#Though I gotta say this gameplay style is not for me
ardnin · 4 months
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if i play da4 and then fall off the map forever it’s because i killed myself at the sight of what was done to my beloved franchise
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loremaster · 7 months
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I had actually drawn a few more things than could fit within the 30-image-per-post limit. Here are the ones that didn't make the cut, with commentary!
(tw: mild animal abuse, n*zi mention, suggestive themes)
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Zilch's animal companions. I named Carmina Burana and Tortellini, Gucci and Bosch were named by my friends - though Bosch was supposed to be called Hieronymus, it just didn't fit on the nametag lol
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I wanted to illustrate some examples of Zilch casually mistreating/neglecting the animals but this was as far as I got. I don't think he would be a full on animal abuser, just... the type of person who likes having a bunch of pets to show off but doesn't really think about properly caring for them. He likes the aesthetics of animals much more than the logistics.
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This was gonna be the chapter cover and I forgot. Oops.
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This was just practice drawing the church characters from their sprites.
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Zilch: I must say, it's an unexpected pleasure to run into another kindred spirit around here. I'm Zilch~
This scene was actually cut deliberately. I drew it before I decided exactly what the Nun's issue with Zilch would be and then once I did, I felt like it didn't fit anymore. Zilch is still excited to see someone else with ears and tail like him, but in the final version, he's a lot more derisive about it.
I imagine the Nun is, like, an actual animal-human hybrid whereas Zilch is a furry with a wallet that can afford bioengineered bodymods. (One day, my friends... one day...)
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Zilch being flippant and Halara being dismissive/tsundere. Couldn't really find a place to put it but I still like the drawing - even if I did accidentally give Zilch human ears.
By the way, you might notice Zilch hasn't been wearing his cap. There are two reasons. One is to show off that his ears aren't actually connected to it. If I had the time to go back and redraw the prologue with him wearing it - so Halara's "holy fuck" reaction makes more sense here - I would. (Not really worth trying to fix though, not until the rest of the story is done.)
But the other reason is that upon looking closer at Zilch's original design, I thought it was a little too evocative of Nazi imagery and wasn't really comfortable with it. It's not really the same style of hat, sure, but combined with the swastikas in his eyes??? yeah no way is that not intentional. (I redesigned his eye symbols to be catlike slit pupils instead.)
I get he (or, the hitman, I guess) is supposed to be a villain, and a minor one, in the original game... but here I'm gonna flesh him out a bit more. So I guess in that sense the removal of the hat symbolizes his growth as a character beyond his terrible awful fascist upbringing lol (more on that in the Gumshoe Gabs soon)
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If I were making this an actual game it would be fun to have Yuma get a fun little added gameplay element of using Zilch's Forte like he does with Halara's. He gets some little animal friends!!!
I imagined Zilch would ask to be carried, but Halara won't do it without getting paid an exorbitant amount. And then Zilch forks over the cash on the spot. Yuma screams internally. If he had that the whole time why were they even trying to negotiate over the coat???!? Why does he still have his own debt to pay if Zilch could just cover the whole thing up front????
Halara has to pretend not to be enthusiastic about this opportunity.
Shinigami is... there, I guess.
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Martina my wife driving around her little parasite of a boyfriend. Ms Electro please call me
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Was originally gonna have Seth say that out loud but then I remembered he doesn't want to lose his job. (It's okay, he loses it anyway.)
(Also yes this is pre-Vivia-DLC.)
And then the mystery is solved!
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Zilch feels indebted to Halara for saving him from the Nail Man, and wants to follow their example, turn it around, treat his animals better... his act of goodwill here is extremely performative, though. But, hey, everyone's gotta start somewhere!
Ultimately I cut this scene after coming up with the cat bed idea. (Was very tempted to have Halara cruelly taking the coat from the boy, but just decided to skip it instead.)
So Zilch kinda idolizes Halara now... which is fine... but then the morning after he really lets his simp flag fly.
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Congrats on your furry boyfriend, I guess?????
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A doodle from the margins of this comic way back when.... which finally has a place to belong! \o/
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Zilch's fursona. His "zursona," if you will.
Thanks again for reading! I love everyone's comments in the tags and I'm so glad you all like my version of Zilch especially. Excited to develop him some more in future chapters >:)
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dreadfutures · 2 months
impressions from the hades ii technical playtest
absolutely chock full of spoilers but also theories
Amazing gameplay, feels just as good as Hades 1 with improvements and creative changes. So many different builds/play styles will be possible. in the dev stream they talked about melee close quarters vs sorcery ranged, but I find myself doing HEAVY spellcasting while also stacking in heavy melee boons on the knives, and mixing and matching.
The boons have a few familiar perks but so many of them are new and creative, even for gods we know from the first game. All of them feel really good.
The SOUND EFFECTS are amazing. The sounds of your weapons change based on the boon equipped to each attack. the sounds of the arena change depending on the god at the end (if any). Nothing and I mean nothing makes the dopamine go off more than the sound of Hephaestus' boon blasts when I do my fan of knives and they all explode. PING PING PING.
I find myself doing "resource runs" and "story runs." they do overlap. It's tough to only have one harvesting item equipped at a time and I spent so much time looking for silver and looking that my eye has started slipping over the lone spirits who gives you psyche, even when Selene leads me to them lol. I do like that they have her guiding light, but it is subtle. I also like the way you can pin certain items when you're in a run so you can remember what you needed for a recipe.
Unfortunately I did so many harvest runs that I actually got all the recipes before I had a chance to USE forget me not on a run so.... woops on that fated list lol.
We are maybe going to romance Moros or Nemesis (probably both are options?) but maybe not both at the same time? since they're siblings technically (technically) (I wouldn't mind though). I love all these children of nyx and want to protect them and smooch them all.
EXCEPT. Mel is a Silver Sister, with Artemis and Selene. Does that mean she's gotta be a virginal girl squad? lol
I love sister Artemis. I love that she throws snacks!!!!! which is even more endearing bc it's fried and a chocolate bar and soda. I wonder if sometimes I hear a note of disapproval from her and I wonder where her plot will go later. Selene it's said may not be able to reach us in Tartarus, but Artemis might.
Speaking of found family.
I fucking adore Odysseus. I love Od. So. Much. Like I loved Achilles but Od is such a good girl dad for Mel, and his pep talks are the best and so sensitive ;_; what a guy I love him.
I think? that Hecate's familiars must be placeholders, since they're just little statues that vibrate when you give them treats. I can't wait to see where they go in the full game.
It's an interesting take on Hestia, that she hates everybody. It makes me wonder if we'll see Hera or not, since I kind of expect that behavior from Hera.
Hephaestus and Demeter and Aphrodite remain my favorite boon givers.
As far as I can tell there is no fishing rod in the playtest but there will be in the full game and I'm excited.
Arachne's self esteem hurts me 😫 I love you little bug!!!! I wonder if we'll find her shop in Olympus or in Tartarus -- and I worry about her. At least Athena is too busy to bother her! I hope! I love Mel's different outfits.
The amount of pets that Mel gets to have is delightful. I love her frog so much.
Hecate is fascinating. She is SUCH a mother, she is SO compassionate to Mel and trying to build her up! She is wry and dry but never cruel or negative. I love her sm. Poor Mel has some low self esteem and understandable doubts and is putting so much pressure on herself. And I really wonder about Hecate's relationship with Persephone and the house of Hades and with nyx. Nemesis says something that makes me wonder if Hecate is innocent. Either way I don't think she'll really be a villain. My heart would break if so. Mel would break.
Mel is so sweet and pure. ;_; and she says "death to chronos" so coldly. When she says "Hence I go" I just hear her as a little baby playing hide and seek with Hecate and it gives me so many feelings.
I want to know about Mel's arm!
I can't wait to see the other regions just from the Crossroads, since there's currently two doors we can't enter.
Also what are we going to DO with the fish?
Very exciting stuff.
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rebouks · 1 year
Okay! Time to spill the tea, except it's not really tea, it's more like lukewarm juice aka my future plans and some more ramblings.. ahem ⚆_⚆
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First of all, I wanna say just how much I enjoyed creating Somnium. It all started during lockdown... I found myself working from home full-time, I had the perfect excuse to be the homebody I was born to be, I had a lot of time on my hands, and once I found simblr I couldn't resist joining in. It didn't take too long before I decided to hop on the storytelling train and before I knew it, I had a new hobby! Except.. that hobby kinda consumed me. I didn't even know where it was going to begin with, but the more involved I got, the more obsessed I became. Hyperfixations amirite?
The point being.. I think I spent a little too much time on Somnium, which left me little time for much else and I don't want to fall down that hole again. In the future I'd like to challenge my perfectionism! What does that mean? Well, it means not making poses for every scene, it means not being restricted by a complicated overarching plot that requires forced filler scenes and timelines and needs to make sense, it means less dialogue, or gasp! no dialogue at all, it means not getting hung up on continuity with editing and g-shade and font style and blah blah etc etc. I'd even like to incorporate some gameplay too, since I miss just.. playing now n' then.
I want the freedom to think of something silly, or weird, or completely off topic and to be able to run with it instead of being bound by a plot that needs to progress. Am I making sense? I hope I'm making sense. Basically, I'm calling this next venture a "story not story" because rather than it having one large plot, it's going to be more like clusters of subplots with some gameplay, weirdness or silliness in between...
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Forever In Between will kick off around about two years after the events of Somnium. Mostly focused on Oscar and his family, we'll join them on the journey of life as Robin and his siblings grow up in the Bay.
We'll also spend some time with other favourites too like Noah n' co. Salton, Ivan & Bruno, Suzie, Miya & [redacted] and Matilda, among others! Maybe we'll even see what Wyatt's up to at some point 👀 As we all know, life isn't always sunshine and rainbows, but Forever In Between (or fib for short) will be a lot less heavy, though hopefully no less interesting!
Obviously, I don't have any set plans but I have a few specific scenes and ideas in mind already, as well as some vague subplots planned for most, if not all of the main characters from Somnium.
Also! Although Oscar is very much still a main character, he'll be sharing the spotlight with Robin too, as I have a lot in mind for that special lil' guy.. tehe!
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So, what's next?! I want to make a lil promo before I start and then I've gotta.. y'know, actually start working on it. I have the first few scenes in mind but then we're wingin' it baby! The best plan is no plan and all that... I'm being kind to myself though, so idk when we'll start, real soon though!
I've already given everyone makeovers and gotten a few of the main builds out of the way, enough for me to get started at least, and I'd like to make a new navigation/pinned post too.
I wanna be more organised as well, so story posts will be tagged as "forever in between" & "fib" and bloopers, extras, builds, cas pics etc etc. will be tagged as "fib" & "fib extras"!
Okay.. I think that's it. See you soon! 👋
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koorinokujira · 4 months
Yakuza Kiwami is an AMAZING game and I'll shove my love for it in everyone's faces now
So, I kinda realized I didn't make this post yet, and I literally finished Kiwami 2 yesterday, so... whoops? But no matter, better late than never, as they say! Spoilers below, like always, so keep reading at your own risk!
So, Yakuza Kiwami. I've actually seen a full playthrough of it a few years back, so I roughly knew what was waiting for me, but my memory is not my greatest strength, so I luckily forgot most of it. And honestly, even knowing some stuff didn't take away my enjoyment at all!
Now, I gotta say, playing this right after 0 was insane. It made my immersion so much better, and really made me feel things more strongly. I was violently dragged out of the relative peace I got after the whole fiasco with the Empty Lot, the familiar streets with shops and minigames I knew and loved into a new, unfamiliar version of Kamurocho along with Kiryu. It was rough- a lot of things stayed the same or at least similar, but there were enough differences for it to feel like a mockery of all the things Kiryu held dear. He was lost in a place he used to know intimately, and that really got to me, because I had just finished the previous journey with him and Majima.
And slowly unraveling what happened to Nishiki and seeing him fall so far from the bro we used to know genuinely hurt. Especially knowing that he wasn't a bad person before and that he was a sensitive soul that got completely crushed by the circumstances in his life.
As for the story and characters in general, I loved it, it got me in the feels and I was hooked the whole time! While I still think 0 is the best from what I played so far, this story was also amazing. Majima going all out in all the fights and with costumes and disguises, Date-san being an incredibly pathetic man and father who pulled through in the end and sorta sharing that with the Florist, Haruka being a little badass, Reina's tragic, misguided love... there was so much that I adored about this game, and the characters in the main story never really fell flat for me. It also made me love Kashiwagi even more, I just love it when he's there. And the ending was pretty heartwrenching too, though I wish it focused more on Nishiki's death than Yumi's, as I felt their brotherly bond ran way deeper than Kiryu's relationship with Yumi. But that's just my opinion, I still cried and thought it was pretty solid!
Then there are the sidequests. Hoo boy. I have to admit, I didn't really like those that much. They just lacked the spark that the ones from 0 had, and seemed somewhat repetitive in their themes. And there was of course also those very questionable ones. Of course, there were some pretty good ones too! And I had a blast in the whole Pocket Circuit saga, I love Fighter with all my heart.
Speaking of Pocket Circuit, the minigames were still really enjoyable, but I really missed Disco, to be honest. I wish you could groove in a club somewhere at least. The Karaoke gave me whiplash because it was so different (post Yakuza 0 immersion strikes again), and I hated the new version of Heartbreak Mermaid. But I have to admit, I absolutely loved Iji Sakura 2000 and definitely sang it way too many times.
Gameplay was pretty good too! I didn't really like some changes to the fighting system, but overall, it was still really enjoyable to punch everyone in close vicinity. I learned to use Dragon Style a lot more, in 0 I barely used it even though I had it. Tiger drop is spectacular, I will never sugarcoat anything ever again. The upgrade system took some getting used to, but it ended up being my favorite as it was more clear-cut and it was mostly stuff I'd actually use. The Majima Everywhere thingy was pretty fun most of the time! It could get a bit tedious to find specific Majimas, but I got through it like a champ.
So overall, amazing game as the title says, and I will also make another post with some funny screenshots for this game soon! Thank you for reading, and like always...
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Have a great day!
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gigglecoffin · 1 year
sims tag game! ☆
tytytyt @crsentfairy <3 mwah!!
1.) What’s your favourite sims death? burnt alive because its simple and its dramatic
2.) Alpha CC or Maxis Match? hmmmm mix, but i guess with my sims more alpha leaning
3.) Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? ummmmm no wtf? i literally didnt even know that was a thing.
4.) Do you use move objects? ofc duh
5.) Favorite mod? AUGHHH multiple cas columns, how can anyone paly with only two columns like?!?!?!-
6.) First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? pretty sure it was cats & dogs
7.) Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? i guess LIV bc they are like living \? :D
8.) Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? dont even, i have too many
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i gotta choose Jordan, Phoenix and Ronan!!!!!! jor and pho have been w me FOREVVVVER!!!! and im not just gonna choose a rando one of the freak sims ive made.... (except for Ronan i love him sm)
9.) Have you made a simself? i sure have!!! i gotta budate it though bc im probably gonna have blonde streaks in my hair for a while.
10.) What sim traits do you give yourself? neat, art lover, and clumsy
11.) Which is your favorite EA hair color? probobly like the dark brown or the new low saturation black
12.) Favorite EA hair? awwww bruh idk off the top of my head the sulani mohawk caus it pretty hot
13.) Favorite life stage? young adult
14.) Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? honestly i dont do either. i guess for the overall journey i enjoy gameplay!!
15.) Are you a CC creator? mhm!
16.) Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? YUP YOU KNOW WHO U ARE!!!(✩ ์ ᴗ ์✩)
17.) What’s your favorite game? welllll sims... specifically sims two, and recently ive just been conjoined to my switch playing animal crossing. but i also love the re games, and also the supermassive games
18.) Do you have any sims merch? LMAO no
19.) Do you have a YouTube for sims? wish i did but i couldnt video edit to save my life
20.) How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? hmmm..... well (23-22-21-20-19-18) id say im doing great now
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21.) What’s your Origin ID? just rottenmothboy my old url... but i have some old sims on the gallery
22.) Who’s your favorite CC creator? well... l love all of them keep making great cc!!!
FOREVER (devilsfang & vampirepill) luv and miss u guys <3
and many many more <3
23.) How long have you had a simblr? well this account has been active until i think sept 2019? but i started posting in early 2021
24.) How do you edit your pictures? i use krita!! because whose got ps money? not me
25.) What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? ooooo real. city living. i just love apartments
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? i honestly dont care becuas i dont buy them anymore
i literally tag anyone who sees this
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Sims tag
Thanks to those who tagged me~
1. what’s your favorite sims death?
satellite. It's so sudden and random and weird. Death be that way sometimes.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
whatever makes my game look like a dog ate a box of crayons and vomited all over everything
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
hell nah, I have too many skinny bitches in my game as it is
4. Do you use move objects?
religiously, and then I yell at my sims when they throw routing errors
5. Favorite mod?
whichever one makes the hobby NPCs go fuck themselves
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
I got university from the library lol but I think the first one I owned was open for business, which was a revelation at the time. I always wanted nightlife but was too afraid to ask my mom for it cause it looked SEXY. now, as an adult, can confirm nightlife is the best one. but I am a sexual deviant, so.
7.  Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
in my head it's like "aLIVE" but from a linguistic perspective I gotta concede that the "LIVing" pronunciation makes more sense because it's consistent with the other modes (buy/build) which are verbs not adjectives
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
I hate all my loser sims I guess I have a sweet spot for a child sim I made back when I was a child. She lived in a trailer, had big droopy eyes like Brittany Spears, and was named Miami.
9.  Have you made a simself?
yeah I basically always have one but she's a townie. to play her would be weird. here's the bitch
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10. What sims traits do you give yourself?
sloppy and lazy yeeeeeee
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11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
the custom mohawk colors bro
12. Favorite EA hair?
this bitch still has a hold on me
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13. Favorite life stage?
I like teens, they're so sassy, getting them to do their homework sucks but also unlike children they can just get bad grades, nobody cares
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the game play?
I'm a builder but I'm trying not to give up on gameplay. It's not working.
15. Are you a CC creator?
not really, I like recoloring things to look like an 80s train-wreck though
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sims squad?
.....there are sim-cliques?
17. What’s your favorite game (1,2,3,4)?
sims 3 is hideous (sorry bout it), sims 4 has lovely landscapes but the gameplay is akin to watching paint dry. I'm sure I'll love the sims 1 once I get around to playing it. I like creepy weird stuff.
18. Do you have any sims merch?
i wouldnt let myself be seen dead in sims merch also fuck EA
19. Do you have a youtube for sims?
I have too much CC to also run a screen recorder without tons of crashing lol I have no self control
20. How has your “sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
with every passing day i am more of a builder and more of a maximalist also i keep making animal sims now like some kind of furry *shudders*
21. What’s your origin ID?
lol just say no to origin
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22. Who’s your favorite cc creator?
who made the baby bbq? them
23. How long have you had a simblr?
since 2017. I was a baby in undergrad then. making sims stories was like my therapy. now im an adult with real therapy.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
I churn them mindlessly through photoscape generally. anything else is too much work.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
I'm not sure who has/hasn't done this. I'll tag @sicksadsim, @pixelatedpanic, @letomills, @snapdragoned, @ivycopur, @bubuthejedi, @lifetime-want
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cinamun · 1 year
TAGGED by @simmerstellar ! Thanks friend!
Come get to know me y'all!
1. What’s your favorite sims death? I haven't had a sim die from anything other than old age in a HOT minute but I saw a LP and the murphy bed death seems so unecessarily violent lmfao.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? BOTH! I consider my style Maxis Mix. We love a nice combo of both.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Not anymore but at one point I had to. Let me explain: I don't know if it was a glitch but like after every meal with grannie's cookbook, Indya would gain weight instantly. Didn't happen with anyone else (although everyone else are athletes of some sort). She's always and forever thick but something was definitely up with the food mods I was using. Anyway, we're good now since I'm not playing her HH exclusively anymore.
4. Do you use move objects? Absolutely. Its too restrictive! Gotta play test when I do though because routing errors make me irrationally angry.
5. Favorite mod? Wickedwhims. I don't care! If I want my sims to get freak-nasty I have a blog for that and WW never fumbles. If I want them to do cute little intimate things, WW is there. If you don't like the smut, I feel bad for you son.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? I've gotten pretty much ever iteration of this game except for almost all of the kits and the star wars pack.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? ALIVE. I don't understand the other one honestly lol. We're going LIVE as soon as I press play so....
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Obvs Indya Drake!
9. Have you made a simself? Yes! But she needs help lol I'm not good at that at all so there's a resemblance but she doesn't really look like me. When I do gameplay with her I say she's my "sorta-kinda self sim" lol
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? gloomy, neat, loner, romantic
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? Black but like BLACK Black, not the BLUE Black lol.
12. Favorite EA hair? All of the afro textured ones.
13. Favorite life stage? Young adults.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Gameplay mostly stories but I love to decorate!
15. Are you a CC creator? I will recolor the shit out of something! That's about it lol
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? All my mutuals and anyone who reads my story! #Squad
17. What’s your favorite game? The Sims 4 is the only game I play. Don't @ me.
18. Do you have any sims merch? Nope.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope, but I have been asked to make a channel and got that far at least. No videos lol.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? If anything, less alpha and more maxis match.
21. What’s your Origin ID? [redacted]
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? All of the ones that do it for FREE and for the love of the game. I donate too because I understand its not easy, but also not worth a month long paywall or conveniently forgetting to publicly release something.
23. How long have you had a simblr? 2015 are my earliest posts I think.
24. How do you edit your pictures? Gshade and Photoshop Elements 2020
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? Cottage Living is the goat IMO even though I don't play it much anymore. I do very much enjoy Island Living and Growing Together will round out a nice top 3.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I haven't really thought about it. I just figure the sims 4 is nearing the end of its era and we're gonna start hearing about project rene more and more.
oh! tagging @shesthespinstersimmer @bridgeportbritt @iplaysims4 @beebeesiims @thegloomiestwhim @hazelminesims @therichantsim @omgkayplays @softerhaze @crsentfairy
please ignore if you don't do these or already did this!
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snurgle07 · 8 months
Say all your psychonauts 2 thoughtS
All of them huh? I think about this game so much, I’d be here all day, but this certainly gives me a good excuse to ramble about some things I love about pn2. :D
- The characters are amazing! 10/10 I care about pretty much all of those freaks. The art style makes them all look so charming in a lopsided weird sort of way, and the game is so empathetic to everyone that even the characters we don’t get much of or who serve a limited purpose still feel well rounded and real.
- Raz is excellent. He’s loads of fun in the first game and continues to be a blast in the second. He’s even more adorable and earnest in the sequel and I love that for him!! He’s definitely one of my favorite characters of all time, I adore him.
- Adoring the characters goes for everyone though. And pn2 has a whole new cast of characters who are all super fun in their own ways. The Psychic 7 especially are super cool. My biggest soft spot is for Lucy, but I love Bob, Ford, and well, the rest of the seven really, a whole lot. Getting to meet the Aquatos is also awesome, and the interns are cool too. Lotsa cool groups of characters to enjoy.
- The story? Awesome. Feels grander than pn1 to be honest, and I like that, but also it’s completely great on its own. It’s got loads of mind shenanigans, drama, great mental health commentary, and manages to balance out all the trauma with enough healing and empathy and even a bit of humor that it all still feels nice and hopeful despite everything. Like yeah there’s a lot of angst material certainly, and as a fan I gotta love that, buuuut sometimes I need a piece of media to punch me in the gut and then give me a warm hug afterward.
- On the note of mental health stuff, I feel it did great. It’s noticeable that they talked to experts and people with personal experience. They were able to convey the mindscapes of certain traumas and mental health issues with more accuracy. The first game was certainly empathetic and kind in regards to that, which was a big deal at the time, buuuut the accuracy was a bit lacking back then. Pn1 shows it’s age a bit in that regard. Pn2 improves on that wonderfully with both kind and more researched explorations into the mind.
-The morals regarding the complexity of the human mind and the messiness of humanity and how we often make mistakes and have more to us under the surface… heroes are often flawed, villains may just be a version of a person we made up in our mind based off of our limited perceptions… aughh good stuff. There are so many good takeaways from psychonauts 2 and I love it!
- Also on a more personal note, I probably owe this game my fascination with psychic powers and psychics in fiction. It’s tangentially what got me into Mob Psycho 100, and has inspired me to make some psychic ocs. The art direction really impacted me and even the way I draw. My style has opened up so much more since practicing drawing such funky looking characters. I genuinely think it has helped me improve a lot and helped me discover more about what kinds of art style I adore and inspired my own. The gameplay too, alongside the art direction, has impacted my aspirations a lot as far as being an artist and hopefully to work in game design— which is to say it’s super inspiring! I think it can inspire people in a myriad of ways, it’s a very unique game like that, and it really reminds me why I love art, storytelling, and games so much. I genuinely feel I owe it a lot for a variety of reasons and I’ve seen many others who play it feel the same. :)
TLDR: Psychonauts 2 my beloved…
Thanks for the ask! I will never not want to talk about psychonauts, this game is sticking in my brain for good.
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prancingintheshadows · 2 months
I've just finished FFVII Rebirth and RWBY's back with new content, so obviously those two things are the only thing on my mind right now. So of course with my brainrot I have to imagine and conceptualize what the RWBY characters would play like in FF7 rebirth. Especially since Monty was a fan of Final Fantasy.
For people playing Rebirth, there's not going to be any story spoilers, but this will go into gameplay and talk about certain abilities in the game as comparison.
This is mostly just 'how would these characters be designed in this gameplay?', so I'm not really making any big changes to Rebirth's systems to account for RWBY's in-universe mechanics. While Dust is similar to materia, there's some notable differences but I'm ignoring those differences for the sake of this. So these characters will all use Dust/Materia the way the game does, using mp or something rather than having dust be like ammo. And speaking of MP, same case. Aura is both HP and MP in RWBY, but for the sake of this, everyone's having separate bars for those.
My plan is to generally talk about the overall gameplay identity of each character, along with specific details like if they have attacks after dodging worth mentioning or holding square produces a unique attack or such. I will not be talking about synergy, at least, not in this post. Maybe in a future one if I have the attention span.
For the first of these posts I'm tackling everyone's favorite blonde brawler
Basic Idea
I'm starting with Yang because... she was the easiest. But not too easy. It's not like we can slap on Tifa's moveset and stats and call it a day. Tifa's combo focused gameplan is fun and fitting for a martial artist, but it lacks the defining features of Yang's semblance. Yang's the toughest member of her team by a long shot and her semblance builds up as she takes damage, so it's instead easier to take inspiration from Red XIII's Vengeance Mode. However, not everything of Red's is usable. Red features a lot of supportive moves that apply buffs or healing and that's not really in line with Yang's straightforward, frontline fighting style, so I'd ideally take a mix of Red's ability to turn defense into resources as well as Tifa's explosive damage potential.
In keeping in line with this mix of tank and damage dealer, ideally Yang would have comparatively high health and defenses, though I can see magic defense being noticeably lower, along with good attack and low 'magic' or whatever the dust equivalent would be. Controversially though, I'd put her speed rather low. Yang's not slow, but everything's relative, especially in video games and video game balance. Comparing to everyone else on Team RWBY, Yang's slow. I'm not too sure on luck, but I'm leaning more towards low. Yang strikes me as doing a lot of damage raw rather than relying on situational damage like crits.
Yang, like Tifa, uses martial arts, so she has a short attack range that doesn't have much spread. As such, when coming out of a dodge, Yang will do a spinning kick. I get she's a punch girl, but she's not exclusively using punches. Holding square has her do a close range shot gun blast that can push enemies back. I'd also say Yang's dodge is only average. Again, relative speeds. She's got Ruby and Blake on her team, Yang has to be average at dodging at best by comparison.
Burn Mode
We gotta talk about Yang's unique mechanic. As stated earlier, I think elements from both Red XIII and Tifa work, so I'm trying to mesh them together. At the fundamental level, it works like Vengeance where blocking builds up a meter. However, this meter has several levels, much like Tifa's Chi or Cait Sith's moogle stuff. Obviously, building more levels increases the potency of the Burn Mode, which is functionally a super mode. I'm thinking maybe 3 levels? Like Red, Yang's attacks get a massive boost and increased range and the button used to transform is replaced with a new attack.
Unlike Red, this attack will drain the form's meter, similar to Tifa using up levels of Chi and falling to the lower level. Also, these levels drop quicker than Tifa's Chi or Red's Vengeance. This is just a byproduct of what I'm trying to achieve with Yang. While being a tank/dps hybrid can be a rather simple character, I want to give Yang's fighting game plan depth and complexity. Have her be able to fight smarter like in the show. It's why I want a healthy mix from both characters. Tifa's chi is cool, but you ultimately just spend all of it on a staggered enemy and there's no other uses for it as the buffs it gives you passively aren't enough to be worth considering, so Yang's Burn Mode needs to have passive benefits closer to Red's Vengeance than Tifa's Unbridled Strength. But it also needs to run out in a decent time frame to make spending Burn levels acceptable. I want that conflict of deciding whether or not using a level of burn for a potent attack is worth it. And similarly to Red, I want a lot of interplay between Yang's super mode and her abilities.
I'm not going to make enough abilities to match the Rebirth characters. They have 10 abilities, which is an insane amount to be doing for 4 characters for a 'for fun' theory craft. There are certain requisite things Yang needs for abilities. For one, a rather standard damaging ability. You know, your Bravers, Divekicks, and Sidewinders. Likely some sort of punch. Easy enough.
Second thing, Yang's very block heavy, so like Cloud and Red, she gets an ability that puts her in a guard stance that builds up meter faster and is functionally a better guard. I call it Block Party, and no, I will not be using puns this entire section.
Most of Yang's abilities I want to play with Burn in some way to create that possibility for smart play while staying true to her fighting abilities. Dragon Throw is probably the ability that I've best made to fit this mold. In base, Yang grabs an enemy and chucks them at another enemy. In Burn, Yang instead grabs the enemy, and in true FF fashion, leaps into the air and comes crashing down on a different enemy. This gives Yang a repositioning tool without detracting from the brawler fantasy. I think this is also not out of the question as there's a few abilities in Rebirth that bring enemies closer, so I don't see any problem with just straight up manhandling them like this.
Meteor Impact is Yang's basic AoE attack where she slams the ground. It interacts with Burn the same way Dragon Throw does. While out of Burn, it's decent, but in Burn, it's range and power increases. It would be a simple and effective tool for people who like using Burn in a straightforward manner.
Bombshell is an ability that uses Burn meter the other way. You don't have to be in Burn mode to improve the move, the move will simply eat meter from Burn by default. Yang attaches sticky bombs to the enemy that go off the next time they're hit with an ability. The amount of stickies attached can be increased by holding down the command and spending meter. It's a move that has some thought that can be put in it. It doesn't deal immediate damage, so you have to either be willing to wait or have resources left over to set them off. You could attach bombs to an enemy and then Dragon Throw them to make them a living bomb. You can set them up when the enemies stagger is nearly complete so you can rebuild your ATB and resources and go for a truly devastating combo. You can go full throttle on the bombs or hold back so you can still enter Burn.
The next ability is one I really wanted to make once I had the concept of Yang down as a fighter with a lot of variability. Golden Glow takes inspiration from Unfettered Fury being a side grade to Unbridled Strength. It's an alterative to Burn. While Burn quickly burns out and has potent offenses, Golden Glow is a mode that lasts longer but instead focuses on Yang's defenses. While Yang mostly uses her semblance to attack, she's also used it a few times to take hits. An ability like this has lots of synergy with Yang's abilities that want her to be in her super form, but doesn't play as well with moves like Bombshell that prefer having meter being quick to build and spend rather than something long lasting.
Limits aren't hard to do, but I should still talk about them anyways. A solid chunk of Rebirth's cast has a basic Level 1 Limit, a Level 2 that increases stagger a lot, and a Level 3 which just does tons more damage. That's not to say all of them are like that. Red notably gets healing from his LB1 and a longer lasting mode from his LB2.
LB1 I'd make a basic damaging limit. It'd be just one big strong punch, like the one used against Junior in the Yellow Trailer, to mirror how quick a lot of the other LB1s are.
LB2 would put Yang in Burn with 1 extra level. If used while you have level 3, this would put you in the otherwise unreachable level 4. Because of course there's 4, this a RWBY character, I can't not slap the number 4 on things. I'd probably use a scene from the JL movie part 2 actually. The one where Yang activates her semblance, jumps up, and starts peppering the battlefield with gunfire. I just think it's good to have a little bit of variety between all the melee combat.
LB3, due to being a whole process to get up to, would be huge stagger increase and huge damage. It's meant to help end the fight, regardless of how the enemy is currently looking. I actually think I'd like her to do something new for this attack honestly. LB1 already uses something from the early RWBY days and LB2 uses more recent stuff, so there's a good spread of representation.
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cbedfordart · 7 months
Ahh I just played the demo and its super duper cool! It's definitely a genre I would not normally touch, but I'm such a fan of your art that I felt compelled to try it out all the same. Gotta thank you for being the tipping point that makes me actually broaden my horizons a little!
I expected to go in and just look around to admire your work but as a pleasant surprise the gameplay was quite pleasing as well! (That's not meant to be a slight like "oh surprisingly not shit," again its just the kind of game I would probably never touch otherwise). Strikes a cool balance where you don't feel helpless but combat still feels like something to not take lightly.
Idk. Idk there are only so many ways I can really think of to say that your art and your work on this game is really exciting and every time I see it I feel slightly foolish for not buying massive prints to hang up in my room. Argh I love it you're such a rockstar!
Haha thank you so much for trying out SWC!! Honestly I had the feeling that there would be a quite a few non horror game playing people trying it out, partly because of how my style generally is!
But also I think it's partially cause it's not just the scary horror variety, we're more on that scooby doo type vibe lol. Which I love! Like, there's a couple scary and gross things, but really we're all in it to have a good time (I think?). Scarier horror games are also really fun too though so you should def give them a shot if you ever get the chance!
P.S. I am also equally surprised people like the combat lmao! Like, we worked really hard to make it great and still had no idea if people would get it - so glad you fucked with it!
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purplekoop · 7 months
ngl I'm curious about your ideas for Venture and spaceranger. I saw a theory SR could be Fio from Blackwatch and I think Venture could be our Portuguese hero, maybe has a build (turret, wall, etc) made of duravidro. Still hoping for heroes 42 to 45 being Lynx 17, Maximilien, a Roman champion fighter, and an Afro-American New York firefighter.
Okay lot of parts to this one to answer
Starting with Venture, here's their art for reference:
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Now, with their pretty apparent explorer/excavation-themed design, with giant drill and what looks like climbing/excavation gear on their back, my first thought for what map they tie into is actually Petra, the deathmatch map set in Southern Jordan's wonder of the world. The map is littered with details alluding to an ongoing excavation project, so I think Venture could be part of that team. Plus, I think the slightly darker skin tone could possibly fit an Arabic character.
While I can't make it out with just this little image, I think the insignia on this sleeve could be the key to figuring out this character's faction.
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As for kit, I don't really have any great ideas yet. While their drill at first appears to be a melee weapon, letting you just drill into people for rapid close-range damage, but I feel like it could have some kind of surprise projectile component.
In addition to me thinking they're from Jordan and not Portugal, I also doubt they're a "builder" character due to those being an ongoing struggle to balance in the Damage role. My belief for what Esperanca is alluding to is still a Tank hero that we won't be seeing for a while. Considering how long it takes heroes to be developed (note Mauga was just revealed today after being first teased in 2019), I think something as relatively recent as Esperanca won't lead to something new so "soon".
(I actually have a character for my original hero/class shooter project War Bots who uses a drill in a couple ways, and they are actually a builder character who uses it to build buildings and also tunnel underground to move around safely. They deserve their own post soon though.)
As a reminder, we are due to see some early gameplay footage of Venture tomorrow in the "Overwatch 2: What's Next" segment of Blizzcon tomorrow at 1:30 PM PST (so 4:30 for me in the EST), so we won't have to wait long to see some of how they play!
Going from underground to out of this world, let's talk about "Space Ranger" next!
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(I gotta say it if I haven't already that I love both of these designs, even if they're still certainly still concept art and might actually change a fair bit before release, especially in the case of Star Command here releasing all the way in the far off galaxy of Season 12. Still, very cute, love the colors and overall vibe, big fan.)
So starting off with the theory you saw, the idea that this is Fio, the Blackwatch pilot from Retribution, certainly is... interesting, certainly an idea with precedent if Sojourn is anything to go by. I didn't remember what they looked like so I checked the wiki and...
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...Yeah no these are completely different people, sorry. Fio has what looks to be red hair underneath the helmet and... I wanna say a European face? Ranger meanwhile has the dang Twilight Sparkle hair, and her face strikes me more like how East Asian characters tend to look in Overwatch's art style, like D.va and Kiriko with their slightly more "anime-esque" faces. Not to say I wouldn't welcome Fio to the roster (even though they'd be. Far, Far from my first pick for an established character to join the roster), but this definitely ain't them.
As for who I do think this could be, or rather what characters they're related to, I think between possibly being Asian and also being more obviously space-themed, I think they could very likely be affiliated with Lucheng Interstellar, the Chinese aerospace company behind Horizon Lunar Colony. According to the wiki, they also have other space station projects they are/were working on, so Space Ranger could be related to either of those.
As for kit, I don't have much to say for them either. Some neat ideas I saw were that they could be another hyper-mobile support like Mercy or Lucio, and could possibly even have some sort of gravity-manipulating buff. I really don't have much to say yet, but there's plenty of room for cool ideas!
Speaking of cool ideas, lemme take a sec to go over all yours!
Lynx 17 is definitely a popular pick I can get behind, between their fun design and the capacity for a support hacker-themed character. My Sombra Role Requeue was just one way to take the concept, I feel like there's even more room to start from the ground up! Though I do also wanna shoutout Franky, a character from the Deadlock Rebels novel that was essentially the other main founding member of the gang along with Cassidy and Ashe (and B.O.B. too, of course), who's also a hacker. I don't blame people for giving Lynx 17 higher priority, both due to being around longer and also being another cool Omnic, as well as being canonically non binary already. I would like to see a human NB character sooner than later, (hence why I've been referring to Venture and SR gender-neutrally this whole post) but Lynx still slaps so I'd be happy to see them too.
Maximilien is I think probably the most notable lore character that's yet to be playable now that we've finally got our greasy mitts on Mauga. Another fun established design and personality who's been around the story even longer than Mauga actually. Shoot, we've even seen the bastard in one of the story trailers, with Doomfist implying that he's got a job to do that the greedy omnic seems uncomfortable with. That could easily mean he has to get his hands dirty when he doesn't want to, so... could be teasing him being playable? My main objection to his inclusion on the roster is that I don't have a great idea for what exactly he'd... do. He's basically a cowardly civilian who just happens to be bankrolling a terrorist organization. This could definitely work into his kit, making him a support who sucks in direct fights but has ways of backing up allies. The one solid ability idea I got for him though is that his gun would be a silenced pistol. that's it. Now obviously some creativity on the hero design team's part could fix that issue, but still, it's something to consider.
Now for the characters who aren't as established, a roman gladiator is another one that's been tossed around a lot since the map was first revealed. Like I said with a character teased by the Portugal map though, OW heroes take a long time to develop, and they're still catching up on established characters like Mauga, so the teasers from OW2's new maps could take a WHILE to get to at this rate. Which isn't shocking really, they wanna keep Overwatch going for a while and I personally can get behind that, so I understand them setting up so many teasers they can follow up on later. As for the gladiator specifically, this idea still hasn't actually excited me that much. I struggle right now to think about what could make one of the mech gladiators unique from the tanks we already have on the roster. A melee weapon and shield? Reinhardt. A spear? Orisa. Again, creativity solves a lot of problems, but it's why I've never been that excited for this idea since Colosseo was first revealed.
That last idea though, THAT has me interested.
I've honestly never heard that idea before! It's so cool too, a firefighter would have such a fun pool of ideas to work from. Overwatch doesn't really have any water-themed heroes, and as far as I'm aware the team hasn't considered it aside from one rejected concept for what eventually became Lifeweaver. I'm honestly not even sure what role would fit a firefighter better, because the bulky outfits and some kind of water pushing ability would fit Tank, but the whole "life saving" part could fit Support better. This is such a cool idea, I'd honestly love to hear you elaborate on it more!
So yeah, wanted to give a thorough response talking about all of these future heroes, confirmed and otherwise. I'll almost certainly have more to say tomorrow when they talk about the two new faces, but that's for 20 hours from now. Thanks for the ask though, fun to talk about all this!
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lunarsilkscreen · 2 months
Gaming Sucks These Days
I know, I know, what a cliche thing to say.
I want to enjoy mobile gaming, and there's some hidden gems I can't bring myself to play because they feel like every other rogue-lite, freemium, gacha-enabled, starter pack pushing, resource management simulator out there.
Which, I get; devs gotta make their money somehow. But seriously? This is the best gaming has to offer at the indie level these days?
The are clones of the same 5 games on every different store and streaming service. Not wordle-scapes with friends, freemium sonic infini-runner nonsense.
"I like infinite runners though" you may be saying.
You don't know any better. The good parts of the game are drowned out by the excessive use of the worst elements.
Actually, on second thought. I think you know exactly what I mean.
Mobile gaming serves as the entry point for gamers these days, And the only thing I'm seeing are old indie titles from a decade ago. And Genshi Honkai Railpact. (And Raid Shadow whatever's.)
Terrabound valley. Issac. Hearthstone. Diablo.
And I enjoy them I do.
But what the 🦆 ppl?
I couldn't even enjoy The mobile Nier. A gacha game with the same elements as every other SQEX gacha game. Non-transferable too, despite being hosted in the same ecosystem.
What a missed opportunity for cross-promotion.
Which, the reason I couldn't enjoy it, is *because* it was a gacha game targeted at younger gamers. It's one of my absolute pet-peeves.
The game itself was a simple story-book style RPG. And it was absolutely well made. A way to teach youngsters about the harsh realities of life in a digestible way.
AND STILL. The game exemplifies that reality with it's gacha system.
Again; I know that's just how mobile devs operate and make money. AND YET. it's really bad guys. Like so bad.
My expectation is that the AAA publishers actually lead the way in encouraging a better way to engage audiences and make money. To raise the bar.
{is my expectation to high?}
Don't get me wrong; many games offer ways to get plenty of what you can purchase in game for free. Provided you're skilled enough.
Or happen upon a free-holiday, or promotional week.
Most games however advertise their in game purchases every few steps. In order to entice gamers to spend money immediately.
Others include grind-walls, and play limits. Not to limit young player play time. Since a lot of these games are AFK games, that is; they play themselves while you multitask. Similar to how boomers listen to TV in the background while doing chores.
And many of the rewards aren't more story, or fun gameplay, but anime fight scene fish tank.
There has to be a better way, there just had to. :/
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bartoonist · 3 months
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BAR’s PS5 Screenshots 3-6-2024: the first 7 screenshots of this game are actually my Digital Download version of the Shadow of the Colossal PS4 Remake I now own digitally in my PS5 Console, and I gotta say though, that game is just as beautiful as when I actually used to play the PS3 Remaster of the original PS2 version of that game I played in the Team Ico Collection 12 or 13 years ago… my original PS3 Fat Launch Model Console crashed from the yellow light of death only once in summer 2010 and then later twice in summer 2011 when that 3rd yellow light of death forced me to go for a PS3 Slim Model Console later on Christmas 2011, that’s when I got myself the Team Ico Collection although I can’t remember if I got that compilation title in Christmas 2011 or on the 1st quarter months of early 2012, but one thing I do know is that the two visual styles of both SOTC’s PS2 Original Graphics and PS4 Remake Graphics have both aged gracefully, especially when the underdog PlayStation Studio Owned Company: BluePoint Games have surprisingly a marvelous job at remaking both that PS2 Cult Classic’s cast & open designs wholly from scratch, and for capturing the original PS2 Gameplay Animation Physics they put into that 2018 PS4 Remake too, the 8th and 9th screenshots are of this spectacular Metroidvania title known as Vernal Edge, and I know I’m having fun with that PS5 Digital Download Title too, and the 10th screenshot is of my Street Fighter Avatar I created in Street Fighter 6, and my SF6 Avatar’s name is Brisk Tintor, in hindsight: I probably should’ve also taken some pictures of my SF6 Avatar’s full body design too, just so you’d how I made my avatar’s design look, but maybe later when I’m done playing my Scarlet Nexus PS5 Disc Title’s whole story on my PS5 Disc Drive Console, I’ll reinstall Street Fighter 6 back in and capture some screenshots of my Avatar’s full appearance one of these days, since I wanted to save up my PS5 Console’s storage space btw, but I hope you folks like what games I’ve been playing of course.
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cyazurai · 1 year
Sims Tag Game! <3
Tagged by @gorgosim! Thank you!
1. What’s your favourite sims death? I normally just let my sims die of old age, but I definitely have some favorites. My favorite from TS4 is being Consuming by the Mother. And my favorite from TS3 is jellybean plant - mostly because I love the color of the jellybean ghost, haha!
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis Mix! I will use an Alpha hair if the edit I'm doing works better with that, but otherwise I only use MM hair, and a mix of Alpha and MM clothes.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? No. I like to make them lose weight naturally if I want them to, if not? They're gonna just be like me.
4. Do you use move objects? I have a mod that makes it so move objects is always on, so yeah.
5. Favorite mod? Oh gosh... I have a lot of mods I can't live without, but for modern gameplay I gotta say the LGBTQIA+ mod by Lumpinou has changed my life. I don't have to choose my sims' orientations and genders anymore! Finally!
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? For TS4, the first pack I got was Get to Work.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE, but that's because I think of it like "we're going live," like for TV and such.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? I don't know if she's my absolute favorite, but one of my favorites is Ikari Karma, the founder I made for a RainbowSin legacy that I still haven't gotten around to:
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9. Have you made a simself? Yes actually! She's the founder of my current NSB, though her traits are completely different from what my real ones are.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? Geek, Loner, Cat Lover, usually.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? Platinum blonde!
12. Favorite EA hair? The movie hangout stuff hair that's a side part and shoulder length. I put that on all my sims back when I was CC lite.
13. Favorite life stage?  Young adult probably - you can do the most things while still being young enough to have a lot of time left. Plus, this is the time when you can move spares out of the house, haha.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Definitely in it for the gameplay. Occasionally, I LOVE building, but I have to be in the right mindset for it.
15. Are you a CC creator? Sometimes! More mods than CC, though. I can't mesh to save my life, but I can make poses, CAS backgrounds, loading screens, and the occasional small mod.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? Mmm yeah I'd say so! Maybe not a sim squad, but definitely some simblr friends.
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)  I have the most fond memories of 3. If my computer was better, you'd have to suffer through a TS3 legacy from me too. 😌
18. Do you have any sims merch? I don't actually!
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? I do, but I don't post regularly. I want to, but every time I start to get more regular, things come up.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?  Oh for sure. My first TS4 sims are not very good looking, and now I like them quite a lot. Can't say they're unique because I have same face syndrome, but I like them and that's enough for me.
21. What’s your Origin ID? Cyazurai
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?  Ahh... that's so hard. For hair it's daylifesims, and for clothes it's Sifix.
23. How long have you had a simblr? Since early 2020 I think. I mean, I started posting sims stuff occasionally back in 2015, but I wouldn't consider myself a simblr until I started posting regularly.
24. How do you edit your pictures? Reshade + MS Paint or iPiccy. I'm not clever or rich enough for fancy programs.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I think I want the Cool Kitchen Stuff next, because... ice cream.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? Oh goodness. Probably Realm of Magic, because I use Spellcasters a LOT.
And I will tag @melsie-sims, @oswanily, @daisydezem, and @katmk36!
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