#Transgender politics
passion8alot · 1 month
yo!! a pretty awesome legal case got settled recently here is aus!
"Roxanne Tickle, a transgender woman from regional New South Wales, sued the social media platform Giggle for Girls and its CEO, Sall Grover, claiming she was unlawfully barred from using the app in 2021 after the firm and Grover said she was a man."
-The Gaurdian, 23/08/2024
pretty cool i reckon :)
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writernotwaiting · 1 year
This is a video about transgender oppression that one of my students made as their final project in my class this semester. In it, they are brave and articulate and smart. The editing may not be perfect, but I am so very proud of them that I asked if I could share their work here and they gave me permission. Give it a watch, and please re-blog!
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Transgender Woman Denied Euthanasia in Canada over Post-Surgical Pain and Regret | National Review
An indigenous man who transitioned to a woman had unsuccessful vaginoplasty surgery in 2009 that has caused serious pain ever since. Under Canada's euthanasia law, "she" asked to be put to death by lethal injection due to the constant pain, both physical and psychological. Those are usually the magic words to be approved for euthanasia in Canada, but not in this case. Because this case might call attention to the possibility of unsuccessful sex change operations and might reflect negatively on the medical claims of the transgender movement, it seems, she has been denied her request for euthanasia.
It seems that today's progressive cause (transgenderism) wins over yesterday's progressive cause (euthanasia), even though both are sold as human rights, and human rights are supposed to be absolute. In this case, one person's supposed human right to die is set aside because of the possibility of its being used for propaganda in democratic debate.
There are degrees of awfulness, with some evil things being less evil than others. I think in this case, the willingness of advocates for transgender rights to lie about and/or hide any inconvenient facts is extremely troubling. But, since anyone who consents to assisted suicide goes directly to hell, I think that the person not being put to death is something of a win. At least alive, this person can have the opportunity to undergo a conversion. So the evil motives of the authorities - to lie about messy details - might have served some good.
(Of course, it would be better if neither euthanasia nor sex change operations were available, and all these people were struggling to be saints.)
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couldoneimagine · 1 year
hi. haven't posted anything really serious on here in a while but I need to raise awareness about an awful fact that has now sadly become reality.
Russia has completely outlawed medical and legal transition
Yes, completely. No hormone therapy, no surgeries, no changes to legal documents are allowed. This will likely result in the ban of trans help resources in Russia. This will most definitely result in increased suicide rates among Russian trans people (although that's clearly what our government wants). I need you all to understand that trans Russian lives are in danger. Most of us are stuck here because we can't afford to flee to another country. The many years I've saved up, hoped to transition as soon as I can, a huge recession started and my rights were taken away entirely. You need to know that wherever you are in the world, if you're standing up for trans rights, remember your Russian siblings who are currently suffering.
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vampishdyke · 1 year
hi if you didn’t know there was a law passed in new brunswick that forces children to ask permission from their guardian before being allowed to go by their preferred name at school.
its coming to canada. it’s already started. the law wasn’t even voted on. it’s so fucked up. children will die. do you even hear me? children are not going to see adult trans people in their community. they won’t think we live past 18. they’re going to die. they’re going to be murdered by these fucking laws. our brothers our sisters our siblings they will die because of this.
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ohchr-news · 1 year
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via: Business Insider - "It's deeply ironic that Republicans who have rejected the science around everything from climate change to COVID-19 vaccines are attempting to use medical 'evidence' to gin up a new culture war. But when it comes to sports, the GOP is relying on science that simply doesn't exist. There are no studies that indicate that trans women's levels of testosterone — which vary widely — afford them an advantage over their cis competitors. What's more, many cis women have testosterone levels higher than what many consider to be the 'female' average, meaning that wide hormonal variations are already an intrinsic element of women's sports."
The idea that testosterone, or "T," is the main determinant of strength in a person stems from a time when scientists believed that estrogen was produced by only women and testosterone was produced by only men. Scientists have since found that people of all sexes have varying amounts of testosterone and estrogen. And frequently their amounts fall outside the bounds of what is considered "male" or "female."
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bigsisterrobyn · 2 years
well the oklahoma house passed HB 2177, which bans gendercare for all minors and prevents insurance covering gender care for people of ALL AGES. This is unironically the beginning of a genocide
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zee-man-chatter · 2 years
Ontario’s governing body for licensing and regulating schoolteachers has agreed to review its professional standards after controversy over a high school teacher wearing enormous prosthetic breasts to class with prominent nipples barely constrained in tight clothing.
The apparel of the transgender industrial arts teacher at Oakville Trafalgar High School, west of Toronto, sparked a frenzy that spread online and around the world, fuelled by social media photos and videos from students.
Ontario’s education minister, Stephen Lecce, asked the Ontario College of Teachers on Sept. 26 to review and consider strengthening professional conduct provisions.
The teachers college accepted the challenge.
“The College has been reviewing its professional standards in response to Minister Lecce’s request. We will provide our response to the Minister when it is ready,” said Andrew Fifield, a college spokesperson.
“Per the Minister’s request, we are reviewing the supports and guidance the College provides to members with respect to teacher professionalism.”
The findings are expected to be shared with Lecce this month.
Fifield said the college cannot comment on individual teachers, schools, or school boards as the controversy continues, online and in person.
The issue has been embraced by activists and commentators and at Wednesday night’s meeting of the Halton District School Board, Rebel News personality David Menzies showed up dressed in a look-a-like costume of the teacher.
Interrupting the board meeting, Menzies stood and tried to present a petition calling for the board and the board’s director of education to be fired, as a security officer approached him at the request of Margo Shuttleworth, the board’s chairperson.
“Who is going to take this petition” Menzies asked, holding a microphone as cameras rolled from several angles. “Which one of you cowards, which one of you woke cowards is gonna take this petition?”
Shuttleworth called a recess that stretched 20 minutes.
Afterwards, she apologized to those who remained in the meeting.
“You shouldn’t have had to go through that. We really appreciate the grit you all had in dealing with that,” Shuttleworth said. “Democracy takes all kinds of people. But if you’re not going to abide by the rules, you’re not going to be able to stay.”
There was a question from the public about dress codes near the end of the four-hour meeting, much of which was held in private. Questions must be submitted in writing in advance, and the specific question was not read aloud.
The board said a report on dress codes for Halton schools was previously requested. Sari Taha, superintendent of Human Resources​​, said the report was expected to be presented at the board’s first meeting in November.
That schedule means it will likely follow the Ontario College of Teachers’ report to the minister.
The college does not have power over school boards but does license, govern and regulate the teaching profession for publicly funded schools in the province, including issuing, suspending and revoking teaching certificates, setting ethical standards and standards of practice, and investigating complaints about members. Teachers must have a valid teaching certificate.
Questions from National Post to Lecce on the status of his request and further updates on the case went unanswered prior to publication. The Post was unable to reach the teacher.
The Oakville high school declined to provide any new information on the situation, including questions on the teacher’s status, deeming it a private and confidential employment matter. Questions were referred to the board.
“The HDSB has received significant attention online and in the news over the past few weeks,” Heather Francey, a board spokesperson, said in a written statement.
The board “continues to handle this matter in a way that stays true to our values and commitment to Human Rights, respects the privacy and dignity of our students and staff, and with the safety and well-being of students and staff as our highest priority.”
“While we understand the desire for information by the public, we will not and cannot publicly discuss any matter that identifies our staff directly or indirectly.
“We trust the public will understand the parameters that guide us.”
Photos and videos of the teacher published on social media by students created a storm of alarmed headlines in several countries and in multiple languages, some treating it as humour and others as outrage.
It was online engagement that drove the controversy and much of the online engagement is now convinced the teacher is trolling the board.
The theory — drawn from no discernible facts — is that the teacher earlier had a disagreement with school officials for not being serious or sensitive enough towards diversity initiatives and in retort is confronting the school with an exaggerated outcome of their policies in something akin to performance art.
It’s suggested in online posts the teacher may hope to be fired for the display to highlight board hypocrisy, or perhaps boost some negotiation.
The theory seems fuelled by disbelief the teacher’s chosen apparel and the out-sized presentation of the prosthetic could be legitimate, mixed with assumptions on attitudes expected from a teacher specializing in technological education, what is often called industrial arts or shop.
Article content
Videos online show the teacher instructing about woodwork.
The images sparked protests outside schools, online memes, and an abundance of commentary. There seemed to be some parents of students at the school upset or concerned about the teacher at protests, and some students spoke to the media against the teacher’s attire.
Protest, however, appeared dominated by those without direct involvement at the school.
Protesters mingled outrage with the school with concerns over critical race theory, opposition to vaccine mandates and vaccinations, anger at Justin Trudeau, anger that George Floyd is remembered for being murdered by a police officer rather than as a “criminal,” and fear over pedophilia and sexual grooming of children. Some protesters threatened the media, lambasted unions, and lampooned climate change.
Others stuck to the concern over the appropriateness of the teacher’s outfits, classroom safety and the school’s response to it.
Reaction to the situation required police attention, including a bomb threat that was found not to be a threat to safety. Halton Regional Police continues to monitor the situation and investigate any threats, said Const. Ryan Anderson.
There were no arrests related to the protests, he said.
“While we cannot discuss our service’s operational plans, we want to emphasize that our priorities are to ensure public safety and to keep the peace. The HRPS continues to review security measures for everyone involved.”
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christadeguchi · 5 months
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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Gee, I thought these people were the ones who were like “If you don’t like it, you can just move to a blue state.”
And now they’re mad the guy is doing just that?
You can’t oppress and discriminate against someone then be mad when they take their highly useful skill elsewhere.
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crossdreamers · 8 months
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Japan Court Rules Trans Man Can Change Gender Marker Without Surgery
Them reports:
A Japanese court this week approved a transgender man’s legal gender change without first requiring sterilization, marking a major step forward for trans rights in the country. Takakito Usui, 50, won recognition of his gender before the Okayama Family Court’s Tsuyama branch on Wednesday. “I want to thank my family. I feel a new life is beginning,” Usui, a farmer living in the rural Yamagata Prefecture, said at a press conference on Wednesday following the ruling. Usui previously petitioned to change his legal gender in 2016, the paper noted, but was rejected because he had not been medically sterilized, as was then required under Japanese law. In October, Japan’s Supreme Court struck down the 2003 statute requiring trans people to be sterilized before obtaining legal recognition.
More here!
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vinnfeyntheinsane · 13 days
Kamala: "My mother was middle class and she worked hard to give us a home. I worked hard to be a successful businesswoman. Vote for me and I will provide actual answers to questions."
Trump: "My dad only gave me a few million dollars when I was born. I turned it into billions. People are surprised by how many billions I have. I'm so relatable. Vote for me and I'll get rid of the transgender aliens haunting the solar panels. No hate to the solar panels, by the way."
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spiritualdirections · 2 years
The Doctrinal Committee of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops has released a major document addressing so-called gender resassignment technologies, including puberty blockers and especially surgery. It explains the basic problems with the idea that our souls can be in the wrong body, it outlines nearly 100 years of magisterial teaching on what sorts of surgeries are not permitted by the natural law, and then it applies those precedents to the question of sex-change operations. Here’s a central argument:
“14. What is widely in practice today, however, and what is of great concern, is the range of technological interventions advocated by many in our society as treatments for what is termed “gender dysphoria” or “gender incongruence.” These interventions involve the use of surgical or chemical techniques that aim to exchange the sex characteristics of a patient’s body for those of the opposite sex or for simulations thereof.  In the case of children, the exchange of sex characteristics is prepared by the administration of chemical puberty blockers, which arrest the natural course of puberty and prevent the development of some sex characteristics in the first place.  
“15. These technological interventions are not morally justified either as attempts to repair a defect in the body or as attempts to sacrifice a part of the body for the sake of the whole. First, they do not repair a defect in the body: there is no disorder in the body that needs to be addressed; the bodily organs are normal and healthy. Second, the interventions do not sacrifice one part of the body for the good of the whole. When a part of the body is legitimately sacrificed for the sake of the whole body, whether by the entire removal or substantial reconfiguration of a bodily organ, the removal or reconfiguring of the bodily organ is reluctantly tolerated as the only way to address a serious threat to the body. Here, by contrast, the removal or reconfiguring is itself the desired result.
“16. Instead, rather than to repair some defect in the body or to sacrifice a part for the sake of the whole, these interventions are intended to transform the body so as to make it take on as much as possible the form of the opposite sex, contrary to the natural form of the body. They are attempts to alter the fundamental order and finality of the body and to replace it with something else.”
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couldoneimagine · 1 year
im just itching to talk about trans stuff tonight so I'm gonna say it
the fact that there are still truscum and "queer Tumblr cringe compilation" people in our midst bothers me A LOT. i just discussed a 350+ layers of irony on internet trans culture tik tok I saw that made me angry and like
we cannot afford to be mad about people using the words "heccin valid" or putting pup/pups pronouns in their bio in the year 2023, when people want to do a genocide on us.
my first instinct to such things is always to say "pfft, privileged Americans, of course their problems are so small" but no that definitely does not apply to this issue bc in America there are many states planning to criminalize our existence and some willing to give the death penalty to drag queens by equating them to sexual abusers. y'all can't seriously still be making cringe content about being trans when that's the case in your country, I'm seriously ashamed what the fuck
and this is a cry of such anger and hurt because today it became official that my country is planning to make legal transition impossible without first undergoing a "sex change" surgery. and the same day I'm seeing shit about Tumblr in 2015. we're not on Tumblr in 2015, we're in the real world in 2023 and we're fucked, we need to be closing ranks and banding together.
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ohmerricat · 6 months
not nearly enough people are fuming about the cass review. do you understand the eventual implications? trans people in the uk will be considered children up until the age of 25, and denied HRT/surgery/even basic measures like legal name change and social transition. all owing to a biased and largely unscientific study. you know what “treatment” for gender dysphoria is recommended by the review instead? conversion therapy.
this will kill people and they know it, because they prefer us dead and out of sight. the government, the NHS and even the opposition have made this clear again and again. a twenty-five year old can have sex, get married have children, join the military, earn a living, be halfway up the corporate ladder or highly successful in their chosen career field by that age, but they can’t transition under NHS rules. this is a death sentence for trans teenagers and they are going ahead with it. it’s trans genocide, same as across the pond.
i’m so afraid for my trans siblings and our futures. i’m so scared for myself. what are we to do if not even the party that is supposed to be on the “left” gives a shit about our safety and mental health as long as they get voted in? labour have become tories with a red coat of paint. it all feels hopeless
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