#Three Months (and he was ready)
bucksboobs · 2 months
I have a headcanon that Eddie waited 20 minutes and then called Tommy to apologize for “ruining their date” and encourages Tommy to give Buck a second chance.
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
Reblog if you’re a 2012 Raphael stan and are sick and tired of toxic fans lying/badmouthing him, saying he’s “abusive”, a “bully”, and “doesn’t care about his brothers”.
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kaiiscottage · 2 months
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☆. Preview pics for the 12th and last episode of Bucchigiri?! + preview vid :”)!!
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why did he do this (rhetorical) (profoundly affected)
#obviously referenced from start to finish. half second shots that kill#you go ''i was already Changed by the mere socked glasses flip / kick gifs. i'm ready'' but you are actually collapsed on the ground#raising my hand as one of the handful of randos who stood up suddenly these past few months like why yes i Will watch your films then#and also as [guy lecturing & emphatically pointing to laptop] i have to do everything myself the undereye coloring is a distinctive trait#fashion icon shit around here also i'm not kidding in the least#i want well another pair of glasses for one & graphic tees short shorts a fanny pack a calculator(?) buttonsy digital watch i completely do#also again with the adhd these flashbacks were beautiful. inspiring. revelatory. profound (cont.)#it's also occurring to me that i've watched a couple movies for the first time recently and it was like. man cmon#one horror one that was like. I Said Man Cmon. another non horror one that was just like an unending shrug#all the more appreciation like yeah hey a horror movie and also just a movie where it's like yes i'm completely along for the ride wahoo yay#raising my third hand as a correct opinions about media haver#corned beef#it#no time to be coy i was here three and greater than three years ago. and just nowadays; evidently:#reddie#online listicle video voice The Couple Of Dozen V Varied Moments From The IT Movies That Drew Blood (Mine)#whoever came up with this sequence i'm kissing on the mouth like my god. again: profound#the power of the rileable using their end of things as their plausible deniability. like oh god i hope he thinks i'm cool. ok asshole Enough#being the guy Just Standing There like fellas the boy you're in love with very insistently did this wyd (only caring abt literature)#adding a 50% pink overlay like it comes time to make these coloring choices & i put on a vivacious song to inspire having fun / being myself#great choice imo. now to slide right under that midnight est wire
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antiqua-lugar · 4 months
it has just occurred to me that wyll does canonically want children and his final romance scene is "be with me forever" so presumably no matter what path he takes he will at some point bring up the subject which is breaking me as a durgewyll stan
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mishy-mashy · 5 months
Ray (BNHA Resistance OC) incorrect quotes
(Context: Ray is his codename. An OC forced into joining the Resistance after Bruce accidentally concussed him. His Ability was useful, so they wanted him)
Ray: I don’t have a New Year’s resolution
Yoichi: You could relax a bit more
Bruce: You could take a bath.
Kudo: Don’t be such a bitch.
Ray: Okay DAMN, SHIT.
Kudo: We've decided to adopt.
Ray, still concussed: Congratu-
Bruce, slamming recruitment papers onto the table: It's you, sign here.
Bruce: Before I forget, do you have any special requests?
Ray: Death penalty.
Bruce: Ray-kun, it’s just about living accommodations.
Ray, whispering: Please kill me.
Bruce: Why did you dress up as each other for this mission?
Ray: Leader is the scariest thing I could think of.
Kudo: Ray told me I should pick the dumbest disguise possible.
Kudo: Ray, I think you need glasses.
Ray: Leader, my vision is fine. Look.
Ray: *points at Kudo* Leader.
Ray: *points to Bruce* Bruce.
Ray: *points to Yoichi* All For One.
Yoichi: When I cried about my brother to Kudo, he hugged me and told me he'd carry my feelings into his battles
Ray: The first time Leader was ever nice to me, I thought he was a fake. It was such a disaster that I avoided him for like a week.
Kudo: The first time Yoichi opened a box of Cheerios and looked inside he yelled, "OH WOW! DONUT SEEDS!"
Kudo: I love him so much.
Bruce: It's locked. Can you open it?
Ray: Yeah-
Kudo: *kicks in the vault door*
Kudo, on the way back from rescuing Yoichi: You need to be more careful.
Ray, who was forced into this: Careful? CAREFUL?! I'LL CAREFULLY WRAP MY HANDS AROUND YOUR THROAT-
Kudo: Ray finally learned his gun had a safety lock, but he assembled a rifle last week.
Bruce: This reminds me of the Ray who couldn’t open a tabbed can, but can break into any lock.
Kudo: This is the very same Ray.
Bruce: This is the best idea I've ever had in my life!
*Many years later*
Kudo, to Bruce: Letting All For One take Ray's Quirk was the worst idea you’ve ever had in your life.
#his search quirk was the bane of all the vestiges when it came to dealing with AFO#because no matter what they did AFO was always watching and ready#since ray's quirk is a pain in the ass they decide ray is the same despite never meeting him#someone worth disliking a bit#then shinomori is taken by tomura and meets ray in AFO-vestige-land#and yeah ray terrifies him#shinomori: why is my quirk not activating with him#IF BRUCE JUST GAVE OFA TO RAY THEN THE FIGHT WOULDNT HAVE BEEN AS HARD#his quirk in vague terms lets him see though things and outlines life forms that he can kinda bookmark#the limit to range is just about how much damage the eyes are willing to take. which AFO easily circumvents with regeneration quirks#as for ray well hes blind within five months of joining the Resistance#since AFO stole it from ray he also ended up stealing ray's existing “bookmarks”#to be fair bruces idea wasnt “give AFO Ray's Ability” but it ended up happening in the chaos and they didnt realize until later#the “bookmarks” of yoichi kudo and bruce overlap and combine. then theyre passed onto the OFA holders because they “merged” with#the first three. so. AFO can find the current OFA user no matter what. because somewhere in them they carry the first Three#bruce considered giving ray OFA. but he didnt. and thats what led to AFO taking it for himself. so.#bnha tags are something of a nightmare in which i hit the tag limit too fast#bnha#spoilers#oc#incorrect quotes#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#bruce#kudo#yoichi shigaraki#one for all users#all for one#one for all#afo
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merryfortune · 10 months
Three Months (and he was ready)
Written for @ygorarepairweek
Prompts: Hanahaki | Stargazing | Childhood
Title: Three Months (and he was ready)
Ship: Chatshipping | Naoki/Yusaku
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,317
Tags: Post-Canon, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Childhood Trauma, Meeting the Family, Secret Identities, Swearing, Shovel Talk
   Three months.
   That is how long Yusaku gave himself before he decided if he was ready or not. If he wasn’t, then he figured that he was never going to be ready and if he was never going to be ready, then it was best not to bother anymore. He would break up with Naoki. It would hurt but it would hurt more if they kept hurtling towards an inevitability that Naoki was completely oblivious to.
   But here’s the thing.
   Yusaku was ready. He wanted Naoki to know. Everything. Absolutely everything there was to know about him. That terrified Yusaku but he was ready so it was best for Naoki to know.
   It was such a weird thing.
   Yusaku didn’t think anybody could have picked it. He certainly hadn’t expected it, to not only gain a crush on the most obnoxious geek boy in school but have it requited but that’s just how the school days unfolded. Naoki had been really worried about Yusaku going MIA and was glad that he was back. They were in different years and classes now but they were still friends.
   Yusaku didn’t even realise they had been friends prior but he decided, for Ai’s sake, he wanted to try having this whole friend thing. Turns out, he really liked it. Especially when they had no connection to the Lost Incident and everything surrounding that like Naoki.
   He was just so refreshingly normal. The quirks which once bugged Yusaku about Naoki - like how loud he was and how expressive about his interests he were and how self assured he was - became qualities that Yusaku admired. So, he put in effort and soon enough, effort became effortless and a crush formed.
   It was part of the normal high school experience, wasn’t it? To have a go at dating under the nose of the teachers so Yusaku shot his shot. He wasn’t expecting much of it. Naoki had a very blatant crush on Playmaker, someone whom he did not realise was one and the same with his friend and schoolmate Fujiki Yusaku, and kind of a crush on Aoi as well as her persona as Blue Angel but… Naoki responded.
   “Yeah, sure, sounds cool.” 
   Naoki’s response couldn’t have been more blase but it sent Yusaku over the moon. It was that casualness that he really liked about Naoki. But it couldn’t be casual hang outs forever. Yusaku knew that much.
   So it was time. He had to know.
   “Oh, wow, you look… deathly serious.” Naoki commented as he sat down with Yusaku on the park bench.
   Yusaku’s head hung low, he held his own hands, in the middle of a suitable manspread. He looked miserable.
   “When you said you wanted to talk, I was a li’l worried but now I'm like, way worried.” Naoki rambled.
   “I have something I want to tell you.” Yusaku announced and he began to raise his head a little higher.
   “Dude, you're scaring me. You’re not… breaking up with me, are you?”
   Yusaku laughed cynically as he stared off into the distance, into the cityscape beyond the park, “Surprisingly? No. I thought about it, though.”
   “Oh.” Naoki made a small noise.
   “I want to tell you something really important about who I am.” Yusaku said.
   He fidgeted, moved slightly. Curled in towards Naoki and Naoki was struck by how terrified Yusaku looked. His green eyes were shiny with tears that he was fighting back, his lower lip quivered and his chin pruned.
   “Naoki,” he said, “I was kidnapped as a child.”
   “What the fuck…” Naoki’s jaw dropped.
   “And it doesn’t stop there. I was kidnapped and held in captivity for six months where I was forced to duel for my food. If I won, I ate. If I lost, not only did I not eat, I was electrocuted.” Yusaku confessed.
   “Bro, what the fuck?” That was all Naoki seemed capable of saying right now as his face was a mixture of disbelief and disgust. Not aimed at Yusaku, Yusaku knew, but as his captors. 
   “The reason I was taken was because I… I made friends with the wrong boy. The son of the scientist in charge. It wasn’t his fault and he is still very important to me, even if… even if he is…” Yusaku changed his mind. It wasn’t his place to spill Ryoken’s secrets, only his own. “It doesn’t matter who he is. What matters is that he is still a friend of mine and the reason his Father took me, and five other children, was to make these…”
   Yusaku lifted his wrist up to Naoki and… tada.
   “Hello Brave Max!” 
   Ai’s cheery voice was in total opposition to the mood and the revelations were now dropping left, right, and centre. Naoki’s already dropped jaw was now basically on the ground. He was Playmaker’s biggest fanboy, he was at least a little aware of what this black-and-purple little jellybean was. He knew what this meant.
   Fujiki Yusaku and Playmaker. After all this time and all this mouthing off, they were one and the same, Naoki put together. Yusaku could practically see the connection being made in the lights of his eyes.
   “This is Ai. He is the only family I have. No one ever came forward to claim me after the Incident concluded. Ai is an artificial intelligence with free will.”
   “You better take good care of my Yusaku.” Ai sneered, arms folded in front of him. “Or you will be in big trouble, buster.”
   “It… It would mean a lot to me if you knew this.” Yusaku said, shaky, teary. “I wanted you to know. I realise it's a lot.”
   “Yeah, it is a lot.” Naoki dumbfoundedly agreed.
   “But it's okay, right?” Ai asked, leaning up, his body turning into purple string cheese as he tried to get up into Naoki’s grille.
   “Uh, yeah, it’s okay.” Naoki said. “You can’t change the past and I do not have the fancy-schmancy vocabulary to, like, accurately talk about the magnitude of fucked-upness this whole thing has but dude. You are like. So brave, so strong, and I;ll be brave and strong, too. ‘Cause Playmaker can’t be cool all the time.” he rubbed under his nose.
   Now it was Yusaku’s turn to be dumbfounded. His mouth agape as he processed Naoki’s reply. When it finally computed, he laughed the teeniest-tiniest laugh that impressed both Naoki and Ai. He shouldn’t have expected anything else from his boyfriend, bombastic weirdo extraordinaire! He couldn’t have been luckier to have someone like Naoki to call his.
   Yusaku’s heart swelled, “Thanks, Naoki. I appreciate it.” The tears that he had been holding back began to stream down the side of his face.
   Naoki scooted in closer along the wooden plank of the park bench. He leaned in and he smiled a small smile, he wiped tears from Yusaku’s eyes.
   “Hey, man, thanks for telling me. I know I've got a big mouth but I promise, if this is the sort of thing you want to keep on the DL, I’ll keep it on the DL.” Naoki quietly said.
   “Thanks, Naoki.” Yusaku said again, all choked up this time, however.
   Ai popped up a little bit taller. He leaned into Yusaku and Naoki reached across, to half-hug Yusaku and get Ai in the mix.
   “It’s good to properly meet you now, little dude.” Naoki added as a whisper.
   “Yeah, same.” Ai murmured.
   Yusaku smiled. His heart raced but it didn’t hammer him like his anxiety or panic attacks or any other number of conditions he had leftover from the Incident, it just raced in a comfortable way. He was exhilarated from being vulnerable, from telling Naoki the truth and seeing his two most important people get along. That really, truly did mean the world to him. 
   He was glad that he had worked up the courage to tell Naoki these important things about him.
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jakemyboy · 1 year
I'm gonna cry!!! Every day when we set out I hope he will be normal again. We went down three houses to the corner, rounded the corner. Here we are on the sidewalk at the end of the block, you can see when I pan the camera he only has a short distance to go and we could be on the other side of the block. This is pretty much the spot he stops every day, then we double back and go past our house again, and usually to the end of our block and out the other end and we walk around the block. And of course to get home we have to come back through this exact spot, and he has no trouble doing it since we came from the opposite direction. But today, he would not leave our street on the other end either, so basically we went nowhere, but up and down our street. He boxed himself in, limiting his opportunity, missing out on sights and smells, increasing his boredom. I don't know what to do, I don't have thousands to spend on a behaviorist when I have a house falling apart in need of costly repairs. I may reach out to a dog trainer, I know of one I can trust, it's just I know they don't come cheap. 😭
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wanietheworld · 1 month
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scoliosisgoblin · 2 months
But fr all the VN games specifically yandere male love interest likely not gonna finish but understandable because it’s a small project and coding is not easy as it looks. What do you think?
eh, I get having a project and losing motivation to finish it. there's so many instances of that, and I got a shit ton of projects I never finished because of the lack of motivation or art/writer's block
there's really no problem with not finishing a game or taking years to do so. it's not an easy task in any way
BUT I do think you should be able to be annoyed at how long a game is taking to come out, you can be impatient, it's fine! I hate waiting a year for another season of Rick and Morty (and the next season's only coming out next year due to grinding too hard or something), and though I do complain about the wait, I can recognize that it's not an easy thing to do — ESPECIALLY when it's an indie show
indie games will take a long time to make, and that is perfectly fine. I'm impatient but am fine waiting years for a good game. I'm pretty sure the main reason why people are verbally impatient with the development of Your Boyfriend, is because the creators have no idea who Yb is and continuously change his character's lore for some reason. not only that but they're just TERRIBLE people
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thegreenleavesofspring · 10 months
I need to just... start collaging all the Tumblr posts and Bible verses I see and read that COULD NOT POSSIBLY BE ANY PLAINER an answer to whatever my prayer/grouse/grumble/rebellion du jour is.
He is not subtle. -_-
#Christian toddler temper tantrum#It's been going on for... months now#It exasperates me no end when I try to give my children a treat and they regard it with suspicion and distaste#And yet for... months. Three months? Four months? I have been shrieking at God#“I DON'T WANT IT!!!” about a blessing He has very blatantly wanted to give me#And He is being SO PATIENT#But I still DON'T WANT IT#I don't CARE if it's for my good and would make me so much happier! I don't want it!!!#I don't want to put in the effort it would require to ready ME for such a blessing#I would rather sit as a squalid little pot in my squalid little corner than undergo the necessary cleansing and crucibling...#(I don't care if I just made that word up) (It's accurate)#I'm TIRED#And I already know what cleansing and crucibling will take#And I dread it#I'd much rather sulk and whine than accept the Good Thing#Sulking and whining is easy and Character Development is not#I am lazy. And tired.#Some years ago I read a book called Hinds Feet On High Places and it was an excellent sequel to Pilgrim's Progress#Just wonderful and I loved reading it#But I find I don't like living it#*Whinge* *whine* Waah waah waah etc...#...anyway He's basically dropping a brick a day on my head now so I think He's maybe about done indulging me and my tantrums so#my options are get my hiney in gear and get ready to accept cleansing and crucibling or I'm just gonna get unceremoniously precipitated#into it (As has been His method throughout my life until recently)
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magdaclaire · 1 year
someone tell me i don't need to write the father!jamie tartt fic that just sprung into my head whole cloth
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itstimeforstarwars · 1 year
Me: I have clocked out I’m not gonna think about work anymore
Also me, for the next four hours: *plans out in extreme detail what I’m gonna say during my exit interview, changing tactics depending on which manager is doing the interview and whether or not I want to leave the possibility of returning*
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akkivee · 1 year
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looking fine and for what sakakihara-san 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
How am I supposed to deal with the fact Monkey is turning SEVEN on Sunday?!
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foreignobjecticus · 1 year
Just read back over 2+ years of what are diary entries, I suppose (I’ll write one every 3 or so months). I started during the lockdowns with them and they’re all basically: oh apparently there’s this thing called mental exhaustion/stress/burnout and I think I might have it. Ahhhh, my sweet summer child... (I say, while having just gone through a period so stressful that I’ve permanently damaged three teeth). Not entirely sure how I can consistently exist so far outside my own mind that I don’t actively realise my emotional state in anything but retrospect lolololol
#but the overall theme of the entries is getting better > more restrictions are lifting > realising good things > feeling better > repeat#text tag#went flying again. three months exactly since my last lesson#quite happy with my performance. good innate sense of flying now. very good landings but still a bit shite with flare#I called off the lesson at the third touch and go because it was so choppy I was starting to feel sick#but then had to go around because of a gust lolllllll. did a bad weather circuit to get back in quick. I didn't really feel proper nauseous#but keeping going would be a poor choice. It was up to 25kts gusting which is a LOT#that'll be because of the storm up in scotland#anyway my instructor is lovely and said i did very well for having been gone so long AND with shite weather#its' a fucking workout flying like that man. Seriously. So exhausting.#he also told me not to be embarrassed to call off the lesson early because that's good practise to know your limits which I totally agree#like literally... I have landed twice while ready to throw up on myself and... look... that's HARD. Like. SO HARD.#because you can't fucking stop when you're flying. once you go up#you have a commitment to come back down ...in one piece lol#that's the most intimidating thing about flying solo tbh. the fact that it's 100% on you to stay alert and land safely.#that's the only thing I find I can worry about with flying but I try not to#anyway this cessna is the most fogiving thing in the universe anyway. Good god it's like flying a little tank#heavy dumbo slow baby with half its intrumentation just a little bit dodgy.#one fuel gauge dead. such a loose door. But it's got soul#i'll never complain about the treefrog-filled jabiru again lol
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