#but its kinda more platonic
shinjisdone · 8 months
Two Humans in the Demon Realm - Fantasy And Nightmare
What if by the time Luz Noceda the human emerged into the demon realm...some other human did, too? However, instead of being joyful of being surrounded by all they love and taken in by a kind and openhearted witch...they are terrified of this place, taken in by the ruler of the realm?
[Basically I watched TOH again and dammit HUNTER SHALL HAVE A FRIEND I SAY NOT UNTIL S2 but NOW I SAY NOW]
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The ground was red.
You swore you heard something akin to a growl from the plants.
The sea seems to be boiling and there is no way out, no matter how much you twist and turn.
There is no escape.
And as your fears turn into reality as raindrops hit your skin and burn your flesh away as you read in the book back home, you run and cry.
This is a nightmare.
This isn't earth. Nowhere this place could be, could be earth!
And if what that book said was true...
There are no humans but just one. From decades ago.
Perhaps you heard of the demon realm - through stories, gossip, theories, relatives that are aware of magic and witchcraft.
Maybe you believed in it, or maybe you thought it'd be humbug. The few magical instances in your life you witnessed - those were just show, right? A trick of the mind?
Or real magic after all.
But it did not matter. The moment you opened your eyes, you were stuck here.
On a rotting, red, boiling island that seemed far, far too familiar in that book you've read. Either out of interest or boredom. Maybe someone wanted to prove it to be real or you wanted to know if it was really fake.
Yet here you are and the smell, touch, sight and taste you sense were accurate to that stupid book.
And if that were the case, then certainly the rest of demons, magic and curses was real, too.
Being all alone in a strange place, stuck in it, is definitely going to be hard for you. No friends, allies or family around with only this stupid, stupid book in your hands that got you trapped here in the first place. As much as you hated it, it did give insight of the many qualities of the isles and therefore saving your skin a dozen times.
"The rain seems to be toxic. I have seen none indulge in its coolness but rather, hide from it. Witch and demon alike."
"The ground is very...solid. Almost bone-like...I do fear the entire island may be nothing but a macabre graveyard."
"I was not quite welcome here...nothing and no one hunted me down but I presume if my curiousity pushes for it, they will begin to."
The impressed yet depressing writing of the author did not help but they always managed to decribe things objectively with great detail that saved you again and again. Especially the pages including magic spells.
The many complicated and confusing glyphs written in it daunted you at first. Magic, you believe, is what got you in this mess in the first place but after careful thinking, procrastination, blocking it all out and finding yourself in a situation that forced you to cast magic - such one that could cost you your life - you've grown to be a bit more accepting of the concept of these...glyphs. Little by little, though.
So after some time, you finally, finally gained enough courage to...enter their society.
The market seemed to be fine for now. Hiding your ears behind a cape and hood YOU HAD TO MAKE YOURSELF USING THIS STUPID BOOK (which actually turned out quite impressive even when you did have to use magic) you entered. Turning into the wrong directions though you ended up in a even sketchier part of the night market.
The constant bellowing of...demons wanting to sell you things was familiar enough from earth (even when their...four eyes and gills decorated from their chin down to their chest where you can...see their heart beating...was a not so familiar sight) but the constant showing off of magic was not. You did not know everything and this (stupid) book did not detail everything either so you did your best to avoid anything magical. Which was harder than imagined considering this is a market for amplifiers and potions and whatnot.
Avoiding it all let you to an dead end of an alley...and right in the middle of a criminal act!
'Wild witches' as they were called and a red light engulfed all of you quickly from above. Figures clad in dark and masks that you recognized as that of guards of this realm appeared, those that you often had to run away from as well. Desperately tugging the book under your cloak you hoped you could use th scuffle to get out of there as fast and quietly as possible. These 'wild witches' and guards could thrash each other as much as they like, you won't stop them!
Yet from above, a cold gale with a flash of gold swept up from behind you, shoving a staff into your face.
"I wouldn't do anything stupid now if I were you."
Fine, the potion you begrudgingly needed three days to make had to come in handy now!
Whisking a flask to the ground, you made a run for it. You could hear coughing and cursing as the vapor ingulfed them, followed soon by another echoing sound before the same golden mask appeared in front of you again.
In a mere blink of an eye, they swung their staff and a biting wind knocked you to the ground. You quickly clung onto your book as the guard rose their staff above their head.
"One more of that trick and you're ash." They lowly let out, "Can't believe there are still wannabees out there that-"
They halt and you freeze, a shiver running up your spine. Even when all they did was stand still as a statue, the very fact that they were clad and gold and white with real, heavy armor and with a staff compared to the local guards around the isles was enough to leave you frightened.
This one means business. It must be.
But what are they? Nowhere are these people ever talked about in the book!
You jerked up. Even their whispers were threatening.
Slowly but surely, the guard lowered their weapon. Though their face remained hidden by the mask resembling an owl, there was just a feeling, and underlying but undeniable feeling that made your stomach churn that whatever expression they might be having, their intentions are not in your interest.
"You're a human."
Your breath hitches. The cloak had fallen off from their spell, leaving it damp and abandoned further down in the alley. You didn't this would happen, you followed the instructions bit by bit. It felt like time stood still as the person before you hummed.
Finally, they raised their head again. "...You don't want trouble. Surely you don't?"
You shook your head.
"Then you're lucky you ran into me. Either you come with me or its the Conformatorium for you." They pointed the glowing tip of their weapon at you before playfully swinging it around, "And then, you know, zapped to dust, thrown into the sea to boil alive or petrified - there isn't much use for humans here."
Finally, you manage to speak. "You're not serious, are you?"
They sigh and motion for you to get up, doing so more threateningly when you did not obey the first time. "I'm not known for playing around." The red glow of the staff zapped towards your body, slung around your wrists like a snake before they jabbed you to keep walking out of the night market. "The Golden Guard can't afford to play around."
The next events were something you could only describe as hectic. Put on some kind of zeppelin (though it looked like a ship with wings) with magical...ropes(?) on you and head off to somewhere. Somewhere this guy claimed to be better than the 'Conformatorium'.
You had asked him what the point of taking you was but he was a bit too nonchalant for your taste.
"Oh, you'll see", He let out, "The Conformatorium is for witches and demons useless for the covens. But lucky for you, you might end up being useful, human."
It's all he said as he turned his back to you, controlling the ship with an carefree tune.
"I have a name, you know."
You spat out, couldn't take his attitude anymore. What is wrong with people in this realm?
The Golden Guard halted for a moment, stopping his melody abruptly. He waved his hand. "And?"
In turn, you scoffed out your name and telling him he might as well use it instead.
"What, does everyone also go around avoiding your name and calling you 'Golden Guard' instead or whatever?"
Once again he halted, longer than you anticipated. It was one request, a mere question but it left this guard guy guessing. He tilted his head absent-mindedly. You wondered what he'd need to ponder about for so long.
"...I do my job well," He started softly, "Well enough to be the only one worthy to be called the Golden Guard."
The trip was short and you did not know what to think of it. Glad to not bear this guy's attitude any longer or fearing for your life as a mere human in a place full of witches.
And covens? Use? Use for what? What is this...giant building, seeming more grande than anything else you've seen on the isles?
The rest followed by command. The Golden Guard shooed you to an different entrance than what you assumed tha main one was. The staff pressed against your back as you had no choice but to obey. With what could you defend yourself anyhow? An ancient book and bound hands?
The interior was akin to a palace of the medieval times, you noted. Individuals masked and clad in similiar white and gold worked routinely like soldiers in the hallways though your Golden Guard guy made sure nobody saw you. None of this was written in the book and though you have heard a few mumble in fear of the 'Emperor's Coven' you thought none of it. As long as you stayed away from it, you'd be safe. Yet here you were.
With a jab to the back, your oh so sweet companion ushered you up hidden stairs. Once entered the door behind you closed shut (with magic. Of course. Even in movies you never liked it when doors unexplainedly closed) and you went up ahead. The guard seemed to speed up more and more - along with getting ever so closer to a bright light ahead, you grew more anxious. This was it, wasn't it? You were going to die.
This would be your end, thrown into an hellscape away from family and friends. Treated like something worse than trash before your inevitable death.
Your companion rushed ahead of you, stepping into the room and immediately kneeling down. He moved his staff, causing you to tumble next to him, the magic ropes around your wrists tightening. "My Emperor," He let out in the most reverant voice you've heard him speak, "I apololgize for the sudden intervention but I have found something that might be of great interest to you regarding...the plan."
Looking up the dimly lit room, following the golden floor and walls, clad in immaculate red carpets and a set of stairs lied a throne. Tall and towering and on it, a man even more frightening.
He leaned his masked head against his armored hand, comfortably sitting on gold. His pale blue eyes glowed like that of a predator, you swore it at first sight.
"Your little friend will help accomplish our plan?"
"It is not anyone, sir." The Golden Guard pushed you forward and exposed your ears, "It is a human."
The exchange was scarier than anything else you'd seen on the isles.
The man on the throne was as swift as the wind as he stood up and approached you. He'd examine you, ask you question on who and what you are.
"Where do you come from, child, and when was that?"
He'd tilt his head and hum at your answers but did not make it known that he noticed your shaking and stuttering. However, his eyes lit up even more when he saw that book tightly hidden in your bag.
"Oh? What's this now?" With a flick of his finger, the book floated up to his eye level, pages after pages turned as he read them ever so quietly.
He'd definitely would ask you from where you got this book.
In the end it did not matter. Found it at a library, abandoned at a bus stop, given by clerk or friend. However, the man would raise a brow if you said that this book had been in your family for years.
Only if that were the case, though.
"Interesting. Well, welcome to the Emperor's Castle. Do make yourself at home."
The Golden Guard was just as confused as you. Stammering, he got up. "U- Emperor, what, here? Wh-what do you mean 'make yourself at home'?"
"It is what I said. Have you never had any guests, Golden Guard? You don't keep them prisoner," The man lifted his hand and the ropes around you vanished, "and you certainly take care of them. Like preparing a room for example." He put his arms behind his back, staring down at the younger man expectantly. He in turn, bowed and helped you up.
The...king of this castle you presumed, waved you goodbye. "We'll see what we can do for now. I'll gladly keep you here in my castle, safe and sound from the wilderness outside as long you can help me, little human."
Your companion excused the both of you and hurried you out of the throne room. Discreetly leading you inside an unused room, he shut the door.
"You're really lucky." He sighed, "...Anyone else wouldn't get...this treatment."
He sounded surprised and slightly melancholic but you didn't care - instead you can bombard him with any questions you like but he won't answer. Instead he shook his head and rose his open palm. "Listen, human. We're going to see how much of use you're going to be to the Emperor. But right here and now, the two of us are going to make some rules that he doesn't need to know of."
You can complain as much as you like but here you are in no position to refuse.
The Golden Guard listed each rule he abided to you.
'Do not leave the the castle, let alone the room. No one but him and the Emperor can know of your existence.'
'Tell each and every little secret you have to him first.'
'Don't cause trouble. He can get permission to stop treating you like a guest if you do'.
And lastly: 'Obey the Emperor.'
Your expression sours. This isn't what you wanted.
None of this was supposed to happen.
"Well, you'll get by. After all, as long as the Emperor allows it, you'll be kept safe. It's, ugh, my duty now too, to protect you. But be sure to stay in line because I can easily withdraw that priviledge."
Here you were. In this room.
It did have a bed, closet and desk with a chair. Much better than taking shelter in the rain under a firm bone or illegally breaking into someone's basement or shed. However, it was much more barren than any shed you broke into.
The Golden Guard would come in two to three times a day (WITHOUT KNOCKING) and bring you food and water. Either sternly ordering you around or playfully degrading you with a tap on the head with his staff. "Don't worry, the food is digestible for your human organs!" His enthusiasm didn't make the food taste any better though.
Aside from this, he'd ask you questions which you could only refuse or answer vaguely. He'd remind you of the safety the Emperor is providing you...but you can't admit that this 'Emperor' man felt sketchy to you. The book you always had with you was something you kept only for your eyes to see. It was your key in getting out of the demon realm and not matter what, you swore to yourself you wouldn't give it away or lose sight of it.
However, one day you had a request of your own.
"You remember our rules, don't you, human? No leaving this room."
"You can't expect to keep me here - thats keeping me prisoner, not as a guest!"
"I can tell you all about the great Emperor's Coven here. Besides, the Emperor plans to have a talk with you again."
You sigh. What's the point of escaping the room and getting lost in this giant castle right after? As well as risking being kicked out into the deadly outside of the isles?
But staying here would make you mad. Stuck in a system that you know nothing about...and you're supposed to just obey and take it?
"Can't you at least...show me around? I'd leave the room, yes, but you'd be with me. We wouldn't leave the castle and you can just keep an eye on me if you must. It's just...tiring to be here and not know what the rest of everything looks like." You looked out the window you were prohibited from opening. At least light went through, something akin to what you could deem a sun. "I still don't like this realm...but knowing nothing of it doesn't put me at ease even when I'm safe here."
Looking back you reckoned the Golden Guard was pondering about your request even behind the mask. You couldn't believe you were about to beg.
"Please, Golden Guard?"
Something about that look on your face felt too familiar.
With a heavy sigh he looks away - yet quickly regained his usual vigor. "Well, it would be a shame to be stuck in the great Emperor's Castle with the Golden Guard as your host and not see any of it."
He waved you over his shoulder to follow before swiftly spinning around with a stern voice. "But don't stray out of my sight. Disobey once and you're back in your room, human."
Hoooh boy, it worked.
Although a cloak and a mask was shoved into your hands, you gladly wore it if it meant getting out of the barren, same old room. As he said, the Golden Guard did not let you out of his sight but did insist on leading you. After all, you are pretending to be a newbie covenmember and the Golden Guard can't be seen walking side-by-side with someone beneath his status, hah!
He blabbered on and on about the many sights and objects you face with every turn of the hallways, some more interesting than the other. Your guard however, explained in great detail and with much vigor himself. "To the right we have the Healing Hat and if our guest were to turn to the left, they can admire the Oracle Sphere..."
He continued on with great detail as he waved his hand around as if that information was swimming carefreely in his brain. "Uhm, Golden Guard?" "Yes, newbie?" You ignored the sarcasm, "You witches can do magic because of that heart-addition-gall-thing-" "A sac connected to the heart filled with magical bile, which you lack." "Right. Then why do you need these magical items?"
He sighed. "They can be seen as amplifiers. They're made out of ingredients from the isles which can exceed magical abilities far greater than of any witch, besides Emperor Belos of course. It's easier than to train forever in a coven, so a short cut in a way." He shrugged.
You pondered about his answer, pursing your lips as you somewhat hesitated to ask again.
"...What are covens?"
In an blink of an eye the Golden Guard spun around and you could just imagine his dropped jaw. He let out something of a chortle. "Are you serious? You don't know anything of the Boiling Isles, do you, human?"
You sure were sick of his insults.
"If you were thrown into my realm, you wouldn't know a thing about my home either, would you, witch?"
Taking a step back, your companion hummed. "Hmph, fine. Then I'd better teach you about things here you should and shouldn't do before you get yourself killed. Can't afford to have you walk off and do something stupid, that'd be getting in the way of the plan...so follow my lead, human! I can show you the ropes."
So here you were, taking a longer patroul than planned as your teacher told you all there was to know - which was already a flood of information to take in and remember and you only started with the Emperor's Coven.
As witty his remarks were and how much he loved to throw them at you, the Golden Guard was truly a great teacher. He had a way to inprint each little trivia into your brain and even when you struggled to understand something, he managed to teach it to you in a way that you could grasp. The guy was quite knowledgable himself and it seemed his thirst for magical knowledge couldn't be easily quenched. He had an high opinion on both the Emperor's Coven and magic itself.
At the end of each day you made sure to write each new knowledge down in your book. It brings a smile on your face to see the book continued on from the detailed drawings and pretty, cursive writing to your little doodles and quick notes. It weirdly felt like being back in school and studying and while the change of environment and subjects weredaunting, the familiar routine brought you a bit of comfort.
The instances that brought no comfort were the 'meetings' with the 'king man'.
The Golden Guard drilled it into your head that he shall be adressed as 'Emperor Belos' yet no title could cease his suspicious aura. The man in question never seemed to take offense however.
He began with easy questions. Name, age, where you're from specifically and your time here in the demon realm. Often he found interest in your book but you hesitated to share its contents. The ruler always backed off when you refused.
It was also always very strange when the powerful witch emperor used your name and the Golden Guard didn't.
"Thanks for your time. It's always interesting to hear your perspective from your realm and how you perceive ours. You're really lucky you ended up here in my castle."
Belos also always reminded you of how safe you are in his domain.
If you show any disdain for the demon realm he surprisingly understands. A poor human like you couldn't survive out there for any longer...he can imagine the struggle.
He'd also be interested how far the human realm is on it's moderness. Is it the same as in the demon realm?
His number one question is how you got here in the first place though. You genuinely do not know nor remember but you do keep the secret that it had something to do with the book. Even when you did not know how.
Nevertheless, no matter how much Belos tries to win your favor and trust to look into the book and how you got here, you cannot bring yourself to trust him. The mannerism, the way he talks and walks and knowing he is an emperor just did not sit right with you.
It was never pleasant to meet with him even when he pretends it is.
So the routine stayed the same for a while until something happened.
How it happened is up to you. You snuck onto the airship to finally get out of that castle, the book or some magical item led you to it, you needed to see the Golden Guard for whatever reason or you accidentally got on it. The how doesn't matter, the fact that you are here is what would drive Belos' right-hand man mad.
"What- are you doing here?!" He squeaks out but no explanation would actually calm him. This is an mission he's on and no matter what he cannot let Belos' guest get involved in it! Think about the danger! "Oh, no, no, this isn't good. I already wasn't supposed to show you around the castle but this - this is inexcusable! No, I can't...you aren't supposed to be here, human!"
You back off. This is the first time you've seen the Golden Guard so...anxious.
As quick as it came however, he was able to shake it off and put on the mask again.
"No, it's fine. I can fix this before it even becomes a problem. But you, "He grabs your wrist, "You're staying by my side, got it?"
The outside was dangerous.
You landed in a part of the isles that was unfamilair to you. A few plants and forages were drawn in the book but that was all there was to it. Trotting after him, danger was quick to follow. It took him first and with the book always on your person, you swiftly drew a glyph in the ground. Creating a few more and dragging the guard back to the ship, he panted out his panic. And what you actually did.
"That...that was magic. I think. Picto - Picture - I don't know that part is hard to distinguish in the book." "That...that was kinda amazing...how did you-!"
Another wave of danger came and you drew another glyph onto ground. The guard steered the damaged ship to safety while you threw every trick you had up your sleeve. Finally arriving close to the castle in safety, your companion caught his breath and approached you.
"How...how did you do that? I thought humans can't put any spells on anything! I've never seen magic casted like that before!"
You can't help but smile slightly, seeing him genuinely flustered. Seems like he wasn't really this all-knowing teacher.
"I just copied what was in the book...it's easier than you think." Yet at that moment, your heart dropped. Someone as inquisitive as the Golden Guard who is still your captor even if he doesn't see himself in that way, would then want nothing more than to look into your book. You caught him reaching out for it before he stopped.
"Wait...those were various magic spells used from all kinds of covens...wild magic. You can't use that." You raised a brow and pressed the book further into you and away from him. "Why not? It's just usual magic, isn't it?" "You don't understand," He sounded serious despite being roughed up, "Of course you human wouldn't understand. You could get hurt if you aren't careful. Wild magic can..."
Retracting his hand, a sigh escaped him and he halted for a few moments. You weren't sure what he'd do next.
"...I am not giving you the book."
"You should! In fact, you gotta if you don't want to end up hurt!"
"These spells saved us! I saved you!"
Your glare soured again into a small frown. You took a step back and looked up at him, lips pressed into a thin line. You didn't really wanted to have him as an enemy.
You didn't want anyone to be an enemy. You didn't want to be here.
"I'm not fond of this magic either, Golden Guard, but I've got to use them. If I don't, I won't survive. If I didn't use this book back when I first got here and just now, I wouldn't have survived this place at all."
The guy was unusually silent. Only the flat breaths hitting his mask filling the silence.
Finally, he spoke up just as soft as you.
"...Why did you save me anyway?"
You rose a brow. You could understand where he came from with that question...but it still came out of nowhere. "Why wouldn't I?"
"Because you have no reason to. I...I am your host and you are welcome in the castle but you...you still didn't have a reason..." He trailed off for a second before starting again, "You could have steered the ship and got yourself back to safety. You could've left me behind."
Again, you only looked at him puzzled. "...Why would I?"
You stared at each other in silence.
- Before you broke it with nervous laughter. "I don't know how it is with you but from where I come from we...don't usually do that. You needed help and I could help you with these glyphs," You pointed at the book, "So, I helped you. I...couldn't just abandon you, Golden Guard."
The second wave of silence that ensued truly made your nervousness rocket.
A breath was taken, as if he had held it the entire time he was staring at you, and with it let out mumbles under his breath. "That's...so weird." With an unsure gait he passed by you, grabbed your wrist and lead the both of you to the castle.
Without looking back he adressed you with his usual stern voice. "I will not be confiscating the book. But I want to know what other forms of wild magic you can do...for research and safety. I won't tell Emperor Belos anything of what happened today."
The days grew less mundane at least, beside the one misadventure.
The Golden Guard visited you more often with more interesting intentions. You shared with what you were comfortable with and though it did annoy him at times, he found this new information more than helpful. You discussed many variants of magic and his excitment of the topic was quite infectious (but you'd never tell him that). In turn, he showed more around the castle and introduced you to many things but would not take you with him outside the castle barriers.
He still did not thank you for saving his life. It seemed he did not know how.
But you've come to grown to his company and vice versa.
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
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had a(nother) nightmare
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answermywearyquery · 5 months
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the theerapanyakul kids: how close are you with each other?
loan’s kinnporsche 2nd anniversary: favourite familial relationship: the theerapanyakul kids (insp: ½+½)
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jakearison · 10 months
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Reasons why agent 4 should have been in splat3: a thread (1/278)
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isatartdump · 27 days
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Why are there so many of you. I don't fit you all in my house. I don't even know how to thank you kMDLWQKNE
UHM?? You guys are cool thanks for giving me a place to ramble? And post my little sketches. That you seem to like
It means a lot to me
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There's also a sifzaloop hidden in there
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moonlit-dreamers · 3 months
honestly im really enjoying the plot in mgafs but especially bc of eclipse and how he is as a character
hes become something more neutral. he isnt a villain nor a "good guy". hes just. a guy. he doesnt even want to be here but he doesnt have much of a choice. he tolerates ppls existence as much as he can without exploding. he does care about ppl but he hides it under a guise of "im doing this for myself and anyone who benefits from this is just a side effect" and honestly i love that so fucking much. like. he very much gives a shit about earth and at one point emphasized that she would not get hurt. tho when questioned about it he dodges the question. in fact, every time someone brings up earth and how defensive he is he avoids it. i feel like not even he himself wants to confront how he feels
then theres also puppet. their relationship is like the extrovert adopting the introvert type thing (its also like that with earth but puppet is more forceful and the more "ur never getting rid of me" type). he, again, doesnt admit that he cares. and honestly he probably didnt give a flying fuck about her in the beginning. the main reason he even went on the whole quest to help with the other puppet was bc he would also be effected, even if he was in another dimension (also bc he didnt want it to hurt earth but shhhh). but now he does seem to show some form of concern towards puppet at certain times. its also incredibly entertaining to watch puppet keep pushing at his limits. makes me think of that one video where a crow kept fucking with an eagle. just kept nipping and getting in its face then running away. thats what it feels like lmao
also like. almost every time he defended someone theres always been some kinda excuse he could make that gives him an out with saying that it was also for his benefit. probably the only time he defended someone and wouldnt get personal benefit out of it was when he confronted ruin and told him to keep earth out of it. tho, luckily for him, nobody was there to witness it and question it (unless moon was there bc i dont remember it exactly >.>).
which, yes, probably a lot of things that he does is for his own benefit. but he'd be completely fine with abandoning the ppl he was helping. in multiple situations he didnt have to help them. he wouldve been just fine and able to get out of the situation without them making out with him. and yet he did. and yet he purposely made room for them to follow.
idk man. just watching him develop as a character and going from someone who didnt give a flying fuck about anybody into actually giving a bit of a shit is fascinating. also even more entertaining to see just how desperately he tries to hide it
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thrandilf · 3 months
Wukong and MK have such an intense bond they're truly on next levels of devotion and doing fucking insane things for each other like I hate it when people act like Wukong is like MK's parental figure because it's just inaccurate (that would be Pigsy) and whatever they got going on is so much more intense that fitting it into a familial box does it an injustice they just have top tier platonic wild energy without blood relation as any kind of excuse for it. Guys of all time
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jestroer · 2 years
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When i saw day 14 and 15 on @ink-ghoul‘s Hermittober + Double life thingie i immediately thought about Team Rancher and could not take them out of my mind so there they are! Not exactly on theme but its what my brain gave me on those promts so it is what it is
Days 14+15 Warmth + Farm = Team Rancher!
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candy8448 · 2 months
how is people making romantic shippy content ruining your experience by tiring you out lol ?? how is people making romantic shippy content preventing you from "letting you have" your platonic little guys. everyone in fandom does whatever they like. no one is gonna make the content you want for you
Im not trying to change how people see the characters as romantic or whatever they see them as and im sorry if it came off that way.
What i was trying to point out is that there is a severe lack of platonic content for dungeon meshi. I go on ao3 dunmeshi fandom tag and its mostly shipping and smut fics. (I mainly search for chillchuck fics and the majority chillshi or chillaios fics or shipping him with other characters, many/most containing smut and then i exclude those tags and there are barely any fics at all) and its just quite frustrating when it is all you can find
I was just trying to point out that there is a whole lot of shipping and i personally want to see more platonic stuff but im not trying to get anyone to change what they like/ship/make
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hexxter · 5 months
Ok but what if Ephemer’s and Player’s hearts are like literally connected (really really literally)
Maybe like, small pieces of each other heart being traded, or i guess other magical ways
So if the theory of Sora being the third reincarnation of the player.. (even tho I don’t like this theory cause both deserves to have their heart, specifically Sora with his heart hotel moments)
Maybe thats how Ephemer soul showed up in KH3? Cause the connection to player that stayed within Sora, this theory pretty common right?
And if thats works one way, could also go the other way no?
Ephemer summoning the Player’s soul with the hearts connection. Maybe even unintentionally, suddenly poof the player is there as a ghost!
Sounds like interesting angst. Maybe thats would be also like.. why the player took pretty long to reincarnated to missing link area cause Ephemer was still around so Player’s soul tied up to his heart.
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insufferablemod · 4 months
hmm realizing that the ship i like properly Ship the most is probably arasol...
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voided-selfships · 7 days
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They wouldn't have met immediately I think
@comfycozycirrus @ghost--girlfriend @kylilah @arothroughtheheart-selfship @lovebandit42069 @love-birds-stuff @permafrown @cherry-bomb-ships @tropicalgothships
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donaviolet · 2 months
Friendship is the most special thing in the world because no award could be give me bigger happiness than jumping around in my room and smiling because my pookie asked me if I wanted to match pfps
#SHES AMAZING I LOVE HER AHHHHH#I hope we manage to find a cute bsd pfp it would be literally my dream#little vent tw!!#it's been so long since I matched pfps last time was with my ex who started being wayyyyy too weird..#and the other time was with a friend who started ghosting me some months later just because I didnt give her enough adopt me pets or smth 💔#and like. her stopping talking to be literally broke me as a person. it was devastanting for like 13yo me#woahhh thank you k. now I have social anxiety and keep dobting whether people really want me there or not#I still have a sort of love hate relationship w her but like its been over 2 years maybe 3 why do I still care abt it sm :<#especially since our other bestie is wayy more affectionate w k than w me it just makes me feel so weird like im sort of a 3rd wheel#but at least the friend im gonna match with is the sweetest person ever and we can be silly together :333#unfortunately we only know eachother from a course so we always have to wait 2 weeks to see eachother#and even tho i still see k almost every day shes pretty different now#but ive been feeling so so happy the last few days since school started and im afraid I might go back to being how I was when she returns#because. I bet my two friends will keep being silly together and ill have to sit w my ex again cuz hes still part of our friend group#I mean hes a nice and funny guy but I figured that a relationship wont work with us. I tried it and I just wanna be friends#I have a lot of fun w him but like in a platonic way#and im afraid he still thinks we should be together#meanwhile my besties keep flirting w eachother like??#I mean its pretty funny as a joke but I cant help but feeling kinda jealous especially because I used to have a huge crush in one of them#talked a bit too much ooopssss#Im just trying to move on but I hope k coming back doesnt start everything over again#anyways!! I love my bestie from the course smmmmmm Im still so so happy :D wish we could see eachother more#random stuff#chaos#friendship#violet rambles
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blackbatcass · 4 months
I've seen a lot of people say that Wally is Dick's best friend, and I've always been a little confused by that. First of all, it's obviously Donna. But even if we're narrowing the field to just redheaded men, I always felt like Dick was closer to Roy than he was to Wally, but I figure that's just what I've read. Even in NTT, which is the only thing I've really seen with them together, Dick and Wally didn't come across as especially close. Got any recommendations on what I can read to see more of them?
Yeah so trying to pick apart these relationships is pretty confusing because canon is just as wishy washy about it lmao. You’re right that dick and wally being closer is more of a modern invention, and I think influenced by yjtv(?) But tbh I cant even blame modern comics for that, it was even inconsistent in the 90s (I believe dick was referred to as wally’s best friend in titans 99 and the flash run). So. Who knows
Historically & in NTT especially dick was always depicted as being closest to donna. Though NTT is honestly not a very good ref for wally in general, he quit pretty early on and wolfman was just bad at writing speedsters💀 If you want recs for dick & wally I would say the first 20 issues or so of Titans ‘99, Flash (1987) #81-83, and Flash Plus Nightwing (1997). And a lot of modern comics ofc though I can’t rec those in good conscience🤷‍♀️
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gemharvest · 2 months
It's such a crazy feeling when you get close enough with someone to realize that holy shit, I was put on Earth to Love You; and by god, I will do my fucking job.
(pretend there is a big ass banner here clarifying that I am making this post about platonic relationships; this isn't about romantic love)
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true-bluesargent · 6 months
not a michael and jeremy shipper but i believe in their beliefs
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