#Trade Federation
star-wars-forever · 1 month
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ILM modelmakers work on the Trade Federation Command Ship for The Phantom Menace
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Okay so there's the beginnings of a debate going on in the notes of one of my posts about Satine's Mandalore. Someone arguing that her method of governance wasn't sustainable has posed the question "what would have happened if the Trade Federation tried to blockade Mandalore?" but like?? It would have been more or less the same as when the Trade Federation tried to blockade Naboo??
The Naboo weren't warriors either, all they had were a ragtag group of pilots and politicians, two Jedi and the Gungans, and the Gungans were overwhelmed and captured by the end. The Naboo blockade failed because Anakin took out the control ship and Padmé stopped Nute Gunray. And- hold on a second, who were Satine's friends again?
It doesn't even matter that the Senate wouldn't necessarily support the Jedi helping Mandalore like they did Naboo, because both Obi-Wan and Padmé demonstrated that, given the choice between obeying the Senate and helping Satine, they would choose the latter. And you know that if either of them said "hey, we're going to Mandalore to help Satine and kill some battle droids", both Anakin and Ahsoka would be like "cool, I'll get my cloak".
Let's be real here, Nute Gunray would be running home with his tail between his legs in less than forty-eight standard hours.
And also, Satine canonically carries a deactivator with her at all times and has the aim of a military marksman. She is demonstrably perfectly capable of wrecking a bunch of droids and, what's more, she has absolutely no reservations about doing so.
In conclusion? I'd like to see the Trade Federation try.
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alphamecha-mkii · 7 months
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Star Wars: The Phantom Menace - Battle Droid Attack Tank Concept Art by Doug Chiang
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spockvarietyhour · 3 months
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Trade Federation Starship "Lost/Found"
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people: the separatists weren't so bad they were just deceived. they were right to want to fight the Republic because it was corrupt and arrogant etc etc
the original statement the first organisations to join the CIS rallied behind:
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Were the names 'Trade Federation,' 'Corporate Alliance,' Commerce Guild' and 'Techno Union' too subtle? Did they have to SHOUT "we're in it for the money"? Because it was the intention that they do, and I can only imagine it got cut because it was so on the nose it was becoming painful.
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driften-sea-snake · 1 year
the separatists are the best star wars faction because it’s so funny that the galaxy’s leading corporate executives ultimately just got scammed by an old monk who then tricked them into getting trapped in a room with a mentally unstable 20 year old with a sword
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countrypapers · 2 months
(COUGHS COUGHS) Star Wars prequel factions possible redesign and others I haven't drawn before.
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stljedi · 3 months
Trade Federation
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korovaoverlook · 11 months
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Little poster experiment I made for my fanfic, The Doll and The General, featuring Sid at his most poster-boy. This poster would theoretically be produced by the Trade Federation for their evil machinations. I imagine it’s sitting in some sad galactic graphic designer’s files somewhere.
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sw5w · 1 year
Darth Maul
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:27:43
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star-wars-forever · 5 months
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PIC INFO: Resolution at 1350x2000 -- Spotlight on"STAR WARS: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace" 25th Anniversary poster design by Matt Ferguson, returning to theaters on May 3, 2024 to commemorate the film's latest milestone.
OVERVIEW: "Every saga has a beginning, including that of poster artist Matt Ferguson and his relationship with "STAR WARS: The Phantom Menace." It started with the original theatrical release in 1999, which followed a huge buildup — it was the first "STAR WARS" film since 1983’s "Return of the Jedi" — and level of anticipation seen by few movies. For 15-year-old Ferguson, living in Sheffield in the UK, the hype was real.
PART 1: “I was actually doing work experience at the time in an office through school, and I remember just being so excited about the new "STAR WARS" movie,” he tells StarWars.com. “I went out and bought this Darth Maul action figure on a lunch break and everybody else was just so excited for it. And then we got to go see it. And I can remember I just loved it.”
PART 2: Fast forward 25 years later, and Ferguson — still based in Sheffield — has been tapped to create the official poster to mark the film’s quarter-centennial milestone. It follows his anniversary art made for "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi," and will be seen in theaters around the world as "The Phantom Menace" returns to cinemas starting May 3.
PART 3: The poster is a beautiful image, featuring Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and a regal Queen Padmé Amidala, with Darth Maul’s piercing eyes looming over everything. Earth tones drive the painting, from the twin suns to Jedi robes, in a significant change from his earlier "STAR WARS" work. For Ferguson, the idea of what the poster would be came surprisingly easily.
PART IV: “The key thing is to go on the memory of the film. These are anniversary posters, so it's kind of like, what's my personal memory of the film when it was coming out — almost like, before it came out.” And one specific element plays a big part in Ferguson’s memory.
PART V/END: “The color comes into it a lot for me,” he says. “So there's reds and golds, and I remember a lot of the marketing at the time and a lot of the stuff in toy shops, because I always liked action figures and things, was that kind of color. So that was the thing that I keyed on for this one. I wanted that rich, warm color.""
-- STARWARS.COM, "Matt Ferguson on His Stunning Star Wars: The Phantom Menace 25th Anniversary Poster," by Dan Brooks, published February 12, 2024
Source: www.starwars.com/news/matt-ferguson-the-phantom-menace-25th-anniversary.
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alphamecha-mkii · 4 months
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Star Wars: The Phantom Menace - AAT firing on Gungan Concept Art by Doug Chiang
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spockvarietyhour · 3 months
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aylen-san · 29 days
The Riddle of Naboo
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The sky over Naboo was bright and cloudless, stretching into an endless azure where golden rays of sunlight touched the tranquil waters of lakes and majestic hills. But beneath its calm surface, dangers lurked that only a few were aware of. The wind sweeping over the green fields and grand waterfalls seemed to foretell impending disasters. The time was drawing near when the planet would fall under the ruthless control of the Trade Federation, whose shadows already loomed over its sacred lands.
At the heart of this world, within the elegant and majestic palace of Queen Padmé Amidala, anxiety was brewing. The marble columns lining the hall, like silent sentinels, reflected the faint light filtering through the stained glass windows that depicted scenes from Naboo's ancient history. The sounds of nature, usually filling the palace with tranquility, now seemed distant and muffled, as if the palace walls themselves were holding their breath before the storm. The handmaidens whispered among themselves, casting worried glances at the closed doors of the throne room, where the Queen discussed the looming threat with her advisors. Every moment brought with it a sense of the inevitable, as if the planet itself was holding its breath, waiting for its moment.
Maglor, now a mighty spirit, was once one of the Eldar and a son of Fëanor, his fate entwined with ancient songs and tragic events of the past. Now he had gained form and power, allowing him to travel between worlds, and he found himself on Naboo, not far from the palace immersed in luxury and grandeur. His deep knowledge of magic and mastery of manipulating various forms of the Force had led him here, where celestial and earthly currents intertwined into a pattern foreshadowing the inevitable.
Maglor felt the tension in the air, like a tightly drawn string on a harp. The planet was in a difficult situation, and its fate could be altered by his intervention. He sensed the growing anxiety, as if the heart of Naboo beat irregularly, as though awaiting something sinister.
Arriving in the surroundings of the luxurious and powerful palace, where every stone breathed history, Maglor, concealing his true nature, took on the guise of a mysterious stranger. His hair, cascading in black waves, contrasted with his shining eyes that seemed to pierce into the very soul. His clothes, skillfully woven from strange materials, gleamed with dark silk, holding something ancient, yet not of this world. A shadow of fear and reverence flickered in the eyes of those who noticed him on his path, but no one dared speak to him, fearing to reveal more than they should.
Maglor knew well that he had to act cautiously. His plan was to approach Padmé Amidala, the Queen of Naboo, whose youth and determination concealed the weight of responsibility for an entire planet. Maglor intended to understand her problems and perhaps offer help, but in a way that would not reveal his true nature. For the intervention of his ancient magic could have consequences even he could not foresee.
He moved through the magnificent halls, where the walls were adorned with carvings depicting peaceful times that could now only be dreamed of. Beautiful frescoes and mirrors reflected his image, each time altering his features as if the palace itself tried to penetrate his secrets. His steps were light, but shadows followed him, coming to life in the dim corners. Maglor was ready to make his move, but only when Naboo itself revealed the path to him, showing him what he should do.
His first task was to find a way to approach the Queen, whose will and wisdom made her not just a symbol of power but an inspiration to her people. Padmé Amidala, possessing exceptional leadership qualities and a deep sense of responsibility for her planet, was far from an ordinary ruler. Her determination, supported by a fine diplomatic instinct, made her particularly difficult to approach by outsiders. Maglor understood that it would take more than simple tricks to earn her trust.
He decided to use his mastery in the art of persuasion and his ancient connections to become her secret advisor, a person to whom she could entrust her most intimate thoughts. Utilizing his centuries of experience, he began to craft a plan, drawing closer to her inner circle with each step. He knew it would take time to study her environment and find the right moment for the first contact.
One evening, when the palace was enveloped in quiet calm and only the flicker of lanterns lit the corridors, Maglor, disguised as a simple traveler, requested an audience with the Queen. His appearance was meticulously planned: worn but noble clothes, a time-darkened cloak, and a deep hood that concealed his features, giving him the look of a solitary wanderer whose life was full of mysteries. Legends of such wanderers were known on Naboo, and rumors of his appearance began to spread quickly through the palace.
His story that he was merely a seeker of knowledge and help was convincing and carefully prepared. He spoke of distant worlds where he met sages and prophets, studied ancient texts, and uncovered hidden secrets of the universe. Maglor’s voice was soft but carried a power that could soothe, inspire trust, but also command attention to every word. This blend of sincerity and mystery made his tale incredibly believable.
Soon, he found himself in her presence, in a richly adorned room where luxury met restrained elegance. Padmé, sitting on her throne, watched him closely. She was young, but her gaze reflected the wisdom gained through trials and responsibility. Her regal posture combined with a delicate grace of movement, her voice was firm but filled with kindness as she invited him to speak.
Maglor, sensing her inner strength and will, realized that he was facing not just a ruler, but a true Lady ready to fight for her state. Padmé felt a certain auric peculiarity in this stranger, something that went beyond her usual perception. There was something both calming and unsettling in his presence, as if he carried knowledge capable of altering the course of events. This intrigued her, and she, listening to her inner voice, decided to learn more about who this mysterious traveler truly was.
"How may I assist you, sir?" she asked, studying him with a gaze that reflected a mix of interest and caution. Her voice was even and calm, but beneath this external calmness lay a worry that had not left her thoughts for days. Padmé saw before her a man whose deep and penetrating eyes seemed to hide more than he was willing to reveal. This strange wanderer drew her attention, his aura standing out among other advisors, and she intuitively understood that he might not be what he seemed.
"Your Highness, I have come with the intention of helping you in these difficult times," Maglor replied, bowing slightly, his voice confident but with a faint note of humility. Using his experience in manipulation and seduction, he skillfully chose his words to establish trust, knowing that every word mattered. He maintained the posture of a humble yet knowledgeable man, whose presence seemed both calming and mysterious. His speech carried the wisdom accumulated over many years of wandering, and Padmé sensed that she was standing before not just a man but something more, possibly even a seer.
Despite her caution, Padmé felt that this strange man might hold the key to solving her problems. His words rang true, and though she knew she should not trust too quickly, her inner voice told her that this man could be trusted. Their conversations began to deepen, and with each discussion, Padmé opened up more to Maglor. They spoke of the political intrigues threatening her people, of strategies that could be used against the Trade Federation, and of how to maintain a balance between diplomacy and military force.
Maglor skillfully guided the conversation, bolstering her confidence and instilling in her the feeling that he was an ally ready to stand by her side in the most critical moment. He listened attentively, sometimes offering advice based on his vast knowledge and experience, making him not just an advisor, but almost an indispensable ally.
Soon, Maglor realized that his role could be much more significant than he had anticipated. At first, he saw himself only as an observer, but now, seeing how much Padmé trusted him, he understood that he could influence events. With his help, Padmé began to develop strategic plans where attention to detail played a crucial role, preparing for the inevitable confrontation that would change the fate of Naboo and the entire galaxy. Maglor felt that in his hands lay the key to the planet’s destiny, and now much depended on his actions.
He saw how Padmé gradually became more confident in her decisions, her gaze grew firmer, and her voice more determined. Their conversations often stretched late into the night, with stars twinkling outside the palace windows and silence enveloping the corridors. In those moments, Maglor felt his spirit, once filled with pain and despair, now finding a new purpose. He knew that his intervention could change not only the fate of Naboo but also his own long-lost path.
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lemonylepid · 9 months
Not me thinking about the Capitalist Fash regime of the Imperial Separatists that live in my brain and the potential anti-capitalist stories I could tell with a rebellion against it. A galaxy swarming with clankers, gold plated capital ships, an elderly Dooku reigning as Sidious's puppet, all while the rich get richer.
Rebel clones, secret jedi societies, swarms of imperial vulture droids blockading planets, it'd be a different galaxy.
I want to write it so bad tbh it's eating me.
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