#Toh now seeing this nightmare
shinjisdone · 5 months
Two Humans in the Demon Realm - Fantasy And Nightmare
What if by the time Luz Noceda the human emerged into the demon realm...some other human did, too? However, instead of being joyful of being surrounded by all they love and taken in by a kind and openhearted witch...they are terrified of this place, taken in by the ruler of the realm?
[Basically I watched TOH again and dammit HUNTER SHALL HAVE A FRIEND I SAY NOT UNTIL S2 but NOW I SAY NOW]
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The ground was red.
You swore you heard something akin to a growl from the plants.
The sea seems to be boiling and there is no way out, no matter how much you twist and turn.
There is no escape.
And as your fears turn into reality as raindrops hit your skin and burn your flesh away as you read in the book back home, you run and cry.
This is a nightmare.
This isn't earth. Nowhere this place could be, could be earth!
And if what that book said was true...
There are no humans but just one. From decades ago.
Perhaps you heard of the demon realm - through stories, gossip, theories, relatives that are aware of magic and witchcraft.
Maybe you believed in it, or maybe you thought it'd be humbug. The few magical instances in your life you witnessed - those were just show, right? A trick of the mind?
Or real magic after all.
But it did not matter. The moment you opened your eyes, you were stuck here.
On a rotting, red, boiling island that seemed far, far too familiar in that book you've read. Either out of interest or boredom. Maybe someone wanted to prove it to be real or you wanted to know if it was really fake.
Yet here you are and the smell, touch, sight and taste you sense were accurate to that stupid book.
And if that were the case, then certainly the rest of demons, magic and curses was real, too.
Being all alone in a strange place, stuck in it, is definitely going to be hard for you. No friends, allies or family around with only this stupid, stupid book in your hands that got you trapped here in the first place. As much as you hated it, it did give insight of the many qualities of the isles and therefore saving your skin a dozen times.
"The rain seems to be toxic. I have seen none indulge in its coolness but rather, hide from it. Witch and demon alike."
"The ground is very...solid. Almost bone-like...I do fear the entire island may be nothing but a macabre graveyard."
"I was not quite welcome here...nothing and no one hunted me down but I presume if my curiousity pushes for it, they will begin to."
The impressed yet depressing writing of the author did not help but they always managed to decribe things objectively with great detail that saved you again and again. Especially the pages including magic spells.
The many complicated and confusing glyphs written in it daunted you at first. Magic, you believe, is what got you in this mess in the first place but after careful thinking, procrastination, blocking it all out and finding yourself in a situation that forced you to cast magic - such one that could cost you your life - you've grown to be a bit more accepting of the concept of these...glyphs. Little by little, though.
So after some time, you finally, finally gained enough courage to...enter their society.
The market seemed to be fine for now. Hiding your ears behind a cape and hood YOU HAD TO MAKE YOURSELF USING THIS STUPID BOOK (which actually turned out quite impressive even when you did have to use magic) you entered. Turning into the wrong directions though you ended up in a even sketchier part of the night market.
The constant bellowing of...demons wanting to sell you things was familiar enough from earth (even when their...four eyes and gills decorated from their chin down to their chest where you can...see their heart beating...was a not so familiar sight) but the constant showing off of magic was not. You did not know everything and this (stupid) book did not detail everything either so you did your best to avoid anything magical. Which was harder than imagined considering this is a market for amplifiers and potions and whatnot.
Avoiding it all let you to an dead end of an alley...and right in the middle of a criminal act!
'Wild witches' as they were called and a red light engulfed all of you quickly from above. Figures clad in dark and masks that you recognized as that of guards of this realm appeared, those that you often had to run away from as well. Desperately tugging the book under your cloak you hoped you could use th scuffle to get out of there as fast and quietly as possible. These 'wild witches' and guards could thrash each other as much as they like, you won't stop them!
Yet from above, a cold gale with a flash of gold swept up from behind you, shoving a staff into your face.
"I wouldn't do anything stupid now if I were you."
Fine, the potion you begrudgingly needed three days to make had to come in handy now!
Whisking a flask to the ground, you made a run for it. You could hear coughing and cursing as the vapor ingulfed them, followed soon by another echoing sound before the same golden mask appeared in front of you again.
In a mere blink of an eye, they swung their staff and a biting wind knocked you to the ground. You quickly clung onto your book as the guard rose their staff above their head.
"One more of that trick and you're ash." They lowly let out, "Can't believe there are still wannabees out there that-"
They halt and you freeze, a shiver running up your spine. Even when all they did was stand still as a statue, the very fact that they were clad and gold and white with real, heavy armor and with a staff compared to the local guards around the isles was enough to leave you frightened.
This one means business. It must be.
But what are they? Nowhere are these people ever talked about in the book!
You jerked up. Even their whispers were threatening.
Slowly but surely, the guard lowered their weapon. Though their face remained hidden by the mask resembling an owl, there was just a feeling, and underlying but undeniable feeling that made your stomach churn that whatever expression they might be having, their intentions are not in your interest.
"You're a human."
Your breath hitches. The cloak had fallen off from their spell, leaving it damp and abandoned further down in the alley. You didn't this would happen, you followed the instructions bit by bit. It felt like time stood still as the person before you hummed.
Finally, they raised their head again. "...You don't want trouble. Surely you don't?"
You shook your head.
"Then you're lucky you ran into me. Either you come with me or its the Conformatorium for you." They pointed the glowing tip of their weapon at you before playfully swinging it around, "And then, you know, zapped to dust, thrown into the sea to boil alive or petrified - there isn't much use for humans here."
Finally, you manage to speak. "You're not serious, are you?"
They sigh and motion for you to get up, doing so more threateningly when you did not obey the first time. "I'm not known for playing around." The red glow of the staff zapped towards your body, slung around your wrists like a snake before they jabbed you to keep walking out of the night market. "The Golden Guard can't afford to play around."
The next events were something you could only describe as hectic. Put on some kind of zeppelin (though it looked like a ship with wings) with magical...ropes(?) on you and head off to somewhere. Somewhere this guy claimed to be better than the 'Conformatorium'.
You had asked him what the point of taking you was but he was a bit too nonchalant for your taste.
"Oh, you'll see", He let out, "The Conformatorium is for witches and demons useless for the covens. But lucky for you, you might end up being useful, human."
It's all he said as he turned his back to you, controlling the ship with an carefree tune.
"I have a name, you know."
You spat out, couldn't take his attitude anymore. What is wrong with people in this realm?
The Golden Guard halted for a moment, stopping his melody abruptly. He waved his hand. "And?"
In turn, you scoffed out your name and telling him he might as well use it instead.
"What, does everyone also go around avoiding your name and calling you 'Golden Guard' instead or whatever?"
Once again he halted, longer than you anticipated. It was one request, a mere question but it left this guard guy guessing. He tilted his head absent-mindedly. You wondered what he'd need to ponder about for so long.
"...I do my job well," He started softly, "Well enough to be the only one worthy to be called the Golden Guard."
The trip was short and you did not know what to think of it. Glad to not bear this guy's attitude any longer or fearing for your life as a mere human in a place full of witches.
And covens? Use? Use for what? What is this...giant building, seeming more grande than anything else you've seen on the isles?
The rest followed by command. The Golden Guard shooed you to an different entrance than what you assumed tha main one was. The staff pressed against your back as you had no choice but to obey. With what could you defend yourself anyhow? An ancient book and bound hands?
The interior was akin to a palace of the medieval times, you noted. Individuals masked and clad in similiar white and gold worked routinely like soldiers in the hallways though your Golden Guard guy made sure nobody saw you. None of this was written in the book and though you have heard a few mumble in fear of the 'Emperor's Coven' you thought none of it. As long as you stayed away from it, you'd be safe. Yet here you were.
With a jab to the back, your oh so sweet companion ushered you up hidden stairs. Once entered the door behind you closed shut (with magic. Of course. Even in movies you never liked it when doors unexplainedly closed) and you went up ahead. The guard seemed to speed up more and more - along with getting ever so closer to a bright light ahead, you grew more anxious. This was it, wasn't it? You were going to die.
This would be your end, thrown into an hellscape away from family and friends. Treated like something worse than trash before your inevitable death.
Your companion rushed ahead of you, stepping into the room and immediately kneeling down. He moved his staff, causing you to tumble next to him, the magic ropes around your wrists tightening. "My Emperor," He let out in the most reverant voice you've heard him speak, "I apololgize for the sudden intervention but I have found something that might be of great interest to you regarding...the plan."
Looking up the dimly lit room, following the golden floor and walls, clad in immaculate red carpets and a set of stairs lied a throne. Tall and towering and on it, a man even more frightening.
He leaned his masked head against his armored hand, comfortably sitting on gold. His pale blue eyes glowed like that of a predator, you swore it at first sight.
"Your little friend will help accomplish our plan?"
"It is not anyone, sir." The Golden Guard pushed you forward and exposed your ears, "It is a human."
The exchange was scarier than anything else you'd seen on the isles.
The man on the throne was as swift as the wind as he stood up and approached you. He'd examine you, ask you question on who and what you are.
"Where do you come from, child, and when was that?"
He'd tilt his head and hum at your answers but did not make it known that he noticed your shaking and stuttering. However, his eyes lit up even more when he saw that book tightly hidden in your bag.
"Oh? What's this now?" With a flick of his finger, the book floated up to his eye level, pages after pages turned as he read them ever so quietly.
He'd definitely would ask you from where you got this book.
In the end it did not matter. Found it at a library, abandoned at a bus stop, given by clerk or friend. However, the man would raise a brow if you said that this book had been in your family for years.
Only if that were the case, though.
"Interesting. Well, welcome to the Emperor's Castle. Do make yourself at home."
The Golden Guard was just as confused as you. Stammering, he got up. "U- Emperor, what, here? Wh-what do you mean 'make yourself at home'?"
"It is what I said. Have you never had any guests, Golden Guard? You don't keep them prisoner," The man lifted his hand and the ropes around you vanished, "and you certainly take care of them. Like preparing a room for example." He put his arms behind his back, staring down at the younger man expectantly. He in turn, bowed and helped you up.
The...king of this castle you presumed, waved you goodbye. "We'll see what we can do for now. I'll gladly keep you here in my castle, safe and sound from the wilderness outside as long you can help me, little human."
Your companion excused the both of you and hurried you out of the throne room. Discreetly leading you inside an unused room, he shut the door.
"You're really lucky." He sighed, "...Anyone else wouldn't get...this treatment."
He sounded surprised and slightly melancholic but you didn't care - instead you can bombard him with any questions you like but he won't answer. Instead he shook his head and rose his open palm. "Listen, human. We're going to see how much of use you're going to be to the Emperor. But right here and now, the two of us are going to make some rules that he doesn't need to know of."
You can complain as much as you like but here you are in no position to refuse.
The Golden Guard listed each rule he abided to you.
'Do not leave the the castle, let alone the room. No one but him and the Emperor can know of your existence.'
'Tell each and every little secret you have to him first.'
'Don't cause trouble. He can get permission to stop treating you like a guest if you do'.
And lastly: 'Obey the Emperor.'
Your expression sours. This isn't what you wanted.
None of this was supposed to happen.
"Well, you'll get by. After all, as long as the Emperor allows it, you'll be kept safe. It's, ugh, my duty now too, to protect you. But be sure to stay in line because I can easily withdraw that priviledge."
Here you were. In this room.
It did have a bed, closet and desk with a chair. Much better than taking shelter in the rain under a firm bone or illegally breaking into someone's basement or shed. However, it was much more barren than any shed you broke into.
The Golden Guard would come in two to three times a day (WITHOUT KNOCKING) and bring you food and water. Either sternly ordering you around or playfully degrading you with a tap on the head with his staff. "Don't worry, the food is digestible for your human organs!" His enthusiasm didn't make the food taste any better though.
Aside from this, he'd ask you questions which you could only refuse or answer vaguely. He'd remind you of the safety the Emperor is providing you...but you can't admit that this 'Emperor' man felt sketchy to you. The book you always had with you was something you kept only for your eyes to see. It was your key in getting out of the demon realm and not matter what, you swore to yourself you wouldn't give it away or lose sight of it.
However, one day you had a request of your own.
"You remember our rules, don't you, human? No leaving this room."
"You can't expect to keep me here - thats keeping me prisoner, not as a guest!"
"I can tell you all about the great Emperor's Coven here. Besides, the Emperor plans to have a talk with you again."
You sigh. What's the point of escaping the room and getting lost in this giant castle right after? As well as risking being kicked out into the deadly outside of the isles?
But staying here would make you mad. Stuck in a system that you know nothing about...and you're supposed to just obey and take it?
"Can't you at least...show me around? I'd leave the room, yes, but you'd be with me. We wouldn't leave the castle and you can just keep an eye on me if you must. It's just...tiring to be here and not know what the rest of everything looks like." You looked out the window you were prohibited from opening. At least light went through, something akin to what you could deem a sun. "I still don't like this realm...but knowing nothing of it doesn't put me at ease even when I'm safe here."
Looking back you reckoned the Golden Guard was pondering about your request even behind the mask. You couldn't believe you were about to beg.
"Please, Golden Guard?"
Something about that look on your face felt too familiar.
With a heavy sigh he looks away - yet quickly regained his usual vigor. "Well, it would be a shame to be stuck in the great Emperor's Castle with the Golden Guard as your host and not see any of it."
He waved you over his shoulder to follow before swiftly spinning around with a stern voice. "But don't stray out of my sight. Disobey once and you're back in your room, human."
Hoooh boy, it worked.
Although a cloak and a mask was shoved into your hands, you gladly wore it if it meant getting out of the barren, same old room. As he said, the Golden Guard did not let you out of his sight but did insist on leading you. After all, you are pretending to be a newbie covenmember and the Golden Guard can't be seen walking side-by-side with someone beneath his status, hah!
He blabbered on and on about the many sights and objects you face with every turn of the hallways, some more interesting than the other. Your guard however, explained in great detail and with much vigor himself. "To the right we have the Healing Hat and if our guest were to turn to the left, they can admire the Oracle Sphere..."
He continued on with great detail as he waved his hand around as if that information was swimming carefreely in his brain. "Uhm, Golden Guard?" "Yes, newbie?" You ignored the sarcasm, "You witches can do magic because of that heart-addition-gall-thing-" "A sac connected to the heart filled with magical bile, which you lack." "Right. Then why do you need these magical items?"
He sighed. "They can be seen as amplifiers. They're made out of ingredients from the isles which can exceed magical abilities far greater than of any witch, besides Emperor Belos of course. It's easier than to train forever in a coven, so a short cut in a way." He shrugged.
You pondered about his answer, pursing your lips as you somewhat hesitated to ask again.
"...What are covens?"
In an blink of an eye the Golden Guard spun around and you could just imagine his dropped jaw. He let out something of a chortle. "Are you serious? You don't know anything of the Boiling Isles, do you, human?"
You sure were sick of his insults.
"If you were thrown into my realm, you wouldn't know a thing about my home either, would you, witch?"
Taking a step back, your companion hummed. "Hmph, fine. Then I'd better teach you about things here you should and shouldn't do before you get yourself killed. Can't afford to have you walk off and do something stupid, that'd be getting in the way of the plan...so follow my lead, human! I can show you the ropes."
So here you were, taking a longer patroul than planned as your teacher told you all there was to know - which was already a flood of information to take in and remember and you only started with the Emperor's Coven.
As witty his remarks were and how much he loved to throw them at you, the Golden Guard was truly a great teacher. He had a way to inprint each little trivia into your brain and even when you struggled to understand something, he managed to teach it to you in a way that you could grasp. The guy was quite knowledgable himself and it seemed his thirst for magical knowledge couldn't be easily quenched. He had an high opinion on both the Emperor's Coven and magic itself.
At the end of each day you made sure to write each new knowledge down in your book. It brings a smile on your face to see the book continued on from the detailed drawings and pretty, cursive writing to your little doodles and quick notes. It weirdly felt like being back in school and studying and while the change of environment and subjects weredaunting, the familiar routine brought you a bit of comfort.
The instances that brought no comfort were the 'meetings' with the 'king man'.
The Golden Guard drilled it into your head that he shall be adressed as 'Emperor Belos' yet no title could cease his suspicious aura. The man in question never seemed to take offense however.
He began with easy questions. Name, age, where you're from specifically and your time here in the demon realm. Often he found interest in your book but you hesitated to share its contents. The ruler always backed off when you refused.
It was also always very strange when the powerful witch emperor used your name and the Golden Guard didn't.
"Thanks for your time. It's always interesting to hear your perspective from your realm and how you perceive ours. You're really lucky you ended up here in my castle."
Belos also always reminded you of how safe you are in his domain.
If you show any disdain for the demon realm he surprisingly understands. A poor human like you couldn't survive out there for any longer...he can imagine the struggle.
He'd also be interested how far the human realm is on it's moderness. Is it the same as in the demon realm?
His number one question is how you got here in the first place though. You genuinely do not know nor remember but you do keep the secret that it had something to do with the book. Even when you did not know how.
Nevertheless, no matter how much Belos tries to win your favor and trust to look into the book and how you got here, you cannot bring yourself to trust him. The mannerism, the way he talks and walks and knowing he is an emperor just did not sit right with you.
It was never pleasant to meet with him even when he pretends it is.
So the routine stayed the same for a while until something happened.
How it happened is up to you. You snuck onto the airship to finally get out of that castle, the book or some magical item led you to it, you needed to see the Golden Guard for whatever reason or you accidentally got on it. The how doesn't matter, the fact that you are here is what would drive Belos' right-hand man mad.
"What- are you doing here?!" He squeaks out but no explanation would actually calm him. This is an mission he's on and no matter what he cannot let Belos' guest get involved in it! Think about the danger! "Oh, no, no, this isn't good. I already wasn't supposed to show you around the castle but this - this is inexcusable! No, I can't...you aren't supposed to be here, human!"
You back off. This is the first time you've seen the Golden Guard so...anxious.
As quick as it came however, he was able to shake it off and put on the mask again.
"No, it's fine. I can fix this before it even becomes a problem. But you, "He grabs your wrist, "You're staying by my side, got it?"
The outside was dangerous.
You landed in a part of the isles that was unfamilair to you. A few plants and forages were drawn in the book but that was all there was to it. Trotting after him, danger was quick to follow. It took him first and with the book always on your person, you swiftly drew a glyph in the ground. Creating a few more and dragging the guard back to the ship, he panted out his panic. And what you actually did.
"That...that was magic. I think. Picto - Picture - I don't know that part is hard to distinguish in the book." "That...that was kinda amazing...how did you-!"
Another wave of danger came and you drew another glyph onto ground. The guard steered the damaged ship to safety while you threw every trick you had up your sleeve. Finally arriving close to the castle in safety, your companion caught his breath and approached you.
"How...how did you do that? I thought humans can't put any spells on anything! I've never seen magic casted like that before!"
You can't help but smile slightly, seeing him genuinely flustered. Seems like he wasn't really this all-knowing teacher.
"I just copied what was in the book...it's easier than you think." Yet at that moment, your heart dropped. Someone as inquisitive as the Golden Guard who is still your captor even if he doesn't see himself in that way, would then want nothing more than to look into your book. You caught him reaching out for it before he stopped.
"Wait...those were various magic spells used from all kinds of covens...wild magic. You can't use that." You raised a brow and pressed the book further into you and away from him. "Why not? It's just usual magic, isn't it?" "You don't understand," He sounded serious despite being roughed up, "Of course you human wouldn't understand. You could get hurt if you aren't careful. Wild magic can..."
Retracting his hand, a sigh escaped him and he halted for a few moments. You weren't sure what he'd do next.
"...I am not giving you the book."
"You should! In fact, you gotta if you don't want to end up hurt!"
"These spells saved us! I saved you!"
Your glare soured again into a small frown. You took a step back and looked up at him, lips pressed into a thin line. You didn't really wanted to have him as an enemy.
You didn't want anyone to be an enemy. You didn't want to be here.
"I'm not fond of this magic either, Golden Guard, but I've got to use them. If I don't, I won't survive. If I didn't use this book back when I first got here and just now, I wouldn't have survived this place at all."
The guy was unusually silent. Only the flat breaths hitting his mask filling the silence.
Finally, he spoke up just as soft as you.
"...Why did you save me anyway?"
You rose a brow. You could understand where he came from with that question...but it still came out of nowhere. "Why wouldn't I?"
"Because you have no reason to. I...I am your host and you are welcome in the castle but you...you still didn't have a reason..." He trailed off for a second before starting again, "You could have steered the ship and got yourself back to safety. You could've left me behind."
Again, you only looked at him puzzled. "...Why would I?"
You stared at each other in silence.
- Before you broke it with nervous laughter. "I don't know how it is with you but from where I come from we...don't usually do that. You needed help and I could help you with these glyphs," You pointed at the book, "So, I helped you. I...couldn't just abandon you, Golden Guard."
The second wave of silence that ensued truly made your nervousness rocket.
A breath was taken, as if he had held it the entire time he was staring at you, and with it let out mumbles under his breath. "That's...so weird." With an unsure gait he passed by you, grabbed your wrist and lead the both of you to the castle.
Without looking back he adressed you with his usual stern voice. "I will not be confiscating the book. But I want to know what other forms of wild magic you can do...for research and safety. I won't tell Emperor Belos anything of what happened today."
The days grew less mundane at least, beside the one misadventure.
The Golden Guard visited you more often with more interesting intentions. You shared with what you were comfortable with and though it did annoy him at times, he found this new information more than helpful. You discussed many variants of magic and his excitment of the topic was quite infectious (but you'd never tell him that). In turn, he showed more around the castle and introduced you to many things but would not take you with him outside the castle barriers.
He still did not thank you for saving his life. It seemed he did not know how.
But you've come to grown to his company and vice versa.
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Glad someone acknowledges that what Mabel did is morally reprehensible, and what bothers me is people defend it by saying "she's 12". I mean idk about ya'll but when I was 12 I wasn't risking my family's lives to a nightmare demon for a dude, I was doing my fuckin homework lmfao.
I love Gravity Falls to death but the way they turned Mabel from a silly kid to an actual horrible person speaks to how badly the writers can't write female characters to save their pissholes, and fans defending that shit annoy me to no end. They do the exact same thing when the fucked up shit Princess Bubblegum did is brought up
I’m gonna co-opt this ask because this lets me talk about two things regarding criticism that I find really interesting in the internet world-that being “perception of wrongness” and “heart moments”.
Perception of Wrongness:
I can actually understand why people had a hard time calling Mabel poorly written by the end of series, because this is a trend that happens a lot when talking about media criticism as a whole, and it is the subconscious concern that one is going to be perceived as morally wrong for taking umbrage with a character or product that concerns a well poisoned topic.
Mabel is a girl. And because Mabel is a girl, there was no shortage of bad faith arguments regarding Mabel from episode 1 on as being anything from obnoxious to a Mary Sue to an actively bad person (before doing anything that one could call actually wrong).
So, when a fandom space is poisoned by arguments that boil down to “Mabel is a girl and I hate women”, people have a tendency to overcorrect in the other direction and decide that the character is without flaw.
You actually see this a lot with the infamous movie “Fight Club”, which garnered a fanbase of pathetic Andrew Tate wannabes slobbering on Tyler Durden’s knob. So now if someone (especially a guy) says they like the movie most peoples reaction is immediate disgust even though the movie itself is a blatant critique on toxic masculinity based on a book written by a gay man inspired by a hate crime he was a victim of. Well poisoned arguments made the thing poison, so anyone who touches it must be a poisoner. You don’t want to be perceived as condoning the the former-perceived as morally wrong.
I myself had issues with this actually, leading up to Nathan and I watching through the MCU I had an instinctive reaction to be disdainful of his opinion that Captain Marvel was a bad film even though I know Nathan is one of the most “girl movie” positive people on the planet. When we talked about the movie as we watched it it became clear that the problem was that Carol didn’t get to be a cool superhero because they spent so much of the movie proving she “deserved” a spot in the MCU when none of the other heroes needing such proof. Which I agreed with!
It’s hard to untrained yourself from internet discourse brain, but you’ll be better for the trouble if you do so.
On the other side of the creator/consumer spectrum!
Heart Moments:
Creators love the things they make. That is an obvious and redundant statement. But the love of that creation goes through a lot of changes. We’ve talked before about how creators will often insert characters from early drafts of projects into the final product even if the product doesn’t fit with them anymore (see Hunter from TOH), but we don’t talk as much about a similar phenomenon wherein a creator has a burst of inspiration and they can see so perfectly a moment in time for their art that rests heavy on their heart.
This moment could be a cool shot, an impressive piece of cinematography or animation, an actor giving a specific delivery, or a line you want more than anything. But as you write that moment is no longer viable. It doesn’t fit with the greater piece or writes a character out of character.
This is what happened with Mabel in Sock Opera. Alex saw the ability to have Bill say a line about siblings and sacrifice, which would allow one of the twins to say a big line that when the Stan twist was revealed everyone would go “OHHHHH SHIT SO WHEN HE ASKED WHY SOMEONE WOULD SACRIFICE EVERYTHING FOR A SIBLING AND SHE SAID DIPPER WOULD IT WAS ACTUALLY A PARALLEL AND-“. Mabel and the ramifications of the scene to make that heart moment realized were disregarded in its addition.
I actually noticed this for the first time in a Rooster Teeth show I’m fond of called “Camp Camp”. In the 4th season, fan darling David has a solo adventure in “The Forest” where he’s lost in the woods and struggles to survive leading to a nervous breakdown wherein he near kills a wolf, decides against it, and learns a lesson about the importance of kindness in the face of misery.
Problem being that if you know the show at all, David is literally the worst person to do this episode with. David is not only a skilled and experienced outdoorsman who made it his life goal to become a camp counselor as a child and loves the woods, but he’s also the only character who’s primary trait in unrepentant kindness to anyone no matter the cost. To the point that it’s actually his largest vice as it gets him and his loved ones in dangerous situations.
But nobody cared because David has a breakdown was something that looked good in gif sets. It was an episode built around a “Heart Moment”-this one being everyone’s favorite blorbo screaming and crying while emotionally collapsing. And that was a Rooster Teeth cartoon that’s messy as hell-Gravity Falls is groundbreaking shit! But both still suffered at the same root issue.
It’s hard to let go of the scenes on your heart. When the thing you’re creating means so much to you, and that part of it rests on your heart so heavy, it’s hard to bring yourself to remove the latter. But you have to ask if the character you worked so hard to bring to life is worth potentially sacrificing to get that one moment off your heart.
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try02line · 4 months
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The Owl House: Charis!AU
sorry for taking ao long to continue this, have been sort of busy with sone other stuff- but here we are again with another redesign for my TOH AU. I made this a while back and yet i am still so proud of it tbh- making redesigns is challenging but also very fun, nd although for now all the major characters have been covered (Hunter, Philip, Caleb, Eda, Luz-) I may do some other redesign of other characters moving forward. Would you be interested in see someone else?
NOW- as always, my thought process behind this:
- i wanted to keep the overall shape and colors of her original design (as per usual), but adding some twists. In particular i wanted to add references to all the potential palisman people used to speculate she would have before the reveal! Hence, you can find reference to a cat, snake and even bats! (Although that last one is sort of sneaky and is in the lower decor of the pants!)
- is a small thing- but her leg warmers are intentionally not symmetrical just to sprinkle in some chaos- is a small thing, but i thought it would fit well her personality and give her a somewhat more casual vibe
- i had to add a small bag- both because is adorable, but also because I always thought Luz should need a more comfortable and secure place to hold all her glyphs, this without mentioning all the pencils she probably carries all around in between other things as small trinkets and stickers! She is a creative person, who in my opinion provably enjoys collecting small things for memories! A small easily accessible bag seemed a much better idea than stuff paper and pens in her pockets
- he hair was a nightmare to draw as i couldn’t figure put in what direction it should go. But i am so proud with the results! What i wanted to bring your attention to tho, was her sort of headphones. These are very important, as in my AU let’s say that human are not seen favorably, sort to speak, and as such Luz would have to hide her true nature by constantly covering her round ears or finding ways to disguise their natural round shape
This should be all for now- hope you like this! Have a lovely day 🦊
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polyhexian · 3 months
*holds up a weird plotbunny* So this one's kinda different. It's not quite Agony and not really eventually and is kinda mostly inspired by that second-to-last shot of the Jabberwocky animatic.
Jasper dies.
It goes down exactly like it does in Jabberwocky. The moments after happen the same way we saw them in the Collector's memory in Agony. At first glance, there's no difference.
There's a lot of aspects about magic that TOH never fleshed out. I don't even think that's because of the whole cancellation debacle, I think it just wasn't important to the story. Aside from the basics, the details about how magic works are delightfully vague and give a lot of leeway to play around with--even if it's annoying that some fields of magic were barely touched on at all.
We don't really know much about oracle magic in general, but ghosts and spirits exist. Hooty coughed up a bunch that one time. We don't really know how they occur, but if our own ghost lore has anything to do with it…
Jasper died desperate to protect his child. If you want to go the unfinished business route, Hunter is still in Belos's clutches. Jasper's final moments were intensely emotional and unjust and pretty much perfect to cause a haunting.
Except he doesn't haunt a physical place.
Hunter's nannies remark on how unusual it is for a baby to sleep through the whole night. He'll wake up when he's hungry or needs a diaper change, but never for no reason. Belos has never had an infant Grimwalker before so he chalks it up to the lack of humanity and spins some words about the Titan's small blessings, blah blah blah.
Hunter rarely has bad dreams as a child. Sometimes one will try to take hold after a bad day, but it's always pushed aside, and it almost feels like someone he can't see takes his shoulders from behind and gently steers him away to kinder thoughts. (When he was very young, it was a much larger hand holding his own, and shaggy blonde hair and bright magenta eyes like his and a gentle smile as he was led to nicer thoughts. But that stopped before he could remember it.)
As Hunter grows older and his responsibilities and expectations pile up, it gets harder to find kinder thoughts to steer to. But the nightmares are still held at bay. The nights after a punishment when he's cried himself to sleep, he dreams of strong arms holding him against a broad chest, his head tucked under someone's chin, and he doesn't know why but he feels safe.
Jasper is…idk, how does one cope with being dead and accidentally haunting your son's mindscape? It wasn't PURPOSEFUL that's for sure. There's so much that can go wrong here. But for the first few years it's like, Hunter's a BABY, he's a TODDLER, at the very least Jasper can be there for him for now! Crap he's learning how to talk, better back off, wouldn't do for Hunter to start telling people about having an imaginary friend. Except double crap, Hunter's life is shit, there's no way Jasper won't help him, he'll just have to make sure he manifests in Hunter's dreams mostly as a sensation and faceless if he has a form at all.
Obviously this can't go on forever cuz that'd be unfulfilling for the plot but idk what would actually trigger them meeting, so to speak. Hunter passes out on his mountain trial or gets knocked out during training/a mission and Jasper is desperate to get him to wake up again? Hunter innocently hyperfixates on oracle magic and mindscapes for a month, realizes from his readings that his dreams are actually really unusual, and purposefully dives into his subconscious to confront Jasper himself? Darius is a jerk to Hunter and Jasper is so angry about it that he accidentally fully manifests in Hunter's dreams while he's angrily pacing around the mindscape that night and when he realizes Hunter is staring at him he just kinda freezes awkwardly like, shit?
Also not sure how to navigate the reveal… I feel like they have to come to some kind of terms or agreement with each other. Like, the end goal here is that Hunter 1) Understands that yes, he's been haunted his whole life, and 2) Understands that he cannot tell anyone about it.
It's not even for Jasper's sake, though Hunter might think it's for Jasper's sake. I imagine one of Jasper's biggest fears is some oracle witch realizing that Hunter has a ghost in his brain and telling Belos. Thank Titan Osran doesn't pay much attention to the kid. Jasper doesn't really want to haunt his kid, but he REALLY doesn't want to deal with the fallout of an exorcism. If Belos learned that Jasper has been haunting Hunter this whole time, he'd kill Hunter immediately, just as a precaution.
I also imagine Jasper wouldn't come clean about everything for a very long time. Belos will let Hunter live so long as he's loyal. Jasper would love to get Hunter away from Belos, but he's dead. So Hunter has to stay loyal until there's a viable escape route. Jasper isn't going to spill everything about how Hunter's a Grimwalker and Belos is evil and Hunter needs to run away, it won't help and it'll add to the poor kid's stress and he'll have to pretend he didn't know these things and then he'll slip up and Belos will kill him. All Jasper can really do is offer emotional support and advice.
But this is Hunter we're talking about so like. A little emotional support and advice goes a LONG way. Hunter becomes extremely attached to his live-in brain ghost, who may or may not be his family. Look at this, an AU where Hunter actually wants to maintain his sleep schedule because it gives him access to the one person who gives him positive attention, even if that person is incorporeal, and also dead. He infodumps about whatever he's reading about lately, or he rambles about some issue he's having while Jasper helps him think through the problem solving, and he really appreciates all the tips Jasper gives him about fighting and using the artificial staff. (Maybe in this AU Jasper actually teaches Hunter how to teleport, not Lilith.)
Hunter would dive into oracle magic over this, too. Just a personal side project, y'know, no big deal. Idk how much oracle magic a magicless witch could use, Luz at least seemed to be able to use that one crystal ball a bit. But at the very least Hunter could probably establish a better link to his mindscape, allowing him to choose to talk to Jasper even when he's awake.
And that's all the general ideas I have for this, I don't have very many specific ones, but here:
Belos starts in on the child abuse, and Jasper realizes that Belos didn't hurt him because Jasper was imperfect, Belos hurt him because Belos hurts people, and Belos was always going to hurt Hunter.
Would Darius's relationship with Hunter continue as it did in canon, or would Jasper decide "screw this" and tell Hunter exactly what to say to Darius to make Darius realize "holy shit is this Jasper's kid and am I shooting myself in the foot here??"
Hunter really does like Jasper but as the years go by Jasper slowly starts insinuating that he doesn't like Belos and by canon he might even be trying to get Hunter to question Belos because he's getting desperate and it causes a bit of tension.
Luz and the gang trying to talk or argue or fight with Hunter and he grunts and glares at her but his standoffishness is also covering for the fact that his attention is split by Jasper going SHE KINDA HAS A POINT, MAYBE YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO HER, ASK IF YOU CAN CRASH ON THEIR COUCH.
Flapjack chooses Hunter and is also fully aware that Jasper is present and both of them are like "what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck"
Hunter and Jasper being absolute dumbasses who reinforce each other's dumbassery over very stupid things. Hunter goes undercover at Hexside like "I bet teenagers like authority and rules!" And Jasper has never been a teenager and is too dead to read parenting books but he did know some scouts who joined the coven as teenagers so he's like "Sounds right to me!"
As Hunter's friendship develops with Willow, Jasper watches all the trees in Hunter's mindscape slowly morph into willow trees.
Hollow Mind happens and through the handwavey powers of mindscape magic Jasper also manages to be there somehow. Caleb Wittebane's Hallucination Ghost is also lurking in Belos's mindscape and the two of them just stare at each other for a minute. Belos sees Jasper but figures he's just some weird manifestation of his guilt for killing his brother's clones, even when Jasper punches him in the face while the kids escape.
Hunter having his melt-down post-Hollow Mind and freaking out because YOU KNEW??? And Jasper tries to apologize and tries to calm him down but Hunter is so upset that he just shuts down that mental connection and refuses to sleep for 24 hours until he passes out at Hexside. He expects Jasper to show up and yell at him or try to explain or something, but instead his dreams that night are like the ones he had as a kid--strong arms and supportive silence and apologetic love.
Belos tries to possess Hunter in TTT and Jasper is just like SURPRISE BITCH. It doesn't go well for Belos, but it goes much better for Flapjack.
Idk what the endgame would be here, exactly, but I feel like Jasper can't haunt Hunter forever. It's not fair to either of them, Hunter needs privacy in his own mind and Jasper needs to pass on peacefully. But if you go the unfinished business route, well, Hunter is safe after Belos is dead, and he has real living friends and a support network now, so Jasper COULD move on finally. A bittersweet ending.
Hdjsjdnnf Ghost Dad (1990)
Maybe he tells him oh, he's the memory of the last Golden guard here to help train him, yeah, sure, that's most of the truth!
I do also kind of like the idea of him manifesting as like a Ghost-Ghost sometimes because. I want him to meet Papa Titan. I want him to Learn All The Lore. Also to go play cards with kings dad when Hunter is hyperfixating on like algebra or something that jasper finds boring and a little frightening
GOD tho... Ghost jasper running into ghost Caleb in Belos' mindscape.and they stare at each other in silence. I'm imagining Jaspers lips parting with this look of shock and apprehension like he wants to say something, but then he hears Hunter cry out in the distance as he gets schlorped up by the ground and his eyes linger for just a moment before he turns and runs in his direction... And you just see Caleb's head turn silently to follow him, then his expression shift ever so slightly toward pity before the camera cuts back to the action
And the DRAMA of brain ghost j-
Oh my god. Brain ghost jasper. Oh my god
The DRAMA of brain ghost jasper jumping from the darkness in front of Luz and hunter between them and Belos and hunter being like :0 when Belos recognizes jasper and is fucking PISSED to see him.
I don't even know how this would fit in but I have this image in my head of Darius sneering at little Hunter and saying like your predecessor would be ashamed of you and jasper is so fucking filled with vicious anger and passion that he just sort of snaps forward and accidentally possesses the little guy. Tiny little like ten years old hunter staring up at Darius with an older man's eyes and-- I don't even know what if have him say but it would be something sharp and so unsettling it fully throws Darius the fuck off his game like hang on what the hell. And jasper is immediately like oh fuck oh shit [poof] leaving hunter like what. The hell was that. Why did I just say that
Oh my god possession arc brain ghost jasper..... R/possessthemback
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anistarrose · 1 year
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[Image description: two screenshots of The Owl House, featuring Camila's nightmare sequence with the principal. He asks her: "Didn't you say you were bullied in high school, Mrs. Noceda?" and then: "You don't want Luz to struggle like you did, right?" End description.]
given the tendency of TOH to show characters misremembering traumatic events as even worse in their flashbacks (to Yesterday's Lie for Luz, to Edge of the World for King), I get the impression that Camila's dream isn't a hundred percent accurate either. especially with these two lines.
these are Camila's deepest-running insecurities — that not only did she struggle at Luz's age, but she will struggle to give Luz a better childhood than her own — being brought to the forefront in this memory, cutting deeper than words from a stranger should. it's not impossible that in the real sequence, the real conversation, Camila's childhood could've come up — but the way the principal's presence looms over her, it's clear how exposed Camila feels. judged not just for who she is as a parent now, but for her remaining inner child.
just like Luz saw her mother begging her to come home, and projected her fear of being forced to leave the Isles forever, Camila saw Luz struggling, and projected her own fears of inadequacy. ("did you hate living with me that much?")
no one at the school could see into Camila's past, not really — but their lack of compassion and their judgement towards Luz's behavior was still bad enough, and pushed Camila to try anything to help her daughter. to not let her daughter end up like her, or ever share in her own pain — even though, in reality, being honest about her pain was all it took for Luz to finally feel understood.
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nevermindtheweights · 3 months
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After many weeks of not seeing one another Taokaka finally finds Michiru again after their rigorous stunt of waddling up a flight of stairs.
The good news is that the location the strangers met up at has an elevator, providing an ease of movement up or down floors... While the bad news is that the cat lady found the former athlete inside said elevator...
It was already a tight fit to begin with, and now, well...
"Bhelly lahdy! ...hmphh... Taoh'sh s-shooh ...nff... hahppy toh ...haaah... s-shee yoouuurrrPPhhh... aagaaiin!. M-m-mmeowhh~" The comic relief character greeted herself as she made her way into the elevator, leaving the tanuki with no room to get comfortable as their lard squished against each other.
The door shortly after closes, and their ascent upwards surprisingly continues... even if at a slower pace due to how close their combined mass is to the weight capacity..
Michiru was still having nightmares about that staircase. The whole event had only ensured her hate remained for them. Now she did her best to use elevators, small steps that went up only slightly or inclines. Or better yet, avoid ALL of those too. She had to be somewhat practical however. Unable to just laze in her home and not move at all, she did have to do other things. Still, bad experience aside, the cat lady popped into her thoughts now and then.
In a good way too. She had been cute and the sharing of many meat buns once they both had conquered the stairs had been welcome. Never did get her name though. Perhaps it had only been a chance encounter. Never did she think that seeing her again would happen, least of all in the elevator. She gasped a little, surprised as the doors opened and the lardy feline filled her vision before cramming herself into the small elevator space.
"H-hey...! Wh-wh--wait.... uufff.... weeshh... c-can't...!"
She gasped out, trying to protest the idea of them both getting inside the elevator but it was not enough. The elevator got completely packed with the squishing lard of both Tao and Michiru. The tanuki burped crassly, the pressure on her stomach making her burp from the force against her. There was no comfort as so much lardy bulk made it certain that Michiru felt at least three of the four walls of the elevator and the final wall being that of Taokaka.
Doors shut and the faint creaking of the slow ascent, Michiru huskily burped as her legs trembled, feeling how close they must of been on that weight limit. A hammy lardy paw of her hand grasped out at Taokaka.
"H-haahhhppyy? Wh-whysshh?" She exhaled out in her deep voice, chins and neck fat quivering from the action of speech.
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
Other things I liked about the TOH finale:
that scene with the coven scouts taking off their masks... gold. chefs kiss.
Harpy Lilith??? yes please. I am in awe.
Lilith + Hooty reunion is ADORABLE! Little noodle ball of happiness.
short haired willow??? short haired willow!!!
Titan!Luz's design is a YES. Can she keep the aesthetic if not the powers throughout the rest of the finale? Hell, can we retcon this so that she looks like that through the entire show??? I like horns, okay?
All of the callbacks to past episodessssss
The fact that King, the one who knows the collector the best, was the one to refer to them as a they. It wasn't a "I have not met this supernatural child before and don't want to assume pronouns" they, it was a singular they. We have a canon he/they! In text! No word of god.
Raine!!! fighting off Belos!!! You are so OP Raine and I love you for it
Raine with facial scars??????? yes
Hunter carving palismans and working with Dell!
Short, blue haired Lilith in Eda's nightmare
I unironically loved Belos's final design and his essence invading the isles. It looked so fucking cool.
The titan was with us the whole time. (the one thing I want to see now is Titan!Luz and king playing catch. I'd kill for art of this concept.)
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mdhwrites · 1 year
I love Raine, but I hated them as Eda’s love interest. Everything about their relationship felt forced to me, including how much Eda is supposed to love them. I wish they could’ve been introduced earlier possibly and with a more coherent/integrated role.
(But then I wonder if it’s just because they’re a non-binary character and I like the representation. Because without that aspect, the character honestly felt so useless and random.)
Maybe this is just a gripe I have with toh romance in general but like we’re supposed to believe Eda, who is considered King’s mom, would be putting him in danger with the collector just to stare at Raine?? Like come on. The romance in this show is so cringey to me.
It’s like how Luz reunites with everyone after defeating Belos and immediately shares a hug and kiss with Amity before her mom. 😑 like this is her mom who is seeing her for the first time after this whole nightmare and she didn’t even know if she’d be okay. I feel like she should’ve rushed to her and then Amity could’ve stepped in after. I guess honestly I’m just annoyed by the overemphasis on romantic partners in the show tbh. Could just be a personal problem
So there's a lot I can say about romance on this blog (romance writer has a lot to say on romance, shocking) and especially in regards to the genres TOH is in, both positively and mostly negatively. The thing I REALLY want to point out though is the dog shit treatment of Raine and how it truly emphasizes the fundamental problem of not just romantic relationships but ALL relationships in TOH. See, when Raine is introduced, we don't get a lot about their character. We understand that they are the caution to Eda's brashness and that while their caution is obvious, them having stage fright is actually a great way for Eda to have a way of breaking them out of their shell. Something her enthusiasm, especially as a child, could be useful.
And then we gets Falls and Follies where their stage fright is... Still their main character trait. And then we get Them's the Breaks Kid.
And suddenly, Raine isn't Raine. Now yes, kids can change as they grow up but stage fright is a fairly unique malady. It's not specifically social anxiety and it's not a phobia. It's genuinely about stepping on stage and freezing. That terror of performance. My drama director in High School said that she'd helped a lot of kids with it and the right course of actions were always repetition and exposure. That usually the lines came so naturally and their base confidence was so high that a successful dress rehearsal would make sure they didn't freeze come opening night.
It is something that fades with experience. And in Falls and Follies, Raine might still be the level head to Eda's rowdy behavior, but in the worst way. They're not the nervous kid who overthinks things and needs to be reminded to breathe but instead the smart, grade A kid who is so popular and so above everyone that they're bored by all the 'normies'. Edalyn is interesting in that she stands out, as well as being the strongest. Their is never even a hint of fear or nervousness in them.
This comes to its worst part in the moment that is supposed to tell everyone the two are destined for each other. The moment that the fandom was supposed to immortalize like the major Lumity moments. The moment Eda tries to bean Raine with a ball and Raine, unlike Lilith, catches it not just easily but with flair.
Or in other words, catches it just like Eda would. The moment that I think a lot of people, myself included, started realizing that Raine was just a love interest, just like Amity and then Willow for Hunter, instead of anything even resembling a character. After all, they spend this entire episode showing that they are a clone to Eda. Period.
It actually gets worse as the motivation to protect their loved ones is also an Eda one and they both do it in the same way by just trying not to include them and put distance between them. Their methods, ideologies, etc. like that are literally lock step with one another, just like Amity changes hers to be and Hunter ends up becoming like alongside Willow and Luz. A lot of people point this at as growth for the characters but I still argue that dissolving your own personality for your partner is not a good thing.
And do you want to know how much the writers KNEW Them's the Breaks was a mistake? Just a blatantly wrong choice to make? Well, see, Falls and Follies eventually came out with a second version of the episode with annotations. Little tidbits about the show and lore of the universe. I don't know really any of those tidbits except one, and that this WAS released after Falls and Follies.
"Raine developed stage fright during a production of the Isles version of Romeo and Juliet that they performed with Eda."
That's not word for word, I'm not looking this up for that, but that is what it summarized to. Or, in other words, they went back and had to retcon in stage fright for Raine. Stage fright they developed WITH the person who's dynamic with them should be to bring them out of their shell with.
The worst part? They probably don't see the contradiction. They instead likely went "We made a plothole in Them's the Breaks. What can we do this for shipping fodder?" And then someone else shouted, "MAKE IT SO RAINE GOT STAGE FRIGHT BECAUSE OF A PLAY THAT MADE THEM KISS EDA!"
Now no, that's not explicitly stated but besides just being lazy and referencing Romeo and Juliet (they did have a special name for it), that's the main reason I can imagine for that play causing that specific reaction. After all, Raine had performed for large crowds before. Even done things against the rules and off script in front of crowds and against a FUCKING COVEN HEAD. What could have possibly caused them to gain stage fright from a fucking play?
And if this sort of inconsistency was in a piece of fanfic or a person's personal webcomic and they just admitted to wanting the cute shipping moments, like Yoko Taro saying 2B is a beautiful woman because he likes pretty girls in his games, I would be more okay with it. In a show that is touted as so progressive, having such perfect representation, some of the best romances in television history, etc. etc...
Well, my response is that I guess there's a reason so many straight people have to deal with bland, inconsistent love interests if that's what nonbinaries and lesbians want too.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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🛏 - Someone by their bedside when they wake up
🥰 - Post-nightmare cuddles
😭 - A shoulder to cry on
✋ - A hand carding gently through their hair
For Emmett, again. I am smitten, I know
More of them! Excellent! Emmett needs the softness after what I've put him through in TOH.
🛏 - Someone by their bedside when they wake up
Emmett blinks, the room swimming into hazy focus. Pale tan walls instead of grey stone. A thick warm, soft blanket over his shoulders instead of a rough, scratchy piece of burlap. Actual sunlight streaming in through the windows. And someone sitting on the edge of the bed. Two someones. Rory's humming softly, fingers tangled up in a complicated mess of string, before she flips the whole thing onto Carlo's hands. He thinks she's mumbling something under her breath, but he can't be sure. She takes a couple pieces of the string and switches the fingers Carlo's holding them with. Emmett shifts slightly, then gasps as his stiff leg protests the sudden movement. Both Rory and Carlo turn around. "You're awake!" Carlo says excitedly, dropping the tangle of string and flinging himself across the bed to hug Emmett.  Emmett shoves down the hungry snarl of his gift in his chest and wraps his arms around his son.  He's waited two years for this. Nothing is going to make him wait any longer.
🥰 - Post-nightmare cuddles
Emmett sits up sharply, a gasping scream dying on his lips.  Beside him, Rory shifts and turns to face him. "Emmett?" He swallows.  She hovers a hand over his arm, waiting for him to nod and allow her to rest it there. "You're safe now. You're not there any more. You're with Carlo, and me."  He's never managed to tell her that his nightmares aren't about Marcus, or the Bastion, or even Rime itself.  They're about what he could do even now, to the people he loves, if he lets his guard down.  "Don't touch me," he whimpers, curling away from her. Rory seems undeterred by that, because a second later, Emmett can feel her pressed up against him. He shakes his head, blinking back tears. "Not a good idea. My gift..." "Is not going to get to me through a down comforter." Rory says, voice oddly muffled. Emmett glances over and sees that she's draped the bedcover over him and is snuggled into the other side of it.  He actually manages some choked version of a laugh at that. He has to admit, Rory is nothing if not resourceful.
😭 - A shoulder to cry on
Emmett is washing a plate in the sink when he suddenly remembers what day it is. He can't believe he forgot for this long. All morning, helping Carlo get ready for school and finishing up the cabinet doors he was working on in the woodshop. All afternoon, sketching out a design for a chair that, if he does it right, will help Rory get up with less immediately jarring effects on her heartbeat. All through dinner, laughing with Carlo about Rory's newest failure to properly pronounce an Archipelegian word (and Rory, too, once she was informed of what she'd actually said by mistake).  He'd somehow managed to forget that this is Theresa's birthday.  The dish slides into the soapy water and Emmett slides down the counter to sit on the floor, face buried in his hands, tears burning his eyes and choking his throat.  The first indication he has that he's not alone is the feeling of someone else pressed up against him. Rory is sitting next to him on the floor. "It's kind of weird seeing you down here first," she says, clearly trying to lighten the mood. "Usually I'm the one who overdid it."  Normally, that would in fact break the misery surrounding Emmett, but not this time. "It's Theresa's birthday," he manages to choke out, scrubbing his hands up his face and through his hair.  Rory looks down at her hands, then back up at him. "I think we did a pretty good job celebrating it," she finally says. "She'd be glad you're still doing the woodwork. She'd be so proud of Carlo and everything he's learning. And she'd think my pronunciation is hilarious, I'm sure of it."  Emmett sniffles and drags the back of his hand across his nose. "I just...I can't believe I forgot." "I forgot Carlo's the first year and he told me three times, at least," Rory says. "Besides. I don't think a day matters as much as whether you've showed you care, and I am absolutely certain Theresa always knew you cared." For some reason, that's what makes Emmett finally break down and sob. Rory turns so they're both sort of facing each other, and pulls him in against her, letting him rest his head on her shoulder. "If you cry about me like this someday I'll come back from the dead and slap you," she mutters, even as she wraps her arms around his shoulders. Rory is weird, but she's also weirdly comforting.
✋ - A hand carding gently through their hair
Emmett squints his eyes closed against the painful brightness and rubs the heels of his hands into his eyes. The headaches aren't as bad as they were in the Bastion, or at least not as frequent. But sunlight, as good as it is to see, can make a minor one a seriously painful one very quickly.  "Good mor..." Rory trails off when she sees him with his elbows on the table and his face in his hands. "Sorry." Even her whisper is loud, but it's at least not searing through his brain like she's stabbing him in the ear with her knife. "I'll be okay in a bit." He's already swallowed down one of the pills from the apothecary with a glass of water. It'll kick in soon. There's the painful screech of a chair being dragged across the floor, then a muffled 'oops' and the sound of Rory trying to pick the legs up off the tiles. In another few breaths she's sitting down beside him, one hand resting on his head, fingers gently carding through his hair the way he does for her when she's having a bad day.  He shifts slightly, to make it a little easier for her to reach him, and winces again when the motion jars his neck. Rory stops for a moment. "Does this hurt?" "It's inside my head, not outside." "Fair enough." Rory says, and starts again.
From this ask game!
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nostalgic-bee · 6 months
Hiii here for the toh ask thingy!!
1, 6, 12
1. Considering I only got into the show in April I’m not sure if it was a specific episode? I watched part of the first episode two years ago and thought it was good but for some reason I never actually watched it until April? So I guess the first episode? Though I guess when I first watched it I immediately got invested when I watched ‘the intruder’ bc it’s a really good episode and I loved it and I loved seeing Luz learn her first spell its one of my faves I love it so so much
6. Hm king maybe? I mean I always liked him but everything with him in season 2 made me cry lol so yeah I love him he’s one of my faves
12. That’s such a hard question!! There’s so much memorable scenes ahh I so badly wanna say the grom dance scene bc that’s the first scene that came to my head. It’s beautiful and the animation is amazing and the music is stunning. It’s such a lovely scene and even though they are facing a literal nightmare monster Luz and Amity are just so happy in that scene!! (I reblogged a post recently where someone described it as joyful queerness and I’m just like yeah!! That’s what it is!) There’s a lot of memorable scenes though in my opinion, this one just came to me first. (Though now I wanna talk about the other memorable scenes lol)
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I have no idea how long this will take me, just as a warning idk how long it will take me to watch and write all this, its about an hour long episode so
Woah, instantly, King's dad maybe?? Or just some other titan guy is telling Luz to wake up from maybe the mirror realm thing established? Cool!
Now Luz, how the hell did you get there? "How did I get here?" LUZ DON'T STEAL MY QUESTION
Oh fuck she is in the emporer's.. temple? Already forgot the name, but i assume its some sort of dream as, this was destroyed? By the collector? Who knows really
WOAH guys, Bump as stone ain't funky, i actually came around to liking that guy, they were dolls last time we saw them!!!! Definitely some form of dream
"Don't you remember?" From Amity CONFIRMED to me that its a dream, there is 0 way we are gonna witness a breakup this episode, I refuse
Amity looks so good with this hair I can't lie, idk if I have commented on this before, but if so, I will say it again, she rocks it! And I want her moon necklace and shoes, that's a given
"This isn't a dream, it is a nightmare!" Love that it took until her girlfriend was trying to kill her for her to realise, fucking love Luz man
EDA!!! LOVELY TO SEE YOU, as always. HARPY EDA`1 ...In prison. Well, it is a lovely call back to season 1 episode 1 so I will accept it!
AAHHHH Her first thought after seeing her mum and sister is "THANK GOD, now lets go find king" I LOVE TOH FAMILY
"Dangerous beasts need to be kept in cages" I know this is a dream, but Lilith queen, you ARE a DANGEROUS BEAST TOO, Eda come on, don't fall for this, have a lightbulb moment like Luz
WOAH DON'T BRING HER DAD INTO IT! DON'T DO THAT TO MY GIRL,, she will cry! Collector (I assume its you) THIS ISN'T VERY NICE
King: *gets jump scared by the guy who is trying to kill him and his species and who wear's his family's skulls"
Also King: "Bill! You crazy jerk! How did I get here?" THAT IS AN UNDERREACTION KING....... See, I TOLD YOU it was an underreaction! He is now trying to decapitate you!
WILLOW! Well. What else did you expect from a nightmare Luz?
GUS! GOD I love Gus, even mean dream Gus is iconic, what a performer
HUNTER! "He was more than a paslisman, he was my best friend." ....guys I won't lie, its a bit difficult to still be in denial about Flapjack, ngl.
.....The challenging to a witch's battle thing made the really intense moment, really not tense anymore because it feels like something out of like harry potter or something
"bip. boop." .....Luz, bestie, what are you doing, because whatever it is, its hilarious. "But you aren't amity!" WE ESTABLISHED THIS BRO, whether its a dream/nightmare or some illusion, IT DOESN'T MATTER, it still isn't real.... maybe she was making a joke when she said nightmare.
Woahhh rubix cubes exist here?! KING EDA AND LUZ REUNITED, "Are you both really here?" AHSUHDKLDF fuck I will cry
"King is going to hate me for this" AWWWWW, I mean. Totally not aww, the collector is doing evil things. "My powers don't work on king." "The dog?" "Yeah, cause he is a titan" the Collector just told Belos the biggest fucking news, but also Belos calling King the dog just makes me think that King is like scooby doo or somethin
HEY DON'T HIT FRANCOIS, fucking bully you are Belos, that was not cool!
"....Do you not understand what death means to mortals?" Well. As an immortal, probably not, but as a KIDDO, definitely not, again, feel bad for the Collector, if only we get just stick our heads back on after we chop them off (Eda can legit do that tho wait-)
RAINE you are back! Oh well, you were. "Annoying powerful" just say you are jealous broski, Raine IS great, love them
OOOO Amity is moving, slowly. Huh.
ARE THEY PLAYING PACMAN?! AND NOW MARBLES!? Awww, see, they are just a kiddo!
JENGA! Iconic group of games. Poor Collector just wants toys and friends bless them
"The archivists, my siblings" Man, TMA fan in me was like "JON IS YOUR SIBLING?! Makes sense."
......AWWW. WAIT WHAT NO. Okay. so BASICALLY, the Collector's siblings went "go play with the titans, we don't like you" blah blah, and THEN when the collector goes and plays with the titans (especially the little guys, like King) THE SIBLINGS GOT UPSET SO KILLED OFF EVERY TITAN?! But King's dad went to the Collector "YOU are the bad guy, I am hiding king from you and trapping you" DAMN IT
"I know its just pretend, but I don't care, i will pretend for as long as I want"...... Okay well again, THERE IS NO NEED FOR THE HARD HITTING LINES BRO
RAINE ARE YOU BACK?! Hell yeah, bard magic is sick, HELL YEAH, Raine pal don't injure yourself BUT GO SAVE EDA i think Belos means Eda anyway
...this isn't King's heart is it? Like, how would that work? Maybe its King's dad's heart? Idk
OKAY so it isn't King's heart, that's good, i was confused
NOOOOOOo STEVE IS A PUPPET, well the whole island is, but still, STEVE I MISS YOU
"None of us felt like we fit in. So we decided to not fit in together" GOD YOU ARE HURTING MY FOUND FAMILY HEART IN THE BEST WAY
Belos I am being deadly serious what is your plan, I don't get it, you wanna kill all witches and demons, sure, but this is just making the area ugly, turning it into the dead coral reef ain't going to help
...................Okay Belos you are just ugly now. How do you keep getting uglier, its shocking
....................."You just need kindness and forgiveness huh" COLLECTOR BESTIE, OUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE WHO THAT WOULD WORK ON, BELOS IS THE ONLY ONE WHO DOESN'T
"But i thought I was doing the right thing" OH MY DARLING COLLECTOR, MY KIDDO, how do you explain this to him, why is THIS the closest i have got to tears
LUZ BESTIE. If I had a nickel everytime Luz got almost turned to some form of stone in a season finale by Belos, I'd have 2 nickels, which isn't a lot, but its weird that it happened twice, right?
.......Alright so why is this not solving itself, am I going to have to wait until the finale minutes to see how Luz gets un-coral-ified?!
WHERE DID SHE GO, okay well now the Collector has a tiny sparkley thing of Luz she will survive, no idea how but still
DOES EVERYONE KNOW THIS IS LUZ, I would be mad as fuck if my ashes were being floated across the city, like, damn, do I not get privacy in death?!
Poor collector, he is just a kiddo, he doesn't understand, bless him
SEE! The little sparkley thing is vibing, in the mirror, realm bit
OH ARE WE AT THE BEGINNING AGAIN! WOO........ Okay why does King's dad have a mini Hooty in his eye and have a "Bad girl coven" t-shirt?! I LOVE HIM, but why is he so short? Is it because they aren't in normal realm so size is weird?
"I am both King and Queen, best of both things" IS THAT A HANNA MONTANNA REFERENCE?!?! IS KING'S DAD A HANNA MONTANNA FAN!? also does that mean gender is just, none existant here? SLAYY
"What? Have you been drinking Eda's homemade apple blood?" BEST RESPONCE TO THAT QUESTION
.....Does this make Luz a titan? Temporarily one. "Eda the owl lady? Send her my regards. Big fan" AKJFSNFJ:EDOFL
Okay so yeah, he is huge, did think so.
I will end it here for part one, its now been an hour and a half since I first started the episode and I am half way through so!
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shinjisdone · 5 months
Two Humans in the Demon Realm - Fantasy And Nightmare
What if by the time Luz Noceda the human emerged into the demon realm...some other human did, too? However, instead of being joyful of being surrounded by all they love and taken in by a kind and openhearted witch...they are terrified of this place, taken in by the ruler of the realm?
[Basically I watched TOH again and dammit HUNTER SHALL HAVE A FRIEND I SAY NOT UNTIL S2 but NOW I SAY NOW]
Part 2 of this
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Things seemed to become okayish.
The visits were more frequent and the Golden Guard would come in with different, hopefully tastier dishes to you. "Your little drawings of human food aren't the best, you know." He said as he returned with a plate of hot...moving...algae? When all you drew for him was bacon.
They don't even have bread here *crying*.
Alongside the questionable food he also brought writing utensils, something akin to a magical board and the like. You were unsure and so let him use the majority when teaching him about glyphs.
The Golden Guard would nod and hum before grabbing everything under his arm and excusing himself off until the next time he visits you. At times he seemed to be in a good mood so you assumed he made progress - yet he mostly returned tired and grumpy so you did not try your luck to ask how much progress he was doing and how much of it was actually successful.
You did not even know what he's doing with the knowledge or why he needs it.
Still...being kept in a room out of everyone's sight can be boring...and overwhelming.
You've asked your guard a couple of times if there isn't any other new places to be. Just for fresh air. Or to feel the sunlight directly and not through the window you weren't even allowed to touch.
However, one day after requesting it a couple of times, the Golden Guard halted with you almost bumping into him, spun around and agreed.
Under one condition: You'd go outside of the castle's barriers and into the wild to practice wild magic.
Learning about it by theory was no problem but the Guard couldnt risk practicing any of it on Belos' territory. The punishment would be too severe.
Besides...he won't ever tell you but he's scared of using it. Wild magic is dangerous.
Not that he wants to endanger your life but you have far more experiences with it, so he likes to believe that things will turn out fine if you practice them out. He can stay back with the theories on paper and you can actually cast them.
So clad once again with the humble scout uniform, you made your way - though you feel like you instant traveled or zapped - to an abandoned shore. The sea and cliffs would shield you from unwanted attention.
The Golden Guard is very much aware of what a risk he's taking - but it could lead to an solution, to healing.
He is still doing his job. Looking after you and making sure you don't kill yourself through careless spellcasting of wild magic. Thats what he tells himself at least.
The hours pass by and the two of you were engrossed in the many glyphs and the possibilities they offer. You so effortlessly draw them into the sand, it leaves him a bit impressed.
You finish drawing each glyph that you know. "I'm sure there are many more but the majority are like...basic ones from nature, you know? Light, fire, plants...they seem like any other magic spell of your Emperor's Coven, I don't know what else they could do."
He trotted over with his staff, inspecting the glyphs further. "They can be. I've read about it." He passed you by, letting the end of his staff draw along the sand and connecting your drawings with his own lines. "Magic has layers even when the core is the same. Light is more than just able to see in the dark, it filters through the atmosphere we exist in and can cast shadows - thats already another path that light glyph opens up for you!" You noted how much lighter and higher his tone gets as he jogs around the shore, drawing more circles. "Back then before the Savage Times witches were able to create more spells with their imagination and willpower alone just through understanding each core-!"
His figure froze mid-drawing as his gaze met your quizzical one. Straightening his posture, he cleared his throat and intentionally spoke sternly. "I, uh, read that. It's history 101 here on the Boiling Isles, nothing...crazy. You wouldn't know that."
You can't help but crack a smile. "You sure know a lot about magic even if it can be scary. You must be a master by now, is that what it means to be the Golden Guard?" You smiled and meant it as a compliment but your companion just seemed to shrink, looking away from you. "Magic isn't scary, well, wild magic doesn't have to be. There's an immense, just...pool of unlimited possibilities, its what this entire isle is made of. Magic at the very beginning was just like this, wild, and kind of endless," Halting, he continued in a low tone, "...but it can get out of control, thats why its wild in the first place. If you're not careful, if you don't know what you are doing, people might get hurt and-"
He hit a rock when shifitng his weight. A part of the circle had been cut by his foot and he gazed down at the grande symbol you two created. It seemed like art but he knew it couldn't ever be.
Taking a deep breath he called out louder with his hand shooting out. "Thats why I am the Golden Guard, yes, I'll take care of this, of everything. So stay back, human-!"
One shift of his foot too much and he came in contact with a glyph. The lines glowed a bright green and before he knew it, the Guard let out a yelp as his staff went flying up to the cliffs, getting stuck in the rocks.
"No! No, no, no!" His hands clutched his head. You jogged over to him and offered the lightest of condolences. "We can get it back. Should be easy with, yeah, magic-" Your shoulders jumped up, retracting your finger that was playfully drawing circles in the air when your companion started clinging up the cliff, only to slide and fall down again and again. You called out to him in assurance but had to snap when he didnt stop even when his uniform got ripped.
"Hey, hey, you're gonna get hurt! Just wait a moment!"
"I can't! This staff was given to me by Belos!"
"Just focus and cast a spell to get it back!"
His sudden silence surprised you. The Golden Guard shrunk in himself and avoided your gaze. He stood still for a few more awkward minutes - until you took a deep and loud breath.
"...Can't you...cast a magic spell? Like something with the wind, maybe?"
Once again, he stayed quiet and you took your book in your hands before drawing a circle in the sand. "Here, I'll go get it. I'll stand right here and jump on the vine, you'll just have to activate the glyph for me." Once again, he looked away before you urged him more with a trying smile. "You can do it, Golden Guard."
Without another exchange you took your position. The Guard hesitated as he kneled down. "I..."
Gingerly he grazed the outline with one finger and a small sprout grew - before he snapped his hand back and it died instantly.
Looking up to you - and somehow you could tell that he asked you on the 'how'. "You just touch it," you smiled, "I need it to be big and strong...you said that witches used to do that with willpower and imagination, right? Maybe...we could try that." You could feel his gaze, could tell how his chest heaved but with a deep breath he slammed his hand onto the sand. At the contact the glyph glowed bright, a sprout emmitted and you were quick to jump on the growing vine.
In an blink of an eye, the staff was retreated and the guard slowly imagined the vine becoming smaller and reshaping into a flower - which it did the moment you landed on your feet.
"Here." You returned the weapon that you so awkwardly held, "...That thing seems more unstable than my glyphs - from holding it at least."
You tried to smile for him but he remained silent. Throwing sand over the drawn glyphs, the both of you returned to the castle without another word.
Back in the discreet room, you took off the mask of the scout uniform with a frown. "Hey...I won't question anything of that...instance if you don't want me to."
He snapped his head back at you before slowly letting it fall. All you got were mumbles under his breath.
With yet another awkward smile that you could muster, you pointed towards his scraped skin. "I found some bandages here the other day...we'd best patch that up before it gets infected...if that uh, happens around here." This time however, he shook his head. "I can take care of myself. I don't need...your help..."
Underneath his mask he scowled as his words trailed off. What a lie.
He's pathetic.
Still, you tried to urge him to let you tend to him with sticking plaster in hand. Begrudgingly he let you - a bit unsure still. Even the act of sitting on that bed - which is your bed now (has been for a while...he wonders how long you'll stay) - has him thrown off. The confident aura of the Golden Guard leaving him and letting him down.
You talk about what you still were able to learn today, how in your world, water is connected to healing or seen as healing - after all, magic was fiction in your realm that you saw in "movies"...whatever illusions those might be - so maybe magic including a water glyph might ease his pain (which no, that's not how it works. However...he does not interrupt you).
It makes him realizes he doesn't know much about your realm despite keeping you here so that Belos can learn more about it. But what he does realize that in your strange human way, you were trying to comfort him.
He thinks. He never has been comforted before, not like this. Belos never comforted him like this.
After all was patched up, he was quick to collect his staff and leave yet stopped before reaching the door. "...Thanks..." You heard him hesitate and could almost not believe what he was saying, "...for today. And...for the other time where you helped me...with your wild magic."
A smile graced your face and your eyes lit up in a way that the Golden Guard did not know what to think of it. "You're welcome." Quickly he avoided your gaze. "But don't go overboard. Wild magic is dangerous, you could get hurt. So don't do anything without my supervision."
His attempt at sounding stern didn't go unnoticed but as he left, you couldn't find it in yourself to take it personal.
Things have become...challenging. For him.
He stood there with food in his hand right in front of your door, the illusion spell gone for a moment. In his pocket were a few bandages.
He can return your used ones - then again they aren't yours, they belong to the Emperor as everything does here on the Boiling Isles. Well, you could still have some in stock in case you get hurt with wild magic - which isn't something HE can allow to happen as the Golden Guard!
He groans and just goes in.
In time you appreaciated his visits. The extra bandages weren't...neccessary but welcomed. The dishes he brought resembled your doodles more and were *gasp* actually tasty! You asked him if he spend time in the kitchen and he answers embarrassingly (but at least you cannot see the cuts on his hands).
The Golden Guard liked taking his time with wild magic lessons this time though. The outings aren't this far away anymore but each one was at a different place that you appreciated.
You were more open to tell him of your human world. Of quiet nights, of animals like wolves and how the rain is soothing and not boiling. How humans liked to go swim in the ocean as a pass time! (insanity to him).
You mentioned that he'd get it if he would see it...you hoped you'd be able to see it too.
It was interesting...if not fantastical in his mind.
Even with your frequent meetings with Belos who grew more and more impatient, he always stood by your side. Protecting you even with excuses when the emperor chose harsh words. Nevertheless, the man always tried to be a delight in your presence but you could never truly believe him. He did not make ultimatums or threatened or hurt you...did he pity you because you were human?
You always made sure to thank your guard in situations like these even when he had trouble accepting your gratitude or showing any of his own. You assumed he was never upset by it though.
However, when it came to him he was more than reserved. Any questions of his day, interests, well-being, age or even his name he never really answered. It felt all too compelling to just give up on asking him.
The day started off normal enough. What you learned was normal around here.
The Golden Guard announced that he'd go on a mission right before bidding goodbye after his visits. It will be on the airship...not known to Belos but he will be happy with that he'd bring back. No, you cannot come.
"It's top secret, so just between you and me. I won't be back after bringing in victory so don't try to leave this room - okay, byyyeeee!"
There he was again zapping away and leaving you to kill off your boredom all by yourself. It wasnt until the late evening when crashing and guards stomping by your room was heard. In a panic you rushed towards the wall to eavesdrop.
'Airship' and 'Golden Guard' was all you could hear out by a small, high-pitched voice...squealing over the possibility of his death and taking his place.
Your heart skipped a beat and your throat felt dry. Death? What did they mean with him dying? Taking his place? This - This has to be a joke!
But the demon realm taught you quick that nothing was a joke here. Many things could have taken your life and you were sure members of the Emperor's Coven would be more than willing to be the most dangerous things on the isles.
There was no time to think. Your heart was pounding so hard leaving you with a headache yet you did not stop when putting on the scout uniform nor did you falter when stealing from the Healing Coven's closet. It was terrifying but you did not think about it nor about the consequences that could follow if Belos found out. You could imagine that he wouldn't be pleased when the human got out of his castle.
You refused to think about it or else you might shake in your boots with no power to continue to help him.
Sneaking out you were met with rubble and it confirmed your suspicions. You didn't know how to really find him if other witches were already after him. Making sure you stayed out of anyone's sight, you tightly held onto the bag filled with healing potions. You stumbled through the dark and the debris, falling hard enough to lose your mask - but secured the bottles from shattering.
It's alright, you tell yourself and took a deep breath, you can still hide your ears with the cape.
Other scouts searched the area and suddenly you had a bad feeling about dressing as one yourself. Though beyond the orders shouted out, you heard a high voice not belonging to any of the Emperor's Coven and followed it. Without realizing whats in front of you, you collapsed with another person.
You shrieked but caught the bottles just in time. Whipping your head up, you came face to face with another witch - a boy your age with hair pale blonde, scars on his face and ear and heavy eyebags just under his ruby red eyes.
His jaw hung open with a tooth gap peeking from his lips. He looked at you as if he couldn't believe his eyes.
Before he could speak you interrupted him: "Have you seen the Golden Guard?!"
Jumping, he recoiled.
You only stared at him with white panic. "He was steering the airship that crashed here I heard! I, I've got to find him - Emperor's orders!" You hoped he'd take the bait - but only kept staring at you in shock.
In turn you shook your head with a scoff and passed by him yet still stopped and gazed at him over your shoulder. "...You look hurt," Your hand fished out a few potions, "I got these for him but you look like you could use them, too." Without another word you shoved a few potions into his arms and made a run deeper into the debris.
After your figure dissapeared, he still stood there. Beyond the smoke another person emerged through. "Who was that?" Her brown eyes looked worriedly over to him as she adjusted the cape around her round ears.
The blonde frowned before quickly packing the potions out of her sight. "No one. Let's go."
The moment he got back, he barged into your room.
It was long nighttime. You did not sleep, refused to rest your eyes as you skimmed around your book for some kind of glyph that lets you track people. Find their belongings, their status. Anything.
He should've expected it but it still startled him when you rushed over, yelling at him with panicked eyes on where he had been.
The Golden Guard told you the truth - part of it at least and sprinkled a bit of fantasy on it. How he was found and brought back to the castle.
"And what about 'taking your place'?! I saw members of the Coven trying to track you down and..." Your eyes softened, your face grim, "...they talked about getting rid of you."
He looked briefly away from your sullen gaze. "They weren't able to."
"So thats just, a thing that happens here? Scouts and generals wanting to get rid of others for their position?! Thats not normal! Thats something that happened in kingdoms and dynasties and..."
You halt and deflate. Your arms that were wildly gesturing just a moment ago slowly fell to your sides. "...empires."
The Golden Guard assured you while shaking his head. "Listen, I don't know what these are but! I'm fine! I'm fine. You don't have...to worry about someone like me."
"Your airship crashed, thats enough reason to worry - and after hearing the members of your own Coven want you dead, of course I'd come looking for you!"
You saw his shoulders jump. He tilted his head up in surprise and even though you couldn't see it, you were sure he was stunned. It only made you frown more.
"...Of course I'd look for you."
The way you looked at him was the final resolution he believed he needed. A sigh escaped and hit his mask as he avoided your gaze. "...Yeah, you did. You saved me. Thanks..." He saw you straightening your back as your head rose and your face grimaced with a puzzled expression. He bet you must be so confused, maybe hurt - of course you are, you just said it yourself. But still, he put the empty bottles into your hands.
"Human, I have to tell you something..." His voice shook as his hands went up to remove his mask. A gasp escaped you as the same bad but sad boy was looking at you. His blonde hair tussled and unruly as his red eyes seemed to beg you not to he angry. They were bandages on his face which somewhat eased your worries. He was hurt and roughed up but not as much as you feared.
"Why didn't you tell me that was you?" You approached him unsurely and he seemed to back away. He twiddled with his fingers and couldnt meet your eyes. "...No one was supposed to see me. I barely take off my mask anyway, only to Belos. And..." He scowled slightly, "I didn't know what to do. I didn't expect you, you weren't even supposed to be there!"
"I was worried they'd kill you! That was true what I heard, wasnt it? Or is that also a lie?" "I'm not lying to you!" He snapped back with a bit more bite in him, "Kikimora constantly tries to take my place! Thats why it was so weird to see you there with healing potions looking for me! And...I should thank you. I wanna thank you." As quick as his fierce glare came, it was gone again as the blonde shrunk meekly, begrudgingly admitting his fault in a soft voice. "...No one's done that for me before. Not even...Belos..."
You frown was filled with pity. "I figured as much." You softly let out and motioned towards your bed. With hesitancy, he sat down at the edge and you followed to do the same. Now sitting next to him, you hesitated yourself. "Is there anything more I should know?" "What do you want to know?" Looking back up, he saw you glaring slightly at him. "Your name for example. Or are you just known as the Golden Guard?"
Your anger was nothing compared to the way he snapped.
But as fast as it came, he slowly shrunk again, turning away and fiddling with his hands.
His voice softened once again.
"...My name is Hunter."
You repeated his name and it left a shiver down his spine. Hearing you out of all people say it is weird, it is all so weird. No one adresses him by his name but you just did as if it were normal.
"Well...it's nice to meet you properly, Hunter." Again, you are acting weird, smiling at him ever so slightly and even if it was forced, it seemed genuine to him. That you'd even say something like that. You even repeated your name as if it really is the first time you two met.
He awkwardly shook your offering hand.
"It's...nice to meet you, too."
"But why are you telling me all this, Hunter?"
His red eyes flickered to the side before a more serious expression graced his face. He took a deep breath before staring into your eyes. "There's something you need to know." He began dryly, "When I was out there, running away from Kiki...I was with someone else. It...was another human, just like you."
Your eyes widened.
"If I'm right, she comes from the same place that you do. I believe she appeared later on the Boiling Isles than you did and she might have the means to return. She is not...a friend, but I can bring you to her."
"There is a way back home?!" Jumping up from the bed, you barely could believe your luck. But it still left you confused. "But...can you tell me even this? I-is that something I'm supposed to know? What about Belos?"
Hunter looked back up to you, his hands tightly gripping his knees. "You deserve to know. You...are the nicest, weirdest person I've ever met. And you want to go back home, to somewhere you belong..." Sadness briefly glimmered in his eyes and they glance back at you, "Human, I - no," Hunter corrected himself by saying your name, "I have to pay you back for all the...things you've done for me. Even if I am just a powerless witch...I want to help you get back to your realm."
You were speechless. Taking a step towards him, you opened your mouth but the next words that were heard were not yours but chirping.
On the window behind Hunter, was a red bird watching you two.
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lemonyboy97 · 10 months
Could you do an Eda (toh) x fem human reader? Platonic. The reader is know to be more stoic and tough but breaks down in front of Eda and has a panic attack? The reader is Luzs age. I’d this is ok?
Oop- almost didnt see the platonic and i was about to be concerned lol!
It'll Be Okay, I Promise
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Prompt: (above)
Contents: Reader has a panic attack and Eda finds them, being the owl mother we know and love she guides you through it and helps you recover
Warnings: mentions of breakdowns, crying, panic attacks, etc - might be a bit OOC (out of character)
Authors Note: I havent gotten a request in so long! This was so much fun to write, thank you so much @hyenalover2630 !!!
Eda hears sniffling coming from your room in the owl house, she knocks lightly on the door. "Kid? You okay in there?"
You dont answer so she opens the door, and freezes at the sight before her. Your room is a *nightmare*, clothes and papers with half-drawn glyphs on them strewn everywhere, broken pencils and crumpled blankets littering the floor. And you? Sitting in the middle, rocking back and forth, hysterical.
She imediatly walks over and crouches down in front of you.
"Hey... kid? Whats goin' on, talk to me"
You scoot away from her, trying to hide your obvious distress. She sighs and puts a hand on your shoulder.
"Kid. Its okay to not be okay, you gotta let me help you."
She then pulls you into her arms and hugs you tightly, stroking your hair, and says
"Listen to my heartbeat... can you hear it?"
You nod and she smiles
"Okay.. focus on it... now take a deep breath for me, in.... hold it... out... hold it.... in.... hold it... out... Good job, keep going"
Your breathing starts to get more regular and she kisses your forehead
"Good job, bean, youre doing so good"
Eda waits patiently until you've calmed down, then she smile and lets you pull away. She looks around the destroyed room and sighs softly.
"Here kid, let me fix this for you"
She uses a bit of magic to restore order to your room, then helps you into bed
"I think you need a nap... you must be exhausted"
You nod amd she smiles, she kissed your forhead again and pulls the blanket over you.
"Get some rest, kid. Im here for you"
As she starta to turn away you grab her hand and whisper
"Eda..? ...thank you"
She smiles amd pats your hand
"Of course, kid. It'll be okay, I promise"
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cleverpaws · 1 year
NOT. a generation loss blog
dee en eye if you support that man and that skeleton and what they did in that cage..
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actually im keeping the title like that its so fucking funny to me
salutation i am michael (he/they/theoretically neos??? i guess???) and uh. get intro post'd x100 - aro ace & apl spec fool - bi and/or gay whichever is more comedically convenient - nonbinary dude 🎸🎸⚡⚡⚡⚡ there's no comma there for a reason - vaguely loveless <22222 peace and life - average library volunqueer - king of the wildly inconsistent art & writing styles <- Update we figured out why this was. you'll never guess - cartoonist 💯💯 - your local Mongoose - serial daydreaming problem - introvert??? extrovert???? i'm normal, thanks - AuDHD & NPD probably & probably like 1 million gazillion other Things at this point - the #1 hetch fan (shares this title with 3 of my beloved mutuals) - plural btw. i will now gaslight the internet into thinking i was open about this the whole time and you all just missed it - ^ u probably wont meet many other headmates just bc our switches r mostly passive influence and very short-lived. except shilo. shilo really likes tumblr for some reason
I RUN @showfallmanagement AND @lostnfounder THE SHOWFALL ASKBLOGS!!! COME SAY HI!!!
ALSO MORE RECENTLY STARTED @notslmccl do NOT go look at "chase" and do NOT poke him with sticks
dream team fans and harry potter fans you are not welcome here!! TRANSGENDER BLAST RAHH 💥💥
also no, people who think queer labels can "contradict" each other you are not welcome here either 💥💥💥 * my bi gay aroace nonbinary guy energy explodes you x100 *
things i am not normal about: - GENLOSS!!!!!!!!!! - ^ and, by extension, ENCOREVERSE!!!!!!!! - BITB!!!!!!!! - JRWI IN GENERAL I JUST PUT BITB FIRST!!!! - PSYCHOLOGY!! - MINECRAFT!!!!! - SPLATOON!! - ANGELS JUST LIKE AS A CONCEPT!!!!!!!!! - BODY HORROR!!!!! - VIDEO ESSAYS!!!!!!!!
things i am actually somewhat normal about (casual interests): - Studio Ghibli movies - Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service - cartoons (GF, TOH, Hilda, Amphibia, OtGW, Bee n Puppycat) - everywhere at the end of time - little nightmares!! - indie animation usually - ranboo in general somewhat - still sort of the dsmp
i tag any and all posts that contain hetch with "#hetch generation loss" and any and all remotely sneeg/frank related posts with. shocker. "#sneeg/frank" go nuts gay people ("#asks" are also tagged)
(and if you go through "#saving this" you will find my many artist resources, recipes, and the occasional Insanely Good Post i think about every day)
ALSO!!! im like Never serious on here ever but just 4 the record (i dont even know if anyone will see this) please do not call me ur friend if i dont know you!! 😭 im aplatonic and while i do still have ppl i consider friends its personally just weird for me to be forced into friendships by people i literally havent interacted with that much (even if we're mutuals!!!!! sah ree guys) (saying stuff like "my friend" at the end of msgs in like that semi joking tone is fine though lol)
how ever...... mutuals r totally free 2 ask for my discord or msg me on here 💯💯
also if you EVER need me to explain any encoreverse lore to you i will drop everything to do so 😍😍
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(all banners n images r mine except the mcytblr sexyman voted one by @/tmmyhug and the sonic narc abuse one by @/nicepersondisorder)
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skittering sounds alright ill get out of your hair . the particles aren't though. yeah sorry man they uh. they really get stuck in there. sorry
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carpisuns · 2 years
Or, five times Hunter didn’t tell his friends he’s a Grimwalker, and one time he didn’t have a choice.
A/N: this is my first toh fic pls be nice to me fjdjdk
1. Luz
The house was quiet today. Camila was still at work, and the others had gone to get ice cream. The only sound was the click-click-click of the sewing needle at Hunter’s fingertips. He passed the fabric under it carefully, just like Camila had taught him, while Flapjack nestled against his neck.
The stairs creaked, and Luz peeked her head over the railing. “Hunter? You’re still here? I thought you’d be with everyone else.” She narrowed her eyes. “You’re not lactose intolerant too, are you?”
“Um, no. I would’ve gone! I just got”—he blinked down at the wolf t-shirt on the desk—“caught up, I guess.”
“I get it. That happens to me all the time.” Luz pattered down the steps. “Sooooo … can I see?”
“Not yet. When I’m done.”
“Aw. Fine.” She plopped onto the couch. “Man, who would’ve thought that the Golden Guard would become a sewing master?”
Hunter chuckled as he pressed the pedal again. “Well, I wouldn’t say I’m a master.”
“Pffft. Come on. This? Masterpiece.” Luz held up his latest project—a sweater he pieced together from a box of old clothes Camila had given him.
He sat up a little straighter. “I did work really hard on that one.”
“Yeah, I can tell.”
Luz examined it more closely, running her fingers over the embroidery patches that covered the front. He’d picked one for each one of his friends. A dinosaur for Gus. A rainbow for Luz. Pizza for Amity—her favorite human food. Mountains for Vee, because she said she hoped to see them someday. And a smiley face for Willow, because she was always smiling, and she made him smile too. (He also added a wolf, but that was just because wolves were really cool.)
“Wait … you know this is the Japanese flag, right?” Luz asked.
Luz settled back against the cushions, and for a while, neither of them spoke. But Hunter didn’t mind. He was used to quiet. Back when he was in the Emperor’s Coven, he was alone all the time, poring over thick, dusty books in his room for hours. It was nice to be quiet with someone else for a change. He never would’ve guessed it in the beginning, with how much she used to annoy him, but Luz was really good at quiet sometimes. More than once, when he had a nightmare and couldn’t get back to sleep, he’d crept outside to get some air, and she was already sitting on the porch. On those nights, they sat side by side, saying nothing, just gazing at the stars until their eyelids got heavy enough to sleep again.
“Hey,” Luz said, “did I ever tell you that I like the haircut? Willow did it, right?”
His hand slipped on the fabric, making his stitches go crooked. He tried very hard not to remember Willow’s fingers in his hair, but goosebumps still sprung up on his neck, and he felt his cheeks go warm.
Flapjack stirred on his shoulder, and Hunter knew he was giving him That Look again. He cleared his throat and kept sewing.
“Yeah,” he said, keeping his voice light. “She helped me out.”
“It looks nice,” Luz said. “But I can’t believe how shaggy it’s gotten in the back already.”
Hunter shrugged. “My hair’s always grown fast.”
“Huh. I wonder if that’s a Grimwalker thing.”
His fingers slipped again, and this time, they ended up under the needle. Hunter sucked in a breath through his teeth.
“Stop that!” he hissed.
Luz frowned. “You okay? That didn’t sound good.”
“I’m fine.” He yanked his hands back, cradling his throbbing fingers. “But why do you keep just— saying that?”
“That you’re a Grimwalker?”
“Shut up! You don’t …” He sighed. “We don’t know that.”
Luz’s eyebrows lifted. “Why would Belos lie about that?”
“Belos lies all the time!” Hunter said, voice rising. “He lied to me my whole life!”
Luz was watching him carefully now, like she was studying his expression. Trying to figure out what he was thinking. It reminded him of the way he used to watch Belos whenever he and the scouts came back with bad news. Even when Belos had his mask on, Hunter learned how to read the curve of his shoulders, the twitch of his fingers, the pauses between his words.
Or at least, he thought he did. Because even after years of watching, the one thing Hunter had never learned to recognize … was when Belos was lying.
His stomach lurched, and he bowed his head. “I guess I was just hoping this was one last lie,” he said quietly. “But I know it’s not.”
Luz shifted to face him. “Hunter, you know it’s okay, right? That you’re … different? I mean, I’m a human! I’m different too.”
“Well, now we’re in the human realm, and I’m the freak in a group of outsiders.” He slumped over the desk, burying his face in his hands.
“You’re not a freak.”
“Yes, I am. After I found out, I read every book I could find about it. I know exactly how much of a freak I am.”
“Come on. You can’t talk about yourself like that.”
His head snapped up. “I was grown in the ground! Did you know that? I’m made of palistrom wood. And selkidomus scales. My heart is a galdorstone. I have stonesleeper lungs. I was made from the bones of a dead guy to be a clone to do Belos’s will. And I did it. For years and years I clung to every one of his lies. I let him trick me and use me. I served him. I practically worshiped him. Exactly like he created me to do.” He paused, breathing hard. Then his eyes sank to the floor, voice sinking with them. “You’re wrong, Luz. I’m the worst freak of them all.”
Luz didn’t answer. He heard a rustling sound, and then a shadow fell over his desk. He looked up to see her standing beside him.
“Is that really how you think of yourself?” she asked softly.
His shoulder twitched in a sort of half-shrug. “It’s true.”
“No, it isn’t.” She perched on the edge of the desk. “Look, yeah, maybe you popped out of the ground. Whatever. The rest of us popped out of somewhere way grosser than that.”
“Ew, Luz—”
“And does it matter? Does it matter where you came from, as long as you choose where to go?”
She looked at him earnestly, hopefully. He hadn’t seen her look like that in a long time. Like a kid who still believed in fairytales. He’d thought that was naive, at first. He thought she was stupid for trusting him when they first met, when he’d been planning to betray her all along. But she was right, in the end. It was her trust that made him choose to help her. Somehow, from the very beginning, she’d believed he’d end up on her side. And now, here they were—more than just allies. More than friends, even. He’d never said it, but he was pretty sure that Luz was the closest thing he’d ever had to family.
His gaze slipped sideways. “But I’m not—I’m not like the rest of you. I’m, like … fake.”
To his surprise, Luz laughed. “Fake? Fake? There is nothing more real than your newfound passion for sewing, potato boy.”
In spite of himself, he laughed too. “Potato boy?”
“Yeah. ’Cause potatoes grow in the ground.”
Luz grinned. “Listen. Maybe your heart is a galdorstone, but it’s full of all the good stuff. The best stuff. The stuff that makes you Hunter—who is nothing like Belos. And nothing like Caleb Wittebane, either.”
“Yeah.” She point to the wolf pattern still pinned under the sewing machine. “There’s no way Caleb Wittebane was as cringe as you.”
Hunter frowned. “What’s cringe?”
“It’s what you are.”
“And that’s … good?”
“It is indeed, my friend. Embrace it.” She placed a hand on his shoulder. “Embrace the Hunter.”
Flapjack twittered, butting his head gently against Hunter’s cheek.
He smiled. “Okay.”
“Good. I’ll let you finish your project, okay? I’m gonna go embrace the Luz.” She yawned. “The Luz that could really go for a nap right now.”
She pushed off the desk and made her way back to the stairs. He stood, eyes trailing after her.
“Um, Luz?”
She paused on the bottom step. “Yeah?”
“Do you think—do you think the others would think the same thing? Like, that I’m … I don’t know—”
“The same Hunter they already know and love?” She smiled. “Of course.”
Hunter lifted Flapjack from his shoulder, cradling him in his hands. Flapjack looked back up at him, brown eyes warm and bright.
“Well, then, maybe I should tell them,” Hunter said.
“You definitely could.”
He bit his lip. “But I’m not sure I’m ready yet.”
“That’s okay,” Luz said. “You can take as much time as you need.”
He looked up at her. “And you still won’t tell anyone, right?”
“I won’t tell. Trust me—I get it.” Her expression darkened. “I have a secret too, remember?”
“That won’t make them hate you either,” Hunter said. “You know that, right?”
Her lips lifted, but the smile didn’t seem to reach her eyes. “Right. Well, good luck with your sewing thing.” She climbed back up the stairs and shut the door behind her.
Hunter sank back onto the stool, placing Flapjack gently on the desk.
“What do you think, Flap? Should I tell them?”
Flapjack chirped, tilting his head.
“Yeah, you’re right. There’s no rush. I can tell them when I’m ready.”
He eyes caught on the sweater Luz had left on the couch. The patches were bright against the dark fabric. He counted off each of them. Luz. Amity. Vee. Willow. Gus. Something tightened in his gut, warm and waiting.
“When I’m ready,” he whispered.
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evita-shelby · 1 year
Of Gods and Witches
Chapter 17
Gif by @unicornspwnall
Taglist: @thegreatdragonfruta @v3d3rl1cht @urgonnaneedabiggership
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“They say yuum wants war with the surface.” Itotia is strangely quiet.
Her teenage daughter was brash and outspoken even in ways Eva had not been at her age.
Took after her husband in that, she thinks. That man was raised to believe himself a god and even age had not bothered touching some of his arrogance.
“The surface wants war with us, we are just ensuring we have allies.” Eva corrects.
Humanity was always greedy, when the Abrahamic God placed Adam and Eve in Eden they decided it was not enough and ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Even gods were greedy.
“By kidnapping the Wakandan Princess and the American engineer?” Itotia asked thinking it was a stupid idea. “Did yuum even think before he acted so stupidly?”
“Totia, watch your words.” Her mother warned. “The Queen of Wakanda refused to work with us and now we have to force them into doing as we asked.”
“Why didn’t you do it, mamá? Even yuum knows you are better at talking.”
Because I am dying.
If she could bring herself to say it, Eva would and stop this headache from turning into a full-blown war.
Then she sees it, the Black Panther tearing K’uk’ulkan’s wings from his ankles in a deserted island.
They fight, Eva feels her throat as dry as his in his weakened state and feels his spear go through her abdomen as if she were both contenders.
Shuri will not die, instead her technology allows her to make herself equal to Namor.
Namor who for all his strength and experience, has never fought someone who could bring down gods even without the vibranium flower.
“Mama, Na’, wake up!” Itotia cries as she holds her mother who is gasping for air and water.
For a brief second, the glamour falls and the girl sees the truth only for the Witch Queen of Talokan to rise from the cenote as healthy and beautiful as she always looks.
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“Is Na’ dying, yuum?” Itotia asks after her father joins her at the edge of the water.
She was the most like him, in temperament and appearance.
For all her strength and invulnerability, she is still the little girl who would come to him when she had nightmares.
Eva’s death would hurt her just as his mother’s death did centuries ago.
“She is ill, but she is not dying. The Wakandans will cure her as part of our alliance, ki’ichpan.” Ch’ah holds his eldest, his firstborn child whom he met and loved even before she was conceived.
“You kidnapped their princess; how will they help us now?” Itotia looks at him in earnest, anger in her dark eyes because they both know Eva’s life depends on Wakanda and in her mind, he’s killed her already.
“She demanded to come here, your mother foresaw it and I acted accordingly, Itotia.” He answered disliking how quickly his own heir has turned against him.
She had changed after the chasquido.
His little dancer questioned him at every turn, thinking herself grown even if she was denied five years of growth and remained sixteen while her friends and her ba’al had matured into adults.
Why didn’t you avenge us, father? Why didn’t you fight Thanos like the Avengers did?
Were you too much of a coward to leave the ocean?
Two years ago, he had been faced with the truth, he cannot pretend the troubles of the surface no longer stay there.
To protect his kingdom, he had to sit on his hands and let the surface-dwellers avenge their fallen and try to fix everything.
His own people were loyal, but even then they questioned why their god and king had not fought for them.
His own child, the child he met in a vision and sired on his throne had said then and said it now with her eyes identical to his.
She stalks off in her anger and Ch’ah Toh Almehen goes to his wife.
“Give her time, in kuxtal.” His wife looks better than she had in days, and yet the shadow of death lingers on her like a fine cloak.
Namor has lived alone for centuries and K’uk’ulkan ruled by himself for just as long, but Ch’ah Toh Almehen does not think himself strong enough to be in a world without her.
“She is right, you know, had I faced Thanos then you would not have been gone for so long.” I was a coward, he meant to say, but he could not make himself speak it aloud.
He was no coward, even if he had fought the Titan, his people would have suffered.
“It was not your destiny, the time will come when you join them, but it wasn’t then.” She extends her hand to him and he takes it gently, kissing it with the love and devotion he only has for her.
Whatever she saw made her melancholy, worried enough to send for him in the middle of a meeting.
Eva’s commands were never ignored.
His people knew their lives depended on what she sees, when he heard her calling to him, he knew whatever she has seen is not good.
“What did you see?” he asks, coming close, taking her face in his hands, and seeing the truth written there before she can voice it.
“War, you against Shuri, Wakanda against Talokan. If you do not yield to her---” her voice breaks off as a tear slid down her cheek.
She had seen him die.
It would not happen, of course, the Lords of Xibalba took pity on her and gave her a chance to outwit them like the Hero Twins did.
“Ye of little faith.” He tries to assure her, Shuri of Wakanda was too young, too grief stricken and lacked the one thing her brother had: the vibranium that made him the Black Panther.
“The cure to my disease is the flower, she will make it and take it herself as well.” Eva shook her head. “She will be as strong as you and she will tear off your wings even after you drive your spear through her.
Promise me, Ch’ah, promise me you will yield.”
He cannot do that, Shuri is a child. Like the Surface dwellers like to say, the devil is wise by age not for being the devil. Five hundred years of fighting and training have made him unstoppable.
Eva with all her magic could not come close to him, what makes her think a fucking child younger than their youngest daughter would be able to defeat him?
“What makes you think she can kill me? I am as powerful as a god, in watan, even if she were as strong as me, she does not have the experience I have.” He argues, softly in hopes she doesn’t move away.
Eva stands her ground and steps away slightly, making sure he is aware how dire the situation is.
“Your arrogance will be the death of you, Namor.” She warns and he knows she means it.
He hates it when she calls him Namor, he makes exceptions from time to time, but he loathes it when she goes against him like this.
First, Itotia now her.
“Tell me why I should deny myself the chance to die in battle?” he will yield, of course, he is not an idiot and knows too many people depend on him to let himself die.
Besides, if being defeated by a mere child of twenty is a shame amongst them, then being killed by one would dishonor his bloodline forever.
“Because I cannot live in a world where you are dead, Ch’ah. Because you have three children who need you alive. Do you need more reasons, because I have them, in wíicham!” she answers with tears, not caring if anyone hears them.
“I know you do, wàay, I will yield to her.” K’uk’ulkan relents without a fight. After a century, the king of Talokan should know better than to argue against her.
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Yuum: father/dad
Na': mom
In kuxtal: my life
Chasquido: the snap (technically its Le Chasquido
Ba'al: boyfriend, male companion
Lords of Xibalba: twin rulers of the underworld/gods of death, Hun Came and Vucub Came who in the Popul Vuh were defeated by twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanque aka the Hero Twins
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