#Thorne keeps to himself a lot and avoids her when he can
leafie-draws · 6 months
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quickie doodle of my muses interacting with eachother. they normally wouldn't talk like this since Thorne would find Vul's incessant chirping intolerable but I thought it'd be funny lol
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stars-and-inkpots · 1 year
True Love's Embrace | Gale x Reader
Finding those rings gives you the chance to protect Gale. Sure, he would never agree to you putting yourself in danger for the sake of himself, but he doesn't have to know.
Pairing: Gale/Reader
Tags: Canon-typical violence, blood and injury, codependency, self-sacrifice, forehead kisses, hurt/comfort
Notes: Inspired by some combat in my playthrough and thinking about the reactions some things may have caused. I simply think that Gale would have an opinion on using those rings, and it wouldn't be a good one (mildly hypocritical, of course).
Ao3 Link: True Love's Embrace
Word Count: 1,785
You know what those rings can do. You know what the wife who gave her husband the matching ring did. What she did was horrible, but you aren’t going to use them like that. 
You know Gale won’t approve of it at all; but the thought of the ring's magic protecting him (even if it was at the expense of yourself) gave you peace of mind. The thought of his safety is enough to drown out the thought of his disappointment if he does manage to find out. 
He didn’t question when you placed the silver ring in his hand. You almost worried that he would know what it was, that he would immediately see through your plan. You gave a relieved sigh when all he did was thank you for the gift and slip the ring on his finger before pressing a kiss to the back of your hand. 
When you put your hand on his shoulder later, it was simple to let the magic of the rings flow through you. You feel the invisible thread that connects you to each other. Gale doesn’t seem to notice.
“Is everything alright? You seem distracted,” Gale asks. 
Guilt runs through you once more, urging you to tell him, but you ignore it. You needed every reassurance you could get to keep him safe here. You could take a few extra hits in battle, it wouldn’t matter. As long as he was safe. 
“I’m fine, just have a lot on my mind… and well, in it, I suppose,” you say, hoping the joking tone will hide the real concerns you have about the danger that surrounds you; and despite the distaste you have for the parasite that has made its home in your skull, you aren’t one to give up the opportunity for an admittedly awful joke. 
Gale groans, but huffs out a reluctant laugh all the same. 
“Hold on-” All of you hear Karlach begin to warn the group from her place in the front, but she isn’t quite fast enough. 
Creatures of vines and shadow shamble out of the bushes ahead. The biggest of the group creeps quickly out of the shadows as it towers over all of you. You barely have enough time to dodge the first round of thorns it shoots at you. 
Karlach is quick to start rushing at the nearest monster, axe swinging wildly as it cuts through wooden tendrils. Astarion manages to get himself further back where he can shoot safely. You and Gale, can’t move away quick enough before the ground erupts into a swarming mass of roots that entangle around your feet, trapping you. 
You do your best, blocking most strikes when you can, swiping your blade across the roots and vines that try to reach out, but your lack of movement makes it increasingly difficult. Several hits make it through your defence, thorns cutting through your armour, pinpointing the weak spots. You can feel the ring working its magic when pain blossoms from phantom wounds as Gale is hit behind you. You endure, knowing that Gale’s injuries would be far worse if you didn’t have these rings. 
You can feel the heat from yet another fireball launched into the thick of the trees. Gale is doing his best to avoid catching anyone else in the crossfire of the blaze. 
When the last creature finally falls, you can take the time to untangle yourself from the roots at your feet. You finally notice the sheer amount of blood that coats the ground around you. Despite the lightheadedness you feel, you push on. 
Gale, though still injured, looks far better than he could have been. That makes this worth it , you assure yourself. It’s nothing that Shadowheart’s magic won’t be able to fix. 
Hoping for a simple excursion through the Shadow-Cursed Lands is a laughable desire.
The next day is much like the last. You and your companions are walking through the darkness, ready for some new horror to lunge out from the shadows; and are entirely unsurprised when they do. 
You’ll never get used to the shadow creatures. The tall and imposing beings of pure shadow, but still very much physical and capable of hurting you. Their claws are sharp when they dig into your flesh, and there are so many of them that it’s hard to keep track. They suffocate the light around them, plunging anyone nearby into darkness. 
You can feel each time one of them slashes at Gale. You are made painfully aware of each time the wizard isn’t quite fast enough when jumping out of the way. Even though the pain is lessened by the magic of the ring, combined with the strikes that you’re taking yourself, it leaves you struggling. Standing on unsteady feet, hands shaking as you hold your sword out in front of you, you realise that you might not be strong enough to protect him like you wanted after all. 
Exhaustion takes hold of you quickly. It pulls at you; your muscles feel weak. You let yourself collapse to the ground, unable to hold yourself up any longer. Stars dance across your vision, the world blurs and darkens at the edges. You keep your eyes open as long as you can. Distantly, you can hear someone yelling your name, frantic and scared. Sleep overtakes you, and you slip into the oddly comforting darkness of unconsciousness. 
The world returns to you in moments. In one, you are held tightly against someone’s chest, their arms wrapped around you, warm and strong. It is Karlach, you recognise vaguely. You drift away again. In the next, you can hear Shadowheart speaking to someone. Her hands are warm on your arm. You can feel her magic seep through your body; the wounds closing steadily. Then darkness once more. 
The next time you wake up, you aren’t sure where you are for a moment. 
You try to sit up, immediately regretting it as your whole body is wracked with pain. You lower yourself back down on the bedroll which has been covered in many plush blankets. It is then that you recognize the blue fabric of the tent and the books around you that are stacked neatly along the walls. 
With a sudden clarity, you feel the absence of the ring on your finger. 
Pushing through the entrance of the tent, is none other than Gale. He looks down at you, relieved, but also clearly upset. 
“Care to explain what these are? And perhaps, if you would be so generous, tell the truth this time?” Gale holds the two rings in his hand. 
You’re quiet for a moment. You feel awful for lying to him. 
“The rings we found. I thought maybe they were just normal rings, but after reading the diaries we found with them, I realised they could cast a one-way warding bond. I just wanted to protect you. It was something I could actually do to help keep you safe. I’m sorry, I know I should have told you, but you wouldn’t have let me if you knew-” 
“Of course I wouldn’t have let you!” Gale cuts you off. “Why would I let you do something like this? It doesn’t matter what the rings do, I’ll have none of it if it hurts you.” He sighs, frustrated, but clearly only because he is worried about you. 
“I’m sorry.” Your voice is quiet, wavering only slightly. 
Gale kneels down beside you, putting the rings aside and taking your face in his hands instead. “I care about you. I care about you a lot, in fact. When I saw you fall out there, I was terrified. I never want to get that close to losing you again. I know you had only the best intentions, and I am not angry with you; I love you, so very much. I never want you to put yourself in harm's way for the sake of me. Promise me.” He sounds desperate, like the thought of you doing something like this again physically pains him. 
“I promise.” In all honesty, you aren’t sure how much of the truth it is. If there was ever a moment where you would have to make a decision between him and yourself, you can’t promise that you won’t protect him then too. 
But Gale can’t fault you either. He isn’t sure that he wouldn’t do the same for you. In all honesty, if he was in your position, he might have used the rings very similarly, and he can imagine you giving him much the same lecture. 
Both of you are too ready to bleed for the other, for just the chance to keep each other safe. It seems that’s all one can do in this world right now. 
“I love you,” Gale whispers before kissing you, soft and careful not to move you too much while you’re still healing. 
“I love you too,” you answer, covering one of his hands on your cheek with your own. 
“I’ll go and get you some food. You’ve been asleep for a while, I kept near the fire to keep it warm for you.” He presses one more kiss to your forehead before leaving the tent again. 
For now, the rings are forgotten. Your earlier guilt dissipates slowly as you wait for Gale to return. He helps you sit up when he gets back, pain still very much present, but fading the longer you lean against him. He’s quick to wrap an arm around you, letting you put most of your weight against him, which you’re grateful for. 
The entire rest of the night, there isn’t a moment when he’s near you and touching you in some way. While you eat, he’s talking to you about another one of his books, but his arm is around you, hand resting on your hip. After, when you’re laying down again, he’s running his fingers through your hair, or resting his hand on your arm. Guilt returns momentarily when you realise just how much your injuries must have worried him. 
When you finally feel sleep tugging at you again, though less demanding this time, he lays beside you. The pain has subsided for the most part, and you’re able to move yourself to cuddle closer to him. He holds you close to his side, chin resting on the top of your head. 
You can’t promise something like this won’t happen again. Gale can’t promise that he won’t do the same thing. But both of you can promise to try to keep your self-sacrifice to a minimum, at the very least. And you can promise that you’ll always come back to each other at the end of the day. 
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chuusposts · 2 years
thorn princess
summary: diluc, zhongli, ayato with a shy/assassin/female! reader
warnings: violence, bombs idk, mentioned of hysteria(?)
notes: heavily inspired by mommy yor and her hot husband (/^ ་། ^)/
+ broken english (maybe)
more: a little information about you; you are either (fake) dating or married to them because apparently being a single woman at your age kinda sus. that and you are implied to have a brother (and a deceased parents ahuahahha) in all part :)
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diluc - secure a wife
darknight hero's operation. an operation given to him, as the darknight hero, to stop whatever the fatui was planning. he was starting to get worried, especially since the people of monstadt are getting more curious day by day about the identity of the darknight hero. how to keep the people of monstadt from any harm without revealing his identity? how to stay low and not get caught as the darknight hero? should he get a partner to avoid the people's suspicion?
"oh well..." the male sighed as he straightened his body to sit properly. "i guess i'll just secure a wife."
and that's how he obtained the 'secure a wife' mission. that's how he secured you.
when you met him at a tailor shop a few days ago, you asked him a favour to be your date for your friend's party. it's not like you must bring one, but you didn't want to worry your brother since you lied to him and told him that you have a boyfriend. of course, he accepted it but he asked you something in return; to be his wife in the meantime. whilst he didn't state the reason, you still agreed to it.
this whole mission is to keep his identity a secret, so how did both of you end up like this?
a fatui's car crashing onto yours and diluc having a hard time explaining to you why the fatui were following him. there're also a few fights here and there between him and the fatui hence why he didn't realize that someone was trying to ambush the both of you until you had to kick him and accidentally sent him flying.
you gasp upon realising what you just did and kept apologising to him saying that you're still amateur and shouldn't have involved with his matters when he suddenly chuckled.
you halt your sentence as he brought himself to stand up, "thank you, y/n. how amazing! you sent him flying!" he said, smiling. you silently thank the dark alley as blush slowly starts to form on your cheeks as well as your ears.
nonetheless, he swiftly grabbed your wrist and sprinted when he heard another voice searching for the both of you. "i'm sorry to bring this up at a time like this..." you ponder for a moment before asking him, "...but would you like to get married?"
"huh?" it seems like your question caught him off guard when he suddenly stumbled on his steps making him fall on his face, "what?" "just something like an extension of our terms..." he can clearly see how nervous you are when you start to fidget with your hands and fingers, "apparently single woman such as myself are found to be suspicious, so to blend in... in order to continue my job as an assassin as well."
"w-what i'm trying to say is... rather than just pretending to be your wife, what about making it official? for our mutual benefits!" you might be in a state like a tomato right now, but that's the only way. he's probably the only person who'll accept you for who you are.
but what you didn't expect was for him to immediately agree to your proposal when he suggests to stop by the city hall on the way home and get the process started, "oh, that's right." he stop mid sentence and searches for something in his pocket. his facade dropped when he realised that the ring he was supposed to give you was no longer there.
"bastards!!" he grabs your shoulders and quickly bring you behind a big steel box, "shoot 'em dead!" and a lot of gunshot sounds can be heard after that.
when he makes it there, he takes off a grenade's safety pin "y/n, in times of sickness..." and throws it to the fatui, "and in times of sorrow," it felt as if time stopped as he slid the safety pin in your ring finger and held your hands dearly, "whatever difficulties may come,"
"let us help each other."
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zhongli - fake boyfriend
'is there anyone special?'
'i guess it's odd that she's alone in that age.'
'of course, you're welcome to bring a date.'
you were thinking about your co-workers and brother's words that kept ringing in your head; your friend, had invited you to her party that will be hosted during the weekend and even though she knew you didn't have a date, she still asked you to bring one. you looked in the mirror, and then to your dress that was slightly covered with your victims' blood, "it's impossible... the only housework i'm good at is cleaning up."
at least that's what you thought, until...
"i was just thinking how beautiful you are."
lately, people has been really cautious of zhongli. not because they know he's a former god whatsoever, it's because he knows too much; whether it's about the history of liyue, the god of wealth, or what happened during the previous archon's war. normal people would think he's just a person that loves history, but apparently that's not the case. he has been really careless these days and his actions almost coused him to reveal his true identity.
so when you told him about the problem you were facing, a thought crossed his mind, 'maybe having a fake girlfriend would not be so bad...'
but never in a million years you thought he would ditch you on the day of the party. currently it's half past seven and you haven't even seen a single strand of his hair. you sigh, eventually give up and decide to go to the party by yourself.
you knocked on the door a few times before your friends invited you in and asked you where your boyfriend is. it looks like they don't believe you even after you explained that your date had some urgent business to attend to. of course they don't, it's not like you were saying the truth. they're slowly getting on your nerves especially when they had the audacity to talk bad in front of you about how you're just a girl who can't get a man.
'such a nuisance. if all adults here die, maybe my brother won't find out that i came here alone...'
you shake your head in denial. you can't just go killing people like that, that's not how your job works.
as you make your way to the chair in the corner of the room, you notice how everyone is either with their partner or children. they look so... happy, eyes shining brighter than those ores at the chasm. a family, something you thought that you will never have. 'it must be what it's like, to be normal...' maybe your brother wanted you to be like them.
guessing that you don't belong here (and probably never will), you pack your things and decide to leave, gathering your friends' attention, "i'm sorry... i'm going to excuse myself-"
'slam' you jolted and let out a small yelp when the door slammed open and there he was, standing at the door frame beside you with blood dripping from his forehead, "i apologize for being so late! i'm zhongli, y/n's boyfriend."
is he okay? he looks dizzy... why is there blood anyway? shocked by what just happened, you still hand your handkerchief to him. but it's not just you, every single guest in the room is alarmed. zhongli had to calm everyone down by lying that it was just some hilichurls that had ambushed him while he was on the way hence why he's late.
"you must be joking. you have a boyfriend, y/n? why didn't you say anything?" your friend asked.
you look away in embarrassment and murmur a "i- uh... but i did tell you..."
"mr. zhongli, did you know?" but it seems to you that your friend has no plan to back out as she brings her tipsy self closer to him, "i heard she had a shady job before she came to our workplace! what was it? men would call you and you'd go to hotels to give them massages! how scandalous! bla bla bla "
you close your eyes, too ashamed to look at your boyfriend. at this point, you might as well stop working at your workplace and give up being an assassin.
"it is admirable." ...huh? you look at him as if you're asking him for an explanation.
zhongli smiles, taking your hand in his and giving it a little squeeze, "i heard you lost your parents when you were young and had to work hard to look after your brother. it must be hard to continue working at a young age and taking care of your brother both at once. that's something you should be proud of."
it requires more than just determination to endure and continue hard work for the sake of someone or something, at the expense of oneself. he knows it very well, he knows it more than anyone else.
usually, it was always you alone. but when there's your boyfriend standing beside you right now, even if it's fake, surely you will feel a lot warmer tonight.
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ayato - royal chef
you're probably not aware of this but, ayato doesn't fail to notice how you have been coming home late recently. as this is only a marriage of convenience, he tries not to stick his nose into your business. but he's not the type of husband to ignore his wife at all. he also notices how you have a gloomy and sollen face, and numerous cuts on your hands every time you come home.
he wants to tell you how worried he is and how badly he wants to talk about it, but you're always exhausted and always in your own room, not even bothering to touch the food thoma prepared for the both of you. as the head of the yashiro commissioner, he has every right to be suspicious of you.
well, that's his point of view.
you, on the other hand, just finished buying groceries with a murderous look on your face and was on your way to your friend's house.
a few days ago, you had asked your friend to teach you cooking because your ability in cooking sucks and what kind of wife doesn't know how to cook? last time when you tried to take thoma's place and cook for ayato, he was in the bathroom all day. if this continue, your marriage (and your job as an assassin) will be in danger as he will get tired of you and rid you out of his life. it's a recipe for disaster if neither the wife nor the husband can cook.
so here you are, looking forward to learn cooking from her again. her husband even invited your brother to taste your dishes. but then again, maybe you should just give up...
"how in the world does this happen with a peeler?! it's a pool of blood!"
"like i said, you're cutting it too small! just cut it normally!"
"hey! why did you cut the cutting board? that was my favorite!"
you're lucky that she's nice, only a little cynical.
anyway, your first dish is complete, time to taste the food! it looks uh... yes, very edible.
as soon as your brother put it in his mouth, he swore that he could see his ancestors waving at him asking him to go to the afterlife with them. you could say the same to your friend and her husband as you see their almost lifeless body lie down in front of you. maybe yakisoba was too advanced for you, so let's make something easier like omelette rice.
"it's delicious! it's so good that i'm breaking out in a cold sweat!"
but wait, something's weird. is he... eating and throwing up at the same time? his face is turning blue too.
"as i'm tasting this flavour, my childhood memories are rushing back to me. wait, i'm seeing someone... is that our deceased mother?"
"stop! stop for a second, my guy!"
your friend sighed, and suddenly an idea popped up in her head, "hey, don't you remember something delicious that your parents made for you? just as reference."
and that's how the real cooking lesson started.
the next night arrives and you're so excited to finally cook for your beloved husband. oh right, you even invited ayaka and thoma to eat together as a token of appreciation for everything they did to you. they had a little doubt when you said you're gonna cook for them, but they still let you. ayato's suspicions also died when you tell him that you were secretly learning how to cook.
"it's done! the fried egg kind of lost its shape, but... please enjoy!"
ayato smells it as he takes a spoonful of the stew soup you just made just to make sure they're safe to eat. with hesitation and his heart beating faster than the speed of light, he finally puts it in his mouth.
"it's delicious!"
they say simultaneously. their facial expressions says it all as they continue eating, "ayaka likes this!" and "it tastes very comforting." could be heard in the dining room.
seeing their faces look so happy while eating... it brings back so many memories, especially when your mother used to cook for you when you were still small. it touches your heart how such a little gesture can bring so much happiness to them.
you cover your face as tears start to dwell up in your eyes. you thought that you had to protect this life in order to continue as an assassin. but having all of them approve of you, and seeing their laughter, just simply makes you so happy, and it makes you want to continue seeing them like this.
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jerzwriter · 5 months
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Trystan and Carolina find themselves with lots of time to kill. But when Carolina discovers how Trystan has been occupying himself, she has some feelings about it...
Book: Crimes of Passion Pairing: Trystan Thorne x Carolina Rose (F!MC) Rating: Teen Words: Approx. 900 A/N: Thank you to this anon for the ask that inspired this. The prompt can be found in the ask, and it's bolded below (I want to keep it a secret until you get to it!) Participating in @choicesaprilchallenge24
The sun was beginning to set on the busy city street where Carolina and Trystan were staked out. Sitting in the driver’s seat, Carolina lowered the visor, adjusting her glasses and fluffing her hair to ensure her earpiece was still covered. Luke said he’d let them know as soon as their subject was on the move, but as the stakeout approached its third hour, Carolina figured they were just waiting for the word to head home.  
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She searched through radio stations, but nothing caught her ear. If she played one more game of Candy Crush, it was possible she'd lose her mind, and she was out of interesting things to read. Trystan had already been gone for about fifteen minutes. He said he needed to use the restroom, and Carolina planned on using that same excuse to stretch her legs the moment he returned. Until then, people-watching would have to suffice.
It was during that people-watching when she spied Trystan heading back toward the car. She was eager to hop out and tell him it was his turn to man their post, but something in his demeanor stopped her in her tracks. Trystan opened the door and slid into his seat, doing his best to avoid eye contact with his partner.
An average woman might not have noticed something was amiss, but Carolina was not your average woman. Gone was his non-stop chatter, the flirtatious energy that usually made these long assignments bearable. But today, he hadn’t so much as looked at her in the past hour, and he was sniffling more than she’d ever heard him before. Knowing it was next to impossible for him to go too long without talking, she waited... but when another ten minutes of silence engulfed them, she had met her breaking point.
“Trystan!” she blurted so loud that the lanky ex-prince jumped in his seat, slamming his head into the roof of the car.
“Are you trying to kill me?” he asked, rubbing the quickly forming bump on his head.
“No, but I do want you to tell me what’s going on. Why are you so quiet today?"
“I haven’t been quiet,” he said, realizing how ridiculous that sounded the moment he said it. He was caught. He knew it, and the smirking beauty seated at his side knew it, too. He turned to her, ready to confess, but Carolina's cheerful manner faltered when she saw his swollen, red eyes.
“Trystan! Have you been crying? Are you OK?”
“I’m fine,” he sniffed, motioning toward the window. “It's just allergies.”
“Allergies? You don’t have allergies.”
“Maybe it’s something I picked up,” he shrugged. But one look at Carolina's eyes and he knew she already knew.
“All right. Hand it over.”
“Trystan, you know I'm going to get it from you one way or another, so why don’t you do us both a favor and make this easy.”
“You have no right to...” he huffed with feigned indignance. But Carolina ignored him; lurching over the center console, she pulled his phone out of his hands.
“That’s theft!” He protested, but Carolina had already entered his passcode and was scrolling through his phone.
“Lina... it’s not... it’s not what you think!” He fretted. He considered yanking the phone from her hands and running out the door, but technically, they were still on the job.
He watched as Carolina’s face tensed. Slinking back into his seat, he let out a long sigh. His goose was cooked.
“Trystan...” she muttered, her voice laced with disappointment. “You promised me you’d stop this!”
Abashed, he raised his hands to his face, a pale attempt to hide his shame. “I know,” he wailed. "I know!"
“You promised me! You promised me you'd stop, but you just went ahead and did it anyway! It's like an addiction!"
“Baby, I swear! I haven’t done it in weeks. I swear! But we’ve been stuck in this car for so long, and... my will was weakened."
“I understand the need to pass the time, but by doing this?" She leaned her forehead against the steering wheel, exasperation settling in. “You can’t keep watching those videos of baby animals being born! I can’t keep watching you cry!”
“I know!”
“Why can't you be normal! You know, like checking out hot chicks and hot dudes on Instagram! But no... you need to watch this!”
“If we're being honest, Carolina, some people would appreciate that this is what I enjoy watching. It’s a testament to my warm heart and sensitivity.”
A delicate smile appeared on Carolina's lips, and warmth was evident in her eyes as she reached over to cup her beloved’s cheek.
“Wouldn’t those traits get you imprisoned in Drakovia.”
He raised his hand and covered hers, a beguiling smile firmly in place. “Why do you think I’m in New York? Watch one with me?”
“No!” Carolina insisted.
“Please, just one! I found one with this adorable baby dee...”
“No,” Carolina laughed, as Trystan pushed her back against the car door, lavishing gentle kisses on her neck. “Please!" Her giggles intensified. "Please stop!”
“Not a chance,” he winked, meeting her lips with his own. Carolina's hands grasped at his hair as the heat between them intensified. They were lost in a world that only included each other when a loud, crackling sound disrupted them.
“Hey, Guys!" Luke interrupted. "It doesn't look like you’re cracking this case tonight. The Falcon snuck out an alternate exit and was just spotted at Del Frisco's. You’ve got the rest of the night free unless... do you want to meet at Del Frisco's?”
“No!” Carolina yelled as Trysten belted out a "Fuck no!"
"Uh, sorry...Luke," Carolina smiled. "It's just that we have... other plans."
"Yeah," Luke groaned in disgust. "I'm gonna log off on that note!"
Trystan turned back to Carolina, his eyes alight with seductive mischief. His lips had nearly returned to hers when she grabbed his shirt and pushed him away.
"Are you sure this is what you want to do?" She teased. "I could pull up videos of newborn baby seals or something... if you prefer..."
"Nah," Trystan breathed as his teeth tugged at her ear. We can invite them to the after-party."
Tagging others separately
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
Got any hcs of these goofy goobers embarrassing themselves in front of their class?
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - ive mentioned before that awase triped and fell down a staircase in front of komori but what i didnt mention is he has actually done this multiple times in front of different classmates (all on accident)
Sen - i think if he did do something embarrassing in public hed be the type to act like he ment to do it. And everyone just plays along. (Him falling face first into a thorn bush was strategic)
Kamakiri - when he was walking out of class too fast his school jacket got caught on something. He struggled to get it off without ripping the jacket for a few minutes before he just took off his jacket and left without it
Kuroiro - he keeps to himself because every time he opens his mouth there is a good chance he will say something embarrassing as hell. He has no filter when it comes to things like that lmao
Kendo - she once went to school with a really bad cold and ended up sleeping through most of her classes. It wouldn't have been that bad if she didn't scold rin for comming to class when he was sick the day before...
Kodai - if she did something embarrassing it would probably be small and simple like stumbling over her own feet or almost knocking something over or something like that.
Komori - she tried to show some of the girls an outfit she was working on but when they walked into her dorm room to see it on the mannequin, it fell apart completely because it wasn't secure enough. It was embarrassing because of how highly she spoke of her faulty dress
Shiozaki - there is no way she hasent gotten her hair tangled with something. Ya know when youre headphone wire gets caught on a door handle and it sends you flying backwards? She has done that with her hair more times than I can count.
Shishida - one time in chemistry class he mixed the wrong chemicals and made a massive explosion that made everyone in the school have to evacuate. (Only his lab partner knew it was him that did it and he wants things to stay that way.)
Shoda - every time he opens his mouth when talking to someone new he embarrasses himself. He will trip over his own words, say things he didnt mean to say and overall just word things terribly when meeting someone for the first time. (Its kinda sad to watch honestly)
Pony - as much as I love her she isn't the brightest, but she is confident. She has confidently shouted a completely wrong answer in class multiple times. It wouldent be that bad if she was only a little off but she has genuinely said that 27 was an answer to a history question.
Tsubaraba - he does so many embarrassing things in front of his class everyday so its impossible to list them all. Of of the classes personal favorites though is when he bit into a cattail (the water weed) and learned the seeds expand rapidly when touched the hard way.
Tetsutetsu - it was embarrassing for him to trip and fall flat on his face while running to class but it was even more embarrassing for him to start doing push ups to 'play it off' while his nose was bleeding.
Tokage - shes overall a pretty confident person, especially when she speaks. She was even confident when she horribly mispronounced a common word when talking with her classmates.
Manga - ya know that meme of the burger king employee doing the fnaf dance but getting cut off because someone walked it? Its essentially that. He was doing something stupid and embarrassing cuz he thought he was alone but when he turned around he saw some of his classmates just staring at him
Honenuki - he wasent embarrassed about falling asleep in class but he was embarrassed about the insane ammounts of drool that got all over his desk and himself
Bondo - i like to imagine he has an embarrassing laugh/ scream or something like that. Like his scream is hella high pitched compared to his deeper voice or when he laughs he snorts a lot or smthn like that. (Another reason hes so reserved is to avoid laughing/ screaming)
Monoma - he is a walking talking embarrassment for everyone around him yet he himself can not get embarrassed. No matter what he does I dont think he can get embarrassed (its kinda impressive honestly) however when he does something embarrassing (like the multiple times he teases class A) its always the rest of the class that suffers.
Reiko - ive mentioned that she uses her quirk to scare her classmates every now and then but she had to stop when she accidentally sent an object flying straight into vlad kings face. She was pretty embarrassed (especially since manga and Monoma couldn't stop snickering)
Rin - during the colder months he has to bring multiple jackets to class. When he doesn't he has to rely on his classmates waking him up from his hibernation every 5 minutes (which monoma and the others obviously tease him about, making the embarrassment a little worse)
Gif anime - neon genesis evangelion
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comatosebunny09 · 35 minutes
limerence | sylus
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summary: you just want this to be over. this feeling of unease between you—all of you. he made his choice. you weren’t it. so why does it still hurt so damn bad? warning(s): angst, language, mutual pining, jealousy, mentions of past abuse and kidnapping, hurt feelings, unrequited love (seemingly), reader is not mc, stream of consciousness, sylus wants to have his cake and eat it, too notes: the aftermath of this blurb. inspired by @world-of-hearts and their genius brain. couldn't get this scenario out of my head, so here it is. hope someone enjoys it. thank you lots for reading! ❤️❤️❤️ music inspo: the boy is mine - ariana grande
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Sylus is slowly coming to terms with the fact that only two people in this world can get away with talking to him sideways.
Before, there was only one. One person who could boss him around. Make him heel like a Doberman, vibrating with the urge to protect. But now—
“Freezing!” hissed from his side.
The source of the exclamation darts to him in a blur. And it comes to him in the form of hands wrapping around his bicep, followed by a frost-kissed cheek smooshed against his arm.
Amusement colors his features. He looks down at the crown of her head, resisting an urge to pat through locks speckled with frost. She shivers. Teeth chattering, and it looks like she has no intention of letting go.
“Miss Hunter,” Sylus acknowledges.
She responds with a violent shiver sifting through her bones. Sylus’ chest swells. He tries vainly to hide that stupid smile she always heralds in. Told her to wear more layers before she left the mansion. But she’s stubborn as all hell. And he supposes that’s what draws him to her like a moth to a flame.
He can’t pretend he doesn’t enjoy this—being the center of her attention—even if it’s only to siphon his warmth. Regardless, he chuckles fondly. Encases the woman in his arms, tucking her beneath the flap of his trench coat.
“Someone was more concerned with being cute than warm,” he chides. Peers off to the side as if she’s a nuisance when she fixes him with a pointed look—like he isn’t secretly eating this all up.
“I don’t wanna hear it,” squeezed through grit teeth as she cowers into his jacket, tucking herself impossibly closer to his hip. “Just…keep me warm, will ya’?”
“Of course.”
So enthralled by the adorable honey-badger at his side, he forgets they have an audience.
Something bitter-cold sinks into his belly when he feels you in his peripheral. He winces as if pricked by a needle when, as he turns his head to fully take you in, his darling little hunter friend wraps her arms around his waist.
No matter how harmless the gesture, Sylus can’t help feeling like he’s betraying you.
Your gazes interlock. For a moment, your eyes quiver with something far-off. But you quickly look away, your hands stuffed in your coat pockets and a facsimile of a smile twitching your lips.
Sylus’ breath thickens in his lungs. Barbs line his throat, trapping whatever excuse he wants to utter. Whatever words he wishes to offer as comfort. It’s not often he’s at a loss for words. But maybe it’s better this way, if he keeps his thoughts to himself. You’re already wounded, both inside and out. Wouldn’t be fair to throw salt in festering lacerations.
You look so small. So plain where you otherwise shine like a constellation, attracting the awe and wonder of those around. He did this. Stole your luster. Whittled you down to this quiet, avoidant thing. There isn’t a moment that passes where he doesn’t regret hurting you, but—
Sylus stiffens when you reach through the maelstrom of his thoughts to pat the other woman’s arm. You flash him a wary look before the smile returns to your lips, and you rub her arm to ward off the biting, wintry chill.
Warmth returns to your countenance. That sisterly affection you exude exclusively for her. He remembers a time when she was the bane of your existence. A thorn in your side. Now, she’s something like family. Or as close to a family as you could call this patchwork of misfits.
Though his heart tugs and the cogs in his mind whirr, Sylus is grateful you found a little solace in the discord. A distraction to keep you busy where your mind is a slurry of self-doubt, rejection, and things of the like.
“Why don’t I go get you some coffee,” you state more than ask, your voice rivaled by the chatter of those around.
Sylus doesn’t contest you. Figures it’s your way of excusing yourself. Running away. He’d be bitter, too, if he caught him like this.
He watches you with his tongue glued to the roof of his mouth. Dons a mask of indifference as he nods, and your aura exudes playfulness despite the forlorn glimmer in your eye.
He wishes you didn’t have to wear such a brave face. Sure, you’re used to wearing facades. He’s forced them on you for years. But he knows your pride’s leaking through the cracks.
You’d punch him if you knew how chaotic his thoughts around you were.
So he watches you meander towards the coffee trailer without a word. Peers down at the woman housed in his embrace, a twitch of a smile on his lips. He rubs her back to help her defrost. Ignores how his chest tightens, and something in the darkest recesses of his mind screams for him to fix this.
Did he mention only two people who could get away with making him feel like this?
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The aromatic scent of coffee is comforting. A soothing balm to your heart, easing that gnarling feeling in your gut. That sensation you can’t place that makes you sick and your head all fuzzy.
“—and one chai latte, please. Almond milk,” you say, sliding the barista your black card.
She gives you a rehearsed smile when she returns it. Tells you she’ll call when your order’s ready. You respond with a practiced grin of your own, turning away from the window.
Stepping down from the steps of the coffee trailer, you clap your hands together. Rub them together to ward off the cold. Cup them to your mouth and blow. Pointedly avoid a set of carmine eyes, whittling you down to the marrow as you duck beneath an awning coated in gossamer frost.
He’s been staring at you like that since you walked away.
You sigh. Shove your hands in your pockets, shoulders dropping. You wish Sylus didn’t worry. Like you’re something brittle. Wish he didn’t skirt around you, your issues, and this tension. It makes you angry.
He acts as if things will never go back to normal. And maybe they won’t, given the trauma you recently endured. But you wish that were the only reason he kept you at arm’s length. Walked on eggshells around you.
You spare a glance at the pair of them. Catch Sylus’ gaze before it fleets away, his attention returned to his darling Miss Hunter and her friends crowding him. The center of attention, as always.
You smile wryly. Kick up some snow. Peer up at the star-speckled sky, leaning against a pole.
You just want this to be over. This feeling of unease between you—all of you. He made his choice. You happened to not be it. So what? You’ve been let down before. Been through worse, literally dragged through the bowels of hell and back.
It’s your job to be detached. Indifferent. Years spent seducing and killing the scourge of humanity have trained you to be stiff as stone. But even stone weathers with time.
You suck your teeth. Since when have you thought like this? Stupid.
You’re caught up in the inner turmoil of your mind. Hardly register when someone calls your name. Tentative, but they try again, and you hear it clearly this time. You look up. Surprise warps your features.
“It is you!” he calls enthusiastically, jogging over. Trips in the thick snow, and you reach out to steady him. He laughs abashedly, rubbing the scruff of his neck. His smile is infectious. And he’s still as endearing as ever.
You perk up as the man’s face comes to loom over you. He’s all dimpled smiles and rosy cheeks. His glasses overwhelm his face, only adding to his charm.
“Greyson? Hey!” you greet, your breath visible and filling the space between you.
“Long time no see!” he replies, reaching out to pat your arm. Friendly in nature, but it nearly knocks you off kilter. He’s stronger than you remember. “How’ve you been?”
For the first time in months, you smile. Genuinely. Nothing rehearsed, nothing forced. “Been makin’ it. Taking it day by day. How are you?” you ask with a playful jab.
“Same, same.”
“Yeah? See you’ve been workin’ out. You got big,” you add coyly, touching his bicep. Greyson chuckles, his cheeks turning several shades of red.
It’s surprisingly easy to fall into conversation with an old friend. Seamless, as if the years haven’t kept you apart. With all your notoriety, you’ve barely taken time to remember those you came up with. Barely taken time to breathe.
While you’re busy catching up, you feel them. Red eyes tuned to your every move. To every titter leaving your lips, every well-placed hand on a shoulder, or demure fingers wrapped around a wrist.
Maybe you’re playing up the theatrics a little too much under the guise of “catching up.” You squeeze Greyson’s biceps. Flutter your lashes a little too temptingly, laugh a little too sweet. You’re too good at this.
Maybe a part of you basks in the attention given to you from afar. From the jealous aura he exudes even from that distance.
As you pick up your order, then turn back to Greyson to key your number into his phone, you feel your chest swell with pride. Triumph.
He’s watching you like a hawk. Sylus. And you don’t doubt that he’ll have something to say when you return to them. But for now, you’ll have fun making his head swim with envy.
He made his choice, after all. And now you’re making yours.
“Call me whenever,” you all but purr. “We can catch up more while you’re still in town.”
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Sylus doesn’t get jealous.
Territorial, maybe. A little possessive. Overprotective. But jealousy’s never been a part of his repertoire.
So why the hell can’t he get this scowl off his face? Shake that twisting feeling in his stomach as you return, a foxlike grin rounding your lips?
Sylus doesn’t let you out of his sight, even after you’ve given everyone their drinks. Follows you to a bench a little ways off from the pier where the fireworks are set to go off.
He sits a considerable distance from you at the other end, the warmth of his coffee cup bleeding into his palms. You’re none the wiser to his silent rage. Or at least, you pretend to be as you innocently sip your coffee, watching the Ferris Wheel languidly turn in the distance.
Sipping from his cup, he clears his throat. “Who was that?” There’s an edge to his voice. Then again, there always is. Maybe you won’t notice this one’s more venomous than usual.
You snort in disbelief. “An old client.”
“An old client?” Sylus parrots with a raised brow. “You two seemed awfully…close for him to be old.”
You snort again, setting down your coffee. “Don’t.”
“Don’t what?”
“Do…that,” you say, dismissively waggling your fingers.
Sylus bristles, biting the rim of his cup. “Whatever do you mean?”
For the first time since sitting down, you look at him. He returns the gesture, feigning indifference. Can’t deny how beautiful you appear, silhouetted by the moonlight. The furrow of your brows does nothing to detract from your allure. And it’s the first bit of real emotion you’ve given him since he rejected you.
You sigh with frustration. “Can we just…can we not do this? This weird shit you’ve got going on?”
Sylus fixes his mouth to retort. To continue this childish game of keep-away, skirting around the tension that slowly brews in the space between. He decides against it. Deads the whole ordeal, taking in the exhaustion marring your face. You’ve been through enough.
Silence lapses between the pair of you. An uncomfortable silence where there was once laughter and banter and harmless flirting.
A few people walk by.
His throat clicks as he swallows. And he releases a breath alongside the tension from his shoulders. He sits back in an easy slouch, nursing the contents of his cup. Feels silly, baby-stepping around you like this. It’s uncharacteristic of him. But you’ve drawn things out of him as of late, things he thought himself dead to years ago.
“So, who am I seducing tonight?” you query on a laugh. Your attempt to shift gears. To dispel the awkwardness as you watch the darkened horizon glitter with lights.
Sylus tuts, fixing you with a sardonic smirk. “You know I don’t only keep you around for your looks, right? For your body?”
Honestly, he doesn’t. And he doesn’t know why he suddenly feels the need to clear the air when you’ve discussed this ad nauseam before.
When those thugs had filled your head with those lies after they kidnapped you. Convinced you, you were nothing more than a pawn. A rook on Sylus’ chessboard.
He bristles at the recollection. The way he found you, all bruised and battered. Because of him. All because—
Your scoff breaks through his ruminating.
“Then why do you keep me around, boss?” There’s a bitterness to your tone. Bitter like the coffee grinds sitting at the bottom of his cup.
You maneuver yourself to fully face him on the bench, legs and arms crossed. Expression expectant, hopeful.
Sylus lips work around an excuse. Something to put at ease. He knows. He knows this. Why is it so hard to say it? Why is it—
A thunderous explosion parts the sea of tension between you. You both look skyward as the stratosphere erupts in a flurry of technicolor lights and the ground shakes.
People gather at the rail in front of you, in awe and amazement at the beautiful firework display.
Sylus releases a breath he was unaware of holding. Surprisingly quiet as the sky burns with light. Can’t help watching you in his peripheral, your gaze unwavering as you watch alongside him.
He doesn’t think he’s ever seen anything more beautiful.
Doesn’t know if he’s referencing the fireworks exploding overhead, or you with your defenses buried beneath the snow and your heart on your sleeves.
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mihrimahfs · 1 year
Tera Renard Castlevania Nocturne- thoughts on final episode
Okay so a week after the Castlevania Nocturne season one premiere I have a lot of thoughts, mostly very positive regarding this season. But one moment has struck me, has occupied all my mind since this aired (warning this will contain  major spoilers for this season so if you haven’t watched this yet, please avoid this) and that is the final episode. particularly when they’re rescuing Maria from being sacrificed by Abbot Emmanuel as a “offering” of his loyalty to Erzesbet Bathory (aka the Vampire Messiah). There’s a lot of stuff that i think when I think of this scene over and over again and it’s one that I think broke me deeply. All great art does this in some way, breaks you till you’re wonderfully changed. anyways, let me begin. (and please also note, i am not an expert by any means, just a historian geek so if im incorrect, don’t hesitate to correct me)
we already know that the abbot regards the revolution as a subversion of “God’s natural order” which at the time and especially Catholic Church, that was the way the order  of the world was seen. That royalty had the so called “divine right to rule” which the catholic church supported as it had them provide legitimacy to rulers for this divine right. France has had a storied loyalty to the catholic church and the papacy, was often seen as a bastion, hell one of their rulers was deemed “the most christian prince” (ironically Francis I). It’s no surprise that for an abbot as “devoted” as Emmanuel, he sees the revolution threatening this, his position and faith that has formed most of his world and how he’s able to “reason” with the world as it were. His alliance with Bathory is sort of seen as his desperate attempt to keep a hold onto this power and this divine order even though he works with vampires and makes night creatures (rather slowly might I add). He sees himself as a bastion of holding the faith and fear mongers his parishioners to following his way and his order to keep this order and also keep hold of his faith. which all is rather ironic considering as a priest who is supposed to keep celibate, he ostensibly had and affair with Tera who fled from Russia which resulted in Maria. and for Tera to say she had to lie to Maria that her father died so she wouldn’t be branded a whore, who eked out a life in france, barely paying rent (see episode 1) all the while the Abbot lived in relative privilege is also another nail to his "piety". Now I cannot say whether he might have indirectly supported Maria and Tera, that’s neither here nor there and many clergy had children on the side they supported or not. It was only after Maria found out what the abbot was doing and tera confronted him that he reluctantly revealed he was marias father. He is a hypocrite. Many of us know “men of faith” that do things like this, lie constantly to justify their own view of faith and God, thinking themselves victims and making martyrs of themselves instead of being held accountable. We can see Mizrak who’s more of a believer be disgusted at the Abbot’s actions especially in light of this revelation and at the abbot’s willingness to sacrifice maria to bathory. He is a hypocritical man who makes himself a victim to justify his actions thinking he’s working “for the glory of God”  though he’s made many suffer (Tera, Maria, Edouard, Jaques, etc).
Tera’s sacrifice without a doubt has been the most brutal scene for me in this series. When the abbot is trying to sacrifice Maria, citing the story of Abraham and Isaac, it also heightens the abbot’s self centered view that he is in divine communication with God- by re-enacting the scene by binding maria to the altar as Isaac was, according to the Bible, he wanted to prove how he was a god fearing man, his legitimacy to his actions, however bad, divinely authorized. I think also for a “god fearing man” as he proclaims to be, to have a child on the side presents a thorn to him and in this way, he can prove she played a part in a  divine plan for his redemption for his “mistake” and allying with Bathory. Honestly right now it seems like nonsense what im saying but to be at the point where you’re sacrificing your child and thinking it makes you holy and can wash all you done away is pretty disgusting. I believe in the bible, it was seen as a binding like he had to bind Isaac which suggests (and please im not a biblical scholar) reluctance on the part of Isaac for this. as a muslim for me, we present this differently- ours has Abraham have a dream he has to sacrifice his child as a test of sorts to prove his love for God above everything but we believe he told Ismail about the dream and Ismail said readily “if its God’s will that he wants this, i am willing to do this”; its really remarkable how the one with isaac there’s reluctance but with the islamic perspective,  there’s consent, there’s the readiness to be willing to be sacrificed while having faith in God. Now in both, God stops in the nick of time and offers a ram in their place. When Tera comes and rightfully so confronts the abbot about this and then bathory comes and realizing that there is no other way to save her daughter, she did what any mother would do- take their place. Let’s also backtrack; when she found her sister trapped in Bathory’s prison in russia, she sacrificed her in a sense, not wanting her to live out in that agony and pain and terror. she sacrifice her innocence, being brought to the point of killing her sister to save her from a worse fate and years later, she did the same for her child, sacrifice herself to save Maria, knowingly and with full cognizance of this action and consent to do this righteous holy deed. Tera is the true martyr, the true epitome of divine sacrifice who is willing to suffer and give her life for the holiest thing a mother has- a child. for her to say “I am the ram. God has given you the ram, Emmanuel” shows who truly is the  one who is doing the right thing for the right reasons.  As a muslim, i was always taught that God doesn’t need sacrifices, like its not meant for His consumption or his want or needs, but that these are to represent what we are willing to do and prove that God is our top priority and that also what are we willing to do to help others. As we commememorate the sacrifice of abraham in our festival Eid ul adha by paying for goats and animals to be sacrificed and their meat distributed to our family, neighbors, and the poor, we remind ourselves there that our sacrifices must be for helping others, not for ego or showing off. The abbot wanted to sacrifice for the wrong reasons and Tera did for her child’s life. It’s still gut wrenching to watch and still heart breaking to remember this selflessness that made Tera turn to a creature that has haunted her for 20 or so years. but its castlevania, no one has a totally happy ending lol. and also, Emmanuel is nothing more than other priests and religious leaders who adopt cowardice and cloak it as piety. Tera deserved better. I truly hope it haunts the abbot and that he gets his karma for his actions and his hypocrisy made an innocent woman sacrifice her life to save their child. 
I wonder if , when they asked the abbot if he loves Tera when she offered herself in marias place and he says yes, did he mean that? like truly love her , like if he genuinely has all these years loves tera. or if he loved that she sacrificed herself and . some might say both. He might see that this is part of the sacrifice he had to endure for his “holy mission” and thus “loves her” for that. who knows? it would be nice to see a flashback of them. when I think about it, I think he loved being "god's warrior" a bit more than tera which i obvious given after being with team he didn't disavow his vows and marry her and raised their child. I think he might but it's always in conflict with his view on faith. the love he had for tera once faded as his love for his glory and "divine purpose" overshadowed it all. I do wonder also if Tera might have had lingering feelings for Emmanuel. I imagine especially after this, probably not and I hope Tera gets him as her first “victim”. Honestly she’s suffered too much and I want my Muva back. I wonder that Maria might have to think she might have to do what tera did to her sister to her mother. But we see Edouard still retain his humanity despite being turned to a night creature so one can hope the same for Tera. 🙏
Again piggybacking to the comparison of the different religions views on Abrahams sacrifice, where one is seen to be against the consent of the victim and the other with their consent, i find it also telling that many evangelicals love to paint sacrifice as we have to do this to you to save your soul and save ours- much like the abbot. There’s no choice; there’s their way or no way. Versus Maria choosing to save her daughter. Cause that’s what a good mother does. What any good person would do on those horrifying circumstances. And that at her turning, (and someone on here said the same sort of thing) that reaction was against her will, non consent.
I’m reminded that in Islam there’s this saying that we have of God saying “if you oppose my desire, then I shall run you ragged of your desires” and I hope this very much applies to the abbot who despite professing all he does is for God is much rather for his own ego and inflated sense of worth and I hope it all runs him ragged and beyond all redemption in this life or the hereafter.
Justice for Tera Renard and I hope and pray Tera Renard gets the abbot and Maria gets healing and peace as well as richter and annette.👏🙌🤲🙏
I hope somehow all that I said makes sense as it’s sort of me ranting and me trying to make sense…. Cause Tera’s sacrifice hit me so very much like thank God season 2 is confirmed cause I need Muva Tera to come back hands swinging and good news for her!
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vixen525noms · 1 year
Defying Certain Death Part 13
Copied from my DeviantArt account, a non-sexual G/T vore story featuring adults along the lines of the lion and the thorn fable. There will be tons of hurt/comfort aspects, lots of safe vore. That is the primary focus in this.
Barrett is and adult giant standing 85ft tall and Hope is an adult human at 5ft 6. Barrett does not eat children at any point.
Warnings: Animal Harvesting; Fatal Mention; Characters in Distress
While this part is relatively tame, previous and future parts include fatal vore and violence. Barrett, the giant, is not a good guy, so will be doing some occasional bad things.
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Barrett lay back and listened as Hope talked about plants for a while. He didn’t really understand a lot of what she was talking about, and definitely didn’t recognize many of the plant names, but he was glad she was relaxed enough to open up and talk to him. Just as she had been an attentive listener for him, he was attentive for her, asking questions about different things to better understand what she was talking about. She definitely seemed to be fond of plants, and seemed to know a lot about them.
After a couple hours of listening to her, he yawned and sat back up. His previous meal should have moved along so to speak, so he reached for the horse, then paused. “I hope it won’t bother you if I eat this... I know some humans are fond of these animals.” Hope shook her head, but still looked away. “It won’t bother me...” Her voice was soft, he knew she still wasn’t entirely comfortable with him, but definitely seemed to be doing a lot better than before. He was surprised that this actually made him happy. 
He picked up the horse, then hesitated. He could possibly swallow a horse whole... but he had never swallowed something quite so large before. Probably would hurt his throat. Would be better to bite it in half... But Hope seemed a bit.... sensitive. He would need to be careful not to drip blood everywhere, not to mention that blood was extra nutrients and he needed all the nutrition he could get. 
He turned away slightly in case he messed up, not wanting her to see any mess. He put the horse in his mouth, tilting his head back. He didn’t want to lose a single drop of blood, didn’t want any of the organs to fall in the dirt or on his clothing. He bit down, keeping his lips around the horse and keeping it above his mouth as he swallowed the first half, then opened his mouth and dropped the rest in. Perfect, nothing wasted. 
He swallowed, then turned to look back at Hope. She was drinking from the lake and he smiled. Good, she kept herself distracted. “Done. Nothing to see.” He licked his lips just before she looked up at him and he smiled, keeping his lips closed just in case there was any blood on his teeth. “If you don’t mind, Hope, I’m going to get a bit of rest after that meal. As long as you stay close, you should be fairly safe. Wildlife typically avoids giants, so nothing dangerous should approach. You can get some rest yourself. Then we can discuss what we plan to do.” 
Once Hope nodded in agreement, he lay back down. He tilted his head to look at her, “If you want, I can set you on top of me or in my hand to rest? You seemed to sleep well in my hand when I was trapped by the rock slide.” Hope shook her head, “No, I want to go through the rest of the supplies and see what is here. It looks like there’s a makeshift bed in the cart I can use as well.” He gave a slight nod and yawned, “If that’s what you prefer. If you need anything from me, just call out. My kind has sensitive enough hearing that it should get my attention.” With that, he closed his eyes and allowed himself to rest.
He rest fairly soundly for a time, but woke when he heard something strange. The noises seemed to be a mix of growling, and what reminded him of a human in distress... but not particularly close. He sat up, glancing to the cart to check on Hope first. His eyes went wide as he realized she was gone, along with a chunk of the supplies. She had left! He had been so sure she was starting to trust him, get used to him and she left!
Then he remembered what woke him; those sounds may not just be a random traveler, if Hope had left, it might be her in distress. He stood and followed the sounds, keeping his steps light but quick. He sniffed the air... no human blood, so she might still be unharmed... but he definitely smelled her... and he could also smell a bear. He sighed, easy enough to handle for a giant... but it made him sad that she had tried to leave. It felt odd, having such emotions for a human... But no matter, first priority was finding Hope and making sure she was safe.
As his sense of smell suggested, he found the poor girl in a tree, with a large bear underneath, completely focused on her. It was so focused on the girl it cornered, it didn’t notice him until it was too late. He picked the bear up, and in a similar manner to how he ate the horse, downed it in two bites. He then looked at Hope, and sat down facing the tree. “Hope... How am I supposed to protect you when you wander off like that? I told you it was safest for you to stay close to me. You could have been seriously hurt!” 
He reached out slowly to where she was in the tree, moving cautiously to avoid scaring her. He gently plucked her from the branch she was gripping, noticing she let go of it when he took hold of her. Good, no resistance... He had been afraid she’d try to grip the tree and resist him picking her up... so she must have some amount of trust for him. Well, that or she knew he was too strong and that it was pointless. He hoped it was the former. Holding her in his open palm, he stood and started to walk back to where the cart was by the lake. “I guess I’ll have to keep a closer eye on you, if I’m going to make certain you are safe.” He tried to ignore the way she slumped slightly when he said that, but it did sadden him slightly to see that sign that even though he just helped her, she still wanted to get away from him.
He made his way back to the lake and sat down, setting her by the cart. “Take your time putting the things you were carrying back in the cart. When you are done, I would like to rest again, and you can rest on top of me where no animals can reach you. I want you to be safe.” He watched her set the bundle down in the cart, not bothering to unwrap and unpack it before she sat down on the end of the cart facing him. She looked down and away, quiet. He reached out to her, and gently stroked her head rather than grabbing her. “I’m sorry.”
He was surprised to hear her apologize, but it did make him smile slightly. The fact she apologized meant she understood, at least to some degree, that he didn’t mean her any harm. “We can talk more later. For now, a bit of rest might do us both a bit of good, alright?” He watched her for any sign of discomfort as he scooped her up into his hand, laying down with her on his chest and placing his hand over her. If she tried to leave, the movement under his hand would surely wake him. Now he could be sure she would be safe as he slept.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
For my favorite fellow trioholders fan: 5 headcanons for a Sleeping Beauty-ish AU. Izuku is raised in a forest by his three uncles (Yoichi, Second, and Third.) They seem very concerned about spinning wheels and a mysterious curse...
1- Once upon a time, a queen ran away from a castle. She turned to spinning for income, as did many other women, especially those single. Then she also became a dyer, making use of the fact that her home was a bit further off from the town so the scent of the dyes wouldn't spread, and she can keep the secret of how she brewed such lovely and true colors.
2- once upon a time, Inko's son was born, and when the midwife left to let her sleep while she fetched more water, the door opened again. The Fairy King spoke of how other royals could expect invitations to births, especially the Good Neighbors with their Good Gifts, but to not be invited was such an insult... And so before Inko's son turned sixteen, he would be pricked by a spindle and die.
3- once upon a time, a Fairy Prince listened at the door as the King ushered a curse and left, then entered himself. The Prince reminded Inko that she had opened his door when she fled the castle, and so he could forgive her not inviting him to a royal birth when she knew not where he'd be. And for securing his freedom, he would secure her son's safety: the boy would fall asleep, but not die, and would wake one day in arms that loved him.
4- once upon a time, there was a boy raised from infancy by three fairies. He was no changeling, and unaware he was a prince. He did not know his guardian's names, only calling them "uncle" or "first", "second", and "third" when needed. He did know a lot about curses and wards, though, because his uncles made sure to teach him and emphasize the importance of keeping protective charms on him, and recognizing danger in the shape of coiled snakes, too-pretty fruit, and spindles.
5- unfortunately, none of the boy's uncles were stronger than the fairy who cursed him, and so none of their wards were either. On the day before Izuku's sixteenth birthday, his uncles tell him his mother will visit that night, and to go gather firewood so they could prepare the meals to celebrate. Out in the woods, he sees his mother, hurrying. She falls and spills her basket of fine threads and parceled gifts. Izuku hurries to help her up, pausing when he sees the spindle in the thread. His mother smiles and says it's safe- not sharp at all, see, and how she could provide money to pay for his food and care from his uncles. Izuku is careful as he puts it back in her basket, avoiding the tips in case they're sharper than they seen, like some thorns can. Unfortunately, the wood is a bit rough from thread pressing thin against it, and a little bit has splintered. A splinter gets in Izuku's finger, and he falls asleep in the moment, collapsing to the forest ground.
+1- when the uncles realise Izuku isn't back, they go to look for him- and are horrified to see him asleep, trapped in a bramble of night-black thorns that have grown up around him. The spindle lies by the bush, clear culprit. Inko finds them there, and screams- she recognizes the plant from the castle, they will trap her or Yoichi too as soon as they touch him. They need to find someone else who can get through. One always stays back while the others search, and eventually there is someone- Toshinori listened to Inko speak of her bright son and his dreams, Yoichi of a kind and brave boy, Second of a young man stubborn and sure. By the time he carries Izuku out of the torn brambles, bleeding from the scratches, the lad is already stirring.
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ch. 2 — mælan (to speak)
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notes: content warning for religious imagery is getting real in this chapter :]
summary: Athelstan's soul cannot rest. Neither can Alethia's.
tagged: @levithestripper @demon-of-the-ancient-world (msg me to be added/removed!)
masterlist | chapter one
He set the quill down on paper, the soft scratching sound soothing his nerves. Nervously, Athelstan tried to swallow his fear. It was as if something was watching him, following his every step. The week of Alethia Stahl’s arrival had marked a month since he’d been taken to Ecbert’s court, and since then, Athelstan had not had a night of full rest.
Carefully, he started the new line on the parchment, writing a ‘D’. He paused when it turned red.
“What…?” He muttered under his breath. Athelstan shook his head, writing the next letter when the red ink began bleeding down the parchment, ruining the document. He cursed under his breath. Athelstan looked around the library, suddenly unable to find the door. His vision blurred in front of him, and shadows flitted past in the corner of his eye.
Cold fear ran down his spine, a sweat making him shiver. His throat tightened, and Athelstan took another step back. A hiss next to his ear made him whirl around, only for the creature that met his gaze to make him shake with fear. Again, Athelstan stumbled backwards, a silent scream lodged in his throat. There was no true, lawful explanation for any of this.
Blood dripped from his forehead into his eyes, blinding him against whatever demons haunted him. Athelstan stepped onto something, twisting his ankle and falling to the ground. A weight was on his chest, and Athelstan could finally see the creature that had been following him. Its claws dug into his tunic, sharp talons piercing his skin like thorns. It was going to kill him, he was going to-
The creature leaned forward, and Athelstan let out a shout for help. Then, someone else was by his side, helping him up.
“Are you… healthy?” Alethia asked him clumsily.
“Alright.” Athelstan corrected. “Yes, I am alright.”
His pupil eyed him suspiciously, her hand still stabilizing his back. In the past week, Athelstan had learned little about her. Usually, he was much better at observing people, but he did not see her much outside of his lessons. He had a feeling Alethia understood him far more than he her.
Not to mention that she.was beginning to grasp the fundamentals of his mother tongue and he… he did not know a single word of hers.
Athelstan looked away, avoiding her gaze and instead staring at her earrings. There were far more than usual, some of them high up on her ear. They looked like those some shieldmaidens wore, but if Athelstan had learned anything, it was that Alethia was not Norse. She did not speak the language, she did not keep their Gods. 
“I have bad dreams a lot.” Alethia continued, her voice careful as she tried to construct correct sentences. “I see… people. They do not live. My friends are in the sky.”
“In heaven. Your friends are dead?” Athelstan asked. Alethia tilted her head, looking down at him curiously. She made a motion drawing her thumb across her neck, and Athelstan nodded.
“They are dead.” she affirmed. “What of yours?”
“I’m not sure.” Athelstan replied.
“Is that why you… have bad dreams?”
“Hallucinations.” Athelstan said, making the confession for the first time. Alethia nodded again, thinking for a moment.
“I know. I understand. Who?”
“It is me.”
“You are not dead.” Alethia replied, gently pushing against his shoulder. It was meant to be playful, and Athelstan could have appreciated that at any other time. Instead, he said nothing, only looking at his scarred hands. Alethia’s arm left his back, withdrawing for a moment, and Athelstan was ashamed to find himself missing her support.
“What happened?”
“Jesus’ death was almost mine.”
Alethia’s face scrunched up in concentration as she translated his words. Then, her eyes widened, and she pulled Athelstan into her arms. He froze. No one but his younger sister, and then Gyda had hugged him like that. Both were dead.
“I apologize for your pain.” Alethia said sincerely when they broke apart. Once again, Athelstan found himself astonished at what she had learnt in little more than a week. Then again, she had no choice and spent half her day in lessons with him.
She seemed to notice how he was still in the same position as before, and her hands wrung in her lap like they always did when she was anxious. That, he knew of Alethia. “Am I… too close?”
“You are open.” Athelstan said. “Affectionate.”
“You care.” he replied. “You take your time to speak with others.”
“Isn’t that what Christians are supposed to do?” Alethia laughed after a few moments. She pulled herself up from the floor, offering her hand to Athelstan. He shrugged.
“I think so. Many do not.”
“They are just [...] Christians.” she replied, throwing in a word that he did not understand.
“What did you mean by that?” Athelstan asked, letting her help him up. His joints felt stiff and he wondered how much time he had spent on the floor before Alethia had found him. The tips of her ears reddened as she heard his question.
“It is a bad word.” Alethia replied. “An adjective for… pooping?” 
Athelstan had to laugh. “You mean shitty?” 
Alethia nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, shitty! They are just shitty Christians!”
Athelstan shook his head at that, trying to suppress another wave of laughter. This woman, this shieldmaiden - there was nothing simple about her, and yet, she could be so unserious. Alethia had not acted piously when she had drawn up her dress to her knees to dip them into the bath, and Athelstan tried his best not to think of it – and yet, she behaved more kindly than other, well, for lack of better words, shitty Christians.
He pushed his hallucinations aside as best he could, and pulled a scroll from the shelves.
“New words?” Alethia asked.
“New grammar.” Athelstan replied, and Alethia let out a sigh. Athelstan continued anyway. “You will speak of the past, so you can tell us who you are.”
“What if I do not want that?” Alethia asked, her hands crossing in front of her chest. She stepped closer to Athelstan, looking around as if she was expecting someone to hear her. “I do not… what is the word? Ecbert makes me… uneasy.”
“Trust? To give someone your… secrets?” Athelstan tried to explain. Alethia nodded.
“I do not want to tell him… who I am.”
“You do not trust the man that saved you? The king?” Athelstan replied.
“Do you? He saved you. I do not think you… trust him. You look at him with… confusion?” Alethia tried, her tongue struggling to make the words sound right. Athelstan only stayed silent at that. He could not say that he mistrusted the king, not out loud. Alethia waited for a few beats, the silence between them stretching more than what was comfortable.
“I will tell you.” she said finally. “Promise?”
“Promise.” Athelstan nodded. “Do you trust me, Alethia?”
She paused for a moment. “No. But I think I will. Tomorrow.”
“In the future.”
“Yes, that.” Alethia continued. “I have need of time.”
Athelstan thought he understood that.
By the end of the lesson, Alethia was using the past tense somewhat comfortably, although Athelstan noted that she still stumbled over weak and strong verbs. As Athelstan stood from the table, he noticed that Alethia was nervously jerking her leg up and down.
“What is it?” He asked, and she paused, a hand going to her knee.
“Nothing. Bad - what is the word? For an activity you do a lot?”
“It is a bad habit.” Alethia said, pushing her chair backwards. “What is it?”
“It is Sunday.” Athelstan replied. “Time for mass.”
Alethia seemed to almost recoil at that. “You go. I do not think I shall go.”
“To mass? Everyone goes.” Athelstan replied. “You must.”
“No.” Alethia replied, her lips suddenly pressed into a thin line. “Do not… force me to do something. I wish to stay away. You can go and attend that… ceremony.”
Athelstan wanted to say something to convince Alethia to come, and yet, deep down, he knew that he wanted to go just about as much as she, though probably for entirely different reasons.
She roamed around in the empty villa as the court of King Ecbert confined itself into the church. At first, the venture seemed somewhat interesting. Alethia nosed around in King Ecbert’s belongings, and then those of the healer, but both were not particularly interesting.
Mentally, she made a note to go out and collect her own supplies as those of the healer were… less than ideal.
She slunk out of the room, and towards the church. It had been a religious education book she’d sworn her ‘vow’ to the Night’s Watch on, it had been a church she had first seen when she’d arrived here. It was those thoughts that drew her towards the church now, feet moving on their own accord as Alethia stared at the closed wooden doors.
Her stomach turned.
She could not run from this.
Alethia stood close to the door, waiting in the courtyard until the church doors opened and the people streamed outside. She watched as King Ecbert, Prince Aethelwulf and Princess Judith exited, none of them noticing her. Alethia guessed that her attendance had not been missed.
Athelstan left the church last. He was staring at the ground, avoiding coming to close to any of the other people around her. Alethia bit the inside of her cheek. From what she’d gathered, Athelstan was feeling the same way she had when Grenn and Pyp died. She’d been so utterly alone, and even then, she’d had Sam, Jon and Satin - who did Athelstan have?
She was not his friend, but neither was Ecbert, and certainly not Aethelwulf. 
He was pulling his leg behind him. It was not obvious, not like the one lame servant that worked in the villa, but Athelstan’s gait was definitely off. She wondered if it was because of his cruxificion. Alethia remembered being tied to a skinning cross - how the blood had slowly drained from her hands, how her limbs had become so horrendously heavy. She’d been pierced by an arrow, impaled by a spear - and yet, she could not imagine the pain of nails slowly being driven through your hands and feet.
Quickly, she looked to the ground, slinking into the church. Beneath her, the ground turned from trampled dirt to cobbled stone. When she looked up, she was alone in the church, the doors falling shut behind her. Alethia stared at the cross on the altar.
What had God done to save her?
Anger boiled up beneath her skin with a suddeness that Alethia almost stepped forward to do something rash. Instead, she kept her feet planted to the ground and took a few deep breaths. Only then did she allow herself to move.
She was not supposed to climb the stairs to the altar. Then again, Alethia was not supposed to do a whole lot of things. Keeping to the rules had done nothing for her, and neither had breaking them. There was very little in her own hands.
One, two, three, four - that was all it took to stand where the priest held mass. The golden cross was right in front of her, inlaid with gems and placed upon a disgustingly clean white tablecloth.
Alethia knew the cost of war, and how much of it would be fought in the name of God.
The Gods are cruel, that’s why they’re Gods, Cersei Lannister whispered in her ear.
Alethia raised her hand, fingers ready to curl around the cross and rip it from the altar. The religion of her ancestors, and yet, Alethia could not swallow the anger she felt each time she thought of a possible God.
The religion of her ancestors. She’d prayed to God when she was sure she was going to die, and then again when she could not find Jon. Once, her prayer had been heard.
Maybe religion was simpler than she thought. Maybe it was just a fifty-fifty chance. Athelstan still believed, right? Were she in his place, Alethia knew she would not. Maybe that was proof enough.
She drew back her hand quickly, still staring at the cross. Tears filled her eyes again, and Alethia had no idea why. Why was she always on the verge of tears? She walked back down the stairs backwards, almost missing the last. The cross seemed even larger, even more looming from the bottom of the stairs.
Kneeling was an automatic, not a habit. Alethia did not know why she did it. The cold stone under her bit her knees, but she’d felt much worse. Alethia found comfort in it.
“I wanted to go home.” She whispered. “That is all I wanted. Why couldn’t you let me go?”
She was not sure why she’d expected an answer, but the silence hurt her even more. Alethia tried to swallow her quiet sob, but instead, her palms found the ground as well, and she leaned forward.
“I wanted to go home! You’re keeping me here! Please, I want to- I want to-“ she gasped. “Why can I go anywhere I want, but not home? I wanted to keep my baby safe. I want my child to be safe. How will they be safe here? What if they’re a girl? What then? Please, please let me go home.”
Her hand curled into a fist on the cobbled stone, and Alethia let her tears fall there where no one would see. She felt stupid, stupid for what she’d just done.
Alethia stood from the floor, wiping the tears from her cheeks. She needed to get back to her room, there was still some cleaning she wanted to get done.
But when she turned, she saw that there was someone else was in the church, staring at her with wide eyes.
Anger overtook Alethia with a suddenness that was all too natural. She crossed the distance between them, her hands grabbing the former monk by his shoulders and pushing him backwards.
“What the fuck are you doing here, huh?” She shouted, too caught up in the moment to remember that he could not understand her. Then, Alethia stumbled backwards, the regret already sinking in.
“What did you see?” She asked him, this time in his language. Her voice was shaking, and Alethia wondered where her strength had gone. 
“Most of it. You almost tore the cross from the altar like a-“ he began, before he stopped himself. It took Alethia a few moments to understand Athelstan, like always. That only served to frustrate her more. 
“Like a what?” She finally snapped.
“Like a Viking. Are you?”
“No.” Alethia replied.
“What are you?” He asked.
“I don’t… I won’t tell you. I already said that.”
Athelstan sighed. He shook his head where he stood, a tiny smile on his face. It was a sad one, and Alethia wished she could ask him properly, understand his language and his being in a way where she’d know what it meant. 
“I am sorry.” Athelstan replied finally. “For all the pain you feel.”
“There is nothing there.” Alethia said. “Only fear for my child. What if it is a girl? What then?”
“You believe in God.” Athelstan stated as if he knew it. “I saw it. If she is a girl, she shall be christened and protected.”
“I was christened!” Alethia replied, her voice rising steadily. She searched for the words before she continued. “I was christened, I was supposed to be protected. Look at me!”
Athelstan looked away.
“Look at me!” Alethia spat, her hand shooting out to grab him again. It halted right in front of his face. “Look at me. Do you think I was protected? Hmm?”
“The christening does not protect the body, but the soul.” Athelstan replied. He sounded as if he was repeating a sentence he knew by heart but did not mean.
“And has yours been protected? Has God made sure that you feel whole?” Alethia laughed, her lip quivering. “I should think not. I see you, Athelstan.”
The tears that dripped onto her cheeks made her feel stupid once more, and Alethia brushed them away so hastily that she felt the rough fabric of her sleeve tug on her skin painfully. 
“Fuck.” She hissed, going over the aggravated skin with her fingers. Athelstan reached out carefully, as if she was a wild animal, and stopped her wrist. Had he been anyone else, she’d have lashed out, but Athelstan was the only anchor she had in this villa, in this time.
She let him pull her hand away from her face.
“Why do you injure yourself like this? Why are you this hasty, this angry all the time?” Athelstan asked quietly. Alethia looked to the cross on the altar. Though she did not know if she believed, it felt wrong to lie here. 
That was what she wanted to tell herself. The truth was that Alethia wanted to have someone here who knew. Someone who understood her pain. Athelstan looked like, maybe, just maybe, he could.
“I lost him.” Alethia mumbled quietly.
“Him?” Athelstan asked. Alethia’s hand went to her stomach automatically.
“The father?” 
“His name was Jon, and he was good.” Alethia said. 
“That is a rare thing in a man.” 
“You are good, I think.” Alethia replied.
“I try.” Athelstan said. The distance between them was only a step, and yet, talking to him seemed so surreal. Still, Alethia wondered if she’d wake up back home in Winterfell.
“I do too. I don’t think it is enough.” Alethia confessed. Her heart hurt. Her head hurt. She was so awfully tired, her brain buzzing with a language she’d been forced to learn in mere days. 
She lied down on the floor, letting Athelstan eye her like a curiosity.
“What are you doing?” He asked.
“Taking a break.” Alethia replied.
He squatted next to her, shaking his head, before he followed her lead.
Alethia rolled her eyes at him. 
“What? I am taking a break?”
“From what?” Alethia snorted. 
“Teaching you.”
She let out a pretend-gasp, turning towards Athelstan. “I am not a bad student.”
“The best I ever had.” Athelstan replied.
“How many people have you taught?” Alethia said, proud of her use of the past tense. She did not spend her entire day with it for nothing.
“Two.” Athelstan admitted. She snorted.
“Then how do I give you such pains?”
“Figuring you out is… impossible.” Athelstan replied. Alethia quieted down, and turned onto her back again. She stared at the ceiling and pretended it was the sky. Her palms were pressed onto the cobblestone as they had been, finding stability into the stone.
“Who are you?” Athelstan asked after a while, his words echoing the hundred times he had asked the question before.
Alethia took a breath. Next to her, Athelstan tensed. No doubt he expected her to lash out again. The guilt of it rose in her throat like bile.
“A traveler.” She said finally. “A soldier. A healer, a librarian, a bride and a widow. A Christian and a Godless person. A sister, and a mother-to-be. But most of all, I am far from home, Athelstan. So far.”
“So am I.” He told her. “My home is gone. I think I understand.”
Alethia considered if she could tell him for a moment. She wanted to. He had no idea that she was from the future. That she’d been to another bloody world. All he knew was that she was a stranger. Dangerous, potentially.
She could not.
“Thank you.” She said instead. 
“Come,” Athelstan replied, offering his hand in a reflection of her earlier that day. “We are surely missed at lunch.”
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cellard0ors · 2 years
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"So, what now?" Travis asks and Laura looks around, "The caravan shouldn't be too far from here. I don't know for certain that's where she died, but it seems like the most logical place. Unfortunately, since Silas's cage is nearby, that makes it all his territory. We won't have long to search before he might..."
She seems reluctant to continue and Travis can understand why. He doesn't have werewolf blood with him - normally he would, but he hadn't had a chance to apply it before he caught her down by the lake.
They're both armed and Travis knows guns can scare werewolves off, if not kill them (silver bullets needed for that), but Silas is no doubt a whole different breed altogether, what with being a werewolf born.
Laura must know that he's thinking all of this as she looks at him, her face set, "Like I told you - he usually avoids me, acts like I'm not there unless I push. For you-!"
"I'm a red flag in front of a bull." Travis nods knowingly, "No protection."
"I won't let anything happen to you." Laura swears with vicious intensity, "I won't."
Travis speaks to her with just as much, "Just don't do anything crazy."
She smirks, "Not my style."
He can't help but smirk back and he withdraws his weapon, double checking it. Laura does the same with her shotgun and, after her nod, the two slowly begin to make their way forward - deeper into the lair of the beast.
Travis keeps an ear out for any suspicious sounds, which gets him to thinking, "Could you sing to him?"
Laura looks over at him over one of her shoulders and he clarifies, "Silas - can you sing to him?"
She shakes her head, "Mer song doesn't work on him when he's in this form. I used it a lot when we were traveling together and he was in his human form. I'd use it to comfort him, soothe him - help him feel loved "
Travis looks wistful, "Wish I got songs like those. Instead of, you know..."
Laura looks stricken, "I didn't want to sing to you, I didn't want to take your memories, I just didn't know what else to-!"
"I'm not blaming you." He reassures her, "I'm just saying I'd like to hear you sing something sometime...I bet you sound like an angel."
There's an eye roll at the compliment and he doesn't blame her for it - as far as compliments go, it's rather cheesy, but he truly means it. He has no doubt her voice is gorgeous while singing.
It makes him wish he could play an instrument to accompany her.
...well, an instrument better than the harmonica.
These lighthearted thoughts help as they approach the burnt out husk of Silas's cage. At first there's no sign of anything that could remotely connect to Eliza, but then Laura's flashlight pins off a collection of thorns and creeper vines that have woven themselves thickly around something that reflects back at them.
Something metal.
They edge closer and Travis eases some of the brush away to reveal a thick, rusted bit of rebar. Within that is the smell of old ash and something else, something decaying.
Travis pulls the growth farther apart, cursing under his breath as some of the thorns catch him but as Laura shines the light in deeper, they see it.
It looks... unnatural. Picked clean and vibrant and just as Travis mutters 'Holy shit' his back explodes in pain, Silas howling with triumph as he rakes his claws across it.
Flesh and uniform give easily and Travis's hold on the brush is lost as he falls to one side, Silas climbing over top of him and trying to take a bite.
Laura screams Travis's name even as she throws herself at Silas, trying to wrench him off. While not strong enough to completely pull her brother off, her intervention prevents Silas from taking a chunk out of Travis.
Travis, for his part, tries to wrestle the beast off of him, both squirming away from his weight as well as the sound of his snapping jaws.
Eventually he manages to work himself free, turning over on to his back, which blazes with agony. He tries to point his gun at Silas, tries to get off a shot, but the werewolf smacks the weapon from him.
Laura, still wrapped around Silas, tugs hard, trying to use all of her weight to make him topple backwards, but she doesn't have much of an effect.
As such, Silas is pretty much wearing her as a backpack as he continues to try and get Travis, swiping out at him again and again.
Travis scooches backwards in the dirt, leaves slipping under his heels. He can't quite get the leverage to rise up and pull away to a safe distance, not with the way Silas is looming over him.
Seeming to recognize that desperate measures are in order, Laura does exactly what Travis told her not to do.
She does something crazy.
Laura puts her hands over Silas's face and, with as much force as possible, sinks her middle fingers into his eyes.
Now Silas does rear back, releasing a high pitched, pained screech at her actions. Her actions that, apparently, clue him into the danger she truly is.
Laura pushed.
Silas responds.
His claws now go to his back where she is, they dig deep into her and she screams, releasing her hold on him. The moment she does, she falls to the ground and he turns, attacking her with unparalleled ruthlessness.
It's as if now, truly seeing her as opposed to simply shunning her, he has a lot of aggression to release. True, he doesn't bite - seeming to somehow sense how the clear water in her veins would hurt him - but that makes him no less ferocious.
Laura's rolled over and open to a full frontal attack, which Silas seems to relish. She does her best to block with her hands, her arms, her legs - but they offer little protection.
Silas is tearing away at her - clothing, skin, and blood flying as Travis finally gets to his feet and roars, "LEAVE HER ALONE!"
He spots Laura's shotgun to one side and quickly grabs it. Without any compunction, without a single pause, he presses the barrel of the gun directly against the back of Silas's skull.
He pulls the trigger.
While the shotgun doesn't have silver bullets, it still packs a hell of a punch, especially at such close range. Silas can't help but react to the full hit, the spread managing to at least pierce his head, albeit not destroy it outright.
Releasing a whining wail of pain, Silas clutches at his damaged head and finally releases Laura, running off into the forest to no doubt and try to recover.
Laura, however, looks far from that ability.
Blood is pouring out of her, her body ravaged. What skin is visible is deathly pale and she coughs, blood staining her teeth, dribbling out of her mouth as she wheezes in pain.
"Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no..." Travis crouches over her, shaking hands reaching out as if to touch her, but afraid to, afraid of making it worse and she chokes out, "'S...kay...guh-ge-get...buh-bone..."
"No."Travis says firmly, a thought coming to him. His clinical, official police officer mode kicking in as he assess her injuries and comes to the conclusion he can pick her up.
He does so as gently as he possibly can, although she still cries out, the pain tremendous. He shushes her, apologizing and telling her he knows it hurts, but he has to do this - he has to.
Laura tries to shake her head, but can't seem to manage the movement even as she once more pleads, "Too...lah-late, g-get...buh-!"
"No." Travis fiercely cuts off her attempts to speak as he cradles her close to his chest, his heart, "We're getting you to the lake."
"Wuh-won't wo-ork..." Laura manages, but Travis is already moving, even as she squeaks, "Bu...your... family..."
The last comes out small, a miniscule breath - almost as if it's the last thing she'll ever-!
He's carrying her and moving as swiftly as he can in the direction of the lake.
It's too far! It's too far! I won't make it! One half of Travis's mind wails in shrill horror, while the other half insists: You have to! You have to! You have to!
He wishes he was three decades younger, he wishes he was more fit, he wishes - more than anything - that this wasn't happening. But his wishes are meaningless, so he simply focuses on moving forward, moving fast, on: keep going, keep going, keep going!
The bones and Eliza and Silas are the furthest things from his mind.
All there is, is Laura. All that matters is saving her. And before he knows it, he's at the lake's edge. He does his level best calmly and carefully lower her into the water.
He carries her out far.
Freezing cold water encases his feet, his legs, his waist - he walks out - the lake bottom sucking at his shoes, the slick surface making it difficult for him to charge forward.
But he does.
Trails of coppery crimson begin to stream and swirl behind them as her blood meets the water. They're lost in a cloud of it once he's chest-deep and can go no further.
Travis lowers her into the drink and watches as the water completely engulfs her. She's floating, but only just - her blue eyes glassy and staring out at nothing.
She hasn't spoken in awhile. Her pale pink mouth just slightly agape. He can't tell if she's even breathing - he's not hearing anything, feeling anything. She's not warm - she's cold. But he's cold too.
Travis moves her about in the waters, a slow circular motion, like a macabre dance. He can't tell if scales have formed under her clothes. He removes them clinically, eyes glossy with tears as he sniffles, as he bares her to the waters.
It's easier to see the deep wounds now - the bone deep gashes, bloodless now. Jagged rips and tears in her porcelain flesh. Unhealed.
"C'mon, Laura... c'mon, sweetheart..." He croons, running his fingers through her soaking wet hair, "Come on...come back to me..."
Laura doesn't respond.
"Please..." His deep voice quivers, breaks, "Laura, please...I can't get you back just to lose you again...I can't."
He presses her lips to her forehead, "I love you, Laura...please come back to me...just one more time. Please. Come back."
Travis waits for an answer.
He'll wait his whole life if he has to.
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oddyssey77 · 5 months
Fearless - Percy
POV Percy Jackson
"OOWWW!" I yelled.
"OOF!" I tripped.
"GAHHHHH!" I ran.
I felt a large thorn protruding from my abdomen. I was trying desperately to escape the maze. But there was no way out. No end. I cursed myself for allowing the thorn to pierce my skin. I knew it was poisonous and it was crippling through me, weakening me. Running seemed pointless. It certainly wasn't what Annabeth would do. 
She would sit down, legs crossed, and calmly think of a plan. A plan that would surely work. I felt stupid sitting down and doing nothing. Well, not nothing. I was thinking about how I could escape this poison maze. I didn't like thinking about the problem. Fighting was much more fun. 
I looked around at the tall rows of cacti towering over me. I knew that I couldn't wait this out. Just like Eurytion had told me, I was going to have to escape on my own. I thought about Nico and how his problems were probably a lot worse than mine. I felt guilty for caring more about my own situation than trying to find a way to help the kid. He had already been through so much pain. So much heartache.
Of course, most of that heartache was about me. I tried not to think about that though. Nico was over me. I had never liked him back. There was no point in feeling bad about how I treated him. And besides, Nico and I were buddies now. He was no longer cold or shy around me. I would never say this to either of them but I think this is partially thanks to Will Solace.
Will was really opening Nico up to his feelings recently, making him more comfortable with himself. They were becoming best friends. But part of me hoped they might become something more. I wasn't even sure if Will knew Nico was gay. Annabeth and I are the only people who did know. Well, Jason knew as well, before he... well... never mind.
I finally realised that I had sat down to think of a plan but ended up trailing through my own thoughts for what felt like hours. I was about to draw a mind map in the flame-red sand when the cacti shuddered. They creaked and began closing on me. I leapt up and hurried out, leaving my mind map to get squashed. 
I did not want to get impaled by another prickly thorn from a cactus. I still didn't feel poisoned. Just a little dizzy, but that was possibly from blood loss. I wasn't sure if I could die down here. Normally, you don't die in the fields of punishment but this was different. I had never died in the first place. We had just fallen through into the Underworld.
Unless... No. We didn't die. I was almost sure of that. From that point on, whenever I found a nice spot to sit down, it would soon get enveloped by the cacti. The maze wanted me to keep moving. No breaks. No rests. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to avoid the pricks of the cacti. But the one spot that I had been pricked was starting to make my brain feel like it was splitting in two. The poison was working.
"Percy!!" I heard Annabeth call. Shock overtook me as I realised that I had finally found her. I knew that she was down in the Underworld with us. I just had to find her. And now I had. A joyous grin sparked across my face and I sprinted toward the sound of her voice.
"PERCY!!" she called even louder. I turn a corner with such speed, expecting to find my girlfriend standing there. I gasped as I nearly crashed into a wall of cactus. My heart sank. I nearly cried in disappointment until I heard it again. Her voice was speaking from the cactus.
I looked closer and saw a small image shimmering into focus on the face of the cactus. It was like an Iris message. Like I was being sent this vision to further torture me. She was right there and I couldn't reach her. 
I watched as she trudged through a large, endless fjord of wheat. Calling out a name. But now that I had found her, it didn't look like she was calling my name. She was calling someone else's.
"Will!" Annabeth shouted, "Please, come back! We can talk!" She looked troubled and scared. I wanted so much to be with her in that moment it made me want to cry. Then, the vision turned a kind of purply shade.
Two gorgons, identical to the ones that had chased me into Camp Jupiter, lunged at her and she screamed in horror as one of them took a large chomp out of her side. I watched, terrified as the unstoppable Annabeth Chase got torn apart and killed by things as simple as gorgons. 
I sobbed and fell to my knees. I was about to just lay there and allow myself to be consumed by the maze when I heard another voice.
"PERCYYYY!!!" she screamed. It was a much younger voice than Annabeth's. I gasped in shock as I heard the sound of my little sister Estelle screaming for me to save her.
As much as I had been broken by what happened to Annabeth, I forged ahead. I had to find a way to save Estelle. She could not go the same way Annabeth had.
Once again, I only found a wall of cactus and a vision of my sister plastered on it. Like Annabeth, she hadn't been verbally calling my name, more like beckoning for my assistance. My 3 year-old sister was hiding desperately behind a rock in a large cave open to the sky and sobbing.
"Estelle!" I called helplessly. Behind her marched an army of the stone warriors that had attacked camp. They were standing in formation as an out of view woman yelled orders at them.
"My soldiers!" she boomed, "The time has come for us to claim our rightful place among western civilisation!" 
Not if I have anything to say about it I thought but I was still focused on Estelle.
"As you know. We have acquired the dove and the eagle! The diamond has fallen, taking one of our automatons with it. Our remaining targets still run rampant amongst the fields, caves, cliffs, and flames!"
I heard Estelle let out a sob. And if I could hear it, the chances are, the soldiers could hear it too. The vision shifted, it took on a slight purple tone just like Annabeth's had. As if something were changing.
"In fact, one of our targets is hiding amongst you right now!" 
Estelle was a smart girl. She knew when to run. She made for the exit of the cave. Trying with all her might to make it. But the guards noticed her and wrestled her down. She screamed and sobbed. The guards didn't flash a sign of remorse for the child as he raised his dagger.
"NOOOO!!!" I yelled. But it was too late. I had never seen such a horrifying sight. Except for when my girlfriend had gotten killed maybe moments ago.
I turned my head in despair but only found myself face to face with another vision. My mother was sitting in our apartment sobbing at the kitchen table. Trying to fit an eighth blue cookie in her mouth. 
"How could this happen?" she croaked, "How could I lose both my children at one stupid festival!" I wanted to call to her. Tell her I am here and alright. But then I'd had to tell her about Estelle. And that would've killed me.
"There was nothing you could've do-" Paul Blowfis began. I could tell he had been crying too but he seemed to be trying to hold things together for my Sally. But the vision shifted purple again. Paul sneered and stood up, slamming his chair. 
"This is all your fault!" He picked up her glass of water and smashed it on the ground. Making her yelp. It mirrored what I had done to Gabe that terrible night all those years ago. He grabbed Sally by the forearm and began yelling at her. Why would Paul do this? He was such a kind-hearted man. I thought he was perfect for my mom. 
I looked away, shattered. My girlfriend was dead, my sister was dead, and I was watching my mom get abused again. I turned back to the vision but heard about three separate voices calling me.
I ran through the maze and found a vision of Nico getting killed on an operating, a vision of Grover getting killed by a group of terrorist draiads, a vision of Rachel Dare collapsing and dying from the power of the oracle, Coach Hedge drowning with his kid Chuck, Reyna getting led to her death by a larare of Octavian, Thalia falling from the sky, and Leo getting crushed by a rock. All of these visions had the same purple shade to their depictions.
It didn't make sense to me how everyone I loved was falling in ways that I was terrified to see them die in. I shattered. Fell to the ground and sobbed. There was nothing I could've done. That's what hurt the most. I thought about Annabeth. How she would look at me and tell me...
"Get up Seaweed Brain! Stop slacking off."
"I'm sorry Annabeth," I said, "I'm useless."
'Percy, listen. This isn't real. You need to escape.'
"How!?" I cried
'Let go of your fear. Embrace the love.'
Embrace the love? I thought. It sounded like something to be written on the doormat of a hippie's caravan. But the word that she had said to me. Fear. I had to let go of my fear. Then it clicked. It's not real. No one had died.
Just like HSS torture had forced me to embrace my worst memories, I was being forced to face my worst fears; My mom getting hurt, my sister getting involved in my world of demi-gods and monsters, all of my friends getting killed with me being able to do nothing about it.
But I was yet to face one more vision.
"You failed me." a voice  chided, "We were friends and YOU FAILED ME!"
Standing in front of the cacti was my best friend. Jason Grace son of Jupiter looked down on me with a stern expression. His blue eyes bore into my soul, stabbing me with his words.
"I'm sorry Jason. I should've been there. I should've been able to help." I couldn't bear it.
"You are not worthy of the love you receive. You deserve punishment!" he yelled. I watched in tears as he knelt down to my level.
"You are not worthy." he repeated. Jason looked at the ground in front of me and spit on it. He stood up and marched back toward the wall of cacti. I thought about what Annabeth had said. Fear, Love.  I had been afraid that Jason would blame me. That he might resent me for what happened to me
But I realised that I couldn't have helped him anymore than Reyna could have. If she had failed to save him from the Dracon, I probably would have too. Jason would've understood that. The real Jason would have understood that.
Jason's ghost hadn't come to visit me in the Underworld. It was just a figment of my own worst fear. Just like the visions, just like this stupid maze.
"NO!" I bellowed, making the cacti shake.
Jason turned with shock painted across his face.
"What did you just say?"
"I said NO! You are not real. I am not afraid of you!" Jason looked like he wanted to charge at me and kill me but instead he evaporated wispily and floated away. I sat down, my face covered in a combination of blood, grime, and tears.
But the maze didn't seem interested in letting me catch my breath, it contracted towards me, this time leaving no route for escape. I didn't know what to do. Except I did. I felt Annabeth's words still ringing in my mind. Let go of the fear. Embrace the Love. My mom, Estelle, Annabeth, Nico, Reyna, Grover, Rachel, Thalia, Frank, Hazel, Leo, Coach Hedge, they all cared about me. And I wasn't afraid anymore.
"GO AWAY! I AM NO LONGER SCARED! I LET GO OF MY FEAR!" It was as if the maze was reacting to my every word. I willed it into submission and conformed it to how I wanted it. And I wanted it gone.
The entire cactus maze wisped away from me like fog, just like Jason had, leaving me standing alone in the barren wastelands of the fields of punishment. I wasn't alone however, as I squinted into the distance and saw a black little blob running toward me.
As it got closer, I recognized it as my Underworld companion, Nico Di Angelo.
"Percy!" he huffed, completely out of breath, "We have to leave. Now!" I took his word for it and ran but the son of Hades was not going to be able to keep moving for much longer.
"You're alive!" I panted. I had assumed that the visions I had seen had not been real but it was nice to have that confirmed for me.
"I ran away from the dismemberment room! But Eurytion's not far behind."
As if saying his name had summoned him, Nico and I crashed directly into the tall, buff, torturer that we unfortunately knew as Eurytion.
"Hey guys. You didn't think you could escape without facing period 3, did you?" he chuckled.
"What's period 3 again?" Nico asked, his voice going overly high-pitched from all the running.
"Duel to the Death." Eurytion stated, "Oh, and don't let me forget, you two are the ones dueling."
I turned to Nico with a pained expression, "Oh F-
This Chapter is Dedicated to Lucy
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evita-shelby · 2 years
The Dinner Date
Modern au!tommy x eva ,takes place in 2019
My 100th tommy x eva one shot
Thanks @moral-terpitude for the idea of making it a modern au
Cw:mentions of the brexit protests in the uk and the nationwide protests and subsequent riots in mexico after mexico city police sexually assauleted two little girls
Gif by @compassgenius
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“So, you’re serious about her?” Ada asked looking over his shoulder before he stopped her from reading the messages.
He had been serious about Grace only to get burned. Tommy was hoping things with Eva will be better.
“I am. Which is why I want to make sure she is peer reviewed before I really commit.” Tommy knew his family already knew Eva and had befriended her, he just needed to see that it wasn’t that fake shit Grace had pulled off for almost a year.
“How about a double date with me and Freddie? If she’s serious she’ll survive it and if she isn’t, well you have an excuse to break up with her.” Ada suggests, as if it had worked last time.
“It sounds like a bad idea, little sister.” Tommy tries to shoot down the idea.
But it could work.
Grace had tried to have Freddie arrested for… well being himself after going out for drinks with them.
Greta had liked Freddie; in fact, they had met at some protest he invited them to.
And while he knew his new girlfriend was just as political as Greta, Tommy needed for her to not be a pearl clutching Tory.
Nor a narc who had even made a tindr to make sure she’d get his attention.
“Fine, how about this Friday evening. That one we went with Polly last month.” He relents.
The more elegant the restaurant the less likely there would be a problem.
“I’ll tell Freddie to his worse.” His sister smiled rather deviously.
“Have you seen the protests lately? It seems we might actually get shit done.�� It is done on purpose; Ada has brought up almost every topic they could disagree on and Eva has passed with flying colors.
Now came the final one.
They are having dessert, if Eva survived the politics question, Tommy would marry her on the spot.
“As if that could get them off their arse,” Freddie scoffs.
“It does work, if you get them all to organize and vote for people who are willing to put in the work. I mean we voted out Peña Nieto and my country is just a few more assassinations away from being a total narco-state.” Eva cut her crème caramel with her fork.
“Yeah, sure, but that’s Mexico, here you can have all of the UK show up it’s not going to stop Parliament from voting yes for Brexit.” Freddie answers just as they had expected.
His friend was as socialist as they came, but he had as much faith in the system as Tommy had faith in the Christian God.
“Well then make yourself impossible to ignore and if they continue to ignore you then take justice in your hands.
You heard about the protests in my country, we we riot nationwide when policemen rape little girls and make the world fucking see there'sstrength in numbers. If it had been us, we wouldn’t have let the Big Ben unscathed or Buckingham Palace untagged.” Eva surprises them, usually a strong believer of reform and democracy, she apparently was pro-rioting.
“Says the one who ran away like a fucking coward.” Thorne makes the mistake of assuming the pretty rich girl in front of him is as harmless as she looks.
Eva may try to avoid violence and had the patience of a saint most of the time, but everyone has a tipping point.
Freddie had just found it.
Tommy barely managed to pull his girlfriend away just as she landed the first punch on Freddie’s right eye.
“Take that back, Thorne.” She snarled as Tommy did his best to keep her still.
“I fucking won’t, people like you can say they fight for the same thing as us but when things get hard you lot run away in your private jets. Just like you did.” Freddie held his glass to his eye and sat back.
She lunged again and this time security comes to put a stop to it.
“I told you it was a bad idea.” Tommy told his sister as they split the bill while Freddie and Eva waited in their cars.
“I know and we’re never doing this again.” Ada agreed. “We’re fucking lucky they didn’t call the police on them.”
“Brunch tomorrow?” he asked his sister who only nodded.
He is not surprised to have Eva apologize to him for ruining the date.
“Shouldn’t have let him get to me, Tom. I know he’s your friend and Ada’s husband, but its better if we don’t try this again.” The witch said surprising him.
“Again?” he had assumed she’d end things after a date like this.
“Despite what your oh so charming brother-in-law says, I am no quitter, Shelby.”
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COVID-128: A Lunar Chronicles Story
“In just a few minutes you’ll be hearing from Earthen Union’s lead medical researcher, Dr. Fuacino,” said Kai, his expression serious yet calm as he looked into the netscreen. He was used to this, of course. He’d been making public addresses to the world for years and had been in the media’s eye long before that. Still, it never ceased to make Cinder’s heart swell, just a little, to see him in his element. Being the leader he was born to be. She often wondered if she would ever be as comfortable in front of the cameras, despite how Kai and so much of her own royal staff persisted in telling her that she was doing great.
“For now,” Kai continued, “Lunar Ambassador Linh Cinder and I encourage you to continue using the protocols our medical experts have recommended to keep yourself, your family, and our society as safe as possible.”
“Wash your hands frequently,” said Cinder, reciting the words she’d said at the end of each of these press conferences. Words that she’d probably started to say in her sleep by now. “Avoid touching your face. And practice social distancing. It really is making a difference. We’ll see you back on Earth as soon as we can. Believe me, Iko—my adviser and public relations representative—has already started planning our celebratory ball for when this pandemic is over.”
“Stay safe, and take care,” said Kai. They both smiled at the netscreen for a beat, then Kai reached forward and ended the transmission.
They turned to each other and shared a mutual sigh.
“Another day, another press conference,” said Cinder, taking his hand. “You were great, as usual.”
He groaned. “Thanks, but . . . I know I don’t need to tell you how much I hate this. The world is facing yet another crisis, and here I am, stuck on Thorne’s spaceship. Again.” Despite his complaining, he gave her hand a squeeze. They both knew this was for the best. Most everyone on the planet knew it was for the best.
They’d been returning from Luna after a congenial visit with the newly instated Lunar cabinet when the outbreak had occurred—a new disease spreading rapidly across planet Earth.
“At least we learned a thing or two after dealing with Letumosis,” said Cinder as they left the crew’s quarters that had been set up as their official press room after the lockdown had gone into effect, suspending travel to and from Earth and leaving thousands of spacecraft, including the Rampion, orbiting the planet.
Kai chuckled humorlessly, dragging a hand through his hair. It was a habit that Cinder had noticed he did after every conference, almost like he had to untidy himself as soon as their transmission was over, transforming from the Emperor Kaito of the Eastern Commonwealth back to . . . just Kai. Her Kai.
“We did learn a lot, didn’t we?” he said. “I’m embarrassed to think about how we handled Letumosis. Hardly any social distancing at all. Can you imagine—I even still held the annual ball!”
“And none of the markets shut down. I was working at my mechanic booth like nothing had changed. I mean, I guess my shop was an essential business, but still.”
“It would have been a lot better if we’d known to shut things down. Practice social distancing.” Kai shrugged. “Live and learn. At least we’re getting this COVID-128 taken care of a lot more effectively.”
A door opened in the corridor and Scarlet appeared, looking slightly bewildered, her mess of red curls tied into a messy bun on top of her head. “Is the press conference over?”
“Just finished,” said Cinder. “Are you all right?”
“I’m fine,” she said, rubbing a palm into her eye. “Didn’t get much sleep last night, but I had to finish the tenth season of Friends.”
“What’s Friends?” asked Kai.
“Oh, this thing, it’s called a sitcom. They had a lot of them in the second era. Sort of like a netdrama, but”—Scarlet searched for the right word—“happier.” She shook her head, her eyes widening conspiratorially. “Anyway, now I’ve started watching this second-era documentary and I’m telling you, people back then were so weird. Did you know they used to keep tigers as pets?”
“Uh . . .” Cinder glanced at Kai, who looked equally confused by this statement. “You mean, real tigers?”
“Weren’t they nearly extinct back then?” asked Kai.
Scarlet nodded sullenly. “I’m so glad we don’t live in those dark ages.” Then she laughed as she started to retreat into the darkness of her quarters. “Now that your press conference is over, I should be able to stream the next episode. I swear, it’s tooth and nail fighting for bandwidth these days.” With that, she disappeared, shutting the door behind her.
Kai cocked his head, frowning at the door. “Should we be worried about her?”
“Let’s give it a few more days,” said Cinder. “We’re all coping with this in our own way, right? For Scarlet, that’s evidently binge-watching all the second-era media she didn’t have time to watch while she was too busy running the farm.”
Fast-paced techno music with a thumping bass drew their attention toward the cargo hull. It was followed by Iko’s chipper voice barking orders, drill-sergeant style.
“Six! Seven! Eight! Don’t quit now! You can do this! Push push push!”
Cinder followed the voice, though she already had a good idea of what she would find. In the cargo hull, Wolf and Iko were powering through their virtual wellness class. Iko had proposed it a few weeks ago as a way to help people take care of themselves while they were stuck at home, but Cinder had started to suspect it was as much for Wolf’s benefit as for their watchers’. Wolf, more than any of them, was suffering from being trapped aboard the ship for such a long period of time, but the classes had proved an effective way for him to burn off all his extra energy. And Iko enjoyed bossing people around, so they made a good team. Their classes ranged from yoga to kickboxing, and Iko had even thrown in a fair amount of self-care sessions, talking their viewers through guided meditations or teaching them how to make skin-care masks out of pantry staples (all the while pointing out the fact that her own manufactured skin was naturally flawless).
Today they appeared to be focused on strength training. When Cinder and Kai entered the room, Wolf and Iko were switching back and forth between push-ups and jumping jacks. It looked exhausting, but they both had huge grins on their faces, and a glance at the netscreen on the wall showed that they had more than half a million live watchers. A perk of already being semi-famous after the whole Lunar revolution thing.
“Okay,” said Iko, pausing to talk to the screen while Wolf pushed out a few more rounds. “Great job, everyone! We’re going to wrap up this workout with a cooldown and some stretching. Ship, reduce music volume by forty percent.”
As the volume lowered, Thorne appeared in the door to the cockpit. “Are you two almost done? I’ve got a podcast to do here!”
Iko shot him a glare, hands on her hips. “Excuse me, but we are trying to better the lives of people all over the galaxy.”
Thorne quirked an eyebrow. “And you think I’m not?”
“It’s a subjective argument,” Kai muttered, making Cinder smile. Not long after Iko and Wolf had started their virtual classes, Thorne had the brilliant idea to start his own project for the betterment of humanity. His idea was to start a podcast called The Happy Captain with Captain Carswell Thorne, in which he spent literally hours explaining how his listeners could become more awesome . . . like him.
His listener stats had also risen astronomically over the past weeks, and the gushing fan mail had started to pour in, which Cinder found baffling. When she’d brought it up to Cress, though, Cress had just shrugged and confessed that if Thorne had been recording a podcast when she was stuck in her satellite, she definitely would have been listening to it. “Besides,” she added, “he’s started taking live calls from listeners who want relationship advice, and surprisingly . . . the advice he’s been giving hasn’t been terrible.”
Speaking of Cress . . .
Cinder looked around, but she wasn’t in the cargo hull, and she couldn’t see her through the doors to the cockpit or medical room, either. “Where’s Cress?” she asked, as Iko and Wolf worked on some hamstring stretches.
Thorne shrugged. “She said she was planning something for us and we shouldn’t bother her. Another one of her games, I think.” Turning, he ducked back into the cockpit.
Wolf, pressed up into cobra pose, sniffed loudly at the air. “I smell pie.”
Iko turned to him. “Pie?”
A second later, Cinder smelled it too, as the aroma of pastry and sugared fruit, along with Winter’s serene voice, wafted in from the galley. “Behold! I discovered two cans of peaches and the cutest little bear-shaped bottle of crystallized honey.” Winter appeared, carrying a perfectly lattice-topped pie in her mitted hands. “The cabinets in there are truly a gold mine of possibility.”
“Don’t we still have a few dozen cookies and half a cake left from the last couple of days?” whispered Kai.
“Unless Wolf got to them,” Cinder whispered back. Which was silly, as Wolf’s ears immediately twitched toward them, no doubt hearing every word. He didn’t look too guilty, though.
Winter’s means of coping during their time aboard the Rampion had mostly revolved around stress baking. A whole lot of stress baking. For the most part, no one was complaining. Most of her creations had been delicious, though the dried-prune-granola-condensed-milk trifle hadn’t been one of her better experiments. Luckily, Wolf would eat anything.
Of all of them, Winter probably had the most to be worried about, anyway, at least on a personal level. Yes, Kai was concerned for his entire country and everyone was anxious to hear about the ongoing vaccine research, but Winter was mostly worried for Jacin. He’d been attending an Earthen medical school for the past couple of years in order to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor, and had just started an internship when the pandemic hit. He’d been on the front lines, caring for infected patients, ever since. Winter was so proud of him—they all were—but there was also a lot of unspoken anxiety swirling through the ship.
“Someone will have to make an emergency supply run soon,” said Winter. “I’m almost out of flour and Scarlet promised to share her croissant recipe.” She passed Cinder and Kai, forcing them apart as she set the steaming pie down on top of a storage crate. Wolf sniffed again and licked his lips.
“I’m not sure croissants constitute an emergency,” said Cinder.
Winter stripped off the oven mitts. “If croissants aren’t an emergency, then I don’t know what is. Oh, but I did find a bag of almonds in there. Perhaps I could make almond flour . . .”
“Have you spoken to Jacin today?” Kai asked.
Winter shook her head. “He’s supposed to comm when he has a free minute.” Her smile trembled, but it was only slightly noticeable.
“All right, that’s plenty of sweat for today,” said Iko, finishing up with their last stretch. “At least, for those of you who sweat.” She smirked at Wolf, who was indeed looking a little damp around the edges, though his bright eyes appeared more exhilarated than weary.
He bounced from foot to foot, clearly still harboring more energy to burn. “It felt good to get moving. Hope you all enjoyed the workout. See you next time!”
Iko shut off their feed, then turned to the group with a wide smile. “I always knew I had the makings of a netfeed star! I just always assumed it would be in the guise of a great netdrama actress, not . . . you know, as a health coach.”
“You’re a natural,” said Winter. She flourished her hand toward the crate. “Pie, anyone?”
“Yes!” said Wolf, turning to loom over the delicious-smelling pastry. He looked ravenous, but managed to resist long enough to glance around the room. “Does anyone else want some?”
Cinder waved a hand at him. “You’ve burned off more calories today than the rest of us have all week. It’s yours.”
He took a slice that Winter had precut and gobbled it down in just a few bites. Cinder would have thought that maybe he was stress eating as much as Winter was stress baking, but she’d been around him and his appetite enough to know this was standard practice for him, and for all the lupine mutants that had come out of Queen Levana’s reign, for that matter.
Upbeat music started to pour out of the cockpit—the “theme music” Thorne had started using for the intro to his podcasts. It continued for a few seconds before fading out.
“Welcome back to The Happy Captain!” Thorne’s voice rang through the cargo hull. “I hope you’re ready to become even more awesome, with me, Captain Carswell Thorne, showing you the way. We’ve got an exciting show lined up—”
“What happened?!” Scarlet emerged from the corridor, looking frantic. “I was watching that show, and it was getting so good—this guy, he tried to have this woman killed and now there’s going to be a trial and I have to know what’s going to happen, but my signal just cut out and—” She paused and blinked toward the cockpit, where Thorne could be heard reading quotes from recent fan mail. A shadow fell over her face. “He’s doing his show live again, isn’t he? Can’t he just record it like a normal podcaster? When all eight billion of his doting fans sign on at the same time, it completely monopolizes the signal!”
Before anyone could answer, a bang made Cinder jump. She turned to see the hatch door that led down to the ship’s lower level lying open. Cress poked her head up, a grin stretched across her face.
“Oh good, you’re finished with your workout,” she said, climbing out of the hatch. “Perfect timing. I have a new game set up for everyone!”
Cinder managed to stifle a groan. Scarlet did not.
Cress heard it and frowned, hurt. “You . . . don’t want to play? I mean, you don’t have to. I just thought it would be fun . . . it’s kind of a team-building, educational, puzzle-type—”
“No, no, no,” said Scarlet, pulling her hair back to try to tame the snarls. Cinder couldn’t help but wonder when was the last time she’d showered. “That sounds great, Cress. Really. So much fun. I’m just not sure we’ve all fully recovered from yesterday’s murder-mystery game . . .”
“Or the game show from the day before . . .” Kai added gently.
“Or the spree of second-era-style party games . . .” muttered Wolf.
Winter hopped excitedly. “Oh, I liked the party games! Especially that pin the tail on the donkey one. A donkey! Of all things! Earthens are so strange. A lizard would have made more sense.”
Kai blinked at her. “Why would a lizard make more sense?”
“Because they lose their tails sometimes. And can grow them back. Clearly.”
“Ah.” Kai nodded. “So much more sense.”
Cress’s smile returned, but weaker now. “We could do more party games, if you’d rather . . .”
“Cress, we’ll happily play your new . . . whatever it is you got set up for us,” said Cinder, trying to sound enthusiastic. “I’m sure it’ll be great.”
“I’m game for anything,” said Iko with a wink. “Game. Get it?”
Cress gave her an appreciative smile. Of all of their quarantine coping strategies, Cress’s was by far the most . . . interactive. It was as though she were determined to show the rest of them that, as quarantines went, this was nothing! After all, she’d been stuck in her satellite, all alone, for seven years, whereas it had barely been seven weeks since COVID-128 had struck. It seemed that being stuck on the Rampion with her dearest friends was more or less a dream come true for Cress, and her goal was now to make their time in isolation a memorable bonding experience. She’d spent hours preparing highly involved and rather complicated experiences for them. There had been myriad crafts and scavenger hunts. Board games and “themed” parties. Treasure hunts and trivia competitions and various tutorials she’d found on the net, demonstrating how they could make origami flower bouquets or grow a potato plant from their food scraps.
Cinder was fairly certain she was getting a lot of her ideas from the many virtual homeschooling initiatives that had taken over the netfeeds lately. And sure, some of the activities had been fun at first, but the novelty was wearing off and the rest of the crew was pretty much over it, though no one had the heart to tell Cress.
“I’ve got it all set up in the podship dock,” she said. “Where’s Thorne?”
Thorne’s head popped out of the cockpit door, as if summoned. “Hey, Cress, get in here! There’s a fan question for you.”
Cress’s brow furrowed, hesitant. She approached the cockpit, the rest of the crew following behind. The cockpit felt less like a recording booth and more like a nightclub, with bass-heavy music droning in the background and a mix of fluorescent lights flickering around the flight panel. Thorne claimed he needed to have the right atmosphere to bring his A-game. And his listeners deserved his A-game.
Cress perched awkwardly on the edge of the copilot’s chair. They had all made guest appearances on the podcast from time to time, at Thorne’s request, but of all of them, Cress was the least comfortable speaking to Thorne’s adoring masses.
“All right, folks, we’ve just been joined by the luckiest girl in outer space, who has also made me the luckiest guy. My girlfriend, Cress! Okay, caller, what was your question?”
“Hello, thanks for taking my call,” came a male voice, which surprised Cinder. She’d expected it to be some fangirl wanting to know how she, too, could capture the heart of someone as dreamy as Captain Thorne. “There’s a rumor,” continued the caller, “that you’re pretty good at hacking software, and I have a favor to ask of you.”
Cinder traded suspicious glances with the rest of the crew. All except Winter, whose head tilted to one side, as if trying to listen more closely.
Cinder sensed it, too. There was something about the voice that was . . . familiar. She wanted to ask Thorne to turn off the music, but before she could, Thorne leaned forward into the mic. “Uh . . . sorry, but did you have a question?”
“My question is whether or not Cress could realign a satellite to take a photograph of the location on Earth at the coordinates I just sent, and then broadcast that imagery to the world? Or at least show it to the rest of your friends up there.”
“Sorry,” said Thorne, “but that sounds illicit and suspicious and, frankly, my criminal days are behind me. Next—”
“Wait!” Winter jumped forward, grabbing Thorne’s hand before he could end the call. “Cress, do it.”
“What?” Thorne turned to her. “This is clearly a scam. He’s trying to get some sort of free publicity for . . . something. That, or this is a nefarious setup, and I won’t be a part of it. Not on my show, which is billed as wholesome entertainment for the masses, you know.”
Winter raised an eyebrow at him. “Really, Captain? You aren’t a tiny bit curious?”
His jaw tightened. A few seconds passed before he groaned and threw his head back. “Yes, I am so curious! Okay, Cress, go ahead, overtake some government-controlled satellite imaging software to obtain whatever piece of blackmail it is this guy is after.”
“I already did,” said Cress, smiling over her shoulder at them. “And you should probably see this.”
They all leaned forward. A photo on the nearest screen showed a rooftop in the midst of a densely populated Earthen city. A landing pad for a podship was nearby and Cinder thought it might be a hospital.
Taking up nearly the entire width of the rooftop, someone had written the words in what appeared to be bed linens:
A man stood not far from the words, staring up at the sky with a medical mask over his mouth, his yellow hair glinting in the sun.
“Jacin?” said Winter, stepping closer to the microphone.
“Hi,” he said.
She beamed. “Hi,” she returned, breathless. In the midst of her smile, tears started to cloud her eyes. “I love you, too.”
“I’m happy to hear it.”
A beat of silence was followed by Thorne groaning. “Terrible, you guys. You can’t let the silences drag on like that. We’re live, you know.”
Cress punched him lightly on the shoulder. “We’re missing you, Jacin. Are you all right down there?”
“As well as can be expected,” he said. “Our social-distancing tactics seem to be working. We’ve successfully flattened the curve in most of our major cities, and we’re optimistic about the new rounds of vaccines that are being tested.” He paused before adding, “Honestly, the biggest problem I’m having right now is that every time I try to comm Ambassador Hayle, some guy with a podcast is taking up all the signal and not letting me get through.”
For a moment, Thorne almost looked sheepish. “But, hey, have you been enjoying the show?”
There was another silence, before Jacin admitted, “I like when you have the rest of the crew on as special guests.” His voice was strained, as if it was physically painful for him to continue. “I guess I kind of miss all of you.”
“We’ll be together soon,” said Winter. She kissed her fingertips and placed them against Jacin’s image on the screen. “Now, Captain, could we please end this show so I can talk to our favorite medical intern in private?”
Thorne sighed. “Fine. Sorry, listeners, but true love calls, and I am nothing if not a romantic. It’s just one of the many things that makes me so amazing. Go ahead and add it to the growing list.” He winked—at literally no one, since none of his listeners could see him.
Cinder rolled her eyes, and she was pretty sure she wasn’t the only one.
She and the others vacated the cockpit, letting Winter and Jacin finish their conversation in peace.
“I know I’ve said this before,” said Cress, shutting the door behind them, “and you’re all probably sick of hearing it, but . . . difficult as these times are, I am glad we have each other.”
Scarlet nodded. “It’s nice to know we’re all in this together, isn’t it?” She entwined her fingers with Wolf’s. He smiled down on her, so wide that Cinder caught a glimpse of the fangs he was usually careful to keep hidden.
Kai nodded, draping an arm around Cinder’s shoulders. “And that we’re all trying to make the best of this situation. To find the bright moments wherever we can.”
“On that note!” said Cress. “Who’s ready to play my new game? There are clues and puzzles you have to figure out and a coded secret language! Oh, and booby traps!”
“Pick me!” cried Iko, jutting her hand into the air—while the rest of them grimaced.
“Or . . .” said Scarlet, “we could go see if this guy goes to jail and all the tigers are set free into the wild, officially restoring my faith in humanity?”
A round of agreement swirled through the group and they started meandering toward the corridor.
Cinder paused, realizing that Cress and Thorne weren’t following. Frowning, she turned back to see Cress looking disappointed. Guilt dug into Cinder’s chest, but before she could call the others back and rally them to give Cress’s newest activity a go, Thorne leaned over and pressed a kiss against Cress’s cheek.
“It’s been a long day in quarantine,” he said. “I’m sure everyone will be ready to play your game tomorrow.”
She turned to him, pouting. “Maybe I’ve been taking these activities a little too far?”
He shrugged. “It’s not your job to entertain us. But if you enjoy doing them, you should keep it up.”
Cinder stepped forward. “Thorne’s right. That murder-mystery one was actually really fun.”
Cress chewed on her lower lip, considering. “You know, I would have given anything to not be so lonely when I was on the satellite. I just want everyone to realize how lucky we are to have each other right now.”
“Trust me, Cress, we all know how lucky we are.” Tucking her against his side, Thorne guided her after the others. “In the midst of this sickness, there’s nowhere I’d rather be quarantined than right here. On my ship . . . with my crew.”
Cinder smiled. She couldn’t help feeling exactly the same way.
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takalzuoom · 3 years
I gotta say. I'm a fan of your beastman s/o headcannons. I love them so much! I can't even describe so I wanna request (Hope you don't mind ^^)
Leona with a Lioness s/o who almost has the same attitude as him (except for the lazy part because being a woman from Afterglow Savanah is a very big deal) aloof, barely smiles (But looks cute when she does), quiet but sassy. ^^
I have so many ideas for twst x beastman reader I thank you all for making me write more of it 🙇🏻
basically, me begging y’all to request more beastman reader 🙈
note!: also! i hope this is okay as i feel like i went a bit off track 🙇🏻
𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐱 𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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also! the personality of lionesses says that they’re ambitious and independent and are very caring and protective of their family
and fun fact! lions and lionesses sleep about 16-20 hours a day😺
so for the scenario, I'll make her a step up from Leona
okay okay, so when he’s at home for break I kinda see him almost avoiding the women there. like if there’s an especially rowdy one in the room, he’ll just dip.
it was Cheka's birthday party, and with Cheka adoring his uncle, that gave Ferna an even bigger reason to just insist that his brother stayed
…unless… Leona wants to babysit Cheka for a whole month while Ferna and his wife go on vacation🤥
so he’s being blackmailed
but after having cake and shooing his needs away to play with his annoying friends, he slithers into the shadows and dips 😽✌️
“Leona, is it? Why are you leaving the party?" You growled
Leona stiffened, eyes widening as he turned to see you in all your glory.
“y/n” he growled
"Don't wear it out"
you were one of Farena’s friends- well, acquaintance as your younger brother was Cheka's friend.
he’s seen you around, hard not to when you're such a bachelorette in sunset savannah. with your toned stature and fierce eyes- would rather die than admit that his gaze has lingered on you for a little too long
all in all. you were the perfect woman. and a huge thorn in his ass.
“ 's nothing but a child's play date. So I dont see why I'm needed. The little bugger can handle himself." he yawns, stretching as he starts walking away "and besides, it's cutting into my nap time"
you snort out a laugh, glaring at him as you jogged to catch up with the prince. Gripping his shoulder when you caught up with him. Forcing him to look at you.
“ Listen up you big oaf- I'm not about to have you ruin this for my brother, and in extension Cheka, your nephew “
you growled, inching closer to his face as his face contorted into... well- you didn't care. Sizing him up, you whispered.
"You're gonna turn around, march back into his litter party and enjoy yourself. I don't care if you sleep in the middle of the room- but you're going back there."
And that's when he remembered Ferna's words - 'Go big or go home
"Well someone has their panties in a twist"
One, he either sucked up his pride and returned. immediately getting a hug from Cheka who was tearing up from the previous lack of Leona
Or two... he pretended your threat didn't send a chill up his spine and kept walking. Shivering when he was yards away from your glowering form
so with a thumping foot and crossed arms, you smirked as you thought of doing the next best thing- snitch on Leona
After that, he sees a lot more of you around the palace, bold as ever as he can feel you silent eyes on him wherever he goes.
but when you weren't- he could help but keep a lazy eye on you. Watching your moves from a safe enough distance as he recalled the last time you spoke...
(Last week you called him a ' saber-tooth loser for god knows what reason- LIKE WHO WERE YOU TALKING TO? HE'S A GODDAMN PRINCE!)
but the more Leona watched you, the more he noticed how you stayed more to yourself. Conversations not striking you as you would either just sit and watch or even sometimes live.
But beyond that, you’re a force to be reckoned with. standing proud as you had the words to match.
But he didn’t need that right now ✋🙄
being at home for the holidays was awful enough, but you? you unnerved him. Opting to ignore you when you were around, he was counting the days until he went back to school so he could trade one big problem for a smaller one... to say the least
but with a hug to Cheka and half-assed wave to his brother, he makes his way to his mirror, a smirk o his face as he can finally go back to normal with no more of your torturing. No more of your judgy looks or snark comments.
He finally got control.
“what are you talking about.”
with a bag over your shoulder and a smirk on your face, you stroll over to him, giving him ' flirty, is that what it was? Wave as he couldn't help but clench his fists as you walked through the mirror first.
“but- but it's an all-guys school-“
“We have our ways” Ferna beamed
and Leona was -too busy observing you- never informed that your brother was going to stay with Cheka... while you... went to NRC
Turns out you were over so much was because you were setting out living arrangements with his brother- for yours
and all the venomous words and judgemental stares were only the beginning of your epic love story 🤒
the school got a slap to the face when you arrived
not because you were a girl- but because you were a female lion beast-man 😦
you have a rivalry with jack- to which you later take him under your wing after awkward congratulations and pat smack on the back
he was sore for days after that
a shiver racked down Leona's spine just thinking about how much you reminded him of his old self.
other than gym class, you tried to care about your studies, though all the fidgeting and wondering thoughts didn't help
so you took constant walks to do something
but when you took over 'his' garden, and was Leona happy about that? no.
and was he happy about you making savanaclaw a shit show? no.
so there was going to be a confrontation whether he liked it or not. and it wasn’t pretty.
Ruggie, who was hiding behind a large plant in the garden came out paler than the desert sand, only being able to say that it was like two Leona's facing off.
but he described you as ‘eviler than the devil’ cause you were so much bigger than him😭 he was so scared he went to bed right after 😭😭
you sure you’re a lion and not an eel🤨
Ruggie doesn’t breathe the same air as you. You're so... sassy 😟
avoiding you as much as he can at school😭
“what- no- it’s not because I’m scared… it’s because they’re a pain in my ass”
he has eyes on you whoever you’re around. like if he’s in class and you’re answering a question on the board, he’ll have his head in his arms, making it look like he’s sleeping even though his eyes never leave you for a second
and when he sees you with jack and the first year gang, he’s grumpier than usual, tail flicking annoyingly as Ruggie asks him what’s wrong, only to get Leona's soul-destroying glare 😭
though he does find it amusing when you put people in their place
you two start off extremely rocky, but when you're on the spell drive field- and oh boy oh boy 😈 you’re both a force to be reckoned with
that’s where you both grow closer actually.
both finding the other to be the only suitable partner to practice with when Jack is too busy trying to get the first years out of trouble
though you both skip out on practice when it gets a little too boring- ya’ll even shit-talking the other team, snickering when they glance over to see you two huddled together, ears twitching and tails swaying mischievously
though after some time...
he’s still anxious wary of you, but you can both be seen snoozing away in the gardens together or even walking to class
and you both have these times where you’ll just sit and enjoy each others company, not saying a word as he rests his head on your thigh. the feeling of your hands feeling through his hair, brain ding and unbraiding his hair was something he looked forward to…
it was there to help you unwind and get away from everyone- it was something he’d never tell you he looked forward to and enjoyed.
and even if you guys grow closer, no one can tell as you don’t bother telling others about your personal affairs, and you’re both too prideful to show anything 💀
y’all flirt a little too much- please stop you're making everyone uncomfortable with your idea of flirting
which is insulting each other.
y’all once slept side by side in the gardens on a partially sunny day, Ruggie found you two close together, tails intertwined
after that, Ruggie sees Leona with you more and more, unconsciously fixing his hair
staring Ruggie down when he’s with you-
oh boy
I don’t even think Leona knows that he’s performing lion courting rituals until Ruggie pointed it out-
Leona denies these claims
“no. no. I don't like them. it’s just because they’re the only woman here. that’s all”
cause Ruggie isn’t there to catch Leona slipping… but instead his brother is 😟
Ferna after watching Leona watch you play with your brother: 😼 oh yeah, it’s all coming together now
I would like to say the final nail on the coffin was when he saw you smile.
it’s always been aloof stares and side eyes-
but when you both came back from school, you looked around a bit, grumbling as you ignored all the ‘welcome homes’
but when you saw your brother and cheka standing at the back of the crowd, you pushed everyone and just ran to him
He never saw you smile so wide, or laugh so carefree when your brother clung to you, tail wrapping around your arm as you tucked his head into the crook of your neck.
he felt nauseous, as his stomach did flips and  somersaults as you made eye contact with him, that… smile still stretched in your face
“so” his brother purred, immediately earning a disgusted face from the latter as he wrapped his arm around Leona, Cheka trapping him by wrapping himself around his uncle's leg as he beamed up at Leona
“When's the wedding?”
"I hate this family"
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kentosovertime · 3 years
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firefighter!toji x f!reader - 0.8k words
CW: misogyny, sexism, choking, spitting, slapping, fighting, unprotected sex, rough sex, manhandling, hate fucking, swearing, name calling, dom!reader, meandom!toji
Banner Credit: @/aikk00 on twitter
✨Kinktober Masterlist | Masterlist✨
“Get the fuck out of my way, probie!” You shove your junior to the side before rounding the corner of your superior officer’s desk as he gets up to stare down his nose at you.
Toji motherfucking Fushiguro. Captain of your company, resident sexist and piece of shit. A thorn in your side since the day he was promoted as your direct supervisor.
You seethe at him through your clenched teeth.
“What can I help you with, lieutenant?” Your sight tinges red, breaths entering your lungs rapidly in your rage. Pulling rank, how fucking typical…
You crowd him into the edge of his desk, pointing an accusing finger into the hard muscle of his toned pec. “You know exactly what the hell you did!”
“Jones?” He addresses the man you had pushed out of your way, ignoring you right in front of him, your pointer finger digging into his chest. “We’ll continue your probationary training tomorrow morning. (Y/N) here’s on her period and needs an emotional outburs-.”
He doesn’t have time to react as you haul your arm back, slapping him as hard as you can across the face. You see the redness bloom as he gently touches his check, trying to process that you actually raised a hand to him and looking off to the side as he trails just his eyes back to look down at where you’re chest to heaving rage.
You see the newbie scrambling for the door, closing it behind him as he tries to avoid the conflict unfolding in front of him.
It's your turn to reel in shock when his hand darts out to grip your cheeks in order to stop your raging comments.
“You know, princess, you’re a whole lot prettier when you keep you’re fucking mouth shut.” Toji leans in close enough to feel his breath brush across your face,
Spit flies from your mouth as you aim, hitting him dead on the cheek. A scowl gracing your features through his tight grip to communicate the displeasure with his comments.
Your jaw goes slack as he maintains eye contact, swiping up the spit with his free hand’s thumb, promptly licking it clean with a groan. You don’t know who made the first move, but the second someone snaps, your clothes are flying in every direction.
In the flurry, the two of you fall to the floor fighting for dominance, teeth gnashing as your panties are the last item to be removed.
More like shredded, landing in a heap in front of his office door.
You manage to snake a leg below his, flipping him onto his back, knocking the air from him from his lungs as you push him into the ground by his chest, placing your full weight on his shoulders to pin him as you lower yourself onto his length in one fluid motion.
Toji growls, bucking into your warm, slick heat with short punishing thrusts. He meets the frantic circling of your hips as he tries to pace himself, making sure not to get too lost in the vice grip you have around his cock.
“You hate me that much and this is all you can manage?” You taunt, suppressing the increasing need to moan out, refusing to let in even as the tip of his cock rams into the spot that has you seeing stars.
“God. Fuck-” He sneers as his hands come around your hips, fucking you down into him like a stupid little fucktoy. “I’m balls deep in you and you’re still a greedy bitch.”
Toji bites the inside of his cheek, fending off his orgasm, ignoring the sway of your tits absorbing the impact of his timed movements and the slick heat that soaks his whole lap, continuously pouring from your center.
He’s determined to have you falling over the edge, submitting to him completely. You topple forward, caging his face in between your arms as he fucks up into you with earnest, bringing his legs up so he can thrust into you fully, bouncing you up and down on his fat cock.
“Give in, sweetheart.” He grins wildly has he watches your trembling body, seeing your eyes cross and roll back above him. “Just like that, bitch. Scream for me.”
“Fuck- ah! C-captain!” You spasm violently around him, letting with a desperate scream heard throughout the bunk house, desperate to douse the white hot need settling deep into your bones.
The unconscious slip of his title over you has him exploding within you with a hiss as your nails bite into his skin before falling limp against him with a whimper.
“Is this all it takes to get you to shut the fuck up for once?” A hand comes down to smack across your blissed out face. “What a desperate, cunt.”
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tag list: @sugarbooger513 @sugarmapoops @roughwithfluff @severelytalentless @yelzoldyck @silversslut @aazaard @dreamyyholland @wobblewobble822 @vantastic210
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