#Thoth Caduceus
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Recently I discovered my special ability: find some shit that was popular like more than 10 years ago and start liking it without anybody around... yeah Ya’ll remember that magical boys anime??? Not Bouei-bu boys, but the Kamigami boys xd
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antahkaranasposts · 1 year
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Caduceus Hermes Trismegistus
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barsikoizumiart · 7 months
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commission for vtuber soft toy comss open: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53420658/
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castor-romeo · 10 months
crcom: kamigami no asobi
episode 1 
- what the fuck is the opening scene 
- no seriously what the fuck?!
- please put on pants
- everyone needs a break from serious stuff and this was my choice, i do not regret it at all
- sword portkey!!
- ~pretty boys with flowers~
- pleasantly surprised by the different mythologies being represented/used 
- i think i found the main love interest, spoiler alert he’s blond 
episode 2 
- do you get on the pegasus with the pretty boy you just met? of course you do this is a romance! 
- can you fuck the teacher? asking for a friend
episode 3 
- beach episode? 
- stripping! because everyone wants to see shirtless anime boys! 
- ah yes fireworks make everything better
- the more i hear apollon’s voice the more it annoys me 
episode 4 
- “going home club” i would join that lol 
- hades is a drama queen 
- something tells me the boys™ don’t want you talking to hades, that was too many accidents to be a coincidence 
- oh my god he likes making puns 
episode 5 
- thoth has some great nicknames for the boys™
- mmmmm plot induced sword fights 
- i spy a tsundere 
- it seems we have entered the one episode per character focus segment 
- why does she have to be in mortal danger so often 
- we made it to the unlocking tragic backstories part
episode 6 
- i’m all for the “physically stuck together until emotions happen” trope, but handcuffs (deathnote style) are more fun than rings 
- haha thoth just,,,kabedon’ed yui while Tsukito was kneeling on the floor
- let me just cross off “stalking friends while they are on a date” cliche 
episode 7
- how did loki miss the entire premise of the show? of course yui is human 
- loki you gotta stop being jealous and flirting with balder by talking about meat
- someone tell loki that seducing your ex’s current crush is not a good idea   
episode 8 
- those are the biggest and creepiest candles ever apollon 
- thoth...is a good business man but what is his obsession with red bean soup 
- of all the characters to have a yandere side, i was not expecting balder 
- ...maybe not ex’s with the amount of be together forever talk between loki and balder 
- wait what??!! cliff hanger much??!! 
episode 9 
- haha the comments on crunchyroll for this episode (and most of the others) are talking about thoth and his wall slams 
closing remarks
- not my favorite reverse harem/romance anime (it’s kinda bland?) but it has funny and cute moments 
- if you like pretty boy fanservice, you will probably like this  
- the op and ed are pretty too 
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witchdoctorofsands · 9 months
Today I found this Djehuty (Thoth) figure thanks Randonautica app
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miss-miko · 2 months
Second part of Club Activities - end of Main Story / Next will be 1st chapter of Hades route!
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moxxiejoestar · 1 year
Book of thoth the god of knowledge (1/?)
to see the past, present & future like fortune teller/crystal ball.
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On past. The Dr. Robotnik eggman set the metal virus spread all over the zone in the mainland one by one. Zombot is the character who will turn into a shine color body like metal, platinum, gold, silver, bronze & more when it get infected by liquid of metal virus or infect character that won't bite you but the touch can be infected you & makes a zombot sound.
Sonic & his friend are gonna save the world with chaos emerald.
Many characters gone missing or infected by zombot during the outbreak as know tangle, charmy, shadow & more got infected
Eggman got an a horrible mistake that zombot was breached the main entrance of eggman's main HQ hideout base & he got infected.
Many days & week later sonic & his friend got all the chaos emerald & he became the super sonic to suck metal virus to space & saved the world that it was located at the angle island.
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zombot tangle turn back to normal tangle by super sonic.
Meanwhile whisper the wolf saw tangle that was changed back to normal & she Sprint to her.
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But she accidentally tripped over the rock or root from trees & swallowed tangle alive.
Whisper apologized to tangle for accident swallowed her & tangle said it's okay & she loved whisper's stomach for comfy.
Tangle: your tummy is as comfy as always, whisper!
Whisper: thank you, ta- *BURP* ^////^
Tangle: nice one, girl! I love when you do that! X3
On past before sonic saved the world cream got infected by zombot & swallowed Amy rose alive to infected her.
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On future after sonic saved the world, cream & amy got back to normal. "Someone is talking to me" said cream then amy said "mmph! (down here cream!)" Cream look down & she saw
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Amy rose in cream's stomach.
Cream: wow amy! *burp* You're good looking tasty of strawberry there :3
Amy: mmmfph!! (Let me out of here cream!!)
Cream: sorry amy! I can't let you out for good spot of feels nice when you do that ^w^
Cream: *yawn* I'm gonna take a nap with cryo pod/carbonite & set timer to 24 hours & 7 days UWU
Amy: *crying & sobbing* mmmfph mmmmmmfffph... mmmph... (sonic... Please help me....)
[One day later after cream & amy got freeze by cryo pod/carbonite]
Sonic: amy! Amy where are you?
Vanilla: *mimic & disguised as amy* sonic over here!
Sonic: *walks closer to amy* there you are amy-
Vanilla: *undisguised amy & changed back normal voice* SUPRISE SONIC! *swallowed sonic alive
Sonic: MMMMFFFPH? Mmmmmm (WHAT THE? hey this feels nice in here)
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Vanilla: cream & I got plan to swallowed you & amy alive to keep you safe in here now. 😊
Cream & vanilla got plan to swallowed sonic & amy alive to keep it safe in here & it got completed.
Cream swallowed Amy alive while during the zombot outbreak & vanilla swallowed sonic alive after he saved the world to get rid the metal virus.
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Vanilla: *laughs* oh sonic! It feels nice when you keep doing that ☺
Sonic: mmmph ^W^
Cream: hi mom! I got amy!
Vanilla: aww~ how cute! Let's take a picture Shaw we?
Cream: yeah
Cheese: chao! ^w^
Cream, vanilla & cheese the chao ready to take a picture to add it to frame it
[On many months ago before outbreak]
Rosemary was almost hungry but her food was empty so she sneak behind vanilla & swallowed alive like falicia on comic of "kitty vs batty" by burner
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Rosemary: Aaahh~ now that's the good spot *burp*
Vanilla: mmmph? Mmmmfffph?! (What's going on? Who turned off the lights?!)
Rosemary: I'm so full UWU
Vanilla: mmmmmmfffph!!! (Someone! Anyone!! Help me!!!)
Rosemary: hush now bunny cakes~ you're safe in here & nobody will hurt you now~ *yawn* I'm gonna take a nap on vacbed/vacbox now
Rosemary takes a nap on vacbed/vacbox & vanilla had an idea to escape & she tell cream to plan for sonic & amy to swallowed them alive
That's what happens that boingo & my god of knowledge told me about the past, present & future about that
This is moxxie·joestar & I'm trying to telling you about this future to beware of it!!!! So stay tuned & good luck out there!
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favficbirthdays · 1 year
Happy Birthday
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Thoth Caduceus (21st December)
Kamigami no Asobi
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talt0sh · 2 years
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No one expect KamiAso in 2022, but here we are. This visual novels and anime gives top much comfort for me to forget the completely (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡
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ccthegoddessblog · 1 year
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What are you reading????
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kamiasorp-esp · 2 years
¿Cómo funciona KamiAsoRP-ESP?
Comenzaremos por lo más básico, y es ¿sobre qué trata este blog de Tumblr? Bien, bien... Como veréis, este espacio está dedicado a Kamigami no Asobi, una serie de videojuegos en el que implican a deidades de distintos panteones. Principalmente, podréis realizar preguntas o establecer algunas situaciones concretas en las que os gustaría que los personajes reaccionasen. Siento que puede ser una forma muy linda para interactuar con vuestros personajes favoritos y, para que mentirnos, con suerte podremos revivir parte del fandom sobre este maravilloso otome. Antes de continuar, caben aclarar tres pequeños pero importantes aspectos:
Por el momento, aunque probablemente sea así siempre, solamente yo estaré a cargo del blog. Así que, si en algún momento empieza a haber un cúmulo de preguntas, por favor tenedme paciencia ♡
Haré mi mejor esfuerzo para interpretar las distintas personalidades de los chicos, sin embargo solamente soy una fan más, así que siempre estarán sujetas a un ''creo personalmente que esto es lo que responderían o harían los chicos''. Por lo tanto, no hay porque tomar las respuestas al pie de la letra, además ¡os prometo que siempre aspirarán a ser cada vez mejores!
Las imágenes que utilizaré para mis publicaciones no me pertenecen, a no ser que yo misma lo haya indicado anteriormente.
¡Ahora sí, continuemos con las reglas que se llevarán a cabo en este pequeño espacio! Por favor, antes de enviar cualquier pregunta, léelas atentamente ♡
Sobre KamiAsoRP-ESP:
Está totalmente prohibido insultar, humillar o faltarle el respeto a cualquier personita, pertenezca o no al fandom. Me gustaría que este espacio se convierta en un pequeño lugar seguro para todo aquel que se anime a participar o simplemente, sienta curiosidad sobre Kamigami no Asobi. Por favor, entre todos juntos hagamos de este blog uno agradable y familiar para todos nosotros ♡
Absolutamente todos tienen derecho a dar su opinión, siempre y cuando no afecte o insulte a otra persona. En otras palabras, respeta para que te respeten.
Sobre como interactuar con los personajes de Kamigami no Asobi:
En este blog podrás hacerle preguntas a: Apollon Agana Belea, Hades Aidoneus, Dionysus Thrysos, Takeru Totsuka, Tsukito Totsuka, Akira Totsuka, Loki Laevatein, Balder Hringhorni, Thor Megingyoruzu, Thoth Caduceus y Anubis Ma'at.
Puedes dedicarle una pregunta o un escenario a todos los chicos o tan solo a aquellos que sean de tu interés. En todo caso, no te olvides de especificar con quienes quieres interactuar ✨y me encargaré de hacer el resto de la magia✨. Si por el contrario, no encuentro ninguna especificación en tu pregunta, lo interpretaré como que va dirigida a todos ellos.
Podrás enviar tus preguntas o escenarios en el Askbox que, por el momento, siempre permanecerá abierto. Cabe destacar que solamente responderé las preguntas enviadas desde dicho lugar y no aquellas que estén enviadas a través de otros medios.
Se responderán todas las interacciones enviadas. No obstante, pueden haber algunas pequeñas razones que eviten lo contrario: ha ocurrido algún fallo en Tumblr que haya impedido que reciba tu pregunta, tu pregunta o escenario ya fue respondida anteriormente, tu pregunta es insultante, discriminatoria o incomprensible.
Como aún desconozco que tipo de público tendrá este blog, por el momento no responderé preguntas o escenarios que sean sexualmente explícitos. En todo caso, si este proyecto va tomando forma y avanza, ante cualquier actualización sobre este aspecto seréis inmediatamente informados.
No pienso responder preguntas como ''¿Cómo os gustan las chicas?'' ''Os gustan las chicas con —insertar cualquier cualidad o rasgo físico—?''. Como comprenderéis, si lo hiciera, podría estar destrozando los sueños y las ilusiones de cualquier personita que pudiera verse excluida ante tales respuestas. Como dije anteriormente, me gustaría hacer de este lugar uno seguro y cómodo para cualquiera que decida participar o simplemente leer las demás interacciones.
Y tras estas aclaraciones, no me queda nada más que deciros que disfrutéis de este pequeño blog ♡ Espero que entre todos, poco a poco, podamos darle vida.
¡Tanto los chicos como yo, estaremos encantados de recibirlos! ♡
Muchísimas gracias por leer ♡
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kingsgraveicons · 2 years
character: thoth caduceus series: kamigami no asobi icon count: 371
taken from official anime art / manga scans only.  cleaned and slightly edited.
like & reblog if you use. i would appreciate credit somewhere but it’s not necessary. you’re welcome to edit these icons as you wish, but do not whitewash.
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once-was-muses · 1 year
anonymous | Misc. Asks
Ooc question: have you ever watched Kamigami no Asobi? I know you have a fc for your Thoth but all I can picture is Thoth Caduceus (Toto Kadukeusu is his Japanese name uwu)
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[ OUGH,,,,,, love the fact he's not White™️ for once in a pop culture adaption,,,,,,, ]
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Judge me based on my favourite character troupe pt 2
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thesirenisles · 8 days
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Mercury’s Prophets🐍🪽
gemini & virgo
love, mythology, astrology observations✨
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🌬️Mercury in the 1st house, 3rd house, 6th house,
🌬️Sun-Mercury Aspects, Jupiter-Mercury aspects
🌬️Gemini Sun, Ascendant, Rising, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Gemini Stellium
🌬️Virgo Sun, Ascendant, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupier, Stellium
🌬️Jupiter in the 3rd house, Jupiter in Gemini, 6th house
🌬️Mercury Dominant, 3rd House Stellium, 6th House Stellium
“She leapt from the Earth. The free winds of the skies coursed beneath her golden wings as she raced for the clouds… the burden of her omniscience left behind. Nothing but silence above the heavens.”
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Fascinating mythological history below! Please do not steal any of my original writing.
Voice of the Gods,
Soaring high above, with Godly knowledge ever-expanding… you are a magnificent being, Mercurian.
Gifted with wings to be free of the Earth 🌍 , one might confuse you for an angel.
However, Mercury blesses you with these wings to be a divine messenger, a literal VOICE of the Gods. ✨.
A prophet of sorts if you will. 💁🏾‍♀️
This energy makes you quite attractive, blessing you with divine looks and energy that is welcomed in any room.
When you speak, everyone listens. (Esp. 3rd house). This is a gift and a curse, of course, but it is still very powerful.
People can spot a Mercurian a mile away with your extensive knowledge and mellifluous way of speaking. You have a silver tongue. You could sell water to a fish in the middle of the ocean. (Pisces, I'm talking about you lol. Stop being gullible!).
The words you say leave a lasting impression and can cut someone deep to their core negatively, while also you could bless them greatly with your insightful knowledge and advice! (Because duh, Duality.💁🏾‍♀️)
You are always balancing two halves of yourself. Gemini of Air and Virgo of the Earth.
At your core, you’re both here to make connections and say what needs to be said!
With your planetary ruler being the fastest orbiting planet in our galaxy, you are always in constant, fast motion.
Ideas.. thoughts.. feelings… are always racing through the mind of a Mercurial being. Most are gifted with a natural claircognizance “clear knowing”, which can look different depending on the placement.
Why is this?
Mercury (Hermes to the Greeks, Thoth to the Ancient Egyptians) rules over commerce, communication, short travels, boundaries, intelligence, trickery, and thievery! 👀 LOL
GEMINI or the 3rd house apply these gifts in their natural settings: to the mind, communication, social activity, siblings (twins).
VIRGO or the 6th house on the other hand apply these gifts to their everyday routines and relationships. Less talking and more analysis & servitude. (The maiden).
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The Duality of Mercury
Virgo vs. Gemini
Mercury was the messenger of the Gods. He was essential to the communication and diplomacy between the realms. Each one trusted him. So, of course he knew them all well... and their dirty laundry.
🐍 Is it no wonder why they seem to know just about everybody and everybody’s business? Do not deny it, Virgo. LOL👀
Although they held more power individually, Mercury held the power of being their collective voice! (Also rules oration) They entrusted him with how and what was said on their behalf… often being a literal translator. (Powerful!)
This is similar to situations many Geminis and Virgos find themselves in. Many will come to you for advice and insert you into their dealings.👀 (As the middleman.)
Geminis on a social level and Virgos often within the family and relationships.
The Gods' divine trust came with plenty of gifts, which you’ll also find true of lovers in this lifetime. People value you and your gifts, which gives you purpose. (A virgo's dream.)
The most significant gift given to Mercury, was perhaps his trademark wand or staff... known as
"The Caduceus"
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Per the mythology, the caduceus was gifted to him by the Sun God, Apollo. A magical olive branch staff with two serpents intertwining around its base.
They say if it touched the dying, it blessed them with a gentle death. However, when applied to the deceased… they would literally return to life. (DUALITY!)
I like to believe these two snakes themselves are yet another symbol of Mercury’s duality.
One is good and the other bad. One yin. Other yang. One Virgo and One Gemini👀
🐍Mercury was also known as the trickster God or God of thievery!
This is essential to note because I have a theory (possibly far-fetched, but makes so much sense) that this may have a connection to a certain Garden of Eden… where a certain serpent spoke to a certain woman and convinced her to eat the fruit of …. KNOWLEDGE. 🤯
They say that before the caduceus had it's powers, it was just a branch. Mercury was stuck in servitude to the God's.
But…what if… Mercury being the trickster God convinced the maiden (virgo) to bite of the the fruit of knowledge in the forbidden garden and gained a portion of the powers of Mercury that he did not want.
If Virgo took on the need to serve, then Mercury would be free to frolick the realms with his tricks and thievery. He was also remarked as a habitual line-stepper, or boundary-crosser. (This is unevolved Gemini energy all the way)
This really gets deep when you realize that Virgo's sister sign Pisces (whom in my Neptune post, I compared to Persephone) bit of the fruit of Hades in the same curious fashion and was in more or less words cursed!
This does not mean that being of service is a curse in any way, but honestly, the mythology behind this dual planet is fascinating.
I think Virgo actually bossed her side of the energy up to the max. She is the earthy incarnation of her own genius, often never showing just how intelligent she really is... so as not to reveal her cards.
Virgo can bring her wildest ideas to fruition within the Earthy realm! (After it's perfected to her liking of course.) A gift!
However, Virgo can also have some trickery within her nature… often appearing or putting on a more innocent act than she really is.
But, with Mercurian energy there is always the possibility for their beautiful thoughts to come out a bit... wrong.
This brings me to a very important note.
🐍Please beware of false gossip.
It’s inevitable honestly, as people can’t help but give knowledge to a heavenly messenger.
However, with the optional tongue of a serpent… be mindful of the power you possess Mercurians! (Think: Parsel-tongue in Harry Potter Universe.) It’s nothing to play with because here in this Earthly realm, Saturn is dominant and it is the ruler of Karma.
You are a divine PROPHET (or Prophetess). Please handle your energy as such. 🫶🏾
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Mercurial Love Bites🐍✨
In love, they’ll have many admirers in several dimensions.
🐍I imagine a Gemini Mercurian as a sapiosexual, playboy of sorts. You’ll have your choosing of many lovers and will probably choose none… in search of new lands and ideas to learn and add to your beautiful collection.
You'll have an array of different tastes (in the bedroom as well) and will share passion with many, as you are a master of tricks.
🐍 It’s hard to lockdown a Godly intelligent being with the ability to fly away at a moments notice.
Many an earthly sign lover and watery soul will long for you and you will spin whimsical circles around them with ease, for you are too quick to catch.
Nothing too heavy or emotional, you must keep it light for this winged beauty or she’ll float away…
But, I do have to ask…my beautiful Geminis, 3rd housers if it ever gets tiresome to always be on the go?
Connecting too much to your air and neglecting your earthly connections through Mercury could leave you afloat for all eternity… alone. (This can of course be counter-acted with other placements in the natal chart.)
🐍Virgo Mercurians on the other hand are much more Earthy with their approach to love. This is the person who has thought very intricately about what the lover of their life will look like, smell like, and even their speech cadence. She eagerly awaits to be a perfect wife, organizing the home, teaching the children, etc.
Many will try to win her, as her innocent.. maiden-like energy is very attractive. While she may appear innocent, she is not naive!
All of her daily beauty routines, outfit curations, and perfected speech will not be wasted on just any man.
The Virgo's analytical eyes has surveyed many a suitor who tried to win her heart. She is looking for the perfect man. The one whom she can serve and assist while being provided for in return.
Better believe, if she chose you.. you have checked all of her boxes. For, she wants an Earthly promise...(AKA, Where's the money? If you ask me, the perfect suitor is perhaps a Capricorn or Taurus dominant. ) But, my Virgo queens... do not neglect your airy influences of Mercury as well. Life can be more rewarding than the material world.
This was a bit longer than i intended! But, I have never seen an in depth explanation of these dual energies of Mercury!
Thank you for reading! Wishing you blessings! 🪽✨
Neptune Observation♓️✨
Pluto Observation ♏️✨
Other planets coming soon!
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prince-kallisto · 6 months
Dire Crowley and The Magician Tarot
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🧎Someone connected the countdown art to the tarot cards, and I feel like this had to be purposeful because all the characters match up so well!!!! Please check out this awesome thread for the other characters BUT IM LOSING MY MIND WITH CROWLEY BEING THE MAGICIAN AHCCHHXDHHD YANAAAAAAA
Also if anyone is interested in me making this an series of analyzing the TWST characters with their hypothesized tarot card, let me know! \(//∇//)\
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The Magician was first conceived as a swindler or a “sleight of hand” artist. He was all about stage magic and putting up performances and false appearances before becoming the Magician well known today. The Magician heavily represents the concepts of unlimited power and potential and the “unification of the physical and spiritual worlds.”
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The Magician is a fascinating tarot card, particularly with its imagery in the Rider-Waite series. Tarot cards have been interpreted many ways throughout history- I’d like to point out that Aleister Crowley, who is believed to be the name inspiration behind Dire Crowley, made his own tarot deck: the “Thoth Tarot.” I’d like to analyze Aleister Crowley and his potential relation to Dire Crowley someday too. But Rider-Waite continues to be the most popular tarot deck in regards to its art. And I find the Magician’s imagery to be VERY foreboding if it really does match up to Crowley.
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In the card, The Magician has a cup, a sword, a wand, and pentacle, representing all four suits of the Minor Arcana. In the French suit, these four suits are represented by the clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades. Interesting considering Heartslabyul exists…these four objects are also reprentative of fire, air, water, and earth. Essentially, the Magician having these four items is representative of his power and his ability to do anything. Again, the implications of the Magician “wielding” all the suits is fascinating for Crowley.
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Yes, anything! This is further symbolized by the infinity sign over his head, as the Magician heavily relates to the idea of “eternity” and “infinite possibilities.” Whatever the Magician IMAGINES, it can become real. See how one hand points to the sky and the other points to the ground? It is believed to be a reference to the phrase of “as above, so below,” which is an entire rabbit hole in itself to explain haha. In the Magician card, his pointing essentially means HE is the connection between the Universe above and the earth below. He connects imagination with reality, essentially a conduit. Like the card says, he is capable of anything as long as he can imagine it. Considering how we have different realms in TWST, particularly with Mickey in the mirror and Malleus’ dream world, the Magician being a connector between two worlds is. Interesting 👀 I also think CROWLEY being the one in charge of the Gates/Coffins in the prologue is significant- he may have been the one to summon Yuu into this world. He even says himself that the gates are a representation of your “former” and “new” world.
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The eternity symbolism increased with the “belt” around his waist that’s actually a snake eating its own tail. I’ve made an analysis post long ago about NRC’s logo and it’s relation to the ourobous and the caduceus…which Hermes seems to relate to Levan and Meleanor as well.
Speaking of Hermes, the Magician card is related to the planet Mercury, which is the Roman form of the Greek God Hermes. Mercury/Hermes is the god of thieves, travelers, and diplomats. His staff has become a popular iconography for the idea of “health.” And under Mercury, it’s star signs are Virgo and Gemini. If any “Crowley and Levan are twins” theorists out there, there you go with Gemini 🤪 The star signs seem to further reference to “as above, so below,” as Gemini is an air sign while Virgo is an earth sign.
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The garden of roses and lily of the valleys around the Magician is believed to be a reference to the Song of Solomon, a biblical song related to lovers. But the garden itself represents how the Magician “cultivates” his power. The Anthology cover depicts roses and thorns around Crowley…hmm. I’d like to add that Crowley is very particular about the apple trees in NRCs courtyard- he takes great pride in them and they are in honor of the Fairest Queen.
Edit: I’d like to add he also refers to the students as “eggs” or “chicks,” and even says himself that he “raised” Malleus into the powerful mage he is today- LIKE HES LITERALLY CULTIVATING THEM. And if he’s behind the Overblots, he’s also cultivating the Overblot stones
The Magician’s white outfit is commonly believed to represent the Magician’s purity, while the red cape represents knowledge, egotism, and revenge- a mixture of the upright and reverse symbolism for the Magician.
And with a quick look at numerology, the number one has always been an iconic symbol for new beginnings. However, the Magician is also connected to the number eight, due to the infinity sign above his head. Again, this is a symbol of eternity- some religious scholars have connected the Magician to the Holy Spirit, which intrigued me because I’ve been on a quest to analyze TWSTs religious symbolism haha.
But I’m sure most of you are more interested in what the Magician actually MEANS in terms of divination, aka the Upright and Reversed meanings. After covering the imagery of this card, you can see how the meanings of this cards is heavily reflected in its art.
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When the Magician is upright, it represents desire, willpower, manifestation, and resourcefulness. It is heavily connected with the Fool card (in TWST tarot, the Fool aka 0 would represent MC/Yuu) because while the Fool is a blank slate with potential, the Magician takes that potential and “manifests” it into reality. INTERESTING 👀
However, when reversed, the Magician represents manipulation, cunning, trickery, illusion, and deceptions. The Magician wields his unlimited power to become a trickster for his own selfish means, pretending to have your interests at heart. It feels like a bit of a callback to the Magician originated as the Swindler, who was all about false appearances to trick people. In case y’all haven’t noticed, that’s kinda Crowley’s entire shtick 🤪🤪 He (poorly) pretends to have Yuu’s interests in heart, especially about finding them a way home or getting them food or shelter.
Many diviners have interpreted this card as an obsession with power that will lead to your downfall.
What’s interesting about Crowley’s countdown art is that he’s the only character to be in black and white- everyone else has a pop of color. Additionally, he has a shining white background instead of a matte black. Is this meant to represent that this Crowley art represents him as Reversed? His color scheme and background is quite literally “reversed” from the other characters, so perhaps this countdown art is foreshadowing Crowley’s role in the main story.
The sheer amount of symbolism of power in both the card art and its Upright and Reversed meaning is interesting. Because right now in the main story, Crowley is in this weird position where he DOES have this “unlimited potential.” He can potentially be the most powerful villain Twisted Wonderland has ever seen- and even if he isn’t, the Magician overall has a lot of control and connection between “two worlds.”
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Additionally, the emphasis on the Magician’s potential and imagination is really fascinating because CROWLEY himself is the one who speaks about imagination being the source of magic. And if this is something he can apply himself, he would quite literally be like the Magician who can manifest things into reality.
The other TWST boys connect a lot more directly with their tarot card number, but Crowley’s feels like speculation at best. However, as a Crowley theorist, I genuinely feel like this is purposeful foreshadowing, especially considering how Crowley’s art differs from everybody else….
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