#Trans Role-Model
phantomasc · 1 year
The Moose Charlap-Carolyn Leigh musical version of  Peter Pan will tour America next year.
this new tour will feature a revised book by Native American playwright Larissa FastHorse, who has been brought on to tackle the musical's depiction of Native Americans.
You might wan to see it. I know how much you like the 1954 Peter Pan.
Thank you for being a PHNOMAL friend, and telling me before I saw it in the news. I trust you to listen.
"Peter Pan" was my first Broadway musical, and is one of my favorite musicals besides "The Phantom of the Opera," "Annie," and "Oliver!" When I was six my family and I went to BlockBuster and got the VHS tape of "Peter Pan" my mom had asked me "Do you know a woman named Mary Martin played Peter Pan?" I had seen the Disney version, so a woman playing Peter was special. I liked Peter because he didn't grow up, and he could fly.  I watched the Mary Martin version with my family. My Brother, Sister, Mom, Dad, and me. I LOVED it more than the Disney version. Though we lived out in rural New Mexico I saw it as often as I could, my Mom would make the special trip to get the VHS tape all the way from town.
My siblings loved it too: we played this version of Peter Pan my sister made waves and costumes for all of us to wear. We built the house for Wendy with this toy building set we had and sang the song (I was Wendy though my favorite character was Peter) “Tender Shepherd” was sung after “Rock-a-Bye baby” at bedtime (it worked well because there are three of us and three Darling children.) Of course, my favorite part was the part where you would clap to save Tinkerbell. and it was always magical to see Tinkerbell come back to life. Being as young as I was I assumed Mary could see me through the camera and I would make eye contact with her and form an emotional bond with the woman whose name was read to me every time before the movie started. I couldn’t read then. Of course “Oh my Mysterious Lady” made me laugh my head off. The rescue of Peter by Tiger Lily and the Indians on scooters was also funny, the look on Cyril Ritchard's face is priceless.
Then of course came "Ugg-A-Wug" I had been born with Cerebral Palsy and thus had to go to speech therapy so I assumed I was misunderstanding the characters and tried to understand them. The limits of my six-year-old vocabulary meant that all of the words meant "help" except "Ugg-Ugg-Wah" which meant "I Promise" Jerome Robbins' choreography is the reason I can get the meaning of the words
I went to speech therapy as a kid with Cerebral Palsy,  and the I Gotta Crow (Reprise)  I think resembles that because I had trouble with the “R” sound! Mary Martin was a #WomanRoleModel as Peter Pan for me at six years old!  This is really the only thing I remember seeing that was positive and affirming of my disabled identity.
Then my seventh birthday came, and I got my own Mary Martin Peter Pan VHS tape by that time the Cathy Rigby version had come out and my Mom heard about it and got it for me for Christmas. I watched it with almost the entire side of my Dad’s family who was there for Christmas. My sister reminded me of Cathy Rigby, with my CP, my sister seemed like she could do anything. and I  watched both versions on a TV that was above my head. I would look up at women doing what I wanted to do, go to Neverland!  To me a small child they were larger than life and in a way still are. I also felt that I was in love with Mary Martin though at six years old with only exposure to straight romances in children's media coming out was impossible without the language. I also connected strongly with the fact Mary Martin and Cathy Rigby both played a boy. To me it was I can be a boy and a girl at the same time, The basic definition of Genderfluid, was shown, taught, and absorbed without the need for the word. "Peter Pan" makes me feel how II want to think in my AFAB-gendered body, which is neutral!
Then my mom decided that we should perform "I Won't Grow Up" in the school talent show because she thought it was cute and funny.  This led to my VHS being taped over because it was always in the VHS player. I cried, of course. My Mom bought me the DVD, which I still have to this day. The VHS getting recorded over turned out to be a good thing. After all, all our VHS tapes got given away because we moved to Alabama.
I CAN'T see another version with CHANGES, because I HATE CHANGE! I KNOW that makes me a COLONIST RACIST! The most HORRIBLE thing is I don't even care that I'm a MONTER who doesn't deserve to LIVE anymore! #PeterPanLive made that clear nine years ago! I'll be alive ten years from now. “Peter Pan” Is tied to me being TransMasc, Mary Matin was my Trans Role-Model, so it’s Autistic Confort Media, so changing it is TERRIFYING.
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suzukiblu · 6 months
"Then everyone would think you had sex with me" NOT TO MENTION VOLUNTEERING AS A COPARENT? ohhh kon bby 🥺 lowkey want clark to recommend bruce as a sex-positive role model. batman knows exactly what its like to enjoy sex and have a surprise child
"Dude, the only reason we've never had sex is because you guys all still think I'm four," Bart says, rolling his eyes in exasperation. "Which is really funny coming from a guy who's technically even younger than me, for the record, but whatever. And, well, also I guess we've never had sex because you were keeping a lid on all this anyway. But otherwise I would've climbed you like, a million years ago, subjectively speaking." 
"When you thought I had a dick, yeah," Kon says tightly. 
"Actually I didn't really know what you had?" Bart admits with a careless little shrug. "Like I usually assume that Cassie has a cunt and Tim has a cock, but I always just make up random stuff when I jerk it to you, because like what do I know about Kryptonian genitalia or whatever, right? And also it's fun. But I do kinda prefer the options where I'd get to fuck you so this isn't really a dealbreaker for me. Actually this is pretty much the opposite of a dealbreaker for me because this implies I could fuck you, well . . . you know. Full speed. Since presumably your, like, natural lubricant would stand up to that a lot better than the store-bought shit does. Like just given your specific set of superpowers and everything." 
Kon briefly glazes over at that thought, because that thought is . . . a thought, alright. 
"Uh," he says.
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the-mountain-flower · 2 months
Revisited a story that was very important to me as a child, and learned about the author being very vocal about the harm gender roles & stereotypes cause. I thought "oh that's great!" but was afraid. What if she only applied that logic to cis ppl?
I did some searching, and found out that not only does she support trans ppl, but has also spoken multiple times about how important it is to be able to see protagonists outside of the perceived norm. A.K.A., she doesn't see my very existence as wrong.
I let out a deep sigh of relief. I could continue to enjoy this thing that had been so important to me growing up.
But this isn't the first time something like this has happened. Too often I discover a new artist, or even be unsure of one I've enjoyed the work of for a long time up to the present; and I have to desperately search to know if I can enjoy their work. Either I am extremely relieved, or absolutely crushed.
This shouldn't be necessary. I shouldn't be feeling this deep fear that something so important to me, was created by someone who despises my very existence. That I, as a disabled queer femme ex-mormon Pagan witch who was raised like a girl, will be shoved off the emotional cliff of "this person you looked up to hates you for the same reason all bigots do".
I was so terrified that something that meant so much to me as a kid could've shattered me emotionally. Simply because I didn't know if the person who made it hates people like me.
We shouldn't have to live like this.
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rooscandraw · 5 months
yall ever think about trans joy so much you wanna cry
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bugbuoyx · 4 months
why are you transmasc wrong answers only
i watched hellboy too much growing up
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the character ever.
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
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jonathan-samuel-smith · 8 months
I'm gonna share it here because I don't have any other place to put it and if you dislike it's ok ignore this
But I have had this specific idea in my mind for days now where Damian is secretly trans, they just fear telling it to their family because they know everyone is just waiting for them to become batman or the demon, they're under a lot of pressure and then meet this boy (from school probably - both always meet in the art room when is nobody around, more calm to work)
They end talking a lot about art and stuff because they're in the same club, in one day Damian told this boy that they are always drawing their ideal girl but not "I would love to date her" but "I would love to be born as her, if I'm a girl I would love to be her" way
They keep meeting like that, sometimes they just talk about art, life or stay in silence. This boy ends up falling in love with Damian in both ways. Some stuff happens and Damian telling him about being Robin and their emotional struggling
This boy also has problems and the art room is a safeplace for them
At some point they kiss and decide to run away for their family together, start a new life with a new name in some God forsaken place
Years pass (maybe 3-4) and Danny (Damian's new name) is now a housewife in this farm, she always uses gloves when she goes in the small town to do stuff (bat paranoid still alive) and the boy is her boyfriend/husband, they're happy, they have animals then big bad stuff happens and Danny safe the day (everyone knows something is off with that couple but they accept it because they're nice) unfortunately there was a hero in that city and the hero saw what Danny did, then start investigating who is Danny
The hero then starts stalking the couple because they think her way to fight is too similar with the league of assassins and dislike it, Danny dislikes her stalker but doesn't kill them
Shit happens (again) in Gotham and Danny knows it, worrying about her family and with all the stalking things she decides to go back to Gotham, her boyfriend / husband doesn't like it (he hates it actually)
Honestly I have so many no happy ideas about this fic, this fic could end really bad but also some cute ideas like Danny and her partner save money for this new life and stuff, or they first kiss, the joy of wearing a dress in the street for the first time
Idk if I'll write this or just suffer with this idea, also Damian's new name could be: Danielle/Danny, Yesenia (Arab name) or other still doesn't know (I just want to talk about this with someone)
Oh yeah, Trans MTF Damian, like I kept almost writing with my "Damian the Mangaka" Fic! I've always moreso liked trans FTM Damian because I'm trans FTM and if I was going stealth I'd hate for someone to write a fic where I'm a girl. But like, Damian isnt a real person, nor stealth FTM, so it's just a weird little hyper-empathy thing.
I love the name Yesenia! and I love her retiring. Consider: BF/Husband is FTM. T4T gotta love it. Also for your consideration: Bf/Husband is Jon (maybe trans maybe not). ALSO for your consideration: GF/Wife is Jon. She goes by Sadie. She's super into the headpats meta. Loves stuffed animals. Yesenia coming out inspires her to come out as well and Yesenia is like "my yuri fantasies are coming true."
Yesenia looks just like Talia. It's adorable. She loves having long hair. Sadie is a butch lesbian and Yesenia thinks its soo attractive. She starts sending Sadie memes about crushing on butch women and Sadie is like "...do you like me?" Yesenia is like "What haha whatever gave you that impression?" "Well.... I like you. I can be your hot butch gf." Yesenia dies of gay panic (very sad story) just kidding they get MARRIED!!! LETS GO LESBIANS! I so so love jondami au where they are rebellious teenage lesbians. I want them to have sleepovers where they look back and go "Oh that whole thing was one giant egg moment."
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morganpdf · 6 months
yo by the way i am a Younger trans guy compared to you and it is so heartening to see you talk about trans stuff. like man its just comforting to see someone that is just. comfortably trans? like clearly you mentioned still being dysphoric but like
thanks for talking about it. its so comforting to see adult trans men in the wild
me sitting here just staring at this message and weeping bc this is so nice to hear :sob: and honestly one of the biggest reasons i like posting abt trans shit
i've been out for a decade this year so i can definitely say it's been a lot of trial and error on my part! but as far as gender & shit goes: i am infinitely more comfortable than i was when i started & in a place where i'm pretty happy with my transition! and yeah dysphoria still happens but its a lot easier to manage now
anyways ty for shooting me this message!!! i hope u find like. 50 bucks on the ground n good luck on ur trans journey gamer
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qmorningcrew · 1 year
my hc of the eggs in order of oldest to youngest
dapper & ramón (twins)
juanaflippa, tilin, & bobby (triplets)
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plasma-packin-mama · 2 years
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i drew delilah hanging out with @radioactive-scientist awesome courier oc Kurier!! i was inspired by this super cool drawing of kurier
the story i had in my head when i was drawing this is that since kurier is very into fashion, he might be the one who encourages delilah to wear a dress!! theyre nervous because they're not used to traditionally fem presentation but theyd eventually feel really confident with kurier supporting them (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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sofastuffing · 6 months
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I'm not dead
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Did you know that Britt Allcroft wanted to make Edward female in the US Dub?
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nb-entropy · 9 months
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Following my drag-affirmative reblog I feel I must give due credit to the gorgeous Dakota Schiffer. You will know - of course - that Dakota is a trans woman, with a twin (Winona) who is nonbinary. I was so inspired by how Dakota brought pure femininity to Drag Race. And I'm going to be honest, her hands are just so expressively feminine that I've frankly copied her very precise clapping technique. So exquisite! So femme! So not going to leave anyone in any doubt!
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stinkman007 · 10 months
wishing a VERY special birthday to my trans older brother today YIPPEE!!!!!
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neverendingford · 2 months
#tag talk#fuck. I might just be a straight woman.#like. I like men. and the more I transition the more I vibe with binary womanhood.#sure I don't like getting shoved into restrictive femininity. but I vibe with womanhood as separate from femininity.#anyway. I might be straight. and In ten years it's very possible that being trans becomes a much less huge part of my life#because it will stop being something that I do and something that I wish for and simply something that I am#yeah yeah whatever hi my name is Reggie and I like men#I just. as much as I don't like certain restrictive gender roles I find myself slotting very comfortably into others#and I realize that my idea of gender and their roles was very much shaped by my female role models growing up#and a lot of the disconnect and distress when growing up was due to not being able to follow the path everyone else did.#all my girl friends were growing up into women and I was stuck on the man track.#and being gay was the closest I could get to being myself#but I'm closer than I've ever been before to being able to live my truth as myself#still not gonna shave my legs unless it's sometime in the future for a very specific event.#I like them fuzzy. they make me feel cool.#I like having some cultural masculinity still. I just don't want to be defined by it#talking about my binary trans experience is always a little weird because I'm aware of how binary I'm describing things#and I get that if my words were used to describe someone else's experience it might end up sounding hella transphobic#but these words are for me. they're my experience. they're my life not someone else's.#and this is how my identity works.#it's like how feminism protects the right of trad wives to be trad wives.#we just gotta recognize that just because one woman wants to be the designated dishwasher not every woman feels that way.#anyway. I might be dating a guy by this time next week. he's cool so far and we kinda got match-made by a mutual friend#we watched Redline tonight and it's hella good#he's really cool but I feel like I've got something to provide and to bring to the relationship. so we're still on peer-level I think.#which is new. usually I'm way ahead of the other person. maybe my fault for fishing in the bad fish barrel#the emotionally damaged and burdened fish barrel.
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