#This game just made me go back to my fangirl era
jvcmk · 2 years
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@14dayswithyou I come here to ask for Rendacted to be my boyfriend with marriage in mind, btw. I got the boys here to help me with the serenade.
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hammerhead-jpg · 2 months
I get in a mood sometimes
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When I say cringe culture is dead and I'm cringe but I'm free I mean it
Not just liking anime, kandi and scene fashion, I mean all of it
If you're gonna say that cringe culture is dead it also applies to the beginer artists with bad anatomy and proportions, the furries, even the fat MHA cosplayers lip syncing "this is my todoroki"
Because back in 2018 or so during the sans fan girl era I was too much of a smartass kid to enjoy it for the camp goodness it was and instead had to be all fangirlmania "heh...you can't kill people over the internet 🤓"
Like I'm not joking when I say that the stars had to align for the sans fan girl craze to happen. If we actually exist in a multiverse where there are an infinite amount of universes then this is either a canon event or it only happened in this universe and no else
Like how do you explain that around 2018 a bunch of girls ages 8-13 made videos on YouTube roleplaying as their usually furry oc/persona(?), usually with flipaclip or a movie maker slideshow, declaring that a character from the game Undertale is their boyfriend AND husband, and that said character is so heavily removed from his source and his own personality that he might not even be there and- get this -they would make videos roleplaying and drawing out the (sometimes kidnapping and) murder of other sans fangirls because they were stealing sans away from them? And the declared "bad" fangirls eventually grew up into normal people while the "good" fangirls turned out to be horrible weirdos???
I can't describe to you how much I wish it was still socially acceptable to create a killing video of a person you're having internet beef with. Like imagine you're like "why are you talking about the vega ba, aren't you a mineral?" And then you're tagged in a video of their persona kidnapping, torturing and killing you?? I mean you'd probably be disturbed and think it's some sort of death threat but they win the argument instantly!
(btw if you have no context of this I know "killing videos" might sound very troubling but I promise they were kinda badly made and silly and no one really took them seriously, like if you look them up you'll know what I mean I swear they didn't have the same vibe of someone telling you how they're gonna kill you in your Instagram dms I swear)
You might be saying "okay I get it mr hammerhead you're nostalgic but even if you look at it from the lense of fun camp random videos made by 8 year olds aren't that entertaining"
And you're right, most of them aren't really
But there was this one person.
And their channel is still up, but I don't want to say their username cuz I don't know if this would be considered good or bad rep?
Anyways this person started off like any other sans fangirl at the time
Flipaclip curcle tool lil drawings, "hello my name is ___ and sans is my boyfriend and well if you take him away... you're gonna have a bad time"
They made regular killing videos where their character would kill other sans fangirls
But overtime things changed
The production quality because better and the stories became elaborate
Now, they were only killing out of necessity
They felt ashamed at their past self for going onto murderous rampages, but now, they had to kill to protect themselves or the people they cared about
It had lore it had drama, it was literally nothing like I've ever seen before
And it had actual Undertale lore in it?? Like it wasn't just sans floating there aimlessly there were other characters from the game??
And guess what, one time, one of the people they made a killing video about incorporated the lore from that video into their oc story and they became friends?!?! Bro how cool is that???
And the person basically allows and even incourages people to make killing videos with their oc?? Honestly me too if you have beef with me man up and make a killing video about me I'm waiting
And yeah, it wasn't some masterpiece that rivals the classics but who would think that killing videos about sans fangirls could be this emersive??
Do you know how badly I wish I was a part of that during that time???
And then history repeated in 2021
You see, ever since watching my hero academia during the 2020 quarantine I was into making ocs for it
And it became a big thing for me too, I made so many of them, and I kept making new ones and then scrapping them because I wanted to make newer ones but didn't want to have a bijillion of them cuz I thought saying "yeah I have like 35 mha ocs" would be cringe
Like it was my big obsession before I got into redacted (besides like, the actual mha show, class1b and monoshin)
I kinda lost interest in them some time ago but I think mha ending and the new season kinda resparked that interest because I'm actually redesigning them right now and thinking about revisiting their stories!
But at that time, there was and still is a community of mha oc artists on Instagram.
I made a ton of memories in that community and I could talk about it for who knows how long but I'm not here to talk about it
The thing is, I judged "mary sue" type ocs so hard.
I wasn't a complete asshole don't worry, I knew not to go to their pages and send hate or even unwanted criticism towards them, and I wasn't the type to say that every character that had a strong power was a mary sue or that every character that has a sad backstory was a mary sue, I was approaching my bitterness from a writing perspective
And I don't think that was that bad. I just had a gripe with certain tropes and as long as I wasn't being hateful towards the people that displayed them then that's really not an issue.
The thing is: I love "Mary sue" ocs now
I can't help but look at my 2021 self like the comments on an old Solar Sands video about rewieving ocs
"hurk...erm... Am I the only one that has a STRAIGHT HETEROSEXUAL oc who is HUMAN, has ALIVE, LOVING parents and NATURALLY COLORED hair with NO scars, NO heterochromia and NO powers 🤓🤓🤓🤓"
Yes and you're extremely boring for it!
Like I can't help but find the "well written" MHA ocs kinda boring now. I want the "Mary sue" mha oc who has 50 different quirks, was adopted by aizawa and is in love with bakugo.
I never stopped to think that a "Mary Sue" oc is a product of a person prioritizing having fun and creating an oc that they find cool rather than worrying about if the constructive criticism youtube channel would think their oc is good enough!!
And yes, saying that I enjoy those ocs unironically and not just as fun camp wouldn't really be the whole truth, I'm not gonna "Mary Sue"-ify all my ocs now, but they still bring me joy in the way regular old mha ocs haven't in some time!!
But the thing is, there are barely any anymore!! The ones I knew either disappeared into thin air or redesigned their oc to be more "well written"
Just like making killing videos is no longer socially acceptable and that sans fangirl channel deleted most of their videos, there are no more fun "Mary sue" mha ocs and I was too worried about what was "not cringe" to enjoy them!!
In this essay I will
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marinaiguess · 2 years
just finished watching sonic prime so why not share my thoughts on it? before i start rambling, i suggest you go watch it on netflix, it definitely deserves a watch.
Technicalities first (if i can call them that). So, judging as a viewer and not as a sophisticated critic who has read cinemtaography books, I’d say the show’s direction overall is pretty good. It’s nothing special but it’s pleasing and keeps you interested. The direction, the angles, the camera changes regarding placement and focus are well coordinated with the writing and each emotion each scene tries to convey. So, really, nothing new (i wasnt expecting a sonic show to make groundbreaking ways of storytelling through cinematography), but I believe it is worth mentioning because it plays a huge role on how one views the show. And there were many moments where I realized that a certain angle made the scene look more tense for example.
Animation! I think we all liked the bouncy styled animation, contrasting the hugely popular disney/pixar styled animation (which is good, dont get me wrong, but the animation tecnhique used in prime fits sonic a lot more imo). Also, the facial expressions are part of what made the show so great and enjoyable and I love how much emphasis they put on them, literally perfect. The details in animation, like the animalistic behaviours of sonic and co. and how they were depicted (ears twitching for example) are all very important and im glad they were implemented. And, I know a lot of us are focused on the facial expressions but we shouldnt forget abt the background as well. There definitely was attention to detail, details that were everywhere and completed the overall image of the show.
Music! the music is good what do you expect me to say like, oh that major g in the pirate scene made the scene look more tense but if it was a minor f it would make it a bit more sad and thus more fitting- no. the music was good. not surprised and props to everyone who worked on the music but i just dont think theres anything to add LOL.
Voice acting! Voice directing-wise? Really REALLY good, i wasnt expecting great performances but i was proved wrong and im happy about that. Now, for the main cast seperately? Devon has done an EXCELLENT job with his lines. His sonic voice is a combination of Roger Craig Smith and Ben Schwartz i believe but it’s also unique and very fitting for sonic, despite me not liking it at first. Brian as Eggman is meh for me, very good voice acting skills but i didnt like it that much. Ashleigh as Tails fit surprisingly well and idk why. Kazumi for rouge was a really good one, bringing rouge back to her sa2/heroes era and not the overly sexy and seducing voice she has in the games (i know its abt voice direction as well but yeah). big is meh, i dont like it. knuckles is pretty good tbh. and now, shadow the hedgehog. yes. ian did an excellent job voicing shadow and i LOVE LOVE LOVE his voice in prime, makes he’d sound like that in the games as well. i’ll stop now or i’ll start fangirling. 
Characters! I like the characters and sonic’s crew. the way the show’s written so far though has made me care about the post-apocalypse characters more than the other shatterverses. like, i like them all, yeah, but i care more about nine and knucks and rebel. maybe that was the point. also,HHHH WHY NOT BLAZE? why not silver? hoping to see them soon but PIRATE WORLD? there was a purple cat and a brown raccoon there but it wasnt blaze and marine. lost opportunity. (and rouge should have been the captain in the pirate one fr fr)
And finally, writing. I’ve seen a lot of opinions these days. Here’s mine. Good characterisation. Yes, it might surprise you but the characterisation is actually good. for every character. including sonic. maybe in a different post i could talk about every character but for now, i wanna talk abt sonic. bouncy, energetic, talkative, honest, lively, adhd coded, cheesy sometimes, reckless, extroverted who wants to work on his own from time to time. this is actually sonic. someone who loves his friends but doesnt listen to them cuz he has no patience. someone who conveys his emotions with actions and puts words aside. someone who likes to lay back once in a while, but not when the whole world is broken to pieces. someone who wants to save everyone, puts everyone above him and his needs. someone who cant stop talking, making witty remarks and jokes despite the given situation cuz he never gives up and is always hopeful and optimistic. frontiers gave us a different view of sonic’s character but it’s a very different situation as well. yet, if you carefully compare the two, you’d see how much things they have in common and how prime! sonic is very well written. 
overall writing is okay. characterisation is very good, interactions between characters are very good but some could have been better(some moments were too short for my liking), easter eggs, there are many and are greatly appreciated, many details, the recap of the prev episodes was really funny and clever but I feel like we were deprived of some great opportunities. like, eggman nega with eggman instead of the chaos council. thats just an example. and im not too salty abt it cuz it’s mainly a kids show and it shows. im glad that its enjoyable for adults like me as well though.
thats all folks. no one asked for this but youre getting it anyway.
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n1ghtm4r3-p01s0n · 1 year
I've just been fangirling about Sonic Frontiers for two days straight to my friends cause THIS. THIS. This shit, right the fuck here, is what the 2010s era was missing.
The game is just as good as the music is, and actually lives up to the vibes the songs give. Before, the music was banging and the gameplay/story was mediocre at best (and let's not start on the gameplay) but this shit. OOOOF! Last time there was a Sonic game this easy to play (aside from Wyvern cause I'm a big dummy who only picked up like a third of the cues) it was like 2005 with Sonic Heroes.
The story has wonderful world-building and genuine callbacks to earlier installments, wonderfully sentimental moments that don't dull down the story but rather raise the stakes and add insight to what on Earth is going on, SAGE (we love her!), and fuck me, I can't remember a Sonic game from the 2010s aside from like Sonic Colours where I was compelled to keep going after a second boss fight.
The voice acting has some iffy moments, but I'm just happy Roger Craig Smith FINALLY gets a chance to show he can do more than snarky-happy-go-lucky, and I love that for him. Getting Ian Flynn to write for this was the smartest decision SEGA has made in a hot fucking minute, and I am so glad. I am really glad Sonic Team have prioritized quality over quantity cause if Sonic Frontiers is a sign of anything that is to come, I am REALLY fucking excited. The last time I was this excited about a Sonic game I believe it was Sonic and the Black Knight. I could almost cry I am that happy the game is actually fucking good. Nay, brilliant! It has areas that could've been improved, but for what it's all worth I am so glad I can play this game. It is taking me back to running around my school playground chasing after Sonic as we played.
Sonic Team, SEGA; well done. The 2010s was a dark era, but if you continue in this direction, I personally am more than happy to forgive you (within reason, of course. No more crunch time, OK?)
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lifestreamsblog · 1 year
Sonic Superstars: Sonic Mania is tired. Try Sonic Team.
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Here we go again. It’s time for a dozen more rabid Tumblr fanboys, fangirls, and fanenbies to dump all over me for yet another of my (in)famous “hot takes” that fandoms and ”Gamers™” love to dogpile on.
This’ll be fun~ owo
When Sonic Mania came out in 2017, I was as hyped as everyone else was. I even ordered the Collector’s Edition, seeing this game, at long last, as a return to proper 2D Sonic after so many years of it being dormant (outside of Sonic Generations, which was glorious). I even got into this song, which was a collaboration between Hyper Potions and Skye Rocket:
And I mean...I REALLY got into it. I had it playing constantly while I was awake. I bought all of Hyper Potions’ and Skye Rocket’s stuff on iTunes that had been released to that point. I. Was. HYPED.
Then, the game arrived. I tore into it with fervour, and played it immediately.
Right away, I noticed that something felt way off. The classic gameplay was there, but it just felt different. For one thing, the difficulty was a lot higher, which wasn’t a big deal, but the overall aesthetic of the game made it feel more like a rabid fanboy hardcore gamer’s fever dream than a true return to what I believed comprised the spirit of 2D Sonic.
This makes a certain amount of sense, as this game was made purely by fans of “Classic Sonic,” so none of this came as a surprise, but it did come as a disappointment. I ended up getting about 70% of the way through the game before outright quitting, and officially dubbing Freedom Planet as the true successor to 2D Sonic.
I never thought a true 2D Sonic would ever be made ever again, so I gave up entirely.
That was...until today, literally:
Sonic Superstars is everything I ever wanted in a modern 2D Sonic game: Made by Sonic Team (the studio that started it all), uses modern, updated graphics (3D Models) as opposed to sprite art, and new and refreshing game mechanics that add new flavour to 2D Sonic.
In short, what I wanted from the beginning: 2D Sonic brought into the modern era.
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SEGA is finally bringing back Sonic in style~ I’ll be jumping on the pre-order train for this as well, and I hope they offer a Collector’s Edition. And I don’t care what all of the hardcore gamers and fans have to say about this.
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The more people who dump on Sonic Superstars in response to what I’ve written, the more people I can block here. So, come at me!
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tenebraevesper · 2 years
The Return To Sonic The Hedgehog
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I have to say, this wasn’t how I imagined returning to the Sonic fandom, especially after being absent for ages (I’m more of a casual fan, if anything). It all started out with me getting bored after the shutdown of Digimon ReArise and in my search to cure my boredom, I came across not only Sonic Dash, Sonic Dash 2: Sonic Boom, but also Sonic Forces: Speed Battle (which I totally recommend playing, the game is great!).
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I’m so proud of my achievements. (*≧ω≦*)
Not to mention, watching the new movie Sonic The Hedgehog 2, which was absolutely AMAZING!
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This (and the first movie) made me feel like I little kid again, where I would just enjoying watching Sonic zipping around, and him and his friends beating up Dr. Eggman (or the villain of the day). Just to note, I’ve grown up with Sonic Underground and Sonic X (never watched Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM)) and when it comes to the Archie Comics, I only fully read Sonic the Hedgehog/Mega Man: Worlds Collide while re-visiting the Rockman/MegaMan franchise (I’ve grown up with Rockman.EXE/MegaMan Battle Network/MegaMan NT Warrior, so I didn’t know much about the other eras).
Anyways, moving on:
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Jim Carrey stole the show as Eggman and while I am aware that he is retiring, I still hope that we’ll see him in the third movie. Still, even if he doesn’t appear in Sonic 3, I do have another reason (aside from seeing Sonic, Tails and Knuckles going on adventures) to be hyped up for it:
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I’m sure I wasn’t the only one screaming and fangirling during the mid-credits scene.  ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆
I just hope they’ll to Shadow’s character justice. However, considering how Tails and Knuckles were portrayed, I’m sure Shadow will be back to his Sonic Adventure 2 self (but no, seriously, don’t make him an edgelord; he has more depth as a character than you think).
Something to add - it is quite interesting to return to a fandom after being absent for a longer time just to see where it is. I kind of feel like a child in a candy store, where I was told I could try any candy I want (including guidelines to which candy is the best). I usually try everything, just to see what I like, which is also how I ended up giving Sonic Boom a try, out of pure curiosity:
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I didn’t play the games, but I watched the show and while it’s not perfect by any means, I laughed my ass off. It’s just fun to see the characters interact and Eggman being more of a frenemy to Sonic and co. I also liked the battles, especially the ones in the S1 and S2 finale.
Anyways, I’ll be leaving to explore more of the Sonic franchise (including fanfiction, Whipple Family (mis)adventures by @stillafanofsonic​ is so far my favorite).
If you guys have any recommendations for what I should focus on, I’d be happy to hear them. (≧◡≦)
EDIT: My opinion of Sonic (Archie) up until the Reboot.
My opinion of Sonic (Archie) Post-Reboot.
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nevenabadr · 3 years
50 Shades of You! Tom Hiddleston X Female! Reader
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Note: This is my first ever fanfiction for Tom Hiddleston. I have not written fiction for ages. English is not my first language.
Inspiration: this is inspired by:
“I will live in thy heart, die in thy lap, and be buried in thy eyes.”
–Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing
Word count: 2660
Warnings: Romance, sweet words, and smut–this is +21 and not for everyone.
Enjoy reading and please comment with your feedback. 💚
During the summer Cambridge University was having a conference "Gothic Elements In John Milton's Paradise Lost." As you the young professor of literature, the coordinate manager suggested that the University alumnus could join for not just attending, but acting a piece of the tragedy. Amongst the candidates was the Classic department graduate and famous actor, Tom Hiddleston. 
You know that he might have scheduled issues or time conflicts, but you suggested the committee email him. To your surprise, he accepted the offer. 
The scene of choice was casting the devil out of hell.
On the stage during the conference eve, you did not have the perfect time to watch him, but you took a glimpse of acting from far.
He even caught your show and face attending the rehearsals.
The conference day was pressuring. You were trying to get everything right, in the middle of your so-close meltdown. A voice brought you to reality, "Hello, is this professor Y/N)?"
You turned to find the British handsome alumni smiling peacefully at you. "Yes, how can I help you?"
"Indeed, I am the one offering help." As he adjusted his glasses, I asked the committee manager to take upon some errant backstage. Maybe I can assist with the front ceremony?"
"Of course," you paused for a moment, "can you help me with the dinner's seats arrangement? My assistant is absent and I have to print and arrange them myself."
"Just show me a computer and all will be done."
Both of you took your time arranging an evening missing up some seats. 
"Here comes my name. You will be seated with the professors, of course!" He was busy putting name tags over the table.
"Oh! Don't remind me." You replied as if it is a conversation with an old friend and continued "the Classic department and Literature."
"They might start a war." Both of you started laughing 
"I have an idea." He took a tag from his table and moved yours next to his. "Now you will be with a friend"
The presentations finished, you had to go for the gym showers to change and wear your conference and dinner dress.
By the time you arrived, the scene from the tardy was about to be played. You took your place in the front seat.
Tom was playing Satan. He noticed that you were reciting the lines with him. He even almost smiles at you. Could not hold himself from looking at you in the front row while playing the scene of...
"All is not lost; the unconquerable Will, And study of revenge, immortal hate, And courage never to submit or yield; (And what is else not to be overcome?) That glory never shall his wrath or might Extort from me to bow and sue for grace With suppliant knee and deify his power, Who from the terror of his arm so late Doubted his empire[.] (I, 106–114)"
Your facial expressions captured his eyes, the movement of your lips and then the flame of your applause. 
At the dinner, he was interested to hear all about your work and writings. His eyes could not able to leave you.
By the end of the dinner, he walked you to your car, "this was lovely, thank you for tonight" 
You smiled at him, "thank you for accepting our invitation."
You shake hands and opened your car door like the gentleman he is.
"Would you like to go out with me, for a coffee? Books and coffee, maybe." He did not hesitate to ask.
"I would love to. You already have my number within the conference contact information." You raised an eyebrow and smirked.
As your car drove away, he knew he was up for an adventure.
Three months later, you are happily dating and sharing sweet kisses. He suggested a film marathon. Each week one of you chose a topic.
That Saturday's topic was Russian Literature and you had to add: "or inspired by it" 
"Excuse me, but Tolstoy has no comparison!" He grimaced
"Shadow and Bones, love!" You teased him, "it the Netflix adaption of the era" 
"After Anna Karenina, please," he sounded like an old professor.
"Alright then, deal." You tickled him and kissed his lips softly
Both of you enjoyed Anna Karenina, however, you were crying in his arms.
"That dreadful ending." 
He hugged you "Hey, Shadow and Bones will make it up to you, let me make extra popcorn." Once again, he kissed you.
He came back with popcorn that will at least survive three episodes. You snuggled between his arms.
"Look at Alexie, how he said 'Make me your villain.'" 
You were swooning as a fangirl.
"I beg your pardon, I am literally a villain," he complained
Oh! I would literally," stressing upon the last word, "let him have me"
His face was irritated and you not coming close to making love made him anxious, that you might not be ready. He never inquired about you.   
You caressed his tummy, "hey, a penny for your thoughts, sir." It sounded like one of the Jack the Ripper prostitutes, about which you have constantly been talking.
His voice evolved deeper and his eyes did not leave yours "your deepest sexual desire. What do you crave?"
Comparing to your age, you were nervous and inexperienced. "My life was spent between books. I..."
He did not let you continue speaking and took your lips between his drawing your body closer to him, uttering between his hot kisses "I am not just a villain" his lips made the earth move "I am a God" whispering against the sport skin of your nick " a king" his hands were moving down the same tomes his lips reached the line of your bosom whilst his hand slides prevailed touching down pussy and dug his fingers driving you till the edge.
"I want you," you whispered between your soft moans.
He neglected your cravings and maintained his rhythm, watching your complexion and closed eyes till you arched your back in awe.
You collapsed between his arms heavily breathing "that was extremely wonderful, but I need you"
He kissed your lips playfully. "you are a delicious girl, Y/N, but..."
You hashed him with a kiss that he pulled from "if your life was between books, I want you to write me your deepest desire."
"Darling, it was a series, Alexie is fictional." You wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Fictional or not, he is a man, you are paying for this." 
He was deadly serious "write me your longing."
You laugh "What? Like the 50 Shades of Y/N?"
He gazed into your eyes "aiming to please and punish you, darling, avenging my honour"
The next morning when you were with your family on Sunday's lunch, he opened an email titled "50 Shades of Y/A"
The content was as follows:
He grinned to himself and determined to show her how fiction can become real.
Your week was busy. He had signed a new contract for a mini-series and was supposed to film soon.
Not replying to your email made you nervous, even went meeting for dinner. He was quiet about it. 
You checked your sent box millions of times to make sure it arrived. Still, you knew he was busy working, and you were busy with the finals coming soon.
Thursday’s dinner, nothing yet, nothing but gaggling and discussing your days and current reads. 
"Darling, we did not decide this week's marathon" 
He did not take his eyes off the menu "Are not you having a big family week, you should go" he was confident and calm. 
Deep inside you wanted to grab his neck and jiggle him, but for the lady you are and the restaurant, you were calm.
The dinner was over; he drove you home, kissed you goodnight.
Saturday morning, a ringing at your door. Apparently, you received a package, a big one.
You kept thinking that some books might have come early from your publisher. Unwrapping it to a surprise satin 1950 coat with Ruby red entourage and black heels.
There was also a note, she recognised the handwriting:
"Wear nothing but this for your punishment. If other pieces were found upon your body, then fear my fury and vengeance.
So, it was her version of Mr Grey. But have you ever been ready to comply with anyone?"
Suddenly, a message arrived on your phone 
"Reminder, a black will pick you tonight at 8, don't disobey me, Princess."
Your heel clicked on the floor as a man dressed in an old fashion suit opened the car for you. The windows were blacked out, so you did not see where it was heading.
"Welcome, Princess," he greeted you as if you were royalty, "My master is awaiting your presence."
You took his hands. The place was carved out of one of your favourite dark fantasies, a mansion with gargoyles, dark lighting, and a vast garden.
You could not believe your eyes. Tom knew your deepest desires indeed.
But that is not the end.
The inside was as of a dark enchantment with deep red flowers and candles. The servant showed you the way to a dining room fit for a feast. Tom was not there. 
"My master requires you to await his arrival." The servant bowed and left.
You were like a child been left inside her favourite toyshop. The ornaments, the lighting, and even the shapes of the food. That aesthetic you only could dream of but never reach.
"Enjoying yourself already?" You turned to find your man dressed in a black Victorian suit. His face was shaved, shorter hair, no glasses. Just all of the handsome glory.
You took a step forward "no princess, I shall come for you"
He kissed your hand and then sat on the table's head, while it sat on the opposite side and faced you away indeed.
"Are you pleased, princess?" He raised his glass of red wine.
"Yes, my Prince." You smile.
"In here, you shall address me as your king." His eyes lit with fire, and his voice was harsh.
You played along and raised an eyebrow "my king."
"This is not a game, princess, you are my prisoner"
You dined quietly, as he did not drop his eyes from you.
"Enjoying yourself?"
You flirted "deeply, my king"
He left his chair and came closer to you, his fingers left your chain so you can gaze into your eyes.
He asked, "care for a dance?"
You smiled "I would love to."
You stepped forward and took his hand to a ballroom, just for you and him, the dark king.
The following piece of music was sensual and moving.
"The coat, princess, I want to see nothing but heels on your body,"
You obeyed the king, but for a tick. When you took it off, underneath it a short emerald green strapless corset dress tight upon the curves of your body and pushed your bosoms to their glory.
He grinned and his eyes darken "looking for further punishment, I suppose?" 
"Anything to please the king." You took his hand and kissed it. He did not expect it.
He turned furiously and the next song was romantic. He wrapped his arms around you once again, waltz, you sneaky woman, deserved joy before being punished.
Twirling you on the dance floor like the earth has no one but the two of you.
By the end, he carried you "to my chambers, little one"
You were nervous and anxious. What if he did not like what was underneath the dress?
He entered a candlelight room with a four-poster bed in the centre. The curtains of the bed were black and emerald. 
He laid you in bed, kissing your lips and playing with your hair. 
His breathing was heating against your skin.
"You won't miss that dress, will you, princess?"
He did not wait for your reply as he lifted a dagger amongst the layers of his suit and cut the corset down to the last piece of the dress.
You wore nothing else. You were lying exposed as he stood to look upon your naked curves for the first time. 
You spontaneously tried to cover your bosom and private parts.
"No, do not you dare" he was angry and you could not distinguish reality from fantasy.
You throw the rest of the dress away. Hands laying by your head and he stood there for a juncture, gazing at every inch of your body.
"Turn," he ordered angrily as if the soul of Loki took over him, "I said, turn" 
You nearly dropped tears "here my king" 
You felt the softness of his lips upon your delicate shoulders.
Kissing the line of your spine. He knows this will work like magic. You tickle from your back, now trying to lick you, taste you, slap you.
He flipped you to face him. You were sobbing. He could hear it under your moans.
"You are not a princess, you are not a queen."
He wipes her tears from her cheek "you are a goddess and I am your slave."
You giggled between your tears, wrapping your arms around his neck "my king"
"Your, slave" As his voice became softer, he hushed you with a finger.
He kissed every inch of your body. You were playing with his short blonde locks.
"Let me worship your bosom, my goddess" he kissed, licked and played with your nipples and cupped your bosoms gently.
Kissing down till he reached your pussy, "Let me worship your temple" as he licked your clitoris.
You were moaning loader now
“Not this time, my king I want you inside me."
"Alright, as the pleasure of my goddess, I shall obey." 
He adjusted his weight on you and asked, "wider for me, my goddess of beauty" 
You opened for him as he enters you for the first time. You let out a loud breath "are you alright" he took your hands between his.
"Continue, my king."
He is just thrusting himself gently inside you. Your moans filling the room 
"I am a villain, a king, a god, and a man"
Your hands were free to run along his back as he continued, "a man, no, a slave for my goddess"
You were moving with him and moaning louder, "my king, what else?"
 Thursinting himself harder and moving with a faster pace.
"My goddess, the sculptures of beauty," between his breathing and moaning "Da Vinci would not be able to capture your grace"
You were kissing as your nail dug inside his shoulders.
His last whispers as moving himself inside your pussy which was clutching around his manhood. He moved with pace, as you rocked your lap against him
"I will live in thy heart," kissing your lips as you bite his lower lip between your steamy breath. "Die in thy lap, and be buried in thy eyes.”
He was going faster now and you were in tremendous awe and your skin was heating up with your pleasure.
"Look at me goddess" you were closing your eyes as you become close to you your orgasm "look at me," he ordered 
"I love thee, Tom," you said as your pussy was clutching around his manhood and trembling underneath him. His enormous climax followed your orgasm. 
You were shaking. He used his hands to keep himself from crushing you with his weight.
He rested his forehead on yours till both of you caught your breath. Gently took you between his arms as resting on his side "and I love thee, Y/N"
kissed you and as you were falling asleep, yet muttered, "I made you my villain, did not I?"
He giggles, "I beg your pardon, your God, King, and lover"
You kissed for the last time of that night and snuggle between peacefully each other's arms.
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@221bshrlocked (awaiting your feedback)
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So to commemorate iswm tomorrow, i thought I would go down memory lane and talk about my experience with the markiplier cinematic universe, and in my opinion, the legacy it'll leave behind
So let's go back to young me watching A Date With Markiplier for the first time. Clicked on a video not even two minutes long, and I was very confused. But my God, imagine the delightful surprise I felt when it showed the video options.
I remember reading through choose your own adventure books in elementary and getting very frustrated at the fact that I kept dying or getting bad endings. But ADWM was different, as it was goofy and lighthearted the whole way.
And holy fuck, was I glad to have gone the horror route before the romance route, as my fangirling went through the fucking roof seeing Dark. Cause at this point, we had fanart and jokey videos of Dark - but this was canon!! And he looked great!!
And of course Wilford too, and I was overjoyed when I watched Markiplier TV when that came out and saw almost all his characters in the same room.
So yeah. I was amazed not only in the concept of canon characters, but the perspective of an interactive first person, something I never really seen before done in video format.
I was content with what we got. And then Who Killed Markiplier came out, during the time when Mark said he was taking a break, mind you. Also pretty cool that it was during my birthday, hehe.
But yeah, watching a video a day and my theorizing was albeit very silly - thought Jacksepticeye was gonna come in as a paranormal investigator and it would end in a Clue like chaotic ending.
I was on vacation though, late at night when I finally saw the last video, and it was very much a shock seeing that this high quality series was not only taking a dark and serious turn hard enough to snap your neck, but these characters that were basically made by the fans? They were people, who had their own stories.
It was monumental at the time, literally no one expected it besides maybe a joke plot twist of Colonel being Wilford and Damien being Dark. But this made it clear that this was made with a story in mind, and it wasn't gonna end.
Since then, it was a waiting game for the next parts, with all of us being little theorists, but not only that, being fans. Watching Mark pull off a short film, an animated short, and another interactive film but in animation was so delightful. Made us all feel like what the mcu should be: complicated a little, but it kept us engaged and excited to see all of this interconnect into a large 3 act structure.
And then A Heist With Markiplier.
I will admit, this is my least favorite of his films. Not my thing, sorry. But when it came out, it was just a mountain of fans spilling their love and art and creations for this series. Not really trying to theorize anything, just expressing gratitude that something of this magnitude was made. Cause most of us saw the lead up to this. We saw Mark evolve as a creator, evolve the realms of his storytelling.
So now In Space With Markiplier is coming out. And most of us are anticipating maybe the end of the main storyline that was started years ago. But it's important for us to not get lost in the details, the manoosha of it all. Cause at the end of the day, this is something that Mark made for us, for free. He has poured so much of himself into this, and will be happy for us for us to enjoy not only the main story, but the entirety of us.
Cause of course we're gonna have fun with it.
So yeah, this may seem like an end of an era talk, because I think it is. Just kinda the culmination of it all, and it's getting me a bit teary-eyed seeing it all. No, I don't think Mark's stopping these interactive videos. But i do think he's making it clear that he hasn't forgotten about the story threads he left behind. He's making this for everyone to enjoy.
So yeah. Thank you @markiplier, and I'm gonna be a terrible captain. But I'm gonna have a hell of a time.
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elionwriter · 3 years
Ok, I finally feel ready to talk about the game. First I need to really thank Frogwares for going back to Sherlock Holmes because since "the silver earring" I have been absolutely hooked on their saga and the Sinking City just could not fill in for it and it's been the best shot of Sherlock Holmes content I've had in a good while. * Glaring at Enola Holmes and The Irregulars of Baker Street*. In advance, sorry for the long post.
Let's do this first. I've had problems with Frogware's models for Holmes and Watson since Devil's Daughter and this game did nothing to better it for me. Young Sherlock looks like a member of a K-pop band and I don't know why they would keep this model in the end when he meets Watson and is supposedly so much older ( yes you know: making a brand new model for five seconds would have been pointlessly expensive) but at least don't make Watson look like he is at least 30 years older than him, make him nearly as young looking as Holmes?!
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I know the game isn't supposed to be extremely precise when it comes to historic accuracy, but Sherlock's look is blatantly out of era and I feel like they could have made an effort to make him look a bit more period friendly. Also, staying in this line I felt like the disguising feature of the game was very underdeveloped. There are very few cases in which it actually helps and I feel like they could have taked it a lot farther and made it a core mechanic of the game instead of waisting time and effort with the blatantly bad combat system. I would have loved for people around Cordona to decide to tell me more or less about things depending on what part you were playing or grant me access to certain places of the city and not just limit it to so very few, case driven scenarios.
The gunning could and should have remained out of the game entirely in my opinion, after all there is already so much on the table that it really feels redundant. Games up to now never felt lacking for the absence of it ( and yes, I'm also referring to Devil's Daughter's chasing scenes).
The navigation system frustrated me a LOT. I don't know if it's because I didn't property get the hang of it but I had to continuously open the big map because I didn't understand where I was going just using the on screen compass. Also, the fact that you had to map down individually where you had to go.....I really would have preferred if the game automatically did it for me, instead of having to check EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ROAD in the area!
I get the philosophical point that there isn't a single individual truth but....come on! Someone DID murder the victim and someone just didn't! I feel like beyond the first, introduction case there should have been a way to tell the correct answer from the wrong one, otherwise it only comes down to 'I like this character better so I'm going to accuse the other' and the game doesn't penalise you for it!
Lastly......what the f***k is up in the end with that "L" from Death Note kind of painting we receive from Vogel?!?!
What I always really admired about Frogware's games is that they never shyed away from taking things in a different and surprising direction and creating their own canon. You may like it or not but I doubt you can say you expected some of the twists and turns they've dished us over the years!
Going to America to fight off a bunch of Lovecraft enthusiast psychos? Sure, why not! Discovering Moriarty also didn't die at Reichenbach by finding him in an asylum in Switzerland? Brilliant! Having him entrust to his arch nemesis his only, infant daughter? Makes a lot of questions arise but loved it! Holmes raising clumsily but caringly the child as his own showing us a new side of himself? Had me fangirling like crazy!
The new twists we got from this game were absolutely on par amazing for me! The fact that Sherlock Holmes had for a lifetime an imaginary friend not only feels like something entirely plausible to me, given his very true to canon struggle to form bonds and connections to people, but adds a delicious insight on what he looks for into a friend and companion, since that is, quite literally his ideal. The fact that someone like Sherlock Holmes whom absolutely frowns upon everything that might be delutional and in contrast to the truth clings so badly to this product of his mind to the point that he books a double bedroom so that his 'friend' can also have a bed is wonderfully hypocritical and human. The fact that 'Jon' just so happens to share so many pivotal points with John Watson making the lather's encounter with Holmes feel like predestined, is just chef's kiss. I will not lie, this had me sobbing ugly tears.
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Truthfully, every main relationship in the game felt on point and meaningful: the one with Mycroft, obviously the one with Jon, his late mother and even the one with Verner Voguel. Not only are they each extremely rounded and believable characters, introduced at the perfect moment but I feel like each had exactly the amount of screen time they needed.
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Jon I particularly liked. He is always there but never feels like he is being redundant or pointless, despite not actually doing anything. Watching him splash around in fountains or paining up side down on the roof was an absolute joy to witness. His pure, playful, child-like personality is not only an amusing counterbalance to Holmes' serious and straight up angsty one but it also tells us that a part of Holmes secretly thinks the things Jon is saying. There's a part of him that refused to grow up.
The writing in general in the game is really, really good. Sassy Sherlock is funny to witness, the slander of crappy teenage romance books is amusing, dialogues all sound very interesting and plausible, the added puns ( mostly based on Holmes lore) were subtle but easy to spot and some lines had me in fits (like when you're trying to make the escaped elephant take the bait of the balloon you prepared and make the sound that translates to 'If I said I like your trunk would you hold it against me?' 🤣🤣🤣).
All the cases are absolutely intriguing and curious, even the minor ones, and since this is the bulk of the game, I really appreciate that they polished all of them. I feel like, since this is a younger Holmes who is out ONLY for the truth and will take no compromises on law, that the moral choice here for the player to choose from isn't particularly in line with this instalment as it was for the others, but in the end I don't mind having full control over the case and it's outcome.
Cordona is very pretty and thankfully manageable in size (unlike the Sunken City map), it really was a good variation to usual London. The graphics weren't anything absolutely spectacular or mind blowing but I feel like they weren't bad either.
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All in all, I really liked the game even if there were a few things off with it and it made me really happy to have it added to the Frogware's Holmes saga. I would have so much more to say but it's such a long post already and I'll close it here.
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nev3rfound · 4 years
winners and losers : p.p
peter decides to host a quiz night for the avengers. little does he know everyone can see the answers during the entire quiz. (based on tom hollands quiz live stream!) (947 words) 
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“Okay, does everyone have a note pad or a piece of paper?” Peter looks around the room as his fellow Avengers nod. “Wait, Mr Stark do you need paper?”
Tony lifts his head up and simply shakes his head. “No, I’m good, kid. Jarvis will keep a note of my answers.” Tony states nonchalantly whilst a light laugh escapes your lips as you look over to Peter, clearly caught off guard by his response.
“O..okay then Mr Stark. Well, let’s start quiz night.” Peter cheers himself on as everyone shares a begrudged look.
With missions currently being minimal, it has resulted in everyone spending more time in the compound. Quickly, the number of daily activities you could do became repetitive, even for superheroes and when Tony stated his boredom; Peter came up with a solution.
“Just remember who got us into this mess, Tony.” Bruce nutters, his pen rolling between his fingertips.
"I only said I was running out of things to do between building suits and seeing Pepper." Tony reminds his friend as he rolls his eyes, unaware of Peter scribbling some quick notes before he picks up the hand made quiz cards in his hands.
"Right, so write down your answers or Mr Stark, let Jarvis record them and swap at the end." Peter smiles proudly as he looks around at everyone looking less than impressed beside you.
You give him a thumbs up as you sit between Bucky and Sam, knowing it would be the best attempt to stop the pair cheating.
"The first question, oh and we're doing films and TV first." Peter explains as he holds up his first card. "Oh, it's a good one." He mutters to himself, and you can't help but feel the butterflies in your stomach flutter at his pride.
Looking up from your notepad, you could see the question through the piece of paper along with the answer below. Despite it being backwards, it was still eligible.
“Pet-” Before you could speak up, Sam kicked you. “Ow!” You call out, glaring to Sam who shakes his head.
“Don’t Y/L/N.” Sam mutters to you. “I got a bet with Cap that I’ll score more points than him.” He adds, looking up as Peter reads out the question with a bright smile.
You sigh to yourself as you write down your answer, trying not to look up at Peter and the answer written on the page in front of him.
“Everyone got an answer?” Peter asks and nearly everyone agrees, but Thor hums loudly. “You okay Thor?”
Thor slumps into the armchair, rocking back and forth. “What is Titanic?” He questions and Natasha groans loudly.
“Thor, we watched it last week!” Natasha calls out, but Thor simply shrugs his shoulders. “You know, the ship, iceberg, death?” Despite Natasha’s attempt to jog his memory, Thor shakes his head.
“Question two?” Peter weakly questions, focusing on you as a smile crosses your lips.
“Ready when you are, Pete.” You tell him, catching the blush on his cheeks as Sam and Bucky mock you playfully.
“Yeah, Pete, we’re ready.” Sam comments, and this time you kick him in retaliation.
After swapping your answer sheet around, you hold back your laugh as Thor’s answers are scribbled across the page.
“These all your answers, Thor?” You ask, biting back the humour in your tone as Thor proudly nods.
“I know, Lady Y/n, I surprised myself.” He comments.
“Yeah, sure did.” You mumble under your breath as Peter begins to read out the answers.
“I bet none of you got this answer,” Peter chuckles, still oblivious that his use of sharpie on a sheet of paper bleeds through.
“Well, Natasha got it right.” Clint states.
“Bucky got it too.” Thor comments.
“Oh,” Peter’s shoulders sink as everyone slowly states they had the answer right, well, all but Thor who guessed Dinosaurs when the question was about The Tudor era in Britain.
“Next answer, Pete?” You ask, sitting on the edge of the sofa, drowning out everyone’s giggles and shared looks at Peter’s expense.
“Right, yeah.” Peter snaps out of his daze as he carries on. “Oh, this is the last answer.” He lets out a curt laugh and reads the answer. “So, total up your scores and let's see who won.”
Quickly, the Avengers tally up their totals and read out their scores.
Much to Peter’s surprise, nearly everyone scored full marks. “Wow, I, that’s,” Peter stumbles over his words, shock clearly written across his face. “good work, everyone.” He states, and Sam is the first to stand up.
“Nice work, kid.” Sam pats his shoulder. “Good choice of questions gotta say some were tough.” He winces playfully, and Peter smiles brightly as he nods along.
Slowly but surely all of the Avengers file out until it’s just you and Peter.
“Do you think that went okay?” Peter asks, fiddling with the quiz pages on his lap.
“Pete,” You start as you walk over, sitting beside him. “I think you did a great job. And it was fun to play a game with everyone.” You kiss his cheek as you take the quiz pages from his lap. “Come on, let’s go to bed, yeah?”
Rising to your feet, you head out of the shared living space, expecting Peter to be behind you. Yet, as you glance over your shoulder, your eyes widen.
“Y/n,” Peter speaks up as he holds up a sheet of paper with one of the quiz questions on to the light and turns it over.
“Shit.” You mutter to yourself as you rush out of the room, hearing Peter yelling after you as he waves the quiz questions in his hand.
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cherry-interlude · 3 years
Lana Del Rey Unreleased Ranking (3)
This is a re-ranking of Lana's unreleased songs, after making a first a few years ago. This is all my opinion, which I don't mind anyone disagreeing with but don't come for me for it - honestly, I like every song, despite any criticism, and this ranking is very vague. It's based on objective and subjective opinion.
This is the third of five posts, with the middle songs.
Purely wholesome and dreamy, Lana adds some very fifties “shoo-wops” to play a fifties starlet whispering, her vocals soothing and soft along with the looping piano that guides the song.
Jimmy Gnecco
Breathless over the brisk guitar, Lana gushes over Jimmy – mixing her adoration of her lovers with wannabe-starlet fangirling. It’s one of her best acoustic tracks as she smirks and requests a trip to the park.
Lana’s acoustic dedication to her icon Elvis Presley is memorable despite how stripped back it is. It could have been cleaner but Lana’s sorrowful desperation to be close to this man who she is such a fan of works well in being decent output from her.
Boarding School
It’s a difficult listen, considering Lana’s nostalgia is for a “pro-ana nation” and a school where “makig love with your teachers” is revered, but it may just be a satirical look at her time in boarding school when she was younger. I don’t enjoy listening to such worrying topics being handled in an upbeat song but the song itself has well-written lyrics and a great instrumental.
Television Heaven
This song is incredibly sweet, with lovely lyrics, dreamy verses and a distinctive pop feel, but it is definitely a strange mash of instrumentals. It’s not too jarring but it does make the song fall lower in ranking. It feels indecisive as it goes from sugary pop to a slightly darker feel in the choruses, and the lyrics aren’t the most imaginative in Lana’s library of tracks.
Be My Daddy
Lana’s full on sex-kitten in this song that opens with twangy guitars and her hushed “what’s up?” as she greets her potential “daddy”. With dirtier lyrics that she’s “open like a Christmas present” and how she’ll “fuck you”, Lana avoids keeping the sex in just the vibe of the song.
Break My Fall
Another song made for another artist, Lana this time sounds like she’s doing her own track. The pop sound is still ideal for actual music charts but Lana pulls the song off well, playing a strong woman far removed from the tragic women of many of her songs. It’s strong in quality and doesn’t stray into more experimental territory where many of Lana’s unreleased songs reside.
Hit and Run
With three versions to pick from (the poppy original, the Born To Die style slower version and the demo Criminals Run The World that’s a little more overt about Lana’s violent intentions), all three of these songs have something special about them. The pop version is bouncy and chaotic, perfect for a wild spree of gun fights and car chases. The slower version is much more seductive and measured, but a little too reflective compared to the manic power of the upbeat version. Criminals Run The World ranks much lower, not as smooth compared to Hit and Run but still with that insanity that makes Hit and Run a wild ride.
Heavy Hitter
With a jazzy introduction, Lana gives us a glamorous tale of a star having an overdose (somehow she makes it glitzy). However, following the suggestive chorus in which Lana asks her man to open his butterfly doors of his car (to drive her to get help, somehow delivered with seduction rather than horror), the lyrics get lost in Lana’s generic praising of herself and her wicked ways. However, it’s a staple of Lana’s unreleased music, even if I do skip after the (if you think about it) harrowing first verse and chorus.
Behind Closed Doors
The instrumental is a little bit all over the place, but it does work when Lana details her ill-received romance to her lover, then jumps right in the chorus to eagerly tell him how much she enjoys sleeping with him.
Gangsta Boy
Lana is inspired by Betty Boop as she croons and gasps her way through the track. The vibe is great, though the music falls a bit, but Gangsta Boy is playful, light-hearted fun.
You’re Gonna Love Me
Lana may be raw in her vocals and basic in her instrumentals (only a guitar) but Lana takes control, self-assured she will make the listener adore her. Her confessional whisper that she might just want to be loved gives this song a knowing edge despite the pondering questions and realism-on-the-edge-of-pessimism feel tone.
Living Legend
Lana’s Living Legend was intended for Ultraviolence, and whilst the song fits in it is definitely one of her more slumbering songs. Yet her sentiment is strong, her lyrics thoughtful and thoroughly enjoyable. All of the versions bring something a bit different but it is underlined by great song-writing.
Hey You
Lana has fun greeting a potential lover with this track and I have as much fun listening to it. The chorus is sparse and repetitive but Hey You is all about grabbing your attention rather than going to deep.
Is It Wrong?
Claustrophobic and guided by a smart riff and technological glitches, Lana pulls off the perfect unhinged groupie as she questions whether or not she is wrong for wanting the star of her dreams so much. The glitching is great for really seeing how Lana teeters on the edge of sanity for this guy she can’t resist, going from being the starlet to the foaming-at-the-mouth fangirl.
Lana becomes a rapper apparently in Playground and hits back at anyone who doubts her and her music. With a cloying chorus that compares the music industry to a playground of bitchy comments and school yard, Lana’s verses are smooth and her references overall decent. It can be a little bit clunky in places but it doesn’t take itself too seriously.
Motel 6
A cute little dance track which namedrops Jim and her sister, Chuck, Lana brings the party to her favourite motel, downplaying her glamour to throwback her ‘lore’ and her old life pre-fame. Though it’s very much just describing one night rather than anything complex, it’s harmless fun.
Like the explosive dynamite itself, this song is punchy, restless and powerful. Lana layers this dominating track with innocent references to ice cream and pillow fights whilst also not holding back from the sexual references.
Neat and mournful, Lana finally breaks off from her toxic partner. Lana is either sick of being worried for the future or terrified of her partner, and its reflective sadness as she plans to go back home still leaves hope that she will be able to be happy.
Rolling calmly like a beach wave, Lana takes us straight to Hawaii and paints us an image of handsome surfers and Mercurys. Wayamaya is simply a soothing, short, cute little track that keeps very much surface level.
Hawaiian Tropic
Plinky music paired with non-stressful verses and imagery of Hawaiian shirts, this is the (in my opinion) better version of Every Man Gets His Wish (which shares the same chorus). The subtlety of this track compared to Every Man Gets His Wish helps to convey the hurt feelings a lot better, with the nostalgic feel and mournful longing in the vocals.
Dum Dum
Lana plays the alcoholic star who name drops Scarlett O’Hara and Bugsy Malone as part of her identity. These lyrics are pretty witty and the song snappy but, like some of her unreleased music, is a bit too overproduced and not cohesive. The verses and choruses don’t quite gel which doesn’t make for a song that flows well but with tweaking it could be even better.
Hollywood’s Dead
Lana fits perfectly into the era of fifties with this mid-20th century driven track. It sounds perfectly in place for the decade she frequently romanticises (with a modern twist) and Lana’s crooning, tearful references to her icons drips with glamour.
Fake Diamond
For an anti-romance song, Fake Diamond is quite upbeat. Lana complains of her ‘lover’ who is one way with her, a different way with others, whilst comparing their relationship to all manner of Lana-themed aesthetics (diamonds, movie projectors, etc.). Comparing herself to a child, she practically has a tantrum in the chorus, stamping her feet lovingly as she demands he loves her. I do think this song is joyful, making fun of her inattentive lover whilst keeping one step ahead of his games.
I Must Be Stupid
Lana’s live unreleased track lets Lana enjoy her life despite the hurt that surrounds it, showing strength in the face of heartbreak and other such topics in her music. It was performed post-Lust For Life, an era in which Lana embraced the light side rather than simply the dark.
Live Or Die
The version that is a little bit more lowkey and, in some ways, mature in that it matches a lot of her early albums sound is good but it’s not my favourite. There’s the heady, ultra-pop second version that has plenty more sexy references, a little meow (iconic) and an overall vibe of just having fun on the run. The former version is a bit more serious, but the second is – though less good in terms of production – full of soul.
Velvet Crowbar
Velvet Crowbar is a song that shows the dark side of fame and bad boys, namely the way they self-destruct to the point that their adoring lovers (already addicted to these gangstas of course) are falling with them. This song is a warning to these destructive souls that they aren’t invincible, and an equal warning to the people that love them that they might just fall apart and lose them. Lana puts her emotion across so well, with her stark lyrics, anxious guitars and growling third chorus. Even her more flowery imagery doesn’t cover up the overt fear that runs through this song.
Your Band Is All The Rage
Probably one of Lana’s saddest songs (which could be a great deal many since she knows how to tug heartstrings), Lana lets go of her rock star lover despite still loving him in this acoustic track. She makes soulful promises to be there when he needs him, her love lingering until he wants her back, and utilises the country music theme to her advantage.
The studio version is my favourite but the charm of the original, acoustic demo is unmatched. Despite the controversial inspiration for this track, Lana puts us straight in the world of the 1950s, with American motels and Kmart. It has a note of sadness – perhaps because of the unfortunate tale of Lolita that much of this song seems based on – but it works as one of Lana’s aesthetically pleasing and classic tracks.
Because of You
The spoken intro is a little bit cringe but the song is lovely. Lana plays an immature brat who fell in love with a good man who essentially tamed her (a little bit questionable for some in 2021). It’s got some of her most flowery imagery and it details how her relationship bought out the best of her. The casual comments she throws in throughout the song give this a real bedtime story feel, though this song is anything but sleepy.
Frustrated but fun, Lana’s catchy and upbeat Resistance brings to mind surfers and sunny days set in the noughties. Even though she’s furious with the guy who’s causing her so much trouble it still, for a change, stays perky and pleasant. A song that needs more attention, it’s the type of song that gets people singing and dancing along to it.
Dangerous Girl
With a rock-feeling patriotic opening, Lana launches into a track about her prowess as a dangerous girl, like a deranged beauty queen with a gangsta on her arm. It’s simply fun, complete with wolf-whistles and an impression of a siren.
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It’s a good thing my main blog got  flagged a few hours ago because if it hadn’t been flagged l wouldn’t be doing what l’m about to do. People who have been following me for years know that l’m not the type of person who usually talks about politics or serious subjects because l’m not here for a headache but a fun time.  l’m just so over people complaining about everything and appreciating nothing .
  -To the people talking about the adaptation not being accurate, l just want to remind you that  the little mermaid, harry potter, pinocchio, cinderella, divergent, l’am a legend, the hunger games...were all way different from their books and l didn’t hear people crying over it .Adaptation doesn’t mean copy and paste. If you want the exact same story just re-read the book it’s as simple as that .
  -To the people comparing this show to pride and prejudice and the others period dramas set in the georgian and regency eras, and to the people pointing out all their differences, l want to tell you that the goal wasn’t to create a show that already exists. If you want to watch pride and prejudice go watch pride and prejudice this show isn’t supposed to be a PRIDEANDPREJUDICEIMITATION with no identity of its own, this is Bridgerton. What’s funny is that some people talk about accuracy then complain about the amount of sex scenes that happen in this show when the book is clearly not for the chastes. Now which is it ?! make up your mind you can’t have it both ways.
   -Then we have the usual suspects who complain about the fact that there are way too many black people in the show and that doesn’t make sense, the cast should be all white yada yada yada....Respectfully ma’aam we don’t care !!!! it’s not like there are severals shows and movies out there with all white cast. If you don’t like what you’re seeing go watch one of those movies.
   -l didn’t forget the historian type, who also love accuracy. Back then they didn’t talk that way “history” they didn’t dress like that “history”  had this been accurate he wouldn’t have acted this way George lll  blah blah blah blah blah “histoy”
 The laws back then didn’t allow yada yada yada“ once again history” . You seem to love history sir so please turn on your tv and go watch history channel this show  is clearly not for you .
    -l also want to talk about the black people who have been complaining about the lack of diversity and saying that they weren’t represented and that’s why they weren’t fucking with the show. l’ve seen some comments that made me roll my eyes but l just shut my fucking mouth and tried to mind my business as l usually do and l kept thirsting over that hot duke of hot things. What l’m not about to let y’all do is pretend that brown and light skin people are not part of the black community. Lady danbury isn’t white, the hot boxer l don’t remember his name isn’t white, his whife is light skin but she’s still part of the black community so is the queen  and so is the duke and all his little versions . The duke' father was black too, madame de la croix was black too l believe that mr granville’s wife was mixed too. Now if you want to drag the show because you don’t like it or because of the simon daphne thing please do ma’aam l don’t care. But stop acting as if there’s only one shade of black in this world because black comes in all shades.
Now let me go back to my fangirl mood .
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felicia-cat-hardy · 3 years
My 'Pretty Little Liars' Obsession Led Me To My Best Friend
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“Got a secret, can you keep it?” Well, I’ve got one: Though Pretty Little Liars ended in 2017, the seven-season mystery thriller schemed its way into being an integral part of my life for the long haul, so much so that the opening credits live in my head rent-free. To this day, each time I hear the sinister theme song — “Secret” by The Pierces �� I’m brought right back to my childhood comfort show (ahem, obsession). The visuals begin with a swipe of mascara, the smear of red lipstick, and a clasp of a heel onto a porcelain doll, which makes me feel like I’m watching someone get pampered for prom. Until, of course, it cuts to four girls standing in front of a casket. It's a chilling moment, one that, until Season 6B, ended with Aria Montgomery (Lucy Hale) delivering her iconic “shh.” I got cast under the show’s spell the first time I saw it, and I wasn’t the only one: Pretty Little Liars led me to my best friend.
Ironically, plotlines about deceit and betrayal actually helped ignite a long-lasting friendship. In 2011, the only other person I knew to be watching PLL was my now-BFF, Taylor, who’s been by my side for over a decade. We were only about 11 and 12 when it premiered, so shout out to our parents for letting us watch a show that dealt with very adult themes like substance use disorder, assault, and grief. Unlike our classmates, who watched tween-appropriate hits like iCarly and Victorious, we became PLL stans.
As fans know, the show is loosely based on the Sara Shepard YA series of the same name, and the first book was my entry point into the PLL universe. I loved reading about blackmailers and murderers navigating high school, but I thought I was the only one who was into it. (Was this my ~I’m different~ complex showing, or were my peers just naturally more inclined to recap Dance Moms? I’ll never know.) So, Taylor first struck up a conversation with me at school because she spotted the first PLL book on my desk — you know, the one painted with porcelain wax dolls warning to “never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret” in a Gothic script. She asked if I’d watched the TV adaptation yet and we immediately exchanged phone numbers to text about upcoming episodes. We then fell into the fandom. Fast.
I’d never talked to Taylor before this interaction — we had only been in a few classes together — but I always saw her as approachable and friendly. Universally, the beginning of middle school is a big and terrifying year when kids from different elementary schools unite. Eager to meet new people, I reached for friendship at any chance I could get. Taylor made it easy. Aside from being a genuinely kind person (a rare trait for a middle schooler!), she was fangirling over the same thing as me.
Fast forward over a decade later, and the show still feels timeless, especially in its accurate depictions of how dramatic high school can get. It’s no surprise there’s a PLL HBO Max reboot on the way along with the remakes of other buzzy shows from that era (hello, 2010s nostalgia). Ah. It was a simpler time. Back then, Freeform was still ABC Family and for me, Tuesdays meant one thing: PLL is on. What first started as a solo viewing experience soon became a designated hangout time, a time slot reserved for me and Taylor to gush over how much we loved Ashley Benson. (We still do!)
The series had a vibe similar to Gossip Girl or Bridgerton in that a mysterious, unidentifiable pot-stirrer keeps fans guessing each episode, but it was arguably so much better since “A,” the anonymous villain, is out for, you know, murder. Ultimately, it was the type of whodunit that made me and Taylor (and millions of viewers) go down a couple of Reddit rabbit holes — remember the “Aria is A” suspicion? — and this is where my and Taylor’s experience with fan theories began.
Oh, and let’s not forget the location. PLL takes place in the fictional suburb of Rosewood, Pennsylvania, and for two girls from Bucks Country — aka the Philadelphia ‘burbs — we ate it up. The beloved “Welcome to the Dollhouse” episode was exceptionally creepy not only because the Liars get locked into a life-size replica of their bedrooms, but also because our real neighborhood looks extremely similar to their hometown. It operates like Rosewood, too, in that small-town gossip travels at lightning speed.
The Pennsylvania-based plotline also made it easier for us to identify with the characters, who felt like extensions of ourselves. In many ways, we got to know each other through their personalities. Taylor is studious and high-achieving, obviously a Spencer. And I owned feather earrings because I saw Lucy Hale sport them in Season 1, so obviously an Aria. Asking “Are you more of a Hanna or an Emily?” held as much weight in 2012 as asking someone their rising sign in 2021. While it might not say much, it also tells you everything you need to know about a person.
PLL got its start right before live-tweeting shows became popularized, so when we weren’t together, I used to text Taylor on my slide-out keyboard phone (only Zillennials will remember) to compare notes without stumbling upon many spoilers. They read something like this: “Caleb and Hanna are soul mates, TBH.” Like every other fan, we theorized about why A had to be Ian… and Melissa… and Jenna… and Mona… and, you get the point. When our elaborate speculations ran cold, we’d pause DVR’d episodes to gather more clues, like glimpses of Red Coat’s face in her second season introduction, or inspections of those eerie-gloved hands assembling dolls and sharpening knives at the end of each episode.
This game of Clue made room for conversations about all the things. We were in high school during the show’s peak, so it felt like the Liars had laid the groundwork for how to operate our school’s halls. Rosewood High was not traditional — uh, multiple students came back from the dead (*cough* Mona and Alison) — but it did prepare us for the stressors of college applications and first romantic relationships. In fact, Benson’s Hanna Marin would be proud of my matchmaking skills because back then, I introduced Taylor to the boyfriend she’s still with today.
As we both grew up with the show, our friendship got even deeper. The Liars weren’t the only ones to share secrets, and I found it incredibly easy to confide in Taylor. She’s trustworthy, level-headed, compassionate, and an excellent listener. She’s someone I know will always pick up on the second ring and is the type of friend to be there with advice, reassurance, and a quick-witted one-liner. She once joked about never needing a diary because we’ve transcribed the past 10 years of our lives via text.
Our bond has remained strong, especially because the most outrageous PLL-esque plotlines of our lives are ones we’ve experienced together. I love Taylor because I don’t have to provide background for my stories. I’m even so familiar with the cast of characters in her life that when someone re-enters after a long period, I like to say they Alison DiLaurentis’ed her.
And on the off-chance she’s not there to witness something meaningful happen to me IRL, she’s always ready to decipher what went down over texts or dinner and drinks — just like we did when we were teens trying to figure out who A was (minus the wine, of course).
The way she can reconstruct my way of thinking and offer up a perspective I hadn’t seen before is almost paranormal. Whether these are Taylor’s naturally given talents or traits learned from peeling back all the layers of the series, I’m not sure. But she’s always there to decode situations with me — whether they relate to a TV show or during moments when I feel lost.
I couldn’t be more thankful that Taylor entered my life and that PLL played a role in our friendship. I feel so incredibly lucky to know someone like her. Plus, now I have someone who is obligated to watch the reboot with me. Ali was right: Friends do share secrets. And she’s ~quite literally~ the reason Taylor’s got all of mine. Spencer and Aria, you’ve got some competition.
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I got to talk with Eden Espinosa!!! 😍😍😍
Calling all Cass stans like myself who have found themselves completely enamored with Cass’ voice actress, Eden Espinosa!
I had the complete honor and privilege to talk with her during a virtual meet and greet as an early Christmas present from my mom (my Momma’s the best ya’ll, I love her so much cause she gets me). Anyways, there’s so much we talked about and I just fangirled the entire time. Here are some things I learned that might be of interest:
Eden did not consciously reference Taylor Swift’s Reputation album while creating her own Revelation album (I had to ask because there are so many similarities, some of which involve the titles, the black-and-white cover art, and the “strong woman vibes” I get from both albums)
Eden has always enjoyed doing things by herself (we both relate to being introverts and needing alone time while still caring about family and friends)
she became a fan of Taylor’s music by going to a concert during the Red era as a way of supporting her friends Kamilah and Melanie (they can be seen in the Reputation tour film that came out on Netflix a couple years back). She said she fell in love with the songs, production, etc. and just really appreciates Taylor’s artistry. Also, she listened to the Red album for like a whole month afterwards, which I thought was amazing 🥰 She mentioned feeling like Taylor doesn’t get enough credit for the incredible businesswoman she is, and I wholeheartedly agreed
Reputation is her favorite Taylor Swift album, although she seems to love all of them as much as I do
Eden was just as surprised about folklore and evermore being dropped this year (I mentioned how I absolutely loved folklore and that I’ve listened to evermore and want to like it, but I don’t feel ready to move into that era quite yet. Eden was such a sweetheart and reminded me that the album will still be there when I’m ready for it (😉) and to take my time)
she has a stuffed animal pal named Frankie who has helped her through some hard times (her living dog Owen died in the past year or so, so that broke my heart 😔)
So basically a lot of it was me stanning Taylor and Eden while somehow simultaneously fangirling over both 😂😂 I still can’t believe all this really happened. Somehow pinch me because I’m in shock 🥰🥰😁🤩🤩
Last but not least, here are the pics she so kindly agreed to take when I suggested a photo op (in the true style of Game Night).
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If you ever get the chance to have this opportunity for yourself, I highly recommend it. Eden is such a beautiful human being and I love her with all my heart. She is so sweet and kind, and I just cannot find enough lovely things to say about her (I told her so myself 😅). This made my night and year; I’m extremely thankful for this dream come true and will cherish these memories for decades to come. Please feel free to visit the link below and check out some of Eden’s merch. Her Revelation album and related stuff is on sale so that’s exciting! 🤩
I am in no way sponsored to say any of this, by the way. It’s just my humble duty as a fan of this insanely talented woman who has inspired and encouraged me so much through her music (in and outside of Broadway) ❤️❤️
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kal-rants · 3 years
(Not Really) Quick Thoughts on FE: 3 Houses
Me? Talking about a game that’s been out for almost two years now? You best believe it.
Quick Backstory before I bullet point this shit so I can get it out of my system. I played the game the day it released years ago and more or less finished it in a week. My first route was with Black Eagles and after finishing it was ultimately unsatisfied by the ending and set it down with no intention of doing the other routes. A friend started playing it late 2019 and was fawning over Dimitri and his route. Taking her word for it, I gave the game another go and decided to finally finish it. Took me a while but I finally finished the three main routes and oh boy...
The Houses
I loved all the women in Black Eagles but the guys were meh. Caspar was fun and by far my favorite of them, but Hubert grated on my nerves and Ferdinand was sweet but because I also had Sylvain on my team, I kept confusing the two (based on appearance not personality). 
The general cast of Blue Lions was by far my favorite. Every person in the house was so enjoyable and I actually loved getting the support conversations for all of them (Ashe is my favorite character). My only issue with the house was ironically Dimitri who I could not stand post time skip (a little more on that below).
By my Golden Deer run, I was mostly playing just to complete the game which might contribute to how lackluster I found them. I wanted to kill Lorenz so bad but he was so good at killing people and Ignatz was sweet but was so bad at killing people that I permanently benched him to focus on everyone else (played this one on hard mode). Almost all of their support conversations were fairly one note and after the layered convos of Blue Lions, I wanted more. Claude is incredible though and it became an inverse of my thoughts on Blue Lions.
Bonus: Yuri and Hapi were my immediate faves (even if Hapi was a glass canon on the field for half of the game) while Balthus and Constance where interesting but still meh for me. 
So I picked Black Eagles house solely because I was interested about Edelgard and I definitely didn’t realize I was signing up to side with the one starting a fucking war. While I loved Edelgard throughout, I found the actual route complicated for me, especially after the time skip where I was taking down people I didn’t want to take down. I was left feeling like I was following the bad guys even as the game tried to say otherwise and it left me with a bad taste. In retrospect, I’m sure the devs didn’t really intend for you to do this route first judging by how little they go in the way of explaining certain things such as Byleth and Those Who Slither In the Dark. Overall, I understood why Edelgard was doing what she was doing, but the game thought that was enough and didn’t even try to convince me why I should side with her outside of that and it only hurt her route overall. Plus, I am still annoyed that Edelgard dealt with TWS in the epilogue and not in her actual route WHEN SHE IS THE ONE WHO WAS ARGUABLY AFFECTED BY THEM THE MOST OF THE THREE HOUSE LEADERS LIKE WTF WHY GIVE THAT MOMENT TO CLAUDE.
I’ll be honest, I remember so little of what actually happened in the Blue Lions route which I attribute to me not being able to really get on board with Dimitri since BL is more or less an intimate character focused route for Dimitri’s growth. I’m not here to bash Dimitri, I’m just saying his shifts in character happened a little suddenly and there were other things about his character that were kinda just vanilla for me. I did find it weird that we never actually saw Rhea again even though getting her back was a big thing for most of the characters and you’re kinda left to wonder what even happened to her (another moment given to Claude’s run).
And finally the Golden Deers. By the 3rd time through all pre-timeskip stuff was so insufferable to get through, but the one saving grace was Claude’s insight in all of it. It made it feel different even though the events were the same. Post-timeskip his route really shines as it is able to bridge the gap between the war and the proxy war behind it with TWS. It’s also the only route that you actually get answers for shit that the other two ignore (which thematically makes sense for those routes but still). It is ironic though that this route did more to get me to sympathize with Edelgard that her own route did. It is technically the best route of the three hands down. 
So Rhea. I went in not trusting her because Jeralt mentions to be on guard about her and, since I started with BE, my distrust was proven right since she is trying to rip open your heart to get Sothis back. That hatred/distrust ran through my other two routes up until the last few chapters of Claude’s where we actually get context for what was going on. I was left in a similar position that I was in with Edelgard where I could understand Rhea’s reasoning for doing everything she did, but I still couldn’t side with her considering that she is technically responsible for the worship of Crests and nobility. Also, who builds a church and places yourself on top to be worshipped? Also also, why even place such importance on Crests? I know about the interview with the developers saying she “had” to because of how humans viewed the 10 elites at the time, but I feel like there is another option to build peace between them that doesn’t involve the elevation of Crests. Also racism; really should have done more to prevent that from blossoming in the way that it did.  
So Edelgard. She seems to be a hot topic on Tumblr which tracks so I’m going to traverse this with extra tact. I do love her and overall, I do agree that the system that the Church built had become corrupt. I mean when multiple children have emotional and physical scars of that corruption at school, it’s hard to argue against that. Do I agree that starting a war is the best way to change things? Before 2020, I would have said no, that there had to be another way to change things. But now? I dunno sometimes a system is too corrupt to rebuild off of diplomacy alone and it definitely wouldn’t happen quickly enough in a person’s lifetime. Given Edelgard’s shortened lifespan, I do get why diplomacy would have never worked for her. I don’t think I can ever fully support Edelgard for the war she started and for siding with TWS (I know her reasons but that’s basically making a deal with the devil) but I can’t deny that her goals are admirable at the least. Will her winning said war even change things? Well who knows. That depends on how she implements them afterward. I’ve seen lots of people claim that it’s unrealistic for her to have been successful in changing anything after the war but I don’t know about that. If anything, Rhea proved that she could mold the world however she wanted after her war and if Rhea could do it, then why can’t Edelgard.
Considering the nastiness of racism, I can’t even believe that Claude’s run of “end racism” was going to be as successful as they think. Solid baby steps, maybe? But don’t know how well that’ll actually go in the long run.
Dimitri might have been overhyped or something but I expected so much more than what I got from him. In the Academy Era, he rang fairly vanilla in that he was a kind and honorable guy but not much else. Felix mentions how savage he is, but there weren’t very many hints of that pre-timeskip (that I remember anyway). Obviously he was a ticking time bomb and later Dimitri shows that. And I was totally on board with slowly helping Dimitri become human again, but that’s not really what happened. You’re not allowed to do anything with Dimitri other than get his brief blurb in Explore or toss him into battle. I know why they did it, but because they shut him off from you so completely, I had problems being able to connect with him in the post time skip and ended up rolling my eyes whenever he started talking. It also made his change after Rodrigue died so sudden and it felt v forced for me. They really could have done a better job at it is all I’m saying. 
Ashe and Mercedes had the cutest S-support epilogue and I will die for them. 
Dorothea deserves the world and Yuri and Dorothea making an Opera troupe for commoners is the best thing.
I wanted so much more for Leonie but they stuck so hard to the Jeralt fangirl label that she never really grew beyond that. 
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hanadanmin · 3 years
Shadow and Bone
Sub : why they made villains so attractive?
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So.... i found another great series on Netflix and this time, it's a Young-Adult novel adaptation. I actually left the YA world after i graduated high school. I used to collect those YA novels such as Dark Instruments, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, etc. But when i came back to K-pop world, i immediately ditched them. The YA novel world seemed stagnant whereas k-pop world kept moving forward. This resulting a mass exodus of YA novel fans to kpop (i saw many YA tumblr accounts converted into a kpop stan accounts). Anyway...
I'm not saying that i'm back to YA world, it's just that i'm so happy a YA novel actually made it's way to Netflix and got an excellent adaptation. The last time a series were this good is... Harry Potter(?). Percy Jackson failed to meet my expectation, same as Divergent and Mortal Instruments. When i watch Shadow and Bone, I actually thought that it was not a YA adaptation but an original series such as Kingdom or Virgin River. But when i found out that the main character is a young female who happens to have a mythical powers that could change everyone's life, my brain starts to gave this... "you know this is a typical YA novel plot right?". So i did a little bit research on this series and turns out i was right. IT IS A NOVEL ADAPTATION!
But damn... the production value for this adaptation is so good, i hardly expect that this came from a YA novel. I mean, i know Netflix could adapt novels into a brilliant series such as Bridgerton but Shadow and Bone is a whole different level. Their costumes, set, cg, and even the cast are amazing. They really invested a lot for this YA novel adaptation. And also... ekhm... casting Ben Barnes was such a brilliant idea because he just fits the Darkling character. He's also really charming. His gaze, his seducing smile... oh God i need to lower my gaze for this man.
But anyway, i was actually surprised when i see Ben Barnes on this show. For a sec i thought he was Seneca from Hunger Games, but then i realize i knew his smile. That is Prince Caspian! You see, i had a major crush on prince Caspian when i was on 5th grade. I cut my hair short to look like him and even had this wild dream that i got cast as Prince Caspian's daugher. Of course i realize that me and Ben Barnes has a huge age gap, that's why i thought being Prince Caspian's daughter is the least i can be, haha. And now I'm shocked that he has a (SPOILER ALERT 🚨) kiss scene with someone my age! Well, Jessie is actually 4 years older than me but still.... Jessie even said that he used to fangirl Ben Barnes during Prince Caspian era and would kiss his poster back then, and now she can actually kiss him and got paid as well?! That's just my childhood dream come true for her.
Anyway, back on track. I do realize that Ben Barnes character, the darkling, has more charms compared to Mel, Alina's love interest. Mel is just an ordinary boy who wants to help his childhood friend (who later became his lover), and the darkling is someone who wants Alina for himself (to control his dark powers). Essentially, The Darkling character is bad. But for some reason this character is more appealing compared to Mel. Mainly because Mel is a good character, and the Darkling was... complex. He used to have someone he loved, but then got killed in the hands of Grisha hunters. So he made the Fold and turn humans to this ugly monsters protecting the Fold. And now he tries to control Alina by seducing her and trap her in his little caste. Everything about The Darkling is... appealing. Meanwhile Mel is... boring.
You see, this is why shaitan is so easy to follow. Bad and evil stuffs are considered to be something that are "out of the norm,". Breaking the rules seems like a fun thing to do because we finally break out from this boring routine of being good. For example, which is more appealing? Going to a bar, karaoke and having fun at the club or going to masjid and pray? Or another example... which is more daring to do? Drink alcohol or coca-cola? Both of the drinks are same, they were created for fun occasions, but why is alcohol seems to be more appealing? Of course, because it contains evil thing for our body. It is more appealing because it is forbidden. Forbidden things tend to create more adrenaline, such as forbidden love, forbidden place, forbidden acts. If humans do the forbidden things, their brains suddenly thought "Oh, i was so brave on breaking the norm,". This is why humans are easily lured by shaitan, because bad things are... like i said... designed to be daring, challenging, and fun. People will say : reading qur'an, shalat 5 times a day, going to masjid, where are the fun in that? Because there are no challenges. Instead we have to obey God and do his commands. People not knowing that obeying God means peaceful and good life. They won't have to face consequences in the after life. But like i said "Mel's character is boring, so i choose The Darkling instead,"
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This is why so many people are rooting for The Darkling & Alina more, because they thought both of them had chemistry. Yeah... the chemistry exist because the audience knew that their relationship is forbidden. I mean, as much as i love Ben Barnes. His character is just pure evil... and for that, i won't root Darklina. But, i do love Ben Barnes so i just assume that i love his character due to the fact it is played by Ben. If they cast someone else, i'm not sure i will like the Darkling this much (Astagfirullah please save me from charming evil characters).
Oh by the way... seriously! You should watch Shadow & Bone... IT IS REALLY GOOD. Here is the link, go watch it yourself :
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