#This was delightful
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#No No It’s Not
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
Have you ever heard the noises axolotls make? its kinda quiet blub!, when they reach the surface of the water to gulp down some air. Anyway any time i see JellyNeil my mind immediately goes to Neil just making that noise
I HAVE NOW. wow I made a reel for the first time in forever just so I could get this across properly, here you go
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(Audio from this YouTube video)
Find the mer au masterpost here 💕
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eesttm · 3 months
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Everyone's watching it for different reasons.
My Ultimate Episode – Kiell Smith-Bynoe [x]
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kristsune · 3 months
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My 30 min Jonah Magnus cosplay i did for @archivecon which was a lot of fun, and had just enough sunlight to squeeze in these pics
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saltpepperbeard · 5 months
What are your top 5 Ed x Stede moments? 😊 I’m curiously asking several blogs to see how many of us share favorites!
MAN, anon! I tried to give this one some thought to see if the choosing would get any easier/become any clearer. Spoiler alert: IT DID NOT HSDLKS I AM STILL JUST AS TORN AS I WAS BEFORE. But let me see if I can at least ~*~attempt this~*~. My first three were easy but then the LAST TWO HAD ME PACING SHDLKS:
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So okay, obviously have to put their first kiss in the ranking because it's so iconic and it's the thing that got me into the show in the first place! Like, literally the FIRST scene I laid eyes upon. And it had me crying full blown tears at work because I was just so floored that we weren't queer baited and that it was so sweet and tentative and cautious and just,,, The rest was history of course lol!
Like really, the Power it has. Didn't even know the characters or the story that much at all, and was already crying LMAO.
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Then of course I have to put the second beach kiss(es) because good god lol GOOD GOD!!! I think I adore it so so much mainly because Ed and Stede are finally on the same page. No more doubts, no more worries, no more anxieties, no more questioning if they have the same feelings or are going too slow/fast. Just them and their strong, solid love--their good bones.
Not to mention Ed dropping the double "I love you" ??? I cannot even begin to express how thankful I am that we heard a legitimate "I love you." And Ed being the one to say it after all the hurt, all the pain in feeling unlovable, all the fear that he'd die completely alone, all the worry that his strong feelings were too much...Man. MAN.
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And thennnnn the reunion scene because yeah. Yeah. I've said this before and I'll say it again: watching this at like 4:30am for the first time almost gave me an out of body experience HSLDSHS. Like, I think there's just something about the fact that we were all going through so many different iterations of possible reunions during the s1-s2 gap. We envisioned angsty, silly, romantic, and everything in between.
But this lol THIS,,,
I feel like it just surpassed expectations in such a beautiful, fantastical way. Like genuinely, I never EVER anticipated Ed being stuck in purgatory about to die and Stede coming to him as a mermaid because the real Stede is sitting with his body begging him not to succumb.
Also, Stede begging and screaming at Ed not to die/to wake up/to come back to him always makes me feel some sort of way. Something something he's normally so silly and so theatrical but he's so choked up and so serious in that moment that it PUNCHES ME IN THE KIDNEYS. Like it really just goes to show how utterly desperate he is. And that last, whispered, strained, "come back to me..." ??? Homie............
ALSO also, obligatory "This Woman's Work" mention because I knew that song and nothing else for like two months straight HSKLDS. Or two months gay, rather.
see this is where i start Dying because i'm being pulled in so many different directions lol DO I GO FOR ROMANTIC, OR SILLY, OR EARNEST, OR,,, SKLDJHLDJKDKDA
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Okay okay I think I'm going to have to go earnest because I adore that they actually talked things through together. FLEETING LMAO, BUT STILL GLAD THEY DID, EVEN IF IT WAS JUST FOR A BIT. I just love that they actually expressed some frustrations, that Stede actually talked about his fears/his panic, that Ed set a boundary, and that Stede respected it. And then Stede gently navigated around and expressed his love in different ways and it folded Ed in half almost immediately hsdkljs YOU LOVE TO SEE IT.
oh god oh god what do i pick for the last one lol WHAT DO I PICK FOR THE LAST ONE,,,
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I love so many of their other moments, and honestly, so many things could have made this list. But the bathtub scene...man. Taika saying it's more vulnerable and even more romantic than their first kiss is shdljks yeah. YEAH. LIKE HE'S COOKING A BIT WITH THAT BECAUSE IT'S JUST,,,
I feel like it's such a pivotal and important step in their relationship. Ed has literally never told that secret to anyone else, but he entrusted it with Stede. He feels safe enough around Stede to expose the darkest parts of his past, and he's entirely right to do so, because Stede doesn't view him any differently at all. Stede is right there, wanting to be his friend--loving him still.
And I think it's also good for Stede because of that vulnerability. He gets to see how much Ed trusts him and feels safe around him. He's getting to see Ed and Ed alone, which can't be said for so many other people.
It's just the two of them in that moment and I adore it so much.
...I just adore THEM so much, anon, so thank you for spreading this sweet little ask around! It was super fun to consider, aLBEIT SLIGHTLY RGGHGHGHH INDUCING BECAUSE I COULD INCLUDE SO MUCH LMAO. But thank you kindly! <3
Also, for the record, if I had to rank them from most favorite to still favorite but not AS favorite, I'd go Double Beach Kiss, Reunion, First Kiss, Love Everything About You, and Bathtub.
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flowerflamestars · 2 months
Abattoir (plus a few Carnassial) thoughts:
"Where's Morriagan?" "I told her to lose me." Girl I think you told the whole damn world to lose you.
"A child of all the courts belonged to none of them" <-- This could be read two ways I think. "A child of all the courts can't be bound/owned by any of them" or "A child of all the courts can't find belonging in any of them." I first read it that second way and thought 'huh, that might be an interest thought line to explore sometime.' What would it be like to not be rejected but never really be accepted either? To be able to go anywhere but be welcomed nowhere? (That thought did not Word very well.) But then I remember that this is Feyre we're talking about so she's more likely to be thinking about it in a 'rules don't apply to me' kinda way. Or not, since Rhysand isn't there to be constantly feeding her ego. who knows? not I.
Do Mor and co. just plan to let Feyre go on thinking she's High Lady indefinitely? That feels like it's going to cause some problems at some point.
I really must have Daylight lore burned into my brain because the first thing I thought about the dead night court nobility was that Erebus woke up from his nap and got the munchies.
Being married to Cassian is punishment enough for Mor. Is being married to Mor punishment enough for Cassian?
My first thought when I finished re-reading Carnassial was that they should go eat Beron next so it was delightful to see that they did just that.
We cut from Nesta refusing to let Cassian say her name (and punting him back to Velaris) to Elain repeatedly saying Lucien's name.
Lucien mentally going though all the "don'ts" that are usually associated with faeries while talking to Elain.
(Spooky forest baby, spooky shadow baby, and spooky [redacted]. The ultimate trio.)
Feyre learning to dream-walk and immediately failing to understand the concept of boundaries.
"Once upon a time, you gave a girl your coat."
There'll probably be more thoughts from the middle sometime. These stories are very dense and it's taking a bit for me to wrap my head around all their pieces. (that's not a complaint)
in order ish:
Frankly, as she should!
If we take the Courts as a sort of mystical communion, Feyre can never belong. Everything loops back into nothing because no single court has greater claim- Night certainly tried, via Rhys, but the land never chose her. The High Lords did, in equal measure, for all of Prythian who owed her that debt. Circular faery reward at its finest!
Feyre went from High Lady to High Lady, no change, her whole legend shining all the brighter for the war. Morrigan got the magic, had a breakdown, married Cassian, takes some twisty pleasure in being the real power. It's toxic as fuck.
(Erebus deserves the munchies in every single universe, I love that you thought that)
Cassian is just... there to rot in his own failure. He got everything he wanted, and every part of it rings so hollow he's losing his mind.
Azriel writing Beron's name on the wall is absolutely a love thing!
Yes, names have power! And it's the scope. Elain + Nesta could have literally left everything behind, but they don't. Nesta rewards a whole nation for the actions of a few kind men. Elain wears human fashions. Nesta won't even speak a word to Cassian, but Lucien gets all the terrifying favors he wants. They kept who they were.
Thank you as always for reading and commenting!
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reine-du-sourire · 5 months
you seem very cool
My froideur is such that I can freeze lava by looking at it.
Thank you Nonny darling 🥰
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syoddeye · 5 months
I just needed to share this tiktok with someone because it reminds me of Soap lmao
oh my godddd the absolute idiot, he would. 😭
imagine spending the hours of early labor with soap. yeah, i'm sure he is a doting partner. probably trying his best to make you laugh through the pain and discomfort. it's kind of sweet, though given you're in fucking labor, you're a lil distracted.
you lean over the hospital bed to relieve the pressure on your aching back. drop your head to curse the entire mactavish bloodline. then you glance back to find the idiot flexing, admiring himself, because the hospital lighting is somehow flattering??? one and done, baby
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tonguetyd · 1 month
Okay, I'm medicated, so I'm going to say this and regret it in the morning.
Every time I see your username on my dash, I a) prepare myself for laughter, and b) immediately read your username as tongue-tid. As if your tongue is some sort of cryptid. Snake tongue? Maybe? Anteater tongue? HOTT. Chameleon tongue? We can only hope. Human tongue with out there abilities? We can work with that.
I just have major appreciation for your username, my friend. Keep on keeping on.
Not the “prep for laughter”, stop it, you are too kind, I’m blushing dramatically. Thank you, truly one of my favorite compliments
Now I do have to say, the last part of my username IS IN FACT pronounced “tied” so I am tongue-tied, as I am the drifting tide 🌊.
But MANY people have said that the way I spell that last part looked like it should be “tid.” And it irritates me, ngl, because like. Tyler. Is not pronounced Ti-ler. It’s Ty! With a Y!
Definitely going with a tentacle-type looking tongue like what Venom’s got. For. Reasons. Though chameleon tongue would also be SUUUUUPER dope.
Anyway, thank you for taking this thing that has annoyed me and ACTUALLY making it a positive thing?! That is so cool that you just did that for me?!
Appreciate you ❤️❤️
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blusandbirds · 2 days
i know nothing about 911 besides what my mutuals post but i nearly just cried laughing at the youtube ad i got advertising a three part BEE EMERGENCY special. THREE PARTS??? BEES?? A BEE NADO??
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mortuarywriting · 3 months
This is an off the wall question I'm sending to my mutuals and friends so don't be alarmed, I haven't been hacked. I think I'll call it Weird Ask Wednesdays. This might turn into a regular thing... (Can you tell that I'm bored?)
If you were to choose to be a certain type of ice cube. What kind of ice cube would you be? You can show pictures for reference if you want.
!!!! I don't mind at all!!! This is fun!!!
So I have a special ice cube tray for one of my MMOs, and while I'd probably think one of the job stone tray...
For my Locally Sourced Brand Recognition how about this!
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mihrsuri · 1 year
May I have Kaz/Inej and #6? (Hope this is nice and distracting for you!)
6. Beautiful Violence
Her plan is to bribe whoever it might be - it’s not as though she doesn’t have enough, even after the ruin that’s been made of all that she had built (it burns, the hate, the mess made of the beautiful things that had been hers by the gutter).
Tante Heleen has always been a survivor. She will find her way back, by all the Saints. So she opens her eyes with a smirk on her lips - they can’t know who they are dealing with.
Sitting across from her is Kaz Brekker, a pirate, his crows and a beautiful half Suli girl who Heleen itches to collar, to display. But sitting on Brekker’s lap? It’s her.
It makes Heleen sick, how beautiful her lynx is. How easily she sits free, when she should be leashed to The Menagerie. To Heleen.
She’s sure Brekker can be bribed - after all the Bastard of the Barrell values coin above all.
When Dirtyhands looks at her, beautiful in his violence, she begins to understand otherwise.
“We all would have killed you slowly long ago but no - this choice belongs to Inej. It is not my gift to give but it is for her. Always.”
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prommethium · 3 months
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Shadow of a doubt (1943)
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phagethemage · 6 months
statement: this is socket jeoffry jingleheimer jorts, r.p.t. (registered piano technician). he’s my little twink. look at those limp wrists
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Rebuttal: you've the luxury of a twink r.p.t. in this economic state? Limp wrists or not they've a job to do and I'm sure they do it *slams fist on desk* WITH FLOURISHMENT.
Meanwhile I've been holding a criminal hostage in my house with 3 breaks a day from captivity in the outer regions. Commodore Scarlette has been wanted for burglary, theft, attempted theft, invading privacy and several other things I can't quiet proclaim on this public standing site. (And also she jumps against my knees when I get home in an attempt to get me down to her level.
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kristsune · 21 days
I really enjoyed Ben reading spooky stories, and of course I had to save him reading Count Magnus by M.R. James, it was long enough that unfortunately tumblr and its size limits cannot handle in one piece, so it has been split into two for your listening pleasure.
art by erebusodora
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overlord-of-chaos · 5 months
if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. let’s get to know the person behind the blog! 🤓
Thank you for the ask! Three random facts about me:
1. It is almost impossible to put an effective armlock on me. This makes doing martial arts with people who have forgotten this fact or who I have never fought before very entertaining.
2. I learned to knit last year and have just started my first project, making a jumper. Do I have anywhere near the skills or knowledge to do this well? Probably not. Am I going to do it anyway? Absolutely. It's going to have an octopus on it.
3. I used to collect postage stamps! I would love to do so again actually thinking about it
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