas' part; it's a friends with benefits deal and she'd like everyone to stop reading into it, thank you very much.
as far as the show seems to be concerned, only the active participant in sex can be the abuser! now let's sit back and watch the fandom apply this exact logic to Stella because she was proactive about having one egg so she didn't have to sleep with Stolas anymore whereas Stolas was just passive
all of this gets even grosser considering Barbie's human form has brown skin, effectively coding Blitz as a POC and Stolas as his rich white master. And it's not uncommon even today for black men to be treated like sexual fetishes, just 'studs' for the pleasure of white women (or white twink owls as is the case w/Stolas) which certainly seems to be the case with Stolas reading 'imps in the sheets' books. but the show doesn't really want to engage with the fact that fetishization is just a different kind of degradation on Stolas' part.
Glad you pointed this one out, because it's easily overlooked and usually is. It's also pretty telltale...the period of time in which Stolas was unambiguously an antagonistic figure and nobody argued this point was synonymous with the period of time in which he played a more dominant role sexually.
"If you try fucking my little ass..."
"Wait 'til her dad tries to diddle your holes."
The belief that passive, penetrated partners are more submissive and can't be abusers is one that should have died over a decade ago, but here we are.
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caarpenters · 1 year
amber freeman x reader based on this request.
summary: the only one that can have you is amber.
rating: mature so minors DNI. beneath the cut there is unhealthy relationship dynamics, possessive behavior, and jealousy-fueled murder.
word count: 1,188 words
© caarpenters 2023
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Wes Hicks vexed Amber Freeman more than she cared to admit. Not because of his borderline concerning level of paranoia. Not because of his deep-seated motherly issues. Not because of his horridly box-dyed blonde hair. Not even because of his deep attachment to her friend, Tara Carpenter. No, her vexation toward Wes could be traced back to one thing and one thing only: you, Y/N L/N. As of late, Wes had grown close to you, too close. He trailed after you like a dog with a bone, happily taking any scrap of attention you threw his way. For a time, his antics had been annoying, nothing more. Eventually, though, you began to inadvertently entertain those antics, to entertain him under the belief that he treated you the same way he did the rest of your friend group. You seemingly did not notice that the only friend he walked to and from class was you. You did not notice how whenever he stole a hug, he lingered just a moment too long, soaking in your warmth and taking in your all too sweet smell through his nostrils. Amber noticed, though. She noticed it all, and it sparked an anger within her that she had not known herself capable of. 
Because you were hers. You had always been hers. Her friend, her steadying force, her person. You were the first person she had met when her family moved to Woodsboro all those years ago. She had been out playing in her yard, messing around with her collection of Chucky dolls, when you had ridden up on your rickety old bike and offered her the brightest smile she had ever seen, a smile that had rivaled the sun in intensity. You had asked to play with her Tiffany doll, the bride of Chucky, and that alone had been enough for her to know in her bones that you two were well-suited. Most children your age had frowned upon the dolls, deeming them creepy, but not you. You adored them, treating them with as much care as Barbie dolls or action figures were treated. 
From that day, you and Amber had been thick as thieves, being one half of the other, which was why she could not tolerate Wes trying to weasel his way between the two of you. How would she handle him? Well, a more sane person would have likely come off with a lie, would have spread gossip meant to sully his name and ruin your perception of him.  You were so good, though, so forgiving, so mere gossip would not be enough. Perhaps that was why when Richie Kirsch proposed a dark, blood-bathed plan to recreate the 1990s Woodsboro killings, she agreed without hesitation or regret. If pushed for her motive, she would without a doubt chalk it up to her love of the Stab franchise. She knew it is not that simple, though, for when Richie proposed his list of victims, she wasted no time in adding Wes to the list. C'mon, Richie. It'll add shock value. He's the son of a legacy character, after all, she had pointed out, even though Judy Hicks could hardly be considered as such. She had, in Amber's opinion, contributed little, the same way that her son had. Richie had thought her important, though, for he had agreed and added him to the list of victims.
That was why now, Amber waited outside of the Hicks residence, donning the typical Ghostface costume. The black material of the robe felt hot against her skin, itchy, but the knife felt right in her hand, its hold so comfortable that it felt as though it was made for her. From the shadows of the porch, she waited, anticipation strumming wildly through her veins. Richie was on the phone now, no doubt, luring Judy back to the house. She could put up a fight, could try her best to preserve her son’s life force, but her efforts would be for naught; her son had sealed his own fate when he had tried to take you, to steal you from Amber. Did he really think that she would sit idly by and let it happen? No, it was not in her nature to do so. To take such a profound loss sitting down was weak, and she was not weak, not when it came to you.
When Judy pulled into the driveway and ran up to the front door, her face a storm of fear, Amber jumped out, emerging from the shadows like a harbinger of death. And oh, what a perfect harbinger she was, for she mercilessly stabbed Judy, delivering upon her one devastating slash after the other. It was a wonder that she had ever become the sheriff of Woodsboro, because she went down easy, so easy. 
Her son went down even easier.
After slaying Judy, Amber left her lying there in a river of her own blood to be found. That was exactly what Wes did, for as if sensing something was amiss, he pulled open the front door of the house and was met by a most horrid sight: the lifeless, cut-up body of the woman who had given him life, who had cared for him when no one else had. Unbidden, a grief-stricken cry tore its way out of his throat as he threw the door closed, trying to prevent the killer from getting in. Little did he know that Amber was already in the house, watching him, waiting. He leant against the doorframe, wheezing from a mixture of pain and fear. “Oh, God. Oh, God,” became a litany, the only words he seemed capable of . . . until Amber came out, her knife poised, aiming for his neck. In an act of pure desperation, his hands flew out, catching hold of the knife before it could make contact with his neck. “Fuck you,” he gasped as they struggled, fighting for control of the knife. He was distressed, willing to do whatever it took to survive, but she – she was incensed, rage incarnate. Months of pent-up vexation and jealousy came out, giving her the strength to win, to gain back control. This saw the knife plunging into his neck, immediately stealing away his breath and drawing out his scarlet blood. “No, fuck you,” she snapped, her tones cold as ice. The voice, it was her own, not that of Ghostface. “Now, die like the pussy you are.”
And he did . . . It was oh so satisfying to Amber.
Wes’ death seemed to hit you hard, to cause great pain to overcome you, which was why Amber stayed loyally by your side, doing everything she could to ensure that you were okay, that her actions did not break you. Little did she know that you took notice whenever she snuck away, believing herself to be discreet. You knew what she had done, but could not bring yourself to care all that much. Wes held no true place in your heart, after all, not the way that she did. And, perhaps, deep down, you knew that his murder, unlike the others, had been personal . . .
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i HC amber as a child's play stan. idk why, it just makes sense, so here's a bonus fact: one year, for halloween, y/n and amber wear matching chucky and tiffany costumes. you can decide who wears which.
ALSO i know richie killed wes, but i changed it for the sake of this one-shot.
sign-off template.
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elfieafterdark · 1 month
I'm just sitting here, thinking about how John lied to all of his friends. This was after letting some of them be shot and or remotely murdering others.
Then dragging their sorry asses back with erased memories. And not only that but also dragging some new people in, friends. His friends.
He was like, okay I know you guys want to be immortal too, so just hang out with me. I know how to make you immortal but I'm not going to tell you.
But his friends wanted to be immortal without needing to always be on his ass. So they started looking into it, he knew the entire time. He knew the way to achieve perfect lyctordom all along.
He knew they were doing it wrong, and he just fucking let them. He let eight out of his 16 total friends eat the other eight.
Because of... The reasons why? Because he was stupid enough to achieve perfect lyctordom with a goddamn Resurrection Beast? He convinced his friends to eat his other friends so that they didn't exist anymore.
Is it because he's an insufferable dick head? Well yes, that's always the truth with John, I'd Fuck Barbie if She Was Real, Gaius. Life, is truly your creation John.
I just can't get over how thoroughly he screwed over 50% of his only friends. Actually he screwed over 100% of his only friends, but only 50% of them ceased to fucking exist.
But why? Why?! Why the fuck would you do that? I wonder, I was mostly writing this to meme, but I can't help but wonder. Is there an actual, pragmatic reason why he purposely misled them on the path to immortality?
Is it because, achieving perfect lyctordom would elevate them to the same level as him? Would they be a legitimate threat to him if they had done it correctly?? I wonder.
Last thought on this, I have a sneaking suspicion... Just a little hunch, a little cheeky notion lurking in the back of my head... I don't think Anastasia messed up, she was trying to achieve a more perfect lyctordom... One where the Cavalier survives. She would only allow John to witness her process.
And he claims that she messed it up, I don't think she did chat. I think he sabotaged her, I think he killed Samael not because Anastasia fucked it up, but because Anastasia was getting it right.
He destroyed Samael, and bound Anastasia to a dead hole in the ground because she knew the truth. Shit if her tongue was actually sewn shut as is implied by the fact that the Ninth skull doesn't have a jaw...
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mikeandikeschmidt · 8 months
FNAFMovie!Incorrect Quotes: Part Four
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WILLIAM, as Steve Raglan: You're clearly not listening. I can say whatever I want, can't I?
MIKE, half asleep: Tell me about it.
WILLIAM: I murdered another kid last night.
MIKE: I feel you.
WILLIAM: Now I have the taste of blood, I can't stop killing.
MIKE, yawning: Been there
MIKE: If I seem intense, that's for one reason and one reason only, okay? I don't wanna be here and I'm really sad.
VANESSA: Why is Barbie's the Nutcracker the only good film adaptation of the ballet that has ever been made?
MIKE, who’s been around Abby too long: Because Barbie movies slap, next question.
WILLIAM: it's time for you to die.
ABBY: One sec, let me ask my brother
WILLIAM: It's not a choi--
ABBY: Mike said no.
MIKE: I did what I could, you know, while I was also trying not to bleed to death.
WILLIAM: I will ruin your happiness, no matter the cost!
MIKE: My happiness?
MIKE, turning to Vanessa: I'm happy?
ABBY: You wanna see how hardcore I am?
ABBY: *punches wall*
ABBY: Take me to the hospital.
MIKE: Well, well, well. If it isn’t my old friend...the dawning realization that I messed up bad.
MRS. AFTON: Hey, it's your turn to wash dishes.
MRS. AFTON: 'Kay, but before that, wash the dishes. Also, use soap this time?
WILLIAM, a career counselor: Look, I would like to give you moral advice, but I have very questionable morals.
MIKE: You're my little sister and the most important thing in the world to me. I would do anything for you.
ABBY: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
MIKE: Absolutely not.
MIKE: What doesn't kill me should run, because now I'm ticked off
MIKE: You saved me. I owe you my life.
VANESSA: No, thanks. I’ve seen it and I’m not very impressed.
WILLIAM, first interviewing Mike: You look familiar. Have I killed one of your loved ones before?
MIKE: Fool me once, I’m gonna kill you
MIKE: Do you have any skeletons in your closet?
WILLIAM: You mean literally or figuratively?
MIKE: Honestly, the fact that I have to specify...
WILLIAM: 'Person of interest' is almost too flattering.
WILLIAM: Like, if the police were to pound on my door and go, 'Someone has been murdered in your building and you are a person of interest,' I'd be like, 'Moi? Oh, do go on.'
VANESSA: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
MIKE: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
MIKE: People are always asking me if I'm a morning person or a night person. And I'm just like, 'Buddy! I'm barely even a PERSON!'
ABBY: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside
MIKE: Abby, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn...
ABBY: *Sips chocolate milk from bowl*
MIKE: Schrödinger’s cat is overrated. If you wanna see something that’s both dead and alive you can talk to me any time of the day.
(This can apply to both the movie and the game)
VANESSA: You know, I'm starting to regret showing you how that blender works.
MIKE, drinking toast: Why do you say that?
MIKE: Okay, maybe playing, "Whose family is more dysfunctional" was a bad idea. Vanessa's sobbing in the bathroom now. We can't get her out.
MIKE: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so let's go for 12 more just incase.
VANESSA: Mike, that's a coma.
MIKE: Sounds festive.
VANESSA: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine!
MIKE: How can you still say that?
VANESSA: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
WILLIAM: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people died-
VANESSA: Twelve, actually.
WILLIAM: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really, whose fault is that?
WILLIAM: That's right: no one's.
[Mike is the only one raising Abby after his dad’s depressed and his mom lost it]
MIKE: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis.
Mike’s Dad: You're, like, 15 years old
WILLIAM, sitting with his back turned: I’ve been expecting you, Michael
MIKE: How did you do that without turning around?
WILLIAM: ...To be perfectly honest, the first couple of people I did that to were not you.
[The career counselor scene]
MIKE, explaining why he's gone through so many jobs: Bad things keep happening to me, like I have bad luck or something.
WILLIAM: Mike, you don't have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you're stupid
MIKE, banging on the door: Vanessa! Open up!
VANESSA: Well, it all started when I was a kid...
MIKE: No, I meant--
ABBY: Let her finish.
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2h3llandb4ck · 3 months
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Finally took on Blitz!
I took some notes from the Helluva Boss critical community and tried to tweak his lore to make him a bit better (this includes a huge overhaul on the shxtshow that is Stolitz. Stolas defenders, pack it up.). So here we go, here’s my take on Blitz Bucko!
In the late 90’s, a family of imps scraped together enough money to open their own circus for the underworld-born to enjoy. Was it small? Quite so. Was the family passionate about it? Absolutely. But the ones who were the most passionate about the Bucko Circus was Blitzo Bucko and his mother Jewel Bucko. Blitzo and his brother Fizzarolli weee the circus’ most popular clowns, with their sister Barbie Wire being the best trapeze artist. The circus was doing great…
Until the fateful day they put on a performance for the glorified meteorologist Stolas Goetia.
The young owl, who had just turned 13, fell in lust with Blitzo. He decided to purchase Blitzo for a last-minute “play date”, which discomforted the young imp. But AWWW! The poor little owl caught feelings…
The two didn’t talk again after that.
The next morning, Blitz’s birthday came around. While Fizzarolli put on a special performance for Blitz, the circus staff focused solely on Fizz. Blitzo was knocked back, accidentally stumbling into a few torches for an upcoming show. It set fire to the tent, and ended up burning most of the family. While Blitz tried to save Barbie and Fizz, he heard his mother cry out for help. Wanting to save his mother, Blitz gave an apology to his siblings before running to Jewel.
It was too late. She was only able to use the last minute of her life to hand Blitzo her prized skull amulet, and give him a warm departure with a smile.
It was all Blitz’s fault.
For the last few days of his teen hood, Blitz conceptualized a unique business idea; what if he was hired to assassinate someone who wronged a damned soul? It was groundbreaking, it was an amazing concept… but to achieve it now with how poor he was? It would be difficult. He garnered the help of his college friend Moxxie, and soon the duo set out to start up the basics of their business; renting an office space, setting up prices, getting weapons, hiring another assassin and a receptionist… it all went well until they realized.
How are they going to get to the living world?!
Blitz sought the help of a succubus named Verosika. The two got along well and she allowed them to use her Asmodean Crystal to gain access to the living world. They were going well until Verosika fell in love with Blitz. Blitz was hesitant to pursue this relationship, and harshly turned her down. They broke up, and she released a hit diss track dedicated to the horrible, non-reciprocal imp. Moxxie and his girlfriend Millie suggested they go visit the Goetia and ask to borrow the grimmoire, a magic book that can access the living world. Should be easy, right?
If Blitz could count being forced to give in to Stolas’s clingy, twisted delusion that they were childhood friends and then strike a disgusting affair/deal to let Blitz keep the book for business, then sure. It’s easy.
And finally, the Immediate Murder Professionals were ready to get out into the living world and take care of client’s targets. Happy ending!
But wait. Blitz NEEDS to fall in love with Stolas! It needs to happen! It’s all in the textbook plan for Stolas’s perfect romance story! If Blitz stood up for himself, he’s an ASSHOLE. A grimy, disgusting imp who has to let poor Stolas love him!
Let’s try this again.
And that’s my take on Blitz! In my au/rewrite of HB, he’s trying to wake up from a Wandavision-like phenomena where Stolas is in control (and the reality he creates is basically what the canon HB show is). Not wanting any of that and wishing to get his justice, Blitz seeks the help of a human demonologist who is also able to see through Stolas’s thick veil of lies. This former circus performer, adoptive father, and businessman wants to save his employees and daughter before they are lost to the owl’s lies.
And here are some headcanons + tweaks to his character!
- Blitz is a pretty closed-off introvert who wants to make it to another day. He is absolutely determined to free the people he cares about from the twisted world that the Goetia owl prince has built. Also he’s not creepy or a huge dxckwad.
- Despite what Stolas tries to paint him as, Blitz isn’t a huge jerk. He’s really not very confrontational and would rather have someone resolve their issues first before taking it out on him.
- He and Verosika are on good speaking terms after she is freed from the control. She gives him some assistance at times to help him carry on in the twisted reality he’s in.
- The target-like symbol on his forehead is meant to represent how Stolas has turned Blitz into a target, a creature to be preyed upon just because he said one wrong word to someone.
- He’s genuinely trying to reconnect with his siblings and puts his energy into his found family. Although Barbie needs more time, Blitz and Fizz are on okay terms, with the latter even helping him in his mission.
- He isn’t as vulgar as his canon self, although he can let his emotions get the better of him, leading to some raw outbursts. He is quick to apologize and take accountability for them afterwards.
- Follow up to that, if he did meet his canon self, he’d probably need ibuprofen afterwards.
That’s all! Goodnight tri state area!
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p1nkm1lkslug · 3 months
"𝐆𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐧... " 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬 𖹭
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(𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚊 𝚡 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕𝚢 𝚏𝚎𝚖 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚎'𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚊 𝚐𝚊𝚢)
𖦹you and Nina were probably friends as kids she was the shy awkward cringe kid that liked mlp and you enjoyed everything pink, Barbie and pastel
𖦹I feel like as you two got older she slowly got into horror movies and that basically started her downfall onto true crime (talking bout the makeup and mukbang ones) and overall just sorta went from fangirling over boys her age to fangirling over boys her age who had cut a smile into there face
𖦹 you were Nina's only friend tbh even when she did get slightly popular to fit in she usually ended up ranting about them being annoying at your house while y'all were painting each other's nails while listening to millionaires
𖦹 you thought her crush on a killer was weird but you didn't really mind considering how much Nina ment to you and it wasn't like you could leave her unless you wanted to have a fight with her (trust me you DO NOT WANNA UPSET HER)
𖦹I feel like her mental health and over all just low self-esteem was also what slowly broke her down over the years besides Jeff she only seemed to think off you(she won't admit but sometimes she would imagine a life with you and wonders how soft your lips are)
𖦹 when your family moved away she was devastated along with the constant bullying and slef loathing she just lost it and before you knew it you saw your besties face on the news with the corpses of her mom dad and little brother
𖦹 I don't really think Nina would ever go looking for you so let's say you to become a killer no one would ever assume you were a murderer because of your sweet girly appearance all but the faceless tall man in your dreams THAT'S right kiddo your getting adopted (run as fast as you can)
𖦹 upon arriving in the mansion you probably smelled Nina before you saw her since you haven't met someone who uses that much hello kitty grape body spray in a hot minute and then your ment with a screech and a tackle to the floor as your friend squeezes the living juice out of you (don the fooled Nina is jacked)
𖦹 I feel like she would fill you in on everything that happened on how she broke down, got rejected by Jeff etc etc..
𖦹 but who needs them anyway?! "I'm not arguing with a man that's why y'all g spot is in your ass"- Nina the killer
𖦹 you two practically are just living your dream life having sleepovers (don't mind her she's just sniffing your hair) painting each other nails, watching Barbie movies 𖦹definitely starts to see just how much happier she is now compared to her and Jeff and soon enough starts viewing you in a.. Not so best friend way
𖦹 goes to Jane and basically has her gay ass confession and Jane just tells her to try asking you out
𖦹 I feel as though she is kinda rejection sensitive so she would try figuring out if you were also were into girls
𖦹 after her countless attempts at flirting you remained oblivious (she called your pretty then ran away) you probably found out and things went one way or another
𖦹 option a: you say yes and now y'all are dating expect multiple make out sessions nothing would really change but she gets to rub it in Jeff's face that she's got a really pretty partner/gf and that he still smells like dick cheese (I'm a Jeff hater can you tell?)
𖦹 option b: you reject and she's okay with it I wanna assume that if y'all are still close she wouldn't be willing to loose you and would just wanna be with you regardless of what your relationship status was so yes she will respect your boundaries but don't come to her if you got a crush she's gonna be... Upset
𖦹 option c: you say no and she respects you (and by respect I mean she's going to drug you and proceed to brutally beaten you and crack every bone in your body I don't think she could kill you but just don't be surprised to wake up in her room chained to her bed post.. She didn't want to hurt you she loves you but she just can't let you get away so easily for hurting her)
Also this post is for non men loving men so if your not that scram
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outermaybanks · 3 months
Out of the Woods - ch 9
a/n: made this part longer only bc it's mostly dialogue BUTTTTT things... things are happening
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We got John B to the hospital, and they said they’d stabilize him, he’d be okay. When he got released, we all met up at the Wreck. John B told us Ward Cameron had agreed to be his legal guardian, which meant he was safe from DCS, but it also meant he was living in Tannyhill, with Sarah Cameron, which didn’t bode well for his excuse of nothing going on between them.
I sat across from JJ, and I could feel his eyes burning a hole into my head. I couldn’t look at him. We never finished our conversation from the other night. “So, you’re living with Sarah Cameron,” Kie pointed out. “Look, the only reason I’m living there is because her dad bailed me out, alright? And it’s way better than foster care, which by the way, is where I was about to go if Ward didn’t-” “So do you have a membership to the clubs now?” Pope asked. “What about those golf carts they drive around, you get one of them?” “Does it come with a sweater vest or do you have to bring your own?” I asked, teasing him, which actually made him smile. It was the most I had given him since he spilled my secret to JJ.
“You promised. You said you weren’t with her.” “Just own it, man. She got you,” JJ spoke up. “Look if you want to hang out with her, that’s fine, but I’m letting you know right now that I’m not doing anything with Sarah.” “I’m on Kie’s side. Her brother is a psychopath,” I added. “Do you guys see her here? No, right, a little focus would be fantastic.”
We looked at the map, Kie pointed out the coast has changed, so we tried to find landmarks, and settled on a war fort, Battery Jasper. Once we got an overhead look, we got back in the van to try and find a stone wall, which we did, and of course it was behind the old Crain house, an old scary story from when we were kids. The woman who lived here murdered her husband.
JJ said Hollis Crain had been his babysitter, so he knew for a fact it was all true. “Maybe he deserved it,” I mumbled.  “Nah, no one deserves what she did-” JJ said before going into the story Hollis supposedly told him, ending with her pissing on her father’s severed head in the outhouse. But John B wouldn’t be deterred.
“Do you think JJ’s telling the truth?” Pope whispered to me, making me giggle.  “Yeah, Pope, I think Hollis Crain pissed on her dad’s severed head and never called the police on her mom. C’mon.” I grabbed his arm, pulling him along. John B found the entrance to the basement, and we all followed him in. It was full of random household objects that Mrs. Crain no longer had use for. JJ had a flashlight, so I followed behind him.
“Down came Mrs. Crain and cut off all our heads, up came the sun and dried up all the blood,” JJ sang like a lullaby. I smacked his arm, “Dude, could you knock it off? Pope’s about to piss himself.”
We couldn’t find any water, not even on the pipes. “Know why we didn’t find it?” Kie posed. “Bad karma.” “Oh god, here we go,” John B sighed. “You know, we had a good thing going. And then you decided to rope in Barbie, and now the trail’s gone dry. Coincidence? Probably not.” “This is exactly why I didn’t wanna tell you about Sarah. What the hell’s the deal with you two?" “Nothing.” “Nothing? Is it because I kissed you? Is that the problem?” The sound of a slap echoed through the basement. “Oh shit!” JJ reacted to Kie slapping John B. “Stop treating me like I’m some girl that’s obsessed with you instead of your best friend who’s actually trying to look out for you.” Kie stated. “Did you, uh, hit me?” John B questioned. “Skeeter,” Kie replied, holding up her hand. “Oh, okay-” John B said before slapping her back. “Where’s your proof?” Kie questioned, and John B held up his hand, with a dead mosquito on it, then the two starting playfully smacking each other, dropping the problem. 
Then, Pope realized the mosquitos were attracted to water, and pulled up some floorboards, revealing a well. “Well, well, well,” Pope joked. “4/10,” I replied. “Seriously?” “I thought it was a good dad joke,” John B spoke up. “They built this house right over it,” Kie said. “This is where she hid the bodies,” JJ whispered. “Dude, seriously? We’re about to go down there,” I said. “Not yet. We need a big rope,” John B spoke up. 
We quickly snuck out the way we came, and John B dropped us off at the Chateau before saying he had an errand to run. That errand ended up being picking up Sarah Cameron.
“No effing way,” Kie said, standing up. “You brought her here? So what? She’s in on this now?”  “Look, all I care about is her cut comes out of your share,” JJ said, pointing to John B. “You know, I don’t remember taking a vote,” Kie pointed out. “This is our thing, a Pogue thing.” Pope agreed with Kie, saying this made him a bit uncomfortable.
“You know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her,” Kie said. “Speak for yourself, I’m still mad at John B," I spoke up. “Seriously Junie?” John B asked, and I turned to look at him.  “Look, all I’m saying is, you lied. You keep lying to us. Pogues don’t lie to each other. You shouldn’t have lied about what was going on, and you shouldn’t have said she wasn’t involved just to ambush us like this,” I argued. “What does she mean?” Sarah asked, turning to look at John B. “Uh-oh,” I heard JJ say. “Are you serious Junie?” John B raised his voice at me. “Yes, John B, I’m serious. Is she why you’ve been a shitty friend?!” I raised my voice. “Excuse me? What’s that supposed to mean?” Sarah asked, scrunching her face up a bit.  “John B knows exactly what I mean,” I replied. “No I’d love to know,” “Maybe it doesn’t involve you, because none of this involves you!” “I found the map, what exactly have you done, Juniper?”  “Hey!” JJ shouted. “Don’t talk to her like that, John B get your girl.” “JJ shut up,” John B replied. “She’s already causing problems between us,” Kie spoke up. “Stop talking about me like I’m not here!” Sarah shouted. “Then leave!” Sarah looked to John B. “I told you.” “Told him what, exactly? That you’re a liar?” Kie questioned. “No, that you’re a shit talking bitch.” “Oh hell no-” I said, standing up. “The fuck did you just say?”
Then the three of us were shouting at each other, until John B yelled at all of us to shut up. “Kie, you are my best friend, right? And-And so are you, Junie, and I’m really sorry about what I said about JJ, but Sarah, she’s…She’s my…” “Say it,” Sarah said softly. “She’s my girlfriend.” “Oh, that’s new,” Pope spoke up. “She’s your girlfriend now? What was all that talk about just using her for information, get a map, cut her loose,” Kie questioned. “Did you say that, John B?” Sarah asked. “No.” “Oh my god, stop lying!” I shouted in annoyance. “You did,” Pope added. “Look, love just walked in, okay?” John B defended. “Gross,” I said while Kie said “Vomit.” “I didn’t expect it, it just- it kind of happened. And I’m not gonna deny it.” “Look, cut the bullshit, John B. If she’s in, I’m out,” Kie said. “I’m not doing this.” “You are gonna decide.” “I can’t!” “I’m very interested actually, me or her?” “Both,” John B said with a shrug. “Ohhh,” Pope grimaced. “He went for the Hail Mary,” JJ said.
Kie just shook her head and walked out. I kept my eyes on the door. “Junie…” John B said, making me turn to look at him. “C’mon… I thought if anyone understood not having control over who you get feelings for, it’d be you. I thought you’d have my back.” I was stunned into silence. “What the hell- Junie? What does he mean by that?” JJ questioned. I couldn’t look at him. “Are you fucking serious? How can you say you’re sorry and then do it again? I’m not only out, I’m done,” I walked over to grab my backpack out of the corner of the mudroom, and put it on over my knapsack. “Junie-” John B said, getting up and walking over to me. “What do you mean? What do you mean you’re done?” “Junie, what's he talkin' 'bout?” JJ and John B started talking over each other, both of them trying to get my attention, but I just grabbed my skateboard and practically threw myself out the door. I needed to be alone. I needed to cry, to scream. So I went to an isolated dock, staring out into the water always made me feel better. I wanted to run away. I wonder how far Yucatan is from here.
Once I finally calmed down, I went through my bag, sure enough, the envelopes of cash were still laying on top. I started walking back towards the Cut to find the motel, it wasn’t great, but it beat sleeping outside.
I used the motel’s laundry room to wash my clothes, then went outside. I’d get a cheaper price for the room if I spent the day gone, and came back at night. I considered going to Heyward’s to see if Pope’s dad had any jobs for me, but I really, really, couldn’t see JJ or John B right now. But, turns out fate had other plans. I went to the nearby skatepark, just to waste some time, but it wasn’t long before I saw the Twinkie pull up.
“Oh hell no…” I said to myself. Pope, JJ and John B all got out of the van, and all of them were staring right at me. “No fucking way.” “Grab ‘er!” JJ shouted, and then the three of them were chasing me. I dropped my skateboard to run faster, and looked behind me to see JJ had stopped to grab it, slowing him down, but I still had John B and Pope on my tail. I found a public bench and went to one side of it, John B was the closest, so me and him began the dance. He came one way I went the other.
“Junie- please- just talk to me.” “No!” “You’re being-” I went the other way. “Really immature right now.” “Me? You’re the one who tells all my secrets the second you’re in hot water!” John B came at me from one side, so I went the other way, but this time I collided with a body, one that wrapped their arms around me. “I got her!” Pope shouted.
“Pope, let me go, right now!” I screamed as he started to pick me up. “No can do, Junie.” “Get her in the van!” JJ called as he ran over.  “John B, get her legs.” “If you touch me, John B, I swear I’ll kick you in the face.” “Please don’t kick me, this is for your own good- ow!” John B held each of my legs so if I kicked he could avoid it, while Pope put his arms under mine to carry me like a heavy piece of furniture.
“Help!” I screamed. “Dude!” John B scolded. “I’m sorry, Junie,” Pope said before covering my mouth with his hand. JJ opened the door to the van, and John B and Pope carried me in. JJ hopped in behind them and slammed the door shut behind him, and Pope finally took his hand off my mouth.
“Seriously? Kidnapping? That’s what we’ve resorted to?” I questioned. “Oh yeah, you’re not even our first victim,” JJ said. “Way to make a girl feel special. Now let me out.” “No, you need to listen,” John B said. I clenched my jaw, and looked around me, almost all of my friends staring back at me.  “Where’s Kie?” “Victim numero dos,” JJ answered. “What?” “She’s working her problems out with Sarah, and now you need to work out your problem with me,” John B explained. I scoffed. “My problem? My problem is I thought I could trust you.” “Bugs-” “I really do not want to hear it from you right now,” I cut off JJ, and he held his hands up in surrender. “Then hear it from me. I’m sorry, okay. I’m sorry that I tried to get the heat off of me by throwing you under the bus. That was shitty of me. Pogues don’t do that, Kooks do that. I never wanted to be someone who hurts my friends-” “You just kidnapped me,” I interjected. “To be fair bug, you got quite a temper on you,” JJ spoke up. “I thought I said I didn’t want to hear from you.” “Case in point,” JJ mumbled, and I shot him a glare. “Love ya, bugs.” “And-” John B said, getting our attention back on him. “I already told JJ that I was lying the other day in the marsh, so no worries, nothing’s weird.” 
I turned to look at JJ, who gave me a small smile.  “No…” I said. “What?” John B asked, worriedly. “I can’t be a hypocrite, John B. I was mad at you for lying, but I’ve been lying to JJ for 4 years. It’s time to man up,” I said, then looked to JJ. I couldn’t read his face, but he looked just as nervous as I felt. I took a deep breath. “John B was telling the truth. I’ve had a dumb little crush on you since we were like, 12, and everyone else noticed, and maybe you did too but you didn’t want to... I just didn’t want things to change between us. I didn’t want you to treat me differently for liking you, so I kept it a secret, and made everyone else keep it a secret. But last night I realized it got way out of hand, and now it’s ruining my friendship with John B when I should’ve just told you. So… now you know, J.” 
“Wow,” Pope said. "That was… intense.” “Yeah…” I said awkwardly, avoiding JJ’s gaze. “But now, instead of us keeping it from JJ, we can all forget this ever happened. So, John B, back to your apology,” I turned and crossed my arms as I looked at him. “I’m sorry, Junie, I really am. I don’t know what came over me yesterday- and the other day. I’ve just been- so absorbed in my own shit, that I’ve been a shitty friend. And I don’t want to be. I want to be a good friend, I want you to trust me. So, Junie, what do I need to do to get you to forgive me.” “I want to see a backflip,” I said, very seriously. “What?” “First week of summer you promised me a backflip and never delivered.” “C’mon JB, you know the woman loves a good backflip,” JJ said. John B laughed, “Deal.” 
Pope quickly drove us back to the Chateau, and once we were there, John B got to work building a fire. I went to check the fridge for beer, but we had finished it off the other night.
“I’m gonna do a beer run!” I called as I closed the front door behind me. “Need some company?” JJ asked, coming closer. I felt it bubbling up, the embarrassment, the awkwardness. This is what I had been trying to avoid. “I can handle it.” “I’m the only one with a fake ID,” JJ said. “Yeah, and I got these” I said, gesturing to my breasts. “I’ll be fine.” “Don’t be weird, bug.” JJ said. “C’mon, we can take my bike.”
Keeping it a secret from JJ had built up this suspense, this fear that if he knew, the world would end. But now he did, and it didn’t, and I had to live in a world where my best friend knew I was in love with him.
“Safety first.” JJ said, handing me his helmet. I rolled my eyes as I put it on, sitting behind him and wrapping my arms around him. “Now, Junie, feel free to cop a feel-” “Shut your mouth or I’ll kill you.” “Okay, noted.” JJ replied before starting his bike and taking off. 
I was relieved, yes I had given JJ ammunition to tease me with, but at least that was normal. At least nothing changed. The drive to the liquor store was short, I let JJ pick out the case of beer, and I grabbed a bottle of Malibu and a bottle of coke.  “Hey, hey, can I get this?” JJ asked, holding up a bag of skittles. “Oooh yeah, find me some Nerds Gummy Clusters.” “Got it!” He called from the next aisle over. We walked over to the cashier, JJ handed them his fake, and I handed him the cash. “Thanks, sugar mama,” JJ said, kissing my head. There it was again. The awkward feeling. But it seemed to only be affecting me, and then I wondered if he was doing it on purpose. 
When we got back, the sun was starting to go down, John B had successfully started a fire, and Pope and him were sitting around the fire pit. “Oh thank god, we thought Junie killed you,” Pope spoke up as we came into side. “Excuse me? I buy you beer and you accuse me of homie-cide?” I joked, holding up the bag in my hand. “Good dad joke,” John B interjected. “I just figured JJ would tease you, or make inappropriate comments and you’d kill him.” “Okay that’s fair,” I replied, sitting down by the fire pit. 
JJ sat across from me. “Beer me,” He said, holding his hands up. I grabbed a beer from the case and threw it, but John B intercepted it, making me laugh before I grabbed another and threw it to JJ, then handed one to Pope. 
“I still can’t believe you trapped Kie on a boat with Sarah Cameron- actually- John B, I can’t believe you’re dating Sarah Cameron. Kook Princess.” I said before pouring some Malibu in my mouth, then washing it down with Coke.
“What can I say? Love doesn’t care about status,” John B replied, and I faked gagging, making Pope laugh. “John B, I thought you were gonna give my girl a backflip.” JJ spoke up, opening his beer. “Oh you wanna see a backflip, Junie? I’ll show you a backflip,” John B said, handing JJ his beer before standing up. I giggled when I watched JJ sneak a drink, despite having his own. “Woo! Go Jeeb!” I cheered as he walked to a clearing.  “Yeah! Go John B!” Pope joined in. 
John B put his hands behind him before he bent his knees, and jumped, flipping his body backwards. He fumbled the landing a bit, but to be fair, he usually did this into water.
“Yeah!” I shouted, clapping and cheering for him. “I still can’t believe that’s all you wanted,” JJ said as John B returned and took his beer back. “I mean, you could have asked John B to do anything, and all you wanted was to see a backflip?”  “He’s the only one who can do one,” I argued, grabbing the bottle of Malibu to take another drink, coke in hand. “I can’t watch your barbaric habits, I’m getting you a cup,” Pope said, getting up and heading into the Chateau. “Aww! Pope, you’re the sweetest!” I called, but he just flipped me off.  “Well? Was it everything you hoped it would be?” John B asked before taking a drink of his beer. “All that and more.” I replied sarcastically. “Thank you for your apology, Jeeb. Hopefully your plan for Kie and Sarah works, I don’t think she’ll settle for a backflip.” “Oh, it’ll work. I left them some primo bud, hydroponic,” JJ explained. “Damn I should’ve said I wanted that.”  “Your wish is my command,” JJ replied with a smirk, reaching behind him to grab his bag. 
I heard the door open and shut and turned around to see Pope returning with a red solo cup for me. “My hero!” I cheered. Pope rolled his eyes and held the cup out for me, when he reached me I pulled him down to kiss his cheek before taking the cup from him.
I poured some Malibu into the cup, then coke before taking a drink. “Careful, bugs, y’know what happens when you drink too much of that stuff.” I turned to see JJ lighting a blunt in the fire. “I think I deserve it after being chased and kidnapped. How’d you guys even know how to find me?” “We checked the beach, the abandoned house, Heyward’s, even the Wreck, JJ’s the one that thought to check the skatepark,” Pope answered.
I looked back over to JJ, now with a successfully lit blunt between his lips. JJ held my eye contact as he inhaled. Then he nodded his head and held the blunt up, so I stood and walked over to him, taking it from him. I took a couple hits, walking around the fire before handing it back to JJ, and taking another drink.
“Junie, truth or dare?” John B asked. “I’m not drunk enough for a dare… yet,” I replied, taking another drink. “Would you ever… date a Kook?” John B asked. “Hell no.” I answered. “No offense, John B, I just don’t think I could. Too different. Completely different views on the world.” “Sarah isn’t like that.” “Then I guess Sarah isn’t really a Kook,” I replied, which made JB smile. “Pope, truth or dare?” I asked, before taking the blunt back from JJ. “Truth,” Pope answered predictably. “When… was the last time you scored with a girl?” I asked before taking a hit. “Did Pope score with a girl and I missed it?” JJ asked, Pope smacked his arm in retaliation. “Last summer, bonfire party. Touron,” Pope answered proudly, JJ clapped with pride. “JJ, truth or dare?”
JJ had been in the middle of trying to take the blunt from me. “Tr- Dare.” JJ answered, before resuming his grabbing. I rolled my eyes and surrendered it to him. “I dare you to… kiss John B.” “What?” John B asked. “Pucker up sweetheart-” JJ said, getting up from his chair. He handed me back the blunt, then grabbed John B’s face before pulling him close, dramatically smashing his lips to his, making me and Pope damn near die of laughter when we saw John B’s face after.
“Bugs… truth or dare?” JJ asked. I don’t think I was ready for a truth from JJ. “Dare.” “I dare you to skinny dip.” “Pervert,” I replied with a smirk. “Fine. But you all watch from right here- no closer.” “You’re killing me here, Junie, really,” JJ said, and I smacked his arm before beginning the walk to the dock. Once I got there, I turned back, it was dark, even with the fire by them I could barely make out their faces. I quickly took off my clothes, and put them in a pile before I jumped into the water. I could hear claps and cheering when I emerged, I quickly pulled myself back onto the dock and did a bow before pulling my shirt on, my clothes stuck to my wet body, but honestly, the cold water kind of felt nice.
I quickly ran back to get warmed up by the fire. “John B… truth or dare.” “Well after that I’m gonna have to go with truth.”  “How in the hell did you and Sarah Cameron get close all of a sudden?” I asked, and John B told us about their ‘spy adventure’ in Chapel Hill.
“Ohhh, that explains why the note was signed from Vlad,” JJ spoke up. “Is that why you guys were at Midsummers?” I asked, and John B nodded. “I was helping my dad with oysters.” Pope added. “What were you doing at Midsummers?”  “Kie brought me because I was upset. John B.” “I did the backflip!” John B argued, making me giggle. “Ohhh is that why you were talking to that Kook?” “What’s this now?” JJ asked. “Junie was with a dude like the whole night,” Pope explained. “Only because he wouldn’t stop talking about himself,” I defended myself. “And he didn’t know I was a Pogue so-” “They always know. Kooks just- do you know what Rafe did?” “Besides jump Pope?” “They tried to jump me, 5 on 1, the only thing that saved my ass was that security guard coming in. Last thing Rafe said to me? ‘Tell Looney Junie she looks hot for a pogue’. So maybe don’t let your guard down just yet,” JJ said, putting the blunt back between his lips.
I grabbed it back. “I have no intentions of letting my guard down around Kooks. You don’t have to be jealous,” I teased before putting the blunt between my lips, John B and Pope letting out respective “ooohhhhs”. 
It was getting late, and I was desperate to change my clothes, so we all retired to the Chateau, it was my turn with the spare bed. “ Goodnight guys.” I said as I grabbed my bag off the table and headed towards the room.
“Yeah goodnight guys!” JJ called, and I turned to see him following, he shut the door behind him. “Uh- hi?” “Hey bug… I was hoping we could talk… didn’t exactly give me time to respond earlier,” JJ said. I forced myself to swallow the lump in my throat. “JJ, I’m sorry that I kept it from you, and made our friends keep it from you. But like I said, I’m cool, I’m so cool, y’know, it’s not gonna be weird, I’m not gonna like… get jealous or anything, we can just forget about it, and-”
It took one step for JJ to reach me, his hands instantly coming up to cups my cheeks before pulling me into him, pressing our lips together. If I was smarter, I would have pulled away, preserved a line of boundary to save our friendship, but I had spent too many nights wondering what it would be like to kiss JJ, and this was better than anything I ever imagined. His lips were soft, despite the cut on them, and I could taste salt, but it was the sweetest thing I’d ever tasted, and I wanted more. But… then I remembered. This was JJ, my best friend, whom I tortured myself over to keep our friendship, I couldn’t give it up for a kiss.
So I forced myself to pull away. “JJ-” “Not yet-” He breathed out before crashing his lips back to mine, this time sliding his tongue in my mouth. It was even harder to pull myself away the second time. “JJ we- “I don’t want to forget.”  “What?” “I’ve been throwing myself at you since middle school, and now you tell me you like me back? I don’t want to forget that, I want to do the opposite- I want everyone to know.” My eyebrows screwed together, as I tried to take in what he was saying. “I don’t- I don’t understand-” “Yes you do, Junie. You know me, bugs. Why do you think I insist on us always sleeping together, why would I be willing to kill a man for putting his hands on you-” “Because we’re friends!” “Because I’m in love with you!” JJ countered, he was starting to get worked up, but I was too shocked by his words to be shocked by his volume.
“You don’t mean that, JJ. You love me the way you love Kie, we’re friends. I mean, you’re always hooking up with randoms-” “Random girls with blonde hair and green eyes and I give them your clothes, yeah that’s so normal.” It felt like a punch to the stomach. All the things I dismissed as closeness, were JJ’s attempts at something more. “J… We- we can’t. “Why the hell not?!” “Because! We’re in the middle of a treasure hunt to change our lives forever, we’ve been best friends since we were 8, you are one of the only good things I have and if something happens-” “Like what?” “Like if we dated and broke up. What would I have then, JJ? Nothing.” JJ’s jaw clenched and he turned away from me.
“JJ… I can’t lose you.” He turned back to look at me.  “So don’t. We’ve been through so much shit together, Junie, what could happen to tear us apart?” “So… what? We date, get married? Have 2.5 kids and live on Figure 8?” “Well… I have been told I resemble Harry Styles…” JJ said softly, making me chuckle sadly.  “I wish it were that easy. We’re 16, J… and y’know you think you want that now, fuck, I think I want that now-" "Fuck 16, I've known what I wanted since the day I met you."
How could words that give you butterflies also make you sick to your stomach? I bit my lip and looked down. "You could change your mind, and then we’d be left with nothing.” “Why? Why are those the only two options, get married or never speak to each other again?” He sounded desperate, and I hated myself for doing this to him. But I couldn't lose him, not JJ. “I haven’t seen any of your other hookups hanging around.” “You’re not just a hookup though, Junie… You’re my girl.” “So you’re telling me you think that we could date, have something so bad happen that we break up, and we could still be friends?” “Yes! Because there is nothing in this world you could do that would make me be okay with losing you..”
I didn’t know what to say to that. I was scared that if I said it back to him, I would end up finding out something so bad it could make me be okay with losing him, and that was the scariest thought of all.
“Say something,” JJ begged softly. “I don’t know what to say…”
JJ looked hurt, but he looked down to hide it, and bit his lip before turning back for the door, opening it and leaving without another word. The silence that followed the loud slamming of the door was deafening. The bed felt too big, lonely and cold without him suffocating me.
©outermaybanks 2024 taglist: @lilliebellee
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writerpey · 8 months
Agere canons with Wednesday Addams 1, 4 & 10…🥹🫢
Agere headcanon ask game with Wednesday Addams!
thank u for the ask! I had a lot of fun with this one—and it’s so nice to write for little wednesday again <3
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1: how did they find out about age regression? and 4: is their regression more voluntary or involuntary? do they ever regress without realizing it?
Wednesday is definitely an involuntary age regressor who only understands it based on her own personal experiences—until Enid pulled up her unexplainable feeling on the internet. By the time she hit her teens, she found herself feeling small whenever she was overstimulated or incredibly frustrated with her inability to focus on writing her novel on evenings when everything felt muddled in her head. She was afraid at first, as the type of fear that settled in her chest made her feel uneasy in her own body rather than giving her a well-earned shock from a frightening film or foreboding anxiety from a novel. Weds ended up leaning into the fear—a subconscious answer to much of the darkness she loved to surround herself in—and found comfort that she hadn’t wanted when she actually was a child but found herself desiring now.
Weds therefore started regressing involuntarily at home, slipping into what she told Morticia was a trance of sorts, setting little fires about the house and falling asleep in front of them as if they were an arsonist’s lullaby. Her parents started referring to her as their “little bat” when she’d look up at them with wide eyes from her hastily constructed guillotine that looked quite like the one she made at the age of four to decapitate her barbies.
Enid is the one who ended up explaining to Wednesday what exactly was happening when the brooding girl grumbled about her unfortunate need to have Thing sign Grimms’ Fairy Tales to her so that she could sleep. Enid hopped onto her bed and shoved her phone into Wednesday’s hands, an article about age regression bright on the screen. Wednesday was embarrassed and tried to give Enid’s phone back, but after some whining from Enid she acquiesced. It clicked in Wednesday’s head immediately that yes, this was exactly how she felt. It took about five minutes before Wednesday threatened Enid with a stern tone to not tell anyone unless she wanted her claws clipped in the night.
10: do they have any regression gear (teethers, pacifiers, specific toys or outfits, etc.)? do they try to hide it from friends/family?
Wednesday has more regression gear than one would expect! She has a rather ratty old blanket from when she was a baby that stays tucked in her pillowcase, only to come out on nights that she feels especially small. The girl has an array of dolls that she’s fine with anyone seeing; beat up barbies that appear to be bleeding from their appendages, vintage porcelain dolls that look a little too perfect for their age, and some hand sewn plush bats.
What she keeps to herself are her more treasured and personal items, the first being her tiny black calico/sylvanian kitty. She carries it around with her everywhere when she’s little, but keeps it tucked in her pocket when there’s others around. It has no name aside from kitty, and she fiddles with it when anxious and quietly plays with it when she feels a little less murder-y than usual. The second item is her teether! It’s black and dark purple, very beat up, and used often because she has the need to chew with all her might—and getting doll hair in your mouth is not a fun experience. Weds also has a specific pair of overalls she likes to wear when regressed. Black denim with a pocket at the chest, perfect for kitty to sit in with its head poking out to see the world.
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ghostfaceaddams · 1 year
Tara Argh Carpenter - a scream drabble
summary: Tara is having trouble juggling her scars and finding a Halloween costume. Sam, as always, is there for her.
warnings: cussing, scars, mentions of violence. I think that's all?
word count: 1,567
a/n: This lil idea just popped in my head the other day and I shared it with @psychofreakforc who loved it. So this is for her and any other lovers of the Carpenter sisters! Hope you all enjoy.
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The doctors told Tara that regaining full sensations in her left hand was slim. 
The doctors also told Tara that she’d always have a limp and metal stuck in her leg because the break was so severe. 
But the doctors had also advised her not to play sports due to her asthma, and she had been the reigning star player on her soccer team for five years straight. 
Surviving seven stabs and a broken leg was impressive enough. Surely these docs were just quacks. They didn’t know her. They didn’t know Tara. No one knew exactly who the Tara Carpenter was except for one single person. 
And that person was her older sister: Samantha Carpenter. 
Sure, Sam had abandoned her five years. But Sam had come back when Tara needed her most and she apologized for her absence. “I’m never going to leave your side again. I promise.” That’s what the older, taller Carpenter had said to the younger, smaller Carpenter. 
Sam had her reasons and her apologies, and the sisters had shared trauma from their boyfriend and girlfriend trying to murder them and their friends. They both had Christina Carpenter as their mother. 
With all of that being said, Tara knew - she knew that there was one person who always believed in her no matter what and that was Sam. Besides, Tara was constantly proving people wrong. She proved Christina wrong when she said she wouldn’t last a week after her birth, she proved all those taller kids wrong at soccer, and she proved Amber wrong. 
Tara knew she wasn’t going to magically heal over night and that some parts would take longer than others. She’d waited five years for Sam to come back to her, she was a patient person. 
But it’s October now, and Halloween is only a week away, and she can’t find a costume for the big party one of the frat houses were going to throw. Every outfit either looked weird on her or clashed too much with her scars. And she still needed that damn cane to walk on, which didn’t match any costume. 
She guessed she could go as an old lady. Old ladies use canes to get around. But Tara’s cane was also special. 
With a cane, you use the hand opposite of the injury. Which is fine and dandy if your ex didn’t snap your right leg in half then shove a knife through your left hand. So, her grip wasn’t the best suffice to say. Google Kerry Weaver from ER and you’ll know exactly the type of cane Tara had. 
She growled as she tossed the cowgirl hat Anika had given her to the floor. Anika and Quinn had suggested a Cowgirl Barbie (Margot Robbie representation!) and Tara figured it was worth a shot. It almost worked. Almost. 
“Hey, sweet girl.” 
Tara glared at the visitor as she eased herself down to her bed. 
Kirby tossed her hands up with her eyebrows in surrender. “Woah. What’s the fuck-the-world glare for?” 
“Maybe this is just my resting face, Kirby.” 
The blonde shaped her lips into an o. She just got called her first name, that meant Tara was in a mood. Kirby said nothing as she left. 
Tara figured that was it - hoped it was, she didn’t have the energy to deal with any bullshit at the moment - but of course it wasn’t.  Barely two seconds later and there Sam was, standing in the doorway with her head innocently cocked to the side. 
“Hey, babygirl. What’s wrong?” 
That was a hilarious remark. Tara almost told Sam she should be a stand up comedian. 
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong is that my body is fucked up and I can’t find a fucking decent Halloween costume to wear! What nineteen-year-old shows up to a party with a legit limp and cane?” She went with that instead. 
Sam didn’t say anything. She just sat down next to her trembling baby sister and cupped the shell of Tara’s tense shoulder blade. 
Tara’s entire body twitched as if she’d been stung. She moved away from her sister with a whiny, “Sammy” but it was no use. Sam saw the way Tara was trembling with rage and knew that soon enough it was going to fester into sobs. 
Sam just rubbed Tara’s back soothingly, easing the younger girl into the crying stage. And when Tara ended the next phase, Sam was there to pull the small girl against her. As Tara curled into Sam’s side to hide away from the world, Sam wrapped her arms around Tara and solidified the wall between Tara and the darkness of the world. 
It wasn’t until Tara’s sobs had receded to shaky breaths that Sam spoke. She made sure to give Tara her spare inhaler so that she could have a clear mind and not a clenched chest to listen to Sam. 
“Tar, your scars-“ 
“Sam, I swear, if you say that my scars are beautiful and I should embrace them, I will throw myself down the stairs.” Tara threatened with a wobbly voice. 
The both of them shared a terse, watery chuckle before silence settled over them. Sam took the moment to admire her baby sister’s side profile. Her eyes picked up on the barely noticeable scar on Tara’s chin. It was just a speck, barely noticeable, but Sam remembered it as the plate Christina had thrown and a shard had nicked Tara. 
It wasn’t bad at all, but Tara had sobbed and sobbed after it happened. Sam cleaned the little girl up and took Tara to her bedroom to read a story to the younger girl until she was calm. 
Sam was always taking care of Tara. Tara wanted to be able to take care of Sam too. 
Tara took another puff from her inhaler, blowing Sam from the past to the present. 
“Your scars don’t have to be a bad thing, Tara. They don’t need to be the focus of you.” 
Tara screwed her face up in bewilderment. She didn’t want any sort of motivational speech about her scars to love them. 
“Come on, what was your favorite episode of Scooby-Doo as a kid?” 
Okay, now Tara was lost. “I don’t know, that was forever ago.” 
“It was the one with the pirate! Remember? What was his name? It had something to do with a beard…” 
Tara shook her head. She couldn’t believe she was actually playing into this. 
“The Ghost of Redbeard.” 
Sam clapped excitedly and gave a slight nudge to Tara. “Pirate Redbeard! Yes!” 
Tara nodded her head, a grin slicing across her lips despite not wanting to. “Yeah, but it was the movie I was obsessed with. Pirates Ahoy!” 
Now it was Sam’s turn to be lost. “They did pirates more than once?” 
Tara laughed at her older sister. 
“Okay, even better then. There’s numerous representation of pirates in Scooby-Doo, and there’s a whole movie series based on pirates.” 
Tara raised her eyebrows. “You mean Pirates of the Caribbean?” 
“Yeah, that.” 
Tara snorted at her sister. 
“Pirates are very common. And what do you think of when you first hear the word pirate?” 
Tara wrinkled her nose up as she shrugged. “I don’t know. Arrrrg matey! Give me yer money!” 
Sam couldn’t contain the laughter from bubbling over at Tara’s (awful) interpretation of a pirate. At first, the younger girl could only blush and shake her head, pouting at her older sister. But then Tara started to grin, and she ended up laughing along with Sam. 
It felt like Sam needed an inhaler this time, she couldn’t remember the last time she had laughed that hard. Or when was the last time Tara laughed that hard. She wiped the tears from her eyes and sniffed before continuing. 
“No, but good guess.” 
“A plank?” Tara guessed next. 
Sam shook her head again. The other girl sighed, clearly exasperated. 
“Come on, Sammy. I’m tired of guessing.” 
“A wooden foot and a hook for a hand!” 
Tara stared at her sister, not really knowing what to say to that. 
“It’s your leg you’re most worried about, right? And there’s no way to hide the scar on your hand. So, use it to your advantage! Be a pirate!” 
It was true that boats, jewels slash money, and those replacements were the first thing to come to mind when associating pirates with things. And it was true that, in a way, Tara did have a wooden foot and a hooked hand. 
The third truth was that Tara used to love pirates, only because she’d play it with her friends and Amber would get to save her at the end. She missed having Amber as her hero instead of her villain. 
“Okay. A pirate it is then.” Tara confirmed. 
The squeal that came out next wasn’t from Sam but from Quinn. The Carpenter sisters scoffed with a smile on their faces as the redhead went into a long spiel about helping Tara be the sexiest pirate anyone had ever seen. “Maybe someone has a pirate kink.” Had been said. 
In the end, Tara was still limping and she couldn’t feel everything in her left hand. But she did go to the party and have a good time. That was proving the people who thought her injuries would ruin her life, wrong. 
And Sam was there with a beaming smile on her face. 
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dani-says-stuff · 2 years
Robert the Doll
❥ Back to the Control Center
❥ Nate Hardy Masterlist
❥ Link to Part 2: Your Very Own Attachment
Nate Hardy x fem!medium(?) reader
Summary: You follow the boys to Key West and visit Robert the Doll.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: creepy stuff, hauntings, some language, Robert the Doll, probably an inaccurate spirit box session, inconsistent capitalization, and ok writing
Dialogue Key:
Spirit Box
“Hey, all I’m saying, is if I get cursed by doing this, I’ll personally murder the both of you and take over your channel” you spoke with a sickly sweet smile while approaching the large glass case where Robert the doll was sat.
The boys had decided the perfect way to start the night, was to do the very thing you were all warned not to. what could possibly go wrong?
unlike the boys, you decided to smile in your picture. candids rarely look good, and if you’re getting cursed tonight, you’re going to look great doing it.
Nate stood infront if you ready to take your picture. If you focused hard enough, it almost felt like one of the cute impromptu photoshoots he’d insist on during dates, not taking a picture with a creepy doll. Well- at least until you heard it.
Your smile strained and eyes widened, “Nate- are you done yet?”
the flash finally went off and he pulled the camera down, looking to you with furrowed eyebrows, “yeah… why?”
you whipped around, facing the glass. “I just heard- please tell me you heard that” you spoke turning to the two boys recording off to the side.
Sam and Colby looked at each other, then back to your panicked face, “uh, no? what did you hear Y/N?”
you quickly backed up next to nate, who quickly wrapped his arm around your shoulders. ”It sounded like someone was tapping against the glass.”
Colby was stunned for a moment, dropping the camera down and looking at you with wide eyes, “are you serious? right before the picture?”
Sam, on thé other hand, quickly took the camera and rushed to the case, trying to figure out whatever it was you’d heard.
“I don’t see anything.” the blonde called back to you, “i mean there are finger prints but it’s also a museum” he shrugged, “a ton of people probably touch the glass.”
you hummed, “yeah, can we move on now?” you laughed nervously, “i’m good with ghosts and stuff, but dolls have always freaked me out.”
nate reached a hand out to the doll, knowing how superstitious you could be, “no offense of course-”
“oh of course not!” you spoke quickly cutting your boyfriend off, “You’re, uh, you’re a beautiful doll! i’ve just never- look i even thought barbie’s were creepy!”
the room was quiet for a second before you began to laugh, finally realizing the ridiculousness of your mini word vomit. to a doll.
The boys began laughing as well, “oh my god” sam whipped his eyes, “I really wish i hadn’t turned off the camera now-”
The four of you laughing harder as you left the room, Sam turning the camera back on and angling it to get everyone in frame, “Ok, I don’t know if that was a bad idea-”
“It was definitely a bad idea” you scoffed.
“Yeah, N/N heard somethings while taking her picture.” nate grimaced.
Sam looked back guilty, “yeah- definitely was a bad idea… but we did that at the beginning of the night to see if the curse was real.”
“i bet you $10 it’s real” you whispered up to nate.
he laughed softly before leaning down, planing a kiss on the top of your head, “yeah, absolutely not, no chance it’s not real.”
“yeah, 10,000 stories? no shot it’s not real.”
“I also heard that this was the Harry Potter portal-”
“no way in hell dude!“ you yelled out, “old fireplace with creepy attachements? oh yeah that definitely screams harry potter to me.”
Colby simply shrugged, getting in a stance to run straight into a brick wall.
“hey” you quickly spoke up after your friend face planted the wall, “if i do that, can you edit me going through the wall? please?”
They did. Later on the video would colby running into the wall, falling with a groan, and then you jumping straight through. you may have gotten an attachment from it- but hey, you only live once.
“well- at least it smells a lot better in here.” you looked around, “and it feels a lot less crowded that’s for sure.”
Colby looked at you like you were insane, “dude i don’t know what you’re talking about it still feels creepy in here.”
“i didn’t say it wasn’t creepy- just less crowded”
“Oh that’s right,“ sam turned the camera, placing himself in the frame with you behind him, “if you’re new or haven’t seen our other videos with Y/N, they’re a medium-”
“i wouldn’t exactly say that” you laughed softly.
“ok… not like Amanda, they can’t see anything like she can and stuff, but Y/N is hypersensitive to these things. You can see in other videos, and probably this one as well, that a lot of her feelings end up matching with what our equipment will say.”
You left the boys downstairs to fill in the viewers on the history, going up the stairs to look around until they catch up.
“alright,” nate called out as he climbed the steps, “how’s it looking?”
you turned to the boys, “well- pick one” you pointed to the stairs and the door behind you, “Robert or Anne?”
“which one do i want to know?” sam asked nervously.
you shrugged, “neither is too horrible yet, one just gives off a lot more energy than the other. The stairs to the attic just feel heavy, almost foreboding? Meanwhile when i walked in Anne’s room it felt very sad and scared. a bit like- retained or constricted too.”
Nate nodded quickly, “that makes sense, she wasn’t allowed to play her music, she would feel sorta constricted.”
“True imagine having to spend youre entire life unable to do the thing you love because your spouse wanted to be the center of attention.” colby spoke up, “that must be horrible.”
Nate looking down to you with a raised eyebrow, causing you to scoff, “Babe, as much as i love being the center of attention, i’d never do that to you.”
he smirked, throwing an arm around you and leading you through the door, “just making sure.”
after a promising conversation with anne that confirmed most of what you thought, you all made your way to the attic.
Even after Sam’s weird chest pain, which you insisted he take a moment for, the blonde was persistent.
You walked up to the stairs, barely placing a foot on the step before nate grabbed your wrist, “absolutely not” he muttered, moving you behind him, “you’re not going first.”
“i’ve done enough stuff like this before, it’s fine.” you sighed, watching him go up.
“yeah, but this is an old building with an old attic, we don’t know how stable it is up here.”
you flushed a bit as you climbed up behind him, grabbing his hand as he helped you up. Sam and colby’s abnoxious ‘awww-ing’ behind you was definitely not helping to relive your embarrassment.
You looked around, “yeah i definitely don’t like it up here.” you muttered to yourself, moving to investigate a further section with nate basically glued to your side.
unfortunately, the boys overheard your words. standing back at the entrance and whispering to the camera with matching mischievous smiles, “well, Y/N is definitely not going to be a fan of the solo investigations then“
After going over to check out the hospital, the four of you went back to check on the polaroids you’d all taken earlier that night.
They flipped the four over, all of you momentarily forgetting about the extra photo you’d taken. The false sense of security you’d gained seeing four photos placed perfectly on the bannister evaporated the second the fourth picture was flipped, revealing a second photo of Colby.
You’re face paled, “guys… where’s mine?“
nate grabbed your hand, “did we just knock it over on accident?“
colby flashed the light, catching a hint of white peaking out from the banister. “Oh, found it. at least it landed face down so it could still develop.“ He spoke trying to find a bright side to this. especially since it had landed directly against the glass.
Sam walked over when Colby had frozen, rapidly turning the photo over. Colby had reached over showing it to him. The blonde quickly gasped, “no way.”
“what?“ you looked between them frantically, “what is it?“
“turns out the photo didn’t land upside down.“ Colby looked up at you, flipping it so you could see as well, “it’s just blank on both sides.“
“Ok, so, now that we’ve done our little portraits“ you spoke up from the floor, “where are we going for our solo investigations. I just know you two have something planned.“
“What?“ Colby gasped offended, “What would make you say that Y/N? we would never!”
you raised an eyebrow at the boy, “the way you and sam are looking at me right says otherwise.”
Sam stepped forward, camera in hand, “ok, so you may be right.“
“i’m always right.“
“damn straight”
“We thought, while i go to the tunnel and colby goes on his own… both you and nate could investigate robert.”
you turned to your boyfriend, both of you wearing wide smiles, “oh, that’s not too bad.”
“we get guest privileges!“ nate cheered.
“oh no no no“ colby laughed, “you’re not exactly doing it together.“
Sam smiled mischievously, “since Robert and Gene had a bond-”
“oh no.”
“-and you both also have a bond… we thought we could replicate that tonight.”
“oh no.”
“Nate, you will stay with robert, and Y/N will go back up to the attic.”
your jaw dropped at the blondes words, “you’re kidding.”
“nope, wouldn’t it be cool if your answers aligned? like through a spiritual connection?”
you sighed, moving forward and ripping the large flashlight from Colby, gathering some equipment, “i hate you two.”
you moved to your boyfriend, hugging him tight before you left to go to the attic. “i love you, be safe.“ nate quickly parroting the words back and kissing the top of your hair.
you turned on the small camera you brought, filming blair witch style as you climbed the stairs, “this fucking sucks.”
you sat in the most central part of the attic you could after setting up a music box by the entrance, your drawing to your right, spirit box in hand, and camera facing you.
“Hello to any and all spirits that can hear me right now. There’s a music box over there that will go off if you pass by it, and i have a spirit box right here. It uses radio signal to piece together words and allow you to talk to me. You can use either of these things as well as any other medium you wish, like knocks or thuds, to answer my questions or you can completely ignore me if you wish. I do not want to make you uncomfortable so only do what you want to, there is no pressure.“
you turn on the spirit box, and wait. you turn, addressing the camera, “guys, we said it earlier“ you spoke fanning yourself, “but it is so incredibly-“
your eyes widened looking to the device, “yes, hot. it’s hot very hot in here”
a hum came through the box next, seemingly agreeing with your words.
“ok“ you breathed out, “so there’s someone in here?“
“who are you?“
your brow furrowed, “are there many spirits here.“
am many.
then it clicked. the doll. one robert, but many spirits inside of him. “Am i talking to robert right now?“
no answer. you we’re about to rephrase you question when the music box went off behind you.
“hello? has someone else joined us.“
“what is your name?“
“A?” you tilted your head in thought, “Anne? is that-“ the music box went off.
you smiled in the direction of the music box, “Anne if that is you thank you for coming up and joining me. i appreciate it.”
“are you stuck here?”
you sighed sadly “are you stuck here with robert and gene?”
“then how are you stuck?”
the same words came through the radio, closer this time.
you sat, back facing your camera, surely colby will have a blast editing the sound to make it less muffled, but if Anne came to the attic to speak to you, it only felt fair to generally in her direction.
with you
once again a soft smile graced your features, “you’ve stuck with me tonight?” you questioned
the box spat out immediately
“Anne, am i right when saying youve been following us tonight and protecting us?“
you nodded, “saying that you’ve been following me and protecting-“
you smiled softly at the word, “thank you anne, i really appreciate that.” you paused, allowing anyone to speak if they wished, “Anne, was that robert? before you came up?“
“robert left?”
“where did he go? do you know where he went?”
black jacket
“black jacket man?” nate. nate was wearing a black jacket earlier. “Are you talking about nate?“
left to talk
you made a mental note in your mind, making sure to ask him if he ended up getting anything in his investigation. you we’re about to ask another question to the woman, but she cut you off first.
she was just talking with you so nice and calmly and then just- go?
you reached back picking up the camera and facing it in the direction of the music box, which seemed to go off periodically as if someone was pacing.
“i don’t understand.”
“a-are you saying that something is coming here? i should go?” you could feel your heart beating fast. the spirit box rapidly spitting words and increasing sense of stress in the room wasn’t helping.
you almost jumped out of your skin when you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, and basically did when the robotic voice said the word right as you read it off the text message.
it was a message from sam, something had happened and to please come back and meet up so he could explain.
suddenly the music box stopped, nothing came through the radio, and the feeling of anxiety dissipated, leaving only the eerie heaviness you felt the first time.
you quickly gathered all your equipment, and rushed down the stairs and back to the museum.
You have a strong feeling you were being followed the entire way back, but you didn’t worry now that you knew it was only anne, rushing along side you as you went to your friends.
you eventually found him sitting in the grass, “Yo! Sam, are you alright?“
“i think i just had a new experience…“
you sat next to him, out of breath from running, “slightly random question” he nodded, “did you get sick?”
Sam looked at you wide eyed, “how in the hell…“
you smiled, spinning in a small circle to look at the empty space near you, “thank you Anne!”
the blonde raised an eyebrow, “anne? what? what are you talking about?”
you only smiled, “i have some absolutely ridiculous footage to show you all”
after sharing experiences and comparing footage you all decided, before you left, it would be for the best to apologize to Robert.
“Robert, do you accept our apology?“ you asked last.
Get out.
you hummed nervously, ”o-ok, uh, we understand and we’ll be leaving now” you spoke ushering the boys out of the room, “once again we are sorry for crossing the line.”
you walked to the door way, “oh- and thank you anne, if you’re still here, for coming with me tonight.” those were the last words you spoke before booking it out of the building.
That was of course, until the four of you stood in front of the building, firmly stating that nothing was welcome to follow you back to your homes.
…well, you did give anne some leeway incase she ever felt like stopping in again.
Part 2: Your Very Own Attachment
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magmahearts · 3 months
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TIMING: late april. PARTIES: @realmackross & @magmahearts LOCATION: mack's house. SUMMARY: cass comes over to watch movies with mack. CONTENT: none!
To say she was terrified was an understatement. Mackenzie didn’t even want to go out and check the mail. I mean, she could. Thanks to good old brain power! Her leg had sprouted that same day after she had consumed two brains, and by the evening, she almost had a working limb again. It was like a lizard losing its tail, and as odd a sensation as it was, she was grateful it had come back.
However, the mental anguish was an entirely different thing. Once again, Jade had just gotten away. Come to ruin Mack’s life just for the hell of it, with some Holier Than Thou murder crusade on her and the undead of Wicked’s Rest, with the goal of playing hero to the helpless and the poor undead who needed to be saved from their wretched lives. But all she had accomplished was traumatizing Mackenzie. Thank God Elora was still in her life. She’d need a date night again soon, or at least snuggles (Author's note: The only snuggles Mack got were goodbye snuggles). 
But when Cass had offered to bring snacks for a movie night at Mack’s place, something in her felt a sense of calm. A reminder of the fun times Mackenzie had been able to have with Cass, Alex, and the other AllGoods when she had first gotten to Wicked’s Rest (well, at least before the Barbie sleepover from hell). That had felt like an entire lifetime ago, even though it had only been close to a year. A lot could change in that span of time, and unfortunately, not all of it was for the better. But that had been well in the past, and she just wanted a fun night. Something to get her mind off of the hellish week she was already having.
At the sound of the doorbell, Mackenzie felt a smile washing over her face. Slowly, standing from the couch, she limped over to the door ready to greet and welcome Cass in. The pair had been on rocky ground for months now, but this was going to be the thing to repair that. At least she had hoped it would. She missed the fae, and had felt like a budding friendship had gone to crap before it had ever had a chance to flourish for multiple reasons, but now, here was the chance to make things right and to just enjoy each other’s company.
It was funny, in a terrible sort of way, to feel light and happy when your friends were feeling the opposite. Cass felt better than she had in a long time now, freer than she could remember, but Wicked’s Rest was the kind of town that bombarded people with tragedy in a way that didn’t stop. So many of her friends were aching now, and she almost felt guilty for how carefree she felt with her father waiting for her in her cave. Almost. Makaio liked to remind her that she shouldn’t feel bad for being happy, and Cass tried to hold on to that.
But that didn’t mean she couldn’t try to help. 
She wasn’t sure what was going on with Mack, but something seemed to be bothering her. Cass had voiced as much to Makaio and her father hadn’t said that she ought to go try to cheer Mack up, but he hadn’t told her not to, either. It felt like permission, so she’d taken it. She’d slipped out of the cave and headed to the store, had swiped some candy she knew Mack liked and made her way to the zombie’s home with a spring in her step. She tried to mask her joy a little, not wanting to shove it in Mack’s face when she was feeling down or anything, but it was hard to pretend she wasn’t happy when Mack answered the door.
“Hey, Mack,” she greeted. Even the petty disagreements between the two of them seemed far away now. Those had been so driven by Cass’s insecurities, and those securities weren’t necessary anymore. She didn’t need to wonder if people liked her when she knew the most important person would never stop loving her. “I brought a lot of candy. And a USB drive with, like, a ton of movies on it, so we don’t have to pay any of the big corps. Fuck them, right? They don’t get our money!” She grinned, waving the shopping bag in her hand.
It took her a moment to take in Mack’s appearance. The limp, the messy hair, the expression. Clearly, she’d been right about Mack having a hard time. Her smile turned a little sympathetic, and she offered the bag out to Mack. “Come on. I can pop some popcorn, if you want.”
When she opened the door, it felt like a different air. Cass’s positivity was radiating despite Mack noticing her trying to dial it back. But the zombie was happy for her. She knew Cass had been hurting for quite a while with Alex leaving, and with a lot of other things that had happened. But she could definitely tell something was different about her friend, and it looked good on her, “Hey, Cass.” Her smile was tinged with sadness, but it was there. She wanted to know how Cass had been. Wanted to know what was going on in her life. And if it meant movies being put on hold that was fine, but the fae had definitely come prepared. With candy and a USB drive in tow. “Spicy, I hope?”
Mack was excited about the candy. The ‘fuck the big corps’ thing not quite as much considering the big corps were the ones paying her royalty checks, which kept her in this house and fed and not a raging zombie looking for brains to munch on from random people in town. But she could unlive with it for one day.
Stepping back so Cass could come in, she waited until the fae was inside to shut the door and lock it, “So are you feeling couch or theater today?” It wasn’t like she had Cass over that much; in fact, the last time had been…No, don’t go there, Mackenzie. This is supposed to be a good day. She could hobble down stairs to the lower level of the house for movies, popcorn, and spicy candies if that’s what her friend wanted. She would let her make the decision.
Mack looked sad, and Cass furrowed her brow just a little. It was hard to remember that, while she had been having her world expanded by her father’s presence, her friends’ worlds kept slogging on the way they always had. Those worlds were full of bad and scary things, were always brimming with pain and uncertainty in a way that she knew hurt. She wasn’t sure if a flashdrive full of movies and some candy would do anything to help whatever catastrophe Mack had going on, but she thought it would be nice to at least try. “The spiciest money can buy,” she confirmed, offering the shopping bag to the zombie.
The moment Mack moved aside, Cass stepped into the house. She hadn’t been here since that disastrous slumber party. Unconsciously, her eyes darted to the spot on the floor where Mack had landed when Cass clumsily knocked her off the stairs, her chest clenching a little with guilt. But that wasn’t important now, was it? Everything was fine. Mack wasn’t mad at her, she’d said so. 
“How about the theater? It’s so cool that you have one of those in your house.” Really, most of Mack’s house was cool; when Cass imagined the perfect home as a kid, she’d always come up with something close to this. A mansion with a million rooms, a home theater, a big kitchen. Of course, in her fantasies, she hadn’t lived there alone. She wondered if Mack ever got lonely here. “Any preference on what movie we should start with? Are you, um — Are you feeling more romcom, or animated feature?”
With the bag in hand, and Cass having made her choice, she limped towards the stairs leading down to the lower level of the house, “It was always a dream, so I thought, why not, when I moved out here. I never had one back home. It was just me and Br-…I lived in a condo in Los Angeles.” She thought about Brody, and how much she had missed him and her life with him. “Do you need anything from the kitchen? I have drinks and some food. The fridge downstairs is mostly just…zombie food.” She paused realizing that saying brains might have been a little too much despite them both knowing exactly what Mack needed to survive.
It had been quite a while since she had had a friend over. It was kind of odd. Even her girlfriend hadn’t been over in a while, which somewhat made her worry, but she shook it off as she proceeded back towards the stairs, “I’m thinking animated. What do you recommend on your handy thumbdrive?” She glanced back towards Cass over her shoulder. At this point Mack would watch anything. Hell, she’d probably even watch a zombie movie if it took her mind off of everything. But there really wasn’t a zombie movie she hadn’t seen after the movie marathon with Milo back in the fall.
As she made it to the doorway, Mack leaned around and started everything up with a panel on the wall. It had been a bit since she had been in here, mostly favoring the upstairs tv and couch with Jack curled up next to her side. Speaking of… “Oh, um, I do have a cat now. His name is Jack. He’s around here somewhere. I hope that’s okay. If not, I can put him in my bedroom upstairs.” She looked back to Cass not knowing if the girl was allergic or not.
Cass trailed behind Mack, watching the way she moved. In this town, it seemed injuries were commonplace. It scared her sometimes, made her worry about her friends… and herself, a little, though she felt safer now that she knew Makaio was waiting for her back in her cave. The world was a scary place, but her father wouldn’t let anything bad happen to her. Cass knew that, was confident in it. She wished her friends could all have someone like that, too. Maybe, when Makaio felt more at home here, he could be that for everyone else, too. For Mack, for Aria, for the Allgoods. She glanced to Mack as she faltered mid-sentence, but didn’t mention it. Everyone had things they’d prefer not to talk about; Cass was the same. “I always thought LA would be a cool place to live,” she commented. “I lived in New York, for a little while.” She didn’t add that she’d lived on the streets, squatting in warehouses and alleyways. “The candy should be enough. I’m not, like, starving or anything.” She’d been practicing cooking for Makaio, and she was decent at it now. It meant she was usually fairly full. 
Humming, Cass nodded as Mack confirmed that animated was the way to go. “Well, I’ve got both Spiderverse movies on here, of course. Some Pixar stuff, some indie. Oh! Have you seen Nimona? I like that one a lot.” She let herself babble a little to fill the silence, worried that if it fell it would prove uncomfortable. There were so few people that Cass felt secure around, even now. She knew Ariadne could handle the quiet, knew Van and Nora would be fine with it. But Mack felt like an unknown entity sometimes; Cass was never entirely confident about where she stood.
The panel seemed complicated, and Cass hung back to let Mack deal with it. Despite her glamour, she was still a creature of stone and magma, and that kind of thing often mixed poorly with delicate electronics. “Oh, I like cats,” she assured Mack with a small smile. “I’ve never had one, but I think they’re cool.” Pets weren’t really the kind of thing you could keep when living in a cave, after all.
“I love New York! It’s a fun city. It feels like there’s always something fun to do there.” It had been a while since Mack had visited. In fact, the last time she was there had been with Brody for some press junket. He had also come to town for something he had been working on and the two had met up and spent the day together, before she had to fly out to another city. It seemed most of her life had been etched with Brody in it, and now, not having him around made memories painful. At least the ones pre-Wicked’s Rest.
When she finally got everything switched on and the thumb drive in place, Mack hobbled over to a drink cooler and got out a bottle of Dr. Pepper, before going down the few steps that led into the room. Once she found her favorite seat (remote already close by), Mackenzie sat down and settled in, “Sit anywhere you’d like.” Thumbing through the options on the thumb drive, the zombie found Nimona, “I’ve never seen Nimona, but I’m gonna take your word for it that it’s good. And maybe after that we can watch a Pixar movie if you want to?”
It felt like old times, even though old times weren’t that old. She was grateful for having the company and even more so that her and Cass had worked things out. If it was a success, which at this rate, it seemed like that was where things were headed, then Mackenzie knew that having the girl back over sooner rather than later would be a joy. And as she glanced back at her friend, Mackenzie couldn’t help but take in the moment and the peacefulness and joy it held. Something she hadn’t felt in a long time, “You tell me when you’re ready, and if you need me to pause it for any reason, just let me know.”
“Yeah, it was really fun!” That wasn’t a lie. Cass had had far more fun in New York than she tended to in most cities where she rested her head due to the fact that New York was where she’d met Nora, where she’d found a friend who, unbeknownst to her, had seen her true form without flinching even years before Cass showed it to her knowingly. Even the pain of the initial ending to their friendship felt far away now that they were friends again in the present, a thing forgotten so long as forgetting it was convenient. 
She watched Mack hobble around, wondering if she should offer to help but not quite secure enough to do so. Things with Mack still felt shakier than she’d like for them to, like she was still waiting for the rug to be pulled out from beneath her feet. Still, she sat in the seat closest to the zombie when Mack told her to sit anywhere, nodding as she found Nimona. “It is good,” she replied, stopping short of promising it. Cass wasn’t foolish enough to promise silly things, especially not now that she had someone to impress back home. “We can watch a Pixar movie after, totally. I have, like, all of them on there, so whatever you want. What’s your favorite?”
It was nice, just being able to hang out with Mack. It was something Cass had been sure she’d lost to her own insecurity, so finding it again… She wouldn’t take it for granted. She refused to. “I’m ready now,” she replied. “And I shouldn’t need it paused or anything. Like, even if I have to pee, I’ve seen it before, so you can keep going.” There was that desperate need to please, that desire to be anything but an inconvenience. She didn’t think she’d ever shake it entirely.
Mack thought about the question. Which was her favorite Pixar movie? There had been so many, and each one seemed to hold a specific memory to her life. She couldn’t really choose just one, “I really don’t have a specific favorite. I think, of all the ones I’ve seen, they all hold a specific memory associated with them.” She smiled thinking back on some of them, “But for the sake of us not being here for a week straight watching Pixar movies, I’m gonna have to go with the OG…Toy Story.” She had loved that movie, and it was one of her earliest memories from childhood.
Settling into the chair, she pulled up their first movie. And in that moment, Mack felt a sort of peace she hadn’t felt in a while. She didn’t feel threatened, scared, or lonely. In fact, she felt whole. She had a friend by her side. They were safe and were about to have a good time together. That’s all she had been wanting for a while. And what she had needed. She had missed just hanging out with friends and having movie nights. And this day, it would give her time to catch up on Cass’s life, and what she had been up to.
With one final look to Cass, she pressed play and set her sights on the screen ahead. Ready for laughter, possible tears (good ones ofc), and memories with her reunited friend that she could hold onto for a literal eternity.
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theloversarcana · 11 months
Random Ann headcanons because I’m bored
♡An absolute menace while driving, please don’t put her behind the wheel
♡(She has a lot of road rage and is pretty reckless when it comes to driving)
♡Is very scared of ghosts but Shiho keeps trying to get her to use a ouija board in old abandoned buildings
♡Has breakdowns often and can immediately be calmed down by the promise of Ben&Jerrys Phish Food ice cream
♡On that note, is a massive crybaby
♡Beautiful Princess Disorder (ifykyk)
♡Has to wear fake eyelashes 24/7 and feels naked without them
♡When she has enough energy to do makeup but not enough to do a full face her essentials are: winged eyeliner, fake lashes+mascara, blush, a red lip and her fav Fenty highlighter (Diamond Bomb in Rosé Rave)
♡Her parents are rich and she has expensive taste in most things, constantly tries to give her friends money and buy them things but they always refuse
♡(As she gets older her parents slowly stop sending her money and she has to learn to fend for herself)
♡Flips back and forth between “I am the most beautiful person in the world” and “I am so ugly I hate myself and I want to break every mirror in my house” very often
♡Has an absurdly large collection of candles
♡Is very indecisive (and picky) about her signature fragrance. Has tried many, many perfumes but still hasn’t found the perfect one so she smells different almost every day
♡Really bad ADHD, has medication but always forgets to take it
♡Her absolute fav color is red and she has to have everything in red. Pink is second but red will always be #1
♡Sanrio girlie through and through
♡Loves binging shitty reality tv shows like Too Hot to Handle, Jersey Shore, Say Yes to the Dress, and any Gordon Ramsey shows
♡Her guilty pleasure food is Chik-Fil-A (pretending Japan has it)
♡Her main music taste is 2000s-2010s pop (Ke$ha, Britney Spears, etc) but has a very large variety of music she likes
♡Her go-to breakdown song is What Was I Made For? by Billie Eilish (also she cried at least 4 times during the Barbie movie)
♡Shiho loves going to antique stores and trying to buy cursed objects which upsets Ann GREATLY
♡(A real interaction that happened) Shiho: *holding a crowbar* This object has really intense energy.. you think someone murdered someone with it? Ann: DONT YOU DARE THINK ABOUT BUYING THAT
♡Was a Legend of Zelda girlie as a kid and still loves the series. Zelda is one of her biggest kins
♡Mean girls is her favorite movie
♡Is a practicing pagan* with Hecate as her patron goddess
♡*I say practicing lightly because she often completely forgets about it and is terrible at keeping up with holidays, routines, rituals etc
♡Has a drinking problem
♡Vomits incredibly easily, accidentally vomited on Shiho once
♡Listens to true crime podcasts while doing her makeup
♡Uses said true crime podcasts for ideas for her plan in her head to murder Kamoshida and get away with it
♡Besides Zelda her other favorite franchises are Barbie, Studio Ghibli, Sailor Moon and Monster High
♡Ryan Gosling is her celebrity crush and she especially fell in love with him after seeing him as Ken
♡Is definitely dating Shiho but could also be dating Ryuji, Futaba and/or Goro (everyone loves her)
♡She is besties with Akira (though this is very specific characterization of Akira who is transfem and straight)
♡They’re strictly best friends but they have no boundaries. They will take baths together or make out because they’re bored and lonely
♡Had to cut her hair to a bob once because her split ends were getting so bad and she cried for a week
♡Is INCREDIBLY protective of her friends and will drop anything to help them. Has been the shoulder people cried on many, many times
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