#Tom Metzger
ace7librarian · 8 days
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Behold! A sequel nobody asked for!
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fencecollapsed · 8 months
not BEST, we're not talking about parenting methods, we're talking about who you the voter likes the most <3
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krispyweiss · 2 years
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Television Co-founder Tom Verlaine Dead at 73
- “This man’s importance can’t be overstated,” Scott Metzger says
Tom Verlaine, the guitarist and singer who co-founded the influential punk band Television, has died at 73, Rolling Stone reports.
The magazine cited Patti Smith’s daughter, Jesse Paris Smith, who said Verlaine died Jan. 28 following a “brief illness.”
“More 2023 fretted heartbreak,” a “saddened and bummed” Vernon Reid wrote on Twitter.
“One of the great punk lead stylists. Tom Verlaine was a true downtown hero.”
Television’s 1977 debut, Marquee Moon, is considered a touchstone; it is one of only two albums the band released in its initial incarnation.
“Not many first-time-hearing experiences in my life compare to the first time through Marquee Moon,” drummer Steve Gorman (the Black Crowes/Trigger Hippy) tweeted. “There weren’t any words then, and there really aren’t any right now.
Guitarist Scott Metzger of Joe Russo’s Almost Dead concurred, calling the LP “a holy grail of creative rock guitar, song craft and arranging that I always end up going back to year after year.
“This man’s importance can’t be overstated,” Metzger wrote on social media. “RIP, Tom Verlaine.”
After Television’s demise, Verlaine would release nine solo albums between 1979 and 2006, even after Television reformed 1992 and continued to play sporadically. But Marquee Moon had the greatest impact; Jason Isbell said he and the 400 Unit walk onstage to that LP “most nights” and he called Verlaine “the realest deal.”
“May Tom Verlaine rest in peace and love,” Todd Rundgren’s Spirit of Harmony Foundation said.
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prof-ramses · 8 months
Some ramblings about the Nightmare Time season 3 episode titles
Bottle Imps:
This isn't really a prediction, but if Charlotte isn't in this episode, I will find the Langs and rip their kidneys out with my bare hands.
The imps themselves will be CCRP's attempt at lab grown sniggles or even LiBs.
Richie will also be experimented on, he either won't survive and/or will become a part of Ruth in the process
Even if nothing in the episode even remotely suggests it, it will become common fanon that Lazlo and Hidgens are related.
Becky Barnes Climbed A Tree:
Witchwood shit, baby!
Someone (probably Tom) is either crushed by a log or ends up hanged from a tree.
We might see the Metzgers again.
Devil's Night:
Dare I say the devil in question is Tinky in disguise? I mean, he's the closest thing we've seen to a classical demon. Not to mention the whole "mischief" angle.
I honestly don't know whether it would be better for Grace to fuck shit up again, just get by unscathed or actually get killed off in at least one timeline.
I have the uneasy feeling that a side character introduced in this episode will be very popular.
Miss Holloween:
I honestly, don't even know. This shit's gonna be wild.
I'm fairly confident the "for real this time" part in the synopsis will prove to be either an outright lie, or some form of double meaning.
Orb Weaver:
There will be big conflict between the Foster sisters.
MacNamara isn't fully himself, the sisters will be able to trust even less than they think
We might get another gathering of the Lords, this time, all directly addressing Hannah.
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raspberrysmoon · 4 months
KEY- Wiggly, Webby, Tinky, Nibbly, Blinky, Pokey. Dead, no alignment.
explanatory post
explanatory post
I CURSE THE DAY (the first fic!)
Zoey Chambers- ⚔️❤️
Zach Chambers- ⚔️❤️
Ted Spankoffski- ⏳🎤🪤
Duke Keane- ⚔️
Jeri- 🎤
Kai Drew- ⚡️🌺🌑⏳🌧️⚔️🪤🎤❤️
agatha waylon
alex bailey
alice woodward
barry swift
becky barnes
benji oliver
bill woodward
blake shapiro
bob metzger
brenda madden
brooke tessburger
bruno harper-watts
caitlyn smith
carl metzger
charles coven
charlotte sweetly
dan reynolds
daniel laine
deb reynolds
donna daggit
doug jameson
doug keane
duke keane
ed larson
eddie chiplucky
eliza tessburger
emma perkins
ethan green
florence schaffer
frank pricely
gabe oliver
gary goldstein
gerald monroe
grace chasity
hank -
hannah foster
harmony jones
henry hidgens
holly cross
jane perkins
jason jepson
jenny peterson
jeri -
jerry -
john macnamara
jordan monroe
kale -
karen chasity
ken davidson
kimberly mulberry
kyle clauger
lars metzger
lex foster
linda monroe
louie metzger
mark chasity
mary clarke
matilda waylon
max jägerman
melissa campbell
miss holloway
noah reid
nora beanie
pamala foster
patricia johnson
paul matthews
pete spankoffski
reese miller
richie lipschitz
river monroe
roman murray
ruth fleming
sam sweetly
seaton monroe
sheila young
sherman young
solomon lauter
sophia -
stacy baker
steph lauter
sylvia miller
ted spankoffski
tim houston
todd addams
tom houston
tony green
trent monroe
trevor jackson
uncle wiley
wilbur cross
xander lee
zach chambers
zoey chambers
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brokecorviknight · 9 months
Hatchetfield Pokémon AU - Partner List:
Main Characters:
Paul Matthews - Exploud
Emma Perkins - Porygon
Tom Houston - Donphan
Becky Barnes - Comfey
Lex Foster - Zigzagoon (Cressellia is also here)
Hannah Foster - Mew
Pete Spankoffski - Stoutland
Steph Lauter - Luxray
Grace Chasity - Hatterene
Max Jägerman - Passimian
Wiggly (Wiggog Y’rath) / Wendell (Dark/Psychic)
Nibbly (Nibblenephim) / Nicky (Dark/Psychic)
Pokey (Pokotho) / Porter (Dark/Psychic)
Blinky (Bliklotep) / Blaine (Dark/Psychic)
Tinky (T’noy Karaxis) / Theo (Theodore) (Dark/Psychic)
Webby (Queen in White) / Wendy (Psychic/Dark)
Important Characters:
Ted Spankoffski - Volcarona
Bill Woodward - Leavanny
Alice Woodward - Skitty
Prof. Henry Hidgens - Liligant
Gen. John MacNamara - Genesect
Ethan Greene - Cyclizar
Linda Monroe - Vespiqueen
Tim Houston - Cubone
Richie Lipschitz - Gallade
Ruth Fleming - Sprigatito
Solomon Lauter - Honchkrow
Detective Shapiro - Pikachu
Henry (Fake Prof. Henry Hidgens) - Mimikyu
Lucy Stockworth - Gholdengo
Wooly-Foot - Galrian Darmanitan
Konk (Ted Spankoffski) - Darmanitan
Pryce Perkins (Paul Matthews 23) - Ditto
Emilia Matthews (Emma Perkins Android) - MissingNo
Time Bastard / Homeless Man (Ted Spankoffski) - Iron Moth and Slither Wing
Jane Houston (Perkins) - Revaroom
Miss Holloway - Hypno
Duke Keane - Snorlax
Gerald Monroe - Vivallon
Perky (Emma Perkins) - Aribolva
Ziggy - Shiftry
Jeri - Nidoqueen
Jerry - Nidoking
Lumber Axe (Lil’ Jerry) - Witchwood Haxorus
Shelia Young - Froslass
Rose - Toxtricity
Melissa - Meowstick (Female)
Puss - Espeon
Named Characters:
Greenpeace girl / Harmony Jones - Shaymin
Ken Davidson - Grumpig
Charlotte Sweetly - Oinkalogne
Sam Sweetly - Braviary
Nora - Minccino
Zoey Chambers - Alcreamie
Deb - Liepard
Frank Pricely - Sableye
Sherman Young - Salazzle
Gary Goldstein - Meowth
Uncle Wiley / Wilbur Cross - Tentacruel
Man in a Hurry / Barry Swift - Yanmega
Dude with Peanut - Pachirisu (Peanut)
Xander Lee - Empoleon
President - Unfezant (Male)
Mark Chasity - Flapple
Karen Chasity - Appletun
Off. Bailey - Skarmory
Kyle - Chesnaught
Brenda - Oricorio (Electric)
Jason - Bastiodon
Caitlyn - Altaria
Ms. Mulberry- Audino
Ms. Tessburger - Corsola
Rudolph - Sawsbuck
Brook - Finneon
Trevor Lipschitz - Magcargo
Allison - Lanturn
Madame Iris - Reuniclus
Craig - Tropius
Barker - Coalossal
Rupert - Gigalith
Jonathan Brisby - Tyrantrum
Sylvia - Floatzel
Andy / Executive Kilgore - Aggron
Jenny - Milotic
Dan Reynolds - Karrablast
Donna Daggit - Shelmet
Tony Greene - Klingklang
Jacqueline Frost - Glaceon
Pamala Foster - Komala
Roman Murray - Morpeko
River Monroe - Combee (Male) or Teddyursa
Trent Monroe - Venomoth
Seaton Monroe - Ninjask
Jordan Monroe - Shuckle
Malone - Octillery
Hailey - Skuntank
Zach Chambers - Gogoat
Liz - Beartic
Judith - Butterfree
Martha - Clawitzer
Mary - Bibarel
Mima Chambers - Drampa
Bob Metzger - Witchwood Aegislash
Carl Metzger - Witchwood Doublade
Larz Metzger - Witchwood Doublade
Louie Metzger - Witchwood Honedge
Mary - Medichan
Noah - Furret
Gabe - Sudowoodo
Marco - Copperajah
Kale - Chatot
Thrash - Noivern
Skud - Rillaboom
Courtney - Zebstrika
Russ - Scovillain
Beth - Centiskorch
Eddie Chiplucky - Krookodile
Stopwatch / Daniel - Phantump
Spitfire / Sophia - Blaziken
Charles - Type: Null
Bruno - Pangoro
Otho - Flamigo
Freddie Biggs - Corviknight
Mina - Pyroar (Female)
Chrissy - Alolan Persian
Aubrey - Purugly
Teddy Bear - Mabosstiff
Jerrie - Golurk
Different Actors:
Hot Chocolate Boy (Peter Spankoffski) (TGWDLM) - Polteageist
Pete Spankoffski (AC) - Aromatisse
Prof. Henry Hidgens (HQ) - Jigglypuff
Prof. Henry Hidgens (WB) - Spinda
Max Jägerman (TGWDLM) - Cinderace
Ethan Greene (YJ) - Goodra
(I’ve been working on this for a few weeks. I thought it would be fun to share. Hope you all enjoy it)
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i may have made a few mistakes in the past, but one thing i DO love to study is fash merch. you cannot step to me about my knowledge of fash merch. oh? you haven't read the white will comic book from the 90s and seen the subsequent (and now lost media) flash animation on tom metzger's website? pff. casual.
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r-we-taire-yet · 4 months
Chapter 31: Really Know His Soul
Paul, Tom, and Bill go to meet the Metzgers, Emma and Tim talk about Power Rangers, Becky and Duke talk about shared history, Charlotte seeks counseling from Holloway, and Ted talks to his little brother.
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garethllane · 6 months
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FILM LOG || March 2024
★★★★★ - Blonde Ambition, Lem Amero and John Amero (1981) ★★★★☆ - Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom, Pier Paolo Pasolini (1975) ★★★★☆ - Theorem, Pier Paolo Pasolini (1968) ★★★★☆ - Wild at Heart, David Lynch (1990) ★★★★☆ - Chatterbox!, Tom DeSimone (1977) ★★★★☆ - Barbara Broadcast, Radley Metzger (1977) ★★★★☆ - Peeping Tom, Michael Powell (1960) ★★★★☆ - Streets of Fire, Walter Hill (1984) ★★★★☆ - Women in New York, Rainer Werner Fassbinder (1977) ★★★★☆ - Shock Corridor, Samuel Fueller (1963) ★★★★☆ - Pumping Iron, George Butler and Robert Fiore (1977) ★★★★☆ - Rapture, Ivan Zulueta (1979) ★★★★☆ - Superstar: Karen Carpenter Story, Todd Haynes (1987) ★★★★☆ - Pumping Iron II: The Women, George Butler (1985) ★★★☆☆ - Muscle, Hisayasu Sato (1989) ★★★☆☆ - The Death of Maria Malibran, Werner Schroeter (1972) ★★★☆☆ - Reform School Girls, Tom DeSimone (1986) ★★★☆☆ - Hell Night, Tom DeSimone (1981) ★★★☆☆ - Angel III: The Final Chapter, Tom DeSimone (1988) ★★★☆☆ - Mary Jane's Not a Virgin Anymore, Sarah Jacobson (1996) ★★★☆☆ - Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Howard Hawks (1953) ★★★☆☆ - Death on the Beach, Enrique Gomez Vadillo (1991) ★★★☆☆ - Erotikus, Tom DeSimone (1973) ★★★☆☆ - I'm Going to Get You Elliot Boy, Ed Forsyth (1971) ★★★☆☆ - Mondo Trasho, John Waters (1969) ★★★☆☆ - Nighthawks, Ron Peck (1978) ★★★☆☆ - Bloody Muscle Body Builder, Shinichi Fukazawa (1995) ★★★☆☆ - Fortune and Men's Eyes, Harvey Hart (1971) ★★★☆☆ - She Devils on Wheels, Hershell Gordon Lewis (1968) ★★☆☆☆ - Jail Bait, Ed Wood (1954) ★★☆☆☆ - Athena, Richard Thorpe (1954) ★★☆☆☆ - Flaming Creatures, Jack Smith (1963) ★★☆☆☆ - The Hunger, Tony Scott (1983) ★★☆☆☆ - Jesus Christ Superstar, Norman Jewison (1973) ★★☆☆☆ - Beefcake, Thom Fitzgerald (1998) ★★☆☆☆ - Partners, James Burrows (1982)
★★★★☆ - La Ricotta, Pier Paolo Passolini (1963) ★★★★☆ - I Was a Teenage Serial Killer, Sarah Jacobson (1993) ★★★☆☆ - Le Plus Del Homme Du Monde, Jean Mineur (1948) ★★★☆☆ - Sins of the Fleshapoids, Mike Kuchar (1965) ★★☆☆☆ - Ed Fury on the Beach, Bob Mizer (1960)
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ace7librarian · 8 months
Hatchetfield Jewish headcanons!
Based on surnames and some unrelated headcanons.
*After Jane died, Tom really wanted to keep the Jewish traditions for Tim, but he had zero clue what to do, so he called Emma. She also had no idea what to do, but she tried her best.
*Ruth and Richie make fun of Pete for being the only goy in the squad. Everyone just assume he's Jewish, and that makes him really confused. Also, Ruth unironically ships Tanakh characters.
*Shapiro has a Jewish dad and a Catholic mom, so she got the Jewish surname and the Catholicism. She breaks the glass in her and miss mullberry's wedding. Miss mullberry is also Jewish.
*at one timeline Steph finds Solomon with the black book or something and blames him for encouraging the stereotype that Jews worship Satan.
*Dan Reynolds is Jewish. I have no reason for this.
*the following conversation happened at some point.
Emma: and I'm not going to let some republican, Christian old man-
Bob Metzger, offended: Christian????
Emma: ....
Bob: there's ONE synagogue. How did you never see me there???
Emma: I was smoking outside???
Bob: we're a big family! My grandchildren were outside! Our last name is Metzger!!
Emma: ....sorry. A republican old man.
Bob: there you go.
*Karen Chasity is very upset about having Solomon lauter as a mayor. Sam sweetly as well. I just know these two would want a Christian mayor.
*Daniel/stopwatch invites the other kids to celebrate Jewish holidays with him. Sophia melts some candlesticks and Hannah starts having visions when they read the Haggadah, but they still had a great time.
Characters that deserve an honourable mention:
The spankoffskis sound very Jewish, but we know ted is a Christian, and they both went to a Christian summer camp.
Linda says "mensch", but with the implications of the rich bitch being Jewish? No thanks. Plus she has way too much Christian symbolism in her character. My headcanon is that she heard Jews were controlling the media so she started using Yiddish slang to look richer. I'm sorry, but she would.
I love Gary Goldstein, but he is a walking stereotype.
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uncloseted · 2 years
hi! do you know anything about studying film? i’m a theatre student at college so we look at plays and performance art mostly rather than films but it’s something that definitely interested in learning about myself. like i really want to know more about cinematography and how a film is made and different directors styles! if you have any advice i’d really appreciate it, thank you :)
Yes! I actually did (most of) a film minor when I was in university.
For "Introduction to Cinema", which was a class that looked at technique, aesthetics, criticism, and social implications of cinema, we were required to read Film Art: An Introduction by David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson, so that might be a good place to start.
For "Originating and Developing Ideas for Film", which was a class that looked at "exercises in observation, imaginative association, visualization, etc., that deepen the creative process, leading to ideas, stories, characters and images for film", we had the following books on our reading list:
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Creative Filmmaking From the Inside Out, by Dannenbaum, Hodge, Mayer
Developing Story Ideas by Michael Rabiger
Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg
Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
Fearless Creating by Eric Maisel
Writing Your Life by Deena Metzger
For "Cinematic Communication", which was an "introduction to the interrelationship of visuals, sound, and editing in cinematic communication", we had the following books on our reading list:
Producing and Directing the Short Film and Video, Second Edition, by Peter W. Rea and David K. Irving
The Bare Bones Camera Course for Film and Video by Tom Schroeppel
Practical Moviemaking; A Handbook for the Real World by Joe Wallenstein
The Avid Media Composer Cookbook, by Benjamin Hershleder
Avid Editing by Sam Kauffman and Ashley Kennedy
The Healthy Edit: Creative Editing Techniques for Perfecting Your Movie by John Rosenberg
We also had Recommended Viewing:
Visions of Light, The Art of Cinematography
The Cutting Edge: The Magic of Movie Editing
For "Motion Picture Cinematography", a class that looks at, "use of high definition motion picture equipment to explore the fundamentals of shot design, movement and lighting," we had the following required reading:
The Bare Bones Camera Course for Film and Video by Tom Schroeppel
The Filmmaker's Eye: Learning (and Breaking) the Rules of Cinematic Composition by Gustavo Mercado
Motion Picture and Video Lighting by Blair Brown
Cinematography theory and practice by Blair Brown
Cinematic Storytelling by Jennifer Van Sijll
Depending on what you're interested in, I could probably pull up more specialized resources, but hopefully that's at least a starting point.
I can't really vouch for these personally, but in terms of online resources for self-taught film production, I've seen people recommend:
The Wandering DP
Roger Deakins
Studio Binder
Indy Mogul
And I also found this document and this post with resources across all different elements of cinema.
Other than all of those formal resources, just watching a lot of movies will help you to develop your sense of what makes a technically "good" film and what different directors' styles look like. These are some classic "film student" movies to watch, and some directors to check out might include Wes Anderson, Federico Fellini, Jean-Luc Godard, Akira Kurosawa, David Lynch, Pedro Almodóvar, Alejandro Jodorowsky, John Cassavetes, Ingmar Bergman, Stanley Kubrick, and Alfred Hitchcock.
My last bit of advice is to just start experimenting with making films, even if you think they suck. You don't need to know what you're doing or to have fancy equipment in order to make something cool, and the more you play around, the more you'll learn about what you like and don't like. It might help to do a 30 day filmmaking challenge like this one so that you can practice different elements of filmmaking.
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kwebtv · 2 years
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Ronald Alan Masak (July 1, 1936 – October 20, 2022) Stage, film and television actor. He began as a stage performer, and much of his work was in theater until he transitioned to film and television, where he became a familiar character actor. From 1988 to 1996, Masak played the recurring role as Sheriff Mort Metzger in the CBS mystery series Murder, She Wrote starring Angela Lansbury.
Masak's early television appears includes roles on The Twilight Zone, Get Smart, The Monkees, I Dream of Jeannie, Bewitched, and The Mary Tyler Moore Show. From 1970 to 1973 he appeared in the ABC anthology comedy series Love, American Style. He then starred in another ABC series, Love Thy Neighbor (1973). He then earned roles in the NBC crime series Police Story (1975-1978), and in the ABC sitcom Webster (1983-1989).
From 1988 to 1996, Masak portrayed the recurring role of Sheriff Mort Metzger of Cabot Cove as in Murder, She Wrote, taking over for Tom Bosley's Sheriff Amos Tupper. During this time he also guest starred on various shows such as Rockford Files, Quincy M.E., Magnum P.I., and Diff'rent Strokes. 
In 1990, Masak was a panelist on the revival of the television game show, To Tell the Truth, and appeared on several other game shows as a panelist (including Match Game, Password Plus, and Super Password). Masak appeared as Eddie Fenelle, a taxi driver, in the Columbo episode Ashes to Ashes (1998). (Wikipedia)
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coffeenewstom · 5 months
Toms Breakfast Club: bayerisches Weißwurscht-Frühstück (Reblog)
Der bayerische Klassiker: das Weißwurscht-Frühstück (bayer. Schreibw.). Die Weißwurscht ist eine bayerische Wurstspezialität, die am 22.02.1857 von Sepp Moser, einem Münchner Metzger, erfunden wurde. Von ihm soll auch der Ausspruch stammen “…a frische Weißwurscht deaf as Zwölfeläutn ned hörn!” Der Grund: die klassische Weißwurscht wurde als Kesselwurscht zubereitet, das heißt die frischen Würste…
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bobbydlt147 · 6 months
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Premières photos pour la série #LesEnfantsSontRois librement inspiré du roman éponyme de Delphine de Vigan
" Quand une petite fille de 6 ans est kidnappée en plein jour, l’onde de choc dépasse son cercle familial car la fillette - Kimmy - est une star dont les vidéos postées quotidiennement sont suivies par des millions de spectateurs. L’enquête est confiée à Sara Roussel (Géraldine Nakache), chef de Brigade au SDPJ. Pour tenter de sauver la petite fille, Sara va devoir plonger dans un monde dont elle ignore tout et entrer dans l’intimité́ de cette famille qui a appris à vivre sous le regard de leur communauté́. Tandis que les “fans” de la petite fille mènent leur propre enquête, établissent des théories et désignent leurs coupables, Sara se rapproche irrésistiblement de Mélanie (Doria Tillier), la mère de la petite. De confidences en confidences, cette mère de famille va dévoiler ses secrets et ceux de son entourage jusqu’à semer le doute sur le véritable coupable… "
Casting : Géraldine Nakache, Doria Tillier, Oussama Kheddam, India Hair, Panayotis Pascot, Sébastien Pouderoux Sociétaire de la Comédie-Française, Suliane Brahim de la Comédie-Française, Cyril Metzger, Tom Dingler, avec la participation de Chantal Lauby et Jacques Weber
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berlinerfoodman · 7 months
Bio Hack Steak / Burger vom W;MF Grill .
Bio Hack Steak / Burger vom W;MF Grill ..leckere Bio Hack von meinem Metzger des Vertrauen gegrillt auf meinem WMF Grill ..lecker
2 Bio Hack Steak Patties
leckeres Dinkelbrot
ScheibenKäse Bio
Remulade & Ketchup
bei Interesse könnt Ihr den WMF Grill und die Zubereitung in laufenden Bildern Video in dem Kommentaren finden ! Schönes Weekend Tom
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tomsubalou · 8 months
21. Donnerstag 11. Januar bis Mittwoch 17. Januar 2024
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Gestern Abend sind wir auf dem Walmart Parkplatz in San Christóbal angekommen und haben hier eine ruhige Nacht verbracht.
Heute, Donnerstag, wollten wir eigentlich die Stadt besichtigen. Aber der Insektenstich, den Tom sich gestern eingefangen hat, ist mittlerweile stark entzündet und er wird plötzlich von heftigen Kopfschmerzen, Durchfall, Ausschlag, Müdigkeit und immer wieder auftretenden Fieberschüben heimgesucht. Das zieht sich so über die nächsten Tage hin und wir vermuten, dass er sich eventuell das Denguefieber eingefangen hat, zumindest weisen einige Symptome in diese Richtung, und Dengue ist hier weit verbreitet. Aber da man medizinisch sowieso nicht allzu viel dagegen unternehmen kann, heißt es einfach abwarten. Und das Klima hier in 2100 Metern Höhe in der Sierra Madre ist angenehm frisch und daher gut auszuhalten.
Am Sonntag ist der Herr des Hauses noch etwas schlapp, aber ansonsten wieder gesund. Wir machen uns auf den drei Kilometer langen Fußmarsch ins Zentrum von San Christóbal. Der Zocaló, die Stadtmitte, ist von schön restaurierten Gebäuden aus der Zeit der spanischen Eroberungen umgeben. Aber die Kirchen hier sind nicht annähernd so pompös ausgestattet wie die weiter im Norden.
Chiapas, der südlichste Bundesstaat an der Grenze zu Guatemala ist eine der ärmsten Gegenden Mexikos. San Christóbal und Umgebung wird zu 80% von Mayas bewohnt, die in den umliegenden Dörfern häufig noch ihre indigenen Traditionen pflegen und sich ihre ursprüngliche Sprache bewahrt haben, die sich für unsere Ohren ausgesprochen exotisch anhört.
Die indigenen Frauen jeden Alters tragen schwarze Röcke. Je nach Stammeszugehörigkeit bestehen diese aus dickem, zottigem Stoff oder die glatten Stoffe sind mit glitzernden Fäden durchzogen oder reichlich mit Blumenmotiven bestickt. Zum Rock gehört immer eine breite Bauchbinde, die äußerst eng geschnürt zu sein scheint vermutlich ein lästiges Detail in der hochsommerlichen Hitze.
Fünf spanischstämmigen Familien gehört der meiste Grundbesitz in und um San Christóbal. Die Indigene Bevölkerung wird, im Gegensatz zu den Abkömmlingen der Spanier, offensichtlich in vielen Bereichen des täglichen Lebens erheblich benachteiligt, sodass es im ganzen Bundestaat immer wieder zu Aufständen, Protesten und Straßenblockaden kommt.
Wir besuchen den riesigen indigenen Markt, auf dem alles, was man sich nur vorstellen kann, angeboten wird. Der Markt erinnert uns an einen arabischen Souk mit engen Gässchen, unzähligen Abzweigungen und mit einer Überdachung aus Plastikplanen. Die Luft ist teilweise zum Schneiden dick und das reichhaltige Angebot der Metzger macht diese nicht unbedingt frischer. Überall wo wir auftauchen sind wir die absoluten Exoten und die Kinder wollen in unsere farbigen Augen schauen. Ein paar junge Männer liebäugeln mit meinem Rucksack, den ich festgezurrt am Körper trage. Aber die Menschen, die überwiegend sehr arm zu sein scheinen, behandeln uns meistens sehr freundlich und zuvorkommend.
In der Fußgängerzone, in der es moderne Läden und Straßencafés gibt, bestellen wir zum Cappuccino einen steinartigen Schokoladenkuchen, der wohl um die Zeit von Los Días de Muertes gebacken worden sein muss. Dies rächt sich auf dem langen Heimweg, auf dem Tom plötzlich wieder von Montezumas Rache eingeholt wird. Aber der zügig angesteuerte Walmart bedeutet schließlich die Rettung.
Am Montag ziehen wir weiter in Richtung der Wasserfälle von El Chiflon, westlich der Stadt Comitán. Die Straßen sind unterirdisch, über einhundert gefahrene Kilometer übersät mit Schlaglöcheren und Topes. Wir kommen vom Hochland der Sierra Madre in ein tiefer gelegenes Gebiet, und sofort ist es wieder schwül und heiß. Es wird hier massenhaft Zuckerrohr angebaut und uns begegnen viele Lastwagen, auf denen sich die braunen Stängel türmen und zur weiteren Verarbeitung gefahren werden. Oder auf denen Arbeiter eng zusammengepfercht auf der Ladefläche stehen.
Am Parkplatz von El Chiflon führt der Fluss des Wasserfalls vorbei, in dessen kühle Fluten wir uns stürzen. Leider gibt es hier sehr viele winzige Stechfliegen, die versuchen, uns aufzufressen.
Am Dienstagmorgen muss Tom seine wiedergewonnene Fitness beweisen und startet um 6.40 Uhr zur morgendlichen Tour in Richtung der Wasserfälle. Ich lasse es etwas langsamer angehen und starte eine halbe Stunde später, um in meinem eigenen Tempo ans Ziel zu kommen. Die Luft entlang des Flusses ist angenehm kühl und der Aufstieg bis zum unteren Teil der Wasserfälle ist steil, aber gut zu bewältigen. Tom ignoriert natürlich das Verbotsschild für den Weg, der noch ganz hinaufführt, ich habe nicht einmal gesehen, dass es da noch weitergeht.
Unterwegs ist das Baden im Fluss bzw. seinen vielen Becken überall verboten, deshalb steigen wir, wieder am Parkplatz angekommen, hier noch einmal ins ziemlich kalte Wasser mit der starken Strömung.
Dann fahren wir weiter zum Nationalpark Cinco Lagos Montebello an der Grenze zu Guatemala. Die Seenplatte befindet sich im durchgehend milden Klima des Hochlands und umfasst über 50 kleinere und größere Seen. In der Laguna Tziscao steuern wir einen Platz direkt an einem See an.
Leider ist das Wetter am Mittwoch kalt und windig und wir beschließen, unsere Wanderung über die Grenze nach Guatemala auf morgen zu verschieben und einen Erledigungstag einzulegen.
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