#Three Realms AU
mellowthorn · 6 months
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Family cuddle
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kaidatheghostdragon · 3 months
Dani x Jason Prompt
(Because i dont see enough of these two together. Also, this is another prompt i found in my fic files that i never did anything with.)
While Danny is in Amity Park protecting the ghost portal, Dani explores the world. Danny might be powerful enough to put down any threat, even Ancients, but she isn't as lucky. Her best defense against Vlad or the GIW is to never be in the same place two days in a row. Not to say she isn't powerful in her own right - she's yet to meet a ghost in her travels that she couldn't utterly crush, and even if she had, she's got the most loyal dog in both this world and the next to have her six.
Dani has discovered a great deal of beauty throughout the world in her few short years of life, but also unfathomable evil and undescribable corruption. She does what she can in every place she passes through, her ghost powers the ultimate cheat code for investigation and subterfuge, bringing to light the things that once hid in the dark.
But while scoping out yet another child trafficking ring, she crosses paths with a spirit of vengeance. At least, that's the only explanation she can come up with for how he's able to turn his shock and horror into pure rage at the flip of a dime.
Until she realizes that he's a baby halfa. If he doesn't learn how to mediate his emotions, he's going to burn out one of his halves.
Maybe she can help him stabilize into a proper spirit of justice and keep him from following the path that Vlad went down - oh shit, he doesn't even know that he's undead. Well, this is going to be a project and a half. But Dani is nothing if not resourceful - she's more than willing to put in the work if it means making an ally of the fourth known halfa.
Dani and jason are about the same age (16-17ish)
They run into each other during jason's LoA-sponsored world tour, investigating the same trafficking ring
Cujo is there too
Dani totally helps with the crime lord grand plan, but also wrestles jason down from the more messed up family drama stuff he did, like attacking tim, and knocks some sense into him and finds a better solution for dealing with the joker
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koinotame · 5 months
quick apology fic to xiao for missing his bday </3 which doubles as a character study of xiao and an exploration of how you as the player interact with the self aware characters in self aware au
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it’s been a couple of weeks since you last used him.
or has it only been several days? whether it’s days or years, it all feels like the blink of an eye to him. the flow of time is somewhat of a nebulous concept for someone like him, especially since you first appeared.
it doesn’t matter. however long you take to come back, xiao will wait dutifully for you.
he spends most of his time when you’re not making use of him subjugating threats around liyue and fighting off any unwanted foes. perhaps you’ll come back faster if the area is freer of enemies. you’re kind, after all. you seem much happier when it’s peaceful.
lately, when there’s no demons for him to quell, he’s found himself returning to the same spot on wangshu inn’s upper balcony. it’s the spot you always drop him off at before disappearing. it’s not the place at the top of the inn’s roof he’d pick on his own, though you do sometimes take him up there as well.
you’re not actually there, but if he closes his eyes it almost feels like you are.
his birthday was a couple days ago. as usual, the traveller had suggested he write you a letter. as usual, he wasn’t sure what he could possibly convey to you that you would be happy to receive.
the traveller insisted anything from him would make you happy, but xiao doubts that.
it’s easier when you’re here. it’s easier when you’re here and he can submit himself entirely to you and doesn’t have to think for himself.
he’s been dreaming more lately, particularly of you. he doesn’t know what you look like, and after he wakes up he can never quite remember what you looked like in his dreams.
waking up after dreaming of you is always hard for xiao. it’s shameful how badly he wants to go back to dreaming of doing such mundane things with you, and it’s disgraceful how long it takes him to pick himself back up afterwards.
he wonders if you’d like doing dull things like that with someone like him.
he wonders if he deserves that.
probably not.
he left the letter at the railing of that same—your—spot, along with a serving of his almond tofu (he might not like dreaming, but he hopes your dreams are as sweet as his have been lately), some dream solvent (the traveller had mentioned you seemed to want more) and a small bundle of qixing (you frequently go out of your way to collect it).
you never touch it.
…after a couple days, he decided to move the offering to his room. it stays there, on his windowsill where the sun touches it in a way that reminds him of your warmth, untouched.
it doesn’t matter, he tells himself. he’ll wait for you for as long as you want. even if another thousand years pass before you appear again, he’ll continue his duty and wait.
and then he blinks and suddenly finds himself in front of the adventurer’s guild in the court of fontaine.
another blink and he’s back at wangshu inn, this time heading towards the kitchen. the familiar aura of your possession fills him with a warmth he doesn’t think exists outside of you. he zones out for what feels no longer than a couple seconds, and suddenly there’s thirty servings of almond tofu in front of him.
your mood drops.
dissatisfaction seeps through you and into him. something deep in his gut squirms.
you set a large amount of sweet flowers to boil, then seem to fuss with something he can’t quite see or grasp. smiley yanxiao gives him a curious look, but doesn’t (cannot) comment any further.
in another couple of seconds—your teleportation hardly fazed him when you first started using him, let alone now when he’s so used to your presence—he’s in front of the liyuean general goods store. you buy up the entire stock of milk, and only milk.
your mood hasn’t improved. if anything, you seem even more downcast.
the milk dissipates as soon as it’s been bought, safely held in your near infinite storage.
he’s behind mondstadt’s hotel next, jumping down the railing and towards the local general goods store. again, you buy up all the milk. next you head for the good hunter (is that what it’s called? he thinks that’s what the traveller called it some time ago) and purchase as much of their sugar as you can.
tendrils of something truly unpleasant move upwards and wrap around his neck.
he finds himself in wangshu inn’s kitchen again. barely any of the sweet flowers have been processed, but you take the two packs of sugar anyway. you put him to work immediately.
usually, he finds the process of cooking much to tedious and drawn out. with you, he doesn’t mind.
you seem a bit more satisfied this time, and xiao finds himself ashamed of having made a few more of his specialty dish instead of only regular almond tofu like you’d wanted him to.
while you seem a bit happier now, he still finds himself in front of inazuma’s goods store. again, you buy all the milk. you talk to the restaurant owner up the stairs afterwards. some confusion creeps into him through you, but it doesn’t last long.
he’s in sumeru next. more milk makes its way into your inventory, and you visit the local tavern for good measure, though this time you don’t buy anything at all.
exiting the building, you seem to notice there’s a stove just outside of it and walk over in excitement… and straight into the clay oven.
a sharp pang of panic shoots through him and he jerks backwards. it takes him a second to realise it’s your panic.
immediately, you pull the astrologer from mondstadt out and have her set down her little hydro puppet. you then walk him through it, which does absolutely nothing except soak his clothes.
your panic doesn’t subside.
i’m sorry.
he blinks and finds himself in front of dihua marsh’s statue of the seven, the fire and the tinge it brought with it disappearing in seconds.
it’s rare to be able to make out what you’re actually saying as opposed to just feeling your vague emotions and intentions. are you that worried about him not performing up to standard with this little damage?
he’s yours to use. a little singe like that would never hold him back.
you don’t bother with fontaine.
something like shame curls up his body and makes a home near his ears.
soon after, he’s back at the inn’s kitchen again. yanxiao doesn’t even look in his direction this time as he gets back to work under your guidance, making even more almond tofu. he makes sure to take greater care to avoid displeasing you again.
your mood doesn’t pick up this time, but you seem to have calmed down a little. he’s not sure why (or what use you could possibly have for so much almond tofu), but it’s a small comfort.
part of him wishes he could be there with you properly to comfort you, but he knows better.
he might be your formidable weapon, but that’s all he is. he has no false illusions about his role or purpose to you, no matter how much he wishes he could be the one you turn to for comfort. he isn’t suited to something so delicate. he’s accepted that a long time ago.
your dejection doesn’t retract, even as you move him around a bit more.
then you sit him down at a table at the inn’s terrace and pull out a plate of his specialty.
your presence lingers for a bit, envelops him like a gentle dream, then falls through the cracks of his existence and disappears.
happy birthday, xiao.
he wonders if he deserves this much effort from you for something as inconsequential as his birthday.
probably not.
he hopes he’ll dream of this next.
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princyvish · 1 month
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eerrrrm umm silly guys
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kraviolis · 1 year
Belos: I’m going to raise Luz as my daughter and ensure that she remains pure and loyal to me.
Also Belos: I’m going to let the 7-years-old clone of my brother take care of her I’m sure he’ll be able to do that.
you joke but thats LITERALLY his entire thought process at first. he's so isolated and arrogant that he couldnt possibly comprehend the idea that luz wouldnt see him as her father despite the fact he literally told hunter he was going to be her older brother and never once encouraged hunter to see him as anything but an uncle.
i attribute this to the fact that philip is an orphan who only ever knew his blood brother as his only caretaker, so he sorta took having a brother for granted and didn't realize that was something you could want rather than something that just Is.
(also caleb was the only person philip ever truly knew + loved and even well into his 300s he never once picked up a child psychology book and realized that Perhaps His Worldview Was Skewed Because Of That.)
he literally like. could not comprehend the idea that you could even choose your own family outside of like. being adopted by someone. thats the other thing with him being so annoyingly christian in this AU, he was taught that your blood family (esp yr parents) is always the most important thing in your life & you should always be grateful to them no matter what.
(this is another factor into why he keeps making grimwalkers. in his own twisted viewpoint, it's him giving caleb another chance. and another. and another-- at least in this specific characterization of him.)
philip thought that him adopting luz would mean she would immediately be eternally grateful to him and call him father and the whole nine yards. but he forget to actually express that expectation until it was too late (aka until he heard her call him uncle for the first time)
honestly, hes not MAD about it. he's just sorta :( about it bcus hes not actually insane and can still logically think like "she did say she had just lost her real father to an illness its perfectly reasonable for her to not want to replace him" (he doesnt think it outloud but he also enjoys living thru her vicariously
but also later on as she gets older it gets to a point where he's like "ok its been years now why isnt she trying to replace him yet" bcus he thinks its a normal + healthy part of the grieving process to replace the person you lost (figuratively or, in his case, Literally)
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The Nine Realms (Take 2) - RC9GN Brainrot
i decided to retouch on my older nine realms post, because i swear- it felt very jumbled and i wanted to explore new themes better!
fair warning: this is still going to be incredibly long!
so on one hand, we have the actual land of shadows - the only realm that we are introduced to as the audience; from what we can see in the land of shadows, it appears to be almost completely desolate with floating structures and is very vast (which honestly adds to the idea that it's more than likely a realm where things are sent to and/or created at rather than a natural place someone would live in). granted, we are literally told in canon that the first ninja sealed the sorceress in there - meaning it could've kept happening, but then what does that mean for the second realm?
i like to think that certain realms have a specific element they're tied to, and i wanted to start with earth for some reason- that the second realm is tied directly to natural disasters like earthquakes and therefore the place is a bit mountainous, filled with a steep, rocky terrain and there are prominently more monsters (something a little more dangerous); they are driven by a sense of unrest- attacking based on one of the five senses rather than simply fear to keep things interesting. (these monsters are likely to attack based on someone's scent- using the terrain to their advantage)
fear is still an aspect here, but instead of being influenced by what one holds most dear- it's based more on the feeling of being watched, anything that goes bump in the night rather than what we saw in the first/second seasons
here, we're introduced more to the shadow warrior - the last foe left by the land of shadows - and a new villain is brought in as an overarching theme for the theoretical continuation of rc9gn: the oni
onis are yokai; we see the beginning of a shift from the sorcerer to genuine monsters the ninja would have to face- because i am a menace and there may be a reason to this, shhh but the point is that oni are demons- they have superhuman strength, and have more raw, innate powers which honestly would be a great challenge (but we'll talk about this more later-). the first battle i'm envisioning genuinely has me frothing at the mouth, but right now that's staying directly in my daydreams
i genuinely have no idea what to name this realm- so we'll get to that later, but for now, this is the ideas that came to me! hope you enjoy because there is so much more to come!
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canayams-art · 2 years
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I am here today to present to you my Qianxiu propaganda (Lang Qianqiu & Pei Xiu)
Alternatively: Yong’an solidarity— a prince who had everything taken from him and a soldier fallen from grace. Lang Qianqiu’s reputation as a bright and noble god in Pei Xiu’s eyes is in conflict with the version of Lang Qianqiu traveling the mortal realm and lightly veiling personal revenge with the label of justice. What happened to the god of the East?
Pei Xiu, currently facing heavenly exile in the mortal realm, has already destroyed the lair of the one person Lang Qianqiu is desperately seeking revenge against. It’s not a stretch to imagine the two of them bumping into each other on their respective journeys.
Time for a hypothetical exposition lol
Imagine young mortal Pei Xiu, growing up in the Yong'an outskirts and hearing passing tales of the kingdom's former glory. The elders telling of the legendary prince who ascended to godhood after slaying his former teacher and restoring peace to his people; how the people know him now as their beloved and benevolent protector: His Highness Tai Hua.
Now consider Pei Xiu's surprise after a turbulent and traumatic ascension, the issues and consequences of his actions still close on his heels. The God of the North has seen greatness in him and while he's effectively made a new name for himself, it's not been achieved in a way he wanted. He's ashamed but he resolves to handle what remains of his bloody ascension quietly-- not wanting to tarnish his new General's reputation.
Time passes and Pei Xiu grows accustomed to his new position in the Middle Court, handling several tasks on behalf of Ming Guang Palace while quietly managing the situation within the Half Moon Kingdom. He is efficient and calm under pressure. His General often calls on him to handle affairs among the High Court.
It was only a matter of time before he was tasked with handling business directly with Tai Hua Palace.
They say you should never meet your heroes but if that's the case then Lang Qianqiu is the exception. He's bright and straightforward and far more sincere than other gods of his caliber. Most think him naive; Pei Xiu thinks the High Court could benefit from being more like him. Himself included.
In the passing of time and the expense of Ming Guang's pristine reputation, Pei Xiu finds himself mortal and-- one again-- in exile. Imagine his surprise at a chance encounter with the god of the East while on his new path. He doesn't know what brings Lang Qianqiu to the mortal realm, but it's likely to do with the sudden shift in the prince's demeanor. There's a darkness in his eyes that Pei Xiu recognizes in those who haunt his past; who has stooped so low as to be the object of Tai Hua's revenge?
And now-- some ship vibes to chew on:
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In short: I think these two would compliment each other stupidly well and as a result they have an entire cinematic universe in my brain.
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seafleece · 7 months
After the transformation (death) of a friend, Shadowheart and Karlach go on a journey to take their effects home.
They’re not dead, just gone.
They’re not dead, just gone.
(She tries to think about Omeluum. She tries not to think about how Omeluum is not the name of its old host.)
It’s easiest to pray to Selûne on their behalf. When it’s not about them, she never knows what to say.
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elithemiar-blog · 2 years
Danny gets adopted by the Batfam.
Dani gets adopted/recruited by the Young Justice.
Dan gets recruited for the Suicide Squad by Amanda Waller.
No one realizes they're related and when it does come out it's a 'you didn't ask?' situation.
It'd be hilarious if neither of the three were even aware of the others situation, just that Amity is a no longer a good place to be. They find out each others situation a 'yeah that tracks'.
Take the head canons and fill it up.
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bedlamsbard · 3 months
running through plot ideas for The Next Big Fic in a "well everyone ELSE did this ten years ago but I haven't done it yet" *shows up ten years late with Starbucks* kind of way
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mythicandco · 1 year
plot twist !! the goofy roleplay with a ton of different adams and jonahs being silly just turned into the most psychologically damaging thing ever put into writing !!!! time flies when you're having fun
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lilnasxvevo · 2 months
What if instead of fighting with swords in SVSSS it was tennis
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
Btw in a hypothetical amphibia/toh au, Luz is Marcy, Willow is Anne and Amity is Sasha, except Luz is the Heart gem, Amity is the wit gem and Willow is the strength gem. Amitys green hair era takes on the connotations of her toxic need for perfectionism, and Willow's calamity powers invoke both the catharsis and the danger of her mind during understanding willow. In case you were wondering
#ramblings of a lunatic#the owl house#toh#not gonna tag frog show bc ppl already inappropriately crosstag toh content there anyway#it kills me that these three dont have a trio name that isnt just their ship name#but anyway my personal backstory for the au is that amity and willow have only recently patched things up in the human realm#meanwhile luz is the new kid who enabled it to happen#the drama between willow and amity in amphibia would be about amity acting like she did in labyrinth runners-#trying to protect willow for her own good and to make up for things in the past but it verges into condescension#as she doesn't see how willows grown in amphibia#meanwhile luz straight up didn't mean to send her friends to amphibia with her. that is simply not a thing i think she'd do#and she becomes easy to manipulate due to the guilt of what she's done#gus is sprig obviously. idk how hunter fits in maybe he's like a combo of andrias and marcy?#where he's manipulated into believing they're doing the right thing but eventually rebels (in a way that parallels willow hehehe)#MAYBE tags along with them to the human realm (merging amphibia and tohs season 3s) OR stays behind to protect luz#and he then gets darcy'd/bunter'd#though maybe for a shorter length of time bc with the added context of his bg it would just feel cruel to drag things out#idk this au doesn't have a plot. i just think amphibia has some banger scenes/quotes/etc and i wanna slap em on my fav lil guys#also I'm not even picturing frogs at this point I'm picturing it more like. fantasy ppl. not witches but closer to like#halflings/orcs/elves as the replacement for the frog/toad/newt caste system#that's not a good idea theme wise it's purely the fact that i can't take the characters seriously if i have to picture them as frogs#also i am. not doing hubtlow except hunter is a frog. i am simply not doing that no matter how funny it may be conceptually#ANYWAY. just finished the third temple (i love that episode. Sasha u are so important to me)#but i think now i might slide back into my toh drift and watch kt (different dub) and then FINALLY the specials again (YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY)#we'll see#i also wanna DRAW but i CAN'T cause i gotta conserve my ART ENERGY for my EVIL EXAM tomorrow#< i have silly problems#on the bright side though I've got a diary now! and i will be using it
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capricioussun · 1 year
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innytoes · 1 year
Hiii Inny i was wondering if you had any good resources on the fae that you would recommend (imagine a question mark here, this stupid website is trying to close my tab everytime i hit shift+question mark)
obviously I love your dark fantasy au and it seemed like you have a good grasp of the fae, which i need for a script I'm working on and was wondering where you learned all that! Or at least where to start :)
Honestly it's all just me pulling shit out of my ass from vaguely remembered stories, a trip to the Leprechaun Museum in Dublin during my internship over 10 years ago, and an episode of some paranormal show I saw like 5 years ago about fairies kidnapping someone and holding them under a mountain, and there was a little girl there who asked him to send a message to her family and her finding out she'd been there for over 100 years. I can't for the life of me remember what mountain or what show it was, lol.
Also just random wiki articles because I'm still a little hazy on Seelie and Unseelie.
Though I did like the wiki article someone sent me on Changeling: The Lost. That sounds like a vibe, I wish I played D&D.
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iamthepulta · 2 years
Do tell me more about Lizzie 👀
Lizzie is ADORABLE.
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(top art by me, bottom art by @lettuce-shoes)
For as long as she could remember she grew up in an orphanage in the Reach, run by the nefarious Madame Florence. The younger children, five and under, were allowed a bit of freedom, but were restricted to the orphanage grounds, cleaning, and keeping the rooms orderly. The older children were sent out pickpocketing with their "wages" garnished to keep the orphanage (and Madame Florence's lifestyle) running.
Lizzie ended up being quite valuable with the highest pickpocket rate of any of the children. She was the perfect height to slip away unnoticed and after roaming the streets for a bit, looked so sooty she could blend into any alleyway.
However, being Madame Florence's "prize" picker ostracized her from most of the other children, and she only had two friends: Benji and Sally. When she turned 8 - old enough to make proper decisions for herself thank you very much - she decided to run away from the orphanage with Benji and Sally. They got separated in the hubbub of escape, but Lizzie snuck aboard the Pyrrhus and hid in their pantry (a respectable hiding place, of course) and tried to lay low until they reached the Elutheria relay.
She also loves kipper snacks. :) (Sunless Skies equivalent of hardtack.)
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