#This is a good time tho there was No people in the mall at all it was So nice
shiroselia · 6 months
my autistic ass going into the same three stores to buy the same things I always buy no hesitation all confidence you've never seen anyone more good at shopping the exact same things so fucking quickly
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vitiateoriginator · 2 months
Went to the mall with my friend today, and the fire alarm suddenly went off. I made us haul ass outta there real quick. Even tho the alarm stopped like 2 minutes later. I wasn't taking chances
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thecherrygod · 2 years
I think i dreamt something that was happening in a place that we partially a mall, farm, and motel, and with three killers (one guy two girls) that all worked at the same place bit that both just thought of each others as friends and also wanted to kill each other, do every time one went on a rampage the others had to join forces to survive, but usually all three of them ended up alive. The fights were very anime and very bloody, with knives and anything that had a sharp edge, and every time their fights ended they needed to send some sort of cleaning crew but also they were a bit dismissive like "yeah yeah this is a med de it'll be clean later" and would either sit down and eat or go have some smokes. By the end one of the girls actually killed the guy (after fighting in the hotel and mall parts of the building), the other one was sorta sad bit not really bc she also wanted to kill him even if they were all so tied together and actually cared for the others, so they also took a break later on and then i woke up
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mingis-orangejuice · 2 months
Asking the L&Ds boys "What are we?" Part 4: Sylus
Summary: MC and her boy have been in a sort of situation-ship but MC wants to know why they haven't officially called her their girlfriend
a/n: This ended up being much longer than I thought so I'm making it into 4 parts (one for each boy) Here's Sylus' part its the longest part, but also my favourite. hope you like it. also, I probably mixed up Luke and Kieran multiple times so just ignore it lol.
Genres/Warnings: lots of Luke and Kieran shenanigans, a bit of angst, fluff, kinda slow burn
Word count: 1936
Previous Parts 1 2 3
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You were spending the day with Luke and Kieran, it was supposed to be with sylus but something came up. He didn’t want you to waste your day off so he arranged for them to escort you around Linkon and basically do whatever you want for the whole day. While you were happy to have a chill day with your bodyguards/friends Luke and Keiran you were really looking forward to spending a whole day with Sylus. But recently lots of things have come up and he kept rescheduling all your dates. Was he trying to tell you something, is this his way of saying he’s not actually interested in you romantically but he’s too chicken to tell you? No, he wouldn’t do that, Sylus is one of the most direct people you know, if he didn’t like you, he’d just say so. So then why does it feel like he’s just stringing you along, when is he going to make you two official?
“MC?...MC?...” Luke’s voice snapped you out of your train of thought. 
“What? sorry I was a little spaced out.” you turn to the twins standing above you while you sit at one of the tables of the Linkon Mall foodcourt.
“I said where do you want to go for lunch? There's so many choices” Luke gestured to the row of different restaurants among the foodcourt.
“We could always have the boss’s favourite, ever since you let him try your instant ramen that's all he asks the chefs to make for him when you’re away,” Kieran suggested as both boys took a seat next to you on the other side of the table. “There's a ramen place right over there”
“Umm… I’m not sure… I’m not really hungry right now” You looked vacantly across the mall foodcourt starting to space out again
“The boss said there's no limit to how much we can spend today so we don’t have to eat here. Or if you can’t decide on what to eat we can buy a bit of everything and you can taste them all” Kieran suggests while taking out Sylus’ black credit card from his pocket.
“You have to eat something, the boss doesn’t want you to skip meals he told us to make sure you eat something or else” Luke warned in a fake threatening voice.
“Well, I guess if I have to in order to save you two from Sylus’ wrath, then I want something homemade, not this cheap generic stuff, so let’s go back to the base and see what we can cook up, what do you say?” 
“Anything for the Boss’s girlfriend,” Kieran said with a smile, he stood up and put out his arm for him to escort you to the car.
“Huh… what did you say?” You stopped reaching for Kieran’s arm at the word girlfriend.
“Anything for the boss’s …girlfriend…. I’m confused, are you not his girlfriend” Kieran looked embarrassed like he might have misread the situation.
“Well yeah…but .. he’s never said it before…so I didn’t think he thought of me as his girlfriend.” you stood awkwardly looking at the floor and playing with your hands.
“Of course he thinks of you that way he gets all smiley when he or anyone else mentions you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the boss smile so much before you came along” Luke grabbed your bags as you guys started to head to the car. “The boss just has a hard time expressing his emotions. ”  he mentioned brightly
“Yeah for the first year of us working for him he pretended not to remember our names cuz he didn’t want to seem soft, even tho he could already tell us apart after the first day even with our masks on.” Kieran said as he looked up to the sky like he was reminiscing on the Good-old-days 
“But he always calls you his girlfriend around us” 
“Right, he even calls you his girlfriend in the task memos he sends us” Luke shows you his phone with all the tasks set out by sylus. He clicks play and a voice recording of Sylus starts. 
“1. As I’ll be away for the day take my girlfriend to the mall and get her anything she wants, to keep her happy
2. Make sure she eats something for lunch, she tends to skip meals and gets really tired halfway through the day because of it. If she doesn’t eat anything, a punishment will be waiting for you upon your return.
3. Carry everything for her no matter how much she buys, rent a truck if you have to, I don’t want her straining herself before tonight’s special event…”
“Wait” you click pause on Luke’s phone. “what event, he never told me about that.” 
“Uhh…oops” Luke quickly puts away his phone “You weren’t supposed to hear that. Just pretend it didn’t happen”
Kieran slaps Luke’s arm “You idiot, that was supposed to be a surprise, the boss is gonna kill us”
“Just what is he planning?” you interrogate the twins. Both of them looked at each other as they opened the car door and helped you in.
“our lips are sealed.” they both said in unison while placing their fingers in an X over their lips
You guys were now in the car on the way back to the base. You’ve fallen silent thinking about this special event. just what kind of event was this? It couldn't be something bad, right? Was he breaking up with you? Is that why he let you use his card with no limit, to give you one final good day then he’d cut you off??? You couldn’t take the suspense anymore, you had to know. You took your phone out of your purse and called Sylus. Your phone was connected to the car’s speakers and Kieran saw that you were calling him and got a little nervous. Sylus picked up almost immediately. 
“Yes, Sweetie? What's wrong, are Luke and Kieran not treating You well, do you need me to get rid of them for you? I’ve been looking for some new Henchmen anyway” He said with a chuckle
“Hey, we’re right here you know?” Kieran said in a hurt voice
“I know, that's why I said it” “Sylus joked
“And you wouldn’t get rid of us, right boss?” Luke asked, “We’re your favourite henchmen, right?”
Sylus completely ignores Luke's question “...So why did you call sweetie? Remember when I said I was very busy today and that we’d see each other later tonight?”
You didn’t want to beat around the bush so you got straight to the point.“Yeah, that’s what I wanted to ask about, what exactly is happening tonight? What's the Special event and why didn’t you tell me earlier?” 
There was silence on the other end and then an annoyed groan. “Did you two tell her?” Sylus sounded like he was about to jump through the phone and punch both of them in the face.
“No boss we promise all she knows is that there’s an event tonight she doesn’t know anything else,” Kieran said frantically “Please don’t get rid of us”
Ignoring them again he sighed. “Where are you right now babe?”
“We were on our way to the base for lunch.” You informed him
“at least those two can do something right” he sighs. “Ok then I’ll be waiting for you at the base and I’ll explain everything.” *Click* he hangs up
Now you were even more curious, what was sylus planning?
“Do you think the boss is really gonna get rid of us?” Luke asked you in a scared voice.
“I doubt it, you guys mess up all the time and he hasn’t gotten rid of you yet, what's one more mess up” you say in a joking tone “Plus if he’s as nice as you say he is, then you don’t have anything to worry about.”
Later back at the base you all walk into the living room to see Sylus sitting on the couch reading a book. “Oh, you’re back.” Sylus puts down his book and pats the space next to him for you to join him on the couch. “Come, sit. Let’s talk.” as you sit he wraps an arm around your waist to pull you closer. He then looked up to where the twins were standing. “You two, I’ll deal with you later. Leave us be for now.”
“Yes boss.” they both say and hurriedly walk out of the room.
On the way to the base after the phone call you just couldn’t stop thinking about what this event could be and mixed with your thoughts from earlier you were only coming up with every bad result it could be. All those thoughts and emotions were boiling inside and before Sylus could say anything they overflowed “What are we?” 
“Huh?” Sylus looked confused “Sweetie, what do you mean?”
“Why do you keep avoiding me and why won't you call me your girlfriend? Apparently, you’ll say it in front of everyone else but me.” You moved back so you were out of his grip 
“Those two, I’ll fire them for sure this time,” He says under his breath.
“And what is this event? Why didn’t you tell me about it, is it about me? Did I do something wrong?” Your voice slightly cracked on the last word and your eyes started to get misty.
“Woah, slow down, if I knew it would make you feel like this I would have explained sooner.” He pulls you close again, holds your face in his palms and wipes your tears with his thumbs  “First, We are Sylus and MC the strongest and most feared couple in the N109 Zone.” He chuckled. “Second, I’m sorry that I made you feel this way. I knew you were curious but I didn’t know the curiosity would get to you this much. I wasn’t avoiding you, I’ve been setting up the special event that I’ll tell you more about in due time. But, as for your third question…” Sylus pulls your head in closer and places a soft kiss on your lips that nearly takes your breath away. He pulls away and looks at you with a smirk “You’ve also never called me your boyfriend so I guess we’re even” 
“Yeah well…I didn’t want to assume… I” You start to stutter both from the kiss and his accusation.
He stops you and places another kiss on your lips “I guess we both felt that way” 
“So then what about the event?” you’re now sitting closer to him his hands on your waist to keep you close.
“Oh yeah, the event… I was gonna let you watch while I fire Luke and Kieran. I set up events every time I want to fire one of my men, why do you think I had you keep them out of the house the whole day?” He joked.
You softly slapped his chest and rolled your eyes “ I know you’re joking those two might be idiots but you’d never fire them. Come on seriously what is it really?”
“Ok, I'll tell you, if you can tell me something first, what day is it today? He asks, hoping you’ll know the answer.
“Uh, Sunday?” you say confused as to why this day of the week had any significance.
“You can’t even remember yet you want me to call you my girlfriend,” Sylus said pretending to be offended “It’s the anniversary of when a little kitten first wandered into the N109 Zone and…” he pulls you into a hug “ into my life”
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canthelpit0 · 5 months
Enemies (With Benefits) PT3
Pairing: Cold!Chris x Reader
Word count: 3.9k +
Summary: Chris and reader have always been enemies ever since they’ve known each other. neither knew why they had this burning feeling in their gut. So one day they decide to fuck it out. Until, eventually doing it regularly
Warnings: language, smut, mentions of weed, (implied) RichKid!Reader, jealous!Chris, pet names (cherry), choking, humiliation, heavy degradation, sub!Chris, dom!Reader, I think that’s all.
(A/N: I got this idea from this request. Tysm for the idea & inspiration. Hope this is good.)
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I haven’t talked to Chris ever since that party.
wich wouldn’t be too shocking, since we hate each other. but I’ve been ignoring him fully. I wasn’t even responding to his mocking or arguing with him.. just…
The entire situation of us, two people who hate each other so much, and have for so long, hooking up, is extremely toxic.
And I’m self aware, I know that.
It just never bothered me before... But he was treating me like shit. And I’m done with it.
It’s been a week now, and I don’t think he cares that much honestly. At first he went on like normal making witty remarks trying to start arguments and disagreements, but since I didn’t respond he started to do it less and less.
It feels so refreshing not to have a headache everyday.
Only con is, that we share most classes. So i have to see his face all the time. Tho I just ignore him.
At first I saw him walking a round with charlotte, and honestly I don’t know why she is still talking to him after almost hooking up.
I don’t know what he was trying to achieve with that. But if the point was to make me jealous he is so bad at it.
I’ve been talking to Ethan a lot though.
And like I thought, he’s a nice guy, and he always shares his weed.
Even though I have enough friends, most of them are ‘lunchbox friends’. Well except for Matt and Nick, but I can’t really talk to them often considering I’m trying to avoid their brother.
I feel like most of my friends are fake. Wich they are.
We’ll talk and have fun in school, but if I walk past them at the mall they will act like they’ve never seen me in their entire life.
Ethan though. Ethan is nice. His skater friends not so much. Well I guess they’re just critical. After all I’m not any type of alternative at all, and I frankly, don’t know how to skate.
But at least they respect me. Probably because I’m wealthy but ih well.
Ethan and I haven’t done anything.
Other than kiss.
I walk out of history class, a class I share with Ethan. We walk down the hallway side to side.
When we get to my locker- wich is only two away from Chris’ -I unlock it to put my books in it.
All this time Ethan had been complaining about how his next class would be math and whatnot. I had noticed that Ethan was skipping less and less classes now. I never realized how many classes we shared because he was always skipping. But now he wasn’t. And the lack of tobacco in his system was making him itchy and I could tell.
Once you got to know him he actually got quite talkative.
I look over my shoulder to look at Ethan but see Chris in the corner of my eye.
Without thinking I grab the collar of Ethan’s sweatshirt roughly crashing my lips onto his.
Ethan, having not expected it, doesn’t do anything for a moment, before he kisses back.
Pushing me against the lockers behind me roughly. His tongue finds its way into my mouth as we start to make out.
In the middle of the hall.
My arms wrap around his neck holding him close.
He was kissing me like i was the only source of oxygen. And it felt good. I could tell he liked kissing me, and he wasn’t bad at it.
“Gonna suck face in the hallways now too?”
I pull away slightly. My breath was coming out in short and harsh pants.
I ignore the voice. Chris’ voice.
Instead I stare back into Ethan’s eyes. I try to focus on the way his hands feel on my waist as he holds me against the lockers.
His grip isn’t too tight, but it was firm. His forehead pressed against mine as I stare back into his dark eyes.
I look over at him at the disgusted tone. I scoff. My eyes lock onto Chris’ and it feels like electricity shoots up my spine.
Ethan looks a lot like Chris, but he doesn’t have the blue eyes.
The blue eyes that I-
I pause all the thoughts leaving my brain as I hear Chris let out an irritated huff.
And suddenly the feeling of Ethan’s hands on my clothed skin feels too hot. Even tho he unironically resembles Chris a lot, he isn’t Chris.
And god when did my standard become: Chris.
I tare my eyes away from Chris’ gaze. My eyes locking back onto Ethan’s dark eyes.
While Chris’ seem cold and icy, Ethan’s are warm and welcoming. But I don’t want to be welcome and the warmth seems too hot.
It feels like going out in a hoodie on the hottest summer day.
“Fuck off Chris. You’re not any better”
I say to Chris, while staring back at Ethan. But before I can hear Chris reply the bell rings.
I let out a breath. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Chris slam his locker harshly and leave. And once he does I leave a peck on Ethan’s lips.
I slide out of his grip chuckling.
“Imma go now pretty boy, I’ll see you later” I smile at Ethan.
I quickly take out my stuff for my English class and speed walk past him.
★ ★
I’m late to my class but I can’t help but not care.
I share this class with none of them.
Not Ethan, not Chris, not charlotte.
Wich was a relief. Because I don’t know what that was. Ethan has never done anything to make me feel uncomfortable.
Chris had.
So why am I comparing them.
Why do I feel like the lack of just simple bickering with Chris is giving me withdrawal? Why does his glare burn through my soul? Why does it feel wrong being near Ethan when Chris was there? And why the tell did it feel like Ethan’s touch burned?
Why did I want Ethan to be Chris?
Well no let me rephrase that.
Why did I want Chris to be nice to me.
He’s always been rude and mean. I knew what I was getting into. And I liked it, and it felt great. So why am I missing the attitude.
Am I that much of an attention whore?
My eyes trail around the room. I take in the whiteboard none of the words written on it register in my head. I look over the students, mostly only seeing the back of their heads, since I sat all the way in the back
I’ve never felt so loved, alone and hated at the same time.
I know Ethen likes me, and it feels like I’m using him for escapism. To distract myself. I’m leading him on..
I feel so alone. Literally the only people I would usually tell, are the brothers of the problem.
And I’ve felt hatred so intense from Chris. And I know he hates me, and I know that’ll never change
★ ★
He days seem to pass so fast, yet so slow. And at this point I don’t know what I’m doing.
I stick to Ethan. Sometimes I’ll make out with him other times I’ll just stay close to him. Especially when Chris is around.
And I can see that he is getting more and more pissed off.
I’ve been wearing more revealing clothes. Atleast as revealing as it can get with the dress code and all. Mocking the fact that Chris can’t do anything about it.
I was hanging out at home. Alone since my siblings were once again at a sleepover. It wasn’t like they were always at one. And I feel like they’re too young to party and I trust them.
I trust that they aren’t lying to me.
Anyway, since they’re only one year apart they share some friends. So they both went to a sleepover birthday party from one of them.
I’m sitting on the couch, for once enjoying the pice and quiet. I have a movie playing, but I’m drowning more in my own thoughts than watching the movie.
I pause when I suddenly hear the doorbell ring.
I think that maybe it could be my siblings? No neither can drive yet.
Maybe it’s a package. Did I order something? But no it’s midnight they wouldn’t still be delivering orders at midnight..
I get up anyway trading over to the door.
I mean if it’s a killer and I go out this way…. Oh well.
My eyes meet Chris’ as soon as I open the door.
I go to slam the door in his face, but he catches it roughly throwing it open.
“Cherry, please” he huffs. He walks in his sharp eyes trained on me. Chris closes the front door behind him.
“Chris get out” I sigh. I purse my lips glaring right back at him.
If he stays i don’t know for how much longer I can control myself. I feel like I’m having withdrawal symptoms. I miss the way he hates me.
“Cherry, listen” he snaps slightly. I raise an eye cockily. I shift on my feet and cross my arms. My glare doesn’t let up.
But Chris is looking at me different. He doesn’t glare, he looks at me with… desperation?
“What?” I snap back harshly.
“Cherry, please? Literally give me anything?”
Oh, so he is as desperate as he looks.
“Give you what?” I play dumb. My arms stay crossed. I keep looking back at him, his pathetic state only serving to piss me off more.
He can’t even drive, how the fuck did he get here. Nobody knows were fucking so he probably didn’t ask Matt. But Ubers are expensive at this time.
“You know what I mean. Cherry, I’ll literally get on my knees right now and beg.” He says that slightly jokingly. He doesn’t actually think he’ll have to go that far, but if he needs to he will.
“So, get on your knees than, Chris” I mock back, thinking that he wouldn’t actually do it.
But before I can blink he’s going down on his knees right in front of me.
I raise my eyebrow staring down at him.
He dramatically puts his hands together making a begging motion. “Please, please, please cherry??”
I look down at him. He looks so cute when his eyes don’t look like they want to bore through me.
He actually looks desperate and needy right now.
I know I said I wouldn’t hook up with him, and I’ve been doing good at ignoring him for almost a whole month. But god he looks so cute, so… god
I thread my fingers through his messy long hair. His wavy brown hair. And I suddenly pull him up. He winces at the harsh treatment, but he lowkey deserves it for being an ass.
I hate how he stands just a little bit taller next to me.
I crash my lips on his and it feels like fire works go off. I’ve kissed Ethan so many times these past few weeks but it never felt this good.
My arms wrap around his neck. My fingers play with the hair at the nape of his neck. Chris’ hands instinctively go to my waist. He holds me flush against him and I feel so comfortable under his touch.
I pull off of the kiss scoffing. My hand wraps around his neck harshly. I pull him down to my eye level while slightly choking him, and he just lets me.
“Hm? Did you not get your dick sucked by someone else?” I mock him, my tone is harsh and condescending.
“Did she not do it as good as I did?”
“Don’t flatter yourself” he grumbles under his breath. He has the audacity to roll his eyes at me.
My grip on his neck tightens and he lets out a sharp breath, one that almost sounds like a moan.
“And yet you still came to my house, got on your knees and begged for me?”
He falls silent at the harsh words. He purses his lip staring back at me with what looks like shame in his eyes.
I move him harshly, changing the place where we stand so I’m close to the door. I harshly squeeze his neck before letting go.
“Go to the living room, I’ll be right there” I nod to the living room behind him. Chris eagerly nods before going to the living room.
I sprint up the stairs and with in a minute I’m back again.
“You’re so fucking pathetic you know that?” I glare at him while towering over his sitting figure.
I go to slowly straddle his lap. His back is pressed against the back of the couch. He looks up at me with ever so pleading eyes. Looking at me like he was desperate, wich he was.
“Such a pathetic bitch. Going to your enemies house and begging to be fucked” I say harshly. My grip goes back to his neck as I choke him slightly. Not enough to actually choke him, but enough to make him lightheaded.
“Sorry, sorry” he closes his eyes for a moment before opening them again.
His eyes meet mine and he looks purely submissive now. It’s funny to me how he is so needy. Maybe I need to ignore him and make him submissive more often, because I like this sight.
I pull him closer by his neck kissing him again. His hands ghost over my sides not daring to actually touch.
I pull away abruptly, listening to his whine.
“Undress.” I says simply standing in front of him.
While I watch him undress I turn off the TV fully. The movie had been paused, but I hadn’t paid attention to it anyway.
He does as I say. He slips off all of his clothing. He’s left fully nude in front of me for me to look at.
He squirms under my harsh gaze. But he is turned on. It’s obvious by his rock hard dick. It’s already red and swollen, leaking pre cum, looking for some release.
I pull out the vibrator from my pj pants pockets. I had gotten it from upstairs. Chris never let me use it on him, unless he was being really submissive.
And since he was, I might as well have fun.
I press it to his tip gently, not turning it on anything yet. I look back at him. I capture his mouth in a kiss. And then turn the vibrator on. He actually flinches at the sudden stimulation.
The kiss is messy, mainly because Chris can’t focus. But The vibrator is literally on the lowest level.
I pull away from the kiss listening to Chris whines and moans. He keeps his hands at his sides. He knows better than to try to get it away. But he looks like he’s itching to just push it away, overwhelmed by the amount of pleasure.
“You look so stupid right now” I chuckle.
I put the vibrator on the secound lowest level. But that alone is high enough for Chris to physically hold himself back from flinching. His moans and whines turn into breathless whimpers.
“Answer.” I scoff. And before I knew it I slap him across the face harshly. The clap echos through the room.
I was letting my pent up enger out, but Chris was enjoying it. As soon as I slap him, his mouth falls open in a silent moan.
Chris didn’t seem like the type. But he had a raging degradation kink.
The sting of the slap traveled right to his dick. His length was twitching in my hand. He was sinking further and further into the couch. He was enjoying this.
“I know-“ he breathes out. But I cut him off by turning the vibrator on higher.
His body practically jolts forward in pleasure. He tries not to come right then and there.
His hand grabs my wrist, the one that was holding the vibrator. “I’m close-“
“I don’t care Chris. If you come now you’ll have to go through the rest overstimulated.” I shrug. Then I abruptly turn the vibrator to its highest setting
He tries to curl his body in on himself but I push him back. And within seconds hes coming all over himself.
I keep the vibrator situated on his tip. I watch how he stays rock hard. His dick starts twitching as his whines get louder and needier.
He weekly pushes my hand off. But after A moment I take it off fully.
While he heaves for breath, I start to undress. I straddle him. When he feels me sink down on his tip his hands go to my waist out of instinct.
I sigh at the feeling. We haven’t fucked in what feels like ages. The stretch hurts. But still I purposefully clench around him to make it even tighter.
His eyes are clenched shut. He’s a moaning mess.
“Chris open your fucking eyes” I slap him again. His eyes flutter open.
“You look so cute all submissive” I taunt. I’m only half way down and I’m struggling. But he doesn’t need to know.
Before he can whine in answer I ram myself down. I wince at the feeling. But Chris’ moans are louder.
I start to gently bounce on him. But he is growing overstimulated quick.
I keep on doing that, my glare focused on Chris. Chris’ eyes shut tightly for a moment. He breaths harshly.
His eye meet mine again. He looks purely submissive. His head tilted down slightly, mouth slightly agape.
“Handsome boy, all needy to get fucked like this hm?” I wait for him to answer but he just whines and moans in response to my movements.
“Can you talk baby?” I ask, huffing. I grab his face, slightly squishing his cheek together with one hand. “Hm? You like getting fucked like this?”
He gasps when I speed up the pace. He blinks a few times, halfheartedly throwing back his head.
Another slap echos through the living room. His head is turned to the side his eyes wide. His mouth is agape as he tries to hold it together. “I told you to fucking talk Chris”
One of his hands goes to his cheek. He grits his teeth trying to formulate words.
But before he can, my hand goes to his neck gently squeezing as I start to ride him harder.
“So good- fuck-“ he breaths out harshly.
His eyes are half lidded. The rough treatment only serves to turn him on even more.
“Yeah, you like that?” I scoff. My hand snakes from his throat to his neck. I pull him in for a sloppy kiss. He can barely focus on anything, every sense in him overwhelmed.
I pull away from the kiss. My hands both move to his shoulders, To use as leverage to ride him harder.
Chris throws back his head, his eyes shutting. He only gets increasingly louder. My movements get harsher and more relentless.
I take one of his hands from my waits and position it at my clit. “Rub it” I demand. And as soon as I do he starts to rub it vigorously.
I clench around him, feeling my release wash over me. Chris’ hand on my hip gets harsher and harsher. I keep moving though, until I feel him twitch.
I quickly pull off an hover over him.
I sit down on his thighs, then start to jerk him off harshly. I put the vibrator back to his tip and turn it on.
Chris’ body harshly jerks forward. I put a hand on his chest and push him back.
And within a few seconds Chris is coming all over himself again.
We both pant as I stare at him. I keep sitting on his thighs as I watch him for a moment.
I lean down and leave a peck on his forehead. I pull him into me. My arms wrap around his neck, putting his face into the crook of my neck.
I pull away from him and slowly get up off of him. I pull on my panties, and pj pants again. As well as my top. Quickly getting dressed again.
I really don’t want to, but he needs to go. As much as I missed him, I made it a point to not hook up with him.
And now that I have, I might as well treat him like he treats me.
“You have to leave.”
He pause looking at me questioningly, It’s like he hadn’t expected me to tell him that. Like he expected us to just hang out and cuddle or something.
Which is not going to happen.
“What?” He questions, his tone sounding blunt, almost harsh.
“Christopher, I want you to leave” I say more sternly. I overpronounce every word to make sure his stupid brain understands it.
“Why” he scoffs frustrated. He stares at me like I’m crazy. Like I’m crazy for telling him to leave when leaving is literally all he ever does.
“Christoper.” I grit out my tone more harsh and serious.
I can’t help the loud scoff that I let out. I walk to the nearest bathroom. I grab a towel halfheartedly dampening it.
I walk back to the living room, where Chris sits mildly stunned. I throw the damp towel on him watching as he awkwardly cleans himself.
“What’s up with you” he sasses me. His gaze is judging.
“I hate you, Chris. I always will.” My words are harsh. And the more I talk the more I can see him narrow his eyes at me in anger, growing more upset by the second.
“Just because we fuck, doesn’t mean I like you. You’re a shitty person.” I take in a deep breath. I feel like I could say worse than that.
“I hate you, and you should leave.” I purse my lips. I watch his expression shift. His jaw clenches, and I can see that he looks like he is about to blow up on me.
The withdrawal symptoms of not fucking me were too much, but now he feels the rage. He remembers why he hated me so much. I can literally feel the hatred and anger radiating off of him.
His already sharp jawline only seems accentuated by the way he clenches it. He swallows his Adam’s apple bobbing.
Chris’ eyes narrow at me, but he just gets up and puts his clothes back on. He looked furious.
I hate him, so why would I let him stay, why would I forgive him. He got the Sex he wanted, so why was he so pissy about leaving?
Now fully dressed he walks closer to me, not touching me.
“What’s wrong with you?” He scoffs. His mood was now definitely sour.
“That’s how you always treat me Chris. Now leave” I snap back at him, getting just as angry as him.
“Okay cherry, have it that way” he gives me a halfhearted sarcastic nod. He then brushes past me to the door, opening it, before a loud slam echoes through the house.
I had sworn to not hook up with him anymore. And if I did that I’d treat him like he treats me. But why do I feel so shitty now?
Can’t a girl have sex and then he all giddy and want to cuddle?
Yes but Chris’ presence irks me. It’s disgusting. He is disgusting.
A/N: requests are always open. pls give me ideas on how to continue this <3 comment if u wanna be on the taglist
‼️please don’t copy my work/idea‼️
Taglist: @muwapsturniolo , @sturnad , @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 , @evie-sturns , @me09love , @fratbrochrisgf , @spideylovin , @chrissgirlsstuff , @stunza , @whicked-hazlatwhore , @sturniooolos
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ivrousae · 1 year
ZB1 as types of boyfriends plsplspls
OMG YESSSS, i’m gonna have so much fun writing this.
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♡ Kim Jiwoong | The cool in public but clingy in private boyfriend
• jiwoong will probably go by holding hands in public
• HE LIKES TO SHOW PEOPLE THAT YOU’RE HIS, but he likes to keep his image as the “cool/chill boyfriend”
• he’s so clingy at home, like if someone tries to flirt with you in public, he’ll just laugh it off, but when you’re home he’ll get sulky and cling on to you😭
• will drop anything for you ong
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♡ Zhang Hao | The boyfriend you can gossip with
• FOR SOME REASON, i can just imagine gossiping about people with zhang hao
• he’d be so fun to talk with, and he’d be so real with his words😭
• although, if he’s in a mood to be lovey-dovey, he WILL get lovey-dovey
• he probably loves to go on walks with you by the park while telling stories
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♡ Sung Hanbin | The SWEET boyfriend T-T
• stop omg this man is such a green flag
• he’d do anything for you as long as you’re happy
• tries his best to be the greatest boyfriend for you, the panic you’ll put this man into when you’re sick/hurt omg😭😭😭
• night drives are THEE moment‼️
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♡ Seok Matthew | THE BABY🤏🏻
• matthew is such a baby, like he LOVES it when you baby him, yet he wants you to call him oppa?? okay matthew🤨
• okay but that man is buff so just be careful in certain scenarios (🤭)
• but he’s such a good boyfriend, he lets you baby him but when you’re in need of comfort, he can do SO many things to make you happy like RIGHT away, SUCH A SUNSHINE ISTG
• he loves it when you smile/laugh 💯
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♡ Kim Taerae | The boyfriend with a sweet voice😍
• his voice is his weapon
• like, he KNOWS what he’s doing
• sleep calls with him always makes you weak, ESPECIALLY WHEN HE’S SLEEPY??!!*]^{*]]
• loves to sing you to sleep, or just sing for you in general, with his beloved guitar obviously
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♡ Ricky Shen | The boyfriend who spoils you
• we all know this will be ricky😋 like this man just cannot spend more than 72h without getting you something
• even when he’s out at the mall with other members, he’ll take his time to go shop for you
• if he sees you being interested in something, he’ll get it for you ASAP
• loves to go on dinners with you
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♡ Kim Gyuvin | The bestfriend boyfriend
• he’s definitely the kind of boyfriend where you can act SUPER comfortable around
• he’s a playful person so it just naturally brings your playful side too, your relationship will definitely be filled with laughter
• TEASES YOU A WHOLE BUUUNCCHHH, it’s annoying at first but you’ve probably gotten used to it by now
• but at the same time, he’s the best boyfriend you can ask for, he probably clings on to you SOO MUCH, loves to place kisses all over your face😭
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♡ Park Gunwook | The too many rizz boyfriend
• at first, you thought gunwook is such a softie boyfriend, but he just suddenly pulls out so many rizz on you😨
• flirting is his specialty, so if you try to flirt with him, he’d be able to make you do 3000 flips because he just flirts back, and his flirting NEVER FAILS?!^]%{]*
• loves to hold your hands, HIS HANDS R GIANT BRO THE HELL😀 it would probably feel so warm tho, the way he’d envelope your hands during winter🤭
• “you like me so much?” 😁😁😁😁 yeah i do, shut up
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♡ Han Yujin | CHILD😴😴😴🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻
• honestly, i think being in a relationship with yujin would feel so youthful, if that makes sense
• LIKE, its like you guys are bestfriends who hugs yk?
• the relationship would be SOOOO cute, he probably loves to pinch your cheeks, and you love to pinch his
• your study buddy ong🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻, but the both of you would probably get distracted 💀
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strawberri-elixir · 9 months
Sleepless nights
╰⇢ 9. Good shit
Warnings: just yuta being in denial again?? (no surprise tho)
note: THERE’S WRITING AFTER THE FIRST 10 IMAGES you don’t wanna miss it :] also thank you for all the support?! i never thought there would be many people who would want to read this series. but i’m thankful for all of you <3
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“Alright. So how about we all split up into pairs while we go around the mall?” Nobara took a sip of her drink as you all began leaving the food court.
“That would probably be easier.” Yuta nodded.
“But there’s seven of us.” You added.
“You guys will just have to be in a group of three.” Maki slung her arm over Nobara’s shoulder, giving a sly grin to the black haired boy.
“I don’t think-” Yuta tried to protest.
“Perfect! Inumaki, you’ll come with us!” You interjected, taking a hold of the boy’s hand.
Maki watched with an amused look as Yuta glared at her. He knew exactly what she was trying to do, but it’s not like he could do anything about it.
“Let’s go then!” You began dragging the two boys away.
The three of you then began strolling through the mall, pointing at windows and looking inside the stores. You did most of the dragging, pulling Yuta and Inumaki into whatever store caught your eye.
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“Look at this!” You smack Yuta’s arm to get his attention. The three of you were currently stationed at the front counter of an antique shop, looking at all the various trinkets that were displayed behind the glass barrier.
In this case, you were focused in on a simple silver ring. The obviously well-loved wedding band sat in a velvet box, practically begging for attention. You couldn’t help but stare at it.
Small engravings ran through the material, creating intricate designs across the entire surface. A truly beautiful piece of jewelry. It almost drew you in, in some way. Like a magnet.
“I’m almost scared to ask how much that is.” Yuta chuckled.
“It can’t be as bad as you think.” You smile. “How much is this ring?” You ask the old lady behind the counter, pointing at the silver ring.
“That one? It’s 50 dollars. But for a young one like yourself, I’ll let you have it for 40.” She smiled.
As much as you appreciated the kindness, you politely declined. Not because you felt bad, but because you simply couldn’t afford it. It was times like this when you really wished you had a job.
“I can pay for it.” Yuta offered.
“No way! I’d actually feel bad if you payed for this. 40 bucks is a lot even for you!” You immediately shut him down.
It’s true, 40 dollars is a lot for broke high school students, even if they have jobs. You couldn’t allow Yuta to spend that kind of money on you.
“You sure? You’ve been eyeing that ring for a solid 15 minutes while we looked around the store.”
“Positive.” You gave the ring one more glance before forcing yourself to leave the store. “Let’s go. Any more staring and I’ll regret not having enough money.”
“Alright, I just want to look at some of those old journals before we go, just wait outside for me.” Yuta shooed you away.
You roll your eyes with a smile, turning your attention to Inumaki as the two of you walked out. “I bet he’s gonna take a long time.”
The two of you found a bench to wait for Yuta, sitting down side by side, the two of you sat in silence. It wasn’t long before Inumaki pulled out his phone, swiping to a game and started playing.
“What are you playing?” You lean over and watch the boy tap away on his screen. He angled his phone to you, displaying a familiar game layout. “Oh! You play Genshin?”
The boy gives you a simple not. It was obvious he wasn’t much of a talker, but that didn’t bother you.
“That’s cool. I don’t really play but I really like watching this one streamer play.” You started going on about the game. “If I’m annoying you, just tell me, okay?”
“You’re not bothering me. Keep going.” He mumbled.
It was the first time you ever heard him actually speak to you. His voice was low, lower than Yuta’s at least. A little husky from the lack of use. But soft at the same time.
You couldn’t help but smile. It was like the next step in your already growing friendship. You continued to watch the boy play, leaning on his shoulder as time went on.
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Masterlist | Next
fun facts:
— even though she’s all for the chaos, maki does genuinely want yuta to be happy and confess his feelings
— inumaki has his phone always on do not disturb because of the amount of notifications he gets
— the original monster energy drink is yuta’s favourite because he rarely drinks them (you try to get him to try different flavours but he just doesn’t like them)
@sur-i-ki @aespaforlifersyall @camilo-uwu @butterflyqueen234 @shinsukeee @tanchosanke @emii4evr @lees-chaotic-brain @you-always-made-me-blush @jayathelostdragon @chilichopsticks @polarbvnny @instantmusico @sad-darksoul @hellyyy06 @rosieandthethorns @zellwa @iluv-ace @h3xi2g0n3 @morgyyyyyyy @bellaabee082
Bold means I for some reason can’t tag you! I don’t know why :[
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badasmuse · 8 months
“BeBe’s Bodyguard”
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Team Bebe x Reader
Warnings: mentions of blood, mentions of a knife, mentions of a stabbing, cute ending tho, language, lowercase intended (you already know)
Summary: you’re bebe’s bodyguard. what could possibly go wrong?
“sowon and chaeyoung can you two please stop running off?” you ask. it’s not really a question but you’re trying. they’ve been disappearing for the past twenty minutes.
“oops sorry y/n-nim!” sowon says bowing.
you’ve been their bodyguard for a long time. you automatically became close because you’re the only female bodyguard they have. they trusted you immensely.
“just stay in the area. i don’t want anything happening to you.” you say standing behind them as they looked for things.
moments later, the others walked up with the other three bodyguards on duty.
“y/n!!” bada says excitedly. she pulls you into her and steps back. “look at what i bought.”
“i will when we get in the car bada.” you say pushing her items back into her bag. “head count i only see six.”
“i’m behind you!” you hear tatter’s sweet voice say.
“all of you are gonna be on punishment.” you mumble making sure they’re all good before walking towards the mall exit.
you take your place up front next to bada. sad to say, she is the more popular one of the seven, so fans tend to rush after her. they rush all the girls, don’t get me wrong, but recently they’ve been rushing bada a lot more due to her girl crush concept blowing up. so bada now has two guards on her whole the other two guards stand in the middle and at the end of the line.
“y/n,” bada says looking up, “i bought you something too!” she says excitedly.
“that’s sweet bada.” you say pushing her hands back down gently. “show me in the car.” you say again.
you can see a crowd when you get to the door, some people are next to the van. “alright girls, hold onto the person in front of you. don’t step out of line.”
“aye aye captain!”
“lusher..” you groan before grabbing onto bada as your coworker opens the door for you.
“bada! bada you’re so cool!”
“oh my gosh bada unnie you’re so pretty!”
“minah i love you!
“tatter your hair looks so good!”
“lusher unnie we missed you!”
the comments come fast as you hold onto bada’s waist and gently push through the crowd.
you get about three feet from the van when you see them. some fan, maybe a fake fan, comes running right towards bada. since her head is down, bada doesn’t see it. she just feels your grip tighten and being pulled to the other side.
you grab the fan quickly, safely dropping her to the ground. the fan tries to get out of your hold and you feel something scratch at your arm. you ignore it trying to calm her down.
the other guards get the girls in the car, shutting the door before helping you with the person you have pinned.
“y/n you’re bleeding.” one says.
you look at your arm then down at the girl's hand, noticing the knife she has. “oh what the fuck.” you say.
she’s quickly disarmed and you walk to the van getting in with the girls and huffing.
“what’s wrong y/n?” kyma asks.
“she cut me. i can’t see it. is this bad?” you turn your arm towards the girls and they gasp.
“y/n that’s a lot of blood!” lusher exclaims grabbing tissues. “you might need stitches that’s really deep.”
after the situation is over and everyone’s in the van, the girls are quickly brought back to their respective homes and you’re taken to a nearby hospital. doctors told you to take it easy for a few days so you did. you spent a week in your little apartment recovering. of course the girls sent you plenty of messages saying how they missed you. (especially bada. she sent messages back to back like she was bangchan on bubble- but let’s not get into that.)
you were excited to be back at work. you missed the girls and their antics. they didn’t know when you were coming back and they definitely didn’t think it would be today.
it was tuesday, so team bebe were at the studio practicing. you quietly open the door and peak your head in.
“lusher you’re doing it wrong!” bada stresses.
“no i’m not! i’m doing it like everyone else, you're wrong!” she says back.
“do it again from the top.” bada plays the music and watches in the mirror as everyone dances. lusher was right, bada was wrong.
“told you!”
“whatever. let’s keep going.” she grumbles.
“oh bada,” you say stepping in, “that’s not nice. apologize to lusher.”
“y/n!!!” the girls exclaim rubbing towards you. you immediately put your injured arm up then gently let it down around them.
“are you back? we missed you so much!! bada has been mean the whole time you were gone.” kyma speaks up.
you make eye contact with bada as she sulks against the mirror. she turns the other way without saying anything. “why don’t you girls take a break so i can talk to bada.” you whisper. they nod and make their way out the door.
“hi bada.” you say approaching her.
“i was worried.” she says, still looking away.
“i texted you everyday. why were you being mean to my kids?”
bada doesn’t respond. she pouts looking down at the ground. you put your finger under her chin raising her head, “i asked a question.”
her face turns red and she clears her throat, “y/n i like you. oh that is not what i wanted to say.” she says covering her mouth.
“babe it was painfully obvious. that doesn’t answer why you’ve been mean to the kids. did not seeing me everyday throw you off?”
she nods.
“that’s cute. you owe them a big apology. give them the day off then let me take you out.” you say leaning on the mirror.
“you… wanna take me out? okay.” she giggles walking towards the door. she opens it and the six kids fall to the floor.
“h-hi!” they stutter.
you shake your head, “kids.”
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Taglist (open! comment to be added!): @waveartistry @sun-nyy @yngtort @jennamc75 @m0r0s1111 @seungxstar @badasbebe @lil-elliesgf @currentfications
a/n: this was a request! hope you like it! i have frostbite guys🧍🏽frostbite on my thumbs and pinkies, four more requests, and eight things i’m trying to write. idk what i’m going to do. send help. pls.
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7ndipity · 1 year
Dating Jin headcanons
Seokjin x Reader
Warnings: swearing, teeny bit suggestive
A/N: More headcanons because they're fun and I can't sleep🤷. Working on these lists is making me so soft for the members all over again, it's crazy. Anyway, hope you like them!
Requests are open
Dating Jin is like dating your best friend.
Cause, I mean, you basically are.
He is a hopeless romantic, in every sense of the phrase.
A Classic Gentleman. Opens doors for you, holds your hand on the stairs, shows up for your first date in a suit with bouquet of flowers(even though your just going to the fair or smth)
So awkward when you first start dating, his ears probably stayed red for a solid three weeks.
Does that blushy, flustered laugh thing anytime you complement him. Like yeah, he knows he's Mr.WWH, but hearing it from you just hits different, man.
He admitted before to getting so lost in daydreaming about his future s/o that he's burned food, and I think that would still happen(hopefully to a less severe degree) now that he has you.
Like, you'll be talking about something and look over at him, and he just has that distant look in his eyes. And you're like "Hello?" And he just blurts out something like "We should get a cat." "What?!"
You've heard his dad jokes, now get ready for the cheesiest, cringiest pick-up lines ever.
"I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me & you together." "Please stop." "Are you from Paris? Because Eiffel for you." "That doesn't even make sense!"
His flirt game is actually pretty good tho, he's just so nonchalant about it, that it tends to catch you off guard.
You:*walks in room* Him: "Wow." You:"What?" Him:"I just forgot how gorgeous you were."
Likes taking you on fancy dates, but usually prefers cozier, lowkey dates with you.
Like, one day he'll take you to the nicest restaurant in town, the next, he's dragging your ass to some lake to go fishing.
Cooking dates that start out pretty cute and sweet, but become increasingly unhinged as time goes on(there's a korean youtube channel TryToEat, that I swear is what he would be like)
Calls you things like 'Jagi' and 'Honey', as well as more weird, Jin-esque names like 'Bubble'(he thinks it's cute, just go with it)
Couples outfits that range from matching sweatsuits to those t-shirts that say "if found, please return to Jin" & "I'm Jin".(He claims it's for safety reasons because what if he loses you at the mall or smth?)
Y'all pick on each other constantly.
"You look like a Pokémon." "Big talk for someone built like fucking Dorito."
Like, you've seen him with Jungkook, he's a menace. But now, he's your menace. (Imma pray for you)
But he's the only one allowed to pick on you. Anyone else who tries is in for the cussing out of a lifetime.
House Husband Vibes.
Takes pride in looking after you, whether that's taking care of you when you're sick, or just making dinner on a random Wednesday. It makes him feel needed.
Speaks as if you're already married.
"Think about the kids." "What kids?!" "The cats!" "We don't have cats yet!" "Aha, yet! So we are going have some eventually!"
Has the tendency to finish every conversation by giving you a lil smooch. (Doesn't matter if he was talking to you or someone else, you're getting kisses)
Literally hangs off of you whenever he's tired or wants attention.
Long, drawn out kisses where he backs you against the wall or counter that can make you forget about anything else other than him.
Likes to lay on you rather than with you. Like, you are his favorite pillow, and he will whine if you don't let him have his pillow time, cause he's a dramatic mf.
The other members don't call him the actual maknae for no reason, he's kinda baby.
You're one of the only people who get to see his more serious sides though, however brief their appearances may be.
Argues with you over the dumbest shit, but avoids actually fighting with you like a plague.
Overall, he's very sweet though and would do anything for you. Idk, he's just so, 💞ugh, yeah Imma go now.
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yae-energy · 1 year
get in bitch, we’re going shopping
synopsis: my take on what it’s like going to the mall with saiki and friends
cast: kusuo saiki, shun kaidou, aren kuboyasu x shopaholic black fem reader (all platonic)
cw: theft (kuboyasu’s part) , cursing
a/n: this won the poll so come get y’all snacks ! this was also mega fun to write omg 😭😭😭
saiki - doesn’t even wanna be there
- bro just wants to stay home ong 😭
- def keeps that germanium ring on him cause he is not trynna hear everybody’s nasty ass thoughts
- sticks close to you if you’re in a group cause you’re the only one who isn’t stressing him out
- also cause you tend to wander off when looking at display windows
- has to keep you from going into every store y’all come across but man is that an exhausting job
- like he don’t wanna be there all damn day
- but having to stop you from getting pouty cause they didn’t have the sneakers you want is worse
- will literally use his clairvoyance to find the shoes in another store and then swap it with a different pair of the same value so you can shut the hell up 😭 (love a supportive king !!)
“they dont have the shoes?? i literally waited all damn day for those and they don’t even- …. huh? since when did these get here?”
“must be magic, now let’s get the hell outta here PLEASE”
- food court enthusiast !!!
- without a doubt his favorite place in the mall
- buys you both lunch
- also buys you a key chain as a gift cause he saw you eyeing it in one of the windows, and puts it in one of your bags so you’ll see it when you get home
- will not tell you he bought it
- you rambling to him on the way to school the next day about how you must’ve gotten it by mistake is a reward in itself
kaidou - shopaholic bestie
- just like you, kaido loves a good shopping spree !!!
- he’s gotta deck himself out so dark reunion knows who they messing with !!!
- they don’t call him the jet black wings for nothing 😤
- gives surprisingly good fashion advice
“this color brings out your skin tone you should get this”
“these shoes match that hat you should get these”
“gold accessories fit your skin perfectly”
- loves when you give him a fashion show if you’re trying on clothes
- will literally make you runway walk 💀
- hot topic king !!!!
- prob their biggest buyer tbh
- gets those corny graphic tees and you have to BEG him to not wear them in public
- like he genuinely thinks they’re cool and you’re like
“😬…lets not”
- goes straight to the bookstore to see if they have any new manga
- will be there for hours if you don’t pull him out
- like he dead read a whole book once while you were out looking for bags
- you bought it for him as a treat cause he carried all your bags for you
kuboyasu - a thief in the night
- im sorry y’all but this man def steals (same tho/hj)
- and doesn’t give a fuck either
- but most of the time it’s not even on purpose fr
- like he’ll pick up something and be like
“damn this shit cool ash”
- then will forget he has it in his hand and walk out with it 😭
- is banned from 3 of your favorite stores for doing this so he just stands outside like a club bouncer and waits for you
- best believe if someone tries to get at you he’s there to keep em in check !!
- once a cashier tried to get your number and he was not having it
“nuh uh”
- like 🤷🏽‍♀️ sorry but if they look like a loser he’s not letting it happen
- people assume you guys are dating cause he does that but he’s just a little protective fr
- he ain’t letting no scrub try to take you out, tf he look like?
- steals you that expensive bag you wanted
- goes with you into the makeup stores and lets you swatch the lipsticks on him if you run out of room on your hand
- will be mad if they don’t have your shade in anything and curse out the employees
- gets banned
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boytumms · 9 months
So a concept if you will... a guy has to go to a new years eve party.
It's a costume party and hes kinda put off getting one till last minute so he finds himself looking around at the mall ends up walking into a Suspicious Costume Shop tm.
They have a "Daddy Time" costume that is cheap, on theme, and a little saucy. (Eg it makes the concept of Father Time look like a DILF) so he buys it. Kinda wierd that it's not a couples set tho after all isnt it supposed to be Father Time and Baby New Year?
Later on at the party hes enjoying himself and having a good time when he notices that the shirt of the costume isnt closing all the way. He goes to fix it only to find a firm small curve to his belly. Hes puzzling over it when the clock chimes to 11pm and the belly gurgles and surges forward 5 inches.
Over the next hr he grows more and more desperately as his womb rapidly grows fuller and fuller. He begins leaking milk around 11:45 and in the last 5 mins his water breaks. Time seems to slow as the final count down approaches and hes in full on labor. It's only when he notices everyone frozen in mid-party that he realizes.. hes birthing the Baby New Year. And he has no one to help him until its out.
(Bonus bonus concept. It's the beginning of a decade and our poor victim swells past octomon sizes as he realizes in horror that he must birth the entire decade.)
I’ve never heard of the daddy time/baby new year couple thing but I love this idea, poor guy rapidly swelling with ten whole babies in a matter of minutes in front of dozens of other people, then screaming in pain and begging for help while he struggles to birth in front of a horrified audience.
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jakeysbuttsheeks · 9 months
Godfather | v
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Pairings: Jake X fem reader
Warnings: profanity, age gap , mature themes, mentions of ; drug use , eating disorders, substance use , death of parent , orphaning , other weird shit
2 weeks had passed since you started working with the band's staff. You met so many new people. You got in contact with the band's photographers , editors , managers.
Since you were young and exposed to social media more than the others , they practically put you in charge of all Greta's social accounts, ofcourse you had to check in with their manager before you did anything.
You were quite enjoying it. You had a easy ride to work and a fun job with fun people. You couldn't be more greatful to Jake for recommending you for the job.
Jake on the other hand completely regretted it. How he thought he'd get to spend more time with you all went into the gutter.
Infact you spent less time with him more than anything. He was mostly on the studio , writing and recording . You weren't even there for photoshoots and interviews , you were always behind a laptop doing stuff , editing along with Greta's editors and photographers to make the perfect post.
So instead of spending time with Jake , you'd became close with this guy , he was not much older than you . Both of you were the youngest in the company. His name was Axel and he was pretty sweet. He'd take you out during lunch and buy you stuff sometimes and was always helpful. It was clear he liked you through, you pretend not go see it .
Ethan had also hit you up after the encounter at the mall and you'd been texting him since . He was being quite sweet and all-in-all a fairly good distraction from your weird attraction to Jake .
Ethan asked you to meet up at a party tonight, since you hadn't been going out much after your dad died, plus work. You thought why not.
"Jake" you call as you slip into the kitchen to spy on what he was doing.
"hey sweetpea" Jake smiles at you.
"wacha doin?" You ask as if it wasn't obvious , leaning on the kitchen counter.
"pouring myself a drink" Jake smiled with a sceptical look on his face , knowing you wanted something.
"so- I'm going out tonight. I'll be back late. Don't wait up for me" you say , leaning off the counter to head out of the kitchen quickly.
"where?" Jake asks , stopping you .
"just a party" you shrug.
"with who?" He questions and you roll your eyes , his eyes was on the stove in front of him .
"Ethan" you say through slightly clenched teeth .
"Ethan? Your ex?" Jake asks with a confused frown . You shy off and nod.
"alright but I'm warning you . If he makes you cry or something-" Jake says and you cut him off with a laugh. Although he didn't seem like he was actually joking.
"I can take care of myself thank you" you smile, heading out again .
"can you thought? What would you even do without me?" Jake shakes his head in exaggeration and you laugh again .
"I'm serious tho. No drugs and use protection" Jake says with a straight face , busily tending to his drink.
"Jake!" You gasp as you walk out of the kitchen.
"and no anything smoking either!" Jake yelled.
"okay mother!" You yell back as you went up to your room .
You went upstairs to dress up . You chose to were a short tight black dress with a v shaped neckline that went all the way down between your tits, revealing your cleavage with black heels to match . You let your hair hang lose , brushing it out a little with a fair amount of makeup on.
You expected Jake to compliment you the minute you walked down but instead he said nothing, you could feel his eyes on you from where he was seated on the love chair in the living room as you walked to the kitchen
"have you seen my purse?" You ask as you search the kitchen counter.
"It's here" Jake says from the living room .
Your heels clatter on the tiles as you walk to the living room . Jake pointed to the coffee table where your purse was.
"oh" you and bend down to grab your purse from the low coffee table , your ass sticking out right by Jake's face with your short dress riding up . If you bent half an inch more you would've flashed him and he secretly hoped you did.
But you grab your purse and stand straight up just in time , Jake snaps his head back to the tv infront of him , clearing his throat and mental slapping himself for looking.
"alright I'm leaving" you say , noticing he looked sort of flushed .
"have fun" he says , eyes fixed on the tv.
"bye" you call as you walk to the front door .
"bye. Be careful" he calls back as you leave .
You left to the party and and ofcourse the minute you got there , you wanted to go back home to Jake . But you thought you needed to get away for a while . So you stayed .
"y|n you came!" Ethan walks up and hands you a drink.
"don't worry I made it. it's just vodka" he says as you look at it sceptically.
"thanks" you say half heartedly as you sniff the drink before taking a tiny sip from it . And it was infact not spiked and just vodka.
"trust me a little" Ethan batted his eyes and you forced a laugh .
The party was the lamest thing ever . The music was rave trash and everyone was high on something .
"oh my god y|n? What are you doing here?" A group of your old friends came up to you as soon as they saw you.
"just thought I'd come out for a bit" you smile . They were thrilled to see you . And that's when the fun began .
You knew you were safe with them . You sat with them and did numerous shots and shared a couple joints even tho Jake told you not to smoke .
The bunch of y'all were fully spent by the time . Y'all sat and laughed together about past events.
"so y|n. Where are you staying right now?" Cass asked , taking a deep puff.
"oh. Remember Jake?" You say . They all knew Jake because you practically grew up with them . They knew your dad and his friends well .
"you mean the hot jucy ass long haired guitar Jake?" Cass smiled widely and you blushed .
"yeah" you giggled drunkly.
"shitt. You're staying with him? God I would love to be you" she says , slurring as she spoke .
"shut up". You smack her playfully.
"guys let's go we're getting matching tattoos!" Ethan randomly came up to your group . Your friends knew what Ethan did to you so they all equally hated him .
"fuck off Ethan" Janet snapped .
"aw c'mon girls don't be pussies. Me and the boys are going to go get some. They know this this guy that does it for cheap .Y'all should come too" he says , clearly high on coke or something.
"oh here you are sweetheart I thought you left" Ethan smirks at you when he sees you, reaching his hand out to tuck your hair behind your ear .
"I actually kinda wanna get a tattoo" Cass pouts .
"should we?" Janet snaps her head at Cass with a excited smile .
Before you knew it you were in the crowded car , sitting on Ethan's lap , driving to get a tattoo.
"you look gorgeous y|n" Ethan slurs into your ear and you giggle at the ticklish feeling before he began kissing your neck and murmuring sweet nothings.
"mm I missed you" he sucked on a spot he knows you like , right under your ear and you sigh at the feeling, his arms tightly wrapped around you .
You wouldn't even be here if you weren't so high . But here you were making out with Ethan in the back of someone's car , on your way to get tattoos.
Ethan was whining and yelping throughout his tattoo while you and the other were looking at the piercing section , waiting for your turn .
"oh my god. You should get a piercing" Kaylee says as she looks at you ogling at the piercing counter .
"no" you say even though you actually wanted to . A tattoo didn't excite you too much . But a piercing?
"why not?! Who's going to say anything?" Kaylee says.
"well I mean-" you pause knowing there was actually no one to stop you .
"I wanna get one no one can see" you say , giving into the idea as she passed you another joint.
"nipple piercing" her eye sparkled .
"what no!" You laugh .
"maybe a belly button piercing. Or a tongue piercing" you say as you eye the jewellery.
"Oh my god! Get a tongue piercing!" She squealed, catching the attention of your other friends.
"y|n's getting a tongue piercing!?" Cass gasped in excitement.
"hell yeah baby that would make you so hot" Ethan speaks from his chair as the tattoo artist works on his tattoo on his arm.
"shut up Ethan"
"yeah no one asked Ethan" your friends snap at him .
You didn't even realise when it was all over . Your friends got their tattoos and piercings, you got your piercing. You couldn't even feel it . Probably because you were so high .
You didn't even know how you made it home . you were completely wasted by the end of it .
You were dropped off at Jake's and somehow you made it into the house .
"Jake" you slur , you were sure you were either going to pass out or throw up in the next few minutes.
He was sitting in the living room with his guitar even though you told him not to stay up .
"holy shit" Jake set his guitar down on the couch and quickly came up to you before you could lose your balance and crash to the floor. You fall into his embrace and giggle aimlessly.
"you're fucking wasted" Jake states as he helps you inside and sits you down on the couch .
You whine as he left you there . Your eyes beginning to feel heavy as you began to pass out . But Jake woke you up again , handing you water and helping you sit up again .
You drank it and winced , forgetting your piercing completely.
"can you get changed?" Jake asked and you nodded . He bent down and unclasped your heels before standing up off the couch .
"alright let's go" Jake helped you up and you practically fell into him , wrapping your arms around his neck as he walked you to your room.
You murmured random gibberish and giggled at nothing as he tried to get you to walk up the stairs. Until he just decided to pick you up and take you , making you giggle and run your fingers into his hair and stuff your face into his neck .
He kicked your door open and set your down on the bed.
"y'know what I did?" You slur.
"what?" Jake asks.
"i- wait I forgot" you giggle drunkly. Jake wasn't amused at how high you were. And he knew you'd been smoking, he could smell the weed on you .
"I need to diee" you groan as you fall backwards into your pillows .
"no you need to change first . You can't sleep in that" Jake sits you up again.
"I missed you Jake" you babble, his face gets hot . But he ignores you in order to keep his sanity.
"what am I gonna do? I don't know what to do?" You whine , muttering gibberish in your drunk state as Jake walks over to your closet to grab you something to wear , a pair of shorts and a top that you wore many times and throws it on your bed .
"here c'mon change into these alright?" Jake says but you're too drunk to even acknowledge him.
"Jesus Christ" Jake groans and leans down to your face .
"y|n change into these" he points to the clothes and you look at them in a daze .
You got on you knees on the bed and stretched to grab your clothes from the end of the bed , arching your back as you stretched on all fours , your low neck dress allowed Jake to see your boobs just about spilling out of the dress. His body stood straight and stiff as he watched you , almost biting down on his tongue as he swallowed his spit .
You grab the clothes and kneel up again , grabbing the ends of your dress to pull it over you .
"no! No no!" Jake immediately turns around in panic .
"wait till I leave y|n Jesus!" Jake scolds and you pout as he quickly walks out of the room , closing the door behind him and taking a deep shuddering breath at what he just saw.
☆⋆⋅─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────⋆⋅☆
You woke up to a pain and distress in your mouth , groaning as you stick your tongue out and touch the area of pain . Your eyes widened when your fingers touch a warm metal on your tongue, causing a sharp jolt of pain.
"fuck-" you jump off your bed and run to the bathroom, turning on the lights to look at yourself in the mirror.
You stick out your tongue and there it was. A shiny silver tongue piercing. Your t-shirt was on backwards as well. You had no memory of what happened after a certain point last night.
"fuck what did I do-" you groan to yourself. Jake was going to kill you for sure. Did he already notice it yesterday? Probably not. How did you even come home ?
"y|n!" Jake called out , perfect timing.
You brushed your teeth in pain and washed your face before going downstairs.
"breakfast" Jake pointed to your plate on the table.
"do you want some coffee ?" He asks as he makes himself a cup .
You shake your head , too afraid to speak up in case he saw the piercing. He squinted at your weirdness but decided to push it off , continuing to make his coffee .
You sit down at the table and pick up a piece of toast , biting into it and wincing , Jake snapped his head at you again .
"you alright?" He asks. You nod and gesture to him that the toast was too hot with your mouth full.
"it's hot? But I made it like 10 minutes ago" Jake says confused and you just shrug. He stares at you confused for a second before brushing it off the second time .
You couldn't finish you breakfast. The pain was too much for hard toast and peppery fried eggs and chewy bacon . You gulp some water down to soothe it .
"you didn't finish" Jake catches you escaping.
You rubbed you tummy to gesture that you were full .
"no you barely ate anything. Sit back down and finish" he says sternly.
You groan and and shake your head , giving him pleading eyes , you hand still on your tummy .
"y|n" Jake glares. He knew you were famous for starving yourself and not eating because you were too self conscious and he wasn't to allow it .
You sigh , preparing yourself to sit back down and embrace the pain.
"good" he says as he continues sipping his coffee while cleaning up the kitchen. But he notices your distress while eating.
"does it taste that bad?" He asks " I mean I know I burnt it a little bit but I'm sure it's not that bad" Jake says as he came up next to you and took the piece of toast that you'd been nibbling on while gulping down water after each bite .
You shake your head again and take the piece of toast back , rubbing your tummy again .
"what's with the damn gestures? Can't you talk?" Jake asks , he was starting to get annoyed.
You just stare at him like a little girl that'd been caught doing something she shouldn't have been doing . Jake knew something was up . The way your mouth closed so uncomfortably, like you had something in your mouth.
"say something" Jake pushed , setting his cup down on the table in front of you and looking at you with a serious expression.
You shake your head again , keeping your mouth closed tight. You felt small, sitting down while he stood tall next to you . Plus his glare was scary.
"open your mouth" Jake got more annoyed . And you panic and shake your head as he grabbed your chin and the top of your head .
"what did you do? Open your mouth? What's in there?" Jake asks as he tries to get you to open your mouth but you fight him .
Till he grabbed both your wrists in one hand and held your nostrils closed with his other hand . Knowing eventually you'd have to open your mouth to breath. You tried to get your hands out of his iron clad grip but you couldn't.
You gasp for air as you finally open your mouth to breath , reveling the shiny silver inside your mouth.
Jake's jaw dropped as he let go of your wrists , both his hand going to lift your face up at him , his thumb and index finger holding your chin to open your mouth wider .
"in that a-" Jake stared at your mouth and you stick your tongue out slightly to show him .
"I'm sorry I didn't- I was drunk-! I-" you speak in panic .
"your father would kill you" Jake scolded .
"I know! I'm sorry- I'll get it removed or something" you apologize.
"no. It's already payed for plus the hole is already through your tongue" Jake says , using his thumb to caressed your chin and lift your chin higher so he could get a better look .
"and besides" he speaks , his cheeks growing a slight redness to them .
"it looks- quite pretty good on you" he says softly as he lets go of your face .
"really?" You blush.
"yeah. But- that's the only place you got pierced right?" Jake asks as he looks all over you and you grow red .
"yes. No where else I swear" you nod .
"fine. But I don't want you doing this again without asking me" Jake speaks after clearing his throat.
"I won't I promise" you say.
"and I told you not to smoke didn't i?" Jake says as he turns back to his coffee .
"I'm sorry Jake-" you look down in guilt.
"I don't wanna hear it. Just don't disobey me again" he speaks . He had never been so formal and serious with you in a long time. Was he actually mad at you for smoking?
Jake barely spoke to you the rest of the day , the two of you headed to work . And ofcourse you barely saw him at work . He didn't talk to you on the way to work in the car or on the way back either.
It'd been circling in your head to ask him but as soon as yall reached home he went straight for a bath and went to his room , barely even looking at you.
Your heart clenched at the thought of making him upset or angry with you.
If only you knew .
He wasn't upset or mad at you at all for disobeying him . He wanted to protect you ofcourse but it wasn't just that. He knew he was out doing all sorts of shit when he was a kid .
But what really made him avoid you was the fact that he had to go back to bed last night rock hard because of that show you put on for him .
Clearly arching your ass out as you stretched to the end of the bed , the seductive doe eyes you gave him and the sight of your cleavage completely exposed . Ofcourse you were high but were you trying to seduce him?
He couldn't sleep , trying to wait for his hard on to go down and resisting the urge to relieve himself at the thought of you . But he told himself never to do that again . But everytime he closed his eyes , all he saw was you.
And today morning just made it worse , the piercing on your tongue and the worried look on your face turned him on so bad .
There was no way to avoid how he felt . But he could avoid you for sure . So that's what he did .
@mackalah @mindastreamofcolours @jjwasneverhere @themoreyou-love @gvf23 @sarah-gvf01 @thetroublegetssoloud71 @violetstarcatcher @brookekiszkaa @gvfmarge @mulberrimouse @lyndz2names
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leeneir · 9 months
Duo AU; Pro Gamer Iso x Violinist!Reader (Part 1)
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I check the iso x reader tag EVERYDAY. FOR ISO CONTENT. Sadly, Iso isn't that popular. Sigh. Guess I'll do it myself.
AU inspired by those public pianist trends on yt and my Iso x OC ship as always. Along with that one toxic pro gamer Iso x reader on here, i fking love that au sm. (Hes not toxic in this one tho lol)
Pro Valorant player Zhao Yu, better known by his internet name "Dead Lilac" is a mechanically gifted one-trick main whose name is famous all over the gaming community.
Professional Violinist "Reader", famous for their musical talent and prodigal like abilities, having climbed up the ranks and becoming renowed in the music community and on social media.
Iso finishes up a stream with a sigh, the ratio of wins to losses was bad today, how disappointing. Zhao Yu lays in bed, taking a brief moment of rest before he continued on with his day.
His roommate Omen is playing with the cat when he goes to the kitchen to get something to eat, they talk for a bit, and the cat starts purring at his feet. He picks it up and just does a stare off with the thing while it paws at his face (without claws), and blows a rasberry. Omen chuckles.
Omen brings up the fact that his friends are going out for an outting later, Zhao Yu decides to get ready. He wears his signature hoodie ofc.
Jamie, Sunwoo, Tala, Tayane, and Mateo come along. Sadly, Ryo couldn't come. He was too busy with his drift practice or whatever. Tala says her brother was just too lazy to come.
They all meet up at the mall where they go shopping and do whatever, discussing random whatnots and getting up to antics. And then they find a piano in public and Jamie tells Zhao Yu to play something, they'll record it and post it online because why not? He's really good at playing it too.
Zhao Yu decides to humor them and gets on the piano, trying to think of a piece to play before he starts.
His fingers cross the keys with grace and practiced ease, playing a romantic classical version of a popular song. Zhao Yu finds himself lost in the music piece as strangers began turning heads and pausing in their step. He can feel his friends' eyes on him as Phoenix' camera records him, and he finds himself becoming more confident with each note he plays.
Unbeknowst to him, as he was nearing the chorus, one stranger came up and opened a peculiar shaped bag, pulling out a violin out of it. The moment Zhao Yu plays the chorus note, a new instrument joined him.
He almost paused, but his fingers kept playing. Somehow, he and the violinist were perfectly in sync. He turned his head without lifting his fingers, and he see's the stranger playing the instrument, and he's awed by their ability.
More people crowd around as they watch the duet, enchanted by the melody and harmony while Jamie continues recording. Zhao Yu and the stranger play until the end of the song. When they finished, the whole crowd applauded and cheered. It sort of reminded Zhao Yu of the music recitals he did when he was younger.
He gets off the piano and approaches his duet, complimenting them on their skill and giving his name, which the stranger responded with their own.
Reader and Zhao Yu chat about the piece they just played, and Jamie and Mateo run in with the video, showing it to both of them. It's then that Zhao Yu saw Reader passing by before they decided to play, and he's amazed at how easily they synced up to him without missing a note.
Mateo then says that he was a fan of Reader which promptly confused Zhao Yu. Was Reader someone famous? Jamie asked for permission to post the video which Reader granted without issue.
They continued talking for a moment up until Reader said that they had an appointment to get to and excused themself.
By the time that was over, Zhao Yu's friend group went nuts. Apparently having held themselves back from "ruining his chances", whatever that meant. Jamie and Mateo however couldn't hold themselves which is why they approached. Sunwoo proceeded to shake him uncontrollably for not getting Reader's number. When he asked why he needed it, Tala called him a "lonely bastard".
He asks if they knew her since Mateo did, and he was told that Reader was a social media influencer known for their violin talent.
Jamie sent the video to Zhao Yu's editor and they continued on with their hangout. Though, the duet still played on the back of his mind throughtout.
Timeskip to later that night, Zhao Yu realized that maybe he should have gotten Reader's number, and also why Tala called him lonely. Omen watched the video too and acknowledged Reader's social media presence which made Zhao Yu wonder just how popular they were if even his roommate knew about them.
The next day, Iso's editor had the video ready and posted. And it was doing numbers.
As it turns out, a duet between a pro gramer and a famous violinist was bound to go viral and become so popular that it was trending on every platform.
Both to his confusion and surprise, his fans went crazy with the shipping. He knew what it was only because his online group and team engaged in such antics. Although he wasn't sure how Reader would react. He only just recently followed them on their socials and was surprised to find out that they were already a follower.
His twitch chat wouldn't shut up about the duet and he recounted the story of how that moment came to be. And they went haywire. Zhao Yu found ship edits of him and Reader from the duet video and things were getting out of hand. He was worried of how this would affect them considering they weren't part of this side of the community, much less even in this community.
He found a response from Reader regarding the duet, and to his relief it was mostly positive. They even addressed a part of the response directly to him, asking if they should record an official one if he wanted to.
Now, Zhao Yu was open to collabs. But for some reason, this one had him staring at his screen for minutes as the type bar blinked in the chat box, it was Reader's instagram.
He decided that it wouldn't hurt to add some music content into his gaming content and wanted to reach out to Reader to inquire about that collab idea they proposed. Except... he was nervous.
Why was he though? It made no sense. Zhao Yu didn't get nervous, so why was he? He's done this dozens of times, so why was it any different now?
Mustering up all the courage he could, he typed a few letters and sent the message without leaving room to think it over.
On Reader's phone, a notification popped up from instagram messages. They opened it up, it was from Iso?!
"Hey" they read.
Yknow, this has been sitting in my drafts for 3 weeks. Finally glad i got this out even if some parts are uncohseive
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Best and Worst of Both Worlds (part 10)
Tw: injury on Yves, mentions of vomit, short chapter
Vote on da poll below ill start writign after 20 voters
Short chaprer today guys and omg i didn't expect the reaction towards the fight between monty n yves, a good number of yall seem to root for monty??
Thanx for the comments, reblogs n asks , even tho i may not reply to all i very appreciate them and i read them
Part 11
You rested your head on his lap as the policemen took his statement. Yves spoke politely and gave them all the necessary facts over what had happened. He stroked your hair and soothingly rubbed your shoulders.
As it turns out, he paid for your consultation as soon as he came in. Said a few words of caution about Montgomery to the receptionist, giving her time to assemble an army of mall security officers.
"All done." He whispered into your ear. You woke up choking on your snore, he patted your back as you coughed over his shoulder.
The policemen were finished, you and him are free to go home.
You and him arrived at your place by 6pm. Your housemates were of course nosy pricks, crowding around Yves to ask him about his recent injury. He dismissed them with impeccable manners, ushering you into your room and locking the door behind him.
You wanted nothing but to flop into your bed. However, Yves urged you to take a shower first and have a change of clothes before doing so. You begrudgingly did what he asked of you, taking a longer time because you're lethargic from today.
But that gave him just enough time to prepare a delicious bowl of clear chicken soup. How lucky you are to have dinner freshly ready as soon as you get out of the bathroom.
He fixed a bowl for himself too, sitting down next to you.
You slurped on the soup as if your life depended on it. Hell, you didn't even need a spoon, you simply began drinking from the rim of your bowl.
"You're going to upset your stomach again. Take slower sips and please use your spoon." He lectures you, paying no mind to the 7 pairs of eyes watching him from the hallway.
You felt like an animal being observed at the zoo. Yves must have sensed your discomfort, as he offered to take the meal back to your room. You nodded and followed him past your housemates' ogling eyes.
In the end, you found peace by having dinner with him on your study desk. He borrowed a chair from outside and brought it inside.
You have caused two of his injuries so far. The burn on his hand and the bruise on his face, the guilt is eating you up because Yves treats you so well, it felt too good to be true. With this much sacrifices he made, he must be expecting something of equal value in return. You know you can never fulfil it no matter how much you tried.
He's too perfect, you can't keep up with him. You feel like a crusty, ugly gremlin next to him.
You're starting to feel uneasy again in this relationship, you want to get out before you're in too deep. So you started to ponder on ways to break the news of your decision, maybe if you tell him over text--
"I want to talk about us." He spoke out of the blue. You feel chills down your spine, you don't fare well with serious, heavy topics. But you can't just run away from your own home.
You gulped and decided to tread carefully, asking him to go ahead. He set his spoon down and looked at you with his good eye. The other one is concealed by his perfect curls.
"I regard you as my romantic partner and you think of me the same way."
That is... true. But you think that Yves saw you as a trial run. He probably is seeing other people in the meantime to find the best fit, something akin to getting a job. You know that's how people in big cities date.
"I'm a monogamous man, (name). I expect you to be monogamous as well." He dabbed the corners of his mouth with a piece of facial tissue.
You remained silent, not knowing what to say as usual.
He lets you squirm for a bit under the uncomfortable pressure of quietness. However, it was this awkwardness that caused the gears in your head to turn.
You think he is implying that he has no one else aside from you, so he isn't... trying out other tasters? You're too shy to ask, so you took your revelation at face value.
You didn't have to. Because he clarified what he said a minute later.
"I am not seeing anyone else. You shouldn't be either."
That's much better. You let your shoulders sag in relief. You might think that went unnoticed, but Yves is also elated that you're also hoping he had no more space in his heart for others.
He thinks that is enough for now, Yves knows you get overwhelmed easily. He will save his other expectations and boundaries when you're a lot more settled into life.
You picked your spoon back up and continued drinking the soup, enjoying chunks of chicken and carrots along with it. You wonder if this simple dish was elevated because it's made by someone you admire. Because you knew on normal days, you would find this excruciatingly bland and even make fun of it.
When you finish, Yves bowl still looks untouched. He is undoubtedly the slowest eater you've ever met, watching him eat was like witnessing a real life posh etiquette class take place. He never fills his spoon to the brim and he scoops his soup using the edge, pushing upwards at 12'o clock on the bowl. He only drinks from the side of the spoon, never the tip nor did he ever put the entire spoon into his mouth.
He wouldn't hunch down, instead having the spoon come to him as he maintains a straight posture. His other hand rests on his lap.
He's so silent when consuming his dinner. Yves never slurped or let his teeth hit the metal spoon.
You're bored but you wouldn't want to talk to him. It will only serve as a delay in finishing his bowl. It would be rude of you to tell him to eat faster, so you don't want to do that.
"(name), could you please prepare me a glass of water?" He requested without looking up from his bowl.
Say less. You're already at the door. Finally, you have something to do.
He smiled as he heard you closing the door.
"Thank you, dear." He took your phone that you carelessly left on the table, in his hands. He removed the cable that's attaching your device to his power bank.
Yves keyed in your password flawlessly, unlocking it for him to access everything.
"Whaat!? That's so badass though!"
"I know, right! You lucky bastard, I wish I had a man like Yves."
"God, he's so dreamy..."
Your housemates hounded you in the kitchen, pestering you for information and actually treating you nice. All you wanted to do was fill two cups with nice, crisp water.
"Well, when's the wedding?"
"Yeah, he's like.... he's like a perfect malewife. You gotta put a ring on it."
"It's too early for them to marry! And don't you mean a husband?"
"No, a malewife."
"That's not a word, it's husband!"
"S-T-F-U CEO of simp, don't try to steal him away from (name). You don't even have a chance!"
"You all are always so mean to me!"
"We wouldn't be if you didn't steal every date that we invited over!"
You quietly slipped away while they were distracted with their bickering.
You entered your room and closed the door behind you, locking it so none will try to barge in. You apologized for taking a while, your housemates were holding you back.
He's still eating his soup! He barely made a dent in it since a while ago.
He thanked you as he took his cup.
"They're childish, aren't they?" He commented, taking small sips of his drink.
You agreed, but you knew they're just not compatible with the likes of you. And you didn't say more because you wanted him to finish his soup as soon as possible.
He took another piece of tissue, folded it and daintily tapped his mouth.
"Would you like to finish the rest of my bowl?" He asked, you said yes because you didn't want it to go to waste and you're still mildly hungry. He stroked your head as he rose up from his seat, collecting your empty dish.
He left your room to clean up.
Yves left after dinner and you felt relieved that you didn't need to explicitly tell him you want him out. Regardless of how you feel about him now, you still have a "Yves-interaction" quota daily. And yesterday's events exceeded that far beyond the limit. It's not that you dislike him, you feel yucky if he lingers for too long, you felt suffocated and watched. You're not used to that yet since you're alone for most of your life.
It would be a lie to say that you weren't disappointed that he didn't give you a kiss this time, not a hug either because he said he was filthy. That made sense, despite him running numerous wet wipes over himself and changing into his spare clothes he kept in his car after the fight, he did fought a man who was covered in dust, paint and your own vomit- in a clinic; where germs run amok. Plus, you showered already, you wouldn't want to do it again.
He blew you a kiss instead, which was equally as heart fluttering as an actual kiss to the cheek.
You sat on your bed, kicking your legs into the air. Thought about Yves is keeping you occupied for a while. It's late and you should be going to sleep, but you're too giddy and perhaps mildly nauseous because you end up helping yourself to another serving of the soup after he left.
You were snapped out of your trance when you heard a ping from your phone. You muted the notifications from your group chat so it couldn't possibly come from your housemates. You don't have any friends to speak of, hence it only leaves two possible options: Yves or your phone carrier demanding payment.
You got up and picked your phone up from the desk. It was charging using the outlet there since Yves found the plug next to your bed to be faulty. You wonder how he caught that.
It was a text from Yves. It says:
"Just reached home. I will visit you at noon tomorrow."
Looking at the time, it's been half an hour since he left.
It takes thirty minutes to drive from your place to his, and you know that there's a high-end neighborhood that takes a two hour long bus ride to get to. You managed to get yourself lost there on the day of your move-in.
That checks out. He belongs to the affluent.
What does he see in you? The feelings of insecurity came rushing back and your urge to pull away again is as strong as ever. This isn't right, you're going to have your heart broken to bits!
Acting on impulse, you began drafting up a long paragraph telling him that you're not so sure if this relationship is going to work. But you were interrupted by another text from him.
"Do not stay up too late. You tend to catastrophize at night."
You deleted your paragraph. Wait, how does he know that? Look! You're doing it again! He is right, you do see the world as a worse place when the sky is dark. You should go to sleep now.
You sent him a short "good night" message. Yves sent one back.
You went to bed a little jittery.
You couldn't sleep. The adrenaline or stomach butterflies didn't wear off at all. It's now five in the morning and you're still wide awake, as if you took fifteen shots of espresso.
You so badly want to bother Yves, but he's probably asleep and you might seem clingy. And that's cringe to you.
So you grabbed your bag and contemplated going somewhere, you have 7 hours before he comes by.
The mall is closed and Montgomery probably frequents there, so that's a no go. The library in the University is open 24/7, they provide free tea, coffee and snacks before the sun comes up. But you have enough money to get something decent from a convenience store, a 10 minute bus ride away.
You're not necessarily hungry now and the weather is quite nice before dawn. You think you would enjoy sitting at the park, watching joggers of all ages try to get their steps in. However, it's going to take a longer bus ride to get there since it's in the city.
You scratched your head and weighed your options, keeping in mind that your judgement is slightly impaired due to sleep deprivation.
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devondespresso · 1 year
i was reading a scoops era steddie au where eddie visits scoops often and one thing i noticed i alway want but have yet to see (bear in mind my fic pallette is basically just shit i see on Tumblr and occasionally reading every fic a certain author has written) is a specific scene of eddie noticing stobins missing when he goes to visit them at scoops the day theyre stuck in the bunker. cause they entered the bunker after a shift one night and didn't get out until at the soonest the next afternoon right before the mall closes so if either or both of them were scheduled to work then they'd be just... gone.
and how characters around them handle that depends on how soon (if at all) they're declared missing. did robin think they'd be in-and-out in their snooping and tell her parents shes be back a little late or did she think they'd be out kinda late fucking around and just lied to her parents telling them shes sleeping over at a friend's like how we know tina was going to cover for erica? did mrs Henderson freak out when Dustin didn't bike back home (knowing what happened with will) or did she know he was with steve and trusted that they were goofing off or something?
and usually i see Steve's parents not being home but what if they were?? they could panic because steve always has some sort of excuse for why hes gone or maybe just his mom starts worrying because while his dad never really asks about him she does and she knows hes probably not at some girls house right now because he at least would have told her. or maybe mrs harrington doesn't know her son as well as she thinks she does and assumes he is out at some girls house and is relieved hes finally getting to be more like himself.
maybe just one or two people in scoops troop are reported missing that night and maybe the search started for them is enough for the other's parents or friends to realize they're all missing. maybe none of them are because they each already had a coverup with the people who'd notice. maybe they spent a good few hours in that elevator regretting lying about where they'd be because now no one knows they're in danger and by the time they start looking it could be too late (obviously erica didn't seem to grasp this yet but shes literally 10 and it's definitely her fist severely traumatic life or death experience. for the others tho it could definitely be on their minds and i have seen a few fics where robin wonders about how steve and Dustin are reacting like they've done scary shit like this before together)
then morning comes and id give it until lunch with no calls or anything before parents who believed their kids were sleeping over to start worrying seriously. maybe they call the friend their child's supposedly with and get a confused parent saying they haven't seen them or maybe they get the friend picking up and confirming they're fine (like tina). but if Mrs Henderson gets worried and calls steve she'll either get the harringtons saying he isn't home right now or she won't be able to reach him. and knowing steves like a big brother and a best friend to dustin knows that if steve missing too he's probably at least missing with him and goes to the station worried about them both
and then theres the fact that scoops has to open in the morning, probably sometime around 10am. maybe steve and robin were scheduled to both work again and as 10am comes and passes scoops ahoy hasn't been touched. maybe some mall manager calls the scoops manager (forgive me ive never worked in a mall but i do work in a store-within-a-store and we have our own manager plus the big store manager) and asks where their employees are. if missing persons reports were filed that last night then the manager would be really worried while frantically trying to find someone to cover for them. but maybe no one knows they're missing yet and their manager is grumbling about their no-shows, maybe considering firing them for both disappearing without even calling out. depending on how much they know and if the reports were filed, whoever has to cover their shifts is either worried about their coworkers (probably moreso robin than steve because of his reputation) or utterly pissed that they both didn't show and they have to open scoops ahoy with a few hours delay and probably a good few karens bitching about being closed. or maybe one or the other was scheduled and while their no-show is really inconvenient at least someone's there to open and ask for backup
and then theres steves car still parked in the back where it was the day before. a bike left behind at the mall is less eyebrow-raising but a fancy car? Steve Harrington's car? Steve Harrington who was scheduled to work today but somehow isn't in scoops right now? is he skipping work while simultaneously wandering around his workplace? and whats worse is despite evidence being there *no one can find him*. maybe thats what it takes for people to realize hes like actually missing. maybe they think he was kidnapped, hopefully he just went home with some girl and lost track of time.
and then theres eddie. eddie whos been stopping by scoops for a while now. maybe he still doesn't really like Harrington but likes teasing him with Buckley or maybe they've gotten pretty close. maybe they're already dating. maybe eddie walks up to scoops one morning to find it closed or to find that one or the other didn't show up for work this morning. maybe he hears from the worker that ones missing or maybe they get a rant about how pissed the worker is to be opening alone. maybe he's the one to go to a mall manager or security officer worried about scoops being closed because he *knows* the people that are supposed to be there right now and they don't just abandon work at the same time with no explanations.
or maybe eddie visits in the afternoons and learns they're missing from their coworkers or maybe hes there because he saw it on the news and went on his our hunt. either way it'd probably end with Eddie looking around the mall for them because he knows steve isn't going to just abandon his beemer in a busy public parking lot. maybe he finds them high out of their minds while checking the movie theatre (this one i do see a lot and am obsessed with its so good) or maybe he doesn't find them at all (its a big mall and they are actively hiding from Russians who know they escaped. sure stobin are not being very secretive while high but dustin and erica are at least keeping them in less-discoverable locations). maybe he goes home knowing hes looked everywhere in that damn mall and assumes they're probably kidnapped and taken somewhere else (if he did find them tho that opens a whole can of worms for if, how, and how much eddie gets involved and while my brains gone down sone of those rabbit holes i don't think i will today)
and then they see the news about the mall fire. and eddie knows damn well that he looked everywhere in that mall but didn't see a trace of his friends but there they are on the news and apparently in the fire. maybe eddie assumes he didn't look hard enough. but maybe he sees how steves the only one with more than a few bruises on his legs, how despite them claiming he was trapped in rumble that also allegedly killed billy hargrove he looks like hes carrying himself on adrenaline alone and hovering around robin and the kids like something more than falling support beams could get to them. maybe its the fact that he look as shit as he did but wasn't laying down on a hospital stretcher like he would be if he just got those wounds.
hi if you saw any typos no you didn't UNLESS theyre funny or actually concerning then you should tell me and i can react appropriately
also i swear i feel like doctor strange looking through every possible reality when i go on tangents like this. idk whenever i come up with little fics in my head or come up with different ways my favorite unfinished fics could end im always exploring as many different versions of the same scenario as i can and coming up with as many what-ifs as i can.
also i pressed the poll button by accident while making this and idk how to make it go away to we're trying just ignoring it and not writing anything in it to see if it goes away
actually fuck that it probably wont work so im adding a poll question as a treat for the people who read this far
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itsravenbitch · 1 year
I manifested my whole family going on our annual family vacation. okay so every year my family goes on a trip the last week of july out of the state we went to disney world & all but anyways so since covid my family hasn’t been going like they normally do, normally it’s like 30+ people but since covid we stopped going and started back going last summer but it wasn’t the same. something was just not right and to begin with it was only like 15 people there at most. I come from a very large family, so normally it’s no less then 25 people so it’s mad weird when it’s only like 10 - 15 anyways we’re going to orlando ( today ) & my whole family is going literally people who didn’t go since like 2019. this is exciting for me because i’m a family person so this lowkey touches my heart a lil. next I have to manifest money for when we go to the mall Thursday or friday wish me luck & thank you to you & siren ofc 😘😘🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
nah 25 family members on vacay seems fun asl but chile i’m stressed just thinking bout it at the same time especially if there’s little kids😂😂 good luck tho from me and @sirensplayhouse !!
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