#This movie is making me mad !!!!! It's good but no white people better piss me off today cause i am NOT in the mood !!!!
mdccanon · 2 years
I hope BP3 goes even more mystical, just to spite every Black guy who only watches The Wire, Empire, and Scarface and wants Black people to stop having fun
Some people are so boring.
Some guy said Wakanda Forever is too fantastical and it would have been better to focus on the CIA side and to introduce realistic racism like propaganda, US sanctions, and destabilization and assassinations attempts. A fantasy underwater Mayan lost world is just too silly! And they tried to make that absolute bullshit make sense by making up this as an example of going too far: "What if, in the third movie, the sky just turned purple or a unicorn turned Shuri into a wizard. Do you see how crazy it gets if you just throw around "fantasy" things, it starts sounding ridicu--"
Me: Did you just subconsciously invoke "the ski turns purple," forgetting that already does happen IN the story-world as a sign of being in the ancestorial plane? If you showed me a snippet of a trailer with the normal sky being purple, I'd assume that the dimensions between life and death broke down by some demonic means. I'd HOPE that means the cast could all have meetings with their ancestors, which would be freakin' emotional, plus Shuri and M'Baku could meet face-to-face with Bast and Hanuman, like how Moon Knight got to interact with Egyptian gods -- and Bast, who was cast and had a cameo in Thor: Love and Thunder in Zeus' meeting of the gods, would be the perfect person to teach Shuri some "wizard"-shit. X-Men's Storm comes from a line of Kenyan witches, so Bast introducing it would keep that door open for any future storylines... ... I mean, I'm excited for a political thriller war against the CIA and the Thunderbolts, too, but Shuri defeating them with magic from her goddess is actually a pretty dope resolution. Good job brainstorming that.
They responded that that's not a realistic enough for the MCU.
No, that's not realistic for being about Black people because you don't know what to do with yourself if a story about Black people isn't about slavery, suffering, and 1990s hip hop stereotypes. The Emmett Till movie was playing next door, maybe you got confused and wandered into Black Panther? Thor is a Nordic god who just got into a pissing match with a Mediterranean god, Egyptian gods just had a kaiju fight in Giza, the Eternals pissed off their gods a few months ago, but it would be too cw~azy for the Black people to meet their gods? (Especially if it wasn't being used as a scathing allegory against Christianity.)
He even complained that Anderson Cooper's positive-neutral, professional news coverage of Wakanda "isn't realistic" either. "They would say anything they could to make Wakanda sound barbaric and backwards. They wouldn't report Ramonda at the UN like that. They'd be on the UN's side."
You are saying anything you can to sound dumb. If you hate white people so much that you think Anderson fuckin' Cooper would talk like FOXNEWS if Wakanda was real, you just sound dumb. Anderson Cooper does NOT normally do these "real reporter in superhero world" cameos, which means he probably asked to be in Black Panther. If Ramonda was an IRL African queen, Anderson Cooper would swipe his personal credit card to fly to her whenever she cleared her throat. He'd be her personal biographer. You have to have an astronomical, desperate resentment to want to see Anderson Cooper say anti-African propaganda and twist the narrative of the Mali mercenaries scenes. You sound dumb. No, you sound sick.
Get therapy.
Why would Disney have a real reporter who people... children... see report real international news say anti-African propaganda? That would be haunting, disorientating, and possibly triggering. You need therapy for being mad it didn't happen.
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spextronaut · 1 year
Thoughts on this week’s episode of the Mandalorian:
Watching the recap at the start of the episode and VERY AGGRESSIVE REMINDER that Bo-Katan called Din “brother” when they first met please please god do not make them have a romance 😭
If any of y’all know Doctor Who,,, these starfish things look like fucked up Oods
Imperial Mandalorians???? What the fuck??
Why is there melodrama. Why are these aliens so fucking ugly
Once again that’s just earth when will we get some decent fuckin out of orbit planet designs
GROGU <3333 DIN <33333
begging for the pattern to continue from last season with the helmet removal increases pls let Din take his helmet off today
I love that Din is having his name used more it’s so fun
These walls are so white I am fucking BLIND
Grogu my fucking beloved
I seriously can’t get over this I love his beard but fr why the fuck is Jack Black here
Grogu loves his pets omfg <33
Not the fucking Jerry Maguire reference I hate him <3
Still can’t get over the fact that Jack Black is canonically in Star Wars
Din once again being prejudiced against droids it’s really stupid lmao
A Kuill reference?? 2 seasons after he died?? Damn
hehehe Clone Wars reference
Din has another concussion that’s fantastic
We’re finally back to this being the Mando show with Bo Katan as a side character and I can’t even begin to tell y’all how happy that makes me
This place looks like it was inspired by Tokyo that’s really cool
Fuckin yEET
oooo the girls are fightinggg
what the fuck how do Droids drink
I love when he gets violent <3
… Droid race allegory?
The droids drink lube that is so fucking dumb
Droid morgue????
god he is so,,,, he’s hot I can’t be argued with on that
woww big surprise that the guy that was so obviously evil is evil
was that. was that a Keanu Reeves lookalike
I hate old people
Slay good job Bo Katan <3
yay Jack Black is back
they get a key? for all that?
That’s a big fucking key what the hell
Grogu gets a knighthood and he didn’t even do anything I love that for him
Din this will be so simple just pull out the fuckin Darksaber
hehehe Bo Katan gets to be a badass that’s fun
Din fr you can stop this so easily just. Darksaber it’s not that hard
At least give him some popcorn if he’s just gonna watch goddamn
… kinky
Din. Beat his ass. Beat his fucking ass you deserve it
Din keep the fucking saber you know how it works
Don’t let him give it away I’m gonna get so mad I know he doesn’t want it but HES SO HOT WITH IT THEYRE PLAYING HIS THEME AND EVERYTHING
Fuck this show. Fuck this show. Let him keep the saber. FUCK THIS SHOW I AM SO GODDAMN MAD RN
Can’t believe I was like oh this is the Mando show again bUT NO
Begging this to be a misdirection and the Darksaber will actually reject Bo Katan and force her to give it back to Din and that the last two episodes are good
Im so fucking mad at this episode i hate that fucking ending god fucking dammit Din deserves so much better, Pedro Pascal deserves so much better this is the show that truly got him into the spotlight and his character is being treated like shit and he doesn’t deserve it
I hate this episode but I had fun for the first 3/4 of it so I’m giving it a 6/10 overall it would’ve been much higher if Din didn’t give Bo Katan the fucking Darksaber
The worst part is that him desperately and easily giving away any semblance of power to Bo Katan fits his character it fits his character so well but that’s not how the last two seasons and TBoBF set up his arc and that’s why I’m so mad about it and hope it’s a misdirection
If it’s not a misdirection I honestly can’t say that I’ll come back for s4. I love this show and I love the characters but I would much rather live a life of pretending the fan fictions are canon than watch the show dig itself into a hole it can’t escape and ruin all the characters I love
And I don’t hate Bo Katan I like her and I like that they’re setting up her and Din not getting along very well anymore that’s good but i don’t think the way they’re treating her should be so prevalent considering the other things she’s in, she can have this arc in a different show or hell even her own show it doesn’t have to be in Mando
I’m gonna stick around until the season finishes but if it doesn’t get any better I’m not gonna come back for season 4 unless Tumblr says it’s absolutely amazing or some shit I just can’t take this disappointment anymore
Final comment: good episode when you ignore the ending, the ending was shit. Jack Black was the peak of the episode, but Grogu and Din (especially with the Darksaber!!) were also great and I am very much ignoring the end of the episode it’s not real if I don’t look at it
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megameatboy · 2 years
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I've already fucked it up.
I wanted to do a weekly blog, 1 post with 1 cocktail each week, give or take a few, and I'm already grossly behind. Oh well, too bad so sad.
Here's our first cocktail of the new year, the classic Martini. For better or worse (worse), alcohol has had a presence in most of my life in someway or another. But no matter the form its never been a topic where I've been particularly knowledgeable. I can remember the first time I got drunk, crying with my mom watching the Bruins win the Stanley Cup for the first time in our lifetimes. The memories are sweet but the beer was piss. My first good beer came 2 years later at a New Years Eve party. Earlier that same night I got rear ended at a red light. I got out to check the damage, saw none, and told the guy to have a good new year and took off. He seemed relieved. I had already been in 3 accidents since starting my driving career and this was the only one that wasn’t anxiety inducing. This will be a theme through all of my writing: fuck cops. They make every situation worse, including fender benders. Anyways, that firsdt good beer was bad, some stout from some country, but the memory was delicious. I pretended to like it. I think if I had it now I actually would. It mirrored a lot of my life, faking to enjoy things to enjoy the company of people who enjoyed the things I wish I could. I guess it worked, but I still find myself so often pretending to like things to...what? Seem cool, likeable, sociable, knowledgeable, smart, worldly, know-it-all, educated? Anything but the truth; I don't know.
So fuck not knowing. I want to learn shit. I want to be able to speak about something in my own words without pretending to already know. My first cocktail was something fruity from an Asian fusion place. I don't remember what it was. I don’t remember most cocktails I've had. Beer is easy. Wine likes to look complex. But cocktails have ingredients, variations, names that blend in my head with wrestling moves I already have so much trouble keeping straight in my head. If not ignored they defaulted into "make me something delicious". Which happened most of the time, but I could never tell you what was pounding the heck out of my liver. Through cultural osmosis I learned some names, liquors, drinks, terminology, but never mashed it all together into a weekly word vomit blog. Blogging was dead before I ever got a chance to really engage with it, so in true millennial fashion let's dive into a dead medium as our social media infrastructure crumbles around us faster than our actual infrastructure.
#01: The Classic Martini
Brooklyn Gin + Ransom Dry Vermouth
Couldn't tell you why I picked the brands I did. I never by the cheapest, or the most expensive thing. I'm sure this is some desperate yearning for the stability of being middle class. Or maybe saying that is. Or maybe writing cocktail review blogs is. Or, the classic martini itself is the embodiment of the yearning for middle class.
I don't think rich people drink this.
Maybe in the real life version of Mad Men, but not in *current year*. You can taste the lingering misery on your lips. The yearning for the idea of being well off. The fantasy of being James Bond saying "shaken, not stirred". Which, yes, this martini was shaken, not stirred. Now I know I'm painting a rich picture. James Bond and Mad Men are black tie affairs. But, the martini isn’t Bond and Hamm, its the wanting to be them that is the middle class desire where the martini is crafted and consumed. It's the memory of a more sophisticated desire. It's the overweight white boomer or gen x-er watching their favorite old spy movie avoiding their incoming divorce. With a stronger taste of lemon than you'd think.
My ex hated gin. My best friend wanted to take us to a new gin distillery than opened near her place. She was probably faking having a good time. The first time she got pissed drunk and vomiting (we all have our first) was after gin. She said the smell of Christmas trees made her sick sometimes. I love that smell. I tried at least 3 different types of craft gin. They only tasted like Christmas trees a tiny bit. It was disappointing. Brooklyn Gin however doesn't taste like a Christmas tree at all, which I think is really just my palate finally maturing 8 years later. I find it smoother than expected, I know what juniper is now from my job, and I like it a lot here. I took a look at some other reviews and some people can't taste lemon notes at all. I feel bad for them. Paired in a 5:1 ratio with the Ransom Dry Vermouth was good choice. I have no reference to go on here, Maybe next year I will. But the smell, "aromatics" of the vermouth were really nice, and while maybe not lemon specifically, it definitely had a citrus note that blended really well together. To be honest I made 2. One simple, nothing added. The second I added an olive. Its thee staple garnish of the classic martini. But there is no way I'm making my way through an entire jar of olives in any amount of time in my life. I substituted for a large garlic olive from the grocery store olive bar. It was 45cents. I didn't anticipate how much of a kick the sweat of the garlic shaken into that martini would be. It took the smooth but to be honest, ancient flavor of the martini, the dream for adventure from a dented leather sofa, and kicked it in the ass off the couch and made you want to grab it.
Already I've fucked it up. I wanted to embrace a simple cocktail and review it, and I'm already altering it, trying to make it weird. I guess I can't help it. Scorpion and nature and that whole thing.
Conclusion: The Classic Martini: The flavor of the fantasy of wanting for more. Recommendation: Garnish with flavorful olive. Rating: I would drink it when handed at a party I'm not fancy enough for.
On deck: Lemon Drop Martini                                                                                                    
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fixated-frenzy · 2 years
Twilight saga review
I recently binged the entire twilight saga. I’ve never watched it until now and I have a lot of thoughts. Parts of it are great and parts of it aren’t so great.
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Twilight 1
This movie was a good introduction, but definitely the worst one. The acting is a little awkward and it’s a bit boring. This movie introduces the Cullen family and the main character Bella who just moved to Washington. Edward was a tad creepy, giving he snuck into Bella’s house at night and watched her sleep, and he stared at her wherever she went. And Bella’s dumbass fell for him? It took, what, 2 weeks for her to admit to being “unconditionally in love” with him? She was ready to turn into a vampire after that long of being with some tall white guy that sparkles.
New Moon
This movie was a lot better and more interesting. In this movie, Edward ensures Bella’s safety by leaving for a few months. Bella is absolutely heartbroken, but at least she has her friend Jacob with her. Jacob seemed really nice at first, until he gets too protective and obsessed with Bella. But that’s more in Eclipse. Bella hangs out with Jacob and his pack and she discovers that every time she does something risky, Edward talks to her begging her to stop telepathically. Bella keeps being dumb and doing risky things just so she can “see” Edward. At the end of the movie, Bella jumps off a cliff and almost dies. Edward tried to stop her but he couldn’t, so he assumed she died. Jacob saved her, but when they got back, Edward was on the phone and Jacob said that Bella died. Jacobs toxic behavior pissed off Bella, so Alice and her decide to go save Edward because he wanted to kill himself because he didn’t want to live in a world without Bella. This movie was a lot better, but Jacobs behavior really makes me mad. Jacob is so immature and won’t let Bella go.
This movie, Victoria who was introduced in the first movie decides to make an army of “newborn” vampires (vampires who are newly turned, thus being more powerful). With this, Jacob and Edward were fighting the whole movie. Jacob kissed Bella when she didn’t want it and he claimed that she likes him but doesn’t know it yet. Both Jacob and Edward’s behaviors are so creepy. If I were Bella, I would leave them both and steal Alice from Jasper. But anyways, by the end of the movie Edward proposes and Bella says yes. Like bestie, I know people get married at 18 but this is kinda much. Like y’all didn’t know each other for that long and Bella is about to give up everything for this man.
Breaking Dawn 1&2
This movie was definitely one of the more interesting and more memorable ones. Especially part 2 with all the action scenes and CGI. Breaking Dawn part 1 starts with Bella and Edwards wedding and of course, Jacob is being immature and mad about their wedding. They have their honeymoon and it seems that a few days into it, Bella is pregnant. She is very happy about her pregnancy, but no one else is. But she literally was over here acting like she knew everything about her pregnancy. She even called her baby a he when it came out as a girl. Like that’s embarrassing. And I’m my opinion it’s so dumb that she was so ready to die over something that she knows nothing about. So she goes into emergency labor and they get her baby out, but Bella dies. Edward saves her soon enough, but he thought she would be dead. He gave her his venom, so she was brought back to life. Or unlife I guess.
Then we have part 2 which starts out with Bella revealed to be a vampire now. She sees her baby and finds out that Jacob imprinted on her and gets pissed. I mean girl I would be too not gonna lie. Then eventually Renesmee grows really quickly after her birth and she goes catching snowflakes with Bella. Edwards cousin finds out about the baby and reports it as a “crime” because se believes that Bella and Edward made an immortal child (which they didn’t, and immortal children are illegal). They gather witnesses and have Renesmee touch their faces and prove that they are innocent. In the end, they all discuss and Alice shows Aro his future and Renesmee is proven to be safe to have around.
All of these movies were pretty good, but Breaking Dawn part 2 would have to be my favorite movie because of the drama and the amazing CGI. My main points on this movie as to why I dislike it is that Bella is completely dumb and is obsessed with Edward and makes that a point by having dreams about him, not caring that he watches her in her sleep, and as soon as she finds out he’s a vampire she wants to become one too. I personally like Edward and Bella better than Jacob and Bella due to Jacob’s toxic behavior, however, Bella and Edwards relationship isn’t great either. Edward is a straight up stalker and a creep. Glad that they worked out, but if I were Bella, I would run away so fast. The series as a whole I would rate it about 8/10. Pretty good if you’re into those types of movies with vampires
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reformedvoid · 3 years
Okay I know that it’s been almost 13 years since the release but I’m talking about it now. And I’m also not very good at talking so if I made any mistakes I’ll correct them.
I decided to give James Cameron’s Avatar a watch. And..I liked it, however here is what I’d think would’ve made it better. And what the problems are.
But before I go into that I want to say what I enjoyed about the movie. I love the atmosphere and scenery of Pandora, it’s an absolutely beautiful place and if it was real I’d definitely visit. I love the creatures and I especially love the Na’vi. Those are the elements of the film that drew me in.
Now, like any film it needs to have a drawback, and I feel like the biggest drawback for me and probably for many others was the story itself. To simply put it, “white man mingles with the indigenous people, earns the trust, realizes that the white people are shitty and ruining everything, joins indigenous peoples sides as the saviour.” The white saviour archetype being Jake Sully. Who basically does just that, engages with the Omaticaya Clan, earns their trust, fights against who he was working with (RDA), and then happily ever after, he joins the Na’vi for long terms days. Thanks for that Jake.
Something else that pissed me off was the almost lack of accountability Jake took when he exposed himself as a spy working for the RDA, I mean yeah The Omaticaya bounded Jake as punishment and Neytiri barred him from coming back for a hot minute. But literally he earned back the trust of the Omaticaya simply because he could ride the Great Leonopteryx and that earned him the title of TORUK MAKTO. And you can’t get mad at the Toruk Makto right? Also, the Toruk Makto in Avatar is kinda like the “Avatar” in ATLA. Just thought that was interesting. But literally Jake “simp” Sully had outed himself out as basically a traitor, but it’s all okay now because he earned a godlike status simply by jumping on the back of the Leonopteryx. Dude could’ve at least done something more and had more responsibility to take for his wrong doings. I felt for Neytiri in that scene, imagine putting your trust into someone and then that’s broken. It would take more than something majestic to earn me back.
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Now, when the humans who came to Pandora were sent to Earth again. It was almost like they made it seem there wouldn’t be any need for defense anymore, Toruk Makto was no longer needed and everything was peaceful. But is it really? I mean they could come back at at any given time to do everything all over again simply for that Unobtainium lust. But nope, it all seems well after the Pandoran War. And I know they were exiled but is that really going to stop them?
One last thing I disliked was Tsu’tey dying, man I hated that.
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Now, what could’ve been done differently?
With the plot I feel like I would’ve preferred that from the beginning that Pandora was a place that was freshly new to anyone, no one had even made it there yet. Because it seems implied that Pandora was already known to the humans. But what if from the start Pandora hasn’t even been stepped on by anyone from the outside world. And there was a first person to ever step foot on Pandora and make contact with the Na’vi, that being Jake, his brother (if he was alive), or even an entirely different character would be interesting to see. They go to Pandora and they meet the Na’vi for the first time, and the story can go on from there. I’d like to go in a way that the main character learns about the Na’vi’s culture and then there’s a conflict of some kind but in the end it is resolved and the character becomes an ally to the Na’vi, kinda like how Grace was. Or even a story about a Na’vi character native to Pandora and the journey they are faced with. Either being contact with the humans or something else entirely. If someone to make an alternate plot with either one of these in mind I’d love to see it.
Also I just prefer to forget Tsu’tey is dead. So if it was up to me I would’ve kept him alive, along with Eytukan. Like, we barely got to know those two.
Overall, the other things I had mentioned basically explained themselves and I wouldn’t know how to describe them, my main issue was the story. I still think it was a good movie, but I would change a lot of things. I’ll give it a 6/10
Oh and by the way, who remembers those McDonald’s toys? CURSED ASF!!!
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Actually, here’s a list of things I have seen with these two that I’m willing to write fics for:
EDIT: There’s also a list of ships I’ve written or drawn art for that you can pick from if that makes it easier for you.
EDIT: I've updated some things on here
Movies/shows I’ll write and draw content for:
-Bright Young Things (I'll write Miles and Ginger, I just hate drawing them so don't expect much of that)
-Good Omens
-Prodigal Son
-Hamlet (David’s)
-Doctor Who (This includes the Big Finish characters David has, except the N*zi one, fuck that guy, he gets nothing ) 
-Around the World in 80 Days
-Fright Night
-Rab C Nesbitt (Davina, my beloved)
-Takin’ Over the Asylum 
-The Adventurer
-Tron: Legacy
-Far From the Madding Crowd
-What We Did On Our Holiday
-Camping (just an episode and clips, holy shit, this show is bad. Walt deserves to be in a better show)
-30 Rock (just the episodes with Michael)
-Nativity 2
Movies/shows I have seen but I won’t write anything for the characters (art might be possible if it’s just single characters):
-Ducktales (not unless if someone makes a really good villain oc based on a character Michael would totally play in this series)
-Actually, anything animated with these two I won’t write, but I’ve seen a number of animated things with David in them and, like, two things with Michael
-Jessica Jones (Kilgrave pisses me off in the best way, but I don’t want to write for that guy)
-Des (for very obvious reasons)
-Blood Diamond (my DVD is so fucked up that it’s pointless for me to even try)
-Harry Potter (for very, VERY obvious reasons, which sucks cause his character is interesting, but JKR pisses me off too much to touch Barty)
-Heart to Heart
-Criminal: UK
-Einstein and Eddington
-Richard II
-The Damned United
-Masters of Sex (I used to write stuff for this, but I'm too uncomfortable to do it anymore)
Show that I will NOT write for:
-Staged (RPF isn’t my thing, but I’ll happily continue to draw dumb toon doodles based on scenes.)
-Just RPF of David and Michael in general. Again, RPF is not my thing at all, please respect that. If you like it, great, but it's not for me. I will not respond if you send me an ask requesting it.
-This includes irl people that Michael and David have played, it starts to get weird when I think too much on it
Here are the ships I’ve written/drawn for on this account, so far: 
-Vincturi (Aro/Peter)
-Ineffable Spouses
-Adventure Husbands
-Illogical Husbands (no longer writing this, please don't ask for it)
-House (Doctor Who)/Doctor (both 10th and 14th)
-Hollywood Husbands
-William Boldwood/Phileas
-Wesley Snipes/Chris (White Bread Husbands)
-Hollywood Husbands/James
-Lucian/Spriggan Tenth Doctor
-Malcolm/Spriggan Tenth Doctor
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mercurysstars · 3 years
All That Glitters Is Not Gold (part 7)
Summary: Y/n gets hired to be the avengers chief physician and also happens to be an ex assassin.
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: Needles, swear words, reader getting angry.
A/N: Okay y’all so maybe the reader has slight anger issues.
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𝘍𝘪𝘹 𝘮𝘦 𝘶𝘱 𝘮𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨.
Y/n suddenly became aware of the very persistent beeping noise in her ear. No matter what she tried she couldn't get it to stop and it was starting to annoy the hell out of her. She cracked her eyes open, the light-flooded her blinding her for a few seconds but her eyes quickly adjusted.
The first thing she noticed was the white plain walls of the Med-Bay. The memories flickered through her head like a flashing light. Y/n looked down to her bandage arm she peeled it back a bit, by looking at her wound she guessed she might have been out a little over a day and a half.
She grabbed the cords attached to her body and yanked them out causing the heart monitor to start flatlining. Wanda shot right up out of a dead sleep at the sound, looking over to make sure her friend was okay. Y/n didn't even know she was there until she spoke up "Oh good you're alive."
Y/n grimaced "Very much so. How long have I been out?"
"A little over a day," Wanda said confirming what she thought. "After FRIDAY alerted us, Barnes got there first to see you all bruised and bloody."
Y/n could tell Wanda was trying to keep the conversation light which she appreciated. She rolled her eyes and chuckled "You should see the other guy."
"Oh trust me I did." Wanda grinned. "I should probably go get bruce though so I'll be right back."
Wanda left her room. Bruce came in and checked her vitals and drew some blood just to make sure there wasn't anything toxic left in her blood. He said that they couldn't use the cradle because it could harm her further so there would be a scar. But Y/n didn't mind much a little bit of meditation and it would be long gone.
Wanda gave Y/n her phone but had to go because Vision needed some help. Y/n was checking some emails and she heard a little sniffle. She looked up to see a red-eyed Peter peaking into her room. She set down her phone and motioned him over. "Hey, Peter what's wrong?"
Peter seemed a little unsure of himself hesitating to speak. He once again sniffles wiping his face with his shirt. In a little voice, he mumbled, "I was scared you were going to die."
Y/n's heart broke into a million little pieces. She didn't know what to say to him. She wanted to comfort him but she didn't know-how. Y/n did the only thing she knew how. Made a joke out of it. "Oh, Pete you know some half-ass assassin can't get the best of me."
Peter chuckled also while hiccuping. He looked down then back at her. He rushed toward Y/n wrapping his arms around her. Y/n slowly wrapped her arm around him the stayed like that for a few seconds. She rubbed his back and patted it. "Can't breathe. Super strength." She choked out.
Peter pulled back standing next to her bed and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly "I forgot sorry."
"Don't worry about it. And hey get some sleep I'm the one in the Med-bay and you look worst than me."
Peter promised he would. He gave her a get-well card that he bought with his aunt May. He turned to leave. Bucky was standing in the doorway. Peter told him he could go in and left.
Bucky walked into the room. Y/n's face lit up when she noticed him standing there. "Well look who it is. My savior."
Bucky gave a small chuckle. He looked her over. He can't get the image of her lying limp in his arms out of his head. He doesn't think he's ever been that scared or panicked in his life. It became blurry to him after she passed out. He vaguely remembers carrying her the few feet to the med bay and Bruce ordering someone to get him out. Funny how someone can change your life within a few months of knowing them.
"How are you doing." He breathed out turning serious. He sat in the chair next to her bed setting her clothes on the tabled next to them. He couldn't explain it he felt like it was her fault she was in here. Even if he hasn't done it personally.
"Good, I'm good. How's Alpine? I know she has separation anxiety."
"Well, last night she somehow got into my room again. And right now I think she's with Wanda. I'm pretty sure she sneaks her extra treats."
Y/n and Bucky continued to talk. She genuinely enjoyed his company. There was a feeling that she didn't want to name that started to open up whenever he came around. They decided to watch a movie. Y/n was sitting crisscross applesauce and Bucky had his feet kicked up onto her bed while laying back in the chair.
"You actually liked this movie," Bucky exclaimed. Y/n got to pick the movie and she picked newsies. She thought it was the right thing to choose considering it's about young boys in New York. Though it was a little before his time it was basic Bucky and Steve.
"Yes, it was my favorite movie of my teen years. Believe it or not, I thought their New Yorker accents were really hot."
Bucky laughed. He couldn't believe what he was hearing "No way. They are so bad. They aren't even accurate."
"Hey don't judge. I can't help what my teenage hormones find attractive." She jokingly kicked his feet and he put his arms up defensively.
"I'm not, I'm not. It's just that I don't see you like that type of girl. Back in my day, they use to associate accents with thugs or gangs."
"It's the 21st-century hun. Times are different." She put her non-injured hand on her hip.
Bucky raised his eyebrows and smirked "So I'm seeing."
The buzzing of Y/n phone interrupted their conversation. The caller ID read Anthony Y/n put up a finger to signal to give her a moment. She clicked the accept button and a nervous sounding Tony picked up "Hey Y/n how are you? I heard what happened."
Y/n? He never uses her real. That only means one thing. He did something that could potentially piss her off. She was out for one day and this is what happens. "What did you do Tony."
"Okay look so don't be mad when I tell you. Meet me in the debriefing room in 10." He hung up before she got the chance to object.
Y/n slide to the edge of the bed. She swung her feet over. She attempted to stand up but when she put pressure on her foot she nearly collapsed. Y/n didn't remember hitting her foot or anything but it must have been when she dove over her desk. Bucky put his hands on her waist to steady her. "Woah you okay there doll?"
"Yeah. Can you like?" She made a turning motion with her hand. Bucky immediately stood up and turned around.
Y/n took off her hospital gown. Buck caught a glance of 2 long scars crossing her stomach and what looked like to be a burn on her hip through the reflection of the window. He quickly turned away out of respect. Y/n slide on her pants and cleared her throat. "I'm done."
Bucky turns around and sees her supporting most of her weight on her right foot. "Do you want me to get you crutches or a wheelchair?"
"Why would I do that when I have a perfectly good super soldier right here?"
She hobbled over to Bucky and wrapped her good arm around his waist. He rolled his eyes at her being difficult but put his arm around her. He wouldn't admit it but he secretly liked it and thought it was sweet.
They got down to the debriefing room. Tony was pacing around the front muttering something to himself. Y/n and Bucky took up the last two seats. Y/n's foot was throbbing so she put it on the table to elevate it. They waited a couple of minutes for him to start. Natasha finally decided to speak up getting annoyed "You want to tell us what this was about before you burn a hole in the carpet."
Tony stopped to look at them and started to pace again "Okay so I didn't tell you guys everything. That meeting I had was with the UN. They are trying to get General Ross to be ahead of the Avengers instead of Nick Fury."
He paused to let them take it in. Some were confused, and a couple were mad. "Wait are they just trying to do this since we didn't sign the Sakovia accords?" Steve said what most were thinking.
"See that's what I said but they were talking about some bullshit about us being unorganized and dangerous. And the only way they'd stop it is if someone took a truth serum and I said Y/n would."
Oh, this is why he told her not to get mad. She had to take a deep breath so she wouldn't pull off her shoe and beat him with it. Is he stupid? He's a genius but he can't think before he speaks. "So how does it work?" Clint asked.
"Well, they will hook you up to a lie detector machine and inject you with the truth serum. The way it works is that every time you lie the serum will start to burn and your heart rate will start to accelerate."
"So what all do I have to lie about." Y/n finally questioned. She was chewing her lip in contemplation. She's pulled off worst than this and has had more on the line than this.
"What I know for sure is that I said you've been with us for 2 years, you can't tell them how you got that cut and anything that can potentially get us into trouble. Also, you can't take any strong pain meds."
"So basically she has to have one hell of a poker face," Bucky concluded.
Y/n sighs and rubs her head."How long do I have."
"12 hours until wheels up." Tony better buy me so many boxes of pizza she thinks.
Bucky watched as Y/n sat on the floor crisscross applesauce. Her back is the door and the only light in the room is the light from the hallway in the quinjet. Y/n could hear the soft buzz of Bucky's metal arm with her eyes still close she says "You know you can come in Sarge."
That startles Bucky. He walked into the room and sat on the floor taking up space next to her. He looked at her "I came to tell you we are almost there. Are you nervous?"
Y/n thought for a few seconds. Most people in her position would probably be pissing their pants at this moment. Having to go in front of the United Nations and lie straight to their faces. So she answered truthfully "No, no I'm not."
Bucky was surprised. She was genuine in her answer. If it was him he would be having a near stroke. "Really? Anyway so why do meditate it doesn't actually help with anything."
"Actually it does. It helps with my heart rate and it helps me heal faster."
"Oh?" He looked at her expectingly obviously not believing her.
She kicked out her leg and lifted the pant leg to her suit. The bruise was gone and she rotated her foot and wiggle her toes to prove she wasn't in any pain.
Y/n grabbed his shoulder as a crutch to help her get up and grabbed her heels. Bucky looked up at her. "You know I can't seem to figure you out."
Y/n paused and pursed her lips in thought "Somethings are better off left as mysteries." She patted his shoulder and walked out.
Wanda, Natasha, and Y/n broke off from the rest of the Avengers, having to go to the medical room so she could get a mini medical exam.
The girls walk through security. Natasha dropped all of her weapons in a bin so she could pick them up later. They put a device around Wanda's neck so she couldn't use her powers. Y/n could see how uncomfortable it made her. She walked over to Wanda and whispered "I feel bad you have to wear that. You didn't have to come."
Wanda looked at her and have a small sad smile "What you're about to do is worst than this. It's the least I can do for you helping us."
Y/n nodded to her. Security officers escorted them to the medical room. They had Y/n sit on a bed. They made her pee in a cup, took her blood, and checked her medical history. Natasha was giving her advice. While she knew most things it was still nice having someone coach her through and remind her of it.
When they finished Wanda went to join the rest of the Avengers. Natasha walked her to the door she adjusted Y/n's suit "You've got this. We'll be supporting you in the crowd."
"Thank you Nat for everything really." She hugged her and Natasha gave Y/n's arm a reassuring squeeze.
Y/n took a deep breath. She stepped into the room. The room was a half-circle shape with large windows behind it. In the back were journalists and reporters. And in the front were the UN personnel were located. Y/n walked past the Avengers and took her seat in the middle of the room.
Y/n could feel everyone's eyes on her. She got blinded momentarily from the flashes of the cameras. She looked over to the Avengers. Tony, Bruce, Clint, and Steve at the end. Bucky in the middle. And Sam, Natasha, Wanda, and Vision on the other end. Wanda gave her 2 thumbs up and Y/n smiled back at her.
Staff came over and started to unpack and hook her up to the lie detector machine. They took off the jacket to her suit and connected wires to three fingers on her right hand. They put a blood pressure cuff on her left tricep and inflated it. Ross stood up and cleared his throat being the room's attention on him.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'm General Ross and I will be doing the questioning on the behalf of the UN."
He turned his gaze to Y/n. "We're going to test the lie detector first."  Y/n nodded to him and he began.
"Is your legal name Y/n Y/l/n?"
"Yes." Y/n states.
"True." The man in the chair next to her says.
He looked down at the paper he had in his hand looking for his next question. "Very well. Were you born Y/B/D 1995?"
"Are you nervous?"
Natasha's words come back to Y/n. Lie once. Lie about something small. So they don't get suspicious. Y/n let her heart rate pick up a bit and purposely avoided eye contact. "No."
"It's okay to be nervous. God knows I would." Ross joked a few people chuckled and Y/n had to physically hold back an eye roll. He thinks he got her but in reality, he's right where she wanted.
He nodded to the staff and they walked over to her and began to prep her. They cleaned a small area of her arm with an alcohol pad. "This might hurt a bit." One muttered.
They stuck the needle into her arm and injected the serum. At first, it felt cool but then it hit her all at once it felt like someone poured a pan of grease on her. Y/n's skin was on fire, she bit her cheek so hard it nearly drew blood.
Bucky watched as Y/n closed her eyes and took a deep breath. If it was anything like the Super Soldier serum he knew it burn. She opened her eyes and if he didn't witness it he wouldn't even know it happened seconds ago.
General Ross walked back to the front and began to speak "We are ready to proceed. Did it hurt? I've never tried it."
"Yes." Like a bitch.
"What role do you play for the Avengers? Tony mentioned you've been there for 2 years."
"I'm their Chief Physician." The second part of his sentence was a statement so she missed lying by an inch.
He asked questions like that for a while or worded them differently. The questions were getting repetitive and Y/n was getting bored and impatient. She hasn't had to lie yet not that she wanted to. Especially not when she has the truth serum from hell injected in her veins.
"Have the Avengers ever put you in any unnecessary danger?" Ross questioned.
"Never." She replied trying not to bounce her leg.
"Tell me Miss Y/l/n how did you get that cut? It looks pretty deep." He paused seemingly watching for her reaction.
"My cat. She has some pretty mean claws." Y/n stated without missing a beat. She felt the burn of the serum. It wasn't as bad as the injection but damn did it fucking hurt. Despite that Y/n kept a straight face starting to get annoyed with him. She could hear the flutter of the cameras.
"Would you consider Miss Maximoff unstable in any way, shape, or form?"
Y/n has to stop her eyes from going wide. What the hell kind of question was that besides rude. It's like he wants her to lash out at him. "No."
The man watches the monitor for a few seconds "True." He finally says.
"Would you consider Mr. Barnes dangerous?"
The audacity of this man. You want to see someone dangerous? Let's see how dangerous I am when I choke you out with this cord that's wrapped around my finger- "No"
"Are you aware of his past?"
"Very much so. And that where it should stay the past. I don't know what you're trying to get at general."
"Were you aware that we are starting a search for Lilith and anyone with information on her that doesn't come forward will be sent to the raft? And were you aware that if we find her we are ordered to kill on sight?"
Y/n gets a bitter taste in her mouth. This cannot be happening. She can't freak out right now. She clenched her jaw "No I was not aware of either."
"Very well that's all." Ross returned to his seat among the UN.
The staff came over and unhooked her from the machine. Y/n felt like she could finally breathe. She stood up and walked out without glancing back. The Avengers did the same meanwhile getting swarmed with paparazzi.
Part 8
My mini taglist
@theashlynbarnes @writingonabrokenwall
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 years
𝒻𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓃 𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁
sᴛᴇᴠᴇ ʀᴏɢᴇʀs x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎: You’re a hydra experiment gone wrong. Not to mention Steve Rogers hates you; and you have no idea why.
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: angst, substance abuse, alcohol consumption, enemies to lovers kingda but not really, smut 18+  (slight praise?, a bit of pet names? protected sex ;), riding, cockwarming, choking)
𝒶/𝓃: might do a part 2 blurb, but i’mbeginning to run out of ideas so send some requests! also thanks for 100 followers!! :,)
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉: 3.3k
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You sat by the window of your  room with a cup of coffee as always wishing life would be different; but also not. You were grateful for your life you’re able to have now; being with the Avengers, learning how to control the powers you now possess. Grateful to have a home again.
Years ago you were out with your friends for the fifth time that week, getting drunk and high off of anything you could get your hands on. Your fiance broke off your engagement for his secretary; typical. You got fired from your job the week prior. You were days away from being evicted from your  apartment. You had no family; your life was falling apart. 
You were also the perfect target. Stumbling out of the club black out drunk and high as shit you were taken into the darkness never to be seen again. You woke up surrounded by darkness freezing, shivering from the cold. You had no idea where you were, what day it was, who was staring at you from the shadows.
“Welcome home,” the voice taunted you.
You spent years in that cell. They wanted you to possess dark magic. And you did, oh did possess alright. You remember that night like it was yesterday; that night haunted your dreams every night. 
You would sit in your cell, moving the toy blocks they left for you to use. You mostly practiced your magic with them considering no one taught you how to use them, they only wrote shit down whenever you saw them. No one ever spoke to you and whatever voices you did hear were whispers in languages you couldn’t understand.
Earlier that day so long ago, a ‘doctor’ injected you with this thick disgusting black liquid. They had been at  your door all day waiting for something to happen. But they got what they were looking for; experimenting on you for. 
Your back burned and ached as if  there were nails clawing at your skin. You screamed in agony, begging someone to help you, to take the pain away. You could see your once blue veins that ran through your body turn black.  Your skin ripped on your back, bruises forming, black feathers growing out your body.
Once they were entirely out of your body they applauded. They actually praised the ‘doctor’ who made you into this, this creature. They left you to deal with the pain. You shook in fear and agony. You had wings. Fucking black wings. 
They called you the Fallen Angel. You possessed the powers of Lucifer himself. You didn’t fully know it however.
Months later the avengers infiltrated the base. Natasha found you; you were severely dehydrated and malnourished. But you recovered quickly and here you were staying with the avengers fighting alongside them taking down bad guys and shit. 
There was a light knock on your door taking you out of your horrid memories. 
“Hey, babe,” Natasha opened your door and peeked her head around.
“Hey, Nat,” you replied.
“How are the wings?”
Since you’ve been with the avengers you’ve become happier with your life again and your wings started getting light in color, they’re still not white however and you don’t know why.
“Still gray,” you chuckled.
“That’s so weird. You haven’t done anything and that goop that was in your system is filtered out. What’s making them gray?”
“I have no idea. Anyway are we even sure they're supposed to turn white? I mean I’m no angel; I had a shit life before all of this happened. Maybe it’s just baggage.”
“But it makes sense, you know,” she defended.
“Not everything makes sense.”
“You hungry? Sam was thinking chinese takeout, Tony said shawarma and you’re the tie breaker.”
“Awe man, you guys suck. What do you want?”
“Shawarma,” she whispered.
“Ok. shawarma,” you agreed.
She grabbed your hand and led you to the living where everyone waited for the tie breaker. Your wings were so big and they dragged behind you every time you walked, ran, anything. It was hard sometimes, they were heavy too but you got used to it.
“She said shawarma!” Nat shouted.
Half the crowded cheer and the other half whined. Delivery came fast thankfully and everyone gathered on the couch, Tony putting a movie on while you guys ate. You sat with Bucky and Nat; usually Steve sits with Bucky but Sam was also on the couch next to Buck. 
Steve came up to you making your stomach drop; he was so handsome but here’s the thing, he hated you. Since you came to the tower, he always said they shouldn’t have brought you. That you were too dangerous and you could hurt someone; that hurt you. 
You spent so long hating yourself for what you became but with the avengers help, excluding Steve, you’ve been able to learn to start loving yourself and appreciate how you can use your powers for good and saving people. But every time your name came out of Steve’s mouth, it was degrading and you hated yourself a little more each time. 
And you don’t know why.
“I’m sorry?” you questioned, taken aback.
“I said move,” he said sternly.
“Steve, she was here first. Don’t be a baby. Go sit down somewhere else,” Nat said.
Steve stared at you making you look away in discomfort. He sat in the loveseat alone glaring at you like you had killed his mother or something. The movie continued however and people kept eating. Steve was still grumpy glaring at you whenever you laughed at a scene or said something out loud or literally did anything.
“Rogers, L/n. Briefing, now,” you snapped your head to the voice who was Nick Fury.
“You two doing anything?”he asked when you three were alone.
“We were-”
“Good,” he interrupted.
“I have a mission for you two. We’ve been getting hyperactivity on our radar at these coordinates for the past week now. We do have reason to believe it may be another hydra base trying to regroup maybe, get the band back together type of shit.”
“And you need us why? The rest of the team is in the living room,” Steve asked him.
“You two know hydra best and it’s too soon to put Bucky on a mission that involves Hydra. I’d like you two to complete this with no casualties. We have authorities ready to arrest them, they're just waiting for you,” Nick gave you both a file. 
“I want you both on the plane in 5. And please for fuck’s sake, try not to yell at each other. Y/n, Steve is your captain just do what he says,” He walked out of the room and you rolled your eyes. Whenever you guys go on a mission together he always has you stand back and even stay on the plane with Bruce sometimes. You more than once rejected his instructions; now thinking about it might be the reason he hates you… 
“Try not to kill yourself this time,” Steve said before leaving to suit up. 
The mission was going well and all fell into place. Until while the bastards were under arrest getting ready to be transported, one of the Hydra agents recognized you. He mocked you and laughed at you. Taunted you and brought memories of your time with them back to your mind. 
Tears formed in your eyes, you were so angry. You used your powers, developed from the darkness and began slowly killing him. He turned red and choked gasping for air. Steve watched you begin to get angry, feeling empathy for you. But when he saw you snap, he knew he couldn't trust that you’d cause trouble. 
“Y/n, stop,” he said. But you didn’t stop; you wanted the bastard dead.
“Y/n!” you ignored him.
Your brain drowning all sounds except your breathing and his lack of. Steve grabbed your arms and dragged you, you bursted into tears, memories and trauma flooding back. Steve was pissed that you couldn’t go a single mission without doing something you weren’t supposed to. But he also knew that what you had gone through was torture and he felt sorry for you.
He somewhat knows about the torture that Hydra has inflcited in the past. Bucky talked about it with him and sometimes still has nightmares about it. His behavior probably doesn’t make you feel better. He didn’t mean it to get this far.
When Nat brought you on the plane, he was hesitant. But he knew if they left you there you would die in no time. After you rested, ate, and cleaned up, he was mesmerized. You were very beautiful but Steve felt like because of Peggy he shouldn’t love another person. Like she would be mad if he moved on. 
So, he avoided you at first. Absence turned to frustration when you wouldn’t leave him alone like he had thought. Frustration led to insults and now you think he hates you with everything in his body. But he couldn’t feel further from hate for you. 
Sure, he got frustrated when you didn’t listen to him on missions; primarily because you thought he was being a dick on purpose to antagonize you. But when you came home, safely, and laughed with everyone about Bucky tripping and falling on his face, he fell in love a little bit more with you and your laugh. You looked so happy; without him.
But Steve can’t let it happen, so now he stomped away from you pretending to be upset over something so stupid. 
“Where are you going?” you yelled at him.
“I really don’t need your shit right now, Y/n,” he snapped.
“No, you’re gonna deal with it. It’s been more than a year, Steve! Grow up and talk to me like a real man! Why do you hate me so much?”
“Enough!” he boomed, scaring you.
“Leave me alone,” he said lowly, having more impact than if he were to yell.
“Please,” you cried, “Talk to me. What did I do?”
“You want to know the truth? You’re too powerful. You’re already reckless and if you knew the capacity of your abilities you'd become more reckless. If you’re more reckless you’ll die; and if  you die, that's on me. I can’t let that happen,” there was sincerity in his voice for once; the truth but not the one he wanted to really admit.
“That doesn’t explain why you hate me.”
“God I don’t fucking hate you!”
“Then tell me the truth!” you yelled back.
“I hate myself. I hate myself for feeling the way I do. It's not  fair to her.”
“Not fair to who?” 
“To Peggy.”
“I thought Peggy passed away.”
“She did,” he went into his room and sat on his bed head in his hands.
“I’m confused.”
“I can’t help what I feel for you; and that’s not fair to Peggy. I feel like I should still be in love with her but I’m not.”
You stood by the closed door listening to him. 
“You like me?”
“No, I think I fell in love with you. I thought I could stop by avoiding you but your so fuckin stubborn. You were determined to be my friend; and I don’t want to just be your friend. So I said a couple of mean things and it went too far. I never meant for you to hate me or for you to think I hated you. I was just stupid.”
“Yeah, it was little stupid,” he chuckled at what you said.
You walked towards him and stepped between his legs. He grabbed a hold of your hips and buried his face in your stomach. You held his head brushing your fingers through his hair softly. He looked up at you with soft eyes filled with regret and sorrow. You could tell he was frustrated.
“Is it wrong? To love you?” he whispered.
“No, Peggy wouldn’t want you to spend the rest of your life moping when  you could choose to be happy, like she did. She would want you to move on, live life. And that doesn't mean with me. I mean in general. Does that make sense?”
He nodded sincerely.
He slid his hands to the back of your thighs and sat on his lap. You gasped and your wings fluttered behind you, expanding with excitement. Steve chuckled at that and you buried your face in  his neck feeling embarrassed. He cupped his hand on your face and naturally  you leaned into his hand looking into his blue eyes. 
“Can I kiss you?” he asked.
You simply nodded before leaning up to him to connect your lips with his. Your wings once again expanded; lightly ruffling against each other. You pulled away and attached your lips to his neck peppering light kisses all around. 
You connected your lips once again and it was Steve’s turn to attack your neck with pecks. You’ve alway worn shirts that were either very low in the back or cut to make room for your wings. Either way Steve slowly pulled your shirt over your shoulder trailing kisses along your chest and collarbone. 
“I really care about you, Y/n. Please let me show you.”
You hesitated only because it’s been so long since you had been intimate with someone.
“We don’t have to-” he started.
“No, I do. I really do; it’s just been a while, you know? Being held hostage and all,” you joked.
“I understand. We still don’t have to.”
“Steve,” you whispered in his ear.
“I want you. I want you to fuck me.”
You heard him growl lowly before he stood up with you and almost laid you on your back.
“Steve, I can’t lay on my back!” you laughed.
“Oh that’s right! I’m so sorry,” you both laughed for a second.
He set you down on your feet and stripped his shirt. Your eyes shot straight to his chest, your hands reaching out to touch his chest.  He smirked at you before taking his pants off leaving him in boxers; for now. He reached for your pants as well eyeing you to make sure he wasn’t moving to fast but after a smile and a nod he slowly pulled your own pants to join his discarded on the floor.  
He kissed your thighs that were slightly scarred from your time with hydra. He stood up and you pulled your shirt down off your shoulders letting it fall to the floor. Steve’s eyes watched your breasts. His hands reached for them as you did to his chest when he took his shirt off. 
You pulled in for another kiss until Steve had enough.
“I need to be inside you, baby girl,” he pulled his boxer down, taking your panties off after. He grabbed your hand sitting on the bed. His back leaned against the headboard and you crawled into his lap, your knees falling to either side of his hips. His hands rubbed up and down your thighs and hips.
He reached for a condom and handed it to you winking and smirking. You tore the foil with your teeth keeping direct eye contact with him, Steve getting harder and harder every second passing. Your took his cock in your hands, bigger than you thought it would be, and rolled the condom on squeezing a bit making his hips jerk up into your hand.
“Knock it off, pretty girl.”
You leaned forward and lined your entrance with his cock moving your hips around a bit teasing him before you actually sink down. Steve was so impatient though, he gripped your hips and thrusted quickly into you making you gasp loudly and moan not long after.
You moved quickly, breasts bouncing with each thrust. Steve groaned under you, fingers digging into your hips. 
“My angel. You feel so fucking good,” he grunted.
You simply whined and moaned, feeling euphoric being around Steve. Your wings moved along with you guys gracefully expanding further as you got closer to your oragsm. Steve’s hand moved up your body to wrap around your throat, his thrust getting more sporadic. He squeezed gently making your eyes roll back; your wings getting bigger.
“Your fucking perfect, angel. You gonna cum soon? You gonna cum around my cock?”
“Yes, Stevie. Oh god!” you moaned. 
Your moans got louder, echoing in the room. Skin slapping against each other mixing with the lude sounds of you both where you were connected. Steve released his hold on your neck and grabbed your waist moving wildly in and out of you. 
Your pussy pulsed around Steve’s cocked. When the pressure building in the pit your stomach finally bursted your wings fully expanded and your back arched. You felt Steve’s dick throbbing until it went soft inside you. You collapsed on his chest trying to catch your breath again. 
Steve moved you for a minute taking his cock out of you; discarding the condom in a trash bin. He grabbed a towel and iped you clean first then cleaning himself. He crawled into bed with you and you moved your knee over his hips as before making him laugh. 
“What’s wrong, angel?” you liked that name he gave you.
“Can you…?” you mumbled into his chest.
“What was that?”
“Can you put it back in?” you asked louder.
“My cock?” you nodded shyly.
“Anything for you, angel.”
You laid on his chest with his cock settled inside you and you dozed off. Steve lightly scratched your back after turning his bedside light off. Before he fell asleep he saw a soft glow of wings turning white. He questioned it but ultimately fell asleep. He’d ask you about it tomorrow morning.
You woke up with your head on Steve’s chest, naked limbs tangled with the sheets. Steve was on his phone, his hand scratching your head gently. 
“Good morning.”
“Morning, bug.”
“Sorry to keep you in bed,” you said sitting up; you pulled the sheet with you to cover your chest.
“Don’t be sorry, angel.”
“I’m really hungry.”
“Want to grab breakfast downstairs? We’ll come back up afterwards. We can cuddle some more,” Steve kissed you with a smile.
You stood up grabbing your shirt from last night and Steve handed you a pair of cledan boxers to wear. He dressed himself before walking with you downstairs to the kitchen. 
You walked into the kitchen first everyone’s eyes wide. You thought at first maybe it was because they might have heard you and Steve last night but Nat spoke up before you could ask.
“Your wings! Their white!”
“What?” you asked shocked. You opened your wings so you could see them in front of you to see that they were in fact white. 
“How did that happen?” Nat came up to you.
“They weren’t white last night.”
“They changed after you fell asleep, angel,” Steve spoke up; everyone’s heads snapping toward him, confused.
“They did?” you asked, he nodded and smiled coming up to you grabbing your hand.
“What the fuck?” Tony said.
“What the hell happened? I thought you guys hated each other?” Bucky asked.
“It’s a little complicated,” you said. 
“Ok but that doesn’t really explain why they’re white now,” Nat spoke up.
“I think it’s because I wasn’t truly happy and fully free of my past until yesterday. I was able to move on and now being with Steve now makes me happy.”
“Really?” Sam joked.
“Yes, really,” you laughed.
“This is gonna take some getting used to,” Tony said. 
“Did you guys…?” Nat asked suggestively.
Your eyes grew wide and you got hot. Steve only laughed which was enough of an answer for everyone. 
“As long as you’re both happy,” Bucky said.
“We are,” you looked up at Steve, wrapping your wings yourselves and shielding a heated kiss with Steve. 
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intercoursefluids · 3 years
The Impromptu Sleepover Part 2 (Final)
One day. All she asked for was one normal day. Sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? A single completely average day is not too much to ask for.
Unless of course, you are Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Then it’s impossible.
People around Marinette start crying as Scarecrow walks into the room, mothers hiding their children behind them as everyone holds onto each other, scared of what’s to come.
Marinette shudders at the pure animosity radiating from the man-turned monster.
Adrien, ever the faithful friend, mistakes the slight shake as fear and shifts so he covers her from the villain’s view.
Everything is quiet before Scarecrow starts on his evil monolog (not that anyone cares).
Tuning him out Marinette looks around, trying to come up with a plan to get everyone out before a shrill scream and crying fill the air causing her to snap back around.
Some of Scarecrow’s goons are holding a woman back as a small boy is dragged up to the monster himself.
Grabbing the boys are he holds the trembling child painfully tight before reaching behind him and pulling out a canister.
Seeing as how Marinette planned this whole trip she made sure to know all about the local heroes and villains.
And the knowledge of what that bastard was going to do to that poor kid squashed any sense of self-preservation Marinette had.
Rushing forward she manages to make it past the few armed men standing between her and Scarecrow and rips the kid away from him just to get blasted in the face by the fear-toxin.
Ringing fills her ears as she collapses to the ground, voices shouting from the corners of her mind.
All of them shouting how they failed her, she should have done better. That she never should have been chosen.
One voice rings out crystal clear amongst all of the other roaring voices.
You said you would save me, M’lady. I should have known better than to trust someone like you. After all, you aren’t even worth the Ladybug miraculous. I have to say, I’m disappointed in you Bugaboo.
Her head jerks up at her partner’s voice, tears streaming from her eyes as she comes face to face with someone she never wanted to see again.
Chat Blanc.
Voices surround her as explosions sound in the distance. Her parents, her friends, everyone. All screaming at how she failed them, how she should have stopped when she had the chance.
Children’s cries fill the air around her, only these are different. They don’t echo from within her head, instead, they come from around her, slowly grounding her. Reminding her that this is just some monster’s trick.
The fear is still there, prominent as ever, but now her focus is on getting everyone out. She hasn’t failed yet.
Slowly uncurling from the ball she had formed she looks around. Forcing herself to see past the bloodied faces of people she failed to save.
All around her everyone is still the same, the hostages in the same places, same as the gunmen (even if they look smug at her suffering).
The only one missing is Scarecrow himself, and turning ever so slowly to face Chat Blanc her fears are confirmed.
In Scarecrows place stands her beloved kitty.
Pure unadulterated rage fills her as he dares wear her kitten’s face.
Lunging at Chat Blanc she hears the startled screams as she attacks him before the rushing in her ears takes over, leaving her deaf to the sound of shattering glass as the heroes arrive on the scene.
Having the advantage of surprise on her side she manages to pin him fairly easily tying his arms behind his back with her visitors’ pass before spinning around to help take down the rest.
An arm wraps around her, trapping her arms to her side as she struggles, a hand coming up to cover her eyes as she tries to getaway.
Quiet shushing and words of reassurance reach her ears causing her struggling to slow.
“W-who are you?”
Marinette winces at the tremor in her voice as she takes stalk of her surroundings.
Her head is tucked under their chin as their surprisingly strong arms hold her in place, one hand still firmly over her eyes.
“My name is Damian. I’m trying to help keep you calm until they can get you the anti-serum.”
She chuckles even as she shakes in his hold.
“It’s not normally a good idea to grab a girl from behind if you want her to calm down.”
He tenses slightly.
“Right, I didn’t think that through. Most people see what they are most afraid of so I thought if I took that away it would help you calm down.”
Marinette doesn’t reply for a while, opting to try and match his breathing instead of replying. All the while subconsciously leaning more against him.
“It’s working I’ll admit, you just went about it horribly. Can we sit down? I feel like my legs are about to give out.”
She feels him loosen his hold and fumble with something behind her before the hand over her eyes is replaced with a piece of cloth. He takes her hand leading her over to a wall before sitting and pulling her with him, tucking her into his side and draping something over her shoulders as her shaking picks up again.
“I’m sorry, can you tell me about yourself? It’ll help me keep my mind off of the panic.”
She feels him nod shifting again so she's leaning more against his chest.
“I have 3 older brothers. Richard, but everyone calls him Dick, Jason, and Tim. I lived with my mother until I was 10 so I’ve only known them for 6 years. They are all adopted but I don’t think anyone even remembers that half the time.”
Marinette can’t help the soft smile that takes over her face as she wraps her arm around him (why is he so warm???).
“You sound like you love them.”
He scoffs.
“Not in a million years, they’re annoying. Grayson is overly dramatic and a hopeless romantic, Todd is a trigger-happy hothead, and Drake is an insomniac, workaholic with a caffeine addiction.”
Marinette can’t help but giggle, her overwhelming fear slowly receding enough for her to think.
“They may be ‘annoying’ but they’re your family, I can tell you care about them.”
Damian makes an offended noise even as he wraps his arm around her rubbing her arm up and down.
“The only person in our family that I actually like is Alfred, he’s our grandfather and the only reason any of us are still alive, but, I guess they aren’t as bad as they used to be. Not that I'll ever admit that to them. Their egos are big enough as is.”
Marinette is about to respond when another voice cuts her off, causing her to cling to Damian as her heart rate picks back up frantically.
“Too late, I brought the anti-serum for your frie- Hey is she okay?”
Damian pulls her into his lap, rubbing her back even as he scolds the other person.
“She’s still being affected by the fear-gas dipshit! I just got her to calm down again, give me that!”
One of his arms leaves her body as he reaches away from her, he starts whispering to her again as something pricks her upper right arm.
It only takes a minute for the anti-toxin to work, causing Marinette to sag in relief against Damian as he keeps his arms around her.
“Seriously Todd! You should have known better than to startle someone like that!”
Marinette takes deep breaths of air, slightly surprised by the smell of Damian’s cologne before realizing she has her arms wrapped around his neck and her face buried in his shoulder.
“Yeah, you’re right. My bad demon-spawn.”
Damian scoffs adjusting Marinette in his arms so he can sit up instead of leaning against the wall.
“It’s not me you should be apologizing to, nitwit!”
Marinette sits up slightly kissing Damian’s cheek as she takes the makeshift blindfold off before returning to her earlier position.
“Thank you, Damian. You didn’t have to help me, much less stay with me and calm me down. You’re really sweet, you know that?”
His arms tense around her before cackling fills the air.
“Demon-spawn? Sweet?! I don’t know who you’re calling sweet but it’s most definitely not my little brother.”
Damian groans as ‘Todd’ keeps laughing, instead directing his attention to Marinette.
“Do you think you’re okay to walk? The cops will probably want to take a statement.”
She nods and they slowly rise, Damian, supporting her the whole time. Once she is finally standing up straight she turns to look at the boy who helped before coming face to face with the greenest eyes she’s ever seen.
Her breath catches in her throat as she meets his electric emerald eyes for the first time since they met.
They stand there, in complete silence before a camera flash breaks through their quiet bubble.
Turning towards Todd, Marinette studies his features.
Pale skin, blue eyes, and black hair with a tuffet of white at the front.
“What do you think you are doing,Jason?”
Todd now dubbed ‘Jason’ grins stepping away from his brother.
“Ooh, the first name. You only use that when you’re pissed. And I’m sending this to the group chat, no one will believe me if I say that you were civil with another human being!”
Damian glares.
“You have ten seconds to run, Todd.”
Jason wastes no time running away as quickly as humanly possible.
Damian goes to follow him but stops when Marinette grabs his arm.
“Help me over to the officers? I’m still a little shaky.”
His sharp glare softens as he leads her over to give her statement.
10 minutes later, they are both sitting on a bench waiting for the police to finish getting statements from the rest of the hostages and for the armored truck that will transport Scarecrow to arrive.
“One time when I was 11, Todd and Drake decided it would be a good idea to kidnap my turkey Jerry and hide him away after buying a raw turkey and cooking it for dinner. They said they found it wandering around outside and decided it would be a good idea to cook it.”
Damian shakes his head in fond exasperation.
“That is the closest I had ever come to crying in front of my brothers. I ended up running and telling Grayson what they did and he got so mad. They ended up fessing up that it was just a prank and they didn’t mean to actually make me upset. They ended up going out and buying a bunch of junk food and pizza before we had one big movie night together.”
“We all ended up falling asleep in the living room all piled on top of each other. Father was so surprised when he came home and he didn’t even send us to bed. He got changed and joined us in the living room. We all ended up sleeping in a giant pile on the floor that night while Alfred took the couch.”
Marinette smiles up at Damian, he had been telling her about himself ever since she had asked him to and she honestly enjoyed it.
“They sound wonderful Damian. Hey, when do you think they are going to-.”
Marinette is cut off by one of her favorite blondes as he latches onto her body.
“When you rushed forward I tried to follow you and ended up getting hit with the gas and had a panic attack, and then when they gave me the serum I couldn’t find you and had another panic attack, and they couldn’t calm me down for a while and then they had to take my statement but I still couldn’t find you and I’ve been freaking out the whole time. What the hell were you thinking? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!”
By the time Adrien finally stops rambling his head is in Marinette’s lap and his arms are wrapped around her waist.
“I’m sorry for worrying you, but you shouldn’t have even followed me, that was dangerous and stupid and your dad would destroy me if anything happened to you.”
Adrien snorts.
“If you don’t want me to follow you then don’t take off running.”
Marinette groans, not acknowledging the fact that she is still leaning against Damian.
“Adrien, you are far too ride or die for your own good.”
Adrien sighs, leaning back to look at his best friend.
“Yeah well, Chloe is probably gonna kill us both if we don’t get back to the hotel soon. She heard what happened and has been blowing up my phone since I came to. Ms. Bustier won’t let her leave though.”
“We are so dead. She’s going to actually kill me this time. Damian? Would you like an invite to my funeral? You’ll need a tux.”
Before Damian can even try to respond Adrien cuts him off.
“Oh! There's another person here… Who saw me acting dramatic…. Oh no.”
Adrien's pale face contrasts brightly with Marinette’s, which is bright red from restraining her laughter.
“Okay, okay this is fine. It’s fine. We have two options here, A: We kill you so you can’t spill our secrets or B: You become our friend and are kept under surveillance.”
Damian raises an eyebrow at him not even bothering to acknowledge how dramatic he is still being.
Marinette finally breaks, cackling like a witch she rips a piece of paper from her ever present sketchbook and writes her number down.
“Here, this is my number in case you want to stay in contact. Come on Adrien, Chloe is going to kill us.”
She grabs Adriens arm and starts to run, ignoring his protests of ‘He knows too much to be left alive!’ in favor of trying to make it back to the hotel with her other favorite blonde.
She didn’t see the soft smile Damian sent her way as he puts her number in his phone…
But Jason did, and soon will ever other wayne if the video he sent to the family group chat had anything to say about it.
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beann-e · 4 years
Entitlement Of A Class
summary ; shinso loves to get in your head during arguements
You’d been sitting here communicating your annoyance through your facial expressions for the last 15 minutes yet, you couldn’t tell if shinso just didn’t care or he didn’t want to
“ whenever you stop acting like an emoji keyboard and decide to use your words we can talk “
you looked to the floor wishing it could swallow you whole as you sat next to your boyfriend on the couch his arm wrapped around you as your body laid back against the couch feet tucked under yourself
“ unless your scared “ his eyebrow coming up as he turned to look at you
“ and my precious kitty has no reason to fear me right “
you looked away from him shaking your head lightly as his hand came down to rub your thigh “ see then we’re fine lets just watch the movie ‘k— i’ve been wanting to see this since it came out “
You knew he never cared much and you didn’t know how to communicate it wasn’t that you felt like you couldn’t talk to him ‘ which you did ‘ you just simply found it hard to when he would always use his quirk to shut the argument down when it approached a point he didn’t want to discuss or simply talk anymore
“ I-i’m mad “ you decided to start out slow you knew you had to go about this a certain way or it could all go left . He blinked as he continued to stare at the tv his body relaxed showing no interest as he repeated your words plainly “ you are mad “
you took a gulp “ and i’m — I want you to apologize for making me mad “ you studied him as you kept speaking slowly “ I would like for you to pay attention to me while I talk s-shin “
“ how do you expect me to pay attention to someone who’s just listing effects and solutions but wont provide me the cause to said ‘ anger ‘ “ you nodded your head you were doing ok he seemed to be taking you slightly serious
“ i’m sorry it was my fault for not explaing “ he grunted as your continued “ earlier before we watched the movie you ignored me when I said hi to your class — in the hallways — at training I just it was kinda hurtful babe“
“ I told you I don’t want people to know “ he moved his hand over to turn the tv up trying to focus on his — y’all’s— movie “ why would I hold your hand or request you as my sparring partner if I don’t want people to think we’re dating “
“ but because of that I had to pair with bakugou and he burned me “ you gripped at your side “ badly “
he nodded “ yeah saw that — you should get recovery girl to fix it she’ll have you as good as new — ask deku he should be a medical intern by now“
you looked to the floor “ shinso I wish you cared more “ your voice was low “ I know your trying your best really I do but you just your so distant even when we’re not around people “
you pointed between the two of you “ honestly if you didn’t use your pet names I myself would think we’re just really close friends — look how uninterested you are when I talk“
“ I am not uninterested “
“ then what was I just talking about shin “
he paused as he looked at you speaking “ why do you always do this “ his gaze on you harsh
“ why do you always pick fights with me I told you I was listening y/n why can’t that be it ? why can’t it be over “
he reached out to pull you in his arms “ I don’t understand arguments baby — I don’t understand the point when half the time the problems aren’t that important “ he whispered as he spoke to you “ your mad because I didn’t pick you as my sparring partner really y/n ? not because I didn’t save you from villians or because I let you almost get hit by a car “ his eyebrows creased “ but because I let you fight bakugou “
“ it’s not li— “
“ baby , honestly it’s not my fault you can’t beat bakugou — it’s not my fault your not on his level “
he shifted you off of his lap as he moved to turn the tv off “ so stop trying to start pointless fights that you know we’re gonna get no where with and go practice in the training room — you wanna be a hero right “
you shook your head slowly “ well then it’s gonna be hard for me to advocate for you to aizawa— to get out of class 1-B if you can’t even beat the top student and then cry about it after he scratches you“ he waved you off as he stood up stretching “ no one wants to deal with that “
“ shinso that’s not nice —he literally blasted me into the brick wall for even approaching him to start the fight— you know i’d give anything to be in your new class just becuase I can’t beat bakugou doesn’t mean anything“
“ clearly it does if your bringing it up to me like what do you want me to do about it — I can’t magically make you fight better “
“ I know and that’s not what i’m upset abo- “
“ then what the fuck are you so upset about y/n “ his hand slammed into the couch face lit up in annoyance
“ n-nevermind “
“ oh now it’s never mind ? where was this earlier when I just wanted to watch my movie huh “
his voice was so calm but his actions were saying otherwise as he was gripping the remote in his hands knuckles white “ answer me — I told you this argument was pointless that it was a waste of my time and I didn’t understand it and you kept going“ his face came up in disbelief “ and now you wanna end it here ? “
“ no I just — your there — at the peak— it’s no need to keep going i’m gonna screw myself over “
“ how ? huh how are you ?— what the hell are you talking about “
“ I would like to s-stop please “
he stalked over to where you sat looking down on you who was now trapped. You’d pissed him off even if he was the calmest and rational person you’d ever met. You knew his attitude when he had one always showed his annoyance especially when he felt the situation was as trivial as this
“ oh you wanna stop ? now ? and i’m just suppose to let you after I said I wanted to stop and you kept going “
“ because I — I thought I had the go ahead I didn’t know i messed up “
“ what are you talking about-why do you keep saying that ? “
you went quiet you knew not to answer he knows what he’s doing
“ y/n come on baby “
you weren’t gonna speak , you felt as the couch dipped him sitting down as he pulled you in his lap kissing you softly as you returned it . It was rare for him to give you affection and you enjoyed it he knew this . You found yourself pulled into a long kiss you both breaking away as he moved to nuzzle into your neck “ y/n come on talk to me “ he nipped at your neck
“ I love when you talk no matter if your mad or not — I hate when your quiet makes me feel like I did something wrong “
you groaned at his words you felt bad you didn’t want to leave him hanging “ did I do something wrong baby ? “
you felt your heart strings pull he never got soft like this you knew he felt bad and you couldn’t help but answer softly “ no shinso “
the smirk that spread across his face was so sinister if you could have seen it you would have packed your things and ran. Your brain going wonky as you felt your head start pounding it was almost like you’d lost control over your own thoughts —mind racing
“ I know babe I know “ you whimpered at the feeling
“ calm down i’ll help you out “ you felt as he sat you down on the couch gently
“ y/n you see your hand “ he pointed to your hand
“ bring it up to your head for me real quick and let your quirk go to work ok “ you did as you were told hand falling when you were done him sitting back on the couch and your body swiftly falling to lay back on the pillows eyes closed as snores fell from your lips
“ thank god you have a sleep quirk any other and it might not always work “ he laid his back on the couch starting the movie over and relaxing peacefully as he sighed out
“ shoulda done that as soon as they pissed me off when they first opened their mouths “
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jyndor · 4 years
I’m rewatching the Puppetmaster for ~research~ and ugh.This is such a good episode but I cannot stand the treatment of Hama and also Katara’s special bending ability. And I’m gonna talk about it because I can’t help myself. But I also want to offer a solution maybe something that the writers could have done instead. Granted I’m a white US American so while I am about to talk about imperialism, anti-indigenous racism and racialized misogyny, I am coming from a position of privilege here and ymmv. It’s important that we as fans (especially white fans) acknowledge the things that our favorite stories can do better so that we can make our fandoms safer for everyone.
And btw fans of color have been talking about this so I definitely am going to be quoting some phenomenal bits of critique I have read on here. Also you should follow @shewhotellsstories and @visibilityofcolor for anti-racist fandom commentary.
I am also going to talk about grooming, so just be aware if that is a trigger for you.
I. Hama as a Campfire Horror Story Monster
The episode starts out with the Gaang camping in a creepy forest telling ghost stories to each other. Set to spooky music, Katara tells a story about something that happened to Kya, a friend named Nini (likely) dying in a snowstorm and then haunting her family’s home as a ghost. Immediately after, Toph hears people screaming under the ground - and then Hama finds them and invites them to her inn.
Every so often, Hama says something spooky with the spooky music playing. Katara immediately takes to Hama, but the others (especially Sokka) find her pretty unnerving. Katara says she reminds her of Gran Gran before Sokka starts snooping around and finds a bunch of puppets and a comb from the Southern Water Tribe. It’s the standard horror movie fakeout.
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Every so often we get an artfully placed hint about Hama’s agenda - pulling water out of thin air, showing Katara that “plants - and all living things” are made of water. And oh yeah, she makes herself ice claws. Cool skill, but in the context of the episode, a little more unnerving.
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The “moon monster” that Old Man Ding mentions, the alleged Moon spirit, turns out to be Hama (of course) and the tension builds to a peak as the Gaang rush to save Katara from the “dark puppetmaster” that has imprisoned the villagers.
Meanwhile Hama and Katara stand under the full moon washed in spooky cool lighting with an ominous breeze around them. You see Hama practically transform into a monster in a way sort of reminiscent to a werewolf - her fingers become claw-like, her veins pop out. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say it’s a coincidence that as she reveals her true agenda, she becomes less human in appearance. Which... okay I’ll get to that later.
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While I can’t say that Katara fits the Final Girl trope very well, I do think it’s interesting to note that horror movies often do feature women as heroes who defeat the monster/killer/whatever and usually the Final Girl is used to allow audiences to experience the full horror of the villain, which absolutely is how Katara is used here. Yes, her friends come to help, but she saves everyone in the end (my queen).
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So here’s why that’s bullshit.
Framing Hama as a horror story monster make sense when you don’t think about the Implications of framing the indigenous woman POW living surrounded by people who have benefited from Fire Nation imperialism. It does - it’s a common trope: the reclusive witch who first seems kindly to some lost/wandering children before revealing her true intention - to use them for her own purposes. Yeah, I know they’re playing on Hansel and Gretel. But yeah, I’m gonna call bullshit on that too - drawing on a c*nnabalistic witch for inspiration when you’re writing an indigenous woman character is probably not the way to go.
II. Hama the Puppetmaster* and Groomer
A puppet master is obviously a puppeteer, and Hama has puppets (creepy though they may be). But in terms of the underlying meaning, she’s a chessmaster, an Emperor Palpatine/Dick Cheney kind of master manipulator who works mostly through other people. What most people would consider a psychopath (in layman’s terms). When her friendly mask falls, she is terrifying.
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She is cold, calculating, manipulative as fuck - she isolates Katara almost immediately. Hama uses Katara’s desire to connect with her culture to groom her to become a weapon. It’s actually such a good example of grooming that it has to be purposeful:
Targeting a victim - Hama hears that Katara and Sokka are from the SWT. She also hears Katara tell a story about Kya. To Hama, a waterbender from her own culture is a hell of a target.
Gaining trust - Hama reaches out to Katara in particular, is especially kind to her, gives her individual attention that the others don’t get. She prepares a SWT feast for them and tells the Gaang about her heritage when they go snooping.
Filling a need - so once Hama has given Katara reason to trust her about waterbending, she promises Katara to pass on SWT waterbending heritage that only Hama knows. She fills a unique need of Katara’s.
Isolation - From then on out, we don’t see Katara with the rest of the Gaang until the end of the episode. Hama seems like a normal teacher but she does start to drop little hints, pushing Katara very gently to see how she will react to her real agenda and desensitizing Katara to what would otherwise seem unacceptable coming from someone else who hasn’t established that unique trust. “You’ve got to keep an open mind, Katara.”
So this would be the point at which Hama would make sexual contact but this is metaphorical so that obviously doesn’t happen. What does happen is Hama pushes Katara’s limits. She makes her pretty uncomfortable with the idea of killing the fire lilies for water, but when Hama appeals to their shared history of marginalization she gets over it.
Maintaining control: Hama makes her final move, which is obviously bloodbending, and reveals her true agenda - and when Katara refuses to manipulative living beings’ blood, Hama violates her bodily agency. And not only this, but she pushes Katara into bloodbending when she victimizes the Gaang, fully realizing her control. 
Hama sees it as a victory, and telling Katara breaks down at the end in one of the most emotional scenes in the show. She feels like so many of us have felt at some point: violated, betrayed by someone we trusted. And then they never really deal with that.
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I actually think that’s the point of The Puppetmaster, especially given ATLA being a show for children. I think it’s supposed to be a metaphor for csa.
And... okay.
Undoubtedly it is important to send these messages to kids. And yes, people usually are victimized by those closest to them, by those in their own communities. But not indigenous women. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but according to the National Congress of American Indians, Native American women  and girls are more likely to be sexually assaulted by non-NA men. 57% of cases are perpetrated by white men. Not the people in their communities.
Choosing to tell this story with an indigenous woman POW (who very likely would have been victimized herself lbr) is a choice that I find really aggravating. When writers tell stories with a Point, it is incredibly important for those writers to understand the implications of what they are saying about the characters who they are using to make that point.
Like I’m not saying don’t make that point, or don’t use Katara (who would in real life be at a higher risk of sexual violence than the others) to make it, but why make the perpetrator someone who is statistically unlikely to be Katara’s abuser? I’m not sure I have a good answer to that question. My guess is, like with making Hama animalistic and about as unsympathetic as it gets, the writers just had blinders on about the cultural implications of what they were saying.
Not even considering the whole victimizing-the-“innocents”-of-the-Fire-Nation-town plot, Hama’s not a good person. This is probably because she was driven mad by the need for revenge, which, eurgh okay, but still it’s very apparent that she is not interested in winning over Katara’s support directly or honestly.
* also the antisemitic history of this trope hmm.
III. Hama and The Victims of Genocide Victimizing Oppressors #NotAllFireNation
Okay. So this is the part that I think annoys me the most because it’s so bad. Like, imagine for a minute that you’re a white guy and you’re gonna tell a story about a victim of genocide who is completely divorced from her culture and homeland, and furthermore is an escaped prisoner of war who has radicalized in prison - okay it just hit me, I know what they MIGHT have been going for, like maybe some kind of anti-Gitmo statement? But that didn’t happen. People who were stolen away from Iraq and imprisoned illegally in Guantanamo Bay, and who were released after being detained illegally, haven’t really shown any real radicalization. They’re pissed at the US for victimizing them, but like that seems pretty fair considering so many of them did nothing wrong.
That’s been the US government’s excuse for not releasing innocent people who were detained illegally. The idea that prisoners of war radicalized in Gitmo so they can’t be released because they’ll attack the US is propaganda. I’m not saying it hasn’t happened, but that’s where it comes from.
Considering the time period ATLA was written, considering how much of it was inspired by the US wars of aggression and imperialism, considering how political ATLA is (and why it was so popular during its initial run - during the years that Bush lost a ton of popularity) I think if that’s what they were thinking about, that’s not great.
But for all of Avatar’s good messaging on imperialism and war, it’s still written from a white US American mindset. Well surely I’m not responsible, surely you shouldn’t imprison and abuse me, a random white girl in the States. It’s my government, which I cannot control because of two-party politics or some shit.
So first off, that’s shitty because oppression is often about systems, not individuals. Sure we need to always consider the individual experiences of people who are victimized, but the people who are benefiting from imperialism? Me? Fuck if I care if someone in El Salvador or Iraq or Chile or idk any of the countries we have meddled in, let alone from a marginalized community in the United States, hates white US Americans for what our government has done - and that’s even silly because white US citizens support our government. Like we think the institutions are sound, although sometimes we don’t support the guy in charge. We think the cops are going to help us, even though that isn’t really the case.
Why frame it about what she’s doing to the Fire Nation civilians at all? Why make Hama the villain? I don’t think they wanted her to be unsympathetic, I mean they tell her story and I don’t think anyone would conclude that it doesn’t justify her desire for revenge, but why tell this story through a victim of genocide?
Recently I saw a post by @sunkin-akh where they point out that Hama basically quotes Malcolm X:
I was literally just watching the Hama episode again and I just noticed for the first time that while forcing Katara to bloodbend she says that they must fight back against the Fire Nation (and she used this exact phrase) “by any means necessary”, which is Frantz Fanon’s phrase popularized by Malcolm X during the Civil Rights Movement (iirc). They directly compared Black liberation to Hama’s evil acts and it disgusted me.
The full context:
Hama: The choice [to use bloodbending] is not yours. The power exists. And it’s your duty to use the gifts you’ve been given to win this war. Katara, they tried to wipe us out, our entire culture, your mother.
Katara: I know.
Hama: Then you should understand what I’m talking about. We’re the last waterbenders of the Southern Tribe, we have to fight these people whenever we can, wherever they are, with any means necessary.
I find that so appalling because it is framing resistance, specifically anti-racist resistance, as barbaric and monstrous. And given the way that Hama is portrayed at this point, about as inhuman as anyone in ATLA, that is extra gross.
Finally, after Katara defeats Hama, she is lead away by the authorities in CHAINS.
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So now the FN cops are the good authorities who we’re gonna trust a SWT waterbender with? I mean she’s a villain so we’re probably not supposed to feel bad for her, like yeah sure the FN is usually bad but she’s a criminal so it’s okay that they take a POW back into custody.
No, no, no.
I know I am reading into this far more than the writers intended - but that’s kind of the point of critically engaging with media. Because shockingly writers don’t always question their choices - they are people and have implicit biases just like all of us. When those writers come from a privileged culture that has colonized the culture they are using as “inspiration” for their story, they need to be extra mindful of how they represent those people.
IV: How To Write Hama
Well, I’m not gonna talk over indigenous fans on this one on specifics, and you should read this rewrite by @kispesan​  but my thoughts generally are:
lose the horror framing it’s just not right for this context and this character
don’t frame Malcolm X as a villain because that’s nasty and racist
have Katara learn to use bloodbending in ways that she is comfortable with (and not just like once in one episode where she’s extra vengeful and the hero of the show doesn’t approve of her actions JFC) and don’t make the dark-skinned girl the only character whose special bending skill is dubious (I know she also has healing but still)
bring Hama home
have indigenous people in the writers room
Anyway, I’ve gone on wayyy too long. Let me know if I am speaking out of turn please if you feel that I am. and I’m sure I had other thoughts but if you want to read some other good pieces of Hama meta, I’ve listed some below:
post and another post by @marsreds​
this post and this post by @visibilityofcolor​
this post by @shewhotellsstories​
anyway katara is a queen and should have been allowed to heal, and hama never should have been irredeemable because if you can make iroh redeemable, if the show was going to redeem AZULA, you can make hama redeemable.
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p-artsypants · 3 years
I’ll Handle This (14)
In Which Lila Meets an Eldritch Abomination
Ao3 | FF.net
Lila never came back to class. No one saw her after school, and all messages of “what the heck was that?” to her were ignored. So Plagg was slightly confused when it came to the contract not working. He did worry that she was just gathering her sources for another attack. What was she planning? A lawsuit? It wouldn’t be unlike her. 
“What’s going on?” Marinette asked, as they walked to the bakery. “I thought you fulfilled the last condition?” 
“The powers of destruction come with a small sense of omniscience. I can’t predict the future or even consciously see what’s going on, but I can usually tell when something bad is going to happen, and what it’s going to be.” 
“So what’s up?” 
“Not sure. My powers are drastically weakened while I’m in Adrien’s body. The Miraculous can probably tell something is wrong. My guess is that Lila is plotting revenge.” 
Adrien looked up from Marinette’s purse. “Should we be worried?” 
“You don’t worry about a thing. Guaranteed that she’s out for my blood. I’ll be able to handle whatever she throws at me.” 
“Even if it’s a lawsuit?” Marinette asked. 
“Well...Gabriel can hire a good lawyer. Besides, her mom doesn’t trust her. Why would she enable Lila’s lawsuit?” 
“Maybe not a lawsuit then. But I think she’s going to reach out for help now.” 
“No. I don’t think so. Lila is very much a ‘if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself’ type. I’m sure she’s coming up with something.” 
At this point, they reached the bakery, and Plagg bid them farewell. 
“Are you sure I can stay?” Asked Adrien, sounding far too optimistic. 
“Please. If you were with me, I’d just have to listen to you wax poetic about how much you love Marinette, and how much you miss her, and how badly you want to kiss her.” 
“Shut up.” 
“Am I wrong?” 
Adrien hid his face in her neck, embarrassed. 
“I know him well. I’ll catch you later, Pigtails.” He gave a salute and headed back to the mansion. 
Many things crossed Plagg’s mind, most of which were cheese related. He thought about what he was going to have for dinner. He thought about how Gabriel and Emilie were doing, and if that was being resolved as well as he was hoping. 
But he didn’t expect someone to grab his wrist and yank him into an alleyway. 
His arm was yanked behind his back, and a sharp blade pressed to his throat. 
“Shut up and don’t move.” A female voice commanded. 
Plagg mulled over the sound for a second before asking, “Lila?” 
“I said don’t move!” She shrieked. Her hold on him was tight, but she was trembling. “I’m going to kill you! It’s the only way...” 
“Only way what?” He asked calmly. 
“To pay you back for what you did! You took everything from me! My mom, my job, the class...I have nothing now!” 
“I think you’re being a little dramatic.” 
“I am not!” She howled. The gravel in her voice really accentuated the insanity in her tone. She had clearly snapped. “My kingdom has toppled, and I have to start all over again! Everything was so perfect! I even had you wrapped around my finger...and then you had to go and show your true colors! You’ll pay for this!” 
Plagg very easily twisted out of her hold and away from the knife, but didn’t try to disarm her. She had a pocket knife, with a blade that could still do some damage, despite it being rather small. 
“Okay, that’s enough of this. You’re still in school. Most of your peers don’t even have jobs. Kids have rocky relationships with their parents all the time. All that stuff you ‘lost’? You can get it back, and probably better than ever if you’re genuine and honest.” 
She sneered at him. “That’s all well and good for some people, but I don’t want relationships. I want pure, unwavering dedication. And I had it! Our classmates were willing to do everything for me! But you and Marinette—!” 
“Marinette had nothing to do with this.” 
“I know she did! You didn’t just go from being a pushover to whatever this is for no reason! She put you up to this! She’s turned you on me!” 
Plagg tilted his head up so he could look down at her over his nose. “Is that what you think? That someone as sweet as Marinette is capable of convincing me to play friendly with you to purposely piss you off?” 
Lila’s face fell. “You mean...that was all an act?” 
“Every bit. I hate your guts Lila. I’m glad your so-called kingdom has come crashing down. You didn’t deserve it anyway.” 
She screamed at him and waved the knife in his face. “Give me one good reason not to slice your face right now! That would ruin your life, wouldn’t it? Wouldn’t have daddy’s approval with a big ugly scar on your face, would you?” 
Plagg watched the knife passively. “You wouldn’t hurt me. You’re a coward. You wouldn’t get your hands dirty.” 
“Try me!” She shouted, the blade poking his cheek. 
He hummed. “I have to ask myself, ‘what would the real Adrien have done?’ And the answer is probably to grovel and cry...but honestly, I don’t care much for that option.” 
Confusion took over her face. “What do you mean, the real Adrien? You are Adrien.” 
He closed his eyes, and reached up to take off his sunglasses. “Lila, Lila, Lila...Adrien hasn’t inhabited this body in a long, long time.” He opened his eyes, and they resembled Chat Noir’s. Not just with slit pupils, but with acid green sclera too. 
“What...?” She stared at him. 
The paint on the wall next to him started to peel. “I saw what you were doing, and I allowed it, because I don’t care about petty mortal squabbles.” The pavement under their feet cracked, and the cracks grew out and away from him. “But you continued to involve me in your plans, and I don’t like to be manipulated.” 
Totally full of fear and hyped up on adrenaline, Lila punched the knife into Plagg’s shoulder. 
He didn’t even flinch. He just took the blade out and ran a hand over the wound, sealing it. Then he held the knife up in front of her face, letting her watch as the metal melted in his hand. 
She backed away from him, hitting the wall behind her, paint still peeling. “What are you? What the hell are you?! Some kind of demon?!” 
His eyes flashed with a glowing green, and more cracks danced up the side of the building. From deep within the darkness, tiny black tendrils of shadow emerged and made their presence known. From each corner of the alley, from the window sills, from the rooftops, black cats peered around and yowled lowly. The calls filled the space with awful, droning songs. 
“Demon? No.” He chuckled. “Bitch, I’m a god.” 
At this, Lila started crying. She looked frantically from side to side, looking for a way out. A way to escape from this nightmare. “What are you going to do to me?!” She wailed. 
“I haven’t decided yet. Depends on if I want you alive or not. I’m leaning on the not right now.” 
“Oh god!” She dropped on her knees in front of him. “Please forgive me! Please! I’m so sorry!” 
“You’re sorry now, now when it’s too late. And only for your own sake. Selfish witch.” 
“Please don’t kill me! I’ll make it up to you! I’ll...I’ll do whatever you want! You know I can be very convincing! I’ll serve you and do whatever you want! Get you whatever you need!” 
He laughed. “With what? Do you know who you’re talking to? I’m Adrien Agreste, one of the most famous people in Paris, if not all of France. And you have no credit anywhere. That’s why you pulled a knife on me, remember?” 
She was on her hands and knees. “Please? Please just give me some time!” 
“One week.” He smirked. 
She looked at him with hope. 
“One week, to run and hide, and then I’m coming after you. If you leave Paris, you’ll probably be safe. But if I ever see you again. You’re dead.” 
She looked like a ghost, she had gone so white. She just stared with the biggest eyes as the shadows started to disappear.
“Get along now, dear. You’ve got some packing to do.” He stepped aside, and gestured to the alley’s opening for her. 
Lila staggered to her feet and took off running, and he could hear her sobbing all the while. 
The ring finally, blessedly beeped. One minute to get home before they switched back. 
Oh god, only one minute! 
He too ran out of the alleyway, much less frantic. 
About an hour later, Adrien awoke on a hard floor. Last he remembered, he was with Marinette, watching a movie while laying in her chest. He must have fallen asleep, but why was he on the floor? 
He blinked awake, seeing the lobby of the mansion. He was lying on the cold marble floor. 
And Plagg was sitting in front of him, in his Kwami body, and eating some Camembert. 
“Wakey wakey Sleeping Beauty!” He sang. 
“Plagg!” Adrien shot up. “You’re you! And I’m—“ he held out his hands and looked at his fingers. “I’m me! Look! I have fingers! And toes!” As he stretched, he pulled the muscle in his shoulder and curled in. “Ow! What the heck is wrong with my shoulder?” 
“Oh sorry, Lila stabbed you.” 
“She what?! Oh my god do I need to go to the hospital?!” 
“Eh, probably not. I’m not a healer like Tikki, but I can cauterize the wound at least. So you won’t get infected or bleed to death. Maybe see a doctor if it keeps hurting in a month.” 
“Wow, great. Thanks,” he couldn’t help but laugh. “What did you do? Why did she stab you—me?” 
“I don’t know. Mad about outing herself I guess. I scared her into thinking your body is possessed by an eldritch god. Which was true about an hour ago. And sorry, by the way, the transfer is always so much harder on you than me.” 
“No apologies necessary, buddy! You’re a lifesaver!” He grabbed the little creature and pressed a dozen kisses to his bulbous head. 
“Ew! Gross! Stop! Stop!” Plagg giggled. Then he shouted, “Alright! ENOUGH!” and tore away from Adrien. “Geez, smother me, why don’t ya?” 
“Sorry, I just…you really fixed everything.” 
“For the most part.” Plagg added. “Relationships take cultivation to reap the benefits from.”
“What, now you’re onto farm analogies?”
“FARM WISDOM!” Plagg sang. “But yes, essentially. You and Marinette have a great beginning. Just keep communicating, and encourage her to be honest and open with you. You and your father need some serious help. I’m glad he confessed about the whole Hawkmoth thing, but you both need to get some serious therapy. Once he comes back with your mom, I hope things will be better.”
“I know they will be. Mom was really good about making sure we communicated. And dad was a happier person when she was around.”
Plagg nodded, knowingly. “But you should still put in effort, as you have been doing. It won’t work if you just assume things are going to be better because your mom is back.”
“Oh, I see.” 
“And finally, Lila. I’m pretty sure she’s out of the picture now. However, there will be more Lila’s in the future. You’re a celebrity, and there will always be people that will try to take advantage of you. You can be nice, but don’t put up with it.”
“Should I annoy them with my extensive knowledge of Skyrim?”
“Save that as a last resort.” 
“Will you help me?” 
Plagg screwed up his face as he went back to his wheel of cheese. “My help comes in two forms; vague analogies and full body possession.” 
“Guess I’ll have to get better at understanding analogies, huh?”
The kwami smiled, then added. “But you don’t have to come just to me for help. You have a pretty extensive support network now. You can talk to Nino, Marinette, your parents…you’re not on your own anymore, kid.” 
Adrien sat up a little straighter at that. “Wow…you’re right! I have so many people I can confide in now! This is great!” 
“And just maybe…you should check in on Marinette? Once we transferred back, I woke up in her room and left without a word. She’s probably worried.” 
“Noted! Plagg, claws out!” 
“I just got out of your stinky body~!” He shouted as he was absorbed into the ring. 
Adrien started running. He knew his end goal was the bakery, but for now, he was just excited to be in his own skin again. He could eat whatever he wanted! He didn’t need to stay cramped in a bag all day! He could shower! 
Why the hell was he wasting time!? 
He turned about and rushed to the bakery, making a dizzying amount of leaps and turns. Then he collided with her balcony, his landings being a little rusty. 
“Plagg?” Marinette asked, as she opened the door. “What’s going on? Why did Adrien leave so suddenly? Hey—you’ve got your normal suit on!” 
In a pounce, he was on her, lifting her out of the window by the waist and up into his arms. “Oh My Lady…” He whispered. 
He smashed his lips to hers, tired of waiting. Tired of holding back his affections. Tired of not physically being with her. He kissed her face, her cheeks, her chin, any swath of skin he could find. It wasn’t good kissing, by any means, but it was her, them, together. 
“Adrien!” She giggled. “Calm down!”
“No!” Kiss. “I’m too—“ Kiss. “—Excited to—“ Kiss. “—Stop!” 
She let him kiss her silly, until he was huffing and puffing. 
“Are you good?”
“For a few minutes, I think.” 
“Then can you put me down?” She chuckled. He was still holding her by the waist, and she was dangling through the skylight. 
“Oh! I’m sorry, my love.” He let her down into her room, onto her bed, and then released his transformation. 
“Blegh!” Plagg gagged. “I purposefully avoided kissing her while I was in your body, and you STILL made me experience it! Betrayal!” 
“Oh calm down, Plagg. I’m sure it won’t be the last time.” 
Plagg groaned anyway and zipped off to find Tikki. 
“Would you like to come in?”
“Please!” He slid in through the window and tackled her down into the mattress, cuddling up to her chest. “It was nice laying on you when I was two inches tall, but this is way better.” He squeezed her waist and kissed her collarbone. 
“So what happened? You and I were watching a movie, and then you just got up and left without a word!”
“That was Plagg! Last I knew, I was on your chest still. Apparently, he scared Lila right out of Paris and then made a mad dash for home. He made it to the lobby before he collapsed.” 
“He scared her out of Paris?” 
“That’s what he said.” 
She raked her fingers through his hair, her nails scratching along his scalp. He immediately melted into her and started purring. “Ohhh yes, my lady. I could get used to this.” 
“It was nice having you with me all the time, but I still missed you. It wasn’t the same talking to Plagg’s body. I love you, after all. All of you.”
“I love you too, My Lady.” 
She stopped petting him for a minute. “You’re not going to keep wearing terrible outfits, are you?”
“God no.” 
The next day, Adrien was brought to school by car. He wore a white shirt, black t-shirt, jeans, and his orange sneakers…and no sunglasses. Upon exiting the car, he spotted his friends talking. 
“NINOOOOOOOO!!!” He shouted as he sprinted. 
Nino only had seconds to brace himself before Adrien launched himself into his arms, wrapping his legs around his waist. “I missed you!”
“Dude you’re back!?”
“In the flesh!” He got down. “Thank you, by the way, for everything you did.” 
“It was nothing! Anything for my dawg,” and he added with a whisper, “and little dude.” 
Plagg peered out and gave him a wink. 
Marinette spoke up. “Why don’t I get a morning greeting like that?”
He kissed her sweetly. “Next time I see you, I’ll leap on you like a majestic monkey.” 
Alya squealed. “Is it official then?! I knew I saw you guys making goo-goo eyes at each other! But every time I mentioned it, Marinette said it was nothing!” 
“Yes Alya, we’re officially dating now.” Marinette wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned against his chest. In return, he rubbed her shoulders and leaned his head against hers. Now that she had gotten a taste of being close to him, she never wanted it to stop. Even if it was obnoxious to everyone around her, she was home. 
“Hey, has Lila been talking to anybody since yesterday?” Alya winced. “I mean, that whole thing was totally bonkers. I just wanted to get some answers.” 
“Yeah, no. She’s super gone. She stabbed me, so she left Paris.” 
The collective paling of faces made him realize he left out some details. 
“I got better.”
This is officially the end! Thank you for reading!!
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All the things wrong (and right) with Disney’s The Princess and the Frog:
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(Buckle up, I got a list 😒)
The obvious class difference. Even if Big Daddy says thank you, he still raised a selfish daughter (idk what happened to the mama, it’s never explained). His daughter Charlotte tries not to be selfish, but she’s very unaware of what’s around her.
Love Keith David as Dr. Facilier, he’s fucking amazing and as much as I wanna hate his character, the more adult I become, the more I’m understanding the villains. It’s sad, but true lol.
Prince Naveen is incredibly selfish. His servant wouldn’t had switched up on him if he’d been more grateful. I’m blaming the parents cause they were taught a certain way. At least with Big Daddy, he tried. He was weak willed too but he tried.
This “I have to struggle and work hard my whole life for a fraction of what I want” mentality is what really pissed me off. It really showed a light on the class system in not only New Orleans, but now, and it still hasn’t changed.
The bankers are crooks, we already know that. And they’re very patronizing; there are plenty of women owned businesses in New Orleans. If we gon do something, we’re gonna do it.
They killed Tiana’s daddy off too early. Or hell, they shouldn’t have at all; he probably would’ve talked some sense into her about working so hard. Eudora could’ve been enjoying her old age with her husband (there ARE marriages that last). Plus she was barely in the movie. I don’t like Oprah but still, some characters HAVE parents. Disney is always with this narrative that characters don’t have parents, and if they do, they are stupid and useless and that’s dangerous considering who lining their pockets for all these movies and shit (these kids ain’t got money 🙄😒)
Prince Naveen is stupid and lack common sense 😑. Again, I blame the parents. He doesn’t know how to do anything, and I realize that we ourselves don’t know everything (like balancing finances, what to do in case of emergencies, what to do in case of ill parents, etc.) because we’re not thinking about that, we’re not thinking to ask about all of that because we’re used to being taken care of and having everything done for us. But that has to stop cause Prince Naveen admitted to not washing his own mouth so I know he never washed his own ass. There’s common sense shit and then there’s adult shit.
Mama Odie, Ray, and Louis are national treasures, you hear me? Ray shouldn’t have died. This new show they claim they gonna give us would’ve benefitted from the show. Hopefully they highlight Ray in some way, the right way.
I’m mad as hell Tiana was a frog the whole movie. They ain’t did this with the other acceptable minority characters, but with her it was ok, and since we were children when this came out, we ain’t know any better. Idk how they gonna work the show but if they ever do a live version of the movie or something, they better make shit right. Disney finally giving us lgbtq+ characters but still do the majority of their audiences (the black minority) wrong.
They ain’t showcase all the food. We don’t just do gumbo and beignets. There’s other creole and non creole cuisine that was never displayed.
Tiana is the first vegetarian frog I’ve ever seen, I’ve never seen a frog not want bugs before.
The bayou is not pretty and magical. Some people can’t do bugs and swamps and shit, and that’s ok. I knew from a very young age that I hated outside. If it weren’t near the front porch/backyard area, I wasn’t going outside. Nothing to be ashamed of.
Voodoo/Hoodoo isn’t black and white. They pretty much whitewashed it in the movie and made it seem evil when like any religion, it is dependent on the person. It is the individual that makes the belief good or bad, not the actual belief. I hope that makes sense, I’m too sick to explain it, but there are people on this app better at explaining this type of stuff than me.
I don’t feel like the movie explained the difference between wants and needs. But again, it’s a children movie, morals is not the objectivity. It’s bright and colorful with music, that was the whole point.
I don’t like when people are upset, first thing they wanna do is lash out at other people. Because shit wasn’t going Tiana’s way, she lashed out at Ray about Evangeline not being real (turns out she was, so ha!) but still. Just cause things are bleak in the moment don’t mean you have to be nasty to people who are going out of their way to help you. Cause Ray could’ve been a mean muthafucka and never helped any of them at all, and there why his death hit hard.
Tiana’s restaurant lowkey looks like the place my family be having weddings; a lot of the places they did manage to get right.
They did get that quick fix solutions solve nothing. Yes you need hard work to get what you want but it’s not everything. How you gon enjoy the shit if all you do is work towards it?
Ray’s funeral send off is as close to a second line as Disney was gonna allow, and I’m ok with that. Everyone does their funerals differently, that’s why New Orleans got so many rituals.
I love despite Louis being a gator, Tiana gave him a permanent place in her restaurant because he loved playing jazz so much. He became the house musician/bodyguard/pet.
Tiana only real friend was Charlotte. Never judged her about constantly working towards her dreams or complained about her never wanting to go out. Some people don’t want to do that and it’s fine. But I bet by the end of the movie then vultures was in that restaurant dancing and eating.
Ok that’s the end of my rant lol. Stay tune for the next movie lol 🥴🥴🥴
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the-lady-bryan · 3 years
some observations i’ve made recently about my kid and power rangers
for context: i own the following on DVD - MMPR 1-3 (including the Alien Rangers arc), Zeo, Turbo the movie, Turbo the season, In Space, Lost Galaxy, RPM, Mystic Force, MMPR: The Movie (1995), Power/Rangers (2017), that one weird Live Show that they did back during MMPR days
also, my kid is 7.
SO! Power Rangers Official has been uploading entire seasons and recently added ALL of MMPR S1 to Youtube. They also have at the time of writing this, the Megaforce and Jungle Fury seasons steaming in full and on a loop. They’ve got a good portion of Dino Thunder posted as well, and some other seasons, too. Well, when I’m sick and too lazy to pull out my DVDs i just hit up Youtube or Dailymotion (for the episodes i can’t find on youtube) and watch Power Rangers to make myself feel better while stuck in bed with a cold or stomach flu or whatever’s wrong with me.
well, my son’s decided to climb up in bed with me and curl up and watch it with me.
last weekend and earlier this week, i’ve been sick with a wicked cold after getting over an even more wicked stomach flu that lasted about 5 days. so i’ve been watching A LOT of Power Rangers recently. as a result here’s a bunch of cute things my kid does that i’ve noticed...
the moment he hears “After 10,000 years I’m free!” he comes running into the room from wherever he is in the house. kid literally drops whatever he’s doing and runs in to jump up on the bed and settle in.
he loves the zord fights more than anything else
he tries to physically fight goldar. i have to keep him from punching my monitor or throwing my laptop because he really hates that guy and wants to hit him so badly every time he fights the red ranger. when it’s on the TV, he will get up, slap the TV, shout “bad doggie!” and then get back on the bed.
he shouts “oh no!” every time the putties, tengu bird things, cogs, and other henchmen show up. he does this without fail every time.
when it’s putties, he also starts making the same noises they do and then giggles about it.
when the zords are animals he’s like “raaaaaawwwwrrrrr!” when they’re cars he’s like “VROOOOOOOM!”
after Tommy, Kat, and Co. give their powers to TJ and the rest in the Turbo season, he refuses to watch the rest of the season. i have tried to get him to finish watching it with me, but he throws a fit, gets up, and leaves. or he’ll slam my laptop closed before storming off. it really makes him mad.
he doesn’t get mad about In Space for some reason though despite most of the rangers being the same people from the rest of Turbo.
he annoys me while watching the 1995 movie until i begin quoting Ivan Ooze dialogue at him. after which he shouts “hiyah!” and pretends to karate chop my arm. he does this for the whole damn movie after ivan ooze first turns up. if i don’t play along, he slams my laptop closed or turns off the DVD player in a huff.
he will watch the 2017 movie but only because he likes the music. when there’s not music playing, he goes off and colors or something else. the moment music he likes comes back on, he comes back to watch.
also from the 2017 movie, he likes billy the best, and will carry around the blue ranger figure he stole from me. (he also stole my pink and red rangers from this movie, too. but he only carries the blue one around.) he gets really upset - like full on ugly “its the end of the world” cry with snot everywhere - when billy dies and i now have to skip that part and go straight to the part where he’s alive again.
he only watches RPM for the zord fights.
he’s not fond of Lost Galaxy or Mystic Force.
he yells at Mesagog during Dino Thunder. his favorite thing to yell is “BAD DINO!” and swat the tv or my computer with his coloring book like he’s swatting a bad dog for pissing on the carpet or something. he will also sometimes yell at Trent when he’s evil. when he yells at trent, it’s unintelligible shouting. after trent is no longer evil, he will sit and say sometimes “i’m not doing anything bad”.
he now also says “i’m not doing anything bad” during MMPR where tommy is the white ranger. - i think he’s come to associate this phrase with all white rangers at this point.
every time Tommy is shown in the opening credits for Dino Thunder, he claps his hands and shouts “YEAH BOY!” and then goes back to whatever it was he was doing once the open credits are done.
Dino Thunder specifically - if he looks like he’s not paying attention, he actually is. and if i turn off the episode or pause it, he gets mad and yells until i turn it back on/unpause it. then he’ll go back to looking like he’s ignoring the thing.
he doesn’t care much about Samurai, but Ninja Steel is one that makes him lose his shit. he fucking loves those ninja stars.
what we’ve seen so far of Dino Fury - the moment he sees the T-Rex zord in the opening, he’s right there, nose to the screen, clapping excitedly. he also tries to use my broom as a sword while the episodes are on. this has caused a broken window and quite a few lumps on my head when i haven’t been able to get it from him fast enough and replace it with a much less deadly wrapping paper tube.
even in seasons where Alpha in any form is NOT there (so everything post-zordon era) when robots are shown other than zords and megazords he shouts “ai-yai-yai!” - this was fine... until seasons with lots and lots of robots as bad guys.
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thatfunkyopossum · 4 years
sure do love seeing a series i love being forced into the mcu’s husk. Like okay this is a personal rant but im mad and none of my friends are awake i think to listen to me be angry: I fucking hate the MCU, and I have for the better part of a decade. My opinion of it has never gone above “Pretty alright movie!”. Every last one of the movies i saw was a soulless demand for money with nothing driving it beyond capital. There is no one creative team on this. There is nothing making it cohesive. Disney is commissioning writers to make products they can sell.
The problem is all of this shit is just too fucking big. Disney is too big. Even beyond how Disney is genuinely destroying the culture of the common man from copyright fuckery: Disney is simply too big. Disney has too much money to make good shit anymore, especially not in this current environment. It’s a company that’s now generations removed from any creative lead at the helm, and even if Walt Disney was a piece of shit (i dont know a lot about the man) he was at least still keeping the studio more or less cohesive. I do not believe with any fiber of my being that its possible for an art studio to be run as a business with integrity for even the first studio lead, god forbid several later.
Disney is too fucking big to make good content because it’s at the point where it only cares about hoarding that money. It’s been at and past that point since before the acquisition of marvel.
Everything we’re seeing is a commission meant to be designed to be sold to you. No one making this shit who has any power over how it turns out gives a fuck. Sure, there are writers in star wars products who care about star wars and want to make it good, but everything they want to do is completely beholden to executives and shareholders who want to bleed the series dry until there isn’t a drop of good will left in the damn thing. No amount of good writers and actors who care at all are able to change anything, because no matter how many there are we live in a universe where power over one of the most influential modern pieces of fiction was given to Rian Fucking Johnson, who cut out a genuinely emotional scene because he couldn’t be assed to write a payoff and figured it was better to just cut the whole thing.
Star Wars is in the hands of people who don’t care about you. It’s in the hands of people who have never cared about you, or any of the people who made this series worth anything to them in the first place. Every last bit of heart and soul ever given to this franchise is going to get clawed out of it and burned.
We have more people of color and more women in front of the camera, but hardly any behind them because its all for show. There were three frames of a gay kiss in one of the movies because it was for show. No one gives a fuck about any of us, and its not being done for us. Its being done for our wallets, and i’m fucking pissed about it.
People of color deserve better than how they’re being treated by Star Wars. John Boyega deserved so much fucking better than he got. Queer people deserve better than we’re getting from this.
It’s lip service, every fuckin bit of it. The Bad Batch is shaping up to possibly be one of the most repulsive examples of modern day white washing. Can’t say, I’m not an authority on it, but thats how it looks to me. What’s truly fucking heinous about all of this is that if ANY corporation could take a risk, it would be Disney. Disney is a repulsively wealthy company with more than enough money to make a show or even a short film with a minority cast, and minority characters. Even if they pumped a shitload of money into it and it flopped hard, it would be FINE. No one at the top would lose an actual cent, because Disney is untouchable at this point. They just don’t fucking care!
I hate this ride.
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tsumugisindulgence · 4 years
Stay for the Night
Since your first day in the Devildom you were disgusted by how often Mammon’s brothers picked on him. They are demons but to channel their hatred onto one person was not by nature, it was by choice and you were sick of it. “So shitty Mammon wouldn’t stay in his room when the newspaper came to interview me today. Ugh I mean how inconsiderate can you be? He is the absolute scum of all three realms. Like are you trying to purposely ruin my image? Not that he could, after all I am perfect but still how dare he!”  Asmo whines about Mammon’s presence in his own home. You knew you could use your pact to shut him up but the issue ran deeper. At that moment you decided to stand up to each brother the moment they dissed your first man. Asmo took a deep breath to blow his nails dry and you slapped him, leaving him surprised. “Oh dear I didn’t know you were into that. Do it again.” he winked. “Quit talking down about Mammon. I am sick of it.” he laughs. “It’s all in good fun dear, don’t worry he can’t even hear.” you stand up from the chair across from his. “Yeah well I can. And you should know something.” You enunciate each word carefully. “Talking trash about people that care about you makes you ugly.” You storm off leaving him flabbergasted. Only a few hours later you caught Levi doing the same thing while you were gaming with him. “And I was like you are more pathetic than a level one boss. Rotfl! He was upset but that newb was going through my limited edition directors cut TSL movie series. I don’t know how you can stand him. He’s worse than the antagonist in My brother is a piece of shit and I can’t wait to kick him out because he is the absolute worst.” For a moment you pondered if his anger was valid but it’s not wrong to look through people’s movies unless it’s Asmo’s sex tapes. “Levi I think it’s endearing that you’re an otaku but the one thing about you that absolutely disgusts me is how comfortably you insult Mammon without him doing anything actually bad.” You stomp out of his room and run into Mammon himself. “Whaha doin human?” For awhile now you’ve had feeling for Mammon that were developing past friendship. It was a challenge to portray this without him being a tsundere. “Hey Mammo chan. I had to leave Levi’s room he was pissing me off.” He squinted his eyes at the door a few meters behind you. “What did he do to ya?” you could tell he was getting aggravated thinking about Levi upsetting you. To calm him down you place your hand on his shoulder. “I’m okay now that you’re here. I wanna talk to you though.” he begins wringing his hands nervously. “Wha-what did I do this time?” You beckon him to follow you and he does reluctantly until you’re outside his room. “Don’t worry I’m not mad at you. Can we talk in your room though?” he places his hand on the knob and opens the door for you. “Phew. That was a close one. Not that I was scared!” you plop down on his couch and he sits across from you. “Levi said you were looking through his TSL movie series. What’s that about?” Once again he gets nervous and starts waving his hands. “It wasn’t like I was trynna take it! I was just looking I swear! I don’t care about that stuff or whatever.” His reluctancy to look you in the eyes made you suspicious. “I think you do. You know if you want to rewatch it with just me this time you could’ve just told me and saved yourself the trouble.” He huffs and crosses his arms. “As if I’d admit that!” His eyes widen at his statement, realizing he inavertantly admitted it. You snicker. “H-hey what are you laughin at human?” Now was a perfect opportunity to spend time together without his brothers. At least you thought. “MAAAAMMMOOOON!” Lucifers voice booms through the door and probably the rest of the house. Mammon jumps ups and hides before the for is kicked open. “If you know where Mammon is I suggest you tell me this instant.” You roll your eyes. “What did he do this time?” “If you must know I had a vintage roast in the cabinet worth thousands of grimm.” He crosses his arms and stares at you. You mimic his stance. “I used it.” He looks at you with fury waiting for an apology or explanation. “Asmo showed me a diy face scrub recipe that called for rough ground coffee beans. I figure it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission.” He raises his eyebrows and gives you a look. “Bold. This better not happen again otherwise I won’t forgive you so easily.” He turns around to leave Mammons room and you grab his cape. “I’m not done with you.” He scoffs and takes his cape back. “If you with to discuss this further I’ll be in my room.” He walks out and lets the door shut behind him. Mammon stands up. “Woah you totally stood up to him and didn’t even get threatened to be strung up in the hall.” You walk closer to him and grab  his hand. “I want to finish my conversation with Lucifer. I’ll be back when I’m done. Wait for me?” he blushes and looks away. “Alright not because you asked or anything human. I just don’t have anything better to do.” You laugh at his response and walk out. Thinking about how poorly Mammon is treated by his brothers makes you clench your fists. You were no match for a demon but you would be damned before you let this continue. “I can’t believe you all. You’ve lived with him for years and still haven’t learned to accept his sin.” you mumble walking down the hall and you stop when you hear Satan call your name. He sensed your wrath and decided to check on you out of curiosity. “Is something wrong? It look like you’ve just left Mammons room. What did he do this time?” Your body reacted before you could use reason. Your hand struck his cheek, it didn’t hurt him much at all. You meet his surprised yet inquisitive gaze. “You are all so awful to him! Imagine if I treated you the way you all treat Mammon! He didn’t do anything! Lucifer pissed me off when he accused Mammon of stealing something.” He adjusts his stance. “I understand being upset with Lucifer, but why does it bother you that Mammon was accused. He probably stole it anyway, he’s the most plausible suspect.” You clench your fists even tighter. Through gritted teeth you hiss. “I took it. You bastards always blame him and I’m sick of it.” You walk past him and stomp down to the eldest brothers room. He look up from his desk as you walk in. “I have a bone to pick with you.” You sit in the chair across his desk. “I am sick of you always blaming Mammon. You guys do anything you possible can to beat him up. You degrade him because of his sin. That’s something he can’t completely control. I am aware he could handle his urges better but I doubt you have ever tried to help him in a manor that he would understand. Instead you freeze his card and call him a piece of shit whenever he gives into an urge. Ever stop to think you’re the shitty one for treating him that way. I know your sin is pride, therefore you have this massive ego. Nobody ever criticizes you for being a pompous ass at times. I haven’t even been here for an entire year and I see how you all go out of your way to make sure he feels like shit. I think Beel is the most respectful to Mammon and he still puts Mammon down occasionally.” you continue your rant for a few minutes and take a deep breath once you feel like you’ve gotten everything off your chest. He sits back in his chair slightly surprised about your perspective and how brave you were to scold him. “I see. That’s quite a new view. You haven’t had to deal with him as long as we have. I’m sure you would do the same if you spent a millennia putting up with him. It’s admirable that you have the courage to stand up to me like this. If it is that big of an issue I will possibly consider changing my actions. Doubtful but possible.” You storm out of his room furious that you couldn’t get through to him. On your way down the hall you see Mammon peeping at you from around the corner. When you lock eyes he looks away. Your heart hurts for him. He’s a good demon and you wish he was loved by his brothers. “Mammon what are you doing?” He sheepishly steps out from behind the corner. “You were in there awhile. I figured I should check on ya since I’m in charge of your safety n stuff.” You smile knowing that’s his way of saying he’s worried about you. An overwhelming desire to make him feel loved hits your chest. You’ve had a crush on him for awhile now but he was no resistant to reciprocating affection. Probably because his brothers made him feel like he’s undeserving. That night you sit on your bed flipping through one of the many magazines Asmo gave you with your earphones in.  A message on your phone interrupts the music. Mammo Chan- Where are ya?You- In my room. in under a minute he walks through your door in his pjs. A white tank top and black drawstring pants. You look up and take your earbuds out. He rarely shows this much of his body outside his demon form, which you also rarely see. He has such a nice figure and beautiful skin. To you everything about him was attractive but he was sculpted by god after all. He walks over to your bed and tells you to scooch. “What’re we watchin tonight?” you toss the magazine aside and pick up the remote, happy to spend time with him. “Do you guys have access to human television?” He thinks about it for a second before answering. “I think Levi knows how to connect it. Why ya askin?” “There are a few shows I think you would enjoy. I’ll text him and ask how to do it.” After figuring out how to connect to human television you pull up Pawn Stars. You could tell by his expression he was hooked instantly. He was sitting criss cross on your right leaning forward towards the tv. It’s beginning to drop in temperature as the nights in the Devildom were extremely cold to you. You leave the bed and head over to your dresser. Mammon looks up at you with puppy dog eyes. “Where are ya goin?” He was afraid you were going to leave even though it was your room. You pat his head to ease his worries. “I’m getting cold so I was gonna grab a hoodie.” He sits up straight. “No worries the great Mammon will warm you up. C’mere human.” He beckons you towards him. As you move he pulls back the blanket for your bed and lets you climb in then sits at the edge of your bed. You were hoping he meant cuddle but it was silly of you, he wouldn’t make the first move. So you would have to. You sit up and tug on his pant leg. “Can we cuddle?” His cheeks heat up and he looks anywhere but your eyes. “Yeah sure but only to warm ya up.” The way he stiffly laid next to you made you wonder if he has ever actually cuddled someone or if it was just you. “Can you move like this?” you position his body into the little spoon position and he goes quiet. After all his yeas alive he’s never been in a situation like this, he’s laid with succubi after sex but he was the big spoon and always woke up alone. It hurt to imagine falling asleep with you only to wake up alone. He didn’t want to think about it but he couldn’t seem to focus on anything but your body embracing his from behind, your breath on his neck and your fingers drawing random patterns on his arm. He really liked you and didn’t want to screw anything up like he usually does. He began to worry if this was a prank set up by his brothers. You noticed his body was still tense after a few minutes. “Are you okay? Am I making you uncomfortable?” He sits up and laughs nervously. “Alright which one of my brothers set you up to this? Asmo?” You frowned that he thought you didn’t genuinely care about him. You sit up and move closer to him and look him in the eyes. “Mammon, I  know I only met you a few months ago but I like you.” He puts on his bravado attitude. “Of course you would! Any human is amazed by the great Mammon” You wanted him to take this seriously but you also knew he built walls of false confidence in hopes of making himself feel like more than what his brothers call him. “No Mammon. I like you as in I want to kiss you, go on dates with you, cuddle with you, support your goals. I want to show you that you are so much more than what you think. You’re caring, thoughtful, hardworking, obedient, helpful and so much more.” His eyes tear up behind his glasses. “You don’t mean that. You’re just messing with me aren’t ya?” Frustrated that your words aren’t getting through you take action instead. You push him down on the bed, prop yourself up over him and kiss him. He freezes for a second before kissing back. You’d be embarrassed to admit how many times you’ve thought about doing this with him. His hand moves to your lower back and pulls you onto his body. Now that you aren’t using your hands to steady yourself you run your fingers through his hair. He is insanely good at kissing you. You pull away breathless. His face is no longer fearful but at peace. He’s the first to look away. “I didn’t know ya meant it. Heh why me. I’m the worst of all my brothers.” You cup his cheek and make him look at you again. “You’re my number one man. I wouldn’t want anyone but you. I like you, flaws and all.” His face melts as if this is the first time anyone has ever said that, and it might be. He pulls you into a hug so tight you couldn’t move. He placed his face in the crook of your neck. You feel something hot and wet fall onto your skin and it registers. He’s crying. You lay there on top of him only when he releases you do you notice he’s in his demon form. The awe in your eyes cued him. “Oh um I didn’t mean to. Gimme a sec.” Your arm shoots out to him. “NO!” He whips his head around. “I mean I never get to see you like this. Can you stay like this a bit longer?” “Y-yeah.” He sits there embarrassed as you eye him over. Once you’re satisfied you tell him. “Why’d you turn?”  His usual bravado is gone. “It’s not like you were making my sin act up. I just wanted to.” You interpreted what he was saying, ‘I got greedy kissing you and slipped into my demon form.’ You giggle “Cute.” he switches back. “Hey! I’m not cute! I’m a terrifying demon!” “My terrifying demon.” You smile  at him and he stares at you in awe before his bravado comes back. “Prof course! I’m your first and most powerful!” You remember that the tv is still on. “Oops looks like we missed the rest of the episode.” “NOOOO!” he dives over to the tv repeatedly pressing the backwards button but it does nothing since it’s on a channel. You stand up and walk over to him. He’s on his knees hugging the tv. You tussle his hair and turn to get a sweater now that you’re out of bed. While you’re at your dresser you decide to change into pjs. You figure Mammon is still preoccupied with the tv that he won’t see you. You were wrong. Just after you take off your jeans he turns and begins to ask you a question before letting out a yelp upon seeing your underwear. His hands quickly cover his eyes and he turns away. Now he certainly isn’t looking. After changing you pull his hands off his eyes. “I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know. Why didn’t you warn me you were changing?” You shrug. “I figured you were distracted. It’s not a big deal I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of ass in your life.” “Well I mean yeah but you’re my human not a succubus or angel. You’re different.” You smile at his unintended compliment. You crawl into bed under the covers and snuggle in. “Mammo-Chan will you turn off the tv and lights if you head back to your room.” “Whaddya mean if?” “You can stay here tonight.” “Where am I s’possed to sleep huh?” You pull the cover back a little and pat the bed space next to you. “Oh well I guess I should so I keep ya warm.” He starts to walk over. “Turn off everything before you come to bed.” “Oh yea.” He does as you say before climbing into bed with you. You fall asleep on his side with your arm over his chest. 
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