#Tiffany T. Hunter
j4gm · 1 year
I hit the image limit so this post will be in two parts.
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These last two episodes feature traditional Adventure Time title cards with intro credits, which is something the others haven't had.
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There is a butterfly floating above Fionna when she enters the "Land of Ooo". The same thing happened to Cake when she entered Ooo, and to Simon later on, but this butterfly doesn't have a face on it like those. This is our first hint that something is wrong.
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The Betty statue in the background of this shot is on top of a four-faceted object that sort of resembles Glob's helmet; an item that she used to gain her magic powers in You Forgot Your Floaties. Also in this shot are several gnome fairies from The Enchiridion and Billy's Bucket List, and of course Mrs Cupcake and genderswapped Chocoberry. Mrs Cupcake has appeared before but I think Chocoberry is a new design for this episode.
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This is our first and only look at what Hunter Wizard would look like. Mostly the same as his main universe counterpart.
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This species of dragon first appeared in Memories of Boom Boom Mountain and has been in several subsequent episodes. I'm not sure who the giant cyclops is. It could be a genderswap of the cyclops from Another Way, or perhaps the rock giant from Five More Short Graybles.
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Lots of the text in this scene is hostile. There is this sign behind the counter, of course, but lots of the books on the shelf also have violent names.
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This series loves giving us extremely fucked up Simons.
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This background character looks like Phlannel Boxingday. It would be hilarious if that was the case, considering he is widely assumed to have been a disguise of Princess Bubblegum rather than his own character.
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This might be genderswapped Tiffany. She's wearing Tiffany's pink shirt under her jacket. Maybe she has a masculine name in this universe.
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We get a better look at the newspaper from the first episode, featuring Betty. It also features the fake butterfly from the dream which feels like a bad omen.
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Marshall Lee's t-shirt features the cake pop from Princess Bubblegum's rock shirt, first seen in What Was Missing.
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The Lich first mentioned being a Scholar of GOLB in the episode Whispers. In this episode it is confirmed that he has been working towards his goals in GOLB's name. But it doesn't seem like he's actually had any line of communication with GOLB this whole time. GOLB doesn't seem to appreciate The Lich's efforts to wipe out all life; and now that GOLB is fused with Betty, they certainly don't.
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The Lich rips off Billy's skin to reveal his skeletal form, which is the same as it was in Escape from the Citadel, complete with the metal plate on his ribcage.
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GOLBetty turns the Lich into a tetronimo, implying that all of the tetronimoes surrounding them were once powerful beings who defied GOLB; perhaps they are even all alternate versions of The Lich.
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Shermy and Beth! This episode incorporates a lot of the extra lore that writer Steve Wolfhard published shortly after the release of Come Along With Me. It canonises the fact that Shermy and Beth are rebels who oppose the tyrannical rule of Gibbon, who is Charlie's future son from Daddy-Daughter Card Wars. This place is the Pup Kingdom, which is featured in the Come Along With Me title sequence and is a central part of Wolfhard's 1000+ lore.
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These are the same kinds of soldiers as seen in Graybles 1000+ when Cuber interrupted the space wedding. In that episode, you only got a very brief glimpse of their jowls. This episode makes it more obvious that they are pups.
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All of these pups in the windows are designs from Steve Wolfhard's "Every Pup Has a Power" series of drawings. They once had superpowers, but their powers were extinguished by Gibbon.
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This is Jake's favourite mug from the episode Puhoy, and the house in the snowglobe is Tree Trunks' house.
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There is a Shermy plush in this pile of junk. There might be some other recognisable stuff in that pile too. I think the popcorn machine is from something but I can't remember what, and the pool toy might be a reference to the Lub Glubs from Beautopia.
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This is our best shot of the Pup Kingdom, with its space elevator.
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Beth is a revolutionary communist confirmed.
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Shermy Simon shouts breadballs, an expletive that he previously used in the episode Simon & Marcy.
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The clouds in Fionnaworld are shaped like GOLB blocks while Simon is in the presence of GOLB. We also get a better look at all the glitched out buildings, like that door that leads nowhere.
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I think the creature next to Gunter in this advert is a yeti from the show Summer Camp Island, which a bunch of Adventure Time alumni went to work on after the original show ended.
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There is a poster for Super Porp, a fizzy grape juice introduced in the episode Dark Purple, along with their mascot Cheryl.
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Jake is on these packages in one of the shops.
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The Library looks incredible now. In the original show, only the top part with the dome could be seen sticking out of the ground. Either the ground has eroded away to reveal the rest of the structure, or the library has been greatly expanded over time.
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Turtle Princess is dead and apparently a robot took over her empty shell and continues to work as a librarian. These are the first gun-books we've seen that also function as actual guns.
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These are the pagelings from the episode Paper Pete. They're much larger than they used to be. They don't have many books left to protect these days.
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Casper & Nova mention lodging in the seaside town of Scandia on their quest to find the crown. This is a reference to the fact that Simon and Betty found the crown in Scandinavia, as mentioned way back in Holly Jolly Secrets.
I hit the image limit! Link to the second part.
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arcadiabaytornado · 11 months
Halloween Costume Ideas For Pricefield And Amberprice
A: Max: Pirate Chloe: Another Pirate (Of course!)
B: Max: Superhero Chloe: Sidekick
C: Max: Chloe Chloe: Max
D: Max: 10th Doctor Chloe: Rose Tyler (With her blue leather jacket outfit.)
E: Max: A Nerd Chloe: A Basketball Player
F: Max: Magicians Assistant Chloe: Magician
More Undercut
G: Max: A Photographer Chloe: Skater
H: Max: Velma Chloe: Shaggy
I: Max: Lumberjack Chloe: Lesbian Flannel Stereotype
J: Max: Deer Chloe: Deer Hunter
K: Max: Private Investigator Chloe: Witness
L: Max: Ghost Investigator Chloe: Ghost
M: Max: An Archeologist Chloe: A Skeleton
N: Rachel: Mermaid Chloe: Pirate
O: Rachel: Barbie Chloe: Allan
P: Rachel: Poison Ivy Chloe: Harley Quinn
Q: Rachel: Vampire Chloe: Werewolf
R: Rachel: The President Chloe: Secret Service Agent
S: Rachel: Ghost Chloe: Zombie
T: Rachel: Belle (From Beauty And The Beast) Chloe: Taco (Get it? Taco Belle.)
U: Rachel: Princess Chloe: Knight
V: Rachel: Sally Chloe: Jack Skellington
W: Rachel: Chucky Chloe: Tiffany
X: Rachel: Flapper Chloe: Cowboy
Y: Chloe: Butterfly Rachel: Raven
Z: Rachel: Witch Chloe: Cat
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jpriest85-blog · 1 year
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You know, if I had a nickel for every time I made an OC, that was an ancient monstrous or eldritch being, that took the human shape of a beautiful woman, and had a cult ...well I'd only have $0.15 which isn't a lot but it's funny that it happened 3 times. Introducing from left to right the pretty blonde girl next door Tiffany Newman, and casket for an eldritch being from @the-passenger-if . On the middle is Tihamah an ancient sea dragon/ Leviathan, I originally created her for an abandoned IF, Honey & Fire, but I liked the character concept of a dragon walking around in human form so her character developed and evolved into her own thing. On the right is Thuban The Harbinger of Calamity from @justpked Fell Star. Thuban is an ancient bestial creature of the void that weilds blood magic and chaos to ensure the laws of balance are maintained.
Despite the overlap in similarities, especially considering their names all begin with T, and they all have at least one noticeable mole/beauty mark on their faces in human form, they are quite different. Especially when it comes to how they became the objects of worship of each of their respective cults. Both Tihamah and Thuban's cults sort of developed by accident. In Tihamah's case, she unintentionally saved a coastal city when an invading armada got too close to her nest, and she slaughtered the entire naval fleet. The residents of the city she saved started offering her tribute in both thanks and in appeasement, so she'll continue protecting them. Tihamah just went along with it because they weren't going to hurt her or her babies, and hey, free food! While Thuban's duties as the Harbinger meant she was often regarded as a figure of fear and dread, others regarded her more as a protector since she'd often target groups and people in power that didn't heed her warnings and threatened the Laws of Balance. It was probably quite surprising for Thuban the first time a group of people showed up at the abandoned temple she was residing in, and she realized they wanted to worship, instead of kill her. Tiffany actively sought out her cult in an attempt to regain her former power so she could stand a chance against the Hunter and become the Apex predator again instead of prey. Tiffany quite enjoyed being revered, although she wasn't into wearing the robes like the other cultists. With time and effort Tiffany puts into her appearance, she's not going to cover up her outfit with shapeless robes, especially when wearing Calvin Klein!!
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psioniciris · 10 months
Creepy Cases of Casper High (Hunters, Dragons, and Damsels In Distress!)
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Hello hello my cherished readers! Sorry its been so long since I shared my last case report. Just been busy with life and doing research in general to make sure I've got my facts straight. Anywho, to anyone who is just joining us now here's a bit of a refresher. Last time I shared a case with you guys we were discussing Casper High's very first major ghost sighting of a huge monster made of meat! Feel free to check out the full details of the case by following the link down below!
The official second sighting looks like it might have been more of a one off thing along with the third but I decided to include them anyway since I feel like all of them are important if we want to get a better picture of just how haunted this town is. It happened to Mikey in the library. He went to use one of the computer's in the school library to work on an assignment and ran into someone he didn't realize at the time was a ghost who turned around and attacked him! Luckily Mikey wasn't hurt, just gagged and hung upside-down by some kind of energy net that vanished into thin air a few seconds later.
According to Mikey once he calmed down enough to remember exactly what the ghost said to him, he referred to himself as Skulker. This might only be a code name though so I'll have to look into this further for another article.
Moving onto the third ghost sighting at Casper High this one is pretty incredible if you as me! Why? Because it was the first close up sighting of Danny Phantom himself and an honest to goodness dragon! A ghost dragon! That can only mean one thing folks, dragons are real is now confirmed! I mean think about it. How could there be a ghost of a dragon if there was never a living one at some point flying around?
But moving on...
Before I dive into our next story I'd like to preface this by saying most of these are based entirely on witness accounts that vary a lot in levels of detail which is totally understandable when you think about it. It's kinda hard to pay attention to the specifics when you're running for your life from a huge gout of green flames from the maw of a ghost dragon! Moving onto the case report itself the first reported sighting of this dragon was apparently at the Amity Park Mall in the Abyss clothing store.
There was a sale on the entire discontinued line of Fleecy-T blouses and somehow or another a customer wound up possessed and transformed in front of the very eyes of the acting manager on call at the time. Paulina said she sorta remembers being there that day too but was too excited about managing to guy the very last shirt they had left in her size to really pay attention to what happened when she left the store.
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The second sighting of the same dragon was on campus that night at Casper High where it destroyed the girls bathroom (although this wasn't discovered until later the next day by the janitor cleaning up the mess left by the first dance of the school year) then flew off to the football field where our next two witnesses, Dash and Tiffanie, saw Danny Phantom rescuing Paulina. My guess is he saved Paulina from the dragon at some point when the bathroom was wrecked which would explain why she was out cold at the time. The dragon was then defeated by our local ghost hero and the rest as they say is history! I also wonder how they replaced that whole row of bleachers...?
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To end things off, I found out there was another ghost sighting the same night by Tucker Foley and the DJ in charge of the school dance's music. Tucker didn't tell me much apart from that he was really taken aback when this ghost girl just floated up to him, insisting on enjoying the last dance with him. As for the DJ, he noticed them while getting ready to pack up his gear once the last song finished and noticed the girl Tucker was dancing with looked out of place in her get-up, aka a medieval styled gown not to mention her feet were literally gliding across the dance floor. Well, assuming they had been ever touching the ground to begin with!
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Tucker tells me she was surprisingly mellow and sweet but at the time his nerves were a bit frazzled from trying to help his best friend Danny Fenton keep his parents from getting too talkative about certain happenings at school. The rest of their little waltz is a bit of blur though so Tucker couldn't tell me any more than that. As for why Danny's parents were chaperoning the dance I'll leave that to your imagination since I doubt it's a very fond memory for the poor guy.
But there you have it! I really wanted to make up for my long absence here's three Creepy Cases of Casper High all rolled up into one! And now that puts our total of ghost encounters so far at 4! First was the meat ghost, second was this ghost hunter guy Skulker, third was the dragon, and fourth was this mysterious ghost girl who according to Tucker's description of her might have been nobility or maybe even a princess! Not only that but she bears a striking similarity to the ghost dragon as far as their color aesthetic so could the two of them be connected somehow? Looks like that is yet another case for me to take a closer look into for a future post!
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Permission to be a nosy bitch and inquire about what's in your drafts atm? 👀
Permission granted lol. However, my dear Anon, know that you have just unleashed a lengthy post. I always have a metric ton of WIPs at any given time.
If anyone sees a prompt that piques their interest, feel free to say something. It'll probably motivate me to finish it sooner lol.
Albert, Jill, Chris, Barry, Brad, and Joseph reacting to a GN s/o sacrificing themself for them.
Part 2 of Alcina with a fem s/o who remains in the castle as a ghost after being killed by a hunter.
HCs about Chucky, Tiffany, Nica, Kyle, and Andy being comforted by a GN reader after a bad nightmare/how they would comfort the reader.
Carlos meeting a GN kid reader during the Racoon City Incident that he later ends up adopting.
Albert, Jill, and Chris meet a GN reader for the first time during a DBD trial.
Alcina, Bela, Cassandra, Daniela, Miranda, and Donna with a GN reader who came to the village to study them and form a bond, but ends up catching genuine feelings.
Zoe and Ethan reacting to a GN s/o having a near death experience.
GN reader making sure Rachel survives the T-Abyss virus.
Edward, Billy, Chris, Brad, Joseph, Carlos, Forest, and Richard reacting to a GN reader wearing their clothes.
Jill, Miranda, Donna, Alcina, Bela, Cassandra, Daniela, and Elena meeting a GN s/o's parents.
GN reader's reaction upon seeing Alcina's mutated form for the first time.
Bela, Cassandra, Donna, and Daniela being ordered to kill a gn reader by Miranda, but finding themselves unable to go through with it.
Jealousy HCs for Nica and a GN reader.
Dating HCs about Salvatore, Parker, Albert, Jake, the Duke, Ark, Ethan, and Bruce. GN.
Alcina, Bela, Cassandra, Daniela, Miranda, Mia, Donna, and Elena reacting to a GN reader flinching during an argument.
Ficlet about poly Leon/Chris/GN reader where the reader tries to hide the horrible nightmares they've been having.
Jill, Claire, Donna, Alcina, Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra with a GN reader who has severe trauma from something b.o.w related.
Ficlet about Twisted Alice attempting to comfort a GN reader after a bad encounter with the Ink Demon.
Alcina, Bela, Cassandra, Daniela, Miranda, Mia, Donna, and Elena with a GN s/o who's mute.
HCs about what Chris and Carlos would do if they came home and a drunk GN s/o mistook them for an intruder.
Lucas, Zoe, Mia, Ethan, Clancy, and Andre reacting to a GN reader grabbing them by their collar and kissing them.
Alcina, Bela, Cassandra, Daniela, Miranda, Mia, Donna, and Elena reacting to a GN reader drawing them.
Miranda, Alcina, Donna, Karl, and Sal reacting to a GN reader with the powers of Makkari from Eternals.
Alcina, Bela, Cassandra, Daniela, Mia, Elena, Donna, and Miranda with a GN reader who is nearly as tall as Alcina.
Jill, Claire, Miranda, Alcina, Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela with a GN reader who used to hunt monsters. They don't believe them until they see the scars and old gear.
Ficlet about Abe getting closer to and eventually dating a fem mermaid OC.
Hug HCs about Edward, Forest, Enrico, Richard, Kenneth, and Rebecca. GN.
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Also i’ve read like a lot of books this year , like ALOT
I have a list , and I want to share.
Also , any suggestions? Prefer books where main character gets hurt and makes your stomach drop.
Makes you feel squishy inside type of shit
Anyways , here’s the list
My favourites were : AAGTM series , Cruel Prince series, Blue eyed devil ,Blood Oath (Morgan B Lee) and Shadow heart , Shifter series ( Jasmine Mas) , Blood of Hercules , Meet me halfway
Meet me Halfway and the shifter series were actually a re read from last year , I also really loved One percent of you
Id love book recommendations 💜
Books 2024
- Burned dreams By Neva Altaj
- Good Girl Bad blood By Holly Jackson
- Bariloche sector by Lexi C Fox
- The wicked king by Holly Black
- The queen of nothing by Holly Black
- Broken Whispers By Neva Altaj
- Hidden Truths By Neva Altaj
- Recipe for love By Anne Malcom
- One Moment Please By Amy Daws
- Knot a trace by Liliana Carlisle
- Black and White Ties by Kay Singleton
- Bride to the Fiend Prince By Rebecca F Kennedy
- Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif By Rick Riordan
Feb 2024
- A hunt so wild and cruel by Rebecca F Kennedy
- The maleficent faerie by Rebecca F Kennedy
- Baby Llama Drama by Kate Watson
- Healer to the Ash King by Rebecca F Kennedy
March 2024
- Jailer to the Death god by Rebecca F Kennedy
- Prize of the warlord By Rebecca F Kennedy
- The warlord’s treasure By Rebecca F Kennedy
- Captive of the pirate king by Rebecca F Kennedy
- Pawn of the cruel princess by Rebecca F Kennedy
- Silent Lies by Neva Altaj
- The Bounty By Lillian’s Carlisle
- His Darkest Desire by Tiffany Roberts
- Forbidden by Lilliana Carlisle
- Midnight fae book 1 by Lexi C Fox
- Midnight fae book 2 by Lexi C Fox
- Twisted Heart By Lora Reilly
- Defying the odds By Kele Moon
- Washed in Blood by Ashley Lane
- Craving constellations By Nicole Jacquelyn
April 2024
- Painted scars by Neva Altaj
- Blue eyed devil by Lisa Kleypas
- Angry god By L.J Shein
- Lie to Me by Molly McAdams
- When she loves by Gabrielle Sands
- Exile in the water kingdom By Cassandra Gannon
- White horse , Black Nights By Evie Marceau
- Shallow River By H.D Carlton
- Black Knight by Rina Kent
- Dead Devils Night by Maree Rose
- Darkest sins by Neva Altaj
- Wed to the wolf man Cara Wilde
May 2024
- Knot a trace : Part 2 By Lilliana Carlisle
- Make you wish i was dead by Macy T Rios’s
- The predator by RuNyx
- The experiment Lexi C Fox
- Ghost by A.Zaverelli
- Blood oath by Kelly St.Clare
- Still beating by Jeniffer Heartmann
- Shadow wings by Kelly St.Clare
- Heavy by Cate C Wells
- Black Crown by Kelly St.Clare - DNF
- The nameless trickster By Rebecca F Kennedy
- Viciously yours by Jamie Applegate Hunter
- Denied by Evelyn Flood
- Devoted by Evelyn Flood
- Brutalise me by Michelle Heard
- Blood oath by Morgan B Lee
- Wait for it by Mariana Zapata
- Omega found by Evelyn Flood
- Psycho shifter by Jasmine Mas
- Psycho fae by Jasmine Mas
- Psycho Beasts by Jasmine Mas
- Filthy Rich by Serena Akeroyd
- Glass by Evelyn Flood
- Psycho Academy By Jasmine Mas
- Psycho Devils By Jasmine Mas
- Canary by Tijan -DNF
- The mafia and his angel I by Lylah James
- The mafia and his angel II by Lylah James
- The mafia and his angel III by Lylah James
- Runaway Omega By Ember L Nicole
- Nero By S J Tilly
- Shadow Heart By Morgan B Lee
- King Of Wrath by Ana Huang
- Bitten by death by Holly Roberds
- Kissed by death by Holly Roberds
- Preferential treatment by Heather Guerre
- Hunted (Feral souls trilogy) By Erica Woods
- Assembly by Erica woods
- Tempted by the devil by Michelle Heard
- Unbreak me by Reese Rivers
- Race to me By H.L Swan
- Crash into me By H.L Swan
- Fall onto me By H.L Swan
- Jack frost By Rebecca F Kennedy - DNF
- I fucking dare you by Emm Darcy
- Lola and the Millionares by Kathryn Moon
- Lola and the Millionares 2 by Kathryn Moon
- Twisted Vows By Candice Wright
- Triple Threat By K Webster
- Death Wish By K Webster
- Rock Hard By Nalini Singh
- Beauty in the broken by Charmaine Pauls
- Blood of Hercules by Jasmine J Mas
- When Hero’s Fall by Giana Darling
- The Night Thief By Beena Khan
- Meet me halfway By Lillian T James
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hytesarchives · 4 years
Tiffany T. Hunter & Jazell Barbie Royale Crownings (Miss continental 2015-2016, Vic Theatre, Chicago, 09/07/15 | 09/05/16)
Brooke Lynn at 1:31 and 2:16 | 3:02
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thecoffeelorian · 2 years
Bad Batch Headcanons from the Upside Down
In honor of the Season 4 finale, it's time for some Bad Batch headcanons! And not just ANY headcanons, mind you, but something very specific...
What Song Would Help The Batchers Escape Vecna?
(Note--I've chosen 1980s specific songs here to fit the era depicted in Stranger Things, but if anyone wants to do a modern song edition, feel free to post it and then link me to it. Anyways, on with the post!)
Crosshair--"Every Breath You Take", The Police (1983):  The combination of angst and underlying creepiness seemed to fit his general life situation after season 1, as he looks to have become a nameless but willing participant in the military industrial complex-turned dictatorship, but also misses his old squad so much even though sometimes, it's like he's only there to watch them do their thing and then fly off into the sunset.  As this was also the song playing during the Mind Flayer's last scene in ST Season 2 where it's watching all those meddling kids find their dance partners, this song could also hint at Palpatine "watching" everyone else, never mind manipulating them a little at a time like he did with Anakin Skywalker.  Either way, a certain clone is now firmly under someone else’s control, and nobody knows when (or even if) he might ever break free...!
Echo--"Take On Me", A-ha (1984):  So...the lyrics were a little vague for this one, but I took the basic message as, 'I might have to leave you behind soon, but I want to come back and visit you again, so mmmaybe if you'll hang out with me now, you might enjoy my return later on.'  Fitting words for somebody who was able to aid in his own rescue before, and could easily do so again if he had the right people by his side.
Hunter--"It's Hip To Be Square", Huey Lewis and the News (1986):  If there was ever a song that a hardened fighter could dance to with their foundling daughter, this would be it.  It's got an upbeat tempo and funny lyrics, and on top of that, I can imagine Hunter trying to embarrass the rest of the Marauder crew by singing along on rare occasions.  In other words, Spherical Dad to the bone...so much so that he wouldn’t hesitate to run back toward whatever portal it takes to get himself back home.
Omega--...okay, it’s finally confession time.  I had originally chosen “I Think We’re Alone Now” by Tiffany, if only for its ties to the heroically dysfunctional Hargreeves siblings from ‘The Umbrella Academy’ and that dance scene where one of their members moves around like a puppet on strings, kind of like another sibling she would just HAPPEN to know.  After the end of the first season, though...?  Her mindset would have definitely changed, and that mindset leads me to "We Don’t Need Another Hero," Tina Turner (1985):  This song plays at the final credits for Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome, a post-apocalyptic tale where the title character has to deal with a dictatorship fronted by a woman; a near-theocracy fronted by children; and then a close conflict between the two societies in which parts of each are broken down and then rebuilt, albeit with a cautious unity between the two--but, in an unexpected twist, the main protagonist that was supposed to be the ‘savior’ actually has no direct hand in this long-term redemption of humanity, which...brings me to my main point for this character.  Given that Omega last witnessed an act of mass destruction by a growing military dictatorship, and of her own home planet no less, is it possible she could begin doubting the protection of most of her brothers even to the point of losing confidence in them?  Or, inversely, will she honor them when the situation demands it, but then grow a little at a time to start making her own decisions, and not use them as emotional crutches in the end?
Tech-- "Danger Zone," Kenny Loggins (1986):  Folks, this is pretty self-explanatory.  This song came from a movie about hotshot pilots.  It’s been chosen for a hotshot pilot.  The singer even has a pair of fancy sunglasses on at one point.  So...would it be too much of a stretch to use this song in aiding said pilot in escaping a bloodthirsty menace from another world...?  I certainly hope not!
Wrecker--”Never Gonna Give You Up,” Rick Astley (1987):  ...Yes, he would use it as a means of trolling the others--surprise, surprise--but given that this is originally a song about romantic devotion to one’s partner/significant other, it definitely could be used for devotion to one’s brothers/sister as well.  Especially if those siblings are literally what stands between you and getting devoured by an eldritch horror...!
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elizabeanmemes · 2 years
Prep Lifestyle
Classic clothes only
Remember who you are and the family you’re from; conduct yourself properly at all times
Discretion is the better part of valor
Never complain, never explain
Thank you notes on stationery within 24 hr
Live within your means
Nothing showy/big logos 
Smile at everyone
Clare McLaughlin/Clare Sullivan
Julesvlogs19 (TT)
Purapreppy (TT)
Mrs.sharty (TT)
Clothing Staples
Camel coat
Navy blazer with gold buttons
Black blazer
✅ Striped shirt
✅ Black long sleeve
✅ Jeans
Crisp white shirt
✅ Tan sweater
Trench coat
Black pencil skirt
✅ Black T shirt
✅ White T shirt
✅ Black shirt
Black sun hat
✅ Tan purse
✅ Black purse
✅ Pearl earrings
✅ Black heels
✅ Black boots
✅ Black wallet
Nude flats
Grey wool pants (Brooks, Talbots, Lafayette, Nordstrom house brand)
Black A-line dress
Cable-knit cashmere pullover
✅ Pearls
✅ Stud earrings
Polo dresses
Classic jewelry to pull the look together 
*Khakis (casual, have both long and cropped)
Khaki shorts
Jeans (casual)
Tees (casual)
*Polos (casual)
Turtlenecks (casual)
✅ Tretorns (casual)
Linen blazer (summer)
White pants (summer)
*Lilly shift dress (summer)
Nantucket red shorts (summer)
Jack Rogers sandals (summer)
Ferragamo pumps 
*Loafers (Belgian)
Tasteful, traditional flats
Madras shirt
Madras shorts
Madras blazer
Ribbon belt
Sweater tied around the neck
Hair ribbons
Ribbon headbands
Classic jewelry
Plain, classic hats (Polo player, Lacoste, Brooks Brothers)
✅ Dark wash fitted jeans
Brown loafers
J Crew Jeans
White and pink BB Polo Oxford shirts
Navy pants
White blouse with French cuffs
Sweater sets
Stubbs & Wooten needlepoint slippers
Hermes belt
Goyard bag
✅ Hunter rain boots
Down vest (navy, red, Hunter green)
Coordinating winter hat and gloves
✅ Bean boots
Fair Isle yoke sweater (O’Connell)
LL bean boat n tote bag (navy, red, or green with monogram)
Ray Ban Wayfarer or American Optical Saratoga sunglasses
Black turtleneck
Wrap dress
Tuckernuck Blue Stripe Willow Blouse
CB Jackets
Merino Wool Full Zip Jacket
Cartier Tank Watch
Oxford Evergreen Watch
LL Bean Field watch with grosgrain or madras band
Stubbs and Wooten slippers
Pastel button downs
✅ white tank
✅ navy tank
Short and long sleeve linen shirts (white, ecru)
Navy shorts
Khaki shorts
Tan espadrille
High nude heels
Low nude heels
Summer scarves
Pink cardigan
Lilly Pulitzer dresses
White classic sneakers
White jeans
Pink or green Patagonia vest
Navy or brown Sperry’s
Jack Rogers
Braided belt
Pink seersucker
*Sperry’s Topsiders
Tory Burch flats
Sam Edelman flats
Bass Weejuns
Clarks brand
Gucci brand
Belgian shoes
Frye boots
Sebago (higher quality alternative to Sperry’s)
Castañer espadrilles
Rancourt and Company loafers
KJP belts
✅ Nantucket basket
Embroidered Bermuda bag
Tiffany By The Yard Diamond Stud earrings
Fine grain cognac medium leather bag
Longchamp bag (Le Pliage)
Navy monogrammed medium LL Bean zip up tote
Vermont Country Store purses
Dooney & Bourke bag
YSL clutch
Bermuda bag with changeable covers and mother of Pearl buttons 
Goyard handbags
Frances Valentine Wallet
Travelambo wallet
Prints in general
Whale print
Anchor print
Palm tree print
Crab print
Lobster print
Nautical flag print
Nautical stripes
Lime green
Kelly green
Farrow & Ball pink
Clothing Brands
Ralph Lauren
Lilly Pulitzer
Brooks Brothers
LL Bean
Vineyard Vines
J Crew
Andover Shop
J Press
Paul Stewart
Charles Tyrwhitt
Cable Car Clothiers
Sid Mashburn
Land’s End
Lumina Clothing Company
Peter Millar
Ian Marko
Gant USA
Jos A. Bank
Ted Baker
Pringle of Scotland
Vicomte Arthur
CK Bradley
Murray’s Togggery Shop
Tommy Hilfiger
Greg Norman
Tucker Blair
Crockett and Jones
Kate Spade
Ella Vickers
Michael Kors
Carolina Herrera
Stubs and Wootton
Thomas Pink
Vintage Izod/Lacoste
Silk and Salt
Rowing Blazers
Mercer and Sons
CK Bradley
Ann Mashburn
Le Chameau
Murray’s Toggery
Gretchen Scott
Aran Sweater Market
Blarney Woolen Mill
Martin and Osa
Gucci [especially shoes]
Sperry’s Topsider [shoes]
Clarks [shoes]
Bass [shoes]
Tory Burch [flats]
Kiel James Patrick [belts]
Collared Greens [ties]
Alexander Olch [ties]
NOT Hollister, American Eagle, Abercrombie
Gloria Vanderbilt
More Brands
Club Monaco
Draper James dresses
Frances Valentine
Gretchen Scott
Jude Connally
Crown & Ivy
Elizabeth Wilson Designs
Sail to Sable
Sarah Campbell
Laura Ashley
St James (Breton stripe)
Gatorlily’s Resale Boutique
James Avery Jewelry
Rally House (College shirts)
Gone downhill: Ann Taylor, Talbots
Portland Leather Goods
Everlane Day Market Tote
Outfit Ideas
Pleated skirt with sweater (Fair Isle, argyle, cashmere) and ballet slippers, boots (low heel or riding), or kitten heels w/ tights (try matte black tights); could add pearls
Try the pleated skirt look with grey cashmere sweater with white collar and cuffs, grey tights, and patent loafers (or regular grey sweater with funky tights)
Pleated skirt with blouse and black pumps
Pointy (leopard) pumps, jeans, slouchy cashmere sweater, pearls, perfect hair, minimal makeup
Pointy (leopard) pumps, high waisted jeans, chunky cropped camel cable knit
Pointy (leopard) pumps, high waisted jeans, black cashmere v neck, Hermes big silk scarf
Pointy (leopard) pumps, jeans, black cashmere turtleneck, gold cuff bracelet, gold chunky hoop earrings
Black turtleneck, black capri pants, ballet flats, blazer or Hermes shawl, Hermes belt
Thanksgiving: black turtleneck and tartan stole
Blue vintage Lilly dress, monogrammed gold necklace, Tretorns, Aigner sunglasses
**Range Rover
**Mercedes Station Wagon (esp with wood-type paneling)
Mercedes GLE
Mercedes GLS
*Subaru Wagon
Subaru Forester
**Volvo C70
*VW Rabbit
*Land Rover (*$$ to maintain, avoid the NEW Defender)
The Aviator
Land Cruiser
Monogrammed tissue box cover
Red Stewart tartan shower curtain
Vern Yip soap dispenser
Monograms/engraving: tote bag, Oxford shirt, jewelry, money clip
ZDMHSH 100% Silk Scarf (green with floral pattern, Amazon)
MEISEE 21” Silk Scarf (green and pink, Amazon)
Rowing Blazers Black Sheep Scarf
Rowing Blazers Black Sheep Sweater
Gucci bangle bracelet
Vacation Spots
Rhode Island: North Fork, Little Compton, Block Island, *Newport
Maine: Camden, Kennebunkport, *Freeport
MA: *The Cape, ***Martha’s Vineyard, *Nantucket
VA: Charlottesville, Georgetown
NC: Duck, Outer Banks
Bethany Beach, DE
FL: Coconut Grove, Key West, *Palm Beach, *Seaside, Boca Raton
The Greenbrier, WV
SC: Pawley’s Island, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, ***Charleston
GA: Sea Island, Savannah
*Hamptons, NY
Annapolis, MD
Grand Manan Island
Capri, Italy
St. Kitts
Bastad, Sweden
St Moritz, Switzerland
Harwich Antiques
Andover Shop
Bell in Hand Tavern
J Mclaughlin
Charles St
Tremont St
Fairbanks House
Sparks Steakhouse on E 46th St, get Roquefort cheese on top
Parker House Hotel
Hampshire House bar on Beacon St
No. 9 Park
Lobster from James Hook & Co
Wenham Tea House
Franklin Cafe
Bostonian Public House
The Chart House
Dolce Vita
Yvonnes (dinner)
Oak Bar (drinks)
Four seasons (tea)
The Langham
Caffe Vittoria
Green Dragon
Bond Bar at the Langham
Mike’s Pastry (best cannolis)
Peter Luger (lunch burger)
Katz Deli (cheesecake)
Juniors (cheesecake)
JG Melon (burgers, beer, pub fare. Bring cash)
Donohue’s (steak, seafood, cocktails)
Serendipity 3
The Smith
The Dead Rabbit (gastropub, great cocktails)
The Capital Grille
Uncle Mario’s
Joe Allen’s on 46th
King Cole Bar
Pete’s tavern
Dead rabbit
Francois tavern
One if by land two if by sea
The Carlyle
St Ambrues
The Mark
Bear Bar
The Polo Bar
John’s on Bleeker
Pier Hotel on 5th and 61st
Gramercy Tavern
Fraunces Tavern
Rainbow Room
Raine’s Law Room (cocktails)
The Plaza (tea)
Bergdorf (tea)
PJ Clark’s on Fifth
Ellen’s starlight diner
The Smith (tomato soup)
Salt + charcoal (steak, crab cakes)
William Vale Hotel and Westlight rooftop bar
Mcnally Jackson bookstore
Chez Josephine
Jack and Charlie’s No 118
Lola Taverna
Bar Tulix
Trattoria del Arte (57th st/Avenue of the Americas)
Gallagher’s Steak House
PJ Clarkes
Chez Bonoit
Elio’s UES
Balthazar SoHo
Ina Garten chocolate tart recipe
Fannie Farmer Mac n Cheese
Cheese plate
Shrimp cocktail
Pinot Noir
Gin: Tangueray, *Hendricks, Bombay Sapphire Conniption in regular and Navy Strength for something unique (keep limes/lime juice and tonic water on hand!) - keep two brands on hand possibly since people have strong opinions
Cutty Sark Whiskey 
Macallan Scotch
Jo Malone Peony and Blush Suede
**Chanel Chance
**Creed Spring Flowers
Clean Reserve Radiant Nectar
**Dolce & Gabana Light Blue
Gucci Bloom
*Jo Malone Wild Bluebell
**Chanel Coco Mademoiselle
Marc Jacobs Honey
Guerlain Mon Guerlain
Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet
Eau de Cartier (fall/winter)
Gloria Vanderbilt
Ralph Lauren
Banana Republic
Mark and Graham
Prep Obsessed
Shirts for Layering
Uniqlo t shirts
J Crew and J Crew factory tissue turtlenecks
J Crew Factory Artist Tee
LL Bean
Wilbur Buds
Lake Champlain
Vintage Town and Country
Cape Cod Life
This Old House
Rhode Island Monthly
Country Living
The English Garden
The Field
Country Life (UK)
The Magazine Antiques
Beach Boys
Billy Joel
Elton John
Jefferson Airplane/Starship
The Dead
Neil Young
David Bowie
Rolling Stones
The Who
Talking Heads
Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes
Vampire Weekend
Spandau Ballet
Paul Weiler (The Style Council)
Terry Hall and the Colourfield
The Pale Fountains
Nick Heyward and the Haircut 100
New Order
China Crisis
The Go Gos
Bryan Ferry (Roxy Music)
Take Five by the Dave Brubeck Quartet
Chet Baker
Miles David
Frank Sinatra
Carolina Beach Music
Yacht rock
Anything Wes Anderson
The Graduate
Love Story
The Paper Chase
The Great Gatsby starring Mia Farrow
Philadelphia Story
Ordinary People
Igby Goes Down
Home Alone
The World According to Garp
Making the Grade
Trading Places
Cruel Intentions
House of Yes
Royal Tenenbaums
The Talented Mr. Ripley
High Society
Castle (Netflix)
American Psycho
Dead Poets Society
Animal House
The Mona Lisa Smile
Brideshead Revisited
Philadelphia Story
Pride and Prejudice
Pretty in Pink
Less than Zero
A Separate Peace
Endless Love
Saint Elmo’s Fire
You’ve Got Mail
Something’s Gotta Give
Hanging Up
The Family Stone
In the Gloaming
The Game
Oxford Blues
Scent of a Woman
Anything John Hughes
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Masquerade (Rob Lowe)
Reversal of Fortune
The Russia House
Good Fortune
Burn After Reading
Chariots of Fire
The Good Shephard
American Werewolf in London
The Graduate
Sixteen Candles 
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
A Single Man
Angels in America
Anna Karenina
Annie Hall
Beatriz at Dinner
Call Me By Your Name
✅ Clueless
Downton Abbey, The Movie
Downton Abbey, A New Era
Father of the Bride movies
Good Will Hunting
Grey Gardens
Harvard Beats Yale 29-29
✅ Legally Blonde
Little Women
Longtime Companion
Lulu’s Pearl Bracelet
Pret a Porter
Romeo and Juliet (1996)
School Ties
Sense and Sensibility
Steel Magnolias
The American Ruling Class
The Breakfast Club
The Circle
The College Admissions Scandal: Operation Varsity Blues
The Devil Wears Prada
The Firm
The Last Days of Disco
The Lords of Discipline
The Preppie’s Movie List
The Remains of the Day
The Social Network
The Way We Were
Those People
Wall Street
With Honors
Wuthering Heights
Adventures in Babysitting
Paul Revere by Oneida
Style Icons
Audrey Hepburn
Grace Kelly
Catherine Zeta Jones
Elizabeth Taylor
Victoria Kensington
Dorothy Dandridge
Diahann Carroll
Dina Merrill
Caroline Bessette
CZ Guest
Cornelia Guest
Reese Witherspoon
Candice Bergen
Tory Burch
Katharine Hepburn
Kelly Rutherford
Fashion/Lifestyle Books
Rowing Blazers by Jack Carlson
The Ivy League by Daniel Capello
Hollywood and the Ivy Look
L.L. Bean: Guaranteed to Last
A Privileged Life
Preppy by Banks and La Chappelle
Seven Sisters Style
Ralph Lauren: The Man Behind the Mystique
True Style by Boyer
Take Ivy
Filthy Rich Handbook
True Prep
The Ivy Look
Tipsy in Madras
The WASP Mystique
The Yuppy Handbook
The Handbook of Style
Untold Friendships by Parsons
Who Killed Society by Amory
Black Ivy: A Revolt in Style
A Southern Belle Primer
New Times in the Old South
Why Scarlett is in Therapy
Tara’s Going Condo
Being Dead is No Excuse 
Miss Julia series
Take Ivy
Preppy by Jeffrey Banks
Stuff White People Like by Christian Lander
The Millionaire Next Door
The Country House Library
The Secret History
Class by Paul Fussell
Boring Bourgeoisie by David Brooks
Taste by Stanley Tucci
In the Weeds by Tom Vitale
Our Country Friends by Gary Shteyngart
The Sentence by Louise Erdrich
Capote’s Women by Laurence Learner
Harlem Shuffle by Colson Whitehead
Femlandia by Christina Dalcher
The Family by Naomi Krupitsky
Primates of Park Avenue by Wednesday Martin
The Last of the Southern Girls by Willie Morris
Gentlemen and Players by Joanne Harris
Franny and Zooey by JD Salinger
John Updike
The Heirs by Susan Rieger
Snobs by Julian Fellowes
The Palace Thief by Ethan Canin
Edith Wharton
This Side of Paradise by Fitzgerald
Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates
The Grass is Singing by Doris Lessing
The Spider’s House by Paul Bowles
John Cheever short stories
The Talented Mr. Ripley series by Patricia Highsmith
Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld
John Irving
The World According to Garp
The Hotel New Hampshire
The Cider House Rules
Our Town
People Like Us
The Country Club Murders by Julie Mulhern
The Two Mrs. Grenvilles by Dominick Dunne
Fates and Furies by Lauren Groffe
If We Were Villains by ML Rio
Drowning with Others by Linda Keke
Bunny by Mona Awad
White Fur by Jardine Libaire
All These Perfect Strangers by Elizabeth Klehfoth
Laura Child tea shop mysteries
Miss Pym Disposes by Josephine Tey
The Last of the Savages by Jay Mcinerney
The Finishing School by Joanna Goodman
The Lawrenceville Stories
The Gold Coast by Nelson DeMille
Lake of Dead Languages
Love and Glory by Robert Parker
The Rule of Four by Thomason and Caldwell
Commencement by J Courtney Sullivan
Paper Palace
Good Company
Mary Stewart
Eric by Doris Lund
Black Chalk by Christopher Yates
The Ninth House
The Campus Trilogy by David Lodge
Circle of Friends by Maeve Binchy
The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen
Laurie Colwin
Pretty in Plaid by Jen Lancaster
Colony by Anne Rivers Siddons
Bright Lights, Big City
The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
The Swimmer by John Cheever
The Sisters by Babe Mortimer Paley
The Lives and Times of the Famous Cushing Sisters by David Grafton
The Group by Mary McCarthy
A Separate Peace
Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier
The Little Book of Hygge
The Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol
Our Kind of People by Lawrence Otis
Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe
A Man in Full by Tom Wolfe
Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Ordinary People by Judith Guest
Gatherings by Marina Rust
Fitzgerald books
Franny and Zooey
✅ Catcher in the Rye
Love Story
The Alexandrian Quartet
Lord of the Rings
A Room with a View by EM Forster
To Manor Born, to Manners Bred
✅ Little Women
The Last Convertible
Elements of Style by Wendy Wasserstein
John O Hara books
Appointment in Samara
Butterfield 8
Rage to Live
John Irving
David Sedaris
Margaret Atwood
God and Man at Yale
Less than Zero by Bret Ellis
Brideshead Revisited
Colin Harrison books
Thorn Birds
Marjorie Morningstar by Herman Wouk
The Group by Mary McCarthy
The Best of Everything by Rona Jaffe
Edith Wharton
Bright Lights, Big City
Jane Eyre
The Last Convertible
Harlot’s Ghost
The Secret History
The Age of Innocence
A Separate Peace
War and Peace
Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger
South of Broad
The Remains of the Day
Prep by Sittenfiel
The Swimmer by John Cheever
Mating Rituals of the North American WASP by Lauren Lipton
The Big House by George Howe Colt
The Second Home by Christina Clancy
Monkeys by Susan Minot
The Vacationers
The Dutch House by Ann Patchett
Silver Patterns
Francis I (showy, opulent, wants a full-time career and a Junior League board position and a family), gets on well with MIL who prefers Grand Baroque or Burgundy
Mrs. John L Strong
Palm Beach Papery (more affordable)
Augusta Joy Stationery
Chanel Rouge Coco Gloss, 754
MAC Lipstick in Ruby Woo
Revlon Lipstick in Cherries in the Snow
Harbor Sweets
Charbonnel et Walker
Nail Polish
OPI All Your Dreams in Vending Machines
OPI Bubble Bath
Essie Ballet Slipper
Essie Ladylike
OPI Big Apple Red
OPI Cajun Shrimp
OPI Funny Bunny
OPI Thrill or Brazil
OPI Not Really a Waitress
Cocktail Dresses
J Peterman
Adrianna Papell
Ralph Lauren
Neiman Marcus
In Plain Sight
99% Invisible
Radio lab
My dad wrote a porno
Cocaine and rhinestones
S town
This American life
Revisionist history with Malcolm Gladwell
WTF with Marc Maron
How I Built This
This Podcast will Kill You
Last Seen
Fiesta ware
Hadley pottery
Lodge cast iron
Nordic ware
Rifle paper co rugs
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deafchild2000 · 3 years
So....my stupid ass was up at 12 in the morning and was thinking:
Imagine these girls being friends as adults?
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And yes, I am legitimately serious about this AU, OK. This is what happens when I think too much and consider everything in a fictional relationship.
So, where to start? Well, I guess we see what happened fictionally after S1, S2, and S3.
Annabelle Stephenson as Miriam Kent
Miriam Kent: Mayor's daughter, competitive and attention seeker. Miriam just gave up on Zane and that was it. If Zane wanted to chase a loner like Rikki and hang out with her stupid friends, then that's his choice...but then again, can say friends be "stupid" when they're mermaids with magic powers? Yeah, years with video blackmail she managed to preserve through upgraded phones (seriously, who locks someone in a house and forgets windows is overlooking the pool!?) and a near-death experience with being frozen alive (That's the only conclusion she could come up with) made her more prone to keep away and saving Zane from them (though she's sure he was a victim as well when she thinks to that time he was severely sunburnt!). She eventually graduated and traveled to Paris to tag along to fulfill her dream to be a fashion designer. But she struggled, being a small fish in a big pond, and felt envious as Tiffany moved ahead as a model. They fought and suddenly, Miriam was alone. The experience somewhat humbled her (but she remained a bitch). She ended up catching up and becoming an accomplished designer graduate and returned home to the Gold Coast after a few more years in France. Feeling inspired after returning home, she created a clothing line which she labels Land B4 Seas (a jab and revealed bitterness to being ignored for a mermaid) and starts an online boutique. Later on, a friend invited her to a gallery opening for a popular artist, but not finding the artist impressive. She ends up walking into a different gallery opening and comes across beautiful underwater artwork that inspires her& buys against her better judgment. She asks to meet the artist, who reveals her name to be Charlotte...
Brittany Byrnes as Charlotte Watsford
Charlotte Watsford: Artist, daughter, and second-generation failed mermaid. After what happened in the Gold Coast, it was safe to say she developed low self-esteem and morale for herself and went to therapy...and never fully recovered. Transferring school and graduating someplace else, she did try to avoid anything from her past. Mermaid merchandise, handmade jewelry, blonds with blue eyes? She veered from. It was a miracle that she began painting again. Taking a job as a part-time art teacher while working as a street artist. Eventually, she felt it was time to sell her older artwork for her mermaid days and found herself recognized by an art collector passing by and fallen in love with her underwater work. From there, she not only grew with her craft, but Charlotte started doing small art galleries. She enjoyed using her other (land) subjects, but the collector, her agent, and curator agreed that her best works were the underwater. So lifelike, it was as if she'd swam deeper even experienced divers can go yet so personal that it spoke to another's sense of personal depth. By inconvenience, Charlotte's already small gallery opening was booked with a Mother's, so the rented space was shared (and it didn't help that the opposing artist was more popular), but it was by chance that a wondering fashion designer invited to the opposing gallery wandered into hers and brought all her underwater artwork and introduced herself as Miriam Kent...
Alice Hunter as Tiffany Brown
Tiffany Brown: Former underappreciated sidekick to business partner and model. Tiffany grew up with Miriam on an equal footing, but it was her shy demeanor that caused the unbalance as they got older. Tiffany followed Miriam to Paris, which was the beginning of the end of their friendship. Tiffany flourished as a budding model while Miriam struggled as a design student, and an ugly fight ensued and they parted ways. Tiffany came back to the Gold Coast to study business (the ability to read a contract is a powerful tool) and started investing in small businesses while she modeled at an agency. It was during a shoot that one of the models bailed and endangered to be scrapped for good when she just picked a random girl off the street, who turned out to be, just, an ethereal beauty! After explaning the situation and borderline begging, the girl stepped in for the shoot with a strange request not to do anything involving water. After the shoot, Tiffany was grateful for her help and asked to pay her back. She gave her her number for lunch on a piece of paper and signed it, Bella H. ...
Indiana Evans as Isabella "Bella" Hartley
Bella Hartley: Former singer, mermaid, gelatin dessert makerand reclusive baby of the group. After saving the world from a comet, Bella thought keeping her friendship and relationship after high school would be easy. But nothing is rarely easy. For starters, a girl named Emma Gilbert enters (or re-entered, according to Lewis) the picture, watching the girls foregoing their crystals, learning how long the girls were mermaids and found herself essentially pushed out. She tried to find solace in Will but found out he was cheating on her and just...couldn't find it in herself to forgive him. And he took the breakup badly. Like "restraining order" badly. This led to Bella living a somewhat isolated life when she decided to move from the coast. However, she's found a strange side hustle using her powers to create gelatin desserts with Agar Agar Powder (seaweed) which she makes and sells out of her home. She hadn't talked to any of the girls or guys since. One day, she was out buying ingredients when grabbed off the street and asked to be a stand-in model. The girl asked her seemed desperate and Bella didn't see the harm in helping her, just as long as she wasn't involved in anything with water. The shoot was really fun and when the model, who formally introduced herself as Tiffany, asked how she could repay her, and to her own surprise, Bella agreed to lunch...
How they become friends:
Miriam flat out asks Charlotte to work under her as a designer. While both careers are technically art, Charlotte's resistant. So, she takes her out to eat after the gallery and got drunk bonding over boys not wanting them, failed friendships, and the lowered self-esteem they fought through. Charlotte ended up saying yes during the hangover the next morning.
Bella and Tiffany had lunch together and bonded over being underappreciated and unimportant in their friendships and relationships. Bella brought one of her gelatine desserts to the table and with one taste, Tiffany was already offering to invest in her side business.
Miriam and Tiffany ended up meeting again somewhere down the road when Miriam had created a lot of clothes that needed models in them and truly didn't expect the "T. Brown" she hired to be Tiffany. Initially awkward, Miriam powered through it and impressed Tiffany with her plans, who then impressed her with her understanding of business and gave her advice on how to grow if she planned on opening a boutique. The encounter would be the beginning of a bridge rebuilding between them.
Tiffany met Charlotte during the shoot and was impressed that her artwork was the inspiration behind Miriam's designs. Charlotte claims she's just a painter who's learning as she goes along but Miriam is a huge help. She shows Tiffany one of her paintings and Tiffany is quick to buy one.
That painting she brought from Charlotte ended up proudly in Tiffany's home and when Bella came over, she instantly recognized the artwork that could only match the insight of a mermaid. She wanted to meet the painter behind the painting and Tiffany just arranged a breakfast meeting for all four women. Meeting Charlotte, she easily doesn't expect her to be one, having not to drink from a straw and spilled a drink on herself. But the same can't be said for Bella, who gets hit with the drink and runs and...Charlotte follows and THAT'S how the two find out they share a past with a familiar group of friends.
Meanwhile, Miriam (who knows the signs) is surprised that Bella might be a mermaid but has no idea why Charlotte followed after her...or she does and doesn't want to admit it. She won't deny it: Bella's beautiful and if she wasn't already Bisexual, she would turn for her. However, she sees a bit of a loner attitude, which is a far cry from what Tiffany calls her ("the embodiment of living sunshine") but part of her couldn't help but be intrigued by the crystal around her neck. Maybe it's the designer in her, but she's never seen a gem like that before. Tiffany is a bit worried about how long the girls have been home, but Miriam stops her, saying Charlotte likely has her talking and will be out sooner than expected. It's an hour later when they return, Bella completely shamefaced, but apologizing for taking so long and blaming part of it on a conversation. As an ice breaker, Charlotte asked where they all went to school and it shocked them when they all realize they were all students at South Coast High, just missing each other shy of a few years and classes. Tiffany asks how she could miss both girls, but to answer that is a bit painful (especially because it regards being a mermaid and saving the world). Charlotte just calls it preoccupations and rotten luck, which Miriam is happy to drink to that. But when Tiffany starts talking and casually name drops Lewis, which catches Bella off-guard on how she knows him, which raises the question of how Bella knows him and Miriam just starts day drinking early because this breakfast was no longer just about chance coincidences.
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On behalf of The National Bearded Empress Pageantry System, we would like to extend our congratulations to @vixxennikki and the entire All American Goddess Pageantry System on a successful post pandemic week of elite Pageantry. Tiffany T Hunter, Matthew Steele and Monica Moore congratulations on a successful reign and step down. Congratulations to the newly crowned Olivia Rae Taylor, All American Goddess. Lindsay Paige, All American Goddess at Large. Mykul Jay Valentine, All American Gent. Dynamic excellence. May your reign be GODDESS. 💜👑💜👑💜👑💜👑💜 Michelle Bone Woods Owner/National Promoter National Bearded Empress Pageantry System Bearoncè Bear National Bearded Empress Emeritus de la Pensée Joey Gallagher National Bearded Empress Emeritus la Voix Morgan Davis National Bearded Empress Emeritus de Actè #nationalbeardedempress #nationalbeardedempresspageant #allamericangoddess #beardedqueens #dragqueen #drag #beardedqueensforabettertomorrow #beardedqueen #pageantry #pridemonth #lgbtq #inclusive #queerpride #queerart #gaysofinstagram #fatmarker #fatmarkerclothing @joeytonguepop @bearoncebear @thebeardedglitterqueen @michelle_bone_woods @kcstarr1 @the_vagenesis @babyboymontrese @karlacroqueta @londondumore @alexisatauri @graveyardvomit @daisykonfused @kaykaylavelle @inertia_tm @tara.newhole @thececeford https://www.instagram.com/p/CQYyQ6WJ3Xa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sleepingdragonhq · 4 years
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Hey everyone, under the cut you will find the list of everyone’s costumes as well as lists for the couples romantic and platonic. You can find the poll for the costume contest here. We have added a few more awards this year. As always you vote for the top five in each category, five points for first place, four points for second and so on. You should be voting for individuals in every category except the couples ones. Please vote before the 31st of October as we will be announcing the winners from that point onward. If we have missed any on any of the lists please let us know !!
Aaron Hale - Frankenstein
Adabella Skeeter - Sandy (Grease)
Adeline Mulciber - Beetlejuice 
Aiden Wolffe - Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
Aisha Vane - Wednesday Addams (Addams Family)
Alastair Watson - Iron Man (Marvel)
Albus Potter - Victor Van Dort (Corpse Bride)
Alec Fray - Spiderman (Marvel)
Alexander Hawthorne - Ace Ventura (Ace Ventura: Pet Detective) 
Alison Wood - Ellie Sattler (Jurassic Park)
Alice Longbottom II - Eleven (Stranger Things)
Annika Parkinson - Wonder Woman (DC)
Archer Selwyn - Peter Pan (Disney)
Ariadne McLaggen - Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Ariella Belefleur - Anastasia (Anastasia)
Aryana Robins - Mia Thermopolis (The Princess Diaries)
Ash Highmore - Pot Head
Aurora Claremont - Daphne Blake (Scooby Doo)
Axel Wolffe - Ghost
Benjamin Ollivander - Dr. Facilier (Disney)
Bentley Lockhart - Dorothy (Wizard of Oz)
Brett Holland - Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Brigid Callaghan - Trixie Tang (Fairly Odd Parents)
Caleb Cresswell - Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones)
Camille McGonagall - Barbara Maitland (Beetlejuice)
Candice Cresswell - Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
Casey Abrams - Judy Hopps (Zootopia)
Caspian Berrycloth - Zebra
Cassius Cresswell - Ron Swanson (Parks & Rec)
Celestina Shacklebolt - Storm (X-Men/Marvel)
Charlotte Watson - Princess Buttercup (The Princess Bride)
Chase Sayre - Simon Snow (Carry On Series)
Clara Arquette - Cinderella (Disney)
Colm McCarthy - Vampire
Cynthia Clearwater - Red Riding Hood (Fairy Tales)
Cyrus Clearwater - Darth Vader (Star Wars)
Daniel McKinnon - Jason Dean (Heathers)
Darcy Mulciber - Medusa (Mythology)
Declan Rowland - Timmy Turner (Fairly Odd Parents)
Diana Rosier - Anastasia (Anastasia)
Dominique Weasley - Eleven (Stranger Things)
Edith De Lapin - Taylor Swift (Lover Era)
Edward Lupin - Oogie Boogie (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Eleanor Pucey - Harley Quinn (DC)
Electra Carrow - Emily (Corpse Bride)
Elena Flores - Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)
Elide Weasley - Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Elodie De Lapin - Taylor Swift (Reputation Era)
Erin McCormack - Holly Golightly (Breakfast at Tiffany’s)
Evan Parkinson - Captain America (Marvel)
Evangeline Pickering - Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Evelyn Carrow - Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Everett Pickering - Tin Man (Wizard of Oz)
Felix Hopkirk - Thor (Marvel)
Fletcher Duke - Flower Thrower (Banksy Art)
Frank Longbottom II - Nick Wilde (Zootopia)
Fred Weasley - Superman (DC)
Gabriel Larkin - Danny (Grease)
Gale MacDougal - Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Grace Turner - Wendy (Peter Pan)
Griffin Jones - Catwoman (DC)
Gwendolyn Hawkes - Cruella de Vil (101 Dalmatians)
Harper Lee Clark - Princess Anneliese (Princess and the Pauper)
Hazel MacDougal - Cher (Clueless)
Hugo Granger-Weasley - Unicorn
Hunter Adams - Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Jace Greengrass - t-shirt that says “costume”
James Ashcroft - Starlord (Guardians of the Galaxy)
James Potter - Mario (Super Mario Bros)
Jasper Locklear - Prince Phillip (Sleeping Beauty)
Jaxon DuQuan - Skeleton
Jonah Finch - Joker (DC)
Josephine Flamel - Violet Beauregarde (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
Joshua Selwyn - Spiderman (Marvel)
Juliet Highmore - Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Kristoff Flynn - Gomez Addams (The Addams Family)
Laurel Ollivander - Devil
Layla Rowle - Poison Ivy (DC)
Liam Alvarez - Miles Morales (Into the Spiderverse)
Lily Potter - Max (Stranger Things)
Levi Highmore - Ghost
Long Huojin - Edward Scissorhands (Edward Scissorhands)
Lorcan Scamander - Spiderman (Marvel)
Louis Weasley - Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet)
Lucienne Wolffe - Scary Alice
Lucy Weasley - Erika (Princess and the Pauper)
Lyra Malfoy - Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
Lysander Scamander - 7 (7/11)
Mackenzie Potter - Princess Peach (Super Mario Bros)
Madeline Brown - Rachel Green (Friends)
Malachai Arquette - Prince Charming (Disney)
Manon Flamel - Captain Marvel (Marvel)
Marcus Carson - Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones)
Mason Jones - Ghost
Matthew Asprey - Niffler
Matthias Vallois - Dimitri (Anastasia)
Meredith Wayfelle - Coraline (Coraline)
Molly Weasley II - Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Mortimer Claremont - White Rabbit (Alice in Wonderland)
Natalya Dolohova - Na’vi (Avatar)
Nate Wood - Tyrannosaurus Rex (Jurassic Park)
Nesta Greenwood - Fiona (Shrek)
Nova Slughorn - Devil
Octavia Coleman - Mummy
Odette Flume - Beret Girl (An Extremely Goofy Movie)
Orlando Lockhart - Firefighter 
Peggy Carson - Pepper Potts (Marvel)
Penelope Hawthorne - Khaleesi/Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
Pepper Rosewood - Pirate
Perseus Mulciber - Khal Drogo (Game of Thrones)
Pippa Rosewood - Pirate
Poppy Zabini - Eleven (7/11)
Rayna Sayre - Rebel Spy (Star Wars)
Reid Anderson - Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Rory Goldstein - Owen Grady (Jurassic World)
Scorpius Malfoy - Bas Pitch (Carry On Series)
Sebastian Nott - Mr. Incredible (The Incredibles)
Seraphina Macaulay - Velma Dinkley (Scooby Doo)
Seung Krum - Deadpool (Marvel)
Sofia Clarke - Wonder Woman (DC)
Tallulah Abbott - Clown 
Theodore Oliver - Hector Rivera (Coco)
Theseus McLaggen - Adam Maitland (Beetlejuice)
Thomas Goyle - The Riddler (DC)
Tobias Atwell - Wolverine (X-Men/Marvel)
Toby Anderson - Westley (The Princess Bride)
Vera McKinnon - Heather Chandler (Heathers)
Verity Nott - Gamora (Marvel/Guardians of the Galaxy)
Victoire Weasley - Jessica Rabbit (Roger Rabbit)
William Ashcroft - Clark Kent / Superman (DC)
Romantic Couples
Aiden & Evan - Bucky Barnes & Captain America
Alastair & Peggy - Tony Stark/Iron Man & Pepper Potts (Marvel)
Albus & Electra - Victor & Emily (Corpse Bride)
Archer & Grace - Peter Pan & Wendy (Peter Pan)
Bentley & Everett - Dorothy & Tin Man (Wizard of Oz)
Chase & Scorpius - Simon & Baz (Carry On Series)
Declan & Brigid - Timmy & Trixie (Fairly Odd Parents)
Frank & Casey - Nick Wilde & Judy Hopps (Zootopia)
Gabriel & Adabella - Danny & Sandy (Grease)
James & Mackenzie - Mario & Peach (Super Mario Bros)
James & Verity - Starlord & Gamora (Marvel/Guardians of the Galaxy)
Jasper & Lyra - Prince Phillip & Princess Aurora (Disney)
Joshua & Seung - Spiderman & Deadpool (Marvel)
Kristoff & Elena - Gomez & Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)
Lysander & Poppy - 7/11
Malachai & Clara - Prince Charming & Cinderella (Disney)
Matthias & Ariella - Dmitri & Anastasia (Anastasia)
Perseus & Penelope - Khal Drogo & Khaleesi/Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
Sebastian & Ariadne - Mr. Incredible & Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Tobias & Celestina - Wolverine & Storm (Marvel/X-Men)
Toby & Charlie - Westley & Princess Buttercup (The Princess Bride)
Platonic Couples
Aurora & Seraphina - Daphne & Velma (Scooby Doo)
Axel, Levi & Mason - Ghosts
Alice & Lily - Eleven & Max (Stranger Things)
Eleanor, Griffin & Layla - Harley Quinn, Catwoman & Poison Ivy (DC)
Gale & Juliet - Tenth Doctor & Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Harper & Lucy - Princess Anneliese & Erika (Princess and the Pauper)
Nate & Alison - T-Rex & Ellie Sattler (Jurassic Park)
Pepper & Pippa - Pirates
Theseus & Camille - Adam & Barbara Maitland (Beetlejuice)
14 notes · View notes
aslanjadecarlyle · 4 years
Master List of Black Creators, Owners, & Public Figures
Master List of Black Creators, Owners, & Public Figures
DISCLAIMER: I am fucking whiter than white. I compiled this list to boost black creators and public figures, but if I am overstepping at all PLEASE let me know! 
Also, I tried to research these in a timely manner. If anyone in these lists is problematic or should not be supported, let me know. :)
(Of course, this is only a TINY portion! Feel free to add more names, businesses, and creators!)
•Naomi Anderson
•Maya Angelou
•James Baldwin
•Lillie Mae Bradford
•Mari Copeny
•Frederick Douglass
•Ruth Ellis
•Erica Garner
•Alicia Garza
•Ernest Green
•Fannie Lou Hamer
•Frances Harper
•Langston Hughes
•Marsha P. Johnson
•Alberta Odell Jones
•Quincy Jones
•Martin Luther King Jr.
•Audre Lorde
•Bree Newsome
•Huey P. Newton
•Rosa Parks
-Bayard Rustin
•Sojourner Truth
•Harriet Tubman
•Madam C.J. Walker
•Ida B. Wells
•Malcolm X
Actors/Actresses & Directors:
•Yahya Abdul-Mateen II
•James Avery
•Angela Bassett
•Halle Berry
•John Boyega
•Levar Burton
•Nick Cannon
•Michael Clarke Duncan
•Zendaya Coleman
•Terry Crews
•Viola Davis
•Idris Elba
•Jamie Foxx
•Morgan Freeman
•Whoopi Goldberg
•Tiffany Haddish
•Skai Jackson
•William Jackson Harper
•Kevin Hart
•Steve Harvey
•Jennifer Hudson
•Ice Cube
•Spike Lee
•Phill Lewis
•Bernie Mac
•Eddie Murphy
•Keke Palmer
•James Pickens Jr.
•Chris Rock
•Will Smith
•Raven Symonè
•Denzel Washington
•Jesse Williams
•Chandra Wilson
•Oprah Winfrey
•John Witherspoon
Authors & Poets:
•Elizabeth Acevedo
•Tomi Adeyemi
•Kwame Alexander
•Maya Angelou
•Rena Barron
•Paula Chase
•Dhonielle Clayton
•Brandy Colbert
•Jay Coles
•Dana Davis
•Tanita S. Davis
•Sharon M. Draper
•Paul Laurence Dunbar
•Akwaeke Emezi
•Sharon G. Flake
•Kristina Forest
•L.R. Giles
•Whitney D. Grandison
•Nikki Grimes
•Justina Ireland
•Tiffany D. Jackson
•Kimberly Jones
•Claire Kann
•Kekla Magoon
•Janice Lynn Mather
•Tony Medina
•Candice Montgomery
•David Barclay Moore
•Britney Morris
•Bethany C. Morrow
•Greg Neri
•Nnedi Okorafor
•Tochi Onyebuchi
•Morgan Parker
•Junauda Petrus
•Ben Philippe
•Jason Reynolds
•Debbie Rigaud
•Ilyasah Shabazz
•Nic Stone
•Liara Tamani
•Mildred D. Taylor
•Angie Thomas
•Brian F. Walker
•Booker T. Washington
•Renée Watson
•Alicia Williams
•August Wilson
•C.E. Wilson
•Ashley Woodfolk
•Jacqueline Woodson
•Nicola Yoon
•Ibi Aanu Zoboi
Black-Owned Bookstores:
•Grassrootz Bookstore (Phoenix, AZ)
•Eso Won Books (Los Angeles, CA)
•Malik Books (Los Angeles, CA)
•Marcus Books (Oakland, CA)
•Shades of Afrika (Long Beach, CA)
•Shop At Matter (Denver, CO)
•Pyramid Books (Boynton Beach, FL)
•For Keeps Books (Atlanta, GA)
•Bunnie Hillard (Decatur, GA)
•Challenges Games & Comics (Decatur, GA)
•Semicolon (Chicago, IL)
•Wild Fig Books (Lexington, KY)
•Frugal Bookstore (Boston, MA)
•Loyalty Books (Silver Springs, MD)
•Loving Me Books (Detroit, MI)
•Source Booksellers (Detroit, MI)
•Mind’s Eye Comics (Burnsville, MN)
•Eye See Me (St. Louis, MO)
•Source of Knowledge (Newark, NJ)
•The Lit Bar (The Bronx, NY)
•Cafe Con Libros (Brooklyn, NY)
•Megabrain Comics (Rhinebeck, NY)
•The Schomburg Shop (Harlem, NY)
•Sister’s Uptown (New York, NY)
•Fulton Street Books (Tulsa, OK)
•Third Eye Bag (Portland, OR)
•Amalgam Comics (Philadelphia, PA)
•Harriett’s Bookshop (Philadelphia, PA)
•Uncle Bobbie’s (Philadelphia, PA)
•Turning Page Bookshop (Goose Creek, SC)
•Black Pearl Books (Austin, TX)
•The Dock (Fort Worth, TX)
•Loyalty Books (Washington DC)
•MahoganyBooks (Washington DC)
Other Black-Owned Businesses:
•228 Grant Street Candle Company (228grantstreet.com)
•Aamir Graphics (jaizthedesigner.mystrikingly.com)
•Ailey Extension (aileyextension.com)
•Aminah Abdul Jillil (aminahabdujillil.com)
•Anya Lust (anyalust.com)
•AphroChic (aphrochic.com)
•Basbaas Foods (basbaassauce.com)
•Beauty Bakerie (beautybakerie.com)
•Beauty Stat Cosmetics (beautystatcosmetics.com)
•BedStuyFly (bedstuyfly.com)
•Bel Lumière (thebellumiereco.com)
•Beneath Your Mask (beneathyourmask.com)
•Black Enterprise (blackenterprise.com)
•Black Girl Sunscreen (blackgirlsunscreen.com)
•Black Girls Run (blackgirlsrun.com)
•The Black Home (theblackhome.com)
•Black Pepper Paperie Company (shopbpco.com)
•Blavity (blavity.com)
•BLK MKT Vintage (blkmktvintage.com)
•Body Space Fitness (bodyspacefitness.com)
•Bold Xchange (boldxchange.com)
•Bolé Road Textiles (boleroadtextiles.com)
•Briogeo (briogeohair.com)
•Brooklyn Circus (thebkcircus.com)
•Brooklyn Tea (brooklyntea.com)
•Brother Vellies (brothervellies.com)
•Camille Rose (camillerose.com)
•Carlis Design Studio LLC (carlisdesignstudio.net)
•Castamira (castamira.com)
•CBAAF (comebackasaflower.com)
•Celsious (celsious.com)
•Cherry Blossom Intimates (cherryblossomintimates.com)
•Clare (clare.com)
•Cool and Casual Studios (coolandcasualstudios.com)
•CurlBox (curlbox.com)
•CurlMix (curlmix.com)
•Curls (curls.biz)
•Cushnie (cushnie.com)
•Custom Collaborative (customcollaborative.org)
•Diop (weardiop.com)
•Divine Nature Cosmetics (divinenaturecosmetics.com)
•Drift Taxi (thedrifttaxi.com)
•Edas (edas.store)
•Effortless Composition (effortlesscomposition.com)
•Essence (essence.com)
•Esusu (esusurent.com)
•Fix My Resume Services (fixmyresume.net)
•Flat Fifteen (flatfifteen.co.uk)
•Flaunt It Beauty Supply (flauntitbeautysupply.com)
•The Folklore (shopthefolklore.com)
•FUBU (fubu.com)
•Golde (golde.co)
•Golden Krust (goldekrust.com)
•Goodee (goodeeworld.com)
•Grillz and Granola (grillzandgranola.com)
•Hanahana Beauty (hanahanabeauty.com)
•Haus Urban (hausurban.com)
•HealHaus (healhaus.com)
•House of Aama (houseofaama.com)
•Iconoclast Fitness (iconoclastfitness.com)
•Ilé Ilà (ile-ila.com)
•International Smoke (internationalsmoke.com)
•Johanna Howard Home (johannahoward.com)
•Jones Bar-B-Q (jonesbbqkc.com)
•Jungalow (jungalow.com)
•Justice of the Pies (justiceofthepies.com)
•Kahmune (kahmune.com)
•KAI (kaicollective.com)
•KNC Beauty (kncbeauty.com)
•Kutula by Africana (shopkutula.com)
•Label by Three (labelbythree.com)
•LaQuan Smith (laquansmith.com)
•Lauren Napier Beauty (laurennapier.com)
•The Lip Bar (thelipbar.com)
•Lit Bklyn (litbklyn.co)
•Local European (localeuropean.com)
•Love Notes Fragrances (lovenotesfragrances.com)
•LUXE Honeymoons (luxe-honeymoons.com)
•Maison Noir Wines (maisonnoirwines.com)
•Maki Oh (makioh.com)
•Malene B (malenebarnett.com)
•Manual (manualphoto.com)
•Marché Rue Dix (marcheruedix.com)
•Marie Burgos Collection (marieburgosdesignthestore.com)
•Market*TING (market-ting.com)
•Mateo New York (mateonewyork.com)
•McBride Sisters Collection (mcbridesisters.com)
•Melanin Haircare (melaninhaircare.com)
•Mented Cosmetics (mentedcosmetics.com)
•MyaVana (myavana.com)
•Nandi Naya (nandinayanyc.com)
•Natty Garden (nattygarden.com)
•Neighborhood Fiber Co. (neighborhoodfiberco.com)
•Nerdz World (nerdzworld.com)
•NightLight Pediatric (nightlightpediatrics.com)
•Nude Barre (nudebarre.com)
•Octave Jewelry (octavejewelry.com)
•Oma the Label (omathelabel.com)
•Orange Culture (orangeculture.com.ng)
•OUI The People (ouithepeople.com)
•Partake Foods (partakefoods.com)
•Pat McGrath Labs (patmcgrath.com)
•Peace & Riot (peaceandriot.com)
•Peju Obasa (pejuobasa.com)
•People of Color Beauty (peopleofcolorbeauty.com)
•Pipcorn (pipsnacks.com)
•Post-Imperial (post-imperial.com)
•Pottery by Osa (potterybyosa.com)
•Rebecca Allen (rebecca-allen.com)
•Red Bay Coffee (redbaycoffee.com)
•Reparations Club (rep.club)
•Riot Swim (riotswim.com)
•Rochelle Porter (rochelleporter.com)
•See Line Ceramics (seelineceramics.com)
•Sheila Bridges (sheilabridges.com)
•Sincerely, Tommy (sincerelytommy.com)
•The Sip (thesipsociety.com)
•The Sixes (thesixes.com)
•Slashed by Tia (slashedbytia.net)
•Sol Cacao (solcacao.com)
•Sol Sips (solsipsnyc.com)
•Something Unique Accessories (shopsomethingunique.com)
•T.A. (shop-ta.com)
•Tackussanu Senegal (tackussanusenegal.com)
•Tactile Matter (tactilematter.com)
•T&C Management Tax & Financial Services (https://xu625-feb5c6.pages.infusionsoft.net )
•Telfar (telfar.net)
•TLZ L’FEMME (tlzlf.com)
•Total Resistance (thetotalresistance.com)
•Tree Fairfax (treefairfax.com)
•UniBuyz (unibuyz.com)
•Unlimited Treasures Chest (utchest.com)
•Unsun (unsuncosmetics.com)
•Unwrp (unwrp.com)
•Uoma Beauty (uomabeauty.com)
•Urban One Inc. (urban1.com)
•Victor Glemaud (glemaud.com)
•Wales Bonner (walesbonner.com)
•Whetstone Magazine (whetstonemagazine.com)
•The Wrap Life (thewrap.life)
•Yam (yamnyc.com)
•xN Studio (osxnasozi.com)
•Yowie (shopyowie.com)
•Zafa Wines (zafawines.com)
•Zou Xou Shoes (zouxou.com)
Book Reviewers:
•Black & Bookish
•Black Books Matter
•Brazen Babe Reviews
•Doddy About Books
•Fine Point Scribbles
•Kaybee’s Bookshelf, A Literary Blog
•Literally Black
•Ms. Shabria Gxo
•Sometimes Leelynn Reads
•Adwoa Aboah
•Adesuwa Aighewi
•J. Alexander
•Karen Alexander
•Leomie Anderson
•Alanna Arrington
•Yasmine Arrington
•Tyra Banks
•Corey Baptiste
•Tyson Beckford
•Yasmin Benoit
•Akech Bior
•Minah Ogbenyealu Bird
•Maria Borges
•Adonis Bosso
•Cindy Bruna
•Naomi Campbell
•Dorothea Church
•Yaya DaCosta
•Agbani Darego
•Bruce Darnell
•Khoudia Diop
•Nadège du Bospertus
•Jourdan Dunn
•Selita Ebanks
•Paloma Elsesser
•Cora Emmanuel
•Staniel Ferreira
•Malaika Firth
•Diandra Forrest
•Imaan Hammam
•Winnie Harlow
•Beverley Heath-Hoyland
•Marsha A. Hunt
•Broderick Hunter
•Chanel Iman
•Beverly Johnson
•Toccara Jones
•Grace Jones
•Liya Kebede
•Jayne Kennedy
•Janet Langhart
•Shakara Ledard
•Precious Lee
•Noémie Lenoir
•Damaris Lewis
•Sessilee Lopez
•Donyale Luna
•Anais Mali
•Eva Marcille
•Denny Mèndez
•Jillian Mercado
•Ariel Meredith
•Lineisy Montero
•Katoucha Niane
•Mayowa Nicholas
•Emanuela de Paula
•Lais Ribeiro
•Valentine Rontez
•Shaun Ross
•Kimora Lee Simmons
•Naomi Sims
•Joan Smalls
•B. Smith
•Arlenis Sosa
•Sal Stowers
•Duckie Thot
•Jasmine Tookes
•Eugena Washington
•Veronica Webb
•Alek Wek
•Jessica White
•Slick Woods
•Kara Young
•Louis Armstrong
•Pearl Bailey
•Harry Belafonte
•Chuck Berry
•The Black Eyed Peas
•The Bobettes
•Soulja Boy
•50 Cent
•Chance the Rapper
•Ray Charles
•Chubby Checker
•The Chords
•The Clovers
•The Coasters
•Nat ‘King’ Cole
•Zendaya Coleman
•The Contours
•Sam Cooke
•Taio Cruz
•Andra Day
•Bobby Day
•The Del-Vikings
•Jason Derulo
•Destiny’s Child
•The Diamonds
•Bo Diddley
•Daveed Diggs
•Fats Domino
•Dr. Dre
•The Drifters
•Earth, Wind, & Fire
•Missy Elliott
•Flo Rida
•The Four Tops
•Aretha Franklin
•Bobby Freeman
•Marvin Gaye
•Gloria Gaynor
•CeeLo Green
•Billie Holiday
•Whitney Houston
•Sharaya J
•Janet Jackson
•Michael Jackson/The Jackson 5
•Alicia Keys
•Sean Kingston
•Eartha Kitt
•Lenny Kravitz
•Patti LaBelle
•John Legend
•Leona Lewis
•The Marcels
•The Masqueraders
•Mickey & Sylvia
•The Monotones
•The Penguins
•Leigh-Anne Pinnock (of the girl group Little Mix)
•The Platters
•Otis Redding
•Little Richard
•The Ronettes
•Diana Ross
•Darius Rucker
•Travis Scott
•Tupac Shakur
•Nina Simone
•Shirley & Lee
•The Silhouettes
•Snoop Dogg
•Jimmy Soul
•Jordin Sparks
•The Supremes
•The Temptations
•Ty Dolla Sign
•Bill Withers
Jackie Aina
Alissa Ashley
Yasmin Benoit
Raye Boyce
Patricia Bright
Marques Brownlee
Alyssa Forever
Bri Hall
Todrick Hall
Aysha Harun
Alonzo Lerone
Oneika the Traveller
Shanna Malcolm
Shameless Maya
Chris Smoove
Nyma Tang
26 notes · View notes
lornaslibrary · 5 years
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Witches, Werewolves, and Vampires
Last week I asked you to recommend books on the subject of witches, werewolves, and vampires. Here are all of the books that were recommended!!
Bold = the books I’ve read * = the books I personally would recommend + = want to read/on my TBR
Children of Blood and Bone (Legacy of Orïsha #1), by Tomi Adeyemi +
Undead Girl Gang, by Lily Anderson
The Girl Who Drank the Moon, by Kelly Barnhill
Chime, by Franny Billingsley
The Witch’s Daughter (The Witch’s Daughter #1), by Paula Brackston
The Gemma Doyle Trilogy, by Libba Bray
The Lost Coast, by Amy Rose Capetta +
The Bone Witch (The Bone Witch #1), by Rin Chupeco +
The Binding, by Bridget Collins
Labyrinth Lost (Brooklyn Brujas #1), by Zoraida Córdova +
Witches of Lychford (Lychford #1), by Paul Cornell  
City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1), by Cassandra Clare
The Witches, by Peter Curtis
The Witches, by Roald Dahl
Truthwitch (The Witchlands #1), by Susan Dennard
The Wicked Deep, by Shea Ernshaw +
Bitter Greens, by Kate Forsyth
Wise Child (Doran #1), by Monica Furlong
Coraline, by Neil Gaiman +
The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman +
The Ocean at the End of the Lane, by Neil Gaiman +
Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles #1), by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
Hex Life: Wicked New Tales of Witchery, by Christopher Golden
A Discovery of Witches (All Souls Trilogy #1), by Deborah Harkness
Chocolat (Chocolat #1), by Joanne Harris
Practical Magic, by Alice Hoffman
Born At Midnight (Shadow Falls #1), by CC Hunter
Sanctuary,  by V.V. James
Howl’s Moving Castle (Howl’s Moving Castle #1), by Dianne Wynne Jones
Literary Witches: A Celebration of Magical Women Writers, by Taisia Kitaiskaia  
Summer of Salt, by Katrina Leno
Hold Me Closer, Necromancer (Necromancer #1), by Lish McBride
When the Moon Was Ours, by Anna-Marie McLemore *
Wicked, by Gregory Maguire
Circe, by Madelline Miller
Witch Hunt, by Syd Moore
A Secret History of Witches, by Louisa Morgan
The Night Circus, by Erin Morgenstern +
The Worst Witch (Worst Witch #1), by Jill Murphy
Akata Witch (Akata Witch #1), by Nnedi Okorafor
Wyrd Sisters (Discworld #6, Witches #2), by Terry Pratchett
The Wee Free Men (Discworld #30, Tiffany Aching #1), by Terry Pratchett
Falling Kingdoms (Falling Kingdoms #1), by Morgan Rhodes
The Witching Hour (Lives of the Mayfair Witches #1), by Anne Rice
Carry On (Simon Snow #1), by Rainbow Rowell
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Harry Potter #1), by J.K. Rowling *
A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic #1), by V.E. Schwab *
Toil & Trouble: 15 Tales of Women and Witchcraft, by Tess Sharpe
Secret Vampire (Night World #1), by LJ Smith
A Curse of Ash and Embers (Tales of the Blackbone Witches #1), by Jo Spurrier
These Witches Don’t Burn (These Witches Don’t Burn #1), by Isabel Sterling +
The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle #1), by Maggie Stiefvater
When My Heart Was Wicked, by Tricia Stirling
Cirkeln (Engelsfors #1), by Mats Strandberg and Sara Bergmark Elfgren
Book of Shadows (Sweep #1), by Cate Tiernan
The Price Guide to the Occult, by Leslye Walton
The Babysitters Coven, by Kate Williams
Sorcery & Cecelia: or, The Enchanted Chocolate Pot, by Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer
Castle Hangnail, by Ursula Vernon
Bitten (Otherworld #1), by Kelley Armstrong
Soulless (The Parasol Protectorate #1), by Gail Carriger +
City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1), by Cassandra Clare
Silver in the Blood, by Jessica Day George
Fateful, by Claudia Gray
The Silvered, by Tanya Huff
Born At Midnight (Shadow Falls #1), by CC Hunter
Cycle of the Werewolf, by Stephen King *
Blood and Chocolate, by Annette Curtis Klause
Hemlock (Hemlock #1), by Kathleen Peacock
Red Moon, by Benjamin Percy
The Fifth Elephant (Discworld #24), by Terry Pratchett
Secret Vampire (Night World #1), by LJ Smith
Shiver (Wolves of Mercy Falls #1), by Maggie Stiefvater
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, by Holly Black *
Eighth Grade Bites (The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod #1), by Heather Brewer
Soulless (The Parasol Protectorate #1), by Gail Carriger +
City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1), by Cassandra Clare
The Passage (The Passage #1), by Justin Cronin *
The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman +
Evernight (Evernight #1), by Claudia Gray
The Radleys, by Matt Haig
A Discovery of Witches (All Souls Trilogy #1), by Deborah Harkness
My Blood Approves (My Blood Approves #1), by Amanda Hocking
RoseBlood, by A.G. Howard
Bunnicula (Bunnicula #1), by Deborah and James Howe
Blood Price (Vicki Nelson #1), by Tanya Huff
Born At Midnight (Shadow Falls #1), by CC Hunter
The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden #1), by Julie Kagawa
‘Salem’s Lot, by Stephen King *
The Silver Kiss, by Annette Curtis Klause
The Historian, by Elizabeth Kostova
Let the Right One In, by John Ajvide Lindqvist
Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy #1), by Richelle Mead
Sunshine, by Robin McKinley
Anno Dracula (Anno Dracula #1), byKim Newman
Carpe Jugulum (Discworld #23), by Terry Pratchett
Interview with a Vampire (The Vampire Chronicles #1), by Anne Rice +
Night Owls (Night Owls #1), by Lauren M. Roy
Strange Practice ( Dr.Greta Helsing #1), by Vivian Shaw
Tantalize (Tantalize #1), by Cynthia Leitich Smith
Secret Vampire (Night World #1), by LJ Smith
Dracula, by Bram Stoker *
Dracul, by Dacre Stoker and J.D Barker *
If you recommended books but don’t see your recommendations here, feel free to message me to let me know I missed your response
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hokkaidossoul12 · 4 years
Sooooo...I have some headcanon voices for my Showdown Bandit character, when I mean some I actually mean most of my characters ^^ so...here they are. Oddzball would probably sound like catbug from Bravest warriors (if you don’t know who catbug is or what he sounds like then here’s a link to a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnZdiR7YbN4) Beatriz the Bumble bee would probably sound like Chloé from Miraculous ladybug but slightly deeper (if you don’t know who she is or what she sounds like then here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvwwSNtAVjw) Mother Dove would probably sound like Toriel from Undertale (here’s a voice someone did of her https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEpalmlsIIY) Cashmere Mulberry would probably sound like...well...Cashmere doesn’t really speak a lot so... I guess... the hatchling from Angry Birds (if you don’t know what he sounds like then here’s a link to a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_imYwX-MHs) Fowler the Wolf Hunter would probably sound like Shaw from Open season (if you don’t know what he sounds like then here’s a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGV14YsOvWo&t=52s Shaw is the hunter btw) Showell the Made Doctor would probably sound like The horned king from The Black Cauldron (if you don’t know what he sounds like then here is a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pts8XVwXe7o) Finnley the Fox Bandit would probably sound like Nai from Karneval (if you don’t know what he sounds like then here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AHy6F-c1aI Nai is the white and purple haired character) Corbin Croc would sound like Daz black from Vine (if you don’t who he is then here is a link to a vine compilation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvS1iBRRdTk&t=802s) Betsy The Evil Bridesmaid would probably sound like Tiffany Valentine-Ray (if you don’t know what she sounds like then here is a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeuQUJqx-Og [also, warning, there is bad language in this scene but it’s only one word though], she’s the blonde headed female) Myra Yates the Shopkeeper would probably sound like Princess Bumblegum from Adventure time (if you don’t know what she sounds like then here’s a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsG7wl17-Nk she is the pink female btw) Vivian Webb the Bartender would probably sound like SmurfWillow from The Smurfs - The Lost Village (if you don’t know what she sounds like then here’s a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jvz4QolN8Mw) Elsie Smith would probably sound like Tanya Degurechaff from The devil of the rhine (if you don’t know what she sounds like then here is a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j-uxFIhe1Y) Otto the Romance Bandit would probably sound like Arata Kusuga from Trinity Seven (if you don’t know who he is then here’s a link to his voice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBDBX4YThmY it’s english dubbed) Carrie Lancaster will probably sound like Jennifer Hubson (if you don’t know what she sounds like then here is a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_Ox34opf_U she’s the female judge out of these four) Luther Galloway would probably sound like Legosi from Beastars (if you don’t know what he sounds like then here is a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ5w-kwZuF0 he is the grey wolf) Bullettooth Vernon would probably sound like Erron Black from Mortal Combat by his voice would be deeper (if you don’t know what he sounds like then here is a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TD71Ho-wGiM Fannie Riachmond would probably sound like Fluttershy from My Little Pony ( if you don’t know what she sounds like then here is a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcUCjAzHoLc) Maude Galloway would probably sound like Lucina from Fire Emblem (if you don’t know what she sounds like then here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmSa9fgR5Qo) and Vincent Greers would probably sound like Baymax from Big Hero 6 ( if you don’t know what he sounds like then here’s a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmaJPV1okPo he is the white robot)
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hytesarchives · 5 years
Miss Continental 2013 - Preliminary Swimsuit 1:23 & Preliminary Evening Gown 8:28  (Miss Continental 2013, Vic Theatre, Chicago, 09/01/13)
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