#Totaly Tails!
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There is a moment in the Fleetway Sonic comics where Sonic writes about Robotnik Dressing up as Tails in order to trick Sonic. But no Visuals of what that looked like. So After watching Charriii5's Every comic Stream of that moment, I Just Had to draw my interpretation of this moment. I couldn't stop laughing through the entirety of the sketch, inking, and coloring.
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burnedwriter · 2 years
warnings:none,just fluff,some angst,mention of cheating,petnames,some suggestive elements but not too spicy,!gender neutral reader
A/n:some headcannons of how jealous they are
A/n:Dottore and scara have me on a chokehold lately
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🐉zhongli is the least jealous person on the list.He doesnt really get jealous by you talking to other people,sometimes he even joins in the conversations,since your job consists with talking to people constantly
🐉hes totaly oblivious of how human interact with eachother,hes still learning after being a god for thousands of years,so even if you purposly tried to make him jealous it wouldnt work.
🐉but you had to put it to the test to see the results,so one day you decided to take it upon yourself and start flirting with a customer.Both of you talked while zhongli watched the whole thing unfold
After the customer left you see zhongli get up from where he was sitting and slowly approach you.You finally got him you thought to yourself,were you really about to see his jealous side?,just the thinking about it turned you on by what he could do to you to show you who you belong to
‘‘Dear i saw you speaking to that customer,do you know them or is this how mortals talk to their favourite customer?’‘Zhongli asked you confused
You were left speechless,did he really not notice what you were trying to do,was he really that oblivious
‘‘no’‘you replied,signing defeated
‘‘no?’‘he said questioning your reply
‘‘i tried to make you jealous but i failed miserably’‘you said disappointed by the results
‘‘hahaha...I know how much you love me and have showed to me multiple times’‘he laughed softly,at your little test you tried to put him through,Though he wasnt wrong at all,you did love zhongli and you were ready to spend an eternity with him
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💉Dottore also falls in the category of people that dont get jealous at all,i mean you wouldnt dare to make him jealous to say the least
💉The only time you saw him get jealous was when you and Dottere went on one of the ball that the Tsaritsa organised for her Harbingers and of coursed you were obligated to attend it since you were the signaficant other of a harbinger
💉 and there you were with your drink in your hand still waiting after an hour has passed waiting for dottore to come back after the Jester called out to him for an emergency meeting,he reasured you that it wouldnt take him long before leaving into the backrooms
Thats when a pyro agent walked towards your direction,the conversation starting off normal but the more it progress the more flirty it became,you told him that you wer already taken and not interested but he kept insisting.
Until you felt the presence of someone standing right behind you
‘‘How dare you try and take the signaficant other of a Harbinger’’Dottore said,anger slightly visible in his voice
The pyro agent started apologising profuriously,stambling over his words before running away with his tail between his legs
‘‘are you alright my dear?’‘he saked,placing his hand on your shoulder as a mean of reasurance.
‘‘Thank you for looking aout for me,he just wouldnt leave me alone’‘you answered as you exhaled in frustration
‘‘anything for you dear,lets go dance now shall we"he said grabbing your hand softly guiding into the circle
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💨Scara is at the top of the list of jealousy.He will try to play it off like it didnt bother him at all but deep down hes fuming.
💨He will give you little remarks until you confront him about the situation and explain yourself,although he might have changed for the better, some parts of him are the same
💨one day while trying to get to the location you and scara agreed to meet,you stumbled upon one of your childhood friends that you havent seen in a long time,You sat there for hours the two of you laughed and talked about your lives,making you loose track of time
Finally going to wave goodbye to your friend,you felt someone draging you by your wrist only to see it was scara and he looked pretty pissed.He pulled you away from the people and behind a tree were you could speak in peace
‘‘do you know how long i have been waiting for you,i thought somethings happened to you but no you were out there cheating on me!’‘he spat angryly at you
‘‘what are you talking about?,i was talking to my childhood friend that i havent met in a long time’‘you reasured him and telling him the truth
‘‘if you dont want to be with me,just say it i wont be mad at you’‘his words cold stabbing your heart like dagger but you knew he was just bitter
‘‘are you jealous’‘you said with a sly smile that started to form on your face
‘‘no’‘turning his face away from yours
‘‘yes you are’‘you started poking fun at his reaction
‘‘fine,maybe a little bit...’‘he admitted feeling not being able to hide it from you
‘‘i knew it!’‘you explaimed happyly
‘‘how about we go to the place we agreed to meet and talk it there hmm’‘
‘‘sure’‘agreeing to his proposition 
The both of you started walking to the correct diraction while you held his hand
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moodooivy · 5 months
So far I've only really done Undertale stuff. I've made Equustale and FnaFtale yeah, but that's not enough for me. I'm into other fandoms. So today, I present to eeryone... My MLP redesigns! (I haven't watched an MLP episode in a year so hopefully these are ok and don't contradict anything)
(I know I'm not the best at drawing, hopefully these designs aren't awful. Also I know I forgot the cutie marks. I'll design them in the future. I also plan to make some anthro designs and of course ship kiddies)
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First there is Fluttershy. She is 2' 0'' (Petite to a whole 'nother level) to the top of her head. She is a Pudu Deer pegasus (Mom is a deer, dad is a pony). She is 27 years old. Fluttersy is very small and tiny. She can't fly well because of her thin tiny wings. She was held back in flight school as a filly.
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Rainbow Dash next. Rainbow Dash is a thoroughbred pegasus, 5' 4'' to the top of her head, age 26. She has big ol' wings and is very light on her feet. She wears goggles because it helps her fly without the wind blowing in her eyes. Also because it looks cool.
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Then Applejack. Applejack is a big and hefty Clydesdale horse, standing at a nice 5' 0''. She is 29. Applejack is weightier in her hooves and has some fluff.
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Pinkie Pie! (I had the most fun designing her) Pinkie is the youngest at 25. She likes to paint her hooves, wear bows, and cover her mane in sprinkles and confetti. She parties in her spare time. She is nice and plumpy. A 3' 6'' Shetland Earth Pony.
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Rarity is next. She is 29, slightly older than Applejack. She is very elegant and pretty and generally small for a unicorn, and is an Arabian breed. She is 4' 2''. I didn't give her a leonine tail or ancient unicorn horn I know. I just like this tail better.
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Twilight Sparky now. She is not an alicorn. She is an Appaloosa Unicorn at 5' 2''. She is 28 years old. She has a feathery leonine tail. Twilight doesn't have really good eyesight and wears glasses. She has white spots all over her body to resemble stars.
Thought I was done? Nah. I also did the male mane six! Rather then make them the same but just boys I tried to make them their own characters somewhat.
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First is Butterscotch. He is visually the opposite of Flutters. Tall, at a nice 5' 8''. I wanted to go for a gentle giant effect.. He is a Red Deer pegasus (Father is a deer, mother is a pony). He is 28, maybe a little younger than Twilight Sparkle. While Fluttershy is more in tune with animals and small critters, Butterscotch is better with plants. He knows how to take care of any type of flower, plant, or tree.
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Rainbow Blitz next. He is a thoroughbred pegasus. He is 5' 9'' and 28, a little older than Twilight and Butterscotch. He is very feathery and so totaly manly. You can tell by the rainbow hoofpaint. Rainbow Blitz isn't as fast in the air because his wings are small, but he can run quite fast. He can run at a powerful 140 to 170 MPH. That isn't to say he's not a fast flier. He's just not as fast as Rainbow Dash.
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Male Applejack. I refer to male Applejack as Applejax, so that's what I'm going to call him so that there's less confusion. Applejax is the biggest at a wopping 6 feet tall. He is a Shire horse and is 29, older than Rarity.
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Bubble Berry next. Bubble Berry is an Irish Donkey (Mother is a pony, father is a pony. She gets the donkey from another relative). I saw somebody make Pinkie a donkey and I fell in love with the idea so I had to make someone a donkey. So Bubble Berry is the man. Bubble Berry is 4' 4'' and is 27, slightly older than Fluttershy. He has a super furry body. Bubble Berry likes to make smoothies, parfeits, milkshakes, and other drinks and fancy fruity foods.
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Next is Elusive. Elusive is an Arabian unicorn. He is 5' 6'' and 30. He is the oldest out of everyone. Elusive is a fashion designer like Rarity, but while Rarity is primarily a feminine fashion designer who designs dresses and gowns, Elusive designs suits and tuxedos. He primarily designs fashion for the bulkier figures of stallions.
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And finally there's Dusk Shine. Dusk Shine is a 27 year old Arabian unicorn, only slightly older than Fluttershy. He is 5' 4''. Dusk Shine is a librarian. He works very hard and puts off other things such as hygene (Hense the messy mane and tail) and eating, 'cause who needs to eat, so he can keep working on his studies in his spare time instead.
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Here's a height comparison chart by their withers/backs.
I want to start making more art for other fandoms like My Little Pony and Pokemon, but I'm not sure. Should I just stick to Undertale? Would you guys be interested in other fandoms? Let me know.
MLP: Hasbro/Lauren Faust
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ghostbxbii · 2 years
jegulily date headcanons
regulus, lily and james having date competitions where they try to take the other two out on the most fun dates
lily has deffinitely taken them on a grocery shopping date at 3am (they totaly rode shopping carts through the store and parking lot)
james has taken them to a mcdonalds in 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 fancy dresses (lily wore a suit tho, with a tail-coat and they all looked 𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘵)
regulus took them to a museum, where they imitated some old paintings and marveled at exhibits and goofed around
lily took them through a car-wash where james stared through the car windows in absolute awe, while regulus watched everything with rapt curiousity (and lily watched them)
james got them dressed as ghosts with bedsheets and sunglasses and took them to a park (they might've scared some kids, but it wasn't too bad)
regulus 𝘥𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 has set up a picnic date for them three, with some of their favourite foods (it was very sweet)
james took them frog catching once, they all got a bit muddy and it started raining but they all had a lot of fun (the very few frogs caught were released 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 quickly)
lily took them on a movie date to a drive-in theater (it was a horror movie and james was terrified, but reg and lily thought the movie was funny and comforted him)
regulus took them cliff-diving, james and lily were surprised because regulus' previous dates were much calmer, but they all enjoyed going, it was like an adventure
james proposes to lily and regulus whilst wearing a dinosaur costume, 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 (remus, sirius and peter were backup dino-vocalists and sirius ran into the doorframe whilst leaving the room)
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holy shit, you watched winter the dolphin too? (Coming from that one ask about Mer Jericho loosing his tail) I was totaly thinking about that movie when i asked
yeah I watched the film about Winter years ago but I remember!
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1800moms · 1 month
Hi My Name Is | Badge | YCH/BASE DL
⬇️Order Your YCH or BASE DL⬇️
Not totaly done but mostly done lol
I got some things I wanna fix
mostly near the tail area & stuff
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I'm no scientist, but you do realize what you're doing to tails could have catastrophic results if anything goes wrong?
trust me, this chip has been used on members of the empire for awhile, its totaly safe
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Hii!! Do you still write for pokemons? Would you consider writing a fic where kiawe is tickled by various pokemons? (Probably because he accidentally poured a strange incense on himself) lol. Have a nice day (I've never requested any pokemon fics because I just watched it recently, but if you decided to decline that's totaly okay)
Heyo! I do! :D This prompt is so freaking good, AHH! Admittedly, I stuck with Salandits for this prompt because I think they're ridiculously cute; I hope that's okay! Have a lovely day aswell! (You did fantastic, anon! :D I'm more than happy to write this for you :3)
Cloud 9 (Taglist)
@thatbigbisexual29, @gladdygirl18,
Kiawe was usually more careful.
Carrying around a mid-sized pot of Strange Incense with all his Pokemon out and about was a recipe for disaster. Normally he’d have the specified item in a rolling cart for maximum safety during transportation.
Alas, he had forgotten said cart when he made the long journey down to the shop. With no way to get back in time, he settled for carrying it back, figuring the worst that would happen would be a few drops getting spilled.
Oh how naive he’d been.
“Oh man…” He raised his arms in disdain, shiny with incense oil that had spilled all over him. During his climb, his foot caught on a loose rock, sending him tumbling. His ankle hurt, and the pot had spilled over, leaving him both temporarily stuck and smelly. The strong aroma made his head hurt- further worsening his mood.
“It's your own fault, Kiawe. You weren’t as prepared as you usually are, and these are the consequences of your actions.” Shaking his head, he wiped at his chest, trying to shake off some of the excess. As he did this, he failed to notice the various pairs of eyes popping over rocks and mounds.
“Oh man..I’m gonna need a shower when I get back.” He groaned, defeated. It was then he looked up, finding a wild Salandit staring at him. “Huh? Oh, hey…”
The Salandit blinked up at him, waddling closer until it was standing on Kiawe’s thighs, nose turned up as it sniffed the gym leader’s chest. To his left, another Salandit joined him, sniffing by his elbow while a third came up from behind, pressing its nose against the small of his back.
“Nngh! Wait-Wahahhait, stop thahhat!” He squirmed, trying to gently push the nosy lizards away as they continued to sniff him. Everytime he moved, the other Salandits would move closer, pushing their own noses into his stomach and ribs, sniffing and nuzzling. “Nohohoohho, it tihiihihihckles!”
This only seemed to motivate the Salandits. The one by his back leaped, landing on his shoulders and nuzzling its face into his neck and shoulders. The one by his stomach pressed further up, its clawed paws kneading into the soft spots. The one by his side stuck its snout up his short’s leg, gently biting his thigh.
Kiawe squawked, falling back as much as he could without hurting the Pokemon. Curling his arms into his chest, he squirmed and laughed, kicking with his good leg as he laughed like a child. “Whahahahhahait! Whahahhahahit, plehahahhahahahse!” He cried out, cheeks darkening in mirth and eyes squeezed shut. His belly started to ache from how hard he was laughing, and no matter how he positioned himself, the Pokemon were right there, going for all his worst spots. “PLEHAHHAHAHHASE, STAHHAHAHAHAP!”
Eventually, when the Saladits grew tired of the smell or decided to have mercy- Kiawe couldn’t tell which- they moved away, waddling back to their nests. All but one.
Kiawe gasped for breath, tears blurring his vision as he looked down at the Salandit sitting on his chest, tail flicking gleefully. It tickled, and he felt laughter build up in his throat as he gently pulled the Pokemon off him. “Ehhehehee…I suuhuuhhuppose I neehheheheded that…” He sighed, sitting up carefully as the Salandit curled up in his lap like a cat, looking up at him with big eyes. “You really don’t want to leave, huh?” He stroked the pokemon’s back, making it purr.
“Well…okay.” He wiggled his foot, testing it. Besides a dull ache, he could move it. He should be able to make the trip home. With the Salandit in his arms, he stood, wincing some as he put pressure on his ankle. “Thankfully, home isn’t far from here. Let’s go, little guy.”
The Salandit cut eyes at him, and he laughed, carrying it close to his chest.
“My apologies. Let’s go, little lady.”
Thanks for reading!
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Quick question that totaly doesn’t have anything to do with a doodle idea I wanna do. How does tero react to other nagas? How about hugs?
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Tero's a little shorter tail-wise compared to other nagas, so he sometimes can feel jealous of nagas with super long coils. Otherwise, he has no issue!
As for hugs, I'll let him speak for himself.
"Hugs are timeless, when you're that close, every second feels like an eternity." -Tero
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citricsemotes132 · 2 years
Heya!!! Dis request will be kinda spesific so me totaly unerstan if no, bu coud me hav a person wif fox ears (wif purpl fur) huggin sumone wif black bat-lik wingies, lite peechish collrd devel horns, nd a red devel tail??? Is totaly ok if no cuz me unerstan is a complicatd reques! Thankies eidr ways!!
Translation: Heya!! This request will be kinda specific so I totally understand if not, but could I have a person with fox ears (with purple fur) hugging someone with black bat-like wings, light peachish colored devil horns, and a red devil tail? It’s totally okay if not cuz I understand it’s a complicated request. Thanks either way!!
[⚠️TQ AHEAD⚠️]
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winterpower98 · 2 years
I'm feeding you just as much as I'm feeding myselfe with these chaos twins centeic fics xD Anyways, here is your preview! (It's a snipit of what happens AFTER Jin get's saved from beeing kidnaped for his gold blood, and when Macaque returns from dealing with the kidnappers. 'cous I don't know how to start the fic, so I wrote this first)
- "How do you feel?" Jin flinched at his bosses tone, deceivingly calm and cold to his ears, immediately scrambling to stand up. "B-Boss!", he ignored Meis noice of protest beside him, as well as the pain running through his entire body, as he jumped to his feet. Trying, and failing, to not sound as nervous as he felt.
"I'm fine! Totaly great! Really! I can still be-" useful, is what lay on his tongue. The thought of the six eared Macaque throwing him out, thinking the gold twin could no longer be of use to him, filling him with fear and making his nerves stand on end with anxiety. But he was cut off when the world suddenly decidet that up was now down. The blood loose from earlier making his head spin and the room tilt.
Jin closed his eyes, braising himself for the inevitable impact when his balance betrayed him. But he never hit the floor.
Something soft wrapping around his waist, firm yet suprisingly gentle, kept him upright and from toppling over. He blinked a view times, and even when the room stopped spinning, his brain had trouble catching up with the fact that Macaque had wrapped his tail around the twin to steady him. - (This is still a rough draft, and I have no idea when I'll actually be able to finish this.) ~*~
These two have started to copy the monkey's worst traits
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the-broccodile · 2 years
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Totaly forgot to upload these (Tord and Edd a character designs for a little Eddsworld side projeckt) Note, if you wanna draw Tords eyes, please make them horisontal, like i was just to lazy to fix that but i have it sticking in the back of my mind where no one can see it. These creatures are Demivores (Demon, Demi god, herbivore) theire a kind of helhound. Demivores grow to the size ot thier fitting skull exessory, if they wear a skull smaller than they are they might shrink. There can be really small ones but if ones first hunt turnes out to be a strong a enourmous creature, one that is almost invincible like a skyerbranner or a surbranner they might as well grow just as tall as one of them. A sight never been seen before. If their first hunt is something like a mouse, wait for it to turn really really tiny. But that doesn't hurt their strength in the Slightest, a brog sized Demivore can be just as strong if not strong ou well weaker as a bear sized or bigger one. Demivores wear the skull of their first ever victem that they’ve hunted across the muliverse.  Thei’re extreamly pridefull creatures, it’s hard to earn their respect. The strongest one is the lieader of their heard (Yes heard) despide their pride they relie on each other and would obviously kill for another on their kind’s safety, other species are very much though irelevant to them unless they’ve reaned their respect. They commonly have spikes somwhere on their body and always on the underside of their tail, these spikes regrow wery slowly so they keep their tail curled up in a ball as to not damage their defense. Mentioned spikes are not poisonouse. Demivores always have a long, bulky and strong neck, making it a the worst body part to attack when fighting agains one, instead you should aim at riddening their tail, their biggest defence will be lost then. Or try to make them louse their mask, it is all their pride. They always have glowing eyes, the glow though isn’t usually seen, if you’re eyes happen to come in contact with theirs, you should run. (In the brother planeddsworld edd is drinking nectar soda, basically yellow cola [If you have name ideas I’d be glad to hear em] Also spoileralert for the little side project!!! :   Since Ringo is a cat and I made edd a cat, I though about making them little and big bros)
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enkeynetwork · 1 year
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