#This Time He Ordered The Pizza And Gave Him A Tip
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#This Time He Ordered The Pizza And Gave Him A Tip
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delicatebarness · 18 days
cry baby | chapter twelve
Summary: It's not who the hell is Bucky, it's where the hell is Bucky?
Warning: Lack of Bucky. Mean Bucky is back (question mark?)
Word Count: 1654
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A/N: Oh... Buck. Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as it is mine. - B
Tags: buckys0whore | @thezombieprostitute | @lanabuckybarnes | @mishkatelwarriorgoddess | @softieekayy | @noonespecial90 | @hello-therree | @randomawesomeperson102 | @whoreforbarnes | @thejutvtsupport | @somnorvos | @cjand10
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Your phone buzzed, an indication that you received a text, and you eagerly snatched it up. Only to find it was the regular pizza deal text from the local pizzeria you ordered from, one time. Sighing, you tossed your phone back onto the couch and wrapped your cardigan tighter around yourself. 
A few days had passed since that night Bucky left your apartment. In that time, he hadn’t returned any of your calls or texts, and he hadn’t been showing up at the bar. You had expressed your growing concern to the rest of the group, however they seemed unbothered. “He’s just being Bucky,” they all waved off with a casual shrug. 
As the day continued to pass without a word from him, your worry began to deepen. Each time your phone buzzed, your hope would flare, only to vanish when it wasn’t him. 
The first place you checked when you hadn’t heard back from him was his apartment. You had gone there during a time when you knew he wouldn’t be at work. Knocking on his door and calling his name, you waited around a few moments longer than you normally would, but there had been no answer. You had even asked his neighbors, but they explained that they rarely see him. 
You found yourself pacing the apartment, the thought of him possibly hurt or in trouble gnawed at you. Your mind raced. You couldn’t take it anymore. 
Grabbing your phone and keys, you decided to check the local hospital. It felt drastic, but the uncertainty was eating away at you. The cool air did little to calm your nerves as you walked toward the hospital. 
At the hospital’s reception desk, you explained your situation to the receptionist, trying to not rush your words and steady your breathing. “Hi, I was just wondering if my friend has been admitted here. He hasn’t been in touch for a few days, and I’m really worried. His name is James Barnes… but he might be under Bucky.” 
The receptionist took a moment to check her records, giving you a sympathetic look as she turned back to you. “I’m sorry, but we don’t have anyone by that name admitted.” 
Your heart sank, but you thanked the lady and headed toward the bar. As you walked, the city lights began to turn on as you debated your next move. Checking with Fury felt like the next logical step, but you worried it may be too extreme. 
Reaching the bar with heavy steps, your mind swirled with anxiety and unanswered questions. You saw that Natasha was already sitting at the booth. Concern was etched on her face as she looked up at you sliding into the booth. “Hey, everything okay? You don’t look so good.” 
You shook your head, fidgeting with the ends of your cardigan shelves. “I still haven’t heard from Bucky… I checked his apartment, the hospitals… nothing.” 
She reached out, a comforting hand resting on top of your trembling ones. “I know you’re worried, but remember,” she paused, taking a sigh. “This isn’t the first time he’s disappeared like this. He’s always had the habit of going off the grid for a week or two and then, one day we walk in here and he’s just back.” 
You nodded, a mixed feeling of frustration and relief rushed through you at her words. “I know, but it just feels different, Nat. Something doesn’t feel right.” 
Natasha gave your hand a gentle squeeze, a sympathetic look covering her face. “I get it, but he’s a tough guy, he knows what he’s doing,” 
You couldn’t shake the worry entirely, but her words gave you a small sense of hope. As the rest of the evening passed by, you found yourself staring at the empty seat across from you.
Over the rest of the weeks, you tried everything you could think of to try and get a reply from him. You continued to send him calls and texts, each one sounding more desperate as the days passed. You even resorted to sending him Snapchats of your kitten, hoping that a glimpse of the kitten you named, Alpine, together would prompt him to reach out. 
However, no matter how hard you tried, all you could see was that everything had only been delivered. He remained silent, and you were left unread. 
You checked your phone obsessively, hoping for some sign of him. 
The week rolled into the next, and you found yourself trying to distract yourself with work and drawing. No matter how hard to tried to focus on something else, your thoughts kept drifting back to Bucky. You found yourself returning to his apartment time and time again, hoping you would catch him. But each time, the door remained closed. 
After a night with the rest of your friends, the bar began to empty out. You had remained lost in your thoughts for most of the night, your gaze still fixed on the empty seat in front of you. 
Suddenly, the door to the bar swung open. Your heart began to race as the hope built up inside you. Stretching your neck out to turn toward the door, you locked gazes with Tony. 
Tony had been a friend of your group for years, he was the best mechanic in the city and did everything to help out with the bikes. He walked in, carrying a bulky-looking package. His eyes remained locked on yours, a bright smile spread across his face as he made his way over to the booth. 
“Evening ladies,” Tony greeted, the term ladies used to greet all five of you sat at the booth. “I’ve been meaning to give this to Barnes, but since he hasn’t shown up or answered his goddamn phone… I figured I’d better bring it to you.” 
You watched as Tony placed the cardboard box on the table in front of you. “What’s this?” you asked, curiosity filling your voice. 
Tony shot you a mischievous grin as he began opening the box, revealing a pastel pink motorcycle helmet adorned with intricate designs. “Barnes ordered this from the shop a couple of weeks ago…” he trailed on before handing it to you. “Like I said, he hasn’t come to collect it yet or answered any of my calls. But, I can only assume it’s for you.” 
Your eyes welled, the surprise of the gesture taking over your emotions. You reached out to look over the helmet, feeling the smooth surface beneath your fingertips. It was adorable, matching the color of your new cardigan perfectly, and the fact that Bucky had gone out of his way to order it for you filled your heart. 
“Thank you, Tony…” you sniffled, the tears beginning to spill down your cheeks. “I have no idea he was planning something like this.” 
Tony chuckled, his eyes sparkled with amusement. “Well, I’m glad I could get it to you, Cry Baby.” 
You couldn’t help but smile at Tony. He didn’t stay around much longer, with a nod and a wave, he bif you all farewell before leaving. 
Holding the helmet in your hands, you couldn’t help but think of Bucky. Why would he plan this gesture but then disappear, you thought? 
You felt a mix of nervousness and anticipation as you stood outside of Bucky’s apartment door, clutching the pink helmet. Taking a deep breath to steady yourself, you reached out to knock on his door. 
The sound of your knocking echoed in the hallway, you held your breath as you waited anxiously for a response. 
A surge of relief rushed through you as the door cracked open. However, it was short-lived as you looked up to see Bucky standing there, shirtless and caught off guard. His chest heaved as he caught his breath, and his skin shined from sweat. His eyes widened in surprise as he registered your presence.
“Hi…” you greeted him, offering a small smile in the awkwardness of the situation. “I, uh, Tony… Tony came by the bar tonight,” you tried to keep your voice steady while gesturing toward the helmet in your hands. “I just wanted to thank you for the helmet,”
His expression was guarded as his gaze went back and forth between you and the interior of his apartment. He stepped back slightly, closing the door with him, blocking your view into the apartment. “Oh, uh, yeah. No problem,” he mumbled, his tone terse and distant, if you hadn’t been hanging on his every word, you may have missed him adding your name at the end. 
He hadn’t used your name since you were four years old. Twenty years, he has only called you ‘Sweetheart,’ until now. It was a small detail, you should have easily overlooked but it felt significant somehow.
That was when you heard movement coming from the apartment, and the pieces fell into place. You tried to mask your embarrassment as you realized that you had most likely interrupted something more intimate. 
“I really appreciate it,” you said, trying to maintain your composure. “It, um, it was so thoughtful of you.” 
His eyes darted between you and the helmet, and you could see the tension in his posture as he shifted uncomfortably on his feet. “Yeah, well, it’s no big deal,” he muttered, his voice strained.
You bit back the urge to apologize but instead, you focused on getting away as quickly as you could. “I’ll, uh, let you get back to… whatever you were doing,” you said, your voice tinged with embarrassment. 
Bucky nodded, his cheeks flushing slightly. “Yeah… thanks,” he mumbled, his gaze avoided yours.
With a final awkward smile, you turned to leave. As the door closed behind you, you made your way back down the hallway. Before rounding the corner, you stopped in your tracks turning back to look at his door. 
With a heavy sigh, you tore your gaze away and continued on your way.
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mischiefmaker615 · 9 months
Interior Motive
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Summary: a simple game of truth or dare brings out one of your greatest fantasies
Rating: R
Requested By: @LiahAerians (Wattpad)
Your cheeks turned absolutely red when Natasha leaned away from you with a smirk. Upon entering this truth or dare game, you’ve stepped into it with confidence.. until she had to get Loki involved.
Another one of Tony’s famous parties, and as usual- to much booze, leads to other kinds of festivities. Usually involving teenager games just to give Tony a shot with any women that breathed under the roof, hilariously no one has asked him truth or dare yet.
Even Loki- who sat away from the group, pretended not to be paying attention but even he got dragged into this the moment you told Nat dare. Of course.. he didn’t know he was playing yet.
So far Thor has bailed to the next room when he got dared to see how many pop tarts he could eat, Steve gave us a to-long monologue of the first time he “did it”, and Bruce had to go order everyone pizza. Of course Natasha’s dare had to be sexual.. probably because she was the only one on earth that knew you had a major crush with the god with his nose in a book.
To many nights you’ve fantasized about him, countless times you’ve lost hours of sleep and felt your eyes drifting to his form whenever he entered the same room. You both had a respectful understanding of friendship where it consisted of small talk, most of the time him throwing around teasing comments that always made you red faced and loss of words. You’ve felt he’s watched you to, even making an effort to talk to you yet ignore everyone else around him. you even subtly tried bending down to pick up stupid things to show the shape of your ass, shy but confidence driven but no one has ever made a verbal move. Or a physical one to your disappointment.. until now.
‘’I hate you and may love you for this..’’ you hiss at Nat as you got rid of your blush and took a deep breath to call in all the confidence your body could muster. You knew you should have second thought about wearing this short of a dress but you’d just have to work with it as you stood up from the couch.
Smoothing out the mid-thigh dress, having gone with a silky black, you smoothed it down and Tony got small hints as he smirked and put on some not-so-kid-friendly grinding music. Giving him a look, you ignored the awkward awareness that everyone was looking at you while you made your way to your target that raised his eyes with a questionable look and the book lowering ever so slightly.
Once your eyes met his as you made your way towards him, walking slowly with your hips swaying with each step and a sultry look in your eyes, you said a metal prayer of thanks that the booze was kicking in where your buzz tucked away your shy feeling.
‘’what are you-‘’ Loki questioned as you carefully removed the book from his hands while he leaned back as you moved forward, straddling your hips as his eyes searched your face and body as he tried to figure out the scene.
‘’and hear I thought you liked a bit of mischief?’’ you smirked as you ran your hands up his arms so they could rest on his shoulders, his hands hovering as he raised a brow at you with parted lips.
‘’your playing a dangerous game darling, I’m trying to decide what your motive is..’’ he replied in a quiet voice only you could hear until his tone of voice changed when you began to grind on his bulge, hiding your impressed expression to find out just how big he was. Your fantasies apparently have been correct..
‘’an end goal could be a motive..’’ you whisper in his ear as you sway and rotate your hips to the beat of the music, feeling his hands slowly rest against your thighs where your dress apparently decided to rise up from. At least your backside was covered so the others wouldn’t get a free show other than..
‘’and what exactly is this end goal?’’ he smirked, his finger tips on your thighs pressing into your skin ever so slightly while his thumbs stroked your skin, making it a bit hard to concentrate as you kept at it.
Even your hands slowly glided up his shoulders to rest on either side of his neck, your own finger tips playing with his hair while your noses threatened to touch as you leaned forward. Your eyes peaked at his lips teasingly before going back to his beautiful blue eyes, a danger in them in which you knew you started.
‘’to see if it is even possible to bring a god to his knees.’’ You whisper, feeling his bulge harden as you felt yourself get aroused by the second same as he. Your answer almost made him chuckle as lust seemed to make his eyes dilate and his hands moved to your hips where he held you firm to subtly grind his hips up to your own, so subtly where the others behind you couldn’t even see it.
"Making plans to spend so much one-on-one time with me like this will make me think that you are perhaps falling for me. It's not wise to get my hopes up like that, Liah. I prefer to be the teaser, not the one being teased."
The way your name flowed off his lips every time was enough to make you gush from between your legs, and you knew he knew it as he rose his hips up and moved your hips forward and back, your instincts making you try to hump him but the setting of the whole thing forced yourself to refrain, not wanting a whole scene from the Avengers behind you still and you were thankful the music was to loud to here anything that might be said from them.
Screw them honestly, you were living your fantasy right here in the living room and you might not even get another chance like this again.. if this was all real. Maybe he was merely going along with it because he thought it was just a dare and you had no real feelings for him.. your lips parted, wanting to ask, put your thoughts into words somehow, and his features became serious ever so slightly as he looked at you but before you could utter another word-
‘’I hope you guys compensate me for gas at least for this stupid dare.’’ Bruce mumbled as he walked in with five orders of pizza before he was cut short, as was the music when he caught sight of you both.
You looked over your shoulder with a guilt expression and cheeks red, moving to get up but realized Loki’s firm grip on your hips prevented you from getting up off of him. your eyes moved back to his in which his expression remained the same: hungry and lustful and not giving two shits about the others in the room.
‘’I think you win Liah’’ Natasha laughed and raised her glass to you slightly before finishing her drink. ‘’lets eat.’’
While the others got up and followed her over to the tables, each giving you smiled and small laughs before twitching their attentions, your own moved back to Loki as you suddenly felt yourself being picked up so he stood before set down, his hand grabbing yours the next second after.
‘’where are we-‘’
‘’you still wish to complete your motive?’’ Loki smirked and began leading you to the elevator with you, red cheeks and eager to follow, gave Nat a smile behind you where she winked.
Once in the elevator, you didn’t know if you should laugh or question as Loki ran his hand over the buttons before you felt the elevator halt after the doors close. ‘’they don’t plan on needing this any time soon and you’ve taken my patience away already darling..’’ Loki breathed before his lips were on yours in a second.
Your eyes widen at the sudden action but of course you didn’t hesitate to kiss him back, your arms wrapping around his neck where he backed the two of you up so your back leaned against the wall with his hands grabbing your ass. You moaned against his mouth, eagerly letting him in after he ran his tongue against your bottom lip before it explored your mouth.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, tugging on it as he moved his knee between your legs, grinding it against your cunt where he growled against your lips. ‘’if you wanted to be on my lap darling, don’t wait for a dare next time..’’ he teased and you bit your lip.
‘’so.. you weren’t just going along with it?’’ you asked as he moved his lips to your neck and he paused to look at you strangely before he began sucking at your skin.
‘’gods no darling.. do you know how long I’ve longed to have you? You’ve merely just beaten me to it..’’ he murmured and your eyes widened as you gripped his shoulders, a small smile playing at your lips.
‘’then perhaps Tony did a good thing at suggesting this game.’’
Loki pulled away to rest his forehead against yours, a deadly serious expressing in his eyes that made you run a shiver down your spine. ‘’if you would have done that dance to Stark instead, he would have been a dead man and I probably would have taken you right then and there in front of everyone.’’ He growled as his hands moved to your hips. ‘’and I am a man of my intent.’’ He smirked before he slowly sank to his knees, holding eye contact as your own flirted with his.
His hands slowly ran up your thighs, his fingers dragging the bottom of your dress up to your waist to reveal that you had no panties on, making his eyes flick up to yours. ‘’oh.. you naughty girl..’’ he smirked, hunger consuming him as he raised one of your legs to drape over his shoulder, hands gripping your ass as he brought your cunt to his mouth.
A gasp left your lips as your head was thrown back to feel his tongue run against your pussy, hands gripping at his shoulders desperately. His lips sucked at your clit, running his tongue up and down against it every few seconds before he went to sucking again. The very actions made your legs begin to shake, arousal consuming you as your fingers dug into him.
One of his hands slide down before he slowly slide a long digit before your cunt, pumping and curling it at a teasingly slow rhythm that would do nothing but drive you mad. His tongue seemed to even match his finger pace while he alternated flicking his tongue against your clit before switching to slow strokes against it before he sucked at it against and repeated.
Gods he was amazing with his mouth, and all the dreams you’ve had didn’t do it justice as you felt yourself coming close to your climax. Your lips parted with your eye lids fluttering, even feeling your eye sight dance as the feeling in your pelvis grew. ‘’gods I’m.. I’m..
‘’mm cum for me darling.. fulfill my own fantasy as I push you off that delicious edge to pure pleasure.. cum for me Liah..’’ he murmured against you, the vibrations of his voice and his moans as his tongue caressing you did just that.
You fell off that beautiful edge and moaned his name, practically screaming even as your head fell back and your muscles tensed, shaking as he kept pumping his finger into you with his tongue massaged. ‘’fuck..’’ you breath as he slowed his movements until you rid your pleasure all the way before he carefully undraped your leg so you could get your proper balance again.
‘’is that your next motive darling?’’ he smirked as he slowly rose to his feet while he sucked his finger clean, making your cheeks redden as you leaned against the wall to catch your breath, his hands caging you in while your hands rested against his chest. With a shared smirk, your eyes rose to look at his hungry ones and the doors to the elevator opened to his floor.
‘’I have a couple more actually..’’
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ericshoney · 15 days
Mini Matt turns into Mini Chris ~ Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: Matt and Nick make a play for Mini Matt to act like Chris for the day, whilst they film it.
Warnings: Usual swearing, platonic pet names
Today, you thought it was a free day. You were gonna sleep till two, probably play video games or watch a movie. You woke up and checked your phone seeing it was just gone two and was about to get up and take a shower, when Matt came bursting into your room.
"Woah, who gave you a red bull this morning?" You called, seeing the large smile on his face.
"No one, but Nick and I just had a fun idea!" He exclaimed.
"Can I shower and wake up first?" You questioned.
"Okay, but dress in something that would match Chris." He answered before walking out.
You felt confused about his comment but got up to shower and dress anyway. You ended up getting dressed into a t-shirt and joggers, both with Fresh Love on it.
Once you had finished getting ready, you heard a knock at your door, both Matt and Nick walked in, Nick with his camera.
"Okay simple outfit." Nick mentioned.
"Well it's what Chris wears, plus it's Fresh Love." You replied.
"True. Alright so we thought it would be funny to vlog today, but you act like Chris all day long." Matt said.
"Would be funny." You said with a nod.
"Right, so start off going to get a Pepsi." Nick instructed.
You laughed and went to the kitchen, seeing Chris sat at the table on his phone. You waved as you grabbed a Pepsi, opening it right in front of him.
"Woah what's this, Mini Matt drinking a Pepsi!" He exclaimed, laughter following.
Nick and Matt both came in with the camera already recording, you thought maybe they had already filmed an intro.
"Say hi to the vlog guys!" Nick cheered.
"Hi vlog." Chris said, with a wave. You also waved.
"What's the plan for today?" Chris asked.
"Whatever really. We're bringing you guys along today." Nick answered before pointing to the camera.
"How about food?" Matt suggested.
"Pizza!" You and Chris exclaimed at the same time, which actually shocked you more than it did him.
"Woah, that was kinda scary." Nick stated, making you laugh.
You all headed to the car, you quickly beating Chris to the front seat and plugging your phone in the aux, playing some songs he would approve of.
"What the fuck." He said, seeing you already with your seat belt on.
"Ha!" You shouted as he climbed in the back.
Matt and Nick also got in, Matt driving to the pizza place. Chris pouted slightly about being in the back, but got over it as music played.
When you arrived, you all sat at a table and ordered what you wanted. You grabbed the salt pot and tipped a small bit into your hand, before throwing it at Nick.
"Fuck off." He mumbled.
"Fuck off." You teased.
"Dude, your acting like me. I kinda like it." Chris said, making you laugh.
"Wait! Is that your whole plan!" He shouted, realising what was going on.
"Yeah, Mini Matt has turned into Mini Chris." Matt said, nodding.
You laughed and kept acting like Chris, even ordering the same food as him. You knew the fans would have a blast with this vlog.
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epinebleue · 9 months
love me now (m) | 05
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in which you go for a night drive.
pairing: johnny suh x reader (female)
genre: established relationship!au, mature.
warnings: explicit sexual content, unprotected sex (reader’s on the pill), car sex, mention of past toxic relationships.
chapter index
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Most times, Friday nights are pretty lively.
Sometimes, you go to your favorite club, whose owner is a good friend of yours. If you’re not in the mood for clubbing, you order pizza and watch a movie before making out on the couch.
But today is different. You’re bored as hell, having lost all interest in the movie you’re supposed to be watching. Johnny must feel the same, because when you turn to look at him, he’s scrolling through his Instagram feed aimlessly with one hand, caressing your leg with the other.
“Why don’t we go out?” He suddenly says, blocking his phone and leaving it on the coffee table.
“I don’t feel like partying.”
“I didn’t mean to party.” He corrects. “Something like a night drive.”
That sounds much better, so you accept right away. You pick something comfortable, not bothering to glance at the rest of the clothes in your wardrobe. When you reach the entrance, you see that Johnny has chosen something sporty, too. He grabs his keys from the keyholder next to the intercom, opening the door for you.
“Why don’t we get McDonald’s?”
You’re unable to contain your excitement, smiling as you get in the elevator, and pushing the parking button. Johnny grabs your cheeks and kisses your forehead so delicately that you think you’ll melt in his arms.
“Anything for you, babe.”
You sit on the passenger seat, immediately demanding the aux cord. Johnny doesn’t even fight it, knowing it’ll be a waste of time. It’s a fact that you’re in charge of the music when you travel by car. It’s also a fact that won't change anytime soon.
The car starts moving, and Johnny drives towards the nearest McDonald’s.
The song you’ve chosen plays softly in the background as you observe the streetlights through the window.
“How come we’ve never done this before?” 
Johnny simply shrugs, eyes fixed on the road ahead. “Maybe it wasn’t the right time yet.”
“Wow.” You nod, feigning being impressed. “Deep.”
You open the window on your side, the night breeze hitting your face. You cross your arms over the window, your eyes drawn to the city lights that seem endless.
New York’s beauty is truly hypnotizing.
This is the city where you were born and raised; where you studied; in which you met most of your friends. It’s the city that gave you Johnny, and that makes it much more special. 
Johnny pulls into the drive-thru, steering the wheel with his palm. The technique makes your stomach tingle. He always looks so hot while driving, you could watch him for hours.
There’s only one car in front of you, so they prepare your order rather quickly. To be honest, you’ve been craving a burger, fries, and ice cream for a while, so you don’t hold yourself back. You’ll eat everything, even if it means having a stomachache later. It’ll have been worth it.
You pay, then move to the parking lot. You give Johnny his burger, which is huge, and fish for your fries at the bottom of the bag.
“I remember that when I was little,” Johnny says, “I celebrated my birthday at McDonald’s. They even gave me a paper crown.”
“That’s what I call luxury.”
“Mom sent me the photo yesterday.”
Johnny takes his phone out of his pocket, scrolling down the gallery until he finds said picture. A big smile crosses your face when he shows it to you.
Johnny couldn’t be more than six years old. His round face is the first thing you notice. Then, you look at his mom, who is holding him in her lap. She looked so pretty with her short hair and dark lipstick. In all honesty, she hasn’t changed much. They’re both wearing a paper crown shaped like a clown.
“Your mom’s so beautiful.”
“What about her son?”
He leans forward, brushing your cheek with the tip of his nose.
“He’s even more beautiful.”
Johnny kisses you, satisfied with the answer. He loves compliments, especially if they come from you. He gets all shy and smiley, and his cheeks go pink.
It’s crazy to think that, when you met Johnny, you found him a bit intimidating. He was tall and only wore black clothes, plus his resting bitch face didn’t help at all. But once you started talking and got to know each other better, you realized he was a human-shaped teddy bear rather than a jerk.
His voice snaps you out of your memories and brings you back to the present time.
“What if I buy another burger?”
You gasp, laughing in disbelief. “Babe, no!”
“Why not?” He mops, discharging the wrap on the empty bag placed in between the seats.
“One is enough.” You insist.
“They’re small! Two is the perfect amount.”
“They seem small because your hand is huge. If you eat another one, cholesterol will atrophy your arteries and, eventually, you’ll die.” Your tone is so serious that Johnny starts laughing seconds later, covering his face with his hands. “Why are you laughing? I’m right!” Now you’re laughing, too.
“That was so mean!”
“It's a medical fact, Johnny!.”
“Fine, you convinced me.”
Once you’ve finished your meal, Johnny drives aimlessly around the city before deciding where to go next. There’s a park from which you can see New York’s skyline, so that’s the destination. Johnny manages to find a secluded spot from which you have a nice view of the city, along with some privacy.
“This might be the best idea I’ve had this week.”
“Or this month.”
Your soft laughs fill the car for a few seconds before going back to silence. Johnny glances in your direction, watching you get lost in the stars and the lights of the city that watched you grow up.
“Everything okay?”
You hum, nodding. “I’m just… reminiscing.”
“A penny for your thoughts.”
You take a deep breath, your eyes never darting away from the view beneath you.
“During my last year of high school, I dated this boy. He was handsome and so, so funny. He treated me like a queen and sometimes made me wonder if he had just jumped right out of a fairy tale. We had the most romantic six months and then, he left me. He never said why, he didn’t even dare to break up with me in person. He told my best friend and asked her to give me the message.”
“What a fucker.” Johnny mumbles.
“For the longest time, I thought I was the problem because I wasn’t pretty enough, sexy enough, smart enough for him. I felt so worthless and sad that I kind of started to drift away. I allowed pretty fucked up things to happen to me that I’ve tried to forget.” Johnny grabs your hand, caressing the palm with his thumb. You’ve got his full attention. “Years later, I started dating again, but I… I was scared all the time. Not that they were horrible people, I was just afraid that they would leave me and make me return to the toxic relationship I had with myself. And then, you came around.”
You turn your head, looking for Johnny’s eyes. He’s looking at you with those fond orbs that you adore.
“Not once have you made me doubt myself. In any way.”
He cups your cheeks and pecks your lips, moving away just enough for you to look him in the eye again.
“I’ll never give you a reason to be scared.”
You give him a reassuring smile.
“I know.”
Slowly, Johnny starts kissing you, his lips soft and warm. The tip of his tongue touches your mouth and you open it, giving him full access. His wet muscle brushes yours and, delicately, Johnny holds the back of your neck, pulling you closer. You reach for his T-shirt, your clouded mind looking for the craved contact, any kind of contact.
“I need you.” He mumbles against his lips, and it’s all you need to hear.
You straddle his lap, trying to find a comfortable position in the driver's seat of the car. Johnny’s basketball shorts are thin enough to let you feel his boner against your core, and you find satisfaction in the fact that he’s just as worked up as you are. Wrapping his arms around your waist, Johnny squeezes you against his clothed chest, so tightly that you don’t know where you start and where Johnny ends.
You could get caught, you could get arrested, but none of that fades you. Right now, the only thing in your mind is Johnny. Johnny licking the length of your neck, Johnny biting where he knows it’ll make you hiss his name. You drag your hips, humping his boner, and when Johnny moans against your mouth, the little clarity you have slips through your fingers like water.
“What about taking this to the back?”
Johnny’s nod is enough of an answer. Before you know it, you’re making your way into the backseat, Johnny on your heels.
Your hands untie the lace of your sweatpants the moment you fall on the seat, Johnny lingering in the door, watching you. You take them off under his gaze, pressing your back against the door behind you and opening your legs to let him peek at the wet patch in your underwear. It’s not long before you take it off, too, the crisp air making you shiver.
“You’re going to drive me crazy.”
“Come and punish me, then.”
You straddle his lap once again when Johnny gets in the car, your lips crashing against his. He looks for the door’s handle in the dark, slamming it, before taking off both his shorts and boxers in a swift movement.
You feel Johnny’s hand sneaking in between your bodies, then he’s forcing his length into you.
New York is a beautiful city, especially at night, but you’ve got the best view in front of you. Johnny lets his head fall back, his pretty mouth open and gasping for air as you start bouncing on his cock without warning, too eager to wait.
Johnny looks at you through half-opened eyes, his hands falling on your waist to give a particularly rough thrust that makes you gasp.
“You’re the prettiest thing I’ve seen.” He whispers against your neck. “Especially when I’m balls-deep inside you.”
“I’m even prettier when you make me cum.”
Johnny’s fingers dig into your ass, guiding you up and down his cock.
“Is that so?”
You nod, biting your lips at the feeling of his tip hitting that spot that makes you go feral.
“You should see for yourself.”
Johnny takes it seriously, hugging your waist and fixing you in place, his pace getting quicker.  
You didn’t expect to get railed in the backseat of his car when he offered a midnight drive, but here you are, wishing you were completely naked to scratch his broad shoulders, back, and chest, which he loves.
Today, he’ll have to settle for the mark of your teeth in his collarbone.
He pants in your ear, his hot breath fanning the droplets of sweat that decorate your neck like diamonds. You whine and wiggle, trying to break free from his grip.
“I want to ride you.”
Johnny usually makes you beg a little more, so you’re pleasantly surprised when he lets go of your waist.
You grind back and forth, making the most out of this new freedom he has granted you. It’s so hot inside the car that the windows are all fogged and your top sticks to your body. You take it off, much to Johnny’s delight, who grabs your breasts and squeezes them.
His hands move up and reach your sweaty neck, pushing away the strands of hair glued to the skin to lock one of them behind it. He uses it to hold you down, retraining your movements.
You open your mouth to protest, but he kisses you before you can say anything, rubbing your clit with his free hand, making you tremble, a choked moan ricocheting against the walls of the vehicle.
“Sorry, baby.” He says even though he’s not sorry at all, thrusting faster. “You can be in charge another time.”
The brutal pace of both his hips and hand is enough to make you forget why you were mad in the first place. He pounds into you as if you hadn’t had sex in months, he growls like an animal when you try to fuck him back, eyes shut close to focus on the feelings of his cock making its way into you over and over again.
Your legs hurt, yet you don’t want to stop.
You don’t last long, white sparkles dance around in the darkness when you reach your high.
Johnny fucks you through it for as long as he can, pressing his hips to yours as he fills you up, your name in his mouth like a song.
You rest your head on his shoulder, allowing him to caress your hair, you both trying to catch your breaths.
“Was that good?”
“I’ve got your cum inside me.” You remark. “So there’s your answer.”
Johnny’s chest shakes with his laugh, scratching your scalp with his fingertips. You would fall asleep if it wasn’t for his voice breaking the silence.
“Promise me you won’t freak out.”
“There’s a car parked right next to us.”
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No reposting or translations allowed.
© epinebleue 2023
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lightwing-s · 7 months
15 and 18 with Jason?
It was one of those rare nights when the Red Hood didn’t come out, and in his place, boyfriend!Jason would take over.
Tonight, he had planned a whole date at a fancy restaurant, much to your surprise, as you rarely went on those, preferring much more a chill family thing to an over expensive, overcrowded and overrated four to five stars option.
Dressed to the nines, Jason almost gave up his plan entirely when you opened your apartment door to greet him, the high slit on the skirt of your black chiffon an invitation to dirtier, unholy thoughts. He kissed the back of your hand, treating you like a proper lady. Opening doors and holding them until you passed, helping you down the stairs, and overall being the perfect gentlemen.
Until traffic decided to ruin everything.
A once in a lifetime thing, Jason chose car over bike, and now you sat on the road, nearing the second hour in a dragged out traffic jam. Tapping the steering wheel incessantly, your boyfriend checked his designer watch, an accessory you’d never seen him wear before, for what seemed to be the hundredth time.
“... in Gotham City, home to rich history, an exciting art scene, excellent education…” chimed the lady on the radio.
“Oh yeah. Nothing to complain here.” your boyfriend mumbled, the gold ring on his pinky finger becoming a stress relief toy between his teeth.
“Oh, babe,” you sang, taking his other hand and intertwining your fingers. “Don’t worry about it, we can still have fun.”
“But I-I had this all planned out, for months. This restaurant has this really long waiting list and I’ve been trying to get reserv…”
You cut his frustrated rambling, placing a chaste kiss on his plump pouty lips. Opening your eyes slowly, you met his, eyebrows low in a clear look of apology. “Don’t worry about it, Jay.”
After a long sigh, a smile finally returned to his face, a bit forced, the anger at the universe for ruining your date not gone from his head, but anything to make you happy.
“What about we just order pizza and eat in the car?” you offered, getting him grinning in amusement. “What? It’s a great idea.”
“I’m not saying anything.” he threw his hand up in defense. “A motorcycle would’ve clearly made it to that restaurant in less than an hour.”
Slapping his shoulder at his complaint, you giggle at his pouty self, kissing all over his face to make him feel better.
“Move on, you son of a bitch!” a man screamed from outside, followed by a honk and another curse, your heads turning to the side to catch the source of such foul words.
“Someone is impatient.” Jason stated, earning from you a raised eyebrow at his hypocrisy.
Continuous honking and swearing cursed the next couple of minutes in that car, causing both you and Jason to lose your patience. But it was one curse, one rotten, mean spirited sentence, that had your blood boiling, hand flying to open the car door and slap some sense into this man.
"Mark my words, this will not end cute." You said, one leg already halfway out the door.
In a quick, solid movement, one only a well trained vigilante could perform, Jason pulled you back in, closing the door on the way, the sound of lock swiftly following along. Seeing your angry face, he let off a laugh, holding your face between his hands and filling your face with kisses.
“Look who’s the grumpy one now.” he laughed, pinching your cheeks.
“He’s the one who’s being an asshole.” you complained, crossed your arms on your chest, something that only amused Jason even more, another breathy laugh slipping out of him.
“You're so cute.” he cooed, pecking the tip of your nose. 
Fumbling around with his suit pocket, he takes out his phone, handing it to you still locked. “Here, call the pizza place. We ain’t leaving here any time soon.”
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 11 months
No Cap (18+)
Short, fun little blurb about phone sex with Travis. Enjoy!
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“Just tell me when to stop”, your friend Dani held her hands out, slowly dragging them further away from each other. “Stop.” She stopped just short of a foot. “Are you fucking kidding me?!?” she looked at you with disbelief. “I mean,” you closed one eye to measure with your forearm, “at least 7 inches.” “You’re fucking lying! I mean, damn Travis.” She kneeled into the couch, taking a seat next to you. “Ok, enough dick talk. What do you want for dinner?” You asked her as you pulled out your phone, bringing up the Uber Eats app.
You were hanging out with your roommate and best friend on a quiet Friday night because Travis was traveling to Tampa for a football game. You were just about to press order on your pizza delivery when Travis’ face flashed up on your screen with an incoming call. It was a picture you had taken of him at a baseball game you went to for your second date, Travis giving you a big, cheesy smile as he held up a yard long beer. It made you smile every time he called you. You and Travis had only been dating about three months, but you were head over heels in love.
“Hey!”, Travis had his phone propped on the hotel desk, sitting back in the chair, his sexy chest exposed, and you would have given anything to be running your fingers through his chest hair right now. You clenched your thighs together, squeaking out a greeting. Dani poked her head around the camera, her mouth agape at the sight of a half-naked NFL player. “Travis!”, she cried out. Your boyfriend quickly covered up his torso with a sweatshirt. “Hey Dani, what’s up?”, he replied, his cheeks turning red from embarrassment. “You have any single friends as “blessed” as you?”. She raised her eyebrows, and even through the camera he could tell her eyes were on his crotch. “No, all my friends are married. With kids.” “Shame. Let me know if anything changes.” Dani walked off to her bathroom, leaving the two of you alone.
“Sorry about her.” You rolled your eyes in her direction, Travis laughing. “I fuckin’ love her, she’s hilarious. How are you?” “Okay. Would be better if you were here.” You gave Travis your best pout. “I’ve been gone a whole 24 hours and you already can’t live without me?” Travis was teasing you, but he was right. One of the best things about your new relationship was the sex, and you didn’t go more than two days without getting into bed with Travis when he was home. “This is my first away game as your girlfriend, it’s torture.” Travis’ eyes turned dark as he leaned closer to the camera. “Show me how much you miss me baby.” You quickly ran to your bedroom and locked the door, laying on the bed so Travis could see all of your body. You slipped your shorts off, throwing them over on the floor. Travis groaned at the sight of your barely-there lace thong, barely covering your throbbing pussy. He shifted in his seat, his hard cock rubbing against the tight fabric of his boxers.
You slipped your fingers down your panties, feeling your wetness as you slid your fingers through your folds. Your orgasm was already building, every touch to your sensitive core causing you to clench around emptiness. “Take your pants off, baby.” You were breathless, rubbing circles around your clit as you watched Travis stroke himself. You slipped two fingers inside your pussy, curling your fingers to hit your g-spot repeatedly as you pumped in and out. He stroked the head of his dick, pre-cum leaking from the tip. “Fuck, I’m so wet for you Travis.” “If I was there I would fuck the shit out of you, no cap.” “Wait.” You pulled your fingers out, sitting up in the bed. You let out a loud laugh, Travis’ eyes shooting open at the sound. “Did you just say, ‘no cap’ while I’m finger fucking myself?” “No, I didn’t.” Travis rubbed his shaved head, trying to hold in a chuckle. You both burst out laughing, your side hurting when you couldn’t catch your breath. “You suck at phone sex, baby boy.” You pulled your bra off before pulling your tank top back down. “I’ll admit, I’m terrible, but I make up for it with the real thing.” “No cap”, you nodded your head in agreement.
“Well, the moment has passed, so I’m gonna go take a shower and go to bed.” You blew Travis a kiss as you said your goodbyes. “Wait”, he stopped you before you could hit end call. “Prop me up in the bathroom, I wanna watch you shower.”
“Sorry, bud, you’ll just have to wait for the real thing.” You winked before hanging up your phone.
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Note: a fic NO ONE asked for, but I still wrote: a second part for the Fighter fic! Make sure to read part 1 before this one :) [click here to read part 1].
Warnings: blood, violence, online bullying, smut. 18+!
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
Summary: Some time had passed since the fight, and you found out that being Sihtric's love interest came with a high cost.
Word count: 7,1k (damn, sorry)
taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @heimtathurs @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @chompchompluke @willowbrookesblog
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'The only one with an attitude here is you, Sihtric.'
One month had passed since Sihtric had knocked out his opponent, Sigtryggr, thus becoming the boxing welterweight world champion. Which also meant that a little over one month had passed since you and the boxer finally became an official couple, and you pretty much moved in with him after he more or less refused to sleep without you again after the fight. You were still his physiotherapist but also had your other clients. You considered giving up your job, after Sihtric had asked you, so you could be around him more. But when his agent looked for decent replacements, he could only find women which you thought were younger and prettier than you, which you would not accept. You eventually dropped your other clients and just became Sihtric's personal physiotherapist, which he was not objecting against, because it still meant he got to be around you more.
But officially being Sihtric's partner was quite an adjustment. The footage of Sihtric sprinting up to you after his victory, picking you up and kissing you like there was no tomorrow, had made it all across the world. At first the reactions were sweet. People thought it was cute how he was so eager to get to you after his win, and your social media follower count suddenly skyrocketed. But soon the hate comments and death threats started to slide into your dms and in the comments under your posts. You thought about switching to private or switching off comments, but you felt it wasn't fair to the people who did enjoy your content and rooted for you and Sihtric. So you kept it public, barely reading anything anymore.
When you fell for Sihtric, you didn't know that much about him. You knew he was a famous boxer, but had no idea about the size of his fanbase. Which was huge. And terrifying. Sihtric wasn't much of a social media person, so most things went on without his knowledge. He had an instagram account, but it was run by his team and he rarely logged into it himself. You told him some people had left you rude comments but you never mentioned the threats in your dms. You had quickly learned that Sihtric was very protective and a little possessive, which you secretly enjoyed though, and he could be rather reckless at times if it involved you. 
For example; that pizza delivery guy would never deliver to your address again. After he handed you the order, he had complimented your figure in that dress you had on. Sihtric happened to walk past at that exact moment, abruptly changing his direction straight to the front door instead of the kitchen, only to step outside and get all up in the poor guy's face. Asking him who the fuck he thought he was talking to, telling the boy how you were his woman, and that if he ever caught him looking at you again… well, you don't know what Sihtric planned on doing, because you quickly stepped in, pushing your handsome fighter back inside the house before he could make an actual threat. As Sihtric cursed something while going to the kitchen, you apologised to the delivery guy and gave him a tip.
'You gave him a tip?' Sihtric frowned, heated, while leaning on the kitchen counter.
'Babe, you scared the shit out of that poor kid,' you rolled your eyes as you took two glasses, 'he looked barely 18. It meant nothing.'
'A complete stranger complimented your figure and he meant nothing?' Sihtric scoffed, 'I'll show him a nice figure, I should've slapped th-'
'Enough!' you raised your voice and handed him a drink, 'enough, babe. I just want to enjoy my pizza, that's all.'
You sighed and shook your head, grabbing your pizza and your glass as you made your way to the living room, stopping by Sihtric to peck his lips, to which he softened instantly.
You were his only weakness and he often did simply not think straight around you, even after the time you had spent together already.
About two months later Sihtric got a text from Finan, asking him if he had seen your instagram page ever since the fight. Sihtric had followed you shortly after he had met you, but as he never used his account, he asked Finan to elaborate. Finan sent him a recent news article he had come across earlier that day. Sihtric scanned his eyes quickly over the page, seeing screenshots of endless rude and nasty comments about you, your appearance, your job, your figure, and even your haircolour was a problem to some people apparently.
'Baby!' Sihtric said curtly, his voice a little louder than usual as he walked up to you, 'what has been going on?'
You frowned at him and he showed you the article, to which you sighed and told him to forget about it. You said you stopped reading your comments months ago already and he shouldn't be bothered by it.
'No, show me what has been going on.'
He wouldn't take no for an answer so you handed him your phone.
'Just open insta and scroll through the notifications, you'll see it.'
He huffed in anger as he quickly read some comments and then accidentally tapped your inbox open. Confused by the insane amount of message requests you had, he couldn't hide his curiosity and opened them. And that's where the ruder messages and death threats were at, which you hadn't said a word about. He read how some people said you are too ugly for him, that you're only with him for his money and that you don't even love him. He saw several messages of people who said they wish to kill you because you don't deserve him, a few people also claimed he doesn't love you, and several messages that just said "die you stupid whore bitch", or something like that. To which Sihtric snapped.
'Death treats?' his voice was calm but filled with disgust as he handed you your phone back, 'baby, why did you not talk to me about this?'
'What were you going to do? Nothing can stop people like that. It doesn't matter, Sihtric, it doesn't hurt me anymore.'
'But it hurts me!' Sihtric became furious, 'they don't know how fucking hard it's been for me to find someone who literally does not care about my wealth and wants to be with me for… for me! Nothing else! But I found you, and you make me the happiest man in the goddamn world, yet people have the audacity to talk all that shit about you? To you? Thinking they can speak on my behalf by saying I don't love you and think I won't fucking care? No. No, I don't think so.'
He took out his own phone and held his hand out to you.
'Come here. Now, baby. With me, upstairs,' he ordered you in a way that always made you drop your panties for him, which he knew.
He took your hand and led you up the stairs to the bedroom.
'What are you planning on doing?' you chuckled as he climbed on top of you after he had thrown you onto his bed.
'I'm going to fuck you good, doll, and film it all as I do so,' he grinned.
'What? No!'
'I'm kidding, baby,' he pecked your lips, 'let me make out with you? I'll only post that,' he shrugged, 'let them see how you don't deserve me or how I don't love you.'
'Babe, no. I get your point but I don't want our intimate moments shared like that. We have nothing to prove to anyone.'
Sihtric sat back and sighed. 'I know. It just pisses me off the way people think they can talk about you. About us.'
'And that is exactly why I'm glad you're not really on social media and I didn't tell you about all this. I knew you'd be angry, and rightfully so, but people will always find something to complain about. Don't give into them.'
'Fine,' he muttered, brushing his tattooed fingers through his long, dark hair. He threw his phone somewhere on his ridiculously large bed and crawled over to you with a smirk. 
'Help take out my anger, baby?' 
'You always seem to need help with that and you always say you're angry,' you laughed, pulling him in by his shirt.
'There's a reason I fight for a living,' Sihtric said with a wolfish grin before he took his shirt off and pulled your jeans down, throwing them off the bed before grabbing your ankles, pulling you with one swift move towards him, his body in between your legs.
'And still, you're always angry, even with all the punching around at the gym you do,' you chuckled and wrapped your legs around his waist, tugging his leather necklace to pull him closer.
'Maybe I always keep a little anger in me because I like the way you take care of it,' Sihtric nuzzled your nose and bit your lower lip. 'And I will always be angry when people disrespect my girl.'
He teasingly flicked his tongue against your lips after kissing you and cupped your cheek.
'Well,' you giggled, your hands in his wild hair as he looked into your eyes, 'I'd be disrespectful too if I couldn't have this fine piece of ass. In fact, I also get angry when I see what's being written about you.'
'I don't even know what people write,' he shrugged as he stroked your cheek with his thumb.
'People write how they want you and how hot they think you are. How they want to fuck you and suck you off,' you hissed, softly pulling his hair, making him smile with dark eyes, 'and I hate that they have these thoughts about you.'
'I don't give a fuck about what they think of me,' Sihtric hushed you with his lips, 'because everything they want to do to me, that's only for you to do.'
'I also hate how they claim they could love you more than me, because they enjoy seeing you fight,' you whispered against his lips, hands moving all over his half naked body, 'I hate seeing you fight, yet I love you more than anything in this world.'
'I know, darling,' he planted wet kisses all over your neck, making you squirm underneath him, 'but fighting is my job, baby.'
'I know. I just hate to see you hurt.'
'But you fixed me up so nicely last time,' Sihtric cooed, 'I'll gladly take a punch to my face if that's what it takes to have you underneath me.' Before you could disagree, he kissed you eager and passionately, pulling your panties down with ease before he pulled his own sweatpants and boxers down. 
He was angry yet so hungry and needy for you, he didn't even bother taking off your shirt or getting under the covers. He wasted no time and brought his naked body back to you, knowing you were ready for him. He could tell by the look in your eyes, hear it in your voice and simply taste it on your lips, he had picked up on all those things quickly. A hiss escaped when he pushed inside you, feeling your tight walls around him, his favourite feeling in the world. You gasped with a sharp inhale, your arms around his neck as you hooked one leg around his waist. Sihtric leaned on one elbow and gripped onto the bed's headboard with his other hand. He began to slam into you with a head spinning pace, his face buried in your neck, his low muffled moans close to your ear as he made good use of you, just the way you like it. Your nails raked over his back, into his hair, gripping his dark mane, earning a few curse words from your fighter as you pulled his hair to make him feel your pleasure.
'Fuck, baby,' Sihtric moaned heavily, 'fuck, you're so good to me. So fucking good to me.'
'Oh, babe, please,' you sighed, 'you know all the right spots, Sihtric,' you threw your head back into your pillow with his name sounding divine from your lips, causing him to lose his steady pace for a moment and losing his grip on the headboard, causing you both to let out a chuckle.
'Easy, champion,' you whispered as you kissed his shoulder, lightly tracing your fingers across his back, 'we have all the time in the world. Make it last.'
Sihtric hummed and leaned his forehead against yours, cupping your cheek as he composed himself, picking his pace back up again as he found his grip back on the headboard with his free hand.
'Oh, baby,' Sihtric mewled, desperate, his breath hitched as you pulled his hair again, 'oh, I love you so much. So fucking much.' He whispered with ragged breaths, 'you're all I care about. Oh, fuck, I love you, I love you so.'
He threw his head back in pleasure, exposing his neck fully above you. You pushed yourself up, kissing and sucking his neck, making him a noisy mess while your hands trailed down his body and settled on his hips.
'Harder,' you said, digging your fingers in his warm skin, 'fuck me harder. I know you're still angry. Give it to me, I can handle you.'
'Hm, I know you can handle me,' Sihtric laughed mischievously. He brought his sweaty forehead back to rest against yours, 'you're the only one who could ever handle me. You're the only one who gets to fuck me.'
'Yes!' you cried, dragging your nails up his back again, 'you're mine. Sihtric, for me alone. Only I get to fuck the sexiest fighter in the world,' you smiled satisfied at him.
'Yes, you do, baby,' Sihtric purred as he pushed deeper inside you.
'My world champion,' you hissed at the feeling of his cock deep inside you, dragged almost fully out before he slammed his hips into yours again. 'Sihtric Kjartansson,' you moaned, 'my trouble maker, my bad boy,' you chuckled, arching your back into him, hands all over his body while his heavy breath was on your lips. 
'I don't want you to fight anymore,' you murmured in his ear, 'I can't miss your cock for that long again.'
'Fuck! Just say the words, baby,' he rasped, 'say you want me to quit fighting and I'll do it. I'll quit. I'll do anything for you.' He kissed, sucked and licked your sensitive neck, 'you're my goddess, my fucking queen. Gods, I love you so.'
Your head was spinning at his words and the way he slammed into you with such force, but still full of love, made you want to have him closer. You brushed your hands through his soft hair again, gripping firmly and brought him his face back up to you, resting his forehead against yours as you cried out his name.
'Say you love me, baby, tell me you love me,' he breathed hard, causing you to feel dizzy at his command.
'I love you, I fucking love you, Sihtric,' you murmured, 'more than anything in this world. No one can love you like I do.'
Sihtric exhaled sharply, closing his eyes at the intense pleasure you gave him.
'And no one can make me feel as good as you do. Oh, you feel so good. Fuck,' he murmured and trailed his hand slowly down your body, 'do you like the way I fuck you, baby? Tell me you like it.'
'I- I like it, hm, I fucking love it!'
'I need you, baby girl, I can't live without you anymore, fuck,' he bit back a heavy moan, feeling your walls clench his cock as he slowly stimulated your sensitive spot with his fingers. 'Stay with me, forever. Say you'll stay with me forever, please.'
'I will, oh fuck, I will. Promise to treat me this good forever, babe, oh my god, please!' you cried out, pulling his hair harder with each thrust.
'Fuck, I love you so,' Sihtric's cry was desperate, 'I promise to treat you good, for the rest of my fucking life, pretty baby,' he groaned, getting lost in his pleasure, pounding into you all the way and speeding up his pace along with his fingertips, 'baby, I want you to be my wife. Be my wife, please?'
'Wh- what?' you rasped with heavy breaths, your head spinning, back arched, hands pulling his hair as you tried to make sense of his words, feeling a fire spread inside your body.
'Marry me, fuck, please,' he moaned while dragging his lips over your neck, 'I want to marry you. Please, marry me? Be my wife, oh gods, baby,' he growled, 'be mine forever.'
'Sihtric,' you choked as he brought his face back up, looking in your eyes when your climax suddenly approached fast.
'Look at me,' he grunted, 'marry me, baby,' his voice trembled and his pace became sloppy.
'God, fuck, yes!' you screamed as your walls tightened around his cock, feeling him spill inside you while holding tightly onto him.
'Fuck! Oh, my love!' he moaned heavily through his own climax. You both breathed hard and heavy. Your hands in his hair, his face pressed against yours, catching his breath while he slowly pulled out of you and rolled over to your side, quickly making you face him as he pulled you in his arms.
'Will you really marry me?' Sihtric asked with ragged breaths. His big, mismatched eyes barely open, looking at you and pushing a few strands of hair out of your sticky face. You chuckled tiredly, both your highs gradually wearing off and you couldn't help smiling at his soft gaze.
'I will gladly marry you, my love.'
Sihtric suddenly shook his head lightly, almost looking upset and feeling guilty he had just asked you so abruptly. He was planning on asking you soon, he just needed to get the right ring for you and find the right moment. And now he had gotten ahead of himself in the heat of the moment. 
'No… No, I… I don't have a ring.'
But you felt he couldn't have asked you at a better time, for you had both been vulnerable, honest and so in love when the question slipped from his lips.
'That's fine, babe,' you cupped his cheeks with a smile, 'we'll fix that at some point.'
'Tomorrow, baby,' he said quickly, 'I promise. Tomorrow we will get you a ring.'
Sihtric kept his promise and took you to a jewellery store the next day, telling you to look around and pick whatever ring you fell in love with. When your eye caught a modest, slim, silver ring with a small rose quartz, you told him that's the one. Sihtric loved it, saying it was really pretty, just like you, but asked several times if you were sure about this one, and didn't want one of those huge diamond rings. He told you the price was not a problem and didn't care how much those would cost, simply because he had the luxury of not having to care about money. You told him you weren't a flashy jewellery person, which Sihtric agreed with, then pecked your lips and bought the ring you picked.
'Wait, wait,' Sihtric grinned and took your hand before you could get in his car. He quickly got down on one knee and flicked the jewellery box open as he held your hand. 'I love you,' he smiled shyly all of the sudden, 'w-will you marry me?'
You giggled and felt yourself blush, 'I love you too and nothing would make me happier than marrying you. So, yes, of course I will.'
Sihtric took the ring and you noticed his trembling hands as he slid the ring around your finger. You thought he was simply to die for and even shed a tear when he picked you up to kiss you, just like he had done that night he won his title. He took you home, where you made dinner together, like nearly every other night, before he had to leave for a few hours for training.
He came home several hours later and found you in the shower. You told him to join you, which he happily took advantage of, to both of your pleasure.
And for the first time in years, Sihtric logged into his instagram account that night, announcing the engagement with a few pictures. He had asked you to take the first photo shown. Which was a shot that showed half of his naked, muscular torso and his slightly tilted head, clearly still high from the sex you just had. His half open, duo coloured, love and lust intoxicated eyes were looking up at you, behind the camera, as he bit down on his lip with a mischievous smile and light rosy cheeks, while your hand pushed back a part of his damp, long, messy hair. Showing off the light coloured ring as you did, which made for a pleasant contrast between his dark, wavy locks.
The second picture was one that Finan had taken of you two together after the fight, in his dressing room, unbeknownst to both of you at the time. You were both down on your knees. Sihtric was smiling with his eyes closed; tired, bloody and bruised. You held his face in your hands while he rested his forehead against yours, his hands on your shoulders. The championship belt was tossed on the floor far in the blurry background. It was a picture you both loved because it showed how neither of you cared about his win at that moment, the only thing that mattered was that you were together and he was not too badly hurt.
The third, and last, picture was a photo Sihtric had taken. It showed you, in the hotel room where you had slept after the fight, flipping him off with a smile while wearing his fight night shirt. And at the far right of the photo, his reflection was seen in the mirror as he took the photo, which was just him, sitting shirtless on the bed with a smirk. He liked the photo because he thought you looked adorable in his shirt, because it was way too big. But he also liked it because he knew you weren't wearing any underwear at the time he captured that shot.
You both didn't check your instagram anymore after he had posted the announcement, and shut off your phones, knowing those you hadn't informed personally yet would blow up your phone. The only message Sihtric did see was from his agent, who congratulated you both and said Sihtric would probably lose a few million followers now that he's planning on getting married, and already had thousands of heartbroken emoji replies under the post. Sihtric replied to his agent by sending a shrugging emoji.
'Babe, come here.'
'You come here.'
'I asked you first.'
You rolled your eyes and got up from your chair, walking over to where the hell your fiancé called you over from. But you simply had no idea as you stood in the hallway where you could pick 5 different other hallways to walk into.
'Sihtric, where are you?' 
'Living room.'
You muttered how you hated his house because it was ridiculously big. You had literally gotten lost in it several times already. But at least you knew where the living room was. 
'Should I draw you a map, my love?' Sihtric was proud of his remark and showed it with a grin, feeling even more satisfied when you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms as you stood in the door.
'Why am I here?'
You hated how he knew you could never resist the way he asked for a kiss, and you soon found yourself on the couch, in his lap with his arms around you.
'But,' Sihtric said after he broke the kiss, 'I also called you over because I need to tell you something.'
You frowned as he leaned back, running a hand through his hair before he spread his toned arms out over the black, back pillows of his couch.
'I want to be clear that I haven't signed anything yet. But there is a deal on the table.'
'Another fight?'
'Yeah,' you sighed and looked down, reaching for the hammer pendant around his neck to mindlessly toy with, 'I knew something had to come up soon. It's been a few months since the last fight. So what's the deal?'
'Six million.'
You blinked at him. 'I'm sorry, what?'
'Six million, five rounds, each five minutes.'
'Six mi- wait, five rounds? Since when is a boxing ma-'
'It is not a boxing match. That's why I am talking to you about it before I sign anything. It's an MMA fight. You know how MMA fighters get paid a shitload for a one time boxing game? This is the same, except the other way around.'
'But who on earth would you be fighting?'
'Sigtryggr wanted a rematch.'
'Are you kidding me? I… I don't even know what to say. I mean… are you up for it?'
'Yeah,' Sihtric shrugged lightly, 'I knocked him out before.'
'Yeah, but this is a whole different game. This is not just throwing punches, babe. This is kicking, wrestling, and choking. It's fingerless gloves in a cage. In a cage!'
'Look, if you don't want me to do it…'
'No. Stop doing that to me. You know how I feel about your job, but you also know I won't ask you to give it all up for me.'
'And I told you early on to not give me an attitude about it.'
'The only one with an attitude here is you, Sihtric.'
'Yeah?' he licked his lips, clearly getting riled up now.
'Yeah. You call me over, tell me this, and when I tell you how I feel about it, you tell me off. So what exactly is there to talk about? I either tell you to quit, making you retire early and abandon your career you've worked really fucking hard for. Or I don't say anything and you'll climb into the octagon, and god knows what kind of injuries and damage you come back home with.'
'And six million.'
'I don't give a fuck about your six million.'
You got off his lap and walked away, not even knowing where to because his house was too fucking big. You ended up in the garden by accident, having to call your fiancé to come and get you. Both still heated and slightly angry, you ended up in the bedroom together, where you needed each other to take out some anger.
Two months after that conversation you had to join Sihtric at a party. You both didn't even like parties, but he had to be there: it was a party thrown to celebrate the fight announcement, and Sihtric would not go without you. 
Two days after he had told you about the deal, he signed the papers and started his training immediately. Luckily he was already pretty good at most combat sports, but his wrestling skills needed to be improved. And now that he was using his muscles in other ways during training, you had a hell of a job with his physio exercises too. Which you both didn't mind that much, as it usually resulted in a happy ending for you both.
The party however, would not have a happy ending. You just didn't know it yet.
It started off calm, mainly people congratulating Sihtric on his deal and you both with the engagement. You learned Sihtric is rather clingy in public and would not keep his hands off you. It was a mixture of simply just loving to have you close and a way to cope with the anxiety of the people who surrounded him, only because they wanted something from him. The amount of sponsor and interview requests he had within the first hour already pissed him off. And people did not seem to understand that pissing off a fighter is not a good idea. Luckily Sigtryggr arrived, an hour late, but just in time before Sihtric snapped, and all the media and money hungry people went up to him. He seemed to enjoy the attention and kept claiming he was going to win the future fight, to which you and Sihtric just frowned. Eventually you saw the opportunity to sneak away from the crowd, to a more quiet, dark corner, where your future husband wasted no time to show his affection and made out with you until your lips felt swollen.
'Thank you for being here with me,' Sihtric nuzzled your nose softly, 'I couldn't do this without you.'
'You know I will always support your fights, even if I don't like it.' 
You pecked his lips and he just looked at you for a moment without saying anything.
'I'm so fucking lucky to have you,' he smiled and kissed you again.
'So am I,' you smiled, 'but I really gotta find a bathroom now. The drinks they serve here are insanely big.'
Sihtric grinned and took your hand, placing it on his crotch and said, 'That's not the only insanely big thing here,' and he winked. You laughed and told him he was still full of himself, to which he told you the same thing he had done when you had him over for dinner that first time.
'You could be full of me as well.'
You flipped him off with a grin before you disappeared behind a corner.
About 10 minutes later you made your way back to Sihtric. The venue was huge and crowded, so it took a while before you had found the toilets. When you saw Sihtric again you noticed he was looking rather agitated, and then you saw a hot blonde was talking to him while standing a too close for your liking. You saw she tried to circle her arm around his waist as she leaned in to talk, which made your blood boil, but you were happy to see Sihtric immediately stepped away. Unfortunately, the woman didn't get the hint and kept pushing up to him. Sihtric looked away from her, letting out a heated sigh when his eyes found you approaching him, and his gaze softened within a split second. The blonde got up in his face to get his attention again, but you shoved her with your shoulder as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a purposely sloppy kiss. Sihtric knew what you were doing, loving your jealous side, so he was enjoying you taking the lead.
'Um, excuse me?' the woman scoffed.
You broke the kiss and slowly turned your face towards her. 
'Can I help you?'
'I was in the middle of a conversation with Sihtric?'
'Oh, I'm sorry,' you chuckled, 'who are you?'
'I am an interviewer for a sports maga-'
'Oh, okay. And?'
'And I want to talk to him,' she scoffed again, looking at you as if you were a rat out of a sewer.
'If you wish to interview him, you can call his agent and set up an appointment. I can give you the number, but since you already overstepped a line here, I will make sure your request will never be approved. Do you want the number anyway?'
'What line did I overstep?' she snarled.
'You stand too close to my fiancé,' you snapped and took Sihtric's hand, pulling him with you, and he followed with a proud and amused smirk.
'Babe, I really want to go home, please get me out of here.'
Sihtric looked exhausted and still agitated at the entire event. He was not made for this. He didn't care about the fame that came with his job and the expensive parties with people he had never seen, yet all seemed to be friendly with him. He was a confident guy, but all of this made him anxious and caused him to shut down. As the night dragged on you saw his anxiety was devouring him, and he held onto you all night as if you were a safety blanket. Which you kinda were to him. You tried your best to encourage him, but you also had enough of the pretentious bullshit that came with events like this.
'I will go find Uhtred and let him know we're leaving. Stay here, finish your drink and I'll be back in a minute, okay?' 
Sihtric nodded and pecked your lips before you could turn away. Then he clenched his jaw and avoided eye contact with anyone, staring down into his drink. You pushed through the crowd and bumped into Sigtryggr, who greeted you kindly and congratulated you on your engagement. You thanked him and wished him a good night. As you continued your way, you remembered that all the boasting about his skills, and trash talking Sihtric, was simply part of their job to hype up the fight.
'Uhtred!' you called out when you saw him near the bar, 'hey, we're leaving.'
'You should know the state Sihtric is in now.'
'I do,' he chuckled lightly, remembering all the past events he had to be Sihtric's plus one, 'go take him home and take care of him.' Uhtred winked with a grin.
'Well aren't you bold tonight?'
'Oh, we all saw the engagement post and we all know that the first picture was not taken after a training session.'
'No, it was after a sparring session,' you joked.
'A sparring session with his cock?'
You both laughed out loud and hugged to say good night, when you were suddenly startled by women screaming and the sound of glass bottles hitting the floor. You and Uhtred quickly made way through the gathering crowd to see what was going on, and you instantly felt sick at the sight, desperately screaming your fiancé's name after which Uhtred had to grab you and hold you back.
Sihtric had pecked your lips and quickly looked down at his drink as he clenched his jaw. He felt equally as empty inside as the bottle of alcohol he held in his hands. He refused to look up when some people made an attempt to talk to him and he just waved them off. He wanted to go home, with you, as fast as possible. All night he had felt like a bear stuck in a beartrap. Trapped by people he didn't know or liked, trying as hard as he could to ignore the unpleasant feeling as they kept coming on to him. He was waiting for you to get him out, unharmed, before he would panic and fight his way out of the trap, causing whatever damage had to be done to get out.
'I will kill you,' Sigtryggr chuckled as he walked over to Sihtric. Which caused a swarm of reporters and cameras to surround them along with a large crowd, hoping they'd get to witness a stare down.
Sihtric looked up at him and just shook his head, not feeling up for it, and tried to walk away to find you. But Sigtryggr stopped Sihtric and got up in his face.
'I will kill you in that cage,' Sigtryggr hissed, 'and after that I will fuck your fiancé.'
Sihtric couldn't recall the fight afterwards, as he ended up with a severe concussion, but more than enough cameras had filmed the entire thing. After Sigtryggr had mentioned you, Sihtric had smashed the bottle he still held in Sigtryggr's face. Immediately causing a bloody mess, alarming the crowd around them. His opponent managed to stay on his feet, albeit a little wobbly, but he quickly grabbed Sihtric's shirt and shoved him back, making them both crash into a table that held empty beer bottles, which smashed to the floor and broke into a thousand pieces as both men also fell down.
'Keep my woman out of your fucking mouth!' Sihtric had snarled, like a wild animal, as he broke Sigtryggr's nose. In return, Sigtryggr punched Sihtric hard against the side of his head with his fist, while wearing a few rings, breaking his own fingers and causing Sihtric to bleed profusely as a severe cut was made. Both men were quickly covered in blood, rolling over glass covered the floor, both trying to take control of the fight. And when you laid eyes upon the men, you screamed his name once you realised it was Sihtric who was down on his back, face covered with blood. Sigtryggr, equally as bloody, had grabbed Sihtric's hair, pulling his head up only to smack it back hard against the floor. And it was then that Uhtred had to grab you and hold you back. You vaguely saw Sihtric was still moving and punched Sigtryggr in his face, causing the man to lose his balance. Sihtric managed to kick him off his bruised body, and while his head was spinning and blood dripped out of his hair, nose and mouth, he tried to get up from the floor. 
'Sihtric!' you screamed, 'Baby! Please! Stop!' you fought Uhtred's grip, but soon Finan appeared out of nowhere and got a hold of you too.
'No, no! Do not go near him!' Finan yelled, 'trust me, he does not hear you right now! All he sees is red now, literally, and he will throw a punch at anyone who gets near him now.'
'No!' you cried, 'Sihtric! Why is no one stopping them?!'
Finan glanced at Uhtred, knowing there was no stopping this unless someone called the cops or one of the fighting men stopped moving. You all watched how Sihtric managed to stand up and kicked Sigtryggr repeatedly in his ribs, who was still down. Then Sihtric, a bloody and trembling mess, stumbled backwards himself, and you couldn't watch it anymore. You managed to slip out of Finan's grip and ran over to Sihtric as you screamed his name. He somehow snapped out of his wild rage upon hearing you and tried to find you, but his vision was blurry, head pounding with such force it caused him to fall down to his hands and knees while he spat out some blood.
'Baby?' he let out a sob as his bloodshot eyes still tried to find you, but everything was spinning so fast he had to close his eyes, and he grabbed onto his pendant.
'Sihtric!' you yelled as you fell down to your knees in front of him, your trembling hands wrapped around the one clutching his necklace, 'I'm here, I'm here,' you cried softly.
'I… I don't feel well,' Sihtric said as he grabbed onto you, his blood dripping down your hands and clothes.
'Baby,' you sobbed, 'please, no,' you looked around in panic, surrounded by a whole crowd of people who did absolutely nothing, except for hiding their faces behind their phones as they filmed your world falling apart.
'Someone call an ambulance… Somebody call a fucking ambulance!' you screamed through your tears. You held Sihtric in your arms and brought your hand up to the side of his head, feeling his warm and sticky blood in between his hair.
'I don't… I don't feel well, baby,' he whimpered and choked on his words. His trembling hands grabbed onto your dress as he spat out some more blood. And it felt like forever until you finally heard an ambulance approach in the distance.
'No, no, it's okay. You're okay. It's not that bad, babe, it's really not that bad.' You couldn't even convince yourself when you spoke, but you tried to reassure him regardless. 'Hey, look at me,' you smiled weakly, 'you will be okay. I love you. I love you, Sihtric,' you cried and pecked his lips, staining yourself even more with his blood.
'I'm sorry,' Sihtric whispered, desperately clinging onto you, 'I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry I'm like this. I love you… I- I love you,' he hissed in pain, 'I love you but I…I fucked everything up now.'
And those were the last words you heard before Uhtred pulled you away as medics swarmed the place. 
You spent hours in the hospital, waiting alongside Uhtred and Finan, who kept watching the already published footage of the horrible fight over and over again.
'He has to quit.'
Both men looked up at your sudden words. They stared at your red eyes and colour deprived face. Uhtred swallowed hard and glanced at Finan before he spoke.
'This…' Uhtred stammered, 'the upcoming fight...'
'Just say it,' Finan said.
'The upcoming fight was supposed to be his last fight.'
You looked at Uhtred, confused, but so tired that your face didn't even show any expression.
'He told us not to tell anyone. He wanted to announce his retirement after the fight, win or lose. He… he wanted it to be a surprise for you.'
'What? But… why? He loves the game. I… don't understand?'
'Aye, he does,' Finan said, 'but he loves ya more. He took this fight because the money he'd earn would cover far more than the rest of your lives together. Look, Sihtric wants to marry ya as soon as he can. After the fight is all said and done he wanted to move houses too, no idea where to, but somewhere quiet with you by his side. It was all he could talk about ever since he met ya.'
'Drove us fucking mad,' Uhtred laughed, 'he kept going on and on about you. He had it all planned out. He would marry you, do one more fight, retire and move somewhere quiet, get some dogs and have a few kids eventually, you know? He wants to start a family with you. He… he already signed the termination of his contract, the date being the day after the fight. There is no going back. He's stepping out of the ring for you. Or octagon, whatever.'
'Aye,' Finan agreed, 'every choice Sihtric has made these past months have been for his lady. He's still a bloody runt and doesn't always think things through, but the one thing I know he is fully clear on, and we can only agree, is that he could not live without ya anymore.'
'You are genuinely the best thing that ever happened to him. I've been his coach for his entire career. He's a troubled boy, sensitive and closed off, but since he's met you… I've never seen him more alive and clear headed.'
'Until now,' Finan groaned and rubbed his face.
Tears had been rolling down your face the entire conversation. The men quickly comforted you and soon a doctor came over, telling you Sihtric was okay. He did lose quite some blood and gained a severe concussion, but nothing he would not recover from. 
And that fight that was supposed to happen in six months? There was no way Sihtric would get a doctor's clearance for that. Yet he still stepped into the octagon that night, facing Sigtryggr again for the first time since that awful night.
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corporatefrog · 1 year
꒦‧₊ ꒷ Sleepovers w/ Team Stan [Headcanons] ✧.*
✧.* tags: comedy, college au
✧.* Charactions: stan marsh, kenny mccormick, kyle broflovski, butters stotch
a/n: I haven't had a sleepover in years and this has made me want to have one with my friends so badly.
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Monthly sleepovers are a friend group requirement
Cartman is invited on a month by month basis depending on how much of a bitch he’d been in the past month
It’s a great way to keep him in line
“Why do the gays get a pride month and there’s nothing left for us straights?”
“That’s strike 3.”
“WHAT! I didn’t even do anything this month! Who the fuck died and made you king of the sleepover?!”
“Uh- I don’t know. The sleepover behavior etiquette contract that you signed with blood.”
“God fucking DAMMIT.”
You all go to Stan’s usually since it’s outside of town so you can be loud if you want
And get blasted but thats a tale for another time
After the sun sets, the real party begins
Aka eating pizza and talking shit 
“Clyde doesn’t know how to do laundry”
“You’re kidding.”
“I’m literally not. I was at Tweek Bro’s and he spilled some of his drink on his shirt and he goes ‘Now I’ve got to throw this away.’ and I almost choked on my drink, I swear to god. I told him he just needed to wash it and he deadass goes ‘How do you do that?’”
Butters gets so much tea just from overhearing it or people complaining to him 
He LOOKS like a nice guy who empathetically listens
But Professor Chaos on the other hand is remembering every juicy detail about what Bebe sai to Nichole at the mall last week 
Just saying- when the gossip girl south park account comes out, you know who’d behind that shit
Just Dance competitions FOR SURE
Butter is a kpop stan i can feel it
Yall do dynamite and he’s DEMOLISHING 
I said before than stan is the type to only move his arm
But that’s totally kyle
Kenny and Stan go ALL OUT 
That guitar hero gave him mad rhythm
But they get so into the full body dancing that the remote doesn’t pick up the right movements and they end up with like 30 points 
They always TRY the tetris one 
But their ambition outplays their actual ability and it ends with them falling into a pile on the floor
I feel like New Girl would be a group favorite binging show 
“Stan you’re so nick miller coded”
“If I’m nick miller, kyle is the most schmidt to ever exist” 
“Schmidt is fucking hilarious so that’s a compliment. Nick is just an alcoholic.” 
“Okay man fuck off you’re just mad that you can’t be winston.”
“Yeah that’s because I’m winston and Butters is Jess.”
“Yn you’re fucking Robbie.”
“Kenny say sike right now before I throw your soda out the window.”
You all DEFINITELY try to play true american 
And it goes TERRIBLY
Why would you play a game where you have to jump from surface to surface with someone prone to dying 
After the 3rd time Kenny falls off a chair you guys stick to uno or some shit
Midnight taco bell adventures 
they know your fucking order and get annoyed whenver you pull through the drive through
Like god these dumb fuckers again
But you give them a nice tip
And feast on the taco bell in the parking lot while laughing at whoever did the dumbest thing during the night
Wonderful vibes, truly immaculate
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
What’s an acceptable tip for a driver who delivers a $20 pizza?
A TikTok video purporting to show a DoorDash delivery driver in Texas swearing at a customer over the $5 tip she gave him has gone viral, sparking fresh online debate over tipping culture in the U.S.
“I just want to say it’s a nice house for a $5 tip,” the driver can be heard saying as he walks away from a home in the door camera video posted to TikTok earlier this week by a user under the name Lacey Purciful.
“You’re welcome!” the resident says, appearing surprised by the remark. “F--- you,” the driver responds before walking away.
“So how much should I be tipping for a $20 pie?” Purciful, who, in a separate post said she herself has worked in the service industry for over 10 years and tips “very well,” wrote in a caption.
Purciful, who did not immediately respond to an overnight request for comment from NBC News, said the driver was fired by DoorDash following the incident.
A DoorDash spokesperson confirmed that the worker had been removed from their platform. They said the company had also reached out to the customer regarding the incident.
“Respectfully asking for a tip is acceptable but abusing or harassing someone is never acceptable,” the spokesperson said.
“Our rules exist to help ensure everyone who uses our platform — Dashers, customers, merchants — have a safe and enjoyable experience,” they said. “We expect everyone to treat others with respect and we will enforce our rules fairly and consistently.”
The video added fuel to a growing debate in the U.S. over tipping culture, with some complaining current trends may have reached a tipping point.
“Tipping is out of control,” one social media user said, commenting on the video. They said they felt $5 for a $20 order was “more than” enough.”
“I doordash and most (not all) pizza delivery orders don’t tip. That was a Rockstar tip,” another user said.
Not everyone agreed, however, with some branding Purciful a “Karen” for contacting DoorDash over the incident.
One poster said they felt the driver should not have lost their job over the exchange, writing: “What he said was not right, but he didn’t have to lose job over it. Everyone is trying to make a living.”
Another commenter noted that the driver may have been concerned about mileage, writing: “Maybe $5 wasn’t enough.”
The COVID-19 pandemic brought consumer willingness to give tips, particularly during times of hardship, into fresh focus, with many ponying up to pay higher gratuities during the crisis, according to research.
Figures provided earlier this year to NBC News by payment processor Square showed the frequency of gratuities at full-service restaurants grew 17% in the fourth quarter last year from the same period in 2021. Meanwhile, tip frequency at quick-service restaurants, such as coffee shops and fast-food chains, rose 16%, according to the company’s data.
The apparent rise in tipping came despite a period of record inflation, which has eaten away at many consumers’ discretionary income.
While the pandemic appeared to spur widespread changes in tipping culture, the growing use of point-of-service, or POS systems, to process payments also appear to have made it easier than ever for customers to provide — and for businesses to ask for — tips.
In a survey of restaurant executives by industry group Hospitality Technology, 71% of respondents said using data to “understand guest preferences and behavior” was their primary reason for facilitating POS system upgrades, while for 57% enabling new payment options was the priority.
A recent Lending Tree survey found that 60% of Americans felt they were tipping more, NBC Boston reported. Around 24% said they felt pressured to tip when the option was presented, while 41% said they had changed their buying habits due to gratuity expectations and 60% felt tipping expectations had gotten out of hand. _________________
Door dash fired him, your opinion on tips aside that's not how you act to customers unless they are directly rude to you.
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spgothkidsheadcanons · 5 months
Hiii I hope that you're doing good and drank enough water today <33
Can I request headcanons for Michael, Henrietta and Pete with a s/o who is a nanny and often somehow ends up with two or three babies at their house?
If not it's fine of course!
Have a great day <33
Ah, yes. You most absolutely can request that
I hope this is what you were looking for! I’ve gotten a little rusty, so please feel free to let me know if I’m way off course here 😅
Warnings: There are none
- Oof
- Oofies
- Henrietta does not like kids, so when she showed up to your house and watched you wrangle 3 toddlers by yourself, she had half a mind to just turn around and come back later
- Alas, as soon as you took note of her standing there, you greeting her so sweetly, she just couldn’t leave you there to deal with all of that by yourself
- So despite Henrietta’s distaste for kids, she’d lend a hand, doing the absolute bare minimum with the most dramatic scowl on her face
- You couldn’t help but laugh and kiss her cheek every so often, teasing her about the future of your relationship and the change of mind she might have
- Until one of the kids tipped their full cup of juice onto her dress…
- Yeah, maybe not
- Henrietta does know what she’s doing, though, and won’t actively let the kids cause harm to themselves or each other by distracting them with some music
- If she ever finds the picture you’ve taken of her with the kids sitting quietly beside her while listening to the songs, she’d have your head on a stake in her front yard
- And after they’ve all been sent home, you’d have to turn right around and babysit your poor girlfriend’s psyche because it has been RUINED by the kids
- Would you ever get to relax? 🙄
- Welp
- When you needed help, Pete didn’t think twice about rushing over without even asking what it is you’d need help with
- Upon seeing the set of kids all tugging at your shirt and crying for your attention, he’d act without thinking, immediately drawing their hands away
- Of course, they’d just turn their attention to Pete, but it gave you the few minutes of peace you needed in order to make them some snacks and refill their drinks
- While you werenin the kitchen, your boyfriend had no problem occupying the children with some toys that had been brought for them to play with
- Bringing in the snacks, you’d give Pete a peck on the cheek as a thank you
- And when the children were all settled, snacking away happily, Pete would tease you for running a mini zoo as a part time job
- Nap time was so easy for you
- For Pete, not so much, because as soon as you both sat on the couch, he was flooded by toddlers using him as a bed
- The experience would definitely make him think of you as a parent, and he didn’t seem so worried about your future kids anymore
- When the kids got picked up, that’s when it became nap time for you and Pete
- After the day you two have had, Pete would like to revel in the childlessness for a little bit longer, soaking up the quiet
- Oh, you are just in for a treat
- Michael actually really likes kids, so much so that he comes ready with games and activities for the tots
- Seeing as you had to babysit for your neighbor, you accepted his invite to help out readily, glad to have someone on your side
- You might as well go on ahead and sit down because he’s got it
- Even when you think he’s going to tip over because all the kids wanted to climb him like a tree, he’s got it
- Lunch time is super easy because Michael’s probably ordered a pizza for the kids, so the only thing you need to worry about is feeding them
- If he has his guitar, yes, he is playing it for the kids (you had no idea that he knew to play Baa Baa Black Sheep, but it was kinda cute)
- Nap time for the kiddos is right around the corner, and seeing them curled around your boyfriend on the floor made your heart swell
- While they napped, you and Michael would relax and watch over them, making sure nothing happened
- This is when he’d lament that he couldn’t wait to have kids with you, seeing just how great you were with babysitting
- When the kids left, you’d tidy up the small messes they’ve made that day
- And Michael would help willingly, hoping that you knew he was serious about your earlier conversation
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Don’t loose your head - Hyunjin one shot
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Summary: your boyfriend, Hyunjin, returns from his world tour. With a splitting migraine
TW: 18+! pain, migraines, food, nausea, a biiit of dirty talk
Today was not just another Monday.
Your boyfriend, Hyunjin, was returning from his world tour.
His bodyguards had advised you to avoid coming to the airport to pick him up as fans had started crowding the Incheon airport hours before the guys even arrived. So you and Hyunjin decided that he’ll come back home on his own, to your shared apartment, while you took over the substitution for a fellow art teacher in the school.
Picking up your speed, you walked home from the subway station. The building soon turned up in sight, you typed in the passcode of the building to enter. Hyunjin had texted you while you were a couple stops away that he had arrived home and that he was taking the liberty of ordering food for both of you, asking what you’d like to eat. He had eaten a lot of fast food in the U.S. so knowing him, you knew he hoped for choosing traditional Korean food over your go-to pizza order.
After the drawing live in which he didn’t show his face, he confessed to you that he was having a hard time eating, and his stomach was acting up. You’d freaked out a little over the fact that he didn’t want to tell you his problem in the first place but after calming you down, you gave him a couple of tips and looked up what medication he could pick up to help him ease his stomach.
And it had helped as he didn’t suffer through their Kimmel performance, he had said.
Quickly typing in the passcode of your apartment, you hushed inside. Just a small amount of people knew you both lived in the same apartment. Most people thought you’d lived next door to Hyunjin as this apartment was leased under Hyunjin’s name. The one across was leased under yours. No one knew that the apartment across from you was Hyunjin’s and your art studio. The apartment was filled with hundreds of artworks that both of you had created over the years. And you needed the space for it too.
“Hyun? I’m home!”, you shouted through the apartment when you put your back down and slipped into the indoor slippers. It was dark inside the apartment, the sun was already setting in Seoul.
“Oh”, you heard Hyunjin’s voice coming from the bedroom. Maybe he was changing out of his clothes. If there was one thing Hyunjin was picky about, it was not laying down with his outdoor clothes. You made your way to the bedroom, giddily wanting to hug him from behind while he changed, feeling his skin on yours. He had been gone for a month and you had missed him a lot.
Opening up the door further, you halted when you didn’t see Hyunjin standing by the wardrobe. The curtains were down and Hyunjin was laying on the bed, snuggled in the blankets. Kkami was keeping him company on the bed, nudging Hyunjin’s hand.
“Hyun? Are you sick?”, you whispered and walked closer to the bed, carefully sitting on the edge without taking away the space from Kkami. “Head”, he mumbled and opened one eye to look at you, his head up from the blanket. Only the moonlight shining inside the room, you noticed how Hyunjin’s brows were deeply furrowed.
This was more than a headache. He has another migraine. Hyunjin had suffered from them occasionally, usually before a comeback. Maybe this was where his digestion problems were coming from too.
“When did it start?”, you asked with a soft voice, running your hand through his pinkish-blonde hair. “Headache before we boarded. I took some painkillers but it got worse on the plane. I threw up twice”, he mumbled against his arm, supporting his head up to look at you. You ran your hand down his cheek and it was burning up. “You’re burning, Hyunjin”, you said and turned around to lay on his back instead. Sweat was coated on his forehead and you leaned on to wipe it away. “Burning for you? I might”, he joked with a raised brow before he furrowed them again, shutting his eyes closed. “It’s like someone’s pounding on my head with a hammer”, he whined.
“Rate the pain from 1-10, love”, you took his hand into yours, caressing it with your thumb. “Solid 8. I feel like throwing up again”, he sighed. This was bad.
“That’s not good… give me a sec and I’ll change out of-“, you began pulling away but he stopped you, holding onto your hand. “No, stay. Hug me?”, he pressed out and flickered his eyes open to look at you. His eyes shimmered, glossy. He was in a lot of pain. You nodded, just taking off your coat and putting it aside before you laid down next to him, getting under the cover. Hyunjin scooted closer to you, making Kkami leave the bed. “He’s going to feel better soon, Kkami. I promise you”, you told the sweet dog.
With your arms wrapped up around Hyunjin, he snuggled into your embrace, resting his head against your chest. You massaged his head, from the back of his nape up until his temples. He let out sighs and whimpers as you worked through his hair. “Where’s the pressure the most?”, you whispered against his skin. “Left temple”, he mumbled and buried his face more into your chest, trying to press his head against the building pressure inside his head. You cupped the side of his face gently to move him up and then began massaging his left temple.
“Does this help a bit?”
“Wow, spare me the detailed words, Hyun”, you said and he shot his eyes upon you, giving you his famous side-eye. There it was, his bratty attitude. But he was in pain so teasing him would make you feel more guilty.
“I’m sorry”, he then said which surprised you. You were expecting a sassy remark from him. “What are you sorry for? There’s nothing to be sorry for, love”, you pressed a kiss onto his forehead and he sighed in return. “That I’m in this state after being gone for so long. We wanted to work on the big canvas for your workshop-“, he stumbled over his words and you shut him up, pressing your lips against his plump lips. He sighed into the kiss and moved his lips in synchronization with yours, both of you letting your lips dance in reunion.
You two kissed until the air rang out of your lungs and you pulled away just an inch. “There’s nothing to apologize for, Hyun. You’re back home and that’s all that matters to me”, you caressed his flushed cheek. His eyes flickered between your eyes, lips, and your cheeks. Taking in your face after being apart so long.
“Can I kiss you again? I think it helps”, he whispered and you nodded. With a tilted head, he closed the gap and kissed you again, claiming your lips and your heart. It wasn’t as gentle as it was before, Hyunjin began to shift positions and pressed you against the matters. Your hands were lost in his hair, gently pulling on it. You couldn’t help but moan against his lips and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, exploring it. “Hmm, all mine”, he said into the kiss and caressed your side as he hovered over you. “No more watching each other through the screen”, he tugged onto the belt of your pants, making you chuckle. “I see you’re all better now?”, you bit into his lower lip and he let out a grunt. You laughed a little when the doorbell rang. “Must be the food”, Hyunjin commented and pulled away from you, standing up from the bed. “Ah, fuck!”, he cursed and flew back onto the bed, holding onto his head. “It’s okay, love. I’ll go get it. Don’t lose your head”, you pressed a kiss onto his cheek and he gave you a sour look. “That was so not funny, Y/N”. You gave him a playful shrug and made your way out of the bedroom, towards the front door.
Placing the food order onto the kitchen counter, you walked back to the bedroom. Moonlight still lightening up the room, you watched Hyunjin’s steady breath. He had fallen asleep. Deciding it was the best for him, you guided Kkami out of the room and made your way to the living room instead. You hadn’t finished the book he had suggested you read yet so with Kkami nestled in your lap, you were reading the novel’s last pages. You wouldn’t eat without Hyunjin so you’ll eat once he wakes up.
Which happened two hours later.
“Y/N!”, you heard Hyunjin shouting from the bedroom. “He already sounds better, wouldn’t you agree?”, you told Kkami and lifted the dog, putting the drowsy Kkami into the mattress in the living room’s corner where Kkami preferred to sleep and made your way to the bedroom. “why did you leave me, baby?”, he whined, his cheeks still flush. “You fell asleep, Hyun. I thought it would be best to not disturb you”, you moved closer to the bed. “No, I require a lot of kisses and hugs and cuddles and your attention in general as I’m sick here. Maybe it’s the last time you hug me? The last time you kiss me? Maybe tomorrow, I won’t be here anymore!”, you rolled your eyes and laid back down next to your boyfriend. “You’re such a drama queen, Hyunjin. You’re not dying, you have another migraine”, you traced his jawline with your finger. The ring Hyunjin crafted for you for your first anniversary decorated it. He had a similar one that you crafted for him in the workshop.
“You’re not dying on me, alright? There’s still so much we will explore. Our journey isn’t over yet, love”, you whispered and caressed his cheek. Hyunjin listened to you and nodded, pressing a kiss onto your wrist. “I love you, my angel”, he placed his hand on top of yours. “I love you too, my Hyun”, you smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him. Which he gladly returned.
“Have you eaten yet?”, he asked you as you both were entangled in each other, Hyunjin caressing your lower back as you massaged his head. “Not yet. I waited for you to wake up first. Do you think you can eat some bites? Then you could take the meds too”.
Hyunjin nodded but didn’t let go of you. “Hyun, you have to let me go if we want to eat”, you laughed and nudged his side. “I have another idea for eating”, he smirked with his cocky attitude. “I can’t believe you sometimes”, you rolled your eyes and waggled out of his arms in escape. “Why are you refusing my affection, my love?”, he groaned, giving a playful glare. “That wasn’t your affection but your dick speaking. Seems like your headache has disappeared?”.
He instantly shook his head and then buried his face in his hands, groaning. “No it’s still there!”, he whined. “Come on, let’s eat in the dining room and then return to bed”, you told your boyfriend and he slowly moved out of the bed, following you to the dining room. To minimize the exposure to light, you lit up a candle only and spread out everything Hyunjin had ordered around the table. Silently, you two ate the food. There was much to tell each other to catch up but it was almost midnight and the tiredness of the long teaching day was getting to you.
Once you two were done, you placed the dishes into the sink, letting them be tomorrow’s problem. Grabbing the painkillers Hyunjin preferred to take, you guided him back to the bedroom. The nightstand was set up with a small bucket, wet towels, and a water bottle. Hyunjin slipped back into the covers and you began working on wiping his face and neck with the wet cloth. He was covered in sweat. Wiping him clean, you placed a trail of kisses from his temples to his neck. Even after all these years, you couldn’t get enough of Hyunjin. “You think you can take the painkillers now?”, you asked him carefully. Not sure if his steady breathing meant he had fallen back asleep. He wasn’t, he just nodded with a hum. Water bottle and painkillers in hand, you gave him the painkillers and opened the bottle for him. He gulped down the painkillers, spilling some of the water on his shirt and the sheets. You couldn’t help but smile, wiping the water away from his chin.
“I’m like a child right now; I needed to be taken care of”, Hyunjin sighed and sank back into the mattress. “I don’t mind taking care of you, Hyun. You take care of me every month” You wrap your arms around him again, to which he returns a tighter embrace. “That’s not the same. You don’t choose to have your period. It’s unfair. It’s such a painful cycle each month”, he states, biting your shoulder. “You don’t choose to have migraines either, Hyun”, you caressed his back soothingly. “True…” he yawns and nuzzles his head back into your chest. “Do you feel a bit better?”
“Hammering pain is still there but I’m not nauseous anymore. I think I can sleep. You need to sleep too, you work tomorrow”, he mumbled against the fabric of his clothes.
“The painkillers will kick in soon. You’ll feel better soon; I promise”, you whispered and Hyunjin closed his eyes, drifting off.
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free-boundsoul · 11 months
Guy's having a rough day at work, which is only made worse by someone verbally abusing him. Honey walks in during the middle of his rant. I'm still on my bear shifter! Honey brainrot.
If you'd like to read it on Ao3, it's here
Guy was at the end of his rope. He came into work to find out they had a callout, so he just knew he’d be on his own in the shop after four until Rosa came in. But that was doable! He was one of the more senior workers, so he knew he was the best shot to handle the store and let the new kid handle the deliveries.
But then in the middle of his delivery runs, a kid had bolted out the door when he’d been walking up the rickety steps. He’d managed to not cover the kid in hot cheese and sauce (two points to him for saving the boy and the pizza) but as soon as his foot made contact with the deck, a sharp pain jolted up his leg from his ankle. At least the mom that came out was apologetic and didn’t blame him. And she gave a really nice tip and the kid even apologized! Guy still knew he’d be limping the rest of his shift. At least when he got home, Honey could use those fancy-dancy healing powers on him and he could say that he wanted to give them some practice! And they were experimenting with a new dessert, and he couldn’t wait to taste test!
But as his shift wore on, the pain only increased. It was bad enough delivering, but at least he could rest his ankle a bit as he drove since it was his left leg. Once he was on his own in the kitchen, he didn’t have time to rest. Answering the phone, greeting customers that came in, making the pizzas and making sure everything was ready for delivery or pick up…he was exhausted.
It was so close to the end of his shift, only ten minutes to go when Rosa was scheduled when a man walked in. Guy already had a feeling he was going to be a headache, the pizza box he was holding was a dead giveaway. No happy customer walked in holding a pizza box.
The man slapped the box down on the counter, flipping it open to reveal a pizza that only had about a quarter left. He proceeded to go on a rant about the presentation and the taste and that there was too much cheese. How anyone could complain about that, Guy would never know. He practically flinched when the phone started to ring, but one look at the man told him that answering it would result in the person on the other side hearing him. And he didn’t want a customer to hear this guy’s mouth.
Guy was grateful when Rosa came from the back to answer it, giving him an apologetic look. When the dude finally paused for breath, Guy was quick to offer to make him a new pizza. It didn’t matter that it was probably just a ploy for a free pizza. He just wanted him to go away. But when he mentioned the wait time, it only sent him into another rant. He went on about how it was ridiculous that it’d take twenty minutes for him to fix his mistake. Guy just wanted it to end, to be able to go home and hug Honey and maybe have a little cry? Or scream into a pillow until he couldn’t talk.
Guy couldn’t even look toward the front door as it gave a cheery little ring to announce a new customer. Just what he needed, another person to hear this jackass go on and on, repeating himself until the words were all just blending together. Didn’t he realize that the sooner he stopped ranting, the sooner Guy could actually make his damn pizza? Before Guy knew it, the guy shoved the old pizza at him. He managed to dodge it, the box hitting the floor as the asshat slammed his hands down on the counter and leaned in to get his point across.
“Are you some kind of idiot?! You messed up my fucking order and now you’re going to make me wait twenty minutes to fix it?! Is this place just full of incompetent college drop outs? You should be refunding my order rig-right…now…” His voice stuttered a bit as the air seemed to grow heavier as he ranted. The man had no idea why, but something inside him was telling him to run. A primal, ancient part coded into his DNA just shouted at him that something wasn’t right. He just knew the feelings definitely wasn’t coming from the pizza guy that was behind the counter.
Even Guy could sense it, and that made him look toward the door to see a familiar figure. His relief was short-lived as Honey stepped closer, steps slow and measured as they glared at the man in front of him like they were trying to set him on fire with their mind. Could they do that? They said that fire bending was a thing, right? Well they didn’t call it that, wait, shit. Focus, Guy.
He’d never seen them look so…pissed. Yeah, annoyed at him and frustrated. Common occurrences, so what? But this? Their eyes seemed to glow in the heat of their fury, their jaw tensed and…did they look bigger than usual? OH shit, were they about to bear out right here in the restaurant?! How would he explain a giant bear to Rosa or Max?!
He was jerked out of his thoughts when the jerk finally turned to his partner that looked 0.2 seconds away from tearing out his jugular with their bare teeth. Or would it be bear teeth? Gah! This isn’t the time for puns!
“The fuck are you looking at?” The phrase was meant to be intimidating, the dude really tried, but the slight warble to his voice made it lose its edge. He swallowed thickly as he tried to square his shoulders, pretending to be larger than the predator that was staring him down.
“I want you to shut your mouth and leave before I do to you what you just did with that pizza.” Their voice was calm, they didn’t need to yell to get their point across. Not that they didn’t want to give this prick a taste of what he’d been subjecting their mate to. But Guy didn’t have to see them like that, not when he’d just dealt with it.
The man gulped, meeting their eyes before quickly looking away, apparently his sense of survival was greater than his pride. His shoulders rounded up as he stepped to the side, trying to edge around them when their hand shot out to grab his arm and swing him until he was facing the counter, his eyes wide with how easy he was man-handled.
“You can go…after you apologize to him. And promise to never pull this kind of shit again.”
He opened his mouth like he was going to protest when a hand landed on his shoulder and squeezed. Not hard enough to damage anything, just hard enough for him to realize the strength that those hands held. It was then that a torrent of apologies and promises flowed from his mouth, and only then did Honey release him to flee out of the restaurant.
“Honeybear!” They were sure it was only their enhanced senses that allowed them to catch the gremlin that had literally thrown himself at them before he hit the floor. They couldn’t bring themselves to scold him as his arms wound around their shoulders and their face was peppered in kisses. “My knight in a comfortable cotton-polyester blend! What are you doing here? Not that I’m not happy to see you, of course I am-“
“You were late, I was getting worried since you haven’t texted me in hours. Someone usually spams me any spare moment he gets.” They went to set him down when they felt the wince that went through his body. They frowned as they lifted him back up. “You’re hurt? Was it that asshole-“
“No! No, I turned my ankle earlier and it still hurts. But its not so bad, I can walk.” He reassured them, but he wasn’t surprised when they made no move to set him down. Not that he’d complain about them holding him close like this in public.
“You can clock out now, right? You can’t keep walking on that.”
“Don’t worry, hun! You get home and relax, I’ll be able to handle everything here!” Guy could almost kiss Rosa as she called out to them. He giggled as Honey carried him to the back to clock out and grab his bag before they left through the back. They took his keys as they set him in the passenger seat and got in themselves to drive them home, luckily they didn’t live far. Honey parked the car in Guy’s spot before going around to open his door.
“Come on, Cub. Let’s get you inside.”
“Ooooh you gonna carry me again? You just want an excuse to keep me close, don’t ya?” He teased before he yelped as they threw him, albeit gently, over their shoulder. They were careful with his ankle as they made their way up to the apartment. “Y’know, I’d complain about being treated like a sack of potatoes but I’m not gonna argue with this view~”
“Just keep your hands to yourself until I can look at your ankle… is that the only spot that hurts?” The gruffness in their voice softened at the question.
“Nope, just the ankle. You already soothed the ache in my heart when you arrived.”
“Hmmm, you sure you don’t have head damage? I shouldn’t be carrying you like this if you do,”
“Hey! I’m trying to be romantic and sappy and you’re saying I have brain damage? This is just-“
“Don’t fucking say it-“
“Unbearable” They could already imagine his smug grin at his pun, they scoffed as they unlocked their apartment before locking it back up behind them. They set him gently on the couch, grabbing a throw pillow to put under his foot as they took off his shoes.
“That one is quickly getting old.” They grumbled as they took his left sock off to see his ankle. It was a little swollen, but they should be able to handle it. “You know I’m not the best healer…this will probably hurt like hell.” They warned, their heart twisting at the thought of inflicting more pain on him.
“It’ll be fine! I don’t mind being your homework for healing class, you know. You can study me all night long~” his eyebrows wiggled provocatively as he looked them up and down.
They snorted softly, a soft golden light surrounded their hand before they slowly traced their fingertips along his skin. They really tried to be gentle as they sent their magic into his ankle.
They closed their eyes like the professor had taught the class. It made it easier to visualize the magic seeping into the skin, finding where the pain was radiating from. Honey could almost feel the heat from the inflammation, the bands of tissue that were overstretched but at least they weren’t torn. “How’s it feel?” They asked softly.
Guy tensed as they started to heal him, his fingers trying to find purchase in the couch cushions until his knuckles turned white. He wondered how it worked, was the magic reversing the damage or just speeding up the recovery process and that’s why it hurt? His voice was strained as he cracked a smile. “It- its okay. It’s not that bad…have I ever told you how stunning you are when you’re working your magic? And I don’t just mean what you’re doing right now, though you are really cute when you’re concentrating like that. You get this little crease between your eyebrows that I just wanna smooth out-“ His rambles were cut off with a gasp as they finished healing him.
Honey’s fingers gently massaged the area, working out the stiffness and trying to get the newly healed tissue to relax. “All done, Cub.”
“Oh that feels so much better! And the massage is just a wonderful little treat, but maybe you can go a little higher?”
They rolled their eyes at him as they stood up. “I’m glad you’re feeling better. Just try to be more careful next time. Or text me if you get hurt at work. I can heal you in the car or something.”
“Awww Honeybear~ You do care. Maybe I should start calling you my Care Bear-“
“Don’t even think about it.”
“…You’d so be Grumpy.” He grinned up at them, swinging his legs off the couch so he could stand up. His eyes lit up when he could stand without pain. He bounced up to wrap his arms around their shoulders. “But you’re my grump…my big bad bear that came into my work and scared the shit out of that jerk! I can’t believe you did that…”
Honey blinked, their hands automatically resting on his hips as he pressed against them. They glanced away at the soft, appreciated light in his eyes. “Well I couldn’t do nothing with him talking to you like that.”
He hummed at the rare bout of bashfulness, his lips curling up as he pressed them against their jaw. “It was downright hot. Especially that thing when you looked bigger….can you show me that again?”
“You’re fucking incorrigible.”
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jackrubyjane · 2 years
Pizza Delivery! ft. Jihyo
Genres: Smut, Blowjob, Titjob
a/n: this is our first smut settling in to Tumblr from the hellhole called wattpad, please be kind to us and hope you'll enjoy!
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"Yooo y/n, you got a delivery" My manger said putting two pizza boxes and and a bag full of drinks, "Where's the address" I asked grabbing the stuff "Usual place as usual" He said sliding over the receipt 'Damn its the sixth time this week' i thought, but then again i don't mind delivering this to TWICE'S DORM put their orders in the back of the car and carefully drove off.
Meanwhile in Twice's dorm Jihyo was taking a shower while singing their new song Alcohol free, her beautiful voice was loud enough to hear outside of their dorm room y/n can hear that over and over again , but the pizza might get cold, so he pressed the door bell maybe twice until he got an answer "Wait a minute please" Jihyo said 'Dang her voice is so loud' y/n thought
He could hear wet foot steps coming closer to the door and it finally opened and instantly y/n eyes almost came out of his socket, Jihyo was standing there with all of her glory with her wet hair cascading down to her shoulder and her curvy and beutiful body was covered up by a towel and only her cleavage was visible
"Ehem" Jihyo faked coughed gaining his attention and she could tell he was checking her out, truth be told she didn't mind, why ? because she may have a little crush on him since the first time he delivered here
He found him attractive and funny, "Oh.....uh sorry here's your pizza and drinks, thank you for ordering with us" he said stuttering and blushing so he quickly hurried trying to get out of that situation as soon as possible
"Hey dummy, i haven't payed yet" Jihyo giggled "Come here you can wait inside is cold right now" she said, he turned around and mentally prepared himself
When he was about to go in, jihyo purposely sway her hips back and forth making the growing tent in his pants worse, he mentally cursed himself for having a boner, and face palmed
But then a loud scream came out of her room, he quickly checks on what's happening to jihyo, he first went into the wrong room but found it
"What's wrong jih....." He was speechless on what he saw, Jihyo laying there naked with her legs spread wide showing her cleanly shaven pussy while looking at him seductively
"Jih....Jihyo ssi, what are you doing" He said gulping and avoiding eye contact, she slowly walked over to him her breast is fully out and making him even more hornier but he have to fight it
"Awe come one i know you like what you saw" She said as she comes closer pinning him against her wardrobe door "And it seems like your friend down there lime it too" she said, all he could do is look elsewhere, but eventually looked into her lust filled eyes
She cupped his cock with her hands and kissed him pationately, he finally gave in and grabbed her by the waist and fiddling with her nipples making her moan to his mouth, he broke the kiss and trail them fown onto her neck, and to her left boob sucking on them and twirling in her nipples, she was in bliss, she pulled his head back and continued to kiss him
She went down on her knees and eagerly unbuckled his belt and pulling down his uniform short along with his boxers making his 9 inch cock to came loose, she was shock at first and was worried she couldn't fit it inside her
"If you dont want to, you don't have to" He said to jihyo "No no, i want to" she said and slowly started to stroke him "Ugh..... yes jihyo...... just like that" He groaned, she slowly started to fasten the pace, but then she got an idea
she stopped and put his dick in between the valey of her breast and squeezed them together, his dick fits perfectly there and the tip of his cock hits her lips
Y/n decide to thrust into her breast giving her some help "Oh fuck jihyo that feels great" He said fastening the pace "You like that huh, you like how your dick feels between my breast" She asked seductively and he nodded
"Ugh.... i think I'm close" He said, then she lets go and started to suck his rod "Oh..... God your mouth feels great" He said, Jihyo then slowly started to suck his cock
He was in bliss right now, seeing his bias fully naked and sucking on his cock right now felt so surreal
"Oh...... fuck jihyo, you are good" He groaned again "Fuck im close" He said and that makes jihyo sucked faster "Ugh jihyo....." He moaned out
"Jihh......." He came out and filled her mouth with so much that some came out of it, she stroke it making some of it came out and hit her hair boobs and body
"As much as i wanna continue my members are coming" She said while licking the excess cum that was still dripping "Here give me your phone" She asked and he picked up the phone that was on the ground"
She opens the camera app and took a selfie of her current state "Dont share this to anyone else" She said smirking
"Now hurry, they'll arrive any minute now" she said and he put on his pants and went back outside "Oh hey y/n" she called and he looked back "Here's the money" she said and handed him the money "Ill see you later" She smirked and kissed his cheek
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ravenzeppeli · 7 days
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Close to You |Ghiaccio x Male Reader Fluff|
Warning: MA.
Commission for @johnnybwanny
With all of the courage that you had in you, you knocked on Ghiaccios door, a medium-sized blue bag wrapped around your fingers, dangling at your side. It's been a few days since you've seen your friend and work partner since he dislocated his arm during a mission. All you could think about was how bored he must be, being stuck at home on rest until Risotto sees fit that he's able to come back. So badly, did you miss working with him; you've been stuck working with Sorbet and Gelato lately, and it made you really miss your partner.
The loud screech that always came out of his mouth every time he was displeased, the almost permanent scowl that he wore on his face, it was cute. His outbursts never scared nor embarrassed you in public, those outbursts instead making the two of you closer. Beneath his screams, he was making a lot of sense. Never once did you overlook his intelligence, sensing from the moment you met him that he was a sweet man under all of that anger, so long as he trusted you, and you had a strong feeling that he did trust you, considering he gave you his number and address.
The front door creeked open slowly, Ghiaccio appearing in the door frame. Lazily, he red square-rimmed glasses rested on the tip of his nose, his blue hair a curly short mess on top of his head. His right shoulder was wrapped with a tight cloth, making a firm spica wrap to heal his dislocated shoulder. The tight black tank top that he wore clung nicely to his ripped body, his toned pale arms fully exposed, ripped completely with muscles from years of going to the gym.
"Y/N," he mutteted, giving you a small nod, stepping back a little, giving you some space to step into his home. "I didn't know you would be stopping by today. I would have worn something more appropriate and less casual."
You stepped into his home, sliding your shoes off by the front door, knowing how much he likes cleanliness. Thank God you wore a matching pair of socks today. "My apologies for not calling in advance. I was just in the neighborhood and wanted to drop something off for you and see how your arm is." You sat the gift down on the wooden table next to the front door, being mindful of his injured arm. "It's just something small to pass your time."
He closed his front door with a slam, locking it. He took a few steps to his left, closing the gap between the two of you. "That's very.. nice of you." He took the book out of the bag, a bookmark already being placed inside. "This is my favorite author. Thank you, Y/N. My arm is fine, I wanted to go back today, but Risotto told me to rest a few more days. I'm fine, though. It doesn't even hurt."
You smiled as he flipped the book around, reading the back as he stepped closer towards you, his uninjured shoulder now pressed against yours. "I'm off for the rest of the night," you commented casually, causing him to look up at you, his lips inches away from yours. Fuck - did he mean to be this close? You enjoyed being so.. near him. "I can stay the night. Just to keep you company, not because you're hurt! Because you said you aren't, of course. But.. I could sleep on the couch."
Damn it, you sounded like such a blubbering fool! You couldn't help it, he just made you so nervous, the good kind of nervous. Was it wrong of you to ask to stay over, as if he actually needed a babysitter? What if he needed something? You knew that Ghiaccio was a very strong and capable man. You just wanted to take care of him. You wanted to help him and be whatever he needed.
A satisfied hum escaped his lips, a small smile appearing on his lips. He hardly ever smiles. He must like you back! "Fine by me, I was about to order a pizza. You can stay." He shrugged, turning away from you, the book still in his hand. "Let's sit in the dining room. You can fill me in on what's been going on at work while I've been away."
Ghiaccio's POV
Ghiaccio stared at you as you slept on his couch, your body stretched out, a smile spread across your lips. A small smile appeared on his own lips, not expecting for you to actually stay the entire night like you'd promised him you would. Ever since you've joined the team and been spending more time with him, he's found himself actually experiencing happiness. Being with you made him a better man, and he felt as if he was making you a better man also.
Under his guidance, you were becoming a very strong and respected man! You've always had something special about you from the moment that he laid eyes on you, that was why he personally pulled Risotto to the side and asked if he would be able to train you and work alongside you. Thankfully, Risotto agreed, only caring if the job got done, and it always got done. It was just nice having you with him. He couldn't wait to get back to work so that he could spend more time with you.
Everything about you made him not want to punch you in the face. He's wanted to punch every person he's met in the face at least once throughout the progression of his friendships and work professional relationships. With you, he never felt any negative feelings. As you infected his life, you brought along nothing but happiness and positive emotions out of him. He may not show his emotions, but he just wasn't the type! He had a feeling that deep down, you knew how he felt.
You were so kind to Ghiaccio, bringing him a brand new book and bookmark because you knew that he loved to read. Then you volunteered to sleep on his couch in case he needed anything, actually staying throughout the night! Guys always sneak out the front door while Ghiaccio slept, never wanting to stay the night with him. He wasn't that bad. He liked for things to always go a certain way, the right way. If it wasn't perfect, then it wasn't done right! Simple as that! You were very perfect, he didn't have a single complaint about you!
Your eyes fluttered open, a lazy smile spreading across your lips as you gaze up at him with your soft eyes, causing his heart to flutter at your immediate attention. "How's your arm? Don't you worry, I'm going to make you breakfast so that you can rest your arm."
The first thing that you asked about was him when you woke up, asking if his arm was okay! That was it. This was the final straw. His heart could only take so much! You made him so happy. He needed to make a move, and he needed to make one fast before someone else realized how great you were!
"No!" He spat out, letting a small smile appear on his lips, not being able to contain the rare delight that he was feeling in this moment. Quickly, you sat up, your sleepy eyes on him as he spoke. "I'm going to take you out on a breakfast date!"
"Date?" You questioned, voice immediately perking up. "What does that mean?" An innocent smile rested across your face, eyes resting on his.
"It means that we're going to go on a date," Ghiaccio replied, his voice light. If anyone else were to have asked him such a stupid question, he would have snapped at them. What else could a date possibly mean!? "Unless you don't want to." Maybe he misread your signals. Damn it!
You shot up from the couch, a small little smile appeasing on your lips as you walked over to him. "I'd love to go on a date with you, Ghiaccio. I've liked you for a long time. I'll just need a few moments to freshen up for you before we leave!" You were always so considerate of him. Yeah, he's definitely going to ask you to be his boyfriend after breakfast. He'd be a fool not to romantically presue you.
"You know where the bathroom is," he commented, a faint blush flushing across his cheeks. "I'll be waiting right here. I'm going to take you to my favorite café."
Ghiaccio watched as you vanished down his hallway, feeling a sense of euphoria as he imagined the life that the two of you were going to have together. You were so good to him, bringing him a gift and staying overnight on his couch. In return for always being kind to him, he would love and cherish for you for the rest of his life.
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whoahoney · 4 months
Alright yall, Deftones/septum piercing boy turned into a ghost, may he rest in peace 💀 but never fear….
the Pizza Guy is here. 😏👀
That’s right, a new white boy of the month in Honeyland but that’s okay, I’ve decided to award him white boy of the month, every month for the rest of the year (at least) because he’s my BOYFRIEND!
he actually asked me and everything, like whaaaat?
I love the story of how we met so much so imma write it out a little bit before I toy with turning it into an Eddie fic like I did with the chilis waiter 💀🫶🏻
Read on if you’re interested in my weird love life, it’s appreciated but never required!
TW: pregnancy sickness, crush on someone other than your shitty ass husband (it’s okay we’re divorced now 🥳😂)
Basically back in 2021, I was heavily pregnant with my second child and alllllways craving pizza. I already order dominos often enough they know my name and order when I come in, but it was much more often than normal while I was growing a human 😂
One day, I go to pick up my order at the dominos hot spot in town and there is a handsome Covid-masked boy there waiting for me.
I’d never seen him before so I knew he was new. I got shy and just accepted the pizza, trying to get back into my car as quickly as possible. But then he gave me the loveliest smile and wished me a good day and I thought about it a smidge longer than a married woman should.
The next time I saw him, he gave me tons of paper plates and napkins and full shakers of pepper and Parmesan, and that became a regular occurrence I didn’t think too much of. (Turns out he was STEALING FROM WORK)
The next time, he asked me about how I was feeling, about my baby, and what his name was going to be.
And then the next time, I was late picking up my order, and it’s protocol to call the customer in that instance, so he calls me and asks if I’m okay. Truth be told, I wasn’t 💀 I had BARFED all over myself (cause pregnant) as I was driving over there. I was so upset, clamoring around my car searching for an old hoodie to pull on, but I couldn’t find anything 🥲
Obviously I wasn’t going to tell him all that, so I told him I’d be there momentarily, that I had just been sick.
He offers to drive it to me, free of charge, but I was almost there anyway.
He didn’t even acknowledge the puke on my shirt and gave me the same smile he always did (that I couldn’t see cause of the mask lmao) and told me to be careful going home.
lemme tell you that when I got back, I had a text from an unknown number asking if I got home okay 🥺 my friend was utterly convinced this dude had the hots for me but I was married and pregnant so I had a hard time hoppin on that bandwagon, “it’s not like anything’s going to happen anyway”
I’d say a month after that, I stopped seeing him and assumed he’d moved onto bigger and better things than dominos.
Cut to January 2024, I’m swiping on bumble, minding my business and I see the cutest guy in a Metallica shirt eating noodles straight from the pot over the sink. I was already set on swiping right, but then I looked further at his profile and lo and behold, a selfie in a familiar domino’s uniform!! It had to be him.
I swipe right, we MATCH, I confirm it’s him, he REMEMBERS ME, and we plan a date.
He suggested that we meet at our “old spot” and he’d bring dinner.
And what does he bring??
A dominos pizza and a dozen red roses. 🥺
Turns out my friend was right, he confirmed that he had a “huge little crush” on me and that he’d bargain with the other drivers to get my order if it wasn’t his to take 😭 he’d give them the tips I’d give him if he ever had to convince someone to switch with him 🥲
I’ve dated some very kind and respectful people since July 2023 but this guy blows them all out of the water 😭
He’s so communicative, his boundaries and emotional intelligence are unmatched, we have the same taste in music, his love languages are the same as mine, he’s also a single father (and absolutely rocks it), we share the same values, every day he’s surprising me with some lore of his, or his kindness, or thoughtful nature 🥺
he plans every date, sends me his work schedule so I know when I can come in for a surprise visit if I want to, he brings me snacks, pays for and pumps my gas, opens every door, and won’t even let me lift a finger in my own house!!! All without me asking.
And don’t get me started on the sex bro… I— I can’t. 🥲🫠😮‍💨
If you read this far, I love you, I hope you’re doing well, I miss my tumblr/eddie hyper fixation so much, but I feel it coming back 🤍 I hope to finish our beloved stories and give them all the endings they/we deserve 😌🥰
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