#This sort of shit is why I typically say fuck it to getting shots
boltwrites · 2 months
I haven’t recently thought about Hugh Jackman but this Movie has recently given me hunger™️
Reader/Logan fic hurt/comfort where Logan knew reader in his world (but reader never met Logan in their world) and tries to ignore them out of guilt but reader is persistently trying to be friends w him. Eventually Logan opens up about what happened in his world with reader…
A/N: so uh. i originally wrote this as headcanons in bullet point format but tumblr didn't like it so i had to redo some shit and uh. anyway. it's not my normal fic quality so i'm sorry for that.
in other author's note news - lmk if you want the recipe.
You smiled at Logan across the table as Wade rambled on about something or other. You didn't know him - well, other than what Wade had spouted off about him before inviting you to this make-birthday party after the first one went to shit - but you wanted to.
You didn't exactly know why you wanted that. Maybe just curiosity? Wade did say he'd be living with him for the foreseeable future, and as his neighbor, you should introduce yourself and be friendly, right?
But it was kind of more than that. He was hot. definitely, very hot. Maybe not your usual type - you weren't typically into older men. But there was just something about him. Something magnetic.
Either way, he'd definitely avoided you at that party. spent most of his time sulking in the corner, talking to Al or sometimes Colossus.
You'd walked up to him, smile on your face, and introduced yourself. He'd barely looked at you.
"Nice to meet you," he'd replied, his tone gruff and dismissive. By the way he spoke it sounded less like it was nice to meet you and more like you were inconveniencing him with your mere existence. Like he'd been dreading the idea of you coming over and introducing yourself.
"Wade says you helped stop the time ripper," you tried, willing yourself to ignore how shitty he was treating you. Wade had mentioned that this man - Logan - was a little rough around the edges. rude. A drunk, even. Maybe he just wasn't good with people in general.
"Yep," he replied, shooting you a glare over the glass of - was that pure fucking bourbon? - he was sipping out of. You tried your best not to let it get to you - but you also knew how to take a hint. He wasn't interested in talking. That shot straight to your stomach like a bullet made of embarrassment and guilt, but whatever.
It's fine. you were younger than him by a decent margin. He could probably tell just by the look in your eyes that you were interested in him as more than just a friend. He probably just wanted to shut that shit down as quickly and efficiently as possible. You weren't gonna blame him for that. You've done the same for several weird men in the past - including Wade, before he got the hint and the two of you became fast friends. You weren't necessarily interested in being his post-Vanessa rebound, and he respected that.
So, that's fine, you'd just be nice to Logan. He could be your friend, too. He was rooming with Wade and Al, after all. It would be good to make friends with him.
"Hey!" You smiled when he opened the door a few days after the party. You stood there, hands currently occupied by a tin foil-wrapped package.
"What do you want?" Logan asked, looking you up and down with more paranoia than you'd expected. You thought that maybe he was just uncomfortable with your advances, but this time, it was like he was searching for something. What, you didn't know.
"I just wanted to give you this," you replied, thrusting your gift into his hands - the smooth glass of the pie mold contrasting with the brief brush of his calloused hands. You tried not to shiver.
"It's a pie," you continued on, even as Logan stared off into the distance, at something you couldn't see. "When I saw what you were drinking at the party, I thought you might like it. It's a family recipe. Pumpkin pie with a shitload of bourbon. As a welcome to the neighborhood kind of thing."
You offered him an awkward sort of smile, a little shrug. He blinked, snapping himself out of his thousand yard stare only to glare at you like you'd just offered him a dead animal instead of a home-baked pie. Your blood briefly turned to ice as you wondered if maybe this man was actually sober and you'd mistake the iced tea in his glass as pure liquor. As if Wade ever had that sort of shit in his apartment.
"I-" he looked down at the pie, then up at you, taking a breath as if he wanted to say more, but instead shaking his head, like he was knocking some bit of cobwebs or old dust loose. "Thanks."
He nodded at you in acknowledgement, then slammed the door in your face. Great.
Wade wasn't much help either. He'd returned the pie dish and you'd wrung your hands and asked him if you'd done something that made Logan hate you. The dish was empty, but your stomach churned at the thought of the man just taking a knife and scraping the whole thing into the trash. You'd even made the crust by hand, too.
"Oh, fuck no!" Wade scoffed, shaking his head. "Are you kidding me? Listen, if there's anything I know about our not-so-furry friend, it's that he can put up with a metric fuckton of asinine shit. I mean - he's living with me! Do you know how many times he's used his little clawsies to hole-punch my organs? Like - so many!" Wade waved his arms for emphasis. "If he really hated you, he wouldn't just sulk around about it like a teenager - no! He'd hurt you! Like the kind of teenager that would shoot up their local high school!"
You rolled your eyes at Wade, but you knew that's just how he was. No filter, all idiocy. "Did he - did he at least try the pie," you asked, voice a little more hopeful than you'd meant for it to sound.
"Try it - fuck! That man has full-tilt sprinted at me on all fours and I've never seen him so animalistic. He was eating that pie like it would crawl inside his dick itself and pull out an orgasm. I swear - and may Thor strike me dead and then mourn my fried corpse - that he actually growled when I asked for a slice."
You didn't believe Wade for a second, but fuck. at least that made you feel better. You offered him your thanks and a sweet smile as you received your dish and promised to make him something "Wolvie" wouldn't hoard when you brought something over next. You promised to try your best.
Really, what you'd try your best at was winning this shy Wolverine over to your good side. You didn't want to force him to be your friend, obviously - but if you had made a bad impression, even if that impression was solely based on the fact that you were also friends with Wade - you wanted to make it right.
So you did everything you could. Baked and cooked and offered the results up whenever you could afford the extra ingredients. Made sure to snatch up any packages bound for Wade's apartment so your notorious Amazon thief didn't have the chance to. You even dog-sat that nasty looking creature Wade had adopted - she was very sweet, but you had nightmares about that tongue.
It all came to a head, one day. One day when you almost brained yourself walking up the stairs.
You'd been holding grocery bags - supplies to make your perfected mac and cheese recipe - head down as you ascended the steps. That was, until you ran into what felt like a brick wall. Or, an iron one. Your shoulder smacked whatever it was and you jolted backwards, gasping as you dropped the bag you were holding to cling to the railing-
Only to catch and grip tight at thin fabric as a firm, steel-strong arm wrapped around your waist. You finally caught your breath, lungs filling and then immediately vacating as you locked eyes with none other than Logan.
Both of you said it. But you gasped, it, breathless and dreamy. Meanwhile he spat it, like he knew something like this would happen, and he'd been planning his whole day to avoid it.
As soon as you found your footing again, he threw his arm away from you like you'd burned him. Like your very existence was offensive to him, somehow. He manages to spin you around as he let go of your waist, disorient you as you sputtered, glancing after him.
The stairs were littered with groceries - blocks of cream cheese, butter, cookies for the crust - fresh fruit for the filling. A bag of sugar had exploded, its contents dusting the next landing like snow. All of this - ingredients you'd bought, with money you'd worked your ass off to afford - and the man you'd been trying to impress stepped in that puddle of sugar, granules crackling under his boot.
You damn near saw red.
"Logan!" you snapped, your voice harsh, crisp as it echoed through the stairwell. Fuck. You hated using that voice - but it made him freeze on the spot.
He turned to look at you - eyes wide, as if he was some child who'd been caught in a lie. But also - that gaze was knowing, somehow. Like he knew what you used that voice for. What it meant for him.
You sighed, tried to regain your composure. It was fine. You were fine. When you opened your eyes, you addressed him with even, annunciated words:
"Why do you hate me?"
Even as you tried your best to dull your voice of emotion, it slipped through. A waved of your throat, the hint of water in your eyes. You hated it - this man didn't hold that power over you. You just - you were used to being liked. That's all.
Logan looked at you like you'd shot him.
"What?" he asked, just as breathless as you felt. You thought you detected just a hint of hurt in that syllable.
"It-it's just-" you tried not to let yourself waver, but you stuttered as you spoke. "I've been trying to just - to be your friend, to be a good neighbor. Like I am to Wade, like we - we hang out, sometimes. But you- you're just - I feel like you've been kind of rude to me."
You sounded like a child.
Logan took a breath. A deep one, as if this were a confrontation that had been a long time coming (which it was) and that he was prepared to have a conversation he'd dreaded (which was really what got you - if he really just disliked you, why would he care enough to prepare something? What was going on?)
He turned around - gathered up all your dropped groceries - and started walking up the stairs, passing you and continuing his way to your shared floor. He'd previously been on his way out, so you didn't do much except stare at him until he was nearly half a flight ahead of you and your brain finally switched on again.
He led you to the apartment he shared with Wade, nodded as he held the door open for you. It felt strange - you hadn't been inside the apartment since the party. You'd always felt too nervous to ask Wade if he wanted to continue your usual game nights. Too intimidated by Logan.
He set the groceries on the counter, and practically sank into the couch. You perched on the chair opposite it, still not quite believing that he had let you in. That you were going to talk. He breathed in deeply, steadying himself before he spoke, eyes still glued to the floor.
"I'm not from here. 'M sure Wade told you that much," he glanced up, only to nod in your direction. You nodded back.
"My world - timeline, whatever the fuck - I killed it. Everyone I loved, everyone I cared about - they all died. Because of me."
You sat in rapt attention as his shoulders tensed, his jaw flexed. This was a lot, for him. You didn't really understand why he was telling you about it, but it was important to him. So you listened.
"Every timeline is different. At least, that's what the science says. Ones that are closer together - might have the same people show up at around the same time. Might be - people I knew. People I - cared about."
Logan glanced up, again. Caught your eyes with his and swallowed harshly.
"You're - one of them. One of the people I lost."
"Oh," you breathed, because now it all made sense. The strange looks, the curt conversations - even the thousand yard stare. You were triggering his memories of a horrible time of his life with every step you took in his direction. And you didn't even know it.
"I'm so sorry," You whispered, trying your best to quell any tears that might form sympathetically. No wonder he kept pushing you away. You were a walking PTSD trigger.
"No-" he gasped, shaking his head as he stood up, like he'd been shocked upright. "No, it's not -"
He cleared his throat, shook his head like he was trying to find the right words.
"I know I was pushing you away. And it is - hard, to see you again. But - I want to see you. I want to get to know you, again," if you didn't know any better, you'd think that there were tears forming at the corner of his eyes.
"You made the pie, you know. The pumpkin pie. I was only there for the one Thanksgiving, but I remember it. You swore you'd cooked off all the liquor, but Xavier made you promise only the adults would get a slice."
He grinned at you, then - wide, real. It was pretty, that smile. You could imagine recognizing it, in another life.
"None of the kids got any. Too good for them, anyway," he took a step towards you, and you rose from your seat, legs only a little wobbly.
"That's good," you breathed, voice as shaky as your knees. "I use vodka in the crust, too."
"I know," Logan grinned, a hand grasping yours, his smile somehow wider than before.
You wondered, as you strode forward into a crushing hug against his chest, if it felt so right in every universe.
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highinmiamiii · 26 days
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Know it don’t come in a shot glass
Billy Butcher x F!Supe!Reader
- “Rehab” by Amy Winehouse
this is essentially sort of a rewrite of Butcher and Maeve’s scene with a little more detail and it’s reader instead of Maeve, this will be sort of a sneak peek for now since this is my first time trying to post any type of writing on here i’m typically just a silly little girlblogger but i fear the BBB (Billy Butcher Brainrot) is taking over and i must fulfill my duty to this earth. NASTINESS WILL ENSUE IN THE NEXT PART IF THIS IS RECEIVED WELL AT ALL. (CW: mentions of addiction, alcohol relapse, breaking sobriety, nothing too crazy yet maybe just a little bit of playful witty flirty banter, uhh language?)
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You shuffle down the steps of the entrance to the boys headquarters/offices. Taking a deep breath with a hint of annoyance behind it, thanks to the day you’ve had.
Billy Butcher had asked you to get some Temporary V from Vought Tower for him, as he was planning on taking down Homelander once and for all now that he had access to Soldier Boy.
You were of course willing to help him, since Homelander has been threatening you and your familys life and tormenting you to no end ever since you’d joined The Seven. You alone would never be powerful to take him down, so when this opportunity came up…
Well there you were stepping into the boys odd work/living situation, reaching up to take your baseball cap that was holding your hair up off, you turn your head over to Butcher. He was alone. Sitting there behind a desk, manspreading with a cocky, wide, goofy smirk plastered all over his smug face.
You avert your gaze to the rather giant bottle of Russian vodka next to him, and how his bruised knuckles and thick fingers grip the neck of the bottle tightly. You shrug off your jacket and hang it up on a nearby chair looking at Butcher, trying to gather your thoughts frantically, holding on tightly to the duffle bag full of Temp V you brought for him “You look like shit…” You say as you look him up and down, taking in his disheveled slightly dirty form and scoffing with a slight nod and crossing my arms. “What the fuck’s going on with soldier boy? How on earth is he alive?” You ask, frustrated and confused with everything going on, and the fact that you knew so few details to any of this wasn’t helping.
Butcher leans back in the chair, swishing around the glass of vodka in his hand “Oi, well atleast i’ll be sober in the morning.. Nothin’ a good nights rest can’t fix” He takes a deep breath “You on the other hand’ll still be a supe. Nothin’ ya can do to change that” You roll your eyes and reach for the duffle bag full of V “If supes are so fucking vile, what the fuck do you want this for?” You throw the bag on the desk “You talk a lot of shit for someone who wants to be one.” Butcher glares at you, choosing to ignore you. You cross your arms and look at him “What are you even gonna do with all of this V, Butcher? This is a lot-“ Butcher sighs, ignoring you once again and raising the glass of vodka in his large hand up to you, raising an eyebrow as to offer you a drink. You purse your lips “No, thank you.” He glares at you almost judgementally. “Ah, c’mon now…be a doll and have a drink with me why dont’cha. One drink ain’t gonna kill ya”
You purse your lips together, slightly caught off guard and bothered by Billy’s comment“I’ve been sober for four months…asshole” You take a deep breath and look around the room. Billy shrugs, slightly tilting the glass to the side as he looks up into your eyes “Been a year f’me, luv”
more coming soon i promise butcher girlies we will be needing to confess our sins to a priest pretty soon💋🚬
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okimsimp2023 · 14 days
Ok, I decided to create a mini-column for this blog, namely the personal cry of the soul of the simp, or "This character is my wife, and I'll explain why!".
That's right, I will heartily write in posts about why I like this or that character so much! And hardly anyone will shut me up, because this world needs more posts with positive reviews about the Persians. And the first wife who will become my first post will be Jon Arbuckle from the animated series "Garfield and Friends"! I want to talk specifically about Jon from this cartoon, because he appeared in it much more often and showed a character, and I'm afraid to watch 3d animated series based on Garfield. Well, I'll also warn you that the post was created on emotions, so I'll be dumb at times.
Well, I definitely know that the simps will gather under this post… Hello people, I know you are unlikely to pass by this post, because I will lick the character. If anything, you can write your impressions about the character under this post. Maybe you want to add new things or just share your opinion.
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He's cute.
Like… Both in appearance and character. He is funny, awkward, clumsy, and most importantly, he is quite a good guy. Yes, he does all sorts of shit or any nonsense, but that's what Jon is all about, half of Garfield's humor is almost based on this, that he's a loser and a hopeless romantic, and I'm not surprised anymore. But in fact, he does this job perfectly, I really love him with flaws than without them, otherwise I would not be perceived by me as a person with flaws and strange hobbies. Sometimes you look at him and think, "fuck, man, how do I understand you…". And yes, to some extent I like pathetic and nervous men, who are sometimes capable of doing crazy things (and he can also whimper).
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2. Attitude towards pets.
dilf dilf dilf dlif dlif dlif dilf dilf dilf dlif dlif dlif dilf dilf dilf dlif dlif dlif-
All right, jokes aside, AHEM. But there is some truth in every joke, so he still DIL-
I like that in this cartoon he sometimes appears to Garfield and other pets as a parental figure (although unsurprisingly, Garfield in some cases behaves like a typical troubled teenager, but without whining, and I also find this charming). True, he is not perfect at all, but still he takes care of his dear boys, and in no other way! And he probably has almost the strongest patience with Garfield, lol. Because if I had such a cat, I might not have been able to stand it and would have gone to a mental hospital myself.- But okay, it's too loud about the latter.
3. Voice.
I don't know if I should mention it, but of course I will. For me personally, his voice is like that... Gentle and pleasant.
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4. An apron makes a man 20% more attractive!
I don't know why, but I like that when cooking food, he puts on this little apron lol. But that's not the only reason I've highlighted this item, because I also want to highlight his culinary abilities. Because… Dude, he can cook! Forget about those words that he doesn't know how to cook, it's a complete fucking lie. Jon can cook many dishes at once! And this is just for the sake of feeding the cat.
So if you suddenly work late and come home, then you obviously won't stay hungry, because the same tired Jon managed to cook dinner (and most importantly, make it to dinner, otherwise Garfield will finish before you lol).
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5. Dancing
I think it's not worth talking about it, everyone has known about this dance for a long time. BUT HEY, I'LL SAY IT. HE WAS FUCKING AWESOME.
His plastic body, smug face, movements, and this shot of him opening his jacket and a tie with his pet on his chest… The dude literally revealed his whole wonderful essence. I mean it… I am an insecure person myself. I would never go out dancing in front of people, because I can't dance and it sucks. BUT THIS LOSER MAN DID IT, AND HE GETS A KICK OUT OF IT! HE DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT PEOPLE, HE JUST DANCED. THIS IS MY HOT WIFE EEEEEEEEE-
And that's why this character is my wife. The End.
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And I'm sorry that this post came out… It was enough for the little ones, although I could paint everything down to all sorts of little things like interests and other things, but I wrote everything I wanted. For me, Jon seems to have become a comfortable character, and I still don't fully understand why this is so (or is it my hyperfixation). But as long as he makes me happy, I dare not object to anything. And I lived up to the name of this blog, lol.
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madame-mortician · 4 months
Why this is the worst Evil Dead adaptation and completely sucks as a story (A Rant):
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So as a horror mega fan, during birthdays and Christmas I typically get things like slasher movies or figurines on birthdays. This particular birthday, I received this comic adaptation of the 1981 film “The Evil Dead.” The art looked nice, I love Evil Dead, and the story promised to include more things than the original film. Now I love the original the way it is, however some new additional scenes would be interesting to see, kinda like deleted scenes returning in a directors cut, so naturally I went into this book pretty optimistic…
Oh god.
It sucks so much.
So let’s go through that why don’t we?
The first thing I want to talk about is the art. The cover visually looks amazing and at a brief glance the art is great…. but as somebody who has rewatched the original so many times, and does horror edits as a hobby, I’ve seen the original shots 100 times, and quickly noticed that a LOT of the art seems to be either traced or at least referenced in the comic, which I find interesting because most of the original shots they’re “tracing” over, aren’t from The Evil Dead, but from the sequels. Now even if it wasn’t being traced, it’s still obnoxious and very noticeable that it distracts me from everything else. The entire comic genuinely looks like somebody put a filter over shots from the original film, which is impressive for the artist but also looks… I don’t want to say bad, but it doesn’t look that appealing.
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Not the most flattering picture, but it gets my point across.
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Those are just fucking screenshots drawn over 💀
Also noticeably, only Ash Williams retains his original design. Now don’t get me wrong, I love Ash Williams and I don’t think they should redesign him, especially since Bruce Campbell is half the character, but why does everybody else look so completely off? For some reason, they decided to “modernise” this adaptation, but they didn’t do anything with it. It’s still the same story, but now everybody that isn’t Ash is all of a sudden a hot supermodel in Y2K fashion, like what? Like, look at this comparison of movie Cheryl VS comic Cheryl.
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Now the redesigns aren’t the worst thing ever. The deadites still look creepy and all, however the characters are completely assassinated INCLUDING Ash. For starters, in the comic only Scotty and Ash actually seem to know each other, and are friends. Linda is a hot girl that Ash is now dating, and they bring along Linda’s girlfriends with them, not really knowing them at all. So Shelly is not Scotty’s girlfriend, she’s just a girl that they bring along. Cheryl is also NOT Ash’s little sister in this adaptation, which not only removes some dramatic tension but also for some reason they have a new line where Scotty jokes with Ash about which girl he should date, and they both comment on Shelly and Cheryl. It’s so off-putting because again, in the original film this is an adaptation of, Cheryl is Ash’s younger sister.
Now Ash himself falls into this situation where the writers are writing him like “Army of Darkness” Ash, despite this being… The Evil Dead. In the original film, Ash was a bit of a jerk, but majority of the time he was normal. He wasn’t a saint or anything, but he was very charming and likeable especially compared to Scotty. There was also this sort of, intimacy to the whole film, because everybody in this lonely cabin, are best friends and all know each other very well. This was great for the horror too, since it meant when shit hit the fan and they all started being possessed, it was more dramatic because, essentially the slasher killer of this movie IS the victims. Their mangled corpses are being puppeteered around to torture the remaining survivors, and that’s one if the main reasons I love Evil Dead. In this fuckass though, like I said, the only people here who actually know each other for more than a week are Ash and Scotty, but since Scotty is a turd the whole time, whenever somebody dies who gives a shit? Ash sure doesn’t! He’s written like the older Ash Williams, AFTER he’s already been traumatised enough and is now bossy, snarky, rude and scummy. If Ash was at least written like he was originally, then when these people (who are essentially strangers) start dying, at least he would care a little bit! As is, nobody cares. In the original film, Cheryl being possessed first is shocking because not only is she the closest thing to a protagonist until her “death” scene, but also because she’s the most innocent one here and the hero's little sister. She haunts the narrative after her death, because of her relationship with Ash. HERE IT’S LIKE “WHO TF IS CHERYL, OH THAT POSSESSED CHICK? I’VE NEVER SEEN HER BEFORE IN MY LIFE.” Ash doesn’t tragically reminisce about Linda, rather he recalls the time he lied to her during sex… Wow, I love this version of Ash, yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Even Scotty kinda gets fucked over. Not as bad as Cheryl mind you, but he’s written so unapologetically mean and borderline evil here that it’s like, Jesus Christ dude. Sure the movie version of Scotty was kind of a douche, and was annoying at times, but he wasn’t cartoonishly evil or selfish, he was written rather realistically, but fuck me, I guess the comic wanted nobody to be likeable.
Anyways, another odd thing is the added lore? So obviously this book isn’t canon, it’s just a crappy remake of the original 1981 film, but they decide to include a backstory for the mysterious voice on the tape recorder, and show a scene of him getting his wife (Beth Marie Knowby) possessed and being presumably killed… Did they forget that they already HAD A CANON KNOWBY BACKSTORY?! You could say “Oh well, this is only adapting The Evil Dead, and ignoring Evil Dead 2!” But we’ll get to that in a second.
Moving on, there is only ONE interesting thing the comic does, and it relates to Scotty. So in the original film, Scotty went into the woods alone to try and escape the cabin. Minutes later he returns bloody and beaten and doesn’t say what happened but it’s implied he’s attacked by the trees, though probably not sexually like with Cheryl. I always had an issue with this scene because Scotty is just gone for 20 minutes and returns and dies… okay then. Here they show him venturing into the woods, seeing somebody and asking for help, only for that somebody to turn around and actually be a deadite version of Scotty. Is it groundbreaking and so amazing it should’ve been in the film? No. But it’s still, the only good thing this adds.
Now the ending…. Good god. Alright so, basically it ends like the original where Ash survives until 6AM and is leaving the cabin until something jumps him. Now here, they felt the need to add a fucking epilogue where, I shit you not, it’s revealed the whole thing was a dream…………. NOT ONLY was the whole thing a dream, but Ash also dreamt up Scotty, Cheryl and Shelly so they don’t exist, at all, which also makes no sense since he started dreaming in the car to the cabin, but made up an earlier scene where he and Scotty picked everybody up? Huh? Anyways, essentially only Linda is real, and the two of them go to the cabin for a date, with the implication being that this is why the characters don’t return for Evil Dead 2, minus Linda. Ash just made them up apparently. So Evil Dead 2 is going to happen I guess? I don’t really care since we don’t see it happen, so whatever.
TL;DR: The art is ugly, the characters are all rewritten poorly, the stuff this adds to the “Evil Dead Lore” is irrelevant and not canon and the overall comic just sucks.
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initiallytasteless · 2 years
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Training the rookie
Simon ‘ Ghost ‘ Riley x f!reader
NSFW Warning: p in v, overstimulation, degrading, praise!kink, biting, semi!public sex
Ever since your agreement to work with Task Force 141 so far has been pretty rough, let’s just say they don’t particularly like what you used to do— for now at least. You worked with groups of people from all sorts of sketchy jobs; from small time criminals to big gangs transportation and business assassinations.
The only reason why they ( which was Price ) knew you was a set up job, you were supposed to get assassinated from them. Someone had hired you to kill some other big CEO who was apparently getting in their way, so of course you agreed.
The only issue why the plan hadn’t worked was that your employer didn’t tell you ( or was notified ) that the competition was acquainted with a mayor. The mayor being the president of that company, it wasn’t your fault you weren’t from that area after all albeit you should’ve done some research.
So of course like any level headed person would do call the fucking military for protection. You didn’t get the job done, however out of anger you let out some info on the employer. You know you shouldn’t have done that, but you did whatever the fuck you wanted anyways.
Back to now, you where in the training grounds doing your typical firing range practice you were mostly an up close fighter. Price forced you to train how to use long range even though that wasn’t your forte.
You where laying down on the sand sacks attempting to aim at the shooting dummies. You had a couple shots close to the initial spot but mostly missed the red fat dot.
“ You need to relax there rookie that’s why your aim is off “ A strong British accent critics.
Your jaw tightens as your grumble some incoherent complaint focused back onto your inanimate victim. His heavy boots crunch the dried up dirt and pebbles making his steps loud as you continued to shoot.
“ Didn’t you hear me rookie? “ He growled crossing his large arms against his burly chest.
You took a deep breath placing the sniper down and turning over to face him; his heavy frame thankfully covered the sun’s intense rays from burning your poor retinas.
“ Thanks, I heard you for fucks sakes and I just don’t give a shit… now fuck off “ You retorted already feeling the anger bubble up making your skin hot.
“ You should watch your fucking attitude and that damn mouth of yours “ He warns his intense cold eyes burned into yours. “ You can get into serious fucking trouble “.
“ As if I give a fuck, oh wait “ You checked into your pockets and gasp whilst digging into them and pulling off a middle finger. “ Looks like I don’t “.
He bends down and swiftly picks you up and slams you against one of the stand up walls that covered us from anyone who bothered to come outside. He clutches at the collar of my black button up.
Even though his face was covered by his black balaclava with white strips topped with a plastic skull that he got off from halloween spirit. He looks terrifying, but of course you wouldn’t show him. No. You couldn’t give in that easily.
All you could do was send back a glare although that doesn’t affect the super soldier all he does is examine you. Your face was covered as well, yet it seemed his was trying to sense something of you.
“ Can you get your fucking hands off of me before we have a fucking problem Ghost “ You spat his name out as if it was the most nastiest thing you have said. Like chocolate covered pickles that someone randomly gave you on your birthday.
“ What did I just tell you about your attitude rookie… “ He chastised lifting me higher till we met eye level. I could feel your heart thumb against your chest ready to jump out and run off to New Zealand away from this overgrown man. He pushes his body against yours mine preventing you from escaping.
“ The fuck do you think your doing asshole! “ You scowled. Thank god this mask was covering your face or else you would’ve been screwed and he would’ve seen that red face of yours.
He leans against my head and whispers, “ You need to be taught a lesson rookie “.
With that something in me clicked, my legs suddenly felt like jello and my face flushed that it could melt my mask. My breathing became ragged and the damn mask wasn’t helping me with my breath.
His stare wasn’t as harsh as before his eyes told me he figured out something. His gloved hands slide it’s way down to my thighs lifting them up to wrap around his waist. He lets out an amused chuckle.
Instinctively, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders bringing him closer body heat was emitting from him. You didn’t know was going on, your heart seemed like it stopped, your breath hitched, and there was an odd fluttering in your stomach as his hands stroked the inside of your thighs. Whatever was going on at the moment you liked it and wanted to go on further, but you were to stubborn to do so.
“ You’ve gone submissive just letting me in between your legs like that rookie… “ He teased leaning in close to you. His low gruff voice made you feel some type of way and in a very good way.
His hands inched closer and closer to your throbbing cunt wanting to be touched and toyed with.
“ Fuck “ You whined gripping onto his gears as he teased you delicately. You unconsciously grinded your hips against his hands wanting some sort of friction.
“ What is it that you want, huh? “ He smirks through his mask. You felt like putty in his grip, you wanted to say something but his touched felt like heaven. You wondered what his lips felt like onto your burning skin.
He recoils his hands and focuses on your begging figure, “ Use your words doll, what is it that you want? “.
“ You. I need you to touch me and fuck me here- just please I need you “ You begged. You felt vulnerable and pathetically whined to a man wanting to be fucked like some toy. Something about him just felt different it was unexplainable, but deep down you know that there was something.
He made you feel things that no other man or women made you feel. They never made you feel vulnerable like this and begging, it was usually the opposite.
Ghost pushes his hips against yours grinding into your needing cunt the rhythm of his hips made you want more of him. His hands made it’s way to your breast messaging them through the thin tight button up.
“ Please Ghost I need you inside of me— please I need you “ You whined. You felt like you were just gonna cum from how good he made you feel just by touching you and grinding against you.
Ghost found this amusing. How did a cold ruthless killer become a needy pathetic girl that just wanted to be fucked out in the open fields.
“ Not yet rookie, not until I want to fuck your pretty little cunt of yours “ His voice laced with lust for you. His hands unbuckled your belt and unzipped you lowering your pants. Ghost couldn’t help but smirk at the sight of you how you were just wet for him.
“ You’re sopping wet there rookie “ He chuckles darkly removing his gloves. “ I can’t wait to fuck you and drive you over the edge until you can only think of my cock“.
His gives little attention to your clit creating a slow and painful yet pleasurable rhythm— the roughness of his hands felt like heaven. You let out lewd mewls gripping onto his broad shoulders.
He moves his left hand down away from my clit sliding two of his finger on my folds before sticking them in making me tilt my head back and letting out a moan. He moves his free hand and rips my shirt open exposing my bra without a thought he grabs his knife and cuts it showing my breast. You wasn’t even possibly angry at him for doing so as you to busy focused on how his fingers felt good inside of you.
A burning feeling in stomach began to bubble as you were close to ecstasy; shutting your eyes and dug your long nails further onto his shoulder making him groan.
“ Ghost- I’m gonna- I’m cumming- I’m “ You let out a pleasured moan as you felt the knot release from my stomach. He pulls his fingers away from your pussy and lifts my balaclava half way, “ Taste yourself “.
His sticks his fingers in my mouth moving my tongue around his fingers and licked in between them tasting myself. He removes them and lift his mask halfway as well kissing you roughly feelings his chapped lips against yours.
He pulls away as we breathed heavily. Your body was twitching from the pleasure he gave you, something that you wasn’t used to for a while. There was shuffling in front of you, but you were slightly tired from how good he just finger fucked your cunt.
The shuffling stopped and you looked down seeing his monster of a cock twitch against your dripping sex. How the fuck was that Godzilla dick gonna fit inside of you ?
You were sure that you were gonna get split in half and just die.
“ Don’t worry rookie, you can take me like how you took the other guys down during our missions “ He reassured stroking my thighs.
“ Ghost that was a fight! “ You recalled slowly gaining your missing consciousness back. “ I wasn’t getting fucked like how I am now! “.
Ignoring my complaints he sticks himself inside of me; You let out a shriek and your body shivers as your cunt tightens around him. Oh fuck, looks like you were gonna die not on the battlefield but being fucked on the firing grounds by a British behemoth. At least you died satisfied.
“ Shh, shh, scream any louder and someone’s gonna hear us unless you wanna be caught rookie “ He reminded, but you were distracted by how he was ripping you apart. “ And plus, that’s only the head doll “.
At this point you already accepted death and two if you were surviving this you hoped that someone covers your insurance bills. He pushes himself inside of you easily as your pre-orgasm and his pre-cum helped him slide in. You took him entirely and there was a visible bump in your stomach. You where propped on his chest clawing onto his gear-less back.
Without giving you a moment to adjust he lifts you up with ease and slams you back down hitting deep into your womb. You were seeing stars as Ghost slammed inside of you burrowing himself deep and stretching you out.
“ God you feel so good “ He growls, hiding his face in your neck taking smalls nibbles of your flesh. “ You’re gonna be good little slut and take ‘em all “.
Your eyes roll back as you felt him pick up his speed, you couldn’t tell if his cock kept getting bigger or you were hallucinating at this point.
“ You know who’s name to scream slut? “ He questioned, his hands making cresent prints on my hips drawing out small amounts of blood.
You were far gone high off of pleasure you could hear his voice, yet nothing seem to travel. The burning sensation was back into your stomach, but it felt twice was hotter.
“ Scream Simon slut. Scream my fucking name “ He bites hard onto your shoulder making you scream out in pleasure.
“ Simon- fuck, fuck, fuck- Si- I’m gonna- Si- I’m gonna “ You felt the salty tears come on from the pain and pleasure his giving you.
“ Come one baby, come onto my cock just like that- fuck your squeezing’em so tight “ Simon’s gruff voice made your ecstasy so much better the way he degraded you and his rough lips onto your poor damaged skin.
He continued to roughly thrust into you as you can feel his release coming close and your third orgasm coming in as well.
“ Come into me Simon. I want you to come into me, please “ You cried biting down onto his neck making him grunt. Your head became fuzzy and tears continually roll down onto the balaclava soaked from your salty tears.
“ Shit- coming “.
With one last harsh thrust he releases into you feeling his cock pump semen in your core and the excess dripping down to your ass. Simon leans you against the coke metal wall against your hot skin.
“ Look at you covered pretty in all of my bite marks and your cunt dripping with my semen “ He kisses me gently this time cupping my cheeks. “ You did good for your first time training with me “.
He slowly removes himself from me places his cock onto my stomach, “ Next time you show attitude your punishment is gonna be much worse “.
Sorry for being dead for idk how many days I was having trouble writing something and then writing this and then i got distracted with cod mobile. Sorry for any fucked up spellings it’s 254 AM i’m tired 💀
Anyways hoped you enjoyed xoxo
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oddballwriter · 2 years
MH & EMH Guys When They’re Being Jealous
Warnings: HABIT is here, mentions of being possessive, insecure, and some violence (note in detail I just say it as a possibility) 
Notes: I’m low key a bit mean and shit talk Vinny. So sorry if I’m being rude about your boy.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy!
Marble Hornets
When he gets jealous he gets a bit angry
Not really at you, it might seem like he is mad at you, but he’s not
It more so that it’s just a reaction he has towards being jealous since he doesn’t really feel it too much so he doesn’t know how to manage it
I’ve mentioned before that he’s not too good with his feelings 
He sort of shuts down and acts a bit cold towards you
He’s a bit insecure about the idea that he has that he’s not very entertaining or fun
He knows he’s attractive, I’m sure some people have mentioned it to him
But even then, he knows that that’s not enough to keep someone genuinely around
So he gets a bit insecure and thus jealous when you seem to be having too much fun with someone
When he gets like that, it’s hard to snap him out of it because he has a lot of abandonment issues that he’s never had really fully heal
So you need to coax him into talking about why he’s upset all of the sudden and then reassure him that you’re not interested in that person at all
Maybe even tell him that you do find him fun and entertaining in his own way or something
For the most part it’s just letting him know that you’re there with him and that you want to stuck with him only
Brian doesn’t get jealous in the sense that you’re doing some stuff that sets it off
The jealousy comes from when people don’t know not to try and get with what’s his
He gets it, he thinks you’re very attractive and doesn’t blame someone for trying to shoot their shot
What he doesn’t like is when they keep trying to shoot that shot even when you tell them it’s not gonna happen
I don’t wanna say he treats you like you’re his property, oh course not, he’s a respectful man, he would never see you as just that
But you are his partner and he’ll be damned if someone tries to harass his partner and he doesn’t do something about it
He wouldn’t immediately throw hands though
For the most part he’ll come along the side of you and maybe wrap his arm around you or maybe even say hi to you and give you a kiss on the cheek and then act like he didn’t see the person there
The person typically just go away at that point once he’s there because one, he’s showing signs that he’s your boyfriend and that you really are already taken, and two, he’s kind of an intimidating dude when he wants to be so people kind of get scared and fuck off
He’s a big strong dude, no one sober or reasonable would keep testing it 
He denies it when he gets jealous and doesn’t like saying when he is
He trusts that you won’t go around cheating on him or leaving him for someone else right under his feet
But sometimes it just shows up 
It usually goes away once he comes to his senses or you reassure him that you would never do that
The have been some times though that someone won’t back off
He’ll actually go to them and straight up tell them to back off
He’s not fighting anyone though
I’m gonna say it
He’s built like a Victorian ghost
No one’s really gonna be scared of him and he might get absolutely folded  
So he’ll just sort of lead you away from them and hopefully they give it a rest and stop
Alex is similar to Jay in that he trusts that you wouldn’t go around with someone behind his back or have someone steal you from him
I do feel like he is kind of one to maybe throw hands 
But its only if the person starts insulting you or him 
But that’s rare
Most people back off or give up at some point
Its not that he gets jealous, more that he gets possessive
But he gets real possessive
Not in the controlling way though, he would never do that
And he inherently trusts that you wouldn’t go after someone else and won’t even think about it unless there was so type of proof or hint that you were fooling around with someone else 
But if he picks up on someone flirting with you, even if you don’t notice it at first, he’s gonna come right in there 
He either just starts being really affectionate like holding you close, giving you kisses, and slightly sweet talking you 
He does it even without someone making moves on you, so you’d think that its just Evan being Evan
But the affection lets the other person know “This is mine. Go away.”
If you can pick up on him doing that and being jealous and mention it, he denies it
“What? Me? No, I don’t get jealous, I just don’t like people flirting with my partner.”   
100% though, if someone tests him, he’s rocking their shit
He knows how to fucking fight dude
And he isn’t scared of nobody or nothing
Vinny swears that he doesn’t get jealous
But he does
It mostly comes from a spot of insecurity, similar to Tim 
He feels like he’s not really as fun as Evan and Jeff, or any person for that matter, are
He’s insecure and worried that you’re going to find someone who is more “fun”and entertaining than he is and leave him
I actually feel like if you and Vinny got together but you weren’t already part of the group, he wouldn’t introduce you to Evan or Jeff because of that little insecurity he has
When a moment comes where his jealousy shows up, he gets really quiet and reserved 
He doesn’t want to make a scene about this because he doesn’t want you to know he’s upset
Not to be mean but he’s honestly kind of a baby about it
He has trust in you that you won’t go running off but it just gets to him sometimes
But he’ll get stubborn about not saying anything and just moping 
He literally never gets jealous at all 
Like at all
The others have ways that make them jealous like an insecurity, being possessive, or just having random bouts
But Jeff doesn’t really experience those
He has trust in you and understands that some people will flirt with you or try to become a bit too friendly
But he knows that you’ll tell them to knock it off and mention that you’re spoken for
The only way he will ever get jealous is maybe you still talk to and even hang out/are still in close contact with an ex of yours
But even then, you need to be reeeeaaaalllly close to and talk about that ex to make him jealous
But even then he’ll still have faith in you and maybe even be the type of person to bring it up to you
but not in an accusing was, just in a “Hey I notice that this has been happening, can you explain it so that I don’t get mixed up” kind of way
I don’t know what you’re really expecting from this other than... he’s the most bad of the bunch
I honestly feel like he’s insanely possessive
Jealous not so much
Listen, if you’re with him on your own behalf, you probably know that trying to run off with another person isn’t possible and won’t last too long nor end pretty
So he doesn’t get jealous of anyone because he knows that his little rabbit isn’t gonna go anywhere 
The possessive bit, one you better believe he’s making sure no one even thinks about trying to flirt with you
I feel like you guys don’t really go out on dates very often but if you do, he’s obviously right next to you and has an arm around you or something that shows signals of you two being a couple
But as soon as someone attempts to flirt with you, he’s on their ass
He’s not even gonna sugar coat it like Evan or any one else on here would
He’s just gonna tell the person to straight up to fuck off and that you’re his
Before anyone asks about it
Yes, I do believe that HABIT would sort of see you as ‘something of his’ as in territory
He does value you as your own person but lets face it he’s gonna see you as a bit of a possession of his but like in a and I hate saying this a bit but I feel like it’s accurate ‘mate” type of way
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dballzposting · 2 years
I don’t even know what I’m trying to say. BUT IS THIS REALLY REAL? ARE WE ALL SEEING THIS?
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- Dragon ball wont fucking die so they have to keep coming up with new shit and they were like OK. Let’s do a Goten & Trunks thing. It’s untapped potential. 
- Becasue of that, becasue of them needing a story to tell, they indirectly confirmed many things that many of us already assumed but could never be said. Things like: Goten & Trunks still hang out even when they get a little older (although to be fair in the Super anime we saw them together constantly, but still, the gap between that and EOZ was unspoken for); they play video games; goten & trunks are still on the same wavelength; THEY ATTEND THE SAME SCHOOL, etc etc.
Im only like um 10 pages in but commenting on what I’ve seen: ARE YOU SEEING THIS SHIT ???
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- “we need to do a story with goten and trunks.” “What should they be doing?” “Um, the franchise is doing a SUPERHERO theme right now, so they should be SUPERHEROS, Like The Great Saiyaman!” “AWESOME! But why? They thought that the Saiyaman stuff was a little lame, no doubt..?” “Well. They’re dragon ball characters so they just have a natural affinity for saving people and being helpful, first of all. Second of all, Goten & Trunks are certified teens now so aesthetic and style is important to them, they absolutely would not go for that saiyaman shit. So clearly they have a DIFFERENT source of inspiration.” “What you mean like a video game character or something...?” “...YES.”
- “Okay so WHAT sort of video game hero is he like.. what’s his SCHTICK?” “Um. IDK. He cleans shit. Mr. Clean.” “We’ll call him...CLEANGOD. It’s stupid enough that it’s in-line for Goten & Trunks.”
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LIKE THEY MADE CLEANING COOL!! Gotta Take Out The Trash . . . 
and it’s dragon ball and it won’t fucking die so now they play video games and everyone has a CELL PHONE. Fuck it. Chichi on FaceTime
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And “Our Transformation Sequences Aren’t Heroic At All.” That’s what he calls it. That’s what he says. That’s how he thinks.
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in this manga, Trunks has to ask Pilaf to make him a watch like The Great Saiyaman’s so that he can change outfits instantaneously. Like, he doesnt know how to make one himself. Like .. MAYBE GOTEN ISNT BEING SHITTY but HE REALLY MEANS IT ?! Guys this is a canon manga. Toriyama worked on this shit. We can’t take this lightly. DOES TRUNKS NOT KNOW HOW TO DO SHIT?
Trunks says that and then Goten is like “Clearly you don’t know how to suicidebait people online.” IS THIS REAL?
Does Trunks sit down at the computer like Vegeta and cross his arms and squint really hard and like ... NOT REALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT’S GOING ON OR HOW IT WORKS? Like. Maybe he can do mechanical stuff. He can build a BMX bike and he can help his mom make blueprints. He can fix shit. But computers, are, like, it all happens behind the scenes, man. Those motherboards are tiny. Maybe he just doesnt fair well with what he cant SEE. Who knows...
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Speaking of Son Goten’s outfit. Look at his jeans and belt:
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Typical enough in dragon ball but like... I’m jealous. Who bought him that nice ass belt.
Anyway this is just so stupid look at this.
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Goten on his damn phone. Trunks is like “I just wanna FIGHT SOME MIGHTY EVIL and do it with swagg :/”
Honestly I feel for the kid. In blood and upbringing, he just wants to do good, kick ass, and pop off. Hang in there little dude...!
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KINTO-UN CAMEO ! Also THEY GO TO THE SAME SCHOOL?!!1>?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?
I should save the rant about their superhero outfits for a different post but IDK when that’ll be. Theyre just so stupid. They’re skintight yet bulky at the worst points. Theyre ugly colors. GOTEN HAS A LONG, LUXURIOUS CAPE while Trunks has a TINY BABY BITCH CAPE and I KNOW they pick on each other for that stuff.
Goten is like “Atleast my cape isnt a napkin. Atleast when we’re in the air everybody can see my cape and know I’m a superhero.” And then when he goes to the bathroom and comes back there is pee and toilet paper stuck on his cape and it gets caught on all the door handles.
Trunks is like “Goten. You don’t live in Capsule Corp so I dont blame you for not knowing this, but when you design any new product, you have to learn how to marry STYLE with USE. My cape has attitude, it’s short and advant-garde, it’s recognizable, and it’s PRACTICAL. Your cape is gonna have you getting tangled up in yourself while trying to catch bullets.”
Goten is like “It is YOU who doesnt know anything about style. Watch my cape frame every pose I pull, silhouetting me against the backdrop of carnage that we have arrived to fix; watch my cape dance behind me like a loyal shadow; watch my large, classy, strong cape bring comfort to these towns on SIGHT, while your tiny baby bitch cape distinguishes you only as a feckless fool, an EMBARRASSMENT to heroes everywhere, and the forces of evil will point and laugh when you threaten them!”
and then when goten walks away Trunks just picks up goten’s cape and puts it on some piece of metal infrastructure protruding from the building theyre arguing behind, and he watches as it just completely tears off as Goten stubbornly maintains his pace walking away.
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thekinkyleopard · 1 year
Mr Steal Yo…
A Non-Canon Remi x Levi One-Shot
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
Public…sex? Some slight…psychics holes?…Smut
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Author’s Notes: I had a craving. 🥵 Sorry it takes me so long to release fics guys, it’s been pretty rough. Between trying to keep with my personal life, work, writing, and all the shit piled on top of me one after the other, it’s hard to sit and write. Especially with ADHD 😭 Please enjoy🔥 @aller-geez owns Remi, and did the amazing cover art as always!
Description: There’s a new APP that’s matched Levi up on a blind date, and it doesn’t go in the cat’s favor. Bored to tears, a handsome stranger sitting at the bar catches his eye…
Levi fixed his hair and he pulled on his dark blue velvet suit looking himself up and down in the mirror, twisting his form back and forth to make sure every curve and crinkle was perfectly out of place. He sighed. “What am I even doing? Putting all this effort in for a stranger I dont even know,” He shook his head gently before stepping out of his house to be met with a jet black Tesla model 3, already the leopard had a chill roll down his spine. This was a bad idea. A Tesla? Dear god no. He waved nervously at the vehicle while the fairly tinted window rolled downward.
“Hey cutie! Are you my date tonight?” The driver of the vehicle waggles his eye brows. He was a boring looking man, your average black suit and tie, standard Wall Street hair cut, and honestly what the hell was he doing ? He should just turn around and go back inside, he should say 'Nope! I'm headed to an event, not sure what you mean!' yet, that would go against his character. It was possible the guy could surprise him and actually be super down to earth. Though it is a Tesla owner, and if someone is willing to give Elon Musk anymore money than he has, probably not a man Levi wanted to get to know. This man is going to either say something incredibly tone deaf, or problematic and the cat really wasn’t looking forward to educating anyone tonight. However, he willed himself forward and waved his hand, putting on his friendliest face.
“That’s me! You’re..Blake?” Levi asked cautiously, but still with purely masked joyful energy as he stepped closer to the car. His sky blues looked the vehicle up and down, it was spotless, like he'd just got it washed, and without a single scratch or dent. Clearly, the car was well loved and taken care of. Hm.
“Yup! Get on in, I’ve got a reservation for us at the nicest restaurant in town,” winking at the white haired male, who internally had to swallow the ick he was experiencing. Seriously? Couldn't they just go somewhere simple? The NICEST restaurant in town? Pretty unnecassary. Whatever, it's better than the guy who wanted to take him to Burger King a few weeks back. He'd prefer the rich people's disgustingly expensive whole foods, over processed cancer.
“Alright, awesome!” He said managing the fakest smile he could possibly muster in this uncomfortable situation. Levi reached for the handle of the vehicle but only pushed his hand into a flattened door. “Oh…uh..” tilting his head, perplexed. He'd heard about Teslas, but had never gone near one, let alone touched one, so the missing handle really threw him for a loop. How the hell do they get into the car?
“Oh sorry bout that,” the man then allowed the handles to come out from their compartment through the simple push of a button. Levi watched almost speechless as the handle slowly began available for his grasp, before taking hold and opening the door. Unnecassary. Why? 'This vehicle is so fucking pretentious,' he thought to himself as he began to buckle the seatbelt, surprised it too wasnt some sort of spaceship activated device.
“Fancy,” he chuckled breathlessly, nervous, creeped out, he did not like wealthy people typically. Especially the flashy ones. After he slid inside and closed the door, the feeling of uneasiness overwhelmed him as he tried to completely mask the fact he was tapping his fingers anxiously against the seat. Almost unexpectedly, Blake sped off down the street, as if they were in Fast and Furious. This was a residential, what the hell was he thinking? In a Tesla no less? 'Sir, you don't own a ferrari, calm the fuck down,' the leopard scoffed inside his head. Levi was feeling incredibly uncomfortable sitting in the passenger seat, yet, not realizing how much worse that level of discomfort would rise when the man's hand came sliding over his thigh, gripping it tightly in his large palm. It took every cell in the smaller's body to simply not bite the man.
“So, what do you do? You’re real cute…Can’t believe that app actually works,” laughing carelessly and tossing yet another stupid wink over into Levi’s direction. The cat masked a perfectly executed smile to hide the truth, he was not in agreeance, in fact he was disgusted. The app was supposed to match you with a COMPATIBLE blind date, every person who joins is interviewed, and then has their background checked by the app staff. It’s $10 a month. Supposedly, it matches you to someone that meshes well with you. Levi felt scammed. How the hell did he get matched with this pompous guy? He wanted to go home and demand a refund.
“Oh well, I am a model and adult entertainer online,” The leopard spoke casually shrugging his shoulders as he struggled to even bother looking at the man. His cerulean blues tracing the lines along the side of the road outside his window, as they passed them by at increased speeds.
“Oh? So like Only fans?” Blake looked curiously but, with a hint of excitement towards the cat, whom suddenly felt very put off by the expression. That was a little too quick of a guess.
“Yeah,” Levi replied with a flattened tone, trying not to heavily invest himself in explaining the logisitics of his profession. He had heard all sorts of judgements and criticisms about his profession before and he didn't want to deal with that on a first date. Not to mention, the stereotypes which, this guy gave him massive fetish vibes. Would probably prompt himself as 'well endowed' and 'great on camera'…gag. The rest of the car ride was filled with awkward silences and small talk that Levi didn't really care for. Mostly just Blake talking about his business trips over seas, and how he should take Levi to the next yacht party. Though the leopard acted excited to recieve the invite, he wanted to toss himself out of the moving vehicle rather than be caught dead on a Yacht with a bunch of corporate dildos.
"Enough of me though, onlyfans huh? That's hella sexy," the leopard could almost feel the eye roll he was stifling inside his skull. Was this dude serious right now? God, what a tool. Levi managed to pry his head from the window to muster up an Oscar award worthy smile.
"Thanks! Means a lot to hear that," lying through his teeth, he'd heard it a million and one times. 'Sexy' How obtuse. For once he just wanted to have an intellectual conversation about his career, not perverted intrusions. 'How much can you fit? Do you film with others? Whats your biggest?' Mindless, vulgor comments that never lead anywhere but having to shatter a fragile ego.
The car came to a halt in front of a posh restaurant; 'Très bon' how lame, so the restaurant is called 'Very good'? That's a joke. This was the sort of place Levi would never have visited on his own. He hated French food, and he hated places surrounded by the 'Bourgeois'. Blake got out of the car and opened the door for Levi, who stepped out, grateful for the fresh air instead of drowning in whatever expensive cologne the man had drenched himself in. They walked towards the entrance, and as they got closer, Levi's heart sank. The restaurant was filled with people they both knew were of high society, and he didn't want to be seen with a man like Blake, especially in such a public place. It might cause a stir amongst them, being perceived by a bunch of wealthy snobs is the farthest thing from being on his bucket list of experiences.
Blake seemed accustomed to this kind of environment, walking with the confidence of someone who frequented this place often. Was this a popular date spot? Was Blake often spotted bringing someone here with him? Was it usually a man? Levi felt like he had eyes on him from every corner of the building, he tried to pay no mind and keep his attention forward. Blake led him towards the back dining area, which Levi was relieved to see was much sparcer than the front through which they came. They took their seats while a waiter in full tux approached their table, and before Levi could secure a cheek into his chair, Blake ordered wine for them both. "Bottle of Romanee-Conti 2019, thanks," without so much as even looking in the server's direction. Another wave of ick rolled over the cat's shoulders. Send. Help.
"I hope you like it," he said, looking now at Levi with a smile that made the leopard feel uneasy. He would give anything to be swooped up and out of this particular situation but he sat gracefully and tried to put on that same award winning fake smile. Get through the date, ghost the man. It would be fine.
"Never been here before, it's very …" he paused, he didn't want to say something rude, but truthfully he was finding himself at a loss in his vocabulary. It wasn't too often he praised or acknowledged places this expensive.
"Posh," finished Blake promptly interrupting the cat's thought, chuckling. "I come here often for business, but I thought it would be a nice change of pace to bring a date, it's just so romantic," He reached across the table, taking hold of Levi's hand. "You're a refreshing change of pace, you know that? So different from the usual crowd I mingle with." Barf. Barf. BARF. Levi wanted to scratch the man's eyelids off. This place? Romantic? Far from the leopard's personal views, that's for sure.
Levi bit his lip, feeling disgusted by the man's touch. It was like a shiver of spiders crawling up and down his back. He hated it. He wanted to pull his hand away but didn't want to offend Blake and risk a scene. "Thank you," he said politely, pulling his hand back naturally and taking a sip of the beverage that had been placed in front of him now. It tasted dry and bitter, but he forced himself to swallow it down. "Thank you, as well," he looked up to the waiter and nodded, someone has to treat the staff like people around here. The man seemed surprised but bowed with a gentle smile before leaving the bottle behind and allowing them to scan their menus.
"I hope you don't mind me asking, but what made you choose your line of work?" Blake leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. Levi wanted to groan outwardly, here we go again.
The cat shifted in his seat, feeling his cheeks flush. "It's just something I fell into. I needed the money, and I was really good at marketing myself so it just sort of, worked I guess….I suppose I continue cause it gives me freedom," his eyes avoiding contact as he scanned through the foreign menu. "What about you? What do you do for a living?" Desperate to change the subject, hoping that Blake would stop asking him about his damn job. Which it seemed with types like these if you give them even so much as a centimeter in length of prying about their achievements, they'll never shut up.
"I'm a businessman, and Investor mostly, I've taken over for my father in the same line of work," Blake replied simply, taking a sip of his own glass, but the way he did it still had an aura of narcissism. Oh great, familial wealth. So his achievements are built off the backs of his predecessors. "I invest in startups, and I'm pretty successful at it. I'm not exactly what you'd call a self-made man, but I do pretty well for myself." He grinned, looking more pleased than he probably should be, morally.
Levi nodded, not knowing what else to say. He wasn't even remotely impressed by what this man has and hasnt done in his lifetime. This man was dryer than a desert, and it was like the second the leopard had asked a question about him, the flood gates were unlocked. Levi felt himself slowly slinking into the abyss of insanity as he mentally screeched through anything his ‘date’ had to share. It was about the time Blake was yaddering on about his exotic car collection that the white haired man noticed someone staring at him from across the way, sitting at the bar. He had jet black hair, and glowing emerald eyes, and was shockingly handsome. Wildly out of place in a ritsy environment such as this, though he seemed fairly dressed for the part, something behind those eyes told Levi he wasnt like the putrid waste inside this establishment. It had him fairly curious. Between trying to pretend he was in fact paying attention dropping the "Oh wow!" and "That’s amazing," lines every few seconds, he'd look for any excuse to turn his attention back to the man at the bar. He noticed him, and he was noticed right back.
Every time Levi's eyes flashed in his direction, he was just sitting there in a full smirk, sipping dark liquid from an ice filled glass. The cat couldn't help but feel drawn to the mysterious man staring him down so obviously. He was like a magnet, pulling Levi in with his intense gaze. The leopard found himself getting lost in those emerald eyes, wondering what kind of person this stranger was, what he was doing there? Why he couldnt seem to look away just as much as himself? He tore his gaze off just long enough to look back at Blake, who was still talking incessantly about his wealth and possessions. The contrast between the two men was stark, and it only made Levi antsier in his current seated position. Who is this man?
As Blake prattled on, Levi found himself getting more and more restless. He wanted to know more about the man at the bar, but he also didn't want to off set Blake, this was not a setting the leopard felt comfortable to blow off a high status investor. At least not without certainty he had an escape plan. Instead he gazed longingly across the way, unbeknownst to Blake. Giving the man only miniscule amounts of responses back, though good enough, he brought his glass to his lips slowly, eyeing the stranger down with obvious interest. The stranger raised a single eyebrow, amused. Levi flashed the man a coy smile and a swift wink of his eye before he realized there was a lull in Blake's chattering. Quickly the cat looked over at Blake to see him, thankfully, looking over the menu and just in time snapped it shut. "I know what I'll order us," immediately Levi taken away from the fantasy of the stranger as he realized he was suddenly stripped of his dinner autonomy. Just when he was about to speak up for himself there was a sudden change in atmosphere.
Almost as if his screaming thoughts could be heard from across the way, the man at the bar had gotten up and confidently strode across the room in the time frame of Levi looking away. He walked up to the table and introduced himself, sticking his hand out to the leopard. He was wearing a dapper grey gingham patterned suit, red tie that contrasted well with his green eyes and red plugs. Levi jumped a bit in his seat, not having expected the man to approach them so boldly, but honestly grateful he did, without hesitation he took the outstretched appendage. Remi slowly bent at the waist and brought it up to his mouth.
"My name is Remington, you can call me Remi," he said in a low, deep voice pressing his lips tenderly to the top of the male's delicate freckled hand, releasing it slowly after. His eyes never leaving Levi's, almost hungry as they stared through each other intensely. "I don't mean to intrude on your evening…but I couldn't help but notice you from across the way. I was wondering if we could chat for a bit?” He finished his sentence with a charming smile that left Levi completely captivated - melted like butter under his presence.
Blake had noticed the newcomer too, and seemed more than slightly offended by his presence and performance. "Who are you?" a tone that could cut through leather, looking between Remi and Levi suspiciously, almost prepared to come to a full stand as his hands gripped the edge of the table.
The much larger man, didn't even bat an eye; instead, he turned slowly over to Blake and smiled, and it was almost welcoming if the atmosphere didn't say otherwise. "Look, bud, I've watched you bore the beautiful blue velvet off this gorgeous man's suit..with much confidence I can say, I've held his interest for a total of 25 minutes while you've gabbed on about your…." looking him down, then up, and shaking his head with a scoff. "Accomplishments, but it seems, I've gotten his attention in far fewer syllables…and I think, but don't want to assume," putting his hand out to Levi as if to excuse himself for being presumptuous. "That I could show him a much better time than you… it seems money can buy you ALMOST, everything…." winking over at the leopard that brightened up in a furious blush.
"Excuse me??" Blake immediately shot up from his seat finding the reason he'd been looking for, but found himself at a loss when he realized he was a sad 3 inches shorter and far, less equipped. It didn't stop him though. "I'll have you kicked out of here so fast…Do you even kno-…" suddenly cut by the leopard who shoved himself out of his own seat coming to a full stand, slamming his palms flat against the table causing everything on it, to clink and clatter..a few stray heads turned now to look at the commotion.
"Actually, Remington here is correct, would you believe that? A man I've never so much as spoken to can read me better than one that picked me up outside my home…." Levi smirked a bit, feeling a rush of adrenaline coursing through him while he tried to remain composed. "I'm going to continue this night, with this lovely gentleman, please lose my number," picking up his things, Levi turned to leave with the tall dark stranger, but not before giving Blake a final glare. Who stood, dumfounded and slack jawed as he watched them disappear. He felt strangely empowered by the way Remington had come to his rescue, but also allowed him to stand up for himself. This only made him feel even more drawn to the mysterious man.
Once they were outside, Remi turned to Levi, another flashy smirk on his face. "I hope I didn't overstep my bounds," Clearly genuine though his voice low and smooth, he fished through his jacket pocket to retrieve a pack of cigarettes. Finding it, he took it out and pulled one out of the box and up to his lips. "I just couldn't bear to see a beautiful man like yourself being bored to tears by that pompous ass." He chuckled loosely, adjusting the lapels on his jacket after sparking up the cancer stick and taking a low drag, he exhaled away from Levi's face. Hands coming back up to pat himself down, making sure he hadn't left anything behind.
Levi felt himself blushing yet again at such a simple comment, but maybe, it was more because someone so handsome was wasting any time on him. "You didn't overstep anything," he said, smiling. "Honestly, I was just about to lose my mind in there…typical suit..but you? What were you doing there? You don't seem like a typical corporate drone…what's your story?" Levi asked cautiously looking the stranger up and down. His suit was posh, very nice, yet the man himself seemed, different. His hair wasn't crew cut and boring but long, almost unkempt in a very purposeful way. He also adonished facial piercings, something most snobs didn't seem to have in places like that. He was definitely an outsider if Levi could pick one out from the crowd.
Remi couldn't help himself but grin as he suddenly found he was now under the spot light, taking another drag from his cigarette while looking towards the night sky. "I'm just a man trying to survive in this world," he responded cryptically. "I don't really fit in with the corporate crowd, but I have my ways of making money. Let's just say, I have a few connections," He looked at the cat flashing his perfectly white teeth with that same hypnotizing smile, those captivating emerald eyes sparkling mischievously. Levi could feel himself being easily lost inside them. The conversation sort of died there, the smaller could tell when someone wasn’t ready to open up.
The cat couldn't help this continued feeling of intrigue though, as he stood so closely now to the much taller man. He had a dangerous aura about him that was both exhilarating and terrifying. "So, what do you want to do now?" he asked, trying to keep the evening from also dying out. "I don't exactly have any plans for the rest of the night…" sort of trailing off. Levi wasn't really sure where they go from here, is he now on a date with this man? Or should he just go back home and call it in and thank him for the rescue?
With a quick shrug of his shoulders and taking one last long drag of his cigarette, flicking the rest out into the street, he took Levi's hand in his own, and then he responded. "Well, how about we go on an adventure?" his voice low and seductive. "I know of a place where we can actually feel comfortable, and have some fun."
"Hm, well, okay, but you promise to bring me back to my house alive and not like, wrapped in a box for my roommate to find right?" the white haired man giggled a bit, nervously almost, but he was relatively sure the man wasn't going to eat his skin.
"Well, not NOW…you took all the fun out of the surprise!” Remi scoffed rolling his eyes with a large grin and bump of the other's shoulder. "No worries, kid, you're safer with me in this whole city than anyone else," something about the tone of his voice and the reassurance on his face that left the cat feeling confident in the presence of the man, before suddenly a long black limo pulled up to the two men.
"Limo?" Levi raised his eyebrow looking between the vehicle and Remi now. It was going so well…yet, the leopard was holding some reserve to judge the wolf so quickly.
"Just to get me back to my bike, parked about 10 blocks back, that cool ? I don't park my shit out here…too risky," Remi opened the door to the back of the long car he raised a thin black brow and paused. "Unless…you WANT to walk? Limo too much? It's just to blend in honestly," Levi suddenly chuckled, shoving his judgements aside for the moment and stepped forward to crawl into the leather seats.
"It'll do…intrigued to see this fancy bike you keep talkin about though," as they both got comfortable in the back of the vehicle, Remi chuckled loudly at the smaller's remark.
"I mentioned it once!" They both fell into a short fit of laughs before the raven haired man turned to him, trying to catch his composure he took a few serious breaths. "So what were you doing on a date with that buffoon anyway?" casually the larger reached over for a glass, filling it with a little over a shot of the whiskey provided inside the limo. Levi watched him carefully, feeling still uncomfortable in this setting but a lot more comfortable with the change of company.
"Honestly, I tried that stupid blind date app and it totally screwed me.." he only laughed to try and hide the sheer embarrassment that came with admitting it.
"Seriously? Why do you need an app? I have a super hard time believing you don't have people throwing themselves at you," Remi sat back down, stirring his drink in a circular motion with the tip of his pinky while he observed the other's body language.
"Yeah, not quality people though…I don't want to be an object, or a trophy to someone," Levi spoke sincerely while he ran the pad of his thumb against the textured fabric of his pants. He felt nervous being this vulnerable with someone he just met, but somehow the man made him feel, safe.
Remi nodded with understanding, taking a sip of his drink. "I get that," he said, his voice softening. "It's hard to find genuine people these days. Everyone just seems to be out for themselves." He paused, his eyes flickering over to Levi. "But I have a feeling you're different. I can sense a realness in you that's rare," speaking with honesty as their gazes connected.
Levi blushed at the compliment, feeling a warmth spread through his chest as his heart began to beat a bit faster. "Thank you," he said softly, taking a moment to truly appreciate the beauty in the other man's face. It was as if every line and curve was perfectly sculpted, Levi almost felt intimidated by Remi's good looks. "You seem to have a good read yourself which can mean you've done a lot of reflection,"
Remi shrugged, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I've had to learn how to read people pretty well in my line of work," he said very vaguley. "But that's a story for another time." He raised his glass back to his lips and finishing the contents while the limo pulled up to a dimly lit parking lot behind a very tall building. "Shall we?" He turned to the cat, extending his arm, and while Levi linked arms with the stranger and felt slightly nervous about their whereabouts, he still also felt a sense of excitement.
They exited the limo and walked across the lot, and while Levi peaked around the vehicles that were scattered amongst the spaces, he locked eyes on the only motorcycle in the area. A black and green, Aston Martin X Brough Superior AMB 001 Pro, Levi only knew what it was because he'd seen it in a magazine at the auto shop once getting an oil change. It had caught his eye in the way he couldn't believe motorcycles looked like that now, couldn't deny it was fucking sick in person.
"Sorry she's a little flashy, it's my newest ride, I really worked hard to save but it's definitely been worth it…you cool with it?" he asked pulling two helmets from his side bags. There was a certain energy in his voice that was almost embarassed by the bike. Yet, Levi was actually stunned beyond belief, he shook his head, taking the helmet being offered to him.
"I've literally never seen a bike like this in person, this is pretty amazing…and the paint on it is gorgeous…suits you," he looked up and flashed a quick grin, sliding the helmet over his head.
"Well, thanks, I'm glad you appreciate her…" unable to hold back the grin on his own face to see he could still impress the other in a slightly materialistic way, it just had to be done right. For Levi, it wasn't the flash, or the title of owning it but the value it held to someone, sentimentally. If it truly meant something and it was a goal to achieve, it had to be appreciated. Loved. Not just valued for the status it brought.
Each male swung themselves over the seats of the bike, getting comfortable while Levi slid his arms around the large man's solid and toned waist. Remi revved the engine and the bike roared to life beneath them. Levi couldn't help but feel a thrill of adrenaline coursing through him as they zoomed off into the night, the wind whipping through his clothes as they flapped loosely around him. They weaved in and out of traffic, the bike hugging the road as they leaned into sharp turns. It was both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time, but Levi trusted Remi completely for some inner sense within his body told him to.
After some time of zipping through different scenes of night life, they finally pulled up to a small dive bar on the outskirts of town. The neon sign flickered above them, casting a soft glow on the street below. Remi parked the bike and they dismounted, removing their helmets as they made their way inside. "What's this place?" Levi asked curiously while fixing his jacket and pants as they were making their way inside, Remi waved up to the bouncer who simply nodded in response. "Best bar in town," Remi turned to flash the cat another smile, every time he did that the cat felt himself become more and more obsessed with seeing it. The bar was dimly lit and packed with people, a live band playing in the corner.
Remi led them to a small table in the back corner, ordering them both a round of drinks. Levi leaned back in his chair, feeling more relaxed now that they were out of that hoity toity cesspool. "So you come here often then?" asking curiously he picked up one of the loose menus going over it and almost salivating at the options. "They got deep fried catfish here??" his eyes brightening at the sound of such a treat.
The wolf watched over Levi as he rummaged through food options, he chuckled taking a huge sip of the IPA he ordered. "Yeah, ain't no place quite like it…" sighing with contentment before setting the beer back down. "I honestly don't like fish so I couldn't tell you how good it is, but I fuck with the steaks they serve," the man spoke genuinely while he seemed to protectively glance about the area they were sitting in, it was peculiar to Levi, was he expecting someone to fulfill a hit tonight? He tilted his head slightly before the wolf looked back to the cat, back to a full grin once he realized he was being watched.
Levi laughed, shaking his head. "Well, I'll just have to try both then," smiling at each other for longer than most people that just met typically would, closing the menu and setting it aside. "So, what's your line of work anyways? You mentioned having to read people," Levi leaned forward, his curiosity still piqued while he reached a hand out to trace his fingertips tenderly across the top of Remi's hand that rested on their table.
Remi hesitated for a moment before deciding to take a chance on vulnerability if he was ever going to earn that back. "I'm in the business of protection," he said, his voice low and serious moving in closer to the other now as he continued to speak. "Sometimes people need someone to watch their back, and that's where I come in…I had a meeting with a potential client at that restaurant today, that's why I was there," his answer was much different than what Levi would have assumed it was, truthfully he almost passed the man off as a drug lord. He also almost felt like an asshole now for assuming so.
Levi's eyes widened, impressed. "Wow, that's really cool. You're like a modern day Batman then," he said, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.
Remi did his best to stifle a large boistrous laugh at the man's comparison finding it so far out of his category, he stifled himself and swirled his drink in hand before responding with a shake of his head. "I wouldn't say that…" still being rather vague, not wanting to delve too deeply into his line of work, unsure how far this date would lead them, he couldn't give away too much.
"What about you, what do you do?" yet the second he asked it, Remi suddenly felt the energy shift and he cleared his throat. "Unless you don't wanna…" his gaze sharply turned to avoid eye contact.
"No, it's fine, I just, get nervous that people will think of me differently? It's really not that big of a deal, just…it's why dating can be a tad difficult for me," They were both avoiding eye contact at this point before what he said rang through the wolf's head and the gears inside started to move. Turning slowly, Remi then reached up to take Levi's chin in the crook of his index and thumb to face him now.
"Whether you wish to disclose it or not, no matter what it is you do for work, I won't pass any judgements on you, alright? Unless your job is to like….kill ME specifically then that may, I don't know, hurt my feelings a bit," winking with a confident smile, hoping the touch of humor would make the cat feel a bit more secured by his presence. Levi smiled back at him, a hint of assurance hidden behind his sparkling cerulean eyes, it seemingly worked.
"What a twist that would be…" he giggled back, finding himself feeling much more comfortable than he had an hour ago. "My main income is OnlyFans as a solo creator but, I also do modeling for many different things, I make mostly fetish content," his cheeks turned up into a lightly dusted pink hue and his body suddenly felt very hot all over, yet all the nerves melted away when he noticed that Remi's expression didn't seem to melt or twist into one of disgust or even overt excitement. Instead he simply pursed his lips and nodded.
"That's pretty awesome, so then that means you're your own boss right? Or do you have like a management team?" the leopard felt refreshed by genuine questions about his job. He seemingly beamed at the opportunity for intellect. Substance.
"Yeah! I'm my own boss, which can be pretty stressful, but I prefer it to answering to anyone or having to be tied to a team that's sucking my profits, you know?" he answered before reaching over and taking the beer that had been brought out. He hated beer, but he would drink it for now as it was in front of him, and he was actually enjoying the company of another man, so he didn't want to get up. Taking it to his lips he took a swig and did his best to hide the fact it was absolutely terrible. The two of them seemingly just smiling at each other with nothing more to say, yet Remi did open his lips to respond at last.
"Oh absolutely, I think that's probably the smartest way for Adult creators to do business, it's a bigger load to carry but at least you know you're being paid the maximum and there's no one to be mad at but maybe the economy on a slow season," responding with a lift of his beverage, he spoke so elequently to the other it was almost suspicious. Was this a prank? Levi truly wanted someone to slap him cause he thought he was dreaming.
"I guess, you could say that…It's definitely nice being your own boss, but it has some drawbacks, like, I don't always want to wake up and take pictures of my b-hole you know? But I gotta," They both broke into a quieted gaggle of laughs before the wolf nodded with understanding.
"Yeah, no, I get that, for you it's your butthole and for me, it's rich assholes that treat everyday common citizens as the enemy…I feel like your job is much more empowering," Remi spoke thoughtfully as he considered the differences in their line of work but also noting the similarities. They both provided a clearly needed service but, Remi often felt like he was protecting the wrong side of the fence, without a whole lot of choice in the matter. He admired that the cat could accept or decline clients as he pleased. For Remi, it wasn't always that simple.
"I mean you're not wrong, in most instances I can say no, but I imagine that's harder for you to do if your biggest clientele is shady rich folk," Levi responded, acknowledging how hard it must be to sometimes sell your soul in a way that you have no control over. The wolf almost taken back at being so seen, and so quickly, without much of him to bounce off of. 'There is something about this man,' they bother equally thought, silently, to themselves, at the same time.
Remi nodded, his expression growing serious once again. "Yeah, sometimes it can be tough to maintain my integrity, but I always try to do the right thing…even if it means going against my clients," he said, determination in his voice. "I may not be able to change the world, but I can make a difference in my own way…there are SOME lines I refuse to cross no matter what's at stake," trying to seemingly reassure Levi that, things weren't so bad, he did have convictions.
Levi smiled at the wolf while ocean eyes laid back on those same glowing emeralds, admiring his strength. "You're a good man, Remi," he spoke softly. "I'm glad I met you tonight."
Remi felt a warmth blossom from within his chest at the cat's words. "I'm glad I met you too, Levi," he said, reaching across the table to take the other man's hand in his own, picking it up and taking it to his lips to place a soft peck against the back of it just as he had done when he first introduced himself. They gazed at each other for a moment, the energy between them palpable. After a few minutes went by, Remi cleared his throat and then brought his attention back down to the menus before them. "Did you want me to order us some food? I'm buyin'," tossing a sharp wink. Immediately, Levi sat up much straighter and nodded his head so quickly it was almost surprising.
"Absolutely! I want the fried catfish and coleslaw," wiggling in his seat, so much more excited for Southern bar eats than boujie french crap. The wolf laughed a bit, it was breathy as he came to a standing position.
"Gross, but you got it," Levi narrowed his eyes and stuck his tongue out before they both shared another playful laugh. "I'll be right back," The leopard watched closely as the man made his way across the space to place their order up at the bar. Levi waited patiently, never seeming to lose sight of his tall date. He didn't take the time to look around, check his phone or even concern himself with some of the drama ruminating about. He just quietly, and almost excitedly waited for the man's return. When Remi turned around upon finishing out the order, he noticed the little leopard's ceruleans still baring down on him as he made his trek back to the their table. "You watchin' me this whole time?" he asked almost surprised he had such a pull on the small male, it was flattering and incredibly adorable.
"Yeah, why not? You're the most interesting thing in this place," the cat said ernestly, the taller couldn't help but reach out and run his long fingers through the other's soft tuft of white hair.
"You're cute," pulling away only to slide back into his chair but this time, he leaned forward and grabbed the edge of Levi's seat, dragging him in closer. The cat was now more or less in between his legs but still in his own seat. "Hope you don't mind, I wanted you to be closer," smirking as his hands stayed gripping the seat’s edge.
"Not at all, if you couldn't tell, I kind of like you, MUCH more than the shitty date I paid to be on," they both shared another round of laughs as they continued to get to know each other. They each took turns telling short stories about how they grew up, and where they were from, how they got out here. It wasn't too long before their meals were being placed in front of them. Immediately interrupted by the intense, and amazing smells of their food. "Oh man, this smells fantastic," the leopard salivated as he gazed over his order.
"Right? Oh man, I am so hungry," their table fell silent of conversation as now it was filled with the sounds of eating, some sounds sloppier than others. Aka Remi shredding his meal as if he hasn't ever eaten in his life, and then Levi, politely picking and tearing at his plate.
As they were just starting to finish up and pat off their faces, the band on stage began to play a slow, romantic tune, and Remi stood up, taking advantage of the sudden change in atmosphere. He offered his hand out to the small male. "Care to dance?"
Levi smiled, his heart beating faster at the sight of the wolf's outstretched gesture. "I'd love to," he said, taking Remi's hand with his own and allowing himself to be guided onto the small dance floor. Remi wrapped his arms delicately along the back of Levi's waist, while the cat placed his over the man's broadened shoulders. The other patrons of the bar seemed to fade away as they swayed together, lost in the music and each other's embrace. "I think this is the nicest date I've ever been on," the cat admitted, his head was resting against Remi's chest but the wolf had keen hearing and could hear it above the slow song playing behind them.
"I'm glad to hear it, you deserve a nice date, honestly you deserve an extrodinary date, but nice is a start," they both shifted against each other's bodies as they responded to the joke.
"It's still early, it could very well turn into extrodinary, I believe in you," this did spark a new sense of hope, and adventure inside of Remi. He grinned brightly with his face buried into the other's silkened strands of hair that sat a top his head.
As the song came to a close, with ideas having swirled through his brain during the rest of the track, Remi leaned down to whisper in Levi's ear. "You ever been on a ferris wheel?" he asked, his voice low and husky. "There's a dock about 15 minutes from here, they have one of those rocking ones, what do you say? You down?"
Levi's breath caught in his throat, his body responding to the wolf's proximity. "Let's do it!" he replied, his voice barely above a whisper but trembling with excitement.
Remi grinned, his eyes sparkling with almost a child like wonder. For years, he'd wanted to take someone out there, but it had to be someone special. Someone worth experiencing it with, he was certain Levi was that someone, a date to remember for the both of them, plus they could hit up some of the corny games afterwards. "Alright then, let's go," he said, taking the cat's hand in his own and leading him out of the bar.
As they walked outside, the cool night air hit them, causing Levi to shiver slightly. Remi immediately noticed and took off his jacket, draping it over the smaller man. "Can’t have you being cold now," he said, his voice gentle and considerate as he fit it to sit comfortably across the other's body. This simple act, without even having to ask or say something, made the small cat's chest flicker and race. Remi wrapped his arm casually but protectively around the other's shoulders now, walking and guiding them to their next destination, every so often, they'd catch each other trying to steal a glimpse. Remi chuckled about the 4th time and smirked. "You starin' at me, huh?" to which the leopard found himself blushing again and rolling his eyes.
"Yeah? What of it?" it was simply undeniable the chemistry these two shared, they'd never felt such an instant connection, it was so easy. Every flow of topic, and the way they seemed to fit together like two perfect puzzle pieces. It only kept them out later and later as neither wanted the night to end.
"Maybe I like it, okay," both of them still choosing to steal a glimpse or two at one another in between maintaining their footing to walk, glowing emeralds against sky blue orbs. Remi cleared his throat as they started getting closer to their destination. "I can see it up ahead," he pointed out the large unmissable circular ride that glowed brightly in the night sky.
Eventually, they made their way to the entrance of the dock, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore filling their ears. The Ferris wheel loomed ahead of them, its bright lights seemed to make the night sky seem brighter. Remi led the leopard over to the ticket both. "Two please," holding up two fingers to represent the amount of tickets he'd like before fishing through his pocket for his wallet.
"That'll be $10," the clerk asked while tearing off two tickets. Remi pulled out a 10 dollar bill and slid it over, exchanging goods with the employee before they turned around and towards the Ferris Wheel. "Alright! Lets do this! I have been wanting to come here for so long," he grinned, subconsciously snaking his hand back around the smaller male's waist almost like they'd been together for so long and it was just habit at this point. Levi didn't seem to mind the slightest.
"Yeah? Why not?" the leopard asked curiously as they stood in line waiting for their opportunity to get on a cart. Standing toward the side for Remi to present their tickets.
"Just wasn't the right time," the man spoke with an energy of distance, like he didn't want to admit how lonely life in his career had made him. The cat took the hint and managed to let it slip away. Soon, they were being ushered into one of the various swaying carts, trying to keep their balance as they sat opposite ends of each other.
"This is kind of terrifying," Levi noted as he was scanning all around them, eventually their door closing. He sat incredibly still in the middle of the bench on one side. Hands at his knees trying to keep the obvious trembling in his legs at bay.
"Too terrifying to enjoy…? You can always come over here if you're too scared," he wiggled his eyebrows patting the seat beside him. The white haired male considered it but found himself unable to move.
"But….if I move we'll go rocking that way and I could fall over! Hit my head! Then I'm bleeding out in the Ferris Wheel for what?" Remi unable to hold back the laugh that escaped his lips, he shook his head.
"Oh my god, is it that serious? Are you really that scared?" he asked genuinely while the laughs began to subside and he went to reach out a hand to the other. Yet, when their cart shifted Levi found himself sitting further back, gripping the edge of his bench.
"Okay….I may have overestimated my innate sense of adventure…I don't like this…" his eyes looking back and forth between the outside mechanics attaching the cart to the wheel, and as well as the outside ground and how far they were starting to creep away from it. Remi's face turned serious and he realized that this wasn't the fun and games he imagined for them, and was starting to feel terrible about it. Almost guilty for turning such a nice date into one of traumatizing memories. 'Real smooth, Rem,' he inwardly cursed himself.
"Hey.." he said softly, and in a quick motion he got up, and switched over to Levi's side, causing the entire cart to shift quickly and send them sliding back. The cat feeling a complete rush of panic shooting through him as the cart began to quickly slip back, he turned to grab at Remi's jacket and force himself flush up against the wolf with a sharp squeak escaping his lips. "Hey..you're good," Remi cooed softly, rubbing the other's back as he slid his arms around him. "My bad, honestly if I knew this would give you the spooks I'd have chosen something else for us to do," he said nervously, now completely regretting his decision. Levi's face buried into the man's shoulder he shook his head back and forth.
"No! No! it's great! really….I've just never..done this? So I guess I'm having a hard time focusing on anything but possible death," chuckling sheepishly behind the wolf's lapels before he felt the man's hand come up under him from his chin, lifting his face now to meet the other's gaze.
"Focus elsewhere then," he whispered with a softened husky tone of voice, their eyes connecting through each other and leaving the cat feeling a sense of relief. Their faces were but mere inches apart, each man taking a quick glance at the other's parted, heaving lips. Nervously, as the tension built and they continued to gaze deeply into each other, Levi's lower lip slipped between his two rows of teeth chewing tenderly as he contemplated pushing himself closer. Emerald eyes flashed to follow the motion. Suddenly the cart felt much smaller, much stuffier than it had before. Unable to look away and hide the blush spreading over his face.
Remi smirked, shaking his head ever so delicately before he brought his palm up to caress and hold the smaller male's jaw. "I'll help you then," his voice smoother than soft serve before he ever so slightly leaned forward and pressed their lips together. In that instant, Levi felt his heart racing now for an entirely different reason, yet it was working and he wasn't so worried about the space around them, but completely lost in the feeling of Remi's mouth moving against his own.
As their lips began slowly, they only increased in passion, almost like the two had been waiting all night to embrace each other like they were. The warmth of their lips seemed to be like a fire that ignited between them, and they found themselves unable to keep their hands off each other.
Remi's hand slid further behind the cat's face, fingers laced through short strands of hair at the back of Levi's neck while his free hand wrapped securly around the smaller's waist. The cat responded eagerly by gripping Remi's shoulders tightly, scooching himself forward despite the slight rocking of the cart that persisted, he persisted himself further into the kiss. Their minds seeming to drift away as they pressed against each other. Seconds turned to minutes and eventually the cat found the courage to slowly slip into the larger's lap, it was now at this time the slow rocking motions did not seem to phase either of them.
Remi immediately took both hands behind the cat to run up the inside of his jacket, and feel the other's fleshy bare back. Levi shuddered at the sudden touch, rocking his hips forward. The wolf tore his lips off the cat's and began to lead a trail of hot wet kisses down his chin, jaw and neck. Shaping his mouth around the other's throat in a oval fashion, he sucked, nipped and licked at the tendered flesh as it slowly reddened and bruised. "Re-m…" Levi gasped as his own hands desperate to explore, worked to unbuttoned the man's vest, before strong hands stopped him in his tracks.
"This ride aint very long…I dont think…" their foreheads now pressed together, sweating at their temples but the cat was past his boiling point.
"Turning down a challenge then, hm? Weren't you trying to change my focus…" Levi nipped at Remi’s lower lip now, feral with lust and it only caused the larger to groan needlessly in his throat.
"You're gonna regret that," he responded with a malicious undertone, the atmosphere had drastically changed and suddenly it felt very dangerous. The kind that drove Levi over the moon. Quickly, said man reached down to unfasten the cat's delicate trousers. "You're gonna have to stand for a second, can you manage?" gripping tightly onto the leopard's thin haunches. With a slight hesitation, Levi climbed out of the man's lap to stand, and despite the racing in his heart as their cart swayed with more force as their balance shifted, Remi took charge and took hold of the other's pants hem. Shoving it just enough to expose the man's small,freckled cheeks, he licked his lips. Levi tried to keep himself stable enough while he waited.
"Hurry…" he whimpered, the longer he was away from Remi the more he would start to realize they were reaching the very peak of the top. The wolf unsheathed his hardening cock out of his pants. With a full fist he gripped the back of his jacket and brought him closer.
"Alright m'ere then," grunting trying not to force him back, knowing the movement would only send the cart rocking back and forth at a very inconvenient pace. Levi slowly, carefully, inched his way back to Remi, the cart sliding ever so slightly backward as he shifted the weight. Eventually the back of his legs met the bench, noticing that the other's legs were spread. He shivered with anticipation before gently setting himself down. His bare end basically hovering against Remi's heat. "All the way…you think I'm fragile? You weigh like a tooth pick," chuckling but from deep within the pit of his chest, it sounded almost menacing, Levi whimpered and finally with full resolve, sat himself against Remi's cock, feeling it stress against his cheeks. Throbbing.
"S-Shit…" Levi's whole body trembled pushing his back up against the other's chest, meanwhile Remi's face came around to whisper past the threads of hair that fell over the cat's ear.
"I'm trying to hurry but I'm gonna need a little help here," gesturing to the lack of lubrication available, he brought his hand up and stuffed two fingers through the side of Levi's mouth. Instinctively the cat began to swirl and lap at the intrusive digits. Allowing the saliva pooling from under his tongue to slip and seep down Remi's inserted fingers and palm. "Good boy," the man cooed as the other drenched his hand, once he found it sufficient, despite how delightful the tickle of the cat's tongue on his flesh felt, pulled away and brought it down between them to moistened both his cock, and Levi's waiting hole.
"I’ll try to go slow, S'not to scare ya," he began, not pausing for the other to respond, his hips began to push forward. Causing the cat's hole to stretch, the ridged head of his member spread the man's entrance out as the wolf worked his way inside, while the muscles clamped down hard on him in a vice tight grip. "Fuck," Remi uttered through gritted teeth, not in much of a rush to thrust the full way in but he'd be damned if he wouldn't bury himself deep within the other before he busted.
Levi bit his lip as he clutched tightly at the bench to try and keep the cart still, almost melting under the entire resolve to keep it steady. What would it matter anyway? He just needed more. He moaned gently, the heat within him continuing to build as he was entered. The wolf's cock had managed to push the first few inches past the ring of muscle without making too much of a rucus amongst the cart.
Almost in the clear, Remi pushed himself the rest of the way as Levi sat leaning, slightly bent forward to take his entrance being so full of the wolf's length. "Oh my fu-…" the leopard gasped, eyes rolling back into his skull, and subconsciously began to rock his hips.
"More….please…more," the wolf seemed surprised as the small male began to beg and pick up speed, gripping the edge of the bench as he lifted himself and sat back down.
"Kitty, if we…shit hah…if we go any faster…Hh..we'll rock…." trying to remind the other that he may send himself into a meltdown with a dick all the way up his ass, and that would be a huge mood killer for them both, should that happen.
“D-Don't…care..fuck," Levi slapped himself back against the wolf's chest, his head shot up and his eyes stared into Remi's now. "Me," he finished, which was all the convincing he really needed. The cart swaying, slowly at first, back and forth. Remi took hold of the small hips ontop of him and began to assist as he now with much more purpose and force, thrusted inside the cat. They both moaned in unison, the larger man now wrapping his left hand around the leopard's throat with a tightened grasp.
"God I wish I could take my time…" the wolf huffed between thrusts, the cart now rocking much more rhytmically with each added motion. Truthfully he did, he hadn't intended this to turn out the way it was, but it felt too fucking good to care. Nor stop. Neither of them had felt so connected and pleasured within an intimate experience before now as their bodies easily melted into one.
"So…good…H-Hh…" was all the cat could muster from behind the threshold of being choked, a thin line of drool slipping down the side of his mouth as the man continued to use and fill his hole.
"I'm going to make you feel so fucking good…all night…" faster, he worked faster to reach his destination, thinking about all the ways he would have him when they left here. "Taking you straight home…." the windows fogged as their breaths came out hot, ragged. Both of them panting through each powerful thrust. "And keeping you there for a few days probably…I'm going to take as much time as I can…." Levi whimpered again, his ocean blues welled with tears as he desperatly wished he could cum, but without trashing the inside of his pants, it wouldn't be ideal. He just wanted to follow through, go back to Remi's and allow himself to be eaten alive.
"I'm going to cum," the wolf almost hissed behind his clenched teeth, the wheel was starting to slowly move yet again, as they continued to rock vigorously back and forth. Desperate for release, Remi grunted and groaned practically using the smaller like a flesh light as he used the grip on the other's throat and hip to slam himself inside the cat, and just as he hilted himself deep within, it hit him. Remi's stomach tightened, his muscles restricted as he exploded within Levi's cavern, biting down roughly onto his shoulder to eat back the animalistic sounds trying to bubble over.
"Aaah~" the white haired male cried gently as his legs trembled underneath the sensation of Remi filling him up with hot seed.
"Shit…" gasping as they both shared a breathless chuckle, leaning against each other. "We need to get decent we're almost fully descended," Levi tried to catch his breath in between pants and puffs, slowly he slid the other's length out of his ass and pulled his pants up. Having to suffer the consequences of leaking until they got back to Remi's.
"It's fine, we have to go up like two more times, I just didn't want us getting exposed to the worker passing through," laughing with a shrug of his shoulders as he quickly stuffed himself back in his pants and rebuckled his belt. "I see you've adjusted though and the distraction worked," smirking confidently at Levi who blinked a few times, having sat back down next to him he nodded agreeably.
"Honestly, yeah, it did, I don't see what I was so scared of," smiling with a new aura of confidence he hadn't had upon entering the ride.
"See? It's nice right? When you sit on this side you can see the way the moon shines over the water it's actually really beautiful….best view is at the top," opening his arm, spreading across the top of the bench, Levi took the invitation and immediately slid into place allowing the man to hold him tightly to his person.
"I'm glad we get another chance to see it then.." his voice was still quaking from the recent events and it didn't go unnoticed by the larger.
"I'll make up for your lack of attention back at mine, or, we can play again…" tickling the cat's shoulder with his fluttering fingers now. Levi smirked, and considered it but shook his head.
"I want the full thing…I can wait," biting his lip the same way that had been driving the wolf crazy all night, Remi inhaled deeply.
"Mmh…I'm thinking that app did it's job after all," licking his lips as they brushed against each other with feather light touches against one another's clothed bodies.
"Oh?" Levi responded curiously, looking over now to visualize the look on the man's face. It was still lust fueled, the way his emerald eyes were slit and glowed more intensely than usual.
“You and I were meant to match, but I don't have an account, it was the only way the AI could set you and I up, by matching you to that dork," they both shared an equally smug smirk, Levi though shaking his head and rolling his eyes to the back of his head.
"Don't give it that much credit, I'm still going to ask for a refund…and then promptly delete it since I…don't need it anymore?" looking away not wanting to face the expression of rejection, should that hit him in this moment.
"You absolutely do not," Remi pulled the cat in closer and kissing the top of his slightly dampened scalp. "You're delusional if you think we're done after tonight…or ever..I like you, kitten…think you're stuck with me now," shrugging confidently before Levi easily leaned into the wolf's possessive hold.
"I can live with that," Levi responded fondly, and they shared the space within the cart now as their windows began to clear up and their view of the landscape much more visible. The moon illuminated their faces as they enjoyed the rest of the ride together in admiration of having such an unexpectadly good night. They both sighed, bodies pressed closely together, and yet, it had only just begun.
The End
Author’s Notes: 🫡 That’s all, I will be taking no questions or concerns about the logistics of the smut. It is what it is. 😂
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logicalstansadvice · 2 years
Can I be really honest? I believe that most of people who don't like Annabelle Wallis and ACTIVELY spend time stalking her, her friends, what she does, where she is, etc, spread rumours, make conspiracy theories and the craziest assumptions about Seb, have a sort of inferiority complex. Annabelle is not what THEY want for Seb, they want someone who somehow can give them the validation they need from him, and find any excuse to talk shit about her and why he doesn't look happy with her.
Idk, maybe I'm wrong, but, while they are convinced that this whole thing is pr, I firmly believe they need to find something better to do than constantly talking about celebrities's personal life.
PS: just saying, I don't care if this is real or pr neither I have an opinion about Annabelle. I just think this whole situation is ridiculous.
Anon 2: The bravest are the ones who think they know what's better for his mental health as if they're his therapist or one of his close friends. Seriously, maybe that's the most upsetting thing tbh. Look, I struggle a lot with my mental health and hearing Seb speaking so openly about it and not being afraid to admit his weaknesses, warmed my heart. But this doesn't give us the right to dictate what he should do, to speak about his trauma and how he should get over them, to make assumptions about things we DON'T know. It's a bit disrespectful imo.
Anon 3: + sebastian said that dm isn't trustworthy / pretty ironic that he never said it, actually. Fans who hate DM keep twisting his words in that interview where he briefly mentioned it. Seems like it makes them feel better about their delusion: Seb told us to not trust these spottings of him&his gf, so relieving, they're all fake!
Anon 4: I find it ironic that the “it’s a fake relationship” side of fandoms are typically the most invested in the relationship. > Because they know it might be true. They keep saying it's fake to make themselves feel better, in hopes that if it ends, they'll say OMG it was fake, he never fucked her. Even if he gets married, they'll still say it's fake.
Anon 5: A pro-pr blog’s follower admitted they sent the fake spotting to mock AW and DM. >> How cool, so she confirms that DM sucks, and they can stop believing in DM when it's convenient like they've done for the last few years.
Anon 6: they sent the fake spotting to mock AW and DM. > uh? Do these fans really think Anna cares about the shit they write about her? Do they really think Seb didn't warn her about the crazy fans he has? She must be used to it by now because Pine. Anna and Seb are living their lives, she has nothing to hate. There's no mocking her with false rumors because she's riding his dick in London. Even who thinks it's fake, she's enjoying his company, something that won't happen to us.
Anon 7: Seb's lovely fans who bought them decided to crop her out and not post some shots🙄>> Doesn't mean they don't like her, many don't like fandom gossip. But, if I didn't like her, I would cut her out of the pictures. If you don't like it, don't look. The bad thing is sending hate, and participating in these hate blogs that make up lies.
Anon 8: "A pro-pr blog’s follower admitted they sent the fake spotting to mock AW and DM." Maybe we can all remember this the next time there's a blind indicating he's openly doing drugs and propositioning women with them at industry events when the reality is that he's created a network that includes some of the top women in HW (it's not chance that Nicole K is working w/ Mimi IMO) because (1) he's amazingly talented and (2) he's refreshingly noncreepy to women. Many of his fans have their own agendas.
Vamp - gossip is like a buffet....we all pick and choose what we believe to satisfy our own narratives.
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getmemymicroscope · 2 months
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What is the fuckity fuck fuck? Somehow, it took less than 2 days to find a movie that might actually, somehow, be worse than Wafaa (it's at least equal, for sure).
Every single character is fucking annoying. Also, in very typical "everything happens at night" movie style, you can't see 90% of things because they refuse to allow any sort of lighting. So you're just seeing vague movement in a dark screen.
What they don't shy away from here, unfortunately, is very loud, high-pitched, unnecessary, and out-of-place screams (which I guess amount to the 'background music' in this movie). Like, I guess trying for the horror film-type 'music,' but it just randomly shows up and doesn't even correlate to like scare scenes. Literally I think the first one comes when Teesta is like pouring a drink or something. And then some evil-sounding laugh as Pratyush leaves. What?
The plot, apparently taken from James Hadley Chase's 'Tiger By the Tail,' has some potential, but it completely destroyed by some horrific acting, horrible sound and film decisions, and bad lighting. It's not the first Bollywood attempt at adapting a Chase story, and while I haven't seen all of the others, this one is almost certainly near the bottom.
Atul Kulkarni, normally so dependable, is absolutely laughable as a 'scared for his life, accused of murder' protagonist (well, laughable once you get past the never-ending frustration of how dumb everything is). Hell, even the 'accusation' doesn't happen until the very end, and is only made by a secondary officer as a veiled threat over a phone; the officer is promptly vocally disciplined by our lead investigator, who listen to this fucking annoying yelling and then is like "the case is solved" before walking out. I understand Pratyush's beginning reason for going to meet Teesta - but his sticking around upon figuring out it was a lie is just dumb. And then, after that pointless nonsense at the club, after she ends up murdered, he stupidly answers her phone. Which, fine - maybe nerves got to him (even though he had the wherewithal to wipe his prints away BEFORE the phone rang; why didn't he just let it ring and leave?). But then, on the way out, he runs into literally every possible thing in the hallway. Like, looking forward you fucking idiot, especially after the first thing you run into.
Later, near the end, he has this stupid scene at the phone - after the accusation by the cop - where he may or may not be trying to call his wife (versus, honestly, it looks like he's just randomly standing at the phone, number half dialed, crying her name). It's an absolute disaster of a scene, and I literally almost punched my wall (and I did yell out a "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?"). And the, at the very end, his wife find's Teesta card and asks him about it, and suddenly he's all tongue-tied. (Also, her coming back and saying "it's my fault" - what the fuck? No, it most definitely isn't.)
Speaking of crying, and disaster - the scene with Sonali and KK, where Sonali is crying about her love for her brother is also a shit-show of horrible (and fake appearing) crying. Not only does it sound fake (maybe it is supposed to be fake?), but it also makes it impossible to hear half of what she is saying.
Prashant, after being shot, has Pratyush come to try and save him - and instead, he start acting like an idiot, runs closer to the edge of the building (and obviously falls and has to be dragged up - this is clearly done as a way to build tension and allow the baddie to reach them, but it makes absolutely no sense of a just shot, near-death character to have someone try to save him and respond by moving closer to a ledge). Plus, like literally every other character in this movie (except maybe Rahul Dev?!, but he's wasted by this pathetic attempt, and Suchitra Pillai, in a very small role as Pratyush's understandably distraught wife), he's a total ass in the limited time we get to see/know him.
KK's random-ass monologue to Prashant is also out-of-place, dumb, and just like "why the fuck are you saying any of this?" Everything with the serial blackmailer is also fucking annoying. Teesta's actions, when she's alive, are also a mess. And why the fuck did she have his keys (hell, he left her place - how did they end up at the bar together)? His friend Aslam is also obviously a horrible person, and it's crazy that Aslam is the one who is like "we aren't friends anymore" when clearly Pratyush should've been the one saying that - I mean, fucking hell, Aslam pretended he was dying to get Pratyush, a married man who had just fought with his wife but was already regretting it, to go see an exotic dancer (or whatever). It almost feels like Pratyush is typically a complete pushover (except with his wife, of course, who he slaps ON THEIR ANNIVERSARY because she's questioning why he went and spent 3 hours with his friend - a girl he has had a crush on - when she was waiting for him; again, this is ON THEIR ANNIVERSARY) - how else can you explain why he thinks of Aslam as a friend for even one second after he first suggests the exotic dancer (and doesn't take no for an answer).
On top of the random-ass yelling 'music,' there are also a couple of completely random, disorienting scenes where the pictures like get all blurry/weird (not the correct words, I don't think - but essentially, the sort of disorientation that movies try to do when showing up that the characters are high or otherwise drugged). Except, you know, our characters aren't drugged at the time. They're just fucking around with the picture/imaging for no real reason than to give you a headache. There's even one scene where it literally feels like they just used a 2D filter and make everything super flat, simply because they could. It's not at all clever or well-done or a feather in the cap for this movie - it's just another addition to a very long list of "things wrong with this movie."
The biggest problem, of course, is that the opposite list - "things right with this movie" - has absolutely nothing on it. Like Wafaa before it, this movie has absolutely nothing going for it.
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liethrasir · 3 years
I got that shot yesterday. And PAIN. The vast majority of my body hurts to move.
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aesthetixhoe · 2 years
wedding kazoo C.D.
warnings: like two curse words and that's it
word count: tbd
pronouns used: none!!
authors note: this is super short but also super sweet! :) @ivyinnit this one's for you bae
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The top of the waterfall was a shot out of a teen romance movie. The sun was setting causing brilliant hues of orange, red, and even pink to paint the sky, just the way you liked it. Charlie knew that.
This place was the location of your first date. Charlie took you here three years ago because he knew you would love it. He was right.
He had coerced you up here at an oddly random time. It wasn't an anniversary, no birthday, nothing important to be celebrating up here. None of it made sense. The way he told you to dress however you wanted and he wore a nice outfit. He never dresses up, why would he now?
It's not for pictures, if it were he'd tell you and ask you to dress up a tad bit, maybe do your hair nicer than usual? He said nothing of the sort.
He was vlogging as well, which was also very confusing. Is he trying to prank you? Perhaps a surprise with new car!? That's a joke obviously, he doesn't even have the funds to buy a Tesla, let alone gift one. Everything about this trip just wasn't adding up.
In the middle of filming, as you two were nearing the top of the hill to reach the bottom of the waterfall, he pulled out his kazoo... Oh lord.
He started playing random meme songs, all star by smash mouth, the Wii theme, the Minecraft version of DJ got us fallin in love, typical songs for Charlie to sing or... Play in this instance.
When you two reached the top he sat his phone down on a rock, getting a good angle of the watery scene in front of you both. Or so you thought.
He guided you over to where you would be in frame, and you figured it was just so he had a shot of you in the vlog. He took all of yours and his valuables out of his pockets, and yours, say them on the dry ground, and took you even further to where you could feel the water with your hands.
Everything was peaceful and serene... Until you felt water being thrown at you.
You look over at Charlie with the most dumbfounded and shocked face you can muster and ask him “What... The fuck... Was that?” With as much accusation as a judge in court.
He just looks back at you with a shit eating grin from ear to ear. “What? Did you get water on yourself or something?” He inquires with faux innocence.
“Char, I'm gonna kill you.” You smile sweetly before standing under the flow of the water. He just stares at you with a confused look on his adorable face.
Once you're completely drenched he sees your plan. You run over to him and attach yourself into him, soaking the water from your hair and clothes onto him.
“I love you so much!” He exclaims, pulling you in even further.
“That was... Not the reaction I wanted.” You confess with pursed lips. “But I love you nonetheless.” You reciprocate his adoration while pulling him into kiss you.
He retrieves his kazoo out once more, prompting an opportunity for a joke. “You, Charlie slimecicle, are amazing at ruining the moment!” You laugh as he just kinds stands there. That's odd... He always laughs at your jokes. No matter how stupid.
When he places the kazoo to his lips and starts vibrating it with a tune you can recognize it instantly.
Here comes the bride.
You look bewildered as you look at him with questioning eyes. This isn't really happening right?
Wrong. He grabs your hands and brings you closer to him. When he places himself on one knee that's when the cliché of your hand going to your mouth comes.
You had imagines getting married and having kids and growing old with Charlie. From the first time you said ‘I love you’ you knee you were his. And when he immediately said it back you found that the love and happiness and all the mushy gushy shit from romance novels was what your relationship would be.
“[Y/n]...you know what I'm about to say. A bunch of the standard ‘I love you with all my being’ and ‘I want to be with you for the rest of my life.’ Which, is all true of course, but I'd rather propose within a proposal. If you marry me, instead of wedding bells in your future, it can be wedding kazoo’s.” He finally finished.
Was that rude of you to think? Obviously. But part of you wanted to just grab his face, yell ‘yes’ and smash your faces together.
So that's exactly what you did after he concluded his sentiment.
He stayed true to that promise of wedding kazoo’s. As he did with all of his promises. To hold. To honor. To treasure you. For better or for worse. In sickness and in health.
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pileofmush · 3 years
his heart pangs beneath your skin
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pairing ➸ pro hero deku x gn!reader
synopsis ➸ all you really wanted was some cheap chocolate. you wound up getting more than you bargained for.
details ➸ tags: soulmate au, someone give deku a hug, strangers to lovers // cw: blood, canon-typical violence, attempted assault, some prose // wc 2.7k
a/n ➸ my contribution to @katsukidotcom’s lover’s lane collab! this is a valentine’s day gift to myself, lol. very self-indulgent.
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It’s one a.m. on the fifteenth of February when you run into trouble. You’re trudging through the slums of Musutafu, breathing shallowly through your nose to avoid the suspicious tang of sourness that resonates in the air. It’s been one of those days— the past couple of days, technically— full of loved-up soulmates and gazes of adoration that border on cross-eyed.
A stranger might call you bitter, a self-satisfied smirk on their kiss-swollen lips. Well, you’re not bitter. Kudos to them for finding the predetermined love of their life, really. But the antics surrounding Valentine's Day are enough to give any sane person a headache, giving another meaning entirely to the word lovesick.
Though, there are some pros to the commercial holiday. It’s what has you risking your skin in the middle of the night for a shot at discount chocolate.
“Where do you think you’re going?” a voice snarls from somewhere in the dark. Your heart leaps in your throat.
Maybe you do hate the holiday, after all.
It came from somewhere in the alley you were just about to pass, your hurried steps not enough to dissuade attention from shady alley-dwelling men, evidently. “Hey man,” you say, palms up, walking backwards along the sidewalk. “College student. I don’t have any money.”
That doesn’t stop him from emerging from the shadows like the fucking boogeyman. A long, deep scar runs from his eyebrow to his jaw. “Sure I could find other uses for ya,” he grins, thick, barbed teeth glinting in the dark.
Fuck me, you think, stepping over a broken bottle carefully, debating on when exactly would be the best time to bolt. Why is this guy mad? Does he not have a valentine either? Join the fucking club.
“Can’t,” you reply to his ‘proposition’, heart beating wildly in your chest. “… I’m… pregnant.” The alley man’s face flickers in confusion, and, not missing a beat, you spin around and book it the hell out of there.
A myriad of expletives run through your head in combinations that would make sailors clutch their pearls. It’s the first time you’ve tasted this for yourself. Danger— pumping adrenaline through your blood and slicking your palms with sweat— and by the sounds of the heavy feet pounding against asphalt behind you, it’s coming in hot and heavy. Your mind is racing, inwardly berating yourself for your sheer stupidity, straining to come up with the nearest escape route, wondering if they can feel it.
You cut a corner and slip on some sort of sludge before you catch your footing. Gross; the notion roils your stomach, as if you don’t have bigger issues on your plate. Your lungs burn and your legs ache, but on the bright side, you’re emerging into society again. There’s a konbini around here that you frequent when your dorm is running low on snacks. If you could just get there—
Shit. A hand latches around your arm and yanks you into another goddamn alley. A shriek pierces the night before thick, grimy hands clamp down on your mouth and push you against the wall. The alley man. How did he even get here? A teleportation quirk? Uneven brickwork digs into your back as a beefy leg parts your thighs, leaning into you.
No. No. He couldn’t— you can’t… you wouldn’t let him.
“You bitch!” the man roars, blood gushing down his fingers as he seethes and snarls like a dog. You bare your teeth right back at him, gums bloody and breathing ragged. Blood rushing in your ears, head pounding, you think you hallucinate the message that flashes across the back of your eyelids like a whip, urgent and biting. I’m coming.
A delusion. You’re panicked and you’re hallucinating, imagining the words of a hero who will never come.
“You’re gonna pay for that,” the man sneers, leaving crimson streaks on his pants from where he’s wiped his hands.
No one will save you.
You spit blood on the ground and prepare for the backhand your scathing words will earn you. “Go to hell.”
He scowls; curls his left fist and reels it back.
The hit doesn’t come.
A flash of green electricity is your only warning, lighting up the dingy alleyway and allowing you to make out the unadulterated fear painted on the man’s face. The leg underneath you stiffens before he’s thrown backwards by the force of a thousand hurricanes, back colliding brutally against concrete. He twitches but does not get back up.
And then… and then—
You’re twelve and curling around your stomach on your bedroom floor, tears clinging to your lash line as you are sucker punched by fate. You do not understand what is happening to you. You do not know of the boy swinging a golden yellow backpack at a sludge villain across the city. When your body has stopped attacking you and you catch a glimpse of the news on the television, you will think to yourself, ‘how awful,’ and will forget about it by the next day.
You’re thirteen and crouched on the floor of your math class, children snickering and teachers urging you to calm down. Calm down. Why won’t you calm down? Why does it feel like your gut is being cleaved in two? When you make it back home and turn on the tv, you’ll watch reporters dissect the new terrorist group that’s made their debut and helicopters circle around Yuuei’s USJ like flies. You will clutch the remote in your hands and wonder if you are dying.
You’re thirteen and are a little wiser now. You are ready for the alarm bells and the slick palms and the insistent sensation that calls to you, urging you to burst out the door and find them. It speaks to you in short, carnal bursts. Tells you that you need to get up. That you need to go. That you need to protect. You calmly shove a sedative down your throat and turn to your television screen to watch Hosu City burn. Giant, hulking, things dominate the screen and strike terror into your mother’s heart. She scrambles across the couch to grasp your hand between hers. You idly wonder whether your soulmate is a villain, or if they’re just a suicidal maniac.
You are twenty-two. In front of you: a looming mass. The rousing thrum of electricity. Wild curls and wilder eyes. And you have never felt safer.
“It’s you,” you rasp. Your tongue feels heavy. “You’re here.”
Pro Hero Deku stares at you, wide-eyed, like he can’t believe you are real. “I’m here,” he confirms, a large hand leaning in to brush your cheek with his thumb, “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner.”
You know him as the number one hero of Japan, but he tells you to call him Izuku. You like his name, and the rosy tint of his cheeks when you say it aloud. You like him.
Your soulmate.
Izuku dons casual clothing and the pastel pink beanie you ripped off of your head and hustled over his own, just before you left, once more, for sale-priced chocolate. It’s a last-ditch effort to disguise him, but a cute one nonetheless, capturing his curls and framing his face quite nicely: blunt edges softened by the lowlight of the city and the river of freckles dancing across his skin. He’s undeniably beautiful. Ethereally so.
Hand covering your mouth, you slip into the bathroom after greeting the old man behind the counter and gargle tap water. The thought of the alley man’s vile blood in your mouth makes your skin crawl, but at least he’ll be behind bars soon— Izuku reassured you, shortly after you denied the offer to learn the man’s name. He didn’t deserve that respect from you. You gargle and scrub until every speck of blood is off you and leave the bathroom smelling like cheap soap.
“Are you okay?” Izuku is there, hovering by the exit like an eager puppy. “I wasn’t sure which chocolate you liked, so I bought all of them.” You have half a mind to kiss him.
“You… really didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to.”
God, he’s so earnest. So kind. What did you do in your past life to deserve him?
You leave the konbini, Izuku at your heels, making sure to wave at the owner who cooed at the sight of ‘his favorite customer finally getting a boyfriend.’
The bitter chill of winter nips at you, not quite ready to throw in the towel yet and make room for the first vestiges of spring. Izuku bites his lip and shuffles his feet. Your eyes trace the moonless sky before they flicker back to your soulmate.
“So. Where to next?”
His face lights up, and you have no idea how the night sky doesn’t brighten in the face of the pure light he radiates. A hand comes up to sheepishly rub the back of his head. “I was hoping… if it isn’t too forward… my place?”
You want to tell him that you’d probably follow him to the ends of the earth if he’d let you. That in the short hour you’ve known him, he’s captured your heart and there’s no receipt.
“Okay,” is what you say instead. You’re certain that if you pushed his hair back, the tips of his ears would be be bright red.
Izuku picks you up bridal style after a slew of courtesies and apologies, warm, brawny hands cupping the undersides of your thighs, and you attempt to ward off the heat rising to your cheeks, burying your face in his neck for cover. He smells like the forest: like pine trees and the air before a thunderstorm. You can hear the hum of raw energy beneath his skin, feel the vibrations of his soft chuckle, and the pitter patter of his pulsing heart.
It’s like magic.
He lands on the balcony of an upscale apartment that overlooks magnolia trees and residential neighborhood. Part of you wants to get anxious. To wipe your sweaty palms on your pants and flee, magical wings sprouting as you hop over the balcony. The other part of you wants to remain tucked into Izuku’s chest.
You do neither, legs unfurling as he helps you to the ground. “Tea?” he offers, voice throaty as he fumbles with his keys. You follow him wordlessly through the sliding door into his kitchen. He sounds just as nervous as you feel— two bumbling fools dancing around one another. What a pair you make.
Izuku clears his throat as he cracks open his fridge. “Or, I have other drinks as well if you don’t like tea. Water, and ah… protein shakes? I’m sorry, I thought I had more.”
You hum, slipping off your shoes and placing them besides his carelessly strewn sneakers. “Water is fine, thanks.”
Izuku busies himself procuring two glasses of water while you take to exploring his apartment. The light stays off, the little light from outside trickling through sheer curtains. That doesn’t deter you, intent to learn all you can about your soulmate through the place he calls home.
It’s sparse, save for the odd knickknack here and there. An All Might figurine standing proudly on a sleek coffee table; a shelf full to the brim with thick books and notebooks alike; a few photos of a miniature Izuku in school uniform, surrounded by a colorful bunch of individuals pinching and bullying him into a smile.
“Those are my friends from Yuuei,” Izuku murmurs from behind you, fond. He slips a glass into your fingers, condensation dotting the bottom.
You take a tiny step back, into him, letting him lean over you and look over your shoulders. Your thumb brushes over the mini Izuku as you take a sip of your water, trying to reconcile the dorky kid in the picture with the broad man he’d grow into. He was a little wimpy back then. Cute.
You wish you knew him back then.
“You look happy,” is what you say, absently tracing over his wobbly grin. “But your tie-game was shit.”
The laugh that rings out is like a ripple of electricity, flowing through your body like a current and shocking you up to the very tips of your toes. His hand nudges yours, rough fingers slipping in between yours like a glove. “I was happy,” he agrees easily, gently rolling his thumb over yours, “and I was sad, too.”
And it’s like a knife to the heart.
Still, you let him pull you onto the couch, into him, his knees bent and outstretched around yours, until there’s absolutely no space between the two of you, and you are not sure where he ends or you begin.
“You blame me,” you say into the dark. Not an observation: an inquisition.
And he is so sincere, and so gentle, and you do not know what to do with yourself. “Why not?” you demand softly, not daring to raise your voice past a whisper.
“How could I?” he chuckles mirthlessly, warm breath tickling the back of your neck. “I understand.”
“You don’t.”
“I do.”
Silence hangs in the air as he lets you gather your thoughts. “I didn’t know how,” you confess. His hands run down your arms and back up, and you shudder beneath him. “I could feel you,” you begin, a tear sliding down your cheek.
“The spike in your heart rate,” you say as you lean back, letting his pulse wash over you.
“The sweat in your palms,” you grab his hands and place them over yours, sliding them down your knees. “The ire in your voice.” His breath hitches.
“But I didn’t… I didn’t think it was possible for someone to…” Be bound to you, is what you want to say. Chained to you by the Fates themselves.
For the longest time, you thought your soulmate would be better off without you. And so you never tried, until the rush of adrenaline was just a dull buzz underneath your skin. Until it was only a reminder of your shame.
“It’s okay,” Izuku says. Because of course your soulmate would be forgiving, and so, so patient.
“It’s not.”
“It is,” he insists.
And it’s not fair, for him to be so tender with you. For him to adore you so. Your mouth twitches, drawn into a sad smile.
“I’m grateful,” he waits until the tension’s released from your shoulders. Then he nuzzles his head into the slope of your neck, soft tendrils of hair caressing you as he inhales deeply. “You were so rarely ever in danger,” he murmurs lowly, thoughtfully, into your skin. “I didn’t think I had a soulmate.” Another tear falls, and, as if he foresaw it, his hand reaches up to swipe it away.
“You should hate me,” you mutter, grabbing his wrist and pressing kisses into his palm.
“I love you.”
You stiffen.
He has stolen your breath.
It cannot be true.
But it is.
You do not know Midoriya Izuku, but you know Midoriya Izuku. You know he is the type to rush into everything he comes across headfirst— most of all love.
How brash. How reckless of him.
“I love you too.”
It slips out of your mouth before you can even think to lie.
Izuku sighs into your neck. You shut your eyes.
What a pair the two of you make.
And the two of you stay like that: hearts pounding and palms sweating, intrinsically and eternally entwined, not willing to let the other go, even in your slumber.
Dawn emerges and passes. You wake in the morning and share lazy kisses and discount chocolate, and smile, knowing you’ll have a valentine next year and the next and for the rest of your lives.
You’ve lived your entire life on edge, and you’ve done so willingly, grateful to know that you have a soulmate, and that their heart thumps as loudly in the face of danger as it does. That it continues to pang against their rib cage and yours.
But now that you know who your soulmate is, and that you can actually feel his heart thumping beneath his skin, solid and a little fluttery, right against your palm… you don’t know how you ever lived without it.
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Kind like you (JJK x Reader) 💜🔞☁️
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: fluff/romance, smut, angst, comfort, friends to lovers
Warnings: kinda dense Jungkook, JK being a brat, slight Tsundere JK, Koo struggling to sort his shit, kind reader, Crush!Reader, soft smut, praising, groping, kissing, pool sex, aftercare, heart to heart convos, they talk about toys lol,
Summary: Jungkook dearly wants to be kind like you. He wants to be so sweet, and gentle, and soft like you’re with him all the time; yet all he does is tease and pick on you, it seems.
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Jungkook isn’t kind.
He likes to portray himself as such, whenever it’s needed, but he’s unable to quite make this characteristic a part of himself truly. It’s not like he’s a bad person, not at all; he’s helpful, caring, and well mannered. But he’s mean, he finds it funny when he gets onto someone else’s nerves. It’s like playing a game for him; and he loves winning. He’s good at it; it’s natural for him.
Then there’s you. You’re even more awkward with strangers than he is (which says a lot), but you’re everything he wants to be. You’re so soft spoken, always seeming to know what exactly to say in any situation. You’re kind, always thinking about everyone around you before you think about yourself, typically asking everyone else’s opinion first before you make up your own. You don’t like it when people fight, you never get possessive over things like he does. It’s even the tiniest things to him that make you seem so goddamn angelic; like that one time he whined about the fact that you got the last pack of butter cookies, immediately taking one for yourself to stuff between those soft looking lips, before shyly giving him the rest of the pack- still almost full. He had taken them without thanking you. He thinks about these moments a lot. He wants to treat you like Jimin does whenever you two interact. He’s so sweet with you, easily complimenting you and making you blush with his words, always playfully holding you close without ever making you uncomfortable. It’s weird to Jungkook how much that pisses him off the most. Whenever he’s alone in a room with you, you look uncomfortable- but when it’s Jimin, or Taehyung, you seem at ease. You joke around, and hug them like it’s second nature, while at the same time, you can’t look him into his eyes at any point of time.
He hates it.
He’s talked to Yoongi about it, after he’s seen you leave his studio one day. He knows you sing, he’s heard your voice, has saved every single cover song you’ve made on his phone to listen to them whenever he needs to just shut off his mind and think about nothing. He wants to do a duet with him, yet he knows he won’t be able to ever publish it because of his position in the industry. It frustrates him, yet he would be happy just singing with you for fun- he doesn’t need to publish it, he doesn’t need anyone else’s opinion on it; but he can’t ask you, it doesn’t matter how hard he tries. He can’t get the words out, even teased you for your voice before.
“You sound like a kid!”
He wants to take it back so desperately, but now, weeks after that comment, it would be weird wouldn’t it? It would just make him look like the fool he knows he is. So now he’s sitting in Yoongis studio, listening to your voice by second hand of you will, having been too unsure to come inside while you were recording. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. “She sounds great, no? Really like the slight tilts she has here..” Yoongi murmurs, placing the visual pointer of his mouse on the spot he’s talking about. He’s right, and Jungkook wants to say that, but he simply shrugs. “You don’t like it?” He asks, and Jungkook again, simply lifts his shoulders.
“Not my style, I guess.”
But Yoongi sees past that attitude as he raises his eyebrow questioningly. “Since when? You sing the same kind of songs all the time too.” He says, and Jungkook just chews on the inside of his lip. “You feeling competition?” Yoongi teasingly asks, and Jungkook scoffs.
“I’ve been trained for years, she’s a simple YouTuber. There’s no reason for me to feel competitive.”
But Yoongi suddenly laughs, burying his face in his hand as he stops the song. “Do you have a crush on her or something? You’re acting weird as hell Jungkook.” He says, and looks at Jungkook, who seems like he doesn’t react- only the tips of his ears grow red, as Yoongi laughs again, breathlessly as usual. “Oh my god you do! Little Jungkookie’s got the hots, I can’t believe it!” He barks out, and Jungkook whines.
“I don’t!” He says. “I absolutely don’t. She’s way too shy, and she’s so girly and all..” he complains, but Yoongi continues to smile. “What?”
“Nothing, nothing. Topic change then.” He says, and Jungkook nods. “Why were you and Taehyung fighting yesterday? Heard you’ve got him quite bad with a pillow.” He asks, and Jungkook groans.
“You said we’re changing the topic!” He says loudly, and Yoongi seems to have the time of his life.
“I am! How should I know the fight was about her?” He asks, and Jungkook kicks his legs with frustration.
“It wasn’t!” He said, and Yoongi raises his eyebrow, resting his head on his hand.
“Why are you getting so defensive then?” He asks.
“Because he shouldn’t send her a topless picture of him like that.” He says.
“I thought it wasn’t about her?” He chuckles.
“Fuck you.” Jungkook retorts, and it’s where Yoongi draws the line.
“Hey hey, calm down yeah? Didn’t mean to poke too much.” He says, and Jungkook nods, apologizing under his breath. “I thought you didn’t like her?” He asks, and Jungkook shrugs again.
“Never said that. But she’s so awkward around me.” He says, now a bit more defeated.
“Ever tried being nice to her?” Yoongi asks, while he continues working on the track to take some pressure off the maknae.
“I don’t know..!” He whines and throws his head back. “In my mind it’s so easy; go up to her, say hello, maybe tell her she looks nice, done!” He exclaims. “And then I say hello and screw it up by making a joke on her account and boom, congrats, fucked it up again.” Jungkook sighes, and The rapper doesn’t say something for a moment until he responds.
“You’re just not like that, I guess.” He explains to the younger one. “But you could try to tone it down a bit. Some of the things you say are actually quite mean.” He scolds gently, and Jungkook nods.
“I don’t know how to do that though.” He says.
“Wrap your compliments up in you remarks.”
“How?” The younger one asks.
“Well, you can’t say she looks nice, right?” The older one asks, and Jungkook nods. “But you always call her shortie.” Again, a nod. “Tell her she looks like a doll.”
“But isn’t that mean too?” He asks, and Yoongi snaps his fingers.
“It’s one of those comments that makes you think. Is it an insult? A compliment? You don’t have to go all in. Tease her in a way that can be taken positively as well. She’s smart enough to get innuendos like that.” He explains, and Jungkook seems to understand as he nods.
Maybe he’ll try that next time.
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The next time you’re visiting them, Jungkook is as ready as he’ll ever be to make things count. As you take off your shoes, and hang up your red jacket, he snickers, as he walks by. “What’s up red riding hood?” He says, and he can hear Jimin chuckle from the couch as you follow him into the living room. “She looks like a Disney character with that bag and the jacket.” He says teasingly, and to his own surprise, he can see the edges of your lips move upwards into a shy smile, because he remembers vividly how you'd once told Jimin how much you liked the old classic disney films instead of the new ones.
It’s working, and it’s making him feel daring. Jimin retorts something along the lines of if he’s the wolf in that case and if he would eat her, and he finds his head suddenly on your shoulder, gently reaching over your now seated form on the couch to steal a dumpling from Jimin as he speaks.
“Nah, I’d only eat the ugly ones.” And this time, you’re actually giggling.
It makes his skin tingle.
And the night goes on like that, his typical picking covered in icing sugar, as he watches you become restless on your spot on the couch across from him. He grows addicted to the view, of that sight of your teeth digging into your lip as you grow giddy under his hidden compliments, and Jimin seems to catch up on it pretty quickly. He watches in fascination, as Jungkook keeps his eyes on you, and Jungkook himself feels a pull on his heart when he states that he's slightly (very) upset that you're leaving so early, even though it's almost one in the morning and he typically never even so much as waves you goodbye whenever you leave.
He doesn't mind the slight bullying from his hyungs after he'd waved after your leaving form before you dissappear from his sight.
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Jungkook isn't kind.
He likes to portray himself as such, whenever it’s needed, but he’s unable to quite make this characteristic a part of himself truly. It’s not like he’s a bad person, not at all; it's just that he can't help himself when it comes to you. He's quite the sadist really, always bathing in the slight pout and amusing anger radiating off of you whenever he does something to rile you up. It's just like now; even though he knows you hate it, he loves to take advantage of the difference in height between the two of you. He laughes while holding his bowl of cereal while you struggle on the very tips of your toes in the kitchen, trying to reach the pack of sweet breakfast treats that he had placed way higher than necessary.
But it's when you climb onto the counter that several things happen.
First, it's the unintended panty-shot he gets, his pupils practically zooming in on the soft pink fabric on display for his greedy self, making him feel like a schoolboy that just sneaked a glimpse of a naughty magazine his friend had brought into class. It makes his mind fill with images of you, oh-so sweetly laying underneath his form as he pulls the cotton fabric to the side, ready and wanting as you patiently wait for him to connect your souls and bodies in the most intimate of ways.
The other thing however wipes away those images, as his doe eyes widen. It's the realization that you're wearing pink fuzzy socks, on a marbled kitchen counter, the danger of slipping as high as it can be. He knows you're clumsy, knows you're always attracting trouble wherever you go, and it's the small moment of your knee bending, your foot a breath too far off the counter, as you suddenly loose balance. He practically throws his almost empty bowl on the kitchen table before he reaches you, luckily managing to make you fall ontop of him than the cold kitchen tiles below.
At first, it's awfully quiet- there is no one here other than him and you after all. Then, the pain hits him, drumming like the beat of his favorite song, making him drop his head on the floor with a groan. You immediately move at that, getting off of him as you look for anthing that could be the cause. It's when he holds his hand, red seeping through between his fingers that you move. Grabbing kitchen towels for first aid, you help him as best as you can, as he watches you, pain already not so bad anymore as he looks at your delicate hands working on his larger ones with so much care.
He's ready to use it to his fun, yet he stops himself when he sees the tears on our cheeks. "Why're you crying?" He asks, and you suddenly sob more loudly, sniffling as you continue to try and clean his scrape on the back of his palm with running water. He shuts the water off, his hand not even bleeding that much anyways anymore, as he holds your shoulders, body folding over a bit to properly look at you. "Hey hey, why're you crying? I'm hurt here!" He chuckles, but it doesn't seem to do much good- as you just continue.
He suddenly grows more gentle, the hug a bit awkward at first, the close proximity weird for you both, but once he starts to softly rock you both from side to side, his unhurt hand running over your back before he sloppily wipes your tears off of your face- intentionally messily to make you giggle and push his hands off. "You're such a crybaby!" He laughs, as you hold his hand in yours, looking at it again.
"Does it hurt?" You ask, looking up at him, and he swallows hardly as he suddenly grows uneasy with the closeness of you two.
"No, it's just a scratch." He says, suddenly cleaning up the kitchen table where he spilled some of his leftover cereal and milk- simply using it as something to distract himself to calm down. "Why were you even climbing there at all? That's dangerous as hell." He said. "You could've just asked me to get it for you." He ends, and its the most truthful thing he's ever said to you.
Because that's where his deepest intentions with you were hiding. He's so used to being the youngest, of getting away with so much and getting babied by everyone around him, staff or his members, that he craves to take care of someone instead for once. He wants you to ask him for help. He wants you to hide behind his back when you're terrified of Taehuyungs tickle-attacks, he wants you to loose to him when playing video games, just so he can pull you onto his lap, his hands over yours on the controller to show you how its done. He wants you to proudly tell him of any achievement you manage to make no matter how small, just to gain his praise.
He needs you to need him.
Because whenever he's with you, he knows that those compliments and that pure amazement on your face is not because you want something in return, it's simply what it is. You make him feel so appreciated, so desired, so wanted for himself and not for his outside qualities. Because at the same time he loves how passionate you get whenever you notice that you know something better than him- how excited you get when you explain something to namjoon or to Hobi. He want's you to teach him things too, he want's to know what you can do, what you're better at, not because he want's to get better than you, but because he knows you're so much smarter in so many things than he is.
It's your voice that gets him out of his internal terror.
"Oh.. I didn't want to bother you though." You meekly say, and he wants to groan at this, to throw a fit, to be frustrated with you because that's exactly what you never ever do; you could never bother him to the point where he would refuse to help. No, he wants you to bother him. "I-what?" You say, and he suddenly turns around abruptly.
"What?" He asks, terrified if what he thinks just happened really did.
"You said 'But I want you to bother me'..?" You ask, and he wants to slap himself.
"I- I mean, I meant it in like, you can bother me, it doesn't matter much, you know?" He scrambles out, drying his hands after washing his bowl and leaving it in the sink. He suddenly grows uneasy with you in the room, yet he stills at your next words as if frozen in time.
"Oh.. I-" You start, before you step closer. "Thank you then, Jungkookie. I appreciate it." But its not only that, it's the tiny sentence you say and the action that follows that simply fries his mind. "You're not so bad after all." And you place a small kiss against his cheek.
You kiss his cheek.
Your soft lips touched his skin.
And he stands there for a while longer, not knowing what to do.
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Jungkook isn't kind.
But over the course of days where you start to grow more and more comfortable, more daring, and more used to understand his language, he slowly mutates into an overgrown puppy.
He demands your attention, loves the way you blush under his teasing, and craves the way you squirm around whenever he's close to you. He's almost certain he's got a chance with you, making his own creativity thrive under your spell. He takes more photos than ever before, starts to be even more active (after you'd accidentally let it slip that you actually like how strong he is and that it makes you feel safe), and all in all simply falls for you.
But its all gone to waste at a certain dinner with his hyungs, that his food suddenly tastes stale, and his appetite is gone. "I want to confess to her, you know? I think I really got a chance." Jimin says, and Yoongi glances at Jungkook, concerned for the youngest since he knows his secret crush. "I mean she even gets along with the brat here!" He playfully says, playfully hitting Jungkooks shoulder lightly, but he doesn't seem an innocent gesture in it. No, Jungkook is riled up, and suddenly stands at the table, taking his cutlery and dishes to discard them in the sink. "Jungkook?" Jimin asks, confused, but Yoongi shakes his head with a sigh after the youngest simply retreated into his room for an early night.
"Jimin, I don't think that's a good idea." Yoongi says, and Namjoon seems confused. "I don't intend to be rude, but your interest changes weekly. Now it's her, the next week its someone else. Jungkook however-" He calmly explains, ignoring the slightly offended look of the dancer across from him. "You know him. He's never shown interest before- in anyone." Jimin slowly seems to understand, as Taehyung nods at it. "He really likes her. Think about it. Once you take that step, there's no going back. There's no 'lets stay friends if we break up' because that's just awkward. There's no second chance for Jungkook."
Jimin slowly nods, suddenly without much taste for his food as well. "I didn't know, honestly."
"It was kind of hard to see not gonna lie." Hoseok chimes in, putting his chopsticks down as he swallows the last bite of food. "He's all over her recently." He explains, and everyone nods.
This wasn't just a simple crush for him.
This was full blown love.
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Jungkook isn't kind.
But he also can't say no to you.
He wants to be mad, he really tried to as well. But it's just- he sees your smile and hears your voice, and he's all in your hands, ready and willing to your very command. That's how he finds himself at your tiny apartment, helping you to put up some of your latest paintings on your walls- because initially you'd asked if he or his hyungs had a ladder in his dorm, but after you'd told him you'd use it to climb up to hang some paintings, he'd instead told you he'd help you instead, just to make sure you wouldn't fall and have an accident or something.
He want's to be mad, because he knows Jimin must've made his move at this point.
You seem so at ease, so happy, your steps so light and almost jumpy he wants to cry internally at how cute you are, for someone that isn't him.
"Ah, yes, that's perfect!" You say, and he slowly steps down from your chair he'd burrowed to boost his height a little, your hands weakly trying to steady him while he finally reaches the floor again. "I've made some cold stew yesterday, do you wanna stay and eat a little?" You ask, and he wants to nod, but doesn't.
"I don't wanna intrude or something." He says, grimply smiling as he brings the chair back into the kitchen area where it came from. He hates how deflated you suddenly look, how almost sad you simply nod as you trail after him like a lost pet, something many would find bothering, yet he loved it. He loved how you were always around him like a little shadow, as if to silently stay close to him. "So, you and uhm.. Jimin?" He asks suddenly, unable to keep the words inside.You blink, once, twice, before tilting your head in question. "He.. hasn't talked to you?" He asked, and you shook your head.
"No, what would he want to talk about with me?" You ask, and a very terrifying thought comes into his mind, like a tiny devil on his shoulder whispering in his ear. He hasn't made his move yet, so if he plays his cards right, he could still steal you from him quick and swift. You'd be his, he knows you're too kind to say no if he confessed, and Jimin would stand no chance. But just like the tiny devil, a tiny angel was there as well. Who was he to interfere with someone else's romantic life? He knew Jimin liked you enough to ask you out, and even though his hyung was never one to stay long, it would be an absolute dick move of him to ruin his chances.
But he loved you.
"Oh, you mean about you and me!" You suddenly said, and Jungkook almost choked on his saliva. "He said something about you liking me, and uh, that I should confess to you even though I know you're not interested in me like that- I'm sorry if he said something weird, it's just a weird crush, I'll get over it-" But he short-circuits, and blurts out what comes to his mind before he can think about it.
"Don't!" He says, a little too loud, and your eyes grow wide. "Don't.. get over it. I-" He's suddenly confused, overwhelmed, and has no idea how to handle this sudden turn of events properly. Should he kiss you now like in the movies or something? But he should also ask if he should, otherwise its without consent, but it would kind of ruin the moment, and oh god why do his hands suddenly get sweaty, thats so gross-
It's the shy and delicate touch to the very tips of his fingers, hand splaid out on the kitchen table that you're touching with yours, cheeks red and eyes down, and he suddenly thinks, 'fuck those movies', as he leans in and kisses you, slowly, just to make sure you're okay with it.
You're so okay with it.
He grows hungry at the movement of your lips, brows furrowing as he lets himself ride this wave of pure euphoria, holding your cheeks so lightly that you barely feel his touch at all. You snake your arms around his head as you tug him down a bit more, and his neck aches, so he simply reaches for your behind to help you up on the kitchen table for better leverage. "You're-" He starts between kisses, and can't help his smile. "-mine." He ends, and you nod with excitement, just as high on happiness as he is. "Can I, like-" He starts, almost frustrated with how he can't stop his lips from chasing yours even if he's the one talking. "-Touch you?" He finally gets out, and again, you nod, even if the tips of your ears grow a bit red at the suggestive question. His hands suddenly wander, over your shoulders down your sides, before they find your thighs. He loves the softness of them, his fingers on your knees as he opens your legs so he can get even closer to you. As if on instinct, your socked feet pull him towards you, and he chuckles at that, finally slipping his tongue between your lips as you push a hand into his dark hair, making him groan. He cups the sides of your breasts at first, delicately feeling them, before he squeezes gently, getting a proper idea of their plushness under his fingers.
He loves them already.
"I don't-" He starts, and is breathless just as you are as he places his kisses on the side of your neck. "I don't wanna fuck you on the kitchen table baby." He finally gets out, and you mewl at that. "Hm?" He asks, but you shake your head, too shy to say anything to that. He suddenly reaches for your behind, lifting you against his chest as he walks around with you, making you and himself laugh as he opens the wrong door before he finally finds your bedroom- cozy and cold due to the open window you always leave so that you can sleep better at night. You sigh at the cool feeling of the sheets underneath your hot body, and he grins down at you as he can't feel anything but pure ecstasy. Suddenly, he laughs, and groans lodly against your chest as he lets his forehead rest against it.
"What?" You ask between a laugh, and he begins to whine.
"I don't have a condom, fuck." He drawls out, and he really feels like an idiot. He's a fully grown man, he should have shit like that with him at all times, especially when he knows he's gonna visit his crush- but its so sudden, so unprepared, that he simply didn't think this would ever happen. He's deflated, painfully hard, and frustrated with himself, as you speak up again.
"Uhm, theres an orange handbag in the bathroom, its like, next to the shower. I think I still have one in there."You say, and he looks up questioningly. "It was a joke-present from a friend, please don't ask." You say, growing shy again as he simply chuckles, before getting up and searching for the bag you mentioned. It's safe to say that he doesn't only find the condom, but also a still fully packaged vibrator toy, in the same bag. His interest is definetely woken, but he decides against using it to tease you this time.
He'd get his chance soon.
But in that moment, as he climbs ontop of the bed again, it's all about you and him- its not about mindblowing sex or unusual experiences. He just wants to be inside you, close to you, he wants to claim you in ways that only lovers can. He's surprised, when he takes off his shirt, that you suddenly hold your arms high.
You're absolutely adorable in his eyes.
He chuckles as he helps you out of your sweater, kissing your nose, your cheeks, your lips, as he unhooks your bra to finally get a skin to skin feel of your breasts. He loves it even more like this, warm and soft under his palms, and you mewl in enjoyment as he continues his antics. He doesn't even notice when you'd discarded your shorts and underwear, his pants gone in a flash as his inked fingers reach between your legs to sloppily prepare you for him.
He knows he's a bit more on the.. bigger side, to say the least, a grower more than a shower, and it used to make him nervous in a weird kind of way. You're so delicate, so sweet, that he doesn't want to hurt you, and hes slow and steady as he finally enters you after putting on his protection. But you take it, you're such a champ, and pull him towards you by his neck as he moves slowly.
He picks up his pace at your demand, lost in euphoria as he lets himself go, lets himself enjoy as his mind is filled with your voice, your sounds, your scent, your everything. This is what he wanted, this is where he wants to stay for the rest of time. Not nescessarly buried withing you (although that's not a bad sound he thinks), but in your embrace, within your presence. He want's to stay at your side forever, keep you close to him so no one can hurt you, not even yourself.
He comes with a whine, an arch of his back, and his fingers on your pearl, desperate to get you over the edge as well.
It works.
And he's happy, exhausted, and absolutely in love as he falls down the mattress at your side.
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"I always thought it would be weird." You said after you'd both taken a shower and cleaned up properly. He'd texted his hyungs, telling them with obnoxious emoticons that he's spending the night with his girlfriend, and Jimin plus Yoongi had reacted with a vomiting emoji.
Yet they were happy.
"What would be weird?" Jungkook asks, his hand running up and down your arm as you laid next to him, snuggled up onto his body.
"You know, having sex." You said, and it takes a moment before he suddenly snaps his head to you.
"Wait, that was your first time?!" He exclaimed, utterly shocked at it as he'd been convinced you weren't a virgin. You have had boyfriends before, he knew that, hell, he'd seen them too, and considering you were pretty close agewise he couldn't imagine. He feels bad about it, if he'd known, he would've made it more special, hell he would've asked you more times if you were okay with him taking something so precious from you. Now you could never get it back and he'd fucked it up.
"I mean, kind of?" You explained, suddenly hiding your face. "I mean, I've done, like, stuff with men before.. and I also used a.. you know, 'thing', but like, never the real.." You tried to come up with different names for the things you wanted to say, yet you simply ceased to talk.
Jungkook chuckled. "You used what? A dildo? Like, a fake dick?" He said, and you hit his chest with a whine, utterly mortified by his way of talking. "Come on I saw that vibrator in your bag there, but I never though you were a virgin!" He said, and you whined again.
"Technically I wasn't!"
He scoffed playfully. "Baby your first time was with a toy considering what you just told me, that STILL means you were a virgin!" He argued, and you groaned, trying to get out of his grasp now. "Come on, at least tell me if my dick was better than that rubber-cock?" He asked, and laughed full on at the way you hid your face behind your hands with a yell. "Don't hurt my ego, say it!" He laughs, and tickles your sides.
"Yeah yeah okay, your dick was better stop!" You laugh, and he grins, suddenly pulling you close to him as he hides his face in your hair.
"Oh baby-" He sighes out. "I love you so much."
"And I hate you." You mumble, before he playfully bites your ear.
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"Jungkook no, they could see-!" Yet he doesn't let up, uncaring. The hotel they were staying at had a strict privacy policy- at this point his agency could ruin
them with a snap of their fingers just because they leaked a single strand of his hair. He wasn't concerned at all, as he continued to bite and kiss at your neck,
unable to keep his hands to himself as he grows hard.
He loves the high he gets from being in danger of getting caught.
Its silly, in a way, but it feels like a rush of some sorts. It's like he's a teenager again, sneaking in candy even though he's on a diet just to feel bratty, and its not
much different now, even though the scale is another. This was actually dangerous, but since no one else was staying at the hotel, and his hyungs had all gone
to bed, he refused to give in.
He wanted you, and he would take you.
Jungkook never liked sharing, nor giving away what was his when he himself didn't openly give it away. What was his, was his, there was no room for
discussion, even though he'd become a bit more understanding nowadays. Yet he would never let anyone see you like this, so vulnerable and wanting for him,
ready to become his slave to quench his thirst for you at anytime. You loved him just as much as he loved you, and this exchange of feelings always got him
riled up to the point of desperation.
Just like now, as he helps you stay afloat with his forearms underneath your own arms, kissing you silly while he pushes his thigh upwards underwater, feeling
you rut agains it like an animal in heat. He loved how you got whenever he pushed your buttons right, loved the sight, the sound, the entire situation. It ruined
porn for him in a way, modern erotica in no way reaching the level of satisfactory aesthetic that the sight of you could bring him. He'd taken pictures and videos
of you in nude positions and explicit situations to keep him entertained whenever he was far away, because whatever he found online of strangers couldn't bring
him a release worth working for anymore.
So it was utterly welcomed by him, when you had surprisingly told him that you had arranged to share the hotel room with him, and that you were tagging along for two weeks of his tour. Of course, his happiness was mostly simple enjoyment that you were there at his side, that you would sleep right next to him, yet it also was of a more carnal side of himself. And now, while his blood was still hot like lava inside his veins, adrenalin still high from his last concert, he was desperate to let go, end this day in a way he never thought he properly could.
He sloppily pushed the barrier between himself and your core to the side underwater, pulling his length out of his swimtrunks as well, uncaring on making it romantic. He knew he didn't need to always go overboard, he was clingy and touchy enough that you always felt appreciated and loved, even if he was impatient like that. He groaned out, mixed with a chuckle as he suddenly realized what he was doing, dipping his head down into the crook of your neck to bite and leave open mouthed kisses, rhythm just as steady and on-point as onstage just hours ago.
He came quicker than he'd liked, tattooed hand gently pushing you over the edge as well. you whined as he helped you out the pool, utterly mortified but still happy at the way he simply picked you up bridal style, carrying you out and back into your room, ready for a good nights' sleep.
The best he had ever gotten while on tour.
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(c)Bonny-Kookoo. All rights reserved. Thank you for reading.
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OK let's talk about some ideas for Eddie Munson in fanfiction
Ok, so if you are for some reason reading this without watching season four of stranger things I'm just going to say that is on you. Ok.
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But let's get down to business. First off I would like to say that all my ideas that I'm tossing out are just ideas ok. I’m really new to Tumblr and I’ve only encountered people who are just trying to start drama for no reason 😂 if there is something that you don't agree on, and you have a different idea that you feel like fits better go on ahead and respectfully share it in the comments/ my ask box/ my pms/ reblogging/ etc. With that being said here are just a list of ideas that I feel like would work out with Eddie in ANY fan-fiction.
He hyperfixates on stuff very easily. (Examples; Music, DnD, etc.) Which could explain why he takes who comes into his sessions seriously. He’s learned that if he just lets anyone in that they laugh at how far he gets into the thing he’s doing easily. Plus! He sometimes has to translate stuff like it’s coming from one of his hyperfixations to understand it. (Example; lord of the rings) like I don’t think I’m explaining this well enough but as someone who hyperfixates really badly on stuff and can’t let it go I feel like Eddie is the perfect character to have the same issues. (Hyperfixations aren’t a bad thing at all but I personally know when I’m hyperfixating on food like chicken pot pies, I refuse to eat anything but that for over a week and after that I can’t eat it for months or for a very long time)
(This might go hand in hand with the first one) but maybe he could be on the autistic spectrum. For example; he doesn’t understand personal space or peoples tones at all. Plus! Maybe it’s not him purposly failing school, maybe he has a learning disability. And if I’m honest I find his character really cool and in my head this makes sense to me. But if anyone doesn’t agree that’s cool :)
He’s a huge cuddler. Do I have to say anything more? When he’s stressed he cuddles. When he’s bored, he cuddles. He’s a very cuddly person, in my mind it just makes sense.
He is at least a little queer, or just a ally in general. He honestly looks like he doesn’t give a shit about what you are just as long as you are good at DnD
Artist- he fucking draws okay. There is no way he hasn’t drawn some metal ass shit on his homework.
He’s a asshole first so people don’t purposely bully him. But the second someone confronts him he’s a flight person.
Panic attacks/ Deppression- I feel like he would be very aware of these before everything hits in season four and it’s not all new to him
He prefers to hang out with those who are younger then him because he can leave a impression and doesn’t have to worry about them leaving first
Ok but very manipulative. Like I love Eddie but I feel like he would be a sort of gaslighting kind of guy. Though I don’t think he would be aware of it. Maybe he picked it up from seeing others doing it growing up
Cowardly lion- do I have to say anything else
Eddie chews on a lot of shit, anything from his hair, nails to pencil. I don’t know why it just makes sense to me
He has his rings for anxiety reasons. He picks at those whenever he gets nervous
He has handcuffs in his room… if you don’t believe me go watch the scene where he’s looking for drugs
Ok but hear me out. I feel like he would be very very into Robin AS A FRIEND. The amount of banter they would have would be crazy!
There are sooooo many ideas I have of this guy it’s crazy.
Ok but anywho, that’s all for now. I’ve been posting a lot lately. So if you have any one shot ideas send them my way! (I typically mostly do bxb)
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cower-before-power · 3 years
Naked Attraction
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Summary: A typical day in your art class turn into anything but when you’re introduced to your nude model for the week- a devastatingly gorgeous man named Levi.
Pairing: Modern AU Levi Ackerman x F!Reader
TW: Nudity, swearing, suggestive content, age gap (reader is 20, Levi is 30), dick jokes, reader is thirsty and lewds Levi hard, perhaps poorly written stuff about art and drawing because I literally know nothing haha
(minors please do not interact, just to be safe)
Link to A03 here
A/N: Hello all! This is my entry for @ghost-party’s Meet Cute Collab with my darling husband Levi. I’ve never written for him before so I was a little nervous haha, I hope I did him justice! Thank you to everyone who reads, likes, comments, and reblogs- you are all wonderful and I appreciate your support! I hope you enjoy, my sweet potatoes!
“Morning,” Jean greets you with a crooked smile and a steaming cup of coffee. It’s the good stuff from the café by his apartment, your favourite thing to help your brain shift into creative mode. “You’re later than usual.”
You grab the cup from him, sighing as you feel the warmth bleed into your hands. “Overslept. Barely had time to get dressed and brush my teeth.”
Jean’s eyes rove over you as you sink into your chair, humming to yourself as you sip on your drink. “I can see. Do you know you’re wearing two different shoes? And I think your sweater is on inside out. Why do you still even have that ugly thing anyways?”
“Thank you for your comments,” you roll your eyes. “I know I look like a hot mess and I don’t need any words from you, Mr. I Asked The Nude Model Out And Got Shot Down.”
Jean’s ears turn red, and he shoots you a dirty look before busying himself with arranging his pencils. “Shut up.”
You snicker to yourself as you set up your own area. Last week’s model had been a soft, pretty brunette that had instantly made Jean all starry-eyed, like a teenage boy with his first crush. It was generally considered a bit taboo to ask out the nude models, but he’d thrown that aside and gone for the kill after she’d slid back into her clothes. She’d laughed and patted his cheek like he was a naughty child asking for candy before dinner. Then proceeded to walk out and climb onto the back of her boyfriend’s motorcycle (but not before making out with said boyfriend for a good 5 minutes, minimum).
Jean had been left with red cheeks and no date, and you’d been left with great blackmail material.
“I wonder who will be our victim today,” you decide to take mercy on your poor friend and change the subject. “Most likely a guy, since we had a woman last week.”
“We’ll know in about 5 minutes,” Jean looks up at the clock on the wall. “Old Cueball is never late.”
Sure enough, in exactly 5 minutes your very bald and very punctual professor casually strolls through the door. A short man in a green coat is following him, presumably your newest subject. You crane your neck, trying to get a better look at his face, but all you can see is dark hair falling like a curtain over pale skin.
“Good morning class,” Professor Pyxis greets you, tossing his briefcase down on his desk with his usual nonchalant air. “I see you are all ready, so let’s get right to it.” He gestures to the person beside him. “This is Mr. Levi Ackerman. He’s your model for the week.”
The class murmurs in curiosity as the mentioned Levi Ackerman turns to face the room.
You swear your heart actually skips a beat.
Steel gray eyes observe the room from a face that practically begs to be immortalized through art. Every line is hard and strong, covered in clear skin that looks like it would slide under your fingers like the smoothest silk. Your eyes drink in his features greedily, from the regal bridge of his nose to the proud edge of his jaw. You decide your favorite thing though, is his cheeks. They are utterly cherubic, round and full and dusted ever so lightly with the lightest shade of pink.
He’s possibly the prettiest man you have ever seen.
“Hey, I know him,” Jean whispers, cutting off your entranced thoughts. “That’s Mikasa’s distant cousin, the one I told you she found on Ancestry.com last year. I’ve met him once, he’s got a stick so far up his butt, he’d need surgery to remove it. Never would have pegged him for the type to do this sort of thing.”
You vaguely remember a previous conversation involving Jean’s childhood friend and some long lost relatives.
“He doesn’t look that uptight,” you muse, too busy admiring the way his lips glint temptingly under the fluorescents to really process Jean’s words. “He’s beautiful, like something out of a Renaissance painting.”
Jean opens his mouth to reply, but Pyxis begins to speak.
“As usual, draw whichever side of him is facing you, all angles will be graded equally,” your professor plops himself down in his chair, already scrolling through his phone to find the playlist for the day. “Completed drawings to be submitted to me by the end of class on Friday. Please remember be respectful and courteous to our guest. Mr. Ackerman, whenever you’re ready.”
The man nods to your professor, already slipping out of his coat as he steps up onto the platform in the center of the room. You watch, mesmerized, as he proceeds to shed himself of his clothes. It’s rigid and methodical (he folds his clothes like he’s worked his whole life in a department store), but somehow oddly endearing. Every inch of his body that is revealed is consumed eagerly by your shameless stare, and you sincerely hope you don’t start drooling. By the time he carefully removes his final items, you feel like you are vibrating in your seat.
Holy fucking shit, he’s built like a god. Like Michelangelo himself carved him out of a block of the most pristine marble. You trace your gaze down the column of his throat, over the strong shoulders and sinewy arms, the impressive set of abs, the thighs that look like they could crush your head and you’d be nothing but happy about it. It takes a minute before you’re able to make yourself look between his thighs, and when you finally do, you have to looks away immediately. Good grief, even that is stupidly handsome. You can’t help but wonder if it would feel as nice as it looks.
Your face heats from your lewd thoughts, and you grip your pencil so hard it almost snaps. Beside you, Jean snickers.
“You okay over there? It looks like you’re about to explode.”
“Can it,” you hiss, glad that the ambient music Pyxis chose will probably keep your conversation private. “I can’t help it that I’m looking at the most gorgeous dick attached to the most gorgeous man I think I’ve ever seen.”
“You haven’t seen mine.”
“I don’t own a microscope.”
“Ooooh, see if I buy you coffee tomorrow, bitch.”
You stick your tongue out at him before turning back to your easel. As you move, you catch the gaze of Levi, his expression unreadable. Warmth creeps up the back of you neck, and you duck behind your sketchpad in embarrassment. You seriously hope he didn’t hear you, he’d probably report you to Pyxis for being creepy. You decide to lock all your stupid horny thoughts deep within the recesses of your mind, and take a few deep breaths to clear your head.
It works, and as you touch pencil to paper, the desire to create overflows inside of you.
Unsurprisingly, you become utterly engrossed in your work, your pencil sweeping over the pad with almost a mind of it’s own. Levi is the perfect model; you swear he’s not even breathing as he majestically hold his pose without even a quiver. The contours of his body spring to life on the page, and you can’t stop the joyful smile that blooms on your lips as you work. It’s times like these, when everything is so perfect, that you truly realize just how much you love making art.
Before you know it, Pyxis announces class is over, and you’ll resume with Levi tomorrow. The man of the hour begins to re-dress as your fellow classmates pack up their supplies and file out. You absent mindedly wave to Jean, who is practically sprinting out the door so he can make his next class all the way across campus. You’re still engrossed in your drawing, staring at it with critical eyes. It good, one of the best starts you’ve had all year, but now that the high of creating has worn off, you can see where you need to improve.
“You’re very good.”
You gasp and jump, whirling around to find Levi standing behind you, eyes fixed on your sketch. How did he even get there? You hadn’t seen him or heard him.
“Oh, uh, Mr Ackerman!” You squeak, your heart racing like you’ve just run a marathon.  “T-that’s very nice, I mean, thank- thank you very much!”
“It’s Levi,” your muse says, seemingly unbothered by your stammering. “Yours is going to be the best one here.”
You blink stupidly at his bold statement. “Did you look at all of them?”
“No,” Levi’s voice is firm, a tone that brokers no argument. “But you had the most joy on your face while you worked. That much passion doesn’t churn out stuff that looks like shit.”
“Oh, that’s only because you are such a great model,” you gush, insides turning warm at his praise. “You stayed so still and you looked so damn regal and you’re just so pretty and-” Your eyes go wide as you realize the absolute words vomit leaving your mouth, mortification slithering up your spine.
“I’m pretty?” Levi raises an eyebrow. “You think I’m pretty?”
“No!” You shout, and the man’s other eyebrow joins the first. “No wait, yes! I mean, fuck, I mean you are probably the most handsome man I’ve ever seen!”
Levi’s eyebrows have now practically become one with his hairline. You wring your hands, wishing the floor would just open up and swallow you. “I-well- come on, people must tell you how good looking you are! I can’t be the first.”
“No, but you certainly are the most enthusiastic about it,” Levi deadpans.
Oh, someone just put you out of your misery now.
“I’m sorry,” you offer, cringing internally at your complete ineptitude to hold a conversation with an attractive man. “I....get carried away sometimes.”
“It’s fine,” Levi’s stoic expression softens just a little. “It’s kind of nice to hear, actually. Usually I’m told I’m good looking, but ‘far too short’.”
“That’s bullshit.” you say vehemently, honestly shocked people would deny this man his godhood over something as trivial as height. “Who cares if you’re shorter? It doesn’t detract from you. What’s that phrase again? Good things come in small packages? Well, not that you’re small, I’m not saying that, I just meant-”
“Yes, you did seem to find my package....good,” Levi interrupts, and you swear you see the corners of his lips twitch upwards.
Your eyes widen in horror as your brain replays your hushed conversation with Jean. “You heard that?!”
“I’m told I have exceptionally good hearing.”
“Oh fuck me,” you groan, burying your face in your hands. “I am literally so, so, sorry. That was completely out of line. I have no excuse other than it’s clearly been too long since I’ve gotten some, but that’s no reason to make you uncomfortable. Please, if there’s anything I can do to to make it up to you, I’ll do it!”
“Have tea with me.””
Your head shoots up, surprise coloring your features. “What?”
“Tch, you heard me,” Levi tuts, reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out his phone. “I haven’t got free time till Saturday-stupid Shitty Glasses wanting to trade shifts-but if you want to go out, give me your number and we can work out the details.”
You stare at him with your mouth open, unsure if this is really happening or you’re vividly daydreaming again.
“Umm, are you sure?” You ask, wondering if you should pinch yourself to see if you are indeed imagining things. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m wearing two different shoes and my sweater is inside out. Believe me when I say these sorts of fashion statements happen more often than not. Plus, I practically salivated over you like some sort of horny middle aged suburban housewife who hasn’t been laid in years.” You pause to take a breath, once again unable to stop the words from spewing forth like a fountain. “And I’m so awkward! I mean, are you comfortable in this conversation? And I can’t stop talking once I’ve gotten going, and I say the weirdest shit, and, and-”
“I like you,” he says simply, as if he’s just declared something as obvious as 1+1=2. “I couldn’t give a flying fuck about all the stuff you just said, you’re just... you, and I like it. So, do you want to go on a date or not?”
“O-oh,” you suddenly feel shy, your tummy filling with butterflies at the look of sincerity on his handsome face. You’d never met anyone quite like Levi Ackerman before, and you weren’t about to pass up the opportunity to get to know the man behind the drool-worthy muscles.  “Uh, yes, please, I would like that. Very much.”
An almost relieved expression crosses Levi’s face, and he hands you his phone to type in your number. You notice the time as you do so, and sigh sadly as you hand him his device back.
“Well I better go,” you say reluctantly, suddenly fervently wishing it was Saturday already. “I’ve got another class in 15 minutes.”
“I’ll walk you there,” Levi says briskly, slipping his phone back into his coat. “To make sure you get there safely. Someone might murder you on account of their eyes being assaulted by that garish sweater. ” The corners of his lips twitch upwards once again, and you grow warm all over, from both his gentle teasing and the knowledge he isn’t quite ready to say goodbye yet either.
“Excuse me, I thought you said you didn’t give a ‘flying fuck’ about my attire,” you huff, but you’re grinning as you quickly pack up your bag.
“I don’t care it’s inside out, but you have to know that is the ugliest fucking color know to man,” Levi says, holding out his hand. Your brain malfunctions slightly for a moment, until you realize he’s offering to carry your bag for you. The butterflies inside you whip themselves into a frenzy as you pass him your stuff, your hand just grazing over his. Handsome, funny, honest, and sweet? How is this guy even real?
“I’ll have you know, this sweater is an absolute delight. When it’s inside right,” you stick up your nose, but unable to stop he laugh that slips past your lips.
Levi rolls his eyes in an almost playful manner. “Doubtful .”
You’re not sure where it comes from, but a sudden rush of confidence fills you. “If you’re so offended by it, maybe you should just rip it off of me.”
The tips of Levi’s ears turn a delightful shade of pink. You’re sure your own skin is hot enough to cook an egg on.
“Wear it Saturday then,” Levi’s ears may be flushed, but his eyes flash with something that makes your spine tingle. The insinuation of his words has your gut clenching and your mind whispering fervent prayers to please please please make Saturday get here faster, I don’t ask for much, please!
“Only if you wear your modeling outfit,” you manage to say, trying your best to sound coy when you feel like you might combust into a pile of lust and giddiness. “I’ve never seen someone wear it so well, and I want a closer look.”
If possible, Levi’s eyes grow even darker, and you just know Saturday is going to be one of the best damn days of your entire life.
Taglist: @clovertitan @millenialfanfictionaddiction @stigandr-the-cat @axoxtxhxh @bowandcurtsey​ @chaotic-nick​ @manjiroarchiviste​
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