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customgymequipment1 · 6 months
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nortusfitness10 · 1 year
Nortus Fitness is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality fitness equipment. We strive to help people achieve their fitness goals and lead healthier lives. We are one of the top suppliers and manufacturers of Commercial Treadmill and one of the Top 10 Gym Equipment Brand.
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growingstories · 11 months
Lab trials - part 3
Dr. Eric Mitchell, the renowned scientist, had successfully launched weight gain bars initially designed for underweight individuals. The bars were later found to be effective for muscle growth as well. In the lab trials, the bars were tested on inmates and soldiers, both of whom experienced no negative side effects, except for a noticeable increase in libido.
Curious to explore the commercial potential of his invention, Dr. Mitchell approached a prominent fitness equipment and supplement company. Jonathan, a sales representative who possessed an impressive physique and had a background in sports and fitness, was chosen to market the bars. As the account manager for major bodybuilding gyms, Jonathan ensured they had the best equipment and latest supplements.
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After sharing the details about the new supplement, the gyms were instantly intrigued, viewing it as a safe and preferable alternative to steroids. One particular personal trainer even informed Jonathan about his significant muscle gain after consuming just three bars a day. Clients who tried the bars were also enthusiastic about the results.
Although Jonathan wasn't originally focused on becoming a bodybuilder, he was interested in developing a more muscular physique. Therefore, he decided to consume one bar a day. Notably, he experienced increased strength and received compliments on his growing size and lifting abilities. However, he failed to notice the gradual appearance of a protruding belly and love handles.
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The gyms Jonathan had sold the bars to were highly satisfied with the product and began placing more orders. They also bought heavier equipment as their clients demonstrated increased strength. His success led to a promotion, with more responsibilities and more gym clients to handle. As a result, Jonathan neglected his running sessions, which not only hindered his endurance but also became more challenging due to his heavier weight.
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Months later, one of the gyms arranged a strongman competition and invited Jonathan to participate. Feeling inferior to the other competitors, he decided to increase his intake to five bars per day, solely for the duration leading up to the competition. His strength and physique skyrocketed, attracting compliments from the hefty individuals at the gym.
Additionally, Jonathan noticed his intensified sexual desire, so much so that he had to indulge in self-pleasure multiple times a day. During the competition, he struggled with his bulging muscles, as his shirts became tighter and simple tasks like tying his shoes became bothersome. Now, he solely wore stretch pants.
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Observing the immense strength of his fellow competitors, Jonathan grew frustrated. Placing tenth in the competition only added to his disappointment. However, he happened to strike up a conversation with one of the participants other who mentioned the bars, expressing their increased muscle mass and heightened libido – a sentiment Jonathan could relate to. They became workout buddies, with Jonathan's new goal to surpass his companion, Michael, and emerge victorious in the next competition.
Jonathan and Michael began to spend more time together, even outside of gym sessions. Their meals grew in size, topped off with two bars each as a dessert. One intoxicated evening, they engaged in mutual masturbation, considering it nothing more than an expression of camaraderie. This activity soon became a regular occurrence.
As they continued their intense workout routine, Jonathan and Michael saw their bodies grow stronger, more massive, and, inevitably, fatter. Although they embraced these changes, they faced confusion about their evolving relationship – were they gay, or was the connection purely based on their shared horniness? Eventually, they concluded that their behavior was normal for close friends who understood each other.
Finding it more convenient to sleep with Michael, as he comprehended Jonathan's busy lifestyle due to his successful job, dating women became a challenge. Their minds were occupied with thoughts of gym sessions, growth, and sexually satisfying each other. Despite the difficulties, Jonathan's business expansion flourished, and he achieved remarkable success.
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Their routine continued, and as they added more bars to their diet leading up to the next strongman competition, they became absolute behemoths at the gym. Nonetheless, their heightened horniness posed a significant challenge. They now engaged in masturbation three or four times a day. Their bond with each other remained a deeply important aspect of their lives, for living this lifestyle was arduous without someone who shared similar experiences. But they didn't let anything or anyone deter them – Jonathan emerged as the champion in the competition, while Michael secured second place.
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Having accomplished all their goals, Jonathan and Michael pondered their next target, contemplating the future of their physical transformations.
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Over-the-top modern 2021 mansion in Los Angeles, California. 12bds, 17ba, $139M. It also has $5M worth of Italian brand La Contessina furniture that's included with the house.
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Look at this loooong sparking chandelier that pools on the floor. (There's a dedicated caretaker's quarters, but it's gonna take more than one person to maintain all this.)
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Remember that all the furniture is included. Wonder why they chose brown. Now, here we are in the main living area with a huge bar. (aka "The Nightclub.")
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On view here is this 6 car elevator to show off your car collection to guests (what, only 6?).
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"The Nightclub" extends way out to the patio.
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The wine room holds 1, 050 bottles, with a Murano glass art installation overhead. Wow, this wall of wine bottles is way different from the house I posted yesterday, with the bottle walls.
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For entertaining, the residence has multiple bars. This is an ice-cold vodka-tasting room (notice the fans in the ceiling & the frost on the walls). Hanging on hooks are fur coats for the guests to wear. (Is this crazy or what?)
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Home gym with a ridiculous amount of Peloton equipment. How many people are they expecting? There's also a climbing wall and a cigar lounge.
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This looks like one of the more casual seating areas and bar. Don't expect to see the kitchen that's fitted with Wolf appliances and is supposedly a chef's dream. You don't concern yourself with something as mundane as cooking.
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Here's the hot tub room with a massive chandelier.
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The home theater is fitted with plush Belgian leather seats.
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Beautiful views from the patios and terraces.
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Check out the reclining marble tub in the primary suite. The wall opens to a large deck. (Guests get a penthouse suite.)
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Massive en-suite bath. That big glass room on the right is the shower.
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Her closet.
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His closet.
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The colossal 23-foot LED screen out by the pool comes up from the floor.
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Around this bar are illuminated swing seats, plus a full commercial kitchen hidden from sight, for entertaining, b/c nobody wants to see a kitchen.
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This home is really focused on entertaining.
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The house is on a 2.08 acre lot and not to worry, bulletproof glass, and a hidden state-of-the-art safe room ensures security and peace of mind. A high-tech 36 camera security system with a full security command center including staff quarters vigilantly watches over the property.
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stillness-in-green · 1 year
On Heteromorphs and Heteromorphobia (Arc XV - My Villain Academia)
(Skewing away from the wiki arc titles here, because come the eff on; everyone on god's green earth calls this My Villain Academia, not "The Meta Liberation Army Arc.")
At the request of a kind asker, I'm trying something different with footnotes this time; you'll find them at the end of the relevant bullet point, rather than at the bottom of the post. I've also flagged the numbers in purple, though I left the text itself the default color. I hope people find that a little easier to handle than having to scroll all the way to the bottom, have two tabs open, or wait until the end when they've forgotten the context.
Content Warning: Mentions of the KKK, as well as anti-Korean hate crimes/speech in Japan.
The My Villain Academia Arc (Chapters 218-240)
Chapter 218: 
Tsuyu’s weakness to cold is noted in-canon, rather than in a volume extra profile.   
All of the people featured specifically in the Detnerat commercial are heteromorphs—a four-armed woman, a walrus gent, and a little gelatinous boy.  Re-Destro pontificates about how people with these “newer types of bodies” struggled in the new era because they couldn’t find products that would meet their daily needs; mass production was not equipped—could never really be equipped—to handle the endless variety of body shapes and sizes that came about due to the Advent of the Extraordinary.  It recollects the mall scene back in Chapter 68—or, even further back, Ojiro’s character sheet and UA’s lack of varied desks—and calls the reader to consider, once again, the sorts of special needs that those with heteromorphic bodies might have, and how difficult it can be to meet those needs.    RD says that his company’s ability to rapidly customize and produce unique goods for every customer has made them #1 in their industry (lifestyle goods).  Assuming there’s at least some truth to the commercial shpiel—and the newscaster does at least call Detnerat “a big player”—it suggests that plenty of other companies are not so good at the rapid+customizable combination.  Of course, not all companies are trying to be all things to all people, but specialization costs money—as do speed and customization, really, and note that nowhere in the commercial is there a talking point about affordability!  So mainly what the commercial leaves me wondering is what degree of inconvenience is still felt by heteromorphs, especially those who are somewhat cash-strapped.    That strikes me as a particular hazard when it comes to child bullying.  Of course, Japanese schools have uniforms, but I wonder how available tailoring and alterations are for students with particular needs?  Is there a provided budget for that sort of thing?  Financial aid?  How much did Ojiro’s parents have to pay for him to have a full set of uniform pants with a hole for his tail in them?  How about Shouji getting all his uniform tops made sleeveless?  What arrangements had to be made for Shouto’s gym uniform to be fire retardant?    Even setting uniforms aside, there are also their social lives outside of school to consider.  Kids will absolutely notice when one of their number wears the same clothes all the time, or home-made clothes instead of name brand, or with obvious patchwork and repair.  As in real life, it’s at the intersections of more than one type of disadvantage—in this case, a heteromorphic body combined with a low-income family—that problems become more likely.
Here in 218, almost fifty chapters after the first mention of them, we finally get the proper introduction and explanation of the Meta Liberation Army.  Of course, they aren’t heteromorph-specific—the closest any of the named commander-types in RD’s inner circle get is Curious, with her bright blue skin and black sclera,[1] though certainly Re-Destro himself has drifted somewhat away from baseline compared to his ancestor.  Regardless, their foundational belief is the deregulation of quirks, stemming from a time when any deviation from the norm made meta-humans targets.  The compromise society reached—that quirks require a license to use—is restricting enough on those whose abilities are found with a baseline body, but, as I’ve brought up before, it makes life even more potentially fraught for heteromorphs.  That kind of thing is basically a pre-written excuse for heroes or police to stop and harass a heteromorph they don’t like the look of!  And while the evidence of that kind of bias has been pretty circumstantial thus far, it’s about to get way, way less so.    [1] Wacky hair colors being somewhat de rigueur in anime, we’ll give her a pass on the purple hair.
   Chapter 220: 
Here we finally hit the major leagues: the Creature Rejection Clan, or CRC.  The Japanese is igyou haiseki shugi shuudan, with igyou and shuudan being pretty straightforward—igyou is, of course, “heteromorph,” and shuudan is any sort of organized or self-identifying group of people, anything from a family unit to a business organization, even all the way up to a nation.  Haiseki shugi is the important bit, with shugi meaning “doctrine; principle” and haiseki meaning “rejection; expulsion; boycott; ostracism.”  Thus, “group whose doctrine is the rejection of heteromorphs.”[2]    Note that, in the Japanese, the word in the group’s name is heteromorph; they didn’t pick something more insulting or derogatory.  They didn’t really need to, since igyou is, as discussed back in the introduction to this piece, plenty derogatory all on its own.  So Caleb Cook went with a translation of igyou that would better get that derisiveness-in-the-context-of-a-hate-group across than his choice way back in Chapter 14.  Creature Rejection Clan is a fairly localized translation, but Cook was pretty frank in his Twitter thread on the chapter that he was thinking about the KKK when he made the decision.    And it’s not an unwarranted comparison!  Of course, I wouldn’t think to presume Horikoshi’s that up on the history of racism in the U.S., but combine the cod-religious trappings and the full robes and hoods with an explicit textual description of hate crimes, and it’s an extremely easy parallel to draw. [2] The Japanese also gives the abbreviation of CRC, with the databook eventually coming out and revealing that it really stands for the name they’ve chosen for themselves in English, the Curious Rejection Committee.
That established, it’s notable that Spinner, in describing them, says that they commit hate crimes against “people with heteromorphic quirks”—a nearly word-for-word translation of the Japanese igyou-gata no ningen.  This leaves aside the idea I’ve spent so much time talking about, that heteromorph discrimination is aimed broadly at those with heteromorphic bodies, and not only those with the more narrowly defined heteromorphic quirks.  Shortly, however, I’ll cover some evidence that Spinner is over-generalizing, or just misinformed.
In the meantime, take note of a few things the CRC guys[3] actually say here, starting with the fact that they call Spinner a lizard. Instantly, a word that was previously a snippy and dismissive little shrug in Dabi’s mouth takes on the weight and ugliness of a slur.    Further, they call the League of Villains “sins against nature”—or, in a more literal translation, “impure criminals.”  I provide the more literal translation there because it’s more specific.  My immediate question of the English translation would be whether the CRC judge the League as being sins against nature simply because of their criminality, or because of their association with Spinner, but the Japanese makes clear that there are two separate labels being flung there: the League are both criminals and impure.    This idea of impurity brings in a religious dimension to heteromorphobia, a dimension heightened by the line (dropped by the English translation) in which the CRC accuses the League of invading a sanctuary—in Shinto, shrines have to be kept pure.  The CRC calling their hideout a sanctuary, with the added context of, “They have a lizard with them.  How disgusting,” thus makes it pretty clear that the impurity is about Spinner’s presence, not just the League’s assorted crimes.  This spiritualistic justification for bigotry will later be made even more explicit in Shouji’s flashbacks.    [3] With skull masks right there on their hoods!  A real, “Are we the baddies?” moment, but given some of the other things we get on them later, it's possible the skulls are meant to contrast what e.g. Spinner or Koda’s skulls might look like: baseline human versus animalistic or “misshapen.” Credit to @codenamesazanka for connecting the dots on that!
Spinner also gives us here the line that I covered back in the terminology section at the beginning:
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We’ll go with the official version this time.
So here we have the observation that the word absolutely everyone uses, the word that, as far as we know, academically defines an entire category of quirks, is an unpleasant, even rude word.  But what is the alternative?  We’re never given one.  Indeed, Spinner doesn’t suggest one; he says that the nice thing to do is “avoid” the word instead.  In other words, talk around it.  See again what I said at the start about all the difficulties baked into that prospect.
Later, we get the first drops of Spinner’s backstory, and hit again on the “lizard” thing, with the note that Spinner’s backwater, stuck-in-the-last-century hometown called him “the lizard freak.”  He grew up with it, grew accustomed to it, thought there was nothing he could do to change it—he might even have internalized it somewhat, though clearly by the time Chapter 160 rolled around he was ornery enough about it to complain.    It's perhaps also notable that Spinner knows who the CRC are.  Though we’ll later find out that their numbers have hugely diminished, he not only recognizes them, he’s not even surprised to see them—unlike many, Spinner knows the CRC never truly went away.  (Compare his lack of reaction to, for example, Shouji's unsuspecting classmates, who will later be shocked, just shocked, that this kind of ugliness still exists in their country.)    So just to state the obvious here, yes, the presence of active hate groups does irrevocably shift the lens on everything we’ve seen up to this point.  You can’t say calling a heteromorph an animal is harmless, a little insensitive at worst, maybe even meant as a cute nickname, when that same language is used by openly violent bigots.
The volume version gives us, at the end of the chapter, further notes on the CRC.  It’s full of relevant tidbits, so I’ll provide the text in its entirety:
Once superpowered society grew more stable and less chaotic, this group emerged, based around a lack of acceptance for those with body-altering quirks.  They started out with demonstrations and protests but eventually started committing violent hate crimes.  Most felt this was taking things too far, so the group saw a sharp decline in membership and a scattering of factions.  These days, one faction might only reject people with animal properties, while another focuses its hate on people with irregular heads.  These two, among others, have very few members left.  The faction that Tomura and the villains attacked was one that stood by the original group's fundamental tenets.
So what is there to gather from this?  Let’s break it down a point at a time.
“Once superpowered society grew more stable (...)”    If you’ve ever lived through a time of increasing acceptance for a marginalized group, particularly if that acceptance involves measures for legal protections being passed, you’ll recognize what this is.  Just to pick a few U.S. examples, the KKK didn’t exist until after the Civil War;[4] proactive federal bans on same-sex marriages didn’t start getting passed/proposed until individual U.S. states started legalizing them and civil unions.  When opposition to something is the norm, said opposition often doesn’t start organizing until they see that status quo being threatened; they weren’t organized before because they never imagined they’d need to be!  That’s what we see with the CRC: they didn’t formally declare themselves until it started looking like quirks—and especially non-baseline quirks—were going to find legal acceptance.    [4] Literally.  The last day of the war was May 26, 1865; the date the first Klan was founded was December 24 of the same year. Easily the most vile thing I learned in the process of writing this piece.   
“(…) based around a lack of acceptance for those with body-altering quirks.”   This is what I was referring to when I said Spinner's characterization of the CRC might be a little bit off: the CRC wasn’t founded because of a hatred for specifically heteromorphic quirks; they were founded because of a hatred for different bodies, a descriptor that could also apply to those with transformation-style quirks!  Those, too, are quirks that alter bodies, after all; it’s just possible for people to turn them off, which is not the case for those with heteromorphic quirks.  So Spinner was not quite on the mark before.    Further, note that the phrase “body-altering quirks” is used here—a phrase that’s similar in meaning and much less othering than igyou.  It doesn’t fully cover everything I use “heteromorphic” and “non-baseline” to cover, in that it’s still murky in situations like e.g. Cementoss’s, where his emitter quirk is entirely independent of his oddly shaped head, but it’s still a useful term!  Except for the small complication of where it isn’t found: anywhere in the actual story.  The fact that Horikoshi uses it in an author’s note, but it comes up nowhere in BNHA proper, puts it in an unclear place as far as in-universe alternatives go.  Has it just not come up because Horikoshi hasn’t thought to include it?  Or has it not come up because it’s not a phrase people in-universe use?
“They started out with demonstrations and protests but eventually started committing violent hate crimes.  Most felt this was taking things too far, so the group saw a sharp decline in membership and a scattering of factions.”    Confirmation here of what Spinner said about the CRC and hate crimes, but note what this doesn’t say: that the CRC was outlawed.  There are, I suspect, a couple of factors influencing that.   o Firstly, while Japan has legal methods to restrict undesirable organizations,[5] making it difficult for them to raise funds or engage in publicity, the country doesn’t actually de facto criminalize membership in such organizations.  That distinction is part of the legacy of violent crackdowns on labor groups and protest movements in the first half of the 20th century; people tend to get very loud about anything that whiffs of the government trying to give itself the power to get that heavy-handed again.    Assuming that the laws haven’t changed overmuch in HeroAca!Japan, then, I wouldn’t expect membership in the CRC to have been criminalized outright, but the volume extra doesn’t mention any kind of legal repercussions at all.  That, I think, may go more to my next point.    [5] The relevant laws are aimed mostly at terroristic groups or organized crime.      o Secondly, another thing Japan has very, very little of is hate crime legislation.  From my research, there are only two laws of any note: a federal law passed in 2016 and widely regarded as toothless thanks to it lacking any criminal provisions targeting offenders,[6] as well as a local ordinance passed in Kawasaki in 2019 that went as far as mandating fines against repeat offenders, among other measures.[7] [6] It required the government to start “implementing measures” to eliminate such speech/behaviors, as well as to “respond to requests for consultation” from victims, but did not directly mandate consequences for offenders. [7] I suspect from some of what I read that Osaka has picked up a similar ordinance, but I didn’t find anything detailing it specifically.  Osaka and Kawasaki are home to the largest and second-largest population of Koreans living in Japan. One major thing neither of these measures did, though—and something activists have been pressing for—is to establish standards for considering discriminatory motivations when issuing sentences against those who have committed violent crimes.  To pick an example that made the news last year, a man committed arson out of openly admitted hatred for the Koreans he targeted, but nowhere in the trial or discussion of his sentence did the prosecution ever bring up discrimination.[8]    [8] https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20220829/p2a/00m/0na/015000c    Also, it’s worth noting that both of these measures were aimed at ethnic discrimination—speech and behavior targeting people living in Japan while being themselves, or being children of, people of non-Japanese ethnicities.  They did not address discrimination based on e.g. religion or sexuality.    Folding both of those points together, the image we have of the CRC is of a violent hate group whose existence is regarded as perhaps distasteful and extremist, but not actually illegal.  Even what few laws Japan has now wouldn’t have applied to anti-heteromorph discrimination, because, while they may look wildly different from a prototypical Japanese person, heteromorphs still are Japanese, and therefore not protected by a law based solely around ethnic discrimination.    Incidentally, the ordinance in Kawasaki laid out a number of specific examples of the kind of behavior it was looking to address, and one of those examples was likening victims to something other than human.  I know why that was included in the context of anti-Korean sentiments,[9] but it certainly does shade e.g. Dabi calling Spinner a lizard more harshly to know that there’s legal precedent for categorizing such dehumanizing language as hate speech.    [9] An extremely common form of anti-Korean hate speech in Japan is to refer/allude to Koreans as cockroaches.
“These days, one faction might only reject people with animal properties, while another focuses its hate on people with irregular heads.”     This is a good echo of the sort of factionalization you see in organized religion, wherein the minutiae of tenets that seem similar to an outside eye are the topic of vicious, vehement inter-group debate. More to the point, however, it provides an excellent illustration of the senselessness of bigotry.  They can’t even keep their own discriminatory dogma straight!    Probably the second most common complaint about the story’s use of heteromorphobia—after calling it retconned-in bullshit that didn’t exist until Chapter 220—is that it’s illogical, that it makes no sense to judge people because they look a little different in a world where everyone is now a little different from the way we see the world.    And I wonder if the people who say that are listening to what they’re saying.  “Illogical bias that has no foundation in reality is unrealistic?”  What do these people think bigotry is?  Racism, sexism, xenophobia, ableism, religious discrimination, all the many different shades of queerphobia: all of these are built on foundations of fear and hate for people who are fundamentally still as human as anyone else, yet they all exist, and have existed, and will go on existing for quite some many years still.  Because irrational hatreds are, by definition, irrational.  Heteromorphic discrimination is the most realistic societal dynamic in the entire series! That little rant aside, I also want to highlight the first group in the excerpt above—people with animal properties.  Check any talk on the theme of, “So you can believe dragons but not black people in fantasy?” and you’ll run into the ways people are much more ready to suspend their disbelief for full-on fantasy than for something that, rightly or wrongly, pings them as incorrect, and it’s easy to imagine animal-associated heteromorphs running into a similar issue: it’s fine for people to just look weird, but looking like an animal, that’s bad and unnatural.  A heteromorph who just looks like nothing in particular other than “non-baseline” is not evoking the baggage of animal anthropomorphization and cultural animal symbolism that someone who looks like a bird, a lizard, a dog, an orca, etc. is.   
Chapter 223: 
Shigaraki refers to Gigantomachia as a gorilla.  It’s debatable how much this is of a piece with Dabi calling Spinner “Lizard”—Machia’s only actual animal quirk is Mole, not anything simian, nor is Machia particularly ape-like in anything other than his large size—but it does stand out to me that Spinner, who we know to have strong opinions about animal epithets, just refers to Machia by name or as “the big guy.”
Chapter 224: 
Mr. Compress calls Machia “our pet gorilla”; see note above.
Chapter 226: 
Curious introduces the idea of quirk counselling, telling us that its goal is to align people to a unified understanding of how the world and society work, but that it’s flawed in that it winds up emphasizing peoples’ differences instead.  The advisor at the hospital raid will include quirk counseling in his litany of grievances, so I’ll discuss its possible utilization against heteromorphs more there, but for now, recall that I talked previously about how quirk-based behavioral tics might vary from person to person by comparing Hound Dog with Sansa.  With that in mind, it’s not a big reach that some heteromorphs might run into similar problems with quirk counselling.   
There are a good number of what appear to be heteromorphs through the Curious fight; whatever the MLA’s core views on quirk supremacy, the organization self-evidently makes ample room for heteromorphs, even if, like e.g. the red panda guy in the crowd jumping Toga inside the noodle joint, they don’t seem to have any other stand-out powers beyond the fur and fangs.   
Chapter 229: 
Twice notes in his flashback that something about his eyes always rubbed people the wrong way, scared them.  We’ll eventually see this same thing with Tenko on the street—a totally normal-looking child, but the look on his face scares people away even more than the blood.  And I can’t help but think, “If even a totally baseline person’s eyes can creep people out, how much easier—and more extreme—is that reaction for the more out-there sort of heteromorph?”   
Gori makes the tiniest of cameos in Twice’s flashback, playing backup off to the side when we will, in current times, find him having worked his way up to the interrogation chair himself.   
Chapter 230: 
Geten brings us quirk supremacy via his understanding of the MLA’s goals.  It’s hard to say how accurate this is, since the MLA leadership is inconsistent on what exactly their vision of Liberation entails.  Whatever it is, it certainly doesn’t seem to dissuade the MLA’s own heteromorphs, though of course there’s a big difference between how e.g. Spinner or Ojiro versus Gang Orca or Mirko would fare in a societal quirk free-for-all.  Likewise, the MLA is a cult, so one can’t discount the likelihood of double-think in its members.   
Chapter 232:
Re-Destro talks about the state of the country in Destro’s infancy, a period in which metahumans suffered “constant abuse—blatant discrimination.”  Merely for speaking out that her child was just like everyone else—that his special power was just a quirk—Destro’s mother was killed by an anti-meta mob.  This gives us further evidence of the violence metahumans faced.  Of course, in that time, the hate wasn’t distinguishing between types of quirk, but with that being said, an emitter and a transformer can still hide the truth about themselves with far more ease than heteromorphs—recall All Might’s discussion about the early days of quirks back in Chapter 59, in which the panel showing four people with quirks contained only one baseline person.  It would be entirely unsurprising for an outsized number of the metahumans killed in those days to be heteromorphs.
Chapter 233: 
The confrontation between Trumpet and Spinner gives us Trumpet clucking about Spinner having a weak meta-ability—Gecko lets him cling to walls, and that’s about it.  It’s a striking contrast to someone like Mirko or Gang Orca, or even Tsuyu, all of whom have some combination of big power moves and a veritable fleet of sub-abilities.  We can see the way Hero Society prizes powerful, flexible quirks in this.  Having a strong quirk can help overcome the societal bias about heteromorphs, but if you’re stuck with a weak quirk and a weird face, you lack that metaphorical ticket out.[10]    [10] Incidentally, the fandom reflected some of that attitude as well.  There was a widespread assumption that Spinner’s quirk would be really useful or situationally powerful, otherwise why would Horikoshi have hidden it for as long as he did?  Then, after the reveal, there was a certain amount of complaining that Spinner was useless to the League, and why even bother with him?  Sometimes, life imitates art in some very unflattering ways.
Trumpet brings up that Spinner was a recluse, “mocked and pilloried,” and we see Spinner in his hikikomori days.  What we’ve gotten on Spinner up to this point suggests that the abuse he endured was mostly verbal, though one can imagine it was pretty rough when he was young enough to be the target of school bullies.  There’s a certain amount of temptation to minimize that in comparison to his response: most people who are bullied or targeted by discrimination don’t grow up to become terrorists.  But there was, we will eventually find, more visceral stuff going on—and parts of the country that were even worse than Spinner’s hometown.
Spinner spent most of his life trying to fit himself into the world around him; his strongest parallel in the League in this regard is Toga, as they were the two that held themselves back, let the world define what they were and how they should act, right up until they saw something that caused them to snap.[11]  Trumpet tries to do much the same to Spinner here (albeit probably less as an intentional psychological attack than Skeptic’s attempts on Twice), but Spinner, like Toga, is long past the point where he would swallow that abuse without fighting back.  When you tell someone they are something long enough, they eventually start to believe it—but if you aren’t careful, they’ll start to embrace it, at which point those weaponized words change hands.    [11] Shigaraki and Dabi, by contrast, pushed back harder, trying to get the world to accept them and never accepting it when their families (and particularly their fathers) told them to stop.  Twice was ejected without getting the chance to try to contort himself into a shape that fit the world, whereas Mr. Compress seems to have been raised to reject his society's accepted norms from the start.   
Chapter 234:
We see an image excerpted from Quirks and Us, a children’s book published by Curious’s outfit, that exhorts the reader not to judge people by their quirks.  It really, really begs the question, “If this is what’s being said in literature published to coax people towards anti-suppression radicalism, what on Earth is normal society saying?”    Regardless of that absolutely wild disparity, though, the fact that there are children’s books being published about quirk bias being wrong suggests that the world very much does have a problem with quirk bias.  Indeed, that much has been shown throughout the series, not merely in terms of anti-heteromorph bias, but also the bias against “villain quirks,” as well as the widespread idea that people with weak quirks—or no quirks at all—are weaker people overall, pitiable folk who lack the power to live their fullest lives or pursue their dreams unhindered.[12]    People on more than one of these axes of discrimination will, as in real life, be more likely to experience discrimination and violence. [12] Villains like All For One and Geten may say it more loudly, but it’s not only villains who believe it—perfectly good-hearted people like All Might and Midoriya Inko fall into that trap as well.   
Chapter 237: 
Nothing much to say about Shigaraki’s flashbacks save to note that, if people won’t stop to help a lost and bloodied (and baseline) child, they sure as hell won’t intervene in anti-heteromorph bullying.  Recall that Kirishima was accused of sticking his nose where it didn’t belong for trying!
Thanks as ever for reading along, everyone! How was the new footnote format? Should I keep that up for lengthy meta going forward?
I was kind of expecting to be able to wrap this up (the main canon, at least) in one more post, but I underestimated the amount of writing I'd be doing for the first war arc. For next time, then, I'm looking to cover the Endeavor Agency, Paranormal Liberation War, and Dark Hero Villain Hunt arcs. See you all then!
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
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anecdotes about yibo during btf filming by his co-stars / video source / :
Lu Xin : i really admire him, because we all know that he is very different as a top star. At the time we were shooting, in the gobi desert, all the actors will stay in tents and big stars like yibo will have their own exclusive lounge. but he only stayed in his lounge area for the first day and never stayed there after that. he stayed with us everyday in our tent, we stay and eat together everyday. we would chat and spend our private time together.
so how did he join us the first time? we were having lunch and grabbed our meals, and ate, so when yibo finished his shots he was supposed to go back to his lounge area and eat. but he came to our tent and stood there. he was a bit embarrassed because there was no seat for him. so he was standing there, pretending to dust his clothes. he had been there for a while and we called him over, grabbed a chair for him. his team asked him if he was eating here or in his area, and he said to bring his food here — i’m eating here. so he stayed in that small corner with his food and ate. I was like — come on, make room for him so all of us started to eat together.
from then on, almost every meal of every day, we all ate together. yibo wouldn’t eat much — his leftovers all fed to those guys — everyday yujia would ask him — yibo are you still gonna eat this? So Yujia ate a lot of Yibo’s food. Yibo never ate extra food. He only ate the food required by his fitness instructor. Very impressive.
Yujia : How well did yibo get along with us? We didn’t have a lot of gym equipment in the hotel, so we’d go outside to train. When we went, people would rarely recognize us as actors. But if yibo went.. yibo wouldn’t usually go to commercial gyms,
Lu Xin : because it would be troublesome, there might be a commotion
Yujia: But he doesn’t care, he asked — where do you guys train? I’ll go there too. There were other people in the gym, he would wear a hat. He just wanted to spend more time with us. So he would get along with us better. He doesn’t have idol baggage. He was really easygoing.
Lu Xin : exactly. he trained with us all the time. for him, going to public places is inconvenient. So he would always wear a hat and mask. Just think about it, it’s hard to exercise with a mask on. But he’d keep it on for more than 2 hrs and that was impressive.
Yujia : Yeah, he was very warm.
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gingerbredman1989 · 9 months
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ChatGPT with DALL-E
In a commercial gym, a beefy, muscular bodybuilder, Caucasian with short brown hair, dressed in a tank top and gym shorts, is kindly coaching a very thin, less toned novice man in weight lifting. The novice, a Hispanic male with black hair, appears less muscular and thinner. He's wearing a blue t-shirt and black gym pants, struggling slightly with a barbell. The gym is equipped with various machines like treadmills, weight benches, and dumbbells in the background, emphasizing the contrast between the experienced bodybuilder and the novice.
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fmtftmyersfl · 2 months
Revitalize Your Workout Space: The Importance of Gym Equipment Repair
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Keeping your gym equipment in top condition is crucial for ensuring a safe and effective workout experience. Regular gym equipment repair not only prolongs the lifespan of your machines but also prevents potential injuries caused by malfunctioning equipment.
Whether you manage a commercial gym or maintain a personal workout space, paying attention to wear and tear can save you time and money in the long run. Common issues such as worn-out cables, squeaky treadmills, or loose bolts can often be addressed with timely repairs.
By investing in professional gym equipment repair, you can keep your machines running smoothly and provide a safe, enjoyable environment for all users. Don't let broken equipment derail your fitness journey—stay proactive and keep your gear in excellent shape!
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script-a-world · 11 months
Submitted via Google Form:
How possible is it to have airplanes with many decks and lots of fancy amenities like swimming pools and gyms? What would I need to think about? I got the idea from a prank from a UAE airline that announced one. Prank it may be but it sounds absolutely amazing to put in my world on a fictional planet.
Tex: Building an airplane is a lot like building a ship on water, so the basic architectural work-arounds usually work the same. I’m not sure about a gym - the equipment might have maximum weight requirements, and also to store them in bolted-down containers when not in active use - but a reasonably small pool could be built into a gyroscopic container, so that splashing over the sides is less likely. There might also be drainage areas for the pool, so the water that does get splashed over is quickly handled.
Addy: How long are people going to be spending in these planes? Most long flights top out at around 12 hours (though some ultra-long-haul flights are headed towards a top time of 16 hours). Ultimately, unless you've got anti-grav, keeping that much weight in the air is going to be pretty difficult. 
In terms of shape, planes are kinda like submarines with wings, but the difference in density (water vs air) means that your carrying capacities end up very different. Say you have three Olympic-sized swimming pools. One is filled with water, one is filled with peanut butter, and one is filled with whipped cream. Take three large pieces of plywood (say 2m by 2m, or about 6ft by 6ft) and float one of them on each pool. Now take weights and put those weights on top of the pieces of plywood. Which one will hold the most weight before sinking?
The kind of scenario you're thinking of is going to be very, very heavy. Multiple decks, gyms, pools, gardens… every step adds more weight. F = ma. The more mass you have, the more force it's going to take to get up to speed. More force means more fuel and more engines.
Honestly, I'd recommend going for a blimp. You don't need to stop for fuel like you do for a plane (you need some fuel, sure, but not nearly as much or as often… you can go a week on a blimp for less fuel than it takes for a commercial 767 to just leave the runway!), so people will have more time to spend at various amenities. Since you're going at a lower speed, it also means that you don't run into the same drag effects (at high speeds, moving through air is like moving through molasses – that's why SR-71 Blackbirds have such a small profile, or why bullet trains have such long noses).
It's like throwing a dart (or shooting an arrow) vs throwing a beach ball. The storage stuff that Tex mentioned still absolutely applies, but a blimp will at least be easier to get into the sky.
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lgcmanager · 5 months
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all of the MODEL BRAND OWNERS ( HAN JISOO, KIM JINYOUNG, KIM JINSEO, and ZHENG AMELIA ) were called to a meeting by the staff members in their creative teams. during the meeting, the staff members inform the brand owners information regarding the final details of their upcoming campaign, which are listed below:
( important note: there may be some minor changes to the original info given by the brand owners, so what is listed below is what was accepted and finalized. )
MODELS: jeon haru / @lgcharu ( character b ), xu lili / @lgclili ( character a )
CF CONCEPT: it's a spectacle for those on earth where during the day, it will be dark for a few minutes. at this moment, it's still bright, it is clearly daytime. the moon ( character A ) is running towards one specific meeting spot where it seems that the sun ( character B ) is waiting. you can see that both the moon and sun look excited as they make their way to the meeting spot. when they see each other, they sprint and embrace, and it pans away from what is alluded to as a kiss to a shot that focuses on a solar eclipse in the sky, over the ocean. the ambience is moody, dark, and everything is shaded due to the eclipse. the couple can still be seen holding each other close, until the skies start to lighten again. the darkness only lasted a few minutes, and the couple knows they must inevitably part, despite not wanting to. the commercial is ending as the two separate, and the sun stands there again, alone, waiting until the next time the two are permitted to meet again. the mood is somber, despite the sun being basked aglow from the sunlight.
PRODUCT(S) FROM THIS COLLECTION: three items; moon & sun hair jeweled pins, eclipse-shaped ring (sliver of moon with circular outline - in gold.) and moon and star ear cuff (clip-on or piercing editions available.)
MODELS: bae sojin / @lgcsoji ( model a ), won yeonwoo / @lgcyeonwoo ( model b )
CF CONCEPT: two friends go to the gym. one of them (a) is wearing an off-brand set of leggings and plain t-shirt while the other (b) is dressed in the newest babylon releases. the scene begins with a entering the set, clearly uncomfortable and tugging at their leggings while b is stretching. they each prepare to do squats with weights, equipment lined up beside them. b asks a if they're okay and a confirms while trying not to continue shifting in their clothes. b dismisses it and they both get to lifting their weights. as the guys begin working out, there is an audible ripping sound that can be heard with a's face clearly shocked while b attempts to hold his laughter. the scene fades into the background as the slogan "cause comfort matters" is being said out loud by b's voice while the babylon logo appears on screen.
PRODUCT(S) FROM THIS COLLECTION: seamless unisex gym leggings and shorts as well as a crop top and a muscle shirt.
MODELS: choi kai / @lgckai ( psyche ), kim yujin / @yujinlgc ( eros )
CF CONCEPT: psyche is known throughout the land for their beauty that people have started worshipping them instead of the goddess aphrodite. in her envy and anger, aphrodite sends eros to cause psyche to fall in love with a hideous monster. but when eros sees psyche, they fall in love with psyche instead. disobeying aphrodite, eros carries psyche off to a hidden palace, where they become lovers. but though eros visits psyche every night, eros never tells psyche who they are and forbids them from seeing their face. psyche’s alone during the day, but at night, eros comes to see psyche. [night time will be depicted by the elysium candles hanging all over the place]. psyche learns to love eros despite not seeing their face. but somehow, psyche is curious to see the face behind their lover.  so one night, while psyche thinks eros is asleep, psyche takes courage and lights a candle. walking quietly, psyche approaches the bed. the light does not show a monster but the most beautiful of people. suddenly, eros sits up and looks psyche in the eye (has an intense look of both love and betrayal) before blowing out the candle.
PRODUCT(S) FROM THIS COLLECTION: two types of scented candles: one is the typical scented candle we all know and are familiar with, the other kind is the type that melts into a massage oil. both types of candles will have two scents, eros and psyche. eros: a scented candle that smells like sandalwood and roses / psyche: a scented candle that smells like willow, almond flowers, and lily of the valley
MODELS: lee yushin ( @lgcyushin ), moon jiah ( @jiahlgc )
CF CONCEPT: the commercial opens with a red screen. the camera begins to pan out slowly and it's revealed that the red was actually the pajamas of a young girl. she's dressed in a pajama set that is red and has dragon patterns on it. the camera continues panning up and around until her face is in the centre of the frame. suddenly, two hands cover her eyes. they are large hands and clearly belong to a male. the girl is riding a dragon along with a male. he smiles at the girl and she smiles back. her outfit has changed and she's wearing a red silk nightgown with floral patterns and she has a red silk dressing gown on. the camera pans back and the viewer sees the two riding the dragon as it continues flying through the air. soon after, it’s revealed that the girl was actually dreaming. she's laying in her bed, a red and black sleepmask covering her eyes as she smiles. the camera slowly pans out until the screen goes black and the nyx logo appears.
PRODUCT(S) FROM THIS COLLECTION: four items; a red silk unisex dressing gown with dragons printed on it. a red and black coloured sleep mask with a floral design and made of soft silk-like fabric. a red silk nightgown with a lightly coloured floral design. a unisex pajama set that is made of silk, is red, and has dragons on it.
due to everyone’s busy schedules, filming for the cf videos and photoshoot will be done sometime around late APRIL and MAY. the campaign will be set to launch around JULY-AUGUST and will last until the end of 2024.
a few days after the cf filming, the MODELS for the brands will be asked to sit down individually and film their own review video! the video will last around 10-15 minutes but they will be given all of the products in their respective brand’s collection and give their initial thoughts about it! release dates for when all of the cfs and review videos will be announced during Q3!
( important note: for all of the brand owners and anyone in the MODELING path, you may use these threads for WRITING CHALLENGE 004. )
this will be split between the brand owners and the brand models for easier reference.
PREPARATIONS: write a 300+ solo or a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with anyone in your group about the cf filming, photoshoot for +5 MODELING and +7 NOTORIETY ! ** can do it up to two times as long as it’s with different partners for the thread. if you plan on doing a solo, you can only do one solo **
PREPARATIONS: write a 300+ solo or a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with anyone in your group about the cf filming or photoshoot for +5 MODELING and +7 NOTORIETY ! 
REVIEW VIDEOS: write a 300+ solo about your muse’s thoughts and reactions to their respective brand’s cf and products for +5 POINTS TO ACTING, PERFORMANCE, OR MODELING and +6 NOTORIETY !
BONUS: for being chosen as the model of the brand, you will get an additional +5 MODELING !
you have until JUNE 29, 2024 11:59PM EDT to finish the writing requirements. please tag all solos and posts pertaining to this with lgc:mbq224.  when you’ve finished the writing requirements, send the form below to the lgcpoints blog:
MUSE NAME ∙ MODEL BRANDS (Q2 2024) - PREPARATIONS: +5 MODELING, +7 NOTORIETY [ LINK ] ** can be done twice for the brand owners ** - REVIEW VIDEOS: +5 ( ACTING, PERFORMANCE, OR MODELING ), +6 NOTORIETY [ LINK ] ** only for the brand models ** - BONUS: +5 MODELING ** only for the brand models **
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athlestore · 1 year
Shop Fitness Equipment for Commercial and Home Gyms at AthleStore
Shop a variety of fitness equipment for commercial and home gyms at AthleStore. Find top-quality gear to enhance your workout experience. Visit us today!
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athulkpvtltd · 1 year
Best Gym Equipment & Supplementary supplier in Kolkata
In the bustling city of Kolkata, fitness enthusiasts are always on the lookout for high-quality gym equipment and supplements to support their fitness goals. For those seeking a reliable and comprehensive fitness solution, AT HULK Pvt. Ltd. emerges as the ultimate destination. With their vast array of top-notch gym equipment and premium supplements, AT HULK Pvt. Ltd. has earned its reputation as the best gym equipment & supplementary supplier in Kolkata.
Wide Range of High-Quality Gym Equipment:
AT HULK Pvt. Ltd. takes pride in offering a wide range of high-quality gym equipment that caters to all fitness levels and preferences. Whether you are setting up a home gym or upgrading your commercial fitness facility, AT HULK Pvt. Ltd. has the perfect equipment to meet your needs. From strength training machines to cardio equipment, free weights, and gym accessories, their selection covers every aspect of a well-rounded workout routine.
Strength Training Machines:
AT HULK Pvt. Ltd.'s strength training machines are crafted with precision engineering and constructed using durable materials to withstand rigorous workouts. Target specific muscle groups and build strength and endurance with their extensive range of machines.
Cardio Equipment:
Elevate your cardiovascular fitness with AT HULK Pvt. Ltd.'s cardio equipment, including treadmills, ellipticals, and spin bikes. Experience smooth and efficient workouts that improve heart health and burn calories effectively.
Free Weights:
For those who prefer free weight exercises, AT HULK Pvt. Ltd. offers a variety of dumbbells, barbells, and weight plates. These free weights are made with top-grade materials for durability and ease of use.
Gym Accessories:
Enhance your workouts with AT HULK Pvt. Ltd.'s gym accessories, including weightlifting belts, gloves, resistance bands, foam rollers, and more. These accessories provide added support, comfort, and versatility during your training sessions.
Premium Supplements for Optimal Nutrition:
AT HULK Pvt. Ltd. recognizes that proper nutrition plays a crucial role in achieving fitness goals. Hence, they offer a range of premium supplements to support your overall health and enhance your fitness journey. From protein powders to amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, their supplements are made with high-quality ingredients to ensure you get the nutrients you need to thrive.
When it comes to sourcing the best gym equipment and supplements in Kolkata, AT HULK Pvt. Ltd. stands out as the leading supplier. With their wide range of high-quality gym equipment, premium supplements, and exceptional customer service, they offer a comprehensive fitness solution for enthusiasts of all levels. Elevate your fitness journey and achieve your goals with AT HULK Pvt. Ltd.'s top-notch offerings.
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Premium Commercial Gym Equipment - Elevate Your Fitness Routine
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Looking for high-quality commercial gym equipment? Discover a wide selection of top-notch strength and conditioning gear at unbeatable prices. Elevate your fitness routine with the premium commercial gym equipment today!
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willpaul229 · 13 hours
Top 10 Items to Look for at Gym Auctions
Gym auctions offer a treasure trove of equipment for fitness enthusiasts, personal trainers, and gym owners. These events are a great way to acquire high-quality gear at a fraction of the retail cost, especially when gyms are undergoing liquidation. If you’re in the market for gym equipment, here’s a list of the top 10 items to look for at gym auctions, ensuring you get the most bang for your buck.
 1. Treadmills
Treadmills are a staple in any fitness facility, making them a hot item at gym auctions. Look for commercial-grade models with robust motors, a variety of incline settings, and advanced features like heart rate monitors and interactive screens. These can be found at a fraction of their original cost during gym liquidation sales.
 2. Ellipticals
Ellipticals provide a low-impact cardiovascular workout, making them a popular choice for both gyms and home fitness setups. High-end ellipticals from reputable brands can be expensive, but gym auctions offer a chance to purchase them at a steep discount. Check for machines with adjustable resistance levels and smooth, quiet operation.
 3. Strength Training Equipment
Strength training equipment, including free weights, barbells, and weight benches, is a must-have for any serious gym-goer. Auction lots often include a wide range of strength equipment, from dumbbells to squat racks. Be sure to inspect the condition of the equipment, as heavily used items may show signs of wear.
 4. Stationary Bikes
Stationary bikes are another essential piece of cardio equipment often found at gym auctions. Spin bikes, recumbent bikes, and upright bikes are all available, with spin bikes being particularly popular due to the rise of cycling classes. Look for bikes with adjustable resistance and comfortable seating.
 5. Rowing Machines
Rowing machines offer a full-body workout and are highly sought after at gym auctions. High-quality models from brands like Concept2 are durable and provide a smooth rowing experience. They’re a great addition to any home gym or fitness studio, offering both cardio and strength benefits.
 6. Functional Trainers
Functional trainers, also known as cable machines, are versatile pieces of equipment that allow for a wide range of exercises. They’re ideal for strength training and rehabilitation, making them a valuable find at gym auctions. Look for machines with multiple pulley positions and attachments for different exercises.
 7. Exercise Mats
Exercise mats might seem like a minor item, but they’re essential for a comfortable workout experience, particularly for floor exercises like yoga, Pilates, or stretching. High-quality mats from gym liquidations are often durable and offer better cushioning compared to standard consumer mats.
 8. Kettlebells
Kettlebells are a favorite for functional training, providing a versatile tool for strength and cardio workouts. At gym auctions, you can often find a range of kettlebell weights available in sets. Ensure they are in good condition, with no cracks or significant wear, as they can be costly to replace.
 9. Group Fitness Equipment
Group fitness classes require a variety of specialized equipment, such as steps, resistance bands, and medicine balls. These items often come in bulk at gym auctions, making them a great value purchase. Stocking up on these items can be especially beneficial for personal trainers or those running fitness classes.
 10. Commercial-Grade Flooring
Finally, consider bidding on commercial-grade gym flooring. High-quality rubber flooring is essential for any fitness space, providing a durable, non-slip surface that protects both the floor and the equipment. This is often overlooked but can be an excellent investment, especially when obtained through gym liquidation sales.
Attending gym auctions is an excellent way to equip your home gym or commercial fitness facility with top-tier equipment without breaking the bank. By focusing on these top 10 items, from treadmills and ellipticals to functional trainers and commercial-grade flooring, you can find quality gear at competitive prices. Keep an eye out for auctions during gym liquidation events, as they offer the best opportunities to score premium equipment at a fraction of the cost. Happy bidding!
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energiefitness12 · 2 days
Comprehensive Gym Setup Services: Building Your Dream Fitness Space
Setting up a gym requires careful planning, quality equipment, and expert guidance to ensure success. Whether you are planning a home gym or a full-scale commercial gym, having the right tools and support makes all the difference. At Énergie Fitness, we offer a wide range of gym setup services designed to bring your fitness vision to life. From initial consultations to equipment installation, we provide everything you need for a successful gym setup in India.
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Why Choose Professional Gym Setup Services?
Establishing a gym is not just about purchasing equipment. It involves a strategic approach that takes into account space management, safety, functionality, and aesthetic appeal. Opting for professional gym setup services ensures that:
Maximized Space Utilization: With expert planning, every square foot of your gym space can be optimized for better movement, safety, and efficiency.
Customized Equipment Selection: Depending on your target audience—whether it's for home use or a full commercial gym—our team helps you select the best equipment suited for your needs, ensuring a seamless workout experience.
Professional Installation: Ensuring equipment is installed properly guarantees safety and longevity. Our team of experts will handle all aspects of the setup, from placement to secure assembly.
Aesthetic and Functional Design: A well-designed gym isn’t just functional; it also has an inviting atmosphere. Our gym setup service ensures a balance between aesthetic appeal and practical design, ensuring that your gym feels spacious, modern, and inspiring.
Types of Gym Setup Services We Offer
At Énergie Fitness, we understand that every gym has unique requirements, which is why we offer flexible solutions catering to both home and commercial gym setups.
1. Home Gym Setup
For fitness enthusiasts who prefer working out at home, our home gym setup service helps you create a personalized workout space with top-notch equipment. We provide equipment such as treadmills, multi-station machines, dumbbells, and more, customized to fit your available space and fitness goals.
2. Commercial Gym Setup
If you’re an entrepreneur looking to open a fitness center, our commercial gym setup services provide everything you need for a successful business. From large-scale gym equipment to layout design and installation, we assist in creating a gym that meets the demands of professional athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and casual gym-goers.
3. Full Gym Setup in India
Énergie Fitness is your trusted partner for full gym setups across India. Whether you need a boutique fitness studio, a corporate gym, or a large fitness facility, we offer comprehensive solutions tailored to your location and customer base. Our services also include guidance on gym setup costs to ensure you stay within budget.
Equipment for a Successful Gym Setup
We offer a wide variety of high-quality gym equipment that meets international standards of fitness. Some key categories include:
· Cardio Equipment: Treadmills, ellipticals, exercise bikes, and rowing machines that cater to all fitness levels.
· Strength Training Machines: From multi-station gyms to single-station machines, we provide versatile strength equipment suitable for both beginners and advanced users.
· Free Weights and Accessories: Dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, weight plates, and benches for functional and strength training.
· Functional Training Tools: Power racks, resistance bands, and stability balls for dynamic and cross-functional workouts.
Cost-Effective Gym Setup Solutions
We understand that the cost of gym setup is a major consideration for our clients. That’s why we offer cost-effective solutions without compromising on the quality of equipment or service. We work with clients to customize gym packages based on their specific needs and budget constraints, ensuring a perfect balance between functionality and affordability.
Why Énergie Fitness?
With years of experience in the fitness industry, Énergie Fitness is committed to delivering the best gym setup services in India. Our extensive knowledge of fitness trends, equipment sourcing, and space planning ensures that your gym is built to last. We handle everything from the initial concept to the final installation, giving you peace of mind throughout the process.
Start Your Gym Setup Journey Today
Ready to bring your gym vision to life? Whether it’s a home gym or a full commercial fitness center, Énergie Fitness provides the tools, expertise, and support you need for a successful gym setup. Contact us today to discuss your project and get a customized solution tailored to your fitness goals.
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