#Time crystals
glitteringcrab · 3 months
Rick Prime's regeneration
I'll start this one by saying it's reaaaaally suspicious that we weren't shown how Evil Morty turned off Rick Prime's regeneration schtick.
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He obviously did do it, because Rick C-137 successfully punched him to death, but we weren't shown the process. I guess, since he managed to hack into Rick Prime's brain and got access to aaaaaaaaall his weapons, schematics, implants, etc, it wasn't particularly difficult to turn off whatever implant granted Rick Prime this ability. I wasn't particularly surprised when he didn't recover from Rick C-137's punches; Evil Morty is very thourough.
But why weren't we shown the action of it being turned off? Was it unnecessary? Was it to reduce screen time? Or was it plot-relevant?
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...Does this really look like regeneration?
Compare it with Rick C-137 sorta fixing himself:
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Aaaaall the blood stays where it was spilled.
While Rick Prime becomes completely clean (although the tears in his clothes remain, a whole sleeve reforms):
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...Where did all the blood go...?
Is it like he "regenerated"...?
...or is it more like...
...whatever happened to his body physically was...
And I think this is interesting:
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Rick C-137 has exactly ZERO obligations, no job. He also has FREE TIME.
But... what if Rick Prime LITERALLY had "free time".
As in: a free supply of time crystals (maybe granted to him by Slow Mobius, whose death "hurt [Rick Prime] too") allowing him to LITERALLY have AS MUCH TIME AS HE WANTED, for EVERYTHING.
Which would also explain why he's young.
And it could be a metaphor of his inability to mature as a person.
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Physicists develop highly robust time crystal
A team from TU Dortmund University recently succeeded in producing a highly durable time crystal that lived millions of times longer than could be shown in previous experiments. By doing so, they have corroborated an extremely interesting phenomenon that Nobel Prize laureate Frank Wilczek postulated around ten years ago and which had already found its way into science fiction movies. The results have been published in Nature Physics. Crystals or, to be more precise, crystals in space, are periodic arrangements of atoms over large length scales. This arrangement gives crystals their fascinating appearance, with smooth facets like in gemstones. As physics often treats space and time on one and the same level, for example in special relativity, Frank Wilczek, physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, postulated in 2012 that, in addition to crystals in space, there must also be crystals in time.
Read more.
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Robots powered by time crystals! Of course, you can't see the one powering Merlin because it's on the inside.
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sufficientlylargen · 9 months
Huh, turns out some things can be moving without having any kinetic energy. That's neat.
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okay but do the time crystals remind anyone else of those gems from Dragon Tales
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dragons-in-spaceee · 2 years
I want everyone to know that time crystals exist and I hate it
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Sounds like Sci-Fi Time Crystals
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otiksimr · 16 days
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Poorly drawn Onix line (With a slightly less poorly made Steelix)
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muppetfreak · 5 months
Mr. Riordan, it is truly a pleasure getting to experience your second draft.
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starlightseraph · 1 month
obsessed with them.
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kokoasci · 1 month
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is this anything
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mintiestcrystal · 11 months
i find it so unfair that i cant do all the science. like what do you MEAN I can't study bio and chem and biochem and atrophysics and physics and geology and climate science. what do you MEAN i have a limited lifespan and need to get out of school at some point to get a job. i want to collect the science fields like pokemon, this isn't fair
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This fancy robot has a blue crystal powering itself. What if it's... you know...
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Holmes had a hand in creating all of the robots on Game Show Island.
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I wonder if all of the robots on Game Show Island are powered in the same way?
And also...
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Going back to the Mordred Used (and licked) Time Crystals theory, what if he also used crystals in his robots?
Mordred-Time Crystals theories:
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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tokenducks · 1 month
Edwin’s list of questions for Crystal to ask Niko includes if she had a family history of hysteria but later when he’s talking to Shelby he stops himself from saying hysteria. So that implies Crystal told him to update his vocab between episodes and I just think that very funny.
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ironinkpen · 1 month
my thing with the rat grinders is like yeah sure jace and porter have been manipulating them to some extent and yeah sure they deserve to be saved or whatever but also! they should get their asses beat a little bit first. like come on. they got into this whole mess in the first place because they were so bitter and entitled that they jumped on the opportunity to get special treatment and have some of their teachers handfeed them exp with no effort. they then pressured their cleric to change gods and ignored all sorts of red flags all so they could be better than some kids they've never fucking talked to who are literally just out here trying to save the world. like okay yeah uncorrupt them or whatever, but also the bad kids deserve to fuck em up a little bit. play stupid games win stupid prizes baby
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ashleyeveerson · 1 month
Haven't been able to think about anything other than the victorian/edwardian/WW1 twink and his 80's punk almost-boyfriend for a week, send help
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