#Tony fucking built that team
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boanerges20 · 4 months
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Marc Márquez | Repsol Honda Team Photo: Tony Goldsmith
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arkhammaid · 4 months
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fandom. formula one & mcu
about. the grid reacts to the news!
content warnings. some drivers are acting like assholes, some cursewords, 23!grid
notes. have another reaction chapter hehe
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daniel ricciardo Guys
Guys wake up
lando norris ???
daniel it's 5am, why are you spamming rn
carlos sainz It's summer break, why can't you all shut up for once
daniel ricciardo Did no one see the news? Stark is coming to F1
carlos sainz To a race?
daniel ricciardo No you shithead, he's making a team
charles leclerc !!!!
lando norris at this point you'll never win monaco (because once stark joins, there no longer will BE monaco) charles leclerc Fuck you, nowins
daniel ricciardo This is serious... Tony fucking Stark wants to create an F1 team for the next season. @/max verstappen your winning streak will be over
charles leclerc Next season??? I thought for 26?
lewis hamilton Of course he would do that
charles leclerc Lewis, explain?? daniel ricciardo Yeah Lewis, please explain?
lewis hamilton Did any of you ever meet Tony? He will probably see the next season as test for the 2026 season. To train his mechanics and engineers and go all out. I bet many are saying it's a waste of money
carlos sainz It is a waste of money.
daniel ricciardo Yeah, they do. Reactions vary but 'experts' are saying that Tony is just wasting his time and should properly prepare for 26
lewis hamilton Knowing him, he already has a fully built car for 2026 and it's a beast.
fernando alonso Only the best for his daughter!
charles leclerc What. lando norris wdym his daughter??
george russell Why are you all awake at this bloody hour?
kevin magnussen Read the room. Everyone is in schock.
sergio perez Stupid. She will fail like every woman in motorsport with a rich father. Too dramatic.
lando norris i'm still confused???
oscar piastri Tony Stark has three children. Harley Keener-Stark, Y/n L/n-Stark, Peter Parker-Stark. Y/n is his only biological child and currently racing in Formula 3. She won Formula 4 last year.
charles leclerc I thought he only had sons?? When did Y/n appear? oscar piastri She 'appeared' the first time in January this year as Tony's daughter, no one knew before. lando norris how did you know? oscar piastri Google exists.
carlos sainz So daddy's money... great.
max verstappen I swear to god I will leave this chat the next time you all decide to fucking gossip at 6am like old women
daniel ricciardo It's important news!
max verstappen No it's not. Stark will be in F1 for a few years maximum and then leave again. It will pass
daniel ricciardo @/lewis hamilton you here? Don't you have anything else to add??
Fine, I'll guess I just ask the rest of the grid, you fucking bore.
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daniel ricciardo @/everyone wakey wakey, it's time to wake up and talk!
mick schumacher Daniel? What's up?
george russell Ignore him. He has been annoying us because Tony Stark is coming to F1 and no one really cares. charles leclerc Lies and slander! I care!! lando norris yeah! me as well, idk what you're yapping abt
carlos sainz It's bullshit.
arthur leclerc Why do I have a bad feeling about Monaco...
ollie bearman THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN THINKING bianca bustamante It will be something for sure
lance stroll Well, I'm just happy to see another friendly face at the paddock :)
carlos sainz Of course you know Stark.
lance stroll You're just jealous esteban ocon As am I??? I'm your best friend AND MY BEST FRIEND HAS THE POTENTIAL OF KNOWING SPIDER-MAN???? AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME???????
daniel ricciardo I want everyone who knows anything related to Stark to immediately share with us because Lewis is ignoring me and I need to know. The only info we have right now, is that Stark will make a F1 team and that's it. I refuse to believe that's it. So, @/mick schumacher @/lance stroll spill the beans.
mick schumacher He didn't say anything last time I saw him, so I can't help you much.
lance stroll I know nothing, ask my dad.
daniel ricciardo I don't believe you.
pato o'ward If they say they don't know anything, then they don't? I don't know what's the problem, just wait for the next press release
max verstappen Do you even know Daniel. He's unable to wait for gossip. And he classifies this as gossip
daniel ricciardo Gee, thanks, feeling the love here
nico hülkenberg I wake up to 100+ notifications, why are you all like this?
kevin magnussen They're all idiots.
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kevin magnussen @/tony stark could you please speed up with the press release? Daniel is setting all grid chats on fire and it's not funny anymore.
y/n stark ha, weak ass bitch kevin magnussen Watch your mouth missy
tony stark Should I tag Seb in a Tweet to announce it?
peter stark do it y/n stark do it harley stark do it
pepper potts-stark Don't do it. We will proceed with the plan. No matter how annoying the people in your private life are.
kevin magnussen Yes, ma'am, sorry for asking.
sebastian vettel I deserve more than a Tweet at 10am.
y/n stark speak your truth king peter stark sorry for suggesting otherwise (@/yn stark stop being such an attention seeker, we all know seb loves charles the most) y/n stark but charles is not here rn is he?
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daniel ricciardo @/kevin magnussen EXPLAIN YOURSELF?!
carlos sainz What is going on now...
charles leclerc KMAG FOR STARK???? I didn't put this on my bingo card, now I lost 100 bucks. Fuck you Kevin
arthur leclerc Pay up bitch
oscar piastri Well done, man
nico hülkenberg And so he leaves he burning, ever sinking ship... the true hero- sorry, I meant coward
daniel ricciardo @/kevin magnussen I KNOW YOU'RE ONLINE YOU COWARD, COME HERE
I just want to talk to you
kevin magnussen No.
*kevin magnussen has left the chat*
fernando alonso There is your answer
several people are typing...
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taglist. @lilypadlover , @adorablezhui , @peqch-pie , @keyz-writes , @obsidianjewel, @themercyverse , @lem-hhn , @akiraquote , @kiiyoooo , @nichmeddar , @nothingfuninthislife , @minkyungseokie , @fionaschicken , @lyrasconstellation , @spideybv28 , @keii134 , @starssfall , @tpwkstiles, @fangirl-dot-com , @nichmeddar , @lady-laura-speaks , @nikfigueiredo , @hinamesgigantica , @brakingboundaries , @almostjollypizza , @yoremins , @raizelchrysanderoctavius , @celesteblack08 , @watermelon-sugars-things , @lighttsoutlewis , @radiantdanvers , @vellicora, @sterredem , @hiireadstuff , @jolixtreesunn , @mypage-myfandoms , @nelly187 @greeneyesandsunshine , @fulla02 , @welovediaaxx , @whyamireadingthis , @67-angelofthelordme-67 , @blueberry64857959 , @winchesterwife27 , @six-call , @skywalker1dream , @mellowarcadefun , @cherry-piee , @peterholland04 , @motorsportloverf1 , @renarots , @msbyjackal , @woozarts , @leclucklerc , @yl90
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝒏𝒐 𝒇𝒖𝒓𝒚 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒘𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒅
I'm already deciding on part 3, so don't bother asking for it! do feel free to send in suggestions, characters for her to end up with, etc.
find part 1 here.
summary - after your breakup with steve, you change, no longer wanting to deal with your emotions. after months of your team not hearing from or seeing you, they decide to track you down.
warning - angst, death.
the gif and header I use aren't mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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The Avengers were worried. Your friends and family were concerned. Hell, even your asshole of an ex was worried. It has been months since anyone had seen or heard from you, not since the day of the gathering. The house you and Steve used to live in was burnt to a crisp. Nothing was left. You had just disappeared. Steve ended up getting a couple of bruises and some broken bones that healed from your friends. They knew he was the reason for this.
You stood there, covered in blood and surrounded by dead bodies. You had been minding your own business, wanting to grab some food and return to your cabin, but these men. Oh, these men. Why did they have to think they were better than you? Why couldn’t they have minded their own business and left you alone? Was their entire species built on invading a woman’s life? Could they not just fuck off. You were so annoyed, looking around at the pathetic beings that lay bloody and lifeless. “Men.” You growl quietly before bending down to grab your bags full of food and return to where you call home. You guess this could be a time to think about everything you have done and that has happened. 
Sure, burning your house down was probably a bit over the top. But you wanted to get rid of the memory of Steve, and that was the only thing you could think of at the time. Some may call you childish or crazy for how you dealt with your emotions, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care anymore. You had spent years in a relationship with a man who was stuck in the past, who had thought you were only meant to cook, clean and bear his children. Steve didn’t really love you, he just wanted to use you, and it took him behaving like a child and throwing a tantrum for you to see he wasn’t meant for you.
It doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun. In the end, you did love him. He did have a piece of your heart. The woman inside of you was grieving and hurting. She begged you to forgive him, make him see you were meant for him. But you were stronger than her. You know that no man could ever treat you like that. You know he wasn’t right for you, and you were on a war path. You groaned as you walked up the stairs and onto your porch. Making your way into your house, you walk past everything and to the kitchen, where you place the bags down. “Hello, people who do not live here.” You hum, facing your old team members, who look shocked as you are covered in blood. 
“Y/n?” Nat steps forward, looking you up and down, trying to determine if the blood is yours. You nod, digging into the bag and pulling out your food. You reach over and grab a fork as you begin to dig in. 
“That’s my name.” You give a sarcastic smile, chewing on your food. Your eyes move over everyone before focusing on your ex. “What’s he doing here? I thought you were too busy finding someone else to put up with your shit? Ya know…” You jump up onto the counter, swinging your legs as you glare. “Someone who would make a better mother than I would.” You smile before stuffing more food into your mouth, humming at its taste. 
Tony tilts his head, making his way over to you, unafraid. “You’ve changed.” His eyes move over your face, and yours connect with him. He smiles. “I like it.” He pulls you into a hug, “I missed you, kid.” You smile, patting his back.
“Missed you too, dumbass.” He pulls back, and the rest of the Avengers make their way over to hug you, letting you know how much they’ve missed you and how worried they’ve been. “So… Whatcha doing here? I won’t ask how you found me because that’d be a stupid question.” 
“As we said, we were worried.” Nat tilts her head, “were you attacked?” You shrug, chewing your food more. “Y/n?”
“Sorta, I guess? I don’t know. Men don’t know how to mind their business.” Your focus moves to the container in your hand, barely noticing the looks they give each other. “Yes, I killed them, and it’s not that big of a deal.”
“Not that big of a deal?! You murdered people! See, this is why I said what I said.” Steve growls, staring you down as he tries to make you uncomfortable. 
“What is it, asshole day?” You groan, tilting your head back as you feel a headache form. “Yes, Steven. I murdered people, and again, you’ve stated I wouldn’t be a good mother. How about you get over that?” You hum, shovelling more food into your mouth as you stare at him without emotion. You point your fork at him. “Have you ever stopped to think that maybe you're the problem? Maybe you're the one who wouldn’t make a good parent? I mean, let’s face it, you have issues. You can’t even keep anything good in your life, and when you do find something good, you try and destroy it because you are so self-absorbed.” You roll your eyes, ignoring how some team members chuckle as you tear the retired Captain a new one. “You think you're better than any of us? You’ve killed, too. You’ve done worse. So what if I did the world a favour and took out some pathetic men? What are you going to do? What is worse than you ripping my heart out like I meant nothing to you?” You place the food down, hop off the counter and approach him with a glare. 
And the dumbass decides to open his mouth. “Well, if you want my opinion–” 
“I don’t.” Your glare hardens, jaw clenching as you stop yourself from killing him, especially in front of your friends and family. “I have my own.” Everyone’s breath hitches when you step closer to the towering man. “Now, if you don’t mind. I don’t want trash in my house, so I suggest you find the door before I set you on fire.” You growl lowly, sending shivers up everyone’s spines before you turn and go into your bathroom, needing to get the blood of the useless off of you. 
Once you finish showering and changing into comfier clothes, you return and stop when you notice everyone bar one, still here. “Oh, you guys didn’t leave?” You look over and see Wanda preparing a feast in your kitchen while everyone else makes themselves at home around your cabin. You look around to make sure Steve isn’t hiding around a corner. “Huh, I guess trash does know how to take itself out.” Your head turns as you hear Tony laugh, nearly falling out of his seat.
“Oh, kid. You don’t know how much I missed you and your sarcasm.” He sips the very expensive whiskey that you may or may not have stolen from him. “Morgan’s missed you too, especially how you’d teach her your sarcastic ways.” You smile softly, accepting a glass from Natasha as she walks up to you. 
“I’ve missed her too. I’m sorry for not rushing over when she got hurt.” You take a sip, leaning into Natasha as she wraps an arm around you. 
Tony shrugs. “It’s not your fault. Don’t apologise. She had help plus. She isn’t even your kid. You shouldn’t have to apologise for not rushing to someone else’s kid.” He rubs his forehead, “It’s not your job to do that. Sure, when you are on the field. I get it because that’s our job.” Tony points at you. “Don’t let Captain tightass get to you. You’d be a wonderful mother.” 
You smile, “Thanks, Tony. Always one for wise words.” You smile when Wanda comes around and kisses your cheek softly, mentioning that dinner’s ready. You all head over to the table and sit down, feeling a pair of eyes on you. You turn and notice Bucky staring at you with a soft smile. “What’s up, Buck?” 
He shakes his head, “nothing. I just want you to know that I tried talking some sense into him, and when he didn’t listen and we found out the truth of your disappearance, we kicked his ass.” You giggle, shaking your head at the image. Bucky flashes a proud smile at making you laugh. He’s happy you’re smiling and loves his best friend, but Steve didn’t deserve someone like you. You deserved the world, and he knew the rest of the team was thinking it.
“Thank you, you guys didn’t have to do that. I know you’ve known him longer than you’ve known me, but I appreciate the love you’ve shown me.” You thank them, feeling loved even though deep down you feel broken. Once dinner was over, they said their goodbyes and left, promising that they’ll come and see you again. You were left alone once again. Left in your thoughts as the broken woman inside you pounded against your heart, she wanted out. She wanted to cry and grieve the relationship you once had. But anger was better than tears, better than grief, better than guilt. You walked into your bathroom and stared at yourself in the mirror. The person staring back at you wasn’t who Steve had left. She was different. “How could you have been so stupid?” You spoke to her, watching her mouth move like yours did. “Why did you fall for him?! Why did you give your heart over?!” You screamed, your fist flying forward and shattering the glass. 
You were better off alone. Maybe one day you could open your heart again, and maybe one day you’ll find the person right for you. But right now, you needed to find yourself, find the woman you were without him. 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
part 3
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leclerc-s · 7 months
paint the town red - part three
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peter parker added 8 people
peter parker anyone have oscar piastri's number? this is for research. ALSO, CAN WE BRING BACK THE BLACK FIRE PROOFS??
carlos sainz you're a strange child.
harley keener that's what i've been saying since we met.
bianca stark-potts peter, let it go.
tony stark i don't know if it's still a joke or if you're being serious about it.
peter parker it isn't for me, it's for ned.
bianca stark-potts BULLSHIT!!
peter parker i'm in love with him, mj understands (i think)
arthur leclerc i too am in love with oscar piastri, we kissed one time. charles leclerc it was for a video, and you didn't actually kiss. arthur leclerc but i wanted too.
peter parker but think about it, i get oscar to fall madly in love with me, i take the competition out at the same time.
carlos sainz you think oscar is the only competition we have?
peter parker well no, i can send the avengers after the rest. like what’s max verstappen gonna do against black widow? or lewis hamilton against bucky barnes?
ollie bearman right i forget you people know the avengers
tony stark i am the avengers
arthur leclerc no, you’re iron man. the avengers are the entire team.
peter parker realistically speaking the only one able to take an avenger on would be toto, and i think he could only take on rocket or groot.
arthur leclerc the fucking raccoon?
peter parker he gets defensive when you call him a raccoon.
bianca stark-potts right, who gave him coffee? he only brings this type of shit up when he's had sugar.
charles leclerc it was an accident…i did not know he would get like this. and he made those eyes!
tony stark he does that a lot.
arthur leclerc one could say it was an inchident?
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harley keener fucking snitch, parker
bianca stark-potts peter had coffee, well if what charles drinks is even coffee. it's pure sugar.
harley keener facts.
natasha romanoff again, aren't you people supposed to be working?
harley keener considering seb and tony are busy scolding peter and charles for the coffee thing, we're good for now. also, carlos left to pick up our lunch it was his turn today.
steve rogers peter drank coffee? i thought that was banned at the paddock??
bianca stark-potts it was, but charles wasn't here the day of the wall-climbing incident. therefore he didn’t know what would happen
bucky barnes did he not know peter was spider-man?
harley keener he did because we told him, carlos, and seb first. however, we never went over the rules
sam wilson i guess it’s time to break out the peter parker handbook again
tony stark aren't you two supposed to be working? focusing on the upcoming race?
bianca stark-potts i'm trying to mass send the peter parker handbook to everyone.
harley keener i'm currently watching old C2 videos.
sam wilson lord help all the fans who are counting on you two idiots to deliver a decent car
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tagged: charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, lewishamilton
view all comments
↳ username NEVER GIVE UP!!
harleykeener LET'S FUCKING GO!!
↳ samwilson i never doubted you guys for a second
↳ biancastark_potts lies. slander. you said we couldn't do it.
↳ username you guys got luck max had a breaking issue. he ended up in 4th but next week is our week.
↳ username as a longtime tifosi, i've heard that one before
↳ username however, wishing you guys the best of luck next week.
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biancastark_potts and harleykeener posted new stories
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ferrari 1-2 here in bahrain! ferrari is back baby!
the only way to kick off a season is with a 1-2!
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taglist: @celesteblack08 @be-your-coffee-pot @evans-dejong @elliegrey2803 @bingewatche @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @lorarri @melanier7 @ironspdy @mypage-myfandoms @vellicora @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @enchantedthoughts @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @fulla02 @cowboylikemets1989 @six-call @embrosegraves @justtprachisblog
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! this is what i wish the 2024 season would look like for ferrari but who knows if we'll ever get that. on the brightside only two more races left with the sf-23 and then we can finally throw that shitbox in the trash can, where it belongs. (note: the drivers on the top tweet are as follows: lando, esteban, max, and george.)
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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videogamepoc · 4 months
Before Israel’s war in Gaza, Palestinian programmer Doaa Ghandour was working on Palestine Skating Game’s grind rails. Any skater — be that skateboarding or roller skating — knows rails are essential to street-style skating. In Palestine Skating Game, these grind rails weave through the West Bank, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater-style, for use as you spray graffiti on the Israeli-built separation wall. It’s easy to see the appeal of Palestine Skating Game in its early prototype on Itch.io: The futuristic Bethlehem is made all the more colorful with paint splatters and graffiti, set to what the team describes as “Arabic electronic music.” And it’s designed to be enticing: “The idea is that if you immerse Westerners in that kind of art and music from the region, you’ll start to actually see people from the region as human beings,” Palestine Skating Game’s current project lead told Aftermath in November.
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Palestine Skating Game has been in development for roughly two and a half years. The inspiration initially hit after the project lead, who was granted anonymity by Polygon, saw We Are Lady Parts, a TV show about an all-women Muslim punk band. Development has changed since then — it had to. “We have to acknowledge the existence of a lot more suffering,” the project lead told Polygon. “We are having to do the thing where we had one creative vision for the project, and now we have to figure out how that changes with respect to the events unfolding.” Israel’s war in Gaza is entering its fourth month. Nearly 28,000 people have been killed in Gaza, 388 in the occupied West Bank, and 1,139 in Israel, according to Al Jazeera. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is currently hearing a genocide case against Israel, wherein it argues that “the acts and omissions by Israel complained of by South Africa are genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the Palestinian national, racial and ethnical group,” as reported by Vox. Israel denies the accusation, saying its attacks are justified as a response to Hamas’ terrorist attack in Israel on Oct. 7, where roughly 1,200 people were killed. “Israeli Occupation Forces have cut off all medical supplies, as well as water and food, from Palestinians in Gaza, amidst the continued carpet bombing and genocide. It has left our friends to navigate the most severe humanitarian crisis of our time,” the fundraiser reads. Palestine Skating Game has been in development for roughly two and a half years. The inspiration initially hit after the project lead, who was granted anonymity by Polygon, saw We Are Lady Parts, a TV show about an all-women Muslim punk band. Development has changed since then — it had to. “We have to acknowledge the existence of a lot more suffering,” the project lead told Polygon. “We are having to do the thing where we had one creative vision for the project, and now we have to figure out how that changes with respect to the events unfolding.” The project lead said the team, which is Ghandour, writer Hadeel, and himself with four other developers and volunteers, want to make it easy for people — even those unfamiliar with the conflict — to see what’s happening in Gaza. “We want to make it easier for people to see, Oh, here’s how the West Bank has been slowly eaten up and balkanized,” he said. “We also just want it to be something that people want to share with their friends. There should be so many fucking cool things in this game that people will immediately want to say, ‘Hey, you’ve got to see this.’” The Palestine Skating Game team — the core group, four paid developers, and roughly 15 volunteer developers — is working on a full vertical slice, or a polished, short demo, of the game. They’re also hoping to run a Kickstarter, GoFundMe campaign, or other investment to fund more development.
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robertdowneyjjr · 8 months
a soulmates au where your words only show up after you’ve met your soulmate. sort of like an insurance policy, you know, so you’re not left wondering whether every other person you meet is the one if your words are too generic.
in this universe, captain america has been recovered and active for several years now. he runs missions and saves the world with his ragtag team of superheroes formed by SHIELD. steve's become a celebrity, which he doesn't love, but it's something he learns to live with because that's life for public figures in the 21st century.
tony never became iron man because he walked away from his father's legacy the second he turned 18. he and howard are still working on their relationship, but maria couldn't be prouder and tells tony so everyday. he built his own company from the ground up and it's thriving under his leadership. he's only marginally famous these days and he tries his best to stay out of the limelight, guarding his private life as much as possible. that's how it's been for twenty years and he's happy.
they meet on a day when steve is tired, irritable and angry. he's just returned from a mission where two of his teammates were injured because of the faulty information they received. he goes out on a walk to let off some steam and he's just slipping his phone back into his pocket after rejecting fury's fifth call for a debrief when he slams right into tony.
tony was having a good day. he'd just sent out a new set of designs and decided to reward himself for it. he goes and gets himself a fresh, delicious, life-affirming cup of coffee and is just stepping out of the cafe with aforementioned cup when a walking brick wall comes out of nowhere.
good news is, tony had ordered a cold brew. once every few weeks that's just what he's in the mood for and it had been one of those days. bad news is, instead of drinking it he is now wearing it.
sticky and cold and more than a little shocked, tony barely has time to recover and figure out what happened when steve starts tearing into him.
“god damn it, watch where the fuck you’re going! that could have spilled all over me! idiot!” steve yells at tony. and on a normal day, he’d be apologetic and he’d never curse like this at a stranger. but he really didn’t need yet another thing to go wrong today and he’s on a short fuse.
maybe later, when he’s calmed down, he’ll think back on the cute man with the giant brown eyes staring at him in disbelief and start beating himself up over how he behaved.
at the moment, all tony can do is look at steve’s pristine white t-shirt that somehow has not a single drop of coffee on it, then look back down at his own chest. he has no words except, “wow. you’re a fucking asshole.” and he just turns around and walks away.
tony gets home and strips off for a rinse before he gets ready for his flight to london for a week of meetings. all the while he can’t help but think that angry blond man looked vaguely familiar and he can’t place where he knows him from. he doesn’t notice the new string of words tattooed down the side of his thigh until he’s in his hotel room half a day later.
meanwhile, steve gets home after his walk, after he’s checked on his teammates, after sitting with fury for three long hours to debrief, and finally washes the day off of him. before he gets into the shower, he notices something different about his reflection.
along his left bicep are the words, wow. you’re a fucking asshole.
he thinks back on the cute man with the big brown eyes and a chest full of coffee and wonders how in the hell he can fix this mess.
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hotreadingwitch · 7 months
MADE TO LIE - the news
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TW: sexism (interviewers discussing the sex tape objectify Y/n)
Natasha’s shoulders tensed. 
“I can’t believe Tony made you and Bucky make a sex tape…” she exclaimed, her voice calm but her words angry, “he’s such a fucking pervert sometimes” 
“Yeah! And made you release it everywhere” Wanda added zealously. 
Y/n had been close with Wanda and Natasha since she’d become an Avenger. She’d quickly built friendships with the two women as they both had their own traumas to heal from, Natasha with her past in the Red Room and Wanda with the death of her parents. Over the last few years together they’d grown beyond friends, becoming sisters in every sense of the word. She trusted them with her life, yes, that was necessary as teammates, but more than that she trusted them with her past. Having shared more details with them than anyone else at the compound they knew things that even Tony didn’t.
“I couldn’t believe it either trust me” Y/n replied back to the girls, “He was so rude before too! Telling me to get over myself and focus on the mission…”
Though she was mad, Y/n’s mind couldn’t help but drift back into the feeling of Bucky’s lips on her skin the night before, making her body warm instinctively as if he was touching her right then and there…Distracted by her thoughts, she almost missed the funny look that passed between the two women in front of her.
“What?” She questioned, “I know that look—what is it?”
“You have to tell us Y/n…” Wanda hesitated before her mouth curved into a mischievous grin. 
Most of the other Avengers thought Wanda was fierce because of her powers but mostly innocent otherwise. If only they knew the truth…
“Oh God,” Y/n rolled her eyes, “You want to know if it was good or not?” 
Natasha stared at her with a smirk, winking in response. 
“Oh c’mon, you two are ridiculous” Y/n protested, biting down on her bottom lip to stop her oncoming smile. 
“Please! He’s so dreamy” 
“We want to know every detail…” 
“Fine, so—“ 
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
“Hey Y/n,” Bruce said, blushing, “you might want to come out and see this…”
Y/n, Natasha, and Wanda quickly reached the compound’s glossy, high-tech media room after walking through the bedroom-lined halls of the complex. Her neck prickled as she entered the space, making her head turn towards the source of the feeling. Bucky stared back at her from where he sat beside Steve on the couch, his legs spread open in a masculine stance as he listened to whatever the other man was saying. The rest of the team all turned to look at her once they realized that she was standing there. Her cheeks flushed. 
Bucky got up in a huff, brushing past her and the girls without a single word. It was as if her mere presence aggravated him. Her eyes must have reflected her confusion and budding embarrassment because Natasha held out her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze when Y/n took it gratefully. 
“Don’t let him bother you” Steve called out, instantly diffusing the knot of tension building in her stomach. 
Steve was another close friend of Y/n’s, definitely her favourite out of the guys. They’d bonded when Tony had first brought her into the Avengers initiative, saving her from the criminal life that she was forced to lead, under a notorious gang-boss in France. 
“Welcome to Good Morning America” a woman on the television spoke with a crisp accent, interrupting the awkwardness, “This is Stephanie Lancaster reporting to you with the latest gossip. Recent news includes the leaked sex tape of none other than popular Avenger Y/n Y/l/n and reformed mass-murderer, the Winter Soldier, James Buchanan Barnes”
“I can’t say I expected this!” another reporter chimed in, “What is a kind and respected hero like Y/n doing with a bad boy like Barnes? Remember when she organized that charity gala for orphaned children? What has he ever done that’s good? They couldn’t be more different…”
Y/n’s cheeks flushed again, this time with a spike of anger. 
A third cut him off then, adding, “I think they’re cute, and well, they’re obviously pleasing each other”
This caused the three reporters to chuckle. Wanda changed the channel but each one was the same. Y/n sat on one of the couches, letting the cool leather soothe the jumble of emotions that she was feeling as the gossipers divisively discussed everything about her from the stretch marks on her thighs to the way she moaned Bucky’s name. Interrupting her growing moodiness in an instant, she heard her voice ring out over the media room speakers, “Just. Like. That.”
“Oh my god,” Wanda said, shocked, finally just turning the TV off with a click.
“How can they even play a clip of that on television” Natasha joined in, her brows knitting together. 
“Well, it’s nothing everyone hasn’t seen already” Sam chuckled.
“Meaning?” Y/n asked, her head snapping back to face her friend.
Steve sighed from behind Y/n before responding, “Not only are they broadcasting short, blurred clips of the tape on most of these channels, you two are the number one trending video on Pornhub as of this morning” 
“Great…” Y/n stated, suddenly annoyed, “So every horny person in the whole country has seen me naked now?” 
“I haven’t seen it Y/n” Bruce came forward, the ever-respectful gentleman, “If that makes you feel any better…”
Y/n looked to the corner expecting to see Bucky glowering before remembering that he had stormed angrily out of the room. She sighed, agitated that she was taking the brunt of the exposure alone without the man who was supposed to be her partner in all this. Of course, Bucky was coming out mostly unscathed by the media, even getting a few ‘props’ from the more sexist networks and shows. Taylor Swift had sung it best, If I was a man, then I’d be the man.
Her slumped shoulders were a visible gesture that was not missed by none other than Steve Rogers. As Y/n stood and said a quick goodbye, walking back through the empty compound halls to her room, Steve followed. When she noticed him lagging behind her she paused, allowing him time to catch up. 
“Hey Steve” Y/n exhaled with a bitter laugh. 
“Hey” an apologetic look painting his perfect features, “Wanna talk about it?”
They soon arrived at her room. Y/n opened the door, revealing her space to him. It was different from Bucky’s. Where his space was cool and dark, hers was warm and cozy. It had crisp white bed sheets, comfy chairs for reading, bookshelves and large windows that looked out to the forest greenery surrounding the compound, giving her a sense of calm that she had never found living in the city. 
“How are you feeling?” Steve braved, his concern clear. 
“I feel awful,” Y/n told him honestly, “How could Tony assign this mission to us, Steve? Bucky and I are polar opposites. We might’ve completed ‘step one’ but who knows how we’ll be able to get through the rest of the plan if he can’t even stand to be near me” 
“I know Y/n, I know” he consoled before hesitating.
“C’mon Steve tell me” she smiled knowingly with an eye roll, “I know you’re dying to spit out whatever wise, old-man advice you’re about to give” 
“Look” Steve began kindly, brushing off the small dig, “I know he’s an ass. I’m his best friend Y/n, I know that better than anyone but I have to say you should give him another chance. He might seem cold now but he’ll warm up soon enough…How could he not when he’s with someone as amazing as you?”
Steve never failed to make her feel better and yet the pit in her stomach remained. 
“I just—” she started, “I’m scared Steve, this feels like it’s going to be the death of me…and I don’t know why” 
“I don’t know what’s going on with all this exactly either Y/n, but I know you’ll figure it out”
“Thanks” she sighed again, her mood slightly improved.
“And with Bucky…” 
“Be careful” 
“I will Steve,” she placed a comforting hand on his, “You’re a sweetheart you know? But don’t worry, he can’t hurt me” 
“Right…” Steve’s eyes flickered with something she couldn’t decipher. 
He left then, going to exercise with Sam, leaving her typical comforting room cold in his wake and her mind racing. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 
Bucky’s heart rate revved in his chest like one of Tony’s over-priced sports cars. He was practically bionic at this point, how come he still had feelings? 
“Motherfucker…” he uttered his thoughts aloud as wet droplets ran down his neck to his wide shoulders and below. 
The cool water was supposed to help stabilize his pounding heart not make him sink further into the thoughts that had been threatening to consume him since last night. Being intimate with Y/n had made something suspicious bloom within him. His chest tightened every time he remembered her spread open just for him, his cock pounding into her, making her wet, making her— 
Two hard knocks pounded on the door to his en-suite bathroom. Steve. He was the only one with a key to his room. Better safe than sorry until the Avengers team could figure out a way for the Winter Soldier programming to be permanently removed from his mind. 
Most days Bucky spent working out at the compound or hanging out with Steve and now even Sam Wilson, one of Steve’s annoying friends who’d helped them out with the HYDRA disaster a couple of years ago and later the fight between the whole team that Tony now jokingly called their ‘Civil War’. It wasn’t safe for him to be out in the world most of the time, though the compound’s therapist Dr. Janet Pashia did help him work through most elements of his past. 
Bucky turned the nozzle of the shower off, cutting the steady stream of water short. In a moment of intense anger with Tony’s high-tech gadgets, he’d vented to Steve until they had replaced the thousand coloured buttons with what he considered to be a much more practical handle that simply turned the water hot and cold. He didn’t need anything lavish or extra. In all honesty, after all he had been through, he craved simplicity over anything.
“Steve” Bucky greeted with a grunt, walking out of the bathroom, a fluffy white towel hanging low on his waist. 
“Save that grumpy tone for Y/n” Steve raised an eyebrow. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“You’re smart Buck, I’m sure you can guess how your storming out today made her feel”
Bucky released a low noise of pent-up frustration. 
“She just drives me mad! You should’ve heard her when we got assigned the mission Steve, her hesitance to do what clearly needs to be done pissed me off and last night—” 
Bucky ran a hand through his dark hair, pulling at the wet strands in desperation before continuing, 
“I’m a professional for fuck’s sake” he gritted out finally, “I wouldn’t be acting this way if I was working with Natasha or with Wanda” 
Steve was silent for a beat, “Well Buck, you’re not as ‘professional’ as you used to be and we both know it” 
Bucky fixed Steve with a glare that would make a lesser man faint. 
“What?” Steve shrugged innocently before laughing, “Hey, that’s a good thing. I like the new you—the new/old you. Whatever you wanna call it. I like that you’re a bit of a softie these days…” 
Bucky’s gaze eased but he let out a heavy sigh, “Yeah well, it doesn’t mean I want to be all soft all the time and there’s still that part of me that’s…cold, untouchable” 
Steve smiled gently in that wholesome way that Bucky was sure only he could do. 
“You’re getting better, that’s all that matters” he stated with confidence, “Look at me. You’re trying, more than I’ve ever seen you try at something in your life, getting checked out by all those doctors and specialists, seeing that therapist you like, keeping your mind as clear as possible. You’re doing good Bucky, whether you want to admit it or not. I can say that can’t I? I know you better than anyone” 
This time his smile seemed more hopeful. 
“Thanks, Steve” Bucky cleared his throat, putting a veiny hand on the other man’s shoulder and clasping it. 
“But Buck, with Y/n…try and ease up on her, she deserves it” 
He got up from where he sat, heading towards the door, when he turned to look back at his friend there was a knowing glint in his eye. 
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Unwelcome Surprise…
Natasha Romanoff x FemHill!Reader
Carol Danvers x Maria Hill
Lessons Learned (Part 2)
Natasha’s an idiot, Tony’s an even bigger one, and Y/N’s an emotional wreck who needs a little help from her friends.
SMUT | 18+ | MINORS DNI ‼️
Angsty as fuck!!! Gaslighting... Abandonment.
18+ !! Heavy Smut!!
"Hate" fuck!!!, Oral/Face riding(Reader), Degrading commentary, Fingering(Both), Breast/Thigh fixation/marking(!!)
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Tony Stark, total genius to the world, but ever the idiot to anyone who actually knows him. He's never been one for minding his own business, so when he stumbled upon a random woman who shared a namesake with his teammate he sent her an invite to a Stark party.
"Y/N Romanoff... Let's see if you're as hot as your potential relative..." The billionaire murmurs to himself while he tinkers with his damaged suit, and instructs Friday to send the invitations to the 'Post Deadly Mission Party'.
You stepped out to collect the mail while your three year old incessantly babbled your ear off, mussing your hair up with his animated hands, as he sat comfortably upon your hip.
"Is that right?" You gasp enthusiastically in an effort to encourage him as you stand on your porch steps and sort through your mail.
Laura stepped outside to wave your way, but you were busy glaring at the envelope in your hand, and then your son stilled in your arms once he saw Nate.
"Mama!!! 'Loot!!" Mason squealed, and you swiftly let his squirming form down once you spotted his built in bestfriend eagerly waiting for him.
"Any word from Nat yet?" Laura questions you with a sympathetic look and you shrug, passing an envelope her way then proceeded to sort through the rest of the mail.
"If she thinks inviting me to a party with her team is going to make me forgive her after three months of silence then she's surely mistaken... Here I am, worried sick about her, and she's apparently living it up with her pals."
"I thought she wanted to keep you all a secret?" Laura—ever the skeptic, states with a perplexed expression.
"Yeah, she's clearly just all over the place Laur'... Leaving me all alone for months at a time, then making me feel like I'm the one in the wrong when I ask for just the slightest bit more of her time. Then Lily hears us arguing, and winds up resenting me come morning when Nat's gone off on a mission to escape me. It's just, I don't think she even wants me anymore."
"Y/N/N, she's never exactly been good at expressing herself, but anyone with eyes could see how much she loves you..."
"Yeah, that's still not an excuse for treating me like I'm easily expendable. This just wasn't where I saw myself, you know? Tucked away on a farm, raising our kids while she runs away from me any chance she gets. I dreamed of traveling the world, broadening my horizons and experiencing the world in all its glory. Then I gave all of that up for this shared dream of having a family together, but she's not living up to her end, and it's turned into a nightmare.”
"Do you ever tell her any of this?"
"All the time..." You sigh out, running your hands through your hair to try to air out your sweaty scalp.
"She either tries to screw me into silence, or gaslights me into feeling bad for making her feel 'guilty' for keeping our world safe."
Laura's face reddens at your candid statement, and you sheepishly smile her way, then the two of you just laugh it off.
"Y/N, just go to the party, try to fix this, because I can't keep watching you mope around anymore. Take the extended olive branch, and if she doesn't work with you, wack her over the head with it." She muses, then you chuckle at her attempt to cheer you up.
"What about Lily and Mason?"
"Sounds like it's time for a sleepover." She shouts in mock excitement and you playfully roll your eyes before going to prepare over the night bags.
"Plus, I'm sure you'll get to see Maria, who I'm certain must miss you." She adds on, which is the icing on the cake because you missed your older sister beyond normalcy.
Lily was more than pleased to find out that she got to get away from you for a night, collecting her bag without so much as a goodbye. Mason was giddy as can be when you had told him that he got to sleep with Nate in his car bed. However, he cried and tried to chase your car down when he realized it meant you were going to be gone.
Natasha just got back from a grueling mission of her own, one that had spanned the length of three months. Deep undercover missions used to be her absolute favorite thing, but then you and the kids came along and now she detests them. In the moment accepting the mission felt right, after the horrible fight she had started got out of hand, she just needed to get out of the house. Watching the pain swirling around your eyes had hurt her immensely, and to know it was her doing nearly broke her completely.
As you settle into your hotel for the night you dump your bag onto the bed and curse your wife for the last minute invite. She couldn't just call you to invite you—no, she sends mail to your farm that only gets deliveries twice a week; the supposed extended olive branch seems more like a brittle twig at the moment.
You're currently staring at the clothes scattered across the bed, torn between wearing a skirt with a crop top, or the fancy dress you'd pointlessly purchased to wear for your tenth anniversary last month. No matter how much you two fight, she'd never missed any of your important milestones; this time around she did though, and she did it without even a text message thrown your way. Your 'Wish you were here, I love you Nat...' had gone unread and your heart nearly shattered when it did. Nerves start to overtake you as you second guess your decision to even go.
Why should it always be you making the effort to fix things?
Maybe this time you could leave her waiting on you, so she could know how it felt, but then you'd have to lie to Laura, and there's no getting away with that. So you scream into a pillow before settling on the dress then heading off to take a shower, hopeful it will calm your nerves.
While putting the deep forest green halter dress on you'd been admiring the way your body looked, having missed being able to have a reason to dress up. The sound of your phone pinging pulled you out of your feelings though. Opening the phone you saw it was a set of messages from Laura with attached images, your collective brood were lying under a pillow fort in the living room surrounded by snacks. Wide smiles upon their faces, then a simple:
*Get your assassin, and bring her home. 😉*
With an eye roll and quick reply sent you slipped your phone into your bag then set off to hail a cab so that you'd arrive fashionably late to the event. Stepping into the building had left your skin crawling at the sheer size of the guest list. Celebrities were scattered all around the room, but your eyes were too busy searching for your wife to even acknowledge them.
After what felt like years of searching you'd found her situated behind the bar, hand over her coworkers while she laughed at something she had said. Despair had been what hit you first, having always been worried you weren't enough for the assassin, even with the constant reassurances. Once your wife parted from her place you'd approached the bar and took the vacant stool next to the woman.
"Scotch on the rocks please."
The bartender that had just arrived nodded, then the blonde beside you turned to you with a curious gaze, subsequently opening her mouth and instantly falling into your trap.
"Rough day?"
"More like rough year." You bitterly chuckle out while taking a stiff drink from your glass, allowing the liquid to really burn.
"Care to elaborate?" She asks in a teasing tone, clearly looking for the gossip of the century.
"Nothing special really, just a smidge of trouble in paradise. You know, now that I'm thinking about it, I'm not entirely sure why they even call it paradise. Marriage is more like when you get a new job, heart overflowing with hope, and you're thinking it's going to be all you dreamed of. Then a few months have gone by, and your boss grows horns as they usually do, and you find yourself in a new version of hell."
"Jesus..." She snorts, her calloused hands instinctually falling to your exposed back in an attempt to comfort you.
The gesture sends shivers down your spine, causing your heart to twinge with guilt, turning in a kind attempt to remove her touch from your skin.
"Enough about me, how about you tell me about you? I don't want to scare you off from love, I promise it's not all bad."
"Oh, my dear girl, I am but a hopeless sap, so you're not going to scare me off that easily. Actually I'd sat down here to collect a drink for my girlfriend and I before an angry woman with an uncanny resemblance to her had cut me in line."
"Carol?!" You gasp, and the women smirks at the way the realization washes over your face.
"Yeah, this isn't exactly how I thought we'd meet, regardless it's indeed lovely to meet you. I'm guessing Natasha's in the dog house then? I'd heard Maria ripping her a new one before she had took off on that undercover mission, but I've learned to not ask when it came to you."
"Yeah, she came home after months away to pick a fight, then took off on a mission with no word to me, which in turn caused her to miss our anniversary and son's third birthday. Then apparently she made it home intact, but chose to go partying."
"In her defense—not to say she deserves it, but she did only just land two hours ago, and before she could get her stuff out of lockup Stark swept her off in the direction of her room here telling her attendance was mandatory and that he had a surprise for her."
That couldn't be right, because if she was gone until today then who the fuck would've sent the invitation to you?
Carol saw the panic written all over your face, concern immediately consuming her as she saw you struggling to breathe, and she was quick to tap her necklace three times before she tried to figure out what was wrong with you.
Maria had been sat on a couch, scrolling through her old text messages from you, admiring the pictures of your kids while Natasha sat beside her with her head in her hands.
"'Ria, I can't be here any longer, you need to help me escape..."
"Tasha, you're a trained spy, and a level 8 S.H.I.E.L.D agent, if you wanted out you'd be gone. Stop pretending you're not terrified of my sister, because as someone who grew up with her I honestly think you should be."
"It's just, the mission was only supposed to be a month... I was so angry in the moment, but then I went and missed two major milestones. They're the one thing I ever did right, and now I might lose her and the family I'd dreamed of all because I never felt deserving of it."
"That's a shitty cop out Natasha, whether you felt worthy enough or not, you had time before you started a family with her. Y/N's dreams were always so vibrant growing up, through all the hell we'd been put through she had still remained so bright. Never once did she dream about motherhood, but once she met you her dreams evolved to fit yours, and all she wanted was to give you that family. You royally fucked up here, so be prepared for the consequences."
Natasha went to rebut, but she simply fell short in terms of a comeback, and then Maria was jumping to her feet with her fingers twiddling with her necklace.
"Carol needs me, I have to go."
"I'm coming too."
Maria said nothing in support of this, but she didn't stop her from following either.
Tony was bouncing on his feet like a petulant child on Christmas morning once Friday had informed him that you'd arrived. A nano tracker strategically placed onto your invitation so that he'd be able to track your arrival, and now he was about to put you into the direct spotlight.
Never once did it cross the playboy's mind that this could be a bad idea, because had you really just been a random civilian, well at least now you could say you met the Avengers, right?
Before Maria, and the sulking redhead trailing behind her could reach Carol to help with her unknown dilemma the lights in the room had shut off, then one singular ray illuminated the party stage and the drunken man stood on it.
"Ladies, gentlemen, and folks of all creeds, I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my reactor for making it out tonight. This is the first time in over three months that all us Avengers were able to be in the same room together, and I just think that's worth an elaborate celebration." He greets the crowd, receiving a gentle roar of cheers that he allowed to die down before continuing.
"Now, before I allow this kick-ass party to resume I'd like to make a special introduction. Agent Romanoff...."
He paused for dramatic effect, spotlight landing upon the former assassin, causing every hair on her body to stand at attention in nervous anticipation for what the idiot on the stage had planned for her.
"When I was tinkering around with my suit's, and running my weekly scan of all of our surnames through databases Friday stumbled upon something rather interesting..."
At the sound of his words both Natasha and Maria's heads turned to take in his smirking face, their expressions grim at the obvious thought.
"So, without further ado, I'd like to introduce you all to a Miss Y/N Romanoff! How about we see if there's any resemblance to our redhead." He excitedly slurs into the microphone.
Before you could even begin to register his words over your dwindling panic you were being blinded by a rather bright light. This attention only spurred on another roll of panic, causing you to literally vomit up the granola bar you'd munched on this morning all over the floor before your sisters girlfriend feet.
"Okay, so apparently she's not a fan of the spotlight... My apologies honey..."
Tony holds off from gulping in front of the crowd at the sight of the women glaring daggers through him, he's not entirely sure what he'd done yet, but he knew that his life was very much on the line because of it.
"LET'S PARTY!!!" He shrieks in an attempt to reroute everyone's focus, then does his best to fade into the crowd that began jumping along to the music once more.
Natasha made a beeline for the bar, where she was now scooping you up like she'd done all those years back on your wedding night and simply carried you off to the closest private space; while Maria and Carol went after the idiot that quite literally put a target on your back and your safety at risk.
Natasha sat your sobbing form down on the couch, painfully watching you curl in on yourself as she herself paced around the room.
"Baby, what are you doing here? We had—."
"Don't call me that.." You reply venomously.
"Baby please, I know I messed up, but please don't shut me out."
Her pathetic pleads are met with your incredulous laughter.
"Shut you out? That's fucking rich coming from you, miss vow of fucking silence."
"Moya lyubov', please hear me out..."
Far too exhausted to fight anymore you simply hummed a broken tune, urging her to go on, while hugging yourself for comfort.
"Fury had said it was only supposed to be a month, and then when it was underway I was too deep to pull out when it got extended out. The whole time I was away I'd spent reflecting on that pointless fight I started with you. I'm so incredibly sorry for how I've been acting, not a day went by that I didn't cry over being away from you all."
Her fingers were nervously fidgeting as she took in a sudden shaky breath before continuing on.
"When our anniversary had hit I was an inconsolable wreck, unable to even complete my tasks for that day. The same mess occurring of me last week when Liam's birthday passed and I couldn't celebrate with my beautiful family. Moya lyubov', I'm going to take time off, Fury's approved me for an entire year, and of course I'm taking it so that we can all travel the world together. It'll be perfect, a dream come true."
Once she finished her pathetic attempt at an apology you were feeling an entire slurry of emotions. Three months ago, and this would've worked on you, but now you'd decided that she needed the reality check of a century. So, even if all you wanted to do was throw yourself into her arms after all these months you had to refrain. Natasha stared at you expecting you to melt into her open arms, but judging by the look in your eyes she knew it wasn't going to go in the direction that she'd hoped.
"Sorry can't fix those nights that I spent alone without comforting arms to hold me while I instead cried myself to sleep." You lightly choke out, failing miserably at containing your sadness, but within a moments notice the same sadness fuels your anger as you get everything off your chest.
"Or will it save me from those nights where I felt worthless, like when I messaged you on our anniversary and received nothing... You never told me it was a no contact mission, hell you didn't even tell me what you were doing at all. For all I know you were out fucking other women."
"Hey! You will not insinuate that I am a cheater! I would never..." Natasha interrupts, heart absolutely ripped to shreds at the notion, but the brokenness behind your shielded gaze has her quieting down once more.
"Nor the irreparable damages those fights have caused to our daughters view of me. She adores the ground you walk on, and all she ever sees is me driving you away. So then I find myself overwhelmed with the toddler who has formed an unhealthy attachment to my hip and the hatred thrown at me on the daily by Lily."
Natasha blinks in quick succession as your angry words come flying out, fighting off an onslaught of tears as she hears how her piss poor abilities to process her anger have somehow transferred over to your daughter
"So, Natasha, while you were crying over your own regrettable choice to run, I was left crying myself to sleep every night over every single mess your decisions had left in their wake. "
"I'm so sorry, please, I'll do anything to fix us... Let's go home, I'll hold you close just like you deserve. I'll talk to Lily—I'll fix this mess, I promise we'll have our happily ever after..."
"This might come as a surprise to you Nat, but that's just not how this is going to go. So long are the days where I just bend to your will, and forgive you in favor of a days worth of your time. You should go home though, collect our kids from Laura, maybe even spend some one on one time with them because lord knows they sure do miss you."
"And what about you?" She questions incredulously over the lump in her throat, tears starting to fall as it finally dawns on her that this will be harder than she thought, the easiness of fixing things is a way of the past.
"I'm sorry, but that's just not your concern." Your flat response comes out, shocking the woman to her core.
"You're the love of my life, the mother of my children and still my fucking wife so it definitely is my concern."
The anger she'd tried to hold at bay in lieu of a civil conversation was quickly getting the better of her—as per the course, the simple thought of you leaving her has the woman full on spiraling. Never had she imagined a reality where you weren't by her side, little did she want to acknowledge that was already the life you'd obviously grown accustomed to, the life she'd been forcing you to live.
"I'm not sure how true any of that is anymore Natasha..."
Something snaps in the shell of a woman sat before you at the words you spit out in the heat of the moment. One second she's crying on the ottoman, the next she's grabbing your hips, slamming you into a wall, and kissing you as if her life depended on it—which for her, it does. This is always her final tactic, if her words fail her which is almost always the case, she uses her mouth in other ways to change your mind.
The anger that had been festering within you for the last year and a half outweighs the lust. Turned on by her actions though, you choose to finally give her a taste of her own medicine, using her body as she's done to you countless times. Using your hands to brutally grip at her waist you move to shove her onto the couch with no care whatsoever.
Natasha gasps at the action, but her mind is too far gone to notice the look in your eyes is beyond the lust of the situation, it's a mix of so much: lust, rage, a desperate need for revenge, all fueled by a deep seeded hurt...
Lips meet with just as much force, your tongue forcing its way into her mouth, exploring the nearly forgotten territory, pulling needy whines from the redhead as your hips roll against her own as you bite down then suck upon her tongue. Natasha's hands work quickly to bunch up your dress, moaning against your lips as soon as she feels your bare cunt, clearly she's trying her hardest to regain a semblance of control here. It's to no avail though as you pull back from her lips, dragging her bottom lip out as you do.
"Tell me Natty, did you miss me?"
"Yes detka, I missed you so much." She groans, frantic in the way she is bucking her hips up, hands on yours to move you in time with her, creating the much needed friction, and showing you just how desperate for you she truly is...
"How much?" You coax out of her, wanting to feel the desperation in your bones before you give in to her; your dainty fingers trailing the expanse of her exposed arms, leaving behind a scattering of goosebumps in their wake.
"So, so much detka, I was fucking miserable. Spent so many nights alone, working my fingers through my folds but it never worked because it wasn't you..." She admits in a frustrated set of whimpers, lips desperately moving against your collarbones as she works to bite her marks into your supple skin.
Bitterly you chuckle while pulling back from her hold, her eyes confused at your sudden change in demeanor, but before she can start to overthink you're using your hands to shove her onto her back, then traveling up her body to straddle her face with your gorgeous thighs.
Natasha's always been weak for your thighs, she could truly spend hours between them; biting into the plush skin while teasing you; tightly gripping them whenever she has to force them to stay open when you're too sensitive to do it on your own. Many nights she'd even fall asleep with her face smushed against one, so it comes as no surprise when she's eagerly wrapping her arms around them.
"Don't fucking touch..." You growl out, swatting her hands away before lowering your dripping cunt onto her awaiting mouth.
Hand tangled within her short red locks you use your firm grip to stabilize yourself so that you can fuck yourself by means of her face, bouncing vigorously with only your pleasure in mind as you work yourself up to your climax. Drenching her face in your slick, using your hold on her head to angle her face just right to receive pressure upon your sensitive bundle. Loud moans filling the tiny room as your wife's muffled groans cause pleasurable vibrations against your lower lips.
Pangs of arousal being sent to her very own core at the idea of being used by you, no more than a means for your impending climax. Although she'd wanted nothing more than to touch you—to please you, it'd be a lie to say Natasha's head wasn't absolutely spinning from your newfound display of dominance.
When your movements began to get sloppy Natasha ignored your earlier warnings, and you were too fucked out to care. Gripping onto your thighs tightly, she was somehow pulling you even further against her face and using her tongue the way she knew you preferred it.  Pulling you to the edge in the way only she ever could; your loud mewls evidence of that, and the sole reason for her slick covered thighs. 
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck...."
Natasha moans against your already sensitive core once the pit in your abdomen finally bursts, your hips stuttering as your abundant release rolls down her tongue, coating her throat and the majority of her face.
With her tight grip on your thighs she's able to flip you onto your back, face still buried in between your legs as she continues to relish in all your cunt has to offer; the smell of you beyond intoxicating, the insatiable need to taste you, the way that you're pulsing around nothing, and on how she plans to change that.
Her lips move to place open mouthed kisses upon your thighs, glistening love bites being left as she follows them up with her tongue, soothing your skin while collecting your slick. As she moves up your body her fingers play around your entrance, lightly tracing over it before suddenly thrusting three fingers into you as her lips attach to your perky nipple.
Her harshly sucking, and occasionally biting down has you arching your back, forcing even more of your breast into her mouth, and she's definitely not complaining; she'll take every last piece of you there is to offer.
Therein lies the problem...
Nearly forgetting yourself you allow your wife to worship your body the way she's done so many times before. Desperation for release driving the both of you, neither of you having really been fucked like this in nearly a year, because the nonstop fighting had always thrown a wrench in your love making plans.
Once her lips travel up, eventually landing upon your own everything seemed to slow down. Reality severely misconstrued as she pours every last ounce of her love into you, soft lips move against yours tenderly, while her fingers perfectly move within you with similar care, gliding effortlessly over your wet walls.
This new softness to her movements spurs on a sudden influx of emotions, fresh, hot tears begin to pool in the corners of your eyes as she begins to melt your anger back into its original source of sadness. Natasha feels the sudden way in which you gasp between the blending of your lips, pulling back she hovers over you, observing the sadness in your expression, and her heart clenches at the clear understanding that this is on her.
"Oh honey, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you like this..." She whispers, slender fingers still continuing their same brutal pace, palming over your clit as she leans forward to kiss your forehead.
"I'm here... I'm not going anywhere..." She whispers in promise, fingers curling in a come hither motion as she continues to pump into you in the hopes that she can bring you to the edge of bliss—to love you through this pain.
Her words have the opposite effect though, serving more so as the reminder that had she just stayed none of this would be happening. Neither of you would be working this hard to repair what was never meant to be broken.
"I love you..."
Those intimate words end up falling from her lips at the exact same moment that your entire body spasms from beneath her, your second orgasm far more intense than the last—hitting you like a ton of bricks; eyes rolling to the back of your head, while your walls clench so tightly that they hold the woman's fingers hostage.
After the high has run its course your arched body collapses against the couch, but Natasha's stilled fingers remain inside you as she places wet kisses to your heated skin, repeatedly whispering 'I love you' with each one she lays.
Eyes shooting open the moment you feel her tears fall onto your cheek, cascading across your skin on its way to blend in with your own. Her pained gaze is intense once your eyes lock, you almost feel sorry for her, but the settled rage slowly begins to simmer again.
Who does she think she is crying like this?
Is she seeking your sympathy for a problem she herself manifested?
Fucking pathetic...
"I love you too..."
As soon as the raspy words leave your mouth she's slamming her lips to your own, you lazily reciprocate the passionate kiss, planning to let it go on until you feel you have the strength to flip the positions.
Saying those words to her was hard, it's not because they weren't true—of course they were, but because giving her this sense of false hope isn't something you're exactly big on. Natasha's always struggled with processing her feelings, hell, it's why you're here to begin with. However, you're not doing this forgive and forget shit anymore, you're going to stick to the original plan and give her back what she's repeatedly given you—a false sense of security.
Wrapping your legs around her waist, you quickly shift and cause the both of you to tumble off the couch and onto the carpet. Natasha groans at the impact, but quickly smiles as she looks up to see you smirking.
"Yeah... I guess I deserved that..." She playfully grumbles before reaching up to pull your lips back to her own, and sighs at the way you move against her with less reservations than before.
For a brief moment you pretend like it's all okay, because for a second it kinda feels like it is. Your hands are quick to remove her dress, eyes widening as soon as you're blessed with the sight of her gorgeous, voluptuous breasts, perfectly ready to be marked up.
Natasha's breasts to you are the equivalent of your thighs to her, and the redhead is more than aware of this as she plans to tease you. Hands groping at the easily moldable skin, pressing them up and tracing her calloused fingers over her nipples in an enticing manner, drawing a needy whimper from her own lips, and driving you absolutely crazy.
"Hands off!" You warn, gripping her wrists to throw her arms to the side of her body before leaning down to harshly bite into the plush skin.
"Fuck..." She shrieks as the pain instantly sets in.
"That's the plan..." You cockily murmur over the pert nipple in your mouth, happily sucking upon it while your hand begins its descent.
Fingers lightly dancing across her smooth skin as they travel down her body, within a moments time she is squirming under your touch as you graze your fingers over her panty covered slit.
"Shit, you're fucking soaked through Natty..." You gasp, finding it rather shocking how aroused she actually is, a subtle hint to you that your lovers apparently been truly holding out on how rough she actually likes it.
While continuing to absolutely destroy her breasts, your fingers push her panties to the side, swiftly sliding into her with no resistance, stroking her walls as you slowly build her up. Natasha's chest heaves from beneath you as your lips work to leave no skin untouched, and skilled fingers continue their ministrations from down below. With every new bite to her skin you feel as her walls flutter around you.
"Just can't control yourself, mindless fucking whore that you are..."
You darkly laugh out over the extremely loud squelching noises that are coming from between your wife's widespread legs as she enthusiastically meets your thrusts, your fingers continuing to be sucked into her dripping cunt.
"You're just so fucking needy..."
"Mhm..." Natasha hums, far too lost in the pleasure of it all to realize what it is you're actually saying.
Her eyebrows furrow, mouth falling open as strangled moans leave her, it's apparent that she's nearing her climax by the way her walls continue to clench around your digits. Fingers scissoring from within, applying pleasurable pressure against her walls to finally push her over the edge, and for a fleeting moment you allow her to enjoy it. Thoroughly enjoying the way that your name repeatedly flies out of her mouth in between a choked melody of curses.
"...I can't fucking do this anymore..."
Finally, you whisper the words that have been painfully etched into your brain for months; the last thing she'd said to you before she left. Abruptly you pull your fingers out of her, leaving her high ruined, and her eyes snap open as the realization washes over her.
"Detka wait!" She whimpers, scrambling to her feet on shaky legs, attempting to reach you but you're somehow already halfway out the door.
Your mask nearly crumbles as you hear the desperation in her voice, and if you were to turn to face her you're certain you'll crumble.
Which is exactly why you keep your body turned away from her as you mutter out a cryptic little goodbye.
You'll break down when you get to Maria's...
"Laura's sort of expecting us in the morning, and when she asks why I'm not there please feel free to tell her that the supposed olive branch was nothing more than a rotting twig."
Natasha crumbles in on herself when the door slams shut, her foreseeable reality bleak, and the agony that she feels quickly consumes her. She really thought it was all going to be okay, she'd make love to you like no other time before, and take a step back from Avenging, but it appears she was too late. Her sobs only seeming to increase the more she thinks about what a life without you would look like.
After hours of unending sobbing she finally picks herself up off the ground, straightens herself out, then hops onto her motorbike for the long journey "home" without a single look back. Nothing more than the harsh winds there to dry her tears now...
Only one thought on her mind as she recklessly weaves through traffic; there's no such house that could ever be a home without you presently in it...
5,925 Words
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tEaM cAp BaD, tOnY gOoD
The fact that takes like this are still being spewed 7 years after Civil War maddens me.
OMG where do I even start... You know, maybe this is the result of the MCU not knowing where they stand in regards to heroism. In the past we used to watch superhero movies that were very clear on defending the heroes and keeping the villains accountable, but for some reason the MCU seems to enjoy questioning their heroes and framing them in a negative light while justifying the bad guys - so I'm not surprised to read these takes.
OP says "Hydra didn't hide themselves after the reveal". Uh, yes, they did, actually. And with good reason. If you have been infiltrating an American intelligence agency for decades and you're finally outed, why exactly would anyone go out there and happily advertise they're Hydra? That... makes no sense.
I honestly have no interest in talking about "Did Wanda and Pietro know or not?". I'll just leave this here.
In the same comment OP shows his anger at Wanda for not facing any consequences for her actions, he defends Stark "not selling more weapons" as enough accountability for his. So he can spend his whole life willfully ignorant of where his wealth is coming from, he only decides to stop selling when those weapons kill Americans (he didn't give a fuck if they hurt other people), he can literally tell the government to suck it when they request his tech (which I'm okay with, but damn, nice display of hypocrisy right there when these stans claim the heroes are awful for not signing the Accords in CW)... and all this shit is enough for Stark to be off the hook?
They want Wanda, sometimes even Steve, to be jailed and punished but when it comes to Stark, if he pouts for a while they call it a day and that's enough accountability for him 🤦‍♀️
OP's line about Edith is even worse: "Edith is designed as a planetary defense system." I always think of Zola's line in TWS whenever I read a take like that one: "HYDRA created a world so chaotic that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom to gain its security."
More control doesn't equate more safety, it tends to cause the opposite thing, actually. But of course NWH never addressed the morality of this device so many fans think its existence okay. If they had handled it like Nolan did their ideas would be different. Edith is another Project Insight and Stark was still defending this "control is safety" years after CW 👇
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That's Hydra rhetoric. I couldn't care less if it's a so-called "hero" saying it, that line could be said by Zola or Red Skull or Rumlow, that's how messed up it is. But all of a sudden it's Stark saying it and that makes it okay?
OP: "Steve Rogers [...] solves problems by punching things [...] He has no fucking idea how to handle a situation involving a bioweapon or a terrorist." Tell me you don't understand Steve's character without telling me you don't understand him. This stan is one of those who thinks Steve is just a buff guy with no brains who can only punch his way out of things, which is hilarious because he has been shown to be the exact opposite of that.
A guy who figured out how to take that flag from Camp Lehigh, who could easily tell he was being deceived after being defrosted when that Shield woman approached him in the med bay, who figured out Loki's sceptre worked like a Hydra weapon (linking the space and mind stones & how they worked), who knows military regulations well enough to know where a building is built in the wrong place, who can figure out he's going to be attacked in an elevator after only a few seconds...
Sure, he only knows how to punch things 🙄
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boasamishipper · 1 year
my personal favorite highlights from the official top gun: maverick script:
meek engineer's name is simon and is dating someone at the pentagon which is how they found out about the drone ranger coming to shut the darkstar project down
"That's...blue sky up there, Mav." "Yeah, but dark blue. Ominous."
mav also called darkstar 'angel' and 'girl' which i'm glad they cut otherwise i would have died in the theater then and there
"Hondo stares at his monitor. He knows his friend well." 🥺🥺🥺
"y'all built one hell of a plane" oh mav ❤️
"For anyone unfamiliar, it’s obvious there is story here - Glory and ghosts." g o d
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admiral's aide do you MIND he's having a MOMENT
warlock is described as "an affable, brilliant two-star" hell yeah
i personally think it's hilarious that cyclone was apparently top of his class in '88 but in the script he's in his forties?? even if he's 49 the film takes place in 2019?? that would make him 18 in 1988?? mr mcquarrie sir the math ain't mathing
"Maverick has had about enough of this shit" if that doesn't just sum up both movies
as a macheresin shipper the fact that hangman and coyote were planned as besties from the get-go,,,,,,,my heart is Full
"sorry i couldn't be there" oh ice 🥺🥺🥺
mcq's love for casablanca continues to shine through
penny's dad is alive and retired and still hates mav
"Keepin’ it tight, I see, Phoenix" hangman is such an ASSHOLE i HATE him (affectionate)
bob's description is "human wallpaper" i am DYING
"shit, that's fritz" i DEMAND to know why fritz's arrival elicited that reaction from fanboy!! show me the fritz&b-team daggers cut!!
"Maverick sees a ghost. From this angle, the kid is a dead ringer for Goose, just as gawky and gangly, loving life." and what if i Bawled
"I need at least one person on my side here" MAV
"I'll stand somewhere else" HONDO
mav originally ran the entire class through the contents of the F-18 NATOPS 👀👀👀
in the original script rooster gave hangman his callsign...personally gonna stick with the headcanon that phoenix (if it had to be one of the daggers) was the one who gave it to him, but Very Interesting nonetheless.
rooster calls phoenix 'fee' brb peppering this into All my fics
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genuinely cannot believe mcq wrote this. he is on galaxy tier levels of thinking i could never even hope to reach.
rooster being protective of phoenix you know that's right
theo the yellow lab was originally named "t" in the script,,,,,,,,t for tony scott,,,,,,,,,
"You're a warrior, Ice. A fighter." bury me ALIVE
"(Note: Important we include PILOT POV establishing gray-out in the lead up to G-LOCK)" this script is tighter than a snare drum
"Kinda like your ass depended on it" GET HIS ASS MAV
phoenix and bob refuse to even IMPLY that mav was in any way at fault for them having to eject,,,,,,,,they are Ride Or Die
as a warlock/hondo shipper i am also Delighted they actually got some screentime together
mav and hangman were apparently supposed to talk after mav chose hangman as his wingman but i'm glad that scene got cut because a) showing vs telling and b) hangman is Not emotionally aware or mature enough to say what he says here out loud and you can't convince me otherwise
"Hondo stares at him. Maverick stares back. Something unspoken passes between the two men." and mavhondo shippers everywhere rejoiced
"HONDO squeezes his fist tightly, feeling something crack. He opens his hand to see the crystal of his stopwatch is crushed, the second hand frozen. An omen." HEY MCQ WHAT THE FUCK
"CLOSE ON Hondo, reflecting on his last moment with Mav." see above
"How we gonna get this bag’a ass in the air?" "Just hang on. Cause this bag‘a ass is about to go ballistic."
"Rough Rider, this is, uh...Ghost Rider" *cries in callbacks*
"The minute Hangman touches down, pull the trip wires and have the barricade stanchions ready." (silence) "HE DOESN'T HAVE A GODDAMN TAILHOOK." (OH SHIT FUCK OKAY RUNNING NOW)
lowkey like the parallel between cyclone nodding at mav and hangman and rooster shaking hands. they still don't like each other, but they respect each other a little more now. as the script says, that's enough.
"Among the pictures is one of Goose and Maverick in the bloom of their youth - their whole lives ahead of them." 😭😭😭😭😭
"TIME CUT as Phoenix holds two model planes, demonstrating air to-air combat to a very interested Amelia." ooooh amelia has a cruuuuuush
"Rooster turns, looks at the make-shift family taking shape in this makeshift home…And he smiles." 😭😭😭😭😭
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Weekly Wrapup 1/28/24
This Week's Rankings:
Toni Storm - 88.1% smash
Finn Balor - 83.7%
Claudio Castagnoli - 73.0%
Penta el Zero Miedo - 70.4%
Daniel Garcia - 69.5%
Tanga Loa - 68.7%
Tyler Bate - 66.5%
Oro Mensah - 62.6%
UltraMantis Black - 50.9%
EVIL - 41.0%
Baron Corbin - 37.8%
JD McDonagh - 27.7%
Corey Graves - 26.1%
Gene Munny - 12.4%
More stats under the cut, along with my observations, commentary, and some of my favorite tags...
Most total votes this week (most enthusiasm)
Toni Storm - 385 votes
Claudio Castagnoli - 341
Finn Balor - 332
Daniel Garcia - 331
Penta el Zero Miedo - 277
And least total votes this week (least enthusiasm)
UltraMantis Black - 161
Oro Mensah - 182
Gene Munny - 194
& 5. Tanga Loa and Baron Corbin - 201
The closest poll was UltraMantis Black, who won 82 to 79
Top Ten Overall
Kris Statlander - 91% smash
Athena - 90.2% smash
Hikaru Shida - 89.7% smash
Minoru Suzuki (Young Variant) - 88.7% smash
Swerve Strickland - 88.3% smash
Toni Storm - 88.1% smash
Hiroshi Tanahashi - 87.7% smash
Hangman Adam Page - 86.4% smash
Bianca Belair - 86.4% smash
Hikuleo - 86.0% smash
Bottom Ten Overall
Vince McMahon - 3.9% smash
Kane (Corporate variant) - 10.1% smash
Miracle Violence Connection - 11.8% smash
Gene Munny - 12.4% smash
Triple H (Terra Ryzing variant) - 18.6% smash
Charlie Dempsey - 22.1% smash
The Boogeyman - 22.6% smash
Brock Lesnar - 23.2% smash
Marty Scurll - 23.8% smash
Ranjin Singh - 24.7% smash
Top Women Overall
Kris Statlander - 91% smash
Athena - 90.2% smash
Hikaru Shida - 89.7% smash
Toni Storm - 88.1% smash
Bianca Belair - 86.4% smash
Bottom Women Overall
Carmella - 47.8% smash
Nikkita Lyons - 48.2% smash
Julia Hart (Cheerleader Variant) - 49.8% smash
Sherri Martel - 63.1% smash
Aubrey Edwards - 66.1% smash
Top Men Overall
Minoru Suzuki (Young Variant) - 88.7% smash
Swerve Strickland - 88.3% smash
Hiroshi Tanahashi - 87.7% smash
Hangman Adam Page - 86.4% smash
Hikuleo - 86.0% smash
Top Tag Teams
The Golden Lovers - 80.4% smash
Best Friends - 66.7% smash
Motor City Machine Guns - 65.5% smash
Young Bucks - 43.8% smash
Ink Inc. - 25% smash
Average Smash Rating
Week 1: 52.7% Week 2: 57.7% Week 3: 54.4% Week 4: 62.9% Week 5: 58.4% Week 6: 55.9% Week 7: 59.6% Week 8: 56.7% Week 9: 53.3% Week 10: 57.6% Week 11: 55.6%
AEW's Blackpool Combat Club has been completed! Their rankings are below:
Jon Moxley - 84.8%
Wheeler Yuta - 77.1%
Claudio Castagnoli - 73.0%
William Regal - 65.6%
Bryan Danielson - 46.8%
Every one of these guys received over 300 votes, with Bryan Danielson passing the 400 vote mark waaaaaay back in the first week of this blog's existence.
We also have results for Haku and family:
Hikuleo - 86.0%
Tanga Loa - 68.7%
Tama Tonga - 65.9%
Haku - 30.6%
Short wrap-up commentary this week due to not feeling well. Next week's will be late because February 11 is my anniversary and I will be busy celebrating being married.
And now for some of my favorite tags and comments
@pavlovean on Corey Graves: #great mysteries of the world: who built the pyramids?#what happened to db cooper?#how the fuck did corey graves pull carmella?
@tache-noire on Penta el Zero Miedo: #most smashable faceless man excluding slenderman in 2013
@pavlovean on Finn Balor: #i am so sorry his face reminds me of a very small kitten that has had too much milk to drink
@madduchessal on JD McDonagh: #He's the equivalent of 'we have Finn Balor at home'
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missmonsters2 · 2 years
Between the Lines || XVII
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PAIRING: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader / Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader / WandaNat x Fem!Reader Summary: Vampire AU. Life has changed drastically since the 1600s. Things are always on the move, and you’ve been very careful to not get on SHIELDs radar. Living on the down-low owning a café, you’re content to live out a quiet existence. That is until the Avengers enter your life. [Set after the New York Invasion, in CAWS, and goes up to AoU. Canon divergent after.]
Warning: canon-level violence.
Note: What a long hiatus! Glad to be back <3 hope you all enjoy this wild chapter! Please remember taglists are gone but you can follow my library blog for notifs! <3
Series Masterlist || Main Masterlist || Library Blog || A03
Count: ~8.5k
The air smells different. 
You expected it to. The landscape has changed after so many years, but it has still thrown you off kilter. You haven't returned to Tatyana's grave site in many years. It was cowardly, but you just couldn't. 
You didn't feel like you had the right to. It felt wrong to have killed Tatyana and then sit at her grave and mourn. She would've loved it, though, and she'd probably want you to sit there uncomfortable and discontent. As much as it would've been a part of your punishment, you only visited a handful of times throughout the first couple of decades. You had less time once you encountered David, dealing with his newborn tendencies. 
"So, what exactly are we looking for? A gravesite?" Tony asks, his helmet coming off momentarily as he surveys the area. It looked like a quaint little town. Modernized with time, but it was still out in the countryside. The air was still brisk, but it was warming with springtime emerging. You hear children and their parents preparing for the day in the distance, and it’s rather nostalgic. 
"No," you shook your head. "I didn't bury her near anyone. I don't believe the villagers would've accepted having their murderer buried amongst their dead. There had been a flower field miles away that I laid her to rest at." You look around. "Although it's hard to tell if it will still even be there or if something was built over it."
"Can't you, like, I don't know—smell it?" Tony gestures at nothing in particular. 
You roll your eyes. "I'm not a bloodhound. This was centuries ago, there'd be nothing left to smell even if I could pick something up this far."
You keep walking, leading the group, because you smell something even if you can't smell Tatyana's grave. You have yet to mention it to the group since you're unsure what it could be and don't want to get everyone more riled up when they're already so tense. 
The moment you walk far enough between towns, an area excluded away from civilization just past the trees, something inside you clicks. 
"It's here," you furrow your brows. 
"What's wrong?" Natasha asks. 
"I—" but you can't finish the sentence as there are a thousand footsteps at once. On the other side of the clearing, vampires are marching.
"Shit," Steve says.
"Language," Tony says, but it lacks its teasing tone.
Everyone buckles up, raising their weapons as the vampires begin to pick up their pace into a run toward you. You and the team begin to run to meet them, but before either side can reach the middle, there's a strong blast of magic, hitting the ground and nearly splitting it. 
"I don't remember giving orders to move."
You smell her before you see her. 
Spice and hydrangea override your sensories. 
All you can smell is her—the memories. It's the smell of eggs, slightly burnt cinnamon, herbs, the laundry, the river, and grass, and no one could ever understand it, but you could smell the warmth. You smelled somewhere—someone you used to call home. 
Smelling her just felt like you were losing everything all over, and to see her? Your breath hitches in a way that feels like it's slicing against your lungs. 
"Fuck," you murmur. "It's really you." 
Tatyana descends upon the field, her soldiers parting to make way for her. She looks just the way she did those few blissful weeks before everything went downhill—before you lost her. Her defined cheekbones, mauve lips, and sage green eyes that felt like she could always see right through you. 
The field was noisy, settling down into a quiet murmur, but none of it mattered. None of it matters because Tatyana's eyes held yours as she looked at you as if it was just the two of you on the field. 
"My love," her husk voice whispers, but you can hear it clear as bells. 
You feel like you're being constricted, her voice and eyes strangling the life out of every thought you could have possibly been having that wasn't about her. 
Natasha watches the scene unfold before her, unsure what to make of it. She hasn't ever seen you like this, even as you talked about her. But perhaps this was the issue. You always talked about her in a past-tense fashion. Tatyana had been nothing but a wounded memory that left scars all over you. Even when you encountered her previously, she was always in someone else's body.
But now, she was in front of you, clearly alive and unchanged. Seeing Tatyana must've brought you back to the 1600s just before everything went awry. 
Natasha looks over at Wanda, who's struggling to decide what she feels. There's a definite burning hatred there. Wanda wasn't sure she could ever forgive the manipulations and the last encounter. And for a moment, she hated that she had done the same to others with her powers. Yet, there was a displaced longing. This woman was related to her by blood—another family member when she thought there was just Pietro.
"Sveti kurac," Pietro curses. "She really does look like you."
Tatyana turns her head then towards the twins, assessing them. "How misguided," she sniffs with a crinkle in her nose. Her accent is thick as she says, "she looks like me."
Wanda bristles at the tone and words. She could practically feel Tatyana's insinuation that Wanda was a poor imitation to replace her. She narrows her eyes, conjuring up her magic. 
"Feisty," Tatyana chuckles like it's some kind of joke. "It's precious you think you can beat me, child."
Heat floods Wanda at the condescending tone.
"I had the upper hand on this battlefield," Tatyana cocks her brow. "Don't tell me you fools came here thinking I wouldn't have cast runes all over this place."
"My magic's still working, is it not?" Wanda smirks as she raises her hand, sending a blast of magic forward, only for it to make it out a few feet before fizzling away.
Tatyana bursts out laughing, hand over her mouth before she slides it up her face and through her hair, smirking. She turns to look at you, "I know the alternative to you not showing up here would've been devastating, but you were a bad girl, not preparing them more to come here."
You were stricken but trying to gather yourself and not show it. You take a deep breath. "What exactly is it that you want?" You stare on with no emotion. 
It's then that Tatyana's expression changes. Gone with the amusement, and in came the narrowed anger. Her eyes narrowed, jaw clenched with a pinched brow. 
"Don't ask ridiculous questions," she hisses at you. 
"What?" You taunt her. "Don't tell me you're still chasing your delusional ambitions of ruling the humans." You look around, gazing at the improved artificial vampire army that seems to hover, just waiting for Tatyana's command. "They're better than the last batch, but they'll never be the real thing."
"I don't need them to be the real thing," Tatyana cocks her brow. "I just need them to get the job done." But Tatyana doesn't reveal exactly what job that is. 
You pinch your brows, trying to appear annoyed rather than shaken. "Tatyana, just—stop," you sigh almost pleadingly. "Let it go. Let go of your anger at the humans."
But Tatyana just laughs, and it's hollow sounding. "You must not think about me at all anymore if you think I'm angry at the humans." 
"Angry at me then?" You push. "There's nothing I could ever say to justify what I've done but I think the punishment you've left me and the fact that I'll live with what I did for the rest of my life is enough."
Tatyana just shakes her head. "I'm not going to talk about this here with you," she says and holds out her hand. "You've had your fun, and I've indulged your dalliances long enough. It's time to return to me."
There's a moment when you hesitate. There was a time in your life when this would've been all you wanted. You felt like you were walking around with half your spirit carved out for a long time. You missed Tatyana so bad some days that you wanted to join her, if not for Leo and then David. You would sleep if only to dream about a life where you and she had everything. Sometimes you would stay awake to avoid dreaming. Tatyana had been the rising and falling of everything to you.
But—you take a deep breath—that was just a moment in time. 
"No," you tell her softly, but you know everyone can hear it. "That time of our life is gone, Tatyana."
"Don't make me ask twice," Tatyana calmly states, keeping her hand out, but there's a wisp of blue around her finger as she curls it, beckoning you.
You feel the magic jerk you forward, and the titillating of your center of gravity throws you off from fighting it. But before you can move further, Natasha and Wanda grip both sides of your wrist, grounding you. 
You look gratefully at the two, your eyes soft as they smile back at you. 
The intimacy of it brings a wave of white, hot anger into Tatyana. "How dare you interrupt us," she hisses. 
"You made it everyone's business by bringing us all out here," Natasha gives her signature raised brow. "And it's certainly mine and Wanda's business. Hasn't anyone ever told you no means no? You're almost no better than a man at this point."
Tatyana narrows her eyes at Natasha, disgust written all over her features as she glares at the redhead agent. But she doesn't say anything, as if deigning that Natasha wasn't worth speaking to, let alone her time. 
Suddenly, she snaps her fingers. Without words, the army of vampires begins charging again, and everyone has their hands full. Natasha and Wanda have to let go of you to beat off the crowding vampires, but the short moment of their hold has you able to stand on your feet again. Tatyana can't use her magic to try to pull you again, not when you're used to her magic and can throw it off. 
Everyone's holding their own, and Tatyana seems to be refraining from joining the fight, and you're still trying to figure out why. You look around, and Wanda can only cast magic within a few feet of herself, meaning she has to be close to her enemies. Natasha's style of fighting naturally is close range. For the most part, everyone's is. With the exception of Pietro, who can run circles around everyone, and Tony, who can use his suit to fly, everyone is bound to the ground.
Tatyana seems to realize this within minutes of watching everyone fight. She uses magic to conjure something in her palms before sending multiple blasts toward Tony's. They hit him in quick succession at his feet and back. He can't move out of the way in time, busy above trying to shoot off two vampires on Steve's back. Nothing happens immediately. But then, roots begin to grow out from the bottom, breaking the repulsors in his feet, and he starts to drop from the sky. He tries to engage the jetpack in his back but nothing comes out. 
Tony instantly begins trying to use the repulsors in his hands to slow the fall, but he isn't flying high enough from the ground. He's going to land right into a horde of vampires waiting to rip him apart. Tony could send missiles to kill them, but he might get caught in the blast.
"Tony!" Steve yells, using his shield to brutally jab into a vampire's shoulder over and over to release his leg. He starts running, but Steve knows he's not going to make it in time, and it's chilling. 
"Steve!" Pietro yells as he begins to run. "Hold your shield up and brace yourself!" 
Steve doesn't even hesitate. The time spent hunting for Bucky with the young man has earned his trust. Pietro barrels into Steve’s back, keeping his feet planted on the ground as he uses his powers to run the both of them. Steve's shield barrels into the group of vampires, knocking them over with a brutal force from the speed.
When it looks like just the perfect spot, Pietro stops pushing Steve before grabbing his shield and using it to slam into the rest of the vampires surrounding the area. 
Steve catches Tony, but it knocks them both to the ground. You can hear the wind being knocked out of Steve's lungs, but it doesn't sound like anything is broken. 
"Just for that," Tony sounds breathless. "I won't make fun of you for a week."
"At least two weeks, Stark," Steve huffs as the two get up. 
Natasha only catches moments of it from the corner of her eye. She must be careful not to let the enemies in front of her land a blow. Wanda's got her back, but she can tell it's frustrating the young witch her powers are being limited. 
"I have to find where she cast the runes," Wanda says. "If I can, there's a chance I can destroy them and get my full magic back."
The advantage of that would be overwhelming and could lead them to a possible victory. So far, Tatyana has refrained from joining the fight, but they might all be fucked if that ever changed. 
As Natasha wraps her legs around a vampire's body, swinging her way up as she locks his neck in, she uses her widow bites to stun him as she works her way into breaking his neck. She uses that moment to look at how David and Liam are faring. 
David is easily holding his own, watching out for Liam, who stays at the back as support with his alchemy. He seems to be attempting to cast a big spell. 
Tatyana sneers as she realizes there's an alchemist amongst the group. "William! Are you going to stand back and have me do all the work?" 
You tense, expecting something to shift. When nothing happens after a moment, the tension in your shoulders relax just slightly. 
Suddenly, the air changes. 
When a man—no, a predator—steps out from behind a tree, you feel something horrible. 
If seeing the predator in you could make people feel the hair on the body stand, seeing him was like having the first layer of your skin peel off. 
"No need to get yourself in a huff," he rolls his eyes. "You're losing your touch, dear. You can't even take care of a few measly enhanced humans and two vampires?"
He was tall and muscular but not overly so. He had long black hair that would've been popular during the olden days, just sitting at his shoulders. He looked unassuming, but you knew better.
"Don't call me dear," Tatyana snaps at him, but he ignores her. 
Williams looks at you. "Hm," he hums. "You look familiar. Did I change you? But your venom doesn't quite smell like mine."
But you're wordless. 
All these years...these centuries, and this has never happened to you.
You've never bumped into a vampire older than you. 
William changes the battlefield. What once might've been a possibility of winning quickly becomes closer to being annihilated. Both you and David team up to take on William, trying to be more strategic than using brute power that you both know won't win. 
Everyone's busy handling their own fights, but they can't help but watch for the first time to see you outclassed. You brought your elbow into William's rib while David had him in a headlock. Natasha knows that the force alone should've obliterated the bones into dust, and it would've if it were anyone else. 
But William merely grunts as he whips the back of his hand into your face, the force of it knocking you miles and miles away into the distance, breaking trunks of trees as you hit them.
Natasha and Wanda scream your name, horrified. They try to take off after you, but suddenly a horde of vampires conjugate into a wall in front of them by force. They look up and see Tatyana floating just above them, smirking. 
They all knew this was a possibility, that this was what Tatyana wanted from the beginning. Yet, seeing it happen and being so utterly unable to prevent it is devastating. 
"No!" Wanda yells in desperation. She turns around in circles frantically, looking for where Tatyana would've placed the runes. 
Natasha's trying to formulate a plan. If she uses her grappling hook, she can try to aim at the trees over the vampires. She might break a leg, but it was better than nothing, wasn't it? It was better than not doing anything at all and watching you be taken.
"I told you, you stupid, little human," Tatyana sneers. "You're only meant for one lifetime and that lifetime is over." She uses her magic to begin toppling the vampires down towards them, meaning to crush them. 
Natasha instantly turns to Wanda, running towards her and grabbing her before using the grappling hook. Pietro seems to notice them immediately as she shoots toward him. He moves out of the way of the hook that doesn’t catch anything but grabs onto the rope. With all his might, he runs with the rope, yanking it harshly to get them out of the way of the falling bodies. 
Wanda holds onto Natasha tightly, using her magic to create a barrier around their bodies to protect their necks and any damage done to their bodies as it hits the ground. 
Wanda wants to sob at the realization that you're gone. Natasha doesn't even feel like she has the time to process it as she watches William grab onto David's arm, crushing it under his grip.
David lets out a painful hiss as his grip loosens, and he's flung from Williams' back into the ground. It cracks as a tiny crater is formed where he lands. David can instantly feel all his ribs break, his legs are mangled, and the back of his head in danger of cracking. 
William turns back to where Tatyana took off, stunned that she had simply left and wasn't coming back for him. Rage overtakes his face as he realizes he's been abandoned.
"David!" Natasha yells, running towards him, but he screams at her.
"Don't you fucking dare come closer!" David yells, and it's the first time she's heard him curse like that. "Get out! Get out of here now!"
Natasha wants to scream that she can't—she can't just leave him there. You'd absolutely hate her for it. David seems to think something similar: you'll hate him if you let Natasha and Wanda die here. 
This line of work has always taught Natasha there were sacrifices, and you had to live with them. You don't get to question someone else's sacrifice. This was a losing battle, and the only way to survive was if they got to the Quinjet now.
But by the time that happened, what would be left of David? Could she get his brutalized body back from William so he could recover? There has to be some blood bags on the Quinjet, and she could give him her blood if not. He'd heal. He had to.
The idea of recovery gets shot to shit when William pulls out a wooden dagger. And they all know what it's made of. 
William means to end it and end it permanently. 
"Go!" David yells as William steps closer, hovering over David with his two arms raised, holding the dagger. 
Natasha doesn't want to watch, but she can’t tear her eyes away. Wanda's summoning her magic even though she knows she's too far away, and angry tears are spilling out of her eyes. Pietro starts to dig his heel into the ground towards David. Steve throws his shield to the speedster, who catches it with ease. Tony uses one hand to attack the vampires between him and Steve while his other repulsor is pointed towards William, charging up. 
Willam's speed nearly matches Pietro, his hands coming down so quickly.
It's over.
God, it was fucking over. 
It was small at first. But then suddenly—
The entire field is lit up, lightning and vines zipping through them at an unstoppable force. They take hold of every artificial vampire in the area, grasping them in a vice-like grip. The lightning surrounds it in a second hold, squeezing tighter and tighter until they disintegrate. 
William only pauses momentarily at the change on the field before a blur barrels into him ferally. The air leaves his lungs with a grunt. He drops the dagger on the ground, and Pietro scrambles to grab it and take off. 
With no artificial vampires left on the field to battle, they all scramble toward David to help him. 
They all watch, stunned. 
The two bodies rolled on the ground over and over until William landed with force on his back. 
And Liam on top.
Liam's eyes were pitch black, and his fangs bared as he snarled at William, snapping his jaws at him. William was surprisingly having a difficult time pushing Liam away, and it seemed Liam was using all his strength and alchemy to force William down. 
It wasn't until Liam managed to bite into William's forearm that the man let out a piercing scream as poisonous venom was injected into him. Liam held tight, nearly taking a chunk out of William's arm before he released, biting again just a few inches over. 
William began punching Liam in the head with his other arm until he was released. He crouches his legs in, pressing them against Liam’s pelvis as he uses them to knock Liam off of him.
Liam gracefully flips over and lands on his feet. Blood spilled out of his mouth and down his chin as he stood, and he wiped it away on the back of his hand.
"Leave," Liam growled, his eyes still black. "You won't win today."
William considers staying to fight, but he looks at the vines, still moving around. Also, the venom in his arm still pulsates with burning pain. He sniffs. He needs Liam's venom to reverse it; it's not his—
But then William narrows his eyes.
Liam doesn't respond to it, merely repeating, "Leave."
William snarls at the loss.
“Your venom,” William spits. “You know I can only delay the inevitable.”
Liam nods and they both tense as he blurs over to William, biting his hand before he runs back to create distance between the two. 
William only gives him a withering glare before he turns and disappears.
Liam turns, and they all watch, slack-jawed. His eyes are still black, and it makes everyone's hackle rise. But it's like he doesn't register them; he just keeps walking until he's kneeling in front of David.
Liam assesses the damage to see if his venom can fix it temporarily. When he determines it can't, he bites deeply into his own wrist. When he releases, blood starts overflowing, and he immediately places it over David's mouth, who begins to drink greedily. 
"What are you doing?" Natasha finds her voice first. 
"Blood-sharing," Liam answers. "The blood in his own body is already working overtime and its priorities will always be major organs and the head. I fed before we came, so it should be potent enough to at least heal his arms, legs, and some of his ribs."
"You shouldn't," David mutters weakly, trying to speak and not let any blood escape his mouth. "You'll end up feral if you give me too much."
Natasha quickly connects the dots to why David didn't blood-share during the aftermath of Ultron. 
Liam smiles weakly, his eyes slowly returning to normal when it seems like David will be okay. "We'll make do."
"If it's not enough, I'll give you mine," Natasha offers without hesitation. 
David smiles thankfully at her. It's then that the Quinjet comes into view with Pietro flying it. 
"We...we can't leave," Wanda suddenly says, her eyes welling with tears again. "We can't leave without her."
The heavy loss of you settles over everyone. 
"It's okay," Liam says before he lifts his wrist away from David, licking the wound and sealing it up. "Tatyana won't hurt her. She probably can't even take her outside the city."
"How do you know?" Wanda hisses.
"Who the hell are you?" Tony finally asks. "Aren't you supposed to be human? What the hell was all of that?”
"You're clearly older than our two vampires. You're as strong as that William guy," Steve says carefully, assessing the vampire before him.
Liam sighs, running his hand through his hair. "I was William's apprentice. I only got the advantage with all your help to distract him and the fact he was blindsided from seeing me again. If it had just been me, it's possible even my alchemy couldn't kill him."
Liam looked directly at Natasha and Wanda.
"William is my maker, but I'm Elaine's."
Everyone is sitting back in the Compound, nursing their wounds. They sit around Tony's lab as he silently works on repairing his suit, and Tony is uncharacteristically quiet. 
Steve was wiping blood from his brow, inspecting if the cut on it needed to be stitched back together. He, Tony, and Pietro were planning on heading back out to see if they could find any traces of you. 
Steve's phone blinked with a message that he quickly checked from Sam.
Found him. Slippery little bastard, but I'll see if I can set a trap.
Steve lets out a tiny smile before sighing and putting away his phone. He feels disconcerted that you've been taken. He wonders at this point if you and Bucky will ever get to meet. 
"Speak now," Wanda hisses, "and speak quickly."
"What are you?" Natasha asks without hesitation. "How can you be a vampire and also use alchemy? Those seem to oppose each other if one is meant to be a power to be able to protect themselves from the other."
"How the hell could I not sense you were a vampire?" David mutters, mostly to himself in disbelief. "Vampires are always able to sense each other. It's like a primal instinct that we recognize in each other. And I never saw you feed and we were together almost all the time!"
Liam sighs, almost overwhelmed by all the questions directed at him. "Alchemy is a neutral power but only humans are able to receive it. It has to do with their natural blood. Humans, specifically priests, just used it as so to protect themselves from being prey. I had the gift for it as a human, but it was too weak to fully manifest. Once I was turned, the venom in me unlocked something."
Turning to David, he looked apologetic before pointing to the alchemy spells down his left arm. "This keeps an illusion spell up. It makes it so you can't recognize the predator in me, but I have to be careful because if I force any kind of vampire instincts like bloodlust up, it breaks through the spell. I don't have to feed as often as you being as old as I am, but when I did, I took advantage of the times we were apart."
The room is silent, trying to process the information. Steve and Tony left to see if they could find any trace of you and if they could find any information about where William would be hiding. 
"Let me start from the beginning," Liam sighs. "About who I am and everything that has happened to come to this moment."
Wanda has her lip curled in disdain but doesn't say anything. Natasha places her arm on Wanda's elbow, and the girl softens just a moment, leaning into the spy as they all quiet to listen.
~1400s to 1600s~
The world was an unnaturally quiet place. At least to Liam. The markets were bustling, and people constantly moved during the day, but that noise never registered with him. Liam took in the days slowly with little to no rush, despite how much it would annoy his father and siblings. 
But being the youngest did come with perks. They were generally much more lenient with him, and his mother seemed to hide the fact she'd allow him a taste of whatever was being made for the day first. It was a quiet life, and Liam hadn't minded one bit.  
Despite the feeling that something was rumbling just underneath his skin and the crops he grew were always somehow much better than everyone else's, Liam liked his quiet life. 
Moments of curiosity beckoned him to venture outside their quaint little farm and markets. Sometimes he stood out at the edge and looked out as if he could see anything beyond the horizon. 
He couldn't leave, though. 
Even if Liam wanted to see what he could do outside of growing crops, his family didn't need the uncertainty of waiting for him.
But just like how their little life was quiet, death comes just as quietly. Famine spreads through their lands, and Liam only manages to keep the crops alive a little longer than everyone else. One by one, they starve to death. 
Being the youngest was a curse, always being given everything there was until he was the last one standing. Hunger gnawed at his stomach as he finally ventured past their quaint little farm and markets. 
He was so hungry.
Liam thought about what he could do. Should he try to grow more crops? But the land had suddenly become unsuitable. He was quick with picking up things. Maybe he could try to find a merchant and learn the trade. Only can't remember the last time he saw a merchant pass by. Perhaps he should find a temple and look for work there. He'd have to shave his head, though.
And even as he stumbled upon a gruesome feeding man feeding on another man, Liam stood there motionlessly. 
"Oh," the amused voice turned to look at him. "What have you stumbled upon, lost little boy?"
The words were difficult to understand. The man was white-skinned, clearly not from around here, but he had stayed long enough to learn the language from the locals. 
"I'm not a boy," Liam shook his head and replied slowly so the man could process his words. His voice felt raspy from the lack of use. 
"Could've fooled me," the man laughed lowly. "I can practically see your bones. You wouldn't even be a good feed."
"How can you eat him?" Liam asked as he looked upon the dead body, neck ripped open with blood running down. "Won't you get sick?"
The man raised his brow in amusement. It was strange that Liam didn't seem perturbed, but he supposed they had been experiencing famine for quite some time now. At this point, it was probably eat or be eaten.
"I won't get sick," the man told Liam, smiling sinisterly. "I'm a demon. I will never starve because there will always be blood."
It was quiet for a long moment, and the man wondered if Liam would turn to run. Liam was sweating at his brow and lip half-turned in a frown. Maybe he was too weak to even run away. 
The man thinks that the thought of eating him doesn't even seem appealing. Maybe he'll just kill him and be on his way. 
"Can I become a demon too?" Liam finally asks, locking eyes with the man, not flinching from their glowing redness. "If I become a demon, then I can live, right?"
The man stared, mouth agape. He starts laughing before he drops the body he's holding. "Fascinating, fascinating," he crooned. "It certainly won't be for free."
"I don't have money," Liam told him immediately. "If I had money, I would be searching for food to buy."
The man snorts. "I don't need money. Anything in this world is mine to take." He walks a slow circle around Liam. "What I want is an apprentice. I have plans, and my last one...didn't last very long."
Liam nodded. 
The man smiled, but there was no comfort from it. "I must warn you, I don't have the patience to change you slowly. This will burn." He stepped closer, grabbing a fistful of Liam's hair and yanking his head back. "Welcome to the coven. My name is William, but you will refer to me as master."
William was a radical. There was no telling how long William was around since he rarely spoke about himself. All Liam knew was that William wanted more demons like him. Secretly, Liam could only surmise that being alone for so long must've been lonely. Being lonely for too long does something to your head.
A century passed by. It didn't feel as quiet as it did when Liam was human. It felt like something was pulsating under his skin, making his bones ache. Liam encountered many priests before, seeing what they called ‘God's power.’ The more they used it around him, the more something inside him resonated—the more it felt like something was about to come out. 
But Willi—his master would kill him. If Liam did what he believed he could, he would die for it. 
So, Liam started to study the priests from a distance. When he encountered them, he watched with rapt what they were doing, what they drew, and how they moved. When he finally got his hands on one of their 'incantation and hymn' books, he felt something different about his life for the first time. 
Liam felt awake. There was a constant stream of excitement in his mind. He could copy the drawings in the book, but he needed someone to teach him how to read the incantations. The world had always moved so slowly, and now Liam couldn't help but want it to move faster.
The only time he could practice was when his master was away. Despite the initial resistance, Liam convinced William that building networks with humans was better. If he wanted to create more demons, then they needed more space. 
They needed land and money and their influence to keep the pitchforks and fire away. It was much slower to accomplish, but it was working well. 
Humans were naturally suspicious beings. Too much compulsion and out-of-the-ordinary behavior would have the priests marching right to them. 
"How dare he!" 
Liam folded the paper he was drawing on and slipped it into his pocket as he turned around to see William barge through the door and slam it shut. 
"What's wrong, master?" Liam asked, no inflections in his tone. 
"That Baron Hastings—" William huffed, and his face was flushed with anger. "Not only did he laugh at my proposal to invest, he actually dared to convince others not to invest, saying it was a dupe!" 
Liam said nothing. Even though he knew whoever this Baron was, he was correct. 
"Your idea of this route was foolish!" William gritted out before he ripped off his hat. "I've had enough of this sham. Tonight, we will raid Baron Hasting's estate and take him for all he has."
"Yes, master," Liam tilted his head in acknowledgment. There was no use trying to refute anything William said when he was in this state. He was rather impressed since it was at least a decade since the last time he's lost his temper like this. 
The raid had been like it was every other time. The smell of massacre stopped making him nauseous long ago. Liam prefers to kill the servants by snapping their necks and only taking a bite or two out of them, if only to appease William. The overindulgence was intoxicating for a few short years before Liam decided that the smell of their fear during the massacre didn't make them taste as good. William thought otherwise.
As he finished up, he could hear something outside at the stables, but it was mostly covered by the sound of the Baron's wife screaming bloody murder. She wouldn't stop even as William threatened to kill her slowly if she didn't silence herself. 
Liam took off out the back. The Baron did well for himself, seeing a small stable holding three horses. He wondered who the third horse was for since the Baron and his wife had no children, and it couldn't have been for any of the servants. 
Then he gazed upon something he wasn't sure he'd ever seen. 
You were shaking and crying in your fine, silk-green gown. You were well-groomed and obviously spoiled with luxury. 
A mistress of the Barons, perhaps? How bold of you to be here while his wife was. But Liam inhaled deeply and tilted his head in confusion. While he did smell the Baron on you intimately, he could also smell the wife in the same way. The wife's scent was all around you, over you, inside you.
Strange, Liam thought. He didn't know that was possible. 
"Please..." you whispered, eyes closing as you could hear a woman's scream again, tears running down your eyes. But you don't continue your sentence.
His bones felt achy again. 
"Can you read?" Liam asked, causing you to look up unsurely. You looked like you wanted to bolt to see if you'd make it, but you stayed rooted.
You nod shakily nonetheless. "Yes, a little. The Baron and his wife were teaching me."
Liam nodded. "Master won't teach me to read."
You swallowed, trembling. You obviously were confused as to why this...this demon was talking to you instead of killing you. "Have you asked?"
Liam shook his head. "He doesn't like it if I do other things. If I ask, he'll just be angry. He only taught me this language because it makes it easier for him."
You were gripping the horse's reins tightly. "If you don't want to follow him, why do you?"
There was a blank look as Liam stared at you. "Master made me as I am. I'm not strong enough to beat him."
"Have you tried?"
"If I try and fail, then I'll die."
"If he's too strong, then you need to be smarter. The Baron says being smarter and playing the long game is far better than being stronger."
The words settle upon Liam like a blanket. His eyes sparkle as if he knows that he's smarter, and despite being a mere human, it was like your permission to be so was all he needed.
There was a heavy, pregnant pause. 
"You can leave," Liam told you, gesturing back to the screaming with his head. "If you leave now, the master will probably not notice you. But you can't leave with the horse as it will make too much noise. You must walk, not run. Your heart is already beating so loud and running will make it worse."
"I—" you started to say but choked. The tears that welled up in your eyes earlier fall over your already tear-stained face. "I can't leave without them."
Liam tilted his head. "Why not?"
"The baroness is screaming so I can leave," you told him, choking on your sob. "The moment we heard the break-in, The Baron pushed us both out the back, but the Baroness knew we both couldn't escape. She left me here and went back in."
"Then you should leave," Liam reasoned. "If she did it for you, you should live."
"Just to die another day," you muttered, wiping your tears. "How do you leave the first person to show you that kind of love? I—I can't. I should be in there too."
Liam ponders the words. He kind of understands. He loved his family as much as he could. It was hard to leave their bodies behind, but he kept moving because they had given him every last morsel so he could keep going. 
And while you did not show him anything remotely close to love, you did show him something. And the ache in his bones made him feel like he shouldn't leave you behind. Playing the long game, as you said, will require time. And in the end, Liam knows he can't do it alone. 
"Then die as a human and join them," Liam resounded before he blurred over to you and bit your neck, releasing his venom. There was no scream from your mouth, just your jaw dropping in shock. The taste of fear in your blood repulses him a little, but he hangs on, draining you. He was sorry—genuinely sorry—unlike his master, who warned him with false regret in his voice. Liam was sorry that your change would be painful. 
When Liam felt your pulse nearly stop, he released you. He looked back at the house that was slowly becoming quieter. The screams quelled. He hopes you don't remember much of this. 
Tonight, you'll die as a human and join the Baron and Baroness. 
Then...then you'll wake up a demon, and the long game begins.
Natasha and Wanda feel breathless as they listen to Liam. You told them your side of the story when you were changed, which was very little as you didn’t recall much outside of waking up with a burning pain and smelled the massacre.
To hear it from Liam’s side was…they didn’t know how to describe it. It made them want to hunch over and scream. 
"I watched her in secret for many, many years. I managed to drag William from town to town. Not too close, obviously. That's how Tatyana and William met, I believe. I thought that Tatyana would've joined to get rid of William, but..." Liam rubbed the back of his head and didn't finish the sentence. "When Tatyana died, and Elaine became close to that priest, I saw it as an opportunity. I needed to learn alchemy and that priest and his family were going to be the only way. So, I escaped and went into hiding. William eventually stopped looking and continued to travel further away from me."
"How were you even able to get close without alerting them?" David asks with a frown. "She would've sensed you for sure if you didn't have your alchemy tattoos yet."
Liam shakes his head. "Your senses don't react the same way when you're near your maker. When you said you can always sense the predator in a vampire, what's actually happening is your venom senses other venoms. Your venom is unique to you, but it did come from your marker. Therefore, you can't sense it very well because your venom sees it as an extension of itself. While venom is unique to yourself, it does recognize shared venom. When you bite someone, only your venom can fully counteract it. But anyone in the same venomline as you can delay the poisoning, like a partial healing."
"Huh," David hums, holding his chin. "You learn something new every day. That explains why I never felt any alarms or hackles rise when I saw her. I thought it was because I recognized her as a coven mate, but that makes more sense when vampires form their own coven by changing others versus outsiders banding together."
Liam nods, smiling at David before continuing his story. "I learned a lot from Leonard by just watching and listening to him teach his children. They continued their traditions and upheld alchemy for a very, very long time. Until a child came that didn't have a gift, and they couldn't bear any more children."
"Robert," Natasha realizes, recalling the priest they met in Nashville. Liam nods. "He said you were adopted. They must've adopted you and thought you were, what, 17 at the most? How did you manage that? You look..." Natasha trails. "Older."
"The documents I forged officially said so, but I did learn enough fundamentals of alchemy to experiment on my own to change some of my features," Liam reveals. "I think his grandfather suspected but never attempted to find out. I was a prodigy once I had proper teachings and although awkward, sincere."
"Did you know?" Wanda demanded immediately. "Did you know Tatyana was alive?"
Liam is silent initially. "I suspected," he admits. "I couldn't quite keep tabs on William after I escaped, but his behavior was strange weeks leading up to Tatyana's death."
"We couldn't find even a trace of them." Steve and Tony burst through the doors together, looking tired, angry, and defeated. The news of your disappearance sets off everyone in the room. Angry tears well up in Wanda's eyes, that feeling of loss at her door again. 
And she is so, so fucking tired of losing.
"You knew," Wanda hisses at Liam, malice laced in her tone. Her lips were pursed, and her eyes narrowed in an accusatory manner. "You knew all along that Tatyana was alive and would eventually come after us."
Wanda's eyes began to glow, her magic manifesting around her in angry, red wisps. "You knew and you let Tatyana take her!" Her magic bursts towards Liam, grabbing him like a vice. His body stiffens and jerks in her hold as he releases a gasp of pain.
"Wanda, wait!" David calls out to her, but it doesn't register. He tries to grab Liam to pull him out of Wanda's grasp, but he can't get Liam to even budge. David turns to everyone else in the room, but everyone is conflicted about whether or not to step in after finding out the truth about Liam. Steve looks like he wants to step in, but the anger about losing you keeps you rooted. He wants answers, and if Wanda can get them from Liam, he'll stay in place with his arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed.
"Nat," David turns to the redhead instead, his eyes pleading. "Please. Liam must've had his own reasons for not saying anything. We need all the help we can get." 
Natasha purses her lips. She'd be more than content to let Wanda rip Liam to shreds. She's so unbelievably angry to the point where it feels like hot needles are pricking her and boiling her blood. You were right there. You had been right there in front of her, and Natasha lost you. There was nothing she could've done to save you, and that's what makes Natasha the angriest.
But it's the years of experience—the training she's endured all her life— that she can put aside her emotions and be rational. Natasha gently places her hand over Wanda's clenched hand. The warmth of her skin makes Wanda look at her, the anger in her eyes slowly dimming as she stares into Natasha's gentle look. 
The red glow disappears from Wanda's eyes, the wisp drawing back into her. She releases Liam from her grip, still glaring at him as he falls into David's arms. Liam's slightly hunched over, trying to regain his breath. 
Natasha feels Wanda slip her hand into hers, and the warmth that seeps out is comforting. She coolly turns her head towards Liam, chin jutted upwards. "As much as I would like Wanda to give your comeuppance, you hold valuable information. You better have a plan or have some knowledge of how to save her and get rid of Tatyana for good."
Liam recovers from Wanda's attack as he gives a slight nod to David that he's okay and stands straight. "I had never intentionally planned for anyone to be kidnapped," he emphasizes, having the consciousness to at least look guilty. "I didn’t reveal myself because I wasn’t sure how Tatyana had been listening in. I truly believed that Tatyana was working with William to overthrow the humans. I'm not sure what changed, but it's clear that Tatyana abandoned William and had no intentions of creating sustainable creatures for his army again."
Natasha and Wanda look at each other for a brief moment. They recall the moment William had looked betrayed. The anger that rushed into William's eyes and the heat that pulsated through him—there was no way that was a part of their plans. 
"Tatyana was able to recreate her body, but there definitely had to be a price paid," Liam continues. "I could feel something different about her, something not human. We need to find out exactly what she did to recreate her body because it was unlikely she was actually able to preserve it after she was killed. If we can find out, we can find a counter spell to undo it."
"That's if we can even stop her from using her magic," Natasha shakes her head. "Every time that woman casts a spell, we're always fucked."
"There has to be a spell to nullify her powers or stop her from using them," Liam thoughtfully says before sighing. "It's a shame we don't know any more witches. Usually, each coven has its own spell book."
"I'm sure I can figure something out," Wanda rubs her brow, a tiny headache forming. "Let's just form a plan first to find William and lure Tatyana out." 
"In the case that there is another army waiting, we need to figure something out. If Tatyana won't create more vampires for William, he might just turn to the old fashion way of changing people. Even just a dozen of them will be troublesome for us, especially if they turn out to have gifts. The more time we lose, the more time he has to change people," Steve points out.
"What was that wood you said could kill you?" Tony asks David. "The...meth...metha...methu...the meth tree."
David gives Tony a look before he rolls his eyes. "Methuselah."
"That's what I said," Tony smirks. "If I can get my hands on a sample of it, I could probably turn it into something more effective to kill vampires...uh..." Tony paused. "Obviously not you guys, though. I'll work something out."
David wishes you were here to laugh at Tony. He lets out a deep sigh before he locks his eyes with Natasha and Wanda. "I'm going to find her," he promises them. "There isn't any place in the world Tatyana can hide her from me."
"How are you so sure?" Wanda frowns. She knows of his abilities, but Tatyana is a witch. They could be in a hut with no technology around.
David smiles, although sheepishly. "I have trackers in both her molars."
"What?!" Natasha narrows her eyes at David. 
"It's fine!" David insists. "She knows, and I have trackers in both my molars too. Sometimes we do really stupid shit, and on two separate occasions, we couldn't find each other, and well—" David shrugs.
They all stare at him.
"Anyway, it's not always on," David says as if that should be obvious. "We just activate it when we can't find each other. I've reactivated it since we returned back here. It just takes some time to ping down a location even if I'm a technopath. The further she is, the longer it takes but we'll know soon."
They all continued to stare at him.
Tony finally opens his mouth to speak.
"You two are fucking weirdos."
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ayameric · 2 years
In Your Head | N. Romanoff
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Summary: In which Y/N is trapped in her own head, and it’s up to Natasha to get her out.
TW: Schizophrenia, suicidal themes, major character death. Please read with caution. (If I have missed any, please let me know.)
That’s what you are, did you know that? All of this power, wasted on a useless being. You have no right to be here.  
“Y/N, you with us?”
Your head snapped up from the slightly sunken position you had slumped in. 
“Y-yeah, sorry, Cap.” You quickly apologised, feeling the heat from everyone around the meeting table stare at you. 
Steve carried on speaking, but there was only one voice you could hear. 
Seemingly from nowhere, but so surreal it felt as though they were talking right beside you. 
It was getting hard to tell the difference now. 
You were relatively new to the Avengers, only having been at the compound now for a few months. 
During a mission, the team found you locked away in a fortified cell of an old Hydra compound. They saw the fragile person in front of them, and took you in immediately. 
They were also soon to find out about your powers, the ability to teleport and wield supernatural strength and agility. 
You were a great asset to the team, but you didn’t know that. 
Natasha looked at you softly from opposite the table as your gaze dropped again, noticing your mind going elsewhere. 
Something had been going on ever since you got here, and it wasn’t getting any better. 
In fact, she had brought it up to Tony and Bruce, but they figured it was just jitters around being in a new environment. Natasha knew it was something else. 
You were jittery, that much was true, but you seemed, off. Despite the fact you had passed all your medical, Bruce had deemed you physically fit and healthy. So what could it be?
The Widow gave it time, just to make sure. Maybe it was just settling in that you were struggling with, and you certainly weren’t the most vocal person, so maybe you just felt a little lonely. 
Not wanting to assume the worst, that was the fence she leaned on. But in the back of her mind, she knew that there was something wrong. But maybe, if she built that bridge with you, you’d tell her what was going on. 
The team were quite fond of you. Quiet, shy and a little clumsy, but overall very loveable. They wanted you to come out of your shell, but would never force you. 
The meeting continued on, and eventually Steve dismissed everyone to go about their business for the day. 
Natasha noticed that you practically sprung out of your seat, heading for the door. But she managed to grab your hand just before you could rush off to wherever. (Most likely your room, you spent a lot of time in there.)
“Hey, where you rushing off to?” Nat asked with a small smile, as she loosened her grip on you, dropping your hand. 
“My…my room.” You told her, but your voice was quiet. As it usually was. 
“Well, me and Wanda were gonna go and watch some TV if you wanted to join?” Natasha asked hopefully, praying you’d say yes. Partially because she knew she’d have Wanda quizzing her on whatever was going on in the show, but mostly because she wanted to spend time with you. 
Your face scrunched a little, and your eyes flickered around the hallway, refusing to meet Natasha’s gaze. 
“Maybe.” You shrugged, scratching the back of your neck. 
“Okay, whatever then you fucking freak.”
Did Natasha really just say that to you?
“L/N?” The redhead called your name softly, a tone so untypical of her that it made you look at her, properly this time. 
It was getting so much worse. 
“I’ll see you later.” You mumbled, walking off in the direction of your room before the assassin could say anymore. 
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A few more weeks had passed and yet still, the team had made no progress with you. 
Wanda’s invites for cooking, Tony’s offers to come into the lab, nor Sam’s temptation to go for drinks. 
You couldn’t. Something inside your brain was holding you back. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to spend time with these people, but your warped version of reality had truly brought you to your knees. 
It had always been like this, the talking in your ear when no one was around. The comments, the conversations happening inside your head only for you to hear. 
Hydra used to numb you up, drug you until you couldn’t feel. 
But now you were free, and those voices came back with a relentless vengeance. 
They’ll give up on you. Soon enough. Or they’ll watch you die. 
It was late, you were in bed but you couldn’t rest. You hadn’t slept properly in ages. No meds meant the voices were active all hours of the day, leaving you riddled with sleepless nights. 
Should’ve stayed in that cell, moron. 
They wouldn’t stop. They just wouldn’t stop. 
You shut your eyes, feeling hot tears well up behind your eyelids as you held your head in an attempt to shut them up. But it was no use. 
That was how you spent your nights. Praying that your own head would stop trying to drive you insane, to the point where you felt so irreversibly uncomfortable in your own skin.
Maybe dying in that cell would’ve been a better fate. 
That way, the voices would stop. 
Unbeknownst to you, someone else in the compound also had trouble sleeping. Natasha had long since given up trying to rest that evening, her own mind running on overdrive. She wandered to the balcony of her room, staring out into the forest that the building overlooked. 
It was a beautiful night. 
Nat thought you were beautiful too. 
God, she wanted to get through to you so badly. Because she knew that feeling, that solace. She had lived and it was awful, and she didn’t want you to deal with it, not when you didn’t have to. There was a group of people just like you, ready to welcome you into the family with open arms, but you didn’t want it. 
That’s what it felt like. 
But the Widow knew better. Someone like you, someone who’s been through so much would push people away for fear of trusting the wrong person again. 
But she was going to prove to you that she was worthy of your trust, worthy of you. 
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“Morning, Y/N.” Wanda smiled brightly as you padded into the kitchen. 
“Morning.” You offered a weak smile before walking over to the cupboards to grab a glass. 
It wasn’t early, around 9AM, but most people in the tower were up well before you. 
Wanda saw the bags under your eyes, and it broke her heart. 
There was only a few people actually in the kitchen, you, Wanda, Vision, Steve and Tony. 
Vision and Tony were wrapped up in a conversation by the floor length windows, whilst Steve was sat at the island eating his cereal, flipping through the newspaper. 
Steve paused his movements briefly as you walked in, observing you.
“L/N, you feel like training this afternoon?” He asked you, a bright smile on his face. 
You turned to look at him, but you didn’t answer straight away. In fact, you looked at him with almost shock in your eyes, but didn’t let the feeling express visibly on your face. 
But just as quickly as the look appeared, it was gone. 
“Sure.” You answered him, but your expression was unreadable. 
You hurried out of the kitchen after that. 
“What was that?” Steve asked aloud, clearly to Wanda who subtly watched the exchange. 
“I-I don’t know.” The witch pulled a furrowed brow. “She seems almost…afraid of us.” 
Steve really didn’t know what to say. It had been months, surely you weren’t afraid of them? Had they given you any reason to be?
“She hasn’t trained with any of us before, maybe she was nervous?” He asked hopefully, noting that now Tony and Vision had walked over, noticing the tension in the room. 
“Talkin’ about Y/N?” Stark asked, and Wanda nodded, and the man sighed. 
“We must get through to her. If not for the team, then for her own sake.” Vision surmised, and the others agreed. 
“What more can we do?” Tony asked, knowing that it wasn’t for lack of trying. 
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You had headed to the gym at lunchtime, upon Steve’s request this morning. Having trained on your own over the past few months, you knew you were going to have to train with the others eventually. 
So you would grin and bare it. 
Entering the room in workout gear, the only person you saw in the room was Natasha. She noticed you, even with your quiet steps. 
She turned around immediately, a smile appearing on her face as she saw you. 
“Oh, hey Y/N.” The woman smiled, and you stayed near the door cautiously. 
“Um, Steve- Steve said to come by for training?” You asked, wondering if he was just running late. 
“Yeah, he got called out to meet with the US Secretary with Sam, so…” Natasha explained, and you nodded slightly. “But, we could train, if you’d like? I promise I’ll go easy on you.” 
Her joke made you smirk slightly, and Natasha’s chest warmed. She didn’t see you smile much, so this was small progress. 
You and Natasha begun sparring. You weren’t great with close combat, since you were trained to stick to the shadows. 
Natasha was patient with you, calm, helpful. 
In truth, the redhead made you nervous. The Black Widow, an infamous assassin. Who wouldn’t be? But of course, you were nervous around everyone, but the redhead more so. 
She was so beautiful, a deity sent from above, stood before you. It was safe to say you were harbouring a slight crush. 
Especially overhearing conversations about how Natasha is only ever this soft with you. 
As far as your sparring had gone, it had kept you distracted. You were focused on vaulting the Widow’s attacks, and with your mind elsewhere, it seemed as though the voices had quietened. 
You managed to find a gap in Natasha’s stance as she lunged at you, and you swept her leg, sending her down. 
Natasha looked up at you, slightly breathless with a smirk on her face. 
“Nice work, Y/N.” She said genuinely, and your heart thumped against your rib cage. 
Don’t be ridiculous, how could she ever love you? 
You are a hazard. Nothing more than a fucking liability. 
Your happiness disappeared quickly, like water down a drain as the voices turned themselves back up. 
Natasha stood up, dusting herself off before placing a hand on your shoulder, albeit cautiously. 
“Seriously, that was really good.” Natasha looked at you, and in such close proximity, it was hard to avoid her beautiful green eyes. “I’m glad we’ve got you around, y’know?” 
You didn’t know. They would never let you believe that. 
“Uh, thanks” You managed to spit out, and Natasha’s smile fell at your tone. You had turned your attention to your hands, where you began unwrapping the tape that was around them. 
One minute you were okay, the next you weren’t. That’s what Nat noticed. 
“Y/N?” The redhead called your name, still unmoving from her position in front of you. You looked up at her, if only briefly. “Is…is everything okay? Like, here, with us and the team.”
The question shouldn’t have caught you off guard considering your behaviour, but yet it still did. 
You struggled for an answer, but the voices in your head had plenty for you.
“Mhm.” You managed to nod to her, hoping that she would just let you go. 
“You do know I’m a spy, right? I can see right through your bullshit.” Her tone was a little sharper now, and Natasha knew this. She felt bad, but her frustration was getting the better of her. 
“I-I’m fine, I swear.” You tried, but the woman folded her arms and even teleporting wouldn’t get you out of this. “Just, getting used to everything.” 
You lied. You told her what she wanted to hear. 
She doesn’t believe you, they’re never going to trust you. 
They’re going to kick you out, leave you for dead. 
“Please, Y/N, don’t shut us out. We want to help you, let us do that.” Natasha’s stern tone had faltered, leaving it behind all together. “I know what it’s like to feel alone, but you don’t have to be. Please, let me be there for you.” 
You looked at her, sadness in your eyes. 
“Okay.” You offered back weakly, your bottom lip wobbling slightly. 
Maybe things would be okay. Just maybe. 
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Things did get better, in fact. 
Natasha became relentless in her attempts to hang out with you. She told you that it was mandatory, which made you laugh. 
Natasha loved your laugh. It was a rarity, so whenever she heard it, she treasured it. Just like your smile. 
But she made it her own personal mission to make you do those things more often. 
Weeks passed by, and spending time with Natasha became more frequent. It started with training in the gym, then you would wake up a little earlier to have breakfast with the team, sometimes you would even eat dinner with them instead of option to eat in your room. 
Of course, everyone noticed this change, and they all looked to Natasha in amazement. 
You had called it a night just after the team finished dinner, since they were all heading to have a movie night in the common area.
“So, Romanoff, how’d you do it?” Tony asked out of nowhere as everyone began settling down to watch the movie Clint had picked out. 
“Do what?” She asked half-heartedly, more focused on getting comfy on the couch beside Wanda. 
“Y/N. I don’t think she’s ever been more sociable with us until recently. And I’ve got a hunch it’s something to do with you.” He deduced proudly, to which Natasha scoffed. 
“A hunch?” She mocked, now finally looking at the billionaire. 
“Okay, fine. But you can’t deny she hangs out with you the most out of all of us!” He pointed out, to which everyone agreed. “Which is like, crazy, considering you’re really mean.” 
Wanda sent a pillow flying at his head for that comment.
“Have you ever considered maybe I’m just mean to you?” Natasha teased back with a grin on her face, causing some of the boys to holler. 
“I am, offended. I put a roof over your head!” Tony defended himself dramatically, making a few of the team sat around the room laugh. 
“Mhm, don’t call me for backup the next time your suit rusts up, tin-man.” 
Clint shushed them, and the lights were turned off and the movie began to play. 
But Natasha couldn’t stop thinking about you. Over the past few weeks, she saw glimpses of you, the real you, begin to show through the cracks. And she’d be damned if she didn’t get to see the real you, because she you’d be incredible. 
You smiled a little more, and noticed that the nervous Y/N she first met started to become a more confident, happier person. 
Natasha knew herself well. Well enough to know she had accumulated feelings for you. You were attractive to her, not just physically, but emotionally. 
You were a nice change of pace, from the large egos (besides Wanda, of course) around the compound. Your quiet demeanour was welcoming to her. 
There was a common thing between you, having similar backgrounds and lives but there was something more than that. She just felt, at ease around you for some inexplicable reason. 
But for once, she didn’t raise a brow and put up her defences. She wanted to be comfortable around you. 
 Natasha just wanted to be with you. 
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You had been with Avengers for a year now, and you were finally cleared for your first real mission.
The team had hoped this moment would’ve come sooner, but your struggle to settle in set you back. But better late than never. 
A relatively simple mission, a small Hydra base that was still functioning. You had insider knowledge, alongside Bucky, which would prove useful.
Steve and Natasha were careful to assign you to the mission. Knowing that going back to somewhere like this could potentially be a real detriment to you, they didn’t want to risk you pushing them away again. 
But on a cold evening, one where you and Natasha had spent together in your room, watching a movie on her laptop. 
You weren’t a fan of large crowds, and you weren’t all there yet to join in on the team’s movie nights. So, Natasha skipped one night and showed up at your door, computer in hand asking if you wanted to watch something with her. 
So there you were, laying beside her, a little stiff. Sure, you had touched her before, whether it was her grabbing your hand in passing or sparring in the gym. 
But this was different. 
During a particularly slow part of the movie, Natasha dared to speak. 
“Steve and I are thinking about putting you on for your first mission.” Natasha stated, and you looked at her. 
“Yeah?” There was a mix of excitement and shock in your eyes, clearly you weren’t expecting field duty anytime soon. 
“Yeah, but, this mission… it’s Hydra.” Nat told you, her tone quiet as to gauge your reaction, knowing it was a touchy subject. 
She studied your face as you were thinking, digesting what she said. 
“You don’t have to, of course. We think you’re ready, though but we won’t put you at risk, Y/N.” She said softly, but you could only focus on the way she said your name. 
You could listen to it forever. 
“No…I- I wanna do it. I can help you guys.” You said, your confidence growing as you spoke. 
Natasha smiled at your revelation, and you smiled back too.
“I’ll let Steve know.” Nat said, noticing your gaze move back to the movie. 
You felt your eye lids getting heavy, since you still weren’t sleeping great and even the voices in your head must’ve grown tired at this point. 
Without realising, you had sleepily cuddled against Natasha, snuggled up beside her. 
Natasha didn’t say anything, but she revelled in that connection with you. It gave her a feeling of warmth and love she would chase to the ends of the earth. 
As the movie finished, you were out like a light, and Nat closed the laptop down, ready to leave. But your unconscious grip on her shirt kept her down, allowing her to sleep beside you with a protective arm over your waist during the night. 
It was the best either of you had slept in a long time. 
Natasha had kept the voices at bay recently. Just being around her provided you a solace like no other. You felt safe, content. No screaming voices in your head, since Natasha had unknowingly blocked them out for you. 
But back in current day, you were sat on a quintet clad in a tactical suit, your leg nervously bouncing against the metal floor. 
You had been training for months, you were ready for this. 
You’re gonna die out there. 
Shaking your head, you felt a disturbance beside you. Next thing you know Natasha was sitting beside you and placing a hand on your knee. 
“You okay?” She asked tentatively. 
“Yeah, I think so.” You sighed, not being able to hide the nervousness in your voice. 
Natasha just squeezed your leg lightly. 
“It’s gonna be fine. I’ll be right beside you the whole time.” She smiled warmly at you. 
The Widow chuckled. 
“I promise.” As she kissed you on the cheek, leaving a burning sensation from her touch. 
And she kept true to her promise. The jet landed in a forest clearing just a while out from the base, and you happily cut out all the walking by teleporting closer to the base. 
Tony and Sam went overhead and scanned the building, checking for number of hostiles. 
You and Natasha would be sent through to infiltrate, retrieve data from the control room and get out whilst the rest of the team dealt with the Hydra agents. 
Simple enough. 
Everything was going to plan, you and Nat had entered through a vent, and were taking out guards in your path.
You were almost at the control room, when Steve called through the comms that a silent alarm had been tripped, and there were guards headed to your location. 
He yelled something about coming in for backup, but there was no time as Hydra guards came rushing at you from all angles. 
You dove down, practically on top of Nat to protect her from the incoming fire by a nearby wall. 
“Get to that control room! I can hold them off!” Natasha exclaimed above the sounds of guns firing. 
But you shook your head, frowning. 
“I’m not leaving you!” You told her, but Natasha just jabbed you in the shoulder. 
“Go, Y/N! That’s an order!” And you relented, using your powers and teleporting off. 
You appeared in the room, finding it to be empty as most of the agents had converged on you and Nat. 
“Do we have the drive?” Tony asked down communications in your ear. The ear piece was uncomfortable, and now you had to deal with even more voices. 
“Got it.” You confirmed, and immediately went back to Nat. You found her, leaning against the wall, having taken out most of the agents. 
But then you saw her clutching at her lower right side, blood coating her hands and darkening her suit. 
No, no, no!
You could see Natasha had gone pale, but still conscious. But she wouldn’t be for long. 
Keeping in cover, you pressed your hand above Nat’s, applying more pressure to the wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding. 
Natasha lazily looked at you as you touched her, becoming dizzier by the second. 
“Shit! I- I’m sorry, Natasha. L-let me get you out of here.” You rambled, attempting to pick her up, and noticing the discomfort on her face. “Steve! Nat…Nat‘s been injured.” 
You told him with disappointment in your tone, disappointment in yourself. 
Never should have left her. 
It should be you bleeding out in this hallway. 
You squeezed your eyes closed, the talking in your ear becoming too much. You groaned, yanking out your earpiece in an attempt to gain some silence, before bending down and pulling the Widow into your arms bridal style. 
Without thinking, you began bolting down the hallway, your powers failing you as you couldn’t concentrate enough to use them. 
You heard more soldiers, and gun fire from behind you. It was followed by several sharp, stinging blows to your back. It sent you to stumble, but you stayed on your feet. You were going to get Natasha out Alice, even if it killed you. 
The pain in your back only grew, but you would be fine. 
You prayed Steve and Bucky had cleared outside of Hydra agents, because you weren’t sure how many more bullets you could take. 
Shoulder-barging through the final door, a wave of cold air hit your face as you saw Steve and Bucky rush over to you. 
Steve took an unconscious Natasha from your arms, and despite the horrible pain coursing through you, you could only stare on as you watched the person you cared about most in the world get carried away. 
You did this to her. 
You should never have left her. 
This time, you couldn’t shut the voices out. Or you didn’t want to, because they were right. 
Hear something enough, and eventually, you’ll begin to believe it. But you saw with your own eyes what a failure you were, and now you knew your head was right. 
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Natasha woke up feeling rather groggy in the hospital, her eyes blinking rapidly to adjust to the bright lights overhead. 
She pushed herself up, noting there were several wires and tubes attached to her. 
Aching, and definitely feeling that pain in her side now. She remembered what happened, how you saved her life. 
Where were you? 
Natasha wanted nothing more right now than to see your face. 
But instead she got Steve. 
“How are you feeling?” The blonde man asked, and Natasha just smirked. 
“Like I’ve got a hole in my side.” She joked, and Steve smirked at her humour. A few beats of silence passed before she asked; “Have you seen Y/N around?”
Steve shook his head. 
“She’s been in her room all week.” Steve sighed. “We think she’s blaming herself for what happened to you, but she’s not willing to let any of us in to talk.”
Natasha felt like crying. You were right back at square fucking one. After everything. But this wasn’t your fault, Natasha was okay and you got the intel, the mission was a success. 
But you didn’t see it that way. 
It had been two days since Natasha was hurt, and you hadn’t left your room once. 
The whole team was worried, it sucked to see you push them away again just as you were beginning to open up. 
But Natasha wouldn’t let that happen. The next day, she was cleared to be released, and with a slightly cramped walk, she went straight to your room. 
Knocking tentatively on the door, she expected no response. 
“Y/N? You in there, detka?” The redhead called out, and she heard shuffling behind the door. 
Eventually, she felt a wiggle of the doorhandle, and the door open before her. 
The team, who were watching from down the corridor had to hold back a shocked gasp. Nat really was your favourite. 
“Y-you’re okay?” You asked, and it was clear you had been crying. 
Natasha nodded.
“I’m okay. You saved my life after all.” Natasha chuckled, and you just smiled with a trembling lower lip. 
“I-I didn’t save you, y-you still got hurt.” You told her, but the other woman shook her head. 
“You got me out of there, despite the fact you got shot to hell. Yeah, Steve told me.” Natasha chastised you a little for being reckless. “But you still saved my life.”
You didn’t say anything, just gently wrapped your arms around her waist, pulling her in for a hug but being careful of the wound on her side. 
“Missed you.” Natasha whispered into your hair.
It was a few moments after that you and Natasha pulled apart. 
“Wanna watch a movie?” She asked, and you nodded, allowing her to pull you over to your bed and settle there. 
You cuddled into Natasha’s good side, letting her stroke your hair.
“I never said thank you.” Natasha stated suddenly, and you looked at her. “For saving my life. Thank you, Y/N.” 
You didn’t know what to say, but studying the sincere look on her face, your body acted before you could speak. 
Leaning forward, you presssed your lips against hers, feeling her hand immediately come up to caress your side. 
There was no better feeling than having Natasha completely against you, having her touch you with such care, kiss you like there would be no tomorrow. 
It was incredible. 
You both pulled away for air, resting your foreheads together as you both got your breath back. 
But then Natasha spoke. 
“It should’ve been you.” 
You pulled away, confused. 
“It should’ve been you, you were the one who wasn’t fast enough to get the intel.” 
Natasha’s face frowned, and your heart began to break, how could she say this to you?
“Sure, you saved my life, but that was out of guilt. This is your fault. What’s the point in having those powers if you can’t use them?!”
“Nat- I-I-“ You tried, pushing yourself away from her and moving to the edge of the bed.
What was going on? She just told you this wasn’t your fault, and now it was? 
You bolted out of the room, almost falling as you did to get away from Natasha, feeling your heart break in your chest. 
You skidded to a halt as you ran into Steve and Wanda who were walking and talking down the hall. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” Wanda asked, noticing the distraught look on your face. 
“I- I don’t know.” You whimpered.
“Well, I mean, I wouldn’t be alright after what happened.” Wanda surmised, and then Steve spoke. 
“Yeah, especially if it was my fault. You sent that mission to shit, L/N. And you know it’s true, otherwise you wouldn’t have locked yourself away.”
“I told you it was too soon to put her on a mission, she’s a liability, useless.” Wanda spat venomously.
Why were they saying this? Why? Tears pooled in your eyes, and you rushed off in another direction, despite them calling your name. 
You had to get out of there, you should’ve known better. Your head was right all along, you didn’t belong here, you were worthless. Certainly not worthy of an Avenger. 
Rushing, it felt like the corridors where never ending. 
You felt yourself begin to hyperventilate, and collapse against the wall nearby to you. 
Everything was closing in, you couldn’t breathe as tears streamed down your cheeks. 
I told you so. 
You fucked up, now they’ll never trust you. 
You’d be better off dead. 
No one will want you after this. 
“Shut up! Shut up, please!” You practically hit your head in attempt to silence the voices, screaming out. 
It felt like a crowd talking all at once, erupting in conversations about your failure, reminding you how worthless you truly are. 
You buried your head between your knees, praying that it would all just stop. 
You couldn’t hear the sounds of feet rushing toward you, calling your name in terror. You could only feel a cold hand placed on your arm, causing you to jump, pushing Natasha away from you.
“Don’t touch me!” You yelled, anger in your eyes. She had never seen you like this before, you had never reacted to her touch that way and now she felt tainted. 
“Y/N, what’s going on?” Steve tried, but you couldn’t answer as you gasped for breath. 
“Her mind, it’s…it’s so loud. Like, screaming at her.” Wanda’s eyes glowed as she peered inside your head. Normally, she would never invade your privacy, but this was an emergency. 
“How could you say that? Why would you say that to me?!” You looked at Natasha with pain in your eyes. 
“Y/N! Say what?!” Natasha exclaimed back in confusion. But you just shook your head, burying it between your knees again. 
“My fault. My fault.” You murmured between your knees, and the three in front of you felt awful. 
“Wanda, what’s going on?”  Natasha’s voice broke the same way her heart did. 
“I- it’s like there’s a dozen people in her mind, all talking. Telling her this is her fault.” Wanda explained. 
They’re lying to you. 
Don’t trust them. 
You’re dead to them.
You felt to weak to run, to fight. So when Natasha moved closer to you, crouching down, you couldn’t move away. 
“Detka, what’s going inside your head?” 
“It’s so loud, they won’t shut up. They never do.” You sobbed, still refusing to look at anyone. “First it’s them, now it’s you. Why- why are you doing this?” 
Natasha blinked away her own tears.  
“Doing what? What did we say to you?” She asked in genuine interest as she narrowed her eyes. 
“You know what you said! You said it wasn’t my fault, then suddenly it was! You said you wished it was me, not you getting hurt. Then Wanda and Steve blamed me, said I was useless.” 
Wanda gasped.
“No I didn’t! Y/N, none of us would ever think such horrid things, let alone say them.” The witch told you, also now crouching down to talk to you. “It’s all in your head.” 
“But why can’t I tell the difference?” You trembled, your temples aching after crying so much. 
“We can get Bruce to get you medication. It’ll shut those voices in your head up, I promise.” 
Natasha had never broken a promise before, why would she now?
Because it’s a fucking trick! They were just blaming you for nearly letting her die, now they want you to take their drugs?! This is Hydra all over again. 
This is how Hydra took you as a child. 
They lured you in with kindness and promises of love. 
Then they made you a monster. 
You weren’t going to make the same mistake twice. 
You thought you were really falling for Natasha, but, as much your heart yearned for her, your mind was louder. 
In another life, perhaps you would’ve loved the woman the way you truly wanted to. 
You remember Nat and Wanda taking you to the MedBay, and letting Bruce prescribe you with some medication. 
But you didn’t swallow it, merely slipping it up your sleeve. They gave you sleeping pills too, considering your restless nights, but you refused to take them too out of fear. 
Natasha slept with you in your room now, always holding you close, keeping you warm. 
But you couldn’t tell what was real and what was fake anymore. And that was something you didn’t know if you could live with. One night, you carefully removed yourself from Nat’s embrace, and padded over to the bathroom. 
The bright light flickered on, and you looked at the mirrored cabinet, showing your reflection as you leaned against the sink. 
You shook your head, and opened the cabinet to pull out two little baggies of pills. The olanzapine and sleeping pills you had been prescribed, that you had pretended to take and saved up. 
It felt like you were in the matrix as you stared down at the two different bags of pills in your hands. One to stay in wonderland, and one to make all the pain go away. 
We’ll never go away. 
You can’t ever get rid of us. 
A tear rolled down your cheek. 
“I know.” You whispered, taking the baggie of pills and swallowing them with a gulp of water, before returning back to your position in Nat’s arms. 
She hummed as she felt your presence again, kissing the back of your neck. 
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It was bright outside this morning, sunny and warm. 
Natasha sat up, noticing your sleeping form beside her. 
“Seems like a nice day, gonna have to get up sometime, Y/N.” Natasha teased as she poked your back, expecting a grumble of defiance in response. 
But you didn’t move. 
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lowkeyerror · 2 years
Young & Capable
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Angsty start
Summary: Youngest member of the Avengers is having a problem being taken seriously. When she takes matters everything seems to implode.
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Being an Avenger was like a double-edged sword. While your work saved millions of lives and thousands of citizens respected you, it was hard to find that same respect inside of your team.
It's not like they didn't care about you, moreso that they cared too much. You were younger than them, and they took that too seriously. You felt like they had you in plastic bubble wrap and training wheels.
To make matters even worse, they teased you relentlessly about your crush on Natasha. Everyone knew about it, including Natasha. She even hit you with the' I'm too old for you' line.
It was ridiculous. You were a strong, capable member of this time, and you were tired of waiting for them to see that. So slowly, but surely you began distancing yourself from the team.
You woke up a little earlier for your workouts, cooked your own meals, spent hours studying footage of the greatest combat masters of all time.
Natasha commented on the change in passing," You're bulking up."
You nodded and continued on your way," Yep."
Instead of leaving you, the redhead followed you," Your suit's going to need to be redesigned if you keep going."
Again, you nod," I've already sent the plans to Bruce and Tony."
Her eyebrows knitted together," You did the design yourself?"
You sigh," Ya, I always design my own stuff. I know my body better than they do. Did you want something, Nat?"
The woman cleared her expression," No, I was just checking on you. I feel like you've been pulling away."
You stop in your tracks and look at the shorter woman," I'm just trying to be the best version of myself. The one that is completely capable of doing anything anyone else on the team can do."
Natasha felt like that was the first time she had actually seen you. Your jaw was set, your eyes were determined, you really meant what you said. She found her eyes traveling lower, your newly built body had caught her attention.
" You don't have to prove yourself to anyone, you know that right," Natasha says.
You shake your head," It doesn't feel like that."
She stood there puzzled as you kept walking. Had the team really made you question your value that much?
Soon, the others also began to notice the changes in you. They were worried about you and tried to bring it up multiple times, but you just brushed them away.
It came to the point where Tony had called a team meeting as a sort of intervention for you.
" Kid, what's been going on with you lately?"
You rolled your eyes," If this is what I think it is, I'm not playing this game?"
" Y/n we are worried about you?" Wanda said her demeanor was soft.
You couldn't help but raise your voice," Why? There's nothing wrong with me. I'm smarter, stronger, and faster than I have ever been. So what exactly is the issue? I'm at peak performance. No more comments about my missions, no more doubts in my abilities, and stop fucking calling me kid."
They all went wide-eyed at your outburst. They'd seen you frustrated before, but never mad like this.
" You just changed, so suddenly we wanted to make sure you were alright, that's all," the worry hadn't left Steve's eyes at all.
They all had that look on their face; mixtures of worry and pity. It was as if you were some kind of charity case. You couldn't take it anymore.
You slowly stood up and calmly spoke," I quit."
If the room wasn't silent before, it was now. Everyone was in shock. You walked out of the door and subsequently out of the building.
You were done with whatever this was. In your mind, you knew you deserved better than this. You deserved to be taken seriously.
" Y/n wait," Natasha's voice stopped you in your tracks. Your harsh glare didn't faze her," You can't quit."
" I just did, Natasha."
She grabs hold of one of your hands. Your eyes linger on the spot before meeting her eyes again.
"You took an oath to protect the world."
" I can do that without the Avengers," you try to snatch your hand away, but her grip tightens.
" You're being childish."
You scoff, then successfully remove your hand from hers. The way your eyes glared into hers was startling.
" Well, maybe if everyone in there stopped treating me like a fucking child, I wouldn't act this way."
You tried to storm off again, but Natasha pulled you back. With some skillful maneuvering, you were able to get away from her again.
" Can't you just talk to me?"
You deflate," What do you want me to say, Nat? I don't feel like an equal on this team. Everyone babies me because I'm the youngest. I was hired for this job just like everyone else, my skill set speaks for itself. I'm not a rookie, and I never was. I worked my ass off for this and every time someone tries to explain something I've known for years it pisses me off."
Natasha understands your frustrations, and she hates that she was part of the problem. Before your transformation, she did think of you as just some young kid trying to be a hero.
But she was wrong. You were an adult, in your early 20s, but adult nonetheless. You knew the ropes as you ran them, just like everyone else.
" I'm sorry, I should've done better. The team should've done better, but please come home. I'll make sure you're treated right from now on. We just need another chance."
You were hesitant to agree," I don't know, Nat."
" I don't want to lose you," her gaze shifted to the ground.
You felt the back of your neck heat up and your mouth fall agape," What?"
Natasha was close, closer than she'd ever been before. Her green eyes pierced through yours. Your heart was going to explode.
" I don't want to lose you, Y/n."
You refused to believe what was happening," This isn't going to work on me, Natasha. I- I know what you're doing."
" I don't think you do."
Against your better judgment, you rested your hands on her waist," You're trying to get me to stay by pretending you've got this sudden interest in me."
Natasha's arms flung around your neck," Or I could just have a sudden interest in you."
" That's not how this works."
She raised an eyebrow," Isn't it? The main character never realizes that the perfect person for them is right in front of them until they might not be there anymore."
" Natasha-"
" When I saw you in the hall that day, it was like I was seeing you for the first time. The way you spoke, the way you looked, you weren't just my younger teammate anymore. You were Y/n, and I should've seen Y/n a long time ago."
Natasha tried to pull away, but this time it was you keeping her in place," Do you really mean that?"
The former assassin nodded.
You could feel her heart beating, or maybe it was just yours, but it gave you a surging of courage. You kissed her and kissed you back. Your grip on her waist tightened, not completely convinced that this wasn't a dream.
" I never thought I'd get to do that," you smiled at her as a pink blush took over her cheeks.
" I wouldn't be mad if you wanted to do it again," Natasha replied.
You simply pecked her lips before taking on a stern look," If I go back in there, things have to be different."
" They will be," Natasha promised.
You took her hand in yours," Let's go then."
The two of you walked back to the complex hand in hand. Natasha didn't drop your hand when you were in front of everyone else.
" Look, I'm the youngest here, but that doesn't mean I'm a baby. We're equals, and I need you guys to stop treating me like we aren't. Understood?"
There are a few mumbles of understanding throughout the groups, as well as some apologies.
Thor comments," You two are holding hands."
That regains everyone's attention. You're about to speak, but Natasha beats you to it," It's none of your business."
With that, she yanks you away from the group. You shrug and laugh as Natasha basically shoves you into her room.
" So what now?"
Natasha makes herself comfortable on the bed and gestures for you to do the same," Now we cuddle and watch tv."
That was exactly what you did.
Having finally felt like you had the respect of your teammates was one thing, but having Natasha in your arms was an entirely different satisfaction.
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dalekofchaos · 28 days
Ricky Starks faced more consequences for hurting Edge’s feelings, than Hangman did for going into business for himself against Punk...OVER COLT FUCKING CABANA!
No reason a 50 year old should have took what Ricky said so personal, & had the ability to stop a potential stars push, yet here we are.
Like him or not, CM Punk did everything to raise Ricky Starks' stock and helped him get over after the Jericho feud buried him. Punk built Ricky back up and Starks was GOING to take the real AEW World Champion from Punk, but you know what happened and plans changed.
Then the Bryan feud happened and it did Ricky no favors. Like....why is it that Bryan put everyone over, but he couldn't afford to do the same for Starks?
Starks and Bill got over and then Kenny got hurt and then there was no real conclusion to the Starks-Big Bill team up.
Adam Copeland got Ricky Starks under and Starks was never the same again
In his own words
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If you think Ricky Starks isn't good enough to be on TV, I don't know what to tell you.
Every opportunity Ricky Starks has been given, he's shown why he's been given that and then some. Made the most of the Team Taz run, MJF min-feud, made the most of the Punk feud, Danielson short feud, Big Bill team, etc. If he's not on TV, its not because he's not "good enough", it's because Tony Khan is a blithering fucking idiot.
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