#This is probably incomprehensible I’m sorry
acesammy · 1 year
Idk I’m just thinking about how chuck started as a stand-in for kripke, and de facto the writers on whole. Meaning that every plot contrivance from the writers really was an act of god in the canon of the show itself..
as much as I really don’t feel that strongly on the finale one way or the other, they reaaally should’ve ended the show with 15x19 because if chuck is no longer writing their story for his own amusement we as an audience should also not have access to the story for ours. Like they should’ve been able to completely break free of the narrative both in and out of canon. I think that’d’ve been cool
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21stc3nturyd1gitalb0y · 5 months
have you ever decided to diy bottle cap pins for your battle jacket and painted one as a record because it’s circular and a simple design and you chose red and black because your jacket theme was red and black and then you post your jacket in various online punk communities not realizing that your pin unintentionally looks like the the t shirt of a homestuck character and now people are commenting homestuck references and you’re super confused so you ask your chronically online homosexual boyfriend who likes homestuck bc of course he does and he infodumps to you about homestuck but apparently there’s a surprising amount of overlap in the punk rock scene and the homestuck fandom so now people are following you and dm-ing you as if you’re some kind of punk homestuck icon and now you don’t know how to come clean that the resemblance was coincidental and you actually don’t know shit about homestuck…?
cause i have
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
since i’m already on this rant and unfurling of mcrps i’ve been trying to put together this theory for the medium itself, and that’s that there are two main types of mcrps: those that utilize the gameplay to tell a story, and those that utilize the models.
starting with the easy one: those that utilize the models. these are your yandere high schools and aphmaus, where the minecraft gameplay itself in terms of crafting, combat, etc is rarely used. most of, if not all, of the videos consist of first-person gameplay of the main character walking around and interacting with others, as well as wider camera shots of rooms/scenes. they more rely on builds and avatars to create their story, and are fully pre-scripted, meaning the actors are in-character at all times. these are more what an average person would expect from “minecraft roleplay”, playing out much like tv show episodes. most of the time, the medium could be fully changed to something like roblox and still have the same affect—it just so happens that the creators chose to go with minecraft instead.
the second are those that implement the gameplay. these are your dream smps, your smpearths, your empires. characters start from the ground up, building and mining and crafting the world around them instead of simply existing within it. while they can and often do have cinematic shots, most of it is shown through first-person gameplay, not focusing as much on the interactions between characters in the way a tv camera would capture them, but in the way a player would. players drift between being fully immersed in their character and just bantering like they would normally, whether with a live chat or a theoretical future one.
what’s interesting about this category is that it has subcategories within: live and pre-recorded. as i’ve said earlier tonight, despite being the same at face-value, both of them are VERY different in terms of what works to keep a series alive and what each category is able to easily achieve.
these lines aren’t like. final. because i still have a lot to think about and also some mcrps (like stampy’s lovely world) can be argued to drift between both categories BUT i just wanted to put it out there bc it’s something i think about a lot and is very interesting 2 me :]
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achilleanwizard · 2 years
I was tagged by @punkranger (Thank you!!! 😊) And I’m going to tag @gelvaan @sataari @mutantenfisch @deviant3lover @averagejermafan @demianwas and @aelyosos (Feel free to ignore this if you’ve already done it, or just don’t feel like filling it out for your OC(s)!! I’ve just noticed you guys talking about your ocs, and I’d love to hear more about them!)
Full Name: Alexander Valente
Gender: Male?? Look, we’ve got more important things to worry about right now, okay?
Sexuality: Biromantic Bisexual
Pronouns: As of right now? Just he/him. He’s pretty comfy with she/her too though. It’s flattering that people think he might be a girl
Family: He never had anyone he considered family; Just very good friends. If asked about it, then he’d say something along the lines of “Do you think I would take the boost drug, with a notoriously very low survival rate, in order to get superhero powers if I had any family I wanted to talk about?”
Birthplace: ???, Nevada, USA
Job: A consultant. Who is he advising and what is he giving them advice about? Mind your business
Phobias: Spiders. Heights. Especially looking out of windows from a very tall height. Admitting he has feelings for a certain someone(s). Abandonment. Probably a whole bucketful more, but those are the main ones.
Guilty Pleasures: Sugar in all it’s various forms (even if he needs the energy to function/for his telepathy) Taking the time to read and appreciate art when not working. Painting his nails (but only when possessing the Puppet’s body) Taking time off work. Buying three entire floors of a luxury skyscraper to house his villain base/office, Renting the most luxurious top floor penthouse (That would make Mayor Osborn (from spider-man) weep tears of envy) he could afford for a home that he barely resides in, Pleasures of the flesh (it’s like a catholic priest up in here) Honestly, it would be easier to list things he isn’t guilty about. (Killing. He’s not guilty about those he’s killed, even if he should be.)
Hobbies: Playing piano. Scheming. Beating up Daniel behind a Wendy’s parking lot Training Daniel. Kissing Daniel too. Starting fights that he can’t possibly hope to win/finish
Morality Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Sins: Desire / Despair / Envy / Fear / Hunger / Pride / Rage / Sloth (so almost all of them…)
Virtues: Charity / Chastity / Diligence / Humility / Justice / Kindness / Patience
introvert/extrovert organized/disorganized close minded/open-minded calm/anxious disagreeable/agreeable cautious/reckless patient/impatient outspoken/reserved leader/follower empathetic/unempathic optimistic/pessimistic traditional/modern hard-working/lazy
Otp: It’s cruel that you’re making me choose between Herald and Ortega. But gun to my head…. Chargestep. There’s nothing quite like old lost loves.
Ot3: I forget the ‘official’ name for it but, Herald/Sidestep/Ortega (Flychargestep? Chargeflystep?)
Acceptable Ships: Alexander flirts with everyone possible, so. Argentstep. Steelstep. Mortumstep? <- Is that the right name? Anyway, he’ll smooch just about anyone.
Brotp: I have to admit, I’ve been thinking about different Sidestep interactions from time to time. I think he’d be good buddies with some, and have a, uh, very *interesting* dynamic with others. Not naming any specific Sidesteps to 1. Avoid any favoritism and 2. Not humiliate myself even further. He’s annoying though, and he revels in that, so it might only be a good time for him. Oh, also Anathema and Sidestep. Best bros for life (or death)
Notp: Oh, this one’s tough. Shroud/Sidestep if that’s even a thing. It’s on sight for him with her. He don’t trust random Regenes like that. (Unless it’s a multiple Sidesteps AU) HG/Sidestep too cause… yeah. If you know you know. Icky. Blaze/Sidestep, because I like teasing my friends(?) (acquaintances?) 😉
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paravillintiniay · 4 months
I’m gonna make a really really long vent post and put it under a read more because I’ve had a rough month and I’m like emotionally bleeding out and I don’t know what to do so idk maybe I’ll put a bandaid on it with this maybe not
I used to think that once I became an adult that I would become independent and no longer be a chronic misser outer and not have to rely on people who clearly do not care about me or my wants as much and that I’d be able to move on, but every year that passes by it feels farther and farther from my reach and even more shameful because everyone I talk to that I can’t speak openly to (extended family, neighbors, acquaintances that I’m not close to) thinks I am like a TOTAL loser because I’m 24 and can’t drive and have never had a consistent job and didn’t go to school and have nothing going for me but I can’t just be like “yeah well my parents won’t teach me to drive and I have to beg my mom for weeks to get her to take me to target when I need something and I don’t have any friends in town so what the fuck do you suggest I do” because it’s kind of a hostile trauma dump but also to them the answer is simple it’s just “take some initiative, stop being lazy” but no one ever taught me how to do that or encouraged independence and every time I ever did take initiative I would get shot down. They don’t get that my parents are so controlling that I CAN’T just Uber to the dmv and get my license because the consequences to that are great, and we don’t have public transit and our community isn’t walkable so I can’t just walk to a job.
Eventually I developed a sort of apathy as a defense mechanism and I just stopped caring about anything because caring about things only meant that I’d be disappointed but the problem is apathy only gets you so far because then people think they can walk all over you.
I just want to feel important. Not to my friends, I love my friends I care about my friends I know they care about me but they can only do so much from several states away. I want my family to care about me, but when my birthday fell on Mother’s Day we all decided “oh yeah we aren’t going to do anything because all the restaurants will be crowded” so instead *my mom and I* spent 2.5 hours cooking lunch, then my brother showed up 2.5 hours later than he said he would with his kids, handed me a card with a visa giftcard in it, and we all sat on the couch not doing anything with the tv off for a few hours not doing anything. I asked if he wanted to go to a concert with me and he blew me off. Then he left. The original plan was to instead go out on monday (Mother’s Day was on sunday) and take me to the book store and run some errands but my mom told me Sunday night “I’m really tired let’s do Tuesday” and then Tuesday night came and I asked if we could do Wednesday and my mom was like “well (grandma) has a thing on Thursday and dad has a thing on Friday and we had a thing we were going to do this weekend” so I said “oh so Wednesday is the only day that works huh?” To which the response was “we’ll see.” We did not go to the book store on Wednesday. We still have not gone to the book store a week later and of course, the ENTIRE week this week just has to be sooo busy we just caaaant make time. I’m tired of having to beg my mommy to spend at most two hours of her time doing something for me. I’m tired of her making it a big deal when I need or want to go somewhere when she’s the one who never taught me to drive. I made my own birthday cake. I just want to feel important. I just. Want to feel like I matter. That isn’t even touching on the fact that one of my brothers completely forgot/didn’t acknowledge my birthday. Thanks man. It’s not even the birthday that gets to me because I don’t expect anything it’s just the fact that they ASK me what I want to do and when I tell them they blow me off or ignore me or do something else that directly inconveniences me. I just want to feel like I matter. Like my wants and needs are valid.
I want to be independent. I’m tired of being a chronic misser outter I’m tired of not being able to do fun things just because no one wants to do them with me and I don’t have the means to do them by myself. It’s gotten to the point where everyone I know is moving on in life without me in so many important life milestone ways and I know it’s only a matter of time before I am simply alone. Before no one has time for me because that’s a natural part of life, you grow up you get a job you get married have kids but not for me. Never for me.
And you know what? My nephew was born late last year and I feel so much guilt for saying this because I love him so much but FUCK that kid. Everyone in my family forgot to be a there for me but now there’s a baby 🥺🥺🥺 he need so much love and time and attention 🥺🥺 you’ve had so many holidays and birthdays April you can be selfless and sacrifice for him 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I’m a grandparent now so I’m gonna drop everythinf whenever your brother asks and spend time with my grandbaby 🥺🥺🥺🥺 but what about ME? when am I going to get the support that I need? On top of not having very many friends or a support system I now no longer have my older brother to hang out with and go see movies or concerts with sometimes and it just. Sucks. I’m so tired.
I said the other day that my mental health feels like when you’re playing a survival game and you’re starving so the screen starts flashing and shaking and your health is constantly ticking down and you don’t have any food so you keep slapping bandages on to try to keep yourself alive until you can find food but you only ever find scraps and berries that keep you sustained for about 30 seconds before you’re starving and dying again. I can hang out with my friends and be happy and joyful but the second that’s over I’m back to bleeding out. Every time my parents rush to the aid of someone else and blow me off is like a stab to the gut. Every time my parents say “it’s the weekend I’m not leaving the house” but are just SOOOO busy during the week they can’t help me with what I need. Every time I miss something that’s important to me and time sensitive just because I can’t drive. I don’t know how to keep going. I’m tired of feeling like such a loser all the time. I just. Want. To feel. Important.
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wolfgangevenstar · 1 year
Is there anything you are excited (and able) to share about whatever fic you’re currently working on?
ok so it is pretty difficult to think of something that i wouldn’t consider to be like,, spoilers,
rn i’m trying to finish that fic where Miyagi and Johnny smoke weed together but i’m procrastinating a lot 🤪
I’m actually rlly excited to show ppl the beginning part bc what happened was I saw that one spider poem (iykyk) and i was like ‘ayo this is so johnny coded’ and now there’s a whole scene inspired by that
omg also turns out dutch and jessica accidentally just have rlly good (platonic) chemistry w each other and i ended up writing a bunch of scenes w them being chaotic together which is fun
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imreaallyasorry · 6 months
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Late night doodle….
#art#digital art#character design#if you guys were wondering why I don’t yap as much or get on tumblr as much anymore it’s because I only get on super late at night#I’m busy with school and my naps#mutual’s if I reblog your posts with no tags it’s not because I don’t have anything to say it’s because I’m too sleepy to type it out#I’m gonna get back into posting my Loki and Thor art#I don’t wanna post any because it’s just all incomprehensible Thor doodles#I’ll probably render a few and then add Loki there too#or just do a bunch of solo Loki drawings because I love drawing her#my favorite character is Thor!!! proceeds to never draw him#I’ll probably hunt down some of my mutuals ocs and draw them when I have time#I actually don’t have a lot of mutuals with like public ocs#they draw their favorite character#soooooo I’ll have to draw their design of that character#sighhh#it’s so late guys#(it’s like 9 pm)#I usually go to bed at 8#though I’ve been staying up later for some reason???#don’t know why but I don’t mind the extra time#still not waking up any earlier though#I should stop waking up 20 minutes before I have to go places…#my bed is so comfy!!!#sighhhhhhhh sometimes self care is doing the hard things#(is kicking and screaming clawing at my mattress)#((I have to go walk my dog))#unemployed activities#I’m gonna get a job in summer because I am not working on TOP of school#I’m sorry my art commissions I do once every 2 months drain me enough
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spiritofthespork · 8 months
Note: I'm more awake now so hopefully this is more comprehensible
Maybe this is just me looking through my gay goggles, but I feel like the real reason Cullen couldn’t be bi in inquisition is cause it would lead to a major shift in his world view that the games don't neccesarily want to commit to. Like sure, homosexuality is accepted in Thedas (Tevinter is the exception), but like, outside your party it still seems more like an anomaly than the norm, and the game still uses a Very heterosexual worldview. Combine that with how directly they pull from the medieval papacy for the Chantry (creed, aesthetics, templars, and geopolitics) and like all of the anti-magic views of the Chantry is giving 'love the sinner but not the sin' vibes.
But if you’ve ever done the Cullen romance straight or with the bi mod, you know that while the lyrium stuff gets addressed once or twice, him changing and actually accepting mages isn’t ever addressed? It's implied and he never acts anti-mage really past act 1, but we don’t dive into that. And I enjoy this romance but I'm adding in these changes and story moments in my head, which is what makes it work for me. (Part of that is that I played DAI first so I didn't have Cullen from the previous games to compare to) But I feel like to write a satisfying character arc with a male partner especially either mage and/or non-human, they would Have to include him coming to terms with the fact that the problem IS the Chantry and the Templars, its not just Meredith or a few people or something fixable.
BUT we did not get that, because the games tend to try to 'both-sides' all of the social issues outside of Tevinter. They start it a bit and as I said, they imply it in DaI with him going off of lyrium and not technically being a Templar and all that stuff but like don’t really actually deal with the emotions and ramifications that would come with that for him. Just imagine though how funny it would be though, like this dickhead mage comes in, tells you your plan is dumb, but his ass is so fine that it completely resets your worldview. I just find it alot more compelling than cis, straight white boy religious cop gets a girlfriend and lives out their traditional life dreams, the end.
tldr: Cullen coming to terms with being queer would also require him to reevaluate his entire Chantry/Templar worldview further than he does in DAI, we can't have nice things so he remains cannonically straight and boring. But, if you are willing to do the mental writing for a queer romance, its a neat story
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willgrahamsleftear · 5 months
fuckkkk you can literlaly see the outline of her chestbones oh fuck
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misaamoure · 3 months
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“Zayneeee oh my god!” You cried out as his thick cock repeatedly slammed into your g spot.
The pleasure was almost incomprehensible as he fucked into you from the back, his hips colliding with the flesh of your plump ass, your glasses practically jumping up and down from the force.
What had started as an innocent trip to Zayne’s office to deliver him a dessert you picked out that you thought he’d particularly like quickly turned into something much filthier.
It was record breakingly hot outside, and you had dressed accordingly.
A powder blue, backless, spaghetti strapped mini dress. A tight one at that, that emphasized your curves.
Upon seeing you in such a garment, in his favorite color no less, Zayne had a rare moment of spontaneity.
You should’ve known something was up when he stretched your greeting kiss out longer than your usual peck.
You seem to always end up in these situations; at the mercy of the pleasure he gave.
Upon fucking your thighs and making you cum once from the delicious friction on your clit, he wasted no time bending you over the desk.
The desk creaked under the movement of both of you.
“Please you need to be… quiet…” Zayne was struggling to be quiet himself.
You were so warm and tight inside, he was losing his fucking mind.
Especially since he waited years to have you again.
Zayne stopped thrusting for a moment, making you whine at the loss of such a mind numbing feeling.
“Why’d you stop?” You peered back at him, looking over your glasses that had been knocked lower on your nose, a sight he simply adored.
He simply couldn’t help but tease you.
Zayne chuckled lightly before grabbing both your wrists and pinning them to your sides.
“Wha-” You were cut off by Zayne grinding his dick into your walls.
It felt like he was in your guts.
You practically screamed before muffling yourself by biting your bottom lip.
“Do you want it?”
“Yes, Zayne, please!” You barely managed to get out before he sped up.
“Fuck back on me. Show me how you want it, (Y/N).”
You tightened around his dick at his words. He was so filthy sometimes.
Who knew Dr. Zayne got down like this?
You whined before doing exactly as he said. You could probably fuck better than him anyways.
He kept your arms pinned at your sides, which made the position all the more tantalizing.
“Hurry,” He breathed out with a groan. “I have an, mmph, 4 o’clock soon.”
Though he smothered his own sounds and barely showed it outwardly, Zayne was feeling it as much as you.
The sight of your disheveled hair and flustered face nearly made him cum right then and there.
He was simply that attracted to you.
He was significantly louder now, enjoying the feeling of you throwing it back on him plus the visual stimulation.
“Yes, just like that,” He threw his head back, letting go of your wrists and instead opting to grab your hips. “That’s so good.”
“Fuck…” You moaned as you sped up. His praise was pushing your further to your orgasm as you angled your thrusts to hit your g spot every time.
“Zayne… gonna cum… I can’t take it anymore…” You once again barely managed to get your words out through the gasps and moans.
This pushed Zayne over the edge that he was barely holding on to.
He completely pulled out before grabbing you by the neck and pulling you upwards, making you gasp.
“I’m sorry.” He gave gave you a short kiss before letting go of your neck.
He didn’t even give you enough time to wonder what for before covering your mouth with his palm and slamming back in to you.
The force of this motion knocking your glasses off your face and onto his desk.
Your screams and moans were muffled as he pounded into you fast, hard, and deep.
He had literally never fucked you like this before, it was like he hated you.
The sheer pleasure of how good he was fucking you made tears run down your face, ruining your mascara.
Your sobs were also muffled into his palm.
Zayne was right in your ear; huffing and moaning louder than he ever has before.
“Inside,” he gasps. “You want it inside?”
You nodded frantically, shouting muffled “yes’s” into his palm.
His thrusts got sloppier as you tightened around him, both your orgasms impending.
His breathing got heavier before he reached down and pinched your clit as he came deep inside you, making you squirt all of his cock.
“Fuckkkk (Y/N).”
You had never heard him gasp and pant like this.
And you’d never felt this level of pleasure before.
You came hard as he slowly fucked into you, riding out your orgasms.
You both relaxed your tensed muscles as your orgasms ended, and Zayne took his palm off your mouth to give you a deep searing kiss.
He pulled away, wiping away some of your mascara riddled tears.
“Thank you for the dessert.”
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leonskennedypussy · 2 years
so enamoured with someone being able to say “i think i’m a boy. i think i’ve been a boy for a very long time now”. they have long hair, brown.
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
i’m sorry but i just have to plague your asks with this
“Come on baby.”
“You can do it for me right, mami?”
“I know you can take it all for me.”
“Just a few more inches and i’m all the way in.”
“Mi amor.”
Just some casual phrases miguel would whisper in your ear as he makes you sink down on him…
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content: afab!reader, smut, riding, petnames, squirting, cumming, size kink
miguel was always so careful with you, always. your importance to him was never questioned — he made sure of that to every conjuring mind and eye that ever perceived the both of you.
but when it came to pleasing you, pleasing him, miguel was careful but in a way that could almost be considered bullying.
“come on, baby”
you wouldn’t even be a quarter way down on top of his cock before he’s cheerleading you on, adamant for your participation and warmness of cunt. your whines would usually be an indicator of how you were feeling — and tonight they still were — but with the way miguel’s eyes glowed with venomous passion, you knew it had no difference whatsoever.
“miguel, i cant.” you whine
“but oh yes you can.” he coos back with the utmost lack of consideration for your capabilities.
and maybe you dont take your capabilities into consideration either because as soon as he says those words, youre letting out kitten like mewls as you sink yourself further onto his cock.
“you can do it for me right, mami?”
miguel bends his head to softly mumble into the dip of your neck, lips already attached to your skin, teeth doing their best to not skim it. he feels you nod as opposed to seeing you do so.
“mhm.” the small breaths that come out your mouth tickle at miguel’s ear but he doesnt care. hes just so enamoured with whatever you’ve got going on and how easy it was to get you to siiiiink.
“just a few more inches and im all the way in.”
and he knows its good enough encouragement because sooner than he thought, your cunt hilts to the near end of his cock, and miguel can only let out a hiss as his body twitches in pleasure.
“shiiiit, you feel good, mi amor.” he finds himself saying and it only makes you glower with pride.
miguel doesnt ask whether you’re adjusted, he’s just so ready to buck into you. hands clambering down your physique, probably remembering your build before they land at your hips. he squeezes them, only slightly, but its enough for you to know his use with you.
lifting you slightly off of him, miguel wastes no time in hitching his ass back against the chair and gripping his feet to the ground so that he can plant you nastily back down against his thick cock.
and you’re whining again. it’s pretty much incomprehensible, but this time the whines sound phonetically a lot like his name. he knows he needs to assure you in this.
“tryna make you feel good tonight, mi cielo. only want you to feel good by me.” he joltedly mumbles.
“only you.”
you say out of continued kindness but miguel doesn’t take it so. as the man licks at your neck and continues to fuck into you, he growls against your skin.
“only you, who?”
“o-only y-y-y-you papi…can…ah!”
the words are so hard for you to get out. with the way miguel is jogging you with his dick it’s borderline impossible to hold any sort of coherent conversation. but the amusing thing is that miguel loves it! he knew he was more talkative than most during sex but he loved how nothing about this was logical or thought out, it was all pure want of the body.
“yeah, solo yo. sólo yo, bebé.”
the sound of slapping skin and the smell of wafting sex fills the air continues to fill the air until the both of you are cumming together, lower halves wetter than you intended them to be.
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colealexart · 11 months
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story time! i met the cr cast this past weekend at mcm london and they were the kindest people imaginable, but my interaction with laura and marisha was just. incomprehensibly sweet and the best thing to ever happen to me.
first up was laura. my friends izzy (@wvearp) and abby (@overnighttosunflowers) went before me in the queue and they got my art signed by her. when they did, she said “oh, best art” and they told her that they were here with the artist. she immediately was like “what?! where?!” and started looking around frantically. i was standing just to the side and i waved awkwardly and she was like “NO WAY! YOU!! i favourite this shit on twitter ALL THE TIME!” which i find hilarious because yeah, i freak out a little every time she does.
when it got to my turn, i said hello and asked her how she was doing. she did not answer my question and instead said “cole, are you kidding me? these are gorgeous” about the two prints i handed to her. (the one pictured and a different one i got signed.) she said she remembers seeing this after the episode aired and i was like “yeah, it airs at 3am here so i drew this in a frantic, sleep deprived stupor at 7am” and she said “you did it so fast, i remember! i sent it to marisha! people are SO QUICK with the fanart, you guys are insane.”
after she signed the print, she held onto it for a moment and just sat and admired it, before looking at me with the BIGGEST smile and saying “you are seriously the best. thank you.” and i don’t know how to handle sincerity so i handed her the dice i got for her. she was so excited about them and immediately rolled the d20 and got a 10 (edit: i misremembered, she got a 3 lol). i then asked if we could play rollies and she beat me. i got a 5 and laura got a 7. i said i’m sorry they’re not rolling well and she was like “it’s fine, they just need charging up!”
i also got a selfie too, but the guy helping her at the table took the photo for us instead of me trying to take it because i suck at taking selfies. she gave me a really tight side hug and when it was done, she thanked me again with the biggest smile.
i also didnt realize until afterwards but instead of writing a character quote, laura wrote “you are everything” on my autograph 😭
next was the group photo op. as we walked up i said hi again to laura and she immediately recognized me from before. she grabbed onto my shoulders and literally spun me around to marisha and was frantically saying “marisha marisha, this is the person that does the amazing imodna art!” but there was a lot going on and marisha was looking at me with the most bewildered expression, until she eventually understood what laura was saying but we had to rush to take the photo. laura held onto my arm and marisha leaned against me and i didn’t realize until afterwards but liam and tal also had their hands on my shoulders lol. it was A Lot. i told marisha i would probably be heading to her autograph queue next so i’d see her there and she was like “awesome, i cant wait!”
so after that, i met marisha. i was probably the most nervous to meet her because she’s just so cool and intimidating but in reality she is just so warm and has such a calming presence about her. she was like “cole, good to see you again!” and i handed her the same imodna print that i had laura sign. she said “ohh, aww this is amazing! this is what laura was talking about, i was so confused!”
then we talked a bit about the live show because her voice was hoarse and i asked her how she was feeling. she said it was just her voice that was gone, but we agreed that it was absolutely worth it because the live show was incredible. i also congratulated her on the how do you wanna do this, then gave her the dice i got for her and we played rollies too. we both got an 18 at first and when we rerolled, she beat me with another 18 to my 16. then she was like “oh these roll really well, i’m definitely gonna use these!”
we took our photo together and afterwards she said “thank you for your art and everything. seriously, you’re so talented” while rubbing my shoulder, and then i headed off to join ashley’s queue.
i’m probably gonna make a separate post about meeting ashley and sam. i just wanted to write this down mostly to immortalize on my blog. i expected them to be kind but i did NOT expect to feel so loved and appreciated. laura was about as excited as i was, and made me feel so special. (this is also a pretty small thing but i dont think i pass very well, so the fact that laura said ‘person’ and didn’t misgender me meant a hell of a lot too.)
i did bring extra prints to give to them as a gift but was overwhelmed and forgot lol
anyway, that’s it! for anyone wondering if the critical role cast are as kind in person as they seem online, they absolutely are and then some. i’ll never forget this past week.
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vampcubus · 2 years
a/n: if this is incomprehensible, its cus i wrote it at like 4am. if you see them getting longer as i go along no you don’t.
⋆ ࣪.❤︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒!┊levi, armin, hange, reiner, bertholdt, and porco.
⋆ ࣪.❤︎ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒!┊mostly sfw, porco's gets suggestive, not proofread we ball.
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— Levi kisses you like he’ll never get to again — explicitly in private, he’s not a fan of PDA. His lips are always desperate against yours, hands in your hair, around your neck, at your hips, drawing you closer. And when you pull away his lips chase yours, blue-grey eyes half-lidded with that longing look that turns your knees to jelly.
— If you’re taller he isn’t above yanking you down by the shirt collar to crush his lips against yours, if you’re shorter all the easier to tilt your face the way he wants.
— And when you tease him by ghosting your lips over his with a barely there kiss, hand in his hair to keep him from closing the gap — he whines this pitiful whine in the back of his throat, ashen eyes ensnaring yours with a glare, both annoyed and pleading.
“Don’t tease me, you’ll regret it.” he whispers, and when you pull away anyways with a husky laugh he follows up with a breathless “please.”
How can you deny him?
— He’s incredibly weak for those gentle kisses to his temple when he’s hard at work on reports in his office. He almost always catches your sleeve and tilts his jaw up to indicate he wants a real kiss. He can’t help but be greedy with you, your soft lips are like a drug, and he’s become quite the addict.
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— Armin’s kisses are as gentle and thoughtful as he is. He probably plans his whole approach out the very first time he attempts it, but every time you look at him it’s as if his brain turns to mush. He starts to sweat and his throat goes dry, whatever romantic scheme he’d mulled over the night before goes right out the window.
In the end, it’s you that seizes the moment. You squish his cheeks and smush your lips over his, in his surprise he sputters against your lips, his face beet red — which only makes you pull away and burst into laughter.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean — let me try again, please!” he blusters, hands on your shoulders as you try your best to reel in your giggles. He gets this determined look in his eyes and cups your face, the action halting your tremors long enough to give him an opening to slot his lips over yours again. He does so with a little too much enthusiasm and ends up knocking you over, but you only throw your arms around him and sigh against his lips. Finally.
— You’ll get a lot of absent-minded pecks as he passes by you, the forehead, cheek, corner of your lips. Doesn’t matter if he’s focused on devising a plan, idly working on a report, or deep in thought, it’s muscle memory at this point. He especially does so when you’re cooking or cleaning so he doesn’t disturb you too much.
— But it’s not hard to tell your lips are his favorite place to kiss. sometimes he gets distracted and just gazes longingly at you, waiting for you to notice so he can pull you aside and smooch you properly. His favorite kisses are slow, long, and passionate, the kind that makes you forget the world around you. He definitely gets carried away and forgets where you are, only tearing away when you start to hear whistles and jeers from other soldiers.
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— Hange’s kisses are as spontaneous and passionate as they are, often a spur-of-the-moment smack of their lips against yours more than anything. Sometimes they just get so excited about their experiments that they could really kiss you, so they do! Granted these are usually fleeting before they go back to babbling about their breakthroughs and theories.
— Since Hange tends to ramble a lot, there are few openings to swoop in for a kiss, which can lead to you just grabbing their face in frustration and shutting them up with your lips. It always works like a charm, their brown eyes wide with surprise before their arms wrap around you and they return your persistent lip lock.
“If you wanted my attention, you could have just said so.” They laugh, breathless as they pull away. Their tone is teasing, but you hardly mind after finally getting the kiss you wanted. Their thumbs brush over your cheeks, drawing your gaze back to theirs as they lean in again, lips a hair away from yours. “I’m not satisfied yet though, we should kiss some more.”
— They smile into kisses a lot, always so smug — but also because you just make them so happy. Especially after assuming the role of commander of the scouts, they’re all but pulling their hair out with all the stress. Your lips are a welcome reprieve, and you can feel them melt into your embrace every time, a wistful sigh against your lips as their worries float away.
— A kiss over their eyepatch gets them a little teary-eyed, hands in your hair to touch your foreheads together. You’ve been through so much together and lost so much. They’re glad to have you by their side to shoulder the weight of the many deaths of your fallen comrades. And now without Moblit, they need you there to be the voice of reason when they go off the deep end.
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— Reiner’s kisses are devoted and reverent. He kisses you like you’re air he breathes. Like he needs the press of your sweet lips against his to live.
— The type to cry when you kiss — in fact, that’s exactly what he did when you first kissed him. He crumpled against you, dragging you both to your knees as he clung to you, sobbing into your neck when he can bear to part from your lips. He’s yours from that moment on, in disbelief that you’ve chosen him, but nothing could tear him from you now.
— Reiner tends to kiss you super soft like he’s afraid you’ll break — a habit you’ll have to shake him out of by being as forceful and passionate as you like with him. Smash your lips against his, bite his lip; let him know that you’re just as desperate for him as he is for you.
— Reiner becomes incredibly reliant on your kisses. He expects a kiss hello and goodbye, a kiss good morning and goodnight. And if you skimp on them he’ll pull you aside, envelop you with his body so you can’t escape, and attack your face and lips with kisses to make up for it.
— Stop kissing him as often and he’ll think he’s done something wrong, mulling anxiously over it until he starts jumping to conclusions. Maybe he said something wrong? Did he do something to make you angry? What if you were growing bored of him? His overthinking will be his undoing.
— You can tell when Reiner wants a kiss, he gets this tortured look on his face as he stares at you from afar. And when you finally acknowledge him he perks up, sending you one of those flirty grins from his youth, beckoning you closer.
— Chronic hand-kisser, he really can’t help it when you slip your smaller fingers into his own so often. It always compels him to lift your hand to his lips and kiss your knuckles, anything to see you smile at him with that adoring look. It still amazes him that such a look is reserved for him.
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— As expected, Bertholdt’s kisses are shy and hesitant — at first. Your first kiss is pure but electric, a culmination of the tip-toeing you’ve been doing around each other for years. You’re definitely the one who initiates, but it’s Bertholdt that holds you still when you go to pull away, ensnaring you with a murmured “please stay” against your lips that makes you melt.
— That kiss consumes his thoughts — even his dreams after that. It’s like your lips met and everything started to make sense, like the world was more colorful. Wherever you go, you’ll find Bertholdt tailing closely behind like a puppy.
— After being given time to adjust to your affections and enough encouragement to assert his own, his kisses take on a very adoring quality. He cherishes you, almost always smiles into kisses, strokes your hair, cradles your head 🥹
— Bertholdt prefers quick pecks in public, quick n easy to your cheek or forehead.
(however, he starts nosing at your shoulder if he sees someone looking at you a little too long. Bert’s observant and while he trusts you, he can’t help but feel a little insecure sometimes. He thinks highly of you, convinced you’re way out of his league)
— But he likes them slow n long when you’re alone when he can express his love for you without the nerves of having everyone’s prying eyes on him.
— The type to come up behind you while you’re cooking and wrap himself around you, trailing kisses across your neck and shoulder. BACK KISSES!! He’s more confident without the pressure of you looking at him. As soon as you turn around he’s putty again under your gaze, chin tucked to his chest demurely as you wrap your arms around his neck and start your own kiss attacks.
— He can’t help it, your eyes make him weak in the knees. You’re just so pretty… and when you look at him like that…
— He’s so fucking tall though and you might consider carrying around a step stool just so you can kiss him anytime you want (climb him) cus he always looks so kissable. And he gets the cutest blush on his face when you tug at his sleeve and pucker your lips. Bert won’t waste any time pushing your hair back and leaning down to settle his soft lips over yours.
“Stop looking so kissable before I climb you like a tree.” You pout, eyes narrowed as he gives you a weird look, cheeks full of food.
He swallows and leans down to boop his hooked nose against yours affectionately.
“Please don’t.” Please do.
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— Porco kisses you like he’s got something to prove.
— Makes you wonder what exactly. Is it to prove that he’s better at it than you? No… Porco likes to be the best, but his kisses largely reflect his desperation for you to think he’s the best you can get. He wants to kiss you better than anyone else probably ever could. He burns for you, and it translates so beautifully into the way he’s trying so hard to not let you slip through his fingers. He wants to prove he’s all you’ll ever want. (And he is 🧎‍♀️)
— Porco’s kisses are always passionate, and he can never stop at just one either. Pull away for a moment and he’ll chase your lips. He gets carried away easily, and being in a public setting is rarely a deterrent. He’s not gonna tongue-kiss you in front of the warrior candidates, but that’s as far as his restraint goes I’m afraid. Especially if he's jealous.
— Porco can be held back from brawling every guy that so much as looks your way (barely), but not from pulling you in by the hips to crush your lips against his when he knows they’re looking.
— Neck kiss enthusiast, both giving and receiving. He likes to do it especially to distract/annoy you when you’re focused on chores or not giving him enough attention. And if you’re being especially resilient he will bite you, just to hear you gasp. You’re gonna be walking around with hickeys everywhere I’m so sorry, no use in scolding him. And if you try to cover them up with makeup he takes that as a challenge to give you more.
— Can’t take a dose of his own medicine though, and that’s something you need to abuse. Catch him while he’s doing something important and start pressing the softest kisses to his neck and jaw and watch him melt. And when he reaches for you, pull away and insist he focuses on his task. Drives him crazy. The moment you start using your teeth and sucking on his neck, he crumbles, hands in your hair, pulling at your clothes. He can be so cute sometimes.
— I’d even go so far as to say that he’s a little obsessed with kissing you, and that means it’s the best kind of leverage you have over him. It’s hilarious how offended he gets when you refuse to kiss him when you’re mad at him. Wdym no kisses until he apologizes??? >:0 he acts tough about it like he doesn’t care… for like a day… and then he’s cornering you.
“'m sorry okay? Lemme kiss you already.” He huffs so quietly you barely hear him, and you bask in the clear humiliation of the titan shifter before you. You supposed you should take pity him… or…
“I think you can beg better than that, Pock.”
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wqnwoos · 1 year
your boyfriend is already looking at the doorway before you’re even hovering by it. he’d heard the padding of your sock-covered feet, and his head was already angled towards you in mild concern.
“hey, sleepyhead,” jeonghan greets, question in his voice. you’d announced your early night only a short while ago, and while he’ll never not love the sight of you sleepy-eyed and pouty, he’s a little confused. “what’s up?”
you’re crossing the room slowly, picking your way carefully through the lego pieces strewn over the floor. hugging a cardigan to your chest too — probably set the thermostat too low again, jeonghan thinks fondly. you never think to just raise the temperature.
“i like it.” you nod towards the plastic car he’s half-finished with as you sit yourself down on the sofa.
“thank you, baby. couldn’t sleep?” he leans back from where he’s been sitting on the floor; twists to brush lips over your cheek, and pick a thread off your jumper as he does so.
you hum incomprehensibly, already sprawling comfortably on the couch, draping a fluffy grey blanket over yourself. you glance at him once, a quick meeting of the eyes, and you look away, speaking shyly. “just… wanted to be nearer to you, i guess.”
the sentiment makes him a little warm on the inside. all sorts of gummy, syrupy feelings that bubble around happily when you say things like that. so casually and innocently loving.
“i could’ve moved there,” he remonstrates, soft and gentle when he brushes a hand over your cheek.
“s’okay,” you yawn, curling up to watch him with those gorgeous, sleepy eyes. “i’m perfectly happy over here.”
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an / inspired by me being so so soooo sleepy. going to bed directly after posting this goodnight❣️ been doing such WEAK writing this past month (sorry i am just not with it recently)
taglist: @n4mj00nvq @eoieopda @som1ig @glowunderthemoon @wondering-out-loud @graybaeismytae @hannyoontify @sahazzy @dokyeomin @icyminghao @smilehui @nicholasluvbot @lvlystars @immabecreepin @hanniehaee @kokoiinuts @astrozuya @doublasting @yepimthatonequirkyteenager @qaramu @weird-bookworm
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eternal-moss · 1 year
Obviously what the little girl in the Finn-hat said was rude, ignorant and uncalled for (which makes sense given she probably wasn’t even alive during the events she was describing), but something about Betty’s sacrifice being called ‘bonkers’ in such a dismissive way hurts when we know what happened- I can’t stop thinking about how objectively horrific being in their situation (especially Betty’s) must have been, and how she endured it to save the world.
In a way, it’s a sort of matyrdom, especially with how Simon treats it, revering the multiple statues of her that he can’t even escape making in his subconscious.
The worst part is, Simon doesn’t even know that her final wish was centred around him; her last words to him were ‘I’m sorry I messed everything up’, but her real last words were the wish to keep him safe no matter what (when saving the world from Golb was an impossible wish).
Something about the image of Golb’s ‘stomach’ is so harrowing, not just the claustrophobic premise of being presumably crushed to death, but the noises that were made when the magic was denied (I don’t even know how to describe that noise), and the screeching he made when Betty fused with him.
The true horror of that situation is that it isn’t really possible to describe unless you physically experienced it; seen it, heard it- it’s incomprehensible, and so people can’t and won’t sympathise with it. If she had been seen dying a self sacrificial death by lots of people then the response would undoubtedly be different.
Arguably, she went through something worse, and alone, so her suffering isn’t really recognised other than by Finn and Simon, and it can’t really ever be.
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